This is a short introduction to setting up the quest system included in this codebase.

In the file jobo_quest.c you will find a function called do_createbase(), this is the
code that is called by using the admin command 'createbase <big|small>'. You can change
the minimum and maximum levels for 'big' and 'small' in that code.

When you have create a full set of areas, or simply wish to test the quest system,
you should call first 'createbase small', then open '../txt/questlist.txt'. This file
contains a list of mob-vnums, which fits the levelrange defined in the function, as
well as a comment, telling what area the mob was found in.. the command takes a while
to complete, since it runs through all the areas, checking for reset mobs, so don't
run it with active players online.

An example questlist.txt

/* The rangers forest */
  546, 560, 581,
/* Hell */
  11243, 11255, 11280,
/* The Hole in the ground */
  9993, 9994,

What you want to do with this list, is insert it into the table in get_rand_mob(), and
get_rand_hard_mob() (the small and big mobs respectivly). Those two functions, which
are also found in jobo_quest.c already have an example table, just delete that one,
and insert the new values. When someone picks a quest, a random vnum is chosen from those
tables, so make sure to keep the lists updated when you add and remove areas.

The only other type of quest you have to do something to enable, is QT_MASS_KILL,
which I think I'll let you figure out yourself, either that or delete it, there
is already a code example in jobo_quest.c in get_lbound() and get_ubound().

To make a questmaster, you just have to set the right quest_master program using OLC,
the 'quest' command while in mob-edit mode can be used for that. There are already
a few pre-defined quest programs, you can find them in jobo_quest.c as well.

Good luck with the quest system :)