&&& man
        The following topics are currently indexed:

                TOPIC           description
                -----           -----------
                flow            flow control primitives
                operands        mathematical and other
                logic           logical
                tests           test
                stack           stack
                string          string
                property        property-related
                conversions     data conversion
                db              db operations
                interaction     player interaction operations
                stamp           timestamp operations
                time            game time operations
                descriptor      descriptor operations
                system          system parameters
                files           MUF text files
                processes       MUF programs being executed 
                floating        floating point operations
                programming     manipulating and compiling programs/macros
                networking      network communications
        Type 'man <topic>' to get specific information.

        primitives listed with a trailing * are local to this server version
        primitives with "[wizard]" after them are wizard-only
&&& flow
Flow control:
if ( i -- ) [else] then  Standard if construct, 0 is false
call ( d -- ? )          call another program [nothing is sacred]
sleep ( i -- )*          Makes the frame sleep for i seconds
begin ( -- )*            marks the begining of a BEGIN .. WHILE .. LOOP
while ( i -- )*          execute the body of the while loop if i is nonzero
do ( -- )*               marks the beginning of DO .. LOOP
for ( i1 i2 i3 -- i1 )*  initiates a FOR .. LOOP  i1 is the begin,
                           i2 is the end, and i3 is the stepsize.
                           Each run through the loop will place the new
                           value of the counter on the stack.
loop ( -- )*             terminates the above loops.
jmp ( a -- )*            jump to address

An iteration counter has been added to the server.  If you get an iteration
overflow it means you have written too large a loop.  See "man system"
&&& if
if ( i -- )
<<condition>> if <<true block>> [else <<false block>>] then

The if command will execute the block between it and the then [or the else] if
the value on the top of the stack is not 0, and the block after the else if the
value is 0.
&&& else
See 'man if'.
&&& then
See 'man if'.
&&& call
call ( d -- ? )
Call hands execution over to a program specified by the dbref on the top of the
stack.  You either have to own the program being called or it has to be
LINK_OK.  Be aware that when the program called finishes, it returns control to
the caller, and the stack will be in the state that the called program left it
&&& sleep
sleep ( i -- )
Sleep causes the current program to 'sleep' for i seconds.

Technical information:  When a player starts a program and that program does a
sleep call, the program execution pauses for a designated time.
An example program:
  : main me @ "test" notify 60 sleep main ;
This will run an endless loop that notifies you every 60 seconds with the
"test" message.  To stop the program use @kill <pid>.
&&& while
while ( i -- )
format: begin <<conditional block>> while <<block>> loop

The conditional block is executed, and if the result is true [not 0] then the
block between the while and loop instructions are executed, and the
conditional block is again executed.
&&& begin
See 'man while'
&&& do
do ( -- ) loop ( i -- )
format: do <<block>> <<conditional>> loop

do repeats the loop until the conditional is false.  The loop pops the
conditional result off the stack.

for ( i i i -- i )
format: <<initialization>> for <<block>> loop

The parameters to the for primitive are: the starting number, the ending
number, and the size of the step [size of 0 would result in an endless loop].
The for primitive pushes the current value onto the stack and then executes
the block of code.  A for loop is ALWAYS run at least once.
&&& loop
loop terminates a for, while, or do loop.  See 'man for', 'man while', and
'man do'
&&& operands
+ ( i i -- i )                          Add items
- ( i i -- i )                          Subtract items
* ( i i -- i )                          Multiply items
/ ( i i -- i )                          Divide items
% ( i i -- i )                          Integer modulo division [remainder]
                                        See remainder for floating points
| ( i i -- i )*                         bitwise or
& ( i i -- i )*                         bitwise and
<< ( i i -- i )*                        bit shift left
>> ( i i -- i )*                        bit shift right
~ ( i -- i )*                           bitwise not operation
< ( i i -- i )                          Less than
> ( i i -- i )                          Greater than
= ( i i -- i )                          Equals
<= ( i i -- i )                         Less than or equals
>= ( i i -- i )                         Greater than or equals
dbcmp ( d d -- i )                      Compare two dbrefs, 1 = same
random ( -- i )                         a random # from 0 to MAXINT
@ ( v -- x )                            variable referencing
! ( x v -- )                            variable dereferencing
++ ( v -- )*                            increments contents of v
-- ( v -- )*                            decrements contents of v
&&& logic
Logical operators:
and ( i i -- i )                        logical and
or ( i i -- i )                         logical or
not ( i -- i )                          logical not
&&& tests
number? ( s -- i )                      is the string a valid number?
player? ( d -- i )                      is the dbref a player?
thing? ( d -- i )                       is the dbref a thing?
room? ( d -- i )                        is the dbref a room?
program? ( d -- i )                     is the dbref a program?
exit? ( d -- i )                        is the dbref an exit?
ok? ( d -- i )                          is the dbref >0 and not recycled?
awake? ( d -- i )*                      how many times a player is connected
set ( d s -- )                          set a flag
flag? ( d s -- i )                      test a flag
getflags ( d -- i )*                    returns the whole flag int
int? ( x -- i )*                        is item an int?
string? ( x -- i )*                     is item a string?
dbref? ( x -- i )*                      is item a dbref?
var? ( x -- i )*                        is item a variable?
locked? ( d -- i )*                     is the dbref locked?
passlock? ( d1 d2 -- i )*               does d1 pass the lock on d2?
password? ( d s -- i )*                 is s the password for player d?
okplayer? ( d s -- i )*                 is s a legal name for player d?
controls? ( d1 d2 -- i )*               does d1 control d2?
&&& stack
Stack operations:
pop ( x -- )                            pop off top element
dup ( x -- x x )                        duplicate top element
swap ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 )                 swap top two elements [2 rotate]
over ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 )              duplicate second object [2 pick]
pick ( x1 ... xN N -- x1 ... xN x1 )    copy element N
put ( x1 ... xN y N -- y x2 ... xN )    replace element N
                                          [N rotate pop -(N-1) rotate]
rot ( x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 )            rotate top three elements [3 rotate]
rotate ( x1 ... xN N -- x2 ... xN x1 )  rotate N elements
roll ( xN ... x1 N M -- xM ... x1 xN ... xM-1 ) See man roll for more info
depth ( -- i )*                         returns the depth of the stack
pstack ( i -- ) && pstack ( i s -- )    See man pstack for more info
abort ( s -- )                          Abort the program with string s
checkargs (??? s -- )                   See man checkargs for more info
&&& string
String operations:
stringcmp ( s s -- i )                  compare strings, ignoring case
stringncmp ( s s i -- i )               compares n characters of two strings,
                                          ignoring case
strcmp ( s s -- i )                     compare strings
stringpfx (s s2 -- i)*                  0 if s2 is a prefix of s.
wstrcmp ( s1 s2 -- i )*                 See man wstrcmp for more info 
strncmp ( s s i -- i )                  compare n characters of two strings
strcut ( s i -- s s )                   cut string after character i
smatch ( s s -- i )*                    See man smatch for more info
strlen ( s -- i )                       return length of string
strcat ( s s -- s )                     concatenate two strings
explode ( s s -- s1 ... sN N )          explode 1 wherever 2 is
subst ( s s s -- s )                    substitute 3 with 2 in 1
instr ( s s -- i )                      return loc of first occurance of
                                          2 in 1
rinstr ( s s -- i )                     return loc of last occurance of 2 in 1
instring ( s s1 -- i )                  See man instring for more info
rinstring ( s s1 -- i )                 See man rinstring for more info
pronoun_sub ( d s -- s )                use pronoun substitution
toupper ( s -- s )*                     Map string to all uppercase
tolower ( s -- s )*                     Map string to all lowercase
caps    ( s -- s )*                     Map string - first char upper, all
                                         else lower
mushfunctions ( s -- s )*               parse up a string MUSH style
striplead (s -- s)              Strips leading spaces from the given string.
striptail (s -- s)              Strips trailing spaces from the given string.
strip (s -- s)                  This is a built in $define.  
                                It is interpreted as "striplead striptail"
&&& conversions
Conversion functions:
atoi ( s -- i )                         convert string to int
atof ( s -- f )                         convert string to float
intostr ( x -- s )                      convert into string
dbref ( x -- d )                        convert into dbref
float ( x -- f )                        convert into float
int ( x -- i )                          convert into int
variable ( x -- v )                     convert into variable
str ( x -- s )*                         convert into string
&&& property
Property operations:
getpropval ( d s -- i )                 get property value
getpropstr ( d s -- s )                 get property string
remove_prop ( d s -- )                  remove a property
addprop ( d s s i -- )                  add a property 2 to 1 with string
                                          of 3 or a value of 4 if 3 is ""
setprop ( d s s -- )*                   add/set a property 2 to 3 on obj 1
nextprop ( d s -- s )*                  find next property
perms ( d s -- i )*                     find permissions on property
                                          [see "help permissions" for values]
setperms ( d s i -- )*                  sets permissions on property
nextprop? ( d s -- i )*                 returns if there is a property that
                                          is next
propdir? ( d s -- i )*                  Is s1 a propdir on d1?
name ( d -- s )                         return the frist name of a dbref
fullname ( d -- s )                     return all names of a dbref
                                          [for more info see 'help compound']
desc ( d -- s )                         return description of a dbref
succ ( d -- s )                         return success of a dbref
fail ( d -- s )                         return fail of a dbref
drop ( d -- s )                         return drop of a dbref
osucc ( d -- s )                        return osuccess of a dbref
ofail ( d -- s )                        return ofail of a dbref
odrop ( d -- s )                        return odrop of a dbref
setname ( d s -- )                      set name of a dbref
setdesc ( d s -- )                      set description of a dbref
setsucc ( d s -- )                      set success of a dbref
setfail ( d s -- )                      set fail of a dbref
setdrop ( d s -- )                      set drop of a dbref
setosucc ( d s -- )                     set osuccess of a dbref
setofail ( d s -- )                     set ofail of a dbref
setodrop ( d s -- )                     set odrop of a dbref
pennies ( d -- i )                      return pennies of a dbref
addpennies ( d i -- )                   add 2 pennies to 1
&&& nextprop
NEXTPROP ( d s -- s )
Finds next property on a given object.  If given "" it finds the first
property.  If the string has a trailing "/" it will traverse into the propdir.

For example:

"" nextprop would result in "this", "this/" nextprop would result in
"this/that"..."this" nextprop would result in "those".  If there are no more
properties, "" is returned.
&&& nextprop?
NEXTPROP? ( d s -- i )
Returns if there is another property in the same propdir, or if the
string ends in '/' it returns if the property has any sub-properties.
&&& db
DB operations:
db_top ( -- i )*                        integer = highest element in db + 1
dbtop ( -- d )*                         highest dbref in db
moveto ( d d -- )                       move object 1 to 2
contents ( d -- d )                     returns first content of dbref
exits ( d -- d )                        returns first exit of dbref
next ( d -- d )                         find next of contents or exits
match ( s -- d )                        match string in current location
rmatch ( d s -- d )                     match string in remote location
part_pmatch (s -- d)*                   See man part_pmatch for more info
copyobj ( d -- d )                      returns dbref of copy of thing
location ( d -- d )                     returns the location of a dbref
owner ( d -- d )                        returns owner of a dbref
owner ( i -- d )                        returns owner of a frame
getlink ( d -- d )                      returns link of a dbref
dig ( s d -- d d )*                     create a room named 1 with parent 2
                                          returns the room dbref as 1
                                          and parent as 2
open ( s d -- d )*                      open an exit attached to 2, returns
                                          the dbref of the new exit
online ( -- d1 ... dN N )*              returns a list of players
chown ( d d -- )*                       changes ownership of 1 to 2
recycle ( d -- )*                       recycles an object
create ( s i -- d )*                    creates a new object
unlink ( d -- )*                        unlink an exit/object
addlink ( d d -- )*                     links object 1 to object 2
linkcount ( d -- i )*                   find the number of links on an object
getlinks ( d -- d1...dN N )*            returns all the links on an object
trig ( -- d )*                          returns the dbref of the trigger
prog ( -- d )*                          returns the dbref of the current program
callers ( -- d1...dN N )*               returns a list of callers
backlinks ( d -- d1...dN N )*           returns a list of objects linked to obj
backlocks ( d -- d1...dN N )*           returns a list of objects locked to obj
nextowned ( d -- d' )*                  returns the next in an owned list
unparse_flags ( d -- s )*               returns verbose flags i.e. "Player"
unparseobj ( d -- s )*                  returns a verbose player line
flagstr ( d -- s )*                     returns short flags i.e. "PWAJ"
lock ( d s -- )*                        sets the key on d
unlock ( d -- )*                        unlocks a dbref
dump ( -- )* [wizard]                   dumps the database
shutdown ( -- )* [wizard]               shuts game down
&&& interaction
Player interaction:
read ( -- s )                           reads in a string
notify ( d s -- )                       notify one player
notify_except ( d d s -- )              notify all but 2 in room 1
force ( d s -- )*                       forces an object to do an action
&&& stamp
Timestamp stuff:
touch ( d i -- )*                       update used timestamp
touch_created ( d i -- )* [wizard]      update created timestamp
touch_modified ( d i -- )* [wizard]     update modified timestamp
time_created ( d -- i )*                find time dbref was created
time_modified ( d -- i )*               find time dbref was modified
time_used ( d -- i )*                   find time dbref was used
&&& time
Time stuff:
systime ( -- i )*                       returns current time, in seconds from 
                                          Jan 1, 1970
time ( -- s m h )*                      returns time on server
date ( -- d m y )*                      returns date on server
ctime ( i -- s )*                       convert system time format to string
gmtoffset ( -- i)*                      offset from GMT in seconds.
timesplit ( -- 8i )*                    Puts 8 time ints on the stack 
gmtsplit ( -- 8i )*                     Puts 8 GMT time ints on the stack 
strftime (s i -- s)*                    See man strftime for more info
&&& descriptor
Descriptor stuff:
concount ( -- i )*                      the number of connections to the MUCK,
connections ( -- i1...iN N )*           returns a list of descriptor #'s
connectors ( d -- i1...iN N)*           returns a list of descriptors for d
conidle ( i -- i )*                     returns the idle time in seconds
conlast ( d -- i )*                     return the most RECENT descriptor for d
contime ( i -- i )*                     returns the connection time in minutes
conhost ( i -- s )*                     returns the host connected from
condbref ( i -- d )*                    returns the dbref of a connection, if
                                          not connected:#-1
connotify ( i s -- )*                   notifies a connection
conboot ( i -- )*                       disconnects a descriptor
connected? ( i -- i )*                   is the descriptor connected?
&&& system
ilimit ( -- i )*                        returns the iteration count limit
setilimit ( i -- )* [wizard]            sets the iteration count limit
&&& files
MUF Text files and manipulation
spitfile ( s -- )*         dumps the entire contents of file s to the user
touchfile ( s -- i )*      returns 1 if s exists, 0 otherwise
notifyfile ( d d s -- )*   dumps the entire contents of file s to d1 except d2
&&& processes
go ( i -- )*	  	 	Force a process to execute
kill ( i -- )*		 	Kill a process
pid ( i -- i) *                 Return the pid of the current process
isapid? ( i -- i )*             Does i1 exist as a frame?
processes ( -- i1...iN N )*	Return a listing of running processes & count
sleeptime ( i -- i )*		Get the sleeptime for a process, 0 if in READ
piddbref ( i -- d )*		Return the dbref of the program running 
foreground ( -- )* [wizard]     Run program until completion
background ( -- )*              Swap program out for one time slice
&&& wstrcmp
wstrcmp ( s1 s2 -- i )*     compare s1 to s2 where s2 can contain any number
                            of "*"  or "?" characters for wildcard matching.  
                            * is for whole strings and ? is for single chars
                            The special meaning of "*" and "?" can be escaped 
                            by using a "\*" or "\?".  s1 and s2 can not be 
                            null strings.
! ( x v -- )
Sets a variable.  The value on top of the stack must be a variable; the
value below can be any MUF object.  The variable's value is set to the
&&& %
% ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns i1 % i2, unless i2 is zero, in which case zero is returned.
This uses the C % operator, so the same caveats apply: if both
arguments are positive, the result is the mathematical modulus, but if
either of the arguments is negative, the result may be negative.  Its
absolute value will be less than that of i2, and it will always be the
case that, given two integers on the stack, with the top one non-zero,

        over over % 3 pick 3 pick / rot * + =

will always return 1.  (For those who know C, this corresponds to the C
identity ((a/b)*b)+(a%b) == a, for b != 0.)
&&& &
& ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns the bitwise AND of its operands.
&&& *
* ( i1 i2 -- i )
Multiplies its arguments and returns the product.
&&& +
+ ( i1 i2 -- i )
Adds its arguments and returns the sum.
&&& ++
++ ( v -- )
Increments the value of the variable; the value must be a number or
dbref (or a run-time error occurs).
&&& -
- ( i1 i2 -- i )
Subtracts i2 from i1, returning the difference.
&&& --
-- ( v -- )
Decrements the value of the variable; the value must be a number or
dbref (or a run-time error occurs).
&&& /
/ ( i1 i2 -- i )
Divides i1 by i2, returning the quotient, unless i2 is zero, in which
case 0 is returned.  In the presence of negative operands, the rounding
direction is not guaranteed; see the % operator for more information.
&&& :
: word
This begins the definition of a word.  The definition extends until the
following ;.  Note that, unlike real FORTH, : and ; cannot be embedded
in the definition of a word; also, the body of a word cannot be empty.
&&& ;
Ends a definition begun with :.  See : for more information.
&&& <
< ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns 1 if i1 is less than i2, 0 otherwise.
&&& <<
<< ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns i1 left-shifted i2 bits.  Unlike the C operator, if i2 is
negative, this shifts right instead.  However, like C, if the magnitude
of i2 is greater than or equal to the number of bits used to represent
an integer, the result is undefined.
&&& <=
<= ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns 1 if i1 is less than or equal to i2, 0 otherwise.
&&& =
= ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns 1 if i1 is equal to i2, 0 otherwise.
&&& >
> ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns 1 if i1 is greater than i2, 0 otherwise.
&&& >=
>= ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns 1 if i1 is greater than or equal to i2, 0 otherwise.
&&& >>
>> ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns i1 right-shifted i2 bits.  Unlike the C operator, if i2 is
negative, this shifts left instead.  However, like C, if the magnitude
of i2 is greater than or equal to the number of bits used to represent
an integer, the result is undefined.
&&& @
@ ( v -- x )
Fetches the value of a variable.  The top element of the stack must be
a variable; its value is fetched and replaces the variable on top of
the stack.
&&& addlink
addlink ( d1 d2 -- )
Links d1 to d2, much like the @link game command.  The program must be
able to build.  If d1 is an exit, then except for wizard programs, it
must be owned by the effective player, unless it has no links
currently, and in any case the effective player is charged for the
link.  If d1 is is a player, thing, or room, then except for wizard
programs, the effective player must control d1, and it must be possible
for the effective player (or for wizard programs, d2's owner) to
perform the link.  Programs are not acceptable as d1.
&&& addpennies
addpennies ( d i -- )
Gives i dollars to d.  Works only for wizard programs.  d may be a
player or a thing; i may be positive or negative.  Things may not have
their money supply reduced below 1; players' money supply is
&&& addprop
addprop ( d s1 s2 i -- )
Adds property s1 to thing d with a value of i and a string of s2.  Any
previous property with the same name is replaced.
&&& and
and ( x1 x2 -- i )
Logical AND.  The result is 1 if neither argument is false and 0
otherwise (see `man logic').
&&& atoi
atoi ( s -- i )
Converts a string to an integer.  If the string doesn't look like a
number, the result will be 0.
&&& awake?
awake? ( d -- i )
Given the dbref of a player, this returns the number of times that
player is connected.  If given a non-player, it will always return 0.
&&& backlinks
backlinks ( d -- d1 d2 ... dN N )
Given an object, this returns a list of the objects which are linked to
&&& backlocks
backlocks ( d -- d1 d2 ... dN N )
Given an object, this returns a list of the objects which are locked
and whose locks involve it.
&&& begin
This marks the beginning of a `while' loop construct.  See `man while'.
&&& break
break ( -- )
break causes an immediate unconditional exit from the smallest
enclosing do, for, or begin-while loop (see `man do', `man for', and
`man while').  Control passes immediately to a point just after the
closing "loop".
&&& call
call ( d -- ? )
Call hands execution over to a program specified by the dbref on the
top of the stack.  You either have to own the program being called or
it has to have its L flag set.  Be aware that when the program called
finishes, it returns control to the caller, and the stack will be in
the state that the called program left it in.
&&& caller
caller ( -- d )
Returns the player that called the first program in the chain of calls
that eventually led to this program being executed.
&&& callers
callers ( -- d1 d2 ... dN N )
This returns a rudimentary stack trace.  The list pushed onto the stack
is a trace of the chain of calls by which control arrived in the
program being executed: dN called dN-1 which called ... which called d2
which called d1 which called the program being executed.
&&& caps
caps ( s -- s )
Uppercases the first character of the string, lowercases the rest.
&&& chown
chown ( d1 d2 -- )
Changes ownership of d1 to d2.
&&& conboot
conboot ( i -- ) [wizard]
Boots a specific connection.  This is the only way to forcibly
disconnect only one connection of a player who is connected multiple
&&& concount
concount ( -- n )
Returns the number of connections to the muck.  This includes
connections that have not yet issued a `connect' command to connect to
a character.
&&& condbref
condbref ( i -- d )
Returns the dbref of the player connected on the specified connection.
If the connection has not yet connected to a character, #-1 is
&&& conhost
conhost ( i -- s ) [wizard]
Returns the name of the host from which the specified connection was
&&& conidle
conidle ( i -- i )
Returns the idle time for a connection, measured in seconds.
&&& connections
connections ( -- d1 d2 ... dN N )
Returns a list of all connected descriptors.
&&& connotify
connotify ( i s -- ) [wizard]
Writes the string to the connection.
&&& contents
contents ( d -- d )
Returns the first thing contained in a dbref.  `next' should be used to
step through the list of contents.  Note that moving things into or out
of the containing thing can invalidate this list; care is called for.
&&& contime
contime ( i -- i )
Returns the time since the descriptor was connected, in seconds.
&&& continue
continue ( -- )
continue causes the current iteration of the smallest enclosing do,
for, or begin-while loop (see `man do', `man for', and `man while') to
end and the next to begin.  Thus, it's equivalent to braching to a
point immediately before the closing "loop".
&&& copyobj
copyobj ( d -- d )
Clones the thing and returns the copy.  Works only for objects, not
players, rooms, exits, etc.  In most respects, the copy is identical to
the original; it differs only in that it has a different dbref number
(of course) and that it has no actions attached to it.  All other
fields - property list, description, etc - are copied.  The program
must be able to build; except for wizard programs, the effective player
is charged for the copy.  The copy is owned by the same player as the
original and is placed in the effective player's inventory.
&&& create
create ( s i -- d )
Creates an object with the string as its name and the number as its
cost.  The new object is owned by the effective player and is placed in
that person's inventory.  The program must be able to build, and except
for wizard programs, the effective player is charged for the object.
&&& ctime
ctime ( i -- s )
Convert a time value, such as is returned by systime, to a
human-readable string.  (For those who know C, this is done with
asctime(localtime(...)), with the trailing newline removed.)
&&& db_top
db_top ( -- i )
Returns the lowest dbref number that does not exist at all (that is,
one more than the highest dbref that does exist).  The returned value
is an integer; see `man dbtop'.
&&& dbcmp
dbcmp ( d1 d2 -- i )
Returns true if d1 and d2 are identical (both must be dbrefs).  Neither
one need be a valid dbref.  Note that unlike strcmp, this returns true
if the dbrefs are equal.
&&& dbref
dbref ( i -- d )
Converts an integer to the corresponding dbref.  No checks are made; if
the integer is out of range, the result will not be a valid dbref.
&&& dbref?
dbref? ( x -- i )
Returns true if the thing is a dbref (room, player, object, etc), false
if it's anything else (integer, string, etc).
&&& dbtop
dbtop ( -- d )
Returns the highest valid dbref.  Identical to `db_top 1 - dbref'
(except that it doesn't need an extra space on the stack, compiles to
one instruction instead of 4, and is correspondingly faster).
&&& depth
depth ( -- i )
Returns the number of things on the stack.  (The number returned is the
count of things on the stack *before* the result is pushed; thus, the
smallest possible returned value is 0, not 1.)
&&& desc
desc ( d -- s )
Returns the description string of a dbref.
&&& dig
dig ( s dp -- dr dp )
Digs a new room with name s and parent room dp; the new room (dr) is
pushed on the stack and then the parent is pushed as well.  (I'm not
sure why the parent is pushed back on.)  The program must be able to
build, the effective player must be able to link rooms to the parent,
and except for wizard programs, the effective player is charged for the
room.  The new room inherits its J flag setting from the effective
player's J flag setting.
&&& do
do ( -- ) loop ( -- )
format: do <block> loop

do repeats body between the do and the loop indefinitely.  This loop
can be broken only by an exit or break within it, an interpreter error,
or by killing the frame.

See also `man break' and `man continue'.
&&& drop
drop ( d -- s )
Returns the drop message of a dbref.
&&& dup
dup ( x -- x x )
Duplicates the top element of the stack.
&&& else
See `man if'.
&&& exit
exit ( -- )
Exits from the word it appears in, returning to whatever called that
&&& exit?
exit? ( x -- i )
Returns true if the argument is an exit dbref; otherwise (if the
argument is not a dbref, or is some other kind of dbref), returns
&&& exits
exits ( d -- d )
Returns the first exit of a dbref.  The `next' primitive can be used to
step through the list.
&&& explode
explode ( sA sB -- sN ... s1 N )
Breaks sA into pieces, with occurrences of sB being the boundaries.
Pushes the piecs and the number of pieces.  Note that multiple
consecutive occurrences of sB will produce empty strings in the
resulting list.  As a special case, if sB is "", sA is broken into
single-character strings.  The pieces are pushed in reverse order.

Some examples:

        "this is a test" " " explode => "test" "a" "is" "this" 4
        "foo  bar" " " explode => "bar" "" "foo" 3
        "a$b@c$@d$e@f" "$@" explode => "d$e@f" "a$b@c" 2
        "this is a test" "xx" explode => "this is a test" 1
        "hello" "" explode => "o" "l" "l" "e" "h" 5
&&& fail
fail ( d -- s )
Returns the fail message for a dbref.
&&& flag?
flag? ( d s -- i )
The second argument must be a valid flag name or abbreviation.  The
flag? primitive returns true if the flag is set on the dbref, false
&&& flagstr
flagstr ( d -- s )
Returns the short flag string for a dbref, with each flag represented
by a single character (eg, Pmb or Rnjhv).
&&& for
for ( i i i -- i )
format: for <<block>> loop

The parameters to the for primitive are: the starting number, the
ending number, and the size of the step [size of 0 will result in an
endless loop].  The for primitive pushes the current value onto the
stack and then executes the block of code.  The body is always run at
least once, even if the arguments would seem to imply otherwise.

For example, `1 4 1 for dup loop' will push the same numbers on the stack
that `1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4' would.

See also `man break' and `man continue'.
&&& force
force ( d s -- )
This causes the string to be executed as a command, as if the object had typed 
it.  This does not work for QUIT, OUTPUTPREFIX, or OUTPUTSUFFIX.  Except for 
wizard programs, the player running the program, the player who owns the 
program, and the player being forced must all be the same.
&&& getlink
getlink ( d -- d )
Returns the thing a dbref is linked to.  If the argument is an exit
that is linked to more than one thing, only the first thing is
returned; use getlinks if you need to access the others.
&&& getlinks
getlinks ( d -- d1 d2 ... dN N )
Returns all the things a dbref is linked to.  If the argument is a
room, thing, or player, the list consists of its drop-to or home (as
appropriate), unless it's #-1, in which case the list is empty.  If the
argument is an exit, the list consists of all things the exit is linked
to.  If the argument is anything else, the list is empty.
&&& getpropstr
getpropstr ( d s -- s )
Fetches a property string.  The first argument is the dbref whose
property list is to be accessed; the second is a string naming the
property.  The result is the string value of the property, or "" if the
property is not set.
&&& getpropval
getpropval ( d s -- i )
Fetches a property value.  The first argument is the dbref whose
property list is to be accessed; the second is a string naming the
property.  The result is the integer value of the property, or 0 if the
property is not set.
&&& if
if ( i -- )
basic format:
<condition> if <block> [else <block>] then

The if command will execute the block between it and the then (or the
else, if present) if the value on the top of the stack is true.  If the
value is false, it will execute the block between the else and the
then, if any.  The test value is popped from the stack before either
block is executed.  (See `man logic' for the definitions of true and
false.)  An additional primitive, eif, is available, which functions as
an "else if" conditional: the code between the else and the eif is
executed, and if the top of the stack is true, the block after the eif
is executed, otherwise control passes to the next else:

<cond> if <block> else <cond> eif <block> else .... then

This is equivalent to

<cond> if <block> else <cond> if <block> else .... then then

except that only one then is needed to close the whole structure.
&&& ilimit
ilimit ( -- i )
Returns the iteration count limit.  If a program attempts to execute
more than this many iterations, a fatal error will be generated.
&&& instr
instr ( s1 s2 -- i )
Finds s2 within s1, returning the offset of the first such occurrence,
or 0 if s2 does not occur within s1.  (The returned offset is 1-origin,
that is, if s2 occurs at the very beginning of s1, the returned value
is 1.)
&&& int
int ( d -- i )
Converts a dbref to its integer index in the database.  (This actually
works for variables as well, returning the variable number, though MUF
variables are of questionable utility in any case.)
&&& int?
int? ( x -- i )
Returns 1 if its argument is an integer, 0 otherwise.
&&& intostr
intostr ( i -- s )
Converts an integer to a string.  This is the converse of atoi.
&&& linkcount
linkcount ( d -- i )
Returns the link count of a dbref.  For players, always returns 1; for
programs it always returns 0.  For objects, returns 1 if the object has a 
home, otherwise 0; for rooms, returns 1 if the room  as a drop-to, otherwise 
0.  For exits, returns the number of things the exit is linked to.
&&& location
location ( d -- d )
Returns a thing's location.  For players, objects, and programs, this
is the room the thing is in; for rooms, it is the room's parent.  For
exits, it is the thing the exit is attached to.  
&&& lock
lock ( d s -- )
Locks a dbref.  s is a string giving the lock expression.  If s is "",
the dbref is unlocked.  (unlock can also be used to unlock a dbref.)
&&& locked?
locked? ( d -- i )
Returns true if the dbref is locked, false if it's unlocked.
&&& lockstr
lockstr ( d -- s )
Returns the lock of the dbref as a string.  If the dbref is not locked,
"" is returned.  The resulting string is acceptable to the lock
primitive, but is generally not appropriate for human interaction.  See
also unparse_lock.
&&& loop
loop terminates a for, while, or do loop.  See `man for', `man while',
and `man do'.
&&& match
match ( s -- d )
Matches a string, returning the dbref of the matched thing.  If the
match fails, #-1 is returned; if the match is ambiguous, #-2 is
returned.  (#-3 is returned if the string is "home".)
&&& moveto
moveto ( d1 d2 -- )
Moves d1 to location d2.  Unfortunately this is fairly restrictive;
several restrictions apply.  They are rather complicated and the
details vary depending on the type of thing being moved.  In all cases,
though, the thing being moved must either be set J(ump_OK) or be owned
by the effective player running the program (exception: wizard programs
are free from this restriction).  To see the other restrictions, ask
for `man moveto-<type>', where <type> is the type of the thing being
moved: player, thing, room, or exit (programs are treated as things for
the purposes of moveto).  (Eg, `man moveto-player' to see the
restrictions that apply when moving a player with moveto.) To send a player 
or thing to its home, #-3 can be given as the destination.
&&& name
name ( d -- s )
Returns a dbref's name.
&&& next
next ( d -- d )
If the dbref is an exit, returns the next exit in the internal list of
exits attached to the object the exit is attached to.  If the dbref is
some other type, returns the next object in the list of contents in the
object's containing object. This is intended to be used to step down a list 
obtained with the contents, or exits primitive.  #-1 is returned to indicate 
the end of the list.
&&& nextowned
nextowned ( d -- d )
Returns the next object in the internal list of objects owned by the
owner of the specified object.  This is intended to be used to step
down the list of everything owned by a player.  (The proper way to
start such a loop is to use the player itself as the beginning of the
list.)  #-1 is returned to indicate the end of the list.
&&& not
not ( x -- i )
Returns 1 if its argument is false, 0 if its argument is true.  (See
`man logic' for a description of what is considered false and true.)
&&& notify
notify ( d s -- )
Sends the string to the dbref.  If the dbref is a player, the string is
sent to all of that player's connections.  If the dbref is a player or
thing, all hear exits attached to it are activated.  If the dbref is of
any other type, nothing happens.
&&& notify_except
notify_except ( d1 d2 s -- )
Sends the string to everything contained in d1, which must be a room,
except that if d2 is one of the things contained in d1, it does not get
notified.  (Notification is done as if with the notify primitive.)  In
addition, any hear exits attached to d1 or any of its ancestors are
activated.  Any hear exits attached to the player running the program
are also activated, [may be the effective player, but I think not].
&&& number?
number? ( s -- i )
Returns 1 if the argument is a string which contains a valid number, 0
if the argument is not a string or doesn't look like a number.
&&& numowned
numowned ( d -- i )
Returns the number of dbrefs owned by the player who owns the argument
dbref.  Wizard programs may use this with any dbref; for other
programs, the player whose ownership count is to be computed must be
the player running the program.
&&& odrop
odrop ( d -- s )
Returns the odrop message on the argument dbref, or "" if the dbref has
no odrop message.
&&& ofail
ofail ( d -- s )
Returns the ofail message on the argument dbref, or "" if the dbref has
no ofail message.
&&& ok?
ok? ( d -- i )
Returns true if the dbref is a valid object: its number is not less
than 0 or larger than the current size of the database, and is not a
garbage object.
&&& online
online ( -- d1 ... dN N )
Returns a list of players online.  Players connected more than once
appear in the list more than once.  The list is in the order it happens
to be kept in internally, which is not useful for much.
&&& open
open ( s d -- d )
Opens a new exit with the specified name, attached to the specified
dbref.  The new exit's dbref is left on the stack.  The new exit is
owned by the effective player, but is not linked (note that linking an
unlinked exit affects its owner).  The program must be able to build,
and except for wizard programs, the effective player (a) must own the
argument dbref and (b) is charged for the exit.
&&& or
or ( x x -- i )
Returns 1 if either of its arguments is true, otherwise 0.  (See
`man logic' for a description of what is considered true and false.)
&&& osucc
osucc ( d -- s )
Returns the osuccess message on the argument dbref, or "" if the dbref
has no osuccess message.
&&& over
over ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 )
Duplicates the next-to-topmost thing on the stack, pushing it on top,
over the topmost thing.
&&& owner
owner ( d -- d )
Returns the dbref of a dbref's owner.
&&& passlock?
passlock? ( d1 d2 -- i )
Returns 1 if d1 passes the lock on d2, otherwise 0.  If d2 is not
locked, this will always return 1.
&&& pennies
pennies ( d -- i )
Returns the amount of money of a dbref.  The argument must be a player
or thing.
&&& pick
pick ( d1 ... dN N -- d1 ... dN d1 )
Copies the Nth item down on the stack, pushing the copy on top of the
stack.  Thus, 1 pick is equivalent to dup and 2 pick is equivalent to
&&& player?
player? ( x -- i )
Returns true if the argument is a dbref that refers to a player, 0 if
it's not a dbref or is some other type of dbref.
&&& pop
pop ( x -- )
Pops the top element off the stack and throws it away.
&&& prog
prog ( -- d )
Returns the dbref of the program the call occurs in.
&&& program?
program? ( x -- i )
Returns true if the argument is a dbref that refers to a program, 0 if
it's not a dbref or is some other type of dbref.
&&& pronoun_sub
pronoun_sub ( d s -- s )
Performs pronoun substitution on the string, using the dbref as the
source of replacement strings.  Pronoun substitution is done with %
signs in the string.  When a % occurs, the following character
determines what the pair is replaced with.  In each case, the sex:
property on the dbref also affects the result, and in some cases the
dbref's name (which is assumed to be "Name" in the table below).
First, the % and the following character are taken as a two-character
property name which is looked for on the dbref.  If it's found, the
property string value is used as the replacement string.  Otherwise,
the following table describes the replacement string.

        sex:male        sex:female      sex:neuter      other

%a      his             hers            its             Name's
%s      he              she             it              Name
%o      him             her             it              Name
%p      his             her             its             Name's
%r      himself         herself         itself          Name
%n      Name            Name            Name            Name

If the character after the % is uppercase, the first character of the
replacement string is uppercased, except when the replacement comes
from the "other" column of the table; in that case, the initial
character is left alone.  (I don't know why this is, particularly when
the %n row and properties get the capitalization.)

If the sequence is not one given in the table and no property is found,
the % is dropped and the following character retained as the
&&& put
put ( x1 ... xN y N -- y x2 ... xN )
This simply replaces the Nth element down on the stack, rather like an
assignment, with the stack treated as an array.
&&& random
random ( -- i )
This returns a random positive integer, from 0 through the largest
positive integer the muck can represent.  Normally this is followed
with a % operation to reduce the range of the number to something
&&& read
read ( -- s )
Returns a string read from the player.  The program must be being run
from a foreground frame , or an error is generated.  The program stops running 
and waits until the player types a line of input.  This line of input is 
pushed on the stack as a string, and the program resumes execution at the 
point just after the read call.  (Currently, this does not work in a program 
being run as part of testing a lock.)
&&& recycle
recycle ( d -- )
Recycles the dbref, like the @recycle command.  The object must be
owned by the effective player, even for wizard programs.  The object
also must not be the program the recycle call appears in, nor any of
the programs in its chain of callers.  You also can't recycle the
global environment or player start rooms, or player, or garbage object.
&&& remove_prop
remove_prop ( d s -- )
Removes the specified property from the specified dbref.  If a property
with the specified name existed, it is removed; otherwise, nothing
&&& rinstr
rinstr ( s1 s2 -- i )
Finds s2 within s1, returning the offset of the last such occurrence,
or 0 if s2 does not occur within s1.  (The returned offset is 1-origin,
so that, for example, if s2 occurs only at the very beginning of s1,
the returned value is 1.)
&&& rmatch
rmatch ( d s -- d )
Matches the string in the context of the dbref, returning the result of
the match.  The dbref must be a player, room, or thing; in any case,
the string is matched against the exits attached to the dbref, and in
the case of a player or room, against the inventory or contents as
well.  Unfortunately "here" and "me" and "home" don't work; also, if
the dbref is a player, the player's location and its parent rooms are
not searched.
&&& room?
room? ( x -- i )
Returns 1 if the argument is dbref that refers to a room, or is #-3.
Otherwise 0 is returned.
&&& rot
rot ( x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 )
Rotates the top three elements of the stack.  This is equivalent to
`3 rotate'.
&&& rotate
rotate ( x1 x2 ... xN N -- x2 ... xN x1 )
       ( x1 ... xN-1 xN -N -- xN x1 ... xN-1 )
Rotates the top N elements of the stack.  If the argument is positive,
pulls an element from N elements down on the stack and puts it on top;
with a negative argument, performs the converse operation, moving the
top element to a lower place on the stack.  Thus, 3 rotate is identical
in effect to rot, and 2 rotate (or -2 rotate) is identical in effect to
&&& set
set ( d s -- )
Sets or clears a flag on a dbref.  The string must be one of the valid
flag names, or such a name with a ! prefixed to it.  (Abbreviations are
accepted.)  This sets the flag, or with the ! prefix, clears it, on the
dbref.  Except for wizard programs, the effective player must own the
dbref.  Some flags cannot be set or cleared from MUF at all; as of this
writing, they are Wizard, Mucker, Visual, Unseen, Quell, and God.  In
addition, non-wizard programs are not allowed to set or clear the Dark
bit on anything but a room or program.
&&& setdesc
setdesc ( d s -- )
Sets the description string for the dbref.  Except for wizard programs,
the effective player must own the dbref.
&&& setdrop
setdrop ( d s -- )
Sets the drop message for the dbref.  Except for wizard programs, the
effective player must own the dbref.
&&& setfail
setfail ( d s -- )
Sets the fail message for the dbref.  Except for wizard programs, the
effective player must own the dbref.
&&& setilimit
setilimit ( i -- ) [wizard]
Sets the iteration limit.  If a MUF program attempts to run for more
than this many cycles, it will be aborted with an error.  Note that if the 
program does a sleep, the count of iterations it has used is reset to zero.
&&& setname
setname ( d s -- )
Sets the name of the dbref.  Except for wizard programs, the effective
player must own the dbref.  Only wizard programs are allowed to use
this when the dbref is a player.
&&& setodrop
setodrop ( d s -- )
Sets the odrop message for the dbref.  Except for wizard programs, the
effective player must own the dbref.
&&& setofail
setofail ( d s -- )
Sets the ofail message for the dbref.  Except for wizard programs, the
effective player must own the dbref.
&&& setosucc
setosucc ( d s -- )
Sets the osuccess message for the dbref.  Except for wizard programs,
the effective player must own the dbref.
&&& setsucc
setsucc ( d s -- )
Sets the success message for the dbref.  Except for wizard programs,
the effective player must own the dbref.
&&& sleep
sleep ( i -- )
Sleep with an integer argument causes the current program to sleep for
i seconds.  

Technical information:  When a player starts a program and that program
does a sleep call, the frame [see @ps, @kill for more info] is freed
from the player and  will continue executing at the designated time.  If
the program does another sleep, it will extend the life of the frame.

An example program:
  : main do me @ "test" notify 60 sleep loop ;

This will run an endless loop that notifies you every 60 seconds with
the "test" message.  To stop the program use @kill on the pid of the frame.
&&& strcat
strcat ( s1 s2 -- s )
Concatenates two strings, returning the result.  For example,
`"foo" "bar" strcat' will leave the string "foobar" on top of the
&&& strcmp
strcmp ( s1 s2 -- i )
Compares two strings, returning an integer that is less than, equal to,
or greater than zero, as s1 is less than, equal to, or greater than s2.
Upper/lower case distinctions are significant, and machine character
values are used to determine what constitutes less than or greater
&&& strcut
strcut ( s i -- s1 s2 )
Cuts a string.  i must not be less than zero.  If i is larger than the
length of s, then s1 is s and s2 is ""; otherwise, s1 consists of the
first i characters of s, with s2 holding the remainder.
&&& string?
string? ( x -- i )
Returns 1 if its argument is a string, 0 otherwise.
&&& stringcmp
stringcmp ( s1 s2 -- i )
Compares two strings, returning an integer that is less than, equal to,
or greater than zero, as s1 is less than, equal to, or greater than s2.
Both strings are mapped to lower case for purposes of the comparison,
with machine character values used to determine what constitutes less
than or greater than after the mapping.
&&& strlen
strlen ( s -- i )
Returns the length of its string argument.
&&& strncmp
strncmp ( s1 s2 n -- i )
Compares two strings.  At most the first n characters are compared;
this is otherwise identical to strcmp.
&&& subst
subst ( s1 s2 s3 -- s )
Performs substitution.  The returned string s is just the same as s1,
except that wherever s3 occurs in it, it is replaced with s2.  s3 must
not be "", but either of the other two arguments may be.  In case
multiple occurrences of s3 overlap, the ones that are replaced are the
ones found in a simple left-to-right scan.  When a replacement occurs,
the left-to-right scan starts afresh; characters before the match point
and characters coming from s2 are not considered when looking for
possible occurrences of s3.  Some examples:
        "xaabaabaax" "cha" "aabaa" subst => "xchabaax"
        "xaabaaabaax" "cha" "aabaa" subst => "xchaabaax"
        "xcabaabaax" "cha" "aabaa" subst => "xcabchax"
        "axxyxyx" "" "xyx" subst => "axyx"
&&& succ
succ ( d -- s )
Returns the success message for the dbref.
&&& swap
swap ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 )
Exchanges the top two elements of the stack.
&&& systime
systime ( -- i )
Returns the current system time, which presently is an integer number
of seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970.
&&& then
See `man if'.
&&& thing?
thing? ( x -- i )
Returns 1 if the argument is a dbref that refers to a thing, or 0
otherwise (if the argument isn't a dbref, or is a dbref of some other
&&& time
time ( -- is im ih )
Returns the current time of day, in seconds, minutes, and hours.  Note
that this is the time of day in the timezone the muck is running in,
which doesn't necessarily bear any relation to the timezone any
particular player is in.
&&& time_created
time_created ( d -- i )
Returns the time the dbref was created, in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT,
Jan 1, 1970.
&&& time_modified
time_modified ( d -- i )
Returns the time the dbref was last modified, in seconds since 00:00:00
GMT, Jan 1, 1970.
&&& time_used
time_used ( d -- i )
Returns the time the dbref was last used, in seconds since 00:00:00
GMT, Jan 1, 1970.
&&& tolower
tolower ( s -- s )
Returns the argument string, with all uppercase characters converted to
the corresponding lowercase characters.
&&& touch
touch ( d -- )
This sets the last-used time of the dbref to the current time.
&&& toupper
toupper ( s -- s )
Returns the argument string, with all lowercase characters converted to
the corresponding uppercase characters.
&&& trig
trig ( -- d )
Returns the dbref that triggered the program run; normally this will be
an exit, but may be something else, particularly when dbrefs are locked
to programs.  This is always the value initially stored in the trigger
variable; normally, trigger @ is to be preferred over trig, because the
former can be changed.
&&& unlink
unlink ( d -- )
Unlinks a room or exit.  If the argument is an exit, it is unlinked
from everything it is linked to.  If the argument is a room, its
drop-to, if any, is removed.  Other argument types produce an error.
The program must be able to build, and except for wizard programs, the
effective player must own the thing being unlinked.
&&& unlock
unlock ( d -- )
Unlocks a dbref.  Except for wizard programs, the effective player must
own the dbref.
&&& unparse_flags
unparse_flags ( d -- s )
Returns the flags of the dbref as a string.  This returns the same
information flagstr does, but in the long, human-readable, form, like

        Type: PLAYER  Flags: Mucker Builder
        Type: ROOM  Flags: NoInventory Jump_OK Haven Visual
&&& unparse_lock
unparse_lock ( d -- s )
Returns the lock of the dbref as a string.  If the dbref is not locked,
"*UNLOCKED*" is returned.  The string is intended to be human-readable
and it is not acceptable as the second argument to lock.  See also
&&& var
var word
This declares the following word as a variable.  All variable
declarations must appear outside all : definitions in a program.
Unfortunately the variable allocation scheme is rather badly broken;
you are probably better off avoiding variables altogether, except for
the three built-in ones (me, loc, trigger).
&&& var?
var? ( x -- i )
Returns 1 if its argument is a variable, 0 otherwise.
&&& while
while ( x -- )
format: begin <test> while <body> loop

An indefinite loop.  The <test> code is executed.  The `while' pops
the top object off the stack; if it is false (see `man logic'), the
loop terminates and control passes immediately to the code following
the terminating `loop'.  Otherwise, the <body> code is executed and
control returns to the beginning of the <test> code.

Note that while the <test> code will normally push one thing on the
stack, this is not required; when the while is encountered, it just
takes whatever it finds on the top of the stack as the test value.

Any begin-while loop can be written as a do loop with a break inside
it.  See `man break' and `man continue'.
&&& |
| ( i1 i2 -- i )
Returns the bitwise OR of its operands.
&&& ~
~ ( i -- i')
Returns the bitwise complement of its operand.
&&& strftime
strftime (s i -- s)
Takes a format string and a SYSTIME integer and returns a string formatted 
with the time.  The format string is ascii text with formatting commands:
  %% -- "%"
  %a -- abbreviated weekday name.
  %A -- full weekday name.
  %b -- abbreviated month name.
  %B -- full month name.
  %C -- "%A %B %e, %Y"
  %c -- "%x %X"
  %D -- "%m/%d/%y"
  %d -- month day, "01" - "31"
  %e -- month day, " 1" - "31"
  %h -- "%b"
  %H -- hour, "00" - "23"
  %I -- hour, "01" - "12"
  %j -- year day, "001" - "366"
  %k -- hour, " 0" - "23"
  %l -- hour, " 1" - "12"
  %M -- minute, "00" - "59"
  %m -- month, "01" - "12"
  %p -- "AM" or "PM"
  %R -- "%H:%M"
  %r -- "%I:%M:%S %p"
  %S -- seconds, "00" - "59"
  %T -- "%H:%M:%S"
  %U -- week number of the year. "00" - "52"
  %w -- week day number, "0" - "6"
  %W -- week# of year, starting on a monday, "00" - "52"
  %X -- "%H:%M:%S"
  %x -- "%m/%d/%y"
  %y -- year, "00" - "99"
  %Y -- year, "1900" - "2155"
  %Z -- Time zone.  "GMT", "EDT", "PST", etc.
&&& stats
stats ( d -- total rooms exits things programs players garbage )
Returns the number of objects owned by 'd', or the total objects in
the system if d == #-1. This is broken up into a total, rooms, exits,
things, programs, players, and garbage. This functions much as the
&&& gmtoffset
Returns the machine's offset from Grand Meridian Time in seconds.
&&& stringpfx
STRINGPFX (s s2 -- i)  Returns 0 if s2 is a prefix of s.  Case insensitive.
Similar to the STRINGCMP primtive.  If s2 is NOT a prefix of s, then the
integer difference of the first dissimilar character is returned.
&&& part_pmatch
PART_PMATCH (s -- d)  Takes a player name, or the first part of the name,
and matches it against the names of the players who are currently online.
If the given string is a prefix of the name of a player who is online,
then their dbref is returned.  If two players could be matched by the
given string, it returns a #-2.  If None of the players online match,
then it returns a #-1.
&&& smatch
smatch ( s s -- i )     
Takes a string and a string pattern to check against.  Returns true if the
string fits the pattern.  In the pattern string, a '?' matches any single
character, '*' matches any number of characters. Word matching can be done
with '{word1|word2|etc}'.  If multiple characters are in [], it will match
a single character that is in that set of characters.  '[aeiou]' will match
a single character if it is a vowel, for example.  To search for one of
these special chars, put a \ in front of it to escape it.  It is not case
sensitive.  Example pattern: "{Foxen|Lynx|Fiera} *t[iy]ckle*\?"  Will match
any string starting with 'Foxen', 'Lynx', or 'Fiera', that contains either
'tickle' or 'tyckle' and ends with a '?'.
&&& unparseobj 
unparseobj ( d -- s )
Returns the name-and-flag string for an object.   This prim uses the standard
player permissions in getting DBREF and FLAGS, unlike the FB version.
For example: "One(#1PW)"
&&& pid
pid ( i -- i) 
Returns the pid of the current process.
&&& isapid?
ispid? (i -- i)
Takes a process id and checks to see if a frame is runing with that pid.
It returns 1 if it is, and 0 if it is not.  ispid? will also return 1 if the 
given process id is that of the currently running program.
&&& pstack
pstack ( i -- )
pstack ( i s -- )
The integer argument is taken as a count of stack elements; the top
that many elements of the stack are printed.  The output goes to the
same place the debugging output from programs set D goes.  If the
string second argument is present, it is printed as a tag at the
beginning of the line; otherwise, a default ("Stack" as of this
writing) is used instead.  There is a length limit (about 500
characters at this writing) on the resulting line; if this is exceeded,
remaining elements will be printed as "...".  This is intended as a
debugging aid.
&&& roll
roll ( xN ... x1 N M -- xM ... x1 xN ... xM-1 )
Rotates the top N elements of the stack M places.  If N is less than
zero, and error occurs; if N is 0, nothing is done but popping N and M
off the stack.  Otherwise, there must be at least N additional elements
on the stack (or an error occurs); the top M of them are removed and
placed below the others.  M is taken modulo N, so the effective M value
is always 0 through N-1; the value actually found on the stack may be
any value, positive, negative, or zero.
&&& propdir?
propdir? (d s -- i)
Takes a dbref and a property name, and returns whether that property is a
propdir that contains other props.  Uses standard property permissions.
&&& abort
abort ( s -- )
  Aborts the MUF program with an error.  ie:  '"Bad vibes." abort' would
  Stop the MUF program and tell the user a message like:
  Programmer error.  Please tell Howard the following message:
  #1234 (line 23) ABORT: Bad vibes.
&&& checkargs
checkargs (??? s -- )
    Takes a string argument that contains an expression that is used
to test the arguments on the stack below the given string.  If they
do not match what the expression says should be there, then it aborts
the running program with an appropriate Program Error Message.  The
expression is formed from single character argument tests that refer
to different argument types.  The tests are:

   a - function address.
   d - dbref.  (#-1, #-2, #-3 are okay)
   D - valid, non-garbage dbref.  (#-1, #-2 NOT allowed.  #-3 is okay)
   e - exit dbref.  (#-1, #-2 allowed)
   E - exit dbref.  (#-1, #-2 NOT allowed)
   f - program dbref.  (#-1, #-2 allowed)
   F - program dbref.  (#-1, #-2 NOT allowed)
   i - integer.
   p - player dbref.  (#-1, #-2 allowed)
   P - player dbref.  (#-1, #-2 NOT allowed)
   r - room dbref.  (#-1, #-2 allowed)  (#-3 is a room)
   R - room dbref.  (#-1, #-2 NOT allowed)  (#-3 is a room)
   s - string.
   S - non-null string.
   t - thing dbref.  (#-1, #-2 allowed)
   T - thing dbref.  (#-1, #-2 NOT allowed)
   v - local or global variable.
   ? - any stack item type.

Tests can be repeated multiple times by following the test with a number.
ie: '"i12" checkargs' would test the stack for 12 integers.

The last test in the string expression will be done on the top stack item.
Tests are done from the top of the stack down, in order, so the last test
that fails in a string expression will be the one that the Program Error
will be given for.  ie: '"sdSi" checkargs' will test that the top stack
item is an integer, then it tests that the next item down is a non-null
string, then it tests the third item from the top to see if it is a dbref,
and lastly it tests to make sure that the 4th item from the top is a string.

Spaces are ignored, so "s d i" is the same as "sdi".  However, multipliers
are ignored if they follow a space, so "s 4d i" is also the same as "sdi".
This is because you are basically telling it to repeat the space 4 times,
and since spaces are ignored, it has no effect.

If you have a function that takes a stack item of any type, you can use
the "?" test.  "?" will match a string, integer, dbref, or any other type.

Since sometimes arguments are passed in ranges, such as the way that the
explode primitive returns multiple strings with an integer count on top,
there is a way to group arguments, to show that you expect to recieve a
range of that type.  ie: '"{s}" checkargs' would test the stack for a set
of strings like '"first" "second" "third" "fourth" 4' where the top stack
item tells how many strings to expect within the range.

Sometimes a function takes a range of paired arguments, such as:
'"one" 1 "two" 2 "three" 3 "four" 4 4' where the count on the top of the
range refers to the number of pairs.  To test for the range given above,
you would use '"{si}" checkargs' to tell it that you want to check for
a range of paired strings and integers.  You can group as many argument
tests together in a range as you would like.  ie: you could use "{sida}"
as an expression to test for a range of related strings, integers, dbrefs,
and function addresses.

Since the argument multipliers refer to the previous test OR range, you
can test for two string ranges with the test '"{s}2" checkargs'.  ie:
It would succeed on a stack of: '"one" "two" "three" 3 "four" "five" 2'.
'"{s2}" checkargs', however, would test for one range of paired strings.
ie: It would succeed with a stack of: '"one" "1" "two" "2" "three" "3" 3'.

If, for some reason, you need to pass a range of ranges to a function,
you can test for it by nesting the braces.  ie: '"{{s}}" checkargs'

Now, as one last example, the primitive notify_except, if we were to test
the arguments passed to it manually, would use the test '"R{p}s" checkargs'
to test for a valid room dbref, a range of player dbrefs or #-1s, and a
&&& timesplit
timesplit ( -- 8i )  Puts 8 intergers on the stack in the following order.
sec      /* seconds (0 - 59) */
min      /* minutes (0 - 59) */
hour     /* hours (0 - 23) */
mday     /* day of month (1 - 31) */
mon      /* month of year (0 - 11) */
year     /* year - 1900 */
wday     /* day of week (Sunday = 0) */
yday     /* day of year (0 - 365) */
These number correspond with the LOCAL time on the machine.
&&& gmtsplit
gmtsplit ( -- 8i )  Puts 8 intergers on the stack in the following order.
sec      /* seconds (0 - 59) */
min      /* minutes (0 - 59) */
hour     /* hours (0 - 23) */
mday     /* day of month (1 - 31) */
mon      /* month of year (0 - 11) */
year     /* year - 1900 */
wday     /* day of week (Sunday = 0) */
yday     /* day of year (0 - 365) */
These number correspond with GMT time.
&&& floating_points
pi (  -- p )*                     Returns the valut of pi   3.1415926535
e (  -- e )*                      Returns the value of e    2.718281828
frandom ( -- f )*                 Returns a random f between 0 and 1
sin ( f -- f )*                   Sine of f in radians
cos ( f -- f )*                   Cosine of f in radians
tan ( f -- f )*                   Tangent of f in radians
asin ( f -- f )*                  Arc sin of f in radians
acos ( f -- f )*                  Arc cosine of f in radians
atan ( f -- f )*                  Arc tangent of f in radians
atan2 (f1 f2 -- f )*              Convert rect to polar 
log10 ( f -- f )*                 logarithm to base 10 
pow ( f1 f2 -- f )*               f1**f2
sqrt ( f -- f )*                  square root of f
cbrt ( f -- f )*                  cube root of f
sinh ( f -- f )*                  Direct hyperbolic function for f
cosh ( f -- f )*                  Direct hyperbolic function for f
tanh ( f -- f )*                  Direct hyperbolic function for f
asinh ( f -- f )*                 Inverse hyperbolic function for f   
acosh ( f -- f )*                 Inverse hyperbolic function for f   
atanh ( f -- f )*                 Inverse hyperbolic function for f   
ceil ( f -- f )*                  Returns intergeral value >= to f
floor ( f -- f )*                 Returns intergeral value <= to f
finite ( f -- i )*                Returns 1 if f1 is zero, subnormal, or normal
isinf ( f -- i )*                 Returns 1 if f is infinity
isnan ( f -- i )*                 Returns 1 if f is NaN  
isnormal ( f -- i )*              Returns 1 if f is normal     
issubnormal ( f -- i )*           Returns 1 if f is subnormal        
fabs ( f -- f )*                  Returns the absolute value of f  
remainder ( f1 f2 -- f )*         Returns a remainder of f1 with respect to f2
lgamma ( f1 -- f i )*             Returns  ln|G(f)|  and the sign of G(f)
j0 ( f -- f )*                    j an y functions calculate Bessel functions
j1 ( f -- f )*                    of the first and second kinds for real args 
y0 ( f -- f )*                    and integer orders.
y1 ( f -- f )*                    
jn ( f i -- f )*                    
yn ( f i -- f )*                    
erf ( f -- f )*                   Returns the error function of f where
                                  erf(f) =2/sqrt(pi) *intergralfrom0

erfc ( f -- f )*                  Returns 1.0-erf(f) computed by methods that
                                  avoid cancellation fror a large f value
&&& programming
compile ( d -- i )*               Compile d  Returns the program size 0 if the
                                  compile was bad
uncompile ( d -- i )* [wizard]    Uncompile d and free the RAM is consuming
delete ( d i -- i )*              Delete line i in program d
       ( d i1 i2 -- i )*          Delete lines i1 thru 12 in program d
insert ( d i s -- i )*            Insert s at line i in program d
prog_size ( d -- i )*             Size of program d
prog_lines ( d -- i )*            Number of lines in program d
newprogram ( s -- d )*            Create a new program named s
new_macro ( s1 s2 -- i )*         Enter a macro name s1 with defintion of s2
kill_macro ( s -- i )* [wizard]   Remove macro s from the macro tree
get_macro ( s -- s )*             Get the defintion for macro s
get_lines ( d i1 i2 --*  Get i1 to i2 lines of program d

You must own any program to insert, delete, or compile.
&&& instring
instring ( s s1 -- i )
Returns the first occurrence of string s1 in string s, or 0 if s1 is
not found. Non-case sensitive. See also RINSTRING, INSTR, and RINSTR.
This is an inserver define to 'tolower swap tolower swap instr'
&&& rinstring
rinstring ( s s1 -- i )
Returns the last occurrence of string s1 in string s, or -1 if s1 is
not found. Non-case sensitive. See also INSTRING, INSTR, and RINSTR.
This is an inserver define to 'tolower swap tolower swap rinstr'
&&& networking
SOCKET ( -- i )*                   Open a network connection i.
CONNECT ( i1 s i2 -- i )           Connect socket i1 to host s using port i2.
CLOSE ( i -- i )*                  Close network connection i.
READY_READ ( i -- i )*             Is socket i ready for a read?
READY_WRITE ( i -- i )*            Is socket i ready for a write?
SOCKET_WRITE ( i s -- i )*         Write s to a socket.
SOCKET_READ ( i1 i2 -- s )*        Read i2 bytes from a socket i1.
SOCKET_LAST ( i -- i )*            When socket i was last read/written.
SOCKET_CONNECTED_AT ( i -- i )*    When socket i was first connected.
SOCKET_CONNECTED ( i -- i )*       Is socket i in a connected state?
SOCKET_HOST ( i -- s )*            Hostname socket is connected with.
SOCKET? ( i -- i )*                Is i a valid socket?
SOCKET_FGETS( i -- s )*            Read one line from a socket.
All networking prims are WIZARD only.
&&& socket
    SOCKET creats a non-blocking TCP socket.  It returns the file
    descriptor number associated with that socket.
&&& connect
    CONNECT takes an unconnected socket and attempts to open a network
    connection with a specific host and port.  You should only call connect
    once.   Since all MUF network connections are non-blocking it should
    be noted that connect will more then likely return a 1 even though the
    connection is not established.  See NONBLOCKING for more info.  CONNECT
    will abort if given an invalid socket number.
&&& close
    CLOSE will shutdown a socket.  It should only be called once.  Attempting
    to close a non-existant socket will result in a -1.  Close returns a 1 
    if successfull and a 0 if not.
&&& ready_read
    READY_READ checks to see if a socket is ready to be read using 
    SOCKET_READ.  It will return a -1 if given a non-existant socket number.
&&& ready_write
    READY_WRITE checks to see if a socket is ready to be written to using 
    SOCKET_WRITE.  It will return a -1 if given a non-existant socket number.
    See NONBLOCKING and SOCKET_WRITE for more info.
&&& socket_read
    SOCKET_READ attempts to read i2 number of bytes from socket i1.  It
    returns the number of actual bytes read.  Attempts to read from a 
    non-existant socket will result in a -1.  See NONBLOCKING for more
&&& socket_write
    SOCKET_WRITE attempts to write i2 number of bytes to socket i1.  It
    returns the number of actual bytes written.  Attempts to write to a
    non-existant socket will result in a -1. Since the MUCK server will not 
    input LF or CF a special subistitution code is included for writes.  
    %r gets translated to \r and %n gets translated to \n.  Use %%r and %%n 
    for litteral '%r' and '%n'
&&& socket_last 
    SOCKET_LAST returns the last time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970 a socket 
    was updated using SOCKET_READ or SOCKET_WRITE.  This prim will return a
    -1 if given an invalid socket number.
&&& socket_connected_at 
    SOCKET_CONNECTED_AT returns the time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970 a 
    socket as actually connected.  This prim will return a -1 if given an 
    invalid socket number.
&&& socket_connected
    SOCKET_CONNECTED checks to see if a socket is actually in a connected 
    state.  SOCKET_CONNECTED will return a -1 if given an invalid socket 
    number or if the connection was refused.
&&& socket_host
    SOCKET_HOST returns the hostname of a connected socket.   It will return
    NULL if the socket is NOT connected or if given an invalid socket.
&&& socket?
    socket? returns 1 if the argument is a valid MUF socket
&&& socket_fgets
    socket_fgets reads one line from a valid socket. Works very much like
    the standard C implimentation of fgets.  Don't forget that all MUF
    networking prims are nonblocking and socket_fgets may return nothing.
&&& nonblocking
    Since all MUF networking functions are nonblocking its important that
    to check that a new socket is in a connected state before attempting to
    read or write from it.  Use the SOCKET_CONNECTED prim for checking the
    connected status of a socket.  Use SLEEP to wait for a short period of 
    time if the connection won't establish right away.
    Its also important that you check the read/write status of a socket before
    attempting to receive or send data using SOCKET_READ and SOCKET_WRITE.
    The prims READY_READ and READY_WRITE can be used to determine the status
    of a socket's I/O state.
    PLEASE make sure to call CLOSE on any socket that has finished its task.
    This will free up system resources needed for players and new sockets.
striplead (s -- s)
Strips leading spaces from the given string.
striptail (s -- s)
Strips trailing spaces from the given string.
strip (s -- s)
This is a built in $define.  It is interpreted as "striplead striptail"
It strips the spaces from both ends of a string.
&&& connected?
connected? ( i -- i )
Returns true if there is a connection on the specified descriptor.
This will return true for connections that have not yet connected to a
player; condbref can be used to tell.