RaM Fire Updated/
 * RAM $Id: comm.c 81 2009-01-14 06:16:31Z ghasatta $

 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Thanks to abaddon for proof-reading our comm.c and pointing out bugs.  *
 *  Any remaining bugs are, of course, our work, not his.  :)              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

*       ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1998 Russ Taylor                         *
*       ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium                  *
*           Russ Taylor (rtaylor@hypercube.org)                            *
*           Gabrielle Taylor (gtaylor@hypercube.org)                       *
*           Brian Moore (zump@rom.org)                                     *
*       By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the     *
*       ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license                     *

 * This file contains all of the OS-dependent stuff:
 *   startup, signals, BSD sockets for tcp/ip, i/o, timing.
 * The data flow for input is:
 *    Game_loop ---> Read_from_descriptor ---> Read
 *    Game_loop ---> Read_from_buffer
 * The data flow for output is:
 *    Game_loop ---> Process_Output ---> Write_to_descriptor -> Write
 * The OS-dependent functions are Read_from_descriptor and Write_to_descriptor.
 * -- Furey  26 Jan 1993

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/telnet.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#include <string>

#if !defined(NOCRYPT)
#include "sha256.h"

#include "merc.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "act.h"
#include "interp.h"
#include "magic.h"
#include "olc.h"
#include "ban.h"

 * Socket and TCP/IP stuff.
const char              echo_off_str[] = { IAC, WILL, TELOPT_ECHO, '\0' };
const char              echo_on_str[] = { IAC, WONT, TELOPT_ECHO, '\0' };
const char              go_ahead_str[] = { IAC, GA, '\0' };

 * Global variables.
DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *descriptor_list = NULL;        /* All open descriptors */
DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *descriptor_free = NULL;
bool                    need_god = false;              /* New Game, First login is IMP! */
bool                    merc_down = false;             /* Shutdown */
bool                    wizlock = false;               /* Game is wizlocked */
bool                    newlock = false;               /* Game is newlocked */
char                    str_boot_time[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
time_t                  current_time = 0;              /* time of this pulse */

DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *new_descriptor( void )
    static DESCRIPTOR_DATA  d_zero;
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d = NULL;

    if ( descriptor_free == NULL )
        d = ( DESCRIPTOR_DATA * ) alloc_perm( sizeof( *d ) );
        d = descriptor_free;
        descriptor_free = descriptor_free->next;

    *d = d_zero;
    VALIDATE( d );
    return d;

void free_descriptor( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d )
    if ( !IS_VALID( d ) )

    free_string( d->host );
    free_mem( d->outbuf, d->outsize );
    INVALIDATE( d );
    d->next = descriptor_free;
    descriptor_free = d;

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    struct timeval          now_time;
    int                     port = DEFAULT_PORT;
    int                     control = 0;
    int                     pos = 1;
    char                   *dir = NULL;
    char                   *pidfile = NULL;
    char                   *logfile = NULL;

     * Init time.
    gettimeofday( &now_time, NULL );
    current_time = ( time_t ) now_time.tv_sec;
    strcpy( str_boot_time, ctime( &current_time ) );

     * Parse the flag arguments.
    while ( ( pos < argc ) && ( *( argv[pos] ) == '-' ) )
        switch ( *( argv[pos] + 1 ) )
            case 'h':
                proper_exit( MUD_HALT,
                             "Usage: %s [-n][-w][-g] [-d pathname] [-p pidfile] [-l logfile] [ port # ]\n",
                             argv[0] );
            case 'g':
                need_god = true;
                log_boot( "GOD MODE is SET!" );
            case 'n':
                newlock = true;
                log_boot( "NewLock is SET." );
            case 'w':
                wizlock = true;
                newlock = true;
                log_boot( "WizLock is SET." );
            case 'd':
                if ( *( argv[pos] + 2 ) )
                    dir = argv[pos] + 2;
                else if ( ++pos < argc )
                    dir = argv[pos];
                    proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Directory arg expected after option -d." );
            case 'l':
                if ( *( argv[pos] + 2 ) )
                    logfile = argv[pos] + 2;
                else if ( ++pos < argc )
                    logfile = argv[pos];
                    proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "LOG filename expected after option -l." );
#if defined(__APPLE__)
                proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "LOG file redirection is not supported under OS X." );
            case 'p':
                if ( *( argv[pos] + 2 ) )
                    pidfile = argv[pos] + 2;
                else if ( ++pos < argc )
                    pidfile = argv[pos];
                    proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "PID filename expected after option -p." );
                log_info( "Unknown option -%c in argument string.", *( argv[pos] + 1 ) );
     * Get the port, default if not specified.
    if ( pos < argc )
        if ( !is_number( argv[pos] ) )
            proper_exit( MUD_HALT,
                         "Usage: %s [-n][-w][-g] [-d pathname] [-p pidfile] [-l logfile] [ port # ]\n",
                         argv[0] );
        else if ( ( port = atoi( argv[pos] ) ) <= 1024 )
            proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Illegal port # %d", port );

     * Change to data directory.
    if ( dir )
        if ( chdir( dir ) < 0 )
            proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Cannot change directory to %s", dir );
        log_boot( "Using %s as data directory.", dir );

     * If using a PID file, write our PID out there now
    if ( pidfile )
        FILE                   *pidfp = NULL;

        if ( !( pidfp = fopen( pidfile, "w" ) ) )
            proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Cannot open PID file %s", pidfile );
        fprintf( pidfp, "%d\n", getpid(  ) );
        fclose( pidfp );
        log_boot( "PID written to %s", pidfile );

#if !defined(__APPLE__)
     * If we want stderr to go to a filename, now's the time!
     * Unless we're on OS X -- Ghasatta.
    if ( logfile )
        log_boot( "Switching to %s as stderr.", logfile );
        stderr = freopen( logfile, "a", stderr );
        if ( !stderr )
            proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Cannot reopen stderr!" );
        close( fileno( stdout ) );
        dup2( fileno( stderr ), fileno( stdout ) );
        log_boot( "Switch to %s completed.", logfile );

     * Run the game.
    boot_db(  );
    control = init_listening_socket( port );
    log_boot( "RaM is ready to rock on port %d.", port );
    game_loop( control );
    close( control );

     * That's all, folks.
    proper_exit( MUD_REBOOT, "Normal termination of game." );
    return MUD_REBOOT;

int init_listening_socket( int port )
    static struct sockaddr_in sa_zero;
    struct sockaddr_in      sa;
    int                     x = 1;
    int                     fd = -1;

    if ( ( fd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ) < 0 )
        char                   *e = strerror( errno );

        proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Init_socket: socket: %s\n", e );

    if ( setsockopt( fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, ( char * ) &x, sizeof( x ) ) < 0 )
        char                   *e = strerror( errno );

        close( fd );
        proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Init_socket: SO_REUSEADDR: %s\n", e );

#if defined(SO_DONTLINGER) && !defined(SYSV)
        struct linger           ld;

        ld.l_onoff = 1;
        ld.l_linger = 1000;

        if ( setsockopt( fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTLINGER,
                         ( char * ) &ld, sizeof( ld ) ) < 0 )
            char                   *e = strerror( errno );

            close( fd );
            proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Init_socket: SO_DONTLINGER: %s\n", e );

    sa = sa_zero;
    sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sa.sin_port = htons( port );

    if ( bind( fd, ( struct sockaddr * ) &sa, sizeof( sa ) ) < 0 )
        char                   *e = strerror( errno );

        close( fd );
        proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Init socket: bind: %s\n", e );

    if ( listen( fd, 3 ) < 0 )
        char                   *e = strerror( errno );

        close( fd );
        proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Init socket: listen: %s\n", e );

    return fd;

void game_loop( int control )
    static struct timeval   null_time;
    struct timeval          last_time;
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d_next = NULL;

    log_boot( "Setting up signal handling." );
    signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );
    signal( SIGINT, shutdown_request );
    signal( SIGTERM, shutdown_request );

    gettimeofday( &last_time, NULL );
    current_time = ( time_t ) last_time.tv_sec;

     * Main loop 
    while ( !merc_down )
        fd_set                  in_set;
        fd_set                  out_set;
        fd_set                  exc_set;
        DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d = NULL;
        int                     maxsock = -1;

         * Poll all active descriptors.
        FD_ZERO( &in_set );
        FD_ZERO( &out_set );
        FD_ZERO( &exc_set );
        FD_SET( control, &in_set );
        maxsock = control;
        for ( d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next )
            maxsock = UMAX( maxsock, d->socket );
            FD_SET( d->socket, &in_set );
            FD_SET( d->socket, &out_set );
            FD_SET( d->socket, &exc_set );

        if ( select( maxsock + 1, &in_set, &out_set, &exc_set, &null_time ) < 0 )
            char                   *e = strerror( errno );

            proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Game_loop: select: poll: %s\n", e );

         * New connection?
        if ( FD_ISSET( control, &in_set ) )
            init_descriptor( control );

         * Kick out the freaky folks.
        for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d_next )
            d_next = d->next;
            if ( FD_ISSET( d->socket, &exc_set ) )
                FD_CLR( d->socket, &in_set );
                FD_CLR( d->socket, &out_set );
                if ( d->character && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
                    save_char_obj( d->character );
                d->outtop = 0;
                close_descriptor( d );

         * Process input.
        for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d_next )
            d_next = d->next;
            d->fcommand = false;

            if ( FD_ISSET( d->socket, &in_set ) )
                if ( d->character != NULL )
                    d->character->timer = 0;
                if ( !read_from_descriptor( d ) )
                    FD_CLR( d->socket, &out_set );
                    if ( d->character != NULL && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
                        save_char_obj( d->character );
                    d->outtop = 0;
                    close_descriptor( d );

            if ( d->character != NULL && d->character->daze > 0 )

            if ( d->character != NULL && d->character->wait > 0 )

            read_from_buffer( d );
            if ( d->incomm[0] != '\0' )
                d->fcommand = true;
                stop_idling( d->character );

                if ( d->showstr_point )
                    show_string( d, d->incomm );
                else if ( d->pString )
                    string_add( d->character, d->incomm );
                    if ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
                        if ( !run_olc_editor( d ) )
                            substitute_alias( d, d->incomm );
                        nanny( d, d->incomm );

                d->incomm[0] = '\0';

         * Autonomous game motion.
        update_handler(  );

         * Output.
        for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d_next )
            d_next = d->next;

            if ( ( d->fcommand || d->outtop > 0 ) && FD_ISSET( d->socket, &out_set ) )
                if ( !process_output( d, true ) )
                    if ( d->character != NULL && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
                        save_char_obj( d->character );
                    d->outtop = 0;
                    close_descriptor( d );

         * Synchronize to a clock.
         * Sleep( last_time + 1/PULSE_PER_SECOND - now ).
         * Careful here of signed versus unsigned arithmetic.
            struct timeval          now_time;
            int                     secDelta = 0;
            int                     usecDelta = 0;

            gettimeofday( &now_time, NULL );
            usecDelta = ( ( int ) last_time.tv_usec ) - ( ( int ) now_time.tv_usec )
                + 1000000 / PULSE_PER_SECOND;
            secDelta = ( ( int ) last_time.tv_sec ) - ( ( int ) now_time.tv_sec );
            while ( usecDelta < 0 )
                usecDelta += 1000000;
                secDelta -= 1;

            while ( usecDelta >= 1000000 )
                usecDelta -= 1000000;
                secDelta += 1;

            if ( secDelta > 0 || ( secDelta == 0 && usecDelta > 0 ) )
                struct timeval          stall_time;

                stall_time.tv_usec = usecDelta;
                stall_time.tv_sec = secDelta;
                if ( select( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &stall_time ) < 0 )
                    char                   *e = strerror( errno );

                    proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Game_loop: select: stall: %s\n", e );

        gettimeofday( &last_time, NULL );
        current_time = ( time_t ) last_time.tv_sec;
    dump_player_list(  );

void init_descriptor( int control )
    char                    buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *dnew = NULL;
    struct sockaddr_in      sock_in;
    struct hostent         *from = NULL;
    int                     sock = 0;
    socklen_t               size = sizeof( sock );

    getsockname( control, ( struct sockaddr * ) &sock_in, &size );
    if ( ( sock = accept( control, ( struct sockaddr * ) &sock_in, &size ) ) < 0 )
        char                   *e = strerror( errno );

        log_error( "accept: %s", e );

#if !defined(FNDELAY)

    if ( fcntl( sock, F_SETFL, FNDELAY ) == -1 )
        char                   *e = strerror( errno );

        log_error( "fcntl: FNDELAY: %s", e );

     * Cons a new descriptor.
    dnew = new_descriptor(  );

    dnew->socket = sock;
    dnew->connected = CON_GET_NAME;
    dnew->showstr_head = NULL;
    dnew->showstr_point = NULL;
    dnew->outsize = 2000;
    dnew->pEdit = NULL;                                /* OLC */
    dnew->pString = NULL;                              /* OLC */
    dnew->pString_std = NULL;
    dnew->editor = 0;                                  /* OLC */
    dnew->outbuf = ( char * ) alloc_mem( dnew->outsize );

    size = sizeof( sock_in );
    if ( getpeername( sock, ( struct sockaddr * ) &sock_in, &size ) < 0 )
        char                   *e = strerror( errno );

        log_error( "getpeername: %s", e );
        dnew->host = str_dup( "(unknown)" );
         * Would be nice to use inet_ntoa here but it takes a struct arg,
         * which ain't very compatible between gcc and system libraries.
        int                     addr = 0;

        addr = ntohl( sock_in.sin_addr.s_addr );
        sprintf( buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
                 ( addr >> 24 ) & 0xFF, ( addr >> 16 ) & 0xFF,
                 ( addr >> 8 ) & 0xFF, ( addr ) & 0xFF );
        log_auth( NULL, "sock_in.sinaddr:  %s", buf );
        from = gethostbyaddr( ( char * ) &sock_in.sin_addr,
                              sizeof( sock_in.sin_addr ), AF_INET );
        dnew->host = str_dup( from ? from->h_name : buf );

     * Swiftest: I added the following to ban sites.  I don't
     * endorse banning of sites, but Copper has few descriptors now
     * and some people from certain sites keep abusing access by
     * using automated 'autodialers' and leaving connections hanging.
     * Furey: added suffix check by request of Nickel of HiddenWorlds.
    if(ban_manager::Instance()->is_banned(dnew->host, BAN_ALL) == true)
        write_to_socket( sock, "Your site has been banned from this mud.\r\n", 0 );
        close( sock );
        free_descriptor( dnew );
     * Init descriptor data.
    dnew->next = descriptor_list;
    descriptor_list = dnew;

     * Send the greeting.
        if ( help_greeting->text.empty() == false && help_greeting->text.at(0) == '.')
            write_to_buffer( dnew, help_greeting->text.c_str() + 1, 0 );
            write_to_buffer( dnew, help_greeting->text.c_str(), 0 );


void close_descriptor( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *dclose )
    CHAR_DATA              *ch = NULL;

    if ( dclose->outtop > 0 )
        process_output( dclose, false );

    if ( dclose->snoop_by != NULL )
        desc_printf( dclose->snoop_by, "Your victim has left the game.\r\n" );

        DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d = NULL;

        for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next )
            if ( d->snoop_by == dclose )
                d->snoop_by = NULL;

    if ( ( ch = dclose->character ) != NULL )
        log_auth( ch, "Closing link to %s.", NAME( ch ) );
        update_player_list( ch, false );

         * A bugfix for people who log in with a pet, but then
         * abort their login (failed pasword), in which case the
         * pet becomes orphaned and has a NULL room pointer.
        if ( ch->pet && ch->pet->in_room == NULL )
            char_to_room( ch->pet, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_LIMBO ) );
            extract_char( ch->pet, true );

         * cut down on wiznet spam when rebooting 
        if ( dclose->connected == CON_PLAYING && !merc_down )
            act( "$n has lost $s link.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
            wiznet( "Net death has claimed $N.", ch, NULL, WIZ_LINKS, 0, 0 );
            ch->desc = NULL;
            free_char( dclose->original ? dclose->original : dclose->character );

     * if ( d_next == dclose ) d_next = d_next->next; 

    if ( dclose == descriptor_list )
        descriptor_list = descriptor_list->next;
        DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d = NULL;

        for ( d = descriptor_list; d && d->next != dclose; d = d->next )
        if ( d != NULL )
            d->next = dclose->next;
            log_error( "%s", "Descriptor at end of descriptor_list is NULL" );

    close( dclose->socket );
    free_descriptor( dclose );

bool read_from_descriptor( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d )
    size_t                  iStart = 0;

     * Hold horses if pending command already. 
    if ( d->incomm[0] != '\0' )
        return true;

     * Check for overflow. 
    iStart = strlen( d->inbuf );
    if ( iStart >= sizeof( d->inbuf ) - 10 )
        log_auth( NULL, "%s input overflow!", d->host );
        write_to_socket( d->socket, "\r\n*** PUT A LID ON IT!!! ***\r\n", 0 );
        return false;

     * Snarf input. 
    for ( ;; )
        int                     nRead = 0;

        nRead = read( ( int ) d->socket, ( void * ) ( d->inbuf + iStart ),
                      sizeof( d->inbuf ) - 10 - iStart );
        if ( nRead > 0 )
            iStart += nRead;
            if ( d->inbuf[iStart - 1] == '\r' || d->inbuf[iStart - 1] == '\n' )
        else if ( nRead == 0 )
            log_error( "%s", "EOF encountered on socket read" );
            return false;
        else if ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
            char                   *e = strerror( errno );

            log_error( "Socket error: %s", e );
            return false;

    d->inbuf[iStart] = '\0';
    return true;

 * Transfer one line from input buffer to input line.
void read_from_buffer( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d )
    int                     i = 0;
    int                     j = 0;
    int                     k = 0;

     * Hold horses if pending command already.
    if ( d->incomm[0] != '\0' )

     * Look for at least one new line.
    for ( i = 0; d->inbuf[i] != '\r' && d->inbuf[i] != '\n'; i++ )
        if ( d->inbuf[i] == '\0' )

     * Canonical input processing.
    for ( i = 0, k = 0; d->inbuf[i] != '\r' && d->inbuf[i] != '\n'; i++ )
        if ( k >= MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - 2 )
            write_to_socket( d->socket, "Line too long.\r\n", 0 );

             * skip the rest of the line 
            for ( ; d->inbuf[i] != '\0'; i++ )
                if ( d->inbuf[i] == '\r' || d->inbuf[i] == '\n' )
            d->inbuf[i] = '\n';
            d->inbuf[i + 1] = '\0';

        if ( d->inbuf[i] == '\b' && k > 0 )
        else if ( isascii( d->inbuf[i] ) && isprint( d->inbuf[i] ) )
            d->incomm[k++] = d->inbuf[i];

     * Finish off the line.
    if ( k == 0 )
        d->incomm[k++] = ' ';
    d->incomm[k] = '\0';

     * Deal with bozos with #repeat 1000 ...

    if ( k > 1 || d->incomm[0] == '!' )
        if ( d->incomm[0] != '!' && strcmp( d->incomm, d->inlast ) )
            d->repeat = 0;
            if ( ++d->repeat >= 25 && d->character && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
                log_auth( NULL, "%s input spamming!", d->host );
                wiznet( "Spam spam spam $N spam spam spam spam spam!",
                        d->character, NULL, WIZ_SPAM, 0, get_trust( d->character ) );
                if ( d->incomm[0] == '!' )
                    wiznet( d->inlast, d->character, NULL, WIZ_SPAM, 0,
                            get_trust( d->character ) );
                    wiznet( d->incomm, d->character, NULL, WIZ_SPAM, 0,
                            get_trust( d->character ) );

                d->repeat = 0;
                write_to_socket( d->socket,
                    "\r\n*** PUT A LID ON IT!!! ***\r\n", 0 );
                strcpy( d->incomm, "quit" );

     * Do '!' substitution.
    if ( d->incomm[0] == '!' )
        strcpy( d->incomm, d->inlast );
        strcpy( d->inlast, d->incomm );

     * Shift the input buffer.
    while ( d->inbuf[i] == '\r' || d->inbuf[i] == '\n' )
    for ( j = 0; ( d->inbuf[j] = d->inbuf[i + j] ) != '\0'; j++ )

 * Low level output function.
bool process_output( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, bool fPrompt )
     * Bust a prompt.
    if ( !merc_down && d->showstr_point )
        desc_printf( d, "[Hit Return to continue]\r\n" );
    else if ( fPrompt && !merc_down && d->connected == CON_PLAYING && d->pString )
        desc_printf( d, "> " );
    else if ( fPrompt && !merc_down && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
        CHAR_DATA              *ch = NULL;
        CHAR_DATA              *victim = NULL;

        ch = d->character;

         * battle prompt 
        if ( ( victim = ch->fighting ) != NULL && can_see( ch, victim ) )
            int                     percent = 0;

            if ( victim->max_hit > 0 )
                percent = victim->hit * 100 / victim->max_hit;
                percent = -1;

            if ( percent >= 100 )
                desc_printf( d, "%c%s %s\r\n", UPPER( *NAME( victim ) ),
                             ( NAME( victim ) + 1 ), "is in excellent condition." );
            else if ( percent >= 90 )
                desc_printf( d, "%c%s %s\r\n", UPPER( *NAME( victim ) ),
                             ( NAME( victim ) + 1 ), "has a few scratches." );
            else if ( percent >= 75 )
                desc_printf( d, "%c%s %s\r\n", UPPER( *NAME( victim ) ),
                             ( NAME( victim ) + 1 ),
                             "has some small wounds and bruises." );
            else if ( percent >= 50 )
                desc_printf( d, "%c%s %s\r\n", UPPER( *NAME( victim ) ),
                             ( NAME( victim ) + 1 ), "has quite a few wounds." );
            else if ( percent >= 30 )
                desc_printf( d, "%c%s %s\r\n", UPPER( *NAME( victim ) ),
                             ( NAME( victim ) + 1 ),
                             "has some big nasty wounds and scratches." );
            else if ( percent >= 15 )
                desc_printf( d, "%c%s %s\r\n", UPPER( *NAME( victim ) ),
                             ( NAME( victim ) + 1 ), "looks pretty hurt." );
            else if ( percent >= 0 )
                desc_printf( d, "%c%s %s\r\n", UPPER( *NAME( victim ) ),
                             ( NAME( victim ) + 1 ), "is in awful condition." );
                desc_printf( d, "%c%s %s\r\n", UPPER( *NAME( victim ) ),
                             ( NAME( victim ) + 1 ), "is bleeding to death." );

        ch = d->original ? d->original : d->character;
        if ( !IS_SET( ch->comm, COMM_COMPACT ) )
            desc_printf( d, "\r\n" );

        if ( IS_SET( ch->comm, COMM_PROMPT ) )
            bust_a_prompt( d->character );

        if ( IS_SET( ch->comm, COMM_TELNET_GA ) )
            write_to_buffer( d, go_ahead_str, 0 );

     * Short-circuit if nothing to write.
    if ( d->outtop == 0 )
        return true;

     * Snoop-o-rama.
    if ( d->snoop_by != NULL )
        if ( d->character != NULL )
            write_to_buffer( d->snoop_by, d->character->name, 0 );
        write_to_buffer( d->snoop_by, "> ", 2 );
        write_to_buffer( d->snoop_by, d->outbuf, d->outtop );

     * OS-dependent output.
    if ( !write_to_socket( d->socket, d->outbuf, d->outtop ) )
        d->outtop = 0;
        return false;
        d->outtop = 0;
        return true;

 * Deal with sockets that haven't logged in yet.
void nanny( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *argument )
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d_old = NULL;
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d_next = NULL;
    char                    arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    CHAR_DATA              *ch = NULL;
    const char             *pwdnew = NULL;
    const char             *p = NULL;
    int                     iClass = 0;
    int                     race = 0;
    int                     i = 0;
    int                     weapon = 0;
    bool                    fOld = false;
    char                    local_argument[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    const char             *lap = local_argument;

    while ( isspace( *argument ) )

    ch = d->character;

    switch ( d->connected )

            log_error( "Bad d->connected state %d", d->connected );
            close_descriptor( d );

        case CON_GET_NAME:
            if ( argument[0] == '\0' )
                close_descriptor( d );

            strcpy( local_argument, argument );
            local_argument[0] = UPPER( local_argument[0] );
            if ( !check_parse_name( lap ) )
                desc_printf( d, "Illegal name, try another.\r\nName: " );

            fOld = load_char_obj( d, lap );
            ch = d->character;

            if ( IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_DENY ) )
                log_auth( NULL, "Denying access to %s@%s.", lap, d->host );
                desc_printf( d, "You are denied access.\r\n" );
                close_descriptor( d );

	    if(ban_manager::Instance()->is_banned(d->host, BAN_PERMIT) == true && !IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_PERMIT ) )
                desc_printf( d, "Your site has been banned from this mud.\r\n" );
                close_descriptor( d );

            if ( check_reconnect( d, lap, false ) )
                fOld = true;
                if ( wizlock && !IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
                    desc_printf( d, "The game is wizlocked.\r\n" );
                    close_descriptor( d );

            if ( fOld )
                 * Old player 
                desc_printf( d, "Password: %s", echo_off_str );
                d->connected = CON_GET_OLD_PASSWORD;
                 * New player 
                if ( newlock )
                    desc_printf( d, "The game is newlocked.\r\n" );
                    close_descriptor( d );

		if(ban_manager::Instance()->is_banned(d->host, BAN_NEWBIES) == true)
                    desc_printf( d, "New players are not allowed from your site.\r\n" );
                    close_descriptor( d );

                desc_printf( d, "Did I get that right, %s (Y/N)? ", lap );
                d->connected = CON_CONFIRM_NEW_NAME;

        case CON_GET_OLD_PASSWORD:
            desc_printf( d, "\r\n%s", echo_on_str );

            if ( strcmp( CRYPT( argument ), ch->pcdata->pwd ) )
                desc_printf( d, "Wrong password.\r\n" );
                close_descriptor( d );

            if ( check_playing( d, ch->name ) )

            if ( check_reconnect( d, ch->name, true ) )

            log_auth( ch, "%s@%s has connected.", NAME( ch ), d->host );
            wiznet( log_buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_SITES, 0, get_trust( ch ) );

            if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
                do_function( ch, &do_help, "imotd" );
                d->connected = CON_READ_IMOTD;
                do_function( ch, &do_help, "motd" );
                d->connected = CON_READ_MOTD;

/* RT code for breaking link */

        case CON_BREAK_CONNECT:
            switch ( *argument )
                case 'y':
                case 'Y':
                    for ( d_old = descriptor_list; d_old != NULL; d_old = d_next )
                        d_next = d_old->next;
                        if ( d_old == d || d_old->character == NULL )

                        if ( str_cmp( ch->name, d_old->original ?
                                      d_old->original->name : d_old->character->name ) )

                        close_descriptor( d_old );
                    if ( check_reconnect( d, ch->name, true ) )
                    desc_printf( d, "Reconnect attempt failed.\r\nName: " );
                    if ( d->character != NULL )
                        free_char( d->character );
                        d->character = NULL;
                    d->connected = CON_GET_NAME;

                case 'n':
                case 'N':
                    desc_printf( d, "Name: " );
                    if ( d->character != NULL )
                        free_char( d->character );
                        d->character = NULL;
                    d->connected = CON_GET_NAME;

                    desc_printf( d, "Please type Y or N? " );

        case CON_CONFIRM_NEW_NAME:
            switch ( *argument )
                case 'y':
                case 'Y':
                    desc_printf( d, "New character.\r\nGive me a password for %s: %s",
                                 NAME( ch ), echo_off_str );
                    d->connected = CON_GET_NEW_PASSWORD;

                case 'n':
                case 'N':
                    desc_printf( d, "Ok, what IS it, then? " );
                    free_char( d->character );
                    d->character = NULL;
                    d->connected = CON_GET_NAME;

                    desc_printf( d, "Please type Yes or No? " );

        case CON_GET_NEW_PASSWORD:
            desc_printf( d, "\r\n" );

            if ( strlen( argument ) < 5 )
                desc_printf( d,
                             "Password must be at least five characters long.\r\nPassword: " );

            pwdnew = CRYPT( argument );
            for ( p = pwdnew; *p != '\0'; p++ )
                if ( *p == '~' )
                    desc_printf( d,
                                 "New password not acceptable, try again.\r\nPassword: " );

            free_string( ch->pcdata->pwd );
            ch->pcdata->pwd = str_dup( pwdnew );
            desc_printf( d, "Please retype password: " );
            d->connected = CON_CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD;

            desc_printf( d, "\r\n" );

            if ( strcmp( CRYPT( argument ), ch->pcdata->pwd ) )
                desc_printf( d, "Passwords don't match.\r\nRetype password: " );
                d->connected = CON_GET_NEW_PASSWORD;

            desc_printf( d, "%sThe following races are available:\r\n  ", echo_on_str );
            for ( race = 1; race_table[race].name != NULL; race++ )
                if ( !race_table[race].pc_race )
                desc_printf( d, "%s ", race_table[race].name );
            desc_printf( d, "\r\nWhat is your race (help for more information)? " );
            d->connected = CON_GET_NEW_RACE;

        case CON_GET_NEW_RACE:
            one_argument( argument, arg );

            if ( !strcmp( arg, "help" ) )
                argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
                if ( argument[0] == '\0' )
                    do_function( ch, &do_help, "race help" );
                    do_function( ch, &do_help, argument );
                desc_printf( d, "What is your race (help for more information)? " );

            race = race_lookup( argument );

            if ( race == 0 || !race_table[race].pc_race )
                desc_printf( d, "That is not a valid race.\r\n" );
                desc_printf( d, "The following races are available:\r\n  " );
                for ( race = 1; race_table[race].name != NULL; race++ )
                    if ( !race_table[race].pc_race )
                    desc_printf( d, "%s ", race_table[race].name );
                desc_printf( d, "\r\nWhat is your race? (help for more information) " );

            ch->race = race;
             * initialize stats 
            for ( i = 0; i < MAX_STATS; i++ )
                ch->perm_stat[i] = pc_race_table[race].stats[i];
            ch->affected_by = ch->affected_by | race_table[race].aff;
            ch->imm_flags = ch->imm_flags | race_table[race].imm;
            ch->res_flags = ch->res_flags | race_table[race].res;
            ch->vuln_flags = ch->vuln_flags | race_table[race].vuln;
            ch->form = race_table[race].form;
            ch->parts = race_table[race].parts;

             * add skills 
            for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
                if ( pc_race_table[race].skills[i] == NULL )
                group_add( ch, pc_race_table[race].skills[i], false );
             * add cost 
            ch->pcdata->points = pc_race_table[race].points;
            ch->size = pc_race_table[race].size;

             * add language comprehensions
            ch->pcdata->learned[skill_lookup( "comprehend common" )] = 100;
            i = language_lookup( pc_race_table[race].lang );
            ch->pcdata->learned[skill_lookup( language_table[i].skill_name )] = 100;

            desc_printf( d, "What is your sex (M/F)? " );
            d->connected = CON_GET_NEW_SEX;

        case CON_GET_NEW_SEX:
            switch ( argument[0] )
                case 'm':
                case 'M':
                    ch->sex = SEX_MALE;
                    ch->pcdata->true_sex = SEX_MALE;
                case 'f':
                case 'F':
                    ch->sex = SEX_FEMALE;
                    ch->pcdata->true_sex = SEX_FEMALE;
                    desc_printf( d, "That's not a sex.\r\nWhat IS your sex? " );

            desc_printf( d, "Select a class [" );
            for ( iClass = 0; iClass < MAX_CLASS; iClass++ )
                desc_printf( d, "%s%s", iClass == 0 ? "" : " ",
                             class_table[iClass].name );
            desc_printf( d, "]: " );
            d->connected = CON_GET_NEW_CLASS;

        case CON_GET_NEW_CLASS:
            iClass = class_lookup( argument );

            if ( iClass == -1 )
                desc_printf( d, "That's not a class.\r\nWhat IS your class? " );

            ch->iclass = iClass;

            log_auth( ch, "%s@%s is a new player.", NAME( ch ), d->host );
            wiznet( "Newbie alert!  $N sighted.", ch, NULL, WIZ_NEWBIE, 0, 0 );
            wiznet( log_buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_SITES, 0, get_trust( ch ) );

            desc_printf( d, "\r\nYou may be good, neutral, or evil.\r\n" );
            desc_printf( d, "Which alignment (G/N/E)? " );
            d->connected = CON_GET_ALIGNMENT;

        case CON_GET_ALIGNMENT:
            switch ( argument[0] )
                case 'g':
                case 'G':
                    ch->alignment = 750;
                case 'n':
                case 'N':
                    ch->alignment = 0;
                case 'e':
                case 'E':
                    ch->alignment = -750;
                    desc_printf( d, "That's not a valid alignment.\r\n" );
                    desc_printf( d, "Which alignment (G/N/E)? " );

            group_add( ch, "rom basics", false );
            group_add( ch, class_table[ch->iclass].base_group, false );
            ch->pcdata->learned[skill_lookup( "recall" )] = 50;
            desc_printf( d, "\r\nDo you wish to customize this character?\r\n" );
            desc_printf( d,
                         "Customization takes time, but allows a wider range of skills and abilities.\r\n" );
            desc_printf( d, "Customize (Y/N)? " );
            d->connected = CON_DEFAULT_CHOICE;

        case CON_DEFAULT_CHOICE:
            desc_printf( d, "\r\n" );
            switch ( argument[0] )
                case 'y':
                case 'Y':
                    ch->gen_data = new_gen_data(  );
                    ch->gen_data->points_chosen = ch->pcdata->points;
                    do_function( ch, &do_help, "group header" );
                    list_group_costs( ch );
                    desc_printf( d, "You already have the following skills:\r\n" );
                    do_function( ch, &do_skills, "" );
                    do_function( ch, &do_help, "menu choice" );
                    d->connected = CON_GEN_GROUPS;
                case 'n':
                case 'N':
                    group_add( ch, class_table[ch->iclass].default_group, true );
                    desc_printf( d,
                                 "\r\nPlease pick a weapon from the following choices:\r\n" );
                    for ( i = 0; weapon_table[i].name != NULL; i++ )
                        if ( ch->pcdata->learned[skill_lookup( weapon_table[i].skill )] >
                             0 )
                            desc_printf( d, "%s ", weapon_table[i].name );
                    desc_printf( d, "\r\nYour choice? " );
                    d->connected = CON_PICK_WEAPON;
                    desc_printf( d, "Please answer (Y/N)? " );

        case CON_PICK_WEAPON:
            desc_printf( d, "\r\n" );
            weapon = weapon_lookup( argument );
            if ( weapon == -1
                 || ch->pcdata->learned[skill_lookup( weapon_table[weapon].skill )] <= 0 )
                desc_printf( d, "That's not a valid selection. Choices are:\r\n" );
                for ( i = 0; weapon_table[i].name != NULL; i++ )
                    if ( ch->pcdata->learned[skill_lookup( weapon_table[i].skill )] > 0 )
                        desc_printf( d, "%s ", weapon_table[i].name );
                desc_printf( d, "\r\nYour choice? " );

            ch->pcdata->learned[skill_lookup( weapon_table[weapon].skill )] = 40;
            desc_printf( d, "\r\n" );
            do_function( ch, &do_help, "motd" );
            d->connected = CON_READ_MOTD;

        case CON_GEN_GROUPS:
            ch_printf( ch, "\r\n" );

            if ( !str_cmp( argument, "done" ) )
                if ( ch->pcdata->points == pc_race_table[ch->race].points )
                    ch_printf( ch, "You didn't pick anything.\r\n" );

                if ( ch->pcdata->points <= 40 + pc_race_table[ch->race].points )
                    ch_printf( ch,
                               "You must take at least %d points of skills and groups",
                               40 + pc_race_table[ch->race].points );

                ch_printf( ch, "Creation points: %d\r\n", ch->pcdata->points );
                ch_printf( ch, "Experience per level: %d\r\n",
                           exp_per_level( ch, ch->gen_data->points_chosen ) );
                if ( ch->pcdata->points < 40 )
                    ch->train = ( 40 - ch->pcdata->points + 1 ) / 2;
                free_gen_data( ch->gen_data );
                ch->gen_data = NULL;
                desc_printf( d,
                             "\r\nPlease pick a weapon from the following choices:\r\n" );
                for ( i = 0; weapon_table[i].name != NULL; i++ )
                    if ( ch->pcdata->learned[skill_lookup( weapon_table[i].skill )] > 0 )
                        desc_printf( d, "%s ", weapon_table[i].name );
                desc_printf( d, "\r\nYour choice? " );
                d->connected = CON_PICK_WEAPON;

            if ( !parse_gen_groups( ch, argument ) )
                ch_printf( ch,
                           "Choices are: list,learned,premise,add,drop,info,help, and done.\r\n" );

            do_function( ch, &do_help, "menu choice" );

        case CON_READ_IMOTD:
            desc_printf( d, "\r\n" );
            do_function( ch, &do_help, "motd" );
            d->connected = CON_READ_MOTD;

        case CON_READ_MOTD:
            if ( ch->pcdata == NULL || ch->pcdata->pwd[0] == '\0' )
                desc_printf( d, "Warning! Null password!\r\n" );
                desc_printf( d, "Please report old password with bug.\r\n" );
                desc_printf( d, "Type 'password null <new password>' to fix.\r\n" );

            desc_printf( d,
                         "\r\nWelcome to ROM 2.4.  Please do not feed the mobiles.\r\n" );
            ch->next = char_list;
            char_list = ch;
            d->connected = CON_PLAYING;
            reset_char( ch );

            if ( ch->level == 0 )

                ch->perm_stat[class_table[ch->iclass].attr_prime] += 3;

                ch->level = 1;
                ch->pcdata->security = 0;
                ch->exp = exp_per_level( ch, ch->pcdata->points );
                ch->hit = ch->max_hit;
                ch->mana = ch->max_mana;
                ch->move = ch->max_move;
                ch->train = 3;
                ch->practice = 5;
                set_title( ch, "the %s",
                           [ch->sex == SEX_FEMALE ? 1 : 0] );

                do_function( ch, &do_outfit, "" );
                obj_to_char( create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_MAP ), 0 ), ch );

                char_to_room( ch, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_SCHOOL ) );
                ch_printf( ch, "\r\n" );
                do_function( ch, &do_help, "newbie info" );
                ch_printf( ch, "\r\n" );
            else if ( ch->in_room != NULL )
                char_to_room( ch, ch->in_room );
            else if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
                char_to_room( ch, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_CHAT ) );
                char_to_room( ch, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_TEMPLE ) );

            act( "$n has entered the game.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
            do_function( ch, &do_look, "auto" );

            wiznet( "$N has left real life behind.", ch, NULL,
                    WIZ_LOGINS, WIZ_SITES, get_trust( ch ) );

            if ( ch->pet != NULL )
                char_to_room( ch->pet, ch->in_room );
                act( "$n has entered the game.", ch->pet, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );

            do_function( ch, &do_unread, "" );
            save_char_obj( ch );                       /* It can't hurt to save, can it? */

            if ( need_god )
                ch_printf( ch, "\r\nCongratulations!\r\n"
                           "As the first new inhabitant of this realm, "
                           "you are now its ruler!\r\n" );
                while ( ch->level < IMPLEMENTOR )
                    advance_level( ch, true );
                ch->exp = exp_per_level( ch, ch->pcdata->points ) * UMAX( 1, ch->level );
                ch->trust = ch->level;
                ch->pcdata->security = 9;
                save_char_obj( ch );
                log_auth( ch, "%s@%s is now an IMPLEMENTOR!", NAME( ch ), d->host );
                need_god = false;
            update_player_list( ch, true );

 * Parse a name for acceptability.
bool check_parse_name( const char *name )
    int                     clan = 0;

     * Reserved words.
    if ( is_exact_name
         ( name, "all auto immortal self sommone someone something the you loner none guest fucker shit fuck shitter shiter noone everyone everybody nobody nothing cunt beaver justice knight nexus savant syndicate royal warmaster leader god negro nigga bitch duh suck sucker sex cum smut horny hairy look chink spick nigger gook swear doh piss pissed fucking finger pussy boner hardon ass asshole sky fuckyou" ) )
        return false;
   	if (!str_prefix("imm", name))
		return FALSE;
	if (!str_prefix("imp", name))
		return FALSE;

     * check clans 
    for ( clan = 0; clan < MAX_CLAN; clan++ )
        if ( LOWER( name[0] ) == LOWER( clan_table[clan].name[0] )
             && !str_cmp( name, clan_table[clan].name ) )
            return false;

    if ( str_cmp( capitalize( name ), "Alander" ) && ( !str_prefix( "Alan", name )
                                                       || !str_suffix( "Alander",
                                                                       name ) ) )
        return false;

     * Length restrictions.

    if ( strlen( name ) < 2 )
        return false;

    if ( strlen( name ) > 12 )
        return false;

     * Alphanumerics only.
     * Lock out IllIll twits.
        const char             *pc = NULL;
        bool                    fIll = true;
        bool                    adjcaps = false;
        bool                    cleancaps = false;
        size_t                  total_caps = 0;

        for ( pc = name; *pc != '\0'; pc++ )
            if ( !isalpha( *pc ) )
                return false;

            if ( isupper( *pc ) )                      /* ugly anti-caps hack */
                if ( adjcaps )
                    cleancaps = true;
                adjcaps = true;
                adjcaps = false;

            if ( LOWER( *pc ) != 'i' && LOWER( *pc ) != 'l' )
                fIll = false;

        if ( fIll )
            return false;

        if ( cleancaps || ( total_caps > ( strlen( name ) ) / 2 && strlen( name ) < 3 ) )
            return false;

     * Prevent players from naming themselves after mobs.
        MOB_INDEX_DATA         *pMobIndex = NULL;
        int                     iHash = 0;

        for ( iHash = 0; iHash < MAX_KEY_HASH; iHash++ )
            for ( pMobIndex = mob_index_hash[iHash];
                  pMobIndex != NULL; pMobIndex = pMobIndex->next )
                if ( is_name( name, pMobIndex->player_name ) )
                    return false;

    return true;

 * Look for link-dead player to reconnect.
bool check_reconnect( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *name, bool fConn )
    CHAR_DATA              *ch = NULL;

    for ( ch = char_list; ch != NULL; ch = ch->next )
        if ( !IS_NPC( ch )
             && ( !fConn || ch->desc == NULL )
             && !str_cmp( d->character->name, ch->name ) )
            if ( fConn == false )
                free_string( d->character->pcdata->pwd );
                d->character->pcdata->pwd = str_dup( ch->pcdata->pwd );
                free_char( d->character );
                d->character = ch;
                ch->desc = d;
                ch->timer = 0;
                ch_printf( ch, "Reconnecting. Type replay to see missed tells.\r\n" );
                act( "$n has reconnected.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );

                log_auth( ch, "%s@%s has reconnected.", NAME( ch ), d->host );
                wiznet( "$N groks the fullness of $S link.", ch, NULL, WIZ_LINKS, 0, 0 );
                d->connected = CON_PLAYING;
            return true;

    return false;

 * Check if already playing.
bool check_playing( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *name )
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *dold = NULL;

    for ( dold = descriptor_list; dold; dold = dold->next )
        if ( dold != d
             && dold->character != NULL
             && dold->connected != CON_GET_NAME
             && dold->connected != CON_GET_OLD_PASSWORD
             && !str_cmp( name, dold->original
                          ? dold->original->name : dold->character->name ) )
            desc_printf( d, "That character is already playing.\r\n" );
            desc_printf( d, "Do you wish to connect anyway (Y/N)?" );
            d->connected = CON_BREAK_CONNECT;
            return true;

    return false;

void stop_idling( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( ch == NULL
         || ch->desc == NULL
         || ch->desc->connected != CON_PLAYING
         || ch->was_in_room == NULL || ch->in_room != get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_LIMBO ) )

    ch->timer = 0;
    char_from_room( ch );
    char_to_room( ch, ch->was_in_room );
    ch->was_in_room = NULL;
    act( "$n has returned from the void.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );

 * This function logs a last error message (if Str is not NULL)
 * and then calls exit with the code passed in.
void proper_exit( int code, const char *Str, ... )
    va_list                 arg;
    char                    Temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";

    if ( Str && *Str )
        va_start( arg, Str );
        vsnprintf( Temp, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, Str, arg );
        va_end( arg );
        log_fatal( "%s", Temp );
    exit( code );

 * Signal handler for game shutdown.
 * Might want to call do_shutdown() or a subset of it.
void shutdown_request( int a )
    char                    buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d = NULL;
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d_next = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *vch = NULL;

    sprintf( buf, "Shutdown by %s.", "SYSTEM -- Received SIGINT or SIGTERM" );
    append_file( NULL, SHUTDOWN_FILE, buf );
    strcat( buf, "\r\n" );
    merc_down = true;
    for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d_next )
        d_next = d->next;
        write_to_socket( d->socket, buf, 0 );
        vch = d->original ? d->original : d->character;
        if ( vch != NULL )
            save_char_obj( vch );
        close_descriptor( d );
    dump_player_list(  );
    proper_exit( MUD_HALT, "Shutdown by %s.", "SYSTEM -- Received SIGINT or SIGTERM" );

/* string pager */
void show_string( struct descriptor_data *d, const char *input )
    char                    buffer[4 * MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                    buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                   *scan = NULL;
    char                   *chk = NULL;
    int                     lines = 0;
    bool                    newline = false;
    int                     show_lines = 0;

    one_argument( input, buf );
    if ( buf[0] != '\0' )
        if ( d->showstr_head )
            free_mem( d->showstr_head, strlen( d->showstr_head ) + 1 );
            d->showstr_head = 0;
        d->showstr_point = 0;

    if ( d->character )
        show_lines = d->character->lines;
        show_lines = 0;

    for ( scan = buffer;; scan++, d->showstr_point++ )
        if ( ( *scan = *d->showstr_point ) == '\r' || *scan == '\n' )
            if ( newline == false )
                newline = true;
                newline = false;
        else if ( !*scan || ( show_lines > 0 && lines >= show_lines ) )
            *scan = '\0';
            write_to_buffer( d, buffer, strlen( buffer ) );
            for ( chk = d->showstr_point; isspace( *chk ); chk++ );
                if ( !*chk )
                    if ( d->showstr_head )
                        free_mem( d->showstr_head, strlen( d->showstr_head ) + 1 );
                        d->showstr_head = 0;
                    d->showstr_point = 0;
            newline = false;

 * Bust a prompt (player settable prompt)
 * coded by Morgenes for Aldara Mud
void bust_a_prompt( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    char                    buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                    buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    const char             *str = NULL;
    const char             *i = NULL;
    char                   *point = NULL;
    char                    doors[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    EXIT_DATA              *pexit = NULL;
    bool                    found = false;
    int                     door = -1;

    point = buf;
    str = ch->prompt;
    if ( str == NULL || str[0] == '\0' )
        ch_printf( ch, "<%dhp %dm %dmv> %s", ch->hit, ch->mana, ch->move, ch->prefix );

    if ( IS_SET( ch->comm, COMM_AFK ) )
        ch_printf( ch, "<AFK> " );
    if ( ch->invis_level )
        ch_printf( ch, "(Wizi %d)", ch->invis_level );
    if ( ch->incog_level )
        ch_printf( ch, "(Incog %d)", ch->incog_level );
    while ( *str != '\0' )
        if ( *str != '%' )
            *point++ = *str++;
        switch ( *str )
                i = " ";
            case 'e':
                found = false;
                doors[0] = '\0';
                for ( door = 0; door < MAX_EXIT; door++ )
                    if ( ( pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door] ) != NULL
                         && pexit->u1.to_room != NULL
                         && ( can_see_room( ch, pexit->u1.to_room )
                              || ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_INFRARED )
                                   && !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_BLIND ) ) )
                         && !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
                        found = true;
                        strcat( doors, dir_abbrev[door] );
                if ( !found )
                    strcat( doors, "none" );
                sprintf( buf2, "%s", doors );
                i = buf2;
            case 'c':
                sprintf( buf2, "%s", "\r\n" );
                i = buf2;
            case 'h':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->hit );
                i = buf2;
            case 'H':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->max_hit );
                i = buf2;
            case 'm':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->mana );
                i = buf2;
            case 'M':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->max_mana );
                i = buf2;
            case 'v':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->move );
                i = buf2;
            case 'V':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->max_move );
                i = buf2;
            case 'x':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->exp );
                i = buf2;
            case 'X':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", IS_NPC( ch ) ? 0 :
                         ( ch->level + 1 ) * exp_per_level( ch,
                                                            ch->pcdata->points ) -
                         ch->exp );
                i = buf2;
            case 'g':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->gold );
                i = buf2;
            case 's':
                sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->silver );
                i = buf2;
            case 'a':
                if ( ch->level > 9 )
                    sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->alignment );
                    sprintf( buf2, "%s", IS_GOOD( ch ) ? "good" : IS_EVIL( ch ) ?
                             "evil" : "neutral" );
                i = buf2;
            case 'r':
                if ( ch->in_room != NULL )
                    sprintf( buf2, "%s",
                             ( ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_HOLYLIGHT ) ) ||
                               ( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_BLIND )
                                 && !room_is_dark( ch->in_room ) ) ) ? ch->
                             in_room->name : "darkness" );
                    sprintf( buf2, " " );
                i = buf2;
            case 'R':
                if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) && ch->in_room != NULL )
                    sprintf( buf2, "%d", ch->in_room->vnum );
                    sprintf( buf2, " " );
                i = buf2;
            case 'z':
                if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) && ch->in_room != NULL )
                    sprintf( buf2, "%s", ch->in_room->area->name );
                    sprintf( buf2, " " );
                i = buf2;
            case '%':
                sprintf( buf2, "%%" );
                i = buf2;
            case 'o':
                sprintf( buf2, "%s", olc_ed_name( ch ) );
                i = buf2;
            case 'O':
                sprintf( buf2, "%s", olc_ed_vnum( ch ) );
                i = buf2;
        while ( ( *point = *i ) != '\0' )
            ++point, ++i;
    write_to_buffer( ch->desc, buf, point - buf );

    if ( ch->prefix[0] != '\0' )
        write_to_buffer( ch->desc, ch->prefix, 0 );

 * Lowest level output function.
 * Write a block of text to the file descriptor.
 * If this gives errors on very long blocks (like 'ofind all'),
 *   try lowering the max block size.
bool write_to_socket( int sock, const char *txt, int length )
    int                     iStart = 0;
    int                     nWrite = 0;
    size_t                  nBlock = 0;

    if ( length <= 0 )
        length = strlen( txt );

    for ( iStart = 0; iStart < length; iStart += nWrite )
        nBlock = UMIN( length - iStart, 4096 );
        if ( ( nWrite =
               write( ( int ) sock, ( const void * ) ( txt + iStart ), nBlock ) ) < 0 )
            char                   *e = strerror( errno );

            log_error( "socket write size mismatch: %s", e );
            return false;

    return true;

 * Append onto an output buffer.
void write_to_buffer( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *txt, int length )
     * Find length in case caller didn't.
    if ( length <= 0 )
        length = strlen( txt );

     * Initial \r\n if needed.
    if ( d->outtop == 0 && !d->fcommand )
        d->outbuf[0] = '\r';
        d->outbuf[1] = '\n';
        d->outtop = 2;

     * Expand the buffer as needed.
    while ( d->outtop + length >= d->outsize )
        char                   *outbuf = NULL;

        if ( d->outsize >= 32000 )
            log_error( "%s", "Buffer overflow, closing socket" );
            close_descriptor( d );
        outbuf = ( char * ) alloc_mem( 2 * d->outsize );
        strncpy( outbuf, d->outbuf, d->outtop );
        free_mem( d->outbuf, d->outsize );
        d->outbuf = outbuf;
        d->outsize *= 2;

     * Copy.
    strncpy( d->outbuf + d->outtop, txt, length );
    d->outtop += length;

void desc_printf( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *format, ... )
    va_list                 arg;
    char                    Str[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";

    if ( !format || !*format || !d )

    va_start( arg, format );
    vsnprintf( Str, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, format, arg );
    va_end( arg );

    write_to_buffer( d, Str, strlen( Str ) );

 * Write to one char.
void send_to_char( const char *format, CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( !format || !*format || !ch || !ch->desc )

    write_to_buffer( ch->desc, format, strlen( format ) );

void ch_printf( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *format, ... )
    va_list                 arg;
    char                    Str[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";

    if ( !format || !*format || !ch || !ch->desc )

    va_start( arg, format );
    vsnprintf( Str, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, format, arg );
    va_end( arg );

    write_to_buffer( ch->desc, Str, strlen( Str ) );

 * Send a page to one char.
void page_to_char( const char *format, CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( !format || !*format || !ch || !ch->desc )

    page_printf( ch, "%s", format );

void page_printf( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *format, ... )
    va_list                 arg;
    char                    Str[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";

    if ( !format || !*format || !ch || !ch->desc )

    va_start( arg, format );
    vsnprintf( Str, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, format, arg );
    va_end( arg );

    if ( ch->lines == 0 )
        write_to_buffer( ch->desc, Str, strlen( Str ) );

    if ( ch->desc->showstr_head &&
         ( strlen( Str ) + strlen( ch->desc->showstr_head ) + 1 ) < 32000 )
        char                   *tmp = NULL;

        tmp =
            ( char * ) alloc_mem( strlen( Str ) + strlen( ch->desc->showstr_head ) + 1 );
        strcpy( tmp, ch->desc->showstr_head );
        strcat( tmp, Str );
        ch->desc->showstr_point = tmp +
            ( ch->desc->showstr_point - ch->desc->showstr_head );
        free_mem( ch->desc->showstr_head, strlen( ch->desc->showstr_head ) + 1 );
        ch->desc->showstr_head = tmp;
        if ( ch->desc->showstr_head )
            free_mem( ch->desc->showstr_head, strlen( ch->desc->showstr_head ) + 1 );
        ch->desc->showstr_head = ( char * ) alloc_mem( strlen( Str ) + 1 );
        strcpy( ch->desc->showstr_head, Str );
        ch->desc->showstr_point = ch->desc->showstr_head;
        show_string( ch->desc, "" );

void act_new( const char *format, CHAR_DATA *ch, const void *arg1,
              const void *arg2, int type, int min_pos )
    if ( format == NULL || format[0] == '\0' )

    act_printf( "%s", ch, arg1, arg2, type, min_pos, false, format );

void act_printf( const char *format, CHAR_DATA *ch, const void *arg1,
                 const void *arg2, int type, int min_pos, bool hide_invis, ... )
    va_list                 arg;
    char                    Str[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                    buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                    fname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                   *strp = NULL;
    char                   *point = NULL;
    const char             *i = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *to = NULL;
    const CHAR_DATA        *vch = ( const CHAR_DATA * ) arg2;
    const OBJ_DATA         *obj1 = ( const OBJ_DATA * ) arg1;
    const OBJ_DATA         *obj2 = ( const OBJ_DATA * ) arg2;

     * Discard null and zero-length messages.
    if ( format == NULL || format[0] == '\0' )

     * discard null rooms and chars 
    if ( ch == NULL || ch->in_room == NULL )

     * Figure out which "to" we want...
    to = ch->in_room->people;
    if ( type == TO_VICT )
        if ( vch == NULL || vch->in_room == NULL )
            log_error( "TO_VICT type, but %s is NULL", vch ? "vch->in_room" : "vch" );
        to = vch->in_room->people;

     * If nobody is in the room (at all), just stop here
    if ( to == NULL )

     * Ok, someone can hear us... parse the varargs!
    va_start( arg, hide_invis );
    vsnprintf( Str, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, format, arg );
    va_end( arg );

     * This loop goes through everyone in the target room
    for ( ; to != NULL; to = to->next_in_room )
         * If anyone can't here us, skip them 
        if ( !IS_NPC( to ) && to->desc == NULL )
        if ( IS_NPC( to ) && !HAS_TRIGGER( to, TRIG_ACT ) )
        if ( to->position < min_pos )
        if ( !can_see( to, ch ) && hide_invis )
        if ( type == TO_CHAR && to != ch )
        if ( type == TO_VICT && ( to != vch || to == ch ) )
        if ( type == TO_ROOM && to == ch )
        if ( type == TO_NOTVICT && ( to == ch || to == vch ) )

         * Now parse the act-tokens for the current recipient 
        for ( strp = Str, point = buf;; )
            if ( *strp == '$' )
                switch ( *( ++strp ) )
                        log_error( "Illegal $-code to act(): $%c in %s", *strp, Str );
                        i = "$?";
                    case '$':
                        i = "$";
                    case 't':
                        if ( arg1 == NULL )
                            log_error( "NULL arg1 to act(): $%c in %s", *strp, Str );
                            i = "$?";
                            i = ( const char * ) arg1;
                    case 'T':
                        if ( arg2 == NULL )
                            log_error( "NULL arg2 to act(): $%c in %s", *strp, Str );
                            i = "$?";
                            i = ( const char * ) arg2;
                    case 'n':
                        i = PERS( ch, to );
                    case 'N':
                        i = PERS( vch, to );
                    case 'e':
                        i = HESHE( ch );
                    case 'E':
                        i = HESHE( vch );
                    case 'm':
                        i = HIMHER( ch );
                    case 'M':
                        i = HIMHER( vch );
                    case 's':
                        i = HISHER( ch );
                    case 'S':
                        i = HISHER( vch );

                    case 'p':
                        i = OPERS( obj1, to );
                    case 'P':
                        i = OPERS( obj2, to );

                    case 'a':
                        i = ANA( obj1->name );
                    case 'A':
                        i = ANA( obj2->name );

                    case 'd':
                        if ( arg2 == NULL || ( ( const char * ) arg2 )[0] == '\0' )
                            i = "door";
                            one_argument( ( const char * ) arg2, fname );
                            i = fname;
                while ( ( *point = *( i++ ) ) )
            else if ( !( *( point++ ) = *( strp++ ) ) )

        *( --point ) = '\r';
        *( ++point ) = '\n';
        *( ++point ) = '\0';

        buf[0] = UPPER( buf[0] );
        if ( to->desc != NULL )
            write_to_buffer( to->desc, buf, point - buf );
        else if ( MOBtrigger )
            mp_act_trigger( buf, to, ch, arg1, arg2, TRIG_ACT );

        if ( ( type == TO_VICT ) || ( type == TO_CHAR ) )

void wiznet( const char *format, CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj,
             int flag, int flag_skip, int min_level )
    if ( format == NULL || format[0] == '\0' )

    wiz_printf( ch, obj, flag, flag_skip, min_level, "%s", format );

void wiz_printf( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, int flag, int flag_skip,
                 int min_level, const char *format, ... )
    va_list                 arg;
    char                    Str[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d = NULL;

    if ( format == NULL || format[0] == '\0' )

    va_start( arg, format );
    vsnprintf( Str, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, format, arg );
    va_end( arg );

    for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next )
        if ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING
             && IS_IMMORTAL( d->character )
             && IS_SET( d->character->wiznet, WIZ_ON )
             && ( !flag || IS_SET( d->character->wiznet, flag ) )
             && ( !flag_skip || !IS_SET( d->character->wiznet, flag_skip ) )
             && get_trust( d->character ) >= min_level && d->character != ch )
            act_printf( "%s%s", d->character, obj, ch, TO_CHAR, POS_DEAD, false,
                        IS_SET( d->character->wiznet, WIZ_PREFIX ) ? "--> " : "", Str );