Sender  Dakota~
Date    Fri Jul  5 06:12:57 2002~
Stamp   1025874817
Expire  1036242782
To      all~
Subject Dakota's History~
A Saiyan warrior emerged from the shadows whom no one had ever

seen.  His past cloudy and his persona even more mysterious

Growing up on the Planet Vegeta he lived a life of peace and

Harmony....Only one knows what happened to his life

Only one knows what he searches for on planet Earth

Only one person knows that he searches his {B|-{Y> {CF{cate #Y<#B-|


Sender  Dakota~
Date    Fri Jul  5 06:14:00 2002~
Stamp   1025874885
Expire  1036242845
To      all~
Subject Typo~
supposed to be {B|-{Y> {CF{cate {Y<{B-|

sorry bout that


Sender  Iann~
Date    Tue Jul  9 19:27:27 2002~
Stamp   1026268837
Expire  1036636057
To      all~
Subject Iann gets Deathball :)~
While being trained by his now incredibly strong

father thaur, he also picked up on a few techniques.

Mostly just some physical fakes and combos.

But he also leanred the basics to the skill

that is the pride toe very powerful Icer,

Death Ball.


Iann trained and trained his energy manipulation,

increased the flow of energy through him, his

accuracy and power with all his ki techniques

improved. He always tried to perform Death Ball.

But he could never contain the energy, it always

burst apart.

burst apart.


One day, after another intense training session,

He was gettin fed up with not being able to complete

the technique. He began to gather the energy at his

finger tip. He pulled all the energy from his body

and put it into the ball, but soon, the energy

began to slip once more. He concentrated with

all his might, every thought bent on containing

the energy. His muscles tightened, veins throbbed.

His vision began to flash black. But he kept

going, he wasnt going to let it fail again.


Not much more time passed before he felt it,

all the energy was in place. He glanced

up at his hand, and saw the monsturous sphere

of energy, dark black with gold ripples.

He grimaced as he brought his arm down, the

bal following his finger, he looked up,

took aim at one of the moons orbitin the

planet he was on, and let it loose.


The ball moved towards the moon,

not with great speed or great lack of

speed, but at a steady pace. The ball

crashed into it, obliterating the small satelite

and the explosion sent a shockwave down to

the planet, knocking Iann out of the air.

Thuroughly exhausted, he looked up at the

sparkles of broken rock that was once that moon.


He grinned, blood dripped from his lip,

but he didnt care, he had carried out the skill

that would annihlate planets, Thaur would be pleased.




Sender  Zaoden~
Date    Fri Jul 19 10:53:34 2002~
Stamp   1027102684
Expire  1037469245
To      all~
Subject A Brief History of Zaoden~
I am Zaoden, Zaoden Tatsu. I write this short and to-the-point autobiographical

bio of myself so that any confusion by people who have met the "alternate"

Zaodens in the past may be cleared up.


I am a human magic and ki user, and thanks to my magic I remain forever

youthful, about 22 years old physically but a lot longer than that in reality.

I was born about 20 years before the 21st Tenkachi Budokai, where a great

future hero, Son Goku, first was seen by the public at large. Even

though he kept a low profile except in those Tenkachi Budokais and the Cell

Game, I still managed to keep myself up-to-date on his activities. It still

boggles my mind that he played a part in saving Earth many times and yet

almost everyone on the planet didn't know of his accomplishments.

Still, it was his choice to not be in the spotlight, and it may

even have been a wise decision considering how annoying media can

get sometimes.


Now, why have other Zaodens been out and about? Well, here's why.

About 25 years ago, I was attempting to create a magic technique similar to

the Shishin no Ken that Tenshinhan pioneered. However, something went awry.

Instead of doing a splitform, the magic technique made a COPY of me,

and that copy got a lot of fake memories and none of the real ones

for some reason I have never been able to figure out. He also

got cursed as a side effect with horrendously bad luck as well as random

loss of Battle Power. Eventually the bad luck not only got him killed,

but his spirit in the afterlife was also killed when he accidentally

stumbled into hell, and so he is gone for good. Now only I remain, the original.

All copies of himself that he may have made have been killed in the afterlife

one way or another, so they are dead permanently for good as well.


I am a good person, and even though I haven't really conducted much training in

the past, I have decided to change that. After all, I can't just ignore the evil

and/or insane and/or psychopaths that gallavant around Earth doing random

acts of mass destruction, can I? I want to help out in the eternal struggle

between light and dark.




Sender  Siddhartha~
Date    Thu Jul 25 16:59:28 2002~
Stamp   1027641892
Expire  1038009588
To      all~
Subject The History of Siddhartha (Part 1)~
Siddhartha left Namek with an attitude much like every other Namekian...

to bring good to the universe.

He has been trained under the great Namekian, Mjorn,

to spread his wonderfull powers of healing to the lesser races.

Upon his arrival to earth, he is awestruck and filled with wonder at the beauty

( though not as great a beauty as Namek, itself) of the planet.


Sender  Deisle~
Date    Tue Jul 30 22:26:10 2002~
Stamp   1028094230
Expire  1038461180
To      all~
Subject exile 4 con~
{light started comeing from the rumble."What's that light?"the big soldier

{Wasked the small one

{DI'm not sur......."{W.The light grew brightier and there was an huge 

{Wexlodion of energy.When the two soldiers looked at the place where the 

{Wlight had beenthey saw Deislestanding there.His uniform was ripped and tore

{Whe had blood coming fromhis mouth and over his right eye.The soldiers 

{Wcouldn't believe thier eyes.Deislesaid"{R You guys almost got me,maybe if 

{Ryou'd both would have attacked with your ki you'd might have killed me but

{Rnow you're dead"{WThe small soldier said{D"Big talk from someone who looks 

{Dlike they'er on deaths door."{W"You're no match for the two of us said the 

{Wbig soldier.{R"Believe that if you'd like,but I have something to show you.

{WWith that Deisle tensed up and his hair began to raise up.He yelled as his 

{Whair turned a golen color,his eye became green,and a bright golden aura 

{W surrounded him.


Sender  Voral~
Date    Sat Aug  3 08:32:28 2002~
Stamp   1028389207
Expire  1038756759
To      all~
Subject The History of Voral~
Voral was born in a low class neighborhood on the outskirts of

Satan City.  His father was a Coal Miner, and his Mother a

Home Maker.  Voral never really got any attention with five

other siblings.  They managed to survive till his father lost

his job.  At the age of 8, Voral was walking down his street

when a gang of thugs approched him.  Voral was getting beat up

until something triggered a hidden rage inside him.  He let out

a scream of rage as he began to glow, the sudden shockwave of energy

sent the gang flying.  The gang got up and ran away.  Voral picked

himself up and started to look at his hands.  Now 17, Voral has

been trying to tap back into his hidden strength, training heavly.


Now he leaves the poor neighborhood he grew up in and walks towards

the ever busy Satan City, Looking to untap his hidden potential.


Sender  Rathall~
Date    Sat Aug  3 21:03:23 2002~
Stamp   1028435610
Expire  1038801868
To      all~
Subject A sudden blow, and a new Spike hair doo.~
Rathall was walking upon the great steps of a unknown tournement within his mind

they seemed to spiral endlessly into the clouds, as he ran it seemed to move

further away. The light at the end called to him as a voice clear as day spoke


Rathall, my son... So long we have waited, a final gift we have braught.


the voice was angelic and yet soothing. Rathall spoke in his mind.


'Mother? Is that you? But you are dead... It can't be, unless I am...


Rathall gasped as he thought, and yet he remembered that he never had a mother

he had escaped from that cloning factory and raised himself on nature

this voice was somthing else, but the joy of hearing it made him

run faster to see what it was,  as he climbed he finnaly reached

the top. Rathall stood at a great Temple, it spiraled in a bone structure

and it was bleached with blood, he saw 3 Cell like creatures destroying

and mangling all around them, inocent lives were lost

one of the Bio-androids looked at him and spoke.


Vile Saiyjin, you shall parish in this massacre also!


Rathall clenched his teeth and went SSJ, he quikly began to attack.

Swirling mists were forming from all the action and then blown away by

speed and fists. The land was shaking and Debris was floating everywhere.

some of the Debris was being lifted by the Bio androids and thrown at him

Rathall dodged them but one, it knocked him through the tower

and into a large mountain, quikly turning him back to normal form

the rock rolled of of Rathall, as he plumeted to the ground

as he hit he rolled down another small hill and into a river

floating on his back he regained his vision and stood up

looking all around he saw nothing but green trees with sun light peircing

the branches, then he thaught...


I will never be good enough, no matter what...


then a rage formed within him, a burning sharp pain, he jolted and stepped back

he no longer cared and yet his power was growing, he was at the tip

of his training after all, and thought he would never get any stronger

Ki surrounded him and this time, the lands shook and trees up-rooted

his hair was sharpining, becoming bigger and more golden

what was this strange happening, then he knew... it was what they spoke of

the fighters of earth had said that long ago a trainer told a story

of a man who became suddenly so strong that his hair turned golden

and then they went on about how after many years, his hair had become

spiked and much more golden, they said this was a Sayjin that had acended

to their prehistoric nature, emotionless and so powerful

Rathall always wanted this and yet after years of training nothing!

and now rathall couldn't take it any longer, his aura gre and grew

consuming everything in sight, he flew up with a golden streak

following him, he had ascended to this SSJ2 he had become a new beign.


the Bio-androids were still destroying, Rathall landed near one of them 

the Bio android looked back and spoke.


You again, what do you want this time? A crack pipe? Some steroids perhaps?


the droid chukled and then kicked at Rathall's head

Rathall was gone as the kick missed, not even he could be seen moving

he snaped at the Bio's neck with a palm and it jolted it's head clean off

then he vaporized it with a blast of Ki to nothing not even a cell

the other 2 saw Rathall and rushed over to stop him

but he disappeared and reappeared behind them, elbowing them into the ground

then he blasted them with more Ki vaporizing one of them

the third android was still somewhat alive, Ratahll picked it up

and brought it down on his knee, then throwing it into the air

he rushes up spiraling through the body of the Bio-android

while releasing a giant Ki blast


while releasing a giant Ki blast



A large beam vaporized the remains of the Android and Rathall smiled

as he reverted back to normal, he landed and simply began to walk

but what about his dream?


(my own skill Flare Star, i wish to somday have it)


Rathall. is now SSJ2


Sender  Nesoiak~
Date    Tue Aug  6 22:25:40 2002~
Stamp   1028698864
Expire  1039065950
To      all~
Subject Nesoiak's History~
His brother died on planet arlia. An evil warlord sent his workers  

to pirate the planet Arlia and destroy all life from this planet. 

These workers were known as the race called Saiyans. Nesoiak's 

parents, Chiashi the Earthling, brought up on planet Vegeta, and 

father Commander Kinral the Saiyan. They escaped from Planet 

Vegeta and hid on the planet Arlia and had Nesoiak and Neshriok The 

Saiyans arrived on planet Arlia and came across Nesoiak and his 

family.. Chiashi and Kinral tried to defend there kids but they 

were killed almost instantly. Nesoiak refused to give up his life 

so he began to back off crying. Neshriak flew towards the Oozaru 

Saiyans and was instantly crushed. Nesoiak stood there, with tears 

in his eyes. He then hid in a cave to the south of his dead 

family. The Saiyans passed, thinking all life was gone, Nesoiak 

came out of the cave, and walked towards his brother. He fell to 

his knees crying, whilst punching the floor shout no, no, no! His 

veins started to pulsate like mad, his blood pressure rose and his 

anger exploded and his hair started flashing yellow. He under went 

the transformation of Super Saiyan. Two months passed and Nesoiak 

set his fathers Saiyan pod towards the home planet of his mother, 

Earth. Now on Earth, he is always alert towards others, but is 

Surprisingly friendly and cocky. He is trained by a wise and 

friendly Namek, Waylander. Waylander is his protector, his most 

loyal and best friend. Also he now lives with a trainer Vel. When 

Nesoiak crash landed on Earth from his Pod, almost wiping all 

memory of what happened, Waylander found him and took him into his 

care. Nesoiak is now growing up, and is very loyal towards his 

protector and trainers.


-(Hope you enjoyed! :) -Nessy.)


Sender  Jojubi~
Date    Sat Aug 31 23:36:49 2002~
Stamp   1030862251
Expire  1041230227
To      Quest all~
Subject I would like to join the quest~

Sender  Jojubi~
Date    Sun Sep  1 01:03:11 2002~
Stamp   1030867422
Expire  1041235411
To      Quest all~
Subject Joining~
I would like to be part of the RP quest.


Sender  Tarion~
Date    Mon Sep 16 19:16:42 2002~
Stamp   1032229113
Expire  1042597009
To      all~
Subject Tarion's Origins~
Clenching his fists as he writhes in misery, the battle weary Namek
stares down his opponent. The smooth glistening flesh of the evil
creature wasn't even scratched. Trembling with anxiety and frustration
Tarious refocuses his thoughts and calls out to his foe.
"I won't let you toy with me monster... so you might as well end
 this now."
Chuckling to himself the android known as Koa flies slightly closer
to Tarious looking at him as if he were fascinated with him.
"You won't... l.e.t... me do anything to you ?" Now laughing even
 harder. "You won't let .ME. do anything to y.o.u... ?! You speak as
 though you had any control over what happens. Don't you realize that
 I am the supreme being in all the universe. All that happens or will
 be must first have my approval... silly creature."
"Enough of this... you'll die monster !"
The abrupt battle was as a grain of sand in time. With a quick flick 
of his wrist the monster Koa rendered his opponent uncoincious and
helpless. Back in his lab he toiled endlessly... trying to devise new
methods of torture as he tried to corrupt the Namek's mind with his
robotic devices. Tarious, barely alive, held on to his thoughts, 
with each moment longing for death, and yet still realizing that the
monster had not yet won... at least not completely.
Days that lasted for years passed until Koa sensed a high powerlevel
nearby. Frustrated with the stubborn Namek, and excited to earn his
new play-thing, Koa struck off into the distance, leaving his failed
experiment behind.
Unable to move and barely alive Tarious laid on the table... it would
have ended there if it had not been for a strange course of events.
An earthquake rumbled across the mountain-side... spilling all sorts
of mechanical devices, dna jars and even Tarious onto the floor. 
Namekian blood fused with dna from every race of creature throughout 
the universe. The regeneration process speeding up as Saiyan enzimes
coursed throughout Tarious' body. 
He had regained some strength when he realized that the brash robot 
had been more successful that he thought... the mind-control devices
were beggining to take their toll on the Namek's mind.
Gathering as much energy as he could muster... Traious pushed his 
entire essence into a single egg... expelling it from his body, hoping
that at least in some way, he could continue on... perhaps even one
day returning to slay Koa. So weak from the process of the torture...
Tarious didn't notice the microbodies that traveled with the egg.
Months... then years passed as the egg lay in the overgrown forest 
jut outside Koa's lab. Then it happened... the shell broke and from
it stepped a curious creature. Obviously not a Namek, the creature
of fortune looked about at his surroundings. Amazingly intelligent
and feeling quite hungry he set out looking for some food.
Flying high above the Earth, thoughts of a great battle and images of
a strange creature flashed in his head. Not sure what it all means or
how to sort it all out, he heads off in no general direction... the
only possesion he has is the memory of his name... Tarion.  
(submitted by Tarion)
(feedback on personal board about my stories/histories would be great)