Make sure you can set skill on these
I'll list them by race to maek it easier to keep track

-first form -no ki loss
   -child sized
-two: very large
   -1 mil, x3 mod
   -from first >> second:  they begin to swell and become massive as thier horns grow longer
   -third >> second: the spikes shrirk down and thier head becomes round again
-three: very large
   -25 mil, x6 mod
   -second >> third: they shrink slightly as large spikes grow out of thier arms and thier head stretches becomeing very long
   -fourth >> third: swell up slightly as spikes grow out of thier arms and thier head lengthens
-four: man sized
   -third >> fourth: a blinding light envelops them as they shirnk down.  The spikes on thier arms go away and thier head become smaller and round again.
   -fifth >> fourth: The spikes on thier arms and head shrink down as thier head becomes round again.  THier muscules shrink dramaticly
   -250 mil, x10 mod
-five: man sized
   -2.5bil, x15 mod
   -fourth >> fifth: thier mmuscles erumpt with power as spikes grow out of thier head , arms , and plates around thier wrists.  They swell up grealy with power'

-have to increase in order (formup, formdown cmds)


- ssj3 only works from ssj2 first

super saiyan- syntax ssj- multiplys the max pl by 4 and adds a flag that is visible to other
                          players in the room that says they have golden hair.  When they power
                          up/down it should say a flaming golden aura flares up/goes down.
                          when they turn it on the echo should be"$n tenses up as his/her hair 
                          become golden colored.  A burning golden aura surrounds them"
                          (2mil base pl to use)

super saiyan2-syntax ssj2-mulitplys the pl by 8 and adds a flag saying that random bolts of 
                          ki arch around and through the target. same powerup/down as ssj.
                          When turned on it should echo"$n's hair stands up straight and becomes
                          longer as bolts of ki begin to arch around him"
                          (75 mil base)

super saiyan3-syntax ssj3-multiplys pl buy 12.flag saying they have golden hair down thier back
                          same powerup/down as ssj.  when turned on it should echo "$n's hair
                          flows down thier back and thier eyebrows disappear.  Their aura flares up brightly"
                          (500mil base)

super saiyan4-syntax ssj4-multiplys pl by 15. Flag saying they are covered in red fur. powerup/down should say 
                          a bright red aura flares up/down around them. When turned on it should echo"$n begins 
                          to sprout a thick red fur everywhere but thier chest. A bright red aura flares up around
                          them and  thier hair becomes black and very thick."
                          (3 bil base)

get ssj1/2 from saiyans

Mystic- syntax mystic-    multiplys pl by 13. no flags. powerup/down should say the ground shakes begins to calm.
                          When turned on it should say That a frightening power begins to build up in $n
                          (2.5 bil base)

hyper namek- syntax hyper-multiplys pl by 7. flags saying they are covered in a blightly bright white aura. white
                          aura flares up/down when power up/down.  when turned on it should say "a bright white aura 
                          begins to burn around $n"
                          (100 mil base)

super namek-syntax super- multiplys pl by 14.flag saying they are surrounded by a bright green aura.  Power up/down
                          bright green aura flares up/dies down  echo " $n begins to teanse up his muscles as a bright
                          green aura burst around him and burns brightly"
                          (2 bil base)

super human-syntax shuman-multiply pl by 6. no flag  Powerup/down normal. echo "$n's muscule erupt with power and swell."
                          (50 mil base) 
mystic from halfbreed

-implants of some sort?

upgrade 1-perm-           When an android reaches 50 mill pl they can be upgraded.  Will cost a set ammount of zenni and
                          will be done by mobs through progs.  Need the command for the mobs to  use.  Skill itself should
                          multiply pl by 4.

upgrade 2-perm-           Same as upgrade 1 but at 250mil pl mod of x8

upgrade 3-perm-           same as above but at 1bil mod x11

self fusion-selffuse-     When an android reaches 2 billion pl they gain the ability to split into two seperate android and
                          fuse with themself perm to greatly increase thier abilitys.   x14                  

Icers and bio android we will have to talk about because its hard to explain here.