Help file for New Superusers [By traP]:

SU 	    -	Talk on the SU channel
SE, SU:     - 	emote on the su channel
ST	    -	Think on the su channel
SS 	    -  	Sing on the su channel
OFF_DUTY    -	Block the SU channel, and temporarily become a "regular ressie"
ON_DUTY	    -	Unblock the SU channel, become a regular su of your rank again.
SU_HI	    -	Toggle hilighting of the su channel
TOGGLE_CHAN -	Switch to the "clanland" channel set.. use this only if you
		know what "clanland" is :-P

ASSIST <name>  - Inform a newbie you are a superuser willing to help
	  	 them, and other SUs that you are assisting them.
DIBBS <name>   - Similar to assist, but Don't tell the newbie anything
CONFIRM <name> - Check if a resident has set password and email. Note
		 those who have not will not be saved.
RENAME <1> <2> - change the name of a newbie from <1> to <2>.
RES <name>     - Grant residency to a newbie.
VRES <name>    - Grant residency to a newbie, and set their email address as
		 "validated" (means they don't need an email address, use
LIST_NEW, LSN  - lists the current newbies, their site, and who's assisting em.
XREF <string>  - check for similar names.. for example...
		 xref tr   Tells you everyone who is a resident who's name 
		 contains the letters T and R in that order.

PSTATS		- Current Program Stats.
PINFO <player>  - Check the entermsg, loginmsg, logoffmsgs of any player.
LSR <letter>    - List all residents who's name starts with <letter>
SPOST <string>  - Post a memo to all superusers
SNEWS           - Read the superuser memos

BANISH <name>		    - Permenantly (kinda) forbid a name from ever
			      being used on the Playground.	
BLANK <something> <player>  - Type blank alone to see what you can blank.
			      It totally erases an offensive string.
BOOT <player>		    - Kick someone out of the main room for a minute.
CHAN BAN <player>           - Banish a person from using channels.
CHAN KILL <channel ID>      - Destroy an offensive channel.
DECAP <player>		    - Remove someone's ability to use capital letters.
			      decap them again to restore the ability.
DRAG (person) (reason)	    - Kick someone off the program. They can come 
			      right back on, however.
DUMB (player)               - Put someone in "tweedle" mode. They can't do much
			      other than shaking a broken rattle =)
FORCEHELP (player) (file)   - Show a help file to a player
JAIL (player) (time)	    - Jail someone for a certain period. Enter -1 to 
			      give em "life in prison"
RESET_SNEEZE (player) [time]- Change or reset the sneeze delay on someone 
			      (see SNEEZE)
RM_SHOUT (player) [time]    - Forbid someone from shoutting for a time.
RM_SING (player) [time]	    - stop someone from singing for a time.
SNEEZE (player) [time] 	    - Kick someone off the program and keep them off
			      for a time (cannot use -1 here)
SPLAT (player) [time]       - Kick someone off, and ban all logins from that
			      person's site temporarily. 
UNBANISH (name)  	    - Remove the ban on the usage of a given name.
UNCONVERSE (player)	    - Forcibly take someone out of Converse mode.
UNDUMB (player)		    - remove "tweedle mode" from someone.
UNJAIL (player)		    - Parole a felon ;-)
UNSPLAT (player)	    - remove or change the time on the temporary 
			      ban on a site.
WARN (player) (string)      - Give someone an official warning.
YOYO (player)		    - Fun :-P Throw someone out of the room and bring
			      em back again. 

BLANKPASS (player) (new password) -
		If at all possible, refer this to a Lower Admin or above first.
		This changes someone's password, incase they forgot it, but you
		have to be SURE that the person who wants their password 
		changed is who they say they are.
CHECK IP	- See everyone's login site.
CHECK LIST (p)  - Check the length of P's list.
CHECK ROOMS (p) - Check what rooms P's owns.
COMFY		- Takes you to the SU lounge.
EXTEND (player) - Make someone's list longer, by 5, to a limit of 40.
INFORM NEWBIES  - Get informed whenever a newbie logs on (a toggle.. do again
			to turn off)
INFORM SUS      - Same as inform newbies, but for superusers.
MODE (player)	- Tells you what mode (converse, room, mail, news) someone's in
PRIVS (player)  - Check what someone else can/can't do.
RECAP (player)  - change someone elses capitalization of their name.
REDTAPE (player) (other su) - tell someone you're busy, and have them ask 
			      someone else that you designate.
RESET_SESSION (msg?) 	- Set the session to (msg) optional  and change the 
			  waiting time on the session to 0. Use this to reset
			  an offensive session.
SHUTDOWN		- See how long until the next reboot, and the reason 
			  for the shutdown.
SITE (player) or (ip)   - see who is logged on from where.
SUMOTD			- See the superuser Message of the Day.
TRACE	(player)	- See where a player last logged on from (last site)