<obvious>North, East, West, South, North-West, North-East, South-East, South-West</obvious>
<longdesc>You stand in the center of the City of Keldiskor. Capitol of the Keldis Empire and home to the great nobles. Here in the center square stands a large bronze statue of Kael the Great, first ruler of the Elemental lands, gazing endlessly to the distant North. A small metal bench has been placed here for travellers to rest on.</longdesc>
<shortdesc>You stand in the center of the city of Keldiskor</shortdesc>
<item num>6</item num>
<obvious>South, East, West, South-East, South-West</obvious>
<shortdesc>You stand on Jewel street, to the east is Ragge's general shop, and west is Mab's armory</shortdesc>
Crowds of people swarm the streets here yelling and shouting as they make their way on errands that are far more imporant than everyone else's, while several guards are trying to maintain some measure of peace and prevent any real brawls. The crowds stream north and south along Jewel street, and East into the general store. West is the armory into which flows a slightly hardier stock of people.</longdesc>
<obvious>North, East, West, North-East, North-West</obvious>
<longdesc>You are South of the main sqaure. The corner of the large castle of the Sha'tals rises here marking the southern end of the square.</longdesc>
<hiding difficulty>20</hiding difficulty>
<shortdesc>You are South of the main square.</shortdesc>
<obvious>East, South, South-East</obvious>
<longdesc>A small flower garden has been planted in the northwestern corner of the square making it quite pleasent here for anyone who enjoys flowers. Crowds of people come here to rest and relax, away from the crowds that fill the rest of the square. A small sign has been placed by the garden.</longdesc>
<hiding difficulty>20</hiding difficulty>
<shortdesc>Your in a small flower garden in the Northwest corner of Kalstor.</shortdesc>
<item num>4</item num>
<obvious>North, South, North-East, East, South-East</obvious>
<longdesc>The large fountain of peace rises up towering nearly fifty feet into the air sending a large spray of water cascading down to a pool at the bottom. It is said that anyone who drinks of the fountain will have good luck for a long time.</longdesc>
<shortdesc>There is a large fountain here.</shortdesc>
<obvious>North, North-East, East</obvious>
<longdesc>Long ago before the city of Kalstor existed, a great king built a fortress just south of here. The tall walls rise blocking your path even now centuries later. Many traders came to sell goods to the king withing the fortress building a large guildhall next to the fortress. This guildhall has decayed some over the years but still remains here.</longdesc>
<shortdesc>The traders guildhall is here and a large stone wall rises to the south.</shortdesc>
<obvious>West, North-West, North, South-East</obvious>
<longdesc>The Southeastern corner of the central square is relatively empty. Ocean lane connects to the central square here leading between the docks and the center of the city.</longdesc>
<shortdesc>The Southeastern corner of the central square is relatively empty.</shortdesc>
<obvious>North, West, South, North-West, South-West</obvious>
<longdesc>On the Eastern end of the great square a trader has set up shop selling fruits from a small wooden cart.</longdesc>
<shortdesc>There is a fruit seller here.</shortdesc>
<obvious>South, West, South-West</obvious>
<longdesc>The Northeastern end of the square is dominated by the great library. Floating high above the city on five pillars, one of each type of magic.</longdesc>
<shortdesc>The Northeastern end of the square.</shortdesc>
<longdesc>The Trader's Guild Main hall is clearly not what it used to be, worn down by the ages and lack of repair. The high stone walls are crumbling all around and you think the whole thing may cave in at anytime</longdesc>
<shortdesc>You are in the the Trader's Guild main hall.</shortdesc>
<obvious>south-east, north-west</obvious>
<longdesc>Ocean Lane runs between the town square just to the North-West and the docks to the east. Many travelers walk the roads, on their way into the city from some recently docked ship or into the store to see what new imports have arrived.</longdesc>
<shortdesc>Your on Ocean Lane, just southwest of the main square.</shortdesc>
<obvious>North-West, North, East</obvious>
<longdesc>A large streetlamp marks the interscetion of Ocean lane and Tiger's way</longdesc>
<obvious>West, East</obvious>
<obvious>South and East</obvious>
<longdesc>Tiger's way bends south and east of here. A large metal wall rises to the north.</longdesc>
<obvious>West and North</obvious>
<obvious>West and North-East</obvious>
<longdesc>Large warehouses tower both north ands south of here. There is a larger metal door with the sigal of a phoenix rising from it's ashes to the south and a large metal door with a sigal of a burning sword to the north.</longdesc>
<obvious>South-West and South</obvious>
<longdesc>A large sign marks the end of Tiger's way to the southwest and Gorn's trot to the south. The sign has been painted over with the words, "Death to the orkish slimes"</longdesc>
<obvious>North and South</obvious>