 * $Id: aero.bomb.c,v 2005/01/11 21:18:00 kstevens Exp $
 * Author: Markus Stenberg <>
 *  Copyright (c) 1997 Markus Stenberg
 *  Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Thomas Wouters
 *  Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Cord Awtry
 *       All rights reserved
 * Created: Mon Jan  6 15:57:35 1997 fingon
 * Last modified: Mon Jun  8 19:49:25 1998 fingon

#define GMOD 1			/* Acceleration / second, in Z hexes */

#include "mech.h"
#include "aero.bomb.h"
#include "coolmenu.h"
#include "mycool.h"
#include ""
#include "math.h"
#include "create.h"
#include "p.mech.utils.h"
#include "p.artillery.h"
#include "p.econ_cmds.h"

BOMBINFO bombs[] = {
    {"10_Inferno", 10, 1, 30}
    {"10_Cluster", 10, 2, 30}
    {"10_Standard", 10, 0, 130}
    {"50_Inferno", 50, 1, 130}
    {"50_Cluster", 50, 2, 130}
    {"50_Standard", 50, 0, 130}
    {"100_Inferno", 100, 1, 250}
    {"100_Cluster", 100, 2, 250}
    {"100_Standard", 100, 0, 250}
    {NULL, 0, 0, 0}

void DestroyBomb(MECH * mech, int loc)


int BombWeight(int i)
    return bombs[i].weight;

char *bomb_name(int i)
    return bombs[i].name;

void bomb_list(MECH * mech, int player)
    int bc = 0, fb;
    int i, j, k;
    char location[20];
    static char *types[] = {
    coolmenu *c = NULL;

    cent(tprintf("Bomb payload for %s:", GetMechID(mech)));
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_SECTIONS; i++) {
	fb = 1;
	for (j = 0; j < NUM_CRITICALS; j++)
	    if (IsBomb((k = GetPartType(mech, i, j)))) {
		k = Bomb2I(k);
		if (fb) {
		    ArmorStringFromIndex(i, location, MechType(mech),
		    fb = 0;
		if (!bc) {
		    vsi(tprintf("#  %-20s %-5s %-5s %s", "Location",
			    "Weight", "Power", "Type"));
		vsi(tprintf("%-2d %-20s %5d %5d", bc + 1, location,
			bombs[k].weight / 10, bombs[k].aff,
    if (!bc)
	cent("No bombs installed.");
    ShowCoolMenu(player, c);

float calc_dest(MECH * mech, short *x, short *y)
    /* Present location */
    float fx = MechFX(mech);
    float fy = MechFY(mech);
    float fz = MechFZ(mech) / ZSCALE;
    float zspd = MechStartFZ(mech) / ZSCALE;
    float t, ot;

    ot = t = (zspd + sqrt(zspd * zspd + 2 * GMOD * fz)) / GMOD;
    t = (float) t / MOVE_TICK;
    fx = fx + MechStartFX(mech) * t;
    fy = fy + MechStartFY(mech) * t;
    RealCoordToMapCoord(x, y, fx, fy);
    return ot;

void bomb_aim(MECH * mech, dbref player)
    float t;			/* The time of impact */
    char toi[LBUF_SIZE];
    short x, y;

    t = calc_dest(mech, &x, &y);
    sprintf(toi, "%.1f second%s", t, (t >= 2.0 || t < 1.0) ? "" : "s");
    mech_notify(mech, MECHALL,
	("Estimated bomb flight time %s, estimated landing hex %d,%d.",
	    toi, x, y));

void bomb_hit_hexes(MAP * map, int x, int y, int hitnb, int iscluster,
    int aff_d, int aff_h, char *tomsg, char *otmsg, char *tomsg1,
    char *otmsg1)
    blast_hit_hexes(map, aff_d, iscluster ? 2 : 10, aff_h, x, y, tomsg,
	otmsg, tomsg1, otmsg1, 0, 4, 1, 1, hitnb);

static void bomb_hit(bomb_shot * s)
    switch (bombs[s->type].type) {
    case 0:
	HexLOSBroadcast(s->map, s->x, s->y,
	    "A blast rocks the area around $H!");
	bomb_hit_hexes(s->map, s->x, s->y, 1, 0,
	    bombs[s->type].type ==
	    1 ? bombs[s->type].aff / 2 : bombs[s->type].aff,
	    bombs[s->type].type == 1 ? bombs[s->type].aff : 0,
	    "You receive a direct hit!", "receives a direct hit!",
	    "You are hit by shrapnel!", "is hit by shrapnel!");
    case 1:
	HexLOSBroadcast(s->map, s->x, s->y,
	    "A fiery blast occurs in $H, spraying flaming gel everywhere!");
	bomb_hit_hexes(s->map, s->x, s->y, 1, 0,
	    bombs[s->type].type ==
	    1 ? bombs[s->type].aff / 2 : bombs[s->type].aff,
	    bombs[s->type].type == 1 ? bombs[s->type].aff : 0,
	    "You receive a direct hit!", "receives a direct hit!",
	    "You are hit by the globs of flaming gel!",
	    "is hit by the globs!");
    case 2:
	HexLOSBroadcast(s->map, s->x, s->y,
	    "A bomb drops rain of small bomblets in $H's surroundings!");
	bomb_hit_hexes(s->map, s->x, s->y, 1, 1,
	    bombs[s->type].type ==
	    1 ? bombs[s->type].aff / 2 : bombs[s->type].aff,
	    bombs[s->type].type == 1 ? bombs[s->type].aff : 0,
	    "You are hit by ton of small munitions!",
	    "is hit by many small munitions!",
	    "You are hit by some of the small munitions!",
	    "is hit by some small munitions!");

static void bomb_hit_event(MUXEVENT * e)
    bomb_shot *s = (bomb_shot *) e->data;

    free((void *) s);

void simulate_flight(MECH * mech, MAP * map, short *x, short *y, float t)
    float fx = MechFX(mech);
    float fy = MechFY(mech);
    float fz = MechFZ(mech);

/*   float fs = MechStartFZ(mech); */
    float delx, dely;
    float dx, dy;
    int i;
    short tx, ty;

    if (t < 1.0)
    MapCoordToRealCoord(*x, *y, &dx, &dy);
    delx = (dx - fx) / t;
    dely = (dy - fy) / t;
    for (i = 1; i < t; i++) {
	fx = fx + delx;
	fy = fx + dely;
	fz = (float) fz - GMOD;
	RealCoordToMapCoord(&tx, &ty, fx, fy);
	if (tx < 0 || ty < 0 || tx >= map->map_width ||
	    ty >= map->map_height)
	if (Elevation(map, tx, ty) > (fz / ZSCALE)) {
	    *x = tx;
	    *y = ty;

void bomb_drop(MECH * mech, int player, int bn)
    int bc = 0;
    int i, j, k;
    int lloc = 0, lpos = 0;
    float t;
    short x, y;
    int ob;
    int di;
    float dir;
    bomb_shot *s;
    MAP *map;

    DOCHECK(bn < 0, "Negative bomb number? Gimme a break.");
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_SECTIONS; i++)
	for (j = 0; j < NUM_CRITICALS; j++)
	    if (IsBomb((k = GetPartType(mech, i, j))) &&
		!PartIsDestroyed(mech, i, j)) {
		if (bc == bn) {
		    lloc = i;
		    lpos = j;
    DOCHECK(!bc, "No bombs installed.");
    DOCHECK(!(map = getMap(mech->mapindex)), "You're on invalid map!");
    DOCHECK(bn < 0 ||
	bn >= bc, "No bomb with such number installed! (See BOMB LIST)");
	"detaches a small object that starts falling down..");
    k = Bomb2I(GetPartType(mech, lloc, lpos));
    mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "The ship trembles as you detach a bomb..");
    t = calc_dest(mech, &x, &y);
    ob = (int) t / 10;
    if (MadePilotSkillRoll(mech, 4 + ob) || t < 2.0)
	mech_notify(mech, MECHALL,
	    "Despite the slight problems, you keep the craft stable enough to drop the bomb right on target..");
    else {
	mech_notify(mech, MECHALL,
	    "The ship's lurches slightly, dropping the bomb off target!");
	ob = 6 * (1 + ob);	/* Max distance missed  */
	ob = MAX(1, (Number(1, ob)) / 2);
	di = Number(0, 359);
	dir = di * TWOPIOVER360;
	x = x + ob * cos(dir);
	y = y + ob * sin(dir);
    simulate_flight(mech, map, &x, &y, t);
    if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= map->map_width || y >= map->map_height)
    SetPartType(mech, lloc, lpos, 0);
    Create(s, bomb_shot, 1);
    s->x = x;
    s->y = y;
    s->type = k;
    s->map = map;
    muxevent_add(MAX(1, t), 0, EVENT_DHIT, bomb_hit_event, (void *) s, NULL);

void mech_bomb(dbref player, void *data, char *buffer)
    MECH *mech = (MECH *) data;
    char *args[3];
    int argc;
    int bn;

    DOCHECK(!(argc =
	    mech_parseattributes(buffer, args, 3)),
	"(At least) one option required.");
    DOCHECK(argc > 2, "Too many arguments!");
    if (!strcasecmp(args[0], "list")) {
	bomb_list(mech, player);
    DOCHECK(Landed(mech), "The craft is landed!");
    if (!strcasecmp(args[0], "aim")) {
	bomb_aim(mech, player);
    DOCHECK(strcasecmp(args[0], "drop"), "Invalid argument to BOMB!");
    DOCHECK(argc < 2,
	"The BOMB commands needs to know WHICH bomb to drop!");
    DOCHECK(Readnum(bn, args[1]), "Invalid bomb number!");
    bomb_drop(mech, player, bn);