The Storage Cellars
An eerie sound runs through the caverns.
5 12 0

Entrance to the cellars
A barely lit room serves as the access to the storage cellars. You can't
see a thing here!
0 0 0 1
D 201 1 3 0
D 301 3 0 0
The stairway down
As you walk the stairway down towards the storage rooms, a very nasty
smell approaches you. You feel an urge to turn around and take a breath
of fresh air, but you continue your journey down.
0 0 0 1
D 300 1 0 0
D 302 5 0 0
The stairway down
As you walk the stairway down towards the storage rooms, a very nasty
smell approaches you. You feel an urge to turn around and take a breath
of fresh air, but you continue your journey down.
0 0 0 1
D 301 6 0 0
D 303 5 0 0
The stairway bends
The smell grows thicker and less bearable as you walk the stairway,
which bends to the west here. It is difficult to see where you are,
everything is clad in a thick layer of dust and darkness.
0 0 0 1
D 302 6 0 0
D 304 4 0 0
The stairway bends
The smell grows thicker and less bearable as you walk the stairway,
which bends to the north here. It is difficult to see where you are,
everything is clad in a thick layer of dust and darkness.
0 0 0 1
D 303 2 0 0
D 305 1 0 0
The stairway down
The stairs get slippery as you walk the stairway down again.
You wonder wether this stairway will come to an end, and if so,
to what end... the darkness isn't very reassuring.
0 0 0 1
D 304 3 0 0
D 306 5 0 0
The stairway ends
Finally, the winding stairway stops. What you see ahead isn't much
better. You can barely make out your surroundings, but you see a
dark hallway north.
0 0 0 1
D 305 6 0 0
D 307 1 0 0
A dark hallway
You can barely see the walls that make this hallway. No candles or torches
are lit and you wonder what hideous beasts hide within the shadows.
0 0 0 1
D 306 3 0 0
D 308 1 0 0
A dark hallway
You can barely see the walls that make this hallway. No candles or torches
are lit and you wonder what hideous beasts hide within the shadows.
You hear water dripping all around you.
0 0 0 1
D 307 3 0 0
D 309 4 0 0
D 310 1 0 0
A small niche
This small niche could have been occupied by a little creature long ago,
but now it has been abandoned and is in a state of decay.
0 0 0 1
D 308 2 0 0
D 312 1 19 0 'a crack'
A dark hallway
You don't feel entirely comfortable as the hallway continues to the north.
You hear noices all around you, but you cannot say where they come from,
what they are and especially... if they are truly there.
0 0 0 1
D 308 3 0 0
D 311 1 0 0
Intersection of hallways
You can dimly make out an intersection of hallways here. There is no
way to tell how long the hallway continues to the north, nor how long
the intersecting hallway might be.
0 0 0 1
D 310 3 0 0
D 313 1 0 0
A secret chamber
You can almost smell the age of this old crevace beneath the soil. At
your feet, little fragments of a decaying book lay scattered. Rats screech
in terror and run away to the dark corners of the room.
0 0 0 1
D 309 3 19 0 'a crack'
A dark hallway
To the north you can see some light. It is not much light, but
enough to be disturbing... who would roam around in these
rotten tunnels?
0 0 0 1
D 311 3 0 0
D 314 1 0 0
A dark hallway
The light becomes more clear. It is probably a torch of some
sort, mounted to a wall. You are worried about the inhabitant
that place the torch there.
0 0 0 1
D 313 3 0 0
D 315 1 0 0
Nearing a door
You can see where the light is mounted. The north you can see 
a large oaken door, attached to the wall by massive steel hinges.
0 0 0 1
D 314 3 0 0
D 316 1 0 0
At the door
As you stand before the massive oaken door, an eerie feeling creates
a deep shiver along your spine. You do not know what lies beyond the
door... maybe you don't even want to know. 
0 0 0 1
D 315 3 0 0
D 317 1 3 0 'oaken-door'
The home of Theras
As you walk into the home of Theras, you feel less tense. The
room is warmly lit, creating a comforting feeling for all the
visitors Theras receives. To the west you see a bedroom, to the
north the livingroom and to the east the kitchen.
0 0 0 1
D 316 3 3 0 'oaken-door'

a bat
a bat is here
a bat flaps his wings, searching for its nest
2 2
7 0 0 0 0
a rat
a rat is here
a rat runs around, looking for food
3 2
7 0 0 0 0
Theras is here
Theras stands here smiling, preparing some food
60 0
3 0 0 0 0


M: 300 304 3
M: 300 307 3
M: 300 311 3
M: 301 312 3
M: 301 315 3
M: 301 303 3
M: 302 317 1
