        - Removed the now useless diskio.c and diskio.h.
        - Patched in Dynamic Message Board code by Patrick Dughi. The
          original README file can be found in doc/cwg/board-2.4.README.
          Thanks to Ret ( for submitting the patch!
        - Also some cleanup of the patch_list constants so the display
          is cleaner.
        - Clean up spec_procs.c for some functions that got moved to guild.c
        - Fixed problems related to stat rerolling and some strange
          results with copyover etc...
          Thanks to Juras, Slayer ( and Ayana.
        - Completed ASCII Player files 3.0.1 upgrade.
        - Completed ASCII Player files 3.0 upgrade.
        - Started applying the ASCII Player Files 3.0 upgrade.
        - Removed a few left over debugging messages from objsave.c
        5/31/04 (release)
        - Update to re-roll code, which was leaving new players stats
          all zeros. Thanks to Juras (
        - Added cedit hooks to allow players to re-roll their stats on
          creation. It is under the Game Play Options menu of cedit.
        - Added code for re-rolling player abilities at creation. I plan
          to add a cedit hook shortly to make this admin selectable. Thanks
          to Glimblade for the suggestion!
        - Added autosac and sacrifice commands. Donated by Rumble!
        - Update to do_who to add (nowiz) flagged players to the display.
          Thanks to Rumble!
        - Change to damage() to allow LVL_IMPL to be immune to ROOM_PEACEFUL.
        - Change to call_magic() to allow LVL_IMPL to be immune to
          ROOM_NOMAGIC and ROOM_PEACEFUL. Thanks to Rumble!
        - Added do_gemote command which allows you to emote over the gossip
          channel. Donated by Rumble!
        - Updated lib/misc/messages file due to some changed skill number
          messages being incorrect from the last release. Thanks to Ayana!
        - Update to oasis.h for the incorrect NUM_TRADERS value. Thanks
          to Ayana.
        - Updates to oedit_disp_perm_menu, as they never made it into
          128 bit land. Thanks to Ayana (
        3/31/04 (release)
	- Created doc/cwg directory for all future CWG releated documentation.
	  Random Thoughts has submitted 2 documents, one for adding races and
	  one for adding levels. I've also moved Key Ray's portals.pdf and
	  vehicles.pdf into that directory.
       - Added new guild master code. New commands show guild, and 
	 gedit <guild number>) have been added. Works very much like sedit. 
	 You can now tell a guild master what he can train, and who he can 
	 train it to. Very cool code submitted by Death!
        - Change to do_look for keyword interaction by Ken Ray.
        - Changes to oedit_parse for object timers by Ken Ray.
        - Changes to house.c to allow loading house saved objects. Thanks
          to firebird_223 for the patch!
        - Changes to Crash_listrent reported by firebird_223.
	- Update to race_app_skill so the array was initlized with the
	  correct number of elements. Thanks to Random for helping me see
        - Strange behavior reported in spell_recall. It was sending players
          to the RNUM value of MORTAL_CONFIG_START, not the VNUM value. Thanks
          to Olmy.
        - Update to copyover() due to some 128 bit flag checking issues.
          Thanks to cunning for reporting this!
        - Updated the lib/misc/messages file to include more color! Thanks
          to Death!
        - Update to parse_room() to undo change of asciiflag_conv. Thanks
          to Rumble.
        - Updates to Crash_listrent which was causing the game to core! Thanks
          to Fnord.
	- Updates to do_stat_object to use new color codes. 
        2/29/04 (release)
        - Removed some leftover code from process_output which was
          interfearing with the manual_color code. Thanks to Welcor
          for the troubleshooting help!
        - Upgraded DG Scripts code to the newest release 1.0.13.  Updated
          DG_Readme_1.0.13.txt can be found in doc/README.
          Thanks to Welcor (!
        - Changed the color code character from '&' to '@'. This was done in 
	  CWG-Buddha  in support of the addition of TBA world files, and done
	  in CWG-SunTzu for consistancy.
        - Change to assemblyAddComponent() to allow assemblies to have
          more than one of the same item required to create them. Thanks
          to firebird_223 for asking about this!
        - Added level and broken item check for wear all. Found and fixed 
	  by Ken!
        - Added IMM command peace to stop all fighting in that room.
          Submitted by Random(
        - Changed the arguments of autoexit command so they are uniform
          with the IMM syslog and MORTAL color commands.
        - Changed one of the arguments of color from sparse to brief so it
          is more uniform with the IMM syslog and MORTAL autoexit commands.
        - Added IMMORT disable command patch. This allows commands to be
          disabled from use within the game easily. Thanks to
          Erwin Andreasen ( who wrote the original MERC
          code. Thanks to Alexei Svitkine ( for porting
          it to Circle 3.1 and Jerry ( for sending me a clean
        - Added a line to do_score so you can see your race/class.
        - Updates to group_gain and perform_group_gain submitted by Ken.
        - Changed the value of LVL_BUILDER from LVL_GRGOD to LVL_IMMORT. 
          I don't believe it was set that high. I also changed around several
          GOD level commands so commnds open to LVL_IMMORT/LVL_BUILDER were
          more in line with what they really need as builders. Thanks to
          Ashen ( for bringing this up!
        - Updated save_char to correctly save PREFFLAGS, AFFFLAGS, and
          PLRFLAGS. Thanks to Nate!
        - Fix for LOADROOM and copyover conflicts. Thank to Ken!
        - Updated code in ok_pick() so people who don't have any skill in
          pick lock can't automatically pick locks! Thanks Ken!
        - Update to gain_exp() to make CONFIG_IMMORT_LEVEL_OK work like
          it should. Thanks to Ken and Mysidia (
        - Update to damage() to fix possible gold duping bug introducted
          by AUTOSPLIT code. Thanks Ken!
        - Upgraded DG Scripts code to the newest release 1.0.12.  Updated
          DG_Readme_1.0.12.txt can be found in doc/README.
          Thanks to Welcor (!
	- Added an Immortal Bulletin Board in the IMM_START_ROOM. Thanks
	  to Pontiac (
	- Change to the way copyover command behaves. Now everyone should
	  return to the same room they were in when the copyover was started.
	  Thanks to Nate Winters!
	- Update to do_say so that invisibile people are not exposed when
	  they speak. Thanks to Ken Ray!
	- Added astat into interpreter.c which was missing. 
	- Updated SCMD_PARDON which had some flag handling problems
	  after 128 bit conversion. Both thanks to Nate Winters!
	- Update to act.item.c for number of hands usage. Thank to Ken Ray! 
 	- Update to interpreter.c for a CONFIG_FROZEN_START problem
	  found by Lump. Thanks!
	- Update to mobact.c for a mob helper flag problem found by
	  Ken Ray.
        - Changed AFF_PARALISE to AFF_PARALYZE.
          Thanks to Rumble (!
	- Seems to be something wrong with the way do_get is being called
	  from mobile_activity, and it is truncating the keyword list.
	  I have changed it to perform_get_from_room pending investigation.
	  Thanks to cunning ( for reporting this!
        1/31/04 (release)
	- Happy 1st Birthday to the CWG Project! Thanks to everyone who
	  has helped bring us this far!
	- Changed to weapon weight allowance in constants.c in str_app.
	  A player can now wield a weapon which is 10% of his max weight
	- Upgraded ASCII Player Files from 2.1 to 2.2.0.
	- Removed ITEM_KEY from getting dropped in Crash_is_unrentable.
	- Update to mobile_activity. When mobs would pick up money objects
	  from the room, they were staying objects in their inventory.
	- Corrected bug in redit.c which would cause newly created SW exits
	  to crash the game. Thanks to sirhoagy!
	- Added Ken Ray's updated autoexit code. This also allows cedit
	  compatible toggle for displaying closed doors in autoexit.
	  Thanks Ken!
	- Corrected bug in do_break and do_fix which could crash the game.
	  Thanks to firebird_223!
	- Fixed a bug in enchant weapon spell which allowed only a +1 TOHIT
	  and +1 TODAMAGE regardless of caster level.
  	- Changed do_wake so you default to POS_STANDING instead of POS_SITTING
	  which is just a little annoying.
	- Updated perform_immort_vis to account for 128 bit flag usage.
	- Removed SKILL_WP_WHIP from CLASS_MAGIC_USER as all whip items
	  in the game are !MAGE anyway.
	- Fixed another problem in appear() which was not removing the
	  AFF_HIDE flag during combat.
	- Added item_check() and is_better() functions for mobs when they pick 
	  up equipment. This allows them to use better equipment they obtain. 
	  Works for weapons and armor both! Watch out!
	- Set NUM_AFF_FLAGS to 27 in oasis.h
	- Added AUTOSPLIT code to allow gold splitting among group members.
        12/31/03 (release)
        - Happy New Year!
	- Increased NUM_APPLIES in oasis.h from 25 to 27.
	- Updated word of recall spell to make is cedit compliant.
	- Replaced the easycolor 2.2 system with Welcor's manual_color update
	  for 3.1. This fixes a nasty little buffer overflow problem which
	  can crash the game.
	- Added new version of do_auto_exits and search_in_direction.
	  Thanks to Ken Ray.
	- Added patch to control mobs fighting mobs via cedit. 
	  Thanks to Ken Ray.
	- Fixed minor bug in the extra directions where SW thought it was NE.
	- Added a newline to channel commands in do_gen_comm.
	- Update to oedit_save_to_disk in oedit.c to correctly save to disk 
	  when you leave oedit.
	- Update to prevent extradesc duplication in db.c and objsave.c
	  Thanks to Fnord (
	- Update to class_ok_race, Half Orc was in the wrong place in the array.
	- Updated material_names so they are all lower case.
	11/30/03 (release)
	- Added Ken's fixes for portal/vehice code to support followers.
	- Work on do_say in act.comm.c to clear up some strange behaviors.
	- Added NPC check into do_say code which could log errors during 
	  certain conditions. 
	- Moved SKILL_TURNING and SKILL_DISARM defines before the SKILL_WP
 	  series of defines. This creates more room to add additional SKILL_WP
	- Added code to mobact.c in mobile_activity so CLASS_THIEF mobs will
	  try to steal gold from people WITHOUT the need for them to have
	  a special procedure assigned.
	- Some changes to Crash_load_xapobjs in objsave.c to prevent
	  evil infinite loops when it can't find an object in the obj files.
	- Added back in a bunch of RECEPTIONIST MOBS at various Inns around
	  the world. This is in support of turning RENT ON by DEFAULT.
	- Changed oedit message for WEAPON SKILL value.
	- Added some more message to do_score for when players are affected 
	  by various spells/affects.
	- Changed the ammount of hit points gained per level by each class
	  in advance_level in class.c to be in line with D20 rules.
	- Fixed a nasty little bug in the appear code in fight.c which was
	  not removing AFF_INVISIBILITY from spell casters when they started
	- In the function damage in fight.c, I removed code which gave the
	  player EXP for the damage they deal.
	- Replaced (gate_guard) series spec_procs with dg_scripts that perform
 	  the same function.
	- Fixed bug in do_say that repeated the text for each player in 
	  the room.
	- Update to zedit to allow manipulation of the percent loading chance.
	- Update to do_force in act.wizard.c to remove unneeded do_sstat_room.
	- Added in class skill/spell assignments (including weapon skills!).
	- Also starting thief skills are modified by race choice.
	- NPCs are now assigned a mana pool in db.c. This is in preperation
	  for NPC spellcasters to behave like PC spellcasters.
	- Update in reset_zone in db.c so the zone command 'P' works.
	- Change in mail.c so the Midgaard Mail System became the CWG
	  Mail System.
	- Many changes to magic.c so that spell damage (and healing) were
	  in line with spells listed under the D20 rules.
	- Began changes to do_cast so NPCs can enter the magic system at the
	  same place as PCs.
	- Update to do_color in act.informative.c per Ken Ray's suggestions.
	- Removed leftover debug message from dg_mobcmd.c
	- Removed duplicate code in zedit.c related to who can do zone edits.
	- Changes to oedit.c for Perm Affects on objects. Some left over
	  bad patch + 128 Bit code conversion was causing some problems.
	- Changes to the object saving throw tables, so that adding new
	  MATERIAL TYPES isn't a big pain.
	- Update in interpreter.c for the roomflags command.
	- Update in races.c because some of the text values were out of sync
	  with the list in structs.h. Also update for general readability in
	  the whole file.
	- Update to do_start in class.c so new players start with 3D6 * 10 gold.
	- Changed the way damage to an object was calculated in damage_object
	  in fight.c
	- Added fix to oedit for MATERIAL TYPES so that you could only
	  input valid numbers for a MATERIAL TYPE.
	- Added code to use the action descriptions of eat and drink items.
	- Corrected logic in object get code which was out of order.
	- Added a bit that lets you try to look inside of an extra description.
	  All thanks to Ken Ray!
	- Removed SKILL_WP_CLUB, SKILL_WP_MACE should work in all cases.
	- Moved SPELL_IDENTIFY from skill number 201 to 56 so it could be
	  accessable under oedit. It should also now be able to assign via
	  class.c as a castable spell for players.
	- Increased MAX_SPELLS to 57 so all newer spells which have been 
	  added are accessable under oedit.
	- Changed apply_ac so that any piece of worn armor only gives it's
	  value0 value to the players AC.
	- Really fixed the problem with message boards.
        - I have started making code changes to import the core game world
          from my old MUD project, The Eternal Empire. This will replace the
          stock CircleMUD zones which are distrubuted with this bundle.
	- Changed all the start_room values in config.c
	- Fix to read_mobile in db.c which was causing mobs to be
	  assigned triggers twice.
	- Several changes in oedit.c to make sure object edits correctly
	  jump to object hit points.
        - Added the room flag UNDERGROUND. This flag has no affect at this time.
        - Added the mob flag NO_KILL. Changes to damage in fight.c and do_steal
	  in act.other.c should prevent flagged mobs from being engaged 
        - Added the affected flags FLYING, WATERB, ANGELIC, ETHEREAL, and
          MAGICONLY. These are cosmetic additions only. Code to support them
	  will be in a future release.
        - Removed castle.c from the code completely.
        - Added the following spec_procs: lyrzaxyn, azimer, dziak, cleric_ao,
          cleric_marduk, gate_guard, gate_guard2, gate_guard3, gate_guard4,
        - Changed the magic_user spec_proc quite a bit.
        - Added a bunch of ASSIGNMOB calls in support of different MOB base.
        - Added RACE_WARHOST and RACE_FAERIE.
	  ITEM_ANTI_SORCERER in support of different OBJ base. These classes
          will be forthcoming.
	10/31/03 (release)
	- Made changes to diag_obj_to_char and diag_char_to_char suggested
	  by Brandon (
	- Made changes to display menus suggested also by
	  Brandon (
	- Corrected many typos in the added races.hlp file thanks to
	  Adam Scriven (
	- Added a series of patches submitted to me by Ken Ray. They are
	  extra-exits, patch for secret door handeling, see-light patch, and
	  a look-object patch.
	- Changed calls to run_wizlist in do_advance so that the wizlist
	  would get correctly updated on demotion.
	- Fix to boards.c from a bad patch. Boards should work again.
	- Fix to fountain objects which were set to have unlimited capacity.
	- I realized after I released this that I forgot to update the string 
	  for Oasis in the patch_list in constants.c No big deal, the 
	  OASIS_VERSION string is correct.
	10/20/03 (release)
	- Added in RACE/CLASS help menus to new character creation.
	- Added help file called races.hlp to lib/text/help.
	- Added help file called oasis.hlp to lib/test/help.
	10/17/03 (pl5)
	- Patched in Oasis 2.0.6
	- Made an update to diag_char_to_char and diag_obj_to_char which 
	  hopefully will stop it from crashing under MS.
	- Update to do_simple_move that shows WHERE someone arrives from when
	  they enter a room. IE: Zizazat arrives from the north.
	- Ability to toggle object and mob stacking added to cedit.
	- Some cosmetic changes to class and race selection menus.
	- Changed several fountain objects to be unlimited in the number of
	  drink units they contained, rather than just a very large number :)
	10/04/03 (pl4)
	- Patched in updated vehicle code (and documentation) from Ken Ray!
	- Added break and fix commands so IMMORTALS can break and fix items at 
	  will. Thanks to Tape Worm <> for the suggestion!
	- Fixed oedit problems related to EXTRA bits manipulation.
	- Increased NUM_ITEM_FLAGS to the correct number, 25.
	- Increased NUM_ITEM_WEARS to the correct number, 19.
	- Added invalid_class and invalid_race defines in handler.h
	- Fix for slist formatting. Thanks Ken!
	- Forgot a minor update that Ken had sent me to use improved-edit for
	  board and mail messages. Thanks Ken!
	9/28/03 (pl3)
	- Fixed two problems related to renting when rent wasn't free. 1) After
	  renting, character would return to the game at The Void (0). 2) When
 	  quitting the game (without renting) the characters items would be
	  dropped to the room, but not removed from their inventory. This could
	  very easily allow players to duplicate items.
	- Another attempt to clean up some warnings for MS Visual Studio. 
	  Changes to etc...
	- A few changes in enter_player_game so they would use calls to the
	  newly installed CONFIG_ defs used by CEDIT. 
	- Fixes to redit.c for ROOM FLAGS.
	- Increased NUM_ROOM_FLAGS on oasis.h. 
	  Both submitted by Tom Brumbaugh <>
	- Added final portals.pdf documentation to doc/ directory. 
	  Thanks to Ken Ray <>.
	9/21/03 (pl2)
	- Corrected lingering problem from assembly edit patch in assedit.c
	  Submitted by Tom Brumbaugh <> and
	  Tape Worm <>
	- Changed strcasecmp calls to str_cmp calls in objsave.c and db.c
 	  based on a prior recommendation for MS Visual Studio
	  from Tape Worm <>
	- Added some (int) calls before the use of some strlen()calls in
	  autowiz.c and for better support under MS Visual Studio.
	- Changed to explicitly define NEED_CLOSE_PROTO 
	  for better support under MS Visual Studio.
	- Missing race and class calls to genmob.c so any mob file rewritten
	  would not load on reboot. 
	  Submitted by Tom Brumbaugh <>
	9/21/03 (pl1)
	- Set SPEAKING(ch) == SKILL_LANG_COMMON to init_char in db.c
	  This was causing the first new IMP to speak gibberish that
	  no one could understand. Additional cleanup of list_languages
	  submitted by Ken Ray <>.
	- Several things were missing from MEDIT. Race/Class manipulation
	  as well as 128 bit support for MOB and AFF flags.
	9/20/03 (beta release)
	- Finally completed the addition of Oasis 2.0.5 as well as 
	  DG Scripts 0.99pl11!
	- Added objstacking patch. Entry in config.c controls weather objs
	  will be stacked or not. 
        - Minor fix to allow players to see ITEM_LIGHT objects even in a dark
          room, or inventory.
	  Thanks to Ken Ray <>
	- Added mobstacking patch. Entry in config.c controls weather mobs
	  will be stacked or not. 
	  Thanks to Ken Ray <>
	- Added Ken Ray's PATCHLIST patch. This is a patch for the version
	  command that takes an argument (version full|complete) and will
	  display a more detailed list of patches that have been installed.
	- Changed the default PORT in config.c from 4000 to 5000. 
	- Added updated portal code, for portal objects and spells. This
	  is much better code than before. Thanks to Ken Ray for all his 
	  work on it (and the documentation!)
	- Changed a bug in the stock zone 60. 
	  Thanks to Ken Ray <>
	- Moved affect_update_violence out of perform_violence back into
	  heartbeat() where it should be. Thanks to Xkrylonx 
	- change to save_char related to problems with the copyover function.
	  Thanks to John Feltz <>
	6/29/03 (release)
	- updates to objsave.c so that AUTOEQ will work with newly added EQ
	  positions on 6/9.
	- replaced all ch->in_room calls with IN_ROOM(ch) for general
	- created additional affect_update_violence system so you can create
	  spells which last only for PULSE_VIOLENCE (2 seconds) rather than 
	  a standard MUD tick (75 seconds).
	- added SPELL_PARALIZE which demonstrates the new affect_update_violence
	  system. This spell is NOT complete, as it does NOT prevent the
	  paralyzed target from moving or using skills etc...
	- added SPELL_CAUSE_LIGHT which does 1-8 points of damage.
	- added SPELL_CAUSE_CRITIC which does 3-24 points of damage.
	- fixed typo related to the addition of SKILL_DISARM in spell_parser.c
	- added AFF_UNDEAD so undead mobs (or players) can be correctly      
  	  flagged as such.
	- added SKILL_TURNING which can be used by CLERICs to turn (or 
	  possibly destroy) AFF_UNDEAD mobs (or players).
	- added APPLY_TURN_LEVEL so an object could give a player a bonus
	  to turning undead (like a special Holy Symbol, etc).
	- added EX_SECRET to the door flags so a door can be flagged hidden.
	- added search command which allows you to search for hidden exits.
	- changed do_simple_move so players couldn't find hidden exits by
	  trying to walk into them.
	- some minor changes to redit in the way it interacts with door flags.
	- added 4 new equipment positions: BACKPACK, EARS (x2), WINGS and
	- added SKILL_DISARM based on code posted to Circle Mailing List
	  by <>.
	- bugfix for enchant_weapon spell, as posted to Circle Mailing List
	  by <>.
	- added a check for ROOM_PEACEFUL in do_kick. There is also a check
	  in damage() to prevent this, but checking at the start of the skill
	  is more consistent. As posted to Circle Mailing List by
	- bugfix for locate_object spell, as posted to Circle Mailing List by
	5/26/03 (release)
	- added percentage loading code for zone reset commands. This way you
	  can assign percentages to zone reset commands so they can happen
	  more randomly. The default value for all zone commands is '0' which
  	  means they will ALWAYS load. If you plan to patch this code in, make 
	  sure you check the posts on the cwg_mailing list because you need to 
	  do some kludging.
	- added CWG_VERSION in structs.h. This shows up when you are booting
	  the game, after the circle_version and DG_SCRIPTS_VERSION tags
	  and also in game using the version command.
	- added portal_object to config.c so you can control the object
	  number of the portal object used by spell_portal. 
	  An example of a portal object:
	  a glowing portal~
	  A glowing portal hovers here forming a gateway to another place.~
	  28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
	  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
	  0 0 0 0
	- added spell_portal. When cast, it creates two portal objects
	  which can be used to get from point a to point b. These objects
	  are set with a timer based on the level of the caster. 
	- added ITEM_PORTAL. By using the enter command you can use the
	  portal to transport whatever vnum OBJ_VAL(0) is set to. Portal
	  objects can use the TIMER to expire.
	- dg_scripts update to calls in spell_recall and spell_teleport.
	- Changes to oedit so object material types don't get reset to 0
	  when you edit object values.
	- Fix to the whois code.
	5/11/03 (release)
	- zero level mobs are set to level 1 in db.c.
	- OLC permissions for IMMs are saved/loaded to pfile.
	- Race is now a factor in points regeneration, previously only
	  age was a factor. This is problematic for longer lived races.
	- The pc_race_types array was incorrect based on what is defined
	  in structs.h. In turn, many mobs were incorrect as well. Included
	  is a updated set of mob files.