	mixed debug_info(int flag, object obj)

	Print out some driver internal debug information.

	If flag is 0, information like heart_beat, enable_commands
	etc. of the specified object will be printed, and 0 returned.

	If flag is 1, memory usage information like how many strings,
	variables, inherited files, object size etc. will be printed
	about he specified object, and 0 returned.

	If flag is 2, objects from the global object list are returned.
	If the optional second arg is omitted, the first element
	(numbered 0) is returned. If the second arg is a number n,
	the n'th element of the object list returned. If the second
	arg is an object, it's successor in the object list is returned.

	Flag == 3 is equivalent to typing ``malloc'' at the command
	line. No second arg must be given. Returns 0.

	If flag is 4, the required second arg can be 0, "tables" or
	"swap" and has the same effect as ``status'', ``status tables''
	resp. ``status swap'' on the command line. Returns 0.

	trace(E), traceprefix(E), malloc(D), status(D), dumpallobj(D)