Rot Release 1.3
Friday 13 Dec 1996

Vengeance  vengeance@rot.com

Each social consists of a name, and up to 8 different lines of text.
The following is the format of the entry in the socials.are file:

name 0 0

The first line consists of the name of the social (the command the player 
enters), followed by two zeros (placeholders, not used)
	example 0 0

'char_no_arg' is the line of text displayed to the person doing the social
when they do not give a target.
        You look for someone to make an example of.

'others_no_arg' is the line of text displayed to everyone else in the room
when a player does not give a target.
        $n is looking for someone to make an example of.
** (see below for a list of the '$' variables) **

'char_found' is the line displayed to the player doing the social when they
did specify a target, and the target was found.
        You make an example of $N.

'others_found' is the line displayed to everyone in the room except for the
player doing the social, and the target of the social.
        $n makes an example of $N.

'vict_found' is the line displayed to the target of the social.
        $n makes an example of you!

'char_not_found' is the line displayed to the player doing the social when
they specify a target that cannot be found.
        There's no-one by that name here.

'char_auto' is the line displayed to the person doing the social when they
specify themselves as the target.
        You make an example of yourself.

'others_auto' is the line displayed to everyone else in the room when
a player specifies themself as the target.
        $n makes an example of $mself.

The list can be terminated early (ie: if there is no nead for anything
after the others_no_arg) using a pound (#) on a line by itself.

An empty line must contain a single dollar sign ($) on the line.

=== The '$' sequences

Here are all the '$' sequences used in socials:

player = the player doing the social.
target = the target of the social.

	Result is the name of player (or someone if invisible)

	Result is the name of target (or someone if invisible)

	Result is 'he', 'she', or 'it', depending on the sex of player

	Result is 'he', 'she', or 'it', depending on the sex of target

	Result is 'him', 'her', or 'it', depending on the sex of player

	Result is 'him', 'her', or 'it', depending on the sex of target

	Result is 'his', 'her', or 'its', depending on the sex of player

	Result is 'his', 'her', or 'its', depending on the sex of target