MOBprogram quick reference to triggers/variables/ifchecks/mobcommands

Area file format

M {trigger} {program vnum} {argument}~


#{program vnum}
{program code}~

trigger    argument and what must happen to activate trigger
act        STRING 	to match from act() to mobile
speech     STRING 	to match in dialogue (say, tell) to mobile
rand       PERCENT 	chance to check whenever a PC is in the mobiles zone
bribe      INTEGER 	miminum amount of silver coins given to mobile
give       OBJECT NAME, OBJECT VNUM or ALL to match when obj given to mobile
greet      PERCENT 	chance to check if visible char enters mobile's room
grall      PERCENT 	chance to check when any char enters mobile's room
entry      PERCENT 	chance to check when mobile moves to a new room
exit       EXIT NUMBER	a visible char tries to exit mobile's room
exall      EXIT NUMBER	any char tries to exit mobile's room
kill       PERCENT	chance to check when the mobile begins fighting
fight      PERCENT 	chance to check at fight_pulse if mobile is fighting
hpcnt      PERCENT 	lower than mobile's hit/max_hit if mobile is fighting
death      PERCENT 	chance to check after mobile has been slain
surr       PERCENT      chance to activate when a char surrenders to mobile

variable         mobile actor victim random target    object 2nd_object
  name             $i    $n     $t     $r    $q       $o       $p      
shrt_desc/title    $I    $N     $T     $R    $Q       $O       $P          
he/she/it          $j    $e     $E     $J    $X       --       --  
him/her/it         $l    $m     $M     $L    $Y       --       --          
his/hers/its       $k    $s     $S     $K    $Z       --       --
a/an               --    --     --     --    --       --       --

ifcheck    argument(s)     meaning
rand       num		   Is random percentage less than or equal to num
mobhere    vnum		   Is a NPC with this vnum in the room
mobhere    name		   Is a NPC with this name in the room
objhere    vnum		   Is an object with this vnum in the room
objhere    name		   Is an object with this name in the room
mobexists  name		   Does NPC 'name' exist somewhere in the world
objexists  name		   Does object 'name' exist somewhere in the world
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
people     ==	integer	   Is the number of people in the room equal to integer
players    ==	integer	   Is the number of PCs in the room equal to integer
mobs	   ==   integer    Is the number of NPCs in the room equal to integer
clones     ==	integer    Is the number of NPCs in the room with the same
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
isnpc      $*		   Is $* an NPC
ispc       $*		   Is $* a PC
isgood     $*		   Does $* have a good alignment 
isneutral  $*		   Does $* have a neutral alignment
isevil     $*		   Does $* have an evil alignment
isimmort   $*		   Is $* an immortal (level of $* > LEVEL_HERO)
ischarm    $*		   Is $* affected by charm
isfollow   $*		   Is $* a follower with their master in the room
isactive   $*		   Is $*'s position > POS_SLEEPING
isdelay    $*		   Does $* have a delayed MOBprogram pending
isvisible  $*		   Is $* visible to NPC who activated the program
hastarget  $*		   Does $* have a MOBprogram target in the room
istarget   $*		   Is $* the target of NPC who activated the program
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
affected   $*   'affect'   Is $* affected by 'affect'
act        $*   'act'      Is $*'s ACT bit 'act' set
off        $*   'off'      Is $*'s OFF bit 'off' set
imm        $*   'imm'      Is $*'s IMM bit 'imm' set
carries    $*   'name'     Is $* carrying object 'name'
wears      $*   'name'     Is $* wearing object 'name'
has        $*   'type'     Does $* have object of item_type 'type'
uses       $*   'type'     Is $* wearing object of item_type 'type'
name       $*   'name'     Is $*'s name 'name'
pos        $*   'position' Is $*'s position 'position' (sleeping etc.)
clan       $*   'name'     Does $* belong to clan 'name'
race       $*   'name'     Is $* of race 'name'
class      $*   'name'     Is $*'s class 'name'
objtype    $*   'type'     Is $*'s item_type 'type'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vnum       $*  	== integer Is $*'s virtual number equal to integer
hpcnt      $*  	== integer Is $*'s hitpoint percentage equal to integer
room       $*  	== integer Is vnum of the room $* is in equal to integer
sex        $*  	== integer Is $*'s sex equal to integer
level      $*  	== integer Is $*'s level equal to integer
align      $*  	== integer Is $*'s alignment equal to integer
money      $*  	== integer Does $* have money (in silver) equal to integer
objval#	   $*	== integer Is $*->value[#] equal to integer (# from 0-4)

MOBcommand argument_list	   MOBcommand argument_list
ASOUND 	   [text_string]	   ECHO       [text_string]
GECHO      [text_string]           ZECHO      [text_string]
ECHOAT     [victim] [text_string]  ECHOAROUND [victim] [text_string]
MLOAD 	   [vnum]                  OLOAD      [vnum] [level] {wear|room}
KILL 	   [victim]		   FLEE
REMOVE     [victim] [vnum]         MOB JUNK   [object]
PURGE      [argument]              AT         [dest] [command]
GOTO       [dest]                  TRANSFER   [victim] [dest]
GTRANSFER  [victim] [dest]         OTRANSFER  [object] [dest]
FORCE      [victim] [command]      GFORCE     [victim] [command]
VFORCE     [vnum]   [command]      CAST       [spell] [victim]
DAMAGE     [victim] [min] [max] {lethal}
DELAY                    	   CANCEL
REMEMBER   [victim]	           FORGET
CALL       [vnum] [victim] [target1] [target2]