attacks.xml file format and theory
attacks are listed in groups of <attack name> </attack name> within each
attack name should be definitions for each range(melee ranged pole) if
an attack lacks a definition for a given range it can't be used at
that range. this system allows for a number of possibilities. i.e. doing
diffrent damage at close range. loss of balance from using a pole weapon
at melee, etc.

damagetype    slice, blunt, or pierce. probably add some magic options later
damagestat    name of stat used for how much damage to do. usually str might
		be int for a magic weapon, or agi for a dagger
damagefactor 	damage multipler.(damage is multiplied by this value)
damage random   +/- this % scale is 0-1 with 1 being +/- 100%
cost 		what it costs to use this attack. balance normally. probably mp 			for a spell 
tohit		tohit multipler
tohitstats	stats to determine hit chance. uses average of all listed
/tohitstats	you can list the same stat more than once to give it higher 
primaryskillfactor 	experience modifier for primary skill(defined by
secondaryskillfactor	'' for secondary skill
thirdskillfactor	'' for third skill
line		description of swinging
tododge			modifier for defense
skilltodamage		primary skill divided by this and added to damage
skilltodamage2		'' secondary skill
skilltodamage3		'' third skill
round			base round time
missround		round time if failed(added to base)
hitround 		round time if successful (added to base)