4.4.0 - 14 Mar 09:
 Fix in dam messages and charm checks.
 Fixed a bug in peace(), make level 1 items not lose durability, NPC-equipped items not lose durability, and the chance to lose durability much less.
 Cosmetic log fix for IMC, but importantly newbie school is DONE.
 Added a notake flag for items to be able to leave items in a room as a reset, spawn on mobs gear that players shouldn't get, etc.
 Added ch_printf from Smaug with printf-style type-checking, too.
 Fixed a display issue with light wear slot.
 'Within' resets have been added, to allow spawning one object within another. within 1054 1055 5 would spawn up to 5 copies of obj 1055 inside of obj 1054.
 Added a NO_MOB flag to doors to give better control of blocking mobs from places at an exit level, instead of per room.
 Fixed practice segfaulting, yay!
 Minor display fix in score when super flags are toggled.
 Now sending all currently supported MSSP vars.
 write_to_buffer() and write_to_descriptor() now take an optional size argument. If you need to specify a size, do so, as the last argument, otherwise it can be omitted and let the func determine the size itself.
 Marks got an overhaul. They are now an STL list attached to each room, instead of a global list of room containers.
 The Makefile now (dirtilly) has -Wno-write-strings to suppressed const errors at the moment -- it's a huge undertaking to update them when it hasn't caused problems (afaik) yet. They will be fixed; just not right now.
 Moved clan out of pcdata to char_data; let mobs play a role.
 All room/obj/mob fields should now clone (unless I missed something -- please let me know). This includes shops, extra descrs, everything.
 Added a 'disable' command for immortals. 
 Removed some redundant code already handled in ctor.
 Fixed an error in do_save() with displaying level checks.
 No longer do any magic spells cycle the entire freaking char_list() just to send a same-area message.
 Added in area_message() to message all PCs within an area.
 Added -Wconversion too, luckily the code is already compliant, no fixes :D
 Added -Wshadow to the Makefile and fixed things accordingly.
 Changed new_descriptor() to use socklen_t vs size_t for the socket size due to OSX compat issues -- works fine on Debian, so hopefully it's good (more modern?) across the board.
 Ripped out the hardly used pointer referencing system. Not sure what it did in the first place!
 Removed mobprogs -- looking into Ruby or Lua to be embedded instead instead of a hack psuedo language.
 Fixed quest liking to return !NPC targets for some reason.
 Calor area is complete! Added in "charm" items. Different charms apply different bonuses (% based). Current charms available in Calor affect: exp, gold, melee combat, magic combat, regen, and hunger.
 Added item level checks to quaff, eat, and drink. Zap and brandish already have these by virtue of having to equip the item first.
 Added some item types for future use (professions).
 Fixed a typo in SHOP saving format.
 Fixed identify displaying 'reserved' spell on pots.
 Fixed a bad debug message with do_give.
 Improved output for exit flags in redit and rstat.
 Pushed reward values back into the object for easy display with iquest.
 Optimized loop for finding a quest mob based on top index.
 Mis-labeled weapon values in buildtab, fixed an extra newline display in the auto quest system.
 Some (int) -> static_cast<int>(val) updates to be more precise. Also fixed spec_cast_adept() to account for the current Christmas date.
 \n\r -> \r\n -- We now do things "proper" :P Also removed a line of debug code I missed way back in channel history, oops!
 Slightly improved performance on aggro mobs.
 Groups now split xp evenly based on level / tot_level for all members. This also displays in the group command for all to see.
 Anybody can now follow/group with anybody.
 Weapons now load v0 (mindam) and v1 (maxdam) based on builder values.
 Setting an obj level now gives it a durability of (level * 5) by default. This can be overriden with durability.
 Rare objs get +15% stats in autoobj.
 Fixed a display issue of long_desc objs using look.
 Recall during DM now recalls to ROOM_VNUM_DM_RECALL instead of psuedo-random.
 Updated some more common vnum defines, started making default zones to go along with it. (Etheral, city, newbie school)
 Typo, Idea, and Bug now have associated monitor channels. So do routine logfile messages.
 Removed more outdated free_list lists.
 A lot of NPC-only fields are now in ch->npcdata similar to PC-only fields in ch->pcdata.
 Ghost code! You die, drop corpse, turn ghost, can be rezzed (auto after 3-5m, by healer, or Cle spell)...Fun!
 Updated "look in" for portals some. Fixed obj resets.
 Exdesc autonewline fixes.
 Newline append fix.
 Fixed a crash in note writing. Adding more areas and vnum defines in config.
 Re-organized a lot of code. Most C files are now have their own headers. Lots of dead cruft gone, too.
4.3.9 - 17 Dec 08:
 A -LOT- of C++ conversion has happened in this release! Area files are entirely different, too!
 Added two new types to mquest based on mob race.
 Fixed a crash bug with the speedwalk detection.
 Autobrief added to let players disable the speed walk suppression of room displays.
 Added how to delete a note on look <board> per Sasuke's suggestion. Updated the writing parser with !str_prefix() instead of the ugly case-sensitive 
 checks it had. Should work with .save .Save, etc etc.
 Optimized char_list looping.
 #ifdef IMC fix for the midnight keepalive.
 Fixed a display bug in, oddly enough, bug().
 Added a missing color code. Changed '%' to send socials over IMC, '@' was breaking color codes.
 Added all "player" (I use the term loosely) act flags to a table for easy lookup with mstat.
 What once was ch->pcdata->pflags has been consolidated into ch->act
 ch->config migrated to ch->act now too
 Updated the Makefile to use dependencies and hide obj files out of the way.
 Updated Makefile and startup script. New startup will check for ports in use to avoid constant looping and logs.
 Moved to compiling with g++ by default. Code updated to actually do this cleanly!
 Moving prototypes to individual headers for readability. Slow and steady.
 Cleaned out the AIX/SYSV/etc ancient stuff still around.
 More headers and cleaned out the multi-base code from IMC; no need to haul it around.
 xprintf is gone, now using snprintf. xcat is gone, now using strncat.
 A lot of C++ work with new/delete and removal of bitmasks to bitsets. I'm sure there are many more edits too (incl super new Makefile) but I honestly don't remember them all!
 Help update for new build command (Addroom) and minor re-org.
 Added aobj help -- oops. Also added a "list" argument to aobj. Some fixes I missed with the previous object updates, too.
 Objs no longer crash on load :D
 Minor Makefile edit for -DWIN32 not being used with Cygwin.
 Moved reset tracking to per-reset. This should work ok, but report problems if any are found. Also another freelist bites the dust!
 A lot of things are now bitsets (infinite flags)!
4.3.8 - 14 Sep 08:
 Auto-object is complete with a mod table. ie: aobj weapon will modify the level-based values with "weapon" stats -- only hr and dr, and a percentage of the level's base stats. Adjust the sysdata values or the build table as needed for customization :).
 Auto-object is in. Use aobj when editing an object, adjust the top-end values with sysdata while in build mode.
 A build version of sysdata is in to configure values for the auto-object system and future use.
 Some bugfixes with strlower() being used.
 Mobs now get save_vs_spell on load. A new sysdata option, mobsvs, was added for this, also.
 Fixed a minor align bug in setarea and a bug in saving the Area list.
 Starting to build a 1 to 5 newbie zone, well, because I can.
 Moved all references for door counting to a MAX_DIR define in config.h
 Added color tokens for random color and random back color.
 Items now have durability and take damage in combat. Once an item is broken (no durability) it falls off to inv and is un-usable until repaired. 
 Repair command in place to handle this though the costs may need adjusting :D
 Added brawl code. Mobs can now be "swept up" into a fight in their room.
 Updated with MAX_MOVE_DISPLAY for the number of rooms to auto-look on enter while moving. Past this number players will only be shown a room name and exits. Good for speed walking :).
 xprintf updated to replace the last relics of sprintf used in the mapper and bug() calls.
 Safe command added to let a player know if their room is flagged safe or not.
 Fixed iquest to show money values.
 Added a "delete" arg to mgive.
 Updated autoquest to use top_mob_index instead of 1000 loop.
 Fixed no fight damage messages.
 Added 'exp' to mset.
 mquest (thanks Abel) is in. Generates random quests for players to do for qp/gold/exp.
 Changed save to allow arg "auto" to save quietly; updated all occurrences of this.
 Fixed a lot of missing !IS_NPC() checks in saving.
 Removed an un-used ITEM_DARK sharing flags with ITEM_NODISARM.
 Added MONITOR_HELPS to the monitor table, oops.
4.3.7 - 29 Aug 08:
 Removed lots of unused code.
 Added 'color' support for all regular channels.
 Renamed dirs to be standardized (singular, not plural).
 Allow immortals to always pickup quest items.
 Updated stock sysdata file.
 Added a records struct to pcdata, moved all records there and added some new ones to track.
 "Prettied up" pfile saves for fields to align, it annoyed me.
 Added MONITOR_HELPS to display when players can't find a help file.
 Added a new sysdata option: damcap. In Ack 4.3.1 all damage was limited to 3000, this is now configurable.
 Changed area format slightly; stop saving un-needed information.
 Sorted helps by first letter, updated code to match. All helps are DONE now, too. Only need to keep up with it as I go along :)
 Holy Armor now has a duration based on level instead of static.
 Deflect Weapon duration now based on level, not just static.
 Added a new sysdata option to that controls how much classes cost per level based on number of mob kills per level. No more const EXP table.
 Fixed a bug in help with : in filenames.
 Fixed a bug in IMC parsing the who template.
 Updated IMC to support whonames via imcwho and a more uniform default template.
 Added _popen to output shell commands to a char and handle fpReserve management with it.
 smash_replace() is an upgraded smash_tilde(). smash_tilde() was moved to use it and has only been kept for backwards compatibility.
 Added an abandon command to drop all followers.
 Closed a possible file descriptor leak in count_helps().
 Olmsg now actually saves and oload now also uses it, yay for fun imm stuff :P
4.3.6 - 25 Jul 08:
 Added a delhelp for the new helpfile system.
 Helpedit works with the new helpfile system.
 Added a basic Deathmatch arena and updated transdm to work with it.
 Removed clutchinfo command, it should have been a helpfile from the start.
 Removed mpstat and bundled it into mstat.
 Added file_open() and file_close() to handle fpReserve. Call file_close() even if file_open() failes to re-open fpReserve!
 Updated all wait_states (const table, etc) to fit properly with 100 pulse/sec.
 Merged multi_hit into one_hit and removed multi_hit. Call one_hit recursively if you need to.
 You can now 'owhere rare' to show all rares not currently held by players.
 Bug fix in area saving (they now save properly again).
 Census command added for area/mud wide MOB stats.
 Warcry is now a skill, not a spell. Beserk renamed properly to berserk.
 All imm commands in wizhhelp have 100% complete helpfiles.
 All mortal classes have 100% complete shelps.
 Stake and decapitate removed from mortal classes for use in Super Hunter later.
 All helpfiles are now stored individually on disk, and no longer im areas or memory. Options in config.h
 Added a FIGHT_DATA list for chars fighting. More resource efficient than cycling the whole MUD.
 Removed advance command (not needed).
4.3.5 - 03 Jul 08:
 Moved all super related stuff into its own struct, SUPER_DATA, within pcdata. This makes it more generic and easier to implement across all supers: vamp, wolf, and hunter (soon to be).
 Added gossip back in; not sure why it left.
 Fixed some minor level problems in the channel table.
 Added a bv_log() (thanks Abel!) to change bitvectors to enums. All channels now support a 'history' argument that will display the last MAX_HISTORY on each channel.
 Stance speed mods were redone for the new combat system, and now affect things.
 Fixed remort skills being in the wrong classes, oops. Also removed Nth attacks and coded new skills to replace them.
 Added fread_float to properly handle floats instead of the backwards hack I was using with atof().
 Minor help updates. Slowly but surely.
 Fixed a bug in sysdata and speed where I was incorrectly loading values with fread_number, so they all truncated at the decimal :).
 Obj speed is now settable in the OLC. If an object has a speed set, it will use it. If not, it will generate randomly each time the obj is loaded.
 Updated AREA_VERSION for this, so things should be backwards (but not forwards) compatible. IE: old areas will load fine, but once updated to the new version are unusable on an old format game.
 Speed properly in to test now.
 Added some consistency to logging and file naming.
 The sysdata command got a COMPLETE overhaul, and it now exceptionally more useful and easier to expand / maintain. Helpfiles added for it, too. Read them!
 Quest mobs will no longer auto-assist other NPCs or be aggressive.
4.3.4 - 01 Jun 08:
 Damage spells now have a +/- 10% randomness. It's pretty boring seeing the exact same damage all the time!
 strcat and the old safe_strcat were replaced with a newer xcat, along the lines of xprintf.
 When using 'long <str>' on an obj or mob it will auto-newline. No more need to $edit to add it.
 Moved most things to xprintf by Darien. It will log (to file and in-game) what overflows a buffer and the exact location in the code. Some things couldn't move, yet, as they rely on sprintf returning an int.
 Fixed a rare permanent loop issue in IMC.
 Fixed autoquest to ignore imms.
 Added an autodig feature for builders to automatically dig out exits while walking if enabled.
 Added Runter's bitmask system. This is not in active use yet, but I will be moving things to it slowly.
 Imms now see the vnum of mobs and objs while in the builder.
 Updated every mob in the game to have an appropriate race.
 Fixed a minor log inconsistency and imms now see mob races in addition to player races.
 Added 3 new player/npc races and 1 npc race.
 'rlist' will now display a data sheet per race with 'rlist <abbr>'.
 The race table has a new bool of has_money for configuring races that drop cash when they die (stop giving rats gold!).
 Changed load_obj() to not randomize the level if an obj is level 1 (was messing up newbie school gear).
 Mobs now take 8 hours to fill up on gold rather than 2.
 Removed the old has_exp_fix checks as they no longer apply.
 The imcrefresh routine goes off at midnight (game time) to help keep the mud connected to IMC. Only works if autoconnect is turned on.
4.3.3 - 24 May 08:
 Minor helpfile updates.
 Removed some duplicate code in bust_a_prompt() and added some new options.
 GCC4 fix in PUT_FREE; things compile cleanly once again!
 Updated max vnums to ~1.6bil. It can probably go higher, but really, do people need more?
 Removed rolling for stats from char creation. You now assign your own stats up to racial maximums.
 Added a commented block to comm.c for IP binding if it's ever needed.
 Removed quest_points from ch_data, moved everything to utilize the unused one in pc_data.
 Added statraise to raise permenant stats based on a request from Jawzith at the forums.
 Consolidated helps and system areas.
 Added checks in load_objects(), load_mobiles(), and load_rooms() to log if a vnum is out of range for the area it is in when loaded.
 Removed the silly immskll struct, commands should be handled via trust, not imtlset (now gone).
 Updated default prompt and 'prompt all' to something more user friendly.
 Added char_exists() func for future use to see if a pfile is valid.
4.3.2 - 21 May 08:
 Fixed race_table to properly correlate preferred class order between values.
 Updated user CPU seconds logging to match the rest of the log.
 Default quest item ranges are now correct out of the box.
 Removed references of pcdata->index as it seemed to be a duplicate of pcdata->order to hold class orders. Updated the base Creator pfiles along with this.
 Fixed a minor color issue in IMC, and hooked it to ACK!MUD monitor system.
 Properly re-ordered remorts to better reflect base classes.
 Updated the IMC2 client to IMC2 Freedom CL-2.1a.