 Snippet: Soundex parser.
 Author:  Richard Woolcock (aka KaVir).
 Date:    20th December 2000.
 This code is copyright (C) 2000 by Richard Woolcock.  It may be used and
 distributed freely, as long as you don't remove this copyright notice.

 Required library files.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "merc.h"

 Local literals

#define KEY_SIZE 4 /* Size of the soundex key */

 Local operation prototypes.

static char LetterConversion ( char chLetter );

 Global operations.

/* Function: GetSoundexKey
 * This function determines a soundex key from the string argument and returns 
 * the address of the key (which is stored in a static variable).  Because the 
 * most common use of the soundex key is to compare it with _another_ soundex 
 * key, this function uses two internal storage buffers, which are alternated 
 * between every time the function is called.
 * The function takes one parameter, as follows:
 * szTxt: A pointer to the string from which the soundex key is calculated.
 * The return value is a pointer to the soundex key string.
char *GetSoundexKey( const char *szTxt )
   int iOldIndex = 0; /* Loop index for the old (szTxt) string */
   int iNewIndex = 0; /* Loop index for the new (s_a_chSoundex) string */
   static char s_a_chSoundex[2][KEY_SIZE+1]; /* Stores the new string */
   static unsigned iSoundex; /* Determines which s_a_chSoundex is used */

   iSoundex++; /* Switch to the other s_a_chSoundex array */

   s_a_chSoundex[iSoundex%2][0] = '\0'; /* Clear any previous data */

   /* Copy the first character without conversion */
   if ( ( s_a_chSoundex[iSoundex%2][iNewIndex++] = tolower(szTxt[iOldIndex++]) ) )
      do /* Loop through szTxt */
         char chLetter; /* Stores the soundex value of a letter */

         /* Double/triple/etc letters are treated as single letters */
         while ( tolower(szTxt[iOldIndex]) == tolower(szTxt[iOldIndex+1]) )

         /* Convert the letter into its soundex value and store it */
         chLetter = LetterConversion((char)tolower(szTxt[iOldIndex]));

         /* Ignore NUL and 0 characters and only store KEY_SIZE characters */
         if ( chLetter != '\0' && chLetter != '0' && iNewIndex < KEY_SIZE )
            /* Store the soundex value */
            s_a_chSoundex[iSoundex%2][iNewIndex++] = chLetter;
      while ( szTxt[iOldIndex++] != '\0' );

      /* If less than KEY_SIZE characters were copied, buffer with zeros */
      while ( iNewIndex < KEY_SIZE )
         s_a_chSoundex[iSoundex%2][iNewIndex++] = '0';

      /* Add the NUL terminator to the end of the soundex string */
      s_a_chSoundex[iSoundex%2][iNewIndex] = '\0';

   /* Return the address of the soundex string */
   return ( s_a_chSoundex[iSoundex%2] );

/* Function: SoundexMatch
 * This function compares two soundex keys and returns a percentage match.
 * The function takes two parameters, as follows:
 * szFirst:  A pointer to the first soundex key.
 * szSecond: A pointer to the second soundex key.
 * The return value is an integer which contains the percentage match.
int SoundexMatch( char *szFirst, char *szSecond )
   int iMatch = 0; /* Number of matching characters found */
   int iMax   = 0; /* Total number of characters compared */

   /* Make sure that both strings are of the correct size */
   if ( strlen( szFirst ) == KEY_SIZE && strlen( szSecond ) == KEY_SIZE )
      int i; /* Loop counter */

      /* Loop through both strings */
      for ( i = 0; i < KEY_SIZE; i++ )
         /* If either of the values are not NUL */
         if ( szFirst[i] != '0' || szSecond[i] != '0' )
            iMax++; /* Increment the maximum */

         /* If BOTH values are not NUL */
         if ( szFirst[i] != '0' && szSecond[i] != '0' )
            /* Check for a match */
            if ( szFirst[i] == szSecond[i] )
               iMatch++; /* A match was found */

   /* Return the percentage match */
   return ( iMatch * 100 / iMax );

 Local operations.

/* Function: LetterConversion
 * This function converts a single letter into it's appropriate soundex value.
 * The function takes one parameter, as follows:
 * chLetter: The letter to be converted.
 * The return value is a single character which contains the converted value.
static char LetterConversion( char chLetter )
   const char * kszSoundexData = "01230120022455012623010202";
   char chResult; /* Store the soundex value, or NUL */

   if ( islower(chLetter) )
      /* Determine the soundex value associated with the letter */
      chResult = kszSoundexData[ (chLetter - 'a') ];
   else /* it's not a lowercase letter */
      /* NUL means there is no associated soundex value */
      chResult = '\0';

   /* Return the soundex value, or NUL if there isn't one */
   return ( chResult );