	To generate the tools in the src/tools directory, change to that
directory, and do a 'configure', and then a 'make'. Some of the tools here
require awk. You can ftp GNU awk from The tools
currently only support a disk-based database.
	There's a binary here, in rawreport.c which walks your gdbm
database and runs out a raw report of the form:

Object 214 resides at offset 31488 and takes 312 bytes
Object 17 resides at offset 4352 and takes 7125 bytes

	There's also a shell script, and an awk script useful
for generating histograms from input. The basic plan is that you find
your gdbm database, for example if your database lives in files:


	then your database is named 'foo.gdbm'. Then you can '
foo.gdbm' to get pretty pictures of stuff. Since the shell script wants to
find both the raw reporter 'rawreport' and the awk script 'histogrammer' in
the path, it's probably best to run this in the tools subdirectory, and point
it at the database file with an explicit path. For example: ../../game/data/tinymush.gdbm

	or something.