MEDIT <mobile> <what> Possible values

Value of what
Name         : The internal name of the mobile. The mud needs this to be
               a unique name. (For the zone)
Pname        : This is the title of the mobile, the game will name it by the
               the last word. This is NOT what you see when you enter a room
               andis often identical to the name.
Location     : The name of the room the mobile starts in
Description  : A short description of what the player will see when they enter
               the room.
Strength     : This is the Hit Points or life force of the mobile. How much
               damage you need to do to kill it.
Damage       : The amount of damage a mobile does. (eg 1 d Damage)
Aggression   : A range from 0 to 100, it is a percentage, 0 meaning the mobile
               will never start a fight, 100 means it will attack on sight.
Armor        : The natural armor class of the mobile
Speed        : How often a mobile will move, talk etc. 5 is the default value
               and 20 is very fast. 0 will not move at all
Examine      : The text you see when you type examine mobile. Due to a bug in
               quite a few dirt muds this does not work.

The flags of mobiles are done from the flag functions. Ask gods if you
require explanation of those.