Sender  Vegeta~
Date    Wed Oct 24 21:55:52 2001~
Stamp   1003985771
Expire  1004590560
To      cell~
Subject huh~
What mob was that ?


Sender  Vegeta~
Date    Mon Feb  4 22:37:04 2002~
Stamp   1012891261
Expire  1013495840
To      all~
Subject A tournment~
The people of earth are holding a fighting tournmant this saturday at

noon (cst).  All may enter the elimination rounds though only 8 will

be allowed to go on to the finals.  The location will be reveled here sometime

before saturday.  This is everyones chance to show what they know so far and

to represent thier race to the best of thier ability.



Sender  Terraco~
Date    Fri Mar  1 00:59:25 2002~
Stamp   1014973283
Expire  1020157176
To      ALL~
Subject RP class~
Hey all

I am runing a RP class and would like all who want to know about RP and or how

to do it corectly send me a note personal and I will let you when the frist

class will be. I hope all who want the help or just a tune up signs up




Sender  Efrin~
Date    Tue Mar  5 04:34:08 2002~
Stamp   1015331761
Expire  1020515656
To      all~
Subject Requests~
Ok, here goes. It's illegal for IMM's to pump you up and

also for them to just hand out eq to you for nothing. 

Since this is clear, you should now know that it's also

against policy for you to ASK imm's for eq, stats, pl,

zenni, anything. If you want it, aquire it with your 

own two hands just like anyone else. If I get a report

of anyone asking an IMM for favors, there will be 

serious consequences... Don't test me on this one.




Sender  Efrin~
Date    Fri Mar  8 10:23:19 2002~
Stamp   1015611889
Expire  1020795819
To      all~
Subject Rules~
If you don't know them, read them. (help rules) Not knowing

the rules is NOT an excuse for not obeying them. Anyone

who breaks the rules will suffer the consequences. This is

not something up for debate, just something you should

know. Follow the rules and we'll have no problems.




Sender  Efrin~
Date    Mon Mar 11 04:28:34 2002~
Stamp   1015849897
Expire  1021033723
To      all~
Subject Respect~
Many of you know we have a hard-working staff here, we

keep the areas/quests/skills/other surprises coming at

you almost constantly. It's very disturbing to me that

I sign on this morning to find a note from one of my

hard-working staff members, that someone decided to

curse them out. Not a good idea.

Respect goes both ways here. A lot of the people that

are here may not realize it, but to be here is a PRIVELEDGE

and NOT A RIGHT. DO NOT violate the rules, and DO NOT 

let me catch any of you mouthing off to one of my


To those of you who have, you know who you are,.... I

suggest hiding under rocks and groveling at the feet

of whoever you offended with your harsh words. Or next

time I see you.... it won't be pretty.




Sender  Efrin~
Date    Tue Mar 12 04:59:06 2002~
Stamp   1015938006
Expire  1021121955
To      all~
Subject Story/History Boards~
In short... use them. On Stories give us accounts of all

the epic battles you have... and tell all about the strange

people you encounter.

Those of you who have been around longer than a day...

make up a bio for your char and post it on Histories so

we know a little more about you...




Sender  Goku~
Date    Tue Mar 12 19:50:14 2002~
Stamp   1015991510
Expire  1021175423
To      all~
Subject My absence~
Sorry ive been away for so long.

My computer hasnt been working right for a while.

So i couldnt get on.

Now its fixed not sure how long though.

Well im glad to be back.



Sender  Efrin~
Date    Thu Mar 14 04:51:17 2002~
Stamp   1016110436
Expire  1021294287
To      all~
Subject RULES~
Ok, apparently I have to lay this out for you.

Frost's note was out of line and Frost, you will be dealt

with the next time I see you. Anyone who posts a note like

this again will be sitebanned, no questions asked.

Do not promote any other muds/games on here. If I catch

anyone writing a note to people telling them to go play

somewhere else I will be seriously offended and the

consequences will be stiff.

I doubt very seriously that I need to go into any farther

detail about the Rules... at least I hope not. If you

can't at least show some sign of intellect while you're

here, then leave. 

"To play here is a priveledge, not a right." _Efrin




Sender  Tholetho~
Date    Thu Mar 14 12:44:13 2002~
Stamp   1016139159
Expire  1021322661
To      all~
Subject mobs~
Ok this is a warning for all you mortals, there the mobs are acting

a little haywire right now and they are able to power max, meaning they're

4 times stronger, as if that wasn't enough they're stornger

then they seem, so dont underestimate mobs and dont fight mobs 

u usually fought before, 

as matter of fact besides the small android id advise not 

fighting mobs at all for reimbursements will not be made.

We're having a little problem here so We'd also

appreaciate if if u would leave ur questions for later.


Sender  Tholetho~
Date    Mon Mar 18 14:55:42 2002~
Stamp   1016492241
Expire  1021676149
To      all~
Subject skills~
Ok, most immortals don't have the level to grant skills,

but those who can, will give it when they have the time or announce it,

please stop bothering the immortals for skills, don't ask, 

again they'll say when they have the time to give them out.


Sender  Efrin~
Date    Thu Mar 21 05:09:45 2002~
Stamp   1016716263
Expire  1021900193
To      all~
Subject New Area~
Ok people, the Holochamber is in. Go test it out... it

can/will be changed... give helpful criticism on a 

personal note to me. No flame notes. I like criticism,

but only if it's constructive.




*For those of you who can't explore... a dark figure near

Satan City will lead you to it*



Sender  Efrin~
Date    Fri Mar 22 05:04:40 2002~
Stamp   1016802748
Expire  1021986286
To      all~
Subject Concerns~
1st off, to Frost and all who are concerned with what

transpired. I'll start with an open apology, I'm sorry

for my seemingly overbearing ways. However, please note

that none of you are mind readers and don't know WHY 

Frost was targeted with such extremity. Yes, there was

a problem. Why didn't you write a note on personal or

IMM to Vegeta, Antor, Goku or myself and let us handle

it ? You, instead, decided to openly flame an IMM and

our staff... that is why I was harsh with you. I apologize

for not making it clear why I put you out there. There

wasn't any other reason other than that. If you want

to be handled reasonably... act reasonable.

The staff is undergoing changes... I am personally 

going to handle any problem ANYONE has with any member

of my staff. Please don't question them or yell at them

or write flame notes for everyone to see... that makes

newbies not want to stay. If you write a note to me

I will handle it and I will be fair. (Frost if you see

me I will come up with a fair compensation for your char.

and I have some things I'd like to discuss with you in

private if you like)

The main goal of any game is to have fun... obviously

this is our goal... to make a game where people have

fun... that's why I love running quests. But, despite

many efforts... it seems that you guys aren't having

fun... your voices are heard and you will notice a

change in the way things are done around here. Yes,

sometimes Immortals are wrong and have been known to

go on insane power trips. (anyone who does will be dealt


Please remember one thing, the Golden Rule. DO UNTO 


can't monitor and enforce RP 100% of the time, but we

can, and I think have, encourage it. I hope that anyone

who has a problem will come to me with it and we can

resolve these current affairs and get on with having


Everyone's voice is important to me. And if you write

a note, it will NOT be overlooked.




Sender  Videl~
Date    Sat Mar 23 07:46:43 2002~
Stamp   1016898504
Expire  1022082410
To      all~
Subject Holochamber~
Ok, regarding the holochamber stuff.  If you log out for

about 3-5 minutes (and no one else goes into the chamber)

then then when you log back on the computer should have

come back.  If not, log out for another 3-5 minutes.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon, but for now it it the

best way to get out or fight another hologram.




Sender  Efrin~
Date    Tue Mar 26 21:36:01 2002~
Stamp   1017207480
Expire  1022391374
To      all~
Subject Templars~
There is a new area going in... go find it, you won't be

told where it is. It's not completed yet, but I put it in

so you would have one more place to explore. This area

and another I've been working on will be done soon. So

get ready...

Also, avoid the holochamber for now. Not my fault, but 

it's causing things to crash.

That's all for now. Have fun guys... *if there's enough

people on, next time I sign on there will be a tourny*



Sender  Efrin~
Date    Wed Mar 27 04:27:42 2002~
Stamp   1017232123
Expire  1022416071
To      all~
Subject Templar's Hall~
Go and find it... the mobs have pls 500 mil and up...

warning though... they will fight you on sight... don't

wander in unless you're strong enough. There is a guard

at the door and everything... I will add more to it

later if need be, but for now, it's done.




Sender  Goku~
Date    Wed Mar 27 15:42:58 2002~
Stamp   1017272845
Expire  1022456589
To      all~
Subject Im leaving~
Sorry guys but Im leaving the mud.

To many Important things goin on right now.

Very soon i will be joining the army and going to college at westpoint.

Westpoint is a military college for officers

Ill miss the mud but maybe ill come back and visit.

So long everyone.



Sender  Terraco~
Date    Sun Mar 31 15:35:25 2002~
Stamp   1017618016
Expire  1022801854
To      all~
Subject AN RP~
Hey all


Here in a little bit when I can get morw imms together to help me there will

be an RP and when it starts the spharring shperes all over the game will be

CLOSED no if ands or buts about it.


Please be prepared for the RP we will let you know when it starts




Sender  Terraco~
Date    Sun Mar 31 18:59:47 2002~
Stamp   1017630052
Expire  1022814001
To      ALL~
Subject RE AN RP~
If you have any questions about the up coming RP please post them on the

genral board.




Sender  Terraco~
Date    Wed Apr  3 13:50:34 2002~
Stamp   1017870723
Expire  1023054648
To      all~
Subject new item~
Hey all


If you would like a large backpack to hold more stuff then you need to send

a tell to terraco. The backpack will cost you 300 zenni

and is NOT indistrucable




Sender  Cell~
Date    Sun Apr 14 09:37:23 2002~
Stamp   1018802697
Expire  1023986266
To      all~
Subject Roleplaying and future developments~
Hello all I am a recent addition to the Immortal staff, hired in part

to make your stay more enjoyable, now I was brought on to help 

with and design rp, and while I have many ideas the first thing i'd

like to do is hear what you'd like to see in the rp, I will do my very 

best to ensure roleplaying quality and enjoyment for those of you

tired of training. I have heard that there used to be rewards for 

good rp and I will see if this can be added also. I'd like to hear from

you about 3 things as I am planning on a new rp very soon.



1) What kind of rp would you like to have? i.e. questing for an item

fighting an enemy bent on destroying the world, or just fun little rp

for passing the time with unique areas and Imm assistance.


2) How long would you like this rp to last. i.e. hours, days, weeks? 

(heaven forbid)


3) If based on questing or fighting an enemy how difficult would you

like it to be, i.e. enemy power and skills and such, (though these

will be left completely up to the immortals we are open to suggestion.)


Thats all i can think of, any ideas that are constructive are welcome

please post your reply on the ideas board. Hope to hear from you

since the answer i recieve will determine my first rp design.


-Always Perfect Cell-


Sender  Gohan~
Date    Sat Apr 20 19:37:42 2002~
Stamp   1019356961
Expire  1024540669
To      all~
Subject job opportunity~
(note: the following is considered to be "IC". I'll post an explanation




You notice a sign in the window of the dojo located in Satan City:




{                                          }

{        !!!!!HELP WANTED!!!!!             } 

{    Grand Reopening of Satan City Dojo    }

{             in 2 weeks!                  }

{                                          }

{         Instructors Needed!              }

{   Teach The Young The Art Of Fighting!   }

{                                          }

{   Martial Arts Experience Necessary!     }

{         Keep Your Own Hours!             }

{          Competitive Wages!              }

{                                          }

{          Apply Inside Now!               }

{   All Applicants Will Be Interviewed!    }





Sender  Gohan~
Date    Sat Apr 20 19:43:02 2002~
Stamp   1019358117
Expire  1024540998
To      all~
Subject explanation~
heres what that last note was about. Here on DBA most of our RP

is based on fighting. however simply using 'code' (ie: fight commands)

tends to be rather boring. so in order to make RP fights more interesting

alot of the action takes place using emotes. (see 'help emote')

this style of RP/fighting isnt very difficult, but there are certain

'unwritten rules' set to it that keep it both fair as well as challenging

yet not everyone knows how to fight using emotes, and thats where this 

little experiment comes in. i want to hire 'instructors' to teach newbies

proper emote fighting. this will greatly enhance the quality of RP around

here i think. what 'instructors' will do is hold 'classes' that are 

designed to help teach basics involved. also, veterans can attend to polish

up on their skills too. since this will be considered a 'job' all 

'instructors' will be paid a weekly zenni 'salary'. what does it take to 

become an instructor? simply send a note to myself stating you desire to be

so, as well as noting your experience with emote fighting. interviews will

begin next week (i will be conducting them) and everyone who applies will 

be interviewed but that doesnt guarantee them a job. most likely i'll have

my staff by the end of next week and 'classes' can start the week after, 

but i guess that all depends on how many people apply, and how many like the 

idea. thats about it, just trying to make RP here a better experience. hafe fun.



Sender  MajinFred~
Date    Sun Apr 28 06:12:15 2002~
Stamp   1020000021
Expire  1025183561
To      all~
Subject House Building~
Hello all.



Requests for housing will be shut down for a while, due to the high demand

of house building and the number of builders currently working

on houses(*cough* 2).


Also, there are documents on the counter of the Satan City Realestate building

that should be read before making any requests.

It includes pricing and some restrictions. Also has a section for

apartments and their cost.


There will be an announcement made when the backlog is taken care of.


{CMajinFred{x :)


Sender  Gohan~
Date    Sun Apr 28 16:26:46 2002~
Stamp   1020036577
Expire  1025220415
To      all~
Subject New Helpfiles~
New helpfiles are in. Check out HELP: Roleplay, In character, Out of Character


Check em out. I hope to be adding/updating more in the future. Enjoy and

have fun!


Sender  Gohan~
Date    Sun Apr 28 16:29:58 2002~
Stamp   1020036776
Expire  1025220610
To      all~
Subject RP instructors~
Also, reguarding the RP instructor thing, I havent forgotten about it its just

that not very many people have responded. I'm going to extend the application

process by another week to see if that'll help. And also remind anyone who hasnt

to check out my earlier posts about it for info. Regardless, interviews will 

begin probably by mid next week.


Sender  Terraco~
Date    Tue May 14 11:51:56 2002~
Stamp   1021402714
Expire  1026586329
To      ALL~
Subject SKILLS~
All right people asking us to read your stories is just as bad as asking us for

skills and if I had my way I would put all who ask in the black hole for 5 mins

and I am sure most of the imms would agree becuse it gets annoying. We imms who

can give skills read your stories everyday, if you dont get the skill or some-

ing it is probly becuse you dont meet the requierments or your story just plan

e sucked, (excuse the bluntness) so please dont ask us to read stories or give

skills it will only land you in trouble.


1. 5 mins in the blackhole

2. and hour in the blackhole

3. 30 min freezing

4. 1 day freezing

5. temp banning

6. perm ban


please keep these in mind when it comes down to skills and stories the building

staff is working just as fast as it can to get things done and skill teachers in




Sender  Vedelite~
Date    Wed Jul 10 07:19:34 2002~
Stamp   1026310847
Expire  1031494784
To      all~
Subject New Rp Logs Website!~
Hey hey!

I have created a new site for all our Rp logs that you guys log.

If you would like to put one of your logs on our site e-mail me

at dbprodigious@yahoo.co.nz to get it posted. Please also visit

this site as for it has taken me a long time to make. Thanks!

The site is...




Thanks guys! From your man...


