************* TO DO *************
-convert kaioken, fly, etc to affect skills (done)
    -use automated skill code in skill_table
    -need a cancel command -to turn off affects "cancel flying"
-waterbreathing, swimming skill
-signal handling doesnt work (generates a huge text file) -removed, but should fix
-add in all the finishing moves
-change so can only pkill when you have a pkill flag (??)
-slain counter, for ppl recently killed (cant get pkilled again) (??)
-custom ki attacks
    -everyone can have one
    -have 'personal attack' skill
    -can change it...choose from attack type, colour, etc
-objects: need powerlevel themselves?
   -save powerlevel, but when loading convert it to difficulty
-corpse saving, so crashes dont screw anything up
-skill prerequisites, transformation prereqs to reflect the new game
-adjust skill damages -masenko needs to do more
-adjust skills functions to reflect new level of skills
   -ie scattershot does skill_lvl/2 attacks ... which is way too many now
-bug: mobs crashing has something to do with mob purge self?
-'grant' skill to give out stats -check all required prerequsites
-make better transformations
   -sanctuary-type thing for mystic?
   -regeneration for nameks?
-make perm_pl value, for the pl of the character before affects, to use in place of get_perm_pl
-new builder level, with only builder commands
-do_who -spacing in the race fields is off (too big for motals by 2 spaces on the left side)

-to test:
    -transdown should move to the previous transformation, not completely remove
    -damage_obj doesnt work when destroying containers and spilling contents
    -charging skills should make you learn more
    -consider broken
    -light attacks shouldnt gain as much as normal
    -all transformations, specfically bios evolving, android upgrades and saiyans rage & transform
    -falling objects
    -make a penalty for flee, to stop abuse of flee to prevent enemies charging attacks
      -take some off learning of skills and stats

// Unurgent
-explode while using kaioken and run out of energy?
-can choose your own colour of ki. so "you erupt in a blaze of ki" would be custom
-add replayability - limit to 1-2 skills of each, so not every one can be learned
    -each skill has a level, and only one skill of each level can be learned
-use text editor (ie OLC-type thing, string_append) for notes
-in change_pl, the stat subtracting is not perfect
-random items (prefixes/suffixes) OR load objs with a little fuzz on their stats, some have 10% more ac, some 50%!
-custom damage messages
    -finishing moves -final attack (etc) does some special message
-body parts that can be wore down and take away from actions
-something like the swr space system but without the weapons.  like if you buy a space capsule you can enter it and type go namek and youll go to the planet namek.

************ DONE ************
-teaching of skills! one player to another (teacher and student)
-change stats to new ones (remove con, add willpower)
-make each race have a definate advantage regarding stats, changing the bonuses for stats for eaces
   -transformation gains (small, constant gains. 10 str/dex for SSJ1, 20 for SSJ2, etc)
   -transformations will enhance each races main stats
   -Saiya-jin: strength, dexterity, low int, will
    Half-breed: little extra strength, dex, low int, will
    Human: high will
    Icer: high strength, low dex
    Namek: slightly higher strength, high will
    Android: higher int, will
    Bio-Android: high int, will, low dex, str
   -change bonus point for race stat gains
-skills -remove skill points field
   -add 'can train' field for skills that cant be trained ie fusion, transform
   -use this field to exclude certain skills, or show them differently, in do_skills
   -also use this in the bio-android transforms -upgrade everything. stats, skills (only those trainable), etc
-'reward' flag -bonus on learning skills, stat -stored as a timer
-better get_skill function. for mobs, look at prerequisites for the skill and base amount of that
-healing skills
-do all skills need check_killer in them? is it in the skill_driver?
-change "you continue charging your attack" and "you may now release your attack"
-regeneration skill doesnt release -all variables arent remove when SKILL_DELAYS arent used
-dont allow multiple regen affects
-kaioken is used in the top list -- make sure get_perm_pl is used, and it works
-cant power to 0 when exhausted (0 ki)
-check the "your target has left the room" code
-remove old skill helps
-pk flag -->> hostile flag
-when containers get destroyed, make contents spill out
-only gains for hits
-quest flag
-story board and history board
-change combat info
-somehow can get killed on snakeway after already being killed
    -mob apparently is in the room
    -can get killed multiple times w/ scattershot
    -this is hopefully fixed
-command to view all progs...mplist all (in current area)  -number, and first line
-eyegouge weird -will hit, but do no damage (misses):   CI:hit  [Yroc] 146 of 186 -vs- 1 of 0 [A large red adult T-rex]
-can get killed multiple times (use scattershot vs. a player)
-change pl to percent...settable from 0-100
-alter check improve to look at relative pls
-restrict pl gains more
-added world peace (wpeace) command
-if flying, can be swept
-make some command to remove players from the top_list
-more focused rage messages. ie, before ssj1, "$n's hair flashes blond quickly then turns back", ssj2 "$n's hair stiffens up"
-memchecking doesn't seem to be working
-kaioken, @ high pl, will knocked it down to zer0
    -because 50tril - 50tril = 0 -do a check for this in do_kaioken?
-larger delay for throat shot
-drowning underwater
-memleak snippet
-remove autoattack (being misused)
-show percent until next skill in skill function
-check if someone is already fused before fusing again
-check for fused characters in top_list stuff
-change hypernamek to 50 mil
-use counter istead for skills, instead of random number
-'help changes' and changes command
-change send_to_char to sendch(char *buf, CHAR_DATA *ch)
-finishing moves -toggleable
    -if on, and hp are greater than -13 (?) will mortally wound a player
    -if the hp are <= -13, then kill them (ie, thats the finishing)
-top 10 list of players, by pl
-top list should show 10
-fix damage message -doesnt show immunity messages
    -dodges attacks can show absorbtions messages (fixed?)
-mobs shouldnt power up immediatly
-affects are weird (kaioken)
-remove steal
-make ki loss for dodging
-gtell doesnt echo what was said to the user
-in change pl, if trains are lost and no points are remaining, deduct from perm stats
-have to hit enter after password -fixed!
-collect channels code into something simpler
-better motd/imotd -total removal?
-skill calculations still overflow -calculate pl as a percent first?
-better logging system, just append to the same files, something like: log (LOG_CRIT|LOG_ALL, "ahsbh %s", "blah");
   -bug, logfile, bugf, log_string are no longer needed
-remove multiple "load x mobprogs" @ startup
-start characters with autoexit, autoloot, etc
-rename executable. rom -> dbarena. change all applicable things!
-change all hit returns to {B[{x Hit return...  {B]{x
-increase tick rate, up ki/hp gains
-make it so kaioken can be used during combat
-check exhaustion for all functions (ie retreat, defend, stances)
-final all release works, kame all release doesn't
-check for 0, -'ve max hit/ki amounts, for mobs, in set, create mob
-didn't check limits when adjusting alignment (-1000 - 1000)
-automatic releasing of skills needs to do more damage
    -ki skills need to be more draining
    -can rapidly use "energy $s release" to gain pl
-bonus of train points, ki for new players -to help them get started
-less damage/hit/etc at low pl
    -make damage function dependent on multiplies
-stop gains at low pls
-no absorb messages
    -elbow, sweep miss, but still work
    -death message was "scratches you" for really high damage
-alter pl gains
-fix area command
-signal handling snippet
-in balance chaning code, only do messages if they lose balance (or go up) (ie, tripping over self if it goes down)
    -changed code based on if they are fighting or not
-maybe chance of gaining trains, (1-2) when skills go up?
    -when they kill things too
-who list
    -order by level (for imms) and play time (mortals)
    -only sorted by level, imms
-when a bio absorbs (kills) an android, show some "$n absorbs $N" message (within death function)
-slow down rate at which balance normalizes
-"check multi-link" function for characters logging on -check if imm is on with the same ip
-check code for turning on/off channels
    -should quit afterwards
-beautify who list
   -levels should be removed
-in score, stat: magic rating -> ki
-take out stat losses on death
-take out recall
-kill stealing code only applies to attack - general function for all things?
-"we are building" message needs to be taken down
-change help death
-alignment changing back in -see gain_exp?
-hitbonus for mobs doesnt work
-really low ki gains
    -check calculations for above base pl
    -they are okay
-formatting in group
-consider doesnt work
-take away stats loss for newbies (<5000 pl)
   -took away pl loss too
-message when you get knocked unconscious
-change range for gain pl to 20%
-in gain_pl for combat, using current pl
-remove skill points
-OOC channel
-pl gain calculations
-fly skill
    -prog thing to check if they are flying (ie for waterfalls)
    -toggle on/off
    -improve balance for flying vs not flying
    -less ki used when moving around
    -fix calculations in do_kaioken and get_perm_pl
    -cant use while transformed
    -prerequsite of 500k pl
-name command
    -check name scheme (saw some weird thing: goku + librom = gokulib<24>)
    -make fusion a learnable skill
    -how will link-dead (null descriptor) characters affect fusion?
    -what happens if link-dead when fusing, during fuse, or unfusing?
    -if controller disconnects, control is successfully swapped, except
     that the fuse pointer is now null, so the fused character no longer
     appear fused
    -if the fused character is disconnected no one can reconnect to him
    -combine desc->fuse, ch->fused and ch->slave_desc into one ch->slave_desc?
    -controller in fusion gets (and keeps) all eq
-add \n\r back in at password choosing prompt
-if a room is -'ve ki rate and chaos, if someone get knocked out, they'll never recover!
    -removed -'ve heal/ki rates
-nuke command (incinerate)
-freevnum doesnt show anything at the end of the first row, last column
-how balanced are (pl) gains?
    -if someone is 10% below you, no gains
-what newbies start with: nothing!
-how will naming working?
    -cant use prexisting DB names, or variations on them?
-look at skill gain calculations again
-each transformation should heal once per 5 ticks resting -use array
-damage message after someone gets bashed
-need to make addki command affected by wait
-make an automatic attacking thing for link deads in a fight (maybe use mob_ai?)
-use only chance of not seeing when blinded (cant fight back because you cant see!)
-get colours working
   -make sure code to check for multiplaying characters of those fused works -good
   -show fuse counter in score, affects, stat -good
   -add earned pl, hps, etc to chars after unfuse (ie add back some pl they gained) -good
   -fusion deducts some pl/hps/etc when unfusing -removed gains
   -make some command doable for the fuse-slave
   -accept command for fusing
-messages when your balance changes
-more messages for powerstruggles ($n is getting ahead of you!)
-need to be able to equip two earrings
-targetting for room attacks
-room death trigger, for when something dies
-death code
-yelling out messages for ki attacks: "KA-MA-HA-ME-HA!!!"
-mobs will attack after a charged attack
-skillprereq command to see skill data
-remove "miss" damage message when 0 damage is done (instead, show absorb message)
-all skill prereqs etc
-hedit create command -creates in help_new.are
-room flag ROOM_CHAOS -no death in rooms, just stun
    -IS DEAD!!! in ROOM_CHAOS should be removed
    -also, stun after unconscious, and sleep them
-on transform/revert, set pl to base -on revert set hp/ki to new min
    -transforming only heals once every 5 ticks of sleep
-blinding is too powerful
-ki disruption happens too often
-all of transformations
-in alist, expand the [builders] field to show more builders
-powerstruggles: <struggle person skill>
    -choose skill to use
    -addki command for powerstruggles : add in said amount of ki, increase charge time
    -colour for powerstruggle info
    -powerstruggle decision function should incorporate everything, but emphasize charge time (ki used)
    -add a 3-5s delay for addki commands
-rewrite sacrifice function for amount zenni given
-decrease accuracy of scattershot -- should be low
-(spell) check helps -remove -'ve signs where applicable
-mob gainskill mprog command, so players can learn a skill, ie "mob gainskill kamehameha $n"
-scouters: scan command, and limit the max pl they detect (based on objs PL)
-android upgrades
-extra ki drain for transformations
-better combatstat, score, etc displays
-ki attack disruption
-extra wear locations (tail, eye, ear, torso)
-rage builds up for ssj transformation. 1 rage for every hit that does
 damge over 5% total health. 25 ssj1, 50 j2, 75 j3, 100j4 (reset after
 each).  each tick has a 1 in 15 chance of lowering rage
-use do_score for do_mstat
-examine calculations for skill gains
-add in ac values, hit roll, dam roll
-kame <target> [release] to immediatly release attack
-make gain list work
-autosets for builders
-in oedit show, changed Power Level to PL to prevent confusion with command. 
 Also check formatting. Also check redit, medit, etc
-different syntax for skills (ie special beam cannon = sbc, energy beam and ball)
-pump up pl max, hp/ki max
-update skills that mobs have. ie they should all have hand to hand
-imm command to remove wait, (unwait) works like restore
-TARGET_HYBRID6 -for skills, ignore targets at level 6 and beyond, TARGET_CHAR_OFFENSIVE otherwise
-show hitbonus, kibonus in medit
-take majin race off of char selection but able to be set by the imms
-some kind of 3rd variable in combat. balance?
-determine values for combat things (ie attack strength, attack hit, ki attack, dodge, absorb) for each skill. ex attack strength = pl + stat + skill
-pl gain function for all attacks
-nameks dont need a sex
-take out creation points and groups
-skill level max back to 10
-look through all affects code. Change to work with pl, skill levels
-make train cost for increasing stats based on race
-give all armor and weapons duribility a duribility so that they can be broken (make it setable to 1500 and make it go down 1/100 of damage recieved. Needs to be added to medit.
-stat prereqs for skills
-make a delay for charging ki attack with a room echo that fits(ie kamehameha being charged would look like "blah cups his hands at his side and begins charging something" longer charge for more ki added)
-add in room/obj progs
-change currency to zenni (removed silver and gold, everything uses one base currency)
-remove some clan stuff (ie in pkill)
-gains in hp, mana, and stamina at certain pl's
-change mana and stamina to ki and energy (energy is now stamina)
-high_gravity flag for rooms that will triple pl gains in that room (going to be used for the time chamber only)
-food and drink replaces energy and ki
-items that can only be used after reaching a certain pl