ROT v1.2 format~
Valley of the Titans~
{45 70} Xavier  Valley of the Titans~
18000 18150

town guard~
the town guard~
A strong town guard is here, protecting the gates.
You see a very large man wearing heavy armour. He looks as though he could 
crush you without a second thought. Aside from his mean and deadly build, 
he greets you a good day and wishes you on your way.
ABT CDEFV H 1000 0
65 0 25d10+3000 1d1+99 3d12+15 slash
-15 -15 -15 4
stand stand male 1200
0 0 large 0
ally cat~
a poor ally cat~
A very hungry ally cat is here.
You see a dirty little cat walking across your path. The poor animal has no 
home and must seartch through the garbage for bit of supper. You feel sorry 
for the little fella.
AB CDEF 0 -1000 0
50 0 6d12+853 299d1+1 4d6+8 bash
-9 -9 -9 6
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
bongo player drummer~
the bongo drummer~
A wild bongo drummer is here, moving with his rythme.
Beating his drums as best he can, this bongo player really grooves.
ABT CDEFJ 0 -1000 18004
45 0 5d10+550 1d1+99 2d10+7 pierce
-7 -7 -7 0
stand stand male 3100
0 0 large 0
guitar player band~
the guitar player of the band~
You see a tall wooden guitar player of this little band.
Wailing away in tune with the bongo and the windpipe, this wooden guitar player
can really rock! He plays a familliar tune as the people pass by, keeping 
a little music in the background.
AB CDEFJ 0 -1000 18005
45 0 5d10+550 1d1+99 2d10+7 pierce
-7 -7 -7 0
stand stand male 4330
0 0 large 0
pipe pipeplayer player~
the windpipe player of the band~
You see the windpipe player, making magical tunes.
Along with her friends she manages to keep up to the wild beat. Such an odd 
combination; wooden guitar, bongo and windpipe! But their music is so 
wonderful! You hope it never ends.
AB CDEFJ 0 -1000 18003
45 0 5d10+550 1d1+99 2d10+7 blast
-7 -7 -7 6
stand stand female 5300
0 0 large 0
armourer shop shopkeeper~
the armourer~
The smart looking armourer is here, selling his latest fasions.
Making a last minute change on the store rack in the back, he
runs to you as you walk in, asking if you need any help. If
you're in need of armour here is the place to shop!
ABT CDEF 0 -500 0
73 0 50d10+6000 1d1+99 6d7+21 slice
-23 -23 -23 2
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
shop shopkeeper pet girl~
the young pet-shop girl~
The stout little pet-shop girl is here, offering her latest pet.
All dressed in pink and blue, with he brown hair done up in a braide, she 
offers you a variety of animals to chose from.  Several look pretty costly, 
but these animals are basically for show and probably not for combat. Well, 
you know what they say: Don't knock 'em till you've bought 'em!
ABT CDEFJ 0 -500 0
73 0 50d10+6000 1d1+99 6d7+21 slice
-23 -23 -23 2
stand stand female 0
0 0 large 0
the meat grocer~
A short little man is here, wiping his hands on his shirt.
"How my I help 'ye?" Said he, "our chicken is fresh of the farms
t'day and y'can't beat th'lamb, fresh s'a cool mornin' breeze, if
'ya catch 'me drift?" Quite an interesting first impression.
There is a big selection of meat and poultry to chose from.
ABT CDEF 0 -1000 0
71 0 50d10+5000 1d1+99 5d8+19 scratch
-21 -21 -21 -3
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
the produce grocer~
You see a tall lean man, selling his veggies.
A huge smile on his face as you walk into his store. This man
seems to be selling quite an amount of produce. Perhaps you will
buy some and help keep his business running?
ABT CDEF 0 -1000 0
71 0 50d10+5000 1d1+140 5d8+19 scratch
-21 -21 -21 -3
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
weaponsmith weapon shopkeeper~
the weaponsmith~
A strong young man is here, forging weapons.
*CLANG* *CLANG* Is the melodic sounds that echos through this room. Hot sulfer 
floats through the air and burns at your nostrils. A huge fire pit is here, 
used for melting the metal. In the back you see several black anvils, used for 
the forging of the weapons. If ever you were to go to war, this would be the
place to get your weapons.
ABT CDEF 0 0 0
73 0 50d10+6000 1d1+99 6d7+21 sting
-23 -23 -23 -3
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
magic library shopkeeper~
the librarian~
You see a young mage, tending the library and sorting the books.
About 5'6" tall, this short man wabbles about the room, up and down the steps 
sorting the books. This is no ordinary library but one that containes magical 
books and books of lore. Perhaps you should widen you magical knowledge.
AB CDEFJ 0 500 0
68 0 25d10+3750 1d1+99 6d6+18 beating
-18 -18 -18 -2
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
shopkeeper designer~
the designer~
A tall female designer is here, sorting the latest fashions.
Standing tall in her long red dress, the store attendent of the Fire-Red 
Dragon is here, willing to help you find the right clothes. Many cloaks and 
leather garnets are here, quite the selection. To have the latest in fashion 
this is a good store to come to.
AB CDEFJ 0 -600 0
71 0 50d10+5000 1d1+99 5d8+20 pierce
-21 -21 -21 -3
stand stand female 0
0 0 large 0
bartender pub owner~
the bartender~
A stout bartender is here, serving fresh ale.
"What'll ya have my friend? A fresh brewed beer or perhaps a whisky 
on the rocks? What'll it be?" The room seems filled with people who whish 
to have a good time; and get drunk.
ABT CDEFJ 0 -100 0
71 0 50d10+5000 1d1+99 5d8+19 slash
-21 -21 -21 -3
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
a kind waiter~
A well dressed waiter is here, waiting for your order.
"What shall it be? A wonderful Australian Red, or perhaps a perfectly aged 
Charrdonay? May I suggest the soup of the day, a wonderful mixture of fried 
cod and crab, our cook really did out-do himself this time!" This place seems 
mighty expensive.
ABT CDEFJ 0 200 0
65 0 25d10+3000 1d1+99 8d4+16 pierce
-15 -15 -15 -1
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
the inn keeper~
The middle-aged Inn keeper is here, greeting you a good night.
"Shall I book you a room? No? Well then perhaps I could offer you
some sleeping pills? It is hard when the festivities are about to
get some good sleep. Please let me know if there is anything I
could do."
ABT CDEF 0 -1000 0
71 0 50d10+5000 1d1+99 5d8+20 pierce
-21 -21 -21 -3
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
the florist~
A young florist is here, puting together a flower arrangement.
"La-la-Ti-do..." The young florist is singing gently as she puts together 
flower arrangements. Perhaps she has something for that special "someone" 
in your life?
ABT CDEFJ 0 -300 0
68 0 25d10+3750 1d1+99 6d6+18 slice
-18 -18 -18 3
stand stand female 0
0 0 large 0
town sheriff~
the town sheriff~
Working hard at his desk, the town sheriff doesn't seem to see you.
Wearing a blue hat with a feather in it, the town sheriff seems to be busy as 
ever. It would be a real shame to disturb him, even though his cells are full, 
I am sure he could find room for one more unwanted tourist.
ABT CDEF 0 500 0
50 0 6d12+853 1d1+99 4d6+8 pierce
-9 -9 -9 6
stand stand male 2100
0 0 large 0
jail guard~
the jail guard~
A jail guard is here, sleeping in his chair.
ABT CDEFJ 0 -500 0
48 0 6d12+703 1d1+99 2d12+8 claw
-8 -8 -8 6
stand stand male 3100
0 0 large 0
a stinky prisoner~
Locked behind steel bars, you see a stinky prisoner.
*sniff*? Whats that smell? It smells like a.. a... dead rat! Oh!
Its the new prisoner! He got arrested for stinking the peace.
ABT CDEFJ 0 -1000 0
45 0 5d10+550 1d1+100 2d10+7 pierce
-7 -7 -7 1
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
chocolate shopkeeper~
the chocolate shopkeeper~
A tall lean man is here, selling the latest chocolate.
Yummm...Smell that chocolate! There are so many different flavors! Will you be 
able to try them all? The man behind the counter seems to know his chocolates 
very well. Perhaps he could show you some of the most popular.
ABT CDEFJ 0 -100 0
65 0 25d10+3000 1d1+100 8d4+16 slice
-15 -15 -15 4
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
icecream vendor shopkeeper~
the icecreams vendor~
A short, stubby young man is here, selling icecream.
Butter Scotch Ripple...Berry-Blue Zoo...Raven Red...Chocolate
Mint...Strawberry Swirl...Which will you have? So many to chose
form, but I'll bet that they are all superb!
ABT CDEF 0 -100 0
50 0 6d12+853 1d1+99 4d6+8 slap
-9 -9 -9 6
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
apiarist lady shopkeeper~
the apiarist~
A tall young lady is here, selling honey.
Ahh..The sweet tasted of a honey-bee's honey. What would you do without it? 
There are several different varieties to chose from. You really should 
try 'em all!
ABT CDEFJ 0 -100 0
60 0 15d10+1850 1d1+100 4d8+13 beating
-13 -13 -13 -1
stand stand female 0
0 0 large 0
baker shopkeeper~
the baker~
The baker is here, selling his freshly baked bread.
*Snnnniiiiiiffff* Ahhhh... The lovely smell of fresh baked bread and cookies. 
You simply love the smell of this room, and all you can think of is Bread! 
Cookies! Pies!!! Try them all, the man looks willing to do business with you!
ABT CDEF 0 -100 0
68 0 25d10+3750 1d1+100 6d6+18 pierce
-18 -18 -18 4
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
zanrich shopkeeper~
Zanrich the Shopkeeper~
Zanrich is here, selling his grade "A" containers.
The tall young lad is here, selling his special containers. He was rated number
1 in all the lands, for his speical containers and their capability.
ABT CDEF 0 -100 0
68 0 25d10+3750 1d1+100 6d6+18 pierce
-18 -18 -18 -2
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
master wands shopkeeper wizard~
the wand making wizard~
The wand making wizard is here, selling his special wands.
All cloaked in black this wizard wishes to sell you his special
wands. Magically tuned to perfection. They would be mighty handy.
ABT CDEF 0 -100 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+100 4d7+11 slash
-11 -11 -11 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
knight templar~
the knight templar~
A strong knight templar is here, patroling the streets.
All clad in armor this guy looks quite deadly. Would want to mess with him.
ABT CDEF 0 1000 0
60 0 15d10+1850 1d1+90 4d8+13 scratch
-13 -13 -13 4
stand stand male 5250
0 0 large 0
titan citizen~
a titan citizen~
A citizen of The Valley of The Titans is here.
Tall and strong, a citizen of The Valley of The Titans greets
you, welcoming you to his city.
ABT CDEF 0 -1000 0
48 0 6d12+703 1d1+100 2d12+8 pierce
-8 -8 -8 6
stand stand male 2500
0 0 large 0
cook maid chef~
the house chef~
The house chef is here, cooking up a meal.
"Falalala..Yadedadooo.." signs the house chef merily as she cooks
away. *SSSsssssssnnnnnniiiiiifffffff!* It sure does smell nice!
ABT CDEFJ 0 -500 0
50 0 6d12+853 1d1+100 4d6+8 blast
-9 -9 -9 6
stand stand female 3900
0 0 large 0
the serf~
A untidy serf is here, running back and forth.
To busy to talk. To busy to listen. This serf is WAY to busy to
care. He is running back and forth, carrying out orders.
ABT CDEF 0 -500 0
50 0 6d12+853 1d1+100 4d6+8 pierce
-9 -9 -9 6
stand stand male 5330
0 0 large 0
grubby beggar~
a grubby beggar~
A grubby beggar is here, asking for a coin or two.
Sitting on a pile of garbage which he calls "his", this grubby
beggar asks for some coins. He sure does look poor.
ABT CDEF 0 -500 0
45 0 5d10+550 1d1+310 2d10+7 slice
-7 -7 -7 6
stand stand male 10
0 0 large 0
patrol guard~
a patrol guard~
A strong patrol guard is here, keeping the peace.
Very tall and very strong, this patrol guard looks as though he
does his job quite well.
60 0 15d10+1850 1d1+201 4d8+13 pierce
-13 -13 -13 4
stand stand male 3330
0 0 large 0
a happy villager~
A happy villager is here, dancing to the music.
If I were you, I wouldn't talk to this fella. He's to busy
dancing to the music.
ABT CDEF H -1000 0
50 0 6d12+853 299d1+1 4d6+8 punch
-9 -9 -9 6
stand stand male 4003
0 0 large 0
tournament guard~
the tournament guard~
A tournament guard is here, conducting the practice.
To busy keeping the warriors fighting with the magical monster,
he doesn't have any time to speak to you.
ABT CDEF H -1000 0
68 0 25d10+3750 1d1+120 6d6+18 crush
-18 -18 -18 3
stand stand male 5100
0 0 large 0
tournament warrior~
a tournament warrior~
The tournament warrior is here, practicing his skills.
*SLICE* *BASH* *BLAM* He looks to be just a tad too busy to socialize.
ABT CDEF H -1000 0
58 0 10d10+1600 1d1+100 5d6+12 slash
-12 -12 -12 4
stand stand male 11300
0 0 large 0
tournament mage~
a tournament mage~
A tournamen mage is here, perfecting her spells.
A tournament mage utters the words 'Algetharb'! She is far to busy perfecting 
her spells to speak with you. Maybe later.
ABR CDEFJ H -1000 0
58 0 10d10+1600 1d1+200 5d6+12 pierce
-12 -12 -12 4
stand stand female 6100
0 0 large 0
tournament cleric~
a tournament cleric~
A tournament cleric is here, perfecting her attack skills.
She's very busy using her magical talents to speak with you. Remember, she is 
fighting real mobs, deadly mobs. You'd hate to get her killed!
ABQ CDEF H -1000 0
58 0 10d10+1600 1d1+200 5d6+12 pierce
-12 -12 -12 4
stand stand female 6800
0 0 large 0
tournament thief~
a tournament thief~
A tournament thief is here, stealing money from his foe.
Better not talk to this rascal, he may steal all your money!
ABS CDEF H -1000 0
58 0 10d10+1600 1d1+200 5d6+12 pierce
-12 -12 -12 4
stand stand male 9100
0 0 large 0
dragon baby evil~
an evil baby dragon~
A baby dragon is here, snarling and growling.
As you gaze upon the flesh of this young baby dragon, you realize that he is 
very muscular.  A dark brown hide seems to suck the light out of the air. As he
sees you, he lets out a deep his; revealing his deadly yellow fangs.  Spreading
his massive wings, you notice now that he is a HUGE dragon, and an evil one at 
ABCFT CDEFUV 0 -1000 0
45 0 5d10+550 1d1+99 2d10+7 crush
-7 -7 -7 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
evil tree~
a gloomy evil tree~
A gloomy evil tree is here, standing tall above you.
As you gaze up to the should-be sky, you notice a deadly tree looming up above 
you. Your first though is that it is a figment of your imagination, that trees 
can't hurt you. Then, all of a sudden, its branches move, against the wind. You
the catch in the little light there is, a face. An evil face. One looking down,
glaring at you. Panic races through your veins.
ABR CDEFIJPV 0 -1000 0
50 0 6d12+853 1d1+100 4d6+8 crush
-9 -9 -9 -1
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
deadly rain cloud~
a deadly rain cloud~
Flying through the air is a deadly rain cloud.
Flying madly through the air is a deadly rain cloud, spreading acid rain over 
the world. It would be a good idea not to go near this...thing.
ABFT CDFTV 0 -1000 0
43 0 5d10+450 1d1+100 3d6+6 slash
-6 -6 -6 1
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
demon fire~
a demon of fire~
A demon of fire is here, setting the trees ablaze.
You notice a deadly warmth about you. A strange heat, unreal, unhuman. Then, 
blazing in a blue fire is a Great Demon of Fire! You wonder if you should flee 
or fight. Such a demon is very deadly and will surely burn you to a crisp. 
Chose wisely!
ABCT FJTZ 0 -1000 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+234 4d7+11 pierce
-11 -11 -11 -1
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
demon water~
a demon of water~
A demon of water is here, drowning a near by victim.
In a near-by pool you notice one of the deadly demons, the demon of fire.  
Something deep in your heart tells you to stay away from him.
ABCT FJYZ 0 -1000 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+234 4d7+11 pierce
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
demon air~
a demon of air~
A demon of air is here, creating storms.
In a blazing whirlwind, a demon of air is here, creating deadly
storms. This is another of those deadly demons, another to avoid.
ABCT FJYZ 0 -1000 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+235 4d7+11 pierce
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
demon earth~
a demon of earth~
A demon of earth is here, uprooting trees.
A deep rumble is felt through the ground as the demons of the earth come 
crashing out into daylight! Creating deadly earthquakes where ever it may go, 
the demons of earth are destroying all in sight!
ABCT FJYZ 0 -1000 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+236 4d7+11 pierce
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
demon wood~
a demon of wood~
A demon of wood is here, creating evil trees.
Standing tall and proud among the trees, the demon of wood is here, creating 
havoc. Having control over all wooden things, this demon isn't one to mess 
ABCT FJYZ 0 -1000 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+236 4d7+11 pierce
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
demon stone~
a demon of stone~
An evil demon of stone is here.
A 20 foot demon made fully of stone is here. He brings fear into
your heart, pain into your soul. This tough beast seems unstoppable.
ABCT FJYZ 0 -1000 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+276 4d7+11 pierce
-12 -12 -12 5
stand stand either 0
0 0 large 0
titan guard royal~
a Royal Titan guard~
A Royal Titan guard is here.
Tall and strong, this Royal Titan guard patrols the castle walls.
ABCT FJ 0 -1000 0
60 0 15d10+1850 1d1+201 4d8+13 slash
-12 -12 -12 -2
stand stand male 7000
0 0 large 0
boy titan~
a small boy titan~
A small boy titan is here, plaing with some rocks.
This little boy is amusing himself witha few rocks.
ABCT FJ 0 -1000 0
53 0 10d10+1100 1d1+111 6d4+10 slash
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand male 330
0 0 large 0
titan girl~
a titan girl~
A small titan girl is here, playing with her doll.
She seems to be enjoying playing outside with her little doll. She is a very 
pretty little girl, all dressed in pink. She looks like some of the other 
children at the park. Perhaps all titan children look the same.
ABCT FJ 0 -1000 0
53 0 10d10+1100 1d1+111 6d4+10 slash
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand female 390
0 0 large 0
sleep sleeping guard~
a sleeping patrol guard~
A patrol guard is sleeping here.
*SSSSSHHHHHhhhhhhhhh.......!* He is sleeping and you'd hate to disturb him!
ABCT FJ 0 -1000 0
60 0 15d10+1850 1d1+111 4d8+13 pierce
-13 -13 -13 4
sleep sleep male 5870
0 0 large 0
first advisor~
the first advisor~
The first advisor is here, offering her help.
She seems to be in deep conversation with the queen, it would be
foolish to disturb her.
ABCT FJ 0 -1000 0
70 0 50d10+4500 1d1+212 5d8+19 beating
-20 -20 -20 3
stand stand female 7100
0 0 large 0
keeper deadly pet owner shopkeeper~
the keeper of the deadly beasts~
The Keeper of the Deadly Beasts is here, selling is animals!
He is a very clean man, with deep black eyes, the build of a warrior and the 
face of a mage. He seems to be selling the best battle animals in the world. 
Perhaps he could interest you in some of his beasts?
ABT FJ 0 -1000 0
70 0 50d10+4500 1d1+212 5d8+19 pierce
-20 -20 -20 3
stand stand male 5000
0 0 large 0
cougar black pet~
the Visious Black Cougar~
A black cougar is here, protecting its master.
Very large and very deadly, you would NOT want to mess with this black cougar!
ABTV DFVZ 0 1000 0
60 1 15d10+1500 1d1+200 4d8+13 beating
-13 -13 -13 4
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
kraken pet~
the Deadly Kraken~
A very deadly Kraken is here protecting its owner.
VERY very big and tough, this kraken looks to be the most fearsome thing you 
have ever seen!
ABTV DFTV 0 1000 0
65 1 25d10+1750 1d1+102 8d4+16 beating
-15 -15 -15 3
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
bird sylph pet~
the Magical Sylph~
A Magical Sylph is here, aiding her master in battle.
A small but beautiful creature, this sylph seems to be a weak fighter. Despite 
her size, she is one of the most rare and deadly creatures in all of Thera.
ABRV DFTV 0 1000 0
70 0 50d10+2000 1d1+499 5d6+14 beating
-20 -20 -20 2
stand stand female 0
0 0 large 0
spider monkey pet~
a Spider Monkey~
A cute spider monkey is here, resting on its masters' shoulder.
A small but cute little spider monkey is here, aiding its master
in their times of need.
ABIUV FZ 0 1000 0
30 1 3d9+300 1d1+310 2d8+5 beating
-4 -4 -4 7
C J DN 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
tame lion pet~
a tame lion~
A tame lion is here, following his master about.
A cute little male lion is here, following his master about,
always ready for combat.
ABIUV F 0 1000 0
40 0 5d10+500 1d1+249 2d10+7 beating
-7 -7 -7 5
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
wolf pet~
a large black wolf~
A large black wolf is here, guarding his master.
A fearsome black wolf is here, protecting his master.
ABIUV FTZ 0 1000 0
45 0 6d12+723 1d1+299 4d6+8 beating
-9 -9 -9 6
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
java pet~
a Fearsome Java Beast~
A fearsome Java Beast is here, protecting her master.
A large and deadly Java Beast is here, protecting her master with
its magical flames.
ABIUV FZ 0 1000 0
50 1 10d10+1250 1d1+904 4d7+11 beating
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand female 0
0 0 large 0
F aff J
F res B
king dractax titan~
the King Dractax~
The King Dractax of The Titans is here.
A tall and proud king is here, planning the future of his kingdom.
ABT DFV 0 -1000 0
73 0 50d10+6000 1d1+401 6d7+21 pierce
-22 -22 -22 2
stand stand male 19990
0 0 large 0
queen crystal titan~
the Queen Crystal~
The Queen Crystal of The Titans is here.
A tall and proud queen is here, planning the future of her kingdom.
ABT DFV 0 -1000 0
71 0 50d10+4500 1d1+502 5d8+19 pierce
-21 -21 -21 3
stand stand female 16990
0 0 large 0
an assassin~
An assassin is here, stalking the king and queen.
All clad in black, you find this stealthy assassin hiding in the secret 
passage-way behind the throne. Obviously, someone in the kingdom wants the 
king and queen destroyed. Why is beyond all knowledge.
ABT DFV 0 -1000 0
65 0 25d10+3000 1d1+302 8d4+16 slash
-15 -15 -15 4
stand stand male 8990
0 0 large 0
a small rat~
An ugly small rat is here.
An ugly rat is here, chewing on the carpet.
ABT DFV 0 -500 0
50 0 6d12+853 1d1+201 4d6+8 beating
-9 -9 -9 6
stand stand male 0
0 0 large 0
a happy peasant~
A happy peasant is here, enjoying the sunny day.
She seems to be quite busy, yet manages to have the time to enjoy
the calm breeze and bright warm sunshine.
ABT DF H -1000 0
48 0 6d12+703 1d1+504 2d12+8 pierce
-8 -8 -8 6
stand stand female 100
0 0 large 0~
ranger cleric guildmaster~
the guildmaster~
The ranger and druid guildmaster stands here.
An old man peering through ancient tomes rests here.
ABJKRVb DF 0 0 0
60 0 15d10+2000 1d1+499 4d8+13 slash
-13 -13 -13 4
FHN AB 0 0
stand stand male 8000
0 0 large 0
cleric guildstudent~
the guildstudent~
A cleric guildstudent stands here, learning his skills.
An young man wrapped in purple, long-flowing robes meditates here.
ABJKQV DF 0 -250 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+499 4d7+11 pierce
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand male 4500
0 0 large 0
warrior guildstudent student~
the guildstudent~
A warrior guildstudent stands here, learning the art of combat.
A smaller man dressed in nothing but a tunic stands here waiting
to fight mighty foes.
55 0 10d10+1300 1d1+99 4d7+11 pierce
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand male 5500
0 0 large 0
vampire mage guildmaster~
the guildmaster~
The vampire and mage guildmaster stands here.
A small elf dressed in black rests in the corner. As you enter he grabs 
a knife an throws it at you. It lands the wall next to your left ear. 
"We will now begin," is all he says.
ABJKTVb DFJ 0 -100 0
60 0 15d10+2000 1d1+99 5d6+13 pierce
-13 -13 -13 3
stand stand male 3000
0 0 large 0
mage guildguard~
the guildguard~
The Guard for the Guild of Mages stand here.
This man looks like a mage/warrior, i wouldn't mess with him.
ABRT D 0 0 0
50 0 6d12+853 3d7+4 4d6+8 pierce
-9 -9 -9 5
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 3345
0 0 large 0
cleric guildguard~
the guildguard~
The Guard for the Guild of Druids stands here.
This man looks like a master druid. I wouldn't mess with him.
ABQT D 0 0 0
50 0 6d12+853 3d7+4 4d6+8 pierce
-9 -9 -9 5
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 4367
0 0 large 0
warrior guildguard~
the guildguard~
The Guard for the Guild of Rangers stands here.
The man looks like Apollo's cousin, I wouldn't mess with him.
ABTU D 0 0 0
50 0 6d12+853 3d7+4 4d6+8 pierce
-9 -9 -9 -1
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 4278
0 0 large 0
thief guildguard~
the guildguard~
The Guard for the Guild of Vampires stands here.
You see a vampire dressed all in black, he quickly stands as you enter and 
steps to bar your way. You notice his hands resting on two sheafs.
ABST D 0 0 0
50 0 6d12+853 3d7+4 4d6+8 pierce
-9 -9 -9 -1
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 5657
0 0 large 0
servant boy~
a servant boy~
A servant boy is here running errands.
You see a small boy running around the halls of the palace.
AG 0 0 0 0 
45 0 5d10+550 1d6+1 2d10+7 beating
-7 -7 -7 0
0 0 0 0 
stand stand male 2267
0 0 large 0
a tourist~
A tourist stands here looking lost.
You see a small round dwarven man, gazing at all the sites. He's looking at 
a small tavelling map that he seems to be holding upside down.
ACGH 0 0 0 0
45 0 5d10+550 1d6+1 2d10+7 beating
-7 -7 -7 6
0 0 0 0 
stand stand male 3413
0 0 large 0
store helper aid~
the store aid~
The store helper is here, aiding the shopkeeper.
A common possition for teenaged titans in this village. You'll be
seeing several store aid's in stores allover the village!
ABGH J 0 -1000 0
45 0 5d10+550 1d6+1 2d10+7 beating
-7 -7 -7 5
DEF 0 B Z 
stand stand male 2333
0 0 large 0
worker leather~
the leather worker~
The leather worker is here, working on some new clothes.
A beautiful young women is here, sewing leather together to make the newest 
clothes around. She seems quite busy and you would hate to bug her.
ABGH J 0 -1000 0
50 0 6d12+853 1d8+100 4d6+8 pierce
-9 -9 -9 5
0 0 B 0 
stand stand female 4000
0 0 large 0
a hard working blacksmith~
A hard working blacksmith is here, creating new swords.
He is all hot and sweaty from working over the great fires. He is
forging many new weapons to sell in his store.
ABGH J 0 -1000 0
55 0 10d10+1300 1d8+100 4d7+11 slash
-11 -11 -11 4
0 0 B 0
stand stand male 8900
0 0 large 0
lieutenant commander~
the Titan Lieutenant Commander~
The Lieutenant Commander of the Titan Army is here.
He is a strong looking man, working hard at the defense of the city. He seems 
to be creating a defense plan, if the city is ever attacked. You better not 
disturb him.
ABGH J 0 -1000 18062
62 0 25d10+2250 1d8+100 3d12+14 pierce
-14 -14 -14 4
0 0 D C
stand stand male 6699
0 0 large 0
a Titan Soldier~
A Soldier of The Titan Army is here, sharpening his swords.
He is a strong looking man, working hard at making his sword sharp for combat. 
He seems to just be waiting around for his next order.
AGH J 0 -1000 18079
58 0 10d10+1600 1d8+120 5d6+12 slash
-13 -13 -13 5
0 0 B 0 
stand stand male 6660
0 0 large 0
a hard working armourer~
A hard working armourer is here, creating new armor.
He is busy working on putting together he newest steal to his
finest armor. Perhaps he has something in your size.
ABGH J 0 -1000 0
60 0 15d10+1850 1d8+100 4d8+13 bash
-13 -13 -13 4
0 0 B Z 
stand stand male 7999
0 0 large 0
hydra pet~
the Deadly Hydra~
A large and deadly Hydra is here.
A large deadly Hydra is here and will do anything to protect her master.
ABJRTV DFTV 0 1000 0
55 0 10d10+1250 1d1+348 4d8+13 beating
-11 -11 -11 5
stand stand female 0
0 0 large 0
court aritist~
the court aritist~
The court aritist is here, consulting with the Queen.
The court aritist is here, giving his bit of advice to the queen. You wouldn't 
want toget on this guys bad side, for he can draw a spell on you and your 
ABCT FJ 0 -1000 0
62 0 25d10+2250 1d1+1111 3d12+14 pierce
-14 -14 -14 5
stand stand male 9233
0 0 large 0
the apothecary~
The fine young apothecary is here, selling her potions.
Standing tall behind her desk, she offers her help. You notice a huge selection
in potions and pills, you wonder which you shall buy. You know right away that 
any type of cure you would need, here is where you'd get it.
ABT CDEFJ 0 -1000 0
65 0 25d10+3000 1d1+320 8d4+16 slash
-15 -15 -15 -2
stand stand female 0
0 0 large 0
villager happy~
a happy villager~
A happy villager is here, enjoying the festivals!
You see a well dressed villager walking by, singing in tune with the beat 
of the bongo drums. He has many items in his hands; proof of his shopping. 
You are glad that this town is such a happy place... lets just hope it doesn't 
get too happy.
ABT CDEF 0 -1000 0
48 0 6d12+703 1d1+195 2d12+8 pierce
-8 -8 -8 6
stand stand male 100
0 0 large 0

bottle wine bordeau~
a bottle of Bordeau Wine~
A crystal clear bottle of wine lies here.~
drink A AO
40 40 'elvish wine' 0 0
2 10 140 G
bottle wine chablis~
a bottle of Chablis Wine~
A crystal clear bottle of wine lies here.~
drink A AO
40 40 'white wine' 0 0
2 10 130 G
bottle wine liebfraumilch~
a bottle of Liebfraumilch~
A crystal clear bottle of wine lies here.~
drink A AO
40 40 'red wine' 0 0
2 10 130 G
bottle wine austrian red~
a bottle of Austrian Red~
A crystal clear bottle of wine lies here.~
drink A AO
40 40 'red wine' 0 0
2 10 100 G
bottle wine sauvignon blanc~
a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc~
A crystal clear bottle of wine lies here.~
drink A AO
40 40 'white wine' 0 0
2 10 100 G
bottle wine tanqueray~
a bottle of Tanqueray~
A crystal clear bottle of wine lies here.~
drink A AO
40 40 'sherry' 0 0
2 10 100 G
slice ham meat~
a slice of ham~
A slice of ham is here, lieing in the dirt.~
food A A
44 30 0 0 0
20 50 244 P
side beef~
a side of beef~
A side of beef is here.~
food A A
33 30 0 0 0
20 20 260 P
chicken wing~
a chicken wing~
A chiken wing is here.~
food A A
30 30 0 0 0
20 20 230 P
leg lamb~
a leg of lamb~
A leg of lamb is here.~
food A A
30 30 0 0 0
20 20 203 P
bongo drum~
a groovy Bong Drum~
A bongo drum is here, lieing on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
exotic 5 5 pound 0
44 200 4350 G
18 4
19 4
5 2
a groovy Guitar~
A guitar is here, lieing on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
exotic 5 6 chomp 0
45 200 6500 G
18 4
19 3
pipe wind windpipe~
a groovy Wind-Pipe~
A wind-pipe is here, lieing on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
exotic 6 5 slash 0
45 120 7500 G
18 5
19 5
striped bodysuit~
a Prisoner's Striped-Suit~
A striped suit is here.~
armor ABG AK
8 8 8 1 3
45 200 7200 G
18 4
14 -30
fresh baked bread~
A loaf of bread is here.~
food A A
5 5 0 0 0
20 20 22 P
batch cookies~
a batch of cookies~
A pile of cookies are here.~
food A A
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 100 P
bread stick~
A fresh breadstick~
A fresh breadstick is here.~
food A A
45 45 0 0 0
70 2 400 P
pie peach~
A peach pie~
A pie is here on the ground.~
food A A
33 30 0 0 0
20 20 100 P
pie blueberry~
A blueberry pie~
A pie is here on the ground.~
food A A
32 32 0 0 0
20 20 600 P
honey comb~
a honey comb~
A gewy honey comb is here.~
food A A
47 47 0 0 0
20 20 300 P
honey mead~
a bottle of honey mead~
A bottle of honey mead is here.~
food A A
20 0 0 0 0
20 20 210 P
honey jar~
a jar of honey~
A jar of honey is here.~
food A A
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 231 P
standard weapon combat tournament~
a Standard Tournament Combat Weapon~
A tournament weapon is here.~
weapon AB AN
flail 5 9 cleave 0
55 200 11407 P
18 2
19 2
22 -1
a tourists' scribler~
A scribler is here.~
trash A A
0 0 0 0 0
20 20 1206 P
fish bones~
a fish bone~
A fish bone is here.~
trash A A
0 0 0 0 0
10 20 1260 P
broken wine bottle~
a broken wine bottle~
A broken wine bottle is here.~
trash A A
0 0 0 0 0
10 20 1260 P
patch townguard crest~
a townguard crest~
A crest is here in the dirt.~
armor AG AC
11 11 11 0 4
63 250 10900 G
18 2
19 2
3 2
bottle rum~
a bottle of Rum~
A bottle of rum is here.~
drink A A
10 10 'rum' 0 0
20 2 400 P
potion invisibility~
a Magical Potion of Invisibility.~
A potion lies here in the dirt.~
potion AB AO
50 'invis' 'pass door' '' ''
20 2 1660 P
potion teleportation~
a Magical Potion of Teleportation.~
A potion lies here in the dirt.~
potion AB AO
50 'teleport' 'teleport' 'teleport' 'teleport'
20 50 1302 P
potion holy touch~
a Magical Potion of The Holy Touch.~
A potion lies here in the dirt.~
potion AB A
50 'bless' 'sanctuary' 'haste' 'shield'
20 100 4075 P
potion deadly combat~
a Magical Potion of Deadly Combat.~
A potion lies here in the dirt.~
potion AB A
50 'sanctuary' 'stone skin' 'giant strength' 'armor'
20 100 1929 P
potion cure battle wounds~
A Magical Potion to Cure Battle Wounds.~
A potion lies here in the dirt.~
potion AB A
40 'cure light' 'cure light' 'cure light' 'heal'
20 50 4050 P
breast plate titan~
the silver breast plate of the Titans~
A breast plate lies here on the ground.~
armor G AD
9 9 9 1 4
45 350 12840 G
19 2
17 -30
bracer titan silver~
the silver bracer of the Titans~
A silver bracer lies here on the ground.~
armor G AI
9 9 9 1 1
45 100 9994 G
1 2
2 2
19 3
legging silver titan~
the silver leggings of the Titans~
A pair of legging are here.~
armor G AF
9 9 9 1 3
45 200 7954 G
22 -1
silver boots boot titan~
the silver boots of the Titans~
A pair of boots are here.~
armor G AG
9 9 9 1 2
45 200 6906 G
17 -10
silver helm titan~
the silver helm of the Titans~
A helm is here on the ground.~
armor 9 AE
9 10 9 0 2
45 20 6906 G
a Titan grown carrot~
A carrot is here, grown by the great Titans.~
food A A
50 50 0 0 0
20 20 350 P
a Titan grown head of spinich~
A head of spinich is here, grown by the great Titans.~
food A A
50 50 0 0 0
20 20 300 P
a Titan grown apple~
an apple is here, grown by the great Titans.~
food A A
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 250 P
a Titan grown orange~
an orange is here, grown by the great Titans.~
food A A
32 32 0 0 0
20 20 100 P
a Titan grown cherry~
a single cherry is here, grown by the great Titans.~
food A A
36 36 0 0 0
30 20 440 P
titan dagger silver~
a Silver Dagger of The Titans~
A large silver dagger is here on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
dagger 5 7 stab 0
45 120 5900 P
18 2
19 2
titan sword silver~
a Silver Sword of The Titans~
A large silver sword is here on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
sword 5 7 pierce 0
45 250 5100 P
18 1
19 1
titan mace silver~
a Silver Mace of The Titans~
A large silver mace is here on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
mace 7 5 pound 0
45 250 5660 P
18 1
19 1
titan axe silver~
a Silver Axe of The Titans~
A large silver axe is here on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
axe 6 6 chomp 0
45 250 5330 P
1 -1
17 1
titan silver spear~
a Silver Spear of The Titans~
A large silver spear is here on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
spear 5 7 pierce 0
45 250 5250 P
titan silver whip~
a Silver-Linked Whip of The Titans~
A large silver whip is here on the ground.~
weapon AB AN
whip 7 5 whip 0
50 200 1000 P
book titan lore~
a Leather Bound Book on Titan Lore~
A large leather book is here.~
wand A AO
50 20 20 'sleep' 0
45 80 10620 P
tulip yellow~
a Bright Yellow Tulip~
A small tulip is here on the ground.~
treasure A A
0 0 0 0 0
10 1 1004 P
tulip red~
a Bright Red Tulip~
A small tulip is here on the ground.~
treasure A A
0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1330 P
white rose~
a Beautiful Single White Rose~
A beautiful rose is here on the ground.~
treasure A AO
0 0 0 0 0
10 1 1000 P
17 -1
18 1
red rose dozen~
One Dozen Red Roses~
One dozen red roses lie here on the ground.~
treasure A A
0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1003 P
chrysanthemum yellow~
Twenty-Two Bright Yellow Chrysanthemums~
Several bright yellow chyrsanthemums are here.~
treasure A A
0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1000 G
cook hat~
the Cook's Hat~
A cooks hat is here on the ground.~
armor ABG AE
9 9 9 1 0
49 160 8400 G
18 1
19 1
cook pot~
the Cook's Pot~
A cooking pot is here on the ground.~
armor ABG AE
9 9 9 1 0
48 200 8100 G
1 1
13 10
serf shoes serfs shoe~
the little serfs shoes~
Little shoes lie here, belonging to a serf.~
armor A AG
10 10 10 1 0
48 20 450 G
1 -1
13 20
pouch beggar money~
a little beggar's money pouch~
A little pouch lies here~
container AG A
200 1 0 100 50
24 20 1500 P
staff knight templar~
the Staff of The Knight Templar~
A staff is here, leaning up against a wall.~
armor ABG AO
10 10 10 100 1
60 10 33350 G
13 75
19 1
18 1
leather boot boots titan~
a Titan Citizen's Leather Boots.~
A pair of boots lie here.~
armor ABG AG
8 8 8 1 2
45 250 4700 G
3 3
patrol guard club~
a patrol guard's club~
A club rests here against a wall.~
weapon AB AN
mace 9 5 pound 0
59 250 4570 P
1 -1
key town~
the Golden Key to The  Valley of The Titans~
A BIG key lies here.~
trash A AO
0 0 0 0 0
45 20 10000 P
long dagger golden~
a Long Golden Dagger~
A Jail Guard's Long Golden Dagger is here.~
weapon ABG AN
dagger 5 7 cleave D
45 120 4500 P
12 10
wooden carved music box~
a beautifully carved music box~
A small box lies here.~
container A A
500 1 0 500 60
20 20 3340 P
small steel box~
a small steel box~
A small steel box is here.~
container A A
500 1 0 500 50
20 20 4500 P
a Designer Backpack~
A backpack is here on the ground.~
container AGH A
1000 1 0 1000 25
20 25 15000 P
wand titans titan magic~
a Wand of Titan Magic~
A long wand is here on the ground.~
wand A AO
50 19 19 'calm' 0
45 200 17080 P
wand elven magic~
a Wand of Elven Magic~
A long wand is here on the ground.~
wand A AO
50 60 60 'know alignment' 0
45 200 11980 P
wand druid magic~
a Wand of Druid Magic~
A long wand is here on the ground.~
wand A AO
55 17 17 'acid blast' 0
45 200 19706 P
wand pixie magic~
a Wand of Pixie Magic~
A long wand is here on the ground.~
wand A AO
50 38 38 'faerie fire' 0
45 200 12204 P
wand avian magic~
a Wand of Avian Magic~
A long wand is here on the ground.~
wand A AO
50 5 5 'fireball' 0
45 20 14356 P
wand drow magic~
a Wand of Drow Magic~
A long wand is here on the ground, glowing dark black.~
wand A AO
50 66 66 'curse' 0
45 20 13490 P
chocolate icecream~
a Double Scoop of Chocolate Icecream~
Some icecream is here.~
food A A
50 50 0 0 0
3 110 340 P
blueberry icecream~
a Tripple Scoop of Blueberry Icecream~
Some icecream is here.~
food A A
55 55 0 0 0
3 110 500 P
fudge icecream~
a Single Scoop of Fudge Icecream~
Some icecream is here.~
food A A
60 60 0 0 0
3 110 700 P
chocolate covered almonds~
some chocolate covered almonds~
Some chocolate is here.~
food A A
65 65 0 0 0
4 120 500 P
chocolate fudge~
some chocolate fudge~
Some chocolate is here.~
food A A
70 70 0 0 0
4 120 600 P
chocolate brittle~
some chocolate brittle~
Some chocolate is here.~
food A A
10 10 0 0 0
4 120 100 P
chocolate mint~
some chocolate mint~
Some chocolate is here.~
food A A
50 50 0 0 0
2 120 100 P
black suede boot boots~
a pair of black suede boots~
A pair of suede boots are here.~
armor A AG
9 9 9 0 1
45 200 4400 G
navy blue skirt~
a long navy blue skirt~
A long skirt is here on the ground.~
armor AG AF
8 9 8 1 3
45 300 5050 G
18 1
19 2
silver white cloak~
a beautiful silver and white cloak~
A cloak is here on the ground.~
armor AG AK
8 8 8 0 0
45 170 9604 G
1 1
2 2
emerald studded bracer~
an emerald-studded bracer~
A bracer is here on the ground.~
armor AG AM
9 9 9 1 0
45 10 7600 G
13 10
fountain marble~
a beautiful large marble fountain.~
A beautiful large marble fountain is here.~
fountain AO 0
10000 10000 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
standard weapon~
a Standard Demon Weapon~
A dark demonic weapon is here on the ground.~
weapon ABCG AN
exotic 5 9 wrath CF
55 200 14300 P
18 2
19 2
22 -1
weapon combat tournament~
an Enhanced Tournament Combat Weapon~
A tournament weapon is here.~
weapon AB AN
flail 6 10 cleave 0
68 200 18907 P
18 3
19 3
22 -2
potion cure sickness~
a Magical Potion of Cure Sickness.~
A potion lies here in the dirt.~
potion AB A
50 'remove curse' 'cure blindness' 'cure poison' 'cure disease'
20 50 1333 P
pie apple~
an apple pie~
A pie is here on the ground.~
food A A
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 50 P

A Dark Path Through The Forest~
You suddenly realize that the forest around you has changed drastically. 
The once bright day is now quite overcast and dull. A sharp wind suddenly 
picks up and brings a cool chill to your bones. All around you you hear the 
chilling sounds of the forest, almost like it was out of a story book. 
The dusty road continues north and south, winding around a curve up ahead, 
making the end of the road, or what it will bring to, impossible to see. 
A large sign is here, demanding your attention. (look sign)
     There is a small (Glowing) (Humming) tablet.
0 A 3  
[]===||****[ Creator of The Valley of The Titans!! ]****||===[]
     |/^\ -----=====*****[-----------]*****=====----- /^\|
     |/^\(){{{{{{{{{{{{{{             }}}}}}}}}}}}}}()/^\|
     |/^\()                                         ()/^\|
     |/^\() X   X  AAAA V  V II EEEE RRRR  !! !! !! ()/^\|
     |/^\()  X X   A  A V  V II E    R   R !! !! !! ()/^\|
     |/^\()   X    AAAA V  V II EEE  RRRR  !! !! !! ()/^\|
     |/^\()  X X   A  A V  V II E    R  R  !! !! !! ()/^\|
     |/^\() X   X  A  A  VV  II EEEE R   R ** ** ** ()/^\|
     |/^\() _______________________________________ ()/^\|
     |/^\()                       Adopted by Kajko  ()/^\|
     |/^\(){{{{{{{{{{{{{{             }}}}}}}}}}}}}}()/^\|
     |/^\ -----=====*****[-----------]*****=====----- /^\|
[]===||*  Be Sure To Thank Him For All His Hard Work!  *||===[]
small tablet~
+                                                                  +
+            This area has been converted and adapted by           +
+                             Kajko                                +
+                                                                  +
+                               &                                  +
+                                                                  +
+                 revised, modified, debugged (?:)                 +
+                strongly enhanced and balanced by                 +
+                             jaceks                               +
+                                                          july'96 +
The path continues.
0 0 18002
Back to the lighter forests.
0 -1 6152
A Long Dusty Trail~
The path continues, and the view is still not as interesting. The sky has 
become more dark and it appears that the clouds are filled with rain. 
The faint smell of autumn; the rotting of leaves on the  moist forest floor, 
adds to the quaint scene. A rustle in the trees above you finally shows life 
in the dreary forests. The path turns and continues west,  and south back 
to the lighter forests.
0 A 3 
Back south to the trail.
0 0 18001
The curving path west.
0 0 18003
A Clearing in the Woods~
Suddenly the path comes to an open section on the road. You realize that 
mountainous peaks stab sharply into the sky, creating a look of might, a look 
of power. Lush green plants can be found in all directions, speckled with the 
odd reds and yellows of the wild flowers. A small brook trickles alongside the
path, adding a harmonious tune with the soft whistle of the scarcely know Grey 
Bird. A soft mist whisps slowly past, cascading over the brook, creating 
a beautiful soft atmosphere. 
The path continues west and east.
0 A 3 
back to the dusty trail.
0 0 18002
Following the path west.
0 0 18004
A Steep Path Down-Hill~
The bright warm sunshine seems to lighten your heart, as you notice you 
have lost all sense of direction. The quaint small brook that followed you 
from the east, is slowly gaining speed. Mountains of all sizes tower up sky-
high above you, creating a wonderous view of the lands. The crisp cool air 
seems to add new strength to your sore old bones. The path continues west 
and back east.
0 A 3 
The path continues...
0 0 18003
The path continues...
0 0 18005
Alongside A Wild Waterfall~
So much for a quaint little brook. The what once was small brook is now 
a raging waterfall, crashing and thumping against the rocks, as it visiously 
works its way, still of to the north of your path. You notice the mountains 
seems to encase you in a valley, forever growing taller and more mighty with 
every step. A dark green moss seems to cover the trees about you, camouflaging
the wild animals of the woods. It seems as though these trees and plants are 
older than time itself, yet have never aged a day. The ground is covered in 
soft brown pine neddles, matting you heavy footsteps. Several large boulders 
are scattered here and there throughout the woods. The path continues west and 
back east.
0 A 3 
The path continues...
0 0 18004
The path continues...
0 0 18007
0 C 1  
A Sharp Bend in the Road~
You come face to face with a mighty mountain wall, blocking your path. You 
feel like you have waisted all your time and effort just to get here, to find 
a dead end. Right before you give up you notice a flicker of movement to your 
right. You turn, yet you see nothing. Suddenly you realize a small matted path 
curves around the mountain, almost like a deer trail. Perhaps you should 
follow it to see where it takes you. The path continues north, through the 
deer trail, and east, where you came from.
0 A 3  
The matted deer trail.
0 0 18008
The path continues...
0 0 18005
The Windy Deer Trail~
You are on a windy deer trail, which seems to swirve thisway and that. 
The sounds of the forests are about you, weaving together in a harmonious tune,
with the wind in the trees as its melody. The soft mist on your face seems to 
wet your boots aswell, adding to the special touches of the woods. Annoying
little spider webs seem to stick to your face and clothes, making this trip 
very much unejoyable. Up ahead you see that the path widens. The path 
continues west and south.
0 A 3 
The path south.
0 0 18007
The path widens.
0 0 18009
The Path Widens~
You notice that the path suddenly widens, making it easier to avoid every 
branch and root that comes your way. You notice that the ground has turned 
to a lose gravel and begins to be flatter than before. The massive wall of 
the mountain suddenly looms up to your left, and up ahead you notice that 
it juts out, almost creating a dead end. The path continues west and east.
0 A 3 
The way back.
0 0 18008
The path continues.
0 0 18010
At a Quaint Little Bridge~
Well, you were right. The wall of the mountain does jut out and block your 
path, but a quaint little bridge lies to the north, created by a human, or 
some other creature. It seems quite stable and safe to cross. A beautiful brook
trickles slowly underneath the small bridge, creating a relaxing sound. The
forest seems to be more lush on the other side of the brook. The path continues
north, across the bridge, or east, back to the path.
0 A 0
On the bridge.
0 -1 18011
Back to the path.
0 -1 18009
On The Quaint Little Bridge~
As you cross the little bridge you notice how well made it really is. Below 
you the silver and quartz reflecting off the sunlight brings a relaxing sigh. 
A small rainbow trout jumps out of the water, landing with a splash so big it 
gets your shoes wet. This sure is a nice spot. The trail continues north, off 
of the bridge, and south, back to the path.
0 A 3 
The path continues.
0 0 18012
The path back.
0 0 18010
On The Other Side of The Brook~
You have made it past the peaceful bridge and are now on a woodchip covered 
trail. The peaceful sounds of the Blue Birds and the joyous chatter of the 
chickmunks add to the beauty of these lands. The tall Oak and Mapple are just 
some of the numerous trees you recognize. Beautifully lush ferns fill the gaps 
between trees; a little Red Juliefire sprouting out here and there, giving the 
forest floor a wider variety of color and beauty. In the distance you hear the 
rushing of a waterfall, and the loud soulfull cry of the Black Crane. The path 
continues west and back to the bridge south.
0 A 3 
Back to the bridge.
0 0 18011
The path continues.
0 0 18013
The Long Path Continues~
As you continue to walk down this glorious path, you notice that the sounds 
of the waterfall are getting louder and clearer. The sun plays shadow games 
with the wind through the trees, lightening your heart with joy. Deep in the 
bush you see a bright red Pinion bird, rare to all parts of the world save 
the most beautiful. The trees and plants seem to almost glow with peace.
This is such a beautiful place, you never wish to leave. A soft breeze lifts 
your hair and brings you the fresh scent of Golden Wildflowers, making you 
wish you were in a sunny field, rolling in them. But you still would much 
rather be here. The path continues west and east.
0 A 3 
The path continues.
0 0 18012
The path continues.
0 0 18014
The Great Lookout~
You are standing about 300 feet above the raging rapids of The River of 
Venis. You realize that the trees did a great job consealing this massive 
cliff. Right beside you there is a massive rading waterfall that tumbles down 
at a gloryous speed. It is amazing how powerful these falls are. A well 
crafted bridge swings the span of the cliff, right in front of the waterfall.
You would hate to make a mistake and take a step off the bridge. The path 
continues out south across the bridge, or back east to the trail.
0 A 3 
Back to the path.
0 0 18013
Out across the bridge.
0 0 18015
Out On One Third of The Bridge~
You have managed to walk the first part of the bridge. You catch a glymse 
of what lies below, a 300, perhaps more, foot drop to your death. Still the 
white foam at the bottom looks as soft as clouds, and the speed of the falls 
brings a cool, freesh breeze. Just being this high up is so exhilerating, you 
could stay here for ever! The bridge continues south or back to the solid 
grounds, north.
0 A 3 
Back to solid ground.
0 0 18014
You see nothing special there.
1 -1 18017
Out across the bridge.
0 0 18016
In The Middle of The Bridge~
You are standing in the dead center of the bridge. The bridge is so close 
to the falls that a cool, fine mist is blown about. You notice that there 
is not a cloud in the sky. This has just been the most perfect day! 
The bridge continues south, and north.
0 A 3 
The beginning of the bridge.
0 0 18015
The end of the bridge.
0 0 18018
The Druid Lord's Secret Study~
You have stumbled into the most beautiful room you have ever seen! giant 
slabs of white marble with the accasional greyish streak through them cover 
every bit of the floor, save for the far south of this room, which has 
a gloryious carpet, telling the tales of several great battles, all woven 
into the magical design. Tall book shelves cover the eastern wall of this 
cavern; books of lore, magic, spells, ceremonies and much more. A giant
oak desk lies infront of the bookshelves, covered with paper and all of 
Xavier's work. A light blue chair rests in the northern corner. A thin line 
of glass-like whater cascades down the western opening creating a magical 
window. Etched in stone high above this wonderous site are the words 
'Mirror of The Worlds'. You gaze into the light white waters and see your 
past. Despite being inside a dark cave, this study seems to be quite 
comfortable. Several bright torches line the walls, and one giant blue flame 
floats magically in the top-most center of the cave. Magic just seems to flow 
through this cave, magic beyond your wildest wonders. You wonder where the 
exits are.
0 AD 0
Back to the bridge.
1 -1 18015
The End of The Bridge~
You have reached the final portion of the bridge. This part was built over 
the rocky clif, and not the raging rapids. A big beautiful eagle flies high 
above. Ahead the deep green trees and plants welcome you joyfully. You cannot 
wait to get on solid ground again. The exits are south to the road and north 
to the middle of the bridge.
0 A 3 
Back to the middle of the bridge.
0 0 18016
Back on solid ground.
0 0 18019
Back on the Main Road~
Boy, it sure does feel good to be back on hard solid ground once again. 
Tulips and Rose bushes line the pathway, adding once again to the beauty of 
this strange land. The tall trees seem to give off the right amount of shade, 
to keep you from getting too hot in this sun. The path you are one is kind of 
like one you would have up to your house; big enough for one or two people,
long and curvy. The mountains loom even higher in the distance than they ever 
had before. You can tell that each step takes you down hill, into a vally of 
some sort. The land about you appears as though it was formed ages ago, due 
to earthquakes and storms. The path continues north to the bridge, or south 
to the main road.
0 A 3 
Back to the bridge.
0 0 18018
To the main road.
0 0 18020
The Entrance To The Valley~
This is another beautiful part of the lands. What catches your eyes the 
most is a wonderfully carved sign. Perhaps you should read what it says. 
The beautiful land before you seems to reach out for miles, all encased 
in a wonderous valley. It would be interesting to see what this place is 
like. The exits are north to the bridge, west along the road as well as 
east. A large sign is here, demanding your attention.
0 A 3 
sign valley~
|\ ______________________________________________________ /|     
| |         Welcome To The Valley Of The Titans          | |   
| |                                                      | |
| |   We hope that you enjoy your stay and that you will | |
| | find our wonderful land quite enjoyable. Please feel | |
| | free to learn of our customs and of our people. You  | |
| | are most welcome here.                               | |
| |       Signed: King Dractax and Queen Crystal.        | |
| |______________________________________________________| |
Back to the bridge.
0 0 18019
A Path to A House.
0 0 18021
Along the Road.
0 0 18023
A Path To A Very Fancy House~
You are now walking on a stone walkway to a very fancy house. Nicely trimmed 
flowers and bushes lie in neatly tended patterns along the dark green grass 
at the fron of the house. The house itself is huge and white. It appears to be 
two stories high, and it looks to be as though this house belonged to a Lord
or a Lady, or someone with LOTS of money. You wonder who would live in such 
an extravagent house. The exits are east to the house, or west to the main 
0 A 0
Inside the front foyer.
1 -1 18022
Back to the road.
0 -1 18020
Inside The Front Foyer~
You have entered the Front Foyer of the house and already you are staring in 
awe. It is amazing how beautiful this house really is. Several tapestries hand 
from the walls, freshly cut flowers are in vases everywhere. Not a speck of 
dirt to be found. A house like this must have many maids and cleaning people 
to keep it so neat and tidy. You do not wish to intrude so you mine aswell 
leave this house alone. Your only exit is west, back to the road.
0 A 0
Back to the road.
1 -1 18021
Along A Windy Road~
You are walking along a windy road, that is forever curving itself downhill. 
The trees still line boths sides of the road, yet becomming more and more 
less common as before. The sun is well over head now and it would be best to 
find and Inn, in this..The Valley of The Titans. Heavens knows what type of 
beasts lurke in these forests at night. The path continues in an east-west 
0 A 3 
The path continues.
0 0 18020
The path continues.
0 0 18024
In The Open Plains~
You find that the forest has lessened remarkably and you are now in an open 
field, following a road. You notice that not so far ahead, the forest starts 
up again. You hope that you will find a village soon, or you will have to 
spend the night with those rich people back east. The exits are, again, in an 
east-west direction.
0 A 3 
The path continues.
0 0 18023
The path continues.
0 0 18025
Back in The Lush Forests~
You have returned once again to the thick, lush forests of this valley. You 
notice to the north there is a massive lake, glistening in the suns' beams. 
You notice a doe, not to far off, drinking from a puddle of rain water. Such 
peace and beauty, you could hardly ask for anything more. It is starting to 
get dark and if you do not find a village soon, well, you're stuck outside
for the evening. The exits are in an east-west direction again.
0 A 3 
The path continues.
0 0 18024
The path continues.
0 0 18026
In Sight of The Village~
You have come this far and you finnally find the central village of The 
Valley of The Titans. The sanctuary like town rests like a kingdom on a 
vast, beautiful island. Beautiful white bridges cross from six points to 
this village, adding to the glorious beauty. You are almost quite sure that 
there are more than one Inn on this island. You better hurry, they may be
closing this bridges soon. The exits are east and south, to the village.
0 A 3 
Back to the main road.
0 0 18025
On the road to the Bridges.
0 0 18027
At The Bridge Gates~
You come up to the wonderous golden bridge gates to the City of The Titans. 
Several guards are here, greeting travelers as they come. It is getting quite 
dark and you would rather be inside the city when night falls. You decided to 
head on up through the bridges, across to the island, protected by the long
water moat, and tall stone walls. The city looks to be as safe as any city 
could possibly get. The exits are south and north.
0 A 3 
Back to the path.
0 0 18026
On the Bridges.
0 0 18028
The Beginning of The Bridge~
You take your first step on the giant Bridges of the city. Thousands of people 
seem to be walking back and forth, talking to eachother, meeting friends, 
doing business, heading in or our of the city, basically, keeping quite busy. 
The floor is covered in a light green carpet, rolled out endlessly along the 
floor. Crystal clear windows are along the side walls and several torches 
light the ceiling above. The smell of pitch burning reminds you of your 
grandmothers cottage, in the early Winter. The path continues north and south.
0 A 0
Back to the road.
0 -1 18027
Along the Bridge.
0 -1 18029
Along The Bridge~
You notice out the windows that the moon has come up, reflecting brightly on 
the crystal clear waters. The people suddenly start to move forward, towards 
the central city. You have never seen so many different races of people mixed 
together at once. It truly is wonderful to see so many races getting along 
with each other. The road of the Bridges continues north and south.
0 A 0
Back to the beginning of the bridge.
0 -1 18028
Along the bridge.
0 -1 18030
Along The Bridge~
You notice out the windows that the moon has come up, reflecting brightly 
on the crystal clear waters. The torches glow brightly above, giving off 
enough light to show you your way. The ivory walls seem to glow bright white 
in the dim light. You wonder just how long it will take to get to this city. 
The path continues north and south.
0 A 0 
Back from where you came.
0 0 18029
Along the Bridge.
0 0 18031
The Middle of The Bridge~
You have finally reached the middle of the Bridge. Everyone seems to be going 
at the same pace, no one seems to be in any hury what-so-ever. You notice that 
some of the people are dressed really well. In fact, it seems as though
everyone is dressed neatly. You feel a little out of place, wearing your
traveling gear and battle armor. Maybe in town you can buy yourself some
descent clothes, that is if they will accept your gold. The path continues
north and south.
0 A 0
The Bridge continues.
0 -1 18030
The Bridge continues.
0 -1 18032
Along The Western Side of the Bridge~
You have reached a long flat stretch of the bridge, which seem to take you 
right into the city. Here and there you notice peddlers trying to sell their 
pots and pans, their magic lamps, their special jewls. You can hardly wait to 
find an imm with a nice, cozy bed and room. A piping hot meal wouldn't be bad
either. The bridge continues south to the town entrance, and north, back to 
the center of the bridge.
0 A 0 
Back to the Bridge.
0 0 18031
0 0 18033
The City Entrance~
Welcome to The City of The Titans! Many races are known and accepted 
here. This city consists of more people than Midgaard, Thalos and Ofcol 
put together! You wonder where the best Inn would be. It would be nice to 
kick of your hiking boots and site down to a warm fire and a long, enjoyable 
pipe. Better start looking for an Inn. The exits are west and east to the 
stables, north to the bridge, and south to the city.
0 A 1 
0 0 18032
To the stables.
0 0 18034
Along The Main Street.
0 0 18036
To the stables.
0 0 18035
The Eastern Stables~
You have entered the Eastern Stables, a place to board your horse for a price. 
No one seems to be around at this time, but perhaps if you tie the horse up, 
you can pay them in the morning. It seems to be a nice place for horses to 
rest awhile; fresh hay, lots of water, and clean stalls. The exit is west back 
to the main road.
0 A 0 
Back to the main road.
0 0 18033
The Western Stables~
You have entered the Western Stables, a fine place to board your horse for
a price. No one seems to be around at this time, but perhaps if you tie the 
horse up, you can pay them tomorrow. It seems to be a nice place for horses 
to res awhile; fresh hay, lots of water, and clean stalls. 
The exit is east back to the main road.
0 A 0 
Back to the main road.
0 0 18033
The Main Road~
As you walk along the main road you notice several shops along the east 
and the west sides. All closed for the night, but they seem to be interesting 
shops. The roads are paved with stones, very neat and tidy, with narrow 
sidewalks along each side, and torch posts at every 50 feet or so. 
The road continues south and back north.
0 A 1 
The road continues.
0 0 18033
The road continues.
0 0 18037
The Main Road at The Prison~
You have come along a neatly kept prison to the east. Built of strong red 
brick, this prison looks to be one that is heavily guarded. You cannot belive 
that there can be people in such a town that would even think of commiting 
crime! The road continues south, north and east to the prison.
0 A 0
The main road continues.
0 -1 18036
To the prison.
1 -1 18038
The main road continues.
0 -1 18045
The Main Office of The Prison~
You have entered a large room, with several desks and cabinets. At the far 
back you see a sign that says 'Cells' and points downwards to the unknown. 
You see some guards and some sherriffs here, but they are too busy to pay any 
attention to you. The exits are north to the stairwell, and back west to the
0 A 0
The stairwell.
0 -1 18039
Back to the main road.
1 -1 18037
The Dark Stairwell~
Now you've done it! You've gone and entered the stairwell to where the cells 
are. The stairwell is narrow and spirral, made of cast iron. Several torches 
light the path down, making it seem scarier than it really is. You wonder what 
is at the base of the stairs; of what you will find and what will happen. 
The exits are back to the main office south, and down to the Cell room.
0 A 1 
Back to the main office.
0 0 18038
To the prison cells.
0 0 18040
The Prison Cells~
You have reached the bottom of the stairs and are in a long corridor that 
heads in a northern direction. The halls seem to be vacant, yet you hear 
the odd sound of snoring. To both sides of you there are empty Cells, but 
you cannot be so sure of what lies ahead. The exits are up to the stairwell 
and north through the corridor.
0 A 1 
Through the corridor.
0 0 18041
Back to the stairwell.
0 0 18039
Through The Narrow Corridor~
The corridor continues north, with foul prisoners locked up in cells to 
your left and right. A musty smell fills the air. Drat! Drows! You recognize 
the foul scent anywhere. The exits are east and west to the cells, north and 
south to the corridor exits.
0 A 0
The corridor continues.
0 -1 18042
The Eastern Cell.
1 -1 18043
Back to the stairwell.
0 -1 18040
The Western Cell.
1 -1 18044
The End of the Corridor~
You have come to the end of the corridor. There is a big, stalky man here, 
asleep. He is apparently the guard of these foul prisoners, and does not 
like his job. You wonder if you should report this fellow, the choose not to. 
They may question about why you were in the cells, perhaps think you were 
trying to free one of those stinky...DROWS! The corridor has only one exit, 
and its south.
0 A 0
Back to the cells.
0 -1 18041
The Eastern Cell~
You have opened the cell door and have walked into the Eastern Cell. 
What will people think if they found you, trying to free a prisoner? You best 
be on your way, before someone comes. Besides, this place smells awefully bad. 
The stench of the drows makes it very hard to breath. The only exit is back 
west to the main corridor.
0 A 0
To the main corridor.
1 -1 18041
The Western Cell~
You have opened the cell door and have walked into the Western Cell. 
What will people think if they found you, trying to free a prisoner? You best 
be on your way, before someone comes. Besides, this place smells awefully bad. 
The stench of the drows makes it very hard to breath. The only exit is back 
east to the main corridor.
0 A 0
To the main corridor.
1 -1 18041
The Main Road Continues~
Yes, once again the main road continues. You notice to the east there is 
a Chocolate Shoppe and to the west, a fancy bar named The Blue Rabbit. 
You cannot chose which you want to see first. But wait.. You wanted to find 
an Inn! Perhaps the chocolate and the drinks can wait for another day... 
Maybe not! The exits are in all directions: north, south, east, and west.
0 A 0
0 -1 18037
To the Blue Rabbit.
0 -1 18047
To The Town Center.
0 -1 18049
To the Chocolate Shoppe.
1 -1 18048
0 C 0
The Blue Rabbit Bar~
You have entered one of the most expensive yet wonderful Bars in the whole 
city. All that is served here is fancy wine. You see many people sitting at 
tables drinking their wine, with waiters rushing madly around, to make sure 
everyone is served. A tall man walks up to you calmly and asks if he can help 
you. The only exit is west, back to the road.
0 A 0
To the road.
0 -1 18045
The Chocolate Shoppe~
Wild smells of the most divine chocolate in all the lands catch your sense 
as  you walk in. Chocolate, Chocolate EVERYWHERE! You've died and gone to 
heave!  You do not know which you want to try first, perhaps you have enough 
to try them all! Mountains and Mountains of chocolate! The only exit is east 
back to the road, but who says you'll ever leave??!!
0 A 0
To the road.
1 -1 18045
The Town Center~
You have entered the town center, an major intersection in the roads. 
You see by the signs that mark the streets that if you followed the road west 
it would take you to the palace, south would take you along the southern main 
roads, and east would take you to several other intersections and shops. Which
way shall you chose? North, East, South or West?
0 A 0
The road you came from.
0 -1 18045
0 -1 18104
The Southern Main Roads.
0 -1 18050
0 -1 18074
The Southern Main Street~
You have reached the Southern Main Street. Shops line this road ten times 
more  then they did the others. You notice many people everywhere, enjoying 
the glorious day. To the east there is an icecream shoppe. To the west you 
see an brightly colored store called The Red Dragon. You wonder what sorts of 
things you may find there! Exits are north, east, west, and south.
0 A 0
Back to the town square.
0 -1 18049
The Icecream Shoppe.
0 -1 18051
The Southern Main Street.
0 -1 18054
The Red Dragon.
0 -1 18052
The Icecream Shoppe~
You have entered a quaint little shop along the Southern Main Street. 
To the northern part of this room there is an Icecream service bar, with 
several thousand different flavors. Behind the service bar is a young man 
selling his icecream. To the south you notice several stools and tables 
along the wall. A few people are sitting here gossiping about the latest 
trends at the Red Dragon. Straight to the west there are two little doors
that say 'Employees only.' This is a really nice shoppe and you would really 
like to buy something here. The only exit is west to the street.
0 A 0
Back to the main street.
0 -1 18050
The Red Dragon~
A stout young woman walks up to you and says, "Welcome to The Red Dragon, 
my friend! You look to be a rich man, and you must have good taste! Of course 
you do, you came here! Hehehe! Can I intrest you in some of the latest 
fashions?" This shop has the most popular design of clothes you have ever 
seen. Several tables pilled with the latest shirts, pants and shoes fill this
room. This is the most busy store you have seen all day! Dark red carpets 
cover the floor; light blue pain covers the walls. To the north you notice 
a back room. You wonder what could be there? The exits are north to the back 
room, and east back to the Southern Main Street.
0 A 0
To the back room.
1 -1 18053
Back to the Southern Main Street.
0 -1 18050
The Back Room of The Red Dragon~
You have entered the back room of the Red Dragon. You notice that this is 
the room where it all happens; the shoes, the shirts, the pants, the skirts, 
all. Many people rush around working very hard, trying to beat the demand of 
clothes needed for this time of year. The exit is back south to the Red Dragon
0 A 0
The Red Dragon.
1 -1 18052
Along The Southern Main Street~
You continue walking down the road and notice that a rare Apiarist shop lies 
to the west. To the east you see a beautiful Florist shop, selling the most 
beautiful flowers you have ever seen. To street continues in a north south 
direction, with to the east a Florist and to the west and Apiarist.
0 A 0
Back to the Southern Main Street.
0 -1 18050
The Lovely Florist.
0 -1 18055
The Market Square.
0 -1 18059
The rare Apiarist.
1 -1 18058
The Flower Shop~
*Snnnnnniiiiiiffffff* Ahhh.. The lovely smell of freshly cut flowers 
touches your senses as you enter this room. Beautiful Roses, Tulips, 
Carnations, and many other wild flowers fill this room with color and beauty. 
A young lady is behind a vine-covered counter, humming to herself while she 
repots an Aloe Vera plant. Several rows of flowers line the wooden floors, 
making it look almost like a jungle. The only exit is west, back to the road.
0 A 0
To the hidden greenhouse.
1 -1 18056
Back to The Southern Main Street.
0 -1 18054
The Hidden GreenHouse Behind The Florist Shop~
You have entered a beautiful greenhouse behind the Florists' shop. 
A jungle of wild and extravagent flowers fill this room from top to bottom. 
It is simply glorious. Bright sunlight flows through the skylights, lighting 
this room with a wonderous glow. A small pond sits in the corner, feeding many 
water-bound plants such as the Water Lily. The exits to this room are back 
south to the Florists' Shop, and east to an outside garden.
0 A 0
The Outside Garden.
1 -1 18057
Back to the Florists' Shop.
1 -1 18055
The Outside Garden~
You have stumbled upon an outdoor garden. Many wild plants grow here, 
all growing around a small stone pathway that leads through them. Bright 
flowers grow between the dark green ferns and shrubs. Beautiful Iris' grow 
along a small stone garden to your left. A little wooden table is here, with 
an empty cup of coffee and an abandoned chair. The only exit is west to the
0 A 0
The GreenHouse.
1 -1 18056
The Rare Apiarists' Shop~
You have entered a honey smelling room. Golden jars of honey line the walls 
on great oak shelves. The deerskin floor is very beautiful and looks to be 
quite soft and comfortable. A small fireplace lights this room and gives it 
heat to the west. Behind a strange counter is a young lady, pooring bright 
yello honey into a jar. You wonder at just what you can buy. The only exit is
west to the main street.
0 A 0
Back to the Main Street.
1 -1 18054
The Market Square~
You have come upon the Market Square. Many people are gathered about, 
talking to eachother or listening to the group of musicians playing some wild 
tunes. The stone streets feels hard on your feet and you feel very tired. To 
the north you see the road you came from, Along The Southern Main Streets, to 
the south you see that the road continues, to several Inns. All the way west 
you notice that a wide road takes you down to a grocer store and many others. 
To the east in the far distance, you see a giant Castle.
0 A 0
Back to the Southern Main Streets.
0 -1 18054
The Eastern Main Road.
0 -1 18105
The Southern-side Streets.
0 -1 18060
The Western Main Road.
0 -1 18084
Along The Southern-side Streets~
You have come upon the Southern-Side streets. The road is paved with 
a bright white stone with dark grey-stone sidewalks making a border along 
the sides. Many fancy houses and shops line this stree, adding to the beauty 
of the town. This is one of the finer streets in The Valley. To your left 
there is a weapon shop, your right is a tidy armour shop. A small alley cat 
walks up an down the road, passing between the villagers. Tall green trees
lie in garden beds infront or beside the buildings. The exits are
north, east, south, and west.
0 A 0
Back to the market square.
0 -1 18059
A Large Armour Shop.
1 -1 18061
A quaint Cul-De-Sac.
0 -1 18067
A Large Weapon Shop.
0 -1 18066
A Large Armour Shop~
You have entered a large armour shop. Many fine tapestries line the walls, 
in between large oak shelves that hold many different sorts of armour. To the 
back of this room you see a large set of stairs heading downwards. Several 
fancy paintings are on the western wall. You see a large cherry desk in the 
far back right corner of this room. There is a large stone fireplace to your 
right, giving the room some added heat. The exits are north to the stairways, 
and east to the side-street.
0 A 0
A Large Spiral Staircase.
0 -1 18062
Back to the side-street.
1 -1 18060
A Large Spiral Staircase~
You have entered a Large Spiral Staircase that heads
downwards. A dark green carpet has been set upon the stairs to lessen 
the effects of usage. Below you hear many different noise, of men working, 
a large furnace, you think, and much more. You wonder what could be in the 
bowls of this building. The exits are down to the unknown, and back south 
the the side streets.
0 A 0
Back to the Large Armoury.
0 -1 18061
The Unknown.
0 -1 18063
A Large Workroom~
You have come upon a large workroom beneath the armoury. You see that it 
joins up to what appears to be a blacksmith work room. These two shops are 
probably working for the same person, since their stores are attached. This 
would make it a whole lot easier for the people to come to the other shops. 
It seems that this part is open to the public so I guess you wouldn't be in
trouble if you got caught. The exits are up the stairwell and
south to the Blacksmith.
0 A 0
A Large Workroom.
0 -1 18064
The Stairwell.
0 -1 18062
A Large Workroom~
You have come upon a large workroom beneath the weapon shop. You see that 
it joins up to what appears to be an armoury work room. These two shops are 
probably working for the same person, since their stores are attached. This 
would make it a whole lot easier for the people to come to the other shops. 
It seems that this part is open to the public so I guess you wouldn't be in
trouble if you got caught. The exits are up the stairwell and north 
to the Armoury.
0 A 0
The Large Workroom.
0 -1 18063
A Large Stairwell.
0 -1 18065
A Large Stairwell~
You have come upon a large wooden stairwell. A bright blue carpet has 
been set underfoot so the stairs would be protected from usage. Large torches 
light these stairs with a orange glow. A sugar-like window towers above you, 
trying desparately to let in some light. The faint smell of pitch catch your 
sense with surprise. The exits are down to the unknown and south the The
Weapon Shop.
0 A 0
0 -1 18066
0 -1 18064
The Weapon Shop~
You have entered a large room with a white marble floor. Tapestries showing 
scenes of battle line the walls in between the displays of the weapons. You 
are sure that there are many fine articles for sale in this store. It seems 
as though this weaponsmith supplies to the royal armies. The exits are north 
to a stairwell, and east to the side streets.
0 A 0
0 -1 18065
The side-streets.
0 -1 18060
A Quaint Cul-De-Sac~
You have come upon a qiant little Cu-De-Sac. Two shops and one very 
large house line this Cul-De-Sac. To the south you see a large white house, 
set about 20 feet or so behind a large wooden fence. A well tended yard 
greets you with beauty in front of this house. To the east you see a large 
grocer. To the west there is an Apothecary. The exits are north to the 
side-streets, south the the yard of the house, east to the very large grocer 
and west to the Apothecary.
0 A 0
The side-street.
0 -1 18060
The very large grocer.
1 -1 18070
You see a Large White House.
1 -1 18069
The Apothecary.
1 -1 18068
The Apothecary~
You have entered a very large wooden hut. Shelves of all sorts line 
the walls, filled with many different color and sized jars. To the north 
of this room you see a large wooden desk with a potion brewer mixing together 
a dark green and light yellow potions. Many runes and scrolls cover the walls, 
where there is not shelves. A white bear rug is under your feet, giving the 
room a strange appearance. The only exit is east to the Cul-De-Sac.
0 A 0
Back to the Cul-De-Sac.
1 -1 18067
The Garden in Front of The House~
You have come to the garden in front of the house. Large red roses line 
the gates with the random lily here and there. Large grey steps lead up to 
the front door. The house seems vacant; several winter pannels still not 
removed, the extra long grass in the yard, and the window that needs to be 
replaced are just some of the give-aways. The only exits is north, back 
to the road.
0 A 0
The Cul-De-Sac.
1 -1 18067
The Very Large Grocer~
You have come upon a very large grocer. To your left you notice that there 
are several isles of produce. Straight infront of you is the canned goods, 
baking goods, bulk foods and much others. To your right is the meet and fish 
department, aswell as the dairy products. The exits are north to the produce 
sections, south to the meat and fish department, and west to the Cul-De-Sac, 
and east to the canned goods ect.
0 A 0
The produce section.
0 -1 18071
The Canned Goods, ect.
1 -1 18072
The Meat and Fish department.
0 -1 18073
The Cul-De-Sac.
1 -1 18067
The Produce Section~
Many green veggies and several colorful fruit are on display along the 
sides of this room. The bright torch light makes you able to see clearly on 
what there is to get. A tall young man stands here, ready to help you with 
your purchase. The only exit is south to the main entrance.
0 A 0
The main enterance.
0 -1 18070
The Dried Goods and your Other Baking Items~
This is a very large isle with several different shelves. You notice some 
of the most common things; rice, flower, chocolate cookies, dried raisins, 
sugar and much much more. You can see everything quite clearling, thanks to 
the bright special torches above you. Too bad there isn't anyone here to help 
you with your purchase; those cookies sure do look good! The only exit is west 
back to the main entrance.
0 A 0
The main enterance.
0 -1 18070
The Meat and Fish Department~
Several large iron tables are here, displaying the wide variety of meats and 
fish. A large butcher is working behind one of these tables, carving what looks
like lamb into a wonderful roast. I am sure he will help you with anything you 
could want to buy. The only exit is north to the main enterance.
0 A 0
The main enterance.
0 -1 18070
The Western Side Roads~
Walking along the western side roads you see that this is one of the less 
popular areas of the kingdome. A scattered shop here and there, several 
beggars lieing on the roads; cats rummaging through a pile of garbage near by. 
Even for the poor part of the city, in less common cities like New Thalos or 
Ofcol, this would be considered one of the richer parts of town. Grey stones 
pave the road and sidewalks. The exits are east to the Southern main road, 
west to the end of this road, north to a pub and south to a back alley.
0 A 0
0 -1 18075
The Southern Main Street.
0 -1 18049
0 -1 18081
The End of the Western Road.
0 -1 18083
The Pub~
You have entered a clean and tidy little put, situated in the western wall 
of the city. You notice that several people are sitting around at the tables, 
laughing loudly, sining with the music, and having a really good time. You can 
see that half of them are patrol guards. A short and stuby little man is 
rushing around, making sure everyone has a mug full of beer. A large bar stands
over to your right, with several people sitting at the tables talking to each
other. You notice that there is a second room to your left. The exits are south 
to the western road, and west to a second room.
0 A 0
0 -1 18074
The second room of the pub.
0 -1 18076
The Game Hall~
You have entered the games hall of this pub. Several people are playing 
various games such as cards, cashitack, drownot and many others. A large 
kishtosh table sits in the center of this room, lined with people gambling 
away their savings. A thin cloud of smoke lies in the air, dimming the light 
of the torches just a bit. You see to the north a stairwell leading into yet 
another room. The exits are east to the pub and north to the unknown.
0 A 0
The unknown.
1 -1 18077
The pub.
0 -1 18075
A Beautiful Lounge~
You have walked into a very tidy room with people sitting socializing together
in fancy chairs. You see a cafe bar to your right, serving anyone who wishes 
for a drink. Soft music is played in this room, almost lovely enough to make 
you forget of the Game Room. You see a set of stairwells to your north leading
0 A 0
The stairwell.
0 -1 18078
The Game Hall.
1 -1 18076
The Stairwell~
You have come across a lovely stairwell leading up onto the exterior wall 
of the city. A light breeze meets you half way up, urging you on to the top. 
You wonder what could be up on the wall that the bar would have access to. 
You see to your left a small door that says 'cooking hall' on it. Your exits 
are up to the top of the wall, and south to the Lounge.
0 A 0
The Lounge.
0 -1 18077
The Wall.
0 -1 18079
On Top of The City Walls~
High above the clammer of the city, you find yourself on an outer wall. 
It seems as though the owner of the Pub managed to pursuade the queen into 
letting him use the top of the wall as a dinning lounge. Very few people are 
here but they do seem to be enjoying themselves. From this high up you can 
see the whole city with the monsterous castle towering above all the rest. 
You  notice that the city is on an island and right at the very bottom of 
the Valley. Beautiful green forests suround the outer walls, making it seem 
as though you are in a private heaven. There is a small dance floor to the 
east and the stairwell down.
0 A 0
The Dance Floor.
0 -1 18080
The Stairwell.
0 -1 18078
The Dance Floor~
Atop of the city walls, a small portion of what the Pub owner owns is 
used as a dance floor. Though vacant, it looks to be like a wonderful floor. 
Soft music plays in the background and you have an urge to dance. Perhaps one 
day you should bring your special "someone" here and show them the city from 
one of the finest views. The only exit is south.
0 A 0
The Dining Lounge.
0 -1 18079
A Back Ally~
You have come across a back alley. Several beggars are here, as tidy as 
usual, for this town. You notice that a fair smell is in the air. An unsual 
smell.. Almost like rotting... Food. Garbage! A Garbage dump lies to the west. 
The exits are west to the garbage dump and north to the Western Roads.
0 A 0
0 -1 18074
The Garbage Dump.
0 -1 18082
The Garbage Dump~
Yech! The smell is murderous! Garbage everywhere. This is the one messy 
place of the whole city. Little ally cats rumage through the garbage, in hopes 
of finding something good to eat. You wish to leave this place as soon as you 
possibly can. The only exit is east.
0 A 0
The Ally.
0 -1 18081
The End of The Western Road~
You have come to a dead end in the western road. There is nothing here, 
save the odd wrapper or bottle. Cold dark stone paves the road, same as the 
rest of the city, yet makes you more loney here. What used to be a container 
shop is all borded up an vacant. The only exit is east back to the western 
0 A 0
The Western Road.
0 -1 18074
The Elegant Western Side Road~
You have come upon one of the most elegant roads in the city. Beautiful 
buildings line both the sides, creating a stunning effect. You see an Inn 
called The Green Dragon Inn to your left, and a second called The Blue 
Crossings Inn to your right. To road continues west and east to the main 
square, north and south to the Inns.
0 A 0
The Green Dragon Inn.
1 -1 18088
The Main Street.
0 -1 18059
The Blue Crossings Inn.
1 -1 18085
The Western Road continues.
0 -1 18089
The Blue Crossings Inn~
You have entered an elegant white floored Inn. Beautiful tapesties line 
the walls, telling stories of battle and heartbreak. Giant windows overhead 
let warm beams of sunlight in. Two dark green velvet couches sit in the 
center of this room on a golden rug. A BellBoy stands by the front desk to 
help anyone with their suitcases and luggage. The manager of the Inn beams a
big smile at you. The exits are north to the western road, and east 
to the stairwell.
0 A 0
The Western Main Street.
0 -1 18084
The Stairwell.
0 -1 18086
The Large Stairwell~
You have come across a large carpeted stairwell leading to the upper half 
of the Inn. Large windows follow the stairs, adding to the beauty and quality 
of the Inn. You can hardly wait to see what one of the rooms look like in such 
a classy Inn. The exits are west to the lobby and up to the second floor.
0 A 0
The Lobby.
0 -1 18085
The Second Floor.
0 -1 18087
The Second Floor~
A large hallway indeed! A long golden runner reaches the length of the hall, 
matching the large curtains hanging along-side the windows and the beging 
and end of this hall. About half a dozen rooms or so line each side of the 
hall, each with a golden knocker and roomplate. This is one of the finests 
Inns you have ever been in. You can hardly wait to tell people back home
about this glorious place. The only exit is down the stairwell, since you 
have not paid for a room.
0 A 0
The Stairwell.
0 -1 18086
The Green Dragon Inn~
A large green carpet covers the floor, giving this Inn the effect of its 
name. Glorious silver stairs lead up to the second floor. This sure does 
look like an expensive and wonderful Inn. The name surely does suit it. 
The only exit from this wonderful Inn is south to the Western Main Road.
0 A 0
The Western Street.
0 -1 18084
The Western Road Continues~
Dark grey stone paves the street beneath you, adding to the affect of 
the monstrous city. Tall buildings loom up around you, sparking your intrest 
in every direction. The daily noise of the villagers is starting to become 
just another sound in the background. This is by far one of the best cities 
you have ever come across, and you wish never to leave. To the north you see a
quaint little container shop. To the south and old-fashioned library. 
To the west the road continues, and the east will take you back to the market 
square, eventually.
0 A 0
A Quaint Little Shop.
1 -1 18090
The Western road continues.
0 -1 18084
The Library.
1 -1 18091
The Western road continues.
0 -1 18099
Zanrich's Grade (A) Containers!~
You have walked upon a beautiful little room; wooden floors and walls, and 
many many windows allowing light to flow in. You notice that shelves line 
the walls, filled with containers of many different sizes. You see a large 
table with a man standing behind it, selling his grade A containers. 
The only exit is south to the main road.
0 A 0
The Western Road.
1 -1 18089
The Library~
You have come upon the one and only library of The Valley. Giant shelves 
filled with books souround the walls of this huge buidling. Many tables and 
file dressers fill this room adding to the intellegen atmosphere. A large 
set of stairs with a bookshelf lining it, leads to an upstairs balcony. 
A large sign overhead says "Shhhhh....Its a Library...." informing you to 
keep quiet. The exits are north to the western road, and west to the stairwell.
0 A 0
The Western Road.
1 -1 18089
The Large Stairwell.
0 -1 18092
The Large Stairwell~
A large wooden stairwell leads to the upper balcony. It is as large as 
a common bedroom in an Inn wide, and about 36 steps high. A large bookshelf 
is to your left, following the length of the stairwell. A beautiful black 
carpet rests underfoot, softening the thuds of yours and others boots. From 
up here you notice how big and wonderful this library really is. Your exits
are east to the main room in the library, and up to the balcony.
0 A 0
The main room.
0 -1 18091
The Balcony.
0 -1 18093
The Large Balcony~
Very large indeed! This balcony has the greatest collection of old books of 
lore and tales you have ever seen. Many tables fill the center with many people
reading the books you could only find hear. A large curtain borders the wide 
window a then other end. A dark red carpet is under the tables, protecting the 
wooden floor from screatches. You wonder what book you would like to read 
first! The only level is down the stairwell.
0 A 0
You see nothing special there.
1 -1 18094
The stairwell.
0 -1 18092
A Secret Passage Behind The Bookcase~
Upon lifting a great book on Titan lore, the bookcase opens infront of you, 
leading into a secret passage. You quickly scrambled in, with the bookcase 
closing shut behind you. Very dim torches light this stone corridor, making 
it almost impossible to see. It seems to be a dead end, or at least it needs 
a key to get back into the library. You wonder what mysterious things lie 
ahead, where does the path lead to, where shall you end up? The only exit is 
west, and, if you had the key, back north to the balcony.
0 AK 0
Back to the balcony, if you had the key.
1 -1 18093
The passage continues.
0 -1 18095
The Secret Corridor Inside The Library~
You wonder how many people have used this corridor in the past centure. Sure 
the torches are lit, but they seem to be glowing a deep orange, sort of like 
Titan magic. The dark path leads ahead to the west, going into the unknown. 
You can always head back, inhopes someone will open the door, like you did. But
the chances of that happening are very slim. The only exits arewest and east.
0 A 0
The passage continues.
0 -1 18094
The passage continues.
0 -1 18096
A Three-Way Passage in The Dark Corridor~
You have come along a three-way passage. To the north you see the passage 
heading slightly downwards. The passage also continues on to the west and east,
into dark forbidding chambers. You hope to your wonderful deity that you find 
an exit soon. Light lead the way!
0 AK 0
The passage continues.
0 -1 18097
The passage continues.
0 -1 18095
The passage continues.
0 -1 18098
An Abrupt Dead-End in The Passage~
You have come to a dead-end in the passage. You feel as though you want to cry,
though perhaps you shouldn't. You wonder what is there for you lieing west of 
the three-way passage, but you feel mighty tired for any surprizes or letdowns.
Before you give up all hope, you notice a small little door near the ground.
No, not a door but a grate leading out side! You beed down to get a closer 
look. *sniff* The smell! Garbage! It leads to the garbage dump! You wish there 
was another way but, 'Que sera, sera'...'whap happens, happens.' The exits are 
north, through the grate to the garbage dump and south to the three-way 
0 A 0
The dirty grate.
1 -1 18082
The three-way passage
0 -1 18096
A Dead-End~
You have come upon a dead-end in the corridor. This room is dark and dreary 
like all others, except there is an odd feeling in this room. A husky man with 
a rugged shaved face walks up to you and shows you his pet collection. Such 
wild beasts made tame for fighting purposes! It would be neat to see what they 
can really do! The only exit is back east to the three-way passage.
0 A 0
You see eee...... nothing special there.
1 -1 18124
The passage continues.
0 -1 18096
The End of The Western Roads~
You have come to the end of the elegant western roads. Three beautiful shops 
line these streets adding to the elegance of this city. Large red stonework 
covers the bottom half of the three stores and dark brown wooden shingles 
covering the second half. There is a baker, a wands shop, and a small pet shop.
The exits are west to the pet shop, east the the western main road, north
to the baker and south to the wand shop.
0 A 0
The baker.
0 -1 18102
The west main street.
1 -1 18089
The wand shop.
1 -1 18103
The pet shop.
1 -1 18100
The Pet Shop~
You have come across a beautiful little pet shop. Silver cages line the walls, 
each displaying cute and cuddly little pets. A large oak desk lies infront of 
you, with a small little girl humming to herself. She seems to enjoy playing 
with the animals and running her little shop. You wonder how much each of 
the pets will cost. The only exit is east back to the main road.
0 KM 0
The forbidden store room.
1 -1 18101
The main road.
1 -1 18099
The Secret Store Room~
You have come into a forbidden store room. There are many cute pets here, but 
the room is forbidden! Please leave, though I do not know how you got here. If 
I find you I shall slay you personally. No hard feelings, 
			 Xavier - Lord of The Druids.
The only exit is south to the pet shop where you belong! Not here in 
the forbidden store room!
0 KN 0
The store room, where you belong!
1 -1 18100
The Valley of The Titans' Best Bakery~
You have come upon the best bakery in the whole city! Shelves upon 
shelves of goodies line the walls, a large bakery to the backwith men 
working hard at making bread and cakes. There is a large baker here, selling 
the goodies around you. You would sure like to buy something! The only exit 
is south to the main street.
0 A 0
The main street.
0 -1 18099
The Magical Wands Shop~
You have entered a large room filled with magical wands. This room seems 
to be glowing with magic and power. A large wizard is behind the counter, 
enchanting the latest wands with magical spells. You wonder what magical 
things you can get in this store. The only exit is north to the main street.
0 A 0
The main street.
1 -1 18099
The Eastern Boulevard~
You have come upon the eastern boulevard, the finest road to the kingdom. 
Many beautiful houses line this street, without a store in sight. Dark grey 
stones pave this road, with a bright white sidewalk, making this street one 
of the most spectacular streets of the city. In the far background you notice 
the giant castle of the King and Queen of the Titans. Oh how you would like
to meet the royal family, consult with the head advisor, speak with the 
lieutenant commander. *Sigh* Perhaps they are all just dreams but someday 
you really do hope to meet them. The street continues south to the Northern 
Royal Avenue, and west to the southern town square.
0 A 0
The Northern Royal Ave.
0 -1 18106
0 -1 18049
The Eastern Boulevard~
You have come upon the eastern boulevard, the finest road in the kingdome. 
Many beautiful houses line this street, without a store in sight. Dark grey 
stones pave this road, with a bright white sidewalk making this street one 
of the most spectacular streets of the city. In the far background you notice 
the giant castle of the King and Queen of the Titans. Oh how you would like
to meet the royal family, consult with the head advisor, speak with the 
lieutenant commander. *Sigh* Perhaps they are all just dreams but someday 
you really do hope to meet them. The street coninues north to the Southern 
Royal Avenue, and west to the Market Square.
0 A 0
The Southern Royal Ave.
0 -1 18107
The Market Square.
0 -1 18059
The Royal Avenue North~
You have come upon the Royal Avenue North, the street of the most famous 
people in all the Valley, save the King and Queen. Large grey flagstones 
pave this street, giving it a wonderful beauty. Fine white houses fill both 
sides of the roads, nestled in packs of trees and shrubs. This is truely one 
of the most gloryious streets in all of the Valley. The exits are north to
the Eastern Boulevard and south to the Royal Square.
0 A 0
The Eastern Boulevard.
0 -1 18104
The Royal Square.
0 -1 18108
The Royal Avenue South~
You have come upon the Royal Avenue North, the street of the most famous 
people in all the Valley, save the King and Queen. Large grey flagstones 
pave this street, giving it a wonderful beauty. Fine white houses fill both 
sides of the roads, nestled in packs of trees and shrubs. This is truely one 
of the most gloryious streets in all of the Valley. The exits are north to
the Royal Square and south to the Eastern Boulevard.
0 A 0
The Royal Square.
0 -1 18108
The Eastern Boulevard.
0 -1 18105
The Royal Square~
The legendary Royal Square. It is said to be the most finest spot in all 
the lands. A large Triggallon marks the center of the square; the one magical 
spot where the great wizards of old drew the most magical powers of the 
universe to save the city and protect it. This is truely a sacred place and 
it is said that no wrong can happen here. The exits are north to the Northern 
Royal Avenue, south to the Southern Royal Avenue and east to The Royal Gates.
0 AK 0
The Northern Ave.
0 -1 18106
The Royal Gates.
1 -1 18109
The Southern Ave.
0 -1 18107
The Royal Gates~
To beautiful golden gates guard the palace protectively. No one really knows 
what lies beyond this point. Many guards are here, protecting the grand gates 
from thieves and beggars who would cause trouble within the palace walls. The 
golden and silver symbol of the Titans is large on the door, seeming almost
magical and protective. The exits are east to the palace grounds, and west 
back to the Royal Square.
0 A 0
The Palace Gates.
1 -1 18110
The Gates to The Royal Square. 
1 -1 18108
The Palace Grounds~
You have come into the palace grounds. It is truely amazing. Giant pillars 
reach into the sky at every 50 feet, large training grounds and guilds of 
all kinds, and then the castle! Oh such a beauty! Such wonder and magic, 
all centered here! You do not know what you want to see first. The exits 
are north to rangers and druids guild, south to the training grounds, 
east on to the palace, and west back through the gates.
0 A 0
The Training Grounds.
0 -1 18114
On To The Palace.
0 -1 18112
The Doors to The Rangers and Druids Guild.
1 -1 18111
The Palace Gates.
1 -1 18109
The Guild of The Rangers and The Druids~
You have entered a giant, white marble floored guild. Many rangers and 
druids are here, learning the tricks of the trade. There are several 
guildmasters here, aswell as a guildguard. About half a dozen or so druids 
and rangers alike, are busy learning their skills to their maximum possible 
experties. Perhaps you can sharpen your skills and become a far better
ranger or druid. The only exit is north, back to the road.
0 A 0
The Great Doors.
1 -1 18110
The Road To The Palace~
You continue on the road to the palace. You notice that there is 
a large  training field to your left and a beautiful guild to your right. 
`The Guild of The Vampires and The Mages' a brightly colored sign above you 
reads. Perhaps there are some finer skills that you could learn here, being 
the finest city in the world, their guildmasters must be the best. The exits 
are north to the training grounds, south to the guild, west to the palace, 
and east to the road to the gates.
0 A 0
The Training Grounds.
0 -1 18117
The Palace.
1 -1 18120
The Great Doors.
1 -1 18113
The Road to The Gates.
0 -1 18110
The Guild of The Vampires and The Mages~
You have come into a giant room, filled with vampires and mages. Many people 
are here, practicing to be come better at their skills. Several guildmasters 
are here, teaching their students to be the best they can be. A couple of 
guildguards guard the doors, making sure no one who does not belong enters.
The only exit is north, back to the road.
0 A 0
The Great Doors.
1 -1 18112
The Training Grounds South~
You have come upon the great training grounds. The most skilled of all 
classes is here, teaching his students the art of combat, healing, magic 
and thievery. He seems too busy ordering his studens about to mess with you. 
Perhaps, if you could take the training discipline, you could become one of 
his finest students. The ground is barren and empty. The only exits are
north, to the training grounds south-center, south to the road, and east 
to the training grounds center.
0 A 0
The Training Grounds.
0 -1 18115
The training grounds.
0 -1 18117
The road.
0 -1 18110
The Training Grounds, South-Center~
You have come to the training grounds south-center. Many fine people are 
here, fighting with all their strength against evil foes, caught and brought 
into the palace for this test. The barren grounds are covered with the odd 
stain of blood, broken sword, and torn cloth. The exits are north east and 
south, all to training grounds.
0 A 0
The training grounds.
0 -1 18116
The training grounds.
0 -1 18118
The training grounds.
0 -1 18114
The Training Grounds South~
You have come upon yet another piece of land, sacrificed to the training 
grounds. There are several burns, blood stains, broken steel, and torn 
cloth lieing about on the ground. You had best leave before you are asked 
to take part and join the never ending conquest for glory. The exits are 
south and east to the training grounds.
0 A 0
The training grounds.
0 -1 18119
The training grounds.
0 -1 18115
The Training Grounds, Center~
You have come upon one of the more busy training grounds. Large men and 
sly women are here, fighting with all their might against the convicted evil 
of the Valley. You would hate to be in their shoes, or in their enimies. These 
seem to be very strong people and you would hate to mess with them. The barren 
grounds have several blood stains streaking across them. The exits are in 
three directions, north, south, and west. All going to training grounds, 
save south which takes you to the road.
0 A 0
The training grounds.
0 -1 18118
The road.
0 -1 18112
The training grounds.
0 -1 18114
The Northern Training Grounds, Center~
You have come upon yet another wide section of barren grounds, devoted 
to the training of the soldiers of the Titan Armies. Blood and cloth are all 
about, making this a very gruesome scene. There are several fine weaponmasters 
in all classes, fighting for their life, killing evil deamons and beasts from 
hell. The exits are north, south and west, all leading to the training grounds.
0 A 0
The training grounds.
0 -1 18119
The training grounds.
0 -1 18117
The training grounds.
0 -1 18115
The Training Grounds, North~
You have come upon the northern-most ends of the training grounds. Here, 
there are less stains on the grounds, but more on the walls. Warriors, 
thieves, mages and clerics all fight for their lives here, against the demons 
of hell, shadowspawn. You have a choice of south or west, both  leading to 
training grounds. You really do wish to leave here as fast as you may.
0 A 0
The training grounds.
0 -1 18118
The training grounds.
0 -1 18116
Inside The Palace~
You have entered the glorious and wonderful palace. The home of the King 
and Queen of the Titans! This palace seems to be made of pure gold and silver, 
one of the most common materials in these parts of the world. You notice many 
halls leading in all directions; servants and maids rush about, trying to 
please the royal family. You notice a giant stairway leading to a second floor 
belcany. The exits are ease, through a giant hall, and west, through 
the palace doors.
0 A 0
The Massive Hall.
0 -1 18121
The Grand Palace Doors.
1 -1 18112
An Elegant Massive Hall~
You have entered a giant massive hall. The walls are lines with 
tapestries  of all kinds, telling stories of war, conquests, invasions, 
magic, love, trust, evil and several others. Giant slabs of white marble 
with the odd splash of gold, cover the floor. Large statues of brave warriors, 
ancient rulers and the wise ones line the hall, creating a historical look. 
A giantdoorway to the east leads into the beautiful throne room. To the
west of this room lies the doorway you came through.
0 A 0
The Throne Room.
0 -1 18122
The Front Foyer.
0 -1 18120
The Throne Room~
Behold! The King and Queen of The Titans! Such a spectacular room! This 
is the most impressive room in all of Thera! The kings and queens of Thalos 
would never believe in such beauty! Such a wonderful place has not been build 
since the times of legends, but perhaps this is right out of that era. Large 
green thrones sit high in this room. The King and The Queen have faces that
look as though they have never aged. The queen's advisors are about you, 
aiding her with the disisions of the future of the caslte. The only exit to 
this room is west, back to the massive hall.
0 A 0
The Throne.
1 -1 18123
The massive hall.
0 -1 18121
A Secret Passage Behind The Throne~
You have sumbled on a secret passage behind the throne. You realize that 
there is an assassin here, stalking the king and queen! You better report him, 
and this room, or kill him yourself! I am sure the king and queen will pay 
highly for his head. This assassin appears to be very talented.
0 A 0
The Throne.
1 -1 18122
The Room of The Deadly Beasts~
Mystical beasts fill this room, all rather tame, yet all with a deadly 
power. Each beast brought from a far and magical place, to serve young foolish 
mortals. Beware, they have not eaten and you look mighty tasty right now. 
A sign is on the wall, writen in blood. It reads:
     "BE GONE! You do not belong here! If I catch you here, messing 
                     with my pets I shall SLAY you!"

     The Keeper of The Deadly Pets.
Freaky! There is no exit! Aaaahahhhhhhh.h........h.......!
0 M 0
You see nothing special there.
1 -1 18098
Store of the deadly beast~
Store of the deadly beast
0 KN 0

D 0 18015  1    1 	 * Out On One Third of The Bridge
D 0 18017  3    1 	 * The Druid Lord's Secret Study
D 0 18021  1    1 	 * A Path To A Very Fancy House
D 0 18022  3    1 	 * Inside The Front Foyer
D 0 18037  1    1 	 * The Main Road at The Prison
D 0 18038  3    1 	 * The Main Office of The Prison
D 0 18041  1    1 	 * Through The Narrow Corridor
D 0 18041  3    1 	 * Through The Narrow Corridor
D 0 18043  3    1 	 * The Eastern Cell
D 0 18044  1    1 	 * The Western Cell
D 0 18045  3    1 	 * The Main Road Continues
D 0 18048  1    1 	 * The Chocolate Shoppe
D 0 18052  0    1 	 * The Red Dragon
D 0 18053  2    1 	 * The Back Room of The Red Dragon
D 0 18054  3    1 	 * Along The Southern Main Street
D 0 18055  0    1 	 * The Flower Shop
D 0 18056  1    1 	 * The Hidden GreenHouse Behind The Florist Shop
D 0 18056  2    1 	 * The Hidden GreenHouse Behind The Florist Shop
D 0 18057  3    1 	 * The Outside Garden
D 0 18058  1    1 	 * The Rare Apiarists' Shop
D 0 18060  1    1 	 * Along The Southern-side Streets
D 0 18061  3    1 	 * A Large Armour Shop
D 0 18067  1    1 	 * A Quaint Cul-De-Sac
D 0 18067  2    1 	 * A Quaint Cul-De-Sac
D 0 18067  3    1 	 * A Quaint Cul-De-Sac
D 0 18068  1    1 	 * The Apothecary
D 0 18069  0    1 	 * The Garden in Front of The House
D 0 18070  3    1 	 * The Very Large Grocer
D 0 18076  0    1 	 * The Game Hall
D 0 18077  2    1 	 * A Beautiful Lounge
D 0 18084  0    1 	 * The Elegant Western Side Road
D 0 18084  2    1 	 * The Elegant Western Side Road
D 0 18089  0    1 	 * The Western Road Continues
D 0 18089  2    1 	 * The Western Road Continues
D 0 18090  2    1 	 * Zanrich's Grade (A) Containers!
D 0 18091  0    1 	 * The Library
D 0 18093  2    1 	 * The Large Balcony
D 0 18094  0    1 	 * A Secret Passage Behind The Bookcase
D 0 18097  0    1 	 * An Abrupt Dead-End in The Passage
D 0 18098  0    1 	 * A Dead-End
D 0 18099  2    1 	 * The End of The Western Roads
D 0 18099  3    1 	 * The End of The Western Roads
D 0 18100  0    1 	 * The Pet Shop
D 0 18100  1    1 	 * The Pet Shop
D 0 18101  2    1 	 * The Secret Store Room
D 0 18103  0    1 	 * The Magical Wands Shop
D 0 18108  1    1 	 * The Royal Square
D 0 18109  1    1 	 * The Royal Gates
D 0 18109  3    1 	 * The Royal Gates
D 0 18110  3    1 	 * The Palace Grounds
D 0 18110  2    1 	 * The Palace Grounds
D 0 18111  0    1 	 * The Guild of The Rangers and The Druids
D 0 18112  1    1 	 * The Road To The Palace
D 0 18112  2    1 	 * The Road To The Palace
D 0 18113  0    1 	 * The Guild of The Vampires and The Mages
D 0 18120  3    1 	 * Inside The Palace
D 0 18122  1    1 	 * The Throne Room
D 0 18123  3    1 	 * A Secret Passage Behind The Throne
D 0 18124  2    1 	 * The Room of The Deadly Beasts

O 0 18084  -1 18017 	 * a beautiful large marble fountain.
O 0 18084  -1 18108 	 * a beautiful large marble fountain.

M 0 18029  1 18022  1 	 * the house chef
E 1 18055  -1    6 	 *   the Cook's Hat
E 1 18056  -1    17 	 *   the Cook's Pot
M 0 18030  2 18022  2 	 * the serf
E 1 18057  -1    8 	 *   the little serfs shoes
M 0 18001  10 18027  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18001  10 18027  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18050  8 18027  2 	 * a titan girl
M 0 18001  10 18028  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18001  10 18028  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18001  10 18032  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18099  3 18033  2 	 * a happy villager
G 1 18025  -1 		 *   a broken wine bottle
M 0 18002  7 18035  2 	 * a poor ally cat
G 1 18024  -1 		 *   a fish bone
M 0 18002  7 18037  2 	 * a poor ally cat
G 1 18024  -1 		 *   a fish bone
M 0 18017  1 18038  1 	 * the town sheriff
M 0 18018  1 18042  1 	 * the jail guard
E 1 18063  -1    16 	 *   a Long Golden Dagger
M 0 18020  2 18043  1 	 * a stinky prisoner
E 1 18013  -1    5 	 *   a Prisoner's Striped-Suit
M 0 18065  3 18043  2 	 * a happy peasant
M 0 18020  2 18044  1 	 * a stinky prisoner
E 1 18013  -1    5 	 *   a Prisoner's Striped-Suit
M 0 18001  10 18045  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18014  1 18047  1 	 * a kind waiter
G 1 18000  -1 		 *   a bottle of Bordeau Wine
G 1 18001  -1 		 *   a bottle of Chablis Wine
G 1 18002  -1 		 *   a bottle of Liebfraumilch
G 1 18003  -1 		 *   a bottle of Austrian Red
G 1 18004  -1 		 *   a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc
G 1 18005  -1 		 *   a bottle of Tanqueray
M 0 18028  4 18047  2 	 * a titan citizen
E 1 18060  -1    8 	 *   a Titan Citizen's Leather Boots.
M 0 18021  1 18048  1 	 * the chocolate shopkeeper
G 1 18076  -1 		 *   some chocolate covered almonds
G 1 18077  -1 		 *   some chocolate fudge
G 1 18078  -1 		 *   some chocolate brittle
G 1 18079  -1 		 *   some chocolate mint
M 0 18076  2 18048  2 	 * the store aid
M 0 18099  3 18049  2 	 * a happy villager
G 1 18025  -1 		 *   a broken wine bottle
M 0 18022  1 18051  1 	 * the icecreams vendor
G 1 18073  -1 		 *   a Double Scoop of Chocolate Icecream
G 1 18074  -1 		 *   a Tripple Scoop of Blueberry Icecream
G 1 18075  -1 		 *   a Single Scoop of Fudge Icecream
M 0 18012  1 18052  1 	 * the designer
G 1 18080  -1 		 *   a pair of black suede boots
G 1 18081  -1 		 *   a long navy blue skirt
G 1 18082  -1 		 *   a beautiful silver and white cloak
G 1 18083  -1 		 *   an emerald-studded bracer
M 0 18077  1 18053  1 	 * the leather worker
M 0 18001  10 18054  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18016  1 18055  1 	 * the florist
G 1 18050  -1 		 *   a Bright Yellow Tulip
G 1 18051  -1 		 *   a Bright Red Tulip
G 1 18052  -1 		 *   a Beautiful Single White Rose
G 1 18053  -1 		 *   One Dozen Red Roses
G 1 18054  -1 		 *   Twenty-Two Bright Yellow Chrysanthemums
M 0 18050  8 18055  2 	 * a titan girl
M 0 18023  1 18058  1 	 * the apiarist
G 1 18019  -1 		 *   a honey comb
G 1 18020  -1 		 *   a bottle of honey mead
G 1 18021  -1 		 *   a jar of honey
M 0 18001  10 18059  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18099  3 18059  2 	 * a happy villager
G 1 18025  -1 		 *   a broken wine bottle
M 0 18003  1 18059  1 	 * the bongo drummer
E 1 18010  -1    16 	 *   a groovy Bong Drum
M 0 18004  1 18059  1 	 * the guitar player of the band
E 1 18011  -1    16 	 *   a groovy Guitar
M 0 18005  1 18059  1 	 * the windpipe player of the band
E 1 18012  -1    16 	 *   a groovy Wind-Pipe
M 0 18028  4 18059  2 	 * a titan citizen
E 1 18060  -1    8 	 *   a Titan Citizen's Leather Boots.
M 0 18032  2 18060  2 	 * a patrol guard
E 1 18061  -1    16 	 *   a patrol guard's club
M 0 18033  3 18060  2 	 * a happy villager
M 0 18006  1 18061  1 	 * the armourer
G 1 18033  -1 		 *   the silver breast plate of the Titans
G 1 18034  -1 		 *   the silver bracer of the Titans
G 1 18035  -1 		 *   the silver leggings of the Titans
G 1 18036  -1 		 *   the silver boots of the Titans
G 1 18037  -1 		 *   the silver helm of the Titans
M 0 18049  6 18061  2 	 * a small boy titan
M 0 18087  1 18063  1 	 * a hard working armourer
M 0 18010  1 18066  1 	 * the weaponsmith
G 1 18044  -1 		 *   a Silver Sword of The Titans
G 1 18045  -1 		 *   a Silver Mace of The Titans
G 1 18046  -1 		 *   a Silver Axe of The Titans
G 1 18047  -1 		 *   a Silver Spear of The Titans
G 1 18048  -1 		 *   a Silver-Linked Whip of The Titans
G 1 18049  -1 		 *   a Leather Bound Book on Titan Lore
M 0 18075  1 18066  1 	 * a tourist
G 1 18023  -1 		 *   a tourists' scribler
M 0 18078  1 18066  1 	 * a hard working blacksmith
M 0 18028  4 18067  2 	 * a titan citizen
E 1 18060  -1    8 	 *   a Titan Citizen's Leather Boots.
M 0 18098  1 18069  1 	 * the apothecary
G 1 18028  -1 		 *   a Magical Potion of Invisibility.
G 1 18029  -1 		 *   a Magical Potion of Teleportation.
G 1 18030  -1 		 *   a Magical Potion of The Holy Touch.
G 1 18099  -1 		 *   a Magical Potion of Cure Sickness.
G 1 18031  -1 		 *   a Magical Potion of Deadly Combat.
G 1 18032  -1 		 *   A Magical Potion to Cure Battle Wounds.
M 0 18051  2 18069  2 	 * a sleeping patrol guard
M 0 18009  1 18071  1 	 * the produce grocer
G 1 18038  -1 		 *   a Titan grown carrot
G 1 18039  -1 		 *   a Titan grown head of spinich
G 1 18040  -1 		 *   a Titan grown apple
G 1 18041  -1 		 *   a Titan grown orange
G 1 18042  -1 		 *   a Titan grown cherry
M 0 18049  6 18071  2 	 * a small boy titan
M 0 18076  2 18072  2 	 * the store aid
M 0 18008  1 18073  1 	 * the meat grocer
G 1 18006  -1 		 *   a slice of ham
G 1 18007  -1 		 *   a side of beef
G 1 18008  -1 		 *   a chicken wing
G 1 18009  -1 		 *   a leg of lamb
G 1 18100  -1 		 *   an apple pie
M 0 18001  10 18074  2 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18002  7 18074  2 	 * a poor ally cat
G 1 18024  -1 		 *   a fish bone
M 0 18033  3 18074  2 	 * a happy villager
M 0 18065  3 18074  2 	 * a happy peasant
M 0 18013  1 18075  1 	 * the bartender
G 1 18051  -1 		 *   a Bright Red Tulip
M 0 18002  7 18081  2 	 * a poor ally cat
G 1 18024  -1 		 *   a fish bone
M 0 18002  7 18081  2 	 * a poor ally cat
G 1 18024  -1 		 *   a fish bone
M 0 18031  2 18081  2 	 * a grubby beggar
G 1 18058  -1 		 *   a little beggar's money pouch
M 0 18002  7 18082  2 	 * a poor ally cat
G 1 18024  -1 		 *   a fish bone
M 0 18031  2 18082  1 	 * a grubby beggar
G 1 18058  -1 		 *   a little beggar's money pouch
M 0 18050  8 18082  2 	 * a titan girl
M 0 18033  3 18083  2 	 * a happy villager
M 0 18051  2 18083  2 	 * a sleeping patrol guard
M 0 18015  2 18085  1 	 * the inn keeper
G 1 18027  -1 		 *   a bottle of Rum
M 0 18049  6 18085  2 	 * a small boy titan
M 0 18015  2 18088  1 	 * the inn keeper
G 1 18027  -1 		 *   a bottle of Rum
M 0 18002  7 18089  2 	 * a poor ally cat
G 1 18024  -1 		 *   a fish bone
M 0 18028  4 18089  2 	 * a titan citizen
E 1 18060  -1    8 	 *   a Titan Citizen's Leather Boots.
M 0 18032  2 18089  2 	 * a patrol guard
E 1 18061  -1    16 	 *   a patrol guard's club
M 0 18065  3 18089  2 	 * a happy peasant
M 0 18025  1 18090  1 	 * Zanrich the Shopkeeper
G 1 18064  -1 		 *   a beautifully carved music box
G 1 18065  -1 		 *   a small steel box
G 1 18066  -1 		 *   a Designer Backpack
M 0 18011  1 18093  1 	 * the librarian
G 1 18049  -1 		 *   a Leather Bound Book on Titan Lore
M 0 18064  3 18095  2 	 * a small rat
M 0 18064  3 18096  2 	 * a small rat
M 0 18001  10 18099  1 	 * the town guard
E 1 18026  -1    5 	 *   a townguard crest
M 0 18007  1 18100  1 	 * the young pet-shop girl
M 0 18057  1 18101  1 	 * a Spider Monkey
M 0 18058  1 18101  1 	 * a tame lion
M 0 18059  1 18101  1 	 * a large black wolf
M 0 18060  1 18101  1 	 * a Fearsome Java Beast
M 0 18024  1 18102  1 	 * the baker
G 1 18013  -1 		 *   a Prisoner's Striped-Suit
G 1 18014  -1 		 *   fresh baked bread
G 1 18015  -1 		 *   a batch of cookies
G 1 18016  -1 		 *   A fresh breadstick
G 1 18017  -1 		 *   A peach pie
G 1 18018  -1 		 *   A blueberry pie
M 0 18026  1 18103  1 	 * the wand making wizard
G 1 18067  -1 		 *   a Wand of Titan Magic
G 1 18068  -1  		 *   a Wand of Elven Magic
G 1 18069  -1 		 *   a Wand of Druid Magic
G 1 18070  -1 		 *   a Wand of Pixie Magic
G 1 18071  -1 		 *   a Wand of Avian Magic
G 1 18072  -1 		 *   a Wand of Drow Magic
M 0 18027  2 18104  2 	 * the knight templar
M 0 18027  2 18105  2 	 * the knight templar
E 1 18059  -1    17 	 *   the Staff of The Knight Templar
M 0 18048  8 18108  2 	 * a Royal Titan guard
G 1 18062  -1 		 *   the Golden Key to The  Valley of The Titans
M 0 18048  8 18108  2 	 * a Royal Titan guard
G 1 18062  -1 		 *   the Golden Key to The  Valley of The Titans
M 0 18048  8 18109  2 	 * a Royal Titan guard
G 1 18062  -1 		 *   the Golden Key to The  Valley of The Titans
M 0 18048  8 18109  2 	 * a Royal Titan guard
G 1 18062  -1 		 *   the Golden Key to The  Valley of The Titans
M 0 18066  1 18111  1 	 * the guildmaster
M 0 18067  1 18111  1 	 * the guildstudent
M 0 18068  1 18111  1 	 * the guildstudent
M 0 18071  1 18111  1 	 * the guildguard
M 0 18072  1 18111  1 	 * the guildguard
M 0 18062  1 18112  1 	 * the Queen Crystal
M 0 18079  1 18112  1 	 * the Titan Lieutenant Commander
M 0 18080  2 18112  2 	 * a Titan Soldier
M 0 18080  2 18112  2 	 * a Titan Soldier
M 0 18069  1 18113  1 	 * the guildmaster
M 0 18070  1 18113  1 	 * the guildguard
M 0 18073  1 18113  1 	 * the guildguard
M 0 18034  1 18114  1 	 * the tournament guard
E 1 18086  -1    16 	 *   an Enhanced Tournament Combat Weapon
M 0 18039  1 18114  1 	 * an evil baby dragon
M 0 18035  1 18115  1 	 * a tournament warrior
E 1 18022  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Tournament Combat Weapon
M 0 18040  1 18115  1 	 * a gloomy evil tree
M 0 18047  1 18115  1 	 * a demon of stone
E 1 18085  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Demon Weapon
M 0 18036  1 18116  1 	 * a tournament mage
M 0 18041  1 18116  1 	 * a deadly rain cloud
M 0 18037  1 18117  1 	 * a tournament cleric
E 1 18022  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Tournament Combat Weapon
M 0 18042  1 18117  1 	 * a demon of fire
E 1 18085  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Demon Weapon
M 0 18043  1 18117  1 	 * a demon of water
E 1 18085  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Demon Weapon
M 0 18038  1 18118  1 	 * a tournament thief
E 1 18022  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Tournament Combat Weapon
M 0 18044  1 18118  1 	 * a demon of air
E 1 18085  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Demon Weapon
M 0 18045  1 18119  1 	 * a demon of earth
E 1 18085  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Demon Weapon
M 0 18046  1 18119  1 	 * a demon of wood
E 1 18085  -1    16 	 *   a Standard Demon Weapon
M 0 18030  2 18120  1 	 * the serf
E 1 18057  -1    8 	 *   the little serfs shoes
M 0 18074  1 18121  1 	 * a servant boy
M 0 18097  1 18122  1 	 * the court aritist
M 0 18052  1 18122  1 	 * the first advisor
M 0 18061  1 18122  1 	 * the King Dractax
M 0 18063  1 18123  1 	 * an assassin
M 0 18064  3 18123  1 	 * a small rat
M 0 18053  1 18124  1 	 * the keeper of the deadly beasts
M 0 18090  1 18125  1 	 * the Deadly Hydra
M 0 18054  1 18125  1 	 * the Visious Black Cougar
M 0 18055  1 18125  1 	 * the Deadly Kraken
M 0 18056  1 18125  1 	 * the Magical Sylph

18006  9  0  0  0  0 	 155  27 	 0 23 	* the armourer
18007  0  0  0  0  0 	 155  22 	 0 23 	* the young pet-shop girl
18008  0  0  0  0  0 	 155  22 	 0 23 	* the meat grocer
18009  0  0  0  0  0 	 155  25 	 0 23 	* the produce grocer
18010  5  0  0  0  0 	 155  22 	 0 23 	* the weaponsmith
18011  1  2  3  4  0 	 155  29 	 0 23 	* the librarian
18012 11 12 13  0  0 	 155  28 	 0 23 	* the designer
18013 17  0  0  0  0 	 155  22 	 0 23 	* the bartender
18014 17  0  0  0  0 	 154  26 	 0 23 	* a kind waiter
18015  1 17  0  0  0 	 156  26 	 0 23 	* the inn keeper
18016 26  0  0  0  0 	 155  22 	 0 23 	* the florist
18021  0  0  0  0  0 	 155  26 	 0 23 	* the chocolate shopkeeper
18022  0  0  0  0  0 	 155  22 	 0 23 	* the icecreams vendor
18023  1  0  0  0  0 	 155  26 	 0 23 	* the apiarist
18024  1  2 11  0  0 	 151  26 	 0 23 	* the baker
18025 15 16  0  0  0 	 159  24 	 0 23 	* Zanrich the Shopkeeper
18026  1  2  3  4 26 	 150  21 	 0 23 	* the wand making wizard
18053  0  0  0  0  0 	 150  23 	 0 23 	* the keeper of the beasts
18098  2  3  4 10  0 	 150  15 	 0 23 	* the apothecary

M 18017 spec_cast_cleric   	* the town sheriff
M 18020 spec_cast_mage     	* a stinky prisoner
M 18031 spec_thief         	* a grubby beggar
M 18034 spec_cast_mage     	* the tournament guard
M 18039 spec_breath_any    	* an evil baby dragon
M 18040 spec_breath_any    	* a gloomy evil tree
M 18061 spec_cast_cleric   	* the King Dractax
M 18062 spec_cast_mage     	* the Queen Crystal
M 18063 spec_poison        	* an assassin
