	void call_out(string fun, int delay, mixed arg, ...)
	void call_out(closure cl, int delay, mixed arg, ...)

	Set up a call to function fun or closure cl in the current
	object. The call will take place in delay seconds, with the
	remaining argument list provided. delay can be a minimum time
	of one second.
	call_out() saves and restores the current user. It is now
	possible to use say() or write() which rely on a current
	user to be something useful.

	call_out("RefreshMe", 10);
	This will call the function RefreshMe() in 10 seconds without
	any arguments. The function RefreshMe() can then call out
	itself again which will result in a loop (not in a recursion)
	which can be used to check or set up things in the object in
	intervalls. Be aware that callouts are stored in a linear
	list, and so are somewhat expensive for the driver.

	remove_call_out(E), call_out_info(E), find_call_out(E),
	this_player(E), reset(A), heart_beat(A)