**Topaz[2104]: An assist command, so we don't accidently attack the wrong monsters.
**Allen[3054]: a Who <name> command would be nice...single out all other players
**Martin[7401]: a MORE would be good for practice, when you get higher level with multiclass you the abilities fill more than 1 screen :)
**Flash[3005]: keep stuff in bags after quiting
**Flash[3005]: when person connects their stuff is in their bags
**Flash[3005]: have two hourly computer saves with one shutdown
**Flash[3005]: have cast id also tell you strength needed to wield
**Flash[3005]: or spell that tells strength needed to wield
**Flash[3005]: have comput generated shutdown at 2-4-6 in morning
**Malaclypse[326]: allow drinking and filling from pool in foothills
**Alander[3054]: I have some new help files for spells, and action reports...want them?  rtaylor@ursula.uoregon.edu
**Foster[2143]: SWITCH command that allows you to switch weapons
**Flash[3021]: bite is a good social.....
**Mr[3503]: social command apologizre
**Paul[3001]: Make the temple a room in which you cant recall...save a lot of scroll
**Vulgar[3001]: This is the best mud I've been on, keep it up! *smile*
**Corwyn[3025]: alias- lets you abbreviate commands to two or three letters... for example gac = get all corpse
**Corwyn[3025]: alias ex.  chill = cast 'chill touch' etc...
**Babel[3030]: WE really need a Taunt social.
**Flash[3024]: give each mob a number so we can switch number
**Foster[5247]: TRICK makes you pull a rabbit from a hat.
**Axl[3001]: to have a reduction in shouting(if its a problem) have it cost money to shout
**Bronwyn[2151]: please alter the practice command so the list doesn't scroll off the screen
**Swampman[2109]: web spell to keep mobs from running from you also easier to hit them
**Paul[3001]: The harm spell deserves a better message than "OK"
**Meta[3014]: Assist command
**Donut[3001]: bite I can order my cat or another animal to playfully bite someone
**Elwen[6501]: Make help commands for the wizh for heros
**Corwyn[3005]: hunt command.. use to track down monsters in same area...
**Elwing[3054]: Would it be possible to have a 'no-follow' command which disallows people from following you?
**Axl[1349]: a "familiar" spell that will summon a "pet" for a mage
**Nekro[3040]: how about a social-cheer- say's *** jumps around cheering!
**Panamon[3001]: put in help's on the new spells (drown, sandstorm, etc..)
**Nekro[5239]: make the command kill attack first mob in room
**Nekro[5239]: when it's used with no argument
**MetaThief[3026]: Condition command
**HeMan[2102]: maybe making it so that long who lists are piped through a more ****press return to continue** type thing?
**Malaclypse[3015]: how about a new emote: spit
**Malaclypse[3001]: new emote: double-take
**Proctologist[2127]: could I please change my name, it's too long
**Malaclypse[3054]: new emote: sneer
**Tarkin[3054]: socials: melvin, orgasm, airguitar
**Tarkin[3054]: also: neck, tantrum
**Lan[3020]: what about a 'worship' social command - something like WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!!
**Quetal[4122]: having identify id the items level restrictions would help
**Scream[3001]: who person to see if that person is on
**Nekro[3001]: maybe we could have a dispel good spell as well as dispel evil...?
**Twirl[5111]: Make all drow have infra ... how do they live otherwise ;)
**Chumly[3001]: it would be really cool if we could have an automatic wimpy.
**Onyx[3001]: jump ~~~~~~ jumps for joy.
**Onyx[1334]: mope ~~~~ mopes.
**Anara[4115]: make it possible to get help on the armour sepll...make it spelled armoUr instread of armor.
**Onyx[1477]: raise ~~~~~~~ raises his eyes at you....
**Tas[3041]: theif peak like it would say he has little money or a lott or he is realy loded
**Beren[3023]: infirmary where you can rest/sleep and get Hp and mana back at 2x or 3x rate
**Demonwolf[3015]: blink - a good social- should blink innocently.
**Beren[3006]: ability to have spells put on a scroll for a fee..PC cast it and can then use or sell scroll
**Corwyn[3001]: new spells.. slow and haste...think the grand master is tough now, give him a haste spell to use!!
**Bazil[3040]: why not have about 7 different races a player can choose from?
**Groo[3001]: a nosummon setting so that ppl can't summon lowlevels into agg mobs
**HeMan[3054]: what about making an indicator on the who list that tells if a player has AUC or GOSS on?
**HeMan[3009]: how about who hero?
**HeMan[3009]: harp
**Onyx[6142]: mosh
**Onyx[6143]: mosh ~~~~~  slams into you very hard
**Symbiote[3002]: use c 'invis' <target> instead of c 'invisibility' <target>
**Torn[5247]: seal
**Grindel[3041]: an alarm would be nice that goes off after spec tics.
**Grindel[3041]: scan would be nice too that says what pchars and mobs are near
**Jeanie[3056]: cloak
**Foster[1208]: JIG dance a jig.
**Foster[258]: HIPHOP = suicide
**Freedom[2105]: the assist command
**Grindel[5248]: a camp spell for upper levels to protect you when sleeping from aggr. mobs?
**Cyric[3033]: you should make a command like unhide so you can become uninvisible without having to attack something
**Cyric[3033]: also, a command like guard, that when in a group you can guard a certain person, and everytime that person is attacked, the person who is guarding automa
**Cyric[3033]: <continued> automatically attacks the attacker without getting attacked...an idea from another mud, Dark Shadow's Diku...was a really good command
**Symbiote[3001]: keg needs promotion due to super bad bug
**Mel[3304]: caress social folks?
**Brodrick[3522]: feel
**Brodrick[3522]: feel You feel up, down, and inside 
**Topher[3001]: lick Gives someone a wet lick on the face
**Ati[259]: brief
**Nightfire[1207]: add a <CR> to the end of the imm line .
**Shayna[3016]: dagger
**Krynne[5064]: make clans and have factional battles to liven things up-like whities and orcs in mume
**Krynne[5224]: 'scan' command that lets you view other areas around you
**HeMan[3020]: what about an enchant armor spell? Just an idea  :)
**HeMan[3001]: how about putting a decimal on a players age, ie.-34.3 ?
**HeMan[5247]: how about a fountain of youth for older, high level players?
**HeMan[5247]: fountain of youth sets their age to a certain year again.
**HeMan[5247]: fountian of youth that can be used over and over by the same person, perhaps?
**HeMan[3040]: is it really fair to allow monsters to disarm, when theey have no weapon?
**HeMan[3040]: players are required to wield a weapon to disarm, why shouldn't monsters? just a thought..
**Cladius[3111]: There must be a command or format for long distances like RUN N,E,E,E,S
**Batlady[211]: food
**Batlady[211]: die
**Grindel[7429]: social:  flowers gives flowers to the recipient.  How romantic!
**Worms[3004]: make houses available for players to buy! :)
**Pooch[3033]: Like drop have the command remove be able to remove all. :)
**Uru[7044]: door
**Flare[3011]: wand
**Flare[3011]: dagger
**Syla[3001]: i would like it if when you typed "who grindel" it would give grindels levels and description, instead of typing who and having to wearch for the name.
**Grindel[1477]: social tarzan:  i bet you could guess on this one!
**Sweeper[3001]: smartbomb farts in all directions and at everyone
**Krypt[3005]: when casting a spell to self we may not to write name of victim ex c 'ar' will cast the spell automaticly the caster
**Marcus[4151]: make enemies worth more xp.  they are worth only two-thirds as much here as in other merc muds.