The Bazaar~
{ 4 89} Yaegar The Bazaar~
14100 14152

0 $~

armor merchant dealer abdul~
an armor merchant~
A merchant specializing in armor offers to sell you a good shield.
This wily fellow has stock from all around the world. He will offer you a
price for your own armor, should you wish to sell it, though you can be
guaranteed of him selling it for a big profit.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
arms merchant hazid~
an arms merchant~
A merchant specializing in a variety of weapons shows you a nice dagger.
This fellow, Hazid by name, is the brother of the the armor merchant. They
are vicious rivals, each determined to rake in the most gold through sale
of items of warfare. So far, Hazid's brother Abdul is the clear winner- it
would seem most people are more concerned with protecting their own life
than with taking others.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
goods dealer~
a goods dealer~
A dealer in basic goods smiles happily and rubs her hands together.
She sure seems pleased to see you, especially when her greedy eyes light upon
that bulge in your... money pouch. She stocks a variety of basic adventuring
goods that you may be interested in.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 890
0 0 medium 0
a chef~
A busy chef is here preparing and selling hot meals.
You can feast on felafels, kebabs or fried capsicum here, all cooked by the
fine chef standing before you. The smell is mouth watering.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
a thaumaturgist~
A thaumaturgist offers to show you some nice wands.
The thaumaturgist is a travelling mage who collects rods, staves and wands.
he has no potions or scrolls, nor is he interested in them. For them you
must go to the herbalist or the scribe.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
a herbalist~
A herbalist grins as you enter and puts out some of her wares.
This lady specializes in herbs, pills and other digestible magical
substances, including potions (she has branched out to fill the gap in the
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 890
0 0 medium 0
a tailor~
A tailor leaps up and begins to measure you for a suit.
This fellow is the finest clothier in the bazaar. Well, he's actually the
ONLY clothier in the bazaar. Oh well.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
a wise old sage~
A wise old sage offers to identify your equipment.
This fellow is a wise and learned and very expensive scholar of legend lore,
the divination of the properties of items both arcane and mundane. Just
give him the item you want identified and he will do so.
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
blacksmith smith~
a blacksmith~
Smith, the blacksmith, sniffs as you enter.
Smith can repair any type of armor you have, for a price. And don't be
surprised by a rude outburst if you waste his time by giving him something
that isn't broken to mend.
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
a scribe~
A scribe offers to show you his range of scrolls.
This felloe is an avid collector of rare and magical scrolls, and has quite
a few he sells to the discerning public. Have a browse.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
shipwright ship wright~
a shipwright~
A shipwright smiles and offers you a ship.
This fellow has been making and selling all types of water craft for decades.
He's quite good at it too.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
animal trainer~
an animal trainer~
An animal trainer playfully punches a gorilla as you enter.
She is going to do that once too often, you think to yourself as you see
the gorilla glower. Still, she's a big enough lass to make you doubt the
gorilla's chances in a scrap.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 890
0 0 medium 0
slave trainer~
a slave trainer~
A slave trainer is whipping some slaves into combat readiness.
If you want to, you can buy one of this fellow's slaves to aid you in combat.
They don't talk back, they follow orderd fanatically, and they are quite
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
healer monk~
a monk~
A wandering monk sits crosslegged here, healing the ill.
This fellow wanders the land, spreading the word of his god, and healing
the injuries of his fellow beings.
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
a fruiterer~
A fruiterer offers you a magical pear.
The fruit that this pretty girl sells is magically enchanted, as it is
grown in a field of magical energy in a secret location only she knows. Thus
she has the market cornered so to speak. Buy a piece and eat it, it may be
greatly beneficial.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 890
0 0 medium 0
dave peddler~
Dave the peddler~
A wandering peddler attempts to sell you some of his goods.
This fellow wanders from market to market across the world, selling the many
things he has acquired on his journeys. You may find something of interest,
maybe not.
G N 0 0
36 6 1d73+1295 1d1+99 1d27+11 hit
-14 -14 -14 -9
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 360
0 0 medium 0
an agitator~
An agitator is here stirring up the public (or attempting to).
Market places and the like are always popular places for demagogues, public
speakers and other agitators, for they have a ready-made captive audience.
Listening to this woman babble on, you suddenly remember that a shop near
here sells tomatoes...
BGH N 0 0
22 3 1d45+483 1d1+99 1d18+6 hit
-4 -4 -4 1
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 220
0 0 medium 0
a shopper~
A shopper moves about the bazaar.
A customer of the merchants here, just like you. A little poorer perhaps,
and a damn sight less violent, but a shopper nonetheless.
GH 0 0 0
8 1 1d12+95 1d1+99 1d9+1 hit
5 5 5 10
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 80
0 0 medium 0
a shopper~
A shopper moves about the bazaar.
A customer of the merchants here, just like you. A little poorer perhaps,
and a damn sight less violent, but a shopper nonetheless.
GH 0 0 0
8 1 1d12+95 1d1+99 1d9+1 hit
5 5 5 10
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 80
0 0 medium 0
thief scoundrel~
a thieving scoundrel~
A thieving scoundrel skulks about here.
Market places are like a magnet for thieves in every nation, and this one is
no exception. With so many fat merchants waddling around with such fat
purses, who wouldn't feel a little larcenous?
GH DFPQ -500 0
10 1 1d12+119 1d1+99 1d10+2 hit
4 4 4 9
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium 0
a beggar~
A beggar cries out for alms.
Market places are popular gathering spots for beggars, the poor souls hoping
for a coin from a fat merchant or busy shopper. Unfortunately they are very
rarely lucky.
BGH 0 0 0
4 0 1d12+47 1d1+99 1d6+0 hit
8 8 8 13
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 40
0 0 medium 0
a guard~
A black-robed guard swaggers past you.
These guards are actually a squad of mercenaries hired by the Merchant's
Union to keep the peace in the bazaar. They approach their task with great
relish, delighting in terrorising anyone they don't like.
DG DFJ -400 0
19 3 1d39+360 1d1+99 1d16+5 hit
-2 -2 -2 3
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 190
0 0 medium 0
princess fatima~
the princess fatima~
Princes Fatima glares imperiously at you.
The princess is a frequent customer of the bazaar. She is used to having
people grovel before her, and she seems affronted by your refusal to do
BGH H -400 0
45 7 1d91+2024 1d1+99 1d33+14 hit
-20 -20 -20 -15
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 450
0 0 medium 0
spice merchant~
a spice merchant~
A spice merchant sneezes as he gets a noseful of pepper.
This stout fellow has a wide variety of spices gathered from all parts of
the world. Most of them are of little use to an adventurer, though it is
said that some spices have a rejuvenating effect on people...
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
a florist~
A florist offers to sell you a rose.
This florist stocks a good range of flora. Most of it isn't of immediate
practical use to an adventurer, though in this magical land one can never
tell just what could be useful...
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 890
0 0 medium 0
a jeweller~
A jeweller shows you some fine rubies.
This half elf is a superb jeweller- she has even created jewellery for
royalty. Her products are very expensive but also very good.
BG HJN 0 0
89 14 1d179+7920 1d1+99 1d63+28 hit
-49 -49 -49 -44
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 890
0 0 medium 0
a slave~
A male slave hauls his master's goods along.
This fellow is burdened with several chests full of goods recently acquired
by his master.
BGH 0 0 0
7 1 1d12+83 1d1+99 1d8+1 hit
6 6 6 11
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 70
0 0 medium 0
slave whore~
a whore~
A whore stands here, waiting for a "client".
This girl has been placed by the merchants to provide "services" for any
patron of the bazaar who is so inclined. She is obedient, well-groomed and
very broad-minded.
BG 0 0 0
5 0 1d12+59 1d1+99 1d7+0 hit
7 7 7 12
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 50
0 0 medium 0
chimp chimpanzee~
the chimpanzee~
The chimpanzee squeaks and scratches its ass.
The chimp looks like a fierce fighter.
I 0 0 0
5 0 1d12+59 1d1+99 1d7+0 hit
7 7 7 12
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 50
0 0 medium 0
the jaguar~
The jaguar growls menacingly at you.
The jaguar looks like a fierce fighter.
I 0 0 0
10 1 1d12+119 1d1+99 1d10+2 hit
4 4 4 9
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 100
0 0 medium 0
the gorilla~
The gorilla beats its chest and roars!
The gorilla looks like a fierce fighter.
I 0 0 0
16 2 1d33+255 1d1+99 1d14+4 hit
0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 160
0 0 medium 0
the spearman~
The spearman stands rigidly at attention.
The spearman looks like a fierce fighter.
I 0 0 0
13 2 1d27+168 1d1+99 1d12+3 hit
2 2 2 7
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 130
0 0 medium 0
the bowman~
The bowman strings his bow.
The bowman looks like a fierce fighter.
I 0 0 0
22 3 1d45+483 1d1+99 1d18+6 hit
-4 -4 -4 1
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 220
0 0 medium 0
the swordsman~
The swordsman flashes his scimitars.
The swordsman looks like a fierce fighter.
I 0 0 0
28 4 1d57+783 1d1+99 1d22+8 hit
-8 -8 -8 -3
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 280
0 0 medium 0
a busker~
A busker is here playing his sitar.
This fellow is plying his trade to make a few pennies for his family.
BGH 0 0 0
7 1 1d12+83 1d1+99 1d8+1 hit
6 6 6 11
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 70
0 0 medium 0
snake charmer~
a snake charmer~
A snake charmer entices a cobra from a basket.
This game fellow charms the cobras he keeps with a small flute. Sometimes it
works, sometimes a new snake charmer gets a job...
BGH 0 0 0
9 1 1d12+107 1d1+99 1d9+2 hit
4 4 4 9
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 90
0 0 medium 0
a cobra~
A cobra rears from the basket, fangs bared.
This snake is for the present quite harmless, as it has been charmed by the
snake charmer's hypnotic tune.
BGH S -400 0
10 1 1d12+119 1d1+99 1d10+2 hit
4 4 4 9
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 100
0 0 medium 0

chainmail tunic~
a chainmail tunic~
A chainmail tunic has been left here.~
armor 0 AD
0 0 0 0 1
-3 5 -300 P
17 -5
leather breeches~
a pair of leather breeches~
A pair of leather breeches has been left here.~
armor 0 AF
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
5 1
14 5
an iron helmet~
An iron helmer is here. It looks heavy.~
armor 0 AE
0 0 0 0 1
-3 10 -300 P
3 -1
13 5
17 -10
mithril gauntlets~
a pair of mithril gauntlets~
A pair of mithril gauntlets are here.~
armor 0 AH
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
2 1
18 1
19 1
a scimitar~
A scimitar has been dropped here.~
weapon 0 AN
sword 0 0 slice 0
-3 5 -300 P
18 1
a huge shamsheer~
A huge shamsheer is lying on the ground here.~
weapon 0 AN
sword 0 0 slash 0
-3 20 -300 P
19 3
a short spear~
A short spear is stuck in the ground here.~
weapon 0 AN
dagger 0 0 stab 0
-3 5 -300 P
a silver dagger~
A dagger lined with silver to increase accuracy is here.~
weapon 0 AN
dagger 0 0 pierce 0
-3 1 -300 P
18 2
a coarse blanket~
A coarse blanket lies here.~
armor 0 AK
1 1 1 1 1
-3 2 -300 P
a torch~
A torch has been discarded here.~
light 0 AOQ
0 0 12 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
brass lantern~
a brass lantern~
A brass lantern has been discarded here.~
light 0 AOQ
0 0 24 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
pouch belt~
a pouch belt~
A pouch belt lies here.~
container 0 AL
25 A 0 25 100
-3 2 -300 P
a felafel~
A tasty felafel lies here.~
food 0 A
4 4 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
beef shish kebab~
a beef shish kebab~
(Hot) A beef shisk kebab steams away here.~
food 0 A
6 6 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
lamb doner kebab~
a lamb doner kebab~
(Tasty) A lamb doner kebab is here.~
food 0 A
12 12 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
fried capsicum~
fried capsicum~
(Hmmm) Fried capsicum lies here.~
food 0 A
2 2 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
bone staff~
a bone staff~
A bone staff is here.~
staff B AO
-3 5 5 'cure blindness' 0
-3 2 -300 P
bone staff~
An inscription reads- "Let them SEE!"
ivory wand~
a slender ivory wand~
A slender ivory wand lies here.~
wand A AO
-3 5 5 'detect invis' 0
-3 1 -300 P
ivory wand~
An inscription reads- "See what is not seen!"
oak staff~
an oak staff~
An oak staff lays here.~
staff B AO
-3 5 5 'armor' 0
-3 2 -300 P
oak staff~
An inscription reads- "Let them be armored!"
black wand~
a short black wand~
A short black wand hums strangely here.~
wand BE AO
-3 5 5 'weaken' 0
-3 2 -300 P
black wand~
An inscription reads- "Let them be stricken!"
yellow herb~
a yellow herb~
A yellow herb is here.~
pill G A
-3 'armor' 'bless' '' 0
-3 1 -300 P
yellow herb~
This herb will increase your defenses and engender the blessing of the Gods.
red herb~
a red herb~
A red herb is here.~
pill G A
-3 'infravision' 'detect invis' 'detect hidden' 0
-3 1 -300 P
red herb~
This herb will greatly increase your powers of perception.
green herb~
a green herb~
A green herb is here.~
pill G A
-3 'invis' 'protection evil' '' 0
-3 1 -300 P
green herb~
This herb will conceal and protect you.
white herb~
a white herb~
A white herb is here.~
pill G A
-3 'cure serious' 'refresh' '' 0
-3 1 -300 P
white herb~
This herb will heal and refresh you.
a bright red fez~
A bright red fez with a yellow tassel sits here.~
armor 0 AE
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
camelhair jacket~
a camelhair jacket~
Someone has left their very fashionable camelhair jacket here.~
armor 0 AD
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
silk trousers~
a pair of silk trousers~
A pair of silk trousers has been left here.~
armor 0 AF
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
17 10
curled boots~
a pair of curled boots~
A pair of curled boots are here.~
armor 0 AG
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
a scroll~
A scroll. That's it. A SCROLL.~
scroll G AO
-3 'armor' 'teleport' 'change sex' 0
-3 1 -300 P
a scroll~
A scroll. That's it. A SCROLL.~
scroll G AO
-3 'blindness' 'cure light' 'faerie fire' 0
-3 1 -300 P
a scroll~
A scroll. That's it. A SCROLL.~
scroll G AO
-3 'weaken' 'heal' 'sleep' 0
-3 1 -300 P
a scroll~
A scroll. That's it. A SCROLL.~
scroll G AO
-3 'invis' 'fly' 'fireball' 0
-3 1 -300 P
a skiff~
A skiff sits here, unwanted.~
boat 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
-3 10 -300 P
a chinese junk~
A chinese junk with sail down sits here.~
boat 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
-3 50 -300 P
small galley~
a small galley~
A small galley with battering ram lies on its side here.~
boat 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
-3 250 -300 P
a scow~
A scow full of crap is here.~
boat B A
0 0 0 0 0
-3 50 -300 P
an overripe tomato~
An overripe tomato squelches here.~
food 0 A
1 1 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
juicy pear~
a juicy pear~
A juicy pear rolls about on the ground.~
food 0 A
1 1 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
crunchy apple~
a crunchy apple~
A red crunchy apple is here.~
food 0 A
1 1 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
a juicy melon~
A juicy melon has been left here.~
food 0 A
4 4 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
tin cup~
a tin cup~
A tin cup lies here.~
container 0 AO
1 A 0 1 100
-3 1 -300 P
rusty knife~
a rusty knife~
A rusty knife lies here.~
weapon 0 AN
dagger 0 0 pierce 0
-3 1 -300 P
18 -2
19 -2
a potion~
A murky potion is here.~
potion B AO
-3 'poison' 'poison' 'poison' 0
-3 1 -300 P
a small pouch~
A small pouch has been tossed aside here.~
container 0 AO
5 A 0 5 100
-3 1 -300 P
mysterious powder~
a mysterious powder~
A mysterious powder is scattered about here.~
pill B A
-3 'invis' '' '' 0
-3 1 -300 P
a studded vest~
A studded vest lies here.~
armor 0 AD
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
5 2
13 20
a veil~
A silk veil lies here.~
armor 0 AE
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
3 3
a pair of soft slippers~
A pair of soft slippers rests here.~
armor 0 AG
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
2 2
14 25
23 -4
nipple ring~
a gold nipple ring~
A gold nipple ring from the breast of a princess lies here.~
armor 0 AD
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
17 -25
sachet spice~
a sachet of exotic spices~
A sachet of exotic spices has been left here.~
food 0 A
24 24 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
sachet spice~
a sachet of exotic spices~
A sachet of exotic spices has been left here.~
pill 0 A
-3 'stone skin' '' '' 0
-3 1 -300 P
sachet spice~
a sachet of exotic spices~
A sachet of exotic spices has been left here.~
trash 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
sachet spice~
a sachet of exotic spices~
A sachet of exotic spices has been left here.~
container 0 A
1 0 0 1 100
-3 1 -300 P
flower wildflower~
a wildflower~
A wildflower has been left here.~
trash 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
a rose~
A red rose has been left here.~
pill 0 A
-3 'armor' '' '' 0
-3 1 -300 P
a carnation~
A carnation has been left here.~
armor 0 A
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
a daisy~
A daisy has been left here.~
light 0 AOQ
0 0 24 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
ruby pendant~
a ruby pendant~
A ruby pendant is here.~
treasure 0 AC
0 0 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
sun jewel~
a sun jewel~
A sun jewel is here.~
light 0 AOQ
0 0 -1 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
sapphire ring~
a sapphire ring~
A sapphire ring is here.~
treasure 0 AB
0 0 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
a diamond necklace~
A diamond necklace is here.~
treasure 0 AC
0 0 0 0 0
-3 1 -300 P
a turban~
A turban sits here.~
armor 0 AE
0 0 0 0 1
-3 1 -300 P
a sitar~
A sitar has been left here.~
furniture 0 AO
10 10000 E 0 0
-3 5 -300 P
a wicker basket~
A wicker basket sits on the floor here.~
container 0 AO
100 0 0 100 100
-3 5 -300 P
a flute~
A flute is lying on the floor here.~
furniture 0 AO
10 10000 E 0 0
-3 1 -300 P

Entrance to the Bazaar~
You are walking toward the Bazaar, a huge marketplace full of brightly-
colored tents, within which dozens of merchants hawk their wares to the
public. The market is always crowded, and you quickly break out in a sweat
as you elbow your way through the teeming hordes of people.
0 C 1
0 -1 14101
An Open Area~
You have entered the first part of the bazaar, an open area which is lined
by tents to the far east, south and west, and which stretches away to a
market square to the north. Merchants, traders, slaves, vagrants and thieves
all rush by you, and you find yourself feeling quite dizzy.
0 0 1
0 -1 14108
0 -1 14105
0 -1 14100
0 -1 14102
An Open Area~
You have entered the first part of the bazaar, an open area which is lined
by tents to the far east, south and west, and which stretches away to a
market square to the north. Merchants, traders, slaves, vagrants and thieves
all rush by you, and you find yourself feeling quite dizzy.

To the south lies a herbalist's tent, and to the west a tailor.
0 0 1
0 -1 14150
0 -1 14101
0 -1 14103
0 -1 14104
A Herbalist's Tent~
The interior of this tent is pungent with the aroma of a variety of herbs
and salves sold by this merchant. Bags used for storing and preserving the
herbs line the rear wall of the tent, hanging above a large counter which
is lined with the herbalist's best products.
0 D 0
0 -1 14102
A Tailor's Tent~
You make your way past a row of clothes horses and clothes racks and come to
a small counter covered with scraps of expensive material. A small tailor
is busy making alterations to the robes of some nobleman, and he tells you
around a mouthful of pins that he won't be long.
0 D 0
0 -1 14102
An Open Area~
You have entered the first part of the bazaar, an open area which is lined
by tents to the far east, south and west, and which stretches away to a
market square to the north. Merchants, traders, slaves, vagrants and thieves
all rush by you, and you find yourself feeling quite dizzy.

To the south lies a scribe's tent, and to the east a goods merchant.
0 0 1
0 -1 14111
0 -1 14107
0 -1 14106
0 -1 14101
A Scribe's Tent~
The interior of this tent is fairly plain, being dominated by a single
writing desk and a rack of scrolls. There is also a map on the back wall, of
a land you have never heard of.
0 D 0
0 -1 14105
A Goods Merchant~
This tent is full of items such as blankets, tents, belt pouches, lanterns,
ropes, packs and other adventuring gear that you may find of use. In
addition, there is sometimes a collection of items sold by other adventurers
such as keys, treasures and lights.
0 D 0
0 -1 14105
A Slave Auction~
At this point in the central area, a dais has been erected, and atop it stands
a burly man selling some of his trained warrior slaves. If you wish you can
stop and examine his merchandise, or proceed north into the center of the
market square, or east or west along Buyer's Lane, which dissects the square
at this point.
0 M 1
0 -1 14113
0 -1 14111
0 -1 14101
0 -1 14150
Slave Storage~
The slave master stores his slaves in this small room. It looks very
0 CD 0
Buyer's Lane~
This narrow lane runs the perimeter of the Bazaar, heading west from here
for a while before bending north to follow the wall that surrounds the
bazaar, and heading east back toward the market square.
0 0 1
0 -1 14150
0 -1 14134
The Market Square~
This is the center of the bazaar, and the primary gathering point for the
hordes of people who visit the bazaar every day and night. You see strangely-
clad visitors from many foreign lands clamoring to buy and sell every
conceivable item known to humanity. The air is thick with the stench of stale
sweat, camel manure and exotic spices.

At this point Buyer's Lane cuts through the square, running east-west.
0 0 1
0 -1 14116
0 -1 14112
0 -1 14105
0 -1 14108
Buyer's Lane~
This narrow lane runs the perimeter of the Bazaar, heading east from here
for a while before bending north to follow the wall that surrounds the
bazaar, and heading west back toward the market square.
0 0 1
0 -1 14132
0 -1 14111
The Center of the Square~
You are at the hub of the bazaar- the center of the market square. People
rush to and fro on business of their own, as merchants flog their wares to
them mercilessly. Slaves, whores, beggars and thieves mingle with the crowd,
each of them attempting to elicit a few coppers from any generous souls by
one means or another.
0 0 1
0 -1 14118
0 -1 14116
0 -1 14108
0 -1 14114
The Market Square~
This is the center of the bazaar, and the primary gathering point for the
hordes of people who visit the bazaar every day and night. You see strangely-
clad visitors from many foreign lands clamoring to buy and sell every
conceivable item known to humanity. The air is thick with the stench of stale
sweat, camel manure and exotic spices.

The odor of baked food comes from the west.
0 0 1
0 -1 14119
0 -1 14113
0 -1 14150
0 -1 14115
A Food Tent~
A skilled chef is here busily preparing and serving a variety of middle
eastern dishes to a horde of hungry merchants. It is very hot in here, and
the air is thick with smoke and grease, but the food still smells very
0 D 0
0 -1 14114
The Market Square~
This is the center of the bazaar, and the primary gathering point for the
hordes of people who visit the bazaar every day and night. You see strangely-
clad visitors from many foreign lands clamoring to buy and sell every
conceivable item known to humanity. The air is thick with the stench of stale
sweat, camel manure and exotic spices.
0 0 1
0 -1 14121
0 -1 14117
0 -1 14111
0 -1 14113
Produce Tent~
Fresh (or reasonably fresh) fruit and vegetables are for sale in this tent.
A mob of farmers file in and out in a steady stream, dropping off cases of
produce for sale to the constant flow of customers.
0 D 0
0 -1 14116
The Market Square~
This is the center of the bazaar, and the primary gathering point for the
hordes of people who visit the bazaar every day and night. You see strangely-
clad visitors from many foreign lands clamoring to buy and sell every
conceivable item known to humanity. The air is thick with the stench of stale
sweat, camel manure and exotic spices.
0 0 1
0 -1 14128
0 -1 14121
0 -1 14113
0 -1 14119
The Market Square~
This is the center of the bazaar, and the primary gathering point for the
hordes of people who visit the bazaar every day and night. You see strangely-
clad visitors from many foreign lands clamoring to buy and sell every
conceivable item known to humanity. The air is thick with the stench of stale
sweat, camel manure and exotic spices.
0 0 1
0 -1 14127
0 -1 14118
0 -1 14114
0 -1 14120
A Side Road~
This narrow lane cuts across the north of market square, heading back to
buyers' lane to the west, and the square itself to the east. Tents line
even this thoroughfare- no part of the bazaar is empty of customers.
0 0 1
0 -1 14126
0 -1 14119
0 -1 14124
The Market Square~
This is the center of the bazaar, and the primary gathering point for the
hordes of people who visit the bazaar every day and night. You see strangely-
clad visitors from many foreign lands clamoring to buy and sell every
conceivable item known to humanity. The air is thick with the stench of stale
sweat, camel manure and exotic spices.
0 0 1
0 -1 14129
0 -1 14122
0 -1 14116
0 -1 14118
A Side Road~
This narrow lane cuts across the north of market square, heading back to
buyers' lane to the east, and the square itself to the west. Tents line
even this thoroughfare- no part of the bazaar is empty of customers.
0 0 1
0 -1 14130
0 -1 14123
0 -1 14121
A Junction~
Here Buyer's Lane, running north-south, is met by Market Lane from the east.
There is a conglomeration of people here, all curiously staring at something
or someone. With a gasp, you realize that that someone is Princess Fatima,
ruler of a great empire of the east.
0 0 1
0 -1 14131
0 -1 14149
0 -1 14133
0 -1 14122
A Junction~
Here Buyer's Lane, running north-south, is met by Market Lane from the east.
A crowd of noisy revellers suddenly rush past, heading from one party to
the next somewhere in the bazaar, or maybe in the rooms that lie to the
east in the wall of the bazaar.
0 0 1
0 -1 14125
0 -1 14120
0 -1 14135
0 -1 14145
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the western part of Buyer's Lane, past the market on
the right, and the houses and shops built into the wall on the left. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14136
0 -1 14124
0 -1 14151
A Spice Tent~
As you enter, you are almost overwhelmed by the overpowering aroma of hundreds
of exotic spices, and you are not surprised to see that the proprietor is
wearing nose plugs. This makes more sense still when he explains to you that
many of his herbs have magical or addictive qualities, either or both of
which can take effect with but a single sniff...
0 D 0
0 -1 14120
A Florist~
This tent is actually a small greenhouse lined with rows of potted plants and
flowers on metal shelves, kept constantly moist by a fine mist that emanates
from metal pipes in the roof to belay the debilitating effects of the summer
heat. There is also a wide variety of picked flowers for sale, arranged in
metal and ceramic containers near the entrance.
0 D 0
0 -1 14119
A Magical Shop~
This small tent is rather spartan, having only a small table, a wooden
chair, and two wooden cases containing a variety of rods, staves and wands.
Feel free to browse.
0 D 0
0 -1 14118
A Blacksmith's Forge~
This tent serves as a workplace for the blacksmith. A forge rests in one
corner, beneath a circular hole in the leather hide that comprises the roof
of this tent, which allows smoke to escape. A variety of hammers, tongs and
pliers line one wall, hanging from a wooden rack stained with oil and grease.
A pail of oil rests near a large anvil, and atop it lies a huge hammer.
0 D 0
0 -1 14121
A Jeweller's Tent~
This small tent has four glass cabinets full of costume jewellery made of
plastic and paste, all the items being replicas of the real items the
jeweller offers, should you be interested (you don't think he is foolish
enough to keep his REAL products here, do you?). However, the jeweller does
keep a small stock of genuine jewellery for customers who don't wish to
wait for weeks to obtain their ornaments.
0 D 0
0 -1 14122
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the eastern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market on
the left, and the houses and shops built into the wall on the right. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14137
0 -1 14150
0 -1 14123
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the eastern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market on
the left, and the houses and shops built into the wall on the right. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.

The road to the east changes into Port Lane, and heads toward the docks.
0 0 1
0 -1 14133
0 -1 14147
0 -1 14112
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the eastern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market on
the left, and the houses and shops built into the wall on the right. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14123
0 -1 14132
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the western part of Buyer's Lane, past the market on
the right, and the houses and shops built into the wall on the left. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14135
0 -1 14110
0 -1 14143
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the western part of Buyer's Lane, past the market on
the right, and the houses and shops built into the wall on the left. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14124
0 -1 14134
0 -1 14144
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the northern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market to
the south, and the houses and shops built into the wall to the north. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14138
0 -1 14125
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the northern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market to
the south, and the houses and shops built into the wall to the north. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14131
0 -1 14142
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the northern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market to
the south, and the houses and shops built into the wall to the north. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14139
0 -1 14136
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the northern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market to
the south, and the houses and shops built into the wall to the north. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14140
0 -1 14138
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the northern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market to
the south, and the houses and shops built into the wall to the north. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14141
0 -1 14139
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the northern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market to
the south, and the houses and shops built into the wall to the north. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14142
0 -1 14140
The Wall of the Bazaar~
You are heading along the northern part of Buyer's Lane, past the market to
the south, and the houses and shops built into the wall to the north. People
enter and exit many of these houses as you watch, and you surmise that no
place in the bazaar is free of mercantilism- everyone has something to sell.
0 0 1
0 -1 14137
0 -1 14141
A Weapons Shop~
This store, built into the wall of the bazaar, is lined with weapons of
every variety, crafted from bronze, iron, steel, copper and even gold. You
look around and see several of interest.
0 D 0
0 -1 14134
An Armor Shop~
This store, built into the wall of the bazaar, is lined with suits of armor
every variety, crafted from bronze, iron, steel, copper and even gold. You
look around and see several items of interest.
0 D 0
0 -1 14135
A Brothel~
Several merchants look away with embarrassment as you catch their eyes upon
entering. Evidently visiting such places is not considered good for business,
if you are caught. Several attractive men and women smile seductively at
you, and you gulp nervously. Have you had your shots?
0 D 0
0 -1 14124
A Guard House~
This room serves as quarters for the market guards. There are rarely many
guards in here at any one time- the market is so busy and so prone to
crime that they rarely have time to relax.
0 D 0
0 -1 14125
Near the Docks~
You are standing near the docks of the city, which lie upon the massive
harbour it is nestled in. Ships of all nations sail back and forth, either
delivering or picking up cargo, passengers or illicit goods. Near here there
is a large warehouse, wherein ships are constructed for anyone with the
interest and the financial means.
0 D 0
0 -1 14148
0 -1 14132
A Shipyard~
Here you may negotiate the purchase of a seagoing vessel to suit your needs.
There is no shortage of supply in a huge port such as this; indeed, in this
city, ships are more common than horses.
0 D 0
0 -1 14147
An Empty Shop~
This shop is currently vacant, awaiting a new tenant after its last was
slain in a knife fight with some disgruntled customers.
0 D 0
0 -1 14123
The Market Square~
This is the center of the bazaar, and the primary gathering point for the
hordes of people who visit the bazaar every day and night. You see strangely-
clad visitors from many foreign lands clamoring to buy and sell every
conceivable item known to humanity. The air is thick with the stench of stale
sweat, camel manure and exotic spices.

At this point Buyer's Lane cuts through the square, running east-west.
0 0 1
0 -1 14114
0 -1 14108
0 -1 14102
0 -1 14110
An Animal Trainer's Store~
In this place you can purchase yourself an animal companion for your travels
from the range of animals trained by the proprietor.
0 DM 0
0 -1 14131
Animal Shed~
He keeps his animals here. Don't bother reading this, you shouldn't be here
0 CD 0

M 0 14100     1 14144     1      loads armorer
G 0 14100     0                    0
G 0 14101     0                    0
G 0 14102     0                    0
G 0 14103     0                    0
M 0 14101     1 14143     1      loads weaponsmith
G 0 14104     0                    0
G 0 14105     0                    0
G 0 14106     0                    0
G 0 14107     0                    0
M 0 14102     1 14107     1      loads grocer
G 0 14108     0                    0
G 0 14109     0                    0
G 0 14110     0                    0
G 0 14111     0                    0
M 0 14103     1 14115     1      loads cook
G 0 14112     0                    0
G 0 14113     0                    0
G 0 14114     0                    0
G 0 14115     0                    0
M 0 14104     1 14128     1      loads mage
G 0 14116     0                    0
G 0 14117     0                    0
G 0 14118     0                    0
G 0 14119     0                    0
M 0 14105     1 14103     1      loads herbalist
G 0 14120     0                    0
G 0 14121     0                    0
G 0 14122     0                    0
G 0 14123     0                    0
M 0 14106     1 14104     1      loads tailor
G 0 14124     0                    0
G 0 14125     0                    0
G 0 14126     0                    0
G 0 14127     0                    0
M 0 14107     1 14149     1      loads sage
M 0 14108     1 14129     1      loads smith
M 0 14109     1 14106     1      loads scribe
G 0 14128     0                    0
G 0 14129     0                    0
G 0 14130     0                    0
G 0 14131     0                    0
M 0 14110     1 14148     1      loads shipwright
G 0 14132     0                    0
G 0 14133     0                    0
G 0 14134     0                    0
G 0 14135     0                    0
M 0 14111     1 14151     1      loads animal trainer
M 0 14112     1 14108     1      loads slaver
M 0 14113     1 14118     1      loads healer
M 0 14114     1 14117     1      loads fruiterer
G 0 14136     0                    0
G 0 14137     0                    0
G 0 14138     0                    0
G 0 14139     0                    0
M 0 14115     1 14134     1      loads peddler (our "aod")
G 0 14140     0                    0
G 0 14141     0                    0
G 0 14142     0                    0
G 0 14143     0                    0
P 0 14124     0 14123     1        
M 0 14116     1 14113     1      loads agitator
M 0 14117     8 14134     8      loads male shoppers
M 0 14117     8 14136     8      
M 0 14117     8 14132     8      
M 0 14117     8 14142     8      
M 0 14118     8 14108     8      loads female shoppers
M 0 14118     8 14123     8      
M 0 14118     8 14124     8      
M 0 14118     8 14140     8      
M 0 14119     2 14118     2      loads thieves
M 0 14119     2 14140     2      
M 0 14120     8 14114     8      loads beggars
E 0 14140     0    17              
M 0 14120     8 14101     8      
E 0 14140     0    17              
M 0 14120     8 14116     8      
E 0 14140     0    17              
M 0 14120     8 14120     8      
E 0 14140     0    17              
M 0 14120     8 14122     8      
E 0 14140     0    17              
M 0 14121    10 14146    10      loads guards
E 0 14145     0     5              
E 0 14101     0     7              
E 0 14102     0     6              
E 0 14105     0    16              
M 0 14121    10 14101    10      
E 0 14145     0     5              
E 0 14101     0     7              
E 0 14102     0     6              
E 0 14105     0    16              
M 0 14121    10 14142    10      
E 0 14145     0     5              
E 0 14101     0     7              
E 0 14102     0     6              
E 0 14105     0    16              
M 0 14122     1 14124     1      loads princess
E 0 14146     0     6              
E 0 14147     0     8              
E 0 14148     0     5              
M 0 14123     1 14126     1      loads spice merchant
G 0 14149     0                    0
G 0 14150     0                    0
G 0 14151     0                    0
G 0 14152     0                    0
M 0 14124     1 14127     1      loads florist
G 0 14153     0                    0
G 0 14154     0                    0
G 0 14155     0                    0
G 0 14156     0                    0
M 0 14125     1 14130     1      loads jeweller
G 0 14157     0                    0
G 0 14158     0                    0
G 0 14159     0                    0
G 0 14160     0                    0
M 0 14126     8 14124     8      loads slaves
M 0 14126     8 14113     8      
M 0 14126     8 14131     8      
M 0 14126     8 14138     8      
M 0 14127     4     1     4      9945                       loads whores
M 0 14128     1 14152     1      loads pets
M 0 14129     1 14152     1      
M 0 14130     1 14152     1      
M 0 14131     1 14109     1      loads slaves
M 0 14132     1 14109     1      
M 0 14133     1 14109     1      
M 0 14134     8 14150     8      loads buskers
E 0 14161     0     6              wears turban
E 0 14162     0    17              holds sitar
M 0 14134     8 14112     8      
E 0 14161     0     6              wears turban
E 0 14162     0    17              holds sitar
M 0 14134     8 14140     8      
E 0 14162     0    17              holds sitar
E 0 14161     0     6              wears turban
M 0 14134     8 14121     8      
E 0 14161     0     6              wears turban
E 0 14162     0    17              holds sitar
M 0 14135     4 14108     4      loads snake charmers
E 0 14161     0     6              wears turban
E 0 14164     0    17              holds flute
M 0 14135     4 14114     4      
E 0 14161     0     6              wears turban
E 0 14164     0    17              holds flute
M 0 14135     4 14116     4      
E 0 14161     0     6              wears turban
E 0 14164     0    17              holds flute
M 0 14135     4 14118     4      
E 0 14161     0     6              wear