First, let me start by welcoming you to the Eternal Empire of Toran. The
Empire is based, originally,  upon TSR's Forgotten Realms. Some things
you will find familiar, others you will not. Much has changed, and
continues to change as we move away from the Forgotten Realms.

Midway through the Year of the Wave (125) there was a dramatic shift in
the power of Clerics within the Empire. No longer would the prayers of the
faithful be answered by their deities. Only Ao, the High God, would answer the
prayers of those that converted. The Old Gods were swept away, as were
many of their most powerful followers, slaughtered by Ao's Warhost. It was
during this time, and the hard times to come, that many, especially the evil,
turned toward history for an alternative to Ao's Word. History did indeed
contain the answer they sought. Near the beginning of recorded time in Toran,
there were but two Gods. Ao, the High God, and Marduk Kurios, the Black.

The followers of Marduk gained their magical powers by tattooing their
bodies with magical sigla, and through dark rituals that often required blood
and sacrifice. For many years the two Gods struggled for control. Finally,
Kthanar the Champion of Ao recovered a magical artifact that could banish
Marduk. A mighty war hammer known as the Word of Ao. Using this war hammer,
Kthanar banished Marduk Kurios into the unknown blackness of space and time.

In the years that followed the Wave, people once again began to invoke
Marduk for His power. And He returned, their invocations had lead Him home.
Again He granted His gifts to those that would obey His Word. Now, in the
Year of Naga (148), Marduk Kurios has gained a firm hold in the Empire once
again as the faithful of Ao rush to do battle with the followers of Marduk.
Due to the nature of Tsalari magic, and the lack of understanding of magic by
the general population, normal wizards came under suspicion for a time. Some
where even burned at the stake by a panicked society.  Even the noble Jlker
Wizards who serve the Empire of Toran were held in suspicion for a time.
It was announced at this time by King Chelnar the IV that all Jlker took a
magical oath of binding that prevented them from acting 'against the
good of the Empire.' This seemed to ease the fear slightly. However, years
passed and people begun to understand the difference in Tsalari and
traditional magic better.

King Chelnar the IV ruled the Empire fair and justly, aided by the
Senate. Tension with the neighboring Empire of Nelva was mostly lower and
things seemed to be improving in just about every respect. This is always
a very good time for something very tragic to happen, and it did. King Chelnar
the IV was assassinated in his own palace during peace talks with the Empire
of Nelva. High Senator Naga, fearing this to be a prelude to a Nelven invasion
seized control of the palace and ordered it sealed. He also ordered all the
Nelven delegates put to death. When the identity of the assassin was
revealed, it was quite a shock. It was the same assassin who had killed
Chelnar's father Dhalmass, but that assassin was caught fleeing the palace
and killed in a skirmish with 7 rather upset Royal Guards. Someone had raised
the assassin from the grave to perform his deed. Naga, upon realizing his
mistake, sent word to the Nelven Emperor and his apologies. The Nelven
Emperor was said of have responded that "He understood the situation, and
would have done the same in Naga's place." The assassin escaped clean anyway
and is still at large, wanted by Naga and the Purple Dragon Soldiers for
his crimes.

As no immediate heir could be located, it was announced by the Senate
that Naga would continue to rule with support from the Senate until they
could track down an heir. None was ever found. They had all recently had
'accidents' or been killed in apparently 'random' fashion. The Senate had no
choice to announce that Naga would be the next in line of rulers of the Empire.
He immediately pronounced himself Emperor. It is still unknown at this time if
Emperor Naga has a legitimate heir should ill befall him.

Emperor Naga has ruled the Empire of Toran for over two years now, and
things are well - if not stressful. Tensions with the Empire of Nelva are
up again, and Naga seeks to gain the favor of the Dwarves of the Storm Horns in
order to secure weapons and armors for his armies. It is a very uncertain time
within the Empire, and war seems as if it could come at any time...