* LEDGE.ZONE                                             *
* Core Zone: Author Unknown                              *
* Notes:     Distribute with full DYRT distribution only *
* Edited by Rex on 29 September 1996                     *

#include "undef.h"
#include "cflags.h"
#include "exits.h"




Name            = ropebotpit
PName           = rope
AltName         = ladder
Location        = IN_ROOM:8
State           = 0
MaxState        = 2
Linked          = ROPETOPPIT@MOOR
OFlags            { NoGet Destroyed }
Desc[0]         = "A rope ladder leads up out of the pit."
Desc[1]         = "A rope leads up out of the pit."
Examine         = "The rope seems sturdy and reliable." 
End             = ropebotpit

Name            = ropewest
PName           = rope
AltName         = ladder
Location        = IN_ROOM:1
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Linked          = ROPEEAST@VALLEY
OFlags            { Destroyed NoGet }
Desc[0]         = "A rope ladder leads west across the steps."
Desc[1]         = "A rope hangs west across the steps."
Examine         = "The rope seems sturdy and dependable."
End             = ropewest

Name            = tunnwest
PName           = tunnel
AltName         = rockfall
Location        = IN_ROOM:6
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Linked          = tunneast
OFlags            { NoGet }
Desc[1]         = "A large rockfall blocks the passage to the east."
Examine         = "The rockfall is made up of little stones and earth."
End             = tunnwest

Name            = tunneast
PName           = tunnel
AltName         = rockfall
Location        = IN_ROOM:7
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Linked          = tunnwest
OFlags            { NoGet }
Desc[1]         = "
A huge rockfall to the west has sealed off the only exit to this chamber."
Examine         = "The rockfall is made up of little stones and earth."
End             = tunneast

Name            = orb
Location        = IN_ROOM:7
BValue          = 1000
Size            = 5
Weight          = 10
Desc[0]         = "
A large glittering platinum orb sparkles in the light, sending rainbows of
glittering fire twinkling around you."
Examine         = "
The orb is round, large, and in incredibly good shape for having sat here so
long.  There is no doubt in your mind that it is exceedingly valuable."
End             = orb


/* 1 */
1 e:2;
lflags { Outdoors RealTime }
On The Ledge^
   You are standing on a narrow ledge high up in the side of some steep cliffs.
The ledge continues west beside a narrow cave mouth.  To the east, the ledge
ends some twenty feet short of a set of steps, which climb up the cliff side
from the valley below.
/* 2 */
2 n:5 e:3 w:1 ;
Lflags { Outdoors RealTime }
   You are standing on a narrow precipitous ledge.  The ledge runs
east-west and to the north a narrow cavemouth leads into semi-darkness.
Braving vertigo, you gaze over the lip of the ledge across the vast
expanse of trees far below.
/* 3 */
3 e:4 w:2 ;
Lflags { Outdoors RealTime }
  The ledge narrows here, only a few inches wide as it leads further 
eastwards.  To the west the ledge widens out.
/* 4 */
4 ;
Lflags { Death NoMobiles Outdoors }
   Your feet slip on the dangerously thin ledge, and you plunge rapidly
downwards to your death...
/* 5 */
5 n:8 e:6 s:2 ;
Lflags { RealTime }
Narrow Cave^
   You are standing in a long, narrow cave.  Dim and pallid light shines
in from the cavemouth to the south, illuminating passageways north and east.
/* 6 */
6 e:^tunnwest w:5 ;
Lflags { RealTime }
Narrow Tunnel^
   You are clambering along a narrow slanted passage.  Rubble and loose
stones rain down on you as you move, suggesting the roof is not very strong.
Light shines along the passage from a junction to the west.
/* 7 */
7 w:^tunneast ;
Lflags { RealTime }
Forgotten Place^
   You are standing in a dim forgotten place, deep underground.  The rocks
around you seem placid and silent, as if in silent contemplation of some
deeper more ancient power of the earth.
/* 8 */
8 s:5 ;
Lflags { Outdoors RealTime }
Bottom of Pit^
   You are standing at the bottom of a huge open pit.  The pit walls are
almost sheer, and well beyond climbing.  A narrow tunnel leads south
into the shadows.