Release 0.017/0.018:
    * Fixed @new_mob syntax to handle the three-argument version correctly
    * Fixed ObjectD to handle untracked lib instances from startup
    * Fixed ObjectD to handle DGD 1.2.110 changes to ObjRegD
    * Changed the login process to handle separate login names and
      player-readable names.  Updated the wiztool to handle this
    * Initial support for LPC telnet code on a binary port
    * Preliminary terminal support, altered Phrase support
    * Started adding subtyped object declarations
    * Added support for tag inheritance in TagD
    * Removed support for non-System wiztool objects.  Oops!
    * Added support for custom and non-System wiztool objects
    * Added a custom room-binder object for nonstandard room types
    * Started support for 'custom' rooms not loaded from UNQ files
    * SSHD support on second binary TCP port
    * Debugged extra AUTO object, put it into appropriate places

Release 0.016:
    * Improved UNQ error reporting for wrong #'s of fields in structs
    * Added (optional, currently inactive) stuff for a /usr/common AUTO
      object which will enforce call_other calling existing funcs
    * Updated to DGD 1.2.90
    * Moved all zone functionality out of ObjNumD into ZoneD
    * Changed object articles and glance descriptions to 'transitional',
      i.e. kiss the current form of them goodbye...
    * Updated for compatibility with DGD 1.2.68, which breaks back-compat
    * Removed old %get_config command
    * Made objects able to specifically remove nouns/adjs for
      multiple inheritance
    * Made load/save files use multiple parents
    * Made object nouns, adjectives and descs use inheritance
    * Made objects use multiple inheritance, not just single
    * Added wiztool commands to manipulate tags, and help for them
    * Added a number of new Tag-related APIs
    * Made rooms and zonefiles include tag data in the save files
    * Made room/object types more modular

Release 0.015pre2:
    * Tagged OBJECTs and MOBILEs
    * Added a 'Tagged' library to manage tags
    * Added a TagD to track tag types
    * Moved scripting stuff into Phantasmal from testgame/SoN
    * Added toggle for first-ever login attempt to player_login()
    * Minor fix to cmd_help
    * More debugging on user/userlib interface.

Release 0.015pre1:
    * Separated user object into a user and a userlib, with the user
      object overridable.  More work to do here
    * Moved logd_channels from data directory into /usr/System
    * Added a game driver object, made telnetd defer to it
    * Simplified /usr/game as more stuff moves into testgame
    * Moved objects out of /data, and made it easy to do the same for
    * Moved most Phantasmal headers into include/phantasmal
    * Modified TimeD to use only real-world time
    * Moved some headers into /include/phantasmal
    * Removed 'ask' function and all related hooks & docs
    * Changed hook function signatures and how enum_mobiles works
    * Full security audit for /usr/common/sys and /usr/common/obj
    * Full security audit for /usr/System
    * Added simple scripting to /usr/game
    * Added second AUTO object to /usr/game
    * Made /usr/game configure ConfigD directly
    * Made /usr/game's initd work
    * Moved most files out of /data into /usr/System, /usr/common and
    * Added /usr/game directory
    * Moved HelpD into ~System
    * Altered how tick counts for upgraded() work
    * Changed syntax for @set_obj_parent to allow removing parent

Release 0.014:
    * Bugfix to @make_room to deal with rooms whose location is nil
    * Added floating-point support to UNQ load/save
    * More exit stuff, including load/save
    * Object weight, volume and length and their capacities load/save
    * Weight/length/volume commands for modification
    * Added weight/length/vol to @make_room/@make_detail/@make_portable
    * Added w/l/v capacities to @make_room/detail/portable
    * Changed all the can_* functions to take a user as well so we
      can return useful reasons stuff screws up.
    * ObjectD now uses call_limited() when calling upgrade
      functions on objects.
    * HelpD now specifically calls rlimits{...;-1} to upgrade
    * HelpD now alphabetizes the words in a help query to avoid needing
      multiple orders
    * Objects now save in multiple files by zone
    * There's now a system for unresolved rooms - this is needed to
      deal with zone loading and unloading properly if it's not all
      done in one large chunk.
    * Fixed problem with upgrading -- call_limited won't directly work.

Release 0.013:
    * Added @list, an alias for @list_rooms.
    * Added @make_detail command.
    * Made details load and save properly.
    * Fixed an ObjectD bug with objects that just added an
      "upgraded" function.
    * Made @delete work with details.
    * Cut down some now-needless stuff in the helpfiles, added
      help for some undocumented commands.
    * The help system now treats space, minus and underscore as
      equivalent.  That'll save us some more help entries and
      generate more useful responses.
    * @stat now uses the new object binding functions.
    * Objects now inherit details from their parent.
    * @stat now reports on immediate vs inherited details.
    * Objects now have a removed_details array so they can specifically
      remove parental details they don't like without affecting the
    * You can now remove details with @set_obj_detail.
    * Basic data inheritance of details works and is tested.
    * Removed gossip channel and gossip command.  Updated help.
    * Removed all "nodesc" functionality.  Replaced by details.
    * Made mobiles able to accept an optional name field as a comment
    * New prototype parser (thanks to Keith Dunwoody)
    * Serious rework of EXIT code, including locked and lockable
      objects, ability to look at doors, one- and two-way exits.

Release 0.012:
    * More logging and stuff in ObjectD.  And fixed a bug that
      caused log messages on rebuild.
    * Now the upgraded() function for upgraded objects is called
      with a call_out, so it executes the new code instead of the
      old code.  The compiling() function still executes the
      pre-recompile code.
    * New online help for old Kernel MUDLib commands.  I believe
      all the Kernel MUDLib legacy commands are now documented.
    * Merged help with @help.  Now the regular help command handles
      all of it just fine.
    * Slightly different logfile output format.
    * Allow subscription to log and error channels with extra
      information.  Update "channels" list to show it.
    * LOGD and ERRORD now send out notifications on the log and
      error channels.
    * Normalized help query strings.  This should let us use fewer
      search names per help entry, and generate more good matches.
    * Merged object flags into ROOM from SIMPLE_PORTABLE, preparatory
      to merge of SIMPLE_ROOM and SIMPLE_PORTABLE.
    * Removed unnecessary cmd_social from the SYSTEM_USER object.
    * Fixed bug in path_place...  How long have put and remove not
      been working?
    * MAPD now lists problem objects when it can't resolve rooms.
    * @set_obj_detail command will now add details to objects.
    * @stat now deals with object details.
    * Existing user commands (but not wizard commands) now take details.

Release 0.011b:
    * Added @make_portable command, very similar to @make_room.
    * Critical fix to setting examine desc for @make_room.
    * @stat now scrolls its output, takes objects in the room or
      inventory as arguments and reports better on mobiles.
    * Added "openable" flag to portables, and correspondingly to
      @stat, @set_obj_flag and the online help.
    * Critical fix to @set_obj_flag -- didn't work before.
    * Added open and close commands, usable by all.
    * Fixed a couple of annoying ObjectD bugs that caused log
      messages on %code commands.  Still got a known ObjectD
      bug (and a feature request) to go.

Release 0.011:
    * Lots of refactoring and general code changes.  Always.  Every
      release.  This one too.
    * Moved command-sets and state-stacks into two separate libraries,
    each inherited by the main user object (/usr/System/obj/user.c).
    * Social verbs are now usable like regular commands.
    * Removed old obsolete detail code
    * Added @set_obj_flag back.  Previously didn't work.
    * Now the MobileD reloads the binder file when recompiled.  So
      now we can add new mobile types at runtime.
    * Added new "animal" mobile type.  Mobiles can now have extra
      data embedded in their mobfile entries, which is a pretty
      mandatory thing for more complex mobiles.
    * Added "idea" command, like bug and typo.  Made sure more
      information was included in the reports like where the report
      takes place and who reported it.
    * Added a @make_room command and its associated user states.  The
      idea is that you can type @make_room and then just answer the
      questions from there to create a new room object.  Simpler but
      slower than the older way.
    * Added generic @delete command that will destroy rooms, exits,
      mobiles or portables.
    * The display of @list_room now scrolls appropriately.
Release 0.010:

    * Merged in Keith Dunwoody's patch for merging PORTABLED and MAPD.
      (New hooks for MOBILEs are included in that patch)
    * Added Jay Shaffstall's patch for escape character codes in UNQ
    * Added MOBILED to track mobiles
    * Updated some zone-related commands to save zones across reboots
    and to create objects in the current zone by default (@new_port,
    * New @list_mob command to list mobiles by number
    * New @delete_mob command can delete mobiles without accompanying
    user objects.  Note that this can leave bodies behind.
    * @stat command now works on mobiles
    * UNQ DTD error handling now can accept a filename
    * A basic mobfile is now saved like the roomfile and zonefile.  It
    still needs more work before it can be restored, though.
    * Mobiles now have a binder file
    * There is an "unq" builtin type when UNQ parsing for freeform UNQ
    * The %compile command will append a ".c" to the supplied filename
    if the file as mentioned doesn't exist, but the same name with a
    ".c" exists and is at least one byte long.
    * There is a @new_mobile command to create a new mobile
    * Added help for new mobile commands
    * UNQ DTDs can now import other DTD's.
    * Improved UNQ DTD type inheritance.
    * The mobfile can now be restored.
    * @new_zone command to add new zones
    * wandering mobiles now work
    * Builtin 'unq' data now works properly
    * A basic sould is in place
    * A "social" command allows socials to be used, slightly awkwardly