<meta name="Creator" content="Michiel Rook">
The Grendel Project
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<p>This file covers most of the Grendel Area File Specification valid for server
version v0.3.3. Not everything is included, for I want you to have something
to discover, left for your own imagination.</p>
<p>The best way to create areas is to read, read and re-read this specification,
till you can dream it. Also, take a look at the sample areas included with
the Grendel distribution, for in those areas is included everything that
can be done with areas.</p>
<p>Included in the Grendel distribution is a simple but powerful area
builder, useful for beginners ready to learn, without having to bother about
area code complexities. I recommend learning area coding by hand however,
for sometimes you can encounter an error (or a feature you need) which
cannot be solved using the builder.</p>
<p>Shortcuts into the helpfile:
<li><a href="#Areas">Area structure</a>
<li><a href="#Rooms">Rooms</a>
<li><a href="#Mobiles">Mobiles</a>
<li><a href="#Objects">Objects</a>
<li><a href="#Resets">Resets</a>
<li><a href="#Install">Installing a new area</a>
<li><a href="#Ansi">Adding color to your area</a>
<p><b><cite>Note: </cite></b>All of the flags, numbers and other constants that
can be used in area files can be found in the <a href="tables.html">tables</a> file.</p>
<a name="Areas"></a>
<p><b>1. Area structure</b></p>
<p>A Grendel Area File is made up out of several sections. Each section
starts with a crossmark (<kbd>`#'</kbd>) followed by an identifier. These sections
can be <kbd>#AREA</kbd>, <kbd>#ROOMS</kbd>, <kbd>#OBJECTS</kbd>,
<kbd>#MOBILES</kbd> and <kbd>#RESETS</kbd>. A <kbd>#AREA</kbd> section marks
the beginning of a new area file and cannot be left out. The server expects
this mark to begin necessary preparations, so leaving this out will
probably crash it. The other identifiers mark the start of a separate
section of code, for rooms, objects, mobiles or resets.
All of these sections, <b>except for the <kbd>#AREA</kbd> section</b>, need
to be ended using <kbd>#END</kbd>. Failure to do so will give unpredictable
results. A <kbd>#AREA</kbd> section needs to be ended using a dollarsign
(<kbd>'$'</kbd>). This marks the end of the area file and nothing more will
be read beyond this marker.
You can add blank lines between the sections, but this is not necessary,
it only helps readability.</p>
<p>The area section consists of a few lines of information. On the first line,
you type the name of the area, on the second the name of the author.
On a new line, you type the message players see when the area resets. On the
next line, you type the maximum age the area is allowed to reach (e.g. after
how many gamerounds (about 75 secs) will the area reset).
The last line is for three values: the temperature multiplier, the average
temperature and any area flags (see: <a href="tables.html#AREA_">tables.html</a>).
The temperature of an area is calculated by a sine wave which takes the
hour of the day as a parameter. With the temperature multiplier as amplitude,
it swings around the average temperature.</p>
<p><b><cite>Note: </cite></b>You cannot nest blocks of code within one another:
the server will either crash or dismiss it as useless information.</p>
<a name="Rooms"></a>
<p><b>2. Rooms</b></p>
<p>You start a new block of rooms by typing <kbd>#ROOMS</kbd>. On a new line
you type a crossmark (<kbd>'#'</kbd>) followed by the virtual number you
are assigning to the room. On a new line you put the short description of the
room. After that you can type the long description. This description can
be as long as you like (currently the max is 8192 bytes), and has to be ended
by a line with a tilde (<kbd>'~'</kbd>) on it.</p>
<p>On a new line you can type flags (see: <a href="tables.html#ROOM_">tables.html</a>),
minimum level, maximum level, sector type (see: <a href="tables.html#SECT_">tables.html</a>),
and two optional values: the teleport vnum and the teleport delay.
Type these numbers one after the other on the same line. You do not have
to type the last two numbers (teleport info) if you don't use them.</p>
<p>The next (and last) part of the room information is the exit information.
Here you can describe doorways, exits, portals, whatever you like to be
in your room. For a new exit, type <kbd>'D'</kbd> followed by the target
vnum, direction (see: <a href="tables.html#DIR_">tables.html</a>),
flags (see: <a href="tables.html#EX_">tables.html</a>),
used key (-1 for no key) and <b>optionally</b>, a keyword (e.g. crack).
You can enclose multiple words with single-quotes to make sure
they are processed as <b>1</b> word.
After the exits, you must type a line with <kbd>'S'</kbd> on it.</p>
<p><b><cite>Note: </cite></b>You <b>must</b> type <kbd>'S'</kbd> when ending
a single room. Failure to do so will give unpredictable results.</p>
<p><b><cite>Note: </cite></b>One area file can consist of several <kbd>#ROOMS</kbd>
<p>Below is a sample room. It doesn't have any extra flags, an exit north to #6,
an exit down to #7 (with a few keywords) and sector type SECT_FIELD.
A sample room
This room is just a sample and isn't for real.
Feel free to look around a bit.
0 0 0 3
D 6 1 0 0
D 7 5 0 0 'steel door' gate
<p>Below is a another sample room. This one doesn't have any exits, but is a
teleport room (televnum=21, teledelay=8), sector type SECT_AIR.
A sample teleport room
After two seconds, this room will teleport you to room 21.
32768 0 0 13 21 8
<a name="Mobiles"></a>
<p><b>3. Mobiles</b></p>
<p>Mobiles are the artificially intelligent (ahum) population of a mud. They are
also called NPCs (non-player characters). It is however not so that mobiles
are strictly <cite>mobile</cite>, e.g. you can force them to stick in one
place and not move. Mobiles can be quite powerful, so you have to be careful what
you do with the properties: look at the balance of your mud, call/mail the
administrator and don't create too powerful NPCs.</p>
<p>Some tips on mobiles:
<li>Level and hitpoints determine the xp (the builder comes
with a formula) one gets for killing the mobile, so you want those to have a
connection more or less</li>
<li>Make sure the mobile is up to the task it is
given (e.g. a guard should have lots of hp and apb, otherwise it won't be
guarding long)</li>
<li>When writing a new xp area, define a certain level range
and build the mobiles according to that range: don't make the mobiles too
easy, nor too hard to kill</li>
<li>It is senseless to write an exact specification
for mobiles: just try out what settings work for you and your mud.</li></ul></p>
<p>You start a new block of mobiles by type <kbd>#MOBILES</kbd>. As with a
room, you then type a crossmark and the vnum on a new line. Then, in order
of appearance and on single lines, you type the name, short and long
description of the mobile. On a new line you type the level and the sex
of the mobile. 
If you want to specify a damage roll and damage type for the mobile, type them
on this line in the form <kbd>0d0+0 [damage type]</kbd>. The first represents
the damage roll, as used in RPGs, the second is the damage type. 
On the next line you type AC, any flags (see: <a href="tables.html#ACT_">tables.html</a>),
the gold it carries, the height (in centimeters) and the weight (in ounces).</p>
<p>Below is a sample mobile:</p>
a sample mobile
a sample mobile is here
a sample mobile wanders around here
15 2
5 0 0 0 0
<p><b><cite>Note: </cite>The area format listed in the 0.2.16 documentation
contains a flaw and is not correct. Use this format instead.</b></p>
<p><b><cite>Note: </cite></b>Don't use a capital as the first letter in the name,
short and long description. When necessary, the mud will capitalize a sentence before
it is send to players. This way you won't have irritating capitals popping into
the middle of a line.</p>
<a name="Objects"></a>
<p><b>4. Objects</b></p>
<p>The word explains itself. Objects come in all types and sizes, but the
most basic thing about them is that you can pick them up and take them
with you. There are a lot of different object types, for there is money,
weapons, armor, fountains, food, drinks, etc. etc. Objects, as mobiles,
define the behaviour of your mud: what can players do or not do, what
do they possess, is it hard to get particular items, etc. etc.</p>
<p>A new object section starts with <kbd>#OBJECTS</kbd>. As usual, you start
by typing a crossmark followed by the vnum of the object. Just as with mobiles,
you type name, short and long description on three seperate lines. On the
next line you type the item type (see: <a href="tables.html#ITEM_">tables.html</a>),
and the 2 wearing positions (see: <a href="tables.html#WEAR_">tables.html</a>).
The next line is for the four values that further
define the object (see: <a href="tables.html#ITEM_">tables.html</a>).
On the last line you type the weight of the object (in ounces), any
flags (see: <a href="tables.html#OBJ_">tables.html</a>) and the average cost
of the object in copper coins.</p>
<p>Below is a sample object:</p>
a sample sword
a sample, small sword
a sample lies here, abandoned
1 17 18
0 1 6 1
55 0</pre>
<p>This is a 1d6 slasher, which can be worn in both hands (left & right)
and weighs 55 ounces (=5.5 kg). No special flags are given.</p>
<a name="Resets"></a>
<p><b>5. Resets</b></p>
<p>Resets define the last part of your area. Without resets, simply nothing
will be visibile, no mobiles, no objects, just the rooms. With resets, you
determine where mobiles appear, if they are carrying objects, etc. etc.</p>
<p>A new section of resets is started by typing <kbd>#RESETS</kbd>.
To create a new reset, type (on one line) the reset type, optionally followed by a
double-point (<kbd>':'</kbd>) and the three arguments. Currently, these values
are valid for the reset type: reset mobile to room (M), reset object to room (O),
equip object to mobile (E), give object to mobile (G), insert object into
object (I), and reset door (D). These resets will be discussed seperately.</p>
<p><b>(M) Reset mobile to room</b></p>
<p>This reset comes in the form <kbd>'M: 0 0 0'</kbd>. The first number is
the vnum of the mobile, the second the vnum of the room and the third is
the maximum number of times that particular mobile may appear in the <b>entire</b>
mud. As I have noted while explaining this to my builders, it can become quite
complicated in certain cases, so I will name some difficulties you will no
doubt run into:
<li>Typing a mobile reset with a maximum count of 3 does <b>NOT</b> create 3 mobiles,
it enables you to type 3 resets of the same sort!
<li>When typing two resets for the same mobile after another, while setting
the maximum count to 1 prevents the second line from executing.
<p><b>(O) Reset object to room</b></p>
<p>This reset form is quite similar to that of (M). The first number is the
vnum of the object, the second number the vnum of the room and the third
is the maximum count. The same rules as with (M) apply, with one extra:
when players are in the area this reset belongs to, the reset is not executed.</p>
<p><b>(E) Equip object to mobile</b></p>
<p>This reset is quite a different type and needs to be paid attention to.
If you wish to equip a mobile with an object, you must include this type of
reset <b>directly</b> after the reset for that mobile. E.g. this reset applies
to the last mobile that has been reset. The first number is the object vnum,
the second number is the load chance: if a percentage roll is lower or equal
to this number, the reset is executed, otherwise it is not. The third number
is an optional number, so if you don't want to use it, just type 0.
This number can define a specific mobile vnum to equip to object to.
In certain cases, this can be useful, but beware: if you have more than one
mobile using this vnum, only the first will be equipped!</p>
<p><b>(G) Give object to mobile</b></p>
<p>This reset is quite similar to (E), with one exception: the number for
load chance is unused and can take any value. Here, the third number is
optional too.</p>
<p><b>(I) Insert object into object</b></p>
<p>This reset behaves like (E), it must be included right after a (O), (E)
or (G) reset, and will spawn a new object into the object of that reset.
The first argument is the vnum of the object to be spawned, the third argument
is the world max. The second argument is currently unused.</p>
<p><b>(D) Reset door</b></p>
<p>This reset changes the state of an exit, and its reverse exit. The first
argument is the vnum of the room, the second argument is the direction of the exit
(north/south/etc.) and the third argument is the state of the door.
<table align="center">
  <td colspan=2><b>Valid states:</b></td>
  <td>open door</td>
  <td>closed door</td>
  <td>closed secret door</td>
  <td>locked door</td>
  <td>locked secret door</td>
<a name="Install"></a>
<p><b>6. Installing a new area</b></p>
<p>Use an editor (like Notepad) and open up the file
<kbd>areas\area.list</kbd>. Add a line (before the dollarsign) with the
filename of your new area, save it and reboot the server. That's all.</p>
<a name="Ansi"></a>
<p><b>7. Adding color to your area</b></p>
<p>You may wish to use ANSI coloring to cheer up your mud a bit. ANSI
coloring can be very useful when creating objects. The grade of coloring
usually determines the value and worth of the object: e.g. a superb
blade would be colored quite a lot, with bold coloring (shining), while
a simple cloak would tend to have less bright coloring.</p>
<p>You can use colors almost everywhere in Grendel. Beware however that you
do not OVERcolor your areas, otherwise people will get annoyed: aggressive
ANSI can be deadly. When you wish to add an ANSI color, type a dollarsign
and a number ranging from 0 to 15. The colors from 8 to 15 are the same as
the colors from 0 to 7 with the exception that they are bold. The following
sample line helps illustrate this:</p>
$2darkgreen $7gray $15white $4darkred
<p>Some tips:
<li>Don't overcolor your MUD, this will add to your bandwidth usage,
as well to the rate of whine-mails dropping in your box.</li>
<li>Try to match the coloring with the description of the object/mobile.</li>
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