	int save_ed_setup(object who, int code)

	Save individual option settings of the builtin ed, encoded
	into code, for the user denoted by who. These functions are
	located in the master object so that the local gods can decide
	what strategy they want to use. suggestions:
	A setup file for every user.
		advantages:	transparent to the user
				independent of user count
		disadvantage:	extra file access at ed invocation
	An array in the master object, users are searched by member_array
		advantage:	easy to implement
		disadvantage:	performance degradation with high user counts
	An AVL-tree to access users by name
		advantage:	can fit any need
		disadvantage:	hard to implement, will need more
				overhead on small and medium
				installations than it can ever make
				good by lg(usercount) complexity
	Dedicated flags in every user object.
		advantages:	easy to implement
				independent of user count
				Will also work for nusers w/o file
				access privileges.
		disadvantage:	care has to be taken to avoid
				collision with other uses of the flags
				in the user object

	ed(E), retrieve_ed_setup(M), valid_write(M),