RaM Fire Updated/
 * RAM $Id: mob_prog.c 67 2009-01-05 00:39:32Z quixadhal $

 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

*        ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1995 Russ Taylor                        *
*        ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium                 *
*            Russ Taylor (rtaylor@pacinfo.com)                             *
*            Gabrielle Taylor (gtaylor@pacinfo.com)                        *
*            Brian Moore (rom@rom.efn.org)                                 *
*        By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the    *
*        ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license                    *

 *                                                                         *
 *  MOBprograms for ROM 2.4 v0.98g (C) M.Nylander 1996                     *
 *  Based on MERC 2.2 MOBprograms concept by N'Atas-ha.                    *
 *  Written and adapted to ROM 2.4 by                                      *
 *          Markku Nylander (markku.nylander@uta.fi)                       *
 *  This code may be copied and distributed as per the ROM license.        *
 *                                                                         *

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "merc.h"
#include "interp.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "act.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "random.h"

int                     keyword_lookup( const char **table, char *keyword );
bool                    num_eval( int lval, int oper, int rval );
CHAR_DATA              *get_random_char( CHAR_DATA *mob );
int                     count_people_room( const CHAR_DATA *mob, int iFlag );
int                     get_order( CHAR_DATA *ch );
bool                    has_item( const CHAR_DATA *ch, int vnum, int item_type,
                                  bool fWear );
bool                    get_mob_vnum_room( CHAR_DATA *ch, int vnum );
bool                    get_obj_vnum_room( CHAR_DATA *ch, int vnum );
bool                    cmd_eval( int vnum, const char *line, int check,
                                  CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch,
                                  const void *arg1, const void *arg2, CHAR_DATA *rch );
void                    expand_arg( char *buf,
                                    const char *format,
                                    CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch,
                                    const void *arg1, const void *arg2, CHAR_DATA *rch );

 * These defines correspond to the entries in fn_keyword[] table.
 * If you add a new if_check, you must also add a #define here.
#define CHK_RAND           (0)
#define CHK_MOBHERE     (1)
#define CHK_OBJHERE     (2)
#define CHK_MOBEXISTS   (3)
#define CHK_OBJEXISTS   (4)
#define CHK_PEOPLE      (5)
#define CHK_PLAYERS     (6)
#define CHK_MOBS        (7)
#define CHK_CLONES      (8)
#define CHK_ORDER       (9)
#define CHK_HOUR        (10)
#define CHK_ISPC        (11)
#define CHK_ISNPC       (12)
#define CHK_ISGOOD      (13)
#define CHK_ISEVIL      (14)
#define CHK_ISNEUTRAL   (15)
#define CHK_ISIMMORT    (16)
#define CHK_ISCHARM     (17)
#define CHK_ISFOLLOW    (18)
#define CHK_ISACTIVE    (19)
#define CHK_ISDELAY     (20)
#define CHK_ISVISIBLE   (21)
#define CHK_HASTARGET   (22)
#define CHK_ISTARGET    (23)
#define CHK_EXISTS      (24)
#define CHK_AFFECTED    (25)
#define CHK_ACT         (26)
#define CHK_OFF         (27)
#define CHK_IMM         (28)
#define CHK_CARRIES     (29)
#define CHK_WEARS       (30)
#define CHK_HAS         (31)
#define CHK_USES        (32)
#define CHK_NAME        (33)
#define CHK_POS         (34)
#define CHK_CLAN        (35)
#define CHK_RACE        (36)
#define CHK_CLASS       (37)
#define CHK_OBJTYPE     (38)
#define CHK_VNUM        (39)
#define CHK_HPCNT       (40)
#define CHK_ROOM        (41)
#define CHK_SEX         (42)
#define CHK_LEVEL       (43)
#define CHK_ALIGN       (44)
#define CHK_MONEY       (45)
#define CHK_OBJVAL0     (46)
#define CHK_OBJVAL1     (47)
#define CHK_OBJVAL2     (48)
#define CHK_OBJVAL3     (49)
#define CHK_OBJVAL4     (50)
#define CHK_GRPSIZE     (51)

 * These defines correspond to the entries in fn_evals[] table.
#define EVAL_EQ            0
#define EVAL_GE            1
#define EVAL_LE            2
#define EVAL_GT            3
#define EVAL_LT            4
#define EVAL_NE            5

 * if-check keywords:
const char             *fn_keyword[] = {
    "rand",                                            /* if rand 30 - if random number < 
                                                        * 30 */
    "mobhere",                                         /* if mobhere fido - is there a
                                                        * 'fido' here */
     * if mobhere 1233 - is there mob vnum 1233 here 
    "objhere",                                         /* if objhere bottle - is there a
                                                        * 'bottle' here */
     * if objhere 1233 - is there obj vnum 1233 here 
    "mobexists",                                       /* if mobexists fido - is there a
                                                        * fido somewhere */
    "objexists",                                       /* if objexists sword - is there a 
                                                        * sword somewhere */

    "people",                                          /* if people > 4 - does room
                                                        * contain > 4 people */
    "players",                                         /* if players > 1 - does room
                                                        * contain > 1 pcs */
    "mobs",                                            /* if mobs > 2 - does room contain 
                                                        * > 2 mobiles */
    "clones",                                          /* if clones > 3 - are there > 3
                                                        * mobs of same vnum here */
    "order",                                           /* if order == 0 - is mob the
                                                        * first in room */
    "hour",                                            /* if hour > 11 - is the time > 11 
                                                        * o'clock */

    "ispc",                                            /* if ispc $n - is $n a pc */
    "isnpc",                                           /* if isnpc $n - is $n a mobile */
    "isgood",                                          /* if isgood $n - is $n good */
    "isevil",                                          /* if isevil $n - is $n evil */
    "isneutral",                                       /* if isneutral $n - is $n neutral 
    "isimmort",                                        /* if isimmort $n - is $n immortal 
    "ischarm",                                         /* if ischarm $n - is $n charmed */
    "isfollow",                                        /* if isfollow $n - is $n
                                                        * following someone */
    "isactive",                                        /* if isactive $n - is $n's
                                                        * position > SLEEPING */
    "isdelay",                                         /* if isdelay $i - does $i have
                                                        * mobprog pending */
    "isvisible",                                       /* if isvisible $n - can mob see
                                                        * $n */
    "hastarget",                                       /* if hastarget $i - does $i have
                                                        * a valid target */
    "istarget",                                        /* if istarget $n - is $n mob's
                                                        * target */
    "exists",                                          /* if exists $n - does $n exist
                                                        * somewhere */

    "affected",                                        /* if affected $n blind - is $n
                                                        * affected by blind */
    "act",                                             /* if act $i sentinel - is $i
                                                        * flagged sentinel */
    "off",                                             /* if off $i berserk - is $i
                                                        * flagged berserk */
    "imm",                                             /* if imm $i fire - is $i immune
                                                        * to fire */
    "carries",                                         /* if carries $n sword - does $n
                                                        * have a 'sword' */
     * if carries $n 1233 - does $n have obj vnum 1233 
    "wears",                                           /* if wears $n lantern - is $n
                                                        * wearing a 'lantern' */
     * if wears $n 1233 - is $n wearing obj vnum 1233 
    "has",                                             /* if has $n weapon - does $n have 
                                                        * obj of type weapon */
    "uses",                                            /* if uses $n armor - is $n
                                                        * wearing obj of type armor */
    "name",                                            /* if name $n puff - is $n's name
                                                        * 'puff' */
    "pos",                                             /* if pos $n standing - is $n
                                                        * standing */
    "clan",                                            /* if clan $n 'whatever'- does $n
                                                        * belong to clan 'whatever' */
    "race",                                            /* if race $n dragon - is $n of
                                                        * 'dragon' race */
    "class",                                           /* if class $n mage - is $n's
                                                        * class 'mage' */
    "objtype",                                         /* if objtype $p scroll - is $p a
                                                        * scroll */

    "vnum",                                            /* if vnum $i == 1233 - virtual
                                                        * number check */
    "hpcnt",                                           /* if hpcnt $i > 30 - hit point
                                                        * percent check */
    "room",                                            /* if room $i == 1233 - room
                                                        * virtual number */
    "sex",                                             /* if sex $i == 0 - sex check */
    "level",                                           /* if level $n < 5 - level check */
    "align",                                           /* if align $n < -1000 - alignment 
                                                        * check */
    "money",                                           /* if money $n */
    "objval0",                                         /* if objval0 > 1000 - object
                                                        * value[] checks 0..4 */
    "grpsize",                                         /* if grpsize $n > 6 - group size
                                                        * check */

    "\n"                                               /* Table terminator */

const char             *fn_evals[] = {

 * Return a valid keyword from a keyword table
int keyword_lookup( const char **table, char *keyword )
    int                     i = -1;

    for ( i = 0; table[i][0] != '\n'; i++ )
        if ( !str_cmp( table[i], keyword ) )
            return ( i );
    return -1;

 * Perform numeric evaluation.
 * Called by cmd_eval()
bool num_eval( int lval, int oper, int rval )
    switch ( oper )
        case EVAL_EQ:
            return ( lval == rval );
        case EVAL_GE:
            return ( lval >= rval );
        case EVAL_LE:
            return ( lval <= rval );
        case EVAL_NE:
            return ( lval != rval );
        case EVAL_GT:
            return ( lval > rval );
        case EVAL_LT:
            return ( lval < rval );
            log_error( "num_eval: invalid oper" );
            return false;

 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Get a random PC in the room (for $r parameter)
CHAR_DATA              *get_random_char( CHAR_DATA *mob )
    CHAR_DATA              *vch = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *victim = NULL;
    int                     now = 0;
    int                     highest = 0;

    for ( vch = mob->in_room->people; vch; vch = vch->next_in_room )
        if ( mob != vch
             && !IS_NPC( vch )
             && can_see( mob, vch ) && ( now = number_percent(  ) ) > highest )
            victim = vch;
            highest = now;
    return victim;

 * How many other players / mobs are there in the room
 * iFlag: 0: all, 1: players, 2: mobiles 3: mobs w/ same vnum 4: same group
int count_people_room( const CHAR_DATA *mob, int iFlag )
    CHAR_DATA              *vch = NULL;
    int                     count = 0;

    for ( count = 0, vch = mob->in_room->people; vch; vch = vch->next_in_room )
        if ( mob != vch
             && ( iFlag == 0
                  || ( iFlag == 1 && !IS_NPC( vch ) )
                  || ( iFlag == 2 && IS_NPC( vch ) )
                  || ( iFlag == 3 && IS_NPC( mob ) && IS_NPC( vch )
                       && mob->pIndexData->vnum == vch->pIndexData->vnum )
                  || ( iFlag == 4 && is_same_group( mob, vch ) ) )
             && can_see( mob, vch ) )
    return ( count );

 * Get the order of a mob in the room. Useful when several mobs in
 * a room have the same trigger and you want only the first of them
 * to act 
int get_order( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    CHAR_DATA              *vch = NULL;
    int                     i = 0;

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
        return 0;
    for ( i = 0, vch = ch->in_room->people; vch; vch = vch->next_in_room )
        if ( vch == ch )
            return i;
        if ( IS_NPC( vch ) && vch->pIndexData->vnum == ch->pIndexData->vnum )
    return 0;

 * Check if ch has a given item or item type
 * vnum: item vnum or -1
 * item_type: item type or -1
 * fWear: true: item must be worn, false: don't care
bool has_item( const CHAR_DATA *ch, int vnum, int item_type, bool fWear )
    OBJ_DATA               *obj = NULL;

    for ( obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
        if ( ( vnum < 0 || obj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
             && ( item_type < 0 || obj->pIndexData->item_type == item_type )
             && ( !fWear || obj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE ) )
            return true;
    return false;

 * Check if there's a mob with given vnum in the room
bool get_mob_vnum_room( CHAR_DATA *ch, int vnum )
    CHAR_DATA              *mob = NULL;

    for ( mob = ch->in_room->people; mob; mob = mob->next_in_room )
        if ( IS_NPC( mob ) && mob->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
            return true;
    return false;

 * Check if there's an object with given vnum in the room
bool get_obj_vnum_room( CHAR_DATA *ch, int vnum )
    OBJ_DATA               *obj = NULL;

    for ( obj = ch->in_room->contents; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
        if ( obj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
            return true;
    return false;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This monster evaluates an if/or/and statement
 * There are five kinds of statement:
 * 1) keyword and value (no $-code)            if random 30
 * 2) keyword, comparison and value            if people > 2
 * 3) keyword and actor                        if isnpc $n
 * 4) keyword, actor and value                 if carries $n sword
 * 5) keyword, actor, comparison and value     if level $n >= 10
bool cmd_eval( int vnum, const char *line, int check,
               CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch,
               const void *arg1, const void *arg2, CHAR_DATA *rch )
    const CHAR_DATA        *lval_char = mob;
    const CHAR_DATA        *vch = ( const CHAR_DATA * ) arg2;
    const OBJ_DATA         *obj1 = ( const OBJ_DATA * ) arg1;
    const OBJ_DATA         *obj2 = ( const OBJ_DATA * ) arg2;
    const OBJ_DATA         *lval_obj = NULL;

    const char             *original = line;
    char                    buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                    code = '\0';
    int                     lval = 0;
    int                     oper = 0;
    int                     rval = -1;

    line = one_argument( line, buf );
    if ( buf[0] == '\0' || mob == NULL )
        return true;

     * If this mobile has no target, let's assume our victim is the one
    if ( mob->mprog_target == NULL )
        mob->mprog_target = ch;

    switch ( check )
             * Case 1: keyword and value
        case CHK_RAND:
            return ( atoi( buf ) < number_percent(  ) );
        case CHK_MOBHERE:
            if ( is_number( buf ) )
                return ( get_mob_vnum_room( mob, atoi( buf ) ) );
                return ( ( bool ) ( get_char_room( mob, buf ) != NULL ) );
        case CHK_OBJHERE:
            if ( is_number( buf ) )
                return ( get_obj_vnum_room( mob, atoi( buf ) ) );
                return ( ( bool ) ( get_obj_here( mob, buf ) != NULL ) );
        case CHK_MOBEXISTS:
            return ( ( bool ) ( get_char_world( mob, buf ) != NULL ) );
        case CHK_OBJEXISTS:
            return ( ( bool ) ( get_obj_world( mob, buf ) != NULL ) );
             * Case 2 begins here: We sneakily use rval to indicate need
             *                        for numeric eval...
        case CHK_PEOPLE:
            rval = count_people_room( mob, 0 );
        case CHK_PLAYERS:
            rval = count_people_room( mob, 1 );
        case CHK_MOBS:
            rval = count_people_room( mob, 2 );
        case CHK_CLONES:
            rval = count_people_room( mob, 3 );
        case CHK_ORDER:
            rval = get_order( mob );
        case CHK_HOUR:
            rval = time_info.hour;

     * Case 2 continued: evaluate expression
    if ( rval >= 0 )
        if ( ( oper = keyword_lookup( fn_evals, buf ) ) < 0 )
            log_error( "Cmd_eval: prog %d syntax error(2) '%s'", vnum, original );
            return false;
        one_argument( line, buf );
        lval = rval;
        rval = atoi( buf );
        return ( num_eval( lval, oper, rval ) );

     * Case 3,4,5: Grab actors from $* codes
    if ( buf[0] != '$' || buf[1] == '\0' )
        log_error( "Cmd_eval: prog %d syntax error(3) '%s'", vnum, original );
        return false;
        code = buf[1];
    switch ( code )
        case 'i':
            lval_char = mob;
        case 'n':
            lval_char = ch;
        case 't':
            lval_char = vch;
        case 'r':
            lval_char = rch == NULL ? get_random_char( mob ) : rch;
        case 'o':
            lval_obj = obj1;
        case 'p':
            lval_obj = obj2;
        case 'q':
            lval_char = mob->mprog_target;
            log_error( "Cmd_eval: prog %d syntax error(4) '%s'", vnum, original );
            return false;
     * From now on, we need an actor, so if none was found, bail out
    if ( lval_char == NULL && lval_obj == NULL )
        return false;

     * Case 3: Keyword, comparison and value
    switch ( check )
        case CHK_ISPC:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && !IS_NPC( lval_char ) );
        case CHK_ISNPC:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && IS_NPC( lval_char ) );
        case CHK_ISGOOD:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && IS_GOOD( lval_char ) );
        case CHK_ISEVIL:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && IS_EVIL( lval_char ) );
        case CHK_ISNEUTRAL:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && IS_NEUTRAL( lval_char ) );
        case CHK_ISIMMORT:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && IS_IMMORTAL( lval_char ) );
        case CHK_ISCHARM:                             /* MERC 2.2 */
            return ( lval_char != NULL && IS_AFFECTED( lval_char, AFF_CHARM ) );
        case CHK_ISFOLLOW:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->master != NULL
                     && lval_char->master->in_room == lval_char->in_room );
        case CHK_ISACTIVE:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->position > POS_SLEEPING );
        case CHK_ISDELAY:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->mprog_delay > 0 );
        case CHK_ISVISIBLE:
            switch ( code )
                case 'i':
                case 'n':
                case 't':
                case 'r':
                case 'q':
                    return ( lval_char != NULL && can_see( mob, lval_char ) );
                case 'o':
                case 'p':
                    return ( lval_obj != NULL && can_see_obj( mob, lval_obj ) );
        case CHK_HASTARGET:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->mprog_target != NULL
                     && lval_char->in_room == lval_char->mprog_target->in_room );
        case CHK_ISTARGET:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && mob->mprog_target == lval_char );

     * Case 4: Keyword, actor and value
    line = one_argument( line, buf );
    switch ( check )
        case CHK_AFFECTED:
            return ( lval_char != NULL
                     && IS_SET( lval_char->affected_by,
                                flag_lookup( buf, affect_flags ) ) );
        case CHK_ACT:
            return ( lval_char != NULL
                     && IS_SET( lval_char->act, flag_lookup( buf, act_flags ) ) );
        case CHK_IMM:
            return ( lval_char != NULL
                     && IS_SET( lval_char->imm_flags, flag_lookup( buf, imm_flags ) ) );
        case CHK_OFF:
            return ( lval_char != NULL
                     && IS_SET( lval_char->off_flags, flag_lookup( buf, off_flags ) ) );
        case CHK_CARRIES:
            if ( is_number( buf ) )
                return ( lval_char != NULL
                         && has_item( lval_char, atoi( buf ), -1, false ) );
                return ( lval_char != NULL
                         && ( get_obj_carry( lval_char, buf, lval_char ) != NULL ) );
        case CHK_WEARS:
            if ( is_number( buf ) )
                return ( lval_char != NULL
                         && has_item( lval_char, atoi( buf ), -1, true ) );
                return ( lval_char != NULL
                         && ( get_obj_wear( lval_char, buf ) != NULL ) );
        case CHK_HAS:
            return ( lval_char != NULL
                     && has_item( lval_char, -1, item_lookup( buf ), false ) );
        case CHK_USES:
            return ( lval_char != NULL
                     && has_item( lval_char, -1, item_lookup( buf ), true ) );
        case CHK_NAME:
            switch ( code )
                case 'i':
                case 'n':
                case 't':
                case 'r':
                case 'q':
                    return ( lval_char != NULL && is_name( buf, lval_char->name ) );
                case 'o':
                case 'p':
                    return ( lval_obj != NULL && is_name( buf, lval_obj->name ) );
        case CHK_POS:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->position == position_lookup( buf ) );
        case CHK_CLAN:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->clan == clan_lookup( buf ) );
        case CHK_RACE:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->race == race_lookup( buf ) );
        case CHK_CLASS:
            return ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->iclass == class_lookup( buf ) );
        case CHK_OBJTYPE:
            return ( lval_obj != NULL && lval_obj->item_type == item_lookup( buf ) );

     * Case 5: Keyword, actor, comparison and value
    if ( ( oper = keyword_lookup( fn_evals, buf ) ) < 0 )
        log_error( "Cmd_eval: prog %d syntax error(5): '%s'", vnum, original );
        return false;
    one_argument( line, buf );
    rval = atoi( buf );

    switch ( check )
        case CHK_VNUM:
            switch ( code )
                case 'i':
                case 'n':
                case 't':
                case 'r':
                case 'q':
                    if ( lval_char != NULL && IS_NPC( lval_char ) )
                        lval = lval_char->pIndexData->vnum;
                case 'o':
                case 'p':
                    if ( lval_obj != NULL )
                        lval = lval_obj->pIndexData->vnum;
        case CHK_HPCNT:
            if ( lval_char != NULL )
                lval = ( lval_char->hit * 100 ) / ( UMAX( 1, lval_char->max_hit ) );
        case CHK_ROOM:
            if ( lval_char != NULL && lval_char->in_room != NULL )
                lval = lval_char->in_room->vnum;
        case CHK_SEX:
            if ( lval_char != NULL )
                lval = lval_char->sex;
        case CHK_LEVEL:
            if ( lval_char != NULL )
                lval = lval_char->level;
        case CHK_ALIGN:
            if ( lval_char != NULL )
                lval = lval_char->alignment;
        case CHK_MONEY:                               /* Money is converted to silver... 
            if ( lval_char != NULL )
                lval = lval_char->gold + ( lval_char->silver * 100 );
        case CHK_OBJVAL0:
            if ( lval_obj != NULL )
                lval = lval_obj->value[0];
        case CHK_OBJVAL1:
            if ( lval_obj != NULL )
                lval = lval_obj->value[1];
        case CHK_OBJVAL2:
            if ( lval_obj != NULL )
                lval = lval_obj->value[2];
        case CHK_OBJVAL3:
            if ( lval_obj != NULL )
                lval = lval_obj->value[3];
        case CHK_OBJVAL4:
            if ( lval_obj != NULL )
                lval = lval_obj->value[4];
        case CHK_GRPSIZE:
            if ( lval_char != NULL )
                lval = count_people_room( lval_char, 4 );
            return false;
    return ( num_eval( lval, oper, rval ) );

 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This is a hack of act() in comm.c. I've added some safety guards,
 * so that missing or invalid $-codes do not crash the server
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void expand_arg( char *buf,
                 const char *format,
                 CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch,
                 const void *arg1, const void *arg2, CHAR_DATA *rch )
    static const char      *const he_she[] = { "it", "he", "she" };
    static const char      *const him_her[] = { "it", "him", "her" };
    static const char      *const his_her[] = { "its", "his", "her" };
    const char             *someone = "someone";
    const char             *something = "something";
    const char             *someones = "someone's";

    char                    fname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    const CHAR_DATA        *vch = ( const CHAR_DATA * ) arg2;
    const OBJ_DATA         *obj1 = ( const OBJ_DATA * ) arg1;
    const OBJ_DATA         *obj2 = ( const OBJ_DATA * ) arg2;
    const char             *str = NULL;
    const char             *i = NULL;
    char                   *point = NULL;

     * Discard null and zero-length messages.
    if ( format == NULL || format[0] == '\0' )

    point = buf;
    str = format;
    while ( *str != '\0' )
        if ( *str != '$' )
            *point++ = *str++;

        switch ( *str )
                log_error( "Expand_arg: bad code %d.", *str );
                i = " <@@@> ";
            case 'i':
                one_argument( mob->name, fname );
                i = fname;
            case 'I':
                i = mob->short_descr;
            case 'n':
                i = someone;
                if ( ch != NULL && can_see( mob, ch ) )
                    one_argument( ch->name, fname );
                    i = capitalize( fname );
            case 'N':
                i = ( ch != NULL && can_see( mob, ch ) )
                    ? ( IS_NPC( ch ) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name ) : someone;
            case 't':
                i = someone;
                if ( vch != NULL && can_see( mob, vch ) )
                    one_argument( vch->name, fname );
                    i = capitalize( fname );
            case 'T':
                i = ( vch != NULL && can_see( mob, vch ) )
                    ? ( IS_NPC( vch ) ? vch->short_descr : vch->name ) : someone;
            case 'r':
                if ( rch == NULL )
                    rch = get_random_char( mob );
                i = someone;
                if ( rch != NULL && can_see( mob, rch ) )
                    one_argument( rch->name, fname );
                    i = capitalize( fname );
            case 'R':
                if ( rch == NULL )
                    rch = get_random_char( mob );
                i = ( rch != NULL && can_see( mob, rch ) )
                    ? ( IS_NPC( ch ) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name ) : someone;
            case 'q':
                i = someone;
                if ( mob->mprog_target != NULL && can_see( mob, mob->mprog_target ) )
                    one_argument( mob->mprog_target->name, fname );
                    i = capitalize( fname );
            case 'Q':
                i = ( mob->mprog_target != NULL && can_see( mob, mob->mprog_target ) )
                    ? ( IS_NPC( mob->mprog_target ) ? mob->mprog_target->
                        short_descr : mob->mprog_target->name ) : someone;
            case 'j':
                i = he_she[URANGE( 0, mob->sex, 2 )];
            case 'e':
                i = ( ch != NULL && can_see( mob, ch ) )
                    ? he_she[URANGE( 0, ch->sex, 2 )] : someone;
            case 'E':
                i = ( vch != NULL && can_see( mob, vch ) )
                    ? he_she[URANGE( 0, vch->sex, 2 )] : someone;
            case 'J':
                i = ( rch != NULL && can_see( mob, rch ) )
                    ? he_she[URANGE( 0, rch->sex, 2 )] : someone;
            case 'X':
                i = ( mob->mprog_target != NULL && can_see( mob, mob->mprog_target ) )
                    ? he_she[URANGE( 0, mob->mprog_target->sex, 2 )] : someone;
            case 'k':
                i = him_her[URANGE( 0, mob->sex, 2 )];
            case 'm':
                i = ( ch != NULL && can_see( mob, ch ) )
                    ? him_her[URANGE( 0, ch->sex, 2 )] : someone;
            case 'M':
                i = ( vch != NULL && can_see( mob, vch ) )
                    ? him_her[URANGE( 0, vch->sex, 2 )] : someone;
            case 'K':
                if ( rch == NULL )
                    rch = get_random_char( mob );
                i = ( rch != NULL && can_see( mob, rch ) )
                    ? him_her[URANGE( 0, rch->sex, 2 )] : someone;
            case 'Y':
                i = ( mob->mprog_target != NULL && can_see( mob, mob->mprog_target ) )
                    ? him_her[URANGE( 0, mob->mprog_target->sex, 2 )] : someone;
            case 'l':
                i = his_her[URANGE( 0, mob->sex, 2 )];
            case 's':
                i = ( ch != NULL && can_see( mob, ch ) )
                    ? his_her[URANGE( 0, ch->sex, 2 )] : someones;
            case 'S':
                i = ( vch != NULL && can_see( mob, vch ) )
                    ? his_her[URANGE( 0, vch->sex, 2 )] : someones;
            case 'L':
                if ( rch == NULL )
                    rch = get_random_char( mob );
                i = ( rch != NULL && can_see( mob, rch ) )
                    ? his_her[URANGE( 0, rch->sex, 2 )] : someones;
            case 'Z':
                i = ( mob->mprog_target != NULL && can_see( mob, mob->mprog_target ) )
                    ? his_her[URANGE( 0, mob->mprog_target->sex, 2 )] : someones;
            case 'o':
                i = something;
                if ( obj1 != NULL && can_see_obj( mob, obj1 ) )
                    one_argument( obj1->name, fname );
                    i = fname;
            case 'O':
                i = ( obj1 != NULL && can_see_obj( mob, obj1 ) )
                    ? obj1->short_descr : something;
            case 'p':
                i = something;
                if ( obj2 != NULL && can_see_obj( mob, obj2 ) )
                    one_argument( obj2->name, fname );
                    i = fname;
            case 'P':
                i = ( obj2 != NULL && can_see_obj( mob, obj2 ) )
                    ? obj2->short_descr : something;

        while ( ( *point = *i ) != '\0' )
            ++point, ++i;

    *point = '\0';


 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  This is the program driver. It parses the mob program code lines
 *  and passes "executable" commands to interpret()
 *  Lines beginning with 'mob' are passed to mob_interpret() to handle
 *  special mob commands (in mob_cmds.c)

#define MAX_NESTED_LEVEL 12                            /* Maximum nested if-else-endif's
                                                        * (stack size) */
#define BEGIN_BLOCK       0                            /* Flag: Begin of if-else-endif
                                                        * block */
#define IN_BLOCK         -1                            /* Flag: Executable statements */
#define END_BLOCK        -2                            /* Flag: End of if-else-endif
                                                        * block */
#define MAX_CALL_LEVEL    5                            /* Maximum nested calls */

void program_flow( int pvnum,                          /* For diagnostic purposes */
                   char *source,                       /* the actual MOBprog code */
                   CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch, const void *arg1, const void *arg2 )
    CHAR_DATA              *rch = NULL;
    char                   *code = NULL;
    const char             *line = NULL;
    char                    buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                    control[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    char                    data[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";

    static int              call_level = 0;            /* Keep track of nested "mpcall"s */

    int                     level = 0;
    bool                    eval = false;
    int                     check = 0;
    int                     state[MAX_NESTED_LEVEL];   /* Block state (BEGIN,IN,END) */
    bool                    cond[MAX_NESTED_LEVEL];    /* Boolean value based on the last 
                                                        * if-check */

    int                     mvnum = mob->pIndexData->vnum;

    if ( ++call_level > MAX_CALL_LEVEL )
        log_error( "MOBprogs: MAX_CALL_LEVEL exceeded, vnum %d", mob->pIndexData->vnum );

     * Reset "stack"
    for ( level = 0; level < MAX_NESTED_LEVEL; level++ )
        state[level] = IN_BLOCK;
        cond[level] = true;
    level = 0;

    code = source;
     * Parse the MOBprog code
    while ( *code )
        bool                    is_first_arg = true;
        char                   *b = buf;
        char                   *c = control;
        char                   *d = data;

         * Get a command line. We sneakily get both the control word
         * (if/and/or) and the rest of the line in one pass.
        while ( isspace( *code ) && *code )
        while ( *code )
            if ( *code == '\n' || *code == '\r' )
            else if ( isspace( *code ) )
                if ( is_first_arg )
                    is_first_arg = false;
                    *d++ = *code;
                if ( is_first_arg )
                    *c++ = *code;
                    *d++ = *code;
            *b++ = *code++;
        *b = *c = *d = '\0';

        if ( buf[0] == '\0' )
        if ( buf[0] == '*' )                           /* Comment */

        line = data;
         * Match control words
        if ( !str_cmp( control, "if" ) )
            if ( state[level] == BEGIN_BLOCK )
                log_error( "Mobprog: misplaced if statement, mob %d prog %d",
                           mvnum, pvnum );
            state[level] = BEGIN_BLOCK;
            if ( ++level >= MAX_NESTED_LEVEL )
                log_error( "Mobprog: Max nested level exceeded, mob %d prog %d",
                           mvnum, pvnum );
            if ( level && cond[level - 1] == false )
                cond[level] = false;
            line = one_argument( line, control );
            if ( ( check = keyword_lookup( fn_keyword, control ) ) >= 0 )
                cond[level] = cmd_eval( pvnum, line, check, mob, ch, arg1, arg2, rch );
                log_error( "Mobprog: invalid if_check (if), mob %d prog %d",
                           mvnum, pvnum );
            state[level] = END_BLOCK;
        else if ( !str_cmp( control, "or" ) )
            if ( !level || state[level - 1] != BEGIN_BLOCK )
                log_error( "Mobprog: or without if, mob %d prog %d", mvnum, pvnum );
            if ( level && cond[level - 1] == false )
            line = one_argument( line, control );
            if ( ( check = keyword_lookup( fn_keyword, control ) ) >= 0 )
                eval = cmd_eval( pvnum, line, check, mob, ch, arg1, arg2, rch );
                log_error( "Mobprog: invalid if_check (or), mob %d prog %d",
                           mvnum, pvnum );
            cond[level] = ( eval == true ) ? true : cond[level];
        else if ( !str_cmp( control, "and" ) )
            if ( !level || state[level - 1] != BEGIN_BLOCK )
                log_error( "Mobprog: and without if, mob %d prog %d", mvnum, pvnum );
            if ( level && cond[level - 1] == false )
            line = one_argument( line, control );
            if ( ( check = keyword_lookup( fn_keyword, control ) ) >= 0 )
                eval = cmd_eval( pvnum, line, check, mob, ch, arg1, arg2, rch );
                log_error( "Mobprog: invalid if_check (and), mob %d prog %d",
                           mvnum, pvnum );
            cond[level] = ( cond[level] == true ) && ( eval == true ) ? true : false;
        else if ( !str_cmp( control, "endif" ) )
            if ( !level || state[level - 1] != BEGIN_BLOCK )
                log_error( "Mobprog: endif without if, mob %d prog %d", mvnum, pvnum );
            cond[level] = true;
            state[level] = IN_BLOCK;
            state[--level] = END_BLOCK;
        else if ( !str_cmp( control, "else" ) )
            if ( !level || state[level - 1] != BEGIN_BLOCK )
                log_error( "Mobprog: else without if, mob %d prog %d", mvnum, pvnum );
            if ( level && cond[level - 1] == false )
            state[level] = IN_BLOCK;
            cond[level] = ( cond[level] == true ) ? false : true;
        else if ( cond[level] == true
                  && ( !str_cmp( control, "break" ) || !str_cmp( control, "end" ) ) )
        else if ( ( !level || cond[level] == true ) && buf[0] != '\0' )
            state[level] = IN_BLOCK;
            expand_arg( data, buf, mob, ch, arg1, arg2, rch );
            if ( !str_cmp( control, "mob" ) )
                 * Found a mob restricted command, pass it to mob interpreter
                line = one_argument( data, control );
                mob_interpret( mob, line );
                 * Found a normal mud command, pass it to interpreter
                interpret( mob, data );

 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Trigger handlers. These are called from various parts of the code
 * when an event is triggered.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

 * A general purpose string trigger. Matches argument to a string trigger
 * phrase.
void mp_act_trigger( const char *argument, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch,
                     const void *arg1, const void *arg2, int type )
    MPROG_LIST             *prg = NULL;

    for ( prg = mob->pIndexData->mprogs; prg != NULL; prg = prg->next )
        if ( prg->trig_type == type && strstr( argument, prg->trig_phrase ) != NULL )
            program_flow( prg->vnum, prg->code, mob, ch, arg1, arg2 );

 * A general purpose percentage trigger. Checks if a random percentage
 * number is less than trigger phrase
bool mp_percent_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch,
                         const void *arg1, const void *arg2, int type )
    MPROG_LIST             *prg = NULL;

    for ( prg = mob->pIndexData->mprogs; prg != NULL; prg = prg->next )
        if ( prg->trig_type == type && number_percent(  ) < atoi( prg->trig_phrase ) )
            program_flow( prg->vnum, prg->code, mob, ch, arg1, arg2 );
            return ( true );
    return ( false );

void mp_bribe_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch, int amount )
    MPROG_LIST             *prg = NULL;

     * Original MERC 2.2 MOBprograms used to create a money object
     * and give it to the mobile. WFT was that? Funcs in act_obj()
     * handle it just fine.
    for ( prg = mob->pIndexData->mprogs; prg; prg = prg->next )
        if ( prg->trig_type == TRIG_BRIBE && amount >= atoi( prg->trig_phrase ) )
            program_flow( prg->vnum, prg->code, mob, ch, NULL, NULL );

bool mp_exit_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, int dir )
    CHAR_DATA              *mob = NULL;
    MPROG_LIST             *prg = NULL;

    for ( mob = ch->in_room->people; mob != NULL; mob = mob->next_in_room )
        if ( IS_NPC( mob )
             && ( HAS_TRIGGER( mob, TRIG_EXIT ) || HAS_TRIGGER( mob, TRIG_EXALL ) ) )
            for ( prg = mob->pIndexData->mprogs; prg; prg = prg->next )
                 * Exit trigger works only if the mobile is not busy
                 * (fighting etc.). If you want to be sure all players
                 * are caught, use ExAll trigger
                if ( prg->trig_type == TRIG_EXIT
                     && dir == atoi( prg->trig_phrase )
                     && mob->position == mob->pIndexData->default_pos
                     && can_see( mob, ch ) )
                    program_flow( prg->vnum, prg->code, mob, ch, NULL, NULL );
                    return true;
                else if ( prg->trig_type == TRIG_EXALL
                          && dir == atoi( prg->trig_phrase ) )
                    program_flow( prg->vnum, prg->code, mob, ch, NULL, NULL );
                    return true;
    return false;

void mp_give_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    char                    buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    const char             *p = NULL;
    MPROG_LIST             *prg = NULL;

    for ( prg = mob->pIndexData->mprogs; prg; prg = prg->next )
        if ( prg->trig_type == TRIG_GIVE )
            p = prg->trig_phrase;
             * Vnum argument
            if ( is_number( p ) )
                if ( obj->pIndexData->vnum == atoi( p ) )
                    program_flow( prg->vnum, prg->code, mob, ch, ( void * ) obj, NULL );
             * Object name argument, e.g. 'sword'
                while ( *p )
                    p = one_argument( p, buf );

                    if ( is_name( buf, obj->name ) || !str_cmp( "all", buf ) )
                        program_flow( prg->vnum, prg->code, mob, ch, ( void * ) obj,
                                      NULL );

void mp_greet_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    CHAR_DATA              *mob = NULL;

    for ( mob = ch->in_room->people; mob != NULL; mob = mob->next_in_room )
        if ( IS_NPC( mob )
             && ( HAS_TRIGGER( mob, TRIG_GREET ) || HAS_TRIGGER( mob, TRIG_GRALL ) ) )
             * Greet trigger works only if the mobile is not busy
             * (fighting etc.). If you want to catch all players, use
             * GrAll trigger
            if ( HAS_TRIGGER( mob, TRIG_GREET )
                 && mob->position == mob->pIndexData->default_pos && can_see( mob, ch ) )
                mp_percent_trigger( mob, ch, NULL, NULL, TRIG_GREET );
            else if ( HAS_TRIGGER( mob, TRIG_GRALL ) )
                mp_percent_trigger( mob, ch, NULL, NULL, TRIG_GRALL );

void mp_hprct_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch )
    MPROG_LIST             *prg = NULL;

    for ( prg = mob->pIndexData->mprogs; prg != NULL; prg = prg->next )
        if ( ( prg->trig_type == TRIG_HPCNT )
             && ( ( 100 * mob->hit / mob->max_hit ) < atoi( prg->trig_phrase ) ) )
            program_flow( prg->vnum, prg->code, mob, ch, NULL, NULL );