0 65 0 65 2147483647 -1

No reset
5 20 0

There are neat stacks of wood all along the south wall, filling
most of the room, with a narrow path along the north wall leading
to a rough wooden door.~
0 0 0 1
D 4003 4 3 0
Rustry's Pantry
What else would you expect in a pantry? The walls are completely
covered with shelves and cupboards, all containing non-
perishable food supplies.~
0 0 0 1
D 4003 2 0 0
A short hallway
0 0 0 1
D 4000 1 0 0
D 4004 4 3 0
Rustry's Dining Room
Like all the other rooms in this house, the dining room
is most notable for it's simplicity and functionality.
The table is of solid oak, unfinished but clean. There
are 4 wooden chairs positioned around the table, and in
the single wall cabinet, there are four each of wooden
plates and cups, and metal silverware. About the only
nonessential thing in the room is the large mural on
the south wall, which depicts a large man with a small
group of elves, sitting together at a table with a mostly
finished meal. You wonder what it means...~
0 0 0 1
D 4000 2 0 0
D 8903 4 3 0
Rustry's Bedroom
This bedroom is mostly for sleeping. It has a comfortable
single bed, a dresser, a clothes pole, and a small table
with a wind-up alarm clock. There is a window to catch
the last rays of the setting sun before snuggling down
for a rest.~
0 0 0 1
D 4005 2 3 0
Rustry's Living Room
Looking around you see a cosy living area. There is a small
woodstove in the northeast corner, with a stovepipe exiting
out the east wall. The east wall also has a large window, which
provides an excellent view of an open field surrounded by the
forest. To right of the doorway to the hall there is a large
bookshelf, overflowing with well-used books. There is a
small oaken table and chair in the center of the room, with
some kind of a woodworking project partially assembled upon
it.  The north wall has several framed pictures of various
outdoor scenes.  The only other furnishings are a worn
wooden rocking chair situated close to the fire, and an
oil lantern hanging from the shelf behind the rocker.~
0 0 0 1
D 4003 1 0 0
D 4005 3 0 0
D 4001 4 0 0
Rustry's Kitchen
The kitchen is most notable for its large iron cookstove.
There is also a washtub and a large wooden bucket on the
floor by the door. There is a wall cupboard and there are cooking
utensils, and various pots and kettles hanging on the walls.
The only other furnishing is the large preparation table, which
has a low back panel with a row of sharp cutting knives.~
0 0 0 1
D 4006 2 3 0
D 4000 3 0 0
D 4002 4 0 0



M 1 4004 2
D 4004 2 1
D 4005 4 1
D 4001 4 1
D 4006 4 1
D 4003 2 1

