**************************** Disclaimer *************************************
In this document, the term 'ADMIN' refers to the people who run the program,
and the people who run the site that this program operates on
The ADMIN is in no why responsible for anything that occurs as a result
  of use, or lack of use, of this program.  The opinions stated in the
  program are the responsibility of the individual users, not the ADMIN.

In no event will the ADMIN be liable for any damages, of any form, that 
  result in any way as a direct or indirect result of the use of this
  program, or contact with the users of this program.

The ADMIN have the right to deny access to this program to any person for
  any reason, or no reason at all, at any time.  

By agreeing to this Disclaimer, you agree to comply with this agreement for 
  this, and ALL future uses of this program. 

To accept these terms, enter "continue" -- to reject them, enter "end"