There are many sections of the rules:
Please use Help "chapter1 - chapter9" to view them
Also there is help "intro" for an introduction to WIZ here.
     These are the incomplete rules that all HERO's and higher level
characters must follow, and obey.  Failure to obey the rules that follow
will result in negative actions taken against you.  These actions taken can
be anything from a slap on the wrist, to deletion of all your character(s) and
banning your site.  So please don't make us (The GODS) have to take such
nasty actions towards you.  If you think you did do something wrong, then
make sure to talk to a GOD, as soon as you can, or send a bug message if
there is no GOD on a the time.  also be warned that ALL HERO's and higher
are subject to permanent logging, that is we put into a file every action
that you do on the mud.  This is not a fun for us to do. We really don't have the
time to read through long useless game logs, to see if a player has made 
an illegal action.

     We do understand that you will make mistakes, but if you do please
leave a bug report. We will take a less severe action towards you, since you
had the guts to admit you made an error.  If you do not leave a bug report
we WILL find out eventually, and when we see something wrong in the game_log
and there is no bug report to follow it up, then you are going to be given
the third degree!  We will ask you questions about the situation, and we
expect the truth from you.  And after the questioning the GODS will go into
confrence, and discuss the verdict.  What we are saying is if for some reason you
think you are doing something that is not exactly stated in these rules, please 
leave a bug report.

     Another big part of being a HERO or higher which we will refer to as a
Wiz from here after, is the rules of playing a mortal character.
RULE  1:  You are not allowed to play a mortal character, at the same time
your Wiz is on the game.  We know that many people can play from the same
site at the same time, and there might be some players on from your site
while you have your Wiz on.  In this situation we might ask you if you are
one of the players at your site. All we want is the truth, tell us who your
mortal characters are, and just do us the favor and play one at a time, Wiz
or mortal.
RULE  2:  As a Wiz you are not allowed to take equipment or gold from mobs,or
anywhere else from within the game.  If you are running a Quest then you can
either Load an object, if you have that command, or ask a higher level Wiz
to load you an object.  If no one on the game has the load command, then you
can check the equipment room.  There  is usually items for quests lying in
there.  But if the equipment room is empty, and there is no one on that can
load up objects. You must resort to only awarding the players with coins. 
Further rules on quest making are elsewhere in this document.
RULE  3: As a Wiz you can not get any corpses for mortals when they die, BUT
there are some exceptions to this rule, if the player is level 10 or lower,
then you can retrieve the corpse for them for a price.  The current market
price for corpse reterval is level dependent (1000) gold coins per level of
the character.  If the player is of the level sugested above, but does not 
have the money, you can still retrieve the corpse, but you MUST take a piece
or pieces of equipment that add up to the suggested retrieval price.  If the
character is of the above mentioned level, and wants the corpse retrieved, but
have neither the cash to pay for it nor the equipment to add up to the suggested
price then they lose. Besides if a player can't afford that much, or doesn't
have enough equipment to pay off the debt, then they aren't losing much.
Another point to mention is that the MUDschool, VEGO-sub-issued equipment
does not count as equipment that can be used as credit towards corpse
retrieval fees.  The reason being for this is that this equipment is free,
and can be regained in a matter of minutes.

see also "chapter3.1"
                    Part two of corpse retrievals:
     If the character is level 11 to level 20 then you can retrieve the
corpse, but you MUST take a good piece of there equipment, this includes a
weapon that does 3d6 or more damage, any kind of armor that affects armor
class by -8 or more. Or any special magical item that has a special
procedure, or any piece of equipmeant that affects stats by plus two or more.
Besides the taking of the one piece of equipment, as mentioned above you must
also charge the player 10000 coins per level past level 10. An example of this
would be: Level 16 corpse retrieval...60k + a valuable piece of equipment. If
the player does not have the money then you need to take two pieces of equipment.
If the player does not the equipment then you must charge twice the price, that
is 20000 coins per level past level 10. Which would total 120k in our previous
example. If the player does not have the money or the equipment then as a Wiz
you can not get the players corpse.

see also "chapter3.2"
                    Part three of corpse retrievals:

     If the player is above level 20 then the rules are as follows: You MUST
charge the player 100000 coins per level over level 20. Example: A 26th level
player would pay 100K times 6 (for being six levels above level 20th) and this
equals 600K in gold coins.  Also you must take one of the players items, as
items are described above.  If the player does not have an item worth taking,
then you have to charge the player twice the price he would normally pay. That
would total 1,200,000 coins. If the player does not have the money then you MUST
take 3 items. The best weapon he/she has, the best piece of armor, and the best
stat affecting piece of equipment. You can use the identify to find out what item
has the greatest affect. And finally if the player does not have either of the
criteria then you can not get the players corpse.
 RULE  4:  You are not allowed to tell players statistics.

     This rule means that you, as a Wiz can not let another player know the
stats of anything. This includes any object, any mob, or any other players
stats. If a player wants to know stats on an item, tell the player to
either have a mage cast an identify spell on it, or have them buy an
identify scroll, and identify the item themself. If a player wants to
know how hard or easy a particular mob is then let them use the consider command,
or try attacking it. And if a player wants the stats on another player let them
ask the player themself. Also remember stats include if an item is cursed, what
level is needed to wield, or use the item, or what the item does.  You can not
tell players any of this vital information, for it will corrupt the game play,
and it will also be unfair to others.

RULE  4a:  Telling players information continued...

     The only thing you can tell a player is descrete directions to a particular
area in the game. This means just general directions on how to get somewhere.
Example: Its out the west gate, or you need to go on the river, or something like
south of the dwarven village. Nothing to exstensive. Searching the world is part
of the game. As a player they must explore just as you did when you were a mortal.
You can tell the players the estimated level recommended for the area, this 
information can also be found with HELP AREAS.
RULE 5:  The rules about casting spells, or using skills.

     As a wizard you can ONLY pick a gate/door etc for a player if and
there are no thieves on with that ability learned, or mages on that have a knock
spell learned. If you do pick or knock something for a player you must charge the
player 5000 coins. You may not pick a door if the key is available.
     You are allowed to cast affective spells on other players. Affective
spells are spells like, Armor, remove curse, heal, detectinvis, and others
that affect a player directly, casting a fireball at an enemy is not
affecting a player directly! The prices for these spells are level dependent.
Costing 1000 coins per level of the player you are casting it on. All spells 
have to abide by this rule except for healing spells which cost as follows:

            CURE_LIGHT   ==  100 coins per level of player
	    CURE_SERIOUS ==  500 coins per level of player
            CURE_CRITIC  ==  2000 coins per level of player
            HEAL         ==  10000 coins per level of player

Also you can not cast any spells on a mob. Unless given permission to use the
mob in a special quest.
RULE 6:  Selling shop items to a player.

     If a player wants you to buy an item for him, and he/she will pay you for
it you can.  Example, the player is deep in the dump, and needs a few
potions of healing, and asks you to buy them, you can, BUT you must charge
twice the normal price.  And do not purchase more than 5 items for an
individual player, you are not the home shopping network. If the player starts
to complain, you are given no option, but to say, and we quote "Next time you
are in town make sure you have enough to last. Or pay me now. Simple!"

     Another thing to remember is that you can not load an item up and sell
it to a player, this is only if you have the load command.  If the item is
not in the shop, then you can't buy it for them.
RULE 7:  Rules on the Load command.

     As a Wiz, if you have the load command, you can not load up mobs for
players, or load up objects for players, just because there isn't one in the
game at the time.  The load command is for quest, or reimbursements.  Not
just another neat command.  Loading up all kinds of extra mobs, and
equipment will corrupt the games natural balance of power.  The games has
items load up automatically in each zone, and there are limited items that
are to stay limited.
RULE 8:  Rules on purge

     You are not allowed to purge a players corpse, or any kind of equipment
lying around in the mortals world. Extra items hanging around in WIZ rooms are
an exception and can be purged. You can not purge anything that is in the mortals
playing world. As a mortal player can tap corpses or items and be rewarded so
purging stuff just interferes with a players opprotunity to get more experience
and gold.
RULE 9:  Rules for  Noshout, Ban, Echo, Force, Disconnect, Set, Pardon etc...

     As a Wiz if you have any of the above mentioned powers, you are not to
use them at your own convience.  The noshout should be used on a player that
keeps shouting, or keeps swearing (*we do have young players, lets respect
them*)  or a player that keeps shouting insults or just keeps shouting when
a tell or gossip or auction could be used.  A constant shouter should be
given a warning, and made aware of the gossip and auction, and tell

     Banning a site should only be used if there is a bug with the player coming
from that site (and if this does arise LET US KNOW.  We can deny that single
character access to the game.  Instead of the whole site.) We have seen some sites
that are buggy, and will make the game crash if allowed on the game. A site can
also be banned if the player or players coming from the site are trouble makers,
or just mud crackers that just try to find bugs that crash the game.  If you do
ban a site please leave a bug message as to why it was banned.
     Echo should be used if you want to send an IMPORTANT message to all the
players currently on the game. DO NOT use echo as a short cut for shouting.
Example: Echo  Short 2 minute shutdown, please save.
         Echo  A quest is in the for more info!

     Freeze should only be used in extreme cases, where a player or if need
be a Wiz has commited a major offense, and you don't know what to do at the
time. Keep the player frozen until ALL the GODS are notified, and have
discussed the situation. Leave a bug report if you freeze someone, and
give a small reason why.

     Disconnect should only be used if the player is stuck in the Void, or
if the player is very immature and is not worthy of playing this great
mud, a ban can usually follow a disconect.

     Log should be used when ever there is suspicion that a player is cheating
in any way shape or form.  When you log someone leave a bug message so we know
to check the players log file. Also leave a bug to let us know what is so
suspisious about the players actions.

     Set should only be used if for some reason the player lost stats during
a crash or by a bug. Make sure that you use it with care, set is a very
powerful command. If you are not sure if you should set something on a
player, then please leave a bug message and all the GODS will discuss the
question together, and come up with a solution.

***									    ***
***	These are the compiled rules for any Wizard in VEGO.  Pay attention ***
*** to them and there should be no problems.  If you have a question, or are***
*** unsure of the proper procedure then don't do anything.  Talk to a GOD or***
*** someone with more experience as a VEGO Wizard.  They can either steer   ***
*** you in the right direction or refer you to even higher help.            ***
***									    ***
***									    ***
A wonderful new option...  You can change the colors associated with
channels.  Type "color" alone to get a list of channels and their
settings.  If a color is in CAPS, it's highlighted, else it's normal.
Possible colors are red, green, blue, cyan, yellow (brown), grey,
magenta (purple), BLACK, RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, YELLOW (BROWN),
GREY, MAGENTA (PURPLE).  Note that GREY actually appears as bright
white, grey is normal white, and BLACK is a dark greyish.
0-499         Mudschool
.5k-1k        Open
1k-1.5k       God's Tower & Tower of High Sorcery
1.5k-2k       Genival's Town and Castle
2k-2.5k       Frost Kingdom & Paladine's Temple
2.5k-5k       Open
5k-5.5k       Pyramid (in new desert)
5.5k-6k       Isle of Dread and Tower of Fear
6k-6.5k       Arachnos (temp)
6.5k-7k       Dread's Arena
7k-7.5k       Sewers (temp)
7.5k-8k       Swampman's Pyramid Temple and Jungle
8k-8.5k       Lanz's Hell
8.5k-9k       Open 
9k-9.3k       Goby's Aucan Stuff
9.3k-9.4k     Talen's Thief Castle
9.4k-9.5k     Riverwind Ozland and Abandoned Lands
9.5k-10k      Raff's Tower Castle and Canyon
10k-10.5k     Alder Harbour (new main city)
10.5k-11k     Cannon's Village and Red Dragon Slave Complex
11k-11.5k     Open 
11.5k-12k     Kior's Farming Village
12k-13k       Benedict, Corrine and Kilner 
13k-13.5k     Raven (possibly a swamp)
13.5k-14k     Thantos's Castle of Planes
14k-14.5k     Wonko's Desert 
14.5k-16.5k   Kylar's Island
16.5k-17.1k   Vishanti's Underwater 
17.1k-17.5k   Eldred's Part of the Desert 
17.5k-18k     Open 
18k-18.5k     David's Shipwreck 
18.5k-19k     Gerrith's Dinosaur Island
19k-20k       Stealblade's Necropolis and Norse Area
20k-20.5k     Rover's Underground Temple  
These are the various communication tools that can be utilized by your level.
Please note that each of them has a single character abbreviation...

?, God = The GODS line.
>, Supreme = The SUPREMES line.
<, Diety = The DIETIES line.
:, Immortal = The HERO and IMMORTAL line.
/* Bitvector For 'room_flags' */
 DARK           1
 DEATH          2 /* Don't set */
 NO_MOB         4
 INDOORS        8
 NO_MAGIC     128
 PRIVATE      512
 SAFE        1024
/* Door flags */
 EX_ISDOOR      1
/* For Terrain ('Sector') types */
 SECT_INSIDE          0
 SECT_CITY            1
 SECT_FIELD           2
 SECT_FOREST          3
 SECT_HILLS           4
 SECT_FLYING          9
 SECT_DESERT         10
/* Bitvector for 'affected_by' */
 AFF_BLIND             1
 AFF_INVISIBLE         2
 AFF_SENSE_LIFE        32
 AFF_HOLD              64
 AFF_SANCTUARY         128
 AFF_GROUP             256
 AFF_CURSE             1024
 AFF_POISON            4096
 AFF_SLEEP             131072
 AFF_FEAR              2097152
 AFF_WIMPY            16777216
 AFF_INFRARED         33554432
 AFF_FLYING          268435456
/* For objects */
 APPLY_NONE              0
 APPLY_STR               1
 APPLY_DEX               2
 APPLY_INT               3
 APPLY_WIS               4
 APPLY_CON               5
 APPLY_AGE               9
 APPLY_MANA             12
 APPLY_HIT              13
 APPLY_MOVE             14
 APPLY_GOLD             15
 APPLY_AC               17
 APPLY_ARMOR            17
 APPLY_HITROLL          18
 APPLY_DAMROLL          19
/* for mobile actions: specials.act */
 ACT_SPEC         1     /* special routine to be called if exist   */
 ACT_SENTINEL     2     /* this mobile not to be moved             */
 ACT_SCAVENGER    4     /* pick up stuff lying around              */
 ACT_ISNPC        8     /* This bit is set for use with IS_NPC()   */
 ACT_NICE_THIEF  16     /* Set if a thief should NOT be killed     */
 ACT_AGGRESSIVE  32     /* Set if automatic attack on NPC's        */
 ACT_STAY_ZONE   64     /* MOB Must stay inside its own zone       */
 ACT_WIMPY      128     /* MOB Will flee when injured, and if      *
                        /* If AGGR as well, attacks ONLY sleeping  */
 * These switches can be combined, if none are selected, then
 * the mobile will attack any alignment (same as if all 3 were set)
 ACT_AGGR_EVIL       2048    /* Auto attack evil PC's    */
 ACT_AGGR_GOOD       4096    /* Auto attack good PC's    */
 ACT_AGGR_NEUT       8192    /* Auto attack neutral PC's */
 ACT_UNDEAD             16384    /* The undead flag              */
/* positions */
#define POSITION_DEAD       0
#define POSITION_INCAP      2
You may gain in any of the four currently available classes for a great cost.
This cost isn't in gold, but time.  It will take you more to gain in secondary,
tertiary, and a fourth level.  The experience table for the respective class
will be multiplied.  The secondary class will be the next easiest to advance in
the third the third easiest.  Get the picture?  I hope so.
You will not auto level anymore.  Instead you will have to train at the guilds
for whichever class you want to gain in.  This will not cost you any gold, but
as levels get higher the amount you'll need for a secondary level will be 
outrageous.  We have done this so people will group still.
We currently have the Auction and Gossip channels for your use.  To use
them you must first subscribe to them. This can be accomplished by typing
respectively:   gossip
Once you have subscribed you can commincate with others on these channels
by typing gos <the text you want to gossip> or
          auc <what your offer is for the item being auctioned>

I hope you enjoy these new commands.
You will tackle the person you specify, or perform something else if
you don't supply a person to tackle.
If you get frustrated choke someone.  I guarantee a great stress relief will
be soon following.
You can quickly remove someones clothes this way. Instead of having to use
the emote command.  This can also be entertaining just typing "undress".
It acts like a scroll of recall, but there is a percent it won't
work.  Just try it and find out.
If you are always worried about dieing in combat, then use this for a little
security blanket.  If you are wimpy you will auto-flee when your hit points
reach a designated point.

A NOTE TO THE WISE: Wimpy is not saved along with your characters after you
have quit the game.  So please don't forget to set it if you want it on.  It
will not, I repeat, NOT be set if you just log on.

Thieves only.
For picking locks.  Not all locks can be picked.  Example:

> pick door
> pick safe

If you have any undesirable items drop them then "tap" them.  This will
reward you through experience gain or through a gain in gold.  The usage
is as follows:
If I want to get rid a dagger on the ground----->
tap dagger
if I have a ring in inventory and want to get rid of it----->
drop ring
tap ring
When in a group it is sometime desirable to "split" the gold between your
party memebers.  If this is the case then you can use the split command
to make this easier.  The usage is as follows:
the gold from the corpse was 1243---->
split 1243
Instead of saying how long you want to wait before you begin journeying once
again you can type "tick <# of ticks you want to wait>"  An example of this 
If I have about 8 ticks till I am maxed I would type---->
tick 8
This will tell everyone in the room that you want to wait for 8 more ticks.

Thieves Only.

Used for sneaking (moving in and out of rooms without any mob/player taking
When you type sneak, there is no way to know if you actually sneak.  If you
sucessfully sneak, then you'll continue to sneak for a little while.


  > sneak

See Also : HIDE

Thieves Only.
When you type hide there is a chance that you hide in the room. If hidden
you can only be "sensed" by the "sense life" spell affecting a mob/player.
Even if sensed your identity will remain hidden.  Hide is broken by
pressing return, regardless of wherther you typed a command or not.


  > hide
  >  (you wait for ex. 5 mins and remain hidden for 5 mins)

  >  (You pressed enter and no longer hide)


In the game each player has stats, the five basic stats are as follows.
They are Str (Strength), a players strength affects many things that the 
player can do. First of all if you have a high strength you will do more
damage everytime you hit.  Also with a high strength you will be able to
hit targets easier. Another thing that strength also helps, is the amount
of weight you can carry. Meaning a character with a high strength will 
be able to cary more stuff in there inventory, than a character with a
lower strength. Strength is very help full to the warrior class, since
a warrior resorts to physical strength, rather than inner strength, like
a magic user, or cleric would use for there magical abilities.

Another stat is Dex (dexterity), a players dexterity is the amount of
agility, and quickness that a player has. This stat, when trained  high
enough can help you to move quicker, and be able to dodge faster, and 
therefore makes you a harder target to hit. Basically a high dex will
help you to obtain a better (lower) armor class.  This stat is highly
used by most thieves, since they tend to be sneaky, and agile, and try
to be as quick as possable in there attempts to backstab, and steal. But
a high dexterity can help any player, with there armor class.

The con (constitution) is a very important stat to players, no matter what
class they wish to play. The constitution is really the way that your
body heals, and recovers. Its main use it to help the player obtain a
higher number of hitpoints every time they level.  That is if you have a
high con stat you will gain more hit points with every level, and that
way you will become a stronger and more powerful character as you grow.
A high con, is a very good idea, since it will make your player stronger,
an therefore you will live longer, and have more fun.

The Wis (wisdom, and Int (inteligence) stats are usually in conjunction
with one and other. A high wisdom helps you to gain more mana for spells
each time you level, and the int will make you gain mana back faster each 
time you rest.  These stats are also used in helping your player gain
more practice sessions, and help you to learn skills, with the least 
amount of sessions necessary to obtain (Superb) learning. The wisdom
stat can also help you with saving throws against enemy spells cast on

Well these are your stats, and a brief explaination of how they help you
so when you train them, keep in mind there use, and practice the stats
that you think will help you build the best character you can, and have
fun playing Vego Mud.

For studying your surroundings. Examples:
look AT the angel
look IN the bag
look to the south   (or just: look south)

Note that if you LOOK AT CORPSE you will not see its inventory.
To see what's inside a container (e.i. Corpse) use LOOK IN <OBJECT>.

See also : EXAMINE or READ

Is your armor class.  The armor class scale is:

  100 Naked person
    0 Very Heavily armored (Plate mail, and "two shields") 
 -100 Divine armor

Usage (example):
 > open portal
 > open portal to the south
   (if there's more than one to choose from)
To walk in a given direction.
If you're hungry or thirsty.  Example: eat bread.
Lists the people currently in the game.  Some people may choose to remain
Who accepts various arguments, including level ranges and classes.
For example:
who 10          lists all players of level 10 or above
who 15 20       lists all players between level 15 and 20
who newbie	lists all the players with levels from 1 to 3
who low		lists all the players with levels from 4 to 9
who average	lists all the players with levels from 10 to 19
who high	lists all the players with levels from 20 to 30 
who immortal    lists all the players with levels from 31 to 35
who cleric      lists all clerics playing
who cleric 1 5  lists all clerics between levels 1 and 5

To cut down on typing try who c 1 35.  It acts sort of like a quick typer.
The 'c' is recognized as the class cleric.
If you feel benevolent, you may give stuff to someone in need.  Example:
give bread to the beggar.
Save your persona.  This includes experience points, strength, gold, etc.
Most equipment you may have gathered is saved (keys are a notable
For changing the text-strings associated with objects and characters. The
format is:

string <type> <name> <field> [<string> | <keyword>]

Type is either 'obj' or 'char'.
Field is one of the following(the names may be abbreviated):
Name                  (the call-name of an obj/char - kill giant)
Short                 (for inventory lists (obj's) and actions (char's))
Long                  (for when obj/character is seen in room)
Title                 (for players)
Description           (For look at. For obj's, must be followed by a keyword)
Delete-description    (only for obj's. Must be followed by keyword)

Where a string is expected as the last argument, a newline will make you enter
a string mode, and the game will prompt you for new lines to the string until
you exceed the maximum length for the string or you end a line with a '@'.
For loading new objects or characters from the database.  The format is:
load <type> <number>
Where <type> is either 'obj' or 'char', and number is the number of the object
or character you wish to create.
If you're uncertain about what you're carrying, or simply want to check
that no thieves have got to your backpack.

When you want to know what armor, weapon, charms etc. you're wearing.

Well, can't you guess?
If you want to wear some clothes, armor or the likes.
For example : wear boots

When you get tired of bashing monsters with your fists, you might consider
wielding a weapon. Example : wield sword

Gives a detailed report on your character's statistics.

See also: REPORT
Gives a one-line description of your character's stats to everyone
in the room.

See also: SCORE
Communicate with other beings.  SAY says something to everyone in the
room.  The quote char ' is a synonym for say.  TELL tells something to
another character, no matter where that character is.  GTELL tells
something to every character in your group, even if they are separated
from you.  The semicolon ; is a synonym for gtell.  SHOUT shouts
something to every character in the game.  SHOUT costs half your mv to use.
Excessive use of shouting annoys other people and may get your SHOUT
ability turned off.

WHISPER and ASK are still more communication commands ... figure them
out yourself.

	shout Anyone want to group?  Meet at fountain.
	tell Riverwind I just found a bug.
	gtell RECALL NOW!
	say So do you play VEGO a lot?
	' So do you play VEGO a lot?

You can use Emote to show your own custom emotions. 
You can also use Pose to get a radomly generated emote.  Other commands are:

Tackle, Choke, Massage, Undress, Kiss, Bounce, Smile, Dance, Cackle, Laugh,
Giggle, Shake, Puke, Growl, Scream, Comfort, Nod, Sigh, Sulk, Hug, Snuggle,
Cuddle, Nuzzle, Cry, Poke, Accuse, Grin, Bow, Applaud, Blush, Burp, Chuckle,
Clap, Cough, Curtsey, Fart, Flip, Fondle, Frown, Gasp, Glare, Groan, Grope, Hiccup, Lick, Love, Moan, Nibble, Pout, Purr, Ruffle, Shiver, Shrug, Sing,
Slap, Smirk, Snap, Sneeze, Snicker, Sniff, Snore, Stare, Strut, Thank,
Twiddle, Wave, Whistle, Wiggle, Wink, Yawn, Snowball, French, Comb, Tickle,
Pat, Curse, Pray, Beg, Bleed, Cringe, Daydream, Fume, Grovel, Hop, Nudge,
Peer, Point, Punch, Snarl, Spank, Hand, Need, Listen, Avoid, Noogie, Knee,
Tongue, Roll, Drool, Bang, Duh, Moon, Sheesh, Spooge, Blow, Muff, Daydream,
Spit, Taunt, Whine, Worship, Joy, Ren, Doh, Wedgie, Flex

Now remember.  We like new social commands. So there will eventually be more
that can be used, buit for now this is as many as we have.  If you have a 
special command you'd like to use.  Then type "idea <the command> <a brief 
description on how it would be used>.  We will try to accomodate you with 
something close to what you have given us.  We do have limits.

	shake Hatchet
	emote holds his breath and turns blue!
A good way to start a fight.  To prevent you from accidentally killing
your fellow players, you must type MURDER to do so.

See also:  MURDER
This is the command you must use to kill a player, though NOT recommended.
You may kill a player that has a THIEF and/or KILLER flag without
worrying about the consequenses.

See also:  KILL HIT
Fighters only.

The success of a kick depends upon how well you are learned.  The higher
level you reach the harder you kick.  There is one small catch - whenever
you kick (or miss) you will be unable to type any command for three 
rounds of 'Violence' - so be sure that you do not need to flee!

Fighters See Also : Rescue, Bash, Disarm
Fighters only.

The success of a bash depends upon how well you are learned.  To bash someone
is to attempt to 'knock' that person over. If you succeed you will inflict
minor damage, and cause the victim to fall on it's rear.  The victim will be
unable to issue any commands for 2 rounds of violence.  If you miss you lose
your balance and fall.

A bash makes you unable to type commands for 2 rounds of violence.

Note that hitting a person who is resting/sitting will inflict 1.5 * damage.

Fighters See Also : Rescue, Kick, Disarm
Fighters Only.

A rescue is an attempt to make a monster hit you instead of the person being
rescued.  You can only 'turn' one monster for each attempt. This is highly
useable when playing in groups.

Thief Only.

Use steal to steal gold or items from people. The chance of not getting
caught depends on how well you have practised steal, and if the person
is asleep.

Due to misuse of the steal command, it now requires at least 1,250 XP
points to steal from other players.  You can still steal from monsters
at all levels.  Furthermore steal takes time to perform. you can't just
rush in, steal 20-30 times and quit (unless you have a LOT of time).


> steal gold drunk

> steal sword mercenary
  (only possible if he is sleeping)

NOTE:  If you choose to steal from a Player, be forewarned, you WILL
be punished. 

Thief only.

Is a way to sneak up on a person, and attempt to place you dagger in his
back, at exactly the point where it does most damage. A successful backstab
gives a damage multiplier, depending on level.

The chance of successfully backstabbing a person depends on how well you
have practised backstab at your guild. You can always backstab sleeping

Thief and Warrior only.

The chance of a disarm depends upon how well you are learned.  To disarm
someone is to attempt to 'knock' away that person's weapon.  If you
succeed you will cause him to drop his weapon onto the ground.  If you
miss, your opponent will be able to attack one extra round.

A disarm makes you unable to type commands for 3 rounds of violence for
a success, 2 rounds of violence without.

A character without a weapon will do less damage and will be unable to

Thief only.

The chance of a trip depends upon how well you are learned.  To trip
someone is to attempt to 'knock' a person down.  If you succeed you will
cause him to fall down onto the ground causing 1 point of damage.

A successful trip will cause you to be unable to type commands for 2
rounds of violence, and cause your victim to be unable to type commands
for 3 rounds of violence and sit down.

Thief only.

The chance of dodging an attack depends upon how well you are learned.
If you succeed, you would have skillfully dodged your opponent's attack.


Warrior only.

The chance of parrying an attack depends upon how well you are learned.
If you succeed, you would have parried your opponent's attack.

Note:  You must have a weapon wielded to be able to parry.

Warrior and Thieves only.

This skill imparts the ability to attack once more than your primary attack.
Highly usefull while in combat.  :)

With _just_ the skill DUAL, you can get a maximum of 2 attacks.

See Also:  Multiattack

Warrior and Thieves only.

This skill imparts the ability to attack once more than your primary attack.
Highly usefull while in combat.  :)

With _just_ the skill MULTIATTACK, you can get a maximum of 2 attacks.
Used in tandum with DUAL, you would get a maximum of 3 attacks.

See Also:  Dual
For magical people.

Example : cast 'burning hands' <character>
   Note that the name of the spell must be enclosed by "'"s.

See also : help on each individual spell, for example:
  > help cure ligh
  > help ventri
  > help energy drain
If you lose interest in a carried item, you can drop it on the ground.
Example : drop bottle
  If you feel like getting rid of all your earthly possessions, you may use
"drop all".

See also: GET, TAP
A way to make the world a little cleaner.
  purge                         To empty a room of monsters and objects.
  purge <character>             To remove a living thing. Kicks out a player.
  purge <object>                Figure this one out yourself.
If you're interested in a person and want to find out about his/her/its
skills, strength, mana, hitpoints etc.

'Stat room' will give you useful information about the room you're in.
You can order people under your charm to do things:

   order Sober say I'm a jerk and I know it.

Or you can order all the people who're charmed by you, like this:

   order followers say We worship you, leader!!
List tells you what a shop has for sale.
Buy buys things by name.
Sell sells items you have to the shopkeeper for gold.
Value tells you how much a shopkeeper will pay for an item.
VEGO doesn't have rent.  Just save and quit, anywhere.  If you are in town,
you will come back where you left.  If you are out of town, you will still
come back where you left, and you will lose some experience points as well.
This keeps you from getting free recalls back to town.

All your stuff will be saved when you quit.  (In fact, quit automatically
does a save, so saving first is redundant).

There is now no need to kill your link instead of quitting.  In fact,
link dying will be harsher on your character than using quit.

If you're uncertain whether the sun is shining or the rain is pouring down.
When you want to read something.  For reading scrolls, use RECITE.
If you tire of wearing some armor or wielding a weapon.
Example : remove sword
Shops are places where the adventurer may purchase equipment for his quests,
and where he may sell his treasure if he should manage to survive the perils
with his life and sanity intact. Many shops trade only in a specific type of
merchandise. Thus, a baker may well refuse to buy your armor, even if it is of
high quality!
   To some people, the prospect of obtaining the entire inventory of a shop by
murdering the keeper may appear tempting - but beware: The shopkeepers are 
often rugged, capable men; roughened by years of trading and, indeed, surviving
in a world where the only safe prospect is death in the end.

A listing of the commands for immortals (should be unavailable for mortals  :)
A mechanical listing of the known verbs.  This command doesn't exist yet.
Social commands are not listed.

Warriors are better at raw combat than anyone else.  They have more hit
points, more chance to hit, and the skills of kick, bash, rescue, and
multiple attacks per round.
   You can improve your skills by using the PRACTICE command.
   You can improve your attributes with the TRAIN command.

Thieves can pick locks, sneak, hide, backstab, and disarm during combat.
   You can improve your skills by using the PRACTICE command.
   You can improve your attributes with the TRAIN command.

Clerics have the ability to cast spells.  You can learn and improve
spells by using the PRACTICE command.  The more powerful you become,
the more spells you have, and the more effect each one has.
   You can improve your skills by using the PRACTICE command.
   You can improve your attributes with the TRAIN command.

Mages have the ability to cast spells.  You can learn and improve
spells by using the PRACTICE command.  The more powerful you become,
the more spells you have, and the more effect each one has.
   You can improve your skills by using the PRACTICE command.
   You can improve your attributes with the TRAIN command.

Practise is the way you improve your spells and skills.  You must go to
your guildmaster to practise.  With no argument, PRACTICE lists your
current skills.  With an argument, PRACTICE will practice that spell or

You get more practices every time you level.  The number depends on your

    13	2
    14	2
    15	3
    16	3
    17	4
    18	4

See also: TRAIN

You can use your practices to increase your ability points.  First,
find a trainer (there are two in Midgaard).  Then, type TRAIN STR
to increase your strength, or TRAIN WIS for wisdom.  The trainable
abilities are STR, INT, WIS, CON, and DEX.
Gives you a list of the obvious exits from your location. Of course, the less
obvious ones won't show up here - you have to THINK in order to locate those.
If you feel claustrophobic, typing 'leave' will make you use the nearest
obvious exit to the outside.
If you type 'enter' while you are outdoors, you'll enter any nearby shelter.
You can also follow 'enter' with an argument; for example, 'enter window'.
Gives you the current 'gametime'. Your initial reaction to the output of this
command may be one of surprise, but you'll get used to it. You'll have to, at
any rate, since certain things in the game depend on this particular notion
of time; the opening hours of the shops, for example.
For making useful suggestions to the implementors.

    bug the entire game crashes when I type 'put bag in bag'
    idea make a restaurant in Midgaard
    typo 'sence' should be spelled 'sense'
If you find something interesting on the ground, you may use 'get' to pick it
up. Example: "get greatsword". If you are in a hurry, or if you just feel very
greedy, you may type "get all". You can also use 'get' to extract objects from
containers. Example: "get dagger from bag", "get all corpse".

See also: DROP PUT
For putting stuff in containers. Example: "Put the dagger in the bag".

See also: GET
May give you some valuable information about an item.

See also: LOOK
In order to write a note, you need a piece of blank paper (or similar), and
a pen of some sort. You can then type something like "write on the paper with
the pen", whereupon you'll be asked to type in your note at the keyboard.
This command will show you the current edition of "the DikuMUD Herald", a
publication dedicated to news and useful information about this world. It's a
very good idea to check it out once in a while.
For changing your position. If you feel weary, it's probably a good idea to sit
and rest for awhile; or maybe even take a nap.
If you want to pour some liquid from one container to another.
For getting a good grip on something; a torch, for example.

For following someone around.  Example: "follow joe".  When you are through
following, use "follow <your name>" to follow yourself.

See also: GROUP
If you're in a fight and losing, then FLEE.
The Guildhouse is the place where mortals may go to escape the troubles and
perils of a cruel world.  Each guild is heavily guarded, so that only members
may enter the building.  Guilds are also the places where people come to
learn and practise the skills of their trade.

See also: PRACTISE
Gives you some useful hints and information about the game.
Tells you the location of a monster, a player or an object. Examples:

where torch  : Used to find a torch on the ground
where dragon : Used to find the closest dragon
where        : Will list the players in your vicinity

Mortals can only "where" monsters or players, and only from their own zone.
Immortals may type 'where' without arguments to see where everybody is.

Tells you who's logged on to the game, and where they are playing from.

Lists the levels of your class. 
Toggle "brief mode".  When in brief mode, you don't see the descriptions of the
room you are in; only the name of the room, and the people and objects in
there.  Unless you are very familiar with the area in which you travel, however,
it is not advisable to use this command.  Frequently, you will find small, but
vital hints in the descriptions of the rooms: An extra peek at your
surroundings could mean the difference between life and death!

See also: COMPACT
Repeat the last command typed at the keyboard.
Usage : consider <monster>
This command will compare your Level with the <monsters> level. You will then
receive a rough estimate, which is by no means exact. Consider does not take
hitpoints/special attacks/damage into accout.

  > consider fido

Whenever you inflict damage on a monster, you earn experience points.
You get lots more when you kill it.  When you get enough xp, you raise
a level.

You lose xp by dying or by quitting when not in town.  You also may
lose xp by fleeing in combat.

See Also: GROUP
Usage : GROUP [player]

If you are a group member, then you will share experience points for killing
monsters equally among the group.  Experience points will only be shared among
group members that are in the same location, at the time of the killing
blow.  Sharing is regardless of wherther the group members have been
participating in the fight.

Group with no argument shows a list of people with whom you are grouped,
and their current status.

To make a group, a "leader" must be selected.  All members of the group
must then "follow" the leader using the follow command.  The leader should
NOT follow anyone at all!  The leader can now toggle group membership for
each player in the group, by using "group <player_name>".  The leader
should remember to include himself in the group.


Quifael and Redferne wishes to group with Dragon.

Quifael : "follow dragon"
Redferne: "follow dragon"
(Dragon should be following no one but himself)
Dragon  : "group dragon"
Dragon  : "group redferne"
Dragon  : "group quifael"

Later when Dragon get upset at Quifael (because he is sleeping all the time)
he types : "Group Quifael" to kick Quifael out of the group.


Use : Quaff <Potion>

Quaff is used to "drink" a (magical) potion.

Use : Recite <Scroll> [Target]

Is used to "read" a magical scroll. Target can be an object, character or
nothing (which may be yourself).

Use : Use <Staff>
      Use <Wand> <Target>

Using staffs will automatically target everybody (or everything) in a
room, execpt yourself. Therefore staff's are naturally very powerful, and
yet may be very dangerous to use around other players.

Using wands require that you point it at a target, which can be eihter a
character or an object.

Both staff's and wand's must be HELD in the hand prior to use! (Use the
grab or hold commands).  You must still supply the name of the staff or
wand to avoid confusion.

Many objects behave like wands or staves without looking like them.
For instance, check out the vandal's spray can!

Usage       : cast 'armor' <victim>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 24 Hours

The Armor spell will improve your AC by almost one factor.

See Also: AC

Usage       : cast 'teleport' [self]
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instant

Teleport (with error) will instantly transfer you to another location
in the world. This location is random, and thus there will always be
a risk of landing in a fatal location.

See Also: -
Usage 	    : cast 'faerie fire' <victim>
Accumulative: No.
Duration    : Unknown

Makes the MOB easier for you to hit.
Usage       : cast 'bless' <victim or object>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 6 Hours + Level, permanent for objects.

Bless on a victim will improve the victims saving throw versus spells
by 1, and furthermore improve the hitroll by 1.

Bless on an item currently has no defined action. It is only possible
to bless non-evil items, and the object blessed may weight no more
than five pounds per level of caster. 

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'blindness' <victim>
Accumulative: No.
Duration    : Level + 1.

Blindness will blind a victim failing its saving throw.
A blinded person will have -4 penalty to both hitroll and AC.

See Also: AC
Usage       : cast 'create food'
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous

This spell instantly creates an edible magic mushroom. The mushroom
will filling for the next (5+level) hours, up to a maximum of 24 hours.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'create water' <drink container>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Instantaneous

Expect disaterous results if cast upon a drink container which contains
another liquid than water. Empty or water containers will be filled
depending on the level of the caster.

Double amount of water will be created if it is raining (or worse).

See Also: -
Usage       : none, this spell is not yet completly implemented.
sorry, hopefully we will get it in soon, but to be safe, don't practice it
it will probably be a waste of your valuable practices.

Usage       : cast 'cure blind' <victim>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Instantaneous

This spell will cure a person blinded by the "blindness" spell, it
can not remove blindness caused by for example cursed items.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'cure critic' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous

This spell cures more than Cure Serious.  The amount of cure depends
on the level of the caster.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'cure light' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous

This spell cures minor wounds but as the caster's levels increase,
he/she may cure more.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'curse' (victim | object)
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 5 hours per Level, permanent on objects.

Curse cast on a person that fails the saving throw, will reduce the
hitroll by one, and reduce the saving throw versus paralysation by

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'detect evil' [self]
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 5 hours per level

Detect evil will enabel you to see the red aura surrounding evil
persons and items.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'detect invisibility' [self]
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 5 hours per level

This spell enabels you to see invisible items and players.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'detect magic' [self]
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 5 hours per level

This spell will let you see the magical aura surrounding magical

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'detect poison' (victim | food | drink)
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Instantaneous

Cast on food or drinks (drink containers) you will be abel to
sense if it is poisoned.

Cast on a person you will be abel to see if that person is

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Permanent

This spell will enchant non-magical (non-modifying) weapons only.
By non-modifying weapons we refer to weapons that might alter any
ability such as for example damage. The only way to know if a weapon
is suitabel for enchantment is to fully identify it.

The enchantment will modify the weapon as:

Level    Hit Roll    Damage

 0..17     +1         +1
18..19     +2         +1
20..24     +3         +2
25..29     +4         +3
30..31     +5         +4

(must be checked)

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'heal' <victim>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Instantaneous

Heal will heal all the hitpoints from a person, execpt 1d4 points.
Maximum 100 points can be healed. A victim who is blinded will also
be cured by the heal spell.

See Also: "Cure Blindness"
Usage       : cast 'invisibility' <victim | object>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 24 hours, permanent on objects.

Self Explanatory.
Attacking while invisible will immediately break the spell.

See Also: "detect invisibility"
Usage       : cast 'locate object' <object>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous

If possible you will know exactly where an object is, or the
name of the person using it. If more than one object by the
same name exists, you will get a listing of several objects.
The maximum number of objects you can simultaneously locate is
your level divided by 2.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'poison' <victim | food | drink>
Accumulative: Yes on persons.
Duration    : 2 hours per Level, or permanent on food and drinks.

Casting poison on food or drink (containers) will poison it.
Eating poisoned food/drinks will poison the person eating or

A person who is poisoned will suffer 2 points of damage every
hour, and gain less points than usual.

See Also: "detect poison" or "cure poison"
Usage       : cast 'protection from evil' [self]
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 24 hours

The meaning of this spell is not yet fully defined.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'remove curse' <person | object>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Instantaneous

Will remove a curse on carried objects or any persons in the room.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'remove poison' <victim | food | drink> 
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Instantaneous

Will remove poison.

See Also: Poison
Usage       : cast 'sanctuary' [self]
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 3 hours

When protected by sanctuary you can never receive more that 18 damage
points in one strike.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'sleep' <person>
Accumulative: Yes (duration)
Duration    : 4 hours + one hour per level

If failing saving throw versus spell, the person will fall asleep.
A person who is affected by sleep can only be awakened if attacked.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'strength' [self]
Accumulative: Yes (strength)
Duration    : Level hours

A person will gain 1 strength point per spell (2 points if level of
caster is greater than 18, 3 points if level of caster is grater than
25). Maximum strength is 18/100.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'ventriloquate' <victim | object> <text>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous

For all people in the same room as the caster that fail a saving
throw, the spell will make the object or victim appear to say the
text written. People saving will only notice that someone tired
to make it sound that way, not who.


> cast 'vent' unclesam I've got 921,923 coins, don't even consider killing me.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'word of recall' 
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous

The caster will be transferred back to his sancturay (presently
the Temple of Midgaard).
See Also: -
Usage        : cast 'infra' <victim>
Accumulative : -
Duration     : it lasts about 2 * the level of the caster hours (tics)

The victim of this spell will be able to see heat sources in the dark.
This spell does not make you see through darkness as if you had a light.
Usage       : cast 'summon' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous

Will summon a person of the name spoken. It is not possible to
summon someone of three or more levels above yourself.
If you attempt to summon a monster,it will get a saving throw.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'gate' <victim>                                    
Accumlitive : -
Duration    : Instantaneous

 Gate will basically do a reverse summon.  It brings you to the victim.
Instead of the victim coming to you. Do to problems you can now only gate
to players of lower level than yourself.      
Usage       : cast 'charm person' <victim>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : (432/Itelligence points of person) hours

Is is not possible to charm anyone that is already charmed, if
you're charmed yourself, or if the person is higher level than
yourself. The person will get a saving throw versus "paralysation".

A charmed person will follow you, and not be abel to attack you, you
can order charmed person using the order command.

Usage       : cast 'sense life' [self]
Accumulative: No
Duration    : 5 hours per level

This spell will enable you to sense hidden life forms in a room.
Invisible persons are also considered hidden.

See Also: HIDE
Usage       : cast 'magic missile' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 1 magic user.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This is the least powerful offensive magic user spell.

See Also: 
Usage       : cast 'chill touch' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 3 magic user.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell is more powerful than the magic missile spell.
A victim failing its saving throw will get its strength
reduced by one.

Usage       : cast 'burning hands' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 5 magic user.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell is more powerful than the chill touch spell.

Usage       : cast 'shocking grasp' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 7 magic user.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell is more powerful than the burning hands spell.

Usage       : cast 'lightning bolt' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 9 magic user.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell is more powerful than the shocking grasp spell.

Usage       : cast 'colour spray' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 11 magic user.

Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell is more powerful than the lightning bolt spell.

Usage       : cast 'energy drain' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 13 magic user.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell does not give much damage, but victims failing their
saving throws will loose up to 40,000 XP points. You will gain
a quarter of this XP.

Beware that this spell is evil.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'fireball' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 15 magic user.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell is the most powerful spell a magic user can cast.

Usage       : cast 'earthquake'
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 7 cleric.
Save        : -

This spell will damage everybody except the caster in that

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'dispel evil' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 10 cleric.
Save        : Special

This spell will only affect evil creatures. An evil person of level
equal or less than caster will suffer 100 damage points.

If the victim is higher level than caster, the spell will inflict
a lot of damage, saving throw versus half damage.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'call lightning' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 12 cleric.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell will use the "force of nature" to make a lightning
strike the victim. It is therefore only possible to call lightning
outside, and it has to be raining (or worse).

The lightning will inflict damage dependent upon the casters level.

Usage       : cast 'harm' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 15 cleric.
Save        : Versus spell for half damage.

This spell removes all but 1d4 hitpoints from the victim. The
maximum number of damage points are 100. It is not possible to
kill using this spell (but almost).

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'fear' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : Versus spell for null effect

This spell causes fear in the hearts of the brave.  Works best
when you need a break from fighting a particularlly tough mob.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'refresh' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : None

This spell bestowes more endurance upon the receipiant.

See Also: -   
Usage       : cast 'fly' <victim>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Level + 3
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : None

This spell gives the victim the ability to fly into the clouds.
Great for getting into places where you were not meant to be.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'continual light'
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : -

This spell creates a ball of light just in the event you run
out of light.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'know alignment' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : None

This spell gives the caster the knowledge of the target's alignment.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'dispel magic' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : Saves vs spell for no effect.

This spell attempts to remove all magic from the target.  An extremely
nasty spell vs those that rely on magic for survival.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'cure serious' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : None

This spell heals fractures, cuts, and serious wounds with ease.
The amount healed depends on the caster's power.

See Also: Cure Light, Cure Critic
Usage       : cast 'cause critical' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : None

This spell shatters bone, causes deep cuts, and critical wounds to the
victim.  The amount of physical damage done depends on the casters power.

See Also: Cause Light, Cause Serious
Usage       : cast 'cause serious' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : None

This spell fractures bone, causes cuts, and serious wounds to the
victim.  The amount of physical damage done depends on the casters power.

See Also: Cause Light, Cause Critic.
Usage       : cast 'cause light' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 1 Cleric 
Save        : None

This spell causes minor cuts and bruises to the victim.  The amount of
physical damage done depends on the casters power.

See Also: Cause Serious, Cause Critic.
Usage       : cast 'flamestrike' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level ? 
Save        : Saves vs spell for half damage.

The caster calls forth a column of fire from the heavens to burn
the hapless victim.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'stone skin' <self>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Level of caster
Level       : Level ?
Affect      : Armor by -40
Save        : None

This alteration spell causes the caster's skin to turn into hard
gratite thus improving his armor rating.

See Also: Shield
Usage       : cast 'shield' <self>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Level of caster + 8
Level       : Level ?
Affect      : Armor by -20
Save        : None

This alteration spell creates a magical force shield surrounding
the victim thus improving his armor rating.

See Also: Stone Skin
Usage       : cast 'weaken' <victim>
Accumulative: -
Duration    : Half of Level of caster
Level       : Level ?
Save        : Saves vs spell for null effect

This spell causes the victim to become weaker and thus more wimpy.
The more powerful the caster, the weaker the victim would become.

See Also: -
Usage       : cast 'mass invisibility'
Accumulative: -
Duration    : 24 hours
Level       : Level ?
Save        : None

This spell makes invisble every creature in the room.

See Also: Invisibility
Usage       : cast 'faerie fire' <victim>
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Level of caster
Level       : Level 2/4 (Cleric/MagicUser)
Affect      : Armor by +10
Save        : None

This spell makes a ring to appear around the victim enabling its
opponents to see and attack it better.

Following help is available:

HELP help       - This text.
HELP            - List the available commands.

Help searches for a partial match of the entered word, including any
spaces that may follow the word.

 > 'help magic mis'
    will find the help text for the magic missile spell.

 > 'help mag '
   will not match anything.

 > 'help mag'
   will match 'magic user' or 'magic missile' depending on first
   occurence in the help file.

           Magic User               Cleric

           (1) Magic Missile        (1) Armor
           (1) Ventriloquate        (1) Cure Light
           (1) -                    (1) Cause Light

           (2) Detect Magic         (2) Create Water
           (2) Detect Invisible     (2) Detect Poison
           (2) -                    (2) Continual Light
           (2) -                    (2) Faerie Fire

           (3) Chill Touch          (3) Create Food
           (3) -                    (3) Detect Magic
           (3) -                    (3) Refresh

           (4) Invisibility         (4) Cure Blind
           (4) Continual Light      (4) Detect Evil
           (4) Faerie Fire          (4) -

           (5) Burning Hands        (5) Bless
           (5) Armor                (5) Detect Invisible
           (5) Refresh              (5) Know Alignment
           (5) -                    (5) Cure Serious
           (5) -                    (5) Cause Serious

           (6) Locate Object        (6) Blindness
           (6) Fear                 (6) Protection from Evil
           (6) Infravision          (6) Animate Dead

           (7) Shocking Grasp       (7) Earthquake
           (7) Strength             (7) Sense Life
           (7) Fly                  (7) -
           (7) Weaken               (7) -

           (8) Blindness            (8) Summon
           (8) Teleport             (8) Poison
           (8) Know Alignment       (8) -

           (9) Lightning Bolt       (9) Cure Critic
           (9) Conjure Elemental    (9) Remove Poison
           (9) -                    (9) Cause Critic
           (9) -                    (9) Infravision

          (10) Control Weather     (10) Locate Object
          (10) Identify            (10) Dispel Evil
          (10) Faerie Fog          (10) Identify
          (10) -                   (10) Gate

          (11) Color Spray         (11) Word of Recall
          (11) Dispel Magic        (11) Plague

          (12) Enchant Weapon      (12) Call Lightning
          (12) Curse               (12) Remove Curse
          (12) -                   (12) Fly

          (13) Energy Drain        (13) Control Weather
          (13) Shield              (13) Sanctuary
          (13) -                   (13) Flamestrike

          (14) Sleep               (14) Heal
          (14) Charm Person        (14) Faerie Fog

          (15) Fireball            (15) Turn Undead
          (15) Mass Invisibility   (15) Harm

          (16) Hands Of Wind       (16) Hands Of Wind
          (16) -                   (16) Dispel Magic

          (17) -                   (17) Mass Invisibility

          (18) Stone Skin          (18) Drown

          (19) -                   (19) -

          (20) Sandstorm           (20) Sandstorm
          (20) Acid Blast          (20) -

          (25) -                   (25) Demonfire

This command will send a character to jail.
A player sent to jail can not escape, and they will be stuck in the
jail to pay there dues, until they are transfered or teleported out.
usage : jail victim    
This will allow you to set a string for what it will say when you teleport
into a room, the default is to just display your name.
This string will be saved to your char, but can be changed at any time.
usage is  setin <string to be set>
This will allow you to set a string to be echoed to the room when you
teleport out of it, the default is just your name.                 
This string will be saved to your char, but can be changed at any time.
To advance a player to a level higher or lower than his present.

List the privileged commands available to you. Can only be used by immortals.
Prevents you from (or allows you to) hearing shouts, if used with no arguments.
Can be used with the name of a player, to prevent him/her from hearing shouts,
as well as from shouting. Can only be used by certain more powerful beings.
If used on a mortal, this command will reset that players mana and hit points.
If used on an Immortal various values will be reset to their proper values.

A lot of players have problems with their links to the game.  This could
hurt you in combat. But we have worked out a solution. There are two cases:

  I. If your link is broken, you will automatically attempt to flee each
     time someone attempts to hit you.  If you manage to flee, then you
     will be saved by divine forces, and put in a safe place until you
     reconnect to the game.

 II. If your link jams (freezes) you got a problem.  The only solution we
     can give, is that you break your link as quickly as possible.  By
     breaking the link you can hope that the above procedure is initiated.

Some people like to break their link instead of quitting.  We have changed
link death and quitting so that breaking the link will cost you more than
If you have a small display you might want to use this command. It turns off
(or on) the extra newline after output to your screen.

See also: BRIEF
Warning: the suggested levels are just that, suggestions.  Obviously
your chances of survival depend on the caliber of your group, how much
armor you have, whether you have a client program with auto recall,
and other things.  If a mob kills you, don't blame us -- that's why
we have mobs.  :)  

{Level}	  Author	Zone
{None }	  Diku		Limbo.
{ 1  5}	  Hatchet	Mud School.
{ 1 20}	  Copper	Plains North of Midgaard.
{ 5 10}	  Copper	In the Air ...
{10 30}	  Anonymous	The High Tower of Sorcery.
{10 30}	  Anonymous	More High Tower of Sorcery.
{10 20}	  Raff		Catacombs.
{ 5 15}	  Raff		Dangerous Neighborhood.
{10 15}	  MERC		Troll Den.
{All  }	  Diku		Northern Midgaard.
{All  }	  Diku		Southern Midgaard.
{All  }	  Copper	River of Midgaard.
{All  }	  Diku		Buildings in Midgaard.
{15 25}	  Copper	Chapel Catacombs.
{ 5 10}	  Copper	Miden'Nir.
{ 5 10}	  Alfa		The Graveyard.
{ 5 10}	  Diku		Moria level 1-2.
{10 15}	  Alfa		Moria level 3-4.
{10 25}	  Anonymous	Dwarven Kingdom of Juergan.
{10 20}	  Anonymous	The Great Eastern Desert.
{15 25}	  Anonymous	Drow City.
{10 25}	  Anonymous	The City of Thalos.
{All  }	  Alfa		City of Ofcol.
{All  }	  Diku		Haon Dor - Light.
{ 5 10}	  Diku		Haon Dor - Dark.
{ 5 20}	  Anonymous	Arachnos.
{10 25}	  Anonymous	The Dwarven Kingdom.
{None }	  Anonymous	Quifael Custom Rooms.
{ 5 15}	  Diku		Upper Sewer.
{10 15}	  Diku		Lower Sewer.
{15 30}	  Diku		Sewer Maze.
{15 30}	  Diku		Sewer Tunnels.
{None }	  Anonymous	Redferne's Fridge and Larder.
{20 30}	  Diku		Redferne's Residence.
{ 5 10}	  Anonymous	Main Matrix.
{ 5 10}	  Anonymous	Auxiliary Matrix.
{ 1 20}	  Alfa		The Holy Grove.
{15 25}	  Dylan		Dylan's Area.
{15 25}   Goby          The Aucan Village.