
0 !~
Syntax: !

! repeats the last command you typed.

#Immortal ImmLaws~
We no longer do CRs unless they fall into these 2 points.

1.  The player is a true newbie (never logged, under 10 hours).  You can do
    a few CRS, but don't be CRing for the player every 30 minutes
2.  There was a bug in the code or a mistake by the imms.  Then you should try
    to help with a CR and stop any looting, etc.
You are not to CR under any other condition without first asking the staff
before doing so.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'remove invis' <object>

This spell will make an invisible object in the character's inventory
This is an AGGRESSIVE spell when used on others. I.e, it will attack
another player if you attempt to use it on them.

#Immortal Building BuildingSetup~
Syntax: aassign <filename>.are  Example:  aassign edo.are
AASSIGN temporarily assigns all rooms, objects, and mobiles in the area
range to your pfile.  This allows you to use rlist, olist, mlist, and
reset list.  This also means that typing savearea, reset area, or 
instazone will affect this area.  
To save changes permenantly, type "aassign none" and foldarea.
&rWarning&w!! Do not have an area aassigned to yourself when getting personal
vnums assigned to you.  The personal vnums will overwrite the area file.
In order to assign a proto area to yourself, you must either have that
area bestowed to you by a Greater God or higher.
In order to assign a nonproto area to yourself, you must either have
that area bestowed to you by an Exalted+. Even if you have the area bestowed
only Lesser+ can aassign themselves nonproto areas.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
For a Novice looking to master the ways of the Earth Sphere, acid blast is a solid spell
for causing solid damage.  Acid blasts creates a large wad of acid and it is thrown
at the target causing an unfun burning to the skin of the target, and is even capable of
going through armor in some magical way.

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEarth
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WOne-Quarter Damage

Syntax: cast 'acid breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'fire breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'frost breath'     <victim>
Syntax: cast 'gas breath'
Syntax: cast 'lightning breath' <victim>

These spells are for the use of dragons.  Acid, fire, frost, and lightning
damage one victim, whereas gas damages every PC in the room.  Fire and
frost can break objects, and acid can damage armor.
Be aware that area attacks are aggressive to all mobs in the room,
including pets, mounts and charmed creatures.
Gas breath is an area attack, the other breath spells are not.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
A very similiar spell to Acid Blast.  When the spell was created, the creators decided to
add an acidic effect to armor to make it even more nasty.  Acidic ball conjuers up a large
ball of acid that flies towards its target and stays there causing moderate damage and
reaking havoc on the targets equipment at the same time.

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEarth
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDamage Equipment
&w&WSaving:  &c&WOne-Quarter Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
Those who have made a good living learning and training the the earth sphere will get rewarded
with the power of acidic blast.  Acidic blast conquers up a large light that quickly forms into
a giant acid spike.  Once this spike is solid, it is sent toward the poor target causing large
amounts of damage to the target and his/her equipment.  

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEarth
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDamage Equipment
&w&WSaving:  &c&WOne-Quarter Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
Only available to those blessed in the realm of Earth, Acidic Oblivion represents the
pinnacle of their study.  Acidic Oblivion creates a huge jagged ball of pain around the
target and continues to pound the target for what seems like forever, but it happens in
a matter of miliseconds.  Those who possess this magic are generally feared by all.

&w&WTier:    &c&w4
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEarth
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WOne-Quarter Damage

#Immortal Building BuildingMobs~

npc            Flag that identifies a mob as a npc (don't really need to set or remove this)
sentinel       Mobile always stays at its post
scavenger      Mobile picks up items of value (> 10 coins)
banker         Mobile acts as a banker and can deposit/withdraw money
castemob       Castemob, used for various mobs to make them work
aggressive     Mobile attacks players
stayarea       Mobile does not leave its home area.
wimpy          Mobile flees when low in hp
pet            Mobile can be used in creating a petshop
train          Can train hp/mana/stats (no longer used)
practice       Allows a pc to practice their skills/spells (no longer used)
immortal       Cannot be killed, also increases inventory+weight
noquest        Mob cannot be used by the questmaster (no longer used)
polyself       deals with Polymorph code
meta_aggr      Not implemented (stock)
guardian       Was used to protect a locked door (no longer used)
running        Mobile moves quicker than normal
nowander       Mobile remains sentinel till attacked
mountable      Mobiled is mountable
mounted        Mobile is mounted
scholar        Mobile can teach languages (no longer used)
secretive      Mobile's actions are not seen
notrack        Mobile cannot be tracked
mobinvis       Wizinvis for mobiles
noassist       Will not assist mobiles
autonomous     Mobile won't switch tanks if hit by someone with higher style.
pacifist       Mobile won't EVER fight
noattack       Mobile won't ever physically attack back
annoying       Other aggressive mobiles will attack the mobile
healer         Sells spells to the public
prototype      A prototype mobile
r1             Not used (do not use)
protect        Doesn't allow lower level imms to change the stats
scared         Mobile runs away (used with mounts mainly, do not set)
trainer        Skill Trainer, used to show the [TRAINER]
onmap          On the Wilderness
mountsave      Mount is saveable
watermob       Will only load in water areas of Rafermand
extractmob     Mob that is used to do extracting in the wilderness
dumpgoods      Extractmob in the process of dumping goods (do not set)
noblood        Does not bleed when the mobile dies
kingdommob     Set on kingdom civilians when loaded (do not set)
military       Kingdom Soldier used in kingdoms
sbseller       Sells Spell books
undead         Cant be damaged without "blessed" or "sanctified" weapons
livingdead     Recieves 2x damage from bless/sanctified weapons, 1/2 damage from non-"holy" weapons


#Immortal System Systemolc~
Syntax:  addbox <vnum>
Syntax:  addgem <vnum>

Both are part of the treasure system.  You can use the commands to add
a treasure box and a gem to the system.  

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
Syntax: advance <character> <level>

ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value.  It is the
only way to create new immortal characters within the game.  ADVANCE
may also be used to demote characters.

#Immortal System~
Syntax:  advanceclock <forward/backwards> <time>

Used to move the game clock back or forwards in game time.  It doesn't do much
else to affect other things because it is based off times on which it started based
on real time.  This will eventually be changed so it will affect all clock related

The parsing for time looks like this: 7:12:15:5
This means
7 days 12 hours 15 minutes 5 seconds

The max is 365 days and the normal operational values for hours/minutes/seconds

#Immortal Building Exits~
SMAUG supports having more than one exit in the same direction, as well as
the special direction 'somewhere', represented by a '?'.
If you already have an exit leading north, and would like another one, use
a plus sign '+' in front of the direction:
  redit exit +n 3001          - Adds another exit north to room 3001
To modify an extra exit like this, or to remove it, you'll have to refer to
it by number:
  redit exit #2 3002          - Change the second exit to go to room 3002
  (to know what number an exit is, do an "rstat")
For someone to be able to use the second north exit, you have to set one of
the extra flags (see EXFLAGS) like CAN_CLIMB.  It's also usually a good idea
to set the HIDDEN flag for any special exit so that it looks nicer to those
with autoexits on.
The AUTO flag makes it possible to go in a direction by simply typing the
keyword for that exit:
  redit exit ? 3001           - Create a 'somewhere' exit to 3001
  redit exflags ? auto hidden - Set the proper flags
  redit exname ? swim         - Set the keyword "swim"
  ... here, if a player types 'swim' in the room they will move to room 3001

#General Newbie~
Because you took the advice and read the helpfiles, here is some helpful
advice that will get you started in Rafermand.

1.  Read all the helpfiles that you can get when you type help.
2.  Keep about 3000 gold on you, use the rest to purchase ores and create slabs.  Get the
    best weapon you can get with the slabs you can get (if you happen to get 7, get a hammer)
3.  Use the remaining gold to purchase Studded Leather Armor from the leather shop.
4.  If you are a newbie to this mud, ogres are the easiest race to play.  They start out with more
    health and are resistant to damage and don't get sores as quickly.
5.  It is a good idea to fight the Sneaky thief in Level 2 of the Battle Grounds.  He has
    copper equipment and can be taken fairly easily if you follow the above guidelines.
6.  Once you get the copper equipment, you might want to break it or use it.
7.  Don't leave town till you are comfertable defeating Level 3 of the Battle Grounds.  If you
    are having problems in there, you might have problems outside too.
8.  Before you leave, make sure you have word of recall.  Other spells that are useful are cure
    light, armor, bless, and create food.
9.  Stay close to town on your first trip out of town, get use to the wilderness first and if you
    die, it will make it easier to retrieve your corpse.
10.  It is important to have enough money to purchase atleast a torch, so keep that money handy.

#General Information Stats~
Syntax:  affected       (abbrevation:  af)
Syntax:  affected by    (abbreviation: af by)
'Affected' is a spells-at-a-glance function, which displays only the spells
(and skill affects) your character is currently under.  Each affect will be
listed by name only for the sake of brevity (if you want to know what each
is doing, use help <spell/skill name> or 'score').
Only way you can see the duration of an affect is to have the spell detect
magic casted on you.  Since elves inately have the ability to detect magic,
they can see how long an affect will last.
'Affected by' displays a character's affects separate from its spell/skill
affect list.  This is useful for ensuring that affects given from equipment
are actually functioning.  For example, if you are wearing a visor with
detect_invis but 'affected by' does not show you as having that affect, you
are not detecting invisibility.
'Affected by' also displays your current susceptibilities, resistances and
immunities if your character is level 20 or higher.

#Immortal Building BuildingMobs~
#Immortal Building BuildingObjs~
The following are affect flags that can be used when osetting an item
(with oset <item> affect affected <affect flag>).  These flags can also
be used when msetting a mobile (mset <mob name> affected <affect flag>).
They may additionally be used to mset players if your level allows it.
Blind          Invisible    Detect_evil  Detect_invis  Detect_magic
Detect_hidden  **Hold**     Sanctuary    Faerie_fire   Infrared
Curse          **Flaming**  Poison       Protect       Paralysis
Sneak          Hide         Sleep        Charm         Flying
Pass_door      Floating     Truesight    Detect_traps  Scrying
Fireshield     Shockshield  Iceshield    Aqua_breath   Possess
Note - Hold and Flaming are current not in use.

#Immortal Building BuildingMobs~
#Immortal Building BuildingObjs~
none        strength    dexterity   intelligence  wisdom       constitution
sex         level       age         height        weight       mana     
hit         move        gold        experience    armor        hitroll
damroll     save_para   save_rod    save_poison   save_breath  save_spell
charisma    resistant   immune      susceptible   affected     luck
backstab    pick        track       steal         sneak        hide
detrap      dodge       peek        scan          gouge        search
mount       disarm      kick        parry         bash         stun
punch       climb       grip        scribe        brew
weaponspell <sn>    Will cast a spell on victim with every blow of a weapon
wearspell   <sn>    Will cast a spell on wearer when object is worn
removespell <sn>    Will cast a spell on wearer when object is removed
<skill> <modifier>  Will modifify a player's ability in a skill

0 AFK~
#General Information Players~
Syntax:  afk (abbreviation for "away from keyboard")
The 'afk' command will place an [AFK] flag beside your name on the who 
list when activated, as well as informing those who send tells that you
you are afk.  It can be toggled on or off by typing afk, and will also
go off automatically when you enter any command.

#Combat Warrior Styles~
Syntax: style aggressive
This style of combat allows a fighter to strike more effectively, but
leaves many holes in his defenses as well. Fighters who know this tactic
can strike enemies for more damage, but their enemies' weapons will slip
through their defenses for slightly more damage as well.
See Also: style, evasive, defensive, standard, aggressive, berserk

#General Information Stats~
Agility affects combat speed only.  It will make it so you can hit more often even if you
are using heavier weapons.  However, since agility and heavy weapons typically go against
eachother, it will typically be used with smaller weapons.  The maximum agility is 100
points, the minimum is 10.

What Increases Agility
* Using light weapons
* Using no weapons

What Decreases Agility
* Using heavy weapons (increases when agility increases)


#General Information Stats~
syntax:  score

Agimeter is the meter you see near the bottom of score.  Agimeter is
simply a meter used to see how long it is going to take to strike your
target with your current armor and weapons.  4 dots (or one | |) is
equal to 1 second.  Agimeter will not show your speed with
hand-to-hand skills like sidekick or your ability to use magic.

Note:  The actual time is a bit varied, so it might show 1 second and
take 1/2 of a second or perhaps 1 1/2 second

0 AID~
#Combat Warrior Noncombat~
Syntax: aid <character>

This skill allows you to bring a stunned person back into consciousness.

1 AIM~
&YSyntax:  &G&Waim [target]

Allows you to aim at a target while you are in the wilderness.  It does
not improve accuracy, but it allows you to quickly fire at one target
without typing directions.  Also allows you to fire at mobs that are
not north, south, east, or west of you.

Can either use aim with no target to aim at the closest mob to you
or type the target's name in to start aiming at it.  Aim without a
target will only aim at mobiles (will not aim at players)


#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax:  c alertness <self>
Alertness renders the target resistant to the sleep spell.

#General Information Players~
Syntax: alias <shortcut> <command>
Syntax: alias <shortcut>
The ALIAS command allows you to set shortcuts for commands or long
strings of text. These can be quite useful for shortening routinely
entered commands. Example: alias heal cast heal samson
This assigns the command 'cast heal samson' to the alias 'heal'
so that typing in 'heal' will issue the full command.
You can create up to 30 aliases.

Typing ALIAS with no arguments will list your current aliases.
Your aliases will save with your character upon leaving the game.
An alias may only contain a shortcut for a single command. If more
sophisticated aliases are needed, a mud client package would probably
serve the purpose better.
To remove an alias, type 'alias' followed by the shortcut you
wish to remove.

#Immortal Punishment~
Syntax:  allow  site/race/class    <address/race/class>
Syntax:  ban    site/race/class    <address/race/class>   <type>    <duration>
Syntax:  ban    show               <class/site/race>      <number>
Syntax:  warn   <site/class/race>  <number>
BAN site will ban a site from playing the game.
BAN race bans anyone with that race from playing the game.
BAN class bans anyone with that class from playing the game.
BAN site/race/class without any other arguemts will give you a list of
currently banned sites/races/classes.
Type can either be a level or one of the following keywords: all,newbie,mortal,
warn. If you set it to a level everyone equal to that level and below will not
be allowed on.  Warn, sends a warning to the Warn: channel that someone if
logging in from the site, with a certaing class or race.  If you add the
duration, the ban will expire in that many days. Sites can be banned with the *
wildcard as well.  Be carefull however as *.edu would ban everysite from .edu,
or *foo* would ban anysite that had the string foo in it.
BAN show, will print out the reason why that particular site/race or class was
banned and by who.  Number can be a class or race name, a site address or
you can use # followed by the ban number.
WARN will toggle the warn flag on a CURRENTLY banned site/class or race.
ALLOW site/race/class  <address/race/class>  removes a site, class or race from
the ban list.  This also can be allowed by using # syntax.
Just type BAN SITE to list all the current bans.

#Immortal Building~
#Kingdoms ImmKingdom~
Syntax: alter <obj name> <ore type> [race value] 

A simple command that allows an immortal to change an already invoked piece
of forge equipment into another ore type.  All you need to do is have the
item in question and use the command.   You specify the ore type by number
(you can get the number from forge ores).  There is also the optional value for
race.  If you leave it empty, it will set it to the race of the immortal setting
it.  The race can be specified with either the value or the name.

#Combat HandtoHand~
A secret and highly affective technique passed on only from master to master in the
arts.  Nothing much more is really known about the Amberio strike to the arm besides
that it causes massive damage to the poor target.


#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'animate dead' <victim>

After a mobile has been killed, the magic user has the ability to animate
the corpse of the recently deceased mob.  The mob will be animated with full
hitpoints and will be under the caster's control for a short period of time.
The undead can only exist in the living realm for a short period of time before
returning to the underworld.

It is said that the strongest of clerics could be seen with 10 to 15 deceased
skeletons conquering armies.

#Immortal System~
&wmotd - Motd screen

&Wgreeting&C - Beginning Screen.

#General Information Players~
Syntax: ansi <on/off>

The ansi command will either enable or disable ansi colour.  Ansi colour
will work provided your terminal has a compatible mode.


#Magic Mage Defensive~
This spell makes you more resistant to all types (including beneficial
types) of magic.

Syntax:  showcontrol

AOC is short for Area of Control.  Area of control is the surrounding area
that is directly owned by your kingdom.  You can view the land by typing
the command showcontrol.  The colors in showcontrol represent the following

Blue - Your Kingdom
Red - A Kingdom you are at War with
Green - A kingdom you are Neutral toward
White - A kingdom you are Trading with
Orange - A kingdom you are at Peace with

AOC is generated by two things, the center of your town (showed as a T when
you use showcontrol) and the size of your town.  As the size of your town
grows, the AOC also will grow.  AOC is important for the following reasons.

1.  No other kingdom can start a town that will cut into your AOC
2.  Defensive units (Guards) get an extra advantage while fighting in
    your AOC
3.  Workers will dump back into your town if placed in your AOC
4.  It is the area of the map you can build in (help BUILD).  You can only
    create newrooms in your AOC
5.  (Not implemented as of this writing)  You can give orders to units to
    attack certain units if they enter your AOC.

#General Objects~
Syntax: appraise <item>
        appraise all

Appraise, when at a repairshop type mob, will tell you the condition of 
your equipment in question.  The mob will tell you if it needs repair or 
not, and if so, how much it will cost.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'aqua breath' <character>
This spell allows you to breath in water areas and underwater.  Certain
water sectors will require the use of aqua breath to prevent damage from
drowning.  If you are in an area and your movement suddenly begins to
drop and/or you begin losing hps <hitpoints>, you should either cast
aqua breath immediately or leave the area. 

#Immortal Building~
#Immortal ImmLaws~
&GThe following listed is the policy for building areas here on Rafermand.
&W1.  If you build for Rafermand, we hold the right to use, change, distribute
or to do anything with your area if we choose to.
2.  In respect for your building, you have the same right with your area.  We
will not stop you from porting the area over to other muds, locations, or any
other place you choose, for it is yours.
3.  We are not responsible if you area gets in trouble with anyone.
Unless you can prove someone else created the problem you are facing.
4.  Once you make your area a non-prototype (actual) area, these rules go into
effect.  Know them before going on with making it a real area.  We will not
bring your area over without your concent.  There is no procedural way it
will be asked, but we won't port it in without prior permission.
These are the rules.  Changes might come in the future, so check on these rules
on accasion to see if they are the same. 

#Immortal Building~
Area Checklist

1.  All mobs have hitnumdie, hitsizedie, hitplus.  Do not use hit, it won't work.
2.  No mobs have negative armor (hold over from old areas)
3.  If a mobile is unequiped the mobile has armor/tohitbash/slash/stab/damdie 
4.  The mobile has its agility set (should not leave it at 10)
5.  Set the intelligence and wisdom of the mob for the ai (help mobai)
6.  The mobile isn't trying to cast spells that doesn't exist (attack/defense settings on mobs can do this)
7.  Mobprogs aren't trying to cast spells or use skills that doesn't exist.
8.  Mobprogs aren't trying to do 1000 damage, players don't quite have that much HP anymore :-)
9.  Have checked every mobprog/objprog/roomprog in the area.  They all have to be changed.
10. Progs aren't loading objects that doesn't exist.
11. Purge Reset the Mobs, make sure their equipment is working correctly (did you use give <obj> <ore type>)
12. Make sure the resets are correct, any time reset you added needs to be there.
13. Make sure the only mobiles that have gold are humanoid or gold hoarding mobs (dragons, etc)
14. Check the stats on all objects/mobs.  If it is an old mobile/object, you will have to change them.
15. Make sure not to use too many affects.  Affects are mainly reserved for jewelry.  If you add affects to
    an object, please tell a higher level immortal first so it can be allowed.

#General Information~
Syntax:  areas
Syntax:  areas old
Syntax:  areas <low range> <hi range>
The 'areas' command displays an alphabetically sorted list of all areas
within the game, together with the author and suggested level range of
each area.  
The 'areas old' command displays an unsorted list of all areas (the old
style), as well as the author and suggested level range of each area.
You can specify a level range to see a list of all areas with suggested
ranges which encompass the argument.  This can be a little awkward as
each area has a low and a high suggested range.  Suffice to say that if
an area's level range matches even one level of the range you request,
it will be displayed.
Special thanks to Fireblade for design and coding of this restyled function.
The Realms of Despair will provide a copy of areas built by individuals
to that individual and no one else. To receive a copy of an area for use
on other muds, you must contact that individual.

#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax: armmilitary <unit/all> <leather/light/medium/heavy> <ore/none>
Syntax: armmilitary <unit/all> repair [appraise]

This is the command used to arm your military.  When you first purchase
a unit all it comes with is leather.  You can change this so the unit
is still using leather and gets a weapon or equip some actual armor
to the unit.  Each unit gets a specified weapon depending on the unit.
The size of the weapon and the type of armor is also affected by rather
use choose light/medium/heavy.  Light armor is typically the lightest of
the armor (chain) where the medium is the middle (ring/double ring) and
the heavy is the plate stuff.  Units already require a lot of time to
move, and putting on heavy armor drasticly affects this process even
more.  Below is the movement chart

3 seconds   - Leather     3.5 seconds - Light
4.5 seconds - Medium      7 seconds   - Heavy
Flying (Fairies) -1 second (min of 1 second)

0.5 seconds - Leather     1 second    - Light
2   seconds - Medium      4.5 seconds - Heavy
(Min of .5 seconds)


#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax: armmilitary <unit/all> <leather/light/medium/heavy> <ore/none>
Syntax: armmilitary <unit/all> repair [appraise]
Some units get a bonus to unmounted and/or mounted movement, so there are
other factors besides those default ones.  In order to use the armmilitary
command you need both access to command and access the despository.  This
command can only be used at the barracks of a town.

Lastly, you can repair the units equipment if it get damages or goes missing.
It will cost you a certain amount of ore depending on the amount of armor that
is intact.  If 95 percent of your armor is not damaged, you will only pay for
that 5 percent.  The appraise option just gives you how much it would cost
without actually charging you for it.  The ore requirements are as such for
the race of your kingdom

Race    Leather  Light   Medium  Heavy
Human   2        30      50      90
Elf     2        20      35      65
Dwarf   2        35      60      105
Hobbit  1        15      30      50
Fairy   1        10      20      35
Ogre    3        45      70      130


#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast armor <character>

The spell increases your ac by a point or two depending on the strength
of the spell (makes it harder to be hit)

Every little character on the map represents a sectortype and there are
certain colors and symbols that represent players, mobs, and objects.
To get a list of what characters mean what, use the command showascii to
get a full list of everything in the mud.


#Immortal Building BuildingSetup~
Syntax:  aset <area filename> <field> <value>
Aset is used to set the following fields for an individual area:
author    - The name of the area's author
name      - The full "name" of an area... ie: {10 20} Somegod  Some Area
filename  - The filename (ie: somearea.are)
lo_room   - The lowest room vnum
hi_room   - The highest room vnum
lo_obj    - The lowest obj vnum
hi_obj    - The highest obj vnum
lo_mob    - The lowest mob vnum
hi_mob    - The highest mob vnum
low_economy - minumum amount of gold the area will start with at reboot
max_economy - maximum amount of gold the area _can_ start with at reboot
resetmsg  - Message displayed throughout the area at reset
resetfrq  - Number of minutes between area resets
flags     - Area-wide flags:  nopkill
The area must be folded to make these changes permanent.

#Immortal Building BuildingSetup~
Syntax:  astat                      (area stats for the area you are in)
Syntax:  astat <filename of area>   (area stats for specified area)
Astat displays the vital stats of an area, including the following:
Name:            title of the area
Filename:        filename of the area
Prototype:       If the area is prototype or under construction, will be 'yes'
Max_players:     max # of players in the area as of last reboot
IllegalPks:      number of illegal pkills in the area since last reboot
Gold looted:     total amount of gold looted from the area since last reboot
Area Economy:    current pool of gold for the area (not including player gold)
Mdeaths:         number of players mobs killed in the area since last reboot
Mkills:          number of mobs killed in the area since last reboot
Pdeaths/Pkills:  number of players killed by players in area since reboot
Author:          name of the area's author
Number Players:  current number of players in the area
Area flags:      area-wide flags (such as nopkill)
Low/hi_room:     first/last room vnum of the area
Low/hi_obj       first/last object vnum of the area
Low/hi_mob       first/last mob vnum of the area
Soft range:      level range recommended for the area
Hard range:      level range enforced for area (outside range cannot enter)
Resetmsg:        current reset message for the area at repop
Reset frequency: frequency with which the area resets

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax:  cast 'astral walk'  <victim> or <portal number>  
Syntax:  cast 'farsight'     <victim>
Syntax:  cast 'portal'       <portal number>  
These spells allow the very shape of space and time to be warped at the
caster's bidding:
'Astral walk' instantaneously moves the caster to the victim's location.
'Farsight' allows you to see the room in which the victim stands.
'Portal' forms a temporary tunnel through space to a selected portal spot
in the world.  A portal can only be casted to another portal in the world
rather it is the one in your city or outside in the Wilderness.  To enter
the portal type 'enter' or 'enter portal' to pass through.  For more
details on portal, view the help file 'portals'.

Please note that astral will only work if the victim is in
the same area as you are in.  In addition to being able to target a 
victim, you can use these spells to go to any portal in the world you
have found.  For more info on portals view the help file 'portals'.
These spells may fail if either the victim or the caster is in a location
which blocks their use, such as no-recall areas, no-summon areas, etc.


2 AT~
#Immortal Building~
#Immortal ImmMovement~
Syntax: at <location> <command>

AT executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of
a mobile or player, or as the name of an object.

AT works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
Ability to swing in such a frenzy that it actually increases ones agility
during battle.  It is rumored that one of the great barbarian tribes of
long past came up with this valuable skill and happened to teach it to
only a few skilled wearriors who have taught it to only a few more warriors.
A very rare skill, but combined with some of the other skills of the warrior,
attack frenzy quickly chews up the opposition.

Syntax:  attack <target> <limb>

Used to attack a mob or player.  Our battle system is not automated by default
so you need to attack with whatever attack you want when you can.  The heavier
the weapon and the heavier the armor, the more time it takes to attack.  For
more information over combat see HELP COMBAT.

To turn the system to automated, you use the target command (HELP TARGET)


#Immortal Building~
bite          claws        tail        sting      punch        kick
trip          bash         stun        gouge      backstab     feed
drain         firebreath   frostbreath acidbreath lightnbreath gasbreath
poison        nastypoison  gaze        blindness  causeserious earthquake
causecritical curse        flamestrike harm       fireball     colorspray

See MSET and DEFENSES  (Some are not implemented).

#General Objects~
.Syntax: auction (abbreviations: a , auc)
Syntax: auction <item name> <starting value>
Syntax: auction bid <value>
The auction command is used for performing auctions.  Simply typing auction
will display the current item being auctioned, if there is one.  
If nothing is being auctioned, auction <item name> <starting value> will 
begin an auction.  If no starting value is specified, it begins at 0 gold.
Auction bid <value> will place a bet for the item.
Special thanks to Erwin Andreasen for writing this function.
(Ported to SMAUG from a publicly available source.)
At the present, if the mud crashes in mid auction, you will lose both 
your bidded money and the item.  This will at some point be fixed.
You are able to see auction almost from the point of character creation,
however, you cannot USE auction unless you're level FIVE or higher. To remove
the auction channel from your screen, type CHANNEL -AUCTION.
SEE also "help AUCTION2" for more on auction commands
&Y* Auctions will not be stopped for overbidding or misbidding*&w

#General Objects~
Auction will also work with the following arguments:
au bid 20k      - bids 20000 coins
au bid 20k500   - bids 20500 coins (20,000 + 500)
au bid 20k5003  - bids 20500 coins, too (only checks first 3 chars after "k")
au bid 1m       - bids 1 million coins
On an existing bid of 10000:
au bid +10       - adds 10%, making the bet 11000.
au bid +         - adds 25% (the default if no number given), bet is 12500.
au bid x         - multiplies by 2, making the bet 20000.
au bid x5        - multiplies by 5, making the bet 50000.
It is illegal to auction <or barter, sell, trade> clan, order, or guild items.
Exception: Old clan equipment that was converted to be worn by both peaceful
           and deadly players.
Also see: 'HELP AUCTION' for more information.

#Immortal System~
Syntax <auctionstop>

&WAuctionstop is to be used to halt the auctioning of illegal items, ie:
deadly equipment, order/clan/guild items. Auctions are NOT to be
stopped for overbidding, misbidding, or misauctioning.
  Other items the auction can be stopped for are balls of light and 
recall scrolls if sold alone. If they are inside a container with other
items, they may be auctioned.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
Usage:  authorize <player> <yes|name|lastname|disconnect>
Usage:  authorize list

Authorize is used to authorize a player or see a list of individuals that
have been authorized.  With authorize you can either use yes to authorize
a player's name and lastname.  You can use the argument name to force a
name change and lastname to force a lastname change.  Disconnect will
disconnect them from Rafermand and make them start over.


#Combat Thievery Combatskills~
Syntax:  backstab <victim>
Syntax:  bs       <victim>
A backstab is a method of attack, used primarily by thieves but able
to be utilized by others in some circumstances, and which inflicts a
tremendous degree of damage on unsuspecting victims if successful.

It is required to stab with your weapon to backstab, but it has been
seen by very few (whom which were not stabbed, because the ones who
were stabbed quickly died) that weapons not not associated with stabbing
have been used by master thieves in quite an affective matter.  It is
also important to have the element of surprise if you wish to land such
a decisive blow.

#Immortal Punishment~
Simply put, this command removed an immortal from immship.  It stripes
the immortal all the way down to level 2 and removes all objects and
powers he/she once had.  Typically used as punishment, but can be
used for other reasons.

#Immortal System~
Syntax: bamfin  <message>
Syntax: bamfout <message>

The standard messages for GOTO are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of
your own choosing using the BAMFIN and BAMFOUT commands.

#Immortal Punishment~
Banning a site is a form of last resort, as it not only affects the offending
player or players, but will also affect every other player from that site.
Before seeking to ban a site, even for a temporary level 1 banning, make
sure you have exhausted all other options first. 
In the case of newbie bans, most such instances arise through the actions of 
one or more abusive players who log in a newbie and begin swearing, spamming, 
threatening, etc.. Many times this has developed from an immature player's 
frustrations over getting a name authed. If you find a player going through a 
series of silly names trying to auth them, make every effort to try and talk 
with them first. If this fails, use Fquit to discourage them. If you have 
Disconnect, use this instead, as it is less provoking than fquit (makes it 
appear as if they simply lost their conneection). If they continue their 
efforts, send them warnings to get their attention. Use freeze if you have it 
(or if someone else is on who can use it) to get their attention and make sure 
received the message. Then, and only then, once you've exhausted all avenues
at being civil, you can use ban in good conscience. You've given the player(s)
every chance to cease their actions and given them fair warning over the fact
that if they continue they risk getting banned.

#General Objects~
Syntax:  balance
Syntax:  deposit <amount> [kingdom or town]
Syntax:  withdraw <amount> [kingdom or town]
Syntax:  trans <amount> <player>
The banking commands allow you to manage your funds more effeciently.
Funds deposited in banks are safe from thieves, and are saved even if
you die, so storing some cash in the bank is a wise precaution.
To DEPOSIT, simply find a bank, and deposit any amount of gold you wish.
To WITHDRAW, simply go to the bank and withdraw what you need.
To see how much you have, type BALANCE, it will show you how much you
have on hand, and how much is in the bank.
To TRANS (Transfer) money from your account to another player, the other
player must also be online. Simply transfer however much you want to
that player, provided you have it available in your account.

If you wish to, you can type deposit <amount> kingdom to deposit money
into your kingdom (just kingdom, not the name of your kingdom).  You can
likewise do the same thing with town.  You can also withdraw from the
kingdom, but you can only do this if you meet the caste required of
minwithdraw in your kingdom.

Code for banks courtesy of Minas Ravenblood of The Apocalypse Theatre.

#General Laws~
Banking is making it to impossible to run the zone for other people.
This includes, but is not limited to, killing mobs who load keys, making
it impossible for progs in the zone to work correctly, or charming said
mob and leaving.

#General Information~
&w&gIn an attempt to spice up the battle descriptions in the game, we have
implemented a system where we can put in battle descriptions online and
have them rotating through with the current ones.  This will make it a little
different with battle, atleast at a cosmetic level.  Another change is
a little damage indicator at the end of the message (and the actual damage
value for immortals).  You will see something like this &w&B[&w&R------&w&B]

You will notice this come up a lot in battle and it has characters and colors
to depict damage.  A miss starts out as ------ and as you add more damage, you
will see *----- **----, etc.  There is also a color coding system to depict how
much damage it is.  The colors go in this sequence

&c&wGrey   - Miss
&c&zDGrey  - Light
&w&WWhite  - Light/Moderate
&w&YYellow - Moderate
&w&OOrange - Moderate/Medium
&w&PPink   - Medium
&w&RRed    - Heavy/Medium
&w&rDRed   - Heavy

#General AtPlayers~
#General Communication~
'Syntax: beep <playername>
BEEP sends a small little sound byte to the other player whom you beep.
They will receive a small message saying who beeped them, and a small
little beeping sound will play on their computer (pending if they can
hear it, or have sounds setup).  Please, do not abuse BEEP, and you can
also set it up so you will not receive beeps (config).

These 4 values are used for masteries on a skill or spell.  A mastery requires
a certain amount of points to get to it.  Those values are...

Beginner - 0 (need a spellbook for spells)
Novice - 4
Expert - 7
Master - 10

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast benediction
The spell BENEDICTION lays upon the members of the casters group
a strong, but short-lived Protection of The High Gods.

#Combat Warrior Styles~
Syntax: style berserk
This tactic is truly powerful, for it causes the fighter to allow pure
rage to flow through him, at the cost of his own judgement and care for
his or her well-being. While the berserked fighter will strike deeper
into an enemies' flesh, his foes will be able to take advantage and bury
their weapons deeper into the berserker.
See Also: style, evasive, defensive, standard, aggressive, berserk.

#Immortal System~
Syntax: bestow <victim> command [command] [command] etc
bestow <victim> list
bestow <victim> none
Bestow is used to give a command to a player that the player would not normally
have. Bestow victim command will give the command to the person, bestow victim
list will show all commands corrently bestowed on the person, and bestow victim
none will remove all bestowments.

#Immortal Building BuildingSetup~
Syntax: bestowarea <victim> <filename>.are
This command allows members of the Area Council to bestow area names
to immortals so that they can engage in group building.
Once an AC member bestows a proto area on a player, that player can
use the aassign command to assign themselves that proto area in order
to help the owner of the proto area.
bestowarea joe bob.are           allows joe to work on bob's proto area
bestowarea joe                   lists all of joe's bestowed areas
bestowarea joe list              ditto
bestowarea joe none              removes all of joe's bestowed areas

#Magic Mage Offensive~
&w&CA powerful fire spell that can only be mastered by those dedicated to the ways of
magic and those in the realm of Fire.  It is known that blazing burst can be used
to create a giant wall of fire to strike one target.  Blazing Burst also does a good
job of damaging equipment.

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wFire
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDamage Equipment
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast bless <character>

Improves the to-hit value when attacking.  Increases it a point or two
depending on the strength of the blessing.

#Magic Cleric Hindering~
syntax:  cast blindness <victim>
This spell renders the target character blind.

#General Information~
Certain spells and attacks can render a player blind for anywhere from a
few rounds (gouge) to several hundred rounds (the blind spell).  If you
are blinded, you will see only your name on the 'who' list, and will be
unable to see either your inventory or your location.
If you become blind, you can either wait out the affects of the blindness
or try to cure it.

#Combat HandtoHand~
A very basic, very grunt like attack.  Blitz is a simple strike to the abdomen area
of the target with one's shoulder and perhaps a little bit of the elbow.  It is
efficient in its effort, but not a stealth strike nor a very painful one at that.  What
would you expect from an attack tought to Beginners.


#Magic Mage Offensive~
A very powerful spell available to only those who have spent many days working on their
skill in the sphere of Air.  Blitzing Wave creates a large unseen force that is used to
literally blitz anything in its way.  A very destructive spell, but for those who have
spent their time to be able to learn this spell, it will seem like nothing new.

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wAir
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WNegate (No damage)

You block when you use a shield (HELP SHIELDS)


#Immortal Building EditWilder~
syntax: blockmove <startx> <starty> <endx> <endy> <xshift> <yshift>


This command shifts a whole block of sectortypes, exits, resource values,
and wblock information to a new area.  This will include fixing any area
exits to the wilderness and folding that area.  It is very important to
get the xshift and yshift values correct when doing this otherwise you will
have one giant mess of areas/wilderness.  You can always shift it back, but
you will end up wiping out the mistaken area you shifted it to.  This command
does not back up your files for you, you need to do it yourself!


#General Communication~
If you are looking for notes over the board, (help gboard) for the global
boards that you see during login.  (help notes) for how to post a note
to a board that is on the ground.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
Syntax: &Wbodybag <name> <bag/yes>
          bodybag <name> will show the status of the corpse.
BODYBAG gets all of <character's> corpses and puts them in your inventory
to do with as you wish.

If you find yourself getting the wrong corpse, post a bug report immediately!
See also TIMER

#Immortal Building BuildingMobs~
Misc body parts:
HEAD     ARMS    LEGS   HEART        BRAINS      GUTS        HANDS   FEET
Used for attacking:

#General Objects~
Syntax:  brandish                       (to invoke a staff)
Syntax:  quaff  <potion>                (to quaff potions)
         quaff  <potion> <container>    (quaff directly from container)
Syntax:  recite <scroll> <target>       (to recite a scroll)
BRANDISH invokes a magical staff.
QUAFF quaffs a potion (as opposed to DRINK, which drinks mundane liquids).
RECITE recites a magical scroll; the <target> is optional, depending on the
nature of the scroll.
You must be holding a wand or a staff before using BRANDISH.
All of these commands use up their objects:  Potions and scrolls have a
single charge.  Wands and staves (staffs) have multiple charges.  When a
magical object has no more charges, it will be consumed.  Use the spell
'identify' to see the remaining charges.

#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax:  breakwall <direction>
Syntax:  repairwall <direction>

Walls are very useful for keeping people out of a certain area.  A wall in
the new system is considered a true wall or a door.  Doors are just capable
of closing/opening up the area and locking to keep unwanted guests out.  If
you find yourself unable to gain access to a locked door there is always the
bruteforce option of breaking the wall down.  Now, first you must understand
this action is considered an act of aggression and might be frowned upon if
you are caught.  Also, it takes a lot of weapon power to take down just one
wall, so either bring a bunch of spare weapons or a good friend to help you
hack down the wall.  Once you figure out that you want to break down the
wall, just use breakwall <direction> to start hacking down the wall.  Once
the wall gets damaged enough, it will turn colors so you can actual tell it
is about to break (help showascii for those colors).

Now, on the otherside of the equation, there is repairwall.  You can purchase
special hammers to repair the walls with buycaste.  These hammers will last
a certain amount of uses and will help to repair the wall.  It might actually
cheaper to break down the wall and rebuild it though, so that is something you
also might want to consider, but if you are trying to keep people out, sometimes
repairing is the best option.

#Immortal System Systemolc~
#Immortal Building~
'Syntax: bset <board filename> <field> value
Used to set already exsisting boards.  You can use &Bmakeboard&g to
make a board, and you can use &Bboards&g to take a look at all the
The fields for bset are:
    ovnum read post remove maxpost filename type
    read_group post_group extra_readers extra_removers

#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax: build <direction/here> <field> value
Syntax: build alter <field> value

Build Field being one of:
  name sector flags
Alter Field being one of:
  layroad torchland cutpath plains stopfire planttree plantgrass
  plantcorn plantgrain

The Build Fields are carpenter only commands.  You need to first set
your job to carpenter to use them (help SETJOB).  Once you are a 
carpenter, you can modify the name of the room, the sectortype of
the room, and the flags.  (help HOWTOBUILD) to get more information
over this process.  Lastly, you can only use these commands in your
AOC (Help AOC).

The Alter Fields are Terrain altering commands.  You can use these
commands to change terrain outside of your AOC.  These are commonly
used to alter the terrain around your kingdom so you can lay roads
or plant crops.  (help BUILD2) for more information over these options.

For more info other these view howtobuild


#Kingdoms Creation~
There are certain rules about building when you are a player.  A few of 
them are inforced by code, some are not.  Breaking these rules will involve 
certain punishments pertaining to what rule was broke.  We are serious about 
these rules and all will be punished, even the innocent indirectly.  Well, 
without more rambling, here they are.

1.  You should keep the names of the rooms clean and try to avoid using
    obscene words or anything inappropriate.  If it is a road, mention that
    it is a road, etc.
The above rules are just fairly general rules.  The immortals reserve the
right to add or remove rules or reject descriptions based on current
needs.  Also, refunding of resources based on immortal changes is up to
the immortal, along with punishment for the kingdom/carpenters if they
choose to repeatively break the rules.


#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax:  build alter <field> <value>

All the below commands are Map editing commands.

layroad    torchland   cutpath     plains      stopfire    planttree 
plantgrass plantgrain  plantcorn

You use these commands by using the build <argument> command.  Below are
the arguments, what sectors they can change, and any involved cost.

&w&Clayroad - Used to lay a road or bridge over the terrain
          &w&cCost - 1k coins and 700 stone for a road, 10k coins and 1k stone for a bridge.
   Sectors - Road   - PATH, PLAINS, HILLS, PAVE&w
&w&Ctorchland - Used to torch the land, can grow over time, and will go out
            over time
             BRIDGE, PATH, PAVE, STONE&w
&w&Ccutpath   - Can cut a path (make path sectors) &w&c(Cost is 400 stone)&w
             BURNT, PLAINS, HILLS, PAVE&w
&w&Cplains    - Convert the lands to plains
             SWAMP PATH PAVE BRUNT&w
&w&Cstopfire  - Stops a fire &w&c(Need a big container of water, really big)&w
   &w&RSectors - FIRE&w
&w&Cplanttree - Plants a tree &w&c(Need a Tree Sprout)&w
   &w&RSectors - PLAINS FIELD&w
&w&Cplantgrass - Plants grass (changes to field) &w&c(Need Grass Seed)&w
   &w&RSectors - PLAINS&w
&w&Cplantgrain - Plants grain &w&c(Need Grain Seed)&w
   &w&RSectors - PLAINS&w
&w&Cplantcorn  - Plants corn &w&c(Need Corn Seed)*w
   &w&RSectors - PLAINS


#General Objects~
Syntax: buy   <object>
Syntax: buy   <# of object> <object>
Syntax: list
Syntax: list  <object>
Syntax: sell  <object>
Syntax: value <object>
BUY buys an object from a shop keeper.
BUY <# of object> <object> will allow you to buy up to twenty of a normal
store item at once.
LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you.  LIST <object> lists
just the objects with that name.
SELL sells an object to a shop keeper.
VALUE asks the shop keeper how much he, she, or it will buy the item for.

#Kingdoms Management~
#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax: buycaste <option> <num>
Syntax: placemob <num>
Syntax: placeobj <num>
Syntax: placetrainer <num>

Buycaste is used to buy caste stuff.  It is the general command and is used
to buy just about everything, type the command to see what is available at
this time.

Placemob is used to place a mob that you bought.  It will take away the cost
of the unit (the full 4 month cost or 1 hour cost for workers) and put the
unit in the training queue for training.  (HELP TRAINING) for more information
over training and the training command.

Placeobj works like placemob, it will place an object at that location you are
in.  Placeobj works a little different than placemob on where you have to be.
Furniture items or any other items that can only be placed in kingdoms will only
work if you are in your kingdom, but other items like extraction equipment or
sigils can be placed anywhere.

Placetrainer is used to place a trainer in your kingdom.  The trainer has to
be placed in your kingdom and you can only have 2 trainers per room.


#Wilderness Mounts~
Syntax:  calmmount <mount>

Used to calm a mount down that might of been struck or enraged on purpose.

#General Laws~
Standing at the entrance of a PK zone to PK those who enter. Highly
illegal so please do not do this.

#Kingdoms Creation~
Carpenters are very important to a kingdom just as much as a builder is to
a developing mud (well carpenters help the mud also).  Anyway, carpenters
have the ability to take resources and build and reshape rooms.  Most of
their work resembles a builder on a typical mud, but the building is
much more restrained than the average builder.  However, carpenters are
rather free to build just about anything they want, but keep in mind, if
you want to waste a shitload of work by extractors to build a temple to
yourself, don't expect to be funded for your next project :-).



#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax: carrybin on/off
Syntax: carrybin <obj> <dir>

Carrybin is the command used to hall bins that can hold the different resources out in 
the wilderness (help EXTRACTION help EXTRACT). You first start off by buying one of the 4 
different sizes of bins available to kingdoms. There is a Small bin, a Medium bin, a 
Regular Bin, and a Giant bin. Small bins are meant to be able to be halled by an average 
strength player by him/herself full of only 1 resource type (bins can hold 2 types). The 
Medium bin is meant to take one extremely strong character (perhaps an ogre) or two 
average strength players to hall back. Medium bins can hold twice the amount of Smaller 
bins, but are mainly only an advantage to those who can carry them. The Regular bins work 
good as a central storing unit. It takes 2 to 3 people to hall the bin back full, but it 
is much easier to transfer goods from a regular size bin to a small bin (help 
GETRESOURCES). The Giant bins hold 5 times the amount of a regular bin and require 
anywhere from 5 to 10 people to hall back, so they aren't meant to be moveable, just a 
central spot to dump your resource into. 

Now that you know how bins work, to the command. In order to help someone move a bin, you 
must type CARRYBIN ON. Once your help has carrybin on, you can type CARRYBIN <OBJ> <DIR> 
to move the bin. You will either move the bin or it will tell you that you don't have 
enough strength in your group to move it. It is also possible that you might not have 
enough movement between your group, and when this happens only those who can move will 
move, and the bin will stay back if it wasn't moveable. It is important to turn carrybin 
off so thaty you don't get dragged into moving a bin against your will (or for the enemy) 

NOTE:  You don't use carrybin to dump a bin into a town anymore, this will be handled
by dumpgoods.


Syntax: cast <spell> <target>

Before you can cast a spell, you have to practice it.  The more you practice,
the higher chance you have of success when casting.  Casting spells costs mana.
The mana cost decreases as your level increases.

The <target> is optional.  Many spells which need targets will use an
appropriate default target, especially during combat.

If the spell name is more than one word, then you must quote the spell name.
Example: cast 'cure critic' frag.  Quoting is optional for single-word spells.
You can abbreviate the spell name.

When you cast an offensive spell, the victim usually gets a saving throw.
The effect of the spell is reduced or eliminated if the victim makes the
saving throw successfully.

See also the help sections for individual spells.

#Kingdoms ImmKingdom~
Syntax: caste set <name> <number>
Syntax: caste number1 <name>
Syntax: caste number2 <name>
Syntax: caste savelist
Syntax: caste mob [vnum]
Syntax: caste obj [vnum]
Syntax: caste trainer [number]
Syntax: caste silo [number]
Syntax: caste add mob <vnum>
Syntax: caste add obj <vnum>
Syntax: caste add trainer
Syntax: caste add silo
Syntax: caste remove mob <vnum>
Syntax: caste remove obj <vnum>
Syntax: caste remove trainer <number>
Syntax: caste remove silo <number>
Syntax: caste edit mob <vnum> <option> <value>
Syntax: caste edit obj <vnum> <option> <value>
Syntax: caste edit trainer <number> <option> <value>
Syntax: caste edit silo <number> <option> <value>
Options(mob, obj) - tree, corn, grain, iron, gold, stone, coins, vnum, flags, mincaste
Options(silo) - stone, coins, mincaste, hold
Options(trainer) - sn1-sn5  mastery1-mastery5  name  cost
---Type flags with no argument to see the flags that can be set---
Syntax: caste fillresources <sector type> [amount]

To see a list of caste numbers (HELP CASTENUMBERS)

This is a large command used mainly to set caste on players, and then used
to add mobs/objects/trainers/silos into the caste system.  It also has a feature
to fill the resources of a certain sectortype to a certain amount (say you
want all forests to be full at 6000 in Rafermand).

The Other commands are pretty self explanitory, just look at the syntax.


#Kingdoms Management~
Syntax: caste set <name> <number>
Syntax: caste number1 <name>
Syntax: caste number2 <name>

Caste is used to set the caste ranking of a player or set the number1 or number2 of a kingdom.
It is best to have the number1 or number2 in the room when you set them.  You can also remove
the number1 or number2 by just typing number1 or number2 without the name argument (again best
done if the player is in the room).  If you wish to set the caste, there are a few rules to

1.  Those who do not own land (don't own a town) can only be set as high as Knight.
2.  Those owning land can only be set as high as Marquis
3.  You cannot set the Ruling Caste, it is set when you appoint number1 and number2

To see a list of caste numbers, type (HELP KINGDOMNUMBERS)


#Kingdoms Management~
Here are the Caste rankings and their numbers
Serf           - 1
Peasant        - 2
Laborer        - 3
Apprentice     - 4
Journeymen     - 5
Master         - 6
Merchant       - 7
Trader         - 8
Businessman    - 9
Mayor          - 10
          &PRoyalty Caste
Page           - 11
Squire         - 12
Knight         - 13
Baronet        - 14
Baron          - 15
Earl           - 16
Viscount       - 17
Count          - 18
Duke           - 19
Marquis        - 20
          &cRuling Caste
Vassal         - 21
LordVassal     - 22
Lord           - 23
HiLord         - 24
Captain        - 25
Minister       - 26
Prince         - 27
King           - 28

          &c&wSpecial Caste
Avatar         - 29
Legend         - 30

          &G&WImmortal Caste
Ascender       - 31
Immortal       - 32
God            - 33
Staff          - 34
Admin          - 35

#Kingdoms Management~
Syntax: castevalues [option] [value]

This command is the equivalant of cset for Kingdoms.  It will allow the
adjusting of values for the kingdom that are available to change.  By
just typing castevalues, the king can see curent values or can use the
value name and change it.  Below are the value names and what they do.

name              - Sets the name of the Kingdom (Max 20 characters)
ruler             - Owner of the Kingdom (Kingdom).  Can pass ownership with givecrown.
race              - Race of your kingdom (once you set this cannot change it)
allowjoin         - Allowing players to join (1 is yes 0 is no)
number1           - Number1 of your kingdom (set with caste number1)
number2           - Number2 of your kingdom (set with caste number2)
dtown             - Sets the default town players are put in when joining the kingdom
minbuild          - Minimum caste to use the terain building commands (layroad, etc)
minplace          - Minimum to buy and place mobs/objs/, etc
minappoint        - Minimum to make a worker a get resources
minhighappnt      - Minimum to setjob, caste, or koutcast
minwithdraw       - No longer used
mincommand        - Minimum caste required to command units in your town
minreadlog        - Minimum caste to read the klog
minswitchtown     - Minimum caste to switch back and forth between towns with tinduct                    
mintooperate      - Minimum caste to use townvalues if not a mayor of a town
mindepository     - Minimum caste to withdraw or see items in the depository
minlogsettings    - Minimum caste to use the logsettings command
minbooktax        - Anyone below this caste will get taxed on spellbooks purchases
mintrainertax     - Anyone below this caste will get taxed on trainer usage
mingeneral        - Minimum caste to command units in any city.
logtime           - Prune time setup by klog
loglines          - Prune lines setup by klog
salestax          - Simple enough (75 is 7.5 80 is 8.0, etc, divide by 10)
                    Tax is placed in default town
poptax            - Population tax (75 is 7.5, 80 is 8.0, etc)
                    (NOTE:  Once you change this, you have to wait 1 GM Year)
treetax-goldtax   - Tax levied on towns when they dumpgoods (if you set 20 you get 20 percent of dump)
trainertax        - Tax on Trainers by Tier (100 percent is double cost, 200 triple)
visitortrainertax - Additional tax on visitors (minimum 100, 200 is double cost)
booktax           - Tax on Books by Tier (100 percent is double cost, 200 triple)
visitorbooktax    - Additional tax on visitors (minimum 100, 200 is double cost)

Below these values you will see all the cities that are in your kingdom along with
their town size.  Below that is the Deplomacy settings for you kingdom.  You can
change these with declare (help declare).

Make sure to use lowercase when using the options or it will not work.


#Magic Cleric Hindering~
Syntax: cast 'cause light'    <victim>
Syntax: cast 'cause serious'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'cause critical' <victim>
Syntax: cast harm             <victim>

These spells inflict damage on the victim.  The higher-level spells do
more damage.

#Immortal System Systemolc~
Syntax:  cedit save
Syntax:  cedit <command> create [code]
Syntax:  cedit <command> delete
Syntax:  cedit <command> show
Syntax:  cedit <command> [field]
Field being one of:
  level position log code
Cedit create is used to create the entry and name for a new command.
Cedit delete is used to delete a command.
Cedit code is used to assign a defined section of code to a command.
Cedit show displays current statistics on a command.
Cedit level sets the minimum level for usage of a command.
Cedit position sets the min_pos for execution of the command.
Cedit log determines the manner in which the command will be logged.
Use 'cedit save' to save changes permanently.

#General Information~
Syntax:  changes <length up to 100 or -1 for default>

All changes are recorded to a file that is viewable from the webpage or you
can look at up to 100 lines of it with the changes command.  The website with
the full length changes log is at.

#General Communication~
Syntax:  channels
Syntax:  channels +<channel|all>
Syntax:  channels -<channel|all>

With no options, CHANNELS show you your current channels.  With a plus or
minus sign and an option, CHANNELS turns that channel on or off.  Using the
'all' option, CHANNELS will turn on/off all normal channels.

Public channels are those that can be seen by everyone, regardless of their
affiliation with clans, guilds, orders or councils.  Private channels are
channels available to those with affiliations of some sort, and also tells.

The first channels you will have as a new player are SAY, TELL, and NEWBIE.

 - to use say, the person you want to talk to must be in the same room,
   just type SAY <message>.
 - to use tell, the target person may be anywhere within the Realms, just
   type TELL <name or> [message].
 - newbiechat is seen and used only by level 1 characters, members of the
   Newbie Council, and Immortals.

Lastly, a new of channels are configurable using the color command.  Any
color you set will change the output of the text only.....So, if you
see this

&G&WXerves [&Rchats&G&W] &C'Hello there'&g

and you change the chat color to lets say pink, the text part that is in
cyan will only change color.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
The charm spell, if successful, will place the victim (only mobs, attempts
to charm other player-characters may incur the wrath of the gods) under
your control for the duration of the spell.  While under your control
the creature is your servant, and may assist you in combat and other
more minor duties.  Use the 'order' command to give them orders.
Be warned, you are responsible for the actions of your charmed beast.  If
it should go awry and take the life of another player-character, you will
be charged as a murderer and will be hunted by several creatures around
the Realms.
Aggressive mobs will lose their aggressiveness while charmed, but will
immediately return to their violent ways when the spell wears off.  For
this reason, charmed aggressive mobs should not be taken into any area
lower from the one from which they came, and should *never* be taken
into Rafermand or the Academy.  Those found doing so will pay dearly.
As a matter of etiquette, charmed mobs should not be attacked.  You can
tell a mob is charmed if it is wandering "in a dazed, zombie-like state."
Be aware when taking your charmed mobs around other characters that any
area attack such as call lightning, gas breath or earthquake will hit
your creature and cause it to engage in combat.
  SEE ALSO: Help dismiss

#General Communication~
Syntax: chat     <message>
Syntax: music    <message>
Syntax: ask      <message>
Syntax: answer   <message>
Syntax: shout    <message>
Syntax: yell     <message>

These commands send messages through communication channels to other players.

SHOUT sends a message to all awake players in the world.  To curb excessive
shouting, SHOUT imposes a three-second delay on the shouter.

CHAT, MUSIC, and QUESTION and ANSWER also send messages to all interested 
players.  '.' is a synonym for CHAT.  The ASK and ANSWER commands 
both use the same 'question' channel

YELL sends a message to all awake players within your area.

You can use the CHANNELS command to hear, or not hear, any of these channels.

#Immortal Building BuildingSetup~
Syntax: checkvnums <mob/room/object/all> <start vnum> <end vnum>

Checkvnums is used to check a range of vnums to see if they conflict with
an area or building area.

Checkvnums has been phased out, you should use freevnums instead.


#Immortal Building~
Cident is a value used with gambling mobiles.  I am not currently using this
code at this time so don't worry about setting it (leave it at 0)

#Combat Thievery Combatskills~
Syntax:  circle <mob>
A skill unique to thieves and their like, and which can only be used while
in combat.  It inflicts damage comparable to backstab, and requires the thief to
be wielding a decent stabbing weapon, but it has been known that thieves who
have mastered this skill have been known to use weapons not of the stabbing nature.

#General Information~
Syntax:  clans
    or:  clans <clan name>

The 'clans' displays a list of all current clans, the clan deity and its
leader, as well as the clan pkills (victories) and pdeaths (losses).

You can also use 'clans <clan name>' to view information on the specified

#General Communication~
Syntax: clantalk <message>

Provided that you are in a clan, clantalk will send the message to all 
current members, as well as the deity.

#General Communication~
Syntax: clear

This command clears the screen.


#Kingdoms Creation~
#Kingdoms Management~
#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax:  clearqueues

Clears the kingdom queues.  Used mainly if the queues mess up.


#General Information Players~
Syntax: climate
Syntax: climate warmfront
Syntax: climate coldfront
Syntax: climate tornado <x> <y>

Climate is the imm command to create fronts/tornados and to view
the fronts around you.  When you create a front or a tornado, it will
put them on the same map, and for fronts, at your current location.

1 'CLIMB'~
#General Movement~
Syntax:  climb  <direction>
This skill enables you to climb into and out of rooms that require it.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
&ySyntax: clones&w

This command works like users; it shows you all the active connections, but
it shows them sorted by user@host, making it easier to spot multiplayers.
It also counts the clones for you.

See also: &YUSERS&w

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
Usage: forceclose <descriptor#>

Closedesc is used to close a descriptor.  This command is mainly used if for some
reason a player cannot connect because his/her character is already semi-logged-in.
You just type users to get the descriptor number and then use this command to kill

#Immortal System~
Syntax: cmdtable

Lists all of the commands in the game, and how many times they have been used
since the last startup.

#Immortal System~
Syntax:  coinduct <playername>
         cooutcast <playername>
Coinduct inducts an player into a council.  Cooutcast removes a player
from a council.
This command should only be used if it is your council unless authorized.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
For those practicing the arts of Water, Cold Ball is the first challenge a beginner must
master before moving on.  Cold ball is a rather simple spell in which a small ball of ice/water
is created and hurled toward a target or two.  It is capable of hitting a large amount of
targets, but the damage is rather minimal.

&w&WTier:    &c&w1
&w&WGroup:   &c&wWater
&w&WSpecial: &c&WArea
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#General Communication~
Syntax: color <color type> <color>|default
Syntax: color _reset_ (Resets all colors to default set)
Syntax: color _all_ <color> (Sets all color types to <color>)

Example: say &&RR &&yO &&YY &&GG &&BB &&bI &&pV &&w^^rredbox &&b^^rblueinred ^^Wflash&&^^x
&CYou say '&RR &yO &YY &GG &BB &bI &pV &w^rredbox &b^rblueinred ^Wflash&w^x&C'&w

&wForeground Colors:
		Dull			Bright
RED		&&r &r*&w		&&R &R*&w
YELLOW		&&o &o*&w		&&Y &Y*&w
GREEN		&&g &g*&w		&&G &G*&w
BLUE		&&b &b*&w		&&B &B*&w
Purple		&&p &p*&w		&&P &P*&w
Cyan		&&c &c*&w		&&C &C*&w
White		&&w &w*&w		&&W &W*&w <-- use &&w to stop colors (default)
Darks		&&z &z*&w		&&x &x^w*&w^x  <-- background is gray on purpose

&wBackground Colors:
		Normal	FLASH
RED		^^r		^^R
YELLOW		^^O		^^Y
GREEN		^^g		^^G
BLUE		^^b		^^B
PURPLE		^^p		^^P
CYAN		^^c		^^C
GREY		^^w		^^W
BLACK		^^x  		^^W <-- use ^^w to stop background colors (default)

The syntax at the top is used with the color command.  It is used to change the color
settings in Rafermand.  This allows you to change room color from LBLUE to say GREEN
if you wish.  You can also make all colors one color and reset back to default.

2.0 Patch/code by Samson


Our combat system is slightly different than other muds, so it is important to understand
how it works.  First of all, the "attack" command is attack, kill and murder will still
work, but they point to attack.  In order to start a battle, you can either use a command
or spell that can be used to start a battle (try it to find out), or use the attack command.
The attack command syntax is as follows

Syntax: attack <mob> [target body]

In our system you can aim at certain body parts or limbs: head, rarm, larm, rleg, lleg, neck,
body.  If you do not supply a target, you will automatically aim at the body.  In addition, if
you have not used the target (HELP TARGET) command, you will not attack till you choose another
attack (Realtime).  In addition, each skill/spell/attack requires a certain amount of rounds
to pass before you can continue.  When it comes to attacking with weapons, the weapon size has
a lot to do with the speed you can attack, if you are wielding too heavy a weapon, it will take
you much longer to attack.  In addition, your movement (HELP ENDURANCE) effects your time along
with the amount of armor you have on your upper body (everything but legs, HELP EQUIPMENT).  For
more information over what targetting a limb does, see (HELP LIMBS).

While in battle, it might be important to change your grip (HELP GRIP).  You can use grip to
change to bash, stab, or bash.  Each one of these attacks has its own type of benefits and
downfalls (HELP GRIP), so it is important to use the right attack at the right time.

When you are fighting, you will notice we have slightly different battle output than most muds
do.  You can get more information over that by visiting the helpfile (HELP BDESC).

Lastly, for more detailed information over how the system works (HELP COMBAT2).  This
discusses more of how the system works (NOTE: This is the update for the new system for
2.1 so read if you haven't already)


This helpfile comtains information over the workings of the new combat system
and changes made.  Here is a quick rundown on the changes.

1.  The system is now based on a 30d system unlike before.  If you have equal
    weapons versus armor rating you roll against a 17.  However, each grip type
    (slash, bash, stab) will make a difference on what damage you do.  Bash has
    a 6 slide, slash 4, stab 2.  This means anything from 11 to 23 for bash will
    be a hit.  11 being the least amount of damage and 23 slightly below 100 percent
    damage.  A 17 will be 50 percent and then it goes down according to a percent
    value.  Slash being a slide of 4 would be 13 to 21.  Anything below these values
    are a miss, anything above is a hit.  This mainly means bash will land more often.
2.  A roll of 1 is a critical miss.  Critical misses either damage your weapon, add
    extra lag time to your fight, or just simply miss.
3.  A roll of 30 is a critical hit.  Critical hits are 2 to 3 times the amount of
    damage of a full hit.  In addition, shots to the head/neck/body can cause an
    instant death shot.  Some mobs and all undead are immune to these shots though.
    You will have the best chance to do an insta to head, then neck, then body.  Besides
    instas, you can do a critical limb strike with a slash or bash grip.  This will cause
    the limb to be cleanly removed.  Slash has the best chance to perform a crit limb.
4.  Aiming at anything but the body increasing the chance of the target dodging your
    attacking.  Aiming at the body actually decreases it.
5.  Races now have dodge mods.  Fairy has the best, Ogre the worst, etc.
6.  Changed how the "sore" rate and damage to limbs work.  The mob health you have the
    harder it will be to develop sores or get your limbs hacked off.  
7.  Armor/Weapon damage has changes since there is no percussion.  It is based on how
    much damage is dealt.  The more damage the more wear on the weapon/armor.


#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax: command [mob/all/range] <dir>.
Syntax: command [mob/all/range] <x> <y>.
Syntax: command return [range].
Syntax: command town <townname>

A simple command that will allow you to command UP TO 10 kingdom mobiles.

You can either command a group of mobiles to move in a certain direction using
the normal movement commands (n, s, w, e, n+e, n+w, s+e, s+w).  You group them
together like this


This kind of movement is considered "dumb" movement which means they will go
there till they hit the spot or are blocked by something.

The other kind of movement is the <x> <y> movement.  You specify a location
up to 70 rooms away from you in any direction and they will try to navigate
a route to get there.  If they cannot find one, they will tell you so.  This
option is "smart" since they will navigate around obsticles blocking them.  The
ranges are from your location.  -y is north, +y is south, +x is east, -x is west.
So -5 0 would be 5 west and 5 -4 would be 4ne 1e

command return has a range of 15 and will comand any units in that range to
return to your position.  This is again a "smart" movement, they will try
to get to you as best as they can.

command town <townname> allows you to sit at the center of your town and tell
all units in that room to move toward a town connected to your town.  This is
useful for moving a group of units quickly between two cities.


Syntax:  commands <string>
Syntax:  socials
COMMANDS shows you all the (non-social) commands available to you.  If you
include a string you see all available commands that begin with that string.
SOCIALS shows you all the social commands available to you.
(Special thanks to KaVir for mailing us lots of extra socials)
See also EMOTE

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
#immortal Punishment~
Syntax: comment write
Syntax: comment subject <subject>
Syntax: comment post <player>
Syntax: comment list <player>
Syntax: comment read <player> #
Comment write puts you into a buffer, and the commands work just like writing
a note.  You may only read and post comments on players currently online.
Comments should be used for all disciplinary actions and warnings, on anyone
who makes frequent demands of or troubles for immortals in general even if
the player is not doing something specifically illegal, repeated problems,
after _all_ reimbursements, and any other information you feel would be
important to another Immortal when dealing with the player in the future.
If you have a disciplinary action and the player quits before you are able to
post a comment, please place a copy of the comment on the board located in
hell, room vnum 6.

#General Objects~
Syntax: compare <object-1> <object-2>
Syntax: compare <object>

COMPARE compares two objects in your inventory.  If both objects are weapons,
it will report the one with the better average damage.  If both objects are
armor, it will report the one with the better armor class.

COMPARE with one argument compares an object in your inventory to the object
you are currently wearing or wielding of the same type.

COMPARE doesn't consider any special modifiers of the objects.

#General Information Stats~
Constitution is your physical strength of your body and will

* Increases Health regen rates
* Increases Health increase rate
* Affects your ability to withstand poison and hunger

What Increases Constitution
* Getting hit once you have take *SOME* damage

What Decreases Constitution
* Time
* Knocked unconcious
* Death


#Immortal ImmLaws~
.               &c&w**Rules of Conduct**
&G&W1.  Transfer command can be used on any immortal and will not check
    against level.  It is not kind to transfer an immortal for no cause.
2.  Giving of items with SPECIAL BONUSES are not allowed.  Exa.  Do not
    give a level 2 player a level 50 sword, or take a level 2 sword, and add
    10 hitroll to it.  I find this, you will be warned, then if it is abused,
    you will be demoted, or removed.
3.  For no reason should immortals be snooping players without consent of Staff
    rated immortals.  Immortals of lower level, however, lose this right, so
    don't be going off and doing stupid things that can be logged.  Use a
    mortal if you want to remain safer.
4.  Imms are allowed *1* immortal for use, unless authorized by Staff.  If you
    have the advance command, do not advance your player beyond 50 without
5.  Secondly, imms with advance have the right to advance mortals for "testing"
    purposes only.  You can not play your mortal with other mortals if you are
    cheeting with it.
6.  Immortals are expected to attend atleast 5 hours each week, if you cannot
    do this, please inform Xerves so he knows what is going on.  Imms won't
    be removed because of personal problems, but will be if Xerves doesn't
7.  Cheeting with friends or any other player is not allowed.  The rules
    are the same for bonuses.  Cheeting would be using your imm to stop
    fights, or give repetitive restores and the such.  Everything needs
    to be fairly fair.
8.  As an immortal, you are help to a higher standard then a typical player.
    PLEASE, try to avoid getting into stupid arguments, or odd situations.
    This makes you look bad, along with the rest of the immortal Staff.  If you
    have a problem, handle it in a reasonable manner, or ask a higher level imm
    to help you rid of the problem.
9.  DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT force players unless you absolutely must.  You
    want to lose players really quickly, that is one of the fastest ways I know
    on how to do it (this does not include forced saves before reboot, or
10. Your immortal is your immortal.  Any other login by another address, will
    be almost immediate termination.  If you want another person to login,
    please notify a staff level member, and they will make arrangements.

#General Information Players~
#General Communication~
Syntax:  config + or - <option>
This command configures some of your character behavior.  Typing CONFIG
alone shows you your current settings.  With a plus or minus sign and
an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.  The options are:
  NICE           Toggle attack response if attacked by a player (non-deadly only)
  NORECALL       Toggle automatic recall if you lose link during combat
  AUTOEXIT       You automatically see exits
  AUTOLOOT       You automatically loot corpses (not on pkilled corpses)
  AUTOSAC        You automatically sacrifice corpses
  AUTOGOLD       You automatically split gold from kills with your group
  GAG            Toggle whether you see battle details in full or brief form
  PAGER          Toggle page pausing on long scrolls
  BLANK          You have a blank line before your prompt
  BRIEF          You see brief descriptions only.
  COMBINE        You see object lists in combined format
  NOINTRO        Toggle whether you see the graphic screen at login
  PROMPT         You have a prompt
  TELNTGA        You receive a telnet GA sequence
  ANSI           You receive ANSI color sequences
  RIP            You don't receive RIP graphics
  DRAG           Toggle whether others can drag you if you are incapacitated
  NOSUMMON       Toggle whether you will allow player characters to summon you
  GROUPWHO       Toggles an announcement that you seek to group.
  POV            No longer used
  NOWEATHER      Do not get weather updates
  NOBEEP         Cannot be beeped
  NOFOLLOW       Cannot be followed
  AUTO-TARGET    Autotarget is on (help target)
  WHONUMBER      Whonumber setting (help whonumber)
  SHOWPC         [PC] Will show infront of your name if you turn it on
Immortal Configs
  ROOMVNUM       Shows a room vnum in a default prompt
  AUTOMAP        Not used
  NOFINGER       If on, people below your level cannot finger you
  NOTRANSFER     If on, people below your level cannot transfer you
  SHOWASIMM      [IMM] Will show infront of your name if you turn it on
  SHOWNAMES      If on, you will know all the names of the players/imms online
  UKNOWN         If on, everyone will know your name
  ONDUTY         If turned off, you will not show up in who list or when you 
                 login (not invis) 
&w&WSee also:  &w&CPAGER, PROMPT, COLORS.

#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax:  conquer

Conquer shows what kingdoms are being conquered, by who, and what time
remains till the kingdom is conqured.

Conquering routine has changed a bit in 2.1.  In order to conquer a town
you need to have units in the center of their town (designated by the T
in showcontrol).  Once you occupy that, you have to occupy it for 3 RL
days.  Remember to giveorders to conquer


Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character.
Of course, it's only a rough estimate.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
State | Description
    0 | Player is playing.
    1 | Player is prompted for his or her name.
    2 | Player is prompted for his or her password.
    3 | Player is prompted to confirm his or her name.
    4 | Player is prompted to select a password.
    5 | Player is prompted to confirm the password.
    6 | Player is prompted to select his or her sex.
    7 | Player is prompted to select a class.
    8 | Player is reading the message of the day.
    9 | Player is prompted to select a race.
   10 | Unused.
   11 | Player is in the line editor.
   12 | Player is prompted to select RIP, ANSI or NONE.
   13 | Player is viewing the title screen.
   14 | Player is prompted to PRESS ENTER.
   15 | Player is waiting for authorization (1).
   16 | Player is waiting for authorization (2).
   17 | Player is waiting for authorization (3).
   18 | Player has been authorized.
   19 | Getting Pkill status (not used)
   20 | Reading IMOTD (not used)
   21 | In the process of deleting
   22 | Getting hometown (not used)
   23 | Beginning to Remort (not used)
   24 | Rolling Stats (not used)
   25 | Getting alignment (not used)
   26 | Gboard Note To Step
   27 | Gboard Note Subject Step
   28 | Gboard Note Expire Step
   29 | Gboard Note Finish Step
   30 | Login Menu
   31 | First Screen (Hit Enter)
   32 | First Skills Setup (Not Used)
   33 | In a Copyover Recovery
   34 | Getting DNS (Login)
   35 | Choosing What Hand the player is
   36 | Choosing What element the player is

#General Objects~
Containers are almost a necessity in the Realms.  They are used to carry
items, food, and drinks.  They help allow you to sort things, by using two
or more types of containers at once.  Corpses use many of the same commands
as regular containers.
EXAM <container> or LOOK IN <container> allows you to see what it contains.
GET <item> <container> allows you to take one item from a container.
GET ALL <container> allows you to take everything from a container at once.
GET ALL.<item> <container> allows you to take all of a particular item type
PUT <item> <container> puts an item inside a container.
PUT ALL <container> will put as much of your inventory in the container as
possible, until the container is full.
PUT ALL.<item> <container> will put as much of one type of item into the
container as possible, until the container is full.
EMPTY <container> will pour all of the contents onto the ground. 
EMPTY <container> <different container> will transfer the contents.
   Read your Guide to the Realms for more information on containers.

#Immortal Building BuildingObjs~
Container flag values:
     Closeable = 1
     Pickproof = 2
     Closed    = 4
     Locked    = 8

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'continual light'

This spell creates a ball of light, which you can hold as a light source.
The ball of light will last a period of time that varies by the strength
of the spell.

#Immortal System Systemolc~
Cset is used to set the system's 'control panel' settings.
Syntax: cset <field> <level>
Syntax: cset save
        ban_class_level  - level able to ban classes
        ban_race_level   - level able to ban races
        ban_site_level   - level able to ban sites
        bash_nontank     - modifier if basher is not tanking the victim
        bash_pvp         - bash modifier player versus player
        bestow_dif       - max lvl dif between bestowed cmd level and char lvl
        build            - level to see build channel
        checkimmhost     - imm host checking on or off
        dam_mvm          - as above, for mob vs. mob
        dam_mvp          - as above, for mob vs. player
        dam_pvm          - as above, for player vs. mob
        dam_pvp          - percentage adjustment for player vs. player fighting
        dodge_mod        - divide dodge chance (% learned) by this (default 2)
        Exp_Percent      - Sets the Percent increase bonus (not used)
        forcepc          - level to force pc's
        gemvnum          - Sets the default gem vnum
        get_notake       - level to pick up notake flagged items
        gouge_nontank    - gouge modifier if gouger is not tanking the victim
        gouge_pvp        - gouge modifier player versus player
        guild_advisor    - name of the Advisor to Guilds
        guild_overseer   - name of the Overseer of Guilds
        ident            - number of times the mud tries to run ident on a descriptor
        imc_vnum         - vnum for imc board
        log              - level to see log channel
        morph_opt        - Morph Optimizing?
        mset_player      - level to allow mset to operate on a player
        muse             - level to see/use muse channel
        newbie_purge     - How often newbies pfiles are purged
        override_private - level to override private/solitary rooms
        parry_mod        - same as above, for parry                (default 2)
        petsave          - Toggles rather pets are saved or not
        pfiles           - Sets pfiles auto cleanup to 1 (auto) or 0 (manual)
        proto_modify     - level to modify prototype objects
        Quest_item1-12   - Sets the vnum of the quest items
        Quest_value1-12  - Sets the value in qp for the quest items
        read_all         - level to read all mail
        read_free        - level to read mail for free
        regular_purge    - How often regular pfiles are purged
        resetcalender    - Resets the Mud Time (do not use unless you know what you are doing)
        saveflag         - flags/actions on which to save a pfile (drop, give, get,
                           receive, auction, zap, death, auction, auto, password)
        savefrequency    - How often the mud saves the pfiles
        stun             - sets normal (mob vs. player / player vs. mob) stun modifier
        stun_pvp         - as above, for player vs. player
        take_all         - level to take all mail
        think            - level to see/use think channel
        toppid           - Sets the top pid (do not change unless you know what you are doing)
        tumble_mod       - same as above, for tumble              (default 4)
        write_free       - level to write mail for free (no items necessary)   

#General Objects~
Syntax: Cook <item>
Cooking requires certain food types and a fire. Cooking ones' food will
keep it preserved longer, and remove many poisons. However, overcooking
may destroy the item.

#Immortal Building EditWilder~
Usage: coords <x> <y>
Usage: coords view <x> <y>

Coords is used to move around the wilderness and to get a better view of
the wilderness.  coords <x> <y> will move you to a certain point on the
map you are at.  You can either use this command or goto map <name> <x> <y>
to move around the map (HELP GOTO).  You can also use this command to
get a bigger view of the map (up to 50x 50y).  This is an alias Xerves uses
in the game, it might be of some use to others.

alias bigmap coords view 30 20


#Combat Forge~
Copper, bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, and other ores are part of the forge
system.  HELP FORGE.


#Immortal System Reboot~
#General Information~
Copyover, also known as warmboot, is a process in which the mud will
reboots itself but you will say connected (well techincally this is not
true, but you won't see much difference).  Copyover typically provides
about five to ten seconds of lag and you will be able to enter commands

When a copyover happens, you are saved and so is everyone else, but there
are a few things that aren't saved.

Fighting (if you are fighting you will stop)
Stuff that normally purges during reboots or crashes (like keys)
Stuff you might of dropped

Those are just a few things (there are probably more).  It is best to
get all your belongings or use anything that will disappear in a reboot
before a copyover happens.

Also, for immortals, it is important to savearea before one and loadarea 
once the warmboot is over because it doesn't save your area. 

#General Information~
No councils yet.

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
After great training, those skilled in the arts of combat can attempt
to counter attack the enemy by delivering a blow after they strike
you.  The more skill you have in counter attack, and the slower and
less powerful the enemy is, the easier it will be to strike the enemy

#General Information~
We do not often do CRs anymore in Rafermand

#General Information~
Crashes are unforeseen interruptions in the game that cause everyone
to be disconnected. If you type time and look at the system start up
time, you can determine if the game has just rebooted or if it was a
problem with only your character. 
   99.9% of the time corpses will save over a crash. The game will 
start back up with your character at the last place you saved or the
game saved you. 

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'create fire'

This spell brings forth a magical fire from the ground.
Though it currently has no use other than a lightsource in the room, it
will soon have many uses, including cooking and lighting things.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'create food'

This spell creates a Magic Mushroom, which you or anyone else can eat.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'create spring'

This spell brings forth a magical spring from the ground, which has the
same properties as a fountain.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'create water' <drink-container>

This spell replenishes a drink container with water.

#General Information Credits~
Ooh this might get long, I have a lot of credits to mention in this little
old help file.  Anyway, I would first like to start out by thanking the
developers for DIKU, MERC, and SMAUG for releasing the code, in which I enjoy
dabbling in.  Second, I would like to give credit to the other 2 code bases
that I am familuar and have used ideas from, ROM and RoT.  Next, I need to
give credit to as much of the snippets that I have used, or any ideas from
other people I can remember (if you see something that belongs to you and
you are not listed on this list, please contact me, I lost some URLs to some
Samson and his snippets...
Slay (Org. by Gary McNickle)    Color v2 (Org. by Matthew Bafford)
Delete (Org. by Swiv)           Reroll (By Samson/Redone by me)
Bank (Org. by Minas Ravenblood) Junk (Done by Stu)
Finger                          Beep (taken from code by Altrag)
Study (Org. by Absalom)         Pfiles
Vassign                         Run (DODT2 code base)

LrdElder and his snippets...
Questmaster (Vassago->Port by Vir->LrdElder->Xerves)
New Arena (Org. by Kevin Hoogheem)

Cronel and his snippets...
Editor (update of SMAUG editor) Info channel
Clones                          Sslist

Desden and his snippets...
Healer (ROM port)               Punct

wizhelp screen

And a few unknown authors from Darkoth's page (which is now down).

As for other people.  I give out a huge THANKYOU to Wisdom from Call
of the Storm for helping me get the mud up and getting rid of some
pesky bugs before I even knew they exsisted (plus the wizhelp screen).
I would also like to thank Janus for getting me interested in doing
this way back before this ever started.  Also, thanks to Ghaleon/Stakk/
Octav/Qutius for being there in the beginning and telling me to switch
from RoT to SMAUG.  Also, thanks to Shai'tan for putting in a few
snippets.  Next, thanks to Remorhaz for coming up with some decent
ideas to put on the mud, and giving me a snippet to post on my page.
Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank all the immortals
(builders/coders/skill makers/social makers/pests) that have helped
create what we have so far.  Without all of you, I would be doing
this all by myself.

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
Critical Strike is a very deadly skill in the hands of the skilled.
Being a skill favored by those trained in the arts and in theivery, 
critical strike will allow the user to strike at a very critical
part of the enemy's body and cause massive damage when they strike
it.  However, because the enemy moves around a lot, hitting the
target can prove to be quite a challenge.

#General Areas~
A mysterious castle that reaches into the skies.  The castle can be
seen from Rafermand square and is rummored to be the place of the
undead.  The mothers and fathers of Rafermand educate their children
earlier of the dangers of wandering near the castle because of all
the corpses that have been dragged back my explorers and adventures.
It is rummored that the Lord of the undead inhabits this evil place
and there is also mention of "Flying Death"

#Immortal System Systemolc~
See (help controls)

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'cure blindness' <character>

This spell cures blindness in one so unfortunate.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
1) Syntax:  cast heal            <character>
2) Syntax:  cast 'cure critical' <character>
3) Syntax:  cast 'cure serious'  <character>
4) Syntax:  cast 'cure light'    <character>
These spells heal damage suffered by the target character.  The higher-level
spells heal more damage.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'cure poison' <character>

This spell cures poison in one so unfortunate.

#Magic Cleric Hindering~
Syntax: cast 'curse' <character>

This spell reduces the character's to-hit roll by 1 and save versus spells
by a handful.  It also renders the character unclean in the eyes of God and
unable to RECALL.

#General Information~
See help bdesc

#Immortal Building BuildingMobs~
For those unsure of what damplus is, it is part of the damage
equasion for a mob... ie:  10d6 + 10   (the +10 is the damplus)
This "damplus" is always added, whether or not the mob is barehanded or
wielding a weapon.   This is basically the mob's damroll.

#Immortal System Smaugspells~
DAMAGE          ACTION       CLASS         POWER       SAVES
none            none         none          none        none
fire            create       lunar         minor       poison_death
cold            destroy      solar         greater     wands
electricity     resist       travel        major       para_petri
energy          suscept      summon                    breath
acid            divinate     life                      spell_staff
poison          obscure      death
drain           change       illusion

#Magic Mage Offensive~
&w&CThe most destructive magic when it comes to the Realm of Fire.  Those who are known to
have mastered the Realm of Fire possess the arcane knowledge to create massive walls of
fire that appear to dance before the eye.  The heat is known to be so strong and so fierce
it was rumored that this very spell was used to wipe out hordes of orcs and insects back
in the days of Rolen.

&w&WTier:    &c&w4
&w&WGroup:   &c&wFire
&w&WSpecial: &c&WArea
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
Apon learning the exact points to strike an enemy, the skilled can aim for
vital points in the body and cause more damage the enemy in every blow landed.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
A very nasty spell only available to experts in the sphere of Energy.  Deanimation
actually steals some of the living power from the targetted creature and then pumps
it into the spell caster.  While this is only a bit of healing, the target faces a
nasty spiritual raping in the process.

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEnergy
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDrain Health
&w&WSaving:  &c&WThree-Quarter Damage

#General Information~
When your character dies, you are reincarnated in the newbie camp or at
the recall spot of your Kingdom's choicing.  Your corpse is left behind
where you were killed, together with all of your equipment.  Your gold
stays with you (mysterious is it not?).

Any spells which were affecting you are canceled by death, and you lose
experience points as well.  Following/groups are not affected by death.
Corpses decay after time.  When this happens the objects inside a corpse
will decay with it.  Player corpses last roughly 30 minutes of real time.
Only the player who died or someone in their group can retrieve objects
from a player's corpse.

#General Information~
#General Movement~
A "death trap" refers to the scenario where one steps into a room and is
immediately awakened from death with no equipment or corpse. A corpse
recovery is not an option in this case as there is no corpse to retrieve.
There are also pseudo death traps that may appear to be a dt, but leave a 
corpse or transfer a corpse to another area. This is not a true dt. 
It is often advisable to look before one leaps and heed room descriptions.
DT's do not warrant a reimbursement, they are a part of the game. Gold, 
glory and favor are not affected by a death trap.

#Kingdoms Management~
#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax: declare <argument> <kingdom name/num>
argument - war, neutral, trading, peace, remove, reject

Declare is used to declare war, peace, neutral, or trading on another
kingdom.  In order to move up on the peace status between two kingdoms,
both sides agree (so to go from neutral to trading, both sides need to
agree to trading).  However, to go down from neutral to war, all 1 side
needs to do is declare war.

Once one side declared something that needs to be accepted by both sides,
the other side can either reject it or remove it.  Both sides can see what
is being offered by using castevalues or offers and offered.


#Immortal Building BuildingMobs~
parry        dodge      heal       curelight   cureserious   curecritical
dispelmagic  dispelevil sanctuary  fireshield  shockshield   shield
bless        stoneskin  teleport   monsum1     monsum2       monsum3
monsum4      disarm

See MSET and ATTACKS  (Some are not implemented).

#Combat Warrior Styles~
Syntax: style defensive
This style emphasizes the deflecting of blows from an enemy. It is similar
to the evasive style, except that it focuses on holding ground instead of
dodging. An effective fighter will take less damage from an enemy, but not
as much as one using evasive tactics. A fighter will also do less damage to
enemies, but slightly greater than those who simply evade.
See Also: style, evasive, defensive, standard, aggressive, berserk

#Immortal System Systemolc~
Flee, flee_npcrace, flee_npcfoe: favor adjustment made when fleeing
Kill, kill_npcrace, kill_npcfoe: favor adjustment made when you kill something
Kill_magic: favor adjustment for each offensive spell cast
Sac: favor adjustment for sacrificing a corpse
Bury_corpse/dig_corpse: Favor adjustments for burying/digging up corpses.
Aid_spell: favor adjustment for helping someone with a spell
Aid: favor adjustment for aiding someone physically (aid, rescue)
Steal: favor adjustment for theft
Backstab: favor adjustment for circling and backstabbing
Die, die_npcrace, die_npcfoe: favor adjustment for dying
spell_aid: favor adjustment for having a help spell cast upon you.

#Immortal System Systemolc~
Alignment: Deities alignment.  Followers lose favor for all actions when
650 or more out of alignment.
Worshippers: # of followers.
Npcrace: A mob race protected by the deity.  The _npcrace fields only apply
to this race.
Npcfoe: A mob race detested by the deity.  The _npcfoe fields only apply to
this race.
Race: A race the deity is restricted to.
Class: A class the deity is restricted to.
Sex: A sex the deity only accepts.
Element: Resistance deity bestows on followers.
Suscept: Susceptible deity bestows on followers.
Affected: Spell deity bestows on followers.
Object: vnum of deity object
Avatar: vnum of deity avatar
Scorpse, Savatar, Sdeityobj, Srecall: Prices (in favor) to supplicate for these
for a particular deity.

#Immortal Punishment~
Syntax:  delay <victim> <# of rounds>

A simple command that "freezes" a player for the amount of rounds listed (a round is
1/4 of a second).  Used mainly as a form of punishment.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
Formed along with acadic oblivion, demolic blast is only approachable by those blessed
in the realm of Earth.  Demolic blasts call upon an invisible force that is present in
the earth to release a pure blast of hell at the poor target.  It causes massive amounts
of damage and damages equipment beyond belief.

&w&WTier:    &c&w4
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEarth
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDamage Equipment
&w&WSaving:  &c&WOne-Quarter Damage

#Immortal Punishment~
Syntax: deny       <character>
Syntax: disconnect <character>
Syntax: freeze     <character>

DENY denies access to a particular player and throws them out of the game.
DENY persists past reboots and crashes and can only be undone by either loading
up the character and doing a 'mset <character name> flags deny', or by editing
the player file offline.

DISCONNECT <character> immediately disconnects that character.

FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any
commands at all.

#Kingdoms Creation~
#Kingdoms Management~
Syntax: depository give <item/ore>
Syntax: depository give inventory
--------Below are for those at or above mindepository-----------
Syntax: depository save
Syntax: depository all
Syntax: depository item <item name>
Syntax: depository ore <ore name>
Syntax: depository take ore <name> [number]
Syntax: depository take item <ore> <name> [number]

Depository is the command that allows you to dump ores into an infinate storage area
for your kingdom.  You can use this command to give to the depository, save it, list
items in the depository, or take items from it.


#General Information Players~
#General Roleplaying~
Syntax: description

The DESCRIPTION command puts you into an editor to edit your long character
description (what people see when they look at you).
The BIO command puts you into an editor to edit your personal bio: what
people see when they check WHOIS or finger on you.
An Immortal can request you change your description or bio if it contains
inappropriate material.  Do not use profanity, racial slurs, sexual comments,
other players names (without their permission), or off-color remarks.  Refusal
to change your bio, description, or title on Immortal request is grounds for
loss of character privileges.

#Immortal Punishment~
'Syntax: destroy <player>
Destroy is used to completely destroy (remove) a player file from
pfiles list.

#Immortal System Systemolc~
Syntax: destroyslay <type>

This command deletes a slay type from the table of options.


#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'detect hidden'

This spell enables the caster to detect hidden creatures.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'detect invis'

This spell enables the caster to detect invisible objects and characters.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'detect magic'

This spell enables the character to detect the presence of magic in
objects, and also enables the character to see magic in him/herself
and in others.  This allows the character to be able to detect what
magical enhancements are affecting him/her and how long it will last.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'detect poison' <object>

This spell detects the presence of poison in food or drink.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'detect traps'

This spell makes one magically aware of dangerous traps for a period of

#Combat Thievery Thiefskills~
Syntax: detrap <object>

This skill allows one to disarm a trapped object.

Use it with care.

#General Information~
Deities are no longer used.

#General Information Stats~
Dexterity is your ability to use your hands efficiently

* Slightly improves agility
* Allows you to have more items in your inventory
* Improves grip rating on a weapon
* Increases your dodge ability
* Increases your parry ability

What Increases Dexterity
* Using Dodge
* Using Parry

What Decreases Dexterity
* Wearing moderate/heavy armor


#Immortal Building~
Syntax:  diagnose of 20
Diagnose of n - object frequency of top "n" objects.  The above example will
return the 20 most numerous object vnums in the game at that time.

#Immortal Building~
#Immortal System Smaugspells~
To make the special SMAUG spells possible, special dice formula handling
had to be coded in.  (At least to make it nice).  This dice formula code
supports full BEDMAS expressions ( ) ^^ / * + -, plus extra mud related
operators and variables:
D dice         L level          H hit points      M mana
V movement     S strength       I intelligence    W wisdom
X dexterity    C consitution    A charisma        U luck
Y age

 Note:  l is not (one) but (L).
{ - UMIN
} - UMAX


#General Objects~
Syntax:  dig
Syntax:  dig  <direction>
Syntax:  bury <item>
You can dig and bury items through the use of the dig skill and bury command.
Buried items are not visible to players, even through the use of spells such
as locate object.  To dig an item up, type dig with no arguments.  Having a
shovel raises your chance of success.  If you dig in a direction, you will
attempt to dig open an exit.
To bury an item (or corpse), drop the item on the ground and bury <item>.
Depending on the size and weight of the object, you might need a shovel.
* Note:  Deadly players can bury/dig up each other's corpses. *
Items buried will not last beyond crash or reboot.  Do not attempt to use
this skill for storage of items you wish to keep.

-1 DIKU~
#General Information Credits~
.         SMAUG was originally based on the Merc 2.1 code which was
              based on the orignal DIKUMud code created by:

                       The Original DIKUMud Team:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (

                     Additional contributions from:

 Michael Curran  - the player title collection and additional locations.
 Bill Wisner     - for being the first to successfully port the game,
                   uncovering several old bugs, uh, inconsistencies,
                   in the process.

         And: Mads Haar and Stephan Dahl for additional locations.

  The Original DIKUMud was Developed at the Department of Computer Science
                     at the University of Copenhagen.

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
Syntax:  disarm
Disarm is an auxiliary fighting command to attempt to disarm your opponent.
Several things affect your ability to disarm or resist a disarm attempt
successfully, including your weapon and your stats compared to the weapon
and stats of your opponent.
You can only attempt to disarm your primary opponent, meaning you will be
unable to try to disarm a second or third attacker until you have disposed
of the first.

#General Information~
Syntax: dismiss <target>

The dismiss command will force your charmed mobile to follow itself and
will negate the charm effect.

Syntax:  cast 'dispel magic' <character>
This spell dispels magical affects on the victim.  It may be used as an
offensive spell to remove an enemy's magical advantages, or as a benign
spell to completely remove your own magical affects.
If you are not a mage, you must be affected by the 'detect magic' to be
able to use this spell.  Though mages do not necessarily need to use it,
being under the affects of 'detect magic' will reveal more information
unavailable otherwise or to other classes.
'Dispel magic' can be used by players and mobiles alike against either
players or mobiles.  It cannot remove affects from equipment, your race
or your deity; some other affects are immune to this spell as well.
When a caster successfully casts 'dispel magic' on themself they will
remove all of their dispellable magical affects.  If a mage successfully
dispels a victim, the number of affects stripped will depend on their
success and intelligence.  Otherwise a successful cast of 'dispel magic'
on a victim will result in the removal of a single affect each time
(victims will notice when and what affects are stripped).
WARNING:  this is an offensive spell, and its use on anyone other than
yourself will be treated as an attack on your target.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'divine protection' <target>

By calling upon the healing ability of the cleric, the caster can form a sturdy
shield around the target, increasing his/her ability to evade being hit (increase
AC).  The spell has the strength of the spell armor, but seems to last just a
bit longer.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Powerful clerics who possess this spell are said to be able to heal the most critical
wounds of their targets.  It creates a small cloud of rain the soothes the wounds of
the target and heals them.  The power is known to range somewhere between divinity and
power heal.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax:  c divinity <target>
A powerful blessing that heals the target of a great deal of health.

#Immortal System~
Syntax: dmesg

Displays the contents of the boot log.

If you have the ability, please fix any problems found in the boot log.

#Combat Thievery Combatskills~
Dodge is a skill that works automatically while you are in battle.  You will notice
that you are either dodging attacks or not dodging attacks.  Along with it happening
automatically, there is a skill in the Thief sphere that will increase your chances
to dodge an attack.  By increasing this skill you can either dodge more affectively
or wear heavier armor, as will be explained next.

Dodge is affected by the armor size of your armor.  No armor is the lightest and yields
the best possible chance to dodge.  Next is leather, chain, ring, and plate.  A cuirass
and heaume have the highest value when it comes to armor size.  If you are weighted down
enough, you will not be able to dodge no matter what your stats are or your ability in

Lastly, dexterity affect and shields.  By using dodge, you will either increase it for
using it, or decrease it for not using it.  If you wear light armor and dodge often, you
will increase both your dodge skill and dexterity.  If you are equiped like a tank, you
will start to lose dexterity over a period of time.  Lastly, if you are using a shield you
will suffer a percentage against your chance to block.  This percentage is your percent
to block an attack with a shield.  So if you have a 50 percent chance to dodge and a 50
percent chance to block with a shield, you will only get a 25 percent chance to dodge (50
percent of 50 percent is 25 percent).  Dodge does not affect your ability to block with
a shield.


#Combat Warrior Noncombat~
Syntax: doorbash <direction>

This skill can be used to effectively bash open doors. NOTE: Not all doors
are affected by this skill.

#Immortal Building BuildingRooms~
#Immortal Building Resets~
Here is the order of the exits, and their corresponding values:

  | Direction | Value |
  | NORTH     |   0   |
  | EAST      |   1   |
  | SOUTH     |   2   |
  | WEST      |   3   |
  | UP        |   4   |
  | DOWN      |   5   |
  | NORTHEAST |   6   |
  | NORTHWEST |   7   |
  | SOUTHEAST |   8   |
  | SOUTHWEST |   9   |
  | SOMEWHERE |  10   |


#General AtPlayers~
Syntax:  drag  <character> <direction>
Drag will drag the victim in the specified direction if they are not
standing up.  It is often used to drag a person to saftey, but can
also be used to drag them toward harm :-)

#General Areas~
A much forgotten race has taken refuge in a small valley near the
southern outskirts of Rafermand.  Many of the dragons here have been
hiding for ages from man and other preditors as they try to remove
all of the dragons from the world.  Protected by the great Stone
Dragon, The Valley is peaceful and calm at the moment.  However, back
a few years ago a traveler accidently found the path into the valley
and the dragons are being very careful.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
This spell increases your ability to reason for its duration.

#General Objects~
Syntax:  drop <object>
         drop <amount>  coins
Syntax:  get  <object>
         get  <object>  <container>
Syntax:  give <object>  <character>
         give <amount>  coins <character>
Syntax:  put  <object>  <container>
Syntax:  get/put/drop   <# amount>  <object>
Syntax:  get/put        <# amount>  <object> <container>
DROP drops an object, or some coins, on the ground.
GET takes an object, either lying on the ground, or from a container, or
even from a corpse (TAKE is a synonym for get).
GIVE gives an object, or some coins, to another character.
PUT puts an object into a container.
Use 'drop/get/put all' to reference all objects present.
Use 'drop/get/put all.<object>' to reference all objects of the same name.
 - drop 1000 coins
 - get all.ball backpack
 - get 5 sword
 - put 15 potion backpack

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
A very important skill for those who are looking to make a living learning the art
of fighting.  Dual wielding allows you to wield two, one-handed weapons or a weapon
and a one-handed projectile weapon (ex. crossbow).  You can then use both of these
weapons in battle.  If you are dual wielding normal weapons, you will notice less time
in battle to hit.  However, you will randomly attack with both weapons, so you don't
get a choice of which one to use (two maces work out well).  Only thing to remember is
you cannot dual wield two-handed weapons and you must have enough strength to wield both
of your weapons

(Note: It is important to remember you cannot wear a shield or use missile
       weapons when you wield two weapons)

#General Information Races~
Dwarves, are heavily divided upon the world of Rafermand, their motives as diverse as each individual 
culture of their kind.  Some are nomadic traders, who often travel with a stockier, nomadic,
mercantile breed of beardless dwarves.  There are dwarves that have grown taller and thinner, tilling 
the land and living in dark, cold forests.  There are the people of the underground, some bitter, some 
reclusive, some nomadic (within cavern systems), and some whom have become bulky even for dwarves, 
stronger, meaner, and adept at being found only when they wish it, travelling unseen in the underearth 
using inherit, passive magicks.  Standing between dwarves and other cultures is wholly dependent on the 
individual collections of the dwarves, as they have a highly developed clan heirarchy.  Dwarven 
metalworks are highly sought after, and each breed of dwarf is known for crafting artifacts suiting their
general cultures.  Dwarven weaponsmiths are incredibly well known, but their arts are so refined, that a 
true dwarven master is almost as rare as any dragon or greater mortal.  However, only the darkest
of dwarves are skilled at creating powerful, prized weaponry, as the peaceful branches of dwarven society 
prefer the theory of swords to plowshares.

Additional Information

* Greatly Increased Str/Con/Wis
* Lowered Dex
* Slightly Lowered Agility
* Ability to See in the Dark (infravision)
* Innate ability to repair and forge

#Magic Mage Offensive~
A strange, but rather effective spell.  The mage calls upon the assistance of the earth
to trap in a target and continue pounding it as it clamps in and out.  A rather ugly
looking spell, but rather effective in causing pain and injury.

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEarth
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WOne-Quarter Damage

#Magic Cleric Hindering~
Syntax: cast 'earthquake'

This spell inflicts damage on every enemy character in the room.
Beware that other characters who are not yet fighting may attack
you as a result!
Be aware that area attacks are aggressive to all mobs in the room,
including pets, mounts and charmed creatures.

#General Objects~
Syntax:  drink <object>                  (drink liquid from a drink container)
Syntax:  eat   <object>                  (eat food or a magical pill)
         eat   <object> <container>      (eat directly from a container)
Drink instructs your character to drink from a fountain or a drink container
to alleviate thirst.
Eat instructs your character to eat an item of food or a magical pill (which
function in a similar fashion as potions); pills do not fill stomach space.
When you are hungry or thirsty (you will see messages at each tick that
tell you if you are starving or dying of thirst, and can check your
current state with either 'score' or 'oldscore'), you will not regain
hitpoints, movement points or mana back as rapidly as if you were well
fed and hydrated.
If you stay hungry or thirsty too long and you are not immortal, your
mental state will begin to suffer.  Your combat skills will be affected,
your coordination will suffer and you may begin to either hallucinate or
become depressed.  Eating, drinking and a little rest will solve this
problem after a short period of time.

#General Information Stats~
Eating and drinking are very important...
If you let yourself starve or dehydrate, your mental state will be affected,
and you may have problems performing even the simplest of tasks.
Typing 'score' will give you an indication of your current mental state.
('oldscore' will also show this information)
Sitting, resting and sleeping will increasingly contribute to better your
mental state (if done while not starving/dehydrating).
Being hurt badly in battle ("That really did HURT", and "You wish that your
wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!") as well as poisoning will also have a
rapid negative affect on your mental state.

#Immortal System~
Syntax:  echo      <color> <message>
         echo  imm <color> <message>
         echo  pc  <color> <message>
Syntax:  recho     <color> <message>
ECHO sends a message to all players in the game, without any prefix indicating
who sent it.  If 'echo imm <message>' is used, only level 51+ characters will 
see the message. If 'echo pc <message>' is used, only player characters will 
see the message.
ECHO done in color should avoid the use of red and dark red unless it is a 
Urgent message containing important information related to the game.

RECHO sends a message to all players in your room, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.
See also : COLOR 'IMM ECHO'

#Immortal Building~
Each area will initialize (on bootup of the mud) with a pool of gold based
on the area's range and the wealth of each mob in that area.
The shopkeepers and thieves will automatically deposit gold into the economy
if they are carrying more than a certain amount (the higher the level of the
shopkeeper, the greater they will carry before depositing).
To allow mobprogs to be created to manipulate area economies, making them
interactive and interdependent, there are two mpcommands:  mpdeposit, and
mpwithdraw (see related helpfiles).  There is also an 'if economy' ifcheck.
The aset command can also be used to adjust an area's economy by hand
(example:  aset <area filename> low_economy <amount>, this will give
the specified area a minimum economy at the level you set).
Mobs will not repop with more gold than what they were originally created
with, but if the area economy runs low they will begin to repop with less
until the economy is replenished (as they all share the same gold pool).
Use foldarea to make changes to an area's economy with aset permenent.

#General Information~
#Immortal Building~
The SMAUG Editor is used when you're writing mail, notes, your bio,
description or other long bodies of text. The commands in the editor are

/? [command]          Displays editor help in general, or about a command.
/l [line range]       Lists the current contents of the note.
/c                    Clears the current contents of the note.
/d <line>             Delete line. 
/g <line>             Goto line. This is useful for inserting lines,
                      deleting and fixing lines, etc.
/i <line>             Insert line. Inserts a new blank line where specified.
/r <old> <new>        Global replace text. 
/a                    Abort editing. No changes you made are kept.
/! <command>          Execute mud command. '/! smile' sends the smile
                      command, without exiting the editor.
/s                    Save buffer, and exit the editor.
/p                    Print information about the current editing session.
/f [range] [width]    Format a paragraph, making it look uniform.


#General Information~
#Immortal Building~
Syntax: /f [range] [width]

A very useful command when working with long paragraphs (particularly for
our builders).  What this will do is allow you to set any length on the
text you are typing, and when you are finished, just simply allow you to
format it to the typical length that is used in the mud (the stand is
to allow 640x480 see everything on the screen without line breaks).  So
once you are done, you will need to format your text, below is an example
and what it all means.

/f 1 5 75

Simply enough, this formats line 1 through line 5 to be spaced at 75 on
the right margin.  As of now, it will only space on the right margin and 75
is the standard for viewing.  Also, if you change around the range numbers
or make a number that doesn't exsist, it shouldn't work (but it won't crash
the mud either).

&G&WSee Also: &CEDITOR

#Combat HandtoHand~
Well this attack doesn't do exactly what the name implies.  Available to only experts
in striking the arm, elbowbreak is a precission strike to the elbow that causes massive
amount of damage to the target.  While it is possible to break the arm with this
strike, it isn't always a sure deal nor is it more affective than any other arm attack.


#Combat HandtoHand~
The basic strike to the elbow learned by all beginners in the arts.  It is a simple
strike to the elbow.  The damage from the elbowjab is low because it is more of an
basic attack not targeted at a specific point in the elbow.  Howerver, it is a good
starting point for those without a weapon in hand.


#Combat HandtoHand~
After gaining skill in elbowjab, elbowstab is the next step up.  The attack is very
similiar to elbowjab in it is a strike to the elbow, but it is a more precise strike
for more damage.  The damage is not overwhelming such as the cold warmth of mithril,
but it is decent enough to leave the target in pain.


#Magic Mage Offensive~
Once those learning the sphere of Energy gain a bit more mastery, Electric Blast
becomes available in their lineup of pain.  It causes a small surge of Electricity
to form around the target and then suddenly expode around the target causing moderate
damage to the target.

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEnergy
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WThree-Quarter Damage

#General Information~
Elements are the elments you choose at the beginning.  There are 6 basic elements used in
Rafermand: fire, earth, water, air, energy, divine.  When you choose an element in the beginning
you are mainly choosing which element you can obtain Tier 4 spells in (help tier).  A Tier 4
spell is the strongest spell available in that group or element.  These spells are very powerful
and can only be obtained by the skilled veteran players of this game (so if you are a newbie you
have awhile to go).  In order to obtain such a spell you will first need Tier 3 spells up to
Master status, a book for your Tier 4 spell (which is not the easiest thing to obtain) and a trainer
to teach you this Tier 4 spell.

There might be other things that your element might affect later (such examples as limiting an opposing
element Fire:Water Earth:Air Energy:Divine) and making you resistant to your own element.  However, none
of this is implemented atm, so look back to his helpfile later if any changes are made.  For more
information over the elements see (help MAGIC)


#General Areas~
A canyon on lands blessed (well maybe cursed) by a small group of
mages.  As legend would have it, in an attempt to make everyone's life
much harder, they channeled all their energy and even their soul into
the land to curse it with the magical powers of the elements.  Shortly
after, they died from the experience and the elemental canyon was born.
Because of the problems this would cause with the creatures getting
loose, the citizens of Rafermand quickly close off the area.  Not much
else is known about the area.

0 ELF~
#General Information Races~
Elves, an enlightened, magical race.  Elves, though advanced in almost all aspects of civilization, 
are reclusive by nature, and in the world of Rafermand, they are highly shunned both for
their prowess in the arcane and their spiritual beliefs, their beliefs even during the Time Before The 
Gods that something greater than mortal guided the fate of the world.  The arrival of new deities has 
disrupted power amongst the elven spiritual heirarchies, and internal turmoils prevent elves from 
actively engaging in outside relations, so over the years, in some areas, elves slowly became the thing 
of myths, even though some of their kind are known to wander and engage in relations with the other 
races.  Another factor contributing to the outcast nature of the elves is that outsiders are forbidden 
from stepping foot within the great, living citadels of the elves, citadels hidden from all but the 
greatest of prying eyes.  Racially, any of the 'darker races' are shunned by elves.  Any elven colony 
which tries to maintain outside political affilations is outcast from even elven society, and the 
practitioners of the darkest of elven arts find that few, even the greatest of evils, will trust or 
accept them.  The rare individuals that practice these forbidden, immortal magics never coexist with 
others like them, and as such, are incredibly rare, and shortlived, when they are discovered.

Additional Information

* Lowered Str/Con
* Increased Int, Wis, Dex, Lck, Agi
* Innate magical abilities (second to fairy)
* Slightly Agile
* Innate ability to detect magic (see how long an affect spell lasts).

You elude an attack when the target doesn't roll enough dice to hit you.
Eluding an attack is not dodging an attack and does not rely on your dodge
skill or dexterity what so ever.

#General Information Players~
Syntax: email <address>
Syntax: email clear
Allows you to specify an email address to list with the finger command.
It can be any address you wish to make available for others to see.
To remove your email address, type 'email clear' and it will no longer
be available to users of the finger command.

#Combat HandtoHand~
A very lethal attack known to only a small sect of grand masters.  It is beleived to
be a strike to an unknown point in the neck that is known to cause great internal and
neurological damage.  Beyond that, nothing else is really known.


#General Communication~
Syntax:  emote <text>
Emote is a customized expression of emotions or actions.  For example:
emote justs smiles and nods.
... displays to everyone in the room:
<Your character's name> just smiles and nods.

Your emotional state is the state of mind you are in.  If you are tired
and very weak from poisons and lack of sleep, your emotional state will
drop.  If you are high or on a natural high, your emotional state will
rise.  It is best to have an emotional state around 15 to 0.  If your
emotional state is low, you can help it by removing whatever toxins you
might have and sleeping.

#General Objects~
Syntax:  empty <container>
Syntax:  empty <container> <container>
This command allows you to empty a container of its contents.
Use 'empty <container>' to dump the contents to the ground.
Use 'empty <container> <container>' will empty the contents of the
first container into the second container.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon>
This spell imbues a weapon with a magical enchantment, increasing its to-hit
and to-dam bonuses.  The weapon must be non-magical to start with, else the
enchantment will not succeed.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
A simple spell available to the newbie spell caster.  Energy blast does what
you would think it does, it creates a small energy blast out of thin air and
strikes the target causing a bit of damage.  Nothing earth-shattering, but enough
to strike down some small wilderbeast.

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEnergy
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WThree-Quarter Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
Available to the eager learning of the Energy Sphere, energy drain is a decent
middle of the line spell.  It packs enough punch to be harmful, yet it can cure
a bit in the process.  As the name suggests, energy drain creates a hole in the
target, in which energy is drained out and received by the target.  Because of
this procedure, these spells cost more mana and cause less damage though. 

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEnergy
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDrain Health
&w&WSaving:  &c&WThree-Quarter Damage

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
This skill increases the damage you inflict when attacking.  Use of the
skill is automatic once you have practiced it.

#General Movement~
Syntax:  enter
Syntax:  leave
In rooms either 'somewhere' exits or exits responding only to keywords,
you can simply type 'enter' or 'leave' to pass through that exit.
The most common use of this is with portals cast by mages.  To use the
portal, simply type 'enter' on either side of it and you will pass
through to the other side.

#General Objects~
&GSyntax: equipment
Syntax: inventory

EQUIPMENT lists your equipment (armor, weapons, and held items).
INVENTORY lists your inventory.

You will also notice a * before an item, this is used to quickly spot the damage
done to a piece of armor or a weapon.  Below are the following colors and what
they mean.

&c&w*&G - Has no condition
&P*&G - Perfect condition
&B*&G - Good condition
&Y*&G - Fair condition
&R*&G - Poor condition
&r*&G - Broken

A &c&w*&G is for an item that has no condition (anything that is not
armor or a weapon).  Everything else has a color.  If the condition
is in perfect or good condition, the object probably needs not to
be repaired.  Fair condition is an object that needs fixed but can
probably survive a few more scratches, while poor needs to be fixed
right away.

#General Objects~
Equip is the equipment command.  If you are looking to wear something, use the
wear command.

#General Objects~
See helpfile (HELP EQCOMMAND) for help over the comands equipment, inventory, and
what the * means.

Our equipment system is also slightly different than other systems.  We have 5
"key" armor slots: head, arms, legs, chest, neck.  There are other slots, but
they are mainly for holding bags, sheathes, and robes.  They possess little to
no advantage in protection.  The other 5 slots are used to defend against attacks
to the limbs they cover (HELP LIMBS HELP COMBAT).  It is important to have neck
and head gear because a landed blow there can be lethal and cause death with only
one hit, no matter how little damage it does.  Each piece of armor has a defense
rating for bash, slash, stab (HELP GRIP).  The better the ore and the bigger the
piece of armor, the more protection it covers for that area.  Also, neck and head
gear seems to do a better job than the others protecting their areas (HELP FORGEARMORS)

When it comes to weapons, each weapon can be used to bash, slash, stab (help GRIP),
but each weapons typically tends to be better at one than the others (HELP FORGEWEAPONS).
In order to change which one you are attacking with, you would use the (grip) command
to change how you are gripping the weapon to strike with.  This is important if you
enemy has special armor that is strong in a certain area, or you want to switch to
a certain type during a battle.  Switching grip takes a few seconds in battle (HELP
COMBAT) so beaware you just cannot change grip.  

Any extra equipment you have may be sold at a shopkeeper or broke down and sold
at a forge (HELP FORGE)


#Magic Mage Offensive~
&w&CKnown only to the most elite sorcerors in the realm of Fire, Eradication is the
annex of strength in their Realm.  Eradication is capable of producing extreme heat
that is capable of making bones disappear on contact.  Those who are fortunate to
survive such a extreme blast also find that whatever they were using as armor seems
to disappear just as fast as their own health.

&w&WTier:    &c&w4
&w&WGroup:   &c&wFire
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDamage Equipment
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Combat Warrior Styles~
Syntax: style evasive
This style of fighting focuses on the art of dodging and parrying blows.
Less damage will be taken by a fighter using this style, but the damage
a fighter does in battle is also reduced due to the concentration needed
for evading an enemy.
See also: style, defensive, standard, aggressive, berserk

#General Objects~
#General AtPlayers~
Syntax: look
Syntax: look    <object>
Syntax: look    <character>
Syntax: look    <direction>
Syntax: look    <keyword>
Syntax: look in <container>
Syntax: look in <corpse>
Syntax: examine <container> <item type>
Syntax: examine <corpse>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see.

EXAMINE is short for 'LOOK container' followed by 'LOOK IN container'.

ITEM TYPE is the item type of an item, such as armor or weapon.  You
have to use the word that shows up in identify as the <item type>

For more info over the * and its colors, see help inventory.

#Immortal Building BuildingRooms~
The redit exflags <dir> [flag] ... command accepts the following flags:
ISDOOR        | There is a door in that direction
CLOSED        | The door is closed
LOCKED        | The door is locked
SECRET        | The door is a secret door
PICKPROOF     | Door is pickproof
FLY           | Must be able to fly to go that way
CLIMB         | Must be able to climb to go that way
DIG           | Passage is blocked and must be dug out
NOPASSDOOR    | Door is resistant to the passdoor spell
HIDDEN        | Door is not "obvious" -- doesn't appear with autoexits
CAN_CLIMB     | Can use the climb command to go this way
CAN_ENTER     | Can use the enter command to go this way
CAN_LEAVE     | Can use the leave command to go this way
AUTO          | Keyword can be typed to go this way
SEARCHABLE    | Searching in this direction can remove the SECRET flag
BASHED        | Denotes a door that has succesfully been bashed open
BASHPROOF     | Cannot bash the door
NOMOB         | Mobs may not pass through this exit
WINDOW        | Points to a destination, but does not allow direct access to it
CAN_LOOK      | Allows a person to view the destination room for a WINDOW exit
PUSHTYPE      | Players will be pushed or pulled by a type of force.
PUSH          | Players will be pushed or pulled with a degree of force.
OVERLAND      | Exit leads into the Wilderness/Overland

#Immortal Building BuildingRooms~
The 'redit exit' command is used to create, modify and remove exits in a room.
Currently there can only be one exit in a certain direction.
The syntax of the 'redit exit' command is as follows:
redit exit <direction> [vnum] [exit-type] [key] [keyword(s)]
direction: one of: n, s, e, w, u, d, ne, nw, se, sw or ?
vnum     : the room number in which the exit leads to.
exit-type: a number detailing the exit -- has a door, open/closed/locked etc.
key      : a number corresponding to a key object which can unlock the door.
keywords : keywords used to refer to the door, (or exit).

If only 'redit exit <direction>' is specified, the exit will be removed.
The 'key' field is optional when specifying keywords.  All other fields are
required previous to the field desired.

redit exit n 3001           - Creates an exit north to room 3001
redit exit n 3001 3 gate    - Changes the exit north to have a closed "gate"
redit exit n 3001 3 15 gate - Changes the gate to allow use of a key vnum 15
redit exit n                - Removes the north exit

See EXITTYPES for generating the exit-type value.

#General Movement~
Syntax: exits

Tells you the visible exits of the room you are in.  Not all exits are visible.
You can use the 'bump' technique to find hidden exits.  (Try to walk in a
certain direction and see what you bump into).

#Immortal Building BuildingRooms~
See (help exflags)


#General Information~
We are a no-level mud, meaning you do not level or gain experience in the normal
way.  (type help for more details)

#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax: extract
Syntax: dumpgoods <amount/all> [obj]
Syntax: dumpgoods town <amount/all/obj>
Syntax: showresources

Extract will extract goods from the spot you are on

Dumpgoods is used to dump your goods into an obj (a resource bin) or into
your town if youa re within the AOC.  You can also dump a resource bin that
is in your AOC into your town.

Showresources will show the amount of resources on you and which type you
can extract.


#Kingdoms Creation~
Extracting goods from the lands is not a skilled job, but one that does
require special equipment.  In order to extract from the lands, an
individual needs to be appointed a worker by a member of the kingdom that
has the ability to appoint (minappoint).  After that, they need to purchase 
equipment in which to extract the lands.  Certain equipment is better than 
other equipment, so either pay a nice price for the good stuff, or just take 
your time with the poor stuff.

Once you start extracting, you are able to hold a certain amount of material
on you.  The amount is influenced by your strength, so an ogre or
another strong class makes good workers.  Once you are full or tired of
extracting, it is possible to drop the goods off into a resource bin.
Also, it is possible to completely extract all goods from one spot.  After
that, you will have to wait quite awhile till it regenerated enough material
to be useful again.

 Commands: (help <command> for a bit more info)
    makeworker (Baronet or higher use only)

#Kingdoms Creation~
There are a few things Extractors can extract.  As an extractor, that player
can only extract one thing at a time, however, they can either change it
themselves if they have the proper caste or ask someone who can.  The below
is the types of extractable material

Gold (Value 1)
A very valuable raw material that is used to purchase unique things in the
kingdom.  Not to be confused with gold coins though.  

Iron (Value 2)
The basics for producing large equipment that requires a harder material than
wood or stone.  Iron cannot be used to make iron ore or slabs that players
can use to make equipment...

Corn (Value 3)
A basic food item that can be used to feed people with or trade.

Grain (Value 4)
Another basic food item that can be used to feed or trade with.

Lumber (Value 5)
Very valuable to Carpenters, needed to build just about everything in the
cities of the Kingdom.  A very important material in allowing a kingdom to

Stone (Value 6)
A slightly harder material than Lumber, but not as durable as iron.  Stone is
used to pave roads and paths, make walls, and other various objects that might
be needed by the kingdom.  Stone is a natural product of the world and cannot
be grown like corn, grain, and lumber


#Magic Mage Defensive~
One of the newly born spells that was brought to the world when Xerves first
made his presence known.  It was becoming a problem with a few of his underlings
not being able to carry the material, equipment, and the loot that he/she needed.
So in response to this need, Xerves crafted one of the few new spells in the
world, extradimensional portal.

The extradimensional portal takes a great time and care to master because the
first portals created by a master wizard are quick small in size and cannot hold
much more than a paper sack.  But the patience of the wizard will be rewarded in
the future with the ability to easily hold more loot than any other ways possible.
The people who possess this spell are said to be under Xerves's constant watching
and are very reluncant to share their magical power with any who are not deemed
ready under Xerves's eye.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
Syntax: cast 'faerie fire' <victim>

The spell creates a small curse on the victim that reduces the victim's armor rating.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax: cast 'faerie fog'

This spell reveals all manner of invisible, hidden, and sneaking creatures in
the same room as you.

#General Information Races~
Faeries, perhaps the most diverse of all the races, probably most resemble the humans in idealogy.  
Faeries are incredibly diverse, and they are incredibly chaotic, with very impulsive, fluid
political affiliations.  A sacred pact with a fairie is about as credible as a verbal agreement with a 
drunken ogre, as such pacts are oft forgotten seconds after they have been made.  Most fairies
are incredibly gifted at a natural magic, harnessing spells and invocations inaccessible to any other 
race...yet few use their power for more than the continued growth of their hidden cities.  Faeries are 
the most diverse of all races in physical appearances, ranging from the cherebum-like images most 
rumours within Rafermand detail, to the dangerous, wingless faeries possessing great thorns in place 
of wingbones.  There are races of faeries that are not wholesome by nature, but all faeries share a 
common realm, serving one royalty alone, and as such, rarely share totally opposing external relations.  
Mistrusted by all larger races as a general rule due to their finicky nature, it is hard for a faerie to 
form friendships between any others.  As a general rule, the collective motive of the faeries is simply 
assumed to be the preservation of their secret, secluded realm.  There are tales of a village where 
outcast faeries, and their sylvan counterparts, the elves, coexist...but such a place would be guarded 
almost as closely as one of the great living citadels of the elves, or the secret home of the faerie 

Additional Information

* Exceptional Intelligence/Dexterity
* Greatly Increased Wisdom/Luck
* Exceptionally lowered Strength and Constitution
* Innate ability to fly and hide
* Innate magility abilities
* Innate magical purity (magic strength is increased)
* Highly agile

#General Roleplaying~
Fame system is part of the introduction system.  Fame is a number formulated
by how famous you are.  How do we measure this, well it is a secret.  You don't
know your own fame, but as you spend more time online and do more famous things,
you will become noticed and people will start to learn your name.  This can either
be a good or bad thing.  If you are a thief and you become famous, well, that is
not a good idea if you are trying to be all stealth like.  The best away to avoid
being famous of course is remain hidden to everyone by using a cloak and hiding
your face.

Once you reach a certain point of fame, people will know you by your lastname.  After
another value, people will know you by first name and last name.


The FANS PK System (developed by Rook, Nevon, and Ely and coded by Xerves)
FANS (Full-loot/An Item/No-loot/Safe-from PK System)

What are some of the Player Killing Zones?

   Some zones will not be PK and some will. There is not an exact list of which zones have
   PK portions in them, but by word of mouth and notes posted to boards you, the player, will
   find out quickly. If you enter a full-loot area then you will know right away when you enter
   that section.

What is FPK (Full-looting Player Kill)?

   FPK is a lawless zone: none of the laws in regards to conduct apply in FPK:
   you can harass, swear, taunt, spam, whatever suits your fancy. However, the
   connections rules regarding multiple characters are still in affect in FPK; meaning:
   you have multiple PCs in an FPK zone, you will be dealt with severly.
   FPK is full looting (all of your eq and the gold on your person will be in your corpse)
   meaning anything on your corpse when you die (NOT necessarily PK'd) can be looted.
   Entering FPK is a voluntary action requiring player acknowledgement: complaints
   will fall on deaf ears.  No PK or looting of your clan members or your group members
   will be tolerated while in FPK.  In FPK, you will gain XP for PKills and will
   lose XP from PDeaths.  However, conspiring to FPK someone with their consent for
   XP _IS_ against the rules.  There are no reimbursements, no CRs, no immortal help at
   all will be given to those in FPK.  If an immortal breaks this rule, please report it
   to a Staff Immortal (caste Staff or Admin, lv71+).  Repeated violations of these rules
   will result in the Immortals having a field day with your pfile.

What is APK (An Item Player Kill)?

   An Item is for players who cannot jump all the way into the realm of losing it all
   upon death.  An item zones, when you die, only one item will be removed from your
   corpse when you die.  This item, upon death, will fall from your corpse to the
   ground and *IS LOOTABLE* by anyone in the game.  So, your killer has to grab the
   item quickly before some other individual takes his/her prize.  The items that
   are selection to fall from your corpse are the items you are equiped with, so
   be careful.  The same rules involving player connections and taunting do apply
   in APK areas, and experience is given per kill.  Finally, just like FPK areas, you
   will be warned with a nice message before you enter an APK zone.

What is NPK (No-looting Player Kill)?

   NPK is a PK environment with restrictions.  The laws of Rafermand are in an NPK
   zone(no taunting, harassment, etc.).  There is also no looting in NPK; a corpse
   in NPK is to be a left a corpse in NPK: no removal/addition of objects.
   Also, in NPK, initiating PK with someone in a fight with a mob is against the
   rules; also against the rules is to help or hinder this mob in any way
   (assuming of course you are not formed with the person in question).
   No camping in NPK will be allowed (HELP CAMPING). In NPK, XP is _NOT_ gained from 
   PKills and XP is _NOT_ lost from PDeaths. There will be NO mob-stealing/kill-stealing. 
   Kill stealing is attacking a mob when another player is engaged in combat with the mob.

What is SPK (Safe-from Player Kill)?

   Basically SPK is that: no PK actions or violations of the Rafermand Laws will be tolerated.
   Also, banking (HELP BANKING) is not permitted in SPK, unlike NPK or FPK. Also in SPK, like
   NPK, no mob stealing or assistance/hinderance of mobs fighting PC's will be tolerated without
   said PC's permission.  However, just because it is a safe zone, it is not safe for everyone.
   Individuals marked "Thief" or "Killer" are safe nowhere, and may be attacked in a safe
   area.  In addition, law inforcement of a local area have the right to attack in a safe
   zone.  Lastly, it is possible to shove a person out of a safe room if you move quickly.

#General Information Credits~
FeAr stands for Forming Everyone's Addictive Reality. It is the name of 
the current version of the code base we are using now. We are still a 
SMAUG derivative mud, but we feel we are making steady ground to being 
something much more differently than a normal SMAUG mud, or a normal any 
kind of mud at that. 

If you are asking that we are giving out our code know because we have 
named it, the answer is no. I have done a lot of work to get this mud to 
the point it is now and do not plan on giving away my work at this moment. 
I might consider it later, but please do not ask me. 

Lastly, I don't mean this in any disrespect to the SMAUG creators or 
anything, but just simply pointing out that we are much more different 
than that now. So thanks for all who have distrubuted code and helped form 
what this mud is today and please look at the credits for some of that 

#Immortal System Systemolc~
Syntax:  fightoutput <hit, miss, dodge, parry, block, crit, insta>
Syntax:  fightoutput <hit, miss, dodge, parry, block, crit, insta> add <bash/slash/stab> <text to add>
Syntax:  fightoutput <hit, miss, dodge, parry, block, crit, insta> remove <bash/slash/stab> <number>
Syntax:  fightoutput <hit, miss, dodge, parry, block, crit, insta> edit <bash/slash/stab> <number> <text to add>
Syntax:  fightoutput variables

Fightoutput is used to change the fightoutput. As you notice above there are catagories 
for hit, miss, dodge, parry block, crit, and insta. Then there is bash, slash, and stab 
for each one of those. You can either add a new string in, edit one that is already 
existant, or remove one. You will find the variables you can use by typing variables as 
the argument. It will list all of the available variables and what they do. Beyond that, 
it is just put it in and see if it works. Only tip I can provide is to remember it gives 
output for both ch, victim, and room, so you have to think of how all 3 parties are going 
to see the text you provide. That is why the s and es options are available in variables, 
just make sure to use the right one. 

If there are any additional variables you would like to see provided, just ask and Xerves 
should be able to add them. 

#General Objects~
Syntax:  fill <drincon>
Syntax:  fill <container>
Syntax:  fill <pipe> <herb>
FILL can be used with drink containers, regular containers or pipes.
 - to fill a drink container, go to a fountain and 'fill <drinkcon>'
 - to fill a container such as a backpack with items from the ground,
   type 'fill <container>'
 - to fill a pipe you must have both the pipe and the herb in your
   inventory, then type 'fill <pipe> <herb>'

#General Objects~
Syntax: findnote <keyword>
This command searches through all the notes that you have on you. It
seaches through portals, within portals, within portals, etc. It will
find the note and place it in your hands. The <keyword> must be words
taken from the subject of the note you are trying to find.

#General AtPlayers~
Syntax: finger <name>

Finger gives you a short list of information about the specified player,
such as his/her title, level, and last time they connected. It also shows
their web homepage and email address if they have chosen to specify one.

You cannot get finger information on someone if they are immortal and 
you are not.


&YSyntax:  &G&Wfire <direction> <target>
&YSyntax:  &G&Wfire <direction>
&YSyntax:  &G&Wfire <target>
&YSyntax:  &G&Wfire target - Fires at aim target
&YSyntax:  &G&Waim [target]
&YSyntax:  &G&Wnock
Projectiles are wielded weapons which allow players to hit victims
without being in teh same room.  Projectiles have a few forms in Rafermand
and those include: bows, crossbows, and slings.  Each type has their own
ammo (arrows, bolts, stones) and each kind typically has their advantage
and disadvantage.

In order to fire a missile weapon, you need to be wielding that weapon in
the 'missile wielded' slot.  You can do this by just wearing the weapon or
typing 'wield <weaponname> missile'.  These weapons will only work in this

In order to actually fire the projectile (arrow, bolt, stone) you need to
be holding it in your hand, so you guessed it, you cannot dual wield while
you are firing, so you might consider wearing a sheath if you want to use
your missile weapon.  Once you have your hand open, you can either put an
arrow in it, or you the nock command to draw and nock the projectile for
your weapon.  Then you can use the fire command to fire at a target.

In addition to all of that, you also have a few firing options.  You can use
the aim command (help aim) before you fire, fire directly at a target in the
same room, fire in a certain direction (which will hit the first mob or player
in that direction), or just the normal fire <dir> <target> command.

Lastly, remember that you can fire at both players and mobiles, so be careful in
what you choose, you could accidently hit a player and it is considered a pkill
attempt.  Illegal pkill is not tollerated and you should stop immediately and
contact an immortal, if it is legal, shoot away.


#Magic Mage Offensive~
&w&CAs a fledgling in the realm of Fire, young mages are tought the beginning magic
of fire arrow.  It produces a small arrow shaped streak of fire, which is rapidly
fired toward the target.  It might sound like a destructive force, but it rarely
does more than lightly graze the target.

&w&WTier:    &c&w1
&w&WGroup:   &c&wFire
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
&w&CAll fledgling mages in the realm of Fire start out with one of the most simple
spells to learn, fire blast.  It creates a brick looking object and it is then
flung at the target.  It causes light damage and is capable of damaging the target's

&w&WTier:    &c&w1
&w&WGroup:   &c&wFire
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDamage Equipment
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
&w&CAs the young mage starts to learn the realm of Fire, the next logical step up
is to the spell of fire bolt.  Fire bolt is a lot like fire arrow, but it creates
a larger arrow and the fire burns a lot more intense.  Those trained in fire bolt
can do serious damage to a trained or untrained target.

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wFire
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
&w&CAs the apprentice mage starts to master his/her craft in the realm of Fire, he/she
gains access to a truely destructive spell, fireball.  Fireball allows a successful mage
to conquer up a large ball of fireball and throw it toward a target or two.  The fire
swipes through the targets causing massive amounts of pain for all who are in the path.

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wFire
&w&WSpecial: &c&WArea
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

When you are firing in the wilderness, there are a few things you need
to be aware of.

Since the wilderness is more 2d than regular areas, you will find
yourself needing to shot ne, sw, etc.  Use aim to target an enemy and
use fire target to shoot at that enemy.  Typing aim without a target
will pick up the closest mob.

If you fire your weapon and it is not long enough, it will fall to
the ground just before your target.  If you are aiming, you will not
fire the weapon, so again, aiming is the better idea.

1 FIX~
#General Objects~
Syntax:  fix <item needing repaired> <item which to do the repairing>

Fix is the command used to repair damaged armor, weapons, and sheaths.  Fix
can only be used on damage items and cannot actually put back together something
that is broken.  In order to use fix you first need to have the item you want
to repair in your inventory and an item to repair it with.  The most typical
items are repair hammers, which are sold in Rolen Camp at the Bare Essentials
shop.  Once you have your hammer and the item you want to repair, you use the
fix command to start repairing it.  It might take a few times before it starts
to repair, so keep using it till you get to a point that it is ok.

Using fix is rather expensive and unless you have tons of cash to spend on repair
items, it is best to take it to a blacksmith and get it repaired there.  To cut
down costs, there is the repair skill (Warrior sphere) that will increase your
chances of repairing an item.  The skill will increase after repairing weapons/armor.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
'Syntax: fixchar <playername>
Kind of does what the name suggests, it fixes a player file of errors
(well the ones it can find).  Performing this command is note wise, unless
there is a proper backup for the player file.

#Immortal System~
Syntax:  fixed <message>
         fixed list
This command records your message (250 chars or so max) to a permanent
record file.  All changes made to live areas, made with foldarea, etc.
should have some kind of entry recorded here.
Your name and the roomvnum in which you are standing at the time are
automatically recorded when you use the command.
If you post a note about the change, please make a fast entry pointing
it out.  (The board in 1215 is best for such notes.)
Using 'fixed list' will display the contents of the current fix record.
NOTE:  This file supports color tokens, be careful with them.

#Combat Warrior Noncombat~
Syntax: flee
Syntax: rescue   <character>

Once you start a fight, you can't just walk away from it.  If the fight
is not going well, you can attempt to FLEE, or another character can

During battle, if you fail at fleeing you will have to wait a few more
seconds to try again.  In addition, sometimes you will trip yourself up
trying to flee and suffer in your armor department.  This only lasts a
few seconds as well.  While in battle you cannot recall and you cannot
recall till after 1 minute of not being in battle.

In order to RESCUE successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax c fletch flint
This ranger specialty will transform a piece of flint into a usable
arrow. The flint must be in the caster's inventory.

Syntax: cast 'float' <character>
This spell enables the target character to float.  It is useful in saving
mv (movement points), makes a character float slowly to the ground when
falling from in the air, and allows you to move over water and through the
Floating is only available through some special circumstances from an
immortal or available naturally via your race.

0 FLY~
Syntax:  cast 'fly' <character>
This spell enables the target character to fly.  It is useful in saving
mv (movement points), preventing a character from falling when in the
air, moving over water or through the air, and in preventing an opponent
from tripping you.
Flying is only available through some special circumstances from an
immortal or available naturally via your race.

#Immortal Building BuildingSetup~
Syntax:  foldarea <area filename>
This command saves an area file, usually after modification.
&rThis command must be used with extreme care.  If you aren't
exactly and intimately familiar with the changes being made
or what the command does -- don't use it.&w
Area files have backups that record the file as it was prior to foldarea.
If you folda something and realize there's a mistake, and you've only
folded it once -- don't do anything else.  Post a note or find Xerves.
Do not fold changes into non-quest areas that are quest related.  If you
must do this, write a note or ensure it's changed back.
Any time an area is folded, document it with the fixed command.
(check 'help fixed')

#General AtPlayers~
#General Movement~
Syntax:  follow <character>
'Follow' starts you following another character.  To stop following, type
'follow self'.  You cannot follow those have nofollow setup in their config
You must follow someone first before you can group with them
See also GROUP

2 FOR~
#Immortal Building~
#Immortal ImmPlayers~
Syntax:  for <argument> <command>
Syntax:  for <argument> <command> <target>

For allows an immortal to perform a command at or even on a large
number of targets.  The arguments include:  all, mobs, gods.

Example:  for gods gl, you will 'glance' in the room of every god
who is online (include link-dead)

You can also perform an action on the argument target.
Example:  for mobs poke #, you will perform the 'poke' social on
every mob in the game.

To perform such an action on all players in the game...
for all c 'heal' #

'For' does not override private flags.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
#Immortal Building~
Syntax: force <character> <command>
Syntax: force all <command>

FORCE forces one character or mob to execute a command.

FORCE 'all' forces all player characters to execute a command.
This is typically used for 'force all save'.
  *Note.. NEVER force a mob to drop eq and give to a player..lest God
   smite thee down in your very tracks.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
Syntax: forceclose <descriptor>

This command will force a certain descriptor to close.
This is useful to disconnect connections that aren't really connected
due to a poor TCP connection.

It can also be used to forceclose a connection before a potential
problem player can even get to the authorization state of connection.


#General Objects~
Forge is used to create most of the equipment you will be using in the game.  Forge is both
a system in the mud, and an actual room that is used to do the forging.  It works as such.

There are 19 ores in the game (for a list help FORGEORES) and each ore can be used to make the
80 or so weapons/armor capable of being created (HELP FORGEWEAPONS  HELP FORGEARMOR).  All you
need to do is goto a forge with some ore and charcoal, or slabs.  You can find or buy ore in the
game and you can typically find charcoal being sold at an ore shop.  Once you get the right
materials, all you do is goto the forge and use the forge command

Syntax: forge slab <ore #>
Syntax: forge create <ore #> <weapon #>
Syntax: forge break <weapon/armor name>
Syntax: forge list [type] (to see a list of forgeable types)
Syntax: forge ores (to see a list of ore slabs that can be done here.
Syntax: forge appraise <weapon/armor name>
Syntax: forge sell <ore #> <number>

* Use (forge slab) to create a slab, you must have the ore and charcoal in your inventory
* Use (forge create) to create a weapon/armor.  Type (forge list) and (forge ores) to get
  the ore and weapon number
* Use (forge break) to break an already forged item down into slabs
* Use (forge list) to see a list of items, can put in an optional type (ex: head)
* Use (forge ores) to see a list of ores
* Use (forge appraise) to see how much ore an item will break down into
* Use (forge sell) to sell slabs you don't want.  They are bought at 1/10 of sell price

See the below helpfiles for more specific details about different details of the Forge System


#General Objects~
Chain Mail	Chain Hauberk	Ring Mail	Double-Ring Mail	BreastPlate

Chain Gauntlet	Ring Gauntlet	Gauntlet	Vambrace

Chain Greave	Ring Greave	Greave		Cuiss

Aventail	Coif		Double-Coif	Gorget

Cabasset	Casque		Armet		Heaume

Buckler		Round Shield	Heater		Kite Shield
Tower Shield	Pavis

Pretty straight forward, better the peice the more it weights, more slabs it
requires, and the more it costs.  Shields work the same way, but they will only
work with one-handed weapons, and the Pavis itself is a two-handed shield, so
no weapons can be wielded.


#General Objects~
Copper          Bronze          Iron            Steel           Dark-Steel          
Brass           Cobalt          Titanium        Tungsten        Mithril             
Maegluin        Gurthnai        Darglin         Valthran        Sarnos              

Anganar         Falasin         Khelekir        Urvaal          Raukonar            

Adamant         Ainalear  

First 11 are the basic ores.  The "Dark" ores are lighter and do more damage than the their
counterparts, but are easier to break.

Next 5 are the uncommon ores, they each are better than the other in eather bash mod, slash
mod, stab mod, damage, or durability/weight

Next 5 are the unique ores, they are stronger than the previous 5 and embue a weapon with
their elemental type.

The last 2 nothing is really known about them, but according to legend, they exist somewhere
in the world of Rafermand.


Syntax: forget list
Syntax: forget unlearn <number> <skill/spell/stop>
Syntax: forget stoplearning <number> <skill/spell/stop>

Used to forget or stop learning a command.  If you type list you will see a list
of things you are trying to forget or stop learning.  To add one, you use the number
in the 5 slots you want to use, and the name of the skill/spell.  You can use
the stop command to remove the skill/spell from that slot.

&w&CSEE ALSO:  &w&Wskills

#General Objects~
Axe - Durable weapons, made to slash, secondary bash, slightly heavy	
Hand Axe	Axe		WarAxe		Double-Sided Axe	Mattock	
Great Axe	Battle Axe

Swords - All around weapons, made to slash, secondary bash+stab, slightly expensive
Short Sword	Cutlass		Rapier		Katana			Broad Sword
Long Sword	Bastard Sword	Claymore	Flamberge

Daggers - Light weapons and quick, made to stab, inexpensive, low damage
Knife		Dagger		Dirk		Kris			Cleaver	
Main Gauche	Stiletto

PoleArms - Made to stab, secondary slash, low durability
Pilum		Lance		Spear		Halberd			Glaive	
Guisarme	Trident	

Blunt - Made to bash, secondary slash, high durability+damage, heavy, lowered expense
Club		Hammer		Mace		War Hammer		Flail
Great Flail	Morning Star	Maul	

Staves - Made to bash + slash, most expensive, most durable
Sceptre		Rod		Weighted-Rod	Staff			Quarter-Staff
Battle Staff	Bladed Staff

As the list increases, the weapons are better but require more time to attack per
round, more weight, more damage, and more slabs required.


#Immortal ImmPlayers~
'Syntax: formpass <argument1> <argument2>
When you type the two arguments in, it will yield an encryped result.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
A powerful healing spell, not in terms of the amount of healing it can do, but with
the fact that it restores the health of everyone in your group.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
Syntax: fquit <character>
FQUIT forces a level one player to quit.
It is used in case you accidently authorize a bad name.
Please be sure to send a tell to the player explaining why you are
forcing them to quit before using FQUIT.

#Immortal Building BuildingSetup~
Syntax:  freevnums <low vnum> <hi vnum>

A very useful command that will replace most of the thinking process
of giving out area blocks.  All you have to do is type freevnums
and a low and high range and it will return blocks of 50 areas that
are open.  Also, a few notes about the command.

*2851 will be treated as 2850 by the code
*You should only test in ranges that are multiples of 50
*Always check the vnums with checkvnum just in case there is a bug.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
A very fierce spell in the arsenol of the Water Mage, Frigid ball can be as deadly as
it can come.  An experience Water Mage can conquer a huge Ball of Water and can power
it up to the point where it is so cold it will freeze anything that it comes into
contact.  Once this ball is created, it is thrown at a target or two and causes massive
amounts of damage.  A very frigid death can only be waiting for such targets.

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wWater
&w&WSpecial: &c&WArea
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
As a Water Mage masters the art of his/her sphere, the powerful spell of Frigid Death is
available for the use of good or evil.  A very powerful spell that can make any mortal
fall to their knees or simply fall over dead.  Not many can say they survived after being
hit by this spell by a master of the art.

&w&WTier:    &c&w4
&w&WGroup:   &c&wWater
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
As those who wish to master the Water Sphere advance in power, the next spell of massive
destruction available is frozen ball.  Of average strength, frozen ball is used to create
another of ice, which like cold ball is hurled at the target and anything close to it.  Those
who master this spell are said to be able to hurle the ball at amazing speeds at the targets
and cause massive amount of damage to many targets.

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wWater
&w&WSpecial: &c&WArea
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
Those who are lucky enough to continue to grow in the Water sphere eventually have access to
the powerful magic of frozen blast.  Wish this great spell they are capable of conquering a
long streak of ice that simply thwaps the target over and over again causing a great deal of
damage to the poor target.  Those who master this spell are capable of making mortals run in
fear because of their power.

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wWater
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
One of the first spells learned in the water sphere is the simple spell of frozen dart.  The
newbie sorcerer want-to-be will start out by conquering small darts of ice and then targetting
their enemy or some inanimate object and hurling them at the target.  The darts cause light
damage, but can be useful against small creatures.

&w&WTier:    &c&w1
&w&WGroup:   &c&wWater
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
As the water mage masters the use of frozen dart, a more powerful spell is available to the
mage.  Frozen spike is a lot like frozen dart, but the mage can create large spikes and then
hurl those instead of darts.  The spikes are much more capable of doing damage, and can be
used to take down larger beasts or men.

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wWater
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WHalf Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
A rather remarkable spell that can be casted by Novices in the field of Air.  The spell
allows the mage to create a funnel which is then turned loose on any poor targets in the
way of the funnel.  A beginning mage can only create a small funnel that will do minimal
damage, but the more experienced mage can create large funnels that can do a great deal
of damage to anyone in the path of the spell.

&w&WTier:    &c&w2
&w&WGroup:   &c&wAir
&w&WSpecial: &c&WArea
&w&WSaving:  &c&WNegate (No damage)

#Immortal Building BuildingObjs~
It is now possible to sit/sleep/rest/stand on furniture, as well as
assign the furniture to recover mana/hp/movement for a player who is
on the furniture.  Here is how all of this works.

value0 - Max Number of people on obj (default 1)
value1 - Max weight an object can take before breaking (default 750) 
value2 - sit/sleep/rest/stand on furniture (more below)
value3 - Percent of health/move is gained by furniture (100 is times 1)
value4 - Percent of mana is gained by furniture (100 is times 1)
         **Default is if the value is 0 and default for v3 and v4 is 100** 
As for value2, it uses bitvictors, and here are their numbers

&G&WSIT ON -    1        SIT IN -    2        SIT AT -    4
STAND ON -  8        STAND IN -  16       STAND AT -  32
SLEEP ON -  64       SLEEP IN -  128      SLEEP AT -  256
REST ON -   512      REST IN -   1024     REST AT -   2048
To make those work, you add the numbers together, say you want
to be able to sit on, stand on, sleep on, and rest on the object,
you then would add the numbers together and put in value2, 585.

Also, you can only select an on/in/at option on the actions.  This
means you cannot select sit on and sit at for one piece of furniture.
If you do this, it will only be sit at.

Lastly, you can examine a piece of furniture to get an idea of its
stats.  Very useful!

#General Objects~
#General Movement~
Rafermand supports furniture options.  You can now use the commands
to sit/sleep/rest/stand on/in/at furniture.  Also, the code supports
healing modifiers on the furniture, along with max amounts of people
and weight the furniture can hold (if the weight is exceeded, it breaks
and everyone falls off).  All you need to do is find a piece of
furniture that is working correctly.

#Kingdoms Creation~
#Kingdoms Management~
What is the world when you don't have a place to bet all of your money?
Well, gambling mobs allow you to do such things.  As of right now,
Dec 7, 1999, you can only play mobs, but if this becomes more popular, I
might add in support for playing other players.  Also, only a few games
are in right now, but I am sure more and more will be added later.  Also,
a mob is only skilled at playing one game, so if you want to play multiple
games, you will probably have to walk around and play elsewhere.  Lastly,
only one player can play at a time.

  Current Games:
     Flip Coin

**This feature is not used anymore and may be readded sometime in the

#General Communication~
This helpfile is just a short description of the boards available
through the global board system.  Please post to the right boards and
do not abuse the boards.

OOC         - OOC matters that don't fit into any other board
Ideas       - Ideas of things to add or change in Rafermand
Announce    - Board immortals use to announce changes/important info
ToImmortal  - Board to post to if you want only imms to see the note
Immortals   - Immortal only board
Complaints  - Send complains to the immortals on this board
Staff       - Staff only board
Bugs        - Report bugs to this board instead of to Xerves :-)
Kingdom     - Kingdom matters, advertisement, recruitment, etc
IC          - IC matters that do not fit into Story or other boards
Story       - RP information, stories, bios posted by players
History     - RP information, stories, news, quests posted by imms

It is important to remember that the boards are for ***GLOBAL*** matters.
If the message isn't for everyone in the mud or a reply back to a general
note, it should probably be left off the public boards.  Anything you
have for the immortals should be posted to these boards because they
are the only ones we read regularly.

Note: Personal matters are to be left to the ingame boards and should be
left off the gboards unless they deal with one of the boards listed or
with the immortals.  Thanks (So in short, leave inside kingdom deals off
the Kingdom board and on a board inside your kingdom, only use the kingdom
board if you are using it for global matters)

#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax:  getresources <bin> <type> <amount> [target bin]

Getresources is the main command to get resources from bin, or move it bin from bin (HELP CARRYBIN).
Bins are mainly used to hold resources, and the smallest ones are used to transport it back to the
kingdom.  You can also transport the resources by hand instead of by a bin, but this is a much slower
process because players can only have 70 to 110 or so resources per trip, where a small bin can hold
2500 resources.  In order to get resources from a bin to carry, you would type something like this:

  getresources medium 5 all (HELP EXTRACTION for type value)
  getresources medium 5 50
You can either use all for the <amount> (saves the thinking, the code will do that for you) or if you
just want a specific amount, you can specify a value.  For the <type> you will need to use the values
and you can find them at (HELP EXTRACTION).  This will transfer lumber (wood) to your character and you
can them use dumpgoods back in your town (HELP DUMPGOODS).  To move resources from bin to bin, you would
do something like this

  getresources medium 5 all small
  getresources medium 5 1950 small
Again, it is best to use all unless you need a specific amount.  All will check the amount in medium and
the amount small has left and take the maximum amount.  Once you have the correct resources in the right
bins, you can use carrybin (HELP CARRYBIN) to move it back to your town.  (NOTE:  Sometimes you might be
moving from like bins, 1.bin is the last bin listed, 2.bin is second to last bin listed, etc)


#Kingdoms Management~
Syntax:  givecrown <king> <new king> (Immortals)
Syntax:  givecrown <person> (King)

Givecrown is used to transfer kingship to another person.  Only the king
of a kingdom can do this or an immortal.  If a king does it, the other
individual has to be in the room, if an immortal does it, the old king
and new king need to be online (loadup).


#Kingdoms Military~
Syntax: giveorders [mob/all/range] <orders>.
orders - stationary patrol warn attacke attackn attacka nopass report invite noassist.

Giveorders is the command that you use to control the military mobs and what
actions they will perform.  It is important to set the orders you want so
the mobs will attack enemies, defend land, or just give out a warning.
Below are the values available.

stationary  sentinel   patrol [range]
Stationary mobs won't move till attacked, patrol mobs move around patrolling
a block of area, sentinel mobs won't move reguardless if they are being attacked
from a distance.  Mobs that are patrolling move in a square the size of the range
you provide.

warn [range]  attacke [range]  attackn [range]  attacka [range]
The combat/lack of combat variables.  Warn simply sends out a message
to any non-friendly kingdoms (neutral or lower) that this area belongs
to your kingdom (range is 10)

Attacke, Attackn, and Attacka are actually used to attack roaming mobs
that belong to other kingdoms.  E stands for Enemy Status, N stands for
Neutral Status, and A stands for All.  Meaning, if will attack ANY member
of any kingdom that meets that ranking or below it.  All will simply attack
any non-kingdom member.

nopass  report(Report is not in use as of yet)
nopass will not let any non-kingdom member pass.  It will ask the individual
to go back in the direction he/she came from, if not, he/she will be attacked
If he/she is a mob, he/she will be attacked on sight.

invite [range]  noassist
Invite will invite one kingdom mob at a time to assist in battle.  This
mob will come to assist unless it has noassist setup.

Mobs that are set to conquer will start to conquer a town.  It takes 3 days to
conquer a town.

nocloak nohood attackh attackc needintro
nocloak, nohood, and needintro are nopass like commands to not let anyone pass
that has a cloak on, has a hood on, or is unknown to the kingdom (respectively).
Attackh and Attackc (hood and cloak) will attack any player with a hood or cloak
on if they are in the same room (there is no range like attacka).


Even though the death process was changed a bit to increase the progression toward
death if you about to die, there is a period of time where you could go either way
and theoretically sit there for eternity.  If you wish to simply die and forgo the
process, you can use the giveup command to drop your health down to the level at
which you will die.  You can only do this if your position is less than stunned (< -3
hp).  For more information over the different near death positions, (help NEARDEATH)

#General AtPlayers~
syntax:  glance
syntax:  glance <victim>
Glance alone shows you only the contents of the room you are in,
eliminating the description.  Glance <victim> shows only the health
condition, eliminating their description and equipment from your
screen.  Also, players cannot see your glances so you may use it
secretely to look at a player and his/her details
Glance may be abbreviated as 'gl'.

#General Information Players~
Glory is mainly not used anymore.

#General Communication~
gboard                                   Displays the gboards
gboard [number|name]                     Change to a new board.
gnote read [number]                      Reads a certain note.
gnote remove <number>                    Removes a note written by you.
gnote list [number]                      Lists notes on a board
gnote write                              Posts a note.
gnote catchup                            Marks all notes in this board read.

These commands are used with the new global board system.  The boards are
OLC boards in Rafermand and commonly have important notes to read.  Please
only use these boards for what they are attended for.

Changing between the boards is accomplished using the GBOARD command.  To change, 
type GBOARD <number> or GBOARD <name of the board>.

To read a note with a specified number, type GNOTE READ <number>. Note that 
unlike the standard note system, a note has the same number in GNOTE LIST and 

Posting a message is as simple as writing GNOTE WRITE. You will be moved
into interactive mode, where all you see are prompts for the fields like
To:, From: etc. You will be automatically put AFK while writing a note.

To see the list of the notes in the current board, type GNOTE LIST. Typing
GNOTE LIST <number> will list only <number> of the last notes in the area.

You can remove your own note by using GNOTE REMOVE <number>. Implementors may
remove other people's notes. Implementors can also select how many days
their note is kept before being purged. 

To let only immortals see your note, address it to "imm". To let players of
a specific level and above, address it to that level (no other recipients may
appear in that case).

This board system was created by Erwin S. Andreasen,, aka
Phunk/Drylock and is freely available. The general outlook was based on
Mystic Adventure's note system ( 4000).


#General Information Stats~
Syntax:  gold
Displays the current total amount of gold you are carrying.

#Kingdoms Management~
#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax: goldgive <amount>

A simple little command that transfers gold from you to your shopkeeper.  
You need to be in the room with the mob to make the command work.

         PCSHOPS KEEPEROWN           

#Kingdoms Management~
#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax: goldtake <amount>

A simple little command that transfer gold from your shopkeeper to you.
You need to be in the room with the mob to make the command work.

         PCSHOPS KEEPEROWN           

#Immortal ImmMovement~
Syntax: goto <location>
Syntax: goto map solan <x> <y>

GOTO takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

If the location is a vnum, and it does not already exist, and it is within
your room vnum range; it shall be created for your to edit further with

You may not GOTO a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters
already present.

You may also "GOTO pk" to go to the site of the most recent illegal pkill.

You can use the coordinates on a map to goto the map too.  Just put in the
x and y value of the map you want to goto.

#Combat Thievery Combatskills~
syntax:  gouge
This attack can only be used in combat, and will strike at the eyes of
your opponent, causing damage and temporary blindness.
Note that gouge has a reduced chance of hitting if the gouger is not
one of the primary combatants (i.e. is not tanking).

#Kingdoms Management~
syntax: grantlicense <target> <license>

A command to be used by the king and others who have the power to use the 
command. It will grant a specific license that is listed in the command. 
This helpfile might not be current, so you will want to check the 
grantlicense command directly for any new license. Below is a list of what 
was available the last time this file was updated. 

mayor - Used to allow a player to start a town.
merchant - Used to allow a player to start a shop.

      |  ____    ___   ____  ____  ____           ___   _   _  ___   |
      | /  _ \  / _ \ /  __)/  __)/  _ \  /\./\  / _ \ / \ / \/   \  |
      | | |_) || /_\ || (__ | (__ | |_) ||     || /_\ ||  \| || |\ | |
      | |    / |  _  ||  __)|  __)|    / | \./ ||  _  ||     || || | |
      | | (\ \ | ( ) || (   | (__ | (\ \ | ( ) || ( ) || |\  || |/ | |
      | \_/ \_\\_/ \_/| |   \____)\_/ \_\\_/ | |\_/ \_/| | \_/\___/  |
      |               | |                    | |       | |           |
      |               \_/                    \_/       \_/           |


| rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | Rafermand (c) 1997-2001 Rafermand Imms     |
| r      r  o      o r      r | FeAr v2.0 coded by Xerves and Skan         | 
| rrrrrrrrr    v    rrrrrrrrr | Staff - Xerves, Nevon, Skan, Copen         |
| r        r  v v  r        r | Web:              | 
| rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | Best viewed in 800X600 or more             |
| SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric | MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet Furey Kahn.       |
| (Derek Snider) with Altrag  | DIKUMUD code by Hans Staerfeldt,           |
| Blodkai Haus Narn Scryn     | Katja Nyboe Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert    |
| Swordbearer Tricops Gorog   | && Sebastian Hammer.                       |
| Rennard Grishnakh Fireblade | Quest Code (c) 1996 Ryan Addams.           |
| and Nivek.                  | See help credits for other code contrib.   |

  The game is now going to attempt to resolve your DNS.  If you do
  do not see a login message in 2 or 3 seconds, reconnect till you
  do.  Thanks

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
Grip is both a command and an automatic skill.

The skill is automatic, once practiced.  The skill causes you to grip
your weapon tightly as someone tries to disarm you, making it far more
difficult to successfully disarm you.  This skill will only increase as
you are engaged in fights where someone is attempting to disarm you.

As for the command, it is used to switch between bash, slash, and stab while
in battle (HELP COMBAT).  Each one of these types of attacks have their
advantages/disadvantages, and they are as follows.

Bash - Typically armor has the highest rating for this attack, meaning it
doesn't land as much.  However, it can do percussion damage.  This damage
is not as much as landing a blow, but it will do a little bit of damage
every time, also damaging armor and the limb.  (NOTE:  Percussion damage
cannot do a deadly blow to the neck/head).

Slash - A balanced attack, the armor value for slash is typically lower than
bash and the damage from slash is a bit more than bash.  Slash can cause a
little bit of percussion damage, but it is mainly used to land blows.

Stab - Stabbing weapons are capable of doing the most damage and taking down
an enemy is a carefully landed blow.  Stab does not do any percussion damage,
but sometimes it penetrates armor and lands blows or kills the target.  Typically
the choice of assassins and those who want the battle to go quickly.


#General Information Stats~
Name          [hitpnts]   [ magic ] [mst] [mv] [race] [End] [RArm] [LArm] [RLeg] [LLeg]
Xerves teren 20000/20000 30000/30000 ===  1000    elf  10    +++++  +++++  +++++  +++++

Name    - Name of Player (or atleast as you can see)
hitpnts - HP of the player
magic   - MP of the player
mst     - Mental state of the player.  + means he/she is getting 
          delerious, - means he/she is getting exhausted
mv      - Movement of the target
race    - Race of the target
End     - Endurance of the target

The last 4 values represent the health of the limbs.  + means health 
and - means injury.

#General Communication~
#General AtPlayers~
Syntax:  group <character>, group all, group, group disband
'Group <character>' adds someone who is following you into your group, making
them a group member.  Group members share experience from kills, and may use
the GTELL and SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will
automatically join the fight.
If character is already a member of your group, 'group <character>' again to
remove them from your party.  Removing the character from the group does not
stop them from following you, however.  A character can also leave a group
by using the 'follow self' command, in which case they will both leave your
group and stop following you.
'Group' with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.
'Group all' groups all eligible players following you in the room.
'Group disband' allows the leader to disband his group (members will stop
following and are ungrouped).

#Immortal Building~
.Here is some reference data you will need in order to use GRUB.
 Sex          Class       Race         Fields   Clans    Councils
 0 Neutral  0 Mage      0 Human        Name     1 Guild  1 CoE
 1 Male     1 Cleric    1 Elf          Sex      2 DS     2 MC
 2 Female   2 Thief     2 Dwarf        Class    3 MS     3 NC
            3 Warrior   3 Halfling     Race     4 RB     4 Pro
            4 Vampire   4 Pixie        Level    5 AR     5 PK
            5 Druid     5 Vampire      Room     6 Bru    6 QC
            6 Ranger    6 Half Ogre    Gold     7 Las    7 Neo
            7 Augurer   7 Half Orc     Clan     8 Nos    8 CC
            8 Paladin   8 Half Troll   Council  9 Tre    9 AC
            9 Nephandi  9 Half Elf     Site    10 Ven   10 TS
                            10 Gith         Last    11 Inc
                             11 Drow     Pkill
                             12 Sea-elf
                             13 Lizard
                             14 Gnome
Here are some sample uses of GRUB:
grub 20 pkill=y class=5      Display 20 Druid pkillers
grub 20 level=2 last<=970120 Display 20 L2 players absent since 970120
grub 20 level>=20 level<=30  Display 20 players levels 20 thru 30
grub  0 level=2              Count the number of level 2 players
grub 20 level>50 gold>100000 Display 20 imms with more than 100k gold
grub 50 damroll>100 sex=2    Display 50 females with damroll>150
grub  0 class=5 damroll>150  Count the number of druids with damroll>100
grub 20 site<>123.456.789    Display 20 players from site 123.456.789
grub 10 class=0 race=2       Display 10 dwarven mages
grub  1 name=Joe             Display Joe's info
grub 20 room=7070 class=0    Display 20 mages who logged off in 7070
grub  0 class!=2 class!=3 class!=4   Count the number of mana users
You always need to specify the number of lines you want displayed. The
reason for that is that we don't want to ask for a list and then get
surprised to find that it's 15,000 lines long. You can get a count
of the players that match your criteria by requesting zero lines.
GRUB will tell you how many lines there are in the list no matter how
many you ask to display. So if there are 15,000 players that meet your
criteria and you ask for the first ten, GRUB will tell you there are
15,000 in total but will only show you the first ten.

#Immortal Building~
Here are some examples illustrating common usages:
grub 20 or hitroll>150 damroll>150 gold>200000000
Suppose you want to search for "suspicious players". Suppose you want
to see players who have more than 200 million gold or whose damroll
exceeds 150 or whose hitroll exceeds 150 you can do that as follows:
Normally GRUB lists players who satisfy all the conditions you specify.
But it can also be used like this to list players who satisfy any one of
the conditions.
The operand "or" ensures GRUB will list players who satisfy any one of
the conditions.
If you had specified:
grub 20 hitroll>150 damroll>150 gold>200000000
That would show you players whose hitroll exceeds 150 and whose damroll
exceeds 150 and whose gold exceeds 200 million. It would be a much
smaller list and you would miss many suspicous players.
grub 20 name>ska name<skb room>=21000 room<=21499
Suppose someone complains that a player with a name like "Skathamaga"
picked up some of their eq and promptly quit the game. The player isn't
sure of the exact name of the thief but is sure it starts with "Ska".
The thief quit the game somewhere in New Rafermand (vnums 21000-21499).
This example will show you players whose name starts with "Ska" and who
last quit the mud somewhere in New Rafermand.

2 GRUB2~
#Immortal Building~
Syntax: grub # <or> field operator ## <field operator ##>
Where:  &g#         &GAny valid number.
        &g<or>      &GUsed with multiple expressions to denote that only one of
                  them need be true.
        &gField     &GName, Sex, Class, Race, Level, Room, Gold, Hitroll,
                  Damroll, Site, Last, Pkill.
        &gOperator  &GValid operators are:   =   !=   >   <   >=   <=
        &g##        &GNumeric except for Name and Pkill. For name it is a full
                  or partial name. For Pkill it is a Y or N.
&GLast is:  &WExpressed as "YYMMDD". ie, 970122 is Jan. 22/97.
&GSex is:   &W0 Neutral  1 Male       2 Female 
&GClass is: &W0 Mage     1 Cleric     2 Thief     3 Warrior     4 Vampire
          5 Druid    6 Ranger     7 Augurer
&GRace is:  &W0 Human    1 Elf        2 Dwarf     3 Halfling    4 Pixie   
          5 Vampire  6 Half Ogre  7 Half Orc  8 Half Troll  9 Half Elf
         10 Gith&w
&GYou can have more than one conditional expression in a Grub search. "And" is
assumed unless "or" is placed before the arguements. ie:
&W    Grub 10    class=3 sex=2    (Gives back a list of 10 female warriors)
    Grub 10 or class=3 sex=2    (Gives back a list of 10 characters that
                                 are either female, or warriors).
You must always specify how many lines the Grub will produce. This prevents
your getting a list 15000+ lines long.

#General Information Stats~
Syntax: gscore

&c&wgscore displays a list of all your abilities and stats and your current progress on each one.
Your progress is showed using a 10 star system, which means:

&G&W*********&R*&c&w - &c&w90 percent or more
&G&W********&R**&c&w - &c&w80 percent to 89 percent
&G&W*******&R***&c&w - &c&w70 percent to 79 percent
&G&W******&R****&c&w - &c&w60 percent to 69 percent
&G&W*****&R*****&c&w - &c&w50 percent to 59 percent
&G&W****&R******&c&w - &c&w40 percent to 49 percent
&G&W***&R*******&C&w - &c&w30 percent to 39 percent
&G&W**&R********&c&w - &c&w20 percent to 29 percent
&G&W*&R*********&c&w - &c&w10 percent to 19 percent
&R**********&c&w - &c&wless than 10 percent.

When it reaches 100% the ability or stat goes up, when it reach 0%, well, it goes down.


#General Communication~
Syntax: gsocial @<social> <victim>
Gsocial allows you to send a social to another person anywhere in
the world.  In order for the command to work, you must have a @ before
the name of the social, and have a target (or victim).  Gsocial will
not send a social to the mud, but you can send it to another player
anywhere in the world.  If you don't want to see gsocials, you can
turn the channel off in the &Bchannel &gconfig mode.


#General Communication~
Syntax: gtell <message>
Syntax: say   <message>
Syntax: tell  <character> <message>
All of these commands send messages to other players.  GTELL sends a message to
all of the characters in your group, wherever they are, even if they are
sleeping or stunned or dying.  ';' is a synonym for GTELL.
SAY sends a message to all awake players in your room.  The single quote '''
is a synonym for SAY.
TELL sends a message to one awake player anywhere in the world.
REPLY sends a message to the last player who sent you a TELL.  REPLY will work
even if you can't see the player, and without revealing their identity.  This
is handy for talking to invisible or switched immortal players.

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
'Syntax: gwhere
Gwhere is short for Global where.  It will tell you the location of
everyone on the Mud, the vnum, and a bit more information.

#Combat HandtoHand~
Syntax:  command <target> [right or left]

This group refers to the skills listed int he sphere.  You will not automatically
attack with these skills in combat if you learn them.  However, you have to type
them in syntax: command <target> [right or left].  You only need to supply the
right or left if it is an arm or leg attack.  Once you type the command, you will
attack the target with the skill then have to wait a certain time to attack again.

In addition, you can use these skills even if you have some weapon equiped and if
you plan on using these skills know that no weapon improves these skills, it is best
to turn of target when using them, and there is no "auto-target" for hand-to-hand.

#Magic Mage Offensive~
An odd spell, named from what the first sorcerer that discovered this spell thought happened.
In Legend, an anchient Sorcerer was testing out his new found power, and started to utter
some words.  And suddenly it appeared the heavens opened up and blasted what was his friend
into oblivion.  It was so fast and so sudden that it appeared his friend was there one
second and then gone the next.  The sorcerer could never duplicate the pure strength of
what happened before, but was able to create a spell that causes a mysterious power to
simply appear from the heavens and blast the living hell out of a target.  Heavenly Blast
is the strongest of all Tier 4 spells.

&w&WTier:    &c&w4
&w&WGroup:   &c&wAir
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WNegate (No damage)

#Immortal System Systemolc~
Syntax: hedit [help topic]
This command allows you to edit a help topic.  If the specified help topic
does not exist, it will be created for you. The default help page (summary)
will be selected if you do not specify a page.
NOTE - Always, when creating a new help entry, type Help <new entry name> 
       prior to creating your entry. A pre-existing help file associated 
       with that keyword may already exist.
Colors &wcan now be added to help files using the same command set that changes
a player's prompt. &bMultiple &Ycolor &wcombinations can be set on a given line
including ^bbackground^x colors. However there are a couple of quirks to take 
note of:
    1) At the very least, the first character of a help file cannot be
       either the symbol '&&' or the symbol '^^'.
    2) Color changes have to be separated by at least one character. ie,
       '&&Y.^^r' will work, '&&Y^^r' will cause problems. 
    3) Color codes are imbedded within text and _do_ count in note buffers
       for line length. ie, watch out for <Long Line Trimmed>.
Colors should be used to &Yenhance &wthe help file, or specific parts of the 
help file. Tact and restraint should be used if considering the use of colors.
&w&WSee:  &w&CHSET, COLORS.

#Immortal Punishment~
Syntax: hell <character> <number> <hours or days>
Syntax: unhell <character>
The hell command sends a character to hell for a given period of time.  It
automatically releases the character when their time has been served.  Upon
being helled, the character receives the message, "The immortals are not
pleased with your actions.  You shall remain in hell for <time period>".
Hell takes arguments of either hours or days.  To hell someone for 3 hours,
"hell <character> 3 hours".  To hell someone for three days, "hell <character>
3 days".  Hell will default to hours if hours or days is not specified.
You may not hell someone for more than thirty days with the hell command.
To release a player from hell, simply "unhell <character>".

#General Information~
A rumored maze deep in the jungles somewhere in the world of Rafermand.  Not
much else is known about this maze.

#General Information~
You must really need Help!

To find help topics available to you, type hlist . This will give you
a very long list of help files. If you'd like a shortened list, type
hlist a  for help files that begin with the letter a. 

#General Objects~
Not used atm

#Combat Thievery Thiefskills~
Syntax:  hide
Syntax:  sneak
Syntax:  visible
Hide is used to stay hidden from players and creatures that cannot detect hidden.
In order to stay hidden, you have to remain silent though, so you cannot mount
anything, move, or attack anything.  Once you do this, you become visible to everyone.

Sneak is useful if you want to move silently without players noticing you moving
through the room.  If you flee, you will stop sneaking and will have to 'sneak' again.

Visible (vis) cancels your hiding and sneaking, as well as any invisibility,
effectively making you visible again to all.

#General Information~
Syntax:  hindex toplevel
Syntax:  hindex <index> [nohfiles/collapse]
Syntax:  hindex map

hindex (help index) is used to browse the help index available in Rafermand.
You can either use the variable toplevel to see only the toplevel of the map
and click on there to view helpfiles/indexes in that index.

hindex map is used to show the whole map of the index.  This might not be the
best idea because it will scroll and you will have to scroll back up to click on
the index you want.

Lastly, you can use hindex <index> to look at an index of your choice.  There is
also the arguments of nohfiles and collapse.  nohfiles will not show the helpfiles
in the index and collapse will show all the indexes and their helpfiles below the
index you chose.

(NOTE:  There is a value called shorthelp in config.  This will make help not show
 similiar helpfiles when you type help <help file>)

On a final note:  hindex uses mxp to allow you to point and click (HELP MXP)

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
Syntax: hitall
Hitall is a fighter skill that will start a fight by hitting all the
opponents in the room.  For nondeadly characters, the 'opponents' means
mobs, for deadlies it means all the deadly players in the room.
Be aware that area attacks are aggressive to all mobs in the room,
including pets, mounts and charmed creatures.

#General Information~
Syntax: hlist <low level range> <high level range>
This command will give you a listing of available help files. The list
is in alphabetical order based on the first triggering keyword. While
this command was initially designed as a maintenance tool to help us
track help files, it is also available to players so that they can
capture a listing of the help files available to them. 
Note - You may only view help files that are coded for viewing by your
       level or lower.
Note - The list of help files is quite extensive, and the command does
       not as yet have a way to filter/shorten the list. Screen capture
       is, at present, your only recourse.

#General Information Races~
Hobbits, a passive, docile race of naturally contented, short, stocky species, the hobbits tend to get 
along with most civilized races.  They bear no ill will to any save those whom have harmed the hobbits, 
and even so, they rarely bare grudges for long.  They are prized for their natural mind for trading, 
and are commonly involved in competitive guilds.  Few hobbits practice magick, and it is unknown if it 
is from simple lack of interest, or inability to do as such.  Due to their hand in trade, hobbits find
it easy to negotiate treaties to benefit themselves.  Extremely interested in intellectual pursuits, 
most hobbits would be content living a life wrapped in the luxuries of the home, though a few have 
adventurous spirits.  The hobbits live in a variety of environments, depending on their needs.  Some 
live in traditional, hollowed out hills, others find that artificial shelters, wrought of natural 
materials, are more suitable.  Hobbits only truly hate anything that would deny them the simple 
pleasures of everyday life, so their villages are more or less open to any traveller.  Combining this
with their guilds gives the hobbits a knack for collecting even the rarest of trades, as well as 
information.  Being fond of gossip,  the elders of Hobbit villagers have an army of innocent spies 
reporting to them.  Hobbprattle, a derogitory name given to the seemingly pointless, nonsensicle 
gossip of the hobbits, is a notorious form of transferring information, as their oversimplifying of
information is only readily understood by others of their kind.

Additional Information

* Greatly increased Dexterity/Luck
* Slightly increased Wisdom/Intelligence
* Greatly reduced Strength/Constitution
* Innate ability to get better prices
* Increased Agility
* Increased hunger

#General Objects~
Syntax:  remove <object>
Syntax:  remove all
Syntax:  wear   <object>
Syntax:  wear   all
Syntax:  wield  <object>
Two of these commands will cause you to take an object from your inventory
and use it as equipment:
You many not be able to WIELD a weapon if the weaponsize is too much for
you or too little.  You can find the weaponsize of a weapon by using lore
or using identify.  The range you can wield varies on your race.
WEAR ALL will attempt to WEAR/WIELD each suitable item in inventory.
REMOVE will take an object from your equipment and place it into inventory.
REMOVE ALL will remove all your equipment and place it into inventory.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax: cast 'holy food'

By calling to the gods, the caster is able to conjure up some holy apples.
Depending on the luck of the caster, from 2 - 3 apples will be created.  The
apples have been tainted with the blood of their god, and will decrease hunger
and also restore health to the one who eats the holy food.  However, due to the
great amount of energy it takes to channel the spell, it puts a major magical
drain on the caster.

#Immortal System~
Syntax: holylight
Syntax: invis

HOLYLIGHT is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and
mobile in the game.  With holy light, you can see what's in the game more
easily.  Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.

INVIS is a toggle which makes you completely invisible to all player characters
of lower level than you, and to all mobiles.

When an immortal is INVIS, they will have a flag on the who list which 
indicates their level of invisibility, such as (51) for INVIS 51.  A 
similar flag will also appear when you 'LOOK' in a room - this flag will 
say (Invis 51).

HOLYLIGHT will not allow you to see immortal INVIS characters who are
higher level than you.

#General Information Players~
Syntax: homepage <url>
Syntax: homepage clear
If you have a web page somewhere and you wish for people to see it
when using the finger command, you can specify that address with this
command. If you wish to remove it at a later time, simply type
'homepage clear' and it will no longer be displayed.

#General Roleplaying~
Syntax: hood on/off

By getting a cloak (one can be found at Bare Essentials) you can effectively cloak
your identity from everyone but the immortals.  By wearing a cloak you first hide
your equipment and inventory from anyone trying to sneak a peak at it.  This can
be useful because you can hide your power from your advesery.  The other option
that is useful is the ability to hide your identity while wearing the hood.  If
you type hood on you will fasten your hood up and you will become unknown to everyone
around you.  This can be handy if you plan on mugging and killing an individual, but
it is typically viewed as a threat to hide your identity from an individual.  In
certain kingdoms, they might even have their guards set to not allow people to pass
if you are cloaked and/or wearing a hood.  So, as a final thought, just be careful
about roaming around in a cloak because anyone who wants to hide their identity is
most likely asking for trouble.


#Kingdoms Creation~
Again, this system has been changed around quite a bit, so here is what you are
looking at.

1.  20,000  Create a room with makeroom.  Each town has a certain amount of rooms
    WOOD    so don't make more rooms than you have (help TOWNSIZE).  
2.  0       Give a name to the room using build <direction/here> name.  This should
    WOOD    be used so a player knows what the room is for.
3.  3000    Assign any of these flags (nomagic, private, solitary, nodrop, nosummon
    WOOD    and noastral) using build <direction/here> flags
4.  2000    Assign any of these flags (nomob, nodropall) using
    WOOD    build <direction/here> flags
5.  0       Assign any of these sectors for free: inside, city, waterswim, waternoswim,
    COINS   pave using build <direction/here> sector
6.  1000    Build a wall sector using build <direction/here> sector
7.  700     Build a road sector using build <direction/here> sector
8.  1000    Build a bridge over any water sector but swim using
    STONE   build <direction/here> sector
9.  400     Build a path using build <direction/here> sector
Here are the requirements to build a sectorytpe

Inside, City, Swim, Noswim, Pave: Field, NCorn, NGrain, NTree, Swamp, Jungle, Burnt
                                  Plains, Hills, Road, Path, City, Pave, Swim, NoSwim,
                                  Bridge, Inside
Door : WALL

#General Information Stats~
HP is the point value of your health, the more you have, the more hits you can take.

What Increases Health
* Higher Constitution Value
* Taking hits while in battle

What Decreases Health
* Time

****Note:  If you get hit too often, you will start to develop sores which will decrease
           your hp and you will start losing points toward increasing it.


#Immortal System Systemolc~
Syntax: hset  <command> [value] [help topic]
 save                            Saves all help pages (to help.are)
 level <level> <help topic>      Sets help topic to specified level
 keyword <keyword> <help topic>  Sets help keyword to specified keyword
 remove <level.><help topic>     Removes the specified help page
Note:  If you wish to set more than one keyword to a help topic, enclose all
       the keywords, space separated inside quotes.  (Like in spellcasting)
Note:  If you have instances of multiple help files with the same keyname,
       using Hset Remove without a level designation will remove the one with
       the lowest level of access. ie:
Note:  Keyword works like this
       keyword "keyword keywords" - keyword is keyword or keywords
       keyword "'keyword keywords'" - keyword is keyword keywords
       Help file XYZZY at level 57, and help file 'SAVE XYZZY' at level 58.
       Typing 'HSET REMOVE XYZZY' will remove the level 57 XYZZY.
       Typing 'HSET REMOVE 58.XYZZY' will remove the level 58 'SAVE XYZZY'.

       Multiple Keywords work like this
       "'SAVE ME'" - Have to type both save and me to get the helpfile to show
       Output - 'SAVE ME'

       "SAVE ME" - CAN type either SAVE or ME
       Output - SAVE ME or "SAVE ME"

       "'SAVE ME' SME"
       Output - "SME" 'SAVE ME' or maybe ""SME" 'SAVE ME'" (look at the title)

Setting a help entry level to -1 prevents the header from showing up 
when you view the help with the help command. 
See also: HEDIT

#General Information Races~
Humans, as in all worlds, are fickle.  Humans serve many masters, many goals, and numerous 
selfish motives.  Generally, humans tend to easily fit in with those whom share similar goals 
and ideals, as pure, dark, or gray as they may be.  Humans are masters of tactical warfare, 
and as such, are adept at pushing their culture upon others.  Humans especially distrust the races 
which were naturally able to use certain primal forces as sources of magick, as they were unable to 
truly grasp said energies until the immortals began to return to the once forsaken world.

Additional Information

* Exceptional Luck
* Well Balanced
* Average or Basis for other Races

#Magic Mage Offensive~
Iceshield conjures an encompassing shield of ice which will return the
attacks of your enemy with tongues of cold.
Syntax:  cast iceshield
Fireshield surrounds the caster with a wall of fire which returns your
enemies' attacks with balls of fire.
Syntax:  cast fireshield
Shockshield surrounds the caster with a field of electric energy which will
return your enemies' attacks with bolts of lightning.
Syntax:  cast shockshield
 * shockshield cannot be cast on others
Like shields will negate each other's effects.  For example, if your enemy
has fireshield, your fireshield will counter any fireballs thrown by his,
and his will counter any fireballs thrown by yours.

Note:  All 3 shields strength is based on the intelligence of the one with the
shields.  The more intelligence you have, the more damage the shields will do.

#Immortal IMC~
Not used

#Immortal IMC~
Not Used

0 ICQ~
#General Information Players~
Syntax: icq <icq number>
Syntax: icq clear
ICQ is an extremely popular internet chat utility that, well, to
keep it simple, is just plain cool. With this command, you can now
have your icq number listed on your finger display for others to see.
Simply type 'icq' followed by your UIN number, and it will be set.
If you wish to later remove it, type 'icq clear' and it will be removed.

#General ToIMM~
Syntax: bug <message>
Syntax: idea <message>
Syntax: typo <message>

These commands will take your message and record it into a file as feedback
to the mud implementors.

#Magic Mage OnObjects~
Syntax: cast identify <object>

This spell reveals information about the object.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

     &GEXAMPLE:     &cif canpkill($n)
                  mpechoat 0.$n Your fate awaits, $n.
 &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe CANPKILL ifcheck is used to determine
                  if the target is a:
                     - Minimum age of 18,
                     - Minimum level of 5, and
                     - pkiller.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif cansee($n)
                          '$n can see just fine!

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe CANSEE ifcheck is used to determine if
                          the target is able to see.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif cha($n) > 18
                         'You're very charismatic, $n! 

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe CHA ifcheck is used to direct a command
                         based on the charisma stat of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif charcount(21000) > 10
      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cCHARCOUNT ifcheck counts the number of chars
                      in the specified room. This example returns TRUE if
                      there are more than 10 chars in room 21000.
                      You can use this form in room or mob programs and
                      you can have one room program check the number of
                      chars in a different room.
                      Note the number of characters is defined as the
                      number of mortals plus the number of mobs.
          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif charcount(0) > 10
      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cUse a zero room number if you want to have
                      a mob check the number of chars in its room.
                      Note that if the mob changes rooms, the ifcheck
                      applies to whatever room the mob is in.
                      You should use this form in mob programs only.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

      &GEXAMPLE:   &cif clan($n) == inconnu
                 tell 0.$n You're an Inconnu!

  &GDESCRIPTION:   &cThe CLAN ifcheck is used to determine if the
                 target belongs to a Clan or Order.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif clantype($n) == 15
                          '$n belongs to an Order.

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe CLANTYPE is used to determine what
                          type of clan the target belongs to.



#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

     &GEXAMPLE:        &cif class($n) == 0
                     t 0.$n You're a mage!

 &GDESCRIPTION:        &cThe CLASS ifcheck is used to determine the
                     class of the target. (HELP NPCCLASSES)   




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif con($n) < 5
                         'You're constitution is low, $n.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe CON ifcheck is used to direct a command
                         based on the constitution stat of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:   &cif council($n) == 1
                     '$n is from the Council of Elders. 

      &GDESCRIPTION:   &cThe COUNCIL ifcheck determines what
                     council the target belongs to.(HELP COUNCILNUMS)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:      &cif deity($n) == vl'arescht
                      'May Thoric save your evil soul!

    &GDESCRIPTION:      &cThe DEITY ifcheck is used to determine who
                      the target is devoted to.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif dex($n) > 20
                         'You're pretty nimble, $n

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe DEX ifcheck is used to direct a command
                         based on the dexterity stat of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif economy(21001) > 10000000
                          mpecho DH economy is booming!

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe ECONOMY(rvnum) ifcheck is used to base
                          a command on the economy of the area the
                          checker is in. NOTE: area will be specified
                          by default to area the MOB is in, via rvnum.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif favor($n) == 2500
                         'You're well loved by your deity, $n.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe FAVOR ifcheck is used to determine the
                         amount of favor held by the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

     &GEXAMPLE:        &cif goldamt($i) > 10000
                    'I'm rich!

 &GDESCRIPTION:        &cThe GOLDAMT ifcheck determines the specified
                     amount of coins carried by the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:       &cif guild($n) == guild of thieves
                       'You belong to the GoT!

    &GDESCRIPTION:       &cThe GUILD ifcheck is used to determine
                       what guild the target belongs to, if any.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:   &cif hitprcnt($n) < 10
                         'You're going to dieeeeeee!

          &GDESCRIPTION:   &cThe HITPRCNT ifcheck is used to base a
                         command on the targets current hit points.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif hps($n) > 1900
                         'You're buff, $n!!

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe HPS ifcheck is used to base a command
                         on the target's current hit points.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

     &GEXAMPLE:         &cif inroom($i) == 1200
                      'Look at all the notes to read!

 &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe INROOM(target) ifcheck is used to
                      determine the target's rvnum location.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:    &cif int($i) == 25
                        'I'm smart!

        &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe INT ifcheck is used to direct a command
                        based on the intelligence of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif isasupressed($n) > 10
                          '$n's got a bit of wait ahead of them!

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe ISASUPRESSED ifcheck checks the 
                          target's asupress timer.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
&r *-------------------------------------------------------------------*

     &GEXAMPLE:         &cif ischarmed($n)
                      'Wake up!

 &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe ISCHARMED ifcheck determines if the 
                      target is charmed.   




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif isdevoted($n)
                         'I see you have devoted your soul, $n.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe ISDEVOTED ifcheck is used to determine
                         if the target is devoted to a Deity.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif isevil($n)
                      'Greetings, evil one.

      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe ISEVIL ifcheck is used to determine if
                      the targets alignment is lower than -350.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

     &GEXAMPLE:         &cif isfight($i)  
                      yell Lookie Mom! I'm fighting!

 &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe ISFIGHT ifcheck determines if the target
                      is fighting.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif isgood($n)
                      'Always a pleasure, $n.

      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe ISGOOD ifcheck is used to determine if 
                      the target's alignment is +350 or higher.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

     &GEXAMPLE:        &cif isimmort($n)
                     bow 0.$n

 &GDESCRIPTION:        &cThe ISIMMORT ifcheck determines if the 
                     target is an Immortal.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
        &GEXAMPLE:      &cif isleader($n)
                      '$n is an Order, Guild, or Clan leader.

    &GDESCRIPTION:      &cThe ISLEADER ifcheck is used to determine if the 
                      target is a leader of an Order, Guild, or Clan.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif islocked($n) == 6
                         'The northeast exit is locked.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe ISLOCKED(dir) ifcheck is used to
                         determine if a specified exit is locked.
                         (HELP DOORDIRS)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif ismorphed($n)
                          '$n is not as they appear!

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe ISMORPHED ifcheck is used to determine
                          if the target is morphed. (HELP MORPHTYPES)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

      &GEXAMPLE:        &cif ismounted($n)
                      mpforce 0.$n dismount

  &GDESCRIPTION:        &cThe ISMOUNTED ifcheck determines if the
                      target is mounted.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif isneutral($n)
                      'Make up your mind, $n.

      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe ISNEUTRAL ifcheck is used to determine if
                      the target's alignment is:
                      - less than +350 and
                      - greater than -350




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif isnpc($n)
                         '$N is a Non-player character.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe ISNPC ifcheck is used to determine if
                         the target is a Non-player character. (MOB)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif isnuisance($n)
                          '$n is a bit of a pest.

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe ISNUISANCE ifcheck is used to determine
                          if the PC is nuisanced.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:      &cif isopen($n) == 6
                        'The northeast exit is open.

      &GDESCRIPTION:      &cThe ISOPEN ifcheck is used to determine if
                        an exit is open in the specified direction.
                        (HELP DOORDIRS)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif ispacifist($n)
                         '$n will not fight.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe ISPACIFIST ifcheck is used to determine
                         if the target is flagged pacifist. (MOB)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif ispassage($n) == 6
                         'There is a passage leading northeast.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe ISPASSAGE(dir) ifcheck is used to
                         determine if there is an exit in the 
                         specified direction. (HELP DOORDIRS)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif ispc($n)
                         '$n is a Player Character.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe ISPC ifcheck is used to determine if
                         the target is a Player Character. (PC)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif ispkill($n)
                         '$n is a deadly character.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe ISPKILL ifcheck is used to determine
                         if the target is a deadly character. (pkiller)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
        &GEXAMPLE:       &cif isshelled($n)
                       mpat 0.$n 'Tsk, tsk.

    &GDESCRIPTION:       &cThe ISSHELLED ifcheck is used to determine 
                       if the target is helled.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif lck($n) < 5
                         'Betcha don't feel very lucky, $n.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe LCK ifcheck is used to direct a command
                         based on the luck stat of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
EXAMPLE:         if isleader($n)
                 $ is an order, guild, or clan leader
SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:      &cif level($n) < 5
                      'You're just a wee baby, $n!

    &GDESCRIPTION:      &cThe LEVEL ifcheck is used to determine the
                      level of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:   &cif mana($n) > 100
                     'You're low on mana, $n.

      &GDESCRIPTION:   &cThe MANA ifcheck is used to determine the
                     amount of mana the target has.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif mobcount(21000) > 10
      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cMOBCOUNT ifcheck counts the number of mobs
                      in the specified room. This example returns TRUE if
                      there are more than 10 mobs in room 21000.
                      You can use this form in room or mob programs and
                      you can have one room program check the number of
                      mobs in a different room.
          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif mobcount(0) > 10
      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cUse a zero room number if you want to have
                      a mob check the number of mobs in its room.
                      Note that if the mob changes rooms, the ifcheck
                      applies to whatever room the mob is in.
                      You should use this form in mob programs only.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:         &cif mobinarea(3) == 1
                         'The SuperMob is here working.  

    &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe MOBINAREA(vnum) ifcheck is used to
                         determine if the target is in the area.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:         &cif mobinroom(3) > 1
                         'We only need one SuperMob!

    &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe MOBINROOM(vnum) ifcheck is used to 
                         determine if, and/or how many, of target
                         are present in the room.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif ismobinvis($n)
                          '$N is mobinvis

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe ISMOBINVIS ifcheck determines if the
                          target MOB is flagged mobinvis.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:       &cif mobinvislevel($i) == 50
                       'I'm invisible to all under lvl 50 

    &GDESCRIPTION:       &cThe MOBINVISLEVEL is used to determine
                       the level the target is invisible to. 




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif mobinworld(21044) < 1
                         'Who killed Harakiem?

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe MOBINWORLD(vnum) ifcheck is used to
                         determine if the specified MOB is anywhere
                         in the realms.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif mortal($n)
                         'Greetings Mortal.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe MORTAL ifcheck is used to determine
                         if the target is level 50 or lower.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif mortcount(21000) > 10
      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cMORTCOUNT ifcheck counts the number of mortals
                      in the specified room. This example returns TRUE if
                      there are more than 10 mortals in room 21000.
                      You can use this form in room or mob programs and
                      you can have one room program check the number of
                      mortals in a different room.
          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif mortcount(0) > 10
      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cUse a zero room number if you want to have
                      a mob check the number of mortals in its room.
                      Note that if the mob changes rooms, the ifcheck
                      applies to whatever room the mob is in.
                      You should use this form in mob programs only.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif mortinroom(Fred)
                          ruffle fred

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe MORTINROOM ifcheck returns true everytime
                          the mortal is in the room. MORTINROOM will
                          work for link dead as well as link live players.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif mortinworld(Fred)
                          mpat 0.Fred say Hi Fred!
          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cMORTINWORLD ifcheck returns true if the
                          mortal is in the game. MORTINWORLD will
                          work for both link dead as well as link 
                          live players.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif multi($n) > 4
                          '$n has more than four characters logged in.

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe MULTI ifcheck is used to determine if/
                          how many PCs the target has logged in. Also
                          applies to MOBs, objects, rooms.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:      &cif name($n) == haus
                        bow 0.$n

      &GDESCRIPTION:      &cthe NAME ifcheck is used to determine
                        the name of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif nuisance($n)
                          'How much of a pest are you....

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe NUISANCE ifcheck is used to determine
                          at what level the target is nuisanced.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.
SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:      &cif objtype($o) == 19
                      'Yummy! Food!
    &GDESCRIPTION:      &cThe OBJTYPE ifcheck is used to determine the
                      type of object the target is. (HELP OBJTYPENUMS)



#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif objval($0) = 10
                          (and the object is a drink container)
                          This container has 10 units of fluid in it

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe OBJVAL0(name) ifcheck returns the numeric
                          value of the val0 field of the object referenced
                          by name.  See 'help ITEMVALUES' for what val0 
                          can be used for.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif objval($1) == 20
                          (and the object is an armor)
                          The AC of the armor is 20 

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe OBJVAL1(name) ifcheck returns the numeric
                          value of the val1 field of the object referenced
                          by name.  See 'help ITEMVALUES' for what val1
                          can be used for.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif objval($2) == 12
                          (And the item is a drinkcon)
                          This container holds coffee 

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe OBJVAL(name) ifcheck returns the numeric
                          value of the val2 field of the object referenced
                          by name. See 'help ITEMVALUES' for what val2
                          can be used for.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif objval($3) == 12
                          (And the object is a weapon)
                          This is a suction type weapon

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe OBJVAL(name) ifcheck returns the numeric
                          value of the val3 field of the object referenced
                          by name. See 'help ITEMVALUES' for what val3
                          can be used for.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif objval($4) == 135
                          (And the object is a salve)
                          The 1st spell this salve casts is poison

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe OBJVAL(name) ifcheck returns the numeric
                          value of the val3 field of the object referenced
                          by name. See 'help ITEMVALUES' for what val4
                          can be used for.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif objval($4) == 135
                          (And the object is a salve)
                          The 2nd spell this salve casts is poison

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe OBJVAL(name) ifcheck returns the numeric
                          value of the val3 field of the object referenced
                          by name. See 'help ITEMVALUES' for what val4
                          can be used for.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

The OTYPEHERE(name)/OTYPEHERE(number) ifcheck is used to determine
if an object of the given objecttype is in the room.  See

SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

The OTYPEINV(name)/OTYPEINV(number) ifcheck is used to determine
if an object of the given objecttype is in the checker's inventory.

SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.
The OTYPEROOM(name)/OTYPEROOM(number) ifcheck is used to determine
if an object of the given objecttype is in the checker's room.

SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

The OTYPEWEAR(name)/OTYPEWEAR(number) ifcheck is used to determine
if an object of the given objecttype is worn by the checker.

SEE ALSO: mpedit, opedit, rpedit, ifchecks.

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
      &GEXAMPLE:   &cif ovnumcarry(1200) > 1
                 'Why do you have so many general imm boards?
  &GDESCRIPTION:   &cThe OVNUMCARRY(vnum) ifcheck is used to determine
                 if an object with the given vnum is worn OR carried
                 by the CHECKER.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

      &GEXAMPLE:         &cif ovnumhere(1200)
                       'Reading Imm Sam, I see.

  &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe OVNUMHERE(vnum) ifcheck is used to
                       determine if an object is:
                       - in the room of the checker
                       - in the inventory of the checker
                       - being worn by the checker
                       - carried by the checker




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

      &GEXAMPLE:         &cif ovnuminv(1200) < 1
                       'Where's my Imm board?

  &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe OVNUMINV(vnum) ifcheck is used to
                       determine if an object is in the checker's




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
      &GEXAMPLE:         &cif ovnumroom(1200) > 1
                       'Why are there so many general Imm boards here?

  &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe OVNUMROOM(vnum) ifcheck is used to determine
                       if an object is in the room the checker is in.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:   &cif ovnumwear(1200)
                         'Why am I wearing the general imm board?

          &GDESCRIPTION:   &cThe OVNUMWEAR(vnum) ifcheck is used to
                         determine if the specified object is being
                         worn by the checker.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:         &cif position($i) == 6

    &GDESCRIPTION:         &cThe POSITION ifcheck is used to determine 
                         the position of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

        &GEXAMPLE:           &cif race($n) == drow
                           ,eyes the Drow suspiciously

    &GDESCRIPTION:           &cThe RACE ifcheck is used to determine the
                           race of the target.(HELP NPCRACES)




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:    &cif rand(25)
                      'I will say this 25% of the time, or less.

      &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe RAND ifcheck is used to vary command
                      strings given to the same trigger.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:      &cif sex($n) == 2
                        'Greetings M'Lady!

      &GDESCRIPTION:      &cThe SEX ifcheck is used to determine the
                        gender of the target.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:    &cif str($n) < 5
                        'You need to work out, $n.

        &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe STR ifcheck is used to direct a command
                        based on the target's strength stat.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

          &GEXAMPLE:      &cif time($n) == 1201
                        'Noon, and all is well.

      &GDESCRIPTION:      &cThe TIME ifcheck is used to determine the
                        time of day in military time. <,>, ! and ==
                        also apply in any combination.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:     &cif timeskilled($n) > 200
                         'Try an easier MUD, $n :)

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe TIMESKILLED(name) ifcheck is used
                         to base a command on the specified number of
                         times the target has been killed.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

              &GEXAMPLE:    &cif waitstate($n) > 5
                          '$n is a bit lagged.

          &GDESCRIPTION:    &cThe WAITSTATE ifcheck is used to check
                          the amount of "wait" a PC has. Does not
                          apply to NPCs.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

     &GEXAMPLE:   &centry_prog 100
                if ispc($n)
                if wasinroom($n) == 1200
                mpe $n was in room 1200

 &GDESCRIPTION:   &cThe WASINROOM ifcheck is used to determine if the
                target was in a specified room. NOTE: wasinroom checks
                for the 'last' room the target was in only.




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~

            &GEXAMPLE:    &cif wis($n) > 20
                        'You're a wise person, $n.

        &GDESCRIPTION:     &cThe WIS ifcheck is used to direct a command
                         based on the wisdom stat of the target. 




#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
VALUE CHECKS (If check == #/string/vnum)
Ifcheck        Question                      Ifcheck    Question
&r------------   ---------------------------   ---------  ------------------
&GHitprcnt       &cPercentage of hit/max_hit?    &GSex        &cSex?
&GDeity          &cName of deity?  (STRING)      &GName       &cName?  (STRING)
&GLevel          &cExperience level?             &GInroom     &cRoom #?  (VNUM)
&GObjtype        &cType of Object?               &GStr        &c# of strength?
&GObjval#        &cValue# equal to this?         &GInt        &c# of intelligen
&GNumber         &cIs its vnum equal to this?    &GWis        &c# of wisdom?
&GPosition       &cPosition #?                   &GDex        &c# of dexterity?
&GClan           &cClan name?  (STRING)          &GCon        &c# of constituti
&GRace           &cRace name?  (STRING)          &GCha        &c# of charisma?
&GMobinarea      &cIs mob in area?               &GMobinworld &cDoes mob exist?
&GMobinroom      &cHow many of mob?  (VNUM)      &GLck        &c# of luck?
&GGuild          &cGuild name?  (STRING)         &GGoldamt    &c# of gold ya go
&GClass          &cClass name?  (STRING)         &GFavor      &c# of favor?
&GMobinvislevel  &cLevel of invis?               &GEconomy    &c# of economy?
&GCouncil        &cMember of council?            &GHps        &c# of hps?
&GMana           &c# of mana?                    &GMortal      &c*Not In Use*
&GFame           &c# of fame?
&r------------   ---------------------------   ---------  ------------------
&wValue checks can use == (equals) > (greater than) < (less than) 
and ! (not).  Combine for:  != (not equal) >= (greater than or equal).

&YSee individual help files for each ifcheck: &Whelp 'ifcheck mortcount'
              AFFECTEDBY (for a list of affect types)&w

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
&r----------  ------------------------    -----------  ------------------
&GIsgood      &cAlign +350 or higher?       &GIsdevoted    &ctarget devoted?
&GIsneutral   &cAlign < 350 and > -350?     &GIsimmort     &cImmortal?
&GIsevil      &cAlign -350 or lower?        &GIsmounted    &cMounted?
&GIsfollow    &cFollow master in room?      &GIsnpc        &cMob?
&GRand (#)    &cEqual to or less?           &GIspc         &cPlayer character?
&GIsaffected  &cAffected_by name?           &GIspkill      &cPkill?
&GCanpkill    &cPkill lev>4 and age>17      &GIsfight      &cFighting?
&GIsmobinvis  &cMobinvis? (versus invis)    &GIscharmed    &cCharmed?
&GNorecall    &cIs target's room norecall?  &GIspacifist   &cPacifist?
&GMortinworld &cIs mort anywhere?           &GMortinarea   &cin area?
&GMortinroom  &cIs mort in room?            &GIspassage    &c(DIR)Exit exists?
&GWasInRoom   &cWas target in X room?       &GIsMulti      &cMulti-playing?
&GIsopen      &c(DIR)Exit open?             &GIslocked     &c(DIR)Exit locked?
&GTime        &c(Military)Time of day?      &GWeight       &cTarget's weight?
&GMortCount   &cMortals in room?            &GMobCount     &cNPCs in room?
&GCharCount   &cNPCs + Mortals in room?
&r----------  ------------------------    -----------  ------------------

&wValue checks can use == (equals) > (greater than) < (less than)
and ! (not).  Combine for:  != (not equal) >= (greater than or equal).
&YSee individual help files for each ifcheck: &Whelp 'ifcheck mortcount'
            AFFECTEDBY (for a list of affect types)&w


#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
&c        If timeskilled($* OR vnum) == amount
For character checks only, can use any normal mobprog operator
&GOvnumHere  OvnumRoom  OvnumCarry  OvnumWear  OvnumInv
&c        If ovnum<place>(vnum) == amount
For objects only, counts how many objects of vnum 'vnum' exist in <place>
&GOtypeHere  OtypeRoom  OtypeCarry  OtypeWear  OtypeInv
&c        If otype<place>(type OR value) == amount
For objects only, counts how many objects of type 'value' are in <place>
Will convert the type names (light is 1, for example)
Room  In the room the mobile is in.  Wear   Worn by the mobile as equipment.
Inv   In the mobile's inventory.     Carry  Worn or in inventory
Here  All of the above
              AFFECTEDBY (for a list of affect types)&w

#Immortal Building Progs Ifchecks~
&GThe following are ifchecks available to port 4000 immortals only:

&Yifcheck           syntax                 usage
&Wisasupressed      if isasupressed($n)    is the target asupressed?
ismorphed         if ismorphed($n)       Is the target morphed? (not in use)
isnuisance        if isnuisance($n)      Is the target nuisanced?
ishelled          if ishelled($n)        Is the target currently helled?
ismulti           if ismulti($n) (value) Is the target multying?
waitstate         if waitstate($n) (val) Is the target in waitstate?

mpscatter <target> <low vnum> <hi vnum>  Teleports in that range
iscarrying(target) == vnum               Is target carrying item.
&YAdditional help on each of these subjects is available through


Untested (?) ifchecks

mastery ???
timeskilled <victim> [operator] <#> ???
cansee <victim> ???
isopen <DIRECTION> ???
isaffected <victim> [operator] <affect type> ???
iscaste <victim> [operator] <caste value> ???

#General Communication~
Syntax:  ignore
Syntax:  ignore <character>
Syntax:  ignore reply/none
Ignore allows you to ignore other characters in Rafermand.  All tells,
says, socials, and emotes from these characters will be blocked (gagged
out).  You will still see their communications through public channels,
Simply typing ignore will give you a list of all the characters you are
currently ignoring.
Ignore <character> allows you to add or remove a character from your list
of ignored players.  If the name is already on the list it will be removed.
If the name is not on the list it will be added.  Note that only the names
of actual characters will be accepted and that it is not necessary for
them to be logged on at the time.
Ignore reply will cause you to ignore the last person to send you a tell.
This can be used to prevent invisible people from spamming you.
Ignore none will set you to ignoring no one.

#Immortal IMC~
Not Used

#General Objects~
#Kingdoms Management~
Syntax: imbue <amount> [item]
        imbue with amount and no item specified will release mana into the room's
        node, if there is one.

Imbue is a skill used to transfer some mana from yourself to an item or a room.

The purpose for this is to give people alternative sources of mana to be used for
spells of various kinds.

Imbue an item:
    You need 2 things for this, a gem (the rarer the gem, the better it is), and
    some jewlery to place the gem into.
    You do this by using the SETGEM command (see help SETGEM)

    Once a gem has been set in a piece of jewlery, you can then imbue the resulting
    item with mana. That mana can then be drawn from the item in order to cast
    spells when your mana is drained.

Imbue a room:
    To imbue a room with mana you first need to find a node. The only way to do this
    is by imbuing mana into different rooms. You will know when you have found a node.
    These nodes generate their own mana, but at relatively slow and small increments.
    They can store very large amounts of mana, and are constantly generating more.
    With these nodes you can cast special spells that need huge amounts of mana to

1 IMC~
#General Information~
IMC, or Intermud chat, is a means of talking with people across
different muds by networking many muds to one hub server.

For more information on Intermud chat, try:
To post to the imc.board..go to the Rafermand Courier and look at the
sign for more information.

#General Information~
Syntax: imclist
Imclist will show a list of all muds connected to IMC.
(Note: "muds" beginning with hub are just hub connectors, and not
actual muds.)

#Immortal ImmLaws~
We no longer do CRs unless it is for a newbie in the mud (a true newbie who hasn't
been playing over 5 hours or so).  There might be other times when a CR is needed
due to a bug by the staff, but you should avoid doing CRs for established players.

#Immortal System~
The following 16 colors are supported in the commands echo, recho,
mpecho, mpechoat and mpechoaround.

_whi  White
_yel  Yellow
_blu  Blue
_dbl  Dark Blue
_lbl  Light Blue
_cya  Cyan (sort of turquoise)
_gre  Green
_dgr  Dark Green
_cha  Charcoal (grey)
_dch  Dark Charcoal (dark grey)
_pur  Purple
_red  Red
_ora  Orange
_bro  Brown
_pin  Pink
_bla  Black

Note that the indicator is the first three letters of the color itself
so that it is easy to remember.

If the indicator is preceded by an asterisk, the message will blink.
You only need to enter as much of the color indicator as needed to
uniquely identify it.
recho _red              This is an example of recho in red.
recho *red              This is an example of recho in blinking red.
mpe _yel                This is an example of mpecho in yellow.
mpechoat $n _blu        This is an example of mpechoat in blue.
mea $n _blu             This is an example of mpechoat in blue.
mpechoaround $n _bro    This is an example of mpechoaround in brown.
mer $n _bro             This is an example of mpechoaround in brown.
mpe _r                  This is an example of mpecho in red.

#Immortal System Systemolc~
Syntax:  immhost add    <name> <host>
Syntax:  immhost delete <name> <host>
Syntax:  immhost save
Syntax:  immhost
This command is for setting the hosts allowed for immortals that are added
with this command.  Wildcards are allowed (*), so *edu, would allow any domain
from edu connect and 127*, would allow any local domain to connect.
IMMHOST without arguments will show a list of names and what domains they are
allowed to connect from.
To delete a command you need to provide the name and the host, this allows
for multiple hosts for a certain name.
This file won't be saved until the immhost save command is issued.

#Immortal ImmLaws~
&gBelow are a list of rules for Rafermand involving Immortals.  You are
to know these rules from the point they they are posted and you are
notified.  Any rule added later will not be held against you unless we
feel it was a "common sense" rule.  Some rules might not be here, but we
think some things do not have to be said, but are implied to be true.
If you are in violation of these rules, you can either be warned,
demoted, or balzhured based on the severity of the matter.  If you feel
you have been wronged by the staff, you may post a note in an INTELLIGENT
manner and if you have the backing of most of the immortals, and at least
2/3 of the staff, you will be put back to where you were, or the
punishment will be reduced.  Any drop from an important caste will be
reviewed by the whole staff before happening (drop from maybe admin to
a normal immortal).  (Note: admin, staff, owners, this all means that
the player is level 71 or higher and/or has a caste of staff or admin.
A level 61 player is not staff)

All the rules are broke up into sections.  The first section are going
to be the "implied rules" so you know what is going on.  After that, a
list of the categories of rules will be at the end and you can goto
that helpfile to read them.  You should read every rule and understand
them.  If you think something is wrong, please contact Xerves or Stakk
about the rule and please give us the rule word for word and your
problem with it.  Thanks.

    Punishment - IMMORTPUNISH           Equipment    - IMMORTEQUIPMENT
    Commands   - IMMORTCOMMAND          Personal/Mud - IMMORTPERSONAL
    RP         - IMMORTRP               Kingdoms     - IMMORTKINGDOM

#Immortal ImmLaws~
*   If you are able to restore players, you are not to restore players
    at a regular interval.  Wait maybe an hour or two before doing it,
    or just contact an admin about a good time to do so.  Not going to
    get killed for this rule, but please don't abuse it.
*   Lower level immortals should not be spelling up players unless it is
    part of a quest.
*   Murdering and Slaying of immortals is allowed as long as they say it
    is ok.  Do not chase and bug immortals while they are working, or
    start something with them if they are.  Excessive playing will get a
    warning then a demotion.  Also, this rule does not apply for mortals,
    you cannot kill even if they tell you to.  (Tell them to delete if
    they want to die horribly)

                              &RCOMMANDS - IMMORTAL RELATED&g

*   Wizinvis rules - Wizinvis is to hide from players and or lower
    immortals.  You are not allowed to follow them around in silence and
    peek in on their lives unless you are staff or appointed to.  If this
    becomes a problem, wizinvis might be removed from you.  Also, for
    those who can follow around morts, you are not to pass any
    conversation back to a public or private channel unless it is 
    for IMMORTAL eyes only, and the information should be tasteful and
    useful.  Please keep in mind we want the mortals to be secure that 
    wandering eyes are not watching their every thought and action.
    Lastly, this applies to people below staff level that have wizinvis.
*   Switch, force, echo, recho, mecho, etc are not play toys and
    should not be abused.  If you are caught playing around to much,
    it can lead to a demotion or balzhur.  If you wish to test things
    out to an excessive point, leave a valid reason on a board before
    doing.  You are here to help build and have fun doing it, but not
    here just to have fun playing god against mobs.
*   For those who can bodybag, please read (help imm bodybag)

    Punishment - IMMORTPUNISH              Equipment    - IMMORTEQUIPMENT
    General    - IMMORTALRULES             Personal/Mud - IMMORTPERSONAL
    RP         - IMMORTRP                  Kingdoms     - IMMORTKINGDOM

#Immortal ImmLaws~

*   No equipment should be handed out to a player, nor any equipment 
    changed or restrung without permission of the staff.  A quest with 
    such handouts are allowed as long as the quest council says it is
    ok.  Breaking of this rule is an instant demotion or if very
    severe, balzhur.
*   Personal equipment is allowed, however there are rules.  Your
    equipment should not add more than 10 to ANY stat, and 2000 to
    HP/MANA/MOVE.  Also, you should keep the damage a weapon can do
    round by round down below 150.  Also, your AC on an item should not
    go over 25 for ANY REASON.  Violation of this is first a warning then 
    a demotion.  This causes problems which take time to fix and is really 
    unwarranted because you cannot die.
*   You can mset your stats to make yourself stronger.  I recommend 
    that you set HP/Mana/Move to no more than 20000 and anything else
    can be maxed to the amount allowed.  Also, gold can be set but do
    not trying to go over the max that the code does not allow you to
    set (10mil).  If you are found trying to build up your wealth by
    doing transfers, etc, you will be warned or demoted.  I take the
    economy of Rafermand very seriously and don't need a ton of money
    floating around.

    Punishment - IMMORTPUNISH          General      - IMMORTALRULES
    Commands   - IMMORTCOMMAND         Personal/Mud - IMMORTALPERSONAL
    RP         - IMMORTRP              Kingdoms     - IMMORTKINGDOM

#Immortal ImmLaws~
When it comes to kingdom matters, unless you have some direct influence based on RPing
rules, you should avoid resolving any kingdom matters.  Instead, any matters should be
left to Xerves or anyone who has been appointed to resolve kingdom matters besides Xerves.
You should not take anything into your own hands unless the following comes up (and you are
to deal with it as mentioned).

1.  Spam killing.  This involves planting a military in a respawn room and killing players over
    and over as they respawn.  You should check to make sure a kingdom has not changed their
    respawn room to invoke this (because it is an easy way to get mobs removed).  If it is found
    out the other kingdom deliberately done this you are to ask them to remove the mobiles from
    the respawn.  If they refuse to do so, you slay the mobs.  If you aware that this group has
    been asked more then once, you slay the mobs.  If you have to slay any mobs, you post it to
    the kingdom board along with your reasons and what you slayed.
That is it, anything else is legal including planting a military at an entrance of a kingdom,
surrounding a respawn room with military, or putting military in every room in a kingdom.  It
is up to the players to find a way out of the situation, even if it looks unfair.

In addition, you are not to spread "ideas" to other kingdoms on what they should do about who.  You
are not to give away INFORMATION of any kind that would help or hurt the kingdom.  You are allowed
to listen to each kingdom through their kingdom channel or talk to them, but you are not allowed to
pass any information learned from any avenue.  If you are found to be abusing such rules, you will
be demoted or balzhured.  In order to keep up with current doings, it is important to have the
trust of the players to tell us what is going on, so don't abuse this trust.
    Punishment - IMMORTPUNISH           Equipment    - IMMORTEQUIPMENT
    Commands   - IMMORTCOMMAND          Personal/Mud - IMMORTPERSONAL
    RP         - IMMORTRP               Kingdoms     - IMMORTKINGDOM

#Immortal ImmLaws~
*   You are not allowed to treat mortals like dirt.  Be kind yet
    forceful if needed, but don't go overboard.  Again, you are a direct
    reflection of our immortals, do not give us bad PR (public relations).
*   You should be even more respectful to players who are not causing
    problems.  You can talk and joke with them, but do not harass them.
    If you are having a problem with a mortal, tell a higher level
    immortal and just ignore them or ask them kindly to stop.  The mortal
    will be dealt with in a quick matter, so do not make things worse.
*   You are not allowed to give out area secrets to players even if
    bribed.  This does not include speed walk directions of non hidden
    areas or level ranges on the area (in that case tell them to type
    area).  This also includes transfers, goto, forces, or forced
    speedwalks.  If they want a public speed walk direction you are
    allowed to provide them, but let the players provide them first.
    Violation of the area secrets is an instant balzhur, and the
    transfers and forces might be a warning or demotion depending on
    the violation.  This rule will not be violated!
*   Immortals are allowed to have players, but here are the rules
    If you are going to have a character, you should not cheat for this
    character by giving equipment, restoring, sset, etc.  If this character
    is going to be part of the playing world it is best to keep it secret
    that the player is an immortal because the players tend not to like that.
    If you want to run a test char, see below rule.
*   Some immortals will be allowed to run a test character.  This player
    is public knowledge and they know it is you.  The test character is
    not allowed to group, exchange items, give gold, spell-ups, etc.
    --Continued in IMMORTPERSONAL2

#Immortal ImmLaws~
*   Sharing of password is an instant balzhur.  You are in no way to
    allow anyone else login to your immortal without Xerves's permission. 
    There will be no discussion or appeal, just not tolerated.
*   We can refuse to include your area based on many things even if you
    put 2 months of work into it.  This is not common, but your area must
    follow our stat rules and other things.  Please make sure ot follow
    whatever stat charts are out and try not to cheat things into the game.
*   If you have any ideas on what to add, please post them to the idea
    board instead of to Xerves or his email, icq, etc.  I don't remember
    well and it is much easier for me to read them off the board at a
    later time.
*   Do not excessively spam or bug a higher level immortal (not 1 level,
    but a major job position like builder to head builder) majorly.  If
    you have a request post a note or ask kindly.  We will get back to
    you soon, and if we forgot, ask again soon.
*   Not a rule but a preference.  Do not refer to Xerves as sir,
    master, honorable one, etc.  I prefer to go by Xerves and that is
    it.  I also don't like it when people do the "kiss-ass" socials.
    You know what I mean and please don't do all of that.  Shows to me
    that you are begging and is very unwanting of you.
*   You are not to advertise for us unless asked or told to a private
    group of friends on another mud or in IRL.  Such violations would
    be posting a note to mudconnector without my approval or going to
    other muds and bugging players there.  This might make us look bad
    and I don't want to explain why that happened.  If you want to make
    a homepage or put something in your email address, that is ok.
*   You are to be respectful to other immortals and staff.  Respectful
    does not mean bowing and talking kindly, but just showing some
    decency and not spamming and typing in caps.  Some of us will
    find that to be very immature and can quickly get you removed as
    an immortal.

    Punishment - IMMORTPUNISH              Equipment    - IMMORTEQUIPMENT
    General    - IMMORTALRULES             Commands     - IMMORTCOMMAND
    RP         - IMMORTRP                  Kingdoms     - IMMORTKINGDOM

#Immortal ImmLaws~

*   You are in now way to punish a player without the permission of
    staff or an immortal who has been appointed to deal out punishment.
    This includes any type of banning, force quits, channel blocking,
    lagging, watches, logs, slaying, murdering, transferring.  You are
    allowed to talk with the player and try to calm them down though.
*   Logging of anybody (mortal or immortal) is not allowed without the
    permission of staff or anyone else appointed to do so.  This
    shouldn't be a problem because log it at higher levels though.
*   Staff reserves the right to log you without telling your or asking
    permission nor do they have to tell you they are if you ask.
    Anything found will not be distributed unless it affects your
    immship ability (meaning we will not share any discussions or actions
    of yours that is not mud related or perfectly alright.  If it isn't
    a reason to demote you or balzhur you, it will never go any further
    than the logs.  I don't personally read all logs and I could care
    less about your personal lives either).

    General  - IMMORTALRULES            Equipment    - IMMORTEQUIPMENT
    Commands - IMMORTCOMMAND            Personal/Mud - IMMORTPERSONAL
    RP         - IMMORTRP               Kingdoms     - IMMORTKINGDOM

#Immortal ImmLaws~
&c&wIt is important to follow whatever rules are established when it come sto
Rping.  You can find more info over the current RP scenerios at the webiste
&  You will find info over each race, some
background over the mud, along with history of what has been going on in Rafermand.

Now for the fun part, Rping a character.  Immortals are allowed to RP a deity
with permission of the RP council or Xerves.  This deity needs to be well thought
out and aware to the RP council and to the players if it is allowed or warranted.
Before rping, you will be brought through the current rules at the time.  Rules
might change based on time, scenarios, and just the general reaction of the players
to certain things.  It is best to always ask what is allowed before stretching any

Failure to observe rules will lead into removal of being able to RP or even balzhur
if it is abused enough.

    Punishment - IMMORTPUNISH           Equipment    - IMMORTEQUIPMENT
    Commands   - IMMORTCOMMAND          Personal/Mud - IMMORTPERSONAL
    RP         - IMMORTRP               Kingdoms     - IMMORTKINGDOM

#Immortal Building Progs Mpcommands~
These mpcommands are restricted knowledge to port 4000 immortals.
&Ympcommand          syntax                  basic description
&Wmpapply/mpapplyb   mpapply 0.$n            For use in pre-auth.
mpbodybag          mpbodybag 0.$n          Not currently in use.
mpfillin           mpfillin <dir>          Closes off exits
mplog              mplog <text>            Logs mob activity
mposet/mpmset      mp$set <field> <value>  Osets and Msets objs mobs.
mpnuisance         mpnuisance $n <val>...  Sets player to nuisance (in use?)
mpscatter          mpscatter $n vnum vnum  Do not use.
mpstrew            unknown                 unknown
mppeace            mppeace <victim>        Performs an immortal peace.
mpasurpess         mpasupress $n val       Not in use.
mpdelay            mpdelay <victim><time>  Delays a victim for * rounds
&WNOTE: &CIf flagged "not in use" or "do not use", then &YDON'T USE &W:P
&WFor more on individual mpcommands, type "Help (mpcommandname)".
&YSee also: &WIFCHECKS4

#General Information~
#Immortal System~
In addition to the normal prompt tokens, the following are available for
immortal use only:
  %r  - 'vnum' of current room           %i  - '(Invis Lv) ' wizinvis 
  %R  - '<#vnum> ' of current room       %I  - 'Lv' wizinvis
        (with config +vnum set) 
  %u  - Number of Players Online         %U  - Max num of players since boot

See also PROMPT

#General Laws~
These are rules that immortals cannot violate against a mortal (this does not
apply for immortals).  If one of these rules are being violated, please notify
Xerves at and he or Stakk will deal with it.  It is very
important that you do this so we can right any wrongs and take care of any
problems before they expand even farther.

1.  Immortals are not allowed to slay you if they are not officially punishing
    you for something (they will tell you this, and the reasons why).  Slaying
    includes casing spells to kill you, murdering you, dropping you into a
    death trap, or any other constructive way of killing you.
2.  Immortals are not allowed to copy anything you said to them through a public
    channel, or a private channel to another.
3.  Immortals are not to give MASSIVE spellups or multiple restores to the mud
    in a set time.  If you think they are going overboard, please post a note.
4.  Immortals are not to load mobs/objs for you, or to weaken or tank a mob for
    you in anyway unless Xerves is present.
5.  Known immortal players (known imm players will be posted to a board) are not
    to help you kill a mob or give equipment (includes gold).  They can however
    spell you up.

Those are at least 5 major rules.  If you think an immortal is being rude and
abnoxious, please post a note or email about it and it will be dealt with.

#Immortal ImmCom~
Syntax: immtalk <message>

IMMTALK sends a message to all immortals.  : is a synonym for IMMTALK.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Best known as the blessing of the gods, indignation leaves a powerful bless like
spell on your whole group increasing everyone's tohit roll by 1.  This spell can
be stacked with bless any any other tohit increasing spell.

#General Information~
Syntax:  induct  <player>
         outcast <player>
Induct and outcast are clan commands.  The leader and number 1 of the 
clan receive the induct commands, while the deity, leader, number 1 and 
number 2 all receive outcast.  Induct will bring a new player into the 
clan, while outcast will remove them.

#General Information~
Infravision is a rare gift to the dwarves that allow them to see in the night
as if they have a light.  This includes the ability to see and look at things
and see what they fully look like instead of just "a red shape is here".  
In Rafermand infravision is the same as "night vision".

#Immortal Building BuildingSetup~
Syntax: installarea <area filename> <full area name/title>

Installs a prototype area into the mud as a non-prototype area.
The filename can be fixed with aset, (don't forget to foldarea the new name.)

Currently the builder should quit and have his/her vnums cleared manually.
(This should be fixed soon).

#Immortal Building Resets~
Syntax: instaroom

A very useful command for creating exits on the go.  Instaroom will
generate most of the resets for you in the room.  These exits

  1.  Objects on Ground
  2.  Mobs
  3.  Objects on Mob
  4.  Objects worn by mob
  5.  Objects in Objects (Containers)
  6.  Containers on Mobs
  7.  Door Resets (open/closed/locked/secret, etc)

Things to remember.....

  1.  Any object on the ground will reset, including blood, corpses
  2.  To have more than 1 like object on the ground, they have to
      be seperate vnums (a fix coming later)
  3.  If you change a door from the way you had it, and typed
      instaroom, it will load that way next time the area resets.
  4.  To save changes, must savearea (or foldarea).

#General Information Stats~
Intelligence is the stat for mental strength.

* Improves damage with certain spells
* Improves duration with certain spells
* Increases Mana Regeneration Rate
* Increases Mana Increase Rate
* Increases ability to lore (not as much as wisdom though)

What Increases Intelligence
* Casting Spells

What Decreases Intelligence
* Time


#General Information~
You gain 1.5 percent interest every month of game time (18 hours RL).

Note:  You only gain interest on money in the bank of course.


#General Roleplaying~
#General AtPlayers~
Syntax: introduce [self/other target/kingdom] [victim]

Welcome to the introduction system 101 helpfile.  A few muds out there are changing
to a more RP themed version of player interaction and are changing to introduction
style systems.  Here at Rafermand, we run such a system.  For those who have never
seen it, it works something like this.

When you first enter this world, you are known to no mortal and no mortal is known
to you.  A few immortals whom are visible might be known to you, but that is totally
up to them if they decide to make their name known.  Until you introduce yourself to
someone, they will see you like this
    >>> a short, brown haired, white human is here before you.
Now, as rather informational as that is, there could be more than one person roaming
Rafermand that looks like this.  In order to make yourself known to someone you have
to introduce yourself to them.  After you do so, you can only hope they will introduce
themselves back.  Once the formalities are done, you now know the person you were just
talking to.  You will remember their name for a long period of time, but if the player
is absent from the mud for a matter of months, you will actually forget his/her name.
In addition to the introduction side of things, there is also the "rememberence" side
of it.  If you are attacked by an unknown PC, you will remember this person as MYATTACKER
or MYKILLER.  If the person assaults you enough times, you might even learn his/her name
throught he process.  In order to remove such flags from a person, you need to use the
PARDON command.  It removes all flags and returns your knowledge of that person from bad
to good.

NEXT, there is the HOOD command.  To get more information over the implications of a
cloak and its hood, type HELP HOOD.

Lastly, there are a few config options (type config) that you can set that will affect
how the introduction system works.  They are...

SHOWPC - Turning this on will put a PC in front of a PC.

SHOWASIMM - Turning this on will put a IMM in front of your name/descr
SHOWNAMES - Shows the names of everyone logged in.
UKNOWN - Universally Known.  Everyone knows who you are.


#General Information~
Only the most masterful of creatures are said to possess this secret enchantment.
It allows them to be completely invisible to the eyes of those who cannot see
the invisible.  It is not known of what possesses this talent, but it has been
passed down in legend of great unseen beasts reaking havok on a poor group of

#Immortal ImmPlayers~
ipcompare total
ipcompare <person> [room|area|world] [#]
ipcompare <site>   [room|area|world] [#]

Unless you have 550 players, you probably won't need this, you can do it by eye
with clones or users.  It is used to compare a user and see if he/she is using
a unique ip, if not, what clones are out there.  It also has a variable for total
to list out the total number of unique ips, and you can also use arguments to check
all in a room, area, or the default, the world.


#Immortal IMC~
Not used

#Immortal Building BuildingObjs~
In these values, 'sn' is a spell number;  a negative value means 'no spell'.
Item Type |V0         |V1          |V2         |V3         |V4       |V5
armor     |current AC |original AC |           |           |         |olevel
container |capacity   |flags       |key vnum   |condition  |         |
drinkcon  |capacity   |quantity    |liquid #   |poison?    |         |
food      |food value |(condition) |           |poison?    |         |
herb      |           |charges     |herb #     |           |         |
key       |(lock #)   |            |           |           |         |
keyring   |capacity   |            |           |           |         |
lever     |leverflags |vnum/sn     |vnum       |vnum/value |         |
light     |           |            |hours left |           |         |
money     |# of coins |coin type   |           |           |         |
pill      |spell level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn 3       |food val |
pipe      |capacity   |# of draws  |herb (sn)  |flags **   |(set this to -1 for a never-ending bowl-pack)         |
potion    |spell level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn 3       |         |
projectile|           |            |           |           |         |
salve     |spell level|charges     |max charges|delay      |sn       |sn
scroll    |spell level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn3        |         |
staff     |spell level|max charges |charges    |sn         |         |
switch    |leverflags |vnum/sn     |vnum       |vnum/value |         |
trap      |charges    |type        |level      |flags      |         |
treasure  |(type)     |(condition) |           |           |         |
wand      |level      |max charges |charges    |sn         |         |
weapon    |condition  |num dice    |size dice  |weapontype |wpnsize  |olevel
missiles  |condition  |            |dam bonus  |weapontype |range    |
quiver    |capacity   |flags       |key vnum   |condition  |         |
furniture |           |            |positions  |healing    |mana     |
sheath    |capacity   |wpn type    |weapon #   |condition  |sn 1     |percent
mnt food  |restore mv |            |           |           |         |
runes     |type       |charges     |           |           |         |

** pipe flags : see help pipeflag

#Magic Mage Offensive~
For those who are looking to train in the sphere of Earth, jagged spike is a good starting
point.  Requiring a small amount of mana, and a decent payoff of damage and a slight bit of
equipment damage, jagged spike offers everything that the beginning mage needs.

&w&WTier:    &c&w1
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEarth
&w&WSpecial: &c&WDamage Equipment
&w&WSaving:  &c&WOne-Quarter Damage

#Magic Mage Offensive~
Along with jagged spike, jagged stone represents the beginning attack spells in the Earth
sphere.  Jagged stone is simply a small conquered stone that is hurled at the target at
a decent speed.  The stone doesn't cause a ton of damage, but enough to make the target
think twice about picking on the mage.

&w&WTier:    &c&w1
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEarth
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WOne-Quarter Damage

#Kingdoms Management~
#Kingdoms Creation~
Jobs are well jobs.  They are special type of skill/class you can hold
durring the course of the game.  Most of the time you can only have 1
job, but it is possible to hold two under right occasions.  Right now, this
system is being worked on, but we do have a few available, and more will
be posted on how to get a certain job (view rafermand page for more job

Current jobs working in Rafermand are....

Unemployed (Value is 0)
Speaks for itself, the player does not hold a job and is considered a normal
player.  No special additional skills are given to this player.

Extractors (Value is 1)
Extractors are the primary working class in the caste system.  The job is
typically reserved for the poor and low caste and provide money and a place
to live for them.  Extractors harvest everything that is harvestable in the
    Help: Extractinfo

Merchant (Value is 2)
Merchants are able to own shopkeepers and configure them to sell and buy
different stuff.  The keepers will keep all items over crashes and reboots
and can exchange cash and items with the shopkeeper at will.  A very
profitable job, but takes quite a bit of money to get into, plus it can
   Help: Keeperinfo

Gambler (Value is 3)
These are special shops ran by the leader that provides gambling services
to the public.  Most of the time the shop owner makes a decent profit, but
it is possible for the player to actually win if they are lucky.
   Help: Gamblerinfo

Carpenters (Value is 4)
A very important class that relies on extractors and the kingdoms mainly.
Carpenters have the ability to design rooms for kingdoms or private
individuals under contract.  Carpenters can create just about any room and
even are blessed with a really good skill to add even some magical aspects
to rooms.  A kingdom without a few of these tends to go nowhere.
   Help: Carpenterinfo
Surveyors (Value is 5)
Surveyors have the ability to survey the land for resources that the extractors
can remove from the land.  Typically an early job or a job that belongs to very
few people.  Also, surveyors can survey the current land to see how much resources
are left, very useful for telling if a mountain has been surveyed or to see how
much more tree is left to cut down.
   Commands: Survey (read the helpfile)

#Kingdoms Management~
Syntax: joinkingdom <num>
Syntax: leavekingdom
Syntax: koutcast <player>

Joinkindom is used to join a kingdom of choice.  You can only join player
created Kingdoms (cannot join Rafermand, etc).  By just typing joinkingdom
you will get a list of kingdoms with a few stats.  Just use the number (num)
in the num slot to join that kingdom.  Also, you might not be able to join 
if they are not allowing (will show up on the stats if they are not.

Leavekingdom simply leaves the kingdom.  You will end up back in Rafermand
kingdom.  It is possible to join the kingdom again, but soon they will be
able to ban certain names from their kingdom, so be careful.

Koutast is a high caste command that allows a person in the kingdom to
boot out a player out of their kingdom.  If the person has enough authority
that is.  The target has to be online and a player, and the player does not
have to be in the same room.


#Magic Mage Offensive~
A particularly wicked spell available only to those expert in the energy sphere,
jolting burst creates a huge electric cloud around the poor target and then pumps
a turrent of energy through the baffled opponent.  Causing some rather nice burns
and leaves a nice hole in their health and ego.

&w&WTier:    &c&w3
&w&WGroup:   &c&wEnergy
&w&WSpecial: &c&WNone
&w&WSaving:  &c&WThree-Quarter Damage

#Kingdoms Creation~
The new Keeper code allows players to own and maintain shopkeepers.  The
6 commands associated with this are these commands


Each command has their own helpfile, and please take the time to read
them.  As for how this all works and how to obtain a shopkeeper will
be listed below.

First, to get a shopkeeper you have to do a few things.  First, you must
reach a caste rating of 7 (Merchant) and then you must request a shopkeeper
from either (in order if there are ones) the mayor of the city, a Lord,
the King/QUEEN of the land, or a high level Immortal.  Try to ask all those
people in order they are listed.  If you are granted your request, you will
be given a mob in a certain area and you will be able to get info over
him/her and do other stuff to him/her.  Any transactions you do with the
mob will not cost you anything.  In addition, because the mob you have is
special compared to other shopkeepers, your mob will keeper the items he/she
buys over reboot.  Also, you become the owner of anything bought and sold
to the keeper, and can give/take gold, set prices.  However, you have to
be careful because your shopkeeper is not invinsible and might be able to
be killed or robbed.  So asking to Train your shopkeeper might be a good
idea if you have the money.

Well that is it in a nutshell.  More stuff will probably be added as time
goes on and bugs are found, so try to check this helpfile every day for
any added commands or info.


#Kingdoms Creation~
Owner                  Vnum


#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax: keeperset <field> value

buy0 buy1 buy2 buy3 buy4 buy sell open close
gold0 gold1 gold2 level0 level1

buy0-buy4     = Allows you to change the type of items you will buy.  They can
                either be in number form, or type for (words).  For a list of
                the numbers, type help shopvalues.

buy, sell     = Percent at what the mob will buy at.  100 in buy or open doesn't
                exactly mean the literal cost of the item because a number of
                things affect the cost.  You cannot buy higher than you sell.

open, close   = Ranges from 0 to 23 were 0 is 1st hour, and 23 is 24th hour

gold0-gold2   = gold0 = How cheep of an item the mob will buy.
                gold1 = How expensive of an itemt he mob will buy.
                gold2 = The minimum amount of gold the shopkeeper will keep 
                (he will stop buying items if his gold drops below the number)

level0-level1 = level0 = Lowest level an item the keeper will buy
                level1 = Highest level an item the keeper will buy (max is 50)

NOTE: (gold0 cannot be more than gold1 and level0 cannot be more than level1).
ALSO:  Have to be in the room with your shopkeeper.


#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax: keeperstat

Keeperstat shows a small list of all the stats on your shopkeeper.  Only
works if it is your shopkeeper and you are in the room with the shopkeeper.
For more info over the fields, see help keeperset.  The following fields
match up as

MinGold - gold0
MaxGold - gold1
LimitGold - gold2
MinLevel - level0
MaxLevel - level1

NOTE:  The number before the shopkeeper's name is a special identification
number called a VNUM.  It is not needed unless you are telling an immortal
that you have a problem.

         PCSHOPS KEEPEROWN           

#Kingdoms Creation~
The code is fairly complex and spans through some resets and folding functions
to make sure the items stay on the mob.  What happens is when the item is sold
to the shopkeeper, the item is cloned and stored at a vnum in the zone with the
shopkeeper.  Then, when the item is sold, the item is cloned again, but this
time back to the orginal vnum of where it came from.  Also, when it is sold, the
cloned object's vnum is deleted from the list.  As long as the keepers in the
area aren't holding 150 items a peice, there should be plenty of room for
objects as they continue to go through the cycle.

Also, everything this happens (buying/selling) the mob is reseted into the
room again, and the area folds to save the changes.  That is why all the
keepers will have a room in a seperate area that will probably be called
Keeper's Haven or something like that (probably keeper.are file), and will
be about 1000 vnums in size.  Also, a MUST, the vnum of the keeper and the
room it occupies has to be the same.  To save some coding, I coded in the
vnums to be the same, so they must be the same for the commands to work.
I hope this provides some understand, and please, do not go running your
mouth to every little person on how this works.

         PCSHOPS KEEPEROWN           

#Immortal Building~
Syntax: khistory <player>
This command will display a list of mobs recently killed by the
character in question.
This is an imm only command.

#Combat Warrior BattleSkills~
Syntax: kickback <target>

A skill very unique to the Swordsman, he/she will attempt to lodge his/her
sword in the target.  Apon doing so, the Swordsman will grab his weapon
tightly and kick the enemy, which will allow the sword to dislodge from
the enemy and cause massive damage in the process.  A very deadly skill
if used correctly, and with the right weapon.

#General Laws~
Generally looked down upon, but is now legal with pkilling a factor in Rafermand.

#Magic Mage Defensive~
Syntax:  cast kindred <character>
This spell increases the strength of the target character.

#Kingdoms Management~
syntax: kinduct <player>

Used to induct a player into the kingdom anywhere in the world.  There are
a few rules to know.

1.  It doesn't mater if allowjoin is 1 or 0, will induct.
2.  Will not induct a player already in a kingdom.
3.  Can only be used by those with MinHighAppnt status (help castevalues)


Build and Terrain commands (help command for associated helpfile)
build         setjob         showresources  survey         extract
makeroom      roomstat       makeworker     dumpgoods      getresources   
layroad       torchland      cutpath        plains         stopfire
planttree     plantgrass     roof           carrybin       plantcorn     

Other Related Build helpfiles
howtobuild    build rules    build2         jobs           towns      

Kingdom Management/Informational Commands
joinkingdom   showresources  leavekingdom   koutcast       castevalues     
showkingdoms  showlist       townvalues     tinduct        toutcast        
startkingdom  kinduct        grantlicense   caste          tradegoods              
givecrown     offers         offered        declare        klog
logsettings   aoc            showcontrol    townsize       moral           
silo          uselicense

Military/Purchasing Commands
buycaste      placemob       placeobj       placetrainer   giveorders      
showorders    command        kremove        clearqueues    conquer         
armmilitary   depository     breakwall      repairwall     training                
workerunits   units

Immortal Commands
removekingdom  removetown    caste

Each one of thse commands has a helpfile if you wish to read it

Kingdoms are the basic backbone of the Caste system and are what you would
call a basic Feudal System.  There are rulers of the kingdoms who have
pretty much complete power over the kingdom (there are still a few rules to
keep things from getting out of hand), but for most issues, total power.
You can either join a kingdom, or stay neutral and belong to the starting
out kingdom of Rafermand (which is Neutral).  Once in a kingdom, you will
have access to their city and will be under the rule of the King and his/her
rules.  It is important to find the proper kingdom for you and make sure you
are willing to follow the King and the ruling caste of that Kingdom.  In
the beginning there will be only a few kingdoms, but later on, hopefully, there
will be a few more.

You can use the command 'showkingdoms' to get a list of Kingdoms and it will
provide some basic information, and then you can use the "joinkingdom" to join
a kingdom.  The king of the kingdom or others who have the power to remove you
can ask you to leave or boot you out at any time, so it is a good idea to
carefully choose your allies and do not anger them.

If you think that all the kingdoms that exist are not for you, you can try 
to start your own kingdom. However, to start a kingdom required a rather 
deep pocket of 400000 gold coins, and it requires a bit of work to obtain this
much gold by ones self.  Once you have the gold, just goto a spot in the 
Kingdom wilderness you want to start your kingdom and type startkingdom 

That is about it for now, below is a helpfile with a command list for kingdom
use, check it out if you wish (not all commands are available for everyone).


#Kingdoms Management~
Syntax: klog list linecount
Syntax: klog list [lines num]
Syntax: klog list <start line> <end line>
Syntax: klog time <start time> <end time>
Syntax: klog type <catagory> linecount
Syntax: klog type <catagory> [lines num]
Syntax: klog type <catagory> <start line> <end line>
Syntax: klog type <catagory> time <start time> <end time>
Syntax: klog search <keyword> linecount
Syntax: klog search <keyword> [lines num]
Syntax: klog search <keyword> <start line> <end line>
Syntax: klog search <keyword> time <start time> <end time>
Syntax: klog prune time <time/-1>
Syntax: klog prune lines <lines/-1>
Syntax: klog clear now

Used to show the log of doings in your kingdom.  If you meet the
MinReadLog value, you can read the log.  If you are the king or a
staff level immortal, you can also clear out the log and prune it.  

There are a lot of changes to the klog system in 2.1 to make it
a lot better yet able to maintain a good robust usage for it.
The first options are just a list.  You can get a linecount of
everything in your log, or you can specify how many lines to
show from the start or a certain range.  If you have more than 400
or so lines in your log, you probably want to search it by groups
of 400 or so.

You can also search by time if you want to see what happened during
a certain time.  The parsing for the time looks like this
   Feb 18 2:50 2003
You use military time for this thing, so 2 PM is 14:00.  You can
use this to get a list of what happened in a few hours or a few

Next is a search by type.  There are catagories things are logged
under.  They show up in the log as such
   [create         ]
You can do a type search like this and it accepts line arguments

Then probably the most useful search, the keyword search.  You can
use the keyword search to search for any keyword in the description
in the log (the right most part).  Keyword searches take line and
time arguments.

Lastly the prune options.  You can either prune by time, lines, or
both.  Lines is pretty easy, you just specify the number of lines
and at certain intervals in time it will prune out the oldest
log entries for you.  If you set the value to -1 it will disable
this feature.  The time feature uses the following expression
   7 days 12 hours 15 minutes 5 seconds
You can use it to to clean out a log entry if it is beyond the
time specified.  The time used here is RL time, so if you put in
1:0:0:0 it would clear out anything that is over a day old.  Setting
the value to -1 will disable this feature.  You can see the current
settings in townvalues.

You can use the logsettings command to filter what types are entered
into the log.  If you are sick of seeing 1000s of extraction messages
when you dump 80 units of wood, just turn that type off (HELP LOGSETTINGS)


#Combat HandtoHand~
A beautiful, well sometimes ugly, blunt strike to the knees.  It only takes a few of
these to a decent size target to drop them down to the ground, not to mention make them
start to bleed all over the place.


#Combat HandtoHand~
Very much like a sidekick, but a more pointed strike toward the knee.  It causes more
damage than sidekick because it requires more skill to strike the target in question, but
of course it takes more time to perfect it.


1 'KNOCK'~
#Magic Mage OnObjects~
Syntax:  cast 'knock'  <direction>
This spell enables one to unlock doors.

#Magic Cleric Assisting~
Syntax:  c 'know enemy' <target>

A special spell unique to the Mystics which can reveal all the deep secrets
of the enemy they are targetting.  It is rumored that the most powerful of
Mystics can evil use this to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of their

#Kingdoms Creation~
Syntax: kremove <mob/obj/trainer> <target>

Kremove allows you to remove a mobile/object/trainer that was purchased
by your kingdom.  It will remove the target in question, along with any
resets or anything else that links it to the game.  Once removed, you will
receive half of the cost back (this doesn't include any stacked cost that you
paid on mobs/objects that you have to pay for monthly).  As of the writing of
this helpfile, the below things can be removed.

All trainers
Repair Blacksmith
Forge Blacksmith
Spellbook Mobiles
Any other Reset Mobiles
Military Mobiles
Storage Bins
Holding Chests (Box, Large Chest, etc)
Furniture and any other Reset based Objects

#General Areas~
Alternity Lake is well known in this parts because of fishermen who
go there and come back with deformed fish from ths lake.  Many aweful
things surround the lake, and aweful not because they are beasts such
as bears or wolves, but unknown figures that appear to be made out
of plastic and carry weapons of unknown origins.  Many of citizens of
Rafermand beleive that some unknown entity has landed in the lake and
created a hell hole out of a once peaceful forest area.  Also, a man
that use to patrol the area, Alazhum, has taken refuge inside the area
and has not been seen since.  Many beleive he has gone insane, many
beleive he is dead, while no one knows for sure.

#General Communication~
Syntax: languages

Languages alone shows which languages you know.

If someone is speaking in a language, and you know it, you will
understand what they are saying.  However, to change the language in which 
you are speaking, you must change that manually.  (See help on SPEAK).


#Immortal ImmPlayers~
Usage: last <playername>
Usage: last <# of entries OR '-1' for all entries OR 'today' for all of today's entries>
Usage: last <playername> <count>

Last is used to see the last time a person logged in.  It can also be used to view a last
log of all the people that have showed up over a period of time, or a certain individual
and his/her past logins.

#General Information Players~
#General Newbie~
#General Roleplaying~
Syntax:  lastname <new lastname>

Due to our introduction system and use of a fame system, each player now has a
last name.  Each character when it starts out picks a unique lastname.  Lastnames
will show up if you aquire enough fame, or the target knows you.  Once you are in
the game, you can also join another family or house by having someone in that house
accept you in by using the offername command (HELP OFFERNAME).  Those in the same
family will have the lastname.  

You cannot pick a lastname that is a person's firstname, is on the reserved list, or
has illegal characters.  You can be denied a lastname in the authorization process and
be forced to change it.  If you are asked to change it after that, you will have to
relogin and change it at the login process.


-1 'LAW BOTS'~
#General Laws~
Bots are script ran characters that typically are ran without the player
actually being in control of the Bots.  Bots are useful for certain
things, but certain Bots will not be allowed here.  These bots are
as follows.

Eating/Drinking/Quaffing Scripts
Extracting bots(extracting materials from the map)
Text triggers (leveling, arrivals, etc)
Healing/Spell up Bots (they say something, they get healed)
* Note - certain kinds of healing bots are disallowed, see below

Not Allowed
Leveling Bots (You get triggered by a string and you go pillage an area)
Killing Bots (Almost same as above, but it involves gold/path laying, etc)
Arrival to a room Bots (like Recall messages, etc, gets spammy quick)
Fully unattended Healing/Spell up Bots (characters you don't play but leave
around for people to ask for spellups, heals)

The above list is not all of the bots that exist for use, but are a general list
of common ones that came to my mind.  A general rule of thumb is do not create a
bot that will violate any other rules and do not create a bot that will dominate
an area and slay everything in it so no one else gets a chance.  Also, if your bot
is caught misbehaving even if you did not intend it to do so, you still will be
held responsible.  If you are going to make a bot, be responsible enough to watch
what it is doing every once and awhile and make sure you are leaving the challenge
and fun intacted.

#General Laws~
&GSpam (repeating the same message repeatedly or otherwise purposely causing
the screen to scroll), harassment (including sexual) and abusive behavior are
not permitted on any channel (this includes in 'say' or 'tell').  Do not
continue to 'tell' to someone after they have asked you to stop.

Our rules on profanity is this.  You may use it slightly on our channels
but if you are asked to quit using it or settle down and you refuse, you
are open to silencing or anything other punishment to make you stop.
__NOTE__ If you are caught talking about highly suggest sexual material
on a channel, I will silence you or ask you to stop depending on the
content and what is being said.  We have males and females alike that
find it highly offensive and will not be permitted.  It is sexual
harassment if you did not know, and it will not be tolerated.

If you are asked to change the subject or quit talking about a subject by
an immortal, you are to obey the immortal no MATTER what LEVEL they are.
If you have a problem with what the immortal requested, you may post
a complaint to the gboards (help gboard) and it will be addressed.  If
you refuse to quit, you will be silenced or worse.

Finally, these rules do apply for immortals too, you are held to a higher
standard than the mortals because you represent me just like you would
represent an employer.  I don't expect you to be perfect, but I expect
you to behave.  This kind of an offense is a warning, but I have demoted
people for it before, so don't push me or the council of complaints.

&WWarning:  &GArguing with or flaming immortals on channels _WILL_ get you
silenced or worse, and this may extend to your other characters as well if
you push the matter.  Rafermand has gboards and councils to contact with
complaints and doing it in a harsh and wrong way will only get you in
more trouble. Also if ANY immortal asks you to stop using profanity then stop.
Even if you think that word(s) are not that bad just do not say that word(s).
If you want to sing or use some harsh language then do it in a telepath to your
friend or on say but do NOT use a public channel. That means everything from chat
to music. Avatars must also obey this rule when speaking on avtalk. Avatars should
follow the same rules for avtalk as they should and will for the other main channels.
Again no matter if it is a level 51 immortal or a level 75 immortal, if they ask you
to stop using that type of language or to change the subject matter, then please do

#General Laws~
&GDo not bring aggressive mobs into or near Rolen camp, as when their charm
wears off (either naturally or by attack) their aggressive nature will
return.  Also do not bring aggressive mobs into areas which are lower in
level than the area from which the mob originally came.  You can use the
'areas' command to check an area's level.  See 'help charm' for more.

&GCheating is a very serious offense and subjects _all_ characters involved
to a slay, purge (loss of all equipment), freeze, balzhur deny or even a site ban.

What is considered cheating?
 - exploiting (intentionally using) a bug to gain equipment or gold
 - intentionally causing the system to crash
 - intentionally duplicating equipment or gold
 - knowingly accepting illegal equipment (see above) from others
 - attempting to duplicate equipment or gold -- * even if not successful *
 - using or making profit from equipment that was accidentally duplicated
 - using gold that was accidentally duplicated

What also should be reported?
 - Mobs that are set wrong (mobs with too much gold)
 - Any bugs or typos
 - Anything that just looks out of place.

Cheating hurts the game, and every player in the game.  Protect yourself
and report any bugs you find, and inform the Immortals if you have strong
cause to believe someone is engaged in any of the above.

If you find yourself with duplicated items, gold, or have found you a
little bug, please report it to the immortals.  If there is a problem
with a mob, we do ask that you tell us, and if you are caught plundering
the mob, you might be punished or you might not depending on HOW bad the
error is.  If a mob is giving a million gold, you better damn well tell
us, if you are caught, your gold will be removed and probably something

Bug reports sometimes get rewards and sometimes don't.  Please don't ask
for rewards for bug reports.  We are developing policies for people who
help with bugs, but asking for levels, a different class, massive amounts
of gold or QP won't be tollerated.  We do like your help, but our rewards
will be small, not something that will change the balance of the mud.

#General Laws~
&B01.)&c&w The leader of the clan &Y*&RMUST&Y*&c&w be an Avatar at all time.  If there is no
leader present, the clan has 3 days to come up with one.
&B02.)&c&w Leader, 1st, and 2nd &Y*&RMUST&Y*&c&w be unique individuals, meaning you cannot
have your alt as number 1.
&B03.)&c&w Clan hopping is &Y*&RNOT&Y*&c&w allowed, this means you cannot join one clan,
gather info or what have you, outcast, and join another clan and communicate
the info.  Also, joining a clan to PK someone, and then leaving the clan,
is not permitted
&B04.)&c&w Once you disband an order or clan, you &Y*&RCANNOT&Y*&c&w create a new one for a
year or hold a 1st or 2nd position for 6 months.
&B05.)&c&w All Clan Guidelines (rules) created &Y*&RMUST&Y*&c&w be reviewed by a high level
immortal or a mortal who deals with clans.  They will be checked to make
sure they are not breaking other rules.
&B06.)&c&w A clan must possess &Y*&RATLEAST&Y*&c&w 3 unique avatars after creation.  If the
number falls below this, the clan has 7 days to find 3 or be deleted.
&B07.)&c&w Leaders have the &Y*&RRIGHT&Y*&c&w to disband an order or clan on their own
without asking the other members if wanted.
&B08.)&c&w Clan storage bins are to hold a &Y*&RFEW&Y*&c&w items, not your whole inventory.
If you are asked to clean it, you have a few days to clean it or an imm
has the right to remove it all and destroy it.
&B09.)&c&w Clan Deities are responsible from this date for any &Y*&RADDITIONS&Y*&c&w to your
clans.  Please ask the deity or apointed helper of that deity.
&B10.)&c&w Deities are &Y*&RALLOWED&Y*&c&w to visit other rival clan, but are not
allowed to share findings with their clan.
&B11.)&c&w Once the items for your clan are initially created, you &Y*&RMAY NOT&Y*&c&w
change them later, or disband your order and have another person create
it just to get better items.  If this is found to be true, you will
be punished.
&B12.)&c&w The leader has the &Y*&RRIGHT&Y*&c&w to boot anyone out at anytime unless there is
an agreement made with the deity of the clan beforehand.  Any agreement
between the two parties and the deity has to be &Y*&RFOLLOWED&Y*&c&w at any cost unless
mutually revoked.
&B13.)&c&w Misuse of commands like outcast, induct, clantalk and other clan 
commands will lead to warnings, punishment, outcasting, or &Y*&RREMOVAL&Y*&c&w of
the clan depending on the misuse.  Misuse of induct to induct people not
wanting in will really get the worst of all the punishments.
&B14.)&c&w Killing your own clan members in anything but arena battle is not
allowed and will be punished if cought.  If you want to &Y*&RSPAR&Y*&c&w, take it to
the arena.
&B15.)&c&w Alts cannot belong to different clans.  So all your &Y*&RALTS&Y*&c&w must be in
one clan only.  Rather those alts gets inducted is up to the Leader.

#General Laws~
As stated in the delete help file, deletion of a player is a deletion
of a player.  You will not be given the player back at all.  In order
to delete the password must be required and does not happen accidently.
Don't ask for anything back after you deleted even it was RARE quest
equipment or removed equipment.  Nothing will be given back, NOTHING.

In rare cases I give back deleted players, but don't expect it after
deleting every time.

#General Laws~
&GHarassment is giving a person unwanted attention, whether you perceive it
as negative or positive attention.  If a person is made to be uncomfortable
by your attention or comments, you are harassing that person.  If a person
asks you to desist in talking to them or performing socials on them, and
you do not stop, you are harassing that person.  If you act in an intimate
manner to a character, without their permission, you are harassing that

No form of harassment is tolerated in Rafermand.  We especially frown upon
unwanted comments or actions with a sexual nature or explicit content.  If
you do not have an intimate relationship with the person, whether in real
life or within Rafermand, you should refrain from using suggestive actions
and/or comments.

If you are caught harassing another player in any way, you can be silenced,
helled, frozen, denied, and/or site banned.  Harassing another player is a
serious violation of the rules and will not be permitted.  If you choose
to harass an immortal, you are choosing to be removed from the game.

NOTE:  If you are asked by an immortal to answer a question even if he/she
is visible or not it is who of you to answer the question.  A simple
reponse is all that is needed.  If an immortal has to ask you more than
2 or 3 times for an answer and you are there to hear him/her, you might
suffer punishment depending on the circumstances.


#General Laws~
&GIt has became rather clear to me to post this rule because players
don't know what immortals can and cannot do for them.  Below is a
list of what not to ask an immortal and what you can ask.  If it
is listed in the not ask, typically there will be a small note on
possible costs or special items that can be given for the request.
All immortals reserve the right to deny these special requests and
spamming the immortals with requests can result in silence, helling,
freezing, banning, deletion, you name it, the immortal can do it.

Note:  This is in regard to mortals asking immortals, mortals can
ask anything, but still remember, you are not to harrass them.

Not Allowed Requests:
1.  Specific locations of any area, room, equipment or stash of
    gold that hasn't been released on the player page.  You may
    ask a general location of an area if it is not on a map or
    ask if we can release where an object/mob is area wise.  We
    do not have to tell you the location if we choose not and
    continued asking once we have told you no will be a warning
    and then a silence or worse.  We are busy and don't want to
    be nagged.
2.  You may not ask for a restore unless you have a restore token.
    Restores are done when we feel like it or when we feel someone
    might need it (you are better off hinting than blatantly asking).
3.  We will NOT, NO WAY, give you back anything that was lost when
    you did a character delete.  This included everything, NOTHING
    will be given back.  Delete is delete, if you have a problem with
    this, post a reasonable argument on the complaints board (help
4.  You are not to ask for specific directions to a certain area.  If
    you want this, ask another player or start looking at hompages.
5.  Do not request us to up/lower a mob or make a certain type of item
    just for you.   If you feel we are lacking a certain type of item
    in the game, use the complaints or idea board.
6.  Don't ask for restrings (item renaming) unless you have restring
    tokens or have the proper glory for a restring.  The whole thing
    costs 1000 glory or 100 per line or 500 for anything over 4 lines
    of look descriptions
7.  Do not repeatively ask for quests, if you ask a lot we might silence
    you or refuse to do a quest for awhile.  Quests are done to allow
    you to have fun and get rare stuff, but we do it as an addition not
    something that is a MUST every day.
8.  Do NOT ask for a class change no MATTER how much time you have put
    into the mud, no matter what you have done for me, no matter
    ANYTHING.  I will not change your class or race even if you hand
    over a billion gold or QP points.  The first person to send me
    a $100 in American Money (cash, not a check) will get an avatar
    mage with no equipment *l*.

Allowed Requests:
1.  Corpse Retrievals if it was caused by a bug or you are a true newbie
2.  Ask about any new changes to the mud, but not details like where
    they are or how much it costs, or to ID it, or auction it, etc.
3.  You may ask for an UPLIFT ONLY if you are about to die.  I allow
    the immortals to uplift you a lot of the times if you are stunned,
    but this will change as we get more players online.

NOTE:  There might be additions later, and the rules for harassment still
exist here.  If we say no, we mean NO.  Repeative asking for a favor or
an answer can lead to a silence or worse.  Please be patient and kind if
you ask an Immortal for something.

#General Laws~
It is allowed due to our pkilling style.  It is often frowned upon because
it is rather rude, but not illegal.  If you have a problem with it, take it
up with the players or find a guy with a big club to do it for you.

-1 'LAW LANS'~
#General Laws~
See laws multiplaying

#General Laws~
&GLast Update 01-15-02

I have updated some of the laws so they are current and apply to things that
have changed or have been added.  I would advice that you read the laws because
a few things have changed and a few things removed.  Thanks.

To read the laws, type "laws <topic>" for any of the following:
       |  CHANNELS      |  PKILL          |  STORES    |  HARASSMENT  |
       |  MULTIPLAYING  |  SHARING        |  STAKE     |  CHARM       |
       |  OBJECTS       |  CHEATING       |  MURDER    |  ASSIST      |
       |  ARTIFACTS     |  RESPONDING     |  ARENA     |  CLANS       |
       |  BOTS          |                 |            |              |

Also see 'complaint council'

&GFor immortals, help immrules for a list of all immortal rules.

#General Laws~
We are a no multiplaying mud.  This means you should not have more than
1 open connection to the mud at any given time.  Failure to follow this
rule will lead to warnings at first, and then freezing, banning, or anything
else we feel is warranted.

If you are on a LAN and going to have multiple people playing on
the same network, you are to contact Xerves or any admin or staff ranking
immortal before logging more than 1 character.  Often we will watch you
to make sure you aren't multing characters through this LAN to get
around the 1 player limit.  If you are caught abusing our rules
on LANs, the whole LAN address will be banned from use.  Mainly,
if you are on a LAN, don't give out your password to other members
unless you trust them, if they try to log you on so they can use
4 characters and are caught, your LAN access will be denied and
maybe your character froze.

#General Laws~
Pkilling is allowed, there are only a few rules and they are posted.  See
law pkill for more info

#General Laws~
As it comes down to it, the rule is possession is 10/10 of the law.  If you
leave an object laying around on the ground, it is open for anyone to pick it
up and take it.  If you give an object to a player to hold, it is now their
object and they have the right to keep this item if they so wish.  Be careful
who you trust because we will not sort out this mess.

#General Laws~
Rafermand is considered an "open pkill" environment because everyone is
setup so they can pkill, there are no nonpkillers or pkillers.  However,
there are certain zones/rooms that are safe from pkill, and different
levels of pkill (Safe, Noloot, An Item, Fullloot).  It is important to
know the rules of pkill, and what you can do to avoid pkill if you want
to (however, it is hard when you get in higher levels).

Also, it is useful to know what kind of pkill room you are in, you can use
the command pstatus or put in the %p variable in your prompt.

With that, please read the following help files.


#General Laws~
Lately there has been some problems with reimbursement for crashes so
here are the rules for crashes and some tips.

First of all, SAVE often, I know crashes can be seen as my fault, but
things do happen and I am not perfect.  If you save often, you will
find yourself losing less during a crash.

Below is a list of things that will be reimbursed during a crash and
what will not.  If you don't see it on a list, please go ahead and
ask about the rules on it.  As for who to ask, ask anyone who is
staff level or higher to be reimbursed.  If no one is online, post a
note and we will tend to you as soon as possible.

Will be reimbursed...
1.  Special "quest" items that are lost during a crash.  Don't expect this
    to happen immediately because we will be checking to make sure you
    aren't cheating us.  If you are, you will be punished. (see below
    for instanced were it will not be given back)
2.  If your pfile is totally whacked up, we will put a new one in and
    will try to get you back any special quest items that were lost
    in between now and the last backup.  After that, we ask that you
    do any work you did to get yourself caught back up.
3.  In a freak accident or testing with an immortal, if something scraps
    it will typically be loaded up again for you.  If you are told no,
    don't harass the immortal, post a note to the complaint board or
    the complaint council.

What will not be reimbursed....
1.  Anything due to a DT even if it was a quest item.  Any time you hand
    something out, you take the risk of losing it.  If we find you are
    handing out special "quest" items to other people and it is lost during
    a crash, sorry, it won't be given back.  If it is your player, we will
    spend time investigating to see if it was truely "lost".
2.  Any minor item that you had.  If you have mithril equipment and lost a
    bunch of bronze stuff, go get off your lazy ass and go get it again
3.  WE WILL not give items out if you DT or lose an item, get it scrapped,
    disarmed, etc.  If you didn't lose it to a crash, no reimbursement.
4.  Skills will not be reimbursed unless it is said so by immortals.  This
    will only be the case if there was a bug or a mistake by an immortal.
5.  Gold sometimes will not be given back, if it is skill related, please
    consult an immortal due to many things can happen.

#General Laws~
It is important that if an immortal asks you a question and if you
don't reply and asks you again that you reply to the immortal.  Trying
to avoid the immortal who is asking a question can get you punished by
maybe a silence or a helling or just a warning depending on the situation.

If the person asking is invis you are still to answer, but it might be
a good idea to ask if it is an immortal first.  If they say yes and we
find out later they were lying, the player will be dealt with for lying.
If all else fails, ask the one doing the talking to transfer you if you
don't beleive it is an immortal, that should be enough to prove it is
an immortal.

I find this law not to be a serious violation compared to others, but it
is just a law of respect, if an immortal asks, I am not saying you need to
jump up and say yes sir, no sir, just be kind and try to respond promptly.

#General Laws~
I discourage sharing of characters, and here is why.

1.  I have had people delete a shared pfile because they were pissed off at
    their friend at the time.
2.  Some how someone gets ahold of the password and strips everything off the
    character and gives it to another characters.  Probably a result of number
    1 or revenge of number 1.
3.  It confuses the immortals at times.  We like to know who is playing who.

When it comes to such things, ownership of the password is ownership of the
character.  If you let your friend use your character and he/she changes the
password on you, guess what, you are fucked and we won't do anythin