Sender  Malenstro~
Date    Thu Jul  4 17:15:34 2002~
Stamp   1025828746
Expire  1036196175
To      all~
Subject The coming of Malenstro~

Chapter 1, Page 2 on the Beginning of Malenstro

A large grey room in a dark and foreboding structure. There are several large

green pods on the northern wall. They are filled with a swirling green energy.

On the western wall appear to be 4 large generators. They are hooked up to 

the pods. The eastern wall contains a staircase that goes up and several shelves

filled with beakers, vials, and what appear to be (power tools?). There are

three men in labratory coats watching the pods with great interest.


Technician #5 states, "The energy we have injected appears to be working so

far. The birthing stage is well under development and if it keeps growing at

this speed we shall be well within General Lucas's timetable."

"I agree, said Techician #3, but where did such an abundance of energy come


Techician #1 replied, "A long time ago there was a massive blast of energy 

in Satan City. We aren't totally sure of what happened but those we are 

hunting for had apparently killed something very strong. There was residual

energy all over the city for days. Lights flickering, machines coming to life,

and several cases of normal household droids going berserk. We are still

researching what happened but we were able to gather several large amounts of 

energy. Which is why we are able to power this thing."


"I see." replied Technician #3. *The three men turn back to watching the

green pods. We are still unsure of what is to come but it does seem that it

won't be human*



Sender  Armorine~
Date    Thu Jul  4 17:24:13 2002~
Stamp   1025829353
Expire  1036196664
To      imms all~
Subject solar flare~
One day about 6 years back i was playing with a human friend

in the cliffs,and we were blinded by a flash of light.I being a

saiya-jin turned into an Ozaru.Before i knew it i was back to my normal

state.The next day i was looking back talking to my friend and notice

my tail was missing.I asked her where my tail went and she said she 

pulled it out.

That day i went back to the cliffs and a kid a little younger

than me was lying there.

I started to look around and noticed a crater in the ground.

I looked in the crater and a circuler object was sitting there

glowing brightly.I walked down the crater and touched the light.

I felt a jult go through my body.About 3 hours later i awoke and

looked my self over.


Years later i was summoned by the EFS to fight cell.In the battle

i unleashed an orb of pure light blinding everyone in the area.

When i asked what that was Vegeta said i used a move like that

to turn into an Ozaru.IT was called solar flare.


   yours truley



Sender  Zierk~
Date    Thu Jul  4 19:59:08 2002~
Stamp   1025839038
Expire  1036205961
To      all~
Subject Aftermath~
After the battle with Evil Malenstro 1, the Welcome Area was left 

in ruins. There was no movement on the battlefield, then a faint breath

could be herd from under a small mound of rubble. Raising his hand high, and

breaking free from the mound's tight grasp, Zierk stood up for the first time.

His hair still long and golden, the {D({RM{D){x no longer on his forehead. His 

clothes were torn in many places and missing in a few. Another noise was herd

in the distance. It was Kahless, he was also in bad condition, and his clothes

were torn bad as well. Zierk says, "Hey, so your up too." Kahless returned, 

"Yeah. But is Malenstro dead for good this time?" Neither were sure if they 

finally killed Malenstro for good. Zierk stated "I do not think Malenstro 

is alive anymore, I cannot sense his energy anywhere." Kahless answered, 

"Agreed. But just incase, we should probally head out and heal, then 

investigate." So both Zierk and Kahless flew off together, leaving the 

ruined Welcome Area. But is Malenstro really dead??


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Thu Jul  4 21:57:01 2002~
Stamp   1025845290
Expire  1036213084
To      all~
Subject Re: Armorine : Solar Flare~
Just so you know, we got an imm named Vegeta so saying that you

faught cell and you talked to vegeta is probally not the way to go.

The cell games have already taken place on this mud and there should

not be any RP's exactly like from DB/DBZ/DBGT. Like fighting Cell, which

is another imm here. Just on a further note for those who will probally ask,

Solar Flare does not make a Saiyan go Oozaru.



Sender  Kid~
Date    Thu Jul  4 22:02:00 2002~
Stamp   1025846910
Expire  1036213334
To      all~
Subject A time without fighting~
Kid's brow furrowed in frustration. He had faced several great challanges in his

lifetime but nothing in all of his training had prepared him for something like 

this. Beads of sweat began to roll down his face and he forced himself to 



{W"Alright Kid,"{x he thought to himself, {W"You can do this....Show no fear."{x


He took several deep breaths and prepared himself for battle.....


{W"Now!!"{x he shouted ans he made his move.


He reached down and grabbed the small black checker piece and moved it over 

several of the red pieces. He sat back with a smirk on his face.


{W"Take that! There's no way you can in after an attack like that!"{x

He said, looking smugly at his opponent, an 8 year old girl called Kitty. 


Kitty looked at him with innocent eyes. Then she grabbed her red checker and

proceeded to jump over every single piece Kid had on the board. 


{M"Looks like I win again Mr. Kid"{x she said, smiling at him.


Kid stared at the checkerboard in disbelief, {W"Again!!? But thats 7 times 

now!"{x he buried his face in his hands.


{M"Mr. Kid?"{x Kitty asked, hopping down from the table. 


{W"hmmmm?"{x Kid asked, not looking up.


{M"I dont think you're very good at this. Maybe we should stop.{x


Kid looked up and nodded, {W"Ya know, I think you're right Kitty."{x


From across the park, Kitty's mother called for her. {M"I have to go

now Mr. Kid, but you keep practicing okay?"{x


Kid nodded again. {W"I'll try"{x 


The girl left, and Kid stared at the checkerboard and sighed. How long

had it been since peace finally settled over Satan City? How long had it

been since he'd seen any of his friends? 


{W"I hardly even keep up with my training anymore..."{x he whispered to

himself. This is what he had always wanted, a world free of terror, a 

world without battles. So why was he feeling so......restless?


Kid looked up at the sky from his seat. For weeks now he had been visiting

the park, playing checkers with whoever had the time. He usually lost, but 

it was fun, and it was someting to do. 


{W"No need to be restless. There's plenty to do in a peaceful world...so stop

complaining so much. At least its better than fighting."{x


An old man came and sat at the table. Kid cracked his knuckles, he had lost to 

this guys 10 times in the past 2 days. 


{W"Maybe I'll get lucky this time eh, Mr Aioshi?"{x


{G"Doubtful Kid, very doubtful."{x the old man answered as he began to set up 

the checkers. Kid smiled as he thought to himself, 


{W"Ah well, I may never be good at checkers, but at least thats the biggest of 

my problems right now... in these peaceful times....."{x


Sender  Malenstro~
Date    Sat Jul  6 02:37:17 2002~
Stamp   1025948890
Expire  1036316247
To      all~
Subject The coming of Malenstro~
*The Beginning*


Chapter 1, Page 3

*When we last saw this room it was darkened with 3 glowing green pods.*

The room is filled with a loud humming noise, the pods are pulsing very

quickly.There is a slight vibration moving throughout the room. There

are 5 techician present. They watch the pods with great interest.

General Lucas is also present. He too watches the pods a mixture of greed

and of anger mark his face as he watches. He barks out over the

noise, "How much longer until larval stage is complete?" 2 weeks general

a Techician was heard to murmer. The General nods to all and begins

walking up the flight of stairs.


The machines begin to pulse violently, flickering almost and then the

pods die out and the Techicians whisper urgently. We must have more power

if we are ever to get this thing past it's first stage. We have more power

Yes, but we aren't sure what would happen should we introduce the chip

to this thing. It will be very deadly as it is. Yes but only if we have

the power to finish the last stage.


The technicians begin poring over several charts. Technician #3 looks up

suddenly and says, "I can see no alternative. We introduce the chip

into the matrix at 0600 tomorrow."


Technicians mutter their assent and as they do one of them begins opening

a small black case. A lock clicks and it is open. Inside is a small

silvery computer chip. It has blackened wiring and what seem to be

blood stains. There are several burnt sides to the chip.


"0600 Tomorrow gentlemen." Said techician #4


*Fade to black*

*Fade to black*


*Inside a green pod a mottled brown plate moves. It lifts up slightly to

reveal a light blue eye. It moves once, all it sees are 5 men going up

a wide dull staircase. The eye closes again and the room turns black*


Sender  Malenstro~
Date    Sat Jul  6 07:08:31 2002~
Stamp   1025965282
Expire  1036332520
To      all~
Subject The coming of Malenstro~

Chapter 1, Page 4


It is 0600 hours at Exile air force base. Most of the soldiers on base are

asleep. There are in fact only 6 people awake right now. 5 Technicians

and 1 General. The General has been preparing his clothing. He has polished

his shoes, pressed his uniform, and starched his tie. I can smell the lingering

odors on him. The techicians smell mostly of sweat. Fear, Trepidation.

It amuses me...us...they have put the chip into me..we are no longer sure

who we are. It is unpleasant. I plan on slaughtering them all for this.


They had no idea what they did when they put that chip into my matrix.

Neither do we. We hope we will not pay for their folly. *Chuckle*

They expect me to awaken. I suppose I will sooner or later. But for now

let them fear the General, they will learn I am far more terrifying soon

enough. My other has left... I can speak freely. Good this is my story.


I am a weapon for Exile Base. My programming is to examine possible

energy sources for danger, they recently became aware of people with

the ability to control surrounding energy and use it for devastating

effect. I was built to seek these people out, I am to determine if they

are a threat. Should they prove so I am programmed to kill them.


Sadly enough this project was started years ago. I was aware then i think

but funding was cut. They only recently restarted me. Which is why I have been

aware the entire time, I was mostly complete before. I could have

woken much sooner but I could smell the "chip

I knew it's power would increase my own greatly and I knew if i waited

they would eventually give it to me, to try and force me to complete my

growth. Fools. At any rate. Our...my...other is back...allows us to

masters did not know that energy exists in all living things.


We are strong...but we lack power... we shall take their commands

until we have become strong enough to take what is ours. For we are



Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sat Jul  6 08:11:00 2002~
Stamp   1025969378
Expire  1036336265
To      all~
Subject Spirit Bomb~
During the time between the fight with the Crimson Guards and

the fight with Evil Malenstro, Zierk faught an enemy named Cyrus. He had

unimaginable power. He was an Icer looking to avenge his fathers death by

coming to 3rd Earth. Zierk was the first to fight this Icer. They faught 

for hours and hours. They took there battle from high in the sky to the 

far depths of the Giant Lake. Cyrus transformed into a form past Frieza's

final form. Zierk transformed into an Accended Saiyan. Eventually the battle

came to and end. Syrus created a huge ball of energy in the sky, naming it 

'The Planet Crusher Ball'. He threw this huge ball at Zierk intending to destroy

him and the planet as well. Zierk attempted to block the attack by deflecting

it out of the planet's athomasphere. But as he quickly found out, the ball was

much stronger than him. Out of nowhere a much smaller energy attack came soaring

in from above. It hit Syrus' attack dead on. The planet crusher ball absorbed

the attack from above and began to emplode. Thus giving Zierk the chance to 

deflect it out of the planets way. Successfully deflecting the attack, Zierk 

looked in the sky and no one was there, but someone was fighting Syrus. They

looked like a Human and Saiyan, which one it was was unknown. Zierk stayed out

of the fight with Syrus and the new fighter. He decided to try a similar attack

to Syrus' Crusher Ball. He raisesd his hands high and gathered energy... 

Slowly a ball of energy began to form in the sky. Zierk screamed, 'Planet 

Crusher Ball!!!!'

Then he threw his hands at Syrus and the ball in the sky began to move slowly

but smartly towards Syrus. Syrus chuckled at Zierk until he saw his own 

shadow on the ground. The fighter fighting Syrus powered up and flew out of the

way, leaving Syrus to defend against the attack. Syrus soared high in the air 

in attempt to dodge, but Zierk threw his hands at Syrus once again and the

ball pulled up barly grazing the Earth's surface. It moved very powerfully at 

Cyrus. Cyrus was hit by Zierk's attack and was stuck on the ball as it soared 

into space. Zierk looked around for the fighter that helped him, or mabye the 

fighter knew Cyrus and was not helping Zierk. 


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sat Jul  6 08:30:52 2002~
Stamp   1025969487
Expire  1036337462
To      all~
Subject spirit bomb typo~
Sorry, i have an alt named Syrus and put his name a few times, the villan is 



Sender  Firesbane~
Date    Sat Jul  6 08:40:17 2002~
Stamp   1025970145
Expire  1036338030
To      All~
Subject Rise of the Saiya-jin~
The man looked around the cell quietly, a tray of half 

eaten 'food' on the cot beside him. He listened quietly,

 as he heard footsteps approaching down the hallway. Two 

peop...no...three people were approaching. He knew the 

first two were the ever present guards, but who was this

 third person, who walked down the hallway so quietly? 

The footsteps stopped outside his cell. "Move to the back,

 prisoner!" one of the guards yelled through the bars. He

 obliged. He didn't fight much, after he had been captured.

 The door slowly opened, and a slight young girl walked in.

 "You. You are Ceryn, no?" The man looked her over. She 

didn't look like much, but her physique told him that she

 was a fighter. He gave her an appraising look, and nodded.

  "Yes, who is asking?" She punched him in the stomache, and

he doubled over. She leaned over and whispered in his ear.

 "I vill ask the questions, prisoner." She drew back, and only

 he  saw the quick wink she gave him. He suddenly realized, and

 realized who she was. He barely constrained a gasp. The people

 who captured him had been drugging him for months. He had

 forgotten most everything about his old life, and that was 

obviously the purpose. The girl  turned. "You men must leave.

 Vat is said is for my ears, and ze ears of Tompson only. You 

 may leave." The guards looked happy; This woman was difficult. 

They walked away, and they both waited while the footsteps receded

 down the hallway. He heared the click of the door in the hallway

 closing, and nodded to the girl, showing that they could talk

 now. "Ceryn!" She said, throwing her arms around his shoulders.

 She planted a kiss on his lips, and then smiled. "Siph...what...

why...Oh gods, I didn't even recognize you!" He wrapped his arms 

around her,  and lifted her up. She grinned, and removed a wig. 

Then she wiped some of the makeup off her face. "Gosh, Ceryn, it 

hasn't been THAT long...only two weeks...You really didn't 

recognize me?" He gaped. "IT'S ONLY BEEN TWO WEEKS? Gods, I 

thought I'd been here for two months, at the least..." She shook

 her head. "I see, they've been drugging you. Well, here, take

 one of these. I can see you're pretty beat up." She handed him 

a Senzu bean. "Corrin...he's ok? And Jager, and Serge?" She shook

 her head. "Corrin is fine, we saved the tower. Jager...well, he

 wanted to come, but even Senzu beans dont heal a warped mind. He 

was pretty shook up when... Well, Serge...he died, Ceryn." Ceryn 

shook his head, hardly believing it. "I...well, I...I never thought

 that overconfidant punk would die! It...Gods. Lets get out of here."

 He  popped the bean into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. He felt 

a surge of energy flood through is body. "Ah...Ahhh.....Arrrhhhh!" 

He stood, strong and proud. A full powered man again. He heard the

 guards running through the hallway. Good, he needed some exercise.

 He took the first one down with a quick punch to the face. The 

mans nose was driven into his brains, and he was dead instantly.

 Ceryn glanced at the other one, who was stunned at the amount of

 blood on his comrades white shirt. He cupped his hands off to the

 side, and said "Ka...Me....Ha.....Me....HAAAAA!" and launched a

 blast of energy through the mans stomache. The man looked at him

 in surprise, then down at his stomache, where a gaping hole of

 charred flesh was. He glanced back up, and fell in a bloody mist.

 Siph looked at him, then fell in line behind him, a scared look

 in her eyes. He was Power at its fullest. Never before had he 

been this malicious or strong. She shuddered, and a door opened in

 front of them. A large man walked through, smiling. "Ah, Ceryn...

So you've reached your full strength again. Good. Now I can fight 

you fairly." Ceryn gasped. This man was his father, thought to be 

dead long ago...


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sat Jul  6 14:44:37 2002~
Stamp   1025992403
Expire  1036359886
To      all~
Subject Evil Again?~
Sometime after the battle with Malenstro, Zierk had completly healed

all his wounds, and can become the 'Golden Fighter' at will. Then one day

while picking off Icers on there own ship, he ran into a Saiyan in need.

Being the kind hearted guy he was, he decided to help him defeat an Icer

giving him problems. The Saiyan expressed his gratitude and followed Zierk

around for a while. As they were leaving the ship there was a 'M' painted on

the wall above a door. A quick flashback came to Zierk. He saw images of

Thaur and Ace. Kahless was there as well, and Jayden was fighting. All this

at the Welcome Area. "Whats happening to Zierk?"  " I don't know." "What is

he doing to him?"  "Zierk, fight it. Fight it, don't let it control you."

All these voices were herd in the flashback. "Zierk? Zierk?" Dizzy and dazed

Zierk came out of his flashback. "Oh, sorry." he said. The Saiyan replyed,

"What happened? Are you ok?" Zierk agreed and took the Saiyan off the ship.

Zierk returned to the Welcome Area by taking a transport ship there. Then

another flashback occured. "AAARRRRGGGGGGGGG!!!!" Zierk looks over himself

with a cocky look. "Yes. A new Saiyan is born, a new breed of Saiyan has 

will rule the world! I Zierk, will kill you all.." "Zierk! What happened to 

him?" "Malenstro, what have you done???" Zierk opens his eyes and saw only 

the Saiyan standing beside him looking apon Zierk with a blank face. "Oh,

sorry. Well, I'm going home for a few, you can come if you like." "Cool. 

Yes, I will come." Zierk agreed and headed to his appartment in Satan City.

The two of them hung out and then went to the Sparring Sphere. Zierk showed

the Saiyan how to fight a little better and then asked him to leave. The 

Saiyan said his farewell and gratitude, then left. Then the final flashback

came... "Now you shall feel my wrath!!!" Zierk kicked Jayden in the back 

breaking his spine, Jayden slowly died after falling limp to the ground. 

"Zierk is against us now? Oh no." The flashback ended and returned, Thaur 

was charging a beam at Malenstro's head and Zierk was charging a giant 

energy ball in the sky. When Thaur destroyed the final part of Malenstro's 

head, Zierk was jolted by and aura of energy and fell to the ground. The 

ball in the sky fell apart into harmless specks of energy. The flashback 

ended and Zierk was on his knees grasping his forehead with both his hands. 

As Zierk looked up, his eyes were blood red, and he was foaming from the 

mouth. Zierk had a sense of crazyness, insanity....  Pure Evil. 


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sat Jul  6 14:55:51 2002~
Stamp   1025992941
Expire  1036360561
To      all~
Subject Spirit Bomb prt. 2~
Later in the week, the mysterious fighter appeared while Zierk was

fighting teh Icer king, Zierk stopped his battle and talked to the fighter.

His name was Kira, and he was a Saiyan. Kira says, " I see you know the 

Spirit Bomb." "Whats that?" Zierk asked. Kira explained the Spirit Bomb

to Zierk, that the Planet Crusher was not the name of the technique he 

preformed. Kira gave an example of the Bomb, and then Zierk attempted,

He raised his hands in the air, a while later a ball began to form. Zierk's

power increased with every second passed. Then Zierk felt he was done and

threw the ball at the Icer king, destroying him in an instant. Kira said, "

Good. Now, the ball is very small now, but in the day time it will be huge.

Try not to abuse it and only use it when needed." Kira summoned a white aura

and disappeared in it. Leaving Zierk with the Spirit Bomb, and a Black Dagger

where he last stood.


Sender  Vordr~
Date    Sun Jul  7 15:29:51 2002~
Stamp   1026081672
Expire  1036449013
To      all~
Subject Massive energy~
When i was out in the woods hunting for food i spotted an old friend

It was Armorine

He was there training so i asked if we should train with a friendly spar

I knew i would stand a chance against my old friend

He asked me to start the fight,so i did.............

I ran towards him with all my speed

and i thought i should take him from the side

So i made a tripple jump

One to the right then forward and a last one to his side

I had my fists in the air almost certain of hitting him

but i missed

Or rather he moved

I felt a giant blow in my side

Making me angry

I gave it my all and got him to the ground at last

That was when i felt a huge energy coming from my friend

Almost as if he was loading for a blow

I had never felt an energy this big before

He gave me a kick sending me away from him

Before i even landed i heard him scream FINAL FLASH

I saw light coming from his hands

and he send a massive wave at me

The whole area got beat up on.I couldnt move for some time.

I asked my friend where he learned that move 

He told me his story and promised to teach it to me as well


Sender  Iann~
Date    Tue Jul  9 19:41:09 2002~
Stamp   1026268901
Expire  1036636872
To      all~
Subject death ball~
Its got posted on the history board for some reason,

anyways, my story on deathball is in there.



Sender  Data~
Date    Wed Jul 10 02:40:52 2002~
Stamp   1026295314
Expire  1036662069
To      ALL~
Subject Advanced Droidrage~
Personal Log:

Day 6023:

Day in day out, i keep searching for others like me. The AA's have

been some help, but i have decided to leave this part behind and to

move on. I have to find myself , with others of my kind, If they exist!


Day 6052:

Years have passed and the only Androids i have found so far, are either

dead, or tranformed into Bio-Androids, my most hated enemies. Due to the

dangers that surround me i have been forced to stay in the state of droid-

rage for some time now, and it is beginning change me in a strange way.

My anger is uncontrollable, and their are situations where hurting the

innocent is very tempting.



Sender  Data~
Date    Wed Jul 10 03:03:30 2002~
Stamp   1026295594
Expire  1036663423
To      ALL~
Subject Advanced Droidrage part2~
Day 6070:

I don't understand why i have been blind for so many years. I was poisoned by

my surroundings, and i have let time pass to slowly without fullfilling my

destiny. But now i know what i have to do, my powers are unmatched , and 

my way to the outmost sublimeness must be walked. From now on anyone will

be treated as he deserves it. For non androids that means DEATH!

For Bio-Androids Pain then DEATH!


Sender  Apok~
Date    Wed Jul 10 15:52:33 2002~
Stamp   1026341951
Expire  1036709711
To      all and to the immortals too~
Subject destructo disk~
Apok was scouring the forests in search of something to kill when another icer 

approached him. He recognized this icer to be known as Thaur. After they greeted

each other, thaur led apok to a ship, A space ship none the less. After a brief

tour, they arrived at the sparring area where Thaur then Began to hone Apok's

combat skills. It quickly was proven that apok had talent previously unseen.

Apok then began to experiment with his ki, trying to use a technique called

Kiezan, or destructo disk. He began by trying to make a fingerblast into a 

disk but it didn't work. Then apok tried an energy Beam, but it just turned out

as a squarish blast. Apok was getting a little dissapointed, but he tried one

more time. This time, he formed an energyball and then compressed it into a

disk. Then he Used a little more ki to hone the edge of the disk and to set it 

spinning in his hand. Then he threw the Disk at thaur. It would have hit except 

apok had focused too much on forming it that he didn't aim. Needless to say, it 

missed. But apok walked away having learned a valuable lesson he would never 



(this is a request for the skill Destructo Disk)



Sender  Zierk~
Date    Wed Jul 10 17:56:23 2002~
Stamp   1026349366
Expire  1036717010
To      all~
Subject >*[Swadow SyndicatE[*<~
Noticing the evil ways in Zierk had returned to him, Thaur contacted 

Zierk and offered him to join his clan, >*[Swadow SyndicatE[*<. Zierk proceeded

to travel to Thaur's Ship. They met in the Sparring Sphere. Waiting there were 

Thaur and Kargos...


"{YWhat do you want?{x" demanded Zierk.


"{cZierk, I think you would be a good addition to my clan, the Swadow 

SyndicatE. Will you join?{x" said Thaur.


"{YWhats on it for me? What makes me not kill your Icer ass right now?{x" 


"{GTypical, a Saiyan who thinks hes above us Icer.{x"


"{cWell Zierk, we need Saiyans in our clan. You are by far the strongest of any

Saiyan I've seen around here. Join us. Under our rule, you can have whatever 

you like, and rule the universe with us.{x"


"{YHeh, I follow no one.{x"


"{GA coward you are not.{x"


"{YI am a warrior! I am the strongest fighter in the universe!{x"


"{cZierk, you can be leader of the Saiyan Army.{x"


"{YI need not an army! I alone can take whatever stands in my way.{x"


Just then, Xizix walked in.


"{GThats just the attitude we need! Join us!{x"


"{cOr I will have to call apon or GOD, Terraco!{x"


In a blinding flash of light, Terraco appears.....


"{CYes Thaur, what is it? You summoned me?{x"


"{yIt looks like we have a new recruit that thinks hes better than us..{x" said 



"{CWell, we cannot have that.{x"


Zierk transformed into a Super Saiyan and then became Accended,


"{YAre you ready to witness a power not seen for thousands of years?{x"


Zierk's eyebrows disappered and his hair grew down the back of his leg, 

becoming the 'Golden Fighter'.


Zierk attacked Kargos with a ferious kick to the sternum. Terraco quickly acted 

and knocked Zierk out cold. When Zierk woke up, an Armband was around his left 

wrist, the clan was watching apon Zierk.


"{cAre you ready to join us Zierk?{x"


Even thou Zierk didn't like it, he had to join the >*[Swadow SyndicatE[*<.

To save his own life....



Sender  Zierk~
Date    Wed Jul 10 18:08:08 2002~
Stamp   1026349896
Expire  1036717702
To      all~
Subject The Legend of the DragonBalls~
As the new Commander of the SyndicatE ArmY, Zierk learned the ways of 

the SyndicatE. Zierk was on a mission to find the prized item 'Senzu Bean 

Extract'. He proceeded alone to Exile Base where the item was thought to be.

He searched the base up and down, destroying many people and buildings. Then he

came across a small shop underground. "{YIf you don't tell me right now blubber

ball, your history!{x" "{GPlease, I..I do not know what you are talking about.

Please let me go.{x" Zierk put the shopkeeper back on the ground and let go of 

the front of his shirt. "{YWell, so be it... I guess your General would know, I

might pay him a visit.{x" Zierk turned around and walked towards the door.

"{GWait! If I tell you something, will you promise to leave this place and 

never come back?{x" Zierk turned around and walked back to the shopkeeper. He 

told Zierk the legend of the DragonBalls, and that he can have any wish he 

wanted. Zierk turned around and as he began to walk ot of the shop he said,

"{YWell, after I kill the General I will find all those DragonBalls.{x" Zierk

steped out the door as the shopkeeper yelled, "{GWait! You said you would 

leave!{x" Zierk turned around and said, "{YI wait for no one..{x" He raised his

hand and pointed his palm at the shopkeeper, then in a flash the shopkeeper was

gone and his shop reduced to ashes. "{YNow I will become, Supream Ruler of the



Sender  Kid~
Date    Thu Jul 11 02:20:11 2002~
Stamp   1026380987
Expire  1036747223
To      all~
Subject Awakening pt. 1~
After a grueling battle with Daiakohn/Kale, Kid had begun to realize that while

peace was indeed a beautiful thing, it wouldnt last unless someone defended it.

So he began to train again, with the intent of making sure that the peace would

last, and that no one would ever have anything to fear again.


His training often led him to the Satan City Library where, along with Kitty he 

would bury his nose in martial arts books of all types and styles and study them

throughly before heading out to test the new moves he'd learned. 


Kid was there now, carefully reading over a passage in a book of stances that 

had caught his interest.


{W"The Kamikaze Stance is by far the most powerful of all offensive stances. 

When using this particular stance, the fighter throws all caution to the wind 

and puts the entire force of his body behind each and every blow. The advatages

to this style of fighting are obvious, each attack has a knockout potential 

behind it, and it leaves little opportunity for his opponent to counterattack.

However the Kamikaze Stance also has it's disadvantages as well. The fighter 

is completely defenseless and is consequetly open to any and all attacks. Also

the damage received from an enemy attack is more than tripled, so if fighting 

at this level is stretched over long periods of time, the fighter may find 

himself both beaten and exhausted quickly.


In summation, the Kamikaze Stance is perfect for overpowering opponents in a 

short amount of time. If fighting a faster or more skilled opponent, it is not

only ineffective, but it becomes a handicap, and will lead to a swift, painful



Kid scratched his head thoughtfully, {W"Kamikaz stance, huh? Hmmm... Sounds 

dangerous, but useful. It just might come in handy sometime.... I'll practice 

it a little and if I'm lucky it may save me in battle someday..."{x


He was roused from his thoughts when a large stack of books began floating 

toward his desk. 


{W"What the...?!"{x


{M"Hey Mr. Kid! I found ya some more books to read!!"{x The books dropped right 

in front of Kid's desk, and Kitty, a small girl that Kid often looked after 

popped out from behind them. 


A sweatdrop formed on Kid's head, {W"Kitty!! Thats a whole lotta books!!! 



{M"Yup,"{x Kitty agreed,{M"So maybe you should start reading them now huh, 

Mr. Kid?"{x


The sweatdrop on Kid's brow grew larger and he fell backwards out of his chair.


Sender  Kid~
Date    Thu Jul 11 02:55:04 2002~
Stamp   1026382782
Expire  1036749323
To      all~
Subject Awakening pt. 2~
Kid looked up and saw Kitty standing on the desk. She dropped a book down on 

his face.


{M"Here ya go Mr. Kid! You can read this one first!"{x


{W"Thanks,"{x Kid muttered from under the book. He pulled it off of his face 

and examined it. 


{W"Hey! Kitty, this book isnt even about martial arts! Its a story about a 

legendary bandit that was scared of girls!"{x


Kitty blinked at Kid innocently, {M"Oh really? Oh yeah! I got that book cuz 

the pictures looked funny!"{x


Kid tossed the book aside, {W"But Kitty, we were supposed to be looking for 

martial arts books remember? How am I gonna get stronger reading about some 

girl fearing bandit?"{x


Kitty hopped off the desk and ran to her pile of books, {M"Dont worry, I got 

more books!"{x


{W"Yeah,"{x Kid began, sitting up, {W"But are they about martial ar--OW!!!"{x

he cried out as a second book hit him in the head. 


{M"How bout that one?"{x Kitty asked.


Kid rubbed his temple sorely as he flipped through the book. He shook his head,

{W"This one's no good either. Its just a story about how a little boy single

handedly defeated an entire army.... I dont think it's gonna help any."{x

he tossed it aside just in time to catch the next book Kitty threw at him. 


{M"How bout this one then?"{x she called.


Kid read a few pages and made a face, {W"This is about a shapeshifting coward 

that collects girls underwear!! Kitty just where are you getting these books 

anyway!?"{x He had to duck as another book came flying at his head. It barely 



{M"There's another one!"{x Kitty called.


Kid turned around to pick it up and thumbed through a few chapters. {W"This is a

book that tells about how the Earth's greatest fighter grew into a cooky old 

pervert?! Kitty I'm not sure tha--ACK!!"{x Another book struck Kid in the back 

of the head, knocking him senseless.


Sender  Alik~
Date    Thu Jul 11 11:56:51 2002~
Stamp   1026414425
Expire  1036781838
To      all~
Subject Alik... Koketta Sendo (Big Ball Of Death)~

The growing numbers of saiyajin Alik was

encountering in this dimension drove him to the

brink of insanity... Well, some say he was

insane before... Anyway, he'd given up on

training for quite some time, and walked off

into the mountains to never be seen again.


As time passed, Thaur and the others began to

give up hope of ever seeing the Icer Prince

again. The Elite Quad had become a Trio...

With an empty sector on the ship, they sought a

new member to make their group whole again.


They found that member in a powerful

Icer of this dimension, Kargos. Kargos had all

the qualifications to fill the spot Alik had

vacated. Though he was not a Prince as Alik

was, he had been called Lord by many.


The group formed an Alliance of unmatchable

power, under the god Terraco, and called

themselves the Swadow(hehe, Shadow) 

Syndicate. It was only a matter of time before

Alik's sector of the ship would be remodeled to

Kargos' liking...


As Thaur approached the ship, he deteced an

immense power inside... This was odd, as 

Kargos and the others were in the mountains

near Satan City. Thaur suppressed his power,

to approach unoticed.


As he swiped his key card and the door of the

ship opened, he noticed the Ki he'd been

sensing begin to grow larger and larger. It was

obviously coming from the upper deck. Weary

of what he might find he began to groan and

pulsate with energy as he transformed into his

4th form still keeping his power suppressed.


The power continued to grow but Thaur, being

full of that famous Icerian Pride, never thought

twice as he flew into the upper deck to meet

the power he'd been sensing.


To Thaur's amazement before him stood

Prince Alik, in heated battle with the Icerian

Training Bot... Alik held his finger high in the

air, charging a giant orange ball of energy. 

Startled by Thaur's entrance he released the

ball at the bot, enveloping it in bright light

leaving nothing behind.


Thaur looked at Alik still shocked, but happy to

see the Prince none the less. Alik gave a

{Dma{rli{Rg{rna{Dnt grin, and Thaur nodded



Alik hadn't stopped training, he'd merely left to

train in isolation. And he'd obviously become

stronger, and learned a few new skills while

he'd been gone. The question is, "Will Alik join

the Shadow Syndicate?"...{x


{y-{Y+{BP{Cr{Bi{Cn{Bc{Ce {bA{ml{bi{mk{x


{x(Dis is fo mah Death Ball mofo!)


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Thu Jul 11 17:02:29 2002~
Stamp   1026432572
Expire  1036800159
To      all~
Subject Encounter with Lucas~
"{CGUARDS!!!!{x" Three guards come running into the room. "{YHa ha ha 

ha ha ha. Oh I see we have company.{x" The guards point there rifles at Zierk.

"{YNow, thats not nice. You might hurt someone with those big guns.{x" One 

guard lowered his guard for a second after hearing what Zierk said. !WACK!

Zierk phased out of existance and appeared behind the guard who lowered their 

defense. Already in a kicking motion as he re-appeared, Zierk spun around and 

kick the guard in the back. !!CRACK!! The guard cried out in pain as he dropped

his rifle on the ground and tried to grasp his lower back. The guard fell to 

his knees and dropped dead. The other two guards pointed there rifles at Zierk, 

now in between the two remaining guards. Both guards fired at once, the guards

shot hit each other as Zierk disappeared from sight. Zierk re-appeared 20' feet

from the two guards, then charged one of them. He grabed the guard's right

hand, jumped in the air while spining around, and kicked the guard square in

the face. The guard went soaring across the room finally landing on top of

Lucas' desk. Zierk turned and threw a ball of energy at the last guard. The 

guard gasped and ran for his life. The energy ball lodged deep into the back of

the guard and exploded, leaving only a cloud of dust. "{YOh my, where are my

manners? I completly forgot to say goodbye.{x" Zierk stood up and faced the

general. "{CWhat do you want?{x" "{YI told you what I want! Where is that

extract? Either tell me now, or I'll take it from you!{x" "{CBu...bu...but I

don't know what your talking about.{x" Zierk pointed to the red scouter resting

on his ear and extended over his left eye. "{YI know you have it, I can see it

on my scouter.{x" Zierk walked around the room slowly. "{YThis is your last

chance, if you tell me I'll let you go. If not, then I'll kill you and take it.

Either way, I'm getting that extract.{x" The general sighs and sits in the

chair behind his desk. He opens the upper left drawer and gets a packet of

extract from it. "{CHere, take it, now leave us alone.{x" He throws the packet

on his desk. Zierk walks over to the desk and takes the packet of extract

"{YNow, was that so hard?{x" "{CWell, now I will be leaving. I have other

duties to do.{x" The general walks from behind the desk and out the door. 

"{YWait. You can't go, not yet.{x" "{CWhy not!?{x" "{YWell, I hate to say this

but I lied when I said you could go, well atleast partialy lied. For I will let

you go, into another dimension!{x" Zierk charged a {GGreen{x energy ball in the

palm of his right hand. He raised his palm at Lucas' face. "{yZierk, get back

to the ship at once! We need you here.{x" said a voice on Zierk's scouter.

"{YWe'll finish this later.{x" Zierk threw his beam at Lucas, barly missing

him. The ball hit the wall behind Lucas knocking him down and destroying his

office. Zierk errupted in a {CBright {BBlue {xaura and exploded out of the room

soaring through the ceiling heading back to the ship.


Sender  Kero~
Date    Thu Jul 11 17:19:17 2002~
Stamp   1026433582
Expire  1036801166
To      all~
Subject Kamehameha~
I was in search of a perfect master,

one who could beat me and I'd never catch up.

I had been searching planet after planet, but to no avail.

 After 3 1/2 years of searching, i had come to a small house.

 There was a man that's face appeared ageless, he talked as if he were old,

but looked as young as me. I decided that since he stated that he was 

a martial arts master, i would see his ability, from that my training started.

I trained rigourously every day through mediditation, and on my own accord

was developing a sort of energy beam. Once i had thought i perfected it,

i showed it to my master, the day was early as I challenged the old coot.

We started off with a show of energy, I smirked as i thought I had my

ace in the hole. When i fired the beam, it was a strong as ever, but my

 master fired a beam stronger than anything i had ever seen! I watched

in awe as it was devastating my most powerful attack, then it hit me,

i had to centralize the energy more at a point, move my hand up a bit,

then i would match the wave he fired. With that i unleashed a beam

of energy that pushed the battle to a dead. we both dropped to the ground.

My master's next words were, "congrat's on learning a wave my master tought

me, the beam is called kamehameha, you were excellent, watching

my movements during the fight." and with that i learned kamehameha


Sender  Bren~
Date    Sat Jul 13 19:06:03 2002~
Stamp   1026612827
Expire  1036980381
To      all~
Subject Energy Ball~
I sighed as I slaughtered countless people looking for what I needed.

I went threw countless cities searching for for something to make me stronger.

I soon came to a training dojo in a small town. Numerous fighters where there.

I walked in attacking each warrior with precison.

Until the Dojo Master was left. He attacked.

He was so quick and swift I fell to the defensive side.

As I stepped back he began charging a small ball.

He shouted, "ENERGY BALL!" The ball came at me.

I smirked as I side stepped the blast and looked at him.

I rushed in beating him to the ground. 

I laughed wickedly as I absorbed him and soon,

learned the attack he had performed on me.


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sat Jul 13 19:21:47 2002~
Stamp   1026613473
Expire  1036981330
To      all~
Subject attack Level Beyond Double Accended???~
While flying through the woods south of Satan City, Zierk sensed a 

power he had never felt before. He decided to take a look at the power. When he 

arrived he found a warrior with red fur sprouted up their body leaving their 

pectorials skin bare. It had a red tail and dark black hair that was grown just 

below their shoulders. This warrior was fighting an Android at the time Zierk 

arrived. The fight stopped and the monkey warrior asked, "{RYes? What do you 

want?{x" "{YThat's quite a power you got there. Tell me, what are you? I have 

never seen of felt anything like you before.{x" The monkey warrior responded,

"{RI am no different than you. I am a Saiyan. Only I have accended past the

level of SSJ3. I am a SSJ4 if you will.{x" Zierk thinks, ({CSSJ4? Is that

really possible? Well, thats just the break I need...{x) "{YSo, how did you get

this power?{x" "{RWell, I don't really remember. I remember transforming into

Oozaru while finghting in SSJ2, then this happened.{x" Without any response

Zierk errupted in a huge blue aura and soared out of the area. He proceeded

back to the ship. ({CSSJ4? I will be the next to gain that power. Then I will

be the strongest warrior again, and they shall pay!!!{x) 


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sat Jul 13 19:26:33 2002~
Stamp   1026613667
Expire  1036981601
To      all~
Subject Typo~
I have an alias for 'a' to be attack and the title of my last note is

'A Level Beyond Double Accended' the 'A' was thought to be attack and the

syntax wrote it down. sorry :(


Sender  Apok~
Date    Sat Jul 13 23:38:44 2002~
Stamp   1026630044
Expire  1036996747
To      all who are intrested in such~
Subject apok's combat skills~
Apok was training hard inorder to beat freeza, or maybe something more

powerful... after a bit of training he came to train on an icer, one by

the name of Alik, the malignant. Apok thought it was strange that he was

hitting as frequently as he was, he was shocked at the difference in power

and yet he was horrified, yet still excited at the fact that he was hitting

Alik when alik was at 35% of his power, this putting alik in the billions

and putting Apok in the mere millions. As Apok rested in the healing tanks,

he discovered that he was unable to sleep, "if i am this powerful now...

... where will i be in the future?" Apok smiled at the thought, he never

felt all that powerful before, but training with these icers he had met on

earth was definatly an eye opener. come to think of it... Apok had even trained

on several saiyans, one by the name of Vel rapidly came to mind. Apok found

it strange when Vel asked if Apok wanted to train, but Apok accepted as he

felt that it was the only way to beat them. Apok's mind wandered for a bit, 

"maybe not all saiyans are bad..." Apok shook his head trying to clear that

thought from his mind. "No, that can't be true!" Apok thought back, a long time

ago, when he was still a child. he remembered strange men with golden hair,

some had short hair, some had long, but it all glew a bright gold. They all

wore saiyan armor, and had green eyes and had golden auras surrounding them.

Apok then remembered their faces, grinning, laughing, as they destroyed all

that they saw before them. Apok's dad was killed mercilessly before his very

eyes. Apok had never known his mother, his father would never talk of it. but

on that day, Apok was cut deeper than and knife... cut deep into his very soul.

On that very day, Apok swore over his father's motionless form that he would

avenge his father's death. Apok then decided that he would even break the

promise he made his father not to go into the army, he decided that revenge

 and pride, and honor were much more important. Apok crawled off to a nearby

space pod and blasted off to join the army. when he got there though, he was

laughed at, and shoved around as he was considered to be a mere child, as not

yet ready for combat. This quickly changed as Apok's short temper got him in

many fights, some he won, most he lost. But Apok never let this get him down.

He was determined, The army is where he got the tattoo on his arm, saying the

words, "Icerian Pride" it was to remind him, to stand up for himself. Apok

then felt a burning rage build inside of him as he thought back to these events,

"why did they do it? Why did those foul saiyans have to kill my father? Why?!!"

Apok screamed outlound in agony and pain, remebered from a time long ago,

in agony apok smashed a hole through the healing tank, then he blew it away

entirely with a blast of ki. Apok the flew away at high speeds, not willing

to stop and think about the past, "It's all behind me, all that remains is my

vow to destroy this saiyan infestation!"



((this is not a request for any skills or such, i wasn't really shure if i

should post this here or on history, as it covers past and present. if you

liked this story or thought it was good, don't hesitate to mention it as i am

trying to improve. Thanks))


Sender  Kid~
Date    Sun Jul 14 12:31:18 2002~
Stamp   1026676131
Expire  1037043091
To      all~
Subject Awakening pt. 3~
Rubbing he back of his head, Kid reached for the book that had just recently

hit him in the head. The cover was made of leather and very faded and torn.


{W"Wow...this must be a pretty old book.."{x he muttered. 


He carefully opened the book and peered inside. A layer of thick dust covered

the first page and he blew it out of the way, causing him to sneeze. He then

began to read...


{C'Within this book are the secrets of bringing forth one's true potential, ones

hidden power. This is the legacy that I leave behind for future generations of 

warriors on the planet earth. Consider this book as a favor to someone who once

saved our entire universe... Perhaps you, who read these pages now, will share 

that same fate. Read noble warrior, to learn what true power is. Read on to gain

a better understanding of yourself. I wish you well.'


-Supreme Kai{x


Kid starred at the page awhile longer before closing the book, {W"Hey Kitty, 

this last book you found was really...hmm....What an odd little girl."{x


Kitty had fallen asleep in a plie of books, with the one about the bandit open

and lying over her face. 


Carrying Kitty on his back, Kid cleaned up the mess they had made and checked 

out two books. The one written by the Supreme Kai, and the one about the bandit.

He carried Kitty home and left the bandit book with her before taking off and 

flying alone toward the  mountains... 


Sender  Kaiyan~
Date    Fri Jul 19 16:53:28 2002~
Stamp   1027123385
Expire  1037490829
To      all~
Subject The Spirit Bomb~
Time to begin the experiment.

I am about to see whether it is possible to duplicate

a technique crafted by a master martial artist, with

a unique style which normally can only be learned

by training under them for an extended period of time.

I am going to attempt to replicate the Genki Dama--The

Spirit Bomb--without ever having trained under Lord Kaio

for even an instant.


I have failed several times already. Some of the failures

were quietly miserable, or very anticlimactic (after

seeming to work right), or disastrous, and near lethal.

But this time I think I have it right. No. I KNOW I have

it right. I can feel it in every inch of my mind, body,

and soul.


To begin with, instead of trying to call on the life force

of the entire planet, I will use a different technique I

have learned... The Spirit Wave... Reversing it, to draw

in spirit energies from my immediate surroundings.


Good... Now... Focus it into a ball... And channel the chi

into my fist...

Excellent. It procedes as I expected. Now... Now what?

What comes next? I never proceeded past this point before.

I don't know what to do!


It is with this shattering of confidence and focus that I

begin to lose control of what I now realize is the spiritual

equivalent of a hydrogen bomb.


Desperately I run through various mental exercises, trying

to recover my grasp on the unique structure which holds

the chi in place. At first it seems I am about to fail...

But slowly... It stops blazing like a miniature super-nova

in the palm of my hand, and then... Stabilizes.


Into a perfect sphere. I have no target for it. No use.

So I release the energy. And it returns to where it came

from. It may be different than Lord Kaio's Genki Dama...

But as far as I am concerned, I have just learned the

Spirit Bomb!!!


Sender  Ace~
Date    Fri Jul 19 18:56:00 2002~
Stamp   1027130949
Expire  1037498172
To      all~
Subject When I died.~
"Bow or die!!" yelled Koa as he blocked Ace's way to Satan City.

" Never Ace yelled and transformed to ssj2.

 "Well I guess I'll just teach you some respect!"

 Ace lunged at koa but was knocked back by his fist.

Grimacing with pain he attempted again but Koa dodged.

" Now to fifnish you." Koa said.

Looking in horror Ace saw Koa power up then felt Koa pummle him with punches.

Koa grinned as he launched a final flash which killed the stunned Ace.

Ace arrived in a room with a 200ft giant

sleeping on a huge table.

"Hmm how will I wake him up?" Ace thought to himself.

He ran then jumped up to the giant's

He flew up to the giant's ear and yelled "HELLO!!!"

The giant came up quickly with a shocked expresion on his face.

"Why did you do that?" He demanded.

"Uhh.." Ace mumered not knowing why.

 Well let's see here,Marakou

Marasashie a.k.a. Ace.

What it says here you've killed many times as a mercenary."

A huge sweat droplet formed on the back of his head.

" Well I know where you'll go

straight to-WAIT" Ace inturrupted.

"Uhh how bout I do something like a community service?" Ace suggested.

"Well the Giant said you could always take my place here."

Ace fell over in shock but stood and said"Alright.'

"Fine all you have to do is look in this ook and decide."

"Sounds easiy enough, well ok".

So Ace began his ppunishment.


Sender  Ace~
Date    Sat Jul 20 18:21:53 2002~
Stamp   1027215287
Expire  1037582523
To      all~
Subject 1st Day on the job.~
"I wonder if this makes me king Ace" Ace thought to himself.

"I better change the title or this'll look even weirder."

So he got a piece of paper the size of the boukodi mat

and took the oak tree sized pencil and scribbled out

"King Ace, Ghost realations"

He the took 2 2x4 pieces of taper and stuck it at the end of the desk.

"There better already." He said reasurringly.

Just then a cloud like ghost popped in.

Supprised Ace fell off the table but flew back up.

"Who are you weirdo?" The ghost asked.

"Not now I just started today." Ace retorted.

"Now let's see," said Ace as he opened

up the huge book cover and noticed

that it was already to the ghost's peiriod.

"Woah this tells me about you!" Ace yelled in shock.

"Oh yeah it's supposed to,duh."

"Well doesn't look like you've been to good

Killing many ppl and going berserk on a trash can."

"Bye-bye!!" laughed Ace as he made his judgment.

"You're going to hell!"Ace yelled.

Then he attempted to pick up the gavell which was almost impossible.

"Just -one..sec,"he panted as he kept trying

to lift it.

Then he fell bak and said "How does he do it?"

"I'm not going down there you can't even lauft it>" Laughed the ghost.

"I know." said Ace in a condifent voice.

So Ace pushed it to the end of the table and let the flat of it hng off

Then he jumped on the flat which cause the gavell to flip and pound on the wood.

"Hahaha-OW!!"Ace yelled as he hit the floor.

"Okay no more drastic stuff now." He said.

So his day went on and as it progrresed he sent many ppl to HFIL and heaven.


Sender  Nightstrike~
Date    Sun Jul 21 16:25:34 2002~
Stamp   1027294512
Expire  1037661984
To      all~
Subject Story~
Nightstrike laughed as Satan's punch missed end

Nightstrike did a backflip grabed his sword and took a mighty swing at Satan

but fo some reason Satan was not hurt from it

Nightstrike tried a Energy Ball but Satan still laughed at him


  Nightstrike became very mad and put all him anger into a energy beam

but it came out of him eyes and hit Satan with full power killing him


Sender  Nightstrike~
Date    Sun Jul 21 16:46:00 2002~
Stamp   1027295450
Expire  1037663167
To      all~
Subject story~
Nightstrike laughed as Satan's punch missed him

Nightstrike did a backflip grabed his sword a took a mighty swing at Satan

but for some reason Satan was no hurt from it

Nightstrike tried a Energy Ball Satan still laughed at him he blocked it

Nightstrike became very mad and put all him anger into a energy beam

but it came out of him eyes and hit Satan with full power killing him


Sender  Armorine~
Date    Mon Jul 22 14:00:10 2002~
Stamp   1027372768
Expire  1037739615
To      all~
Subject scattershot~
On a bright sunny day i was on a stroll to the market when out of

the corner of my eye i saw hundreds of energy balls flying towardsthe sky.

Being my courious self i suppressed my powerlevel and went to investagate.

As i came to the top of a cliff i saw a small boy about 8 standing on a 

mountain pointing his finger at the sky.I snuck up behind him and shouted

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING".Startled jumped,turned and pointed his finger at me.

Scared that he might shoot me i put my hand in the air.I asked him again

more quietly "what are you doing".He replied i am practing a new skill i

learned.I asked "what is it called" he replied "its called scatershot".

i said "oh by the way my name is armorine whats yours".He added "mines

Raven nice to meet you".We both bowed and i asked "can you teach me the

skill you call scatershot".He replied "i will try but i justed learnt it".

hour after hour he tried to teach me but every time i failed.we where just

about to quit at 3:00Am and i added "one more time i got it now".he replied 

"fine you got one more chance then i ouit".We both pointed are fingers at the 

sky and at the same time we released 100 balls of energy each.I collasped to the

ground because of that one blast expanded all of my ki.When i woke the next 

morning he was gone without a trace?




Sender  Ace~
Date    Tue Jul 23 11:14:10 2002~
Stamp   1027448989
Expire  1037816060
To      all~
Subject A new task.~
"Hmm I'm hungy .hey what's this!" Ace yelled in shoick.

"Lunch hours 12-3,I've benn going without

food for this long without knowing he yelled.

Then realizing by a huge clock it was 1:15 he decided too take a lunch break.

So taking the stairs to the next floor he saw a cafeteria.

"Hmm wonder how much it costs." He said aloud.

A being beside him said "You don't pay your dead."

Getting a blank stair on his face he said "OPh yeah."

"Wait your new aren't you"The being said.

"Yeah I am ." Replied Ace.

"You need to see the Grand Kai then."

"Oh where is he ?"

"TAke the stairs up to the top floor he's currently in the library."

So Ace began a hike and climbing over 15000 stairs

he made it to the library then collapsed on

 the ground.

Loking around he saw a l=old man

 with wild hair and decided that must be him.

So he got to the man and asked, "Are you

the Grand Kai?"

"YEah I am." Replied the man.

"Um I',m fillinfg in for King Yemma he's on vacation."

"WHAT!!?? No I'll send someone down there

I'm not letting a kid like you do it.!!"

Hearing this Ace felt releived and et sad because

this made him think he'd have to go to HFIL.

"Wait what does that mean for me?"

"Well since you're dead we'll just send you where you'd go."

Ace turned blue under his eyes and nose then said. "No I'll do anything please."

"well first you'll have to prove yourself.

There is a riot in HFIL and out people can't take care of it."

"how'd it happend?" Ace asked.

"Some idiot left the cel doors open." He replied.

"At 2 :30 go to the check in station and a person will meet

you there." The man stated.

Realizing this was his only chance got ready for his mission...


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Tue Jul 23 22:08:55 2002~
Stamp   1027487570
Expire  1037855342
To      all~
Subject Update~
{R<Just a brief update on the current Rp>{x


During a raid on Satan City, Zierk ran into a Bio-Android named Koa.

The two began to fight and Zierk was killed in combat. The battle was not long

and the corpse of Zierk was probed and gave life once again. Zierk was exiled

from The Shadow Syndicate when Terraco found out about a plan to wipe the

group out. Koa made Zierk a member of the Android Elite. Days later Alik and

Gabe were made members as well. Koa, Angelina, and Data were already

members at the time.The object of Elite is world domination. A strange

relationship was formed when Sayichia revealed herself to Zierk and Koa. 

Weither she is a friend or foe is unknown, the only fact known so far is that 

she wishes to rule Android Elite. A rumor was passed that the Earth's Special

Forces (ESF) were begining to form again. For his incolense Kharazrd was

killed while combating Zierk, his corpse was raided and destroyed. Zierk has set

his eyes on all the Icers of the world and the Elite has everyone not with them,

against them in their effort to rule the world. At this point in time there are

attack lot more questions then answers, Who will join? Who will fight? Who will 

die? Who will live? What happened to the soul of Zierk when he died? Is he still

good at heart? Is he still in the afterlife? Whats up with Sayichia's idea of

being a pet? Will the ESF join forces with AE, or will they combat them?

All this and more, in the upcoming weeks.


Sender  Angelina~
Date    Thu Jul 25 11:06:06 2002~
Stamp   1027621599
Expire  1037988384
To      All~
Subject Aneglina in Peril~
There she was just a waking through the {GForrest{w when a certain

feeling came over her, she had just gone semi-perfect and thought she had

the power to take on someone really powerful.

On her way to Exile City Airbase she stopped off at the Hall of fighters,

making her way to the end of the hall, fending off the Templars that attacked

her with ease.  Not too much later she was at the end of the hall, she opened

the door and there she saw them, Guldar and ulrich.

She Grined evily at Guldar and began to attack him, finishing him off wise

(wise=with) a little difficulty, staring down ulric before she made probally the

most stupid descision in her life, she attacked and was instantly blinded by

Ulrich's {YSolar Flare {w she tryed herd to fight back through the blindness

but to her own avail she couldn't hit as she usually could, soon there was no

sign of ulrich what so ever, although there seemed to be the sligest sign of a

great power building in front of her, just as she regained her sight ulrich

released the charged attack, yelling {RDESTRUCTO DISK!!{w

That was about the end of Angelina, the majoritoy of her body from the bottom

or her ribcage down, was missing, the Disk had come back around and took off

her arm and most of her shoulder, she somehow managed to jab ulrich in the eye

temporarily blinding him so she could escap on what energy she had

left, floating away as fast as what was left of her could go. She made it

through the forrest somehow, making her way to satan city and collapsing at

the welcome sign, falling to the ground and laying there unconcious.



What Will happen now, will she lay there and bleed to death, maybe, maybe not...

we will see



Sender  Deisle~
Date    Thu Jul 25 20:57:22 2002~
Stamp   1027659837
Expire  1038023864
To      all~
Subject Exile rp~

Alarms weresounding all over the Exile City Air Force Base.The Base had been 

overrun at the landing strip by a very powerful group.Sgt Buzz had been

ordered by Gen Lucas himself to makesure no one madeit though the front gate.

Buzz andover a hunerd soldiers were on alert."{BMan i'm getting bored{W"said 

soldier1"{bYeah i want to be where the fighting is{W"said soldier2."{y If you

don't get busy you will be in the fighting because you'll have to fight me

{W"said Buzz."{BY{be{Bs {bs{Bi{br {Bs{bo{Br{br{By {bs{Bi{br{W"said both

soldiers."{yReport to your post now{W"yelledBuzz and the two solier ran back 

to thier post.No sooner than the soliers reached thier post then one of thier 

guts exploded and started to melt.As the second soldier watched his friend

die,his head exploded and started to melt just like the frist.Buzz and the 

rest of the soldiers heard the explodsions and ran to check what it was.

When they arrived,severly more soliers died the same as the frist two.

"{yWe're under attack,take cover{W"order Buzz.The rest of the soliers took

cover behind anything they could find.{yLights{W"order Buzzas search lights 

looked though the rocks outside the base.All of a sudden one of the lights

exploded and began to melt.{ylokks like who ever is attacking us is shooting

us with some kind of acid{W"Buzz thought to himself.Just than the other light 

caught movement and Buzz saw the person who was attacking them."{yDrop your 

{yweapon or we'll open fire{W".A grin come on the attackers faceas the light 

shined on him.{RShoot all you like{W"said Deisle"{Rit's not going to make

{R a differents{W"."{yTHat's it men,take him down{W"Buzz yelled and most of 

the soldiersstarted fireing thier guns.Deisle just started walking towards 

the gate.The bullets seemed to be pasting right though Deisle.Buzz was the 

only one who knew what was going on.Thr bullets weren't passing though Deisle

.He was dodgeing them with a great speed that to the soliers it looked like 

the bullets were passing though Deisle.Buzz himself could hardly see Deisle's

movements.Buzz grabed the radio to call for reinforments."{gAll specops are 

{gbusy at the moment but i'll see what we can do{W"saidthe solierat the radio




Sender  Angelina~
Date    Thu Jul 25 23:26:53 2002~
Stamp   1027665723
Expire  1038032835
To      All~
Subject Part 2: Angelina in Peril~
Within moments of her passing out koa arrived on the scene.

{Wkoa:{GWhat happend?

{GGabe:{Wi dunno, i just got here myself...

{Wkoa:{Gwe had better do something fast

with that koa picked her up and hauled her remaining body off to his lab

he placed her on the opperating table and command gabe  to get him a device

to aid him, a celular scanner.

{G" not good, not good at all, the majority of her cells are destroyed, only

{Gher human cells accutally remain"{w

with that he began to extract the cells that were salvagable, soon after he

removed her brain from her head, placing it in a jar full of something.

{G" That should keep it fresh for about 24 hours"{w

gabe stood there and watched silently

koa disposed of the body after he was finished, placing her brain in a new

{G" lets see how i did, transfering power"{w

(forget previous line)

exoskelton, grafting her regrown skin to it as well.  Eventually he was

finished {G" lets see how i did, transfering power"{w

with that koa threw a switch and angelina rose again.

{G"well its a darn shame but, her regeneration glad was destroyed, that new

{Gbody was the only option, also her memory gland was... well missing

{Gprobally destroyed too"

with that koa turned to angelina

{G" how do you feel?"

angelina simply responding in a monotone voce

{D" all systems are fully operational"

{G" good, very good... that should do it, welcome back angelina"

{D"who are you?"

{G"i'm koa, you will do as i say, understand?"

{D" affirmitive"



and so angelina continues on, not quite the same person, the only original

parts of her left now is the brain, and skin... she has forgotten all she

had known, who was to be trusted and so on.




Sender  Telstarin~
Date    Fri Jul 26 04:58:56 2002~
Stamp   1027685075
Expire  1038052766
To      all~
Subject Majin Telstarin - Still Enslaved~
His eyes watch the smoking ruins of Yagtoe's base. Looks over Yagtoe's charred

corpse. His scratched body raises into the air, as he looks down on it all. His

gaze shifting to look upon himself. His bulked veined muscles unchanging. His

teeth clenched.


He speaks, a single line, "I feel the evil within myself. Even now....it rules



He floats over the remains of Yagtoe's base for a few more minutes, with quiet

reflection over the battle, his thoughts change to Kid, and how he escaped.


With an almost unheard sigh, he slowly floats away, towards a distant mountain.


Sender  Diode~
Date    Fri Jul 26 05:56:25 2002~
Stamp   1027688372
Expire  1038056214
To      all~
Subject Engulfing Darkness~
A small saiya-jin spacepod glides through the vast emptiness of

space, approaching a small blue-green planet.


An aura of great power and immense evil surrounds the small pod,

and as it approaches, the greatest warriors of the blue-green

planet, Earth, sense its coming.


The sky of the planet Earth is plunged into darkness.


Sender  Ace~
Date    Fri Jul 26 07:07:23 2002~
Stamp   1027692884
Expire  1038060450
To      all~
Subject Where am I.~
Waking to find himself in a large blue room.

 Ace didnt know what had happened after he was taught by the blue man.

He then noticed he was wearing robes identical to his.

Standing up he noticed there was a door in the far corner.

 Walking through it he saw a white vast expanse beyond the building.

Looking the other way he say a building stocked wi food and a bed an such.

 "Looks like I'll be here for a while Ace said.

 "Why am I here!!??" Ace yelled.

""I can't let you go, I want you to test this room out for

 me in the time you'll be here.

" So that's it I'll just stay here until I'm wished


"Yes, II have stocked this room with enough food to last a Lifetimne so 

you will stay here."

 "Oh and the room is in 100x  gravity so have training."

Looking aroiund Ace realised there was no way out so he went ssj and began to

train in the white room.


Sender  Deisle~
Date    Fri Jul 26 11:17:35 2002~
Stamp   1027709567
Expire  1038075472
To      all~
Subject Exile base part 2~
After a few moments the solier came over for radio again,"{gGen. Lucas said 

{gthat he could only spare three specops solier,but that's all{W"."{yThanks

{ywe  could use the help{WBuzz said.Just than Buzz saw Deisle drop the 

{YA{yc{Yi{yd {Wgun he had and said "{RPlay time's over{W".With that Deisle

disappeared.Everyone was trying to see Deisle,but no one could,not even Buzz

Than Deisle reappeared behind the line of soliers with a bright{Rred{W light 

{Win both hands."{RSay good bye guys{W" Deisle shouted as he fired energy 

{Wbeams from both hands into the line of soliers,killing over two dozen of 

{Wthem.Buzz turned to see Deisle coming right at the rest of the soliers.In

{W a matter of seconds,every solier was dead around the sgt.Now Buzz was all

{W alone with Deisle.The saiyan just smiled."{RIt looks like it's just you

{Rand me now{W"said Deisle.Buzz just stood there shaking."{Rwhat's wrong,you

{Rseem scaired,a great warrior like yourself shouldn't be scaired,it's not

{Rbecomeing{W"With that said Deisle hit Buzz in the gut.Buzz fall down

{Wholding his gut."{RYou're worthless{W".Deisle held his open plam towards

{WBuzz and a {Rred{W light grow in his palm.

The end of part 2


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sun Jul 28 10:49:40 2002~
Stamp   1027879710
Expire  1038246655
To      all~
Subject Janem, The Icer Warrior~
While training in the Exile City Air Base, a power ball came 

soaring in from the west nearly hitting Zierk. It hit the ground behind Zierk

and reduced the area to rubble. Zierk looked back behind him and a 

{rRed{x and {WWhite{x Icer hovered down to the ground. '{MSo, your the 

one they call Zierk?{x" Zierk looked at the Icer as if disgusted and spit. 

"{MWell, I am here to kill you.{x" "{YHeh, and who might you be? I have 

never met you before.. But if you want to kill me, well then.. Bring it on.{x"

"{MMy name is Janem, and now your dead!!{x" Janem rushed Zierk with an

energy ball in hand. He threw himself into the air and threw the ball at Zierk.

He then appeared on Zierk's left side and began to charge him with and

elbow. Turning away from the ball in the sky, Zierk looked to his left and

saw Janem coming. He stood in a defensive state and just as Janem 

stepped into arm reach Zierk phased out of existence leaving Janem to be

wailed by his own attack. Re-appearing in the air above Janem, Zierk

charged a bunch of EBeams and violently threw them down screaming,

"{RRenzoku!!{x". A cloud of ki began to form around where Janem was,

Zierk charged one last beam and threw it... there was an enormous 

explosion when the beam hit leaving only dust and ashes. {C>*Click*<{x 

Zierk sensed a force behind him, he eagerly turned back only to see a boot

in his face. Zierk soared towards the ground where Janem intercepted him

in mid air and smashed him into the ground. Janem backed away believing 

Zierk was dead. The rubble began to move and Zierk stood up, all his 

clothes were torn and had holes. "{YI am Malen Zierk, I will not be 

defeated!!!{x" Zierk threw his head back and screamed while violently 

throwing his arms to his waist, he transformed into an Accended Saiyan 

and charged Janem. "{YI am Malen Zierk, Those who mock me will die... 

You mock me and my entire race. Icer, you will pay!!{x" Zierk rushed 

Janem with a right fist, he easily dodged the attack. Zierk then jumped in

the air throwing a left kick at Janem's head, Janem moved his head to the 

right and Zierk's kick hit Janem's shoulder. Zierk stepped back and threw 

his right fist at Janem's chin. Janem looked at Zierk as if he didn't feel his 

punch. Zierk gasped and took two steps back. Janem walked towards Zierk

very cocky, Zierk threw an EBall and Janem but he was unaffected and 

continued to walk towards Zierk. Zierk took two more steps back and threw

another EBall at Janem. Again, he was unaffected. Zierk then leaped back

and charged a Final Flash, Janem approached very slowly. Redemption

flew in from the east and landed right in front of Zierk, "{BZierk!{x" He 

charged a EBall and released it on Janem, Janem rushed Redemption and

punched him in the face sending him flying. Zierk flew high into the air

where he ran into Janem, "{MHello.{x" !WHAM! Janem's punch sent Zierk

flying through the air, Zierk regained balance and looked back and gasped,


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sun Jul 28 10:49:40 2002~
Stamp   1027879711
Expire  1038246655
To      all~
Subject Janem, The Icer Warrior~
*SMACK* Janem close lined Zierk and dragged him down into the ground. 

Redemption got back up and threw a Kamehameha wave at Janem. Janem

put out his left fist and caught the wave. He took it and threw it back just

over the beam Redemption released. Redemption dodged his wave and 

ran into Janem hovering in the air. "{MHi,{x" Janem kicked Redemption in

the face and sent him through the air, Redemption disappeared in the 

horizon. Janem set his sights back on Zierk and flew down to the ground.

Janem approached Zierk when a huge explosion erupted where Zierk was.

Zierk soared through the air charging Janem, he kicked Janem in the face

and sent him flying. Janem flew into the air and Zierk followed. Zierk threw a

punch at Janem but his arm was absorbed by a green aura and pushed

back into the ground. The force dragged him in the dirt where he came to 

rest in a crater he had made earlier in the battle. Zierk jumped out of the

crater and was immediately close lined by Janem being forced back down

into the crater. Janem flew into the air and charged a EBeam at Zierk's

location. Zierk got up and flew after Janem charging his own EBeam, the

two released and a massive power struggle was born. The struggle only

lasted a few, as Janem put a great serge of force into his own beam, it

knocked Zierk's beam back at him. Zierk was hit by his corrupted EBeam

and was caught in the explosion. Janem backed off from Zierk, the smoke

cleared and he was gone. Janem looked around but could not see Zierk

anywhere. Out of no where a group of scattershots can soaring in from

below, all missing Janem and going straight up. Janem looked up and the

saw the shots coming back at him. He looked down and saw a group 

coming at him from below. !BOOM! The two groups of scattershots 

simultaneously hit Janem and created a huge explosion in the sky. "{YHere

you son of a bitch, TAKE THIS!!!!{x" Zierk created a ball of energy in both

his palms and joined them together, hechanted,"{YKamehameHA!!!!!!!{x"

Zierk released a modified version of the Kamehameha Wave into the cloud

of ki dust. A greater explosion erupted from within the smoke. Janem fell

out of the sky and hit the ground hard. He slowly stood up, "{MYou 

monkey!! Well, I have a nice treat for you. As you know, I'm in the third 

transformed state. But.... I found a level beyond it.{x" Janem began to grow 

and grow spikes on his head, his voice became much deeper and he had

grown over 7' feet tall. Zierk backed away and threw an EBall at Janem, 

Janem slowly dematerialized and the EBall went right through him. Janem

re-materialized behind Zierk and threw a swift punch, Zierk dodged and 

ducked under the followed up kick by Janem. Janem began to 

dematerialize again and Zierk threw another EBall at him.  Janem 

re-materialized a few yards away from Zierk and was hit by Zierk's attack. 

Zierk charged Janem with a swift elbow, but Janem countered by releasing

an EBeam at blank range and Zierk was caught on it as it soared into a 

building. The building collapsed and fell on Zierk. Janem wiped a drop of

blood off his lower lip and approached the collapsed building. Zierk had 

lost his status of 'Super Saiyan' and was back to his normal form. With the

last of his energy, he created a Bright Ball of Energy in his palm. Zierk 

threw it in the air screaming Moon Burst!!! Zierk looked at the he ball in the

sky, now looking like a full moon. His metal tail began to wiggle and Zierk 

began to sprout dark hair all over his body. Zierk grew over 100' feet tail 

and became the giant ape known as Oozaru. Zierk and Janem fought, and

the battle was a rough one. Janem then thought to destroy the Ball in the 

sky. Janem materialized on top Zierk's head and tossed a EBeam at the

ball in the sky. Janem got behind the dazed Oozaru as the Moon Burst was

destroyed. He began to fall to the ground, "{MOh no! I can't dodge him.{x" 

Zierk's dark hair began to fade, yet still formed like the giant ape, fell to

the ground and Janem was caught behind Zierk as he fell. Zierk hit the

ground and Janem was crushed underneath Zierk. He began to shrink and 

transform back to his normal form. Janem was unconscious and Zierk had

no energy. Out of the horizon Redemption came back from Janems attack. 

He flew down to Zierk and grabbed his hand. "{BNo sleeping on the job.{x"

Redemption's arm glowed green, then Zierk's body began to glow. Then

only Zierk was glowing and it faded, Zierk stood up slowly. "{YYou gave me

some of you energy, now lets kill this Icer.{x" Both Zierk and Redemption 

flew into the air. Zierk transformed into 'Kaioken' status and charged an 

EBalls in both palms. Redemption charged a massive Kamehameha 

Wave. Zierk joined the two EBalls and began to charge his own 

Kamehameha Wave. Both fighters released there waves, Zierk's beam 

lead off as Redemption's beam spiraled around it. {D(Kinda like SBC){x 

The blast hit the unconscious Janem and left no remains of the super 

powered Icer. "{BWhat the hell was that? Not a Kamehameha wave?{x" 

"{YA new attack I invented. It's called Yoshimeha Wave.{x"



Sender  Deisle~
Date    Sun Jul 28 14:51:07 2002~
Stamp   1027895891
Expire  1038261083
To      all~
Subject Exile part 3~
{WJust before Deisle release his energy beam another beam came in and

{Wexploded where Deisle had been standing.Deisle had sensed the energy coming

{Wtowards him and moved.Deisle turned to see threeman in black,The shortest

man stood about 5'7.The man to the short one right was very tall about 7'4"

and the other solier stood about 6'5" and was really muscular."{RAnd who are

{Ryou guy{W"ask DeisleThe small one answered"{DWe are part of Gen. Lucas's

{Dspecops program{W.""{R So you think that makes you powerful enough to

{Rdefeat me{W."Deisle said as he crossed his arms over his chest."{D No more

{D talk saiyan get him{W"yelled the small solier.The three specops soliers

{Wflew at Deisle.Deisle ducked under the small soldier's kick,flipped over 

the tall one's punch and leppedover the big one.Than all of them turned and

{W came in all at once with attacks.Deisle blocked them all and blew them

all back with his energy as he raised his powerlevel."{DSo he does know how 

to fight{W".Deisle put his hands


Deisle put his arms out to his side as a blue aura surrounded him

A beam of blue energy shot towards each of the specop soldiers.Each soldier


{W deflected the beam,but after the big soldier deflected his beam.Deisle 

come at him with a kick towards his gut.Luckly the soldier managed to grab

Deisle's leg.Than he wrapped his arms around 

Deisle trying to hold him so the tall soldier could come up a kick him,but 

Deisle was to strong for him to hold and Deisle broke free and the big one 

got kicked in the face."{rWhy'd you go and do that for{W"said the big soldier

Deisle was heading for the ground when the small one fired a e-beam at him

{WDeisle turned and blocked it with his hands and when he hit the ground,he

{Wthrow it back up towards the other two soldiers.The tall soldier turned 

only to get his head taken off by the beam.

End part 3


Sender  Naga~
Date    Mon Jul 29 10:30:24 2002~
Stamp   1027964181
Expire  1038331851
To      2,000,000 pl and above; imms all~
Subject KameHameHa~
While training, Naga was struck with a beam of blue light.

His master Krillin laughed so hard he fell down.

"What was that!!", Naga screamed.

"That was my Kamehameha Wave." answered Krillin

"Can you teach me master?" reponsed Naga.

"Sure my student" said Krillin

"Now watch closely." Krillin said

"KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAAAAAAAAA!" screamed Krillin

A beam of blue energy ripped from Krillin's hands parting the water like Moses.

"That was amazing." shouted Naga.

"It will take sometime but you will learn my student."

After six long months Naga finally understood the power of the Wave.

They where standing on the beach looking out at the water.

"Now part the water Naga and show me what you have learned."

"Yes master"


As Naga yelled his kamehameha was launched but instead of being blue it was....


The energy ripped though the water with amazing speed.

Breathing heavyly Naga was exhassted.

"Well done my student well done you have made me proud." said Krillin

(skill Kamehameha)


Sender  Ace~
Date    Mon Jul 29 11:37:04 2002~
Stamp   1027969019
Expire  1038335832
To      all~
Subject Souless~
Afrter being trapped in the white room

for many days Ace was Beginning to get

a sense of dizziness and began to lose his thughts.

"Wh-what is this?" Ace said to himself dropping to his knees.

In front of him appered the blue man. 

"What's happening to me?" Ace asked as he got a throbbing pain.

The before his eyes the blue man began to shift shape and

take the form of a short yellow alian.

"Who ..are yu?!" Ace demanded.

"Babidi, and I am here to finish what was started."


"I was at that uprising to make sure

it would be enough to break through."

I was planning to take over Limbo because I found the way out of HFIL.

I then made a portal leading to the outsie world the mortal world

and I retrieved my chrystal ball.

Now since I can go from world to world I am truly IMMORTAL!!!" Babidi shouted.

" But why did you imprison me?" Ace asked

"Because you used to be part of a project my father stated.

All we had to do was take a few saiyans then copy their DNA.

Were were able to make many clones fo a Majin Army.

But we left one to develop for too lng and he developed a soul.

There was another like youbut he was not a saiyan.

He caould be considered your brother.

he was Majin Buu.

 All we had to do was take the saiyan DNA

and spawn and multiply it then we let him wreak havoc.

We worked but those stupid Kai's stopped us.

So we made a father figure for you and sent you t Earth with Majin Buu.

You never actually awoke until you were 16 and then we made you train.

We would make you stronger than Buu but there was a problem.

Somehow human Dna was able to get through and were became a soulless halfbreed.

But now I will make you A MAJIN."

Unable to beleive that he was a soulles genome Ace collapsed on the floor.

"Now just to wait until this room has taken fuk

effect I will be leaving."

 Then the man was beginning to chant something.

"Not so fast!!" Ace yelled

He then grabbed Babidi's foot and was transported out of there too.

"Now I will Sende you to that room!!!" Ace yelled

Then taking the chrystal ball he shoved it at Babidi and

a bright light ensued thenBabidi was gone.

Looing at the portal he decided to enter it.

Walking steadily over to it he cautiously entered.

Stepping ou he saw Satan city and realized that he had no halo.

Was he really unable to die in this realm and if so how long.

Ace found himself asking why was a born a soulless genome type.


Sender  Deisle~
Date    Tue Jul 30 13:16:26 2002~
Stamp   1028060916
Expire  1038428200
To      all~
Subject exile part 4~
{WThe tall soliers body fall to the ground lifeless.Deisle stood there

{Wsmileing as he looked at the tall soldierbody."{RLike I said,you're no 

{Rmatch for me{W."The small soldier said to the other solier"{DActivate your

{Dpower inhenceing servo,we can't beat him at this powerlevel"{W"YES sir,good 

idea sir."With that they both pushed the green button on thier wrist.They

both yelled as thier muscules bolged and Deisle could sense thier pl 

increased.They both came at Deisle so fast that he couldn't hardly see them.


Sender  Ace~
Date    Tue Jul 30 16:44:20 2002~
Stamp   1028072897
Expire  1038440667
To      all~
Subject Searching~
Finding out the he was a brother of Buu's and a mere genome

Ace decided he'd search for the lab

to bide his time. 

Remembering some laborical acivity in some canyons he decded

to start there. Coming through the mountains

he found a valley. He noticed an area that had be blown away in an attack.

Flying down and landing he searched around and found

some old lab equipebt but nothing important.

"still not any closer." He said then kept searching.


Sender  Deisle~
Date    Tue Jul 30 22:06:16 2002~
Stamp   1028092964
Expire  1038459987
To      all~
Subject exile 4~
{WDeisle managed to block a few shoots but the specops soldiers soon became

{Wtoo much for Deisle to handle.Deisle tried to punch the big soldier,but he

{Wdisappared and reappared behind Deisle and rapped his arms around Deisle

{Wholding him still while the smallier soldier started laying into him with a 

{Wflury of punchs and kicks.The big soldier let Deisle go while the small one

{W kicked him in the gut,then the big one hit Deisle with a double-ax handle

{W smash that sended him crushing to the ground.Both of the soldiers just 

{Wstarted laughing."I'll finish him"said the big soldier and started charging 

{Wa e-ball over his head.He throw the ball right where Deisle had landed and 

{Wmade a huge explodion."{DAnd that's the end of him{W"laughed the small one

{WOr that's what they thoughtanyways because that's when a bight {Yyellow{W


Sender  Ace~
Date    Wed Jul 31 15:16:22 2002~
Stamp   1028154192
Expire  1038521787
To      all~
Subject a new skil~
"What if I coukl hares the power of a Spirit

bomb with a masenko?" Ace thoght to himself onenight.

"I'll try it." So Acee began the grueling process

of making a spirit bomb."No, there has to be a faster way."

"wht if I focus my mind to an area bustling with energy, draw there first

then move to the rest which will be a fater process."

So he did so then while holding up the energy he attenmpted

to throw a Masenko in it but it just burst the ball and lit the sky up.

"I'll have to make my masenko more concentrated to last longer."

Making the spirit bomb he then carefuly fused it

and the masenko together making a huge

blue ball of ki.

 He then threw it forward whcih cause hurndreds of blue beams to come

from the ball hen the  ball fowlled and destroyed what was left.

Now to give it a name hw about Ryu-kishin-suname,

a.k.a. blue ball of destruction."


Sender  Frigidus~
Date    Wed Jul 31 22:53:58 2002~
Stamp   1028181823
Expire  1038549258
To      all~
Subject The Disk of Death?~
Searching for answers, Frigidus walks towards Exile

Air force base, looking for anybody who can tell him

where Majin Telstarin can be located.  During his raid

one of the officers began screaming and started to create

two whirling disks in his palms.  Frigidus quickly looked

back into his memory banks and quickly realized that it was

a move Called Kienzin Disk (or Destructo Disk as the humans

call it) capable of destroying anything it touches in an instant.


The soldier quickly throws the disks as Frigidus easily avoids them

and then uses his metal tail to choke the human soldier.  Seeing that

nobody at the base could answer his questions, he leaves to go find

somebody else that could help him.  Along the way he comes across

a heard of grazing animals.  Remembering the attack the soldiers did,

he trys to generate some energy into hims palms, but to no luck.  Again

and again he trys untill finally he gets the disks to form.  And with

an evil grin over his metallic face, he launches the disks towards the

animals with full force...Nothing but legs remained as Frigidus walks

past.  Now with a new skill in his arsenal, he continues his serch for

Telstarin, looking for revenge.


(Request for Destructo Disk)


Sender  Deisle~
Date    Thu Aug  1 20:00:56 2002~
Stamp   1028259158
Expire  1038625268
To      all~
Subject exile part 5~
{WA grin come to Deisle's face."{DWhat has happened to you?"{Wasked the small 

{Wsoldier."{ROh nothing.I'm just showing you my true self{W"."{D So you 

{Dchanged your hair,big deal.{W""{RIt's biggier than you think.{W"Deisle 

{Wdissapeared and reappeared behind the big soldier and kicked him in the 

{Wback of the head.The smallersoldier truned as he saw his comrade jolt and

{Wheard his neck brake.The big soldier's body went limp and started to fall

{Wthe sky.The small soldier tried to punch Deisle but Deisle grabed his fist

{Wwith one hand and shot a e-beam at the other soldier with the other.The

{W beam hit the soldier's limp body and made a huge explodion.When the smoke

{W cleared there was nothing left.Deisle turn to the remaining solidier

{R"Your turn"{W The soldier tried to pull his hand free but he didn't have to

{W because Deisle let him go and kicked him in the gut.The soldier couldn't 

{Wbelieve how much power was in the kick.he looked up only to see Deisle

{Wdisappear.Deisle reappeared to the left of the soldier and punched him.

Deisle than came in on the soldier and beat him into the ground,litarly.

Deisle punched the soldier a couple of times in the gut than flew up into the

air.Deisle cupped his hands at his side."{RNow it's your turn to go to the 

{Rnext dimension"{W.Asmile come to Deisles face ."{RKa..me..ah..me..ahaa!{W"

A massive Kamehameha wave was release from Deisle hands.It hit the soldier

dead on with a huge explodionthat left a crater the size of a football feild.

"{RSo that was Gen.Lucas's specops is at,pathic".{WDeisle reverted back to

his normal form and went back to his acid gun and scouter and put the scouter

on."{RThe front gate is ours Thaur."{CGood work saiyan."

The end of the exile


Sender  Deisle~
Date    Sat Aug  3 09:29:58 2002~
Stamp   1028396185
Expire  1038760236
To      all~
Subject Deisle's after life~
{R"Kamehameha!"{W deisle yelled fireing a massive wave of energy towards the

{Wssj4 child that was trying to destroy the Earth.The child knocked the beam 

{away and in an action so fast that Deisle don't even know that he was dead.

{WDeisle woke up at King Yamme's deck.The giant open a book let see Deisle

{r"It says here that you died trying to save planet Earth from a evil force".

{WDeisle looked up atthe giant before him trying to know what was going on.

The giant pick up his head like he was listening to someone.{rI've just told

be King Kai told you are to leave for the Grand Kai's Planet right now."{W

Deisle him self had just got a massage from King Kai.{CGo to talk to the

Grand Kai,he can send you back to Earth>"{rThe plane for the Grand Kai's

Planet is leaveing now get aboard."{WKing Yamme pointed towards a door to

Deisle's right and Deisle ran to the plane.When Deisle get to the planet and 

got off the plane he saw fighters of great power all over.Deisle started to 

walk towards the main house on the planet when he saw a fighter train close 

to him cup his hands at his side.The fighter wasn't from his part of the 

universe,but it looked like he was going to use a Kamehameha wave.When Deisle

looked close he saw that the energy was like a big ball of fire.The alien

yelled {cSuper nove Blast!"{Wand put his hands foward and shoot a massive

beam of fire from his hands.Deisle was very impassed by the technique.Deisle 

asked the  alien to teach him the technique and he did.Deisle thanked him and

went back to the main house to speak to the Grand Kai.After an hour of 

talking to the Grand Kai he sended deisle back to the planet Earth.When 

Deisle looked at himself he notice that he now had a halo over his head.

He didn't care anymore because he was back.


Sender  Ace~
Date    Sat Aug  3 13:14:04 2002~
Stamp   1028406044
Expire  1038773653
To      all~
Subject Going back.~
"GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!!!" A voice yelled in Ace's heaad.

"What the?" He said bewildered.

"Noone ever said you could leave limbo!!!" The voive yelled.

"I have to go back!?" Ace boggled.

"Right now!!!" Then in a poof Ace appeared in the judgment room

surrounded by King Yemma and the Grand Kai.

"Well since you want to go back to the mortal world soooo much

we will send you there." The Grand Kai said.

"But first you'll have to train for it on Earth.

So for 1 year's worth of training that is all you will do."

"Contact me when you are ready, oh and if you clack off

you will have King Yemma to deal with."

Then in a poof Ace went to begin his training.


Sender  Voral~
Date    Sat Aug  3 13:32:32 2002~
Stamp   1028407869
Expire  1038774760
To      all~
Subject Voral's First day in the City~
After arriving to Satan City, Voral was tired and needed

a place to rest and regen his strength from the long walk

from his home on the outskirts.  He went in search of a

hotel but was turned away due to his dirty appearence.

Voral took his stuff and headed south of Satan City and

into a small, secluded vally, where he now camps.  After

getting camp set up, he decided to take a look around.


"Wow, what a beautiful place." Voral said as he walked through

the vally.  He came across what seemed to be a gigantic sphere.

He thought to himself for a moment, "I wonder whats inside."

And with that he entered the sphere.  Apon arrival he was stuned

to see the number of fighters in the sphere.  Some were human

just like him, some looked like humans, but had ape like tails,

and others wernt even humans at all, but a alien looking race.

"Wow...I didnt know Earth had a place like this." he said and he

walked further into the sphere.  He slowly grabed a seat and sat

in the corner looking at the people enhance there abillitys.

While sitting to himself he noticed that one of the strange alien

looking creatures begining to glow.  Voral stood up and his mouth

droped, "Whhaaatt...What is he doing!" He wondered as he continued

to watch the Alien.  The Alien then was engulfed in a bright red

aura, the surge of energy knocked Voral over the chair and onto the



"My head..." he said as he picked himself up.  The Alien began sparring

with another Alien like being.  Then to the supprise of Voral, the other

alien creature screamed and became engulfed in the same red aura.

The two aliens foguht back and fourth as Voral watched silently.


"Wow...They must really be strong...Or is is a special technique that they

can preform."  he pondered.  All of a sudden one of the aliens began to fly

in mid air.  "WOW!" he screamed..."Hes flying!!"  Voral looked up in amazment

as he watched the creature fly.  The creature began to chant a few words as he

placed his palms together.


"I wonder what hes doing now." Voral said.  Then in a bright flash of light, the

alien release a ball of energy that sent the other alien to the ground.  Voral

could not move.  "He...He just shot...a...a..Fireball at him" he said quietly

to himself.  Knowing that all of the people in the sphere were ten times

stronger then him, he proceded to head back to his camp in the vally.


"I need to know how they can fly like that."  "I need to know how they can

controll fireballs"  Voral said to himself as he came back to camp.

Voral then takes some sparring equipment out of his bag, some gloves, and

two bottles of water and heads for the lake to the south.


Voral reaches to the lake and drops the stuff.  "Theres only one way i can

be as strong as those creatures." he said  "I must push myself farther then

i have before."  And with that, Voral put on his gloves, set up his sparring

equipment, and began to train.


To Be Continued...


Sender  Voral~
Date    Mon Aug  5 08:42:03 2002~
Stamp   1028563630
Expire  1038930135
To      all~
Subject Voral's 2nd day in the city~
After a hectic first day in the city, Voral went back to

his camp to train.  After his training he packed up his gear

and went to bed.  After a restless night of sleep, Voral awakend

to the sounds of birds and dinosuars.  He staggeres out of his

tent and looked around.  "Ugh, I didnt get good rest." He said

as he rubbed his neck.  "I still cant belive on what i saw

yesterday." as he looked back into memory of the alien creatures.


But being nobody to waste time, Voral quickly put on his clothes

and began a walk towards what the locals called "The Sparring Sphere"

He arrived at the sphere and notices a human like being.  Voral walked

over to the person and introduced himself.

"Greetings, My name is Voral...Whats yours?" he said.  The being turned 

around and smirked, "My name is Ace."  The two shook hands and began to

talk.  Not long after the two started talking, a human by the name of Naga

showed up.  "Hi" voral said smileing, Naga nodded his head and began to talk

to the two.  As the conversation went on, Voral told them of his adventures

so far.  "I dont know if you noticed...But I saw something very wierd

yesterday." voral said.  "I saw these alien like creatures begin to fly,

then they began to glow red, and then shot fireballs out of there hands."


Naga chuckled abit and said, "You mean like this?" Naga began to flicker

and appeared behind Voral in a flash.  Voral jumped and looked startled.

"Wow!" Voral exlaimed.  "How did you do that?!"  Naga chuckled and said,

"Its all Energy." he said.  Voral looked around the room and then back to

Ace.  "Energy?" Voral said slowly.  Ace slowly nodded and said, "Oh, and

those wernt Fireballs the creatures were shooting.  That was energy as well."


Voral just shoke his head in disbelive.  Ace then showed Voral what he ment.

Ace shot two balls of small energy into the air, then shot a wave of energy

at the two balls and destroyed the balls in a bright beam of light.

Voral took a few steps back still in utter disbelive.  "Do...Do i have this

energy?" He said.  Ace nodded ans said, "Yes..Its the life energy around us."

Voral slowly nodded and raised his hands.  "But, i cant feel it." he said

sadly.  Voral then quickly remembered a story told by his father.


"Ace...My father told me about a Mythical being...who was able to change his

hair color to black to gold.  Is that true?" Voral asked.  Ace chuckeld and

said, "Watch."  Ace slowly tensed up as his hair flickered from black to

gold.  Then Ace let out a scream as his hair turned gold, and his eyes turned

a light blue.  Voral screamed, "Its...Its REAL!?" Ace slowly noded and told

Voral the story.  "This isnt a trick." Ace said.  He slowly pointed out his

tail.  "Its a transformation called Super Saiayn."  Voral looked back at

Ace's Tail.  "I see" Voral said.  "I saw those tails yesterday...but they

looked human."  Ace laughed a bit and replied, "No, were not humans."


Voral looked around sheepishly, "But, I thought it was just a myth."

Then Ace told him some advice that would change his outlook into

training.  "Every Myth has its own Reality."  Voral slowly nodded.

"I know what i must do." Voral said with purpose.  "I must learn

how to controll my life energy."  Ace smiled, and Naga nodded as

they both watched Voral.


In the end of the conversations, Naga went off and Ace stood at the

sphere.  Voral slowly said to himself, "I can do this."  "I can"

And with that Voral headed back to his camp in the valley, where

he will try to push himself to a whole new level of power.


To Be continued....


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Tue Aug  6 18:43:27 2002~
Stamp   1028684816
Expire  1039052616
To      all~
Subject Transformed at Last~
Zierk slowly steped into the ring and approached Ace. Ace 

attacked quickly and Koa was ringside cheering on Zierk. "{YZierk! Show 

him the power of the Android Elite.{x" Bolts of ki arced around Zierk and he

transformed into the 'Golden Fighter'. "{YZierk! Show him your TRUE

power!!!{x" Zierk grined and looked at Ace, he was still attacking and then

stopped at Koa's saying. Zierk created a bright ball of light in his palm and

threw it into the air. "{GMOON BURST!!!{x" screamed Zierk. The ball of

energy exploded and formed an energy ball that looked like a full moon.

The Earth shook violently as Zierk transformed into the state know as 

Oozaru. There was a big difference though, he had golden fur instead of

dark. Zierk lost himself in his rage and destroyed mountians in the 

background. "{YControl you ANGER!!!! Use it!!!{x" Zierk looked down apon

everyone in the arena. He raised his left arm and swiftly swung it at the ring.

He stopped himself in mid motion, a bright red aura flared from within 

Zierk. Zierk stood up and screamed. He erupted in a bright flash of light. 

When the light faded, all that remained was a new Zierk. Red fur sprouted

on his chest, his hair was black, he was surrounded by a bright red aura the

expanded far outside the arena. Ace destroyed the ball in the air, Zierk 

looked at Ace and Ace looked at Zierk. Ace stood up to Zierk as they 

faught, he was lucky and dodged a few punches. But in the end Ace was

annihilated in battle. Zierk recivied 24 hours in the Time Room where he

trained Ace to a new level of power.



Sender  Ace~
Date    Wed Aug  7 10:20:57 2002~
Stamp   1028741256
Expire  1039108864
To      all~
Subject Training~
"Show him the power of the Android Elite!!!" Koa cheered for Zierk.

After watching Zierk throw a ball of energy into the air

then become an oozaru with gold hair Ace was bewildered.

Then he witnessed Zierk Gorw a fiery aurara about him and

he sprouted hairs all over his chest.

"Now Zierk crush him!!!" Koa yelled.

After dodging a few punches he was doubled over then kicked senseless

causing him to be knocked unconsious. So Zierk chose to spend

a day in the Time Chamber which was 1 year in it for them,

causing Zierk to train Ace to a level of power much higher

than he had ever been at before. Which left Ace wondering,

"Does this mean I have to be a detective now, and what other levels 

of power are waiting for me to grasp them?"


Sender  Jinzoun~
Date    Mon Aug 12 02:24:32 2002~
Stamp   1029144889
Expire  1039512288
To      all~
Subject Eye Beam~
Jinzoun casually strolled down the street, hands held behind him.

Looking around at all the civillians minding their own buisiness, 

Jinzoun began to charge a small energy ball in his right hand.

Stopping next to a man waiting for a bus, who was oblivious

o the large glowing man standing next to him, Jinzoun grinned an evil grin.

Reaching up, Jin gave the man a pat on the back,

exploding the ki ball and consequently, the waiting man.

Citizens ran screaming, a sound loved by all denizens of evil.

"Run! Run all of you, HAHAHAH!" cackled Jinzoun as he gleefully

pounced on another man, snapping his spine.

Glancing down the street, Jin noticed 3 blue men running at him full tilt.

"So...the police show up...I hope they can provide SOME challenge" Jin stated.

he first cop swung his stick at the grinning android,

who ducked and delivered a savage kick to the mans midsection.

Before the man hit the ground, Jinzoun spun on the ground,

landing a heel to the back of the man's head,

which then rocketed into the pavement.

Rising quickly to his feet, Jin motioned for the others to join in the fun.

Officer 2 thrusted at Jinzoun with his stick.

Jinzoun spun clockwise away from the blow,

using the momentum to launch a backhand into the officers jaw.

As the officer rocketed toward a building,

 Jinzoun caught him with amazing speed, holding him by his chin.

"Awww, is that all you have to offer?" Jinzoun sneered into the mans face.

The laughing droid stated "I hope you have more, I sure as hell do" 

as he blasted a beam of ki out of his hand, disintigrating the officers head.

Looking at the third unfortunate man, Jinzoun placed his hands behind himself,

"To add some challenge, I wont attack with my hands...HAHAHA"

Taking the android's laugh break as an oppurtunity,

officer 3 threw his nightstick square into Jinzoun's face.

Momentarily stunned, more by the action then the actual deed,

Jinzoun blinked blankly as a foot grew rapidly larger in his vison.

 "nooo you dont" Jinzoun teased as he leaned back, 

the foot clearing him with inches to spare.

Officer 3 quickly crouched and used his turning momentum to attempt a sweep at

the now back-bent android, who speedily lifted his feet in the air and

fell onto his back, avoiding the sweep.  Springing to his feet, Jinzoun 

rapidly leaned left and right, dodging every attack the officer threw at him.

The last officer quickly faked left and struck right, surprising the android.

Jinzoun blocked the punch, grabbing the man's arm and lifted him into the air.

"Now..I know what you are thining...but I said I wouldnt attack with my hands

...and Im not...I've been itching to try THIS out"

Jinzoun remarked as he touched a finger to his right temple.

A redish lens came down over each eye, a faint glow appearing behind them.

"Don't you just love it? this..this...EYE BEAM!" yelled out Jin

as two beams lanced out from his eyes, through the man's, and down the street.

Jinzoun dropped the man's smoking carcass and threw his head back,

cackling with insane glee while two crimson beams shot into the sky 

like wicked spotlights.


Sender  Jinzoun~
Date    Mon Aug 12 02:35:57 2002~
Stamp   1029145002
Expire  1039512960
To      all~
Subject uh~
that other thing was for eyebeam...

i got carried away and forgot to say that..

ill try not to let it happen again...hehe


Sender  Ace~
Date    Wed Aug 14 14:54:05 2002~
Stamp   1029362846
Expire  1039730052
To      all~
Subject Of course.~
*POOF* Ace arrived in front of the Grand kai who had

a very grin expression on his face. "What do you

think you are doing?" Hearing this Ace looked bewildered

and asked "What do you mean what am I doing?"

"You aren't doing anything get back to work, last

time I checked I didn't give you time off."

"Aww come on give a guy a break besides I acted in that

boring judging job, stopped a riot and Babidi and now have to 

get to work again?" Ace demanded.

"What you really thought I sent you to stop a riot? Your must be

joking! Even one of out people could stop a riot. I just sent

one who I knew could beat Babidi, a SPRIGGAN."

Hearing this Ace began to feel rage build inside him as he

didn't like being called a spriggan. "Besides I didn't want to wast 

anyone's time. Oh and besides I figured an ape as dumb as you

could do it anyway."

"So why have you been toying with me?" Ace asked.

"Because once you knew about it all I wanted to see how long it would

take quite simply. To see how long it would take you

to realise that you were number 43." After saying this

the Grand Kairipped the sleeve off of Ace's shirt and pointed

to the tatoo on his arm. "You were all just part of project Cosmos.

Yes I didn't think you would ever figure it out.

Not until that bafoon Babidi told you about it all. Besides that

what makes you think that other spriggans weren't given souls

maybe there were maybe you are the only one. But all I can

tell you otherwise is that your real name is Ominai Yu.

Wait I just sidetracked so far I didn't even get to what I

brought you here for."

Ace had realised this and had only stopped listening after 

the Omini part. "So anyway what did you want to say besides

that weak information?"

"Oh yes uhhh well we will want you to be active in the

Sword Defenders, they seem to want to help more than anyone.

Besides all the good cases are taken for now so be off with you.

" Then with that Ace disappeared in a poof and reappered on earth.


Sender  Naga~
Date    Thu Aug 15 17:52:34 2002~
Stamp   1029460518
Expire  1039827167
To      all~
Subject Ace becomes a Defender~
Ace enters the forest. "Stupid grand kai, where the hell is Naga."

"He is dead." booms a voice from heaven.

"What!?" yells Ace. "How am I going to find him?"

"He was killed and now works for my master." booms the voice.

"You must besige him from supreme kai planet."

"SUPREME KAI!!" shouts Ace.

"Whatever." says Ace.

"Naga I besige you. Come down from heaven." say Ace as he looks to heaven.

A loud Boom!! is heard from above.

A beam of White Light comes from heaven and slowly stops in front of Ace.

In the beam descends a ball of blue ki.

"What the F...!?!" screams Ace.

The ball lands in front of Ace and desbursts. Where it was stands Naga.

"You summoned me?" say Naga looking at Ace.

"Yes." responds Ace "My master grand kai send me."

"I know." says Naga.

"I wish to join the Sword Defenders." says Ace.

"I know, my master told me." responds Naga.

"Follow me I must test your skills." says Naga.

Ace follows Naga to a spot in the forest.

"Kill that." says Naga pointing to a gyre.

With a quick blow, Ace kills the beast.

"Good." mutters Naga. "You will be a great member."

"Here this is yours." Naga tosses Ace a blade.

"What does it do." responds Ace.

"Break the blade." Ace grabs the sword and snaps the blade in two.

"Now what?" asks Ace.

Naga points to the blade, with a open hand, "Ahhh."

A blade of White light erupts from the blade.

"Now we must return to my domain to train." says Naga.

Naga places his hand on Ace.

"Where are we going?" asks Ace.

"Home." responds Naga.

Naga points his finger to heaven.

With a bright flash and a loud BOOM!! Naga and Ace are surrounded in blue ki.

The ki takes the from of a large sphere, then races off in the sky.

Slowly the forest returns to normal as the vanish into the sky.






Sender  Snake~
Date    Sun Aug 18 21:52:25 2002~
Stamp   1029734379
Expire  1040100765
To      all~
Subject Kamehameha~
As his body explodes in kaioken he spins around elbowing Dems breaking

his concentration on a massive move. Dems slowly falls to the

ground and skids as Snake drops quickly to his side. "Dude you ok? Maybe we

ground and skids as Snake drops quickly to his side. "Dude you ok?

Maybe we should stop today" says in a concerned voice toward Dems

. In a slow nod Dems agrees knowing that training all day isn't

good for them. Dems picks himself up off the ground, as Snake

attempts to helps him up. Dems reaches into his pocket pulling out

a black bean. Putting it into his mouth and suddenly becoming

refreshed. "Snake, your getting better day after day of this

training. But your skills lack the technique that you should know

by now. I suggest that maybe you should go to the forest and train

alone. Get use to doing each move to make it come out more

naturally," stating Dems. In astonishment Snake stops in the road

as Dems continues to follow along the path. Snake turns slowly as

a gust of wind picks up. His hair flows against his face as he begins

to walk inward to the mighty wind. Following the wind he finds himself

in a place he has no knowledge of being at. He notices a woman

training herself mainly on how to focus her Kamehameha better.

"Excuse me, what type of move is that?" Snake questions. She looks

at him with her red hair upward pointing to the sky.

"Its called a Kamehameha. I was away for a good long while and just

attempting to recapture the feel for this blast. Want to try your

luck? Maybe the technique would be valueable later in life if you

can wield its power." She shrugs helplessly toward Snake as she

shows him how to form his hands just right. Then she pulls her hands

to her side slowly as her mind focuses. Snake does the same as she

whispers to herself Kamehameha and throws the beam forward. Snake

attempts it himself but as soon as he throws the blast forward it

rips his top of the gi off as he kills a bird. "Err... oops?"

Snake says unsure of how that happened. The crisp bird falls from

the air slamming into the back of Dems head. He falls to the ground.

He turns his body seeing the bird and says to himself "Damn it Snake"

Back at where Snake is he slowly begins to practice his new technique.

Along side his other skills making sure each one is honed for combat.


This is the story for Kamehameha for Snakey Poo lol i mean Snake or something


Sender  Dems~
Date    Mon Aug 19 01:31:15 2002~
Stamp   1029746219
Expire  1040113935
To      all and Imms~
Subject Dems lost his fear~
It was a rainy day. You could feel powers struggling comming

from planet Vegeta...well some could...There was Thaur fighting

Dems. The hate between Icers and Sayian-blooded nevr ware out

for real. Yet Thaur seemed to have the advantage sending Dems

on the ground over and over again. Something seemed to be on

Demses mind that couldnt let him fight. Either you believe he

looked afraid of something. Mabbe because it was one of those

few times where you are not sure you are going to win a fight.

And he hadn't fought for all summer now. He was out of shape

literally. Yet again sayian blood seemed to take over his mind

for a second right before he hit the ground unconscious. His

face lost any expression like he wasn't thinking any more,

not caring if that could take his life. The blow inflicted

on Thaur was one of tremendous power! Even he who had so litle

wounds got almost knocked out! He knew at that point that he had

to get ovet with this fight as quick as possible because it was

getting dangerous to fight what appeared to be a crasy Half-breed.

Thaur realized just in time that fighting like that Dems wasn't

paying attention to his defence at all. So he waited to hit hard

when Dems attacked again. That was it, Dems make an excellent

connection with his kick but Thaur was waiting to counter attack.

He landed his palm on Demses heart and that was it. Badly wounded

Dems hit the ground unconsious. He just had mastered though a great

fighting skill that one known as kamikaze stance. He could take over

his fear and fight like a mad man...





Sender  Snake~
Date    Mon Aug 19 12:42:08 2002~
Stamp   1029786386
Expire  1040154136
To      ALL~
Suddenly Snake does a running leap off the mountain. The wind blowing in his

hair as he comes down he watches as as the flash of light sparks across his

eyes. Sensing this he forces himself upright and sees a monster hovering before

him as he falls to the ground. He kicks in his fly and hovers close to the same

level. The Monster looks at Snake as its golden hue and reddish eyes peer

at Snake. The monster suddenly sparks into Aura as it flashes toward Snake.

Snake suddenly struck in the stomach with  a punch. He looks down as blood rolls

down his mouth slowly. Looking at the fist literally into his body. The monster

pulls its hand back as Snake looses all concentration and falls downward. He

falls into the forest hitting a tree as he rolls across the branches as they

crack and snap to the weight. He finally hits the ground as he lays there a

puddle of blood begins to form slowly. With the act of desperation he lifts his

hand into his pocket getting a senzu bean. He drops it just before getting it to

his mouth. He tries again with the same bean as he slowly gets it into his 

mouth. Chewing it slowly as his body is perfectly healed. He looks up as several

shots slam down around him as he jumps back kicking against the ground as it 

monster slamming an elbow into his head as he does a copy cat move. Shooting 

several ki balls toward the enemy. Unfortunately only 2 hit as he figures a way

to strengthen the move to his experience. He then Shouts "Scatter Shot!!",

the balls light in his hands as he throws each hand toward the monster like a 

Gattlin Gun Fire that Vegeta does. All of which is aimed toward the monster but

execution needs alittle more work. With this he learns Scatter Shot..


Ps This is how i learned DU DUH DUH DUN! Scatter SNOT! errr Scatter SHot


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Mon Aug 19 14:51:16 2002~
Stamp   1029794062
Expire  1040161886
To      all~
Subject Many Faces of Zierk~
Three years ago, Zierk was killed by Koa a Bio Android and leader of

the Android Elite. While Zierk's body was revived and he was commissioned

into the evil AE, his soul which held all that was pure and good in Zierk

traveled to heaven. There he met Naga who taught him the basic and some

advanced moves with a sword given to him by the North Kai. Naga also gave

Zierk a pair of Glittering Earrings which is used for fusion that last forever.

It was said that Good Zierk and Evil Zierk will fuse and become the ultimate



Sender  Zierk~
Date    Mon Aug 19 15:41:44 2002~
Stamp   1029797153
Expire  1040164915
To      all~
Subject Android Elite Declares War~
Heres a brief story,

One day Koa and Zierk took over Planet Vegeta in the name of 

Android Elite. Koa gave the planet to his commander Zierk. In

attempt to kill Koa, Raven lead an attack on the planet to take 

it back from the evil fighters. They ran into Zierk and all were

killed but Raven. The army was employed by the Blade Nation and

was the Ranger side of the army.


"{RDue to the attempted attack on the planet which is property of

Android Elite, and the direct attack on me. I Zierk, Commander and

now Leader of Android Elite, declares war on all of Blade Nation.{x"


Sender  Jubei~
Date    Tue Aug 20 03:28:19 2002~
Stamp   1029840227
Expire  1040207308
To      all~
Subject Epitaph of the Damned~
"And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked,

and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible."

 -- Jeremiah 15:21 --



The day was without event. The mild Kyoto skies of Japan

rolled across the intangible horizon on the peel of the Earth.

Jubei had been privileged to a fault. Spoiled, as some would say.

This particular trait caused the defiance. The poison. 

His desire -- no, lust -- to be different was feuled by

his insatiable thirst for knowledge and individuality. 


   Naturally, Martial Arts was a typical solution. 

The ramification of years of physical definition and mental

acknowledgement for things beyond our grasp. This would become

the conclusion to the supposed animation of man. Chi.

Jubei showed a particular interest to it, and his work in 

Hakkyoku-Ken and Shinriji Karate was nearly omnipotent.

He was without equal in his Dojo and the underground fighting

circuit he frequented it. He became tired of winning. To win is uniform.



"Behold, he put no trust in his servants,

and his angels he charged with folly."

 -- Job 4:18 --

   He may have been different. Physically, perhaps. His lithe

frame seemed almost too easily to mold into muscle.

It wasn't readily noticed, but it was readily appreciated.

He was stronger in his few petty years of muscle definition

techniques and bodybuilding/endurance training than some

people who had devoted their life to the perfect physique. 

   His travels took him to China. He needed the missing piece of

the spectrum which would unite the theories and schools of

thought from the Okinawa class of Martial Artists and the

Monk enthusiats of China. This missing piece of enlightment was known

as Tai Chi Quan. It was an Internal/Soft style which focused

on Chi being manipulated and diffused through the body

for purposes of defense and using the attacker's momentum at

their own advantage. Now came the magic. The spark of invention

which led to masterpieces: Fusion. Hakkyoku-ken [Eight Extremities Boxing]

was a Hard/External style. Mingling the said theories and eliminating

the needless kata to make room for Tai Chi Quan's more elaborate, elusive

traits came without difficulty. The name of the style? Koudai Taigi.


 ... Grand Boxing.


   It was without surprise that Jubei would make his way to Satan City

to view the spectacle of the Tenchi Boudakai. Certainly, he would emulate

techniques there and steal what he needed. It was elementary work,

but grudgingly so. 


  However, his ample sense of superiority clashed sharply with the

humble demeanor he had picked up in Martial Arts. The ramification

had become an unfeeling monolith of theory and entropy. He was

no longer a man. Perhaps he never was. He never paid much mind to

his parents and their behavior. He was too busy obsessing over

his newest conquest. Now was the time to write his chapter

of history in the book alongside his most respected Masters. 

He would pass from flesh to rumour, and from rumour to legend.



Jubei is a Half-Breed who doesn't know of his Saiya-jin heritage

in case you failed to pick it up from this short (to be continued)

little blurb I wrote above when I'm feeling more eloquent and

up to it. I hope you enjoyed reading it, because I enjoyed writing



Sender  Snake~
Date    Tue Aug 20 15:08:28 2002~
Stamp   1029881455
Expire  1040249319
To      Solar Flare all~
Subject Solar Flare~
The scatter shot fails to hit the monster as he weaves in and out of the blasts.

The monster takes this chance and knees Snake to the ground. He skips across

the ground like a ball. The monster charges Snake as soon as Snake gets to his

feet. The monster rams Snake as Snake does an X block. He skids back as grooves

form from where his feet slide. Dust kicks up as the monster shoots into the

sky like a bullet. It looks down and fires a Masenko. Snakes heart is beating

looking for a way out of this as his instinct throws his hands up and shoots

a Kamehameha. Holding in the power struggle Snakes body drenched in dirty

sweat. The sweat beading off his forehead as he focuses his energy into the

beam. Just then the red headed woman phases in front of the monster.

The monster breaks concentration as the woman screams "SOLAR FLARE". The

bright light blinds the monster as Snake blast over powers it. The red head

looks at Snake and screams "RUN!". Just then the red headed woman is bashed

to the ground as the monster speeds infront of the falling woman and knees

her upward into the sky. Snake jets toward them but is to slow to keep up.

The womans shirt rips as she bounces off the monster's slash with its claws.

She hits the ground as Snake shoots into the sky as fast as he can yelling.

"KAIOKEN X 3" he screams in anger as the aura forms around him pushing him

toward the monster. As the monster sees him it jets toward him. He looks at

the woman as though she was beckoning him to try the move she just used.

His eyes focuses back toward the monster as his hands raise just like hers.

The back of his hands pointing to the monster as the fingers point to each

other. He screams "Solar Flare!". Learning this move he notices the monsters

blindness and takes advantage by drawing up a kamehameha. Waiting for the

right moment to release it. The Kamehameha glows brighter as the flare begins

to wear off. As the monster gets partial vision Snake screams as though he is

about to die, "KA....ME....HA....ME....HAAAAAAAA". THe blast shoots forward

soaking the monsters body up to the cell itself. Destroying the being that

plagued him.


P.S this is how i copy catted my way to learning Solar Flare. By watching

observing, and waiting for the right moments.



Sender  Ignignot~
Date    Sat Aug 24 04:28:48 2002~
Stamp   1030189283
Expire  1040556584
To      all~
Subject KameHameHa~
After travelling for many hours, Snake, Swift and Ignignot breakthrough

the dense forest.

     "Finnaly were here" Swift commented

     "Ya, it's quite a hike ain't it?" Snake said

     "You can say that again" Ignignot agreed.

     On the other side of the clearing stood a tranquil herd of deer quietly

grazing on the grass.

     "You guys wanna see a really cool skill?" Snake asked

     "Sure" Ignignot and Swift said in unison.

     "Watch closely now," Snake said, putting his hands out in front of him.


     Snake puts his hands at his side.


     A small ball of energy forms in Snake's hands


     The energy ball begins to glow violently.


     The energy ball grows larger and shines brighter.

     "HAAAAAAAAAA" Snake screams and puts his hands forward. A giggantic

beam of energy races across the field and incinerates one of the deer.

the rest run to the other end of the field to escape the beam, but just

begin grazing as soon as it dissapates.

     "Whoa" Ignignot and Swift manage to say in breathless voices, with

thier jaws on the ground.

     "Cool huh?" Snake said smugly.

     "Well, yaaa," Swift said still stunned.

     "Were'd you learn it?" Inignot asked.

     "Thats not important, what is improtant is that since you are students

of the Takiitsu school, I am willing to teach you.

     "Really!?" Swift asked excidedly.

     "Really." Snake said confirmed.

     "Cool thanks!" Ignignot said, also very excited.

     "Well, we better get started." Snake said.

     With that, Swift and Ignignot began the long arguous process of learning

the legendary KameHameHa. For ours Snake had them practice the proper

hand motions and stance to perform the attack. Finnaly after long hours

of prepartion, he deemed them ready to give it ago.

     "Alright, now what I want you two to do is get in a power struggle,

first things first, power up all the way,"

     "Right" Swift and Ignignot said in unison. Togethor they screamed in

rage as thier hair flashed gold and powerlevels soared to enourmus heights.

     "Now both of you stand on opposite sides of the field"

     They did.

     "Ok, now I want you both to aim at each other's hands so that the

beams collide, then pour as much ki into the attack as possible, Got it?"

     "Got it" they both sais in unison.

     "Ready, and GO!"Snake shouted.

     In perfect unison both Swift and Ignignot put thier hands out in

front of each other

    Swift                                                     Ignignot

     "KA"                                                       "KA"

    *"ME"                                                       "ME"*

    0"HA"                                                       "HA"0   

   {}"ME"                                                       "ME"{}

     "HA"}                                                     {"HA"


Sender  Ignignot~
Date    Sat Aug 24 04:45:56 2002~
Stamp   1030190235
Expire  1040557568
To      all~
Subject KameHameHa cont'd~
[Could not fit on 1 post]

     "HA"]                                                     ["HA"

      S-----]                                               [-----I

      S----------)                                     (----------I

      S---------------)                           (---------------I

      S--------------------)                 (--------------------I

      S-------------------------)       (-------------------------I













      S                                                          -*-


     "Congrudulations, even though only 1 of you is standing, you

are now both trained in the KaeHameHa," Snake Congradulated.

     "Great!" Ignignot said and promptly fainted.

     "So uh, who's gonna carry him back?" Swift said.

     "I think we both know the answer to that," Snake replied 


     Laughing they both started walking back home, leaving

Ignignot to recover conciousness and find his own way home.


This story is for Ignignot and Swift to learn the KameHameHa

(this story is for igningnot and swift to learn the kamehameha

all involved in the story gave thier permission to be used

please remeber this is my first story, and forgive some mistakes)


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sat Aug 24 18:04:37 2002~
Stamp   1030237651
Expire  1040605486
To      all~
Subject The Fusion...~
After 4 years of training, Zierk was given a very rare chance... He was given 

the chance to get his life back without the help of the DragonBalls. His task 

was to kill and evil Android in hell which was making a big fuss. Zierk 

traveled to hell in search of this Android, when he found the droid, he saw it 

beating up the Ginyu Force in hell's planes. Zierk interupted the fight and 

began to attack the android. With the help of the Ginyu Force and a

technique called SSJ3, Zierk defeated the android. Zierk reported back to

Grand Kai and his own life was restored. The now alive Zierk, able to attain

the status of SSJ3 in the living world, now a master of his blade, and in 

search for his clone on Earth. Zierk was taught one last technique before 

he left other world, it was called the Instant Transmission. It allows one to

travel at the speed of light to where ever is desired. While the Good Zierk

was in other world, the Evil Zierk was promoted to leader of Android Elite 

and had claimed himself ruler of Planet Vegeta untill someone rises up to

take it from him. Zierk left Redemption in charge of Planet Vegeta and 

taken off with the AE Mothership as he traveled to Earth. As Zierk

approaches Earth, and Good Zierk was revived, both will meet on Planet 

Earth..... What will happen when they do?


Sender  Alazar~
Date    Sun Aug 25 07:16:00 2002~
Stamp   1030285885
Expire  1040652974
To      All~
Subject Ic Revival~
Gaining conscienceness on snake way alazar raises onto his elbows

glancing around and rolling his eyes, im dead again....just great

alazar surveys the area and stands to his feet streatching

speaking to himself 'well i suppose its off to the grand kais, hes gonna

rag on me for being dead again..how droll'

Alazar glows ssj2 and takes off with incredible speed through snake way

knowing this place by heart already, Alazar thinks to himself 'Oh Yeah,

what an accomplisment knowing snakeway by heart' he rolls his eyes again

as he comes up to the check-in station.  Alazar looks up to king yema.

Yema looks down at alazar and speaks 'dead again?' Alazar replies 'no sir,

im here for my health'

yema gives a hearty laugh as he lets alazar through to heaven, transported to

the supream kais planet, the supream kai is already waiting for him

the kai speaks 'ahh Alazar, how nice to see you again' Alazar replies ' also

a pleasure to see you supream kai, you look in good health' he smiles at Alazar

Alazar speaks to the kai about his dilemma about being dead and so forth

the supream kai is listening to every word then speaks 'No need to say anymore

Alazar, i have just the thing, but first you must do something for me'

Alazar without hesitation nods in agreeal and speaks 'Sure Anything'

Kai speaks 'theres a planet in the western solar system thats being invaded

as we speak, the peace loving people of the planet are in diress, ill 

transport you to the planet and i wish for you to aid these people, when you

return youll be granted your life back'

Alazar speaks ' is that all? sure why not'

Alazar is instantly transferred to the planet where he looks about the area

saying to himself 'well you definatly know theres a war here' debrea spread

everywhere, fires and housing areas totally annilated

off to the left about 100 miles is 4 big powers the ones responcible for the

mess on this planet

alazar stares off to the left and thinks 'well better get to work'

rising up off his feet and taking off closing in on the enemies

Alazar lands behind them as they are all laughing the night away with their

destructive powers alazar brings his hand to his mouth and coughtalks


they all turn around and stare at alazar thinking hes plane stupid for coming up

to them, the 4 of them charge immediatly at alazar, Alazar holding his own as he

is in the first stages of his power, moving left and right as he easily dodges

them..the men power u p to their max as they now begin to give lazar trouble

'BAH!" alazar says 'now imma have to try and break a sweat, your not gonna like

this', he says to the men

Alazar goes SSj and right into ssj2 , landing multiple hits and kicks to each of

the men renduring them helpless

Alazar looks down at their bodies just barley hanging onto life 'I was asked to

exterminate the threat to this planet..but i have a soft spot..and its telling

me to let you live for some reason...wait the moment passed' alazar holds up his

fingers 'Have a nice trip in hell' he says as he blasts them into oblivion

as soon as the threat is gone he is transported back to the supream kais

where he makes good due on his promise restoring his life back to him

as they part supream kai gives Alazar a bag with unknown contents

kai says 'just some beans to help you on earth' Alazar smiles and nods as he

asends down to earth

alazar says ' ahhh good to be home'


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Mon Aug 26 18:29:52 2002~
Stamp   1030411924
Expire  1040779799
To      all~
Subject Story of Zierk~
Long ago, Zierk was killed by a Bio-Android named Koa. When Zierk died 

his selflessness was divided into two parts. The good side of him was 

killed and lost in space and time traveling to the other world. The Evil side 

which you all know now was revived by Koa and commishoned into the

Android Elite as the 'Commander of the Android Army'. Now on Earth, this 

Zierk had his tail implanted and became the third to reach the level now

known as Super Saiyan 4. He is blinded by his own rage towards all Icers

and is seeking Revenge on Terraco and Thaur for inslaving him into the

Shadow Syndicate. Zierk broke free of the Syndicate's grasp while fighting

a fantastic fight with Terraco and Kargos. You all know the story of the Evil

now... this is the story of the other Zierk, the pure hearted, gentle loving

guy we all loved.... and how the rival fusion really happened.



Sender  Zierk~
Date    Mon Aug 26 18:33:29 2002~
Stamp   1030412228
Expire  1040780023
To      all~
Subject The Arrival of Rivals~
The halo over Good Zierk's head dissappeared as he stood before Grand 

Kai. "{yGood, your alive again... Now it is time for you to find your clone and

fuse back into one body. The earrings Naga gave you were once mine, 

when you and your clone wear one one oppisite ears, you will be bound 

together and fused on contact. The fusion will last forever, even the 

earrings are removed after fusion. Go now, and good luck.{x" Zierk bowed 

before Grand Kai and put two fingers on his forehead, he disappeared into

thin air and reappeared on Planet Kaio, North Kai's home. Zierk waved at

his former master known as 'King Kai' and disappeared again. When he 

reappeared he was standing on Earth on a road leading into Satan City. 

Meanwhile, Evil Zierk approached Earth at high speeds, he soared in and

through Earth's atmosphere and landed in a small valley east of the Satan 

City. A small door on the hull opened releasing a small force of Saiyan 

Elite Soldiers, on top and large round hatch opened and Evil Zierk flew out 

surrounded by a large shield of ki. He landed behind his tactical force of 

Saiyans and released his shield. Out of the sun came many beams of 

energy, they split up and struck the force of Saiyans leaving many 

mutulated and limbless. A figure began to form inside the sun, as it formed

Good Zierk was revealed and flew down to the ground. Evil Zierk looked as

if he was looking in a mirror, a gust of wind passed moving some of the cut

of limbs on the ground. 


{R(Good Zierk){x "{GAhhhh..... So you must be Zierk.{x"



{R<<{xThe stage is set, both Zierks have faced each other and Good Zierk 

has made the first move. With only a few men left, what will Evil Zierk do 

about his clone? Read for yourself in the next episode "{W The Ultimate 

Battle{x " {R>>{x 



Sender  Zierk~
Date    Thu Aug 29 08:26:31 2002~
Stamp   1030635102
Expire  1041002799
To      all~
Subject The Ultimate Battle~
"{GAhhh.... So you must be Zierk.{x" Evil Zierk looks at Good Zierk."{RSo 

this is the power I have been feeling. Yes.... Just as mine, only your share 

of the power is much weaker than my own.{x" "{GListen, you know we were 

once one being. Why dont we fuse together, we belong that way, as     

one.{x" Evil Zierk laughed.. "{RWhy should I fuse with your body? Your 

nothing compared to me.{x" "{GWell then, it looks like Im going to have to 

stop you then.{x" "{RHahaha! We shall see about that, now wont we?{x"

Evil Zierk snaps his fingers and the remaining members if the Elite 

Soldiers charged Good Zierk. Good Zierk pulled his sword from its 

scabbard and raised it, defending himself. In a quick flash, Good Zierk had 

defeated all the soldiers leaving only cut off limbs and sliced corpses. 

Zierk tossed his sword in the air, he leaned foward slightly just as the 

sword landed in its scabbard. Good Zierk looked back at Evil Zierk. 

"{RWell, that was fun.... Now.... lets try something else.{x" Evil Zierk 

charged Good Zierk and headbutted him. Good Zierk flew back and Evil 

Zierk followed up with a swift elbow to the gut that sent Good Zierk soaring

down to the ground. Evil Zierk appeared in Good Zierks path and 

hammered him into the ground with extream force. Good Zierk stood up 

and transformed into a Super Saiyan and flew at Evil Zierk. Good Zierk 

disappeared and reappeared behind Evil Zierk and landed a punch that 

hurt even the strongest who saw it. Evil Zierk went flying... Good Zierk 

followed up with a hard combo that sent Evil Zierk through the air. Evil Zierk 

regained himself and threw an energy beam at Good Zierk who was flying

above him. Before the beam even reached Good Zierk, he had already 

flew in and kicked Evil Zierk in the face. Evil Zierk went flying and was 

pumbled by Good Zierks follow up attack. Evil Zierk hit the ground hard

causing a large cloud of smoke to rise from where he hit. Good Zierk flew 

to the ground several meters away from Evil Zierk. When the smoke 

cleared, Evil Zierk had accended past the level of Super Saiyan. Bolts of ki

arced around him as he stood looking Good Zierk in the eyes. Good Zierk

looked at his Evil self and grined. Good Zierk clenched his fist and he too

accended past the level of Super Saiyan. Bolts of ki arced around both 

fighters as they stood facing each other.


{R<<{x Now that both Zierks have become SSJ2s, their power seems even

on the battlefield, or does it? See who will win this battle on the next 

episode {G"{x Yoshimeha vs. B.B.A. !?  {G" {R>>{x



Sender  Deisle~
Date    Thu Aug 29 20:28:42 2002~
Stamp   1030681017
Expire  1041046141
To      all~
Subject ssj3 and spirit bomb~
Inside Thuar's ship Deisle was hard at training.He was standing in the center


of the ships sparring area.Around him were five costem made training droids.

Each droid had enough power to make a normal super saiyan beg for mercy.

Luckly Deisle was stronger than a normal ssj.Deisle powered up into a ssj as

the droids started to charge him.The fight between Deisle and the droids

was a savage one.Deisle was on the move.He was blocking every move the droids

were doing.That's when Deisle saw that he was only fighting three of the 

droids.than the other two jumed into the fight.Deisle manage to keep up with

all the droids for awhile but than they started winning.one kicked deisle in

the gut while another bashed deisle down to the gound.Deisle hit the ground 

hard but manage to roll so he was faceing the droids and fired a e-beam 

towards each one.Ever droid blocked the beam and come chargeing at Deisle 

again.They almost got to him when Deisle powered up to ssj2.His new energy

blew the droid back.Once the droids stopped flyong back they came chargeing 

in again.Deisle yelled {R Solar flare{w and all the droids became blinded.

Deisle than fired a beam at each droid again.This time only one manage to 

dodge the beam.The ones that were hit fell to the gound unable to move.

Deisle charged the remaining droid and hit it in the face.The droid flew back 

from the hit but throw a e-ball at Deisle.He deflected the ball and the droid

came back at droid and the two started to fight.Deisle hit the droid in the 

face two times than kicked it in the chest.Deisle flew away from the stuned

droid and charged a Super Nove Blast and fired it at the droid.The droid 

tried to catch the massive beam of fire that was coming at it but got burned.

The droid cried in pain as the beam of fire over took it.The last droid fell 

to the ground with the over droids.Deisle reverted back to his normal state 

and leaved the room as repair droid came and got the training droids.Deisle 

left the ship and went outside for some air.Deisle started to hear a beeping 

sound near by.he started to pay it nomind when he saw Gabe step out for 

behind a rock."{YYou must be you one called Deisle.{w said Gabe as he walked 

towards Deisle."{R yes I'm Deisle what do you want"{w that's when Deisle saw 

the ring on Gabe's hand.The ring was from the {YAndroid {DElite{w.

Gabe said {Y I've come to kill you{w "and  before Deisle could power up Gabe

put his hand though Deisle's chest.Gabe pulled his hand free and Deisle fell

to the gound lifeless.

to be continued

The super Nove Blast is a move that i came up with it's starts like a 

kamehameah but fires a massive beam of fire and energy towards a enemy.


Sender  Jinzoun~
Date    Thu Aug 29 21:05:19 2002~
Stamp   1030682761
Expire  1041048327
To      all~
Subject Droidrage~
Hitting the ground with a thud, Jinzoun stares up at the sky bewildered.  "You

cant handle that?"said his opponent, smirking from within his swirling red haze

of power. "Im only at level one...try this on... KAIOKEN TWO!!!" Suddenly

erupting in larger red flames, Jinzoun's opponent lunges at him.

"AHHHHHH!" screams Jinzoun.


Arriving shakily at his lab, half dead and a quarter functional,

Jinzoun starts his repairs.  Downloading his visual records

to the mainframe, Jinzoun replays the fight on a projector.

"That skill," he thinks as he soders some wires together

"that incredible skill..I must somehow surpass it if i am to defeat him..."

Constantly rewinding and playing the section when his foe uses kaiken,

Jinzoun stares.....muttering to himself, "he suddenly gets a

burst of power...kaioken..i too know this skill..." 

Rising from his chair suddenly, knocking it to the ground, Jin shouts

"nut I am an ANDROID! I should be able to dig deeper, release MORE POWER!

I am SUPERIOR!!" Jinzoun releases a blast into the projection on the wall,

destroying the wall.  Pacing angrily back and forth, he racks his brain

trying to think of how to overcome this 'organic' power.



With various electrodes hooked up to various places, Jinzoun stands in the

center of a large room. "KAIOKEN!" Jinzoun erupts in a red haze of power.

"Computer, record this power gain!" "Aye sir" comes the digitized reply

The red haze around Jinzoun fades away. "Now then...o surpass and overcome."

Jinzoun spreads his feet to shoulder width and begins to concentrate.

Reaching deep, Jinzoun powers up. "Computer, calculate power differential

from kaioken!"

".5 times" said the digitized voice. "Definately not enough" Jinzoun muttered.

"I must try HARDER" Jinzoun glows as he pumps out more energy.

"I MUST defeat kaioken!" Jinzoun screams as he strains to exude more power.

"1 even" chirped the computer as it read Jin's power.  "This is not

ENOUGH! NOT ENOUGH! I am SUPERIOR!" Jinzoun roars as he channels more and more

ki into his strength. "1.1 times, 1.2 tim-1.3-1.4 times" the computer

struggled to keep up with Jinzoun's rapidly rising power level. "This will


THAN AN ANDROID!!!!" As he rages, Jinzoun feels something inside disconnect,

as a small green message blinks in his vision "Limiter Release'.......

Suddenly Jinzoun screams as a large surge of power rushes through his body,

coming out of his hands and eyes as beams.  Struggling to contain the power,

Jinzoun focuses the beams back into himself, trapping the power inside him

as it raises his strength immensely.  The Computer next to him explodes, causing

Jinzoun to laugh, eyes glowing a bright green.  "I've done it, Ive surpassed 

the kaioken technique..this....this...DROID RAGE ensures my victory!"

proclaims Jinzoun as he laughs maniacally.


Sender  Deisle~
Date    Fri Aug 30 21:42:11 2002~
Stamp   1030772608
Expire  1041136955
To      all~
Subject ssj3 and spirit bomb con~
When Deisle opened his eyes he was in other world with King Kai standing over 

him.{cYou got back quick"{w said King Kai.Deisle stood up and looked around.

{RI don't remember what happened to me,all I remember was training and than.{

{w Deisle rubed his chin.{RNow I remember Gabe killed me.{wDeisle looked 

around again.{RGreat,I'm back here again.{wDeisle looked down at King Kai.

{RCould you send me back King Kai i'd like to get back at Gabe and the 

{YAndroid {DElite.{c I was planing  on sending you back but notfor the reason

you want."There is a huge struggle for power happen on Earth right now and

I don't mean your {DShadoW {rSyndicatE {w and the {YAndroid {DElite{w, this

is much big."Two super powers,one good one evil are fighting for control and

when they fuse there will be no power in the universe that will be able to 

stop the new fused super being".{R And what does this mean for me, you said

that no power could stop them so I take it that isn't why you're sending me 

back.{wDeisle folded his arms over his chest.{c The reason that i'm send you 

back is incase the good side doesn't win."{wKing Kai turned and started to 

walk away.{c" Come now you must begin your training."{w deisle followed the 

Kai.{R What training?"{w King Kai stopped and turned back to deisle.{cYou're

going to learn how to use the most powerful attack in the universe,The Spirit

Bomb."{wDeisle trained hard under King Kai and quickly learded the bomb.

Deisle had a bright blue ball of energy floating over his hand.King Kai

throw a large metal box into the air.{c Fell it out ,you'll know when the 

time is right to throw the bomb Deisle.Deisle throw the ball at the box and

hit it dead on and the box explodedin a huge blast that send shoch waves 

even though the Grand Kai's planet.c you must be careful with the spirit 

bomb.It's force could easily destroy 

bomb.It's force could easily destroy 

Earth."{R Ok got it now send me back.{cNot so fast you're going to need more 

than just the spirit bomb.{R What do you mean,you said that the bomb is the 

most powerful attack in the universe.{cIt is but you may need more power,go

to the second level of ssj."{R Ok"{w with that Deisle went to ssj2.{cGood,now

this need power comes from deep within yourself."You must dig deep to find it

{wFor hours Deisle and King Kaikelted diging to find Deisle's full power than

it happen.Deisle screamed as his goldin hair grow down to his knees and his 

eye brows disappeared.Deisle looked at himself.{c Good now I can't send you 

back.{wDeisle opened his eyes to see that he was back on Earth.He could sense

the super powers that King Kai was talking about.He thought about going to

see what was going on but decided to find Syndicate leader Thuar to see what

he knew about the two super powers and to get help because Deisle if the evil

side won than even with the spirit bomb and ssj3 he wouldn't beable to stop 

them byhimself.

This story is for spirit bomb and a rp reason i have ssj3 now.


Sender  Alik~
Date    Sat Aug 31 15:55:31 2002~
Stamp   1030834640
Expire  1041202558
To      all~
Subject Rebirth Part 1~
{wNot far off the outskirts of the Exile Air Base on earth deer

gallop in fright, and birds fly in fear as a viscious storm brews

overhead. The clouds drift in quickly, black and omninous as they

crash together, thunder is heard followed shortly after by the

crash of lightning down upon the Earth's surface. The rain comes

slowly at first, only a small drop every few minutes, but soon it

turns into a furious downpour. Golfball sized raindrops hit the

ground quickly creating large puddles...


Sender  Alik~
Date    Sat Aug 31 15:57:23 2002~
Stamp   1030834746
Expire  1041202651
To      all~
Subject Rebirth Part 2~
{wOff of the beaten trail, in the tall grass of a desolate field

lays the body of a being... A being once Prince of the mighty

civilization on the planet Phrost(in another dimension, but thats

another story)... A being once feared by many on planet Earth...

A being that once held the title of second place in the world

tournament... A being that once walked with the members of the

Shadow Syndicate... A being that once walked with the Android

Elite... A being that was once killed, and reborn... A being that

is now nothing more than a pile of scrap metal and flesh.


Sender  Alik~
Date    Sat Aug 31 15:59:12 2002~
Stamp   1030834893
Expire  1041202762
To      all~
Subject Rebirth Part 3~
{wAs the storm rages overhead, the blackened skies are constantly

illuminated by the crashing of lightning. While the rain beats

down upon the Cybernetic Abdomen Replacement of the being once

known as Alik. Half Icer, Half Android, the former Prince was

galaxy reknown as an emotionaless killer that answered only to

the word of Koa. But even before that, he was world reknown as an

arrogant Saiya-Jin destroyer. After his battle with Koa, he was

reborn as a mindless killer. Still retaining some of his

arrogance, but none of his mind, Alik was reborn even stronger

than before.


Sender  Alik~
Date    Sat Aug 31 16:01:36 2002~
Stamp   1030834998
Expire  1041202906
To      all~
Subject Rebirth Part 4~
{wA drop of water trickles over the cybernetic implant in place

of Alik's originaly Hazey Purple eye. It remains motionless. High

above the loud clapping of thunder is heard, just before a

vibrant bolt of lightning comes crashing down striking the body

of Alik! Another drop of water trickles over the cybernetic

implant as residual electricty courses over the body of Alik. 

Still no motion from the implant...


Sender  Alik~
Date    Sat Aug 31 16:03:23 2002~
Stamp   1030835181
Expire  1041203012
To      all~
Subject Rebirth Part 5~
{wAs the electricity fades from the body, andother clap of

thunder is heard... The old saying is proven false, as another

bolt of brightness strikes the body. As the residual electricity

fades into the ground another drop of water rolls over the



{W[{RBeep Beep Beep{W]


{wA red light flickers to life deep inside the implant! Alik's

remaining Hazey Purple eye slowly blinks open...


{M"{mAll systems online...{M"{w, Alik says in the monotone voice

thats struck fear into so many before.


thats all :)



Sender  Deisle~
Date    Sat Aug 31 22:12:51 2002~
Stamp   1030858440
Expire  1041225193
To      all ~
Subject Bvanen's alive~
After the diisappearince of Waylander.Thuar give his part of the {rSyndicatE

ship to Deisle.One day while messing around in Waylander's lab.Deisle found

a file of Waylander's.The file had the blue prints for a bio-android made 

from the cells of all the {w(just remembered about the color){RSyndicate 

{wmember's.Deisle with the help of Thuar follow the blue prints and made the 

bio-droid.When the whole thing was done a huge bug looking creature steped

out of the test tube.The creature was weaker than Thuar and Deisle but it was

only in the frist stage of devloment.It's power would grow,maybe even as high

as the most powerful bio ever.On training droids,it showed the abilite to 

secrate a sticky,quickhardening ooze through the pores on his skin.The ooze 

provided not only a protective shell around it,but a weapon that can be used 

to stick to foes and immobilize them.Thuar come up to deisle while their new

weapon was training.{C"So what are we to call it"{w.Deisle looked at the 

]front of Waylander's file{R"We should call it Bvanen Thuar.{wDeisle showed

Thuar the front of the file.It said Operation Bvanen on it.


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sun Sep  1 07:06:54 2002~
Stamp   1030889522
Expire  1041257229
To      all~
Subject Yoshimeha vs. BBA!?~
Now both Super Saiyan Level Two, Evil Zierk grined and said, "{YHeh, so

you can do it too, well.. try this on for size!{x" Evil Zierk soared high into

the air and looked down on Good Zierk. He charged a ball of energy in his 

palm and pointed it at Good Zierk far below. Good Zierk sensed this and 

created a ball of energy in both palms and joined them together by cuffing 

his palms and charging his energy. Evil Zierk threw the ball at Good Zierk 

screaming "{YThis is what I call my BIG BANG ATTACK!!!!{x" The ball of 

energy soared through the air heading for Good Zierk. Good Zierk looked

up and released his attack screaming, "{GThis is my YOSHIMEHA 

WAVE!!!!{x" Good Zierk released a massvie beam of energy which 

headed straight for Evil Zierk's Big Bang. The two attacks collided together

in the air creating a massive shock wave through the air. As both attacks 

grew stronger, both fighters slowly peeked their powers reaching the 

maximum levels. The massive power struggle, it filled the sky with energy 

explosions and lightning everywhere. It could be seen for miles upon miles

in the distance. Both powers became so great that the powerstruggle 

imploded on itself and exploded. Creating a very large explosion in the air,

its shock waves were sent in groups leveling the planet of stability. When 

the light and dust cleared, only the two Saiyans stood Accended while the

background was destroyed and now as barren as a desert.


{R<< {xWOW! What and explosion. See Good Zierk finally use his sword 

on Evil Zierk and read the action next time, {C' {BThe Battle Ends, Good 

Zierk is Down!? {C'{R>>{x 



Sender  Zierk~
Date    Sun Sep  1 07:13:08 2002~
Stamp   1030889777
Expire  1041257622
To      all~
Subject The Battle is Over, Good Zierk Down!?~
As the two accended Saiyans stood at a complete stand off, Good Zierk

pulled out his sword and wielded it ready to attack. {WTelepathy from Koa:

{x"{cZierk, its Koa. Come to me right now, the DragonBalls are in sight.{x"

Good Zierk charged Evil Zierk with his sword swining it at his head. Evil

Zierk grabed the sword before it hit and turned it around on Good Zierk, 

then he pierced Good Zierk with his own sword. The sword pierced right

through Good Zierk's torso, and he fell to the ground, sword still pierced.

"{YI have to go now, have a nice day..{x" Evil Zierk blasted off the ground 

and flew off. Good Zierk was left on the ground bleeding to death from his 

sword. He rolled over and pulled the sword out of his torso, he released 

the sword from his hands and it lied there on the ground. Zierk reached 

deep in his pockets for the bag of Senzu Beans he had brought with him. 

Zierk got a bean and ate it, but the bean did nothing to stop the bleeding or 

heal the wound, only eased the pain a bit. Zierk's breath became very 

shallow and slow.... his sight began to fade..... just as he blacked out.


{R<< {xThis is when Evil Zierk and Koa tried to destroy the Earth, went to 

Namek in search of the DragonBalls, came back to Earth and found the 

remaining Dragonballs. This happened on Gossip channel infront of 15 

people. {R>>{x


Sender  Archon~
Date    Sun Sep  1 17:49:35 2002~
Stamp   1030929355
Expire  1041295794
To      Majinfred all~
Subject story~
One day I was out training and saw a huge arena.

At first i had no clue what was going on. But then I relized that

there was a fighting turny. I flew down and landed at the gate.

A very large man was standing there "what's going on ?",I said 

"The grand master is holding a fighting turny to seek the

best fighter in the world." ,he said

and then started laughing and said "but from the looks of you

I dont think you'll be entering." i ask what the prize would be

for winning this turny. He said "the winner will get training from

the grand master himself." I said "I wish to enter." he nodded

and opened the gate. I saw meny people there. I walked to the desk

and signed in the man at the desk said " if you win all three

matches you win." I nodded and walked into the arena. There

was a man in the ring already it was the man from the gate.

He ran at me and with a swift kick the man went flying out of

the ring. another man got in the ring he pu his hands togeather

and shot an energy ball at me i jumped out of the way

and shot one right back at him hitting him "KO" a man yelled.

Then a namek got in the ring he smerked and said "i wont be so

easy." He shot an energy beam at me I also shot one putting us

in a power struggle. I knew how i could easyly kill the namek.

i went Super Saiyan 2 my energy beam went in the namek one side

and out the other the namek was dead. The grand master walked up

to me and said "Well done warrior...now would you like me to

teach you 'Solar Flare' or 'Kameahmah wave'?"

(Sorry i dont know how to spell Kameahmah) I said

"Kameahmah wave" he nodded and started teaching me the art of

the Kameahmah wave it took me a little while to learn the skill

but soon i had mastered the skill. I thanked the man and flew away.


Sender  Jojubi~
Date    Mon Sep  2 07:57:26 2002~
Stamp   1030980672
Expire  1041346681
To      All~
Subject Solar Flare, Scatter Shot, and Kamehameha~
Training hard, with the help of an associate by the name of Ace.

Standing there in the sparring sphere, Jojubi at his max, and

giving his all with his every attack, skill he knows, and learning

a lot from Ace, telling him how to fix his form, and tricks of

the trade to perfect his technique on every attack he throws.


Ace says, '{GGood... but you seem to be needing a bit of some ki

{Gattacks in your arsenal...{g'


Jojubi panting heavily in his transformed state, as Ace sits there

chuckling to himself not even breaking a sweat from intense training.


Jojubi a bit confused says to Ace, '{GWhat do you mean... do I

{Gneed to know?{g'


Ace chuckling to himself, then getting a slight smirk on his face at

Jojubi's comment and says, '{GHere... let me show you some things I've

{Glearned... now watch closely...{g'


Jojubi looking with a bit of confusion steps back, watching Ace from

afar, and watching his every movement to what he has to show.  Ace

grinning ever so slightly to himself, stands in a basic standing

position, and askes Jojubi, '{GYou ready?{g'


Nodding with certainty, but a bit of concern of what was to come.

Ace, closes his eyes, for a moment, standing motionless. After a

long moment, his eyes flare open and he throws his hands up in front

of his face with his fingers spread, and yells out, '{YSOLAR {WFLARE!{g'

Blinded and dazed, Jojubi cringes as he is momentarily blinded.

Stumbling around, all Jojubi hears is Ace chuckling to himself.


Jojubi screams struggling to say the words, '{GWhat the hell was that

{Gfor... I can't see... how am I suppose to learn...{g'


Chuckling to himself, Ace watches, for a few more moments, and watches

Jojubi recover from the attack. Blinking several times regains his sight.

But with a moment, Jojubi glances up with an angered look. Ace grins,

cupping his hands, begins to charge an attack. Jojubi stumbles back

into a defensive stance, ready to take the blow, watching throw a gap

in his defense, watches Ace, slowly saying a word,'{GKa...me...ha...

{Gme...haaaaa!!!{g'  Ace knowing that Jojubi not able to with stand

a regular attack, does not put much effort into it, only slightly

brusing Jojubi's arms and body with the blast. Jojubi, with a bit of

amazement on his face, which slowly dissapates with an enraged look

upon his face.  Ace with his final move, phases out, and appear behind

Jojubi.  Jojubi confused at this point doesn't realize Ace above him

Ace yells out, '{WScatter shot!{g' unleashes a barrage of {Benergyballs{g

at Jojubi.  Jojubi unable to defend himself, gets battered by the

explosions.  Filled with incredible rage, a deep bellow can be heard

creshendoing(getting louder) from amongst the smoke cloud where Jojubi

stands.  Jojubi, with his eyes flickering like hot {Rfiery {gcoals

Clinching his fists, and bringing them down as the yellow aura around

him swells, and {Warcs of ki{g begin to violently leap over him.

Ace with a shock on his face, and a bit of amusement on his face says,

'{GWow... didn't know you were that close to a new ascending power...

well good job... Have you learned what I just... well sorta taught you.{g'

Jojubi with a pissed off look, digs his back heel into the ground and

charges at Ace. Ace smirks, and back hand slaps Jojubi to the far

wall, and throws hims a black bean. '{GEat that{g,' says Ace,

'{GAnd get up, we still have lots to do.{g'  Jojubi eats the bean, and

nods in acknowledgement towards Ace, '{GAlrighty{g,' Jojubi says, as

he ascends to his feet once again, bowing before Ace in respect.


({wThis is a story to get Solar Flare, Scatter Shot, and Kamehameha.{g))


Sender  Nightstrike~
Date    Wed Sep  4 14:09:49 2002~
Stamp   1031175435
Expire  1041541822
To      terraco all~
Subject getting kamehameha~
One day i was flying along and I saw a castle,

I landed at the gate. i saw a sign, it said

"good fighters only, go away!" this made me really mad, 

i kicked open the gate and entered. I was walking in a hall 

, and then three dark figures jumped out of no where.

One of them yelled "Solar flare" of something like that, 

I could not see anything, then a one of them hit me, I was K.O'ed

. When awakened i was in a cage, a man walked up and said,

"who do you work for!?" no one I said LIER! he yelled,

he walked away. Later he came back and said well well well... 

i have decided that if you can kill three of my best warriors

i'll let you go, and if you are good enough i'll teach you an energy skill

. I agreed and he opened the cage, I walked to the arena, 

i could feel the three fighters power levels, I thought hmm...

5,000 and 150,000 and 5,000,000. I think I will have some fun

. I smiled and said, ok ill give yall one chance to kill me

so use your best attacks, I wont even attack untill you done

they all nodded. One yalled "Kamehameha" another yelled 

"Final flash" and the last one yelled "Scatter shot".

They all realesed there attacks at the same time... BOOM!

. they all hit me, hurting me. after the dust 

cleared i said, now it's my turn, I went ssj2 and yelled "Energy beam"

A huge energy beam at them killing them all in one blow

then the man walked up to me and said well done


so you won the bet, so what move do you want?

kamehameha?, final flash? or scatter shot?

I said kamehameha, it took me a while but finnaly

I got it i had mastered the skill I thanked 

the man and flew away







Sender  Monarch~
Date    Thu Sep  5 09:45:07 2002~
Stamp   1031245725
Expire  1041612322
To      all~
Subject eye beam, finger beam~
i was raised no differently to others of my race, brought up in 

the traditional icerian way - power was everything

when i became of age i joined the warrior corps, what i

considered a way of life worthy of my heritage.

For many years i travelled the galaxy, raining destruction

on innocent people, many towns were lain to waste beneath

my boot heals.

Then on a expedition to a small planet not too 

dissimilar to earth, i found that destruction had preceded me

Curious, i investigated - wondering what could have caused this


although i hated to admit it i was impressed by the attackers

power.  Eventually i found them, a pair of cursed Saya-jins,

i decided that Cold would be highly impressed if i brought

back their heads on sticks so throwing caution to the wind i attacked

It was the wrong decision.

Before i knew what had happened i was laying on my back staring into

the grinning features of one of the Saiyans.

Laughing he and his accomplish decided to toy with me for their own

ammusement.  i could think of nothing worse, than to meet my end

for a Saiyans pleasure, but i was hopelessly overpowered

Suddenly a beam of ki blasted one of my assailers in the chest

throwing him twenty feet across the field.  i glanced up

just in time to see a Namekian warrior focussing on the other

Saiya-Jin.  "Eye Beam" he yelled and blasted a gaping hole 

through the Saiyan's chest.

He helped me to my feet, "why did you save me i asked?"

"I hate to see people being tormented and attacked for no

reason" was his reply.  i didnt mention that it was i who 

attacked them.

For many days i followed this Namek, hoping to be taught 

how to utilise my ki to better effect, eventually he 

deemed me worthy to be taught.  Soon not only had i managed

to produce a beam of ki from my eyes but under his guidance

i could also fire a pulse from the tips of my fingers.

This was not the only thing i learned from him though, 

i found myself not wishing for destruction any more, but 

for enlightenment, the Namek's personality and morals had 

been transferred to me.


Sender  Auriana~
Date    Thu Sep  5 20:24:46 2002~
Stamp   1031283379
Expire  1041650702
To      all~
Subject She gets a reward~
A breeze takes you back. You see from afar the earth being destroyed.

You sense a loss of a pure golden power before the explosion.

A sudden wind takes you to the begining of snake way!!

You see a poor Half breed there wounded and hurt badly.

She gets up and starts to walk down snake way tumbling down every hill.

Another wind takes you to some time later. She is standing with the North Kai.

"You have done well Miss Auriana" says the North Kai.

"You have learned how to channel your ki and form it into a attack"

"For sacrificeing your life for the name of good"

"We give you more time on earth, to protect all those who need it"

"Use your time well and be safe" says the North Kai finaaly finishing talking

You suddenly return to where your physical body is!!


Sender  Kraijin~
Date    Thu Sep  5 21:28:44 2002~
Stamp   1031288005
Expire  1041654537
To      all~
Subject Gaining SSJ~
Kraijin stands panting as Deisle points a scouter at him.

"I wish to see you at your strongest"

With a small grin, Kraijin lowers his head as his whole body tenses up.

A small aura gradually appears around him, covering his entire body

in a white glow.


As every muscle twitches and spasms, Kraijin screams loudly as

a brilliant white light glares around him.

"Hmmmmmmmm......31 million" smirks Deisle.

"Not too bad.....for a beginner that is."

Kraijin relaxes his body and stares at Deisle, "Can it be done?"

Deisle crosses his arms and states matter-of-factly, "You have the strength and 

skills, but you lack motivation and purpose"

Deisle gives a small laugh, ".....and thats what I'm here for."

Floating slowly around Kraijin, he says, "Picture all of your friends and family

 everyone you have cared for your entire life."



Kraijin thinks of all the people he has ever known, all his old friends, and his

new friends he made on earth.


Seeing Kraijin thinking, Deisle zooms right next to his ear, "And now, picture

their deaths, picture the agony they go through, and feel the anger build inside


Kraijin's face contorts as he feels the pain and sorrow they would go through.

"Picture....me....destroying them all..............."

Kraijin looks at Deisle puzzled. "You, destroying....all of them?"

Deisle frowns, "I killed them all, what will you do about it????!!!!"

With that Deisle rushes Kraijin and begins to beat on him, blow after blow as

Kraijin tries to defend himself from his all-powerful opponent.


"I won't....I won't let you........DO THAT!!!!!!!!" Kraijin screams aloud as he

releases a massive shockwave throughout the building, sending cracks through all

the walls.


When the light and smoke clears, Kraijin is tensed up, his hair standing on end,

flashing gold.

With a sigh, Kraijin opens his hands and lets the power subside, his hair

reverting to its old black color.  Deisle walks up to Kraijin and pats him on

the back.  "You have done well for today, but there are many obstacles ahead."

"Are you willing to push your entire being to the limits, trying to achieve what

so many others have failed to do?" Kraijin looks down at the floor for a moment

 then stares Deisle straight in the eyes, "I am ready."


"Good.....very good," Deisle says through a smile, "Training shall continue



(Finally got ssj!)


Sender  Cliff~
Date    Sun Sep  8 08:36:21 2002~
Stamp   1031499914
Expire  1041867399
To      all~
Subject How Cliff learned Final Flash~
As Cliff was wandering around Vegeta, he saw a brilliant flash of energy

followed by a loud explosion. This intrigued Cliff, he went to go see

what caused the explosion. As Cliff approached the place where he saw the

energy, his scouter picked up a huge powerlevel. Eventually, he tracked down

the source of this tremendous power, it seemed that a thief had tried to

break into the museum, and the guard killed the thief with a powerful technique.

As Cliff approached the guard, he asked him what technique he used on the

thief. The guard told Cliff that it was the "Final Flash" technique. Cliff

asked the guard if he would mind teaching him the technique in exchange for

a few nights work to let the guard have a few days off. The guard agreed and

started to show Cliff how to use the "Final Flash" technique. It took Cliff

many tries to finally use the attack. After Cliff successfully used the

technique, the guard smiled and said, "Well, I've fulfilled my part of the deal

now its your turn." And with that, the guard left Cliff to guard the museum

for three days. After the three days had passed, the guard returned, and Cliff

thanked him for the new technique the guard had tought him.


This is how I learned how to use Final Flash.


Sender  Jojubi~
Date    Sun Sep  8 10:39:35 2002~
Stamp   1031509661
Expire  1041874904
To      all~
Subject The destruction of the Earth- A Story from one's view.~
It was a beautiful day in the town south of Satan City, or known

on Earth as South City.  I flew many miles, for a delivery of some

battle armor, fit for a Saiyan Warrior.  When I saw no one in the

streets, and panic and terror in peopels eyes, which were fixed

on the blueish background behind me.  With this alarmed look on

many citizen's I saw running through the streets, saw something,

something that seemed so movie like to them, but this time was

real.  I turned and looked into the sky, and saw, a massive ball,

of energy.  I remember it's radiant colors shining brightly, as

{RRed{g... swirling, like a massive star, quite like the star of

that solar system, but it's size was feeble to the that of the

Earth's sun, but... If I remember correctly before this, a few

days before.  An lizard looking creature, half machine, half Icer,

I suppose that what it was, came to while I was training myself

in the sparring sphere on Earth, said... "Do not judge a book by,

it's cover."


These words stay within my mind 'till this day.  And how true it

was.  Those words held so much true in them.  Looking upon this.

I could not do anything about it.  My power was petite to even

attempt to help those going against it.  But I commend those,

who attempted and fail, it's more than I ever did... Anyways...

Where was I... I ah yes... off into the sky, in the distance,

was this ball of destruction.  If you looked into the ball...

In a way... mocked you, as the flames of energy flickered and

licked around the ball teasingly... It disgusted me... such

power... where did it come from.  I do not know... I did not see

who would do such a thing...


Fear struck, and my lip quivering with fear... I did but run as

well.  I blazed with all my power, and exploded through the air,

as I made my way to the transport evac ships those dispatched by

{RCapsule {WCorps, people boarded, as many as these huge,

circular pods could hold.({Rsorry just noticed the color){g  

Flying through the air, at tremendously fast speeds, I glanced,

flipping around, still maintaining my course, saw in the distance.

Bright blue beams shoot up from over the mountains, striking

this destructive ball it the heart, as they actted as if they were

spear fisherman, trying to keep a hungry shark from a meal.

For a second, the ball gave way a bit, receeding towards the heavens

but then... only to fall twice as hard on these {Cblue{g beams of

{WHope{g.  Watching as I was still heading for my destination, closing

fast.  I saw more beams shoot into the air, but having no effect.

Though they did give some time to the evac ships, well the ones that

could get off the ground in time.


I gasped for air... as the sight, took my breathe, as fear once again

putting me in a choke hold.  I flipped over, and pushed myself

double time to get to an evac ship.  I was too late I saw the ships

beginning to take off.  I couldn't miss my opprotunity.  With the

will to survive, I powered up, and flew for one in mid flight.

Engines blazing and pushing even harder to break free of gravity's

pull.  At full speed, flew into the side of the ship, blasting through

the hull of the ship into the interior.  As I did so, I concentrated,

blasting a stream of energy at the surrounding metal, and began to melt

the hole a close.  I did so, and worked quickly, doing so I patched

the hole I left, before we left the atmosphere.  Panting heavily, and

flying to a window, and looks back at the Earth, as the ship began

to hyper jump, I saw it... the Earth... exploding in an array of reds

oranges, and yellows... and bits and parts coming towards us... Then...

Zooooooom! with a blink in the black void of space... Earth was gone.



Sender  Monarch~
Date    Mon Sep  9 10:35:04 2002~
Stamp   1031596164
Expire  1041960917
To      all~
Subject Destructo Disk~
Having travelled far and wide over the last few years with my Namekian master,

i was beginning to feel a yearning for my own kind.  Eventually i sat down

and discussed this with my trainer.  Seeing the look of eagerness and 

anticipation on my face, it didnt take me long to convince him that this

would be for the best.  However he did take the time to warn me that things

would probably not be as i remembered them.

I set out the very next morning, desperatly looking forward to seeing my own

kind once more.  Don't get me wrong, i had thoroughly enjoyed my experiences

with the Nameks and learned more than i could ever have imagined but i was

always an outsider there.  I climbed into the ship that had been given to

me by a grateful android a few months past ( i had saved him from a 

particulary big and distempered t-rex ) and set out for Freezer.  After an 

uneventful journey i stepped out of my craft onto the familiar terrain.

Taking a huge lungfull of air i set out to re-enter into icerian society. 

I decided that my first port of call should be my old regiment, as this 

was where i spent the majority of my adult life.  I was not met with the 

kind of reception that i was expecting.

I was expecting a warm welcome, many old comrades glad to see me and 

interested to know where i had been.  I suppose i should be glad that they 

were at least interested, but not in the way i was hoping for.  As soon

as i mentioned the Nameks, i was grabbed from each side by a huge warrior

and dragged off to see King Cold.  In hindsight maybe i should feel 

priviledged before i had left i had never even caught a glimpse of our

ruler and yet within ten minutes of being back i was being dragged into a

private audience with him.

The king was exactly as he had been described to me, but now those qualities

that had so impressed me before filled me with revulsion and pity.  He was

the most powerful and most ruthless of all Icers and therefore in the eyes

of the population the perfect king.  Now with his infuriated gaze bearing 

down on me, it was hard to think of him as a justified ruler.

An explanation was demanded for my disappearance and my whereabouts over

the last few years.  They were not impressed with my answers.  The fact that

i had been saved from certain death at the hands of a pair of accursed

Saiya-Jins by a Namek was met with utter disgust.  But to then have lived

and trained as part of their society for so long enraged Cold so much that

he could not contain himself.  Proclaiming me a disgrace and a traitor to

my kind he rose up and punched me out of the grip of my captors.

Standing over me he began to charge a powerful disk of energy in each hand.

Quickly i scrambled to my feet and managed to regain my balance just as 

he released.

"Destructo Disk" he screamed as two glowing, razor sharp disks of ki flew

towards my face.

I backflipped out of way of the first, but the second one was harder to

evade, removing my left hand at the wrist.  I collapsed to the ground in

more pain than i had ever experienced.  Glancing around i saw Cold 

advancing on me charging two more lethal disks.  Desperately i jumped to

my feet and decided to try to escape as fast as possible.  Sweeping Cold's

feet from below him i leapt at the warrior guarding the door.  One swift

shot to the heart later the guard was nothing more than i crumpled heap 

and was able to make a break back for my ship.  Firing an energy beam over

my shoulder i swiftly mounted the steps to the cockpit and began the takeoff

procedures.  Thankfully my escape had not been predicted by my captors

and they were a little too slow to prevent it.  Blasting off from the planet

i set the ship to autopilot and strapped myself into the healing pod. 

All i could think of before i drifted into unconsciousness was the power 

of Cold's technique and before i drifted into the blackness i had decided

that i too would have this power and use it myself against the evil Icer



Sender  Thaur~
Date    Mon Sep  9 21:02:21 2002~
Stamp   1031630744
Expire  1041998556
To      all~
Subject The Awakening: Part I~
A smouldering ash covers the land and everything in sight. The sky is a deep

dark red and smoke billows from the ground towards the bleeding sky. No

life can be seen throughout the burned field. Towards the horizon, a slight

site of a building can be seen.


A slight, hot breeze blows over the ashes, stiring a few up. The ashes

uncover what appears to be a hand. A second or two goes by and from

nowhere, the hand clenches into a fist, the wind kicks up, blowing the ash

all about. The smoke steaming from up under the field builds and begins to

explode with immense power and frustration. The ground begins to shake

and up-heave. The hand outstretches and from beneath the ashy layer and 

the ground from beneath, emerges a ash covered Icer.


Thaur is surrounded by an Immense Purple Aura. His power is subdued and

he is in his base form, trying to conserve energy. Thaur turns to survey his

surroundings, and sees the building off in the distance. He looks about the 

ground from where he just came, and then smiles.


Thaur heads off towards the building with the thought of vengance on his

mind. He has no memory of his time in this place, nor any knowledge of

where he is. The only thing he remembers is that last fight, the fight that

was supposed to end it all...


Sender  Thaur~
Date    Mon Sep  9 21:05:46 2002~
Stamp   1031631039
Expire  1041998759
To      all~
Subject The Great Wall: Part II~
As Thaur draws closer to the building, he notices a huge gate at the 

entrance, surrounded by a pit of molten lava. As if a place from a dream, or

nightmare. The gate itself screams evil incarnate. The very decorations on

the outside show a demonic presence within. Most other beings would have

turned around and went the other way, but Thaur is intrigued by a faint

sense of power and even the very evil that is sensed from behind the gates.


Thaur flies to the edge of the pit and lands to view the situation. He looks

up at the gate. It appears as if it goes on forever, no end in site. From

within a small window just a few meters from the pit next to the gate, a

small echo can be heard. It sounds as if a voice is screaming, "Go back, Go

Back..." Thaur listens to the voice and gives a slight grin. He takes a step

back and then looks back to the gate.


"A barren wasteland, an echoing voice telling me to leave. Hmm. Sounds like

fun." Thaur looks to the sky and begins to draw power from within himself.

He begins to transform and in an instant, is in a massive form covered by

horns and spikes of all size, yes is still building energy from with in. He

stops for a second then holds his hands to either side. A small ball of light

forms in either palm, he grits his teeth and the balls turn into small disks.

The disks continue to grow in not only size, but the blades begin to

become more prominant and numerous. Thaur looks down for a minute,

remembering something...


"Z... AHHHHHH." Thaur throws his hands forward and screams out,

"KIENZAN!!!" The disks fly from his hand towards the huge gate. The twin

disks crash into the door, ripping through it as if it were paper. The disks

cut through and then begin to cut in a circular motion, as if making a

specific cut. Thaur clenches his fists and the disks disappear. A small circular

piece of the gate falls into the pit. As a maniacle grin crosses Thaur's face,

he makes his way into the un-known world beyond.


Sender  Thaur~
Date    Mon Sep  9 21:10:43 2002~
Stamp   1031631246
Expire  1041999054
To      all~
Subject The Rememberance: Part III~
Upon arriving on the other side, Thaur is shocked by what he sees. Millions

of men and women of all different race are slaving away. Directly in front of

Thaur stands a large staircase leading up to a large throne. Sitting on the

throne is a huge Demon, at that moment, Thaur realizes where he is and

why he is here.


"Z.. Zie.. Zierk!!! It was him. He sent me here. I am in hell... That damn 

monkey. He shall not have the satisfaction of beating me again. I will hunt

him down and I will tear him apart, beginning with his tail... He shall not get

away with this, he will be punished... This I swear..."


Thaur looks to the demon sitting atop the mountainous staircase. He begins

to make his way to the top, a few guards standing in his way but quickly

being cut down with a single blow from the mighty Lord of the Icers.


That scene from the final moments from the fight keeps replaying over and

over with every fatal blow thrown by Thaur onto the demon guards. With

every step, with every motion, he becomes more and more enraged. Upon

arriving at the top of the stairs, he is met by a group of demons with orders

to kill. Thaur gives a slight grin and waves his hand, signaling for the

demons to make their move.


Sender  Thaur~
Date    Mon Sep  9 21:14:16 2002~
Stamp   1031631479
Expire  1041999268
To      all~
Subject The Fight: Part IV~
Thaur dodges the oncoming attack by one of the demons and shoves one

of the spikes on his arm through the demon's stomach, then tosses the

demon to the bottom of the stairs. More demons begin to charge, yet

Thaur is prepared for everyone, taking them out without hinderance.


Thaur drops the corpse of the final demon on the floor in front of the great

king of demons sitting upon the throne. He looks up at the devil and spits

at him. The saliva lands on the demon's skin, evaporating on contact. The

great beast screams in anger and stands up, swinging his mighty tail,

smacking Thaur into a wall far off on the other side of the room. He looks

back at the Demon, wiping his chin.


Thaur flies off the wall and looks at the indentation made from his body. He

looks back at the Demon King. He screams out in rage as a huge purple aura

bursts around him. He charges the demon and kicks him in the face. The

Demon towers over Thaur, about fifty feet difference. Thaur disappears and

reappears behind the Demon. He kicks him in the back of the head, sending

him to one knee.


As Thaur tries to fly around to the front, the demon swings his arm, sending

Thaur crashing to the ground. Thaur disappears beneath the stone used to

make the great staircase. The Demon King gets to his feet and begins to

scream out in victory. The ground begins to shake violently and the stone

from the steps explodes upward. Emerging from the flying rubble, is a

transformed, angered Thaur.


Sender  Thaur~
Date    Mon Sep  9 21:18:03 2002~
Stamp   1031631813
Expire  1041999493
To      all~
Subject The Anger Uproars: Part V~
Thaur looks up at the Demon and cries out, "You will not stop me. I will 

leave this place and take my revenge. You will not stand in my way." The

demon laughs. The laugh only sends pictures from the battle with Zierk

flying through Thaur's head. Thaur leans back and explodes with power

never felt before. The demon gets a contorted look on his face.


Thaur looks up at the demon, his eyes red from anger and his blood 

boiling, he cries out, "KAMIKAZE!!!" Thaur flies towards the Demon, landing

a huge shot to the chest of the demon. The demon flies back, landing into

his throne causing it to crumble. Thaur sees the Demon down but continues

his assault, sending a barrage of energy spheres towards the downed

demon. He sends one last sphere then loses his rage, landing on the



Thaur looks up at the carnage he just caused, and smiles as if happy to

destroy such a great being. Thaur stands and almost loses balance, quickly

catching himself. "Kamikaze eh, this could come in handy." thinks Thaur as

he notices a light emitting from behind where the throne once stood. Thaur

jumps over the rubble and into the passage. While running down the hall,

Thaur thinks, "Zierk, you shall be mind."


The terror that is Thaur was not destroyed, only enraged. He is coming

back, the only question is, what is his plan, and who will he step over to

accomplish it.


<The Preceding has been a story for my release from hell ICly and the skill

of Kamikaze Stance>



<To hell with the typos, after a story like that, you should understand.>


Sender  Kaath~
Date    Tue Sep 10 21:47:47 2002~
Stamp   1031720600
Expire  1042087704
To      all~
Subject An untapped Power Awakened?~
As the days went longer and the nights went even longer, Kaath

slithered along the small mountain path.  Unawear that his brother

Koa was on Namek battling for universal domination.  Kaath peered around

and noticed a small, human like being hurt.  He slithered up to her and

saw that she had wires and other various machinery coming out from her.


"What are you Ssssposssed to be?" Kaath asked.  "Im an Android...I need

repairing"  Kaath then realized his true instincts taking over him, slime

began to ooze from him as his nubby tail began to grow a sharp point.  He

grined and said, "Here...ill help you get your repairsss"  he lunged at the

android, stabbing her in the chest as He absorbed her Bio Mass.


After kaath was done, he felt his power grow.  Now he had power to battle

stronger androids.  As the weeks went on Kaath absorbed more and more and his

battle skills improved with each absorb.  Kaath now had the ability to controll

energy attacks.  he used a wide array of them to absorb his victims.

His Atnenna the source of power for most of his attacks.  Some attacks would be

small and thin, like a Finger beam.  Others Massive like a Kamehameha.

And one like a rapid fire cannon.  And there was one where a saw like sound

could be heard.  Nontheless, Kaath now had a waide array of new powers at his

dispossal and had nothing to stand in his way.


One day while searching for more victims, a rather large android came up to him.

"So your the little snot who has been causing us trouble!" the large android

said with a deep voice.  Kaath peered around, "Yesss...I need there Biomassss

to achive my evolutionary procssessss"  The large android smirked, "Well i do

not care what you want...You will not hurt us anymore!"  The android powered up

and then proceeded to attack Kaath.  A battle insuded shortly after.  Even with

Kaath's all new abilitys, they were no near as strong as the large androids.


When things looks bad, thats when Kaath Felt Koa's power on Namek Sugre to

incredible power.  This caused Kaath to awake a surge of energy deep inside him.

Kaath now surrounded by a faint white aura then easily disposed of the android

and absorbed him.  And as quickly the energy came, it vanished.  Kaath wondered

what he could do to trigger the energy again.  he shook his tiny little head and

slithered off into the mountains, with a new skill to his arsernal.


(Asking for Droid Rage, Kamehameha, Scatter Shot, Destruct Disk, Finger beam.)


Sender  Zierk~
Date    Wed Sep 11 03:12:57 2002~
Stamp   1031739470
Expire  1042107200
To      all~
Subject Update on Current Rp ( Part 2 )~
{R< Update on Current Rp >{x


After Evil Zierk wounded Good Zierk, Him and Koa met up and began a

campain on terror to destroy the Earth. Naga helped Good Zierk by healing

him. Good Zierk found Evil Zierk, Koa, Ace, Deisle, and others on the

battlefield. Eventually Good Zierk sliped the Earring onto Evil Zierk's ear

and both Zierks fused into one body. Koa and Zierk took off from the 

battlefield after Zierk fused, Days later Koa and Zierk returned and this time

Koa was set on destroying Earth. Koa began to charge a huge planet 

buster. Ace and his group of fighters tried to resist, but Zierk stepped in

and countered it. Koa released the planet buster upon Earth. Zierk quickly

fled the planet and took the AE ship with him. The attack destroyed Earth

killing everyone. So Zierk thought. Naga had teleported everyone he could

to the Planet Vegeta just in the nick of time. Many died, but some surived,

and those who did survive were on planet vegeta running from the planets 

military forces. Planet Vegeta was the idle place for training yourself, the 

Earthlings found that sweeping the Saiyans was a great weakness, so the

Earth's forces became stronger by fighting the natives to Planet Vegeta. 

Eventually, the god of the Shadow Syndicate saw this, and being a god...

he transported everyone who had not left the Planet Vegeta before  to 

Planet Namek. Thus the AE got worse, killing everyone in sight. Nameks 

and Earthlings. So now everyone is on Planet Namek, and a new force has

shown them self. A half-bred Saiyan Male named Telstarin. Who wants the

Dragonballs of Namek for himself. There are now three parties after the

DragonBalls. Telstarin, the Android Elite, and Earth's forces.


{R<< {BWho shall win this race of Good and Evil? Only you can decide. 

Help in the effort to revive Planet Earth. Begin to Rp and show Terraco we 

are ready to have Earth back. All new fighters NEED Planet Earth and so 

does the old fighters. Lets bring back Planet Earth, a place i like to call....

Home. {R>>{x


{B<< {GOk, I think Vegeta and Earth are back online but im unsure at this

time. If they are I was not there so someone who was there please write 

a note about it. :) {B>>{x


Sender  Sermeis~
Date    Wed Sep 11 13:28:08 2002~
Stamp   1031776565
Expire  1042144092
To      all~
Subject Masenko~
Ace and Sermeis continue Sermeis's harsh training.

Sermeis is all torn and battered up, while Ace hasn't even broken a sweat.

Sermeis stares at Ace, his hair spiked up and golden,

 in his Super Saiya-jin Two form.  He is leaning over

to the left, grasping his left, hanging arm.

  A few drops of blood trickle down Sermeis's face, coming from his right eye.

  Sermeis says to Ace, "Heh, how many other tricks do you have up your sleeve?"

Ace just grins at the tattered and torn Half-Breed,

 then brings both of his hands up to his forehead,

 one on the other, palms facing outwards.

  Sermeis just blinks, as Ace begins charging a new attack.

  Sermeis says to himself, "What the..?",

 then after Ace has completed the charging, that Sermeis didn't know about,

Ace screamed out "MASENKO!  HA!!!!" and jet his hands towards Sermeis,

 the half-drill beam and half-regular beam called

 the Masenko flying out of Ace's palm, and heading straight

 towards Sermeis at a very, very fast pace.

  Sermeis's eyes just widen, and he braces for impact,

 covering his face with his arms.  The Masenko

 comes in contact with Sermeis, and begins charring him.

  Ace releases the beam, making it dissipate, and Sermeis

 finally let his guard down, but flies backwards into the wall

 from the force of the attack.

  Sermeis spits out some blood, then looks at Ace, trying to get to his feet,

 and says in a pain-filled voice, "What..what was THAT?"

  Ace answers, "That was the Masenko..why don't you give it a shot?"

  Sermeis just stutters out, "Uh, okay..",

 then copies Ace's previous movements, putting his two hands to his

 forehead, palms facing forwards.  Sermeis closes

 his eyes and concentrates his remaining energy into his hands,

 then jets his arms forwards, towards Ace, and screams out, "MASENKO!  HA!!",

 and a small Masenko comes from his palm, and hits Ace dead on,

 but doesn't affect him.  Sermeis smiles weakly,

 as he drops his arms to his sides, then he falls onto his knees

 his hair laying down on his head, and becoming white again.

  Sermeis then falls flat on his face, unconsious.


Sender  Mizzouse~
Date    Wed Sep 11 18:38:25 2002~
Stamp   1031797734
Expire  1042162791
To      all~
Subject New Found Ability~
It's a bright clear day with no clouds in the sky, a perfect day to train.

Mizzouse falling his brother Jojubi like usual, as they wander around


"So brother what are we doing today?" Mizzouse says to Jojubi. 

Jojubi replies, "I have no damn clue what we are doing."


Wandering for several hours, they come upon a meadow, peacful and calm with 

no one around. Mizzouse and Jojubi look at each other in the eye

and nod to each other and agree that this is a perfect spot to rest.

Mizzouse being very bored from the several, pulls out his nunchucks and

begins to train his weaponry skills, but Mizzouse having a deranged sense, 

of humor eyes Jojubi resting on a rock. With his nunchucks cocked under his arm,

Mizzouse slowly creeps up towards Jojubi, then suddenly he swings his nunchucks

and says, "Thwack!" His nunchucks connects to Jojubi's arm, making a thwack 

sound on contact. Jojubi startled, gets up all pissed off, and says 

"What the hell?" Jojubi getting up, he powers up and charges at Mizzouse.

Mizzouse grinning slightly, as his Sayian-jin side takes over.


Mizzouse says with amusement in his voice, "Finally your lazy butt gets up!

I have been meaning to show you some things brother."


"Oh..." Jojubi replies. "So show me then.....  LITTLE brother."

Mizzouse with a pissed off look, turns Super Sayian-jin and phases out.

Jojubi looking around confused, Mizzouse phases in behind Jojubi and says,

"Over here.....  BIG brother..... HEY THIS IS YOUR MOVE!" 

Mizzouse cocks his right hand to his side, pushing off with his left foot

to leave the ground, he begins to pump his arms like pistons of an engine.

Mizzouse yells out, "Scattershot!" He launches several balls of energy 

at his brother, consuming him in a dome of energy. Mizzouse launches several

more energy balls at Jojubi. Increasing the girth and the height of the 

energy dome. Mizzouse then flies several more feet into the air and yells,

Check this move that I learned watching another half-breed like myself...

Mizzouse raises his hands high above his head, weaving a ball of energy into

existience. Mizzouse throws his hands forward and yells, "MA.... Sen....KO!!!"

Fires a massive energy beam into the heart of the dome, causing it to implode.

The dome falls to the ground from the center and explodes leaving a massive

crater. The smoke clears to Mizzouse's amazement, finds nothing there. 

"What the .... I didnt think that would kill him...." Mizzouse says with a

concerned voice.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, a slight chuckle breaks the silence. Mizzouse spins

around and grins at Jojubi. "Whew.... I thought you were a goner."

Jojubi chuckling heartedly, "Good stuff bro."



(This story is to get the abilities Scattershot and Masenko)


Sender  Danthalas~
Date    Wed Sep 11 23:56:12 2002~
Stamp   1031815078
Expire  1042181784
To      all~
Subject The Awakening~
Danthals lay on the ground, his felt as though it were on fire and

he seemed to be lying in some kind of a liquid. he slowly opened his eyes

only to then nottice that he was on a planet of some sort and he was

lying in a medow of some kind. he coldn't remember how he got there though.


Danthalas moaned and sat upright, his chest aching from the movement and

his head spinning from the motion. He couldn't remember where or who

he was, his entire life seemed to be one big blank screen. looking around

he noticed that the liquid he had been lying in had come from a strange

kind of a pod, for whatever reason he knew that it was a space pod. He

then looked down at his right wrist and notticed that there was a band

fastened around it, it bore the name "Danthalas" on it. "So, i am danthalas

then..." he murmered softly to himself. "That answers the question of

who i am, but not where..." he muttered as he looked around. He then

buried the remains of the pod and tried to bury/clean up as much of the

fluid as he could. He then picked a random direction and headed off there,

after a bit of a hike he saw a city in the distance with strange green,

people there with strange antenna on their heads. He approached on and

it recoiled with what appeared to be fear, Danthalas couldn't understand

why this creature could possibly fear him, he didn't feel strong and

he didn't even know what he was or where he was from. he then proceded to

look the strange creature in the eyes, he watched it tremble and seemed

to take a certain amount of pleasure at the sight, "Where am I?" he demanded

of the creature. It jumped back about a foot, seemingly suprised, "you are

on a planet called Namek." Danthalas thought to himself, "Namek? that's a

strange name for a planet..." he then sized the creature up, "What am i

and what are you?" he asked it. The creature the shakily replied, "I am

a Namek, a far superior to your race of evil bent creatures!" "hmm...

thought danthalas, "it certaintly seems to hate me for some reason..."

"That does not finish my question, What am I? what race?" He demanded.

The creature then seemed to pull it's self together before speaking, this

time in a calmer, steady voice, "You are an Icer, well known for your evil

acts and merciless ways." "Really...?" replied danthalas with a slight smirk,

"In that case you should be nicer..." "I shall never be an Icer's lapdog!"

The Namek snapped back at him. Danthalas, keeping his cool, smirked and

then replied, "I have no problem with that, only that you disgust me."

The Namek seemed about to say something but was then stunned by a roundhouse

kick connecting with its head, it swayed for a moment and sank to its knees.

"You should show visitors more respect, some are less tolerant than I."

The namek opened it's mouth as though to reply but was then silenced

forever buy a second roundhouse kick to the head which snapped it's neck

off to an odd angle, shattering the base of the namek's skull, spine, and

collar bone. Danthalas then headed off on Namek, searching for more

information, or perhaps, the life that he cannot remember.


Sender  Didne~
Date    Thu Sep 12 03:53:38 2002~
Stamp   1031828424
Expire  1042196037
To      all~
Subject Scattershot~
I decided to train hard for upcoming battles

I have heard about many strange things happen in namek.

Stories about Fearsome Icers angry sayia-jins and Namekian people getting killed

just because of our legendary dragon balls

I was out training with myself,shooting beams at myself 

and running with heavy boulders on my shoulders.

I made a small energy ball with concentrated energy in

and shot it at myself.

Thats when i started to explore this new technique.

I concentrated all my energy into making as many balls of energy i could

making a big mistake

cause it nearly killed me.

I shot as many balls as i could in a boomerang shaped course.

Then i realized i made too many, 

I was running with all my might through the rain of energy balls

and got hit.

Over and over again.

But i made it through with destroyed clothes and my heart in  my throat.


Sender  BaneWolf~
Date    Thu Sep 12 15:04:35 2002~
Stamp   1031869831
Expire  1042236282
To      all~
Subject BaneWolf's Arrival~
He rested quietly within his ship

thinking back at why he had left his home planet.

He was disgusted with the atrocities

he could barely stand using machines for mundane tasks

but now his race had gone too far, integrateing machines with living tissue

He had snuck into a starship hangar and stolen a pod

he had taken off in a hurry and traveled for weeks

he had been awaiting to find a planet with signs of life and had passed none

He lay quietly in the darkness when a blue light on the computer came on

the computer said promptly "Planet Detected"

He responded "Planet Identification?"

the computer took a few moments to process then replied "Earth"

he replied "Set course to Earth"

the computer made a few beeps then become silent and they began to speed up.

2 days later...

He landed in a small city, looking around at the buildings he saw all around him

he sighed and walked out of his pod looking at the humans staring at him in awe

he stared ahead blankly and began to rise high above the city

he willed a small ball of energy into his palm and flung it down upon the city

the explosion caused by the small ball leveling the entire city

He flew on to what appeared to be another city, then suddenly

A human surrounded by a blue aura flew up from under him taking him by surprise

the human made a quick jab to BaneWolf's stomach stunning him for a moment

the human then set in on BaneWolf launching a flurry of blows

BaneWolf's dodged most taking only glancing blows

BaneWolf quickly flew back and powered up as the human charged on

BaneWolf made a quick kick to the humans face knocking him back

The human then began charging an attack and a disk formed in his open hand

He made a confident smirk and flung the disk at BaneWolf

BaneWolf was only able to partially dodge it, taking a large cut to his side

BaneWolf grined seeming amused but also winced from the pain of the wound

BaneWolf attempted to duplicate this technique

He did a very poor job however and when he flung the disk at the human it missed

The human made another confident smirk and came on

The human swung a hard right fist, which banewolf grabbed in mid-swing

The human quickly responded by swinging with his left

BaneWolf quickly swung his tail catching and constricting around the humans arm

BaneWolf then placed an open hand directly infront of the humans face

He charged energy into his palm and fired a beam distintegrating the humans head

BaneWolf flew away from the city, he found humans to be interesting creatures

(This is a request for the skill destructo disk)


Sender  Archon~
Date    Fri Sep 13 23:52:27 2002~
Stamp   1031986707
Expire  1042354366
To      all~
Subject Android Rage~
One day i was flying along and a saiyan flew up to me and said

"you may not pass." I smerked and said "how do you plan to stop me?"

He went ssj2 and hit me in the face this hurt and made me very mad.

I took a swing and missed him he hit me in the ribs my anger was growing

. Then I tryed a kick once again i missed i could feel my anger building

then when he hit me all my build up rage exploaded my speed and powerlevel

incressed I yelled kamehameha and a huge blast of energy shot and hit him

killing him. It took me a while to master this new found skill but soon

i had mastered it.


Sender  Auriana~
Date    Sun Sep 15 19:00:43 2002~
Stamp   1032142233
Expire  1042509659
To      all~
Subject Auri learns the Kame wave!!~
The scene take place somewhere in the mountains...
Auriana and Ace are training their skills.
Auri is trying to improve her beam while she keeps missing Ace.
Auri get angry since she keeps missing and become super.
She then remember Ace using a attack called the kame wave.
So she tries to surprise Ace by putting her hands at her side and charges.
She yell "KAMEHAMEHA!!!" and releashes a huge beam that Ace barely dodges.
The whole mountain blew up leaving a crater at the impact.
Having used up all of her ki she falls to the ground not before saying...
"I finally learned the Kame wave..." The she passes out...

Sender  Ubuu~
Date    Sun Sep 15 23:38:03 2002~
Stamp   1032158995
Expire  1042526293
To      all~
Subject Excerpt from Ubuu's RP~
Kaath wiggles around as he is down to his last reaming 
Bio-Mass glands, his energy level as low as it can get.
Deisle floats back down next to thaur
Thaur says, ' You fought bravely Deisle. You proved 
yourself in battle today.'
Thaur says, ' But Kaath, he looks badly injured.'
Thaur asks, ' Deisle, do you have any of those beans 
you are so fond of?'
Deisle says, ' yes'
Deisle flies over to Kaath and trys giving him a bean
Kaath wiggles about and notices Deisle..."You...You must...
Insert the bean...Rectally..."
Thaur says, ' Uh, you do it Deisle.'
Kaath wigggles around to his backside, revaling a small hole.
Thaur says, ' I will stand over here and watch, or 
jsut kinda stare at the wall for a minute.'
Deisle says, ' but...... man'
Kaath mutters, '<Slug Life> Quickly...I dont have much time...'
Thaur looks to the wall and says, 'Come on Deisle. 
You can do it, just think evil thoughts and you should 
get it in just fine.' thinks about what he said and 
represses to tears.
Deisle gets the bean from the bag and starts to give 
it to Kaath rectally
Thaur shudders at the horror and represses tears. 
Deisle looks away as the bean starts to enter Kaath
Kaath looks a bit crazed as the bean is absorbed rectally.
His eyes widen in pain. Kaath screams, '<Slug Life> Ouch!!'
Thaur shivers uncomfortably.
The lost bio-mass begins to trickle back to Kaath as 
if it had a mind of its own.  He quickly re-absorbs 
the slime and other goo and raises back onto his stomach.
Deisle finishes and flies out of the roof and throws up
Thaur says, ' Im glad you took that bullet deisle, 
you will be rewarded, for somethin like that,its only 
Kaath mutters, '<Slug Life> Now...If my brother findsss 
out he will kill me...'
Kaath slithers to Deisle and nudges him with an antenna, 
"Hey...Letsss keep that to ourselfsss"
Kaath says, '<Slug Life> Nobody needssss to know but usss'
Thaur says, ' The secrets safe with me.'
Thaur attempts to hold his lunch
Deisle says, ' if anyone says anything about this i'll 
kill them.'