OEDIT <obj> <what> .....

Objects are probably the most complicated things in the mud.
Values for what.

Name         : This is the internal name for the object and must be unique
               within the zone. Players never see this. 16 chars MAX
Pname        : The main name the players will use and see for the object.
Altname      : A secondary name. It is best to try to make Pnames less general
               and hopefully unique, while altname may be something like gold
               (a more general name) This is only to help players. Try to give
               altnames when possible.
Location     : This has 2 parts. A location type (see below) and the actual
Damage       : If DICE is not defined true, then it is the damage a weapon 
               would do. eg 1 d Damage. (mob/players natural damage gets added
               on here) If dice is defined, it will do DICE d DAMAGE.
Dice         : OPTIONAL, the number of dice damage done.
Examine      : This is the examine text for objects.
Armor        : If the object is armor, this is the armor class. Higher the 
               better. But don't over do this. 20 is extremely high. Only
               full suites of armor would have 20, eg Bodyarmor from abyss.
               The armor from dwarves cave is 15, mosts shields are 10 or less
MaxState     : An object can have up to 4 states. This is the biggest state
               this object should ever have. (0 - 3)
State        : The starting state of the object. NOTE: Doors, 0 = open
               1 = closed, 2 = locked. (Yes states go from 0 - 3)
Bvalue       : Base Value of the object. Basically the most you'd ever get
               for pitting this. Note that though it is a value, it is the
               value you get for sacrificing it to gods. Nothing to do with
               how good or useful something is. In fact, good armor and weapons
               should get low values so as not to encourage people to pit it.
Size         : How big something is. Note that it is how much a container
               can hold. 50 is pretty big.
Weight       : How much something weighs. Not implemented on many dirts.
Description  : These are linked to the states. It is what you see when you
               enter a room, see the object on the ground. But there may be
               one for each state of the object, and you see the one of the
               objects current state.
Linked       : The object is linked to another object means basically, they
               share state variable. Their states will always be the same.
               Doors are linked together. A door has 2 sides, one in each room
               and the two parts must be linked.
Counter      : This is OPTIONAL and is another variable coders can use instead
               of damage. It's exact use is mud dependant, but burning branches
               may use this to count down till the burn out.

Location types
UNKNOWN      : You can't have this value in the mud.
IN_ROOM      : The object is just sitting in a room
IN_CONTAINER : The objects in another object.
CARRIED_BY   : Some mobile is carrying it.
WORN_BY      : A mobile wears it.
WIELDED_BY   : Some mobile wields it.
BOTH_BY      : It is both worn and wielded