Here is the current procedure for making a newbie a resident -

Step 1) ask the person if they have a valid email and if the agree to 
	abide by help rules.   You can do this for short:

define newbie1 tell %0 okay, do you have a valid email address and agree 
to follow help rules (type help rules to see it)?

this way you can just type newbie1 (newbie's name) and they will be able
to answer in a smilple yes or no, and can bring up problems they may have.
(if they object to the over 18 rule, direct them to help adult)

Step 2)	then you should check to see if there is already a resident with a 
	very similar name by typing xref and part of the name like:

(if they newbie's name is vallieage might show)
xref val 

current names that match val: vallie, torvalds.

Currently we are very lenient as far as similart names, and as we grow in
size, similar names are gong to be an unfortunate necessity, so unless the
name similarity is like bigfatdorkball and bigfatdorkballl then try not to
worry to much (it has to do with typing out as much of a name as to
differentiate between players in tells).

Step 3)	Ask for objections.   On the channel you will commonly see
	<traP> obj (newbie-name)? and <vallie> none <indieFan> none.
	This is how su's ask other su's for objections to a name.   If
	the name is too similar to another in your opnion or is offensive
	then now is the time to object.  The SU has usually already asked
	the newbie if they have a valid email etc. etc. so just assume that
	they have already done that part and worry about the name (or

Step 4) ressy the person :)  its as easy as typing res (newbie name)
	They will get nminor spam, and will fill out their email and 
	password automatically.  If they wait till now to tell you 
	that they have no emamil then just pass them on to an admin if one
	is on.   Otherwise just have them mail to talker@s195_13 and save
	yourself the headache of dealing with a git.
	When in doubt, ask an admin for help, that's what we're here for.

Step 5) confirm the player aminute or two later.   Thge newbie can not
	do anything like mote or tell until they have set their email and
	password.   If you see them begin to move or talk then confirm and
	make sure they have gotten everything set. - thats all *whew*

Miscellaneous things include having to validate the email and so on, but
these are extreme cases and are out of the ordinary.

astyanax 2/23/96