
This command is for Hardcore characters that Die in battle.You type this command
in ONLY when you are dead. This command kicks you off the server and removes
your character file from the system. Your other option when you die is wraith.

see also {rhelp 'Ghosts' 'Hardcore' 'Final Death'

Wraiths are spirits with unfinished buisness or passions that keep them from
passing on in to Oblivion. These creature often remain in the spiritplane
walking around trying to accomplish thier tasks and pass on or remain for
eternatiy involved in thier passion. When you first start as a Wraith you loose 
everything that you had as a Mortal/Avatar and start anew. 

Wraiths are an {RAdvanced Player Class{x for lurf, as they gain experiance and
power diffrently from Werewolves, Vampires and Mages. Wraiths gain energy from
emotions from players in the real world. This strength will allow the Wraith
to walk planes, in to the real world and be able to interact with other players
and NPC's.

           Some Highlights for Wraiths that should be noticed:
 *) No Sect/Clan Support, Wraiths have no leadership.
 *) The only way power/energy is gained is through other players.
 *) Powers are based on level of Arcanoi, witch in turn is based on 3 stats.
 *) Wraiths may have {WRelics: A item that has passed in to the Spiritplane.{x
 *) Attributes are purchased diffrently. Spending of Rpts and Exp will increase
    the wraith faster then normaly.

see also {rhelp 'Ghosts' 'Hardcore' 'Final Death'

Hunters are warriors of True Faith. These people hunt down the strangness in the
night. Hunter rely heavly on thier god to give them powers, to gain energy to
use in the battle against the darkness they pray to thier god. Praying in a 
church speeds up the energy process by ten fold. 

           Some Highlights for Hunters that should be noticed:
 *) Pray to get Energy to battle with.
 *) Hunters are normal humans with god given powers when powers go they are weak.
 *) Hunters gain experiance killing evil creatures and other strangness.
 *) Certain hunters have the power to call in help from Society of Leopold.

NPC's often have some unfinished buisness to do when a PC kills them. Thus a 
spirit is thrown in to the Spiritplane. Some times these spirits manifest them
selves in the real world thus ghosts are roaming the lands of lurf.

see also {rhelp 'Ghosts' 'Hardcore' 'Final Death'

Normaly in lurf when you die, you just reset back to a reset room(By the Temple
Altar) Heal, and set back out to start regaining exp that you normaly loose when
you die.

Hardcore is a option to starting characters, When you die you have the choise
to become a Wraith(See help wraith for more info) or die and your character 
permanitly deleted. Being a Hardcore character does have it's bonuses when your

see also {rhelp 'Ghosts' 'Hardcore' 'Final Death'
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