***                                                                         ***
***                MESSAGE OF THE DAY OR WEEK (it all depends)              ***
***									    ***

** B/c of the buggy player files WE WILL NOT BE GIVING REIMBURSES of
   any kind.  If someone did get one it was b/c he/she was a good pc
   and played for the advantage of the MUD.  For instance we honor pcs
   more if they report BUGs and don't try to crash the game for their
   advantage.  So keep that in mind.

** Also there is now help stats, it will give you information on what your
   players stats do.

** We just received a patch for "WHO".  Type 'help who' for the new features
   that are implemented.

  R E A D  T H I S   R E A D   T H I S   R E A D  T H I S   R E A D  T H I S  
    VEGO mud will be shutting down on Friday June 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
    ALL characters excpept the GODS will be deleted, and the mud will not be 
    back up until the fall. And then all characters will start over with
    a new file in the NEW world.  see ya in the fall