=== Introduction

Murk++ is a C++ version of Merc 2.2

Merc Diku Mud is a Diku Mud with many enhancements and contributions.  

=== Platforms

Murk++ was compiled and tested on...

* Microsoft Windows 10
  CYGWIN_NT-10.0 2.1.0(0.287/5/3) x86_64 Cygwin using g++ (GCC) 4.9.3
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v19.0 x64 (Visual C++ 2015 Community)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v19.0 x86 (Visual C++ 2015 Community)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v16.0 (Visual C++ 2010 Express)

* Ubuntu 15.04 amd64 
  g++ (Ubuntu 4.9.2-10ubuntu13) 4.9.2

Murk++ was previously compiled and tested on...

* Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v16.0 (Visual C++ 2010 Express)
  Embarcadero C++ 6.30 for Win32
  Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 (free compiler release)
  Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler Version 8.52c (with STLPort 4.5.3)
  CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 1.7.9(0.237/5/3) using gcc 4.3.4

* Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 
  CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.23(0.156/4/2) using g++ (GCC) 3.4.4 (cygming special)
  Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 (free compiler release)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v7.1 (Visual C++ Toolkit 2003)
  Digital Mars Compiler Version 8.49c (with STLPort 4.5.3)

* FreeBSD 5.3-BETA4 
  g++ (GCC) version 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728

* FreeBSD 8.1 amd64
  g++ version 4.2.1 [FreeBSD] 

* Debian Linux 2.4.27-2-386
  g++ (GCC) version 4.0.2 (Debian 4.0.2-2)

* SuSE Linux 2.6.4-52
  g++ (GCC) 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)

* Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 
  g++ (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3 
* Red Hat Fedora 12 i386 
  gcc version 4.2.2

=== Release Information

Version 1.9

* Removed a number of unused variables
* Fixed possible error in telnet strings
* Added makefile for vc++ 2015
* Fixed locate object spell - reported by wifidi
* Fixed rstats command - reported by wifidi
* Updated to SQLite3
* Fixed variable hiding in add_follower

Version 1.8

* Updated to sqlite
* Added solution and project files for Visual C++ 2010
* Added group and project files for Embarcadero C++ 6.3
* Added Wifidi's patch for Dark items.

Version 1.7

* Updated to sqlite
* Delayed extraction of characters by moving it to update routine. 
* Support for Visual C++ 6.0 dropped.
* Fixed many g++ 4.x errors 
* Switched headers to point to C++ standard library and std namespace. 

Version 1.6

* Added schemas for areas, rooms, objects, affects, extra descriptions (unused)
* Updated to sqlite 3.3.12
* Updated documentation and help files
* Added gag/ignore command and support for lists in player files.
* Hotboot command and capability added (Windows only).
* Removed invis and reboot commands.
* Function tail_chain removed.
* Made port and listening socket global variables.
* Refactored hostname retrieval to separate function.
* Added win_errprint() function to retrieve and format windows api errors.
* Updated startup.cmd to exit when hotbooting.
* Updated makefiles to allow linkage under windows while server running

Version 1.5

* Added macros and dual use include files for commands and spells.
* Created singleton Database class and moved storage routines to it.
* Removed gsn and slot references in skill table.
* Converted slot references in area files to strings. 
* Removed namespace in loadhelps for consistency.
* Added SymbolTable class, a bidirectional mapping.
* Added new source files to all makefiles.
* Added startup script for bash shell and for windows cmd shell.
* Fixed bug with instance database variable in Database.
* Added compile defines to exclude uneccessary parts of Sqlite.
* Refactored time, weather and area list to World class.
* Added BaseObject as common root of several classes
* Altered makefiles to omit TCL variable interface in SQLite

Version 1.4

* Migrated helps to database.
* Refactored and split out classes into individual files.
* Split out OS dependencies into os.hpp and os.cpp.
* Fix makefile presumed existence of murk.db in database target.
* Corrected many warnings for Borland compiler in murk.cpp

Version 1.3

* Makefile and patches for Digital Mars C++ compiler.
* Commented out processor optimization switch in makefiles.
* Migrated title_table to sqlite database.
* Fixed bug with SO_DONTLINGER macro check.

Version 1.2

* Added schemas and data to load database.
* Migrated social_table to sqlite database.
* Removed and replaced use of number_bits() function.
* Added sqlite3 library and updated makefiles.

Version 1.1

* Removed log, snoop and pose.
* Removed old mob style code from DB read and updated area files.
* Path to exe fixed.

=== Acknowledgements

This document contains information from the Merc Release 2.2 by Kahn and 
Hatchet, information the DikuMud originally contained in 'database.doc', 
'dbsup.doc', and 'values.doc', and information from 'MOBProgram.txt' by 

=== Copyright and License

Diku Mud is copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert,
Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.  Their license agreement
is in the file 'license.diku'.

Merc Diku Mud is a derivative of the original Diku Mud and is subject to their
copyright and license agreement.  Merc Diku Mud contains substantial
enhancements to Diku Mud.  These enhancements are copyright 1992, 1993 by
Michael Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.  Our license agreement is in

Murk++ is a derivative of Merc.  Copyright 2006, 2007 by Jon A. Lambert.  
See 'license.murk++' for terms.

The crypt function is copyright 1987,1997, Prentice Hall.  See 'license.crypt' 
for more information. 

SQLite is in the public domain.

=== Contents of the Release

	*.are		Area files.
	*.prg		MOB programs.
	doc.txt		Documentation.
	One		Player file  (username 'One' - password 'potrzebie').
	*.cpp,*.hpp 	Murk C++ source files.
	startup		cshell script to run mud.
	Makefile.*	Makefiles to compile mud.
	/sqlite3/*      Sqlite source code.

=== How to Install

(1) Unpack the release.

	tar xzvf murk++-1.NrNN.tar.gz 

(2) Compile the mud:

  * For Linux and Cygwin - type 'make'.   
    - You will need to edit the makefile to make sure the EXE suffix parameter 
      is set correctly for Cygwin. 

  * For FreeBSD - type 'gmake'.

  * For Windows using Borland C++ - ensure the Borland compiler bin directory 
    is in your path, then type 'make -fMakefile.bor'.
    - All executables will be linked with the RTL and without debugging symbols.
      To link a static executable  - use 'make -f Makefile.bor -DSTATIC'
      To include debugging symbols - use 'make -f Makefile.bor -DDEBUG'
      Or for both                  - use 'make -f Makefile.bor -DDEBUG -DSTATIC'

  * For Windows using Microsoft Visual C - ensure your Visual C bin directory
    is in your path and your INCLUDE and LIB environment variables are setup
    - With Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and Platform SDK you may need to use both the
      setenv.cmd and vsvars32.bat
    Then type 'nmake -f makefile.vc'
    - To link with debugging information type 'set DEBUG=1' and then use
      'nmake -f makefile.vc'
  * For Windows using Digital Mars C++ - ensure your compiler bin directory is
    in your path and you modify the makefile.dgm to point to where you installed
    the STLPort directory.  
    Then type 'make -f makefile.dgm'

(3) Create the database
   * Use one of the following depending on your OS and compiler.
     'make database'
     'gmake database'
     'nmake -f makefile.vc database'
     'make -f makefile.bor database'
     'make -f makefile.dgm database'
(4) Start the game:

   * For Linux, FreeBSD or Cygwin
	startup &
     If you do not have csh or tcsh installed you can use the bash script
        startup.bash &
   * For Windows

(5) Telnet into the game.  The default port in the startup batch files is 4000.

    telnet localhost 4000

(6) There is an immortal character named 'One' with a password of 'potrzebie'
    You can 'advance' new characters to immortal levels with 'One'.

(7) If you haven't already done so, read 'license.diku', 'license.merc', 
   'license.crypt' and 'license.murk++'.
    Because Merc is a derivative work of Diku Mud, you must register
    your mud with the original Diku implementors.
=== Support

First, read this documentation.

Also check the 'wizhelp' command and read the 'help' descriptions for the
individual immortal commands.

Bugs may be reported to the bugtracker for Murk++ at http:\\www.mudbytes.net

=== Additional Credits and Acknowledgments

* Merc Mud is based on Diku Mud, with Copper and Alfa enhancements.
* When we first started, Impy of Fajita Mud answered a lot of our newbie-coder
* Frag, Tin, Razor, Jordan, Tre, and Matrix play-tested early Merc code.
* The Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie wrote our development tools, and
  distribute them for free, with source.  You can ftp them from prep.ai.mit.edu
  and grape.ecs.clarkson.edu.
* N'atas-Ha and Blackstar contributed on the pager.
* N'atas-Ha sent us the versatile MOBPrograms.  See MOBProgram.txt.
* Morgenes of Aldara Mud contributed the player settable prompt.
* Alander sent in an addition to the note system.
* Alander sent in the fix for the vicious bind socket problem.
* Da Pub pointed out the switch and purge problems.
* Ikee, Chaos, Kraze, Maxx, Thoth, Zolstead, Zavod, VampLestat, Cyric,
  Kelvin, and Jackal extensively playtested prerelease MERC 2.2 and
  provided constructive input.
* Mud Lite, Vego Mud, Final Mud, Rivers of Mud, Ruhr Mud, Chase Mud, and
  Mystic Realms sent us their 'bugs.txt', 'ideas.txt', and 'typos.txt' files.
  These were VERY helpful and we ask that all Merc-based muds e-mail us these
  files from time to time.
* While porting Merc to Linux, Vic isolated some mystifying memory management
  problems in the base code.
* Abaddon proofread our comm.c and reported several bugs and weak spots.
  Of course, any remaining problems are ours, not his.
* Kalgen reported bugs in the 2.0 Alpha release.
* Grodyn of Mystic Realms sent us several high-quality logs, core dump stack
  traces, and bug reports for 2.0 Beta.  Many other people, including Loki,
  also sent us good beta bug reports.
* Morgenes found and fixed the nasty 'aligned object drop corruption'
  in equip_char.
* Rivit play-tested the post-2.0-Beta version.

== Builder's Guide

=== Overview of Areas

An area is one piece of the world.  Each area is defined in a separate file.
All of our area files have the extension '.are', but you can call your area
files anything you want.

Because each area is defined in one file, it is easy to incorporate new areas
into Merc, or to send Merc areas to others for use.

All of our areas may be freely distributed, as long as the internal notices
(such as those on plaques, signs, graffiti, or tombstones) are kept.  As you 
can see from typing 'areas' in the game, we credit the original authors whenever 
we can find them.

=== Sections of an Area

An area file contains the following sections:


An area is a collection of sections starting with #AREA until the next #AREA.
All of our area files (except 'help.are') contain just one #AREA section, which
is at the top of the file.

Each of the sections contains its own format.  For #MOBILES, #OBJECTS, #ROOMS,
and #RESETS, this format is upward compatible with the original Diku formats
for tinyworld.mob, tinyworld.obj, tinyworld.wld, and tinyworld.zon,
respectively.  The #HELPS, #SHOPS, and #SPECIALS sections have new formats.

=== Memory Usage

There is no limit on area sizes or memory usage.

=== Data Types

All of the data in an area file (even the section headers) consists of a series
of values.  Each value has a specific type.  The server parses the file by
reading in data values one at a time according to the types it expects.

Blank characters (spaces, tabs, new lines, carriage returns) at the beginning
of a data value are always ignored (this includes strings).  Thus, you can
format the area files whatever way suits your taste and your needs.

The individual types are: 'letter', 'word', 'string', 'number', and 'to_eol'.

A 'letter' is a single non-blank character.

A 'word' is a sequence of non-blank characters terminated by a blank, or a 
sequence of characters surrounded by single quotes.

A 'string' is a seqence of non-tilde characters terminated by a tilde.  A tilde
is this character: '~'.  Thus, strings may contain blanks, and may be multiple
lines long.  There is no limit on the length of an individual string; however,
all strings go into a common memory pool whose size is fixed when the server is

A 'number' is a decimal number with an optional leading '-' or '+'.  The '|'
character may be used in any number: '1|64|1048576' has the value 1048641.  The
individual values separated by '|' are added together, so '5|6' is 11, not 7.
The components need not be powers of 2.  This feature is extremely useful for
defining bit vectors, such as the ACT_* and AFF_* bits for mobiles, but is not
restricted to bit vectors: any number may use the '|' construction.

A 'to_eol' is all the characters from the current position to the end of the
current input line.  It is used for parsing comments at the ends of lines.

In the syntax description below, <value:type> indicates a value to be read of
the indicated type.  A backslash '\' indicates that the file format itself has
only one line, but several lines are used in this description to fit within
80 columns.

Braces '{ ... }' are used to enclose elements.  They are NOT literal parts of
the file format, but a way of indicating that the enclosed elements may be
repeated zero or more times.  Braces at the same level of indentation indicate
that the parallel elements may be present in any order.

All other characters in the syntax description are literal characters.

Mobiles, objects, and rooms are identified by vnum (virtual number).  The range
of vnum's is 1 to 32767.  Vnum's must be unique (for that particular kind of
vnum).  Vnums do not have to be in increasing order.

Typically an area uses the same range of vnum's for mobile vnum's, object
vnum's, and room vnum's, starting with a multiple of 100.  This facilitates
adding the area into an existing set of areas.

=== The #AREA section

The syntax of this section is:

    #AREA	<area-name:string>

The 'area-name' can be any string.  The 'areas' command provides a list of
areas, so it's worth while to follow the standard Merc format for this string:

    #AREA	{ 5 35} Merc    Prototype for New Area~

The first two numbers are recommended level range.  The name is the name of the
original author of the area.  The last phrase is the name of the area.

=== The #HELPS section

The syntax of this section is:

	<level:number> <keywords:string>
    0 $~

The 'level' number is the minimum character level needed to read this section.
This allows for immortal-only help text.

The 'keywords' are a set of keywords for this help text.

The 'help-text' is the help text itself.

Normally when a player uses 'help', both the keywords and the help-text are
shown.  If the 'level' is negative, however, the keywords are suppressed.  This
allows the help file mechanism to be used for certain other commands, such as
the initial 'greetings' text.

If a 'help-text' begins with a leading '.', the leading '.' is stripped off.
This provides for an escape mechanism from the usual leading-blank stripping of
strings, so that picturesque greeting screens may be used.

=== The #MOBILES section

The syntax of this section is:

	<act-flags:number> <affected-flags:number> <alignment:number> S
	<level:number> <sex:number>

The 'vnum' is the virtual number of the mobile.

The 'keywords' are words which can be used in commands to identify the mobile.

The 'short-description' is the description used by the 'act' function and other
functions to identify the mobile.

The 'long-description' is the description used when a character walks in the
room and the mobile is visible.

The 'description' is the longest description.  It is used when a character
explicitly looks at the mobile.

The 'act-flags' define how the mobile acts, and the 'affected-flags' define
more attributes of the mobile.

The 'alignment' of the mobile ranges from -1000 to +1000.  Keep in mind that
certain spells ('protection' and 'dispel evil') give characters fighting evil
monsters an advantage, and that experience earned is influenced by alignment.

The literal letter 'S' must be present after the alignment.  In the original
Diku mob format, 'S' stands for simple.  Merc supports only simple mobs, so the
'S' is redundant.  It is retained not only for compatibility with the Diku
format, but also because it helps the server report errors more accurately.

The 'level' is typically a number from 1 to 35, although there is no upper

The 'sex' value may be 0 for neutral, 1 for male, and 2 for female.

=== The #OBJECTS section

The syntax of this section is:

	<item-type:number> <extra-flags:number> <wear-flags:number>
	<value-0:number> <value-1:number|word> <value-2:number|word> <value-3:number|word>
	<weight:number> <cost:number> <cost-per-day:number>
	    <apply-type:number> <apply-value:number>

The 'vnum' is the virtual number of the object.

The 'keywords' are words which can be used in commands to identify the object.

The 'short-description' is the description used by the 'act' function and other
functions to identify the object.  The first character of the short-description
should be lower case, because this description is used in the middle of

The 'long-description' is the description used when a character walks in the
room and the object is visible.

The 'action-description' is not used.

The 'item-type' is the type of the item (weapon, armor, potion, et cetera).

The 'extra-flags' describe more attributes of the object.  The 'wear-flags'
describe whether the item can be picked up, and if so, what bodily locations
can wear it.

The interpretation of the four 'value' numbers depends upon the type of the
object.  Interpretations are given below.

The 'weight' of the object is just that.

'Cost' and 'cost-per-day' are ignored.  'Cost' is generated internally based on
the level of the object.  Because Merc has no rent, 'cost-per-day' is
completely ignored.

The optional 'E' sections and 'A' sections come after the main data.
An 'E' section ('extra description') contains a keyword-list and a string
associated with those keywords.  This description string is used when a
character looks at a word on the keyword list.

An 'A' section ('apply') contains an apply-type and an apply-value.  When a
character uses this object as equipment (holds, wields, or wears it), then
the value of 'apply-value' is added to the character attribute identified by
'apply-type'.  Not all 'apply-types' are implemented; you have to read the
function 'affect_modify' to see exactly which ones are.

An object may have an unlimited number of 'E' and 'A' sections.

=== The #ROOMS section

The syntax of this section is:

	<area:number> <room-flags:number> <sector-type:number>
	    D <door:number>
	    <locks:number> <key:number> <to_room:number>

The 'vnum' is the virtual number of the room.

The 'name' is the name of the room.

The 'description' is the long multi-line description of the room.

The 'area' is obsolete and unused.  Rooms belong to whatever area was most
recently defined with #AREA.

The 'room-flags' describe more attributes of the room.

The 'sector-type' identifies the type of terrain.  This affects movement cost
through the room.  Certain sector types (air and boat) require special
capabilities to enter.

Unlike mobiles and objects, rooms don't have any keywords associated with them.
One may not manipulate a room in the same way one manipulates a mobile or

The optional 'D' sections and 'E' sections come after the main data.  A 'D'
section contains a 'door' in the range from 0 to 5:

	0	north
	1	east
	2	south
	3	west
	4	up
	5	down

A 'D' command also contains a 'description' for that direction, and 'keywords'
for manipulating the door.  'Doors' include not just real door, but any kind of
exit from the room.  The 'locks' value is 0 for an unhindered exit, 1 for a
door, and 2 for a pick-proof door.  The 'key' value is the vnum of an object
which locks and unlocks the door.  Lastly, 'to_room' is the vnum of the room to
which this door leads.

You must specify two 'D' sections, one for each side of the door.  If you
specify just one then you'll get a one-way exit.

An 'E' section (extended description) contains a 'keywords' string and a
'description' string.  As you might guess, looking at one of the words in
'keywords' yields the 'description' string.

The 'S' at the end marks the end of the room.  It is not optional.

=== The #RESETS section

The syntax of this section is:

	* <comment:to_eol>
	M <:number> <mob-vnum:number> <limit:number> <room-vnum:number>	\
	O <:number> <obj-vnum:number> <:number> <room-vnum:number>	\
	P <:number> <obj-vnum:number> <:number> <obj-vnum:number>	\
	G <:number> <obj-vnum:number> <:number>				\
	E <:number> <obj-vnum:number> <:number> <wear_loc:number>	\
	D <:number> <room-vnum:number> <door:number> <state:number>	\
	R <:number> <room-vnum:number> <last-door:number>		\

To reset an area, the server executes each command in the list of reset
commands once.  Each area is reset once when the server loads, and again
periodically as it ages.  An area is reset if it is at least 3 area-minutes old
and is empty of players, or if it is 15 area-minutes old.  At the 14
area-minute mark, each (awake) player in the area is warned of the impending
reset.  These values are coded into the function 'reset_area'.

An 'area-minute' varies between 30 and 90 seconds of real time, with an
average of 60 seconds.  The variation defeats area timekeepers.

The 'resets' section contains a series of single lines.  The backslashes and
line splitting above are for readability; they are not part of the file format.
Because of the end-of-line comments, this section is not as free-format as
other sections.

The reset commands are:

    *	comment
    M	read a mobile 
    O	read an object
    P	put object in object
    G	give object to mobile
    E	equip object to mobile
    D	set state of door
    R	randomize room exits
    S	stop (end of list)

The '*' lines contain comments.  The 'S' line is the last line of the section.

Every other command contains four numbers (three for the 'G' command).  The
first number is ignored.  The next three (or two) numbers are interpreted as

For the 'M' command, the second number is the vnum of a mobile to load.  The
third number is the limit of how many of this mobile may be present in the
world.  The fourth number is the vnum of the room where the mobile is loaded.

For the 'O', 'P', 'G', and 'E' commands, the second number is the vnum of an
object to load.  The third number is ignored.

For the 'O' command, the fourth number is the vnum of the room where the object
is loaded.  The object is not loaded if the target room already contains any
objects with this vnum.  The object is also not loaded if any players are
present in the area.

For the 'P' command, the fourth number is the vnum of a container object where
the object will be loaded.  The actual container used is the most recently
loaded object with the right vnum; for best results, there should be only one
such container in the world.  The object is not loaded if no container object
exists, or if someone is carrying it, or if it already contains one of the
to-be-loaded object.

For the 'G' command, there is no fourth number.  If the most recent 'M' command
succeeded (e.g. the mobile limit wasn't exceeded), the object is given to that
mobile.  If the most recent 'M' command failed (due to hitting mobile limit),
then the object is not loaded.

For the 'E' command, the fourth number is an equipment location.  If the most
recent 'M' command succeeded, that mobile is equipped with the object.  If the
most recent 'M' command failed, then the object is not loaded.

All objects have a level limit, which is computed by inheritance from the most
recently read 'M' command (whether it succeeded or not) in 'area_update'.  As 
distributed, an object's level equals the mobile level minus 2, clipped to the 
range 0 to 35.

For the 'D' command, the second number is the vnum of a room.  The third number
is a door number from 0 to 5.  The fourth number indicates how to set the door:
0 for open and unlocked; 1 for closed and unlocked; 2 for closed and locked.

Room exits must be coherent: if room 1 has an exit to room 2, and room 2 has an
exit in the reverse direction, that exit must go back to room 1.  This doesn't
prevent one-way exits; room 2 doesn't HAVE to have an exit in the reverse

For the 'R' command, the second number is the vnum of a room.  The third number
is a door number.  When this command, the doors from 0 to the indicated door
number are shuffled.  The room will still have the same exits leading to the
same other rooms as before, but the directions will be different.  Thus, a door
number of 4 makes a two-dimensional maze room; a door number of 6 makes a
three-dimensional maze room.

Use of both the 'D' and 'R' commands on the same room will yield unpredicatable

Any line (except an 'S' line) may have a comment at the end.

=== The #SHOPS section

The syntax of this section is:

	<keeper:number>						\
	<trade-0:number> <trade-1:number> <trade-2:number>	\
	<trade-3:number> <trade-4:number>			\
	<profit-buy:number> <profit-sell:number>		\
	<open-hour:number> <close-hour:number>			\

Like the #RESETS section, the #SHOPS section has one command per line.

The 'keeper' is the vnum of the mobile who is the shopkeeper.  All mobiles
with that vnum will be shopkeepers.

The 'trade-0' through 'trade-5' numbers are item types which the shopkeeper
will buy.  Unused slots should have a '0' in them; for instance, a shopkeeper
who doesn't buy anything would have five zeroes.

The 'profit-buy' number is a markup for players buying the item, in percentage
points.  100 is nominal price; 150 is 50% markup, and so on.  The 'profit-sell'
number is a markdown for players selling the item, in percentage points.
100 is nominal price; 75 is a 25% markdown, and so on.  The buying markup
should be at least 100, and the selling markdown should be at most 100.

The 'open-hour' and 'close-hour' numbers define the hours when the shopkeeper
will do business.  For a 24-hour shop, these numbers would be 0 and 23.

Everything beyond 'close-hour' to the end of the line is taken to be a comment.

Note that there is no room number for a shop.  Just load the shopkeeper mobile
into the room of your choice, and make it a sentinel.  Or, for a roving
shopkeeper, just make it non-sentinel.

The objects a shopkeeper sells are exactly those loaded by 'G' reset commands
for that shopkeeper.  These items replenish automatically.  If a player sells
an object to a shopkeeper, the shopkeeper will keep it for resale if he, she,
or it doesn't already have an identical object.  These items do not replenish.

=== The #SPECIALS section

The syntax of this section is:

	* <comment_to_eol>
	M <mob-vnum:number> <spec-fun:word> <comment:to_eol>

Like the #RESETS section, the #SPECIALS section has one command per line.

This section defines special functions (spec-fun's) for mobiles.  A spec-fun
is a C function which gives additional behavior to all mobiles with a given
vnum, such as the peripatetic mayor or the beholder casting spells in combat.

The 'M' command assigns 'spec-fun' to all mobiles of with virtual number
'mob-vnum'.  All spec-fun's are assigned by name.  An 'M' line may have a
comment at the end.

Every three seconds, the server function 'mobile_update' examines every mobile
in the game.  If the mobile has an associated spec-fun, then 'mobile_update'
calls that spec-fun with a single parameter, the 'ch' pointer for that mob.
The spec-fun returns TRUE if the mobile did something, or FALSE if it did not.
If the spec-fun returns TRUE, then further activity by that mobile is

To add a new special function:

(1) Add a DECLARE_SPEC_FUN line.

(2) Add a line for translating the ascii name of the function into a function
    pointer to the function 'spec_lookup'.

(3) Write the spec-fun.  Note that Merc special functions take a single 
    parameter, rather than the three parameters of Diku.  If you have an 
    Ansi C compiler, you're protected against accidental mismatches.

(4) Assign the spec-fun by writing an appropriate line into the #SPECIALS
    section in an area file.  Any number of mobs may have the same spec-fun.

=== The #$ section

The syntax of this section is:


This section marks the end of an area file.  If you concatenate several area
files into one, remember to delete the terminating '#$' from all but the last
file.  Conversely, if you split area files, remember to terminate each new file
with a '#$'.

=== Meaning of Value Numbers by Item Type

In the values below, 'spell name' is the name of a spell, as found in the 
skill_list table.  

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	hours of light available, 0 is dead, -1 is infinite
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	level
   value[1]	spell name
   value[2]	spell name
   value[3]	spell name

   value[0]	level
   value[1]	max charges
   value[2]	current charges
   value[3]	spell name

   value[0]	level
   value[1]	max charges
   value[2]	current charges
   value[3]	spell name

   value[0]	unused (server sets this to the minimum damage automatically)
   value[1]	unused (server sets this to the maximum damage automatically)
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	weapon type:
      00	   hit
      01	   slice
      02	   stab
      03	   slash
      04	   whip
      05	   claw
      06	   blast
      07	   pound
      08	   crush
      09	   grep
      10	   bite
      11	   pierce
      12	   suction

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	unused (server sets to the random armor value automatically)
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	level
   value[1]	spell name
   value[2]	spell name
   value[3]	spell name

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	weight capacity
   value[1]	flags: 1 closeable, 2 pickproof, 4 closed, 8 locked
   value[2]	key vnum
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	capacity
   value[1]	current quantity
   value[2]	liquid number (see 'liq_table')
   value[3]	if non-zero, drink is poisoned

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	hours of food value
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	if non-zero, food is poisoned

   value[0]	value in gold pieces
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	unused
   value[3]	unused

   value[0]	level
   value[1]	spell name
   value[2]	spell name
   value[3]	spell name

   value[0]	unused
   value[1]	unused
   value[2]	hours of darkness available, 0 is dead, -1 is infinite
   value[3]	unused

=== Booting and Testing Areas

When the Merc server starts, it reads a file named 'area.lst' in the current
directory.  This file contains a list of all the area files to read in.  To add
or delete areas, simply edit area.lst.

The server reads all of the area files into memory once at load time and then
closes them.  Thus you can edit area files while the server is running.
Changes will take effect the next time the server boots.  

You can test areas by running Murk in a different directory with a different 
'area.lst' file with new areas dropped into it.  

The server reports syntax errors, including the area file name and a line
number.  Take the line number with a grain of salt; some kinds of errors cause
the server to run on for quite a few lines before ultimately detecting the

The server detects and reports most area-file errors that crash other muds,
often including the area file name and line number.  The server refuses to run
with bad files.  Thus if you import areas, and they're dirty, you'll have to
clean them before you can use them.

The server also reports semantic errors, such as references to non-existent
mobiles, objects, or rooms.

=== Current Vnum Assignments by area

00 limbo.are    
30 midgaard.are 
31 midgaard.are 
32 midgaard.are 
33 midgaard.are 
37 school.are   

== Server modification guide

=== The function 'send_to_char'

The central output functions are 'send_to_char' and 'act'.  Of the two,
'send_to_char' is much simpler, faster, and less powerful.

The interface for send_to_char is:

    void Character::send_to_char( const std::string & txt )

The string 'txt' is sent to the character.  That's all there is to it.

=== The function 'act'

The function 'act' is much hairier.  The following section is a precise
reference guide.  If you don't already have some notion of what 'act' format
strings look like, then you should read some code which uses 'act' (such as
some of the spell functions) to get a concrete introduction to this

    void Character::act( const std::string & str, Object *obj, 
      const void *vo, int type )

    const std::string & str;

	This is a format string, with formatting specifications introduced
	by '$' (just as 'printf' introduces its formatting sequences with '%').
	Typically this is a complete sentence with a subject and an object.

    Character *this;

	This is the subject of the sentence.

    Object *obj;

	This is the object of the sentence.

    const void *vo;

	This is the target of the sentence, as well as possibly the object of
	the sentence.  This may be either a character, an object, or a text 

    int type;

	This is the 'to' type of the sentence.  Values are:

	    TO_CHAR	Send only to 'this'.
	    TO_VICT	Send only to 'vo' (and then only if vo != this).
	    TO_ROOM	Send to all chars in room except 'this'.
	    TO_NOTVICT	Send to all chars in room except 'this' and 'vict'.

	In every case, only characters in the same room as 'this' are considered.

    Global boolean MOBTRIGGER;

	This is the global variable used to allow the mobprograms to trigger.
	It is default TRUE.

Each awake character in the same room as 'this' is considered for output.  (Thus
'this' must always be a legitimate character whose location is not NOWHERE).  If
the target character meets the 'type' requirements, then the formatting string
'str' is used to construct an output string, with '$' sequences substituted
using values from 'ch', 'obj', and 'vo'.  

In the substitution of '$' sequences, attention is paid to visibility by
calling 'can_see' and 'can_see_obj' as needed.

The first character of the output string is always capitalized.

=== The '$' sequences

Here are all the '$' sequences supported by 'act':

	Result is simply the 'vo' argument interpreted as a string.

	Result is the name of 'this'.  If 'this' is not visible to the target
	character, result is the string 'someone'.

	Result is the name of 'vo' (considered as a victim).  If 'vo' is not
	visible to the target character, result is the string 'someone'.

	Result is 'he', 'she', or 'it', depending on the sex of 'this'.

	Result is 'he', 'she', or 'it', depending on the sex of 'vo'
	(considered as a victim).

	Result is 'him', 'her', or 'it', depending on the sex of 'this'.

	Result is 'him', 'her', or 'it', depending on the sex of 'vo'
	(considered as a victim).

	Result is 'his', 'her', or 'its', depending on the sex of 'this'.

	Result is 'his', 'her', or 'its', depending on the sex of 'vo'
	(considered as a victim).

	Result is the short description of 'obj'.  If 'obj' is invisible to the
	target character, result is the string 'something'.

	Result is the short description of 'vo', considered as an object.  If
	'vo' is invisible to the target character, result is the string

	Result is the first word in 'vo', considered as a string.  If 'vo' is
	NULL, result is the string 'door'.  This is meant for extracting the
	name from a door's keyword list, but may be used in general for other
	keyword lists.

=== Classes

The central organizing table for classes is class_table, which is an array of
type 'struct class_type'.  Mobs have class 0, and players have classes 0 
through MAX_CLASS-1.

The fields of class_table are:

    char *	who_name;

	This three-letter name is used for the 'who' listing.  It's also used
	for the list of classes shown to new characters for selecting a class,
	and for matching the player's input in selecting a class.

    sh_int	attr_prime;

	This attribute is initialized to 16 for new chars of this class.  It
	costs only three practices to train one's prime attribute, versus five
	practices for any other attribute.  In addition, characters may
	increase their prime attribute (only) over 18 by using magic items.

    sh_int	weapon;

	This object (vnum) is given to new characters of this class for their
	first weapon.

    sh_int	guild;

	This room (vnum) is off limits to characters of other classes.

    sh_int	skill_adept;

	This is the maximum level to which a character of this class may train
	a skill or spell.

    sh_int	thac0_00;		/* Thac0 for level  0		*/
    sh_int	thac0_32;		/* Thac0 for level 32		*/

	These are thac0's (To Hit Armor Class 0) for a level 0 character and a
	level 32 character of this class.  Thac0 for any particular level is
	computed by linear interpolation.

    sh_int	hp_min;			/* Min hp gained on leveling	*/
    sh_int	hp_max;			/* Max hp gained on leveling	*/
    bool	fMana;			/* Class gains mana on level	*/

	The fields hp_min and hp_max are the minimum and maximum hit points
	gained on advancing a level (in addition to the constitution bonus).
	If fMana is true, than the class gains mana when leveling.

=== Other class-specific tables

(1) skill_table contains the level needed for each class to use a particular 
    skill or spell.  If the class cannot use that skill or spell, the level 
    needed is set to 37, so that immortals (angels and above) can use it.  
    This table is indexed first by sn (skill/spell number) and then by class.

(2) title_table contains the titles, indexed by class, then by level, then 
    by sex.  There are two titles for each class at each level.

=== Adding a new class

Here's how to add a new class:

(1) Increment 'MAX_CLASS'.

(2) Add a new entry to 'class_table'.

(3) Add sn level numbers to 'skill_table' for the new class.  Set the level 
    to 37 for all skills or spells which the class is unable to use.

(4) Add an entire new block of titles to 'title_table'.

=== Immortal Levels

Here are the immortal levels:

36	Hero	This is the highest level ordinary players can reach by
		accumulating experience points.  Heros and heroines can
		participate in 'immtalk' and read notes addressed to
		'immortal'.  They no longer receive experience points.

37	Angel	Immortals at this level can observe most aspects of the game,
		but have very few active commands.  One command they do have
		is 'switch' so that they can help run quests.

38	Deity	Immortals at this level have all the commands needed to affect
		game elements within the game, such as 'mload', 'mset',
		'oload', and 'oset'.

39	Supreme	Immortals at this level have site and connection level
		commands, such as 'hotboot' and 'shutdown'.  In fact, this level
		has access to all immortal commands except 'advance'.

40	God	Immortals at this level have 'advance'.

=== Commands

The central organizing table for skills and spells is cmd_table, an array
of type 'struct cmd_type'.

The fields of cmd_table are:

    char *	name;

	The name of the command.  Command lookup is by partial matching on the
	name; the first match (which also meets level restrictions) is used.

    cmdfun_T 	do_fun;

	The function for this command.  A 'do_fun' takes two arguments: the
	character who is issuing the command and the rest of the argument
	string after the command name.

    sh_int	position;

	The minimum position for using this command.

    sh_int	level;

	The minimum level for using this command.  This is usually used for
	restricting certain commands to immortals.

    sh_int	log;

	The type of logging to perform.  LOG_NORMAL commands are logged just
	when the player is logged.  LOG_ALWAYS commands are always logged.
	LOG_NEVER commands are never logged, even if the player is logged.

=== How to Add a Command

(1) Add a line for the command in 'cmd_table'.

(2) Add a line for the command in 'cmd_list.hpp'.

(3) Write the member function for teh Character class.

(4) Write a help section for the function.  See 'help.are' for the format of
    help entries.  We suggest you start your own file of customized help rather
    than adding into 'help.are'.  This will make it easier for you to upgrade
    to future releases of Merc (which will have upgraded 'help.are' files).
    Merc supports as many help files as you want.

That's ALL there is to it!

=== Social Commands

Social commands add to the atmosphere of the game.  The social commands are
contained in 'social_table'.  The fields of this table are:

    char *	name;

	The name of the social command.

    char *	char_no_arg;

	The message sent to the character when no argument is given.

    char *	others_no_arg;

	The message sent to others when no argument is given.

    char *	char_found;

	The message sent to the character when a victim is found.

    char *	others_found;

	The message sent to others when a victim is found.

    char *	vict_found;

	The message sent to the victim when a victim is found.

    char *	char_auto;

	The message sent to the character when the victim IS the character.

    char *	others_auto;

	The message sent to others when the victim IS the character.

All of these messages are 'act' messages and may use any '$' sequences (the
'act' function is documented in 'act.txt').  If the command is not found in the
regular command table, the function 'check_social' looks in 'social_table' for
a match.  This is the last stop before rejecting the command.

Socials without arguments, such as 'hop', may have NULL for the strings sent
when arguments are present.

=== How to Add a Social Command

(1) Edit the 'socials' file and rebuild the database.

That's ALL there is to it.

=== Player File Format

Player files are ascii files.

A player file contains a player section followed by one or more object
sections.  Each section contains several lines.  Each line contains a
keyword followed by a value.

An old Internet dictum says 'be conservative in what you send and liberal
in what you accept'.  Thus Merc writes player files in a fixed order, but
accepts flexible ordering, partial files, et cetera.

There are two section types: #PLAYER and #OBJECT.  The #PLAYER section
defines player values.  Each #OBJECT section defines one object.  A third
section type, #MOB, is partially implemented and may be implemented in a
future release.

Merc writes one #PLAYER section per file, but will read multiple sections.
If the same value is specified twice the later value generally overrides
earlier values; some lines, such as the 'Affect line', just append more
affects.  If a value is not specified, some default value is used.

Players are saved with their equipment on.  Thus, the values in the #PLAYER
section reflect current equipment applies, including 'Hitroll', 'Damroll',
'Armor', and 'AttrMod', as well as hit points, mana, move, and others.
Thus, great care is needed when adding or deleting objects which a player
is currently wearing.

A #OBJECT section contains all the object values, including the object's
current wear location.  Objects which have been 'oset' retain all of their
values.  Again, editing an object which is currently being worn requires
care; the corresponding #PLAYER state must also be changed to match.

Each #OBJECT has a nesting level.  Objects in inventory or equipment list have
nesting level 0.  Objects inside a container in inventory or equipment list
have nesting level 1.  Objects inside a level-1 object are level 2, et cetera.
Objects deeper than nesting level 100 are quietly discarded.  This nesting
level is used to reconstruct container contents when loading objects.  Thus,
if you delete a container from a file, its objects are likely to be loaded
inside the previous object; and if that's not a container, the player will be
unable to get them out of the object.  To avoid this problem, reset the
nesting level of each contained object to 0.

Objects are stored in the file in reverse inventory-order list.  This is not
pretty, but it allows the use of standard 'obj_to_obj' and 'obj_to_char' calls
to construct the object lists.

You may add new fields to players and objects.  Because of the line-oriented
ascii format, changing a structure size in 'merc.h' will never invalidate a
player file.   Naturally, you must ensure that when an old file which does
not contain a line for a new field is read in, the new field is set to some
reasonable default value.  E.g., if you add a 'home town' name for players,
then initialize it to 'Midgaard' before reading in the player file, so that
old players get the 'Midgaard' value, and new players get whatever value is
on that line of their file.

Similarly if you delete a field from the player or object structure, you
must leave the parsing line for it in 'fread_char' or 'fread_obj'; simply
assign it into a dummy variable.  This allows your old player files to
continue loading.

=== How to Add a New Char Field

(1) Add the field to the appropriate class.

(2) Initialize the field in 'create_char' or 'clear_char'.

(3) Initialize the field in 'load_char_obj' if needed.
    Make sure that old players which do not have the field are
    initialized to a reasonable value.

(4) Add lines to write out the field in 'fwrite_char'.

(5) Add lines to read in the field in 'fread_char'.

=== How to Add a New Object Field

(1) Add the field to the appropriate class.

(2) Initialize the field in 'create_object'.

(3) Initialize the field in 'fread_obj' if needed.
    Make sure that objects which do not have the field are
    initialized to a reasonable value.

(4) Add lines to write out the field in 'fwrite_obj'.

(5) Add lines to read in the field in 'fread_obj'.

=== Security Features

The 'deny' command can be used to set a character's PLR_DENY bit.  This bit
cannot be reset from within the server (and the player can't log on anyways to
get it reset).  In order to un-deny a player, edit their save file, and
subtract the value of PLR_DENY (1048576) from their 'AffectedBy' bits.

You can also 'deny' a player off-line by editing his or her player file and
adding in the PLR_DENY bit (1048576) to their 'AffectedBy' bits.

The 'ban' command can be used to ban sites or domains.

The 'startup' script automatically redirects stdout and stderr output to log 
files in the current directory.

The server is protected against input spamming.

=== Game Balance Features

There are level limits on grouping.

Objects have level restrictions on their use.

There are limits on saved items.  Keys and potions do not save.  Items which
are higher level than the character are not saved.  This protects against
storage characters.

If you do need to confiscate equipment, just fire up your favorite editor and
edit the player files.

Many commands, such as 'backstab', 'pick lock', and 'steal', have wait states
and level limits on them.  This protects against low-level thieves plundering
the game.

There are very few ways to leave combat.  Breaking link will invoke attempts
to auto-recall, but with a low chance of success.  'Summon' may not be used
on a character in combat.  'Recall' has less chance of succeeding than fleeing.
In summary, the best way out of combat is fleeing.

Offensive spells start combat -- no free attempts at 'sleep', 'dispel magic',
or other such spells.  Offensive spells may not be cast on other players.

Players no longer gain experience from pkilling.

The 'summon' spell will not summon a character into a different area.

The 'tell' command will not 'tell' to mobiles which are not in the room.

The 'tick' interval, as well as other game intervals such as the zone reset
interval, have random variation.

Aggressive mobiles check for aggression on every game pulse.  Thus it is not
possible to 'run past' aggressive mobiles.

It is not possible to leave the game without an auto-save being done (e.g.
by breaking link).  The game auto-saves players on death, and it auto-saves
players periodically (one player each tick).

The 'R' reset command may be used to scramble room exits on area reset, so that
players have to map a maze each time they enter.

Players may loot only their own corpses or their own groups' corpses.  Other
corpse looting is punished with a PLR_THIEF flag.

=== Skills and Spells

The central organizing table for skills and spells is skill_table, an array
of type 'struct skill_type'.  Skills include spells as a special case.  
Indexes into this table are 'skill numbers' or 'spell numbers', abbreviated 
'sn'.  An 'sn' is a purely internal value, and can vary over time as skills 
and spells are added.  This way, the skill table can be expanded conveniently.

The 'practice' command and player saving/loading are completely table-driven
from skill_table.  Skills and spells may be freely added or deleted without
changing these functions.

The fields of skill_table are:

    char *	name;

	The name is used for practising the skill or spell and by the 'cast'
	command.  Mobiles which cast spells also often invoke the spell by
	name.  Save files contain this name.

    sh_int	skill_level[MAX_CLASS];

	This array is indexed by character class, GET_CLASS(ch).  It contains
	the minimum level which each class needs in order to practice the skill
	or spell.  If a given class cannot use this skill or spell, the level
	is set to 37, so that all immortals can use all skills and spells.
	Mobiles ignore this table; generally their skill percentages are a
	simple function of level.

    SPELL_FUN *	spell_fun;

	This is the function which implements the spell.  Spell functions
	take four arguments: an 'sn', a level, a caster, and a pointer to a
	target victim or object.  This field is unused for skills.

    sh_int	target;

	This identifies the targets of the spell.  The legal values are:

	    TAR_IGNORE			Spell chooses its own targets.
	    TAR_CHAR_OFFENSIVE		Spell is offensive (starts combat).
	    TAR_CHAR_DEFENSIVE		Spell is defensive (any char is legal).
	    TAR_CHAR_SELF		Spell is personal-effect only.
	    TAR_OBJ_INV			Spell is used on an object.

	PC's may not cast TAR_CHAR_OFFENSIVE spells on other PC's.  These
	spells also cause the victim to attack the caster.

	This field is unused for skills.

    sh_int	minimum_position;

	This is the minimum position needed to cast the spell.  It is always
	either POSITION_FIGHTING or POSITION_STANDING.  This field is unused
	for skills.

    sh_int	min_mana;

	This is the minimum mana required to cast this spell by a sufficiently
	high level spell caster.  A lower level spell caster will need more
	mana than the minimum; see 'do_cast' in 'magic.c' for the algorithm.
	This field is unused for skills.

    sh_int	beats;

	This is the delay time, in pulses, imposed on the user of a spell or
	caster of a spell.  One pulse is 0.25 second (this is derived from
	PULSE_PER_SECOND in merc.h).

    char *	noun_damage;

	This is a noun or noun phrase containing the damage message for skills
	or spells that perform damage.

    char *	msg_off;

	This is the message sent to the character when the skill or spell wears

=== Examples

	"fireball", { 15, 37, 37, 37 },
	&Character::spell_fireball, TAR_CHAR_OFFENSIVE,	POS_FIGHTING,
        15, 12, "fireball", "!Fireball!"

	This is a fifteenth level magic-user spell.  The slot number is 26.  It
	costs 15 mana, and imposes 12 pulses (3 seconds) of delay time on the
	caster.  It's an offensive spell, and can be used either fighting or
	standing.  There is no gsn.  The damage message will say 'fireball',
	and the wear-off message has a strange form to indicate errors because
	this spell is instantaneous.

        "armor", {5, 1, 37, 37},
        &Character::spell_armor, TAR_CHAR_DEFENSIVE, POS_STANDING,
        5, 12, 
        "", "You feel less protected."

	This is a fifth level magic-user or first level cleric spell.  It can
	be cast on any char without starting a fight.  It has no damage message
	but does have a wear-off message.

	"gas breath",		{ 35, 37, 37, 37 },
	&Character::spell_gas_breath,	TAR_IGNORE,		POS_FIGHTING,
	0,	 4,
	"blast of gas",		"!Gas Breath!"

	This is one of the dragon-breath spells.  It is accessible only to
	35th level magic users.  The spell selects its own targets (TAR_IGNORE)
	rather than using the common spell-driver target selection code.

	"pick lock",		{ 37, 37,  1, 37 },
	&Character::spell_null,		TAR_IGNORE,		POS_STANDING,
	0,	12,
	"",			"!Pick!"

	This is a first-level thief skill.  Many of the fields are unused.
	This skill has a gsn, so that do_pick_lock does not have to call
	'skill_lookup' to find the sn.

=== The spell driver

The spell driver level is the first half of 'magic.c'.  It consists of
'do_cast' for the 'cast' command and 'obj_cast_spell' which is called from
'do_brandish', 'do_eat', 'do_quaff', 'do_recite', and 'do_zap'.

The spell driver takes care of level checking, position checking, target
selection, target validation (such as preventing PC's from casting offensive
spells on other PC's), staff area effect (just multi-target selection), mana
costs, wait states, and starting combat for offensive spells.  All of these
things are table-driven by 'skill_table'.

The spell function itself takes care of calling functions like 'damage' and
'affect_to_char'.  Read the existing ones to see what is needed for a new one.

Some spells, such as 'earthquake', 'locate object' or 'summon', perform their
own target selection.  These spells are target type TAR_IGNORE.  Within the
spell function, the variable 'target_name' is available (set by the spell

=== Adding a new spell

(1) Choose appropriate values for the other 'skill_table' fields, and write
    your new paragraph.  Order is immaterial.

(2) Add the 'spell_*' function declaration to the Character class.

(3) Add the code for the spell function.

(4) If your spell needs 'AFF_*' bits, create new 'AFF_* bits'.

(5) You may need to increase 'MAX_SKILL'.

=== Adding a new skill

For skills, only some of the fields are relevant: 'name', 'skill_level',
'beats', 'noun_damage', and 'msg_off' are used; 'min_mana', 'spell_fun', 
'target', and 'minimum_position' are not used.

Skills are either automatic (such as 'parry') or manual (such as 'rescue').
Many automatic skills are referenced in 'fight.c'; look at 'multi_hit' for

An explicit skill such as 'rescue' has its associated command 'do_rescue'.
This command is defined and called in the normal way.  

To add a new skill:

(1) Choose appropriate values for the 'skill_table' fields, and write your new
    paragraph.  Order is immaterial.

(2) If the skill is automatic, just use 'ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_new_skill]'
    in your code.  If your skill is manual, you need to write an appropriate
    command function for it.

(3) You may need to increase 'MAX_SKILL'.

== MOBprograms

MOBprograms are a way to make your mobiles more interesting.  This basic 
version has enough to get things going, and should be quite readable and
understandable and more to the point, extendable. The remainder of this
document describes MOBprograms and gives a couple trivial examples.

=== The Basic Idea

Ever wonder why most muds either seem dead or overcrowded? The answer
is probably partially due to the fact that the mobiles never do anything
but wait to be slaughtered.  Unless someone has gone to great lengths
and added many special procedures, most mobiles have no idea you are in
the room with them and rarely listen to what you say. The typical Midgaard
mayor wanders happily along even when the populace pokes him, waves his
City Key about, unlocks his gates, or frenchs his secretary, etc. So a way to
give the mobiles a bit more spirit would be neat. Enter the MOBprograms.

The backbone of the MOBprograms shall be called triggers from this
point on.  Essentially, they are procedure calls placed in sneaky places in
the mud code which provide the context for what is going on around the
mobile.  So, if something happens in the mobile's room and a trigger is
activated, then a list of commands is sent to the interpreter in the
mobile's name, thus making her/it/him do an appropriate something.

Since knowing the appropriate response for every mobile to every
possible trigger is not easy, this command list shouldnt be a rigid script, but
needs to be somehow unique for the mobile and the situation.  However, in
order to know the situation, a mobile needs to know more about the trigger
than that it just happened. So, we have to include some sort of variables
as well to set the context appropriately.

As most implementors know, most area creators are not versed in
coding, but usually have great ideas. Therefore, whatever system is used needs
to be quite simple. This is not to demean creators in anyway. Simply, it is
useless to have a powerful system, if the only person able to write anything
is someone who finds C coding in general to be exciting and non frustrating. 
If that is going to be the case, then stick to the special procedures, since
there is no bound to what a complex special procedure can accomplish. Yet,
from experience working on several muds, most admins and implementors prefer
not to be writing one shot spec_procs to satisfy the needs of their creators.
Thus, the basic idea: let mobiles react to a myriad of mud
events/situations by having them perform a list of commands which can be
tailored to the moment through a simple and unintimidating scheme usable by
any creator.

=== MOBprogram Syntax

The simplest way to describe any syntax is by example, so here goes.
First, define the notation: anything contained in braces {} is required,
anything in brackets [] is optional, anything in quotes "" is a case
insensitive literal, NL refers to a required new-line. The meanings of
the labels used will be described following the syntax diagram.

">" {trigger_type} " " {argument_list} "~" NL
{program_command_1} NL
{program_command_2} NL
{program_command_3} NL
     .   .   .
{program_command_N} NL
"~" NL

-- Explanations

A TRIGGER_TYPE is one of the available triggers.
A PROGRAM_COMMAND can be any legal mud command, or a control flow command.
The ARGUMENT_LIST depends upon the trigger, but it is always parsed into the
	system as a character string.

This is an example of ONE MOBProgram block for a mob.

=== Associating MOBprograms With A Mobile

There are two ways for the mud to associate the program with the
mobile.  In either case, the result is a link list of mob_programs which are
attached to the mobile_prototype.  This is done at boot time, and so only one
copy is kept, regardless of how many instances of the mobile are running
about. This also means that there is no dynamic way to edit or modify the

The first involves a simple in-file approach.  In the mobile section
of your area files, at the end of the mobile's block (i.e. on the line
following the typical position/default position/sex line), append any number
of MOBprograms blocks (using the syntax above) followed by a line starting
with one '|' (pipe).  Example provided:  Example.are

The second method is to add a #MOBPROGS section to the area files.
Logically this section should follow the #MOBILE section since otherwise the
mobiles probably wont have space allocated for them. In the #MOBPROGS section,
list as many lines as you desire of:

	"M" {Vnum} {MOBprogram_filename} NL

followed by a line starting with a 'S' (case insensitive)


The VNUM is whatever number mobile to which you are associating the MOBprogram.
The MOBPROGRAM_FILENAME is the name of the external file of MOBprograms.
It is not case INsensitive and may include directory heirarchies (foo/bar/xx)

NOTE:  MERC 2.2 provides for a separate directory called MOBProgs.  Any
directory heirarchies branch from the Merc2/area/MOBProgs directory.

=== MOBprogram Files

Since it is often useful to have the same MOBprograms affecting several
different mobiles, referencing MOBprograms stored in an external file
is needed. As described above, if the second method is used, such a file
is already being referenced. Using the first method, in place of a true
MOBprogram block, one can place the dummy line in the #MOBILE section of the
*.are file in place of the MOBProgram block(s).

	">" "in_file_prog" {MOBprogram_filename} "~" NL

Note there is no list of program_commands as well as no second tilde ~.

In a file, the syntax is exactly the same as it is for a in_file approach:

	A list of MOBprogram (NOT including any dummy in_file_prog
	lines, sorry but recursion was outlawed for simplicity)
	blocks followed by a line starting with one '|' (pipe).
	Example provided:  Beggar.prg

More than one mobile can use the same file and one mobile can call more
than one file.  Files referenced using the dummy in_file_prog line are
placed in the MOBprogram list at the point where the dummy line exists.
Files referenced using the #MOBPROG section are added to the end of the
mobiles MOBprogram list. This is important because the only the first
successful MOBprogram of some trigger_types is checked. These are described

=== Trigger Types

Triggers are fairly easy to add, but this basic list should hold for
most needs. Their names, argument list syntaxes, and translation into 
more articulate english are given below:

Syntax:  in_file_prog <ARGUMENT>

The argument is a single word which is the location of the stored
file as referenced from the running directory (MOBProgs).

NOTE:  Dummy trigger. Not valid in any file, only for use in loading files
	from the first method described two sections above.

Syntax:  act_prog [p] <ARGUMENT>

The argument is a list of keywords separated by spaces. If the
first word is the character 'p' by itself then the rest of the word list is
considered to be a phrase.  The trigger is activated whenver a keyword (or
the phrase) is contained in the	act() message. Both the phrase and keywords
are case insensitive.

NOTE:  Most general trigger. Applies to almost every event which happens
	in the mud. Anytime the function act() is called with a message
	to be delivered TO_CHAR,TO_VICT,TO_ROOM,etc. the act can be
	triggered.  Basically this will trigger on almost everything
	you'll ever want (and some things you wont as well) For example:
	MOBprogram: >act_prog p pokes you in the ribs.~
	This trigger will only be activated if a mobile receives a message
	in which the above five words are found in the exact order and
	spacing given. Note that the period is needed because the words
	must be found on their own. This eliminates confusion when the
	keyword is 'hi' and a message with the word 'this' is being checked.

Syntax:  speech_prog [p] <ARGUMENT>

	The argument is the same as for an act_prog.

NOTE:  This is only triggered when the keyword or phrase is contained in a
	message which has been said by a PC in the same room as the mob.
	The PC restriction is not necessary, but makes infinite loops
	between two talking mobiles impossible. It also makes it impossible
	for two NPC's to stand and discuss the weather however. 

Syntax:  rand_prog <NUMBER>

	The argument is a number betweeen 1 and 100 inclusive.

NOTE:  This trigger is checked at each PULSE_MOBILE and if the argument is
	greater than a percentage roll the trigger is activated. This
	will happen even if there is no PC in the room with the mob,
	but there must be players in the same area. 
	It is useful to give mobiles a bit of a personality. For instance
	a janitor who stops to spit tobacco, or complain about the hours,
	or wonder why there are no woman janitors on muds, or a fido which
	barks or growls or pees on the curb is much more alive than one
	which just sits there scavenging.

Syntax:  fight_prog <NUMBER>

	The argument is a percentage like in rand_prog.

NOTE:  Useful for giving mobiles combat attitude.  It is checked every
	PULSE_VIOLENCE when the mobile is fighting.  Can be used to cast
	spells, curse at the opponent, or whatever. Only the first successful
	one will be processed to save time.  Also, this means that the
	mobile wont get lucky and 1. curse, cast a fireball and 2. spit on the
        player, cast another fireball in the same pulse.

Syntax:  hitprcnt_prog <NUMBER>

	The argument is a percentage.

NOTE:  Is activated at each PULSE_VIOLENCE when the mobile is fighting. It
	checks to see if the hitpoints of the mobile are below the given
	percentage.  Multiple hitprcnt_progs should be listed in increasing
	order of percent since a 40% will always be activated before a 20%
	and, only the first successful hitprcnt trigger is performed.

Syntax:  greet_prog <NUMBER>

	Again a percentage argument.

NOTE:  Whenever someone enters the room with the mobile, and the mobile saw
	the person enter, this is checked. Good for shopkeepers who want
	to welcome customers, or for pseudo-aggressive mobiles which need to
	discriminate on who they attack.
Syntax:  all_greet_prog <NUMBER>

	Again a percentage argument.

NOTE:  Like greet_prog, but it can be triggered even if the mobile didnt
	see the	arrival (i.e. sneak, invis, etc). Most useful for faking
	teleport rooms (if your mobiles can transfer) or for impassable

    **NOTE: neither greet_prog is activated if the mobile is fighting.**
Syntax:  entry_prog <NUMBER>

	Again a percentage argument.

NOTE:  The opposite of a greet_prog. Whenver the mobile itself enters a new
	room, this can be triggered.  Useful for looking around, or waving
	or other things that real PCs do when they arrive at a crowded room.
	Only the first successful one of these is done so the mobile doesnt
	look stupid by repeating commands resulting from multiple MOBprograms.

Syntax:  give_prog <ARGUMENT>

	The argument is either the complete name of an object, or the word
	'all'. A complete name is like: "sword shiny magic" vs "sword". It
	is whatever is on the line of the object section following the VNUM.

NOTE:  This is triggered whenever something is given to the mobile.  Best used
	for quests.  Since the first successful trigger is the only one of
	this type which is processed, having an "all" argument give_prog
	at the end of the MOBprogram list is essentially a default response.

Syntax:  bribe_prog <NUMBER>

	The argument is any positive integer number.

NOTE:  This trigger is activated whenever money is given to the mobile. If the
	amount given exceeds the number, then process the commands. Note
	again, that an argument of '1' would act as a default response.
	If money is given to a mobile with this trigger type, instead of the
	cash being added to mob->gold, the mobile is instead given a pile of
	coins in the proper amount. In this way, the mobile can drop the coins
	or refer to the object by "amount" (short description:"%d gold coins")
	This surely has some drawbacks, but it lets the mobile do something
	with the bribe (NOTE: dropping it and getting it turns it into cash)
	This can be done sneakily if a NPC-only "at" command exists.

Syntax:  death_prog <NUMBER>

	The argument is a percent once again.

NOTE:  When the mobile dies, if the random percentage is less than the argument
	the mobile performs the MOBprogram commands rather than the usual
	death_cry sequence.  This is done before the corpse is made, so the
	commands can be considered the mobiles last gasp.  It could perhaps
	destroy the items it was holding, or create some, or cast a spell
	on the killer and the room, or even goto a new location and die
	there (with a text message, the corpse would seem to vanish)  The
	position of the mobile is set to STANDING, and so it can do all the
	normal commands, without worrying about being DEAD.  However, even
	if the mobile restores itself to full hitpoints, it will still die.
	This is not a way to immortal mobiles. However, the last thing this
	mobile does could be to goto some vacant room, load a fresh version
	of itself, drop all its items, force the new mobile to get all the
	items and wear them, send the new mobile back to the character who
	killed it and force the new mobile to attack that character. Along
	with a text message which said the mobile restored itself, this
	might be a convincing effect. (Note that your kitten could turn into
	a dragon this way too).  Of course this assumes that some NPC
	commands have been implemented. 

Note that the first successful bribe_prog, give_prog, hitprcnt_prog,
death_prog, fight_prog, rand_prog and entry_prog is the only one which
is executed.  All the successful greet(_all)_progs, speech_progs, and
act_progs will be done. This is the best arrangement we found for handling
situations where you imported several MOBprogram files for a mobile.  If you
are going to write lots of little files and piece them together to create
the effect you want, it is advisible to not mix things together all that
much, otherwise you have to pay close attention to the order in which the
programs are added to the link list.

Also, no MOBprograms will be successful when the mobile is charmed
(since it has no self violition, it should act like it has none) to protect
mobiles which are given special powers from being implemented by a player.
One bug we had in early testing was a player who charmed a mobile and then
used its aggressive greet_prog to attack other players. 

=== Variables

To make things come alive, variables are needed.  These are represented
in the MOBprograms by using a dollar sign convention as in the socials.
When the mud command is processed, these variables are expanded into the
values shown below.  Usually, it is best to use the short descriptions
of mobiles and the names of players when speaking them, but if you are
performing an action to someone almost always you want the name. The
title field for players is an extra that probably wont often be used.
Without further hesitation... the variables:

$i	the first of the names of the mobile itself.
$I	the short description of the mobile itself.
$n	the name of whomever caused the trigger to happen.
$N	the name and title of whomever caused the trigger to happen.
$t	the name of a secondary character target (i.e A smiles at B)
$T	the short description, or name and title of target (NPC vs PC)
$r	the name of a random char in the room with the mobile (never == $i)
$R	the short description, or name and title of the random char

$j	he,she,it based on sex of $i.
$e	he,she,it based on sex of $n.
$E	he,she,it based on sex of $t.
$J	he,she,it based on sex of $r.

$k	him,her,it based on sex of $i.
$m	him,her,it based on sex of $n.
$M	him,her,it based on sex of $t.
$K	him,her,it based on sex of $r.

$l	his,hers,its based on sex of $i.
$s	his,hers,its based on sex of $n.
$S	his,hers,its based on sex of $t.
$L	his,hers,its based on sex of $r.

$o	the first of the names of the primary object (i.e A drops B)
$O	the short description of the primary object
$p	the first of the names of the secondary object (i.e A puts B in C)
$P	the short description of the secondary object

$a	a,an based on first character of $o
$A	a,an based on first character of $p

Also, in if_checks, the accepted variables are the basic ones
(i,n,t,r,o,p).  If a variable is referenced that doesnt exist, then the value
is simply left blank. (i.e referring to $o when the trigger is: A kisses B)

The only problem with the variables is that the secondary object and
the secondary target are passed by act() in the same location.  This means that
if you reference $t in an  A puts B in C  situation, the result will probably
be a happy mud crash or some weird side effect, espescially if $t is used in
an if_check (i.e. if isnpc($t) in the above situation) The basic fix for this
is to change everyone who calls the act() procedure to specify a secondary
object and a secondary character. But that is a fairly comprehensive trivial
twiddle, so we left it the way it is so that, you arent forced to make all 
those twiddles to use the MOBprograms.

=== Control Flow Syntax

In place of any legal mud command in a MOBprogram, one can substitute a
flow of control command. Here is the syntax for a flow of control command.

"if" " " {if_check_1} "(" {argument} ")" [ {operator} {value} ] NL
[ "or" " " {if_check_2} "(" {argument} ")" [ {operator} {value} ] NL ]
                        .           .           .
[ "or" " " {if_check_N} "(" {argument} ")" [ {operator} {value} ] NL ]

	[ {program_command_1} NL ]
	[ {program_command_2} NL ]
	      .   .   .
	[ "break" NL ]
	      .   .   .
	[ {program_command_N} NL ]

[ "else" NL ]

	[ {program_command_1} NL ]
	[ {program_command_2} NL ]
	      .   .   .
	[ "break" NL ]
	      .   .   .
	[ {program_command_N} NL ]

"endif" NL

	Basically, it is: an 'if' line, followed by zero or more 'or' lines,
followed by zero or more legal mud commands, which may contain a 'break' line,
possibly followed by an 'else' line , followed by zero or more legal mud
commands, which may contain a 'break' line, followed by an 'endif' line.

The only new syntax labels are all in the IF line:


An IF_CHECK is a string which describes under what context to compare things.
The ARGUMENT is the reference point from which the LHS of an expression comes.
The OPERATOR indicates how the LHS and RHS are going to be compared.
The VALUE is the RHS of the expression to be compared by the operator.

The BREAK command bails out of the entire MOBprogram regardless of the
level if nesting.

If that looks confusing, skip to the end of the document and review the
Example. Hopefully that should clear things, otherwise you'll probably have
to give us a mail since examples are the best way we know to explain syntax.

=== Operators

Most of the basic numeric operators are legal and perform the same
function as in C. The string operators are a bit more confusing. There are
negative versions of some of the operators. These are not strictly needed,
since the if/else construct of Control Flow commands can handle either case.

Numeric Operators: == != > < >= <= & |     String Operators: == != / !/

For strings, == and != check for exact match between the two strings
and the other two, / and !/ check to see if the second string is contained in
the first one.  This is so things like:  if name($n) / guard  will respond
true to "cityguard" "guard" "guardian"  etc. Using == on a name implies
that you are matching the complete name "cityguard guard" or whatever.
The string operators are case SENSITIVE.

=== If_Checks In Control Flow

The provided list of if_checks and their arguments are below.  They
should all be fairly obvious in what they do, but some of the more obtuse
deserve a slight explanation. Any '==' operator can be replaced with any of the
available ones described above.  The argument ($*) refers to any of the
variables which make sense for that if_check (i.e. for an if_check which is
referencing a person the only valid variables would be $i, $n, $t or $r)
A value type of string is a sequence of characters. It does not need to be
included in quotes or anything like that (i.e. name($n)== orc large brown)

rand     (num)			Is random percentage less than or equal to num
isnpc     ($*)			Is $* an NPC
ispc      ($*)			Is $* a PC
isgood    ($*)			Does $* have a good alignment 
isfight   ($*)			Is $* fighting
isimmort  ($*)			Is the level of $* greater than max_mortal
ischarmed ($*)			Is $* affected by charm
isfollow  ($*)			Is $* a follower with their master in the room
isaffected($*)	& integer	Is ($*->affected_by & integer) true
				(person only) 
hitprcnt  ($*)	== percent	Is the hit/max_hit of $* equal to percent
inroom	  ($*)	== integer	Is the room of $* equal to integer
				(person only)
sex	  ($*)	== integer	Is the sex of $* equal to integer
position  ($*)	== integer	Is the position of $* equal to integer
level	  ($*)	== integer	Is the level of $* equal to integer
class	  ($*)	== integer	Is the class of $* equal to integer
goldamt	  ($*)	== integer	Does $* have a gold total equal to integer
objtype	  ($*)	== integer	Is the type of $* equal to integer
objval#	  ($*)	== integer	Is $*->value[#] equal to integer (# from 0-3)
number	  ($*)	== integer	Is the vnum of $* equal to integer
name	  ($*)	== string	Is the name of $* equal to string

=== MOBCommands Of Interest

These are fairly basic things, most of them are wiz commands which have
been changed to allow for mobiles to perform the commands.  If you have the
problem of immortals abusing these powers on your mud either ditch the
immortals, or add a check in all of them to only let NPC's with null
descriptors do the commands.  (However, you lose a little debugging help that
way).  MERC 2.2 has provided a little security feature against this but
it is by no means comprehensive.  Please check yourself if you are concerned.

Here are the basic MOBcommands that we found to be enticing:

Syntax:  MPSTAT <mobile>

	Shows the MOBprograms which are set on the mob of the given name or
	vnum and some basic stats for the mobile

Syntax:  MPASOUND <text_string>

	Prints the text string to the rooms around the mobile in the same
	manner as a death cry. This is really useful for powerful aggressives
	and is also nice for wandering minstrels or mobiles like that in

Syntax:  MPJUNK <object>

	Destroys the object refered to in the mobiles inven. It prints no
	message to the world and you can do things like junk all.bread or
	junk all. This is nice for having janitor mobiles clean out their
	inventory if they are carrying too much (have a MOBprogram trigger on
	the 'full inventory')

Syntax:  MPECHO                 <text_string>
	 MPECHOAT      <victim> <text_string>
	 MPECHOAROUND  <victim> <text_string>

	Prints the text message to the room of the mobile. The three options
	let you tailor the message to goto victims or to do things sneaky
	like having a merchant do: mpat guard mpechoat guard rescue_please 
	This coupled with a guard act_prog trigger on rescue_please to
	mpgoto $n and mpecho $I has arrived.  It is an affective way of quickly
	bringing guards to the scene of an attack.

Syntax:  MPMLOAD <vnum>
	 MPOLOAD <vnum> <level>

	Loads the obj/mobile into the inven/room of the mobile. Even if the
	item is non-takable, the mobile will receive it in the inventory.
	This lets a mobile distribute a quest item or load a key or something.

Syntax:  MPKILL <victim>

	Lets a mobile kill a player without having to murder and be fifth
	level.  Lots of MOBprograms end up with mpkill $n commands floating
	around. It works on both mobiles and players.

Syntax:  MPPURGE [argument]

	Destroys the argument from the room of the mobile. Without an argument
	the result is the cleansing of all NPC's and items from the room with
	the exception of the mobile itself.  However, mppurge $i will indeed
	purge the mobile, but it MUST be the last command the mobile tries to
	do, otherwise the mud cant reference the acting mobile trying to do the
	commands and bad things happen.  

Syntax:  MPGOTO <dest>

	Moves the mobile to the room or mobile or object requested.  It makes
	no message of its departure or of its entrance, so these must be
	supplied with mpecho commands if they are desired.

Syntax:  MPAT <dest> <command>

	Perfoms the command at the designated location. Very useful for doing
	magic slight of hand tricks that leave players dumbfounded.. such as
	metamorphing mobiles, or guard summoning, or corpse vanishing.

Syntax:  MPTRANSFER <victim> [dest]

	Sends the victim to the destination or to the room of the mobile as a
	default.  if the victim is "all" then all the characters in the room
	of the mobile are transfered to the destination.  Good for starting
	quests or things like that.  There is no message given to the player
	that it has been transfered and the player doesnt do a look at the
	new room unless the mob forces them to. Immortals cannot be tranfered.

Syntax:  MPFORCE <victim> <command>

	Forces the victim to do the designated command.  The victim is not told
	that they are forced, they just do the command so usually some mpecho
	message is nice.  You can force players to remove belongings and give
	them to you, etc.  The player sees the normal command messages (such as
	removing the item and giving it away in the above example)  Again, if
	the victim is "all" then everyone in the mobiles room does the command.
	This cannot be used on immortals.

=== Regarding CPU Slowdown

We have no real idea how slow this makes a mud. However, you will find
that if you are judicious with your use of MOBprograms, you can either do
little damage, or even reduce the effort on your server!  This means that
mobile polling (including the rand_progs) need only be checked when players
are around. This reduces computation of random_stuff a little, but it is
still a polling method, and subject to a basic inefficiency there. However,
aside from the rand_progs, the only additional slowdowns will be when the
mobile is responding to the situation, and you would get that from a special
procedure as well (although MOBprograms are surely not as efficient as
compiled C code)

For those who are afraid that MOBprograms will drown their CPU, here is a
brazen suggestion which could put you a bit more at ease.  Instead of having
aggressive mobiles, try the following MOBprogram block on all would be

			>greet_prog 100~
			if ispc($n)
			  if isimmort($n)
			    bow $n
			    mkill $n

This has the effect of making the mobile attack the FIRST visable
mortal player who walks into the room. [Merc 2.0 has a random char be the
victim, so we allow our fighting mobiles a high chance to switch their target
to any random player in the opposing group at each pulse_violence.]

What this has allowed us to do, is to comment out the aggr_update
section of the code and thus reduce our computation by a bunch. There is no
continuous polling through all the mobiles in occupied zones and checking to
see if there is an NPC aggressor and a PC victim. We also dont have to worry
about players skipping through aggressives, since the trigger catches folk as
soon as they enter the room.

Note that the price we paid for this, was that if a second player
walked in during the combat, and the first character flees, the mobile didnt
realize that there is a new target. So, we compromised by adding a rand_prog
which had the mobile appear to peer around the room and then do an mkill $r.
AHA! you say, we are back to polling. Well true, but since mobile_update
is called anyway (at 1/16 the frequency of aggr_update in default Merc 2.0)
and we only add an if check, a walk of a short link_list and the MOBprogram
execution itself, we have still reduced the aggr_update stuff by major amounts.

Of course the act_prog updates are currently done in the aggr_update
section but if you decrease the mobile_update time a bit, and move the
act_progs over to there, the result is act_progs which have a brief delay
(like a PC who has to type things over a modem does) 

=== Miscellaneous Information

There is really no limit to the number of MOBprograms a given mobile
can have. However, the length of a single command block is limited by the
value of MAX_STRING_LENGTH.  In my version it was around 4k, so that is
probably about 100 lines.  The indentation spaces shown in the example
above are NOT required, but do make it easier to read (and debug)  

The MOBprogram stuff runs totally without anything in the
mob_commands.c file, but letting mobiles be a bit more godlike has allowed
us to do what we consider to be wonderful things. The replicant and
polymorphing mobiles described above as well as some nifty mob helping mob
interactions are an example.

It IS possible to accidentally make mobiles which can trigger in
loops. As mentioned in the example at the end of this document, the result is
usually a mud crash or major CPU dent.  We dont know any way to prevent this
from happening, other than careful coding and a restriction of mobile travel
from zones of one creator to another (another good reason to not have charmed
mobiles do anything).  Tracking down the culprit mobile is not always easy.
The only thing we have found which always works, is to add a log statement
into the MOBprogram driver and fill some disk space until it becomes apparent
what commands are repetitively issued. Also, most infinite loops are flukes
where the situation just happens to be right and usually it never happens

The list of variables and triggers and if_checks will grow
continuously as our creators demand the ability to do certain things.  If you
have a request or if you have a new one, we don't mind hearing about them,
and if you find bugs, we shall gladly attempt to squash them for you. As
additions or fixes are made, the code will occasionally be redistributed.
However, if you want a current version, please feel free to ask. When the
code is redistributed, a file containing the change history from the original
release will be provided (when possible) to allow you to patch in the changes
with low grief.

The code has been written for a Merc 2.0 release mud. We were
considering trying to port it back to 1.0, but this really had no gain for us.
Also, much of the internal mud structure has changed and makes this almost a
hopeless task.  We will be glad to lend advice to someone who is trying to
install this for 1.0 and if something develops we will be glad to make that
public as well.

=== Adding Triggers

All you have to do is to follow these simple steps...

1.  Add the appropriate global prototypes
2.  Add the appropriate #define XXXXX_PROG
3.  Write a trigger procedure
4.  Add the new case in *mprog_type_to_name(...) 
5.  Add a new if statement in mprog_name_to_type(..) 

There you have it, a new trigger for your MOBProgram system.

=== Credits

The reason this code was written was to enhance the playing
experience at ThePrincedom (a Merc 2.0 based world scheduled to open in
October 1993)

The original idea for this type of MOBprogram came from playing on:
WORLDS of CARNAGE, a dikumud implemented by Robbie Roberts and Aaron Buhr.
Aaron (known as Dimwit Flathead the First) was the original author from what
I have been told, and I hope he will not be totally offended and angered
by my coding and sharing a mimicked version with the world. This version
is probably not as good as the original and I do feel remorse for publishing
the idea. However, since Carnage has been down for months without a word of
information regarding its return, I am glad to let one of the best features
live on in future generations of MUDs.

There are no objections to this code being shared, since, aside from
a nuclear destruction of all the Temples of Midgaard (excepting the original
one!!), bland mobiles are the greatest bane of Dikumuds today. It would be
nice to get a message saying you are using the code just for our references.
We shant answer questions from anyone until told where they are using the
code. *grin*  Since this code is not copyrighted, you of course dont have to
do anything we say, but it would be nice of you to put the mobprog help
screen into your database. and have mobinfo show up somewhere on a more
visable help screen (possibly tagged onto the bottom of credits as a see

I acknowledge all the work done by the original Diku authors as well as
those at Merc Industries and appreciate their willingness to share code.
Also, quick thanks to Wraith for doing a little beta-installation testing.

N'Atas-Ha                                                       June, 1993

In addition to this DOC file credit section, I'd like to add
a thank you to Yaz, Mahatma, Zelda, and the rest of the 4th Realm crew for
extensively testing MOBProgram 2.1 for me.  You may see MOBPrograms in
action as well as their own "flavor" of mud at marble.bu.edu 4000.

Kahn								Oct 28th, 1993
MERC Industries


===================CUT HERE FOR QUICK REFERENCE SHEET========================

    MOBprogram quick reference to triggers/variables/ifchecks/mobcommands

trigger         argument and what must happen to activate trigger
act_prog        WORDLIST or P WORD_PHRASE to match from act() to mobile
bribe_prog      INTEGER amount of miminum gold amount given to mobile
entry_prog      PERCENT chance to check when mobile moves to a new room
give_prog       FULL OBJECT NAME or ALL to match when obj given to mobile
greet_prog      PERCENT chance to check if visable char enters mobile's room
all_greet_prog  PERCENT chance to check when any char enters mobile's room
fight_prog      PERCENT chance to check at fight_pulse if mobile is fighting
hitprcnt_prog   PERCENT lower than mobiles hit/max_hit if mobile is fighting
death_prog      PERCENT chance to check after mobile has been slain
rand_prog       PERCENT chance to check whenever a PC is in the mobiles zone
speech_prog     WORDLIST or P WORD_PHRASE to match in dialogue to mobile

variable         mobile actor victim random     object 2nd_object
  name             $i    $n     $t     $r         $o       $p      
shrt_desc/title    $I    $N     $T     $R         $O       $P          
he/she/it          $j    $e     $E     $J         --       --    '$'symbol=$$
him/her/it         $l    $m     $M     $L         --       --          
his/hers/its       $k    $s     $S     $K         --       --
a/an               --    --     --     --         $a       $A
ifcheck       argument?        meaning
rand(num)                   Is a random percentage less than or equal to num
isnpc($*)                   Is $* an NPC
ispc($*)                    Is $* a PC
isgood($*)                  Does $* have a good alignment 
isfight($*)                 Is $* fighting
isimmort($*)                Is the level of $* greater than max_mortal
ischarmed($*)               Is $* affected by charm
isfollow($*)                Is $* a follower with their master in the room
isaffected($*) & integer    Is ($*->affected_by & integer) true (person only) 
hitprcnt($*)  == percent    Is the hit/max_hit of $* equal to percent
inroom($*)    == integer    Is the room of $* equal to integer (person only)
sex($*)       == integer    Is the sex of $* equal to integer
position($*)  == integer    Is the position of $* equal to integer
level($*)     == integer    Is the level of $* equal to integer
class($*)     == integer    Is the class of $* equal to integer
goldamt($*)   == integer    Does $* have a gold total equal to integer
objtype($*)   == integer    Is the type of $* equal to integer (armor,boat,etc)
objval#($*)   == integer    Is $*->value[#] equal to integer (# from 0-3)
number($*)    == integer    Is the vnum of $* equal to integer
name($*)      == string     Is the name of $* equal to string

MOBcommand	argument_list		MOBcommand	argument_list
MPSTAT		<mobile>		MPASOUND	<text_string>
MPJUNK		<object>		MPECHO		<text_string>
MPMLOAD		<mobile>		MPECHOAT	<victim> <text_string>
MPOLOAD		<object> <level>	MPECHOAROUND	<victim> <text_string>
MPKILL		<victim>		MPPURGE		[argument]
MPGOTO		<dest>			MPAT		<dest> <command> 
MPTRANSFER	<dest> [location]	MPFORCE		<victim> <command>

======================END OF QUICK REFERENCE SHEET===========================


Referenced from above in the Control Flow section

>act_prog p pokes you in the~
if isnpc($n)
   poke $n
   if level($n) <= 5
   or isgood($n)
      tell $n I would rather you didnt poke me.
      if level($n)>15
         say Ya know $n. I hate being poked!!!
         kill $n
      slap $n
      shout MOMMY!!! $N is poking me.

Ok.. time to translate.. the trigger will only happen when the mobile
gets the message "... pokes you in the ..." If the offender (recall
the $n and $N refer to the char who did the poking...) is an NPC, then
the mobile merely chuckles and pokes back. If the offender was a PC
then good and low level characters get a warning, high level chars
get attacked, and midlevel chars get slapped and whined at.

Note that two of these mobiles could easily get into an infinite poke
war which slows down (or frequently crashes) the mud just a bit :( 
Be very careful about things like that if you can. (i.e dont respond 
to a poke with a poke, and try not to let heavily programmed robot mobiles
wander around together. More on that is given above.)

Also, it is clear that the 'order' command could get confused with the 'or'
control flow. However, this is only the case when 'order' is abbreviated to
its two letter form, and placed immediately following an 'if' line. Thus,
if you want to be that malicious in trying to break the MOBprogram code,
noone is going to stand in your way (However, the result of this would be
a bug message and a bail out from the ifcheck so things dont really break)