    <title>A New User's Introduction to TinyMUCK 2.3</title>
  <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

      <h1>A New User's Introduction to TinyMUCK 2.3</h1>

	Last updated [2/18/94] by <b>Ken Arromdee</b>.  Converted to
	html by David Moore.
        <br>,v 2.1 1996/10/12 06:16:34 dmoore Exp

	TinyMUCK 2.3 is derived from the original TinyMUD, which itself
	was inspired by the original MUD (Multi-User Dungeon).  On a
	TinyMUD-derived mud, players can walk around, explore, program
	(in a Forth-derived stack-based language called MUF), and chat
	with other players.  There's generally no goal to the game,
	unlike many other types of muds (LP Mud, DikuMUD) where players
	kill monsters and gain experience.

	<li><a href="#Connecting and Character Creation">
	    Connecting and Character Creation</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Basic Commands">
	    Basic Commands</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Abbreviation">
	<li><a href="#Examining Objects">
	    Examining Objects</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Pennies">
	<li><a href="#Matching">
	<li><a href="#Going Home">
	    Going Home</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Flags/Bits">
	<li><a href="#Properties">
	<li><a href="#Making Things">
	    Making Things</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Rooms and Exits">
	    Rooms and Exits</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Actions">
	<li><a href="#Object Recycling">
	    Object Recycling</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Changing Ownership">
	    Changing Ownership</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Programs">
	<li><a href="#Miscellaneous (mostly useless)">
	    Miscellaneous (mostly useless)</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Conclusion">

      <a name="Connecting and Character Creation"></a>
      <h2>Connecting and Character Creation</h2>
	To connect to a mud, use either <tt>telnet</tt> or one of the many
	client programs available.  (A client program is a program you
	run in place of <tt>telnet</tt> to connect to a mud.  This is
	uninformative; I know.)  When you connect to the mud, you'll get
	a welcome screen.  If you have a character, use the <tt>connect</tt>
	command; if you don't, use <tt>create</tt>.  Some muds don't let new
	users create characters; in this case, you have to send
	electronic mail to the given address (if one is given), or
	connect with a guest character (which typically has a name of
	<tt>Guest</tt> and either no password or a password of <tt>guest</tt>).
	Unlike IRC, you don't <em>need</em> a client to talk to the mud;
	all mud commands can be typed in directly, without any sort of
	protocol that has to be interpreted by your client.  But clients
	can still help.

      <a name="Basic Commands"></a>
      <h2>Basic Commands</h2>
	The MUCK interface resembles a text adventure game.  You can
	walk around in various directions by typing the direction,
	<tt>look</tt> at objects, pick up and drop things (using the <tt>get</tt>
	and <tt>drop</tt> commands), and check your <tt>inventory</tt> (which can
	be abbreviated down to <tt>i</tt>).  There is no inventory size
	limitation.  Players who build or program (see below) can define
	other commands; for instance, many MUCKs have commands like
	<tt>mail</tt> or <tt>news</tt> available MUCK-wide.
	To talk to other players, you have four commands: <tt>say</tt>,
	<tt>pose</tt>, <tt>whisper</tt>, and <tt>page</tt>.  The <tt>say</tt> command
	(abbreviated to " ) tells everyone in the room what you're
	saying, in quotes; <tt>"hi.</tt> or <tt>say hi.</tt>  will give you the
	message <tt>You say, "hi."</tt> and (if your name is Guest) will tell
	others in the room <tt>Guest says, "hi."</tt>.  The <tt>pose</tt> command
	(abbreviated to : ) will put the message directly after your
	name with no <tt>says</tt>; <tt>:waves.</tt> or <tt>pose waves.</tt> will tell
	everyone in the room <tt>Guest waves.</tt>.  You usually just need
	the short forms " and : .
	The <tt>whisper</tt> and <tt>page</tt> commands send messages to single
	players; the syntax is <tt>whisper player=message</tt> or <tt>page
	player=message</tt>.  <tt>whisper</tt> only works on players in the same
	room. <tt>page</tt> works on any player on the MUCK; however, players
	can set their H flag to prevent being paged.  (See below under
	Many MUCKs have global commands which override the standard
	<tt>whisper</tt> and <tt>page</tt>; they provide extra features specific
	to the individual MUCK.  Ask around on your MUCK to find out
	The <tt>WHO</tt> command shows you the connected players and their
	connect times; it must be typed in capitals.  You can find only
	players whose names start with a certain sequence of letters by
	typing <tt>WHO</tt> followed by the letters.
	<tt>QUIT</tt>, which must be typed in all capitals, quits the game.

      <a name="Abbreviation"></a>
	Most built-in MUCK commands can be abbreviated; for instance,
	you can use <tt>w</tt> for <tt>whisper</tt>.  Commands defined in the MUCK
	may or may not be abbreviated; in a well-built MUCK, they
	usually may.

      <a name="Examining Objects"></a>
      <h2>Examining Objects</h2>
	The command to examine an object is <tt>examine object</tt>.  If you
	don't own the object, the command just tells you the owner.  If
	you own the object, you get all the information about it: how
	many pennies it has, its flags, properties, and fields; its
	exits/actions, and any other useful information.  This includes
	yourself; you may <tt>examine me</tt>.
	Most of the commands mentioned below change an object in a way
	you can see with <tt>examine</tt>; if you don't know if the command
	worked, you can always examine the object and check.

      <a name="Pennies"></a>
	Pennies are a somewhat obsolete feature in MUCK that some MUCKs
	don't even have.  If yours has them, you can find out how many
	pennies you have with the <tt>score</tt> command (or <tt>inventory</tt>,
	which also shows what you're carrying).  You may sometimes find
	pennies randomly; MUF programs can also give you pennies.
	Building, and killing other players, uses pennies (killing uses
	up to 100).
	You can give other players pennies with the command <tt>give
	player=amount</tt>.  The typical penny limit is 10000.  You can't
	give anything except pennies.

      <a name="Matching"></a>
	You can generally refer to objects by their name, or by some
	unique prefix.  Sometimes you can use an object's number; that
	number is visible if you own it or if it has the A, C, or L
	flags (see below under <em>Flags</em>).  For instance, if
	something showed up as <tt>magic hat(#1234L)</tt>, and you wanted to
	pick it up, you could type <tt>get magic</tt>, <tt>get mag</tt>, <tt>get
	hat</tt>, <tt>get magic hat</tt>, or (if you own it) <tt>get #1234</tt>.  If
	there was also something in the room named <tt>magic wand</tt>, you
	couldn't use <tt>get magic</tt> or <tt>get mag</tt> since the MUCK
	wouldn't know which one you mean; you'd have to use one of the
	unique forms.  If there were two things named <tt>magic hat</tt>,
	you'd need to use the full name <tt>magic hat</tt> (which would pick
	a random one), or use the object number.
	Although object numbers aren't always useful, it's important to
	know about them because some commands only work or only work
	well with numbers and not names.
	The names <tt>me</tt> and <tt>here</tt> are special, and can be used
	anywhere normal object names can be.  <tt>me</tt> refers to yourself,
	so <tt>look me</tt> would (for Guest) do the same as <tt>look Guest</tt>.
	<tt>here</tt> refers to the current room.

      <a name="Going Home"></a>
      <h2>Going Home</h2>
	Each player and thing has a <tt>home</tt>.  When you type <tt>home</tt>,
	you and all of your things get sent to the appropriate home.
	<tt>@link me=room</tt> or <tt>@link thing=room</tt> will change your or
	the thing's home; the room must be specified with <tt>here</tt> or,
	if you're not in it, an object number, and the room must be
	owned by you or have the ABODE flag.
	The starting home for players is one particular special room
	compiled into the game; for things, that's either the room where
	you created it (if you own the room or it has the A flag; see
	under <em>flags</em>), or your own home.
	You can <tt>kill</tt> a player; this costs between 10-100 pennies for
	an equal percentage chance (100 for 100%).  It gives them 50
	pennies and sends them and their things home.  It also prints a
	kill message; the <tt>drop</tt> field is shown to the person doing
	the killing, and the <tt>odrop</tt> field is shown to everyone else
	in the room.  (See below under <em>fields</em>.)  The format is
	<tt>kill player=cost</tt>.  Killing doesn't work in rooms with an H
	flag, and wizards can't be killed.

      <a name="Flags/Bits"></a>
	Flags (also called bits) appear as letters after an object's
	number, if that's visible.  For example, something displayed as
	<tt>rope(#5612S)</tt> has the S flag.
	There are five types of objects on a MUCK: players, rooms,
	exits/actions, things and programs.  All except things have a
	"flag" that shows what they are: P for players, R for rooms, E
	for exits/actions, and F for programs.  You can't set these
	The W flag on a player means that the player is a wizard;
	wizards maintain the database and run the mud, and can do almost
	anything.  The M flag means the player is a <tt>MUCKER</tt> who is
	allowed to write MUF programs, and the B flag means the player
	is a <tt>BUILDER</tt> who is allowed to build and create objects.
	MUCKs can be set up so that all players may build or program, in
	which case the corresponding flags don't exist.  You can't set
	these flags either (unless you're a wizard).
	The other flags are A(BODE), C(HOWN_OK), D(ARK), H(AVEN),
	J(UMP)OK), L(INK_OK), Q(UELL), and S(TICKY).  The command to set
	these is <tt>@set object=flag</tt>; <tt>@set me=A</tt> or <tt>@set
	me=ABODE</tt> will set the ABODE flag on yourself.  To unset a
	flag, use a ! symbol; <tt>@set me=!A</tt> will remove the ABODE flag
	from yourself.
	Not every flag works on every kind of objects.  The Q flag is
	only good for wizards, and the A flag, when used on any object
	except a room, does nothing except make the object's number

      <a name="Properties"></a>
	Properties are also set with the @set command; the syntax is
	<tt>@set object=property:value</tt>.  To unset a property, <tt>@set
	object=property:</tt>, and to unset all properties, <tt>@set
	Unlike flags, most properties are not used by built-in commands;
	lots of MUF programming (and some building) uses properties, but
	the exact properties which are useful change from MUCK to MUCK.
	One exception is the <tt>sex</tt> property.  The <tt>sex</tt> property is
	used for substitutions in the <tt>@ofail</tt>, <tt>@osuccess</tt>, and
	<tt>@odrop</tt> fields (see below, <em>Fields</em>).  You should
	<tt>@set me=sex:male</tt>, <tt>@set me=sex:female</tt>, or <tt>@set
	me=sex:neuter</tt> so that those messages work properly.
	Other exceptions are the <tt>connect</tt> and <tt>disconnect</tt>
	properties.  These are shown as messages when you connect or
	disconnect from the mud.

      <a name="Making Things"></a>
      <h2>Making Things</h2>
	The command to create a thing is <tt>@create name</tt>.  If you want
	to describe it so that people can <tt>look</tt> at it, you can
	<tt>@describe thing=message</tt>; otherwise, looking at it gives the
	message <tt>You see nothing special.</tt> (except for rooms, which
	are just blank).  You can also describe yourself; one of the
	signs of a new player is that s/he hasn't yet given
	himself/herself a description.
	If you set the S flag on a thing, it will go home when dropped.
	To rename a thing (or any other object), <tt>@name
	object=newname</tt>.  If you want to rename yourself, you must
	specify a password (separated by a space) after the new name.
	<li><a href="#Locks">
	<li><a href="#Fields: succ, osucc, fail, ofail, drop, odrop">
	    Fields: succ, osucc, fail, ofail, drop, odrop</a></li>

      <a name="Locks"></a>
	To lock a thing to limit who can pick it up, use the <tt>@lock</tt>
	command: <tt>@lock thing=expression</tt>.  The expression can use the
	following special characters: & (and), | (or), ! (not), and
	parentheses.  You can refer to a player with a * before the
	name, and you can refer to a property with the <tt>name:value</tt>
	syntax.  Refer to objects by name or number if they're in the
	same room, otherwise by number.
	For instance, if <tt>boat</tt> and <tt>repellent</tt> were things, and
	#1000 were a room, the command
> @lock squid=me | *SuicideSquid | swim:yes | (boat & !repellent & #1000)
	would allow the following people to pick up the squid: you, the
	player named SuicideSquid, anyone with a property swim:yes on
	themselves or their inventory, and anyone who is carrying the
	boat thing, not carrying the repellent thing, and is in room
	There is no special word you can use in a lock to specify that
	nobody can pick the thing up.  Common ways to do this are to
	lock the thing to a room nobody can go to (such as #0 on many
	muds), or to lock to <tt>me&!me</tt>.
	The command to remove a lock on something is <tt>@unlock thing</tt>.

      <a name="Fields: succ, osucc, fail, ofail, drop, odrop"></a>
      <h3>Fields: succ, osucc, fail, ofail, drop, odrop</h3>
	You can then set fields to print various messages; the commands
	to set all the different kinds fields are the same except for
	the name: <tt>@&lt;field&gt; thing=message</tt>.  Don't confuse these
	with properties; for instance, to set an odrop field the command
	is <tt>@odrop thing=message</tt>, but not <tt>@set
	thing=odrop:message</tt>.  (MUSH and MUSE do in fact make these
	forms equivalent, but MUCK does not.)
	The <tt>succ</tt> and <tt>osucc</tt> fields are shown when someone picks
	up the thing.  (If the thing is locked, this means they have to
	pass the lock.)  <tt>succ</tt> is shown to the person picking it up.
	<tt>osucc</tt> is shown to the rest of the people in the room, but
	with pronoun substitutions and with the person's name added in
	front.  Pronoun substitutions are as follows:
Substitutions   sex:male  sex:female sex:neuter  (unset)
%a (absolute)       his        hers       its     &lt;name&gt;'s
%n         (%n is always replaced with the player's name)
%o (object)         him         her        it     &lt;name&gt;
%p (possessive)     his         her       its     &lt;name&gt;'s
%r (reflexive)  himself     herself    itself     &lt;name&gt;
%s (subject)         he         she        it     &lt;name&gt;
	The substituted word is also capitalized if the letter after the
	% is capitalized.
	For instance, if a thing had the osucc message <tt>reaches for the
	octopus.  %S at first misses, but finally grabs the slimy
	creature in %p hands.</tt>, and a male player named Guest picks it
	up, the room would see the message <tt>Guest reaches for the
	octopus.  He at first misses, but finally grabs the slimy
	creature in his hands.</tt>
	<tt>fail</tt> and <tt>ofail</tt> are the same, except are shown when you
	<em>don't</em> pass the lock.
	<tt>drop</tt> and <tt>odrop</tt> are shown when someone drops the thing.

      <a name="Rooms and Exits"></a>
      <h2>Rooms and Exits</h2>
	The command to create a room is <tt>@dig name</tt>.  This creates a
	room with that name, connected nowhere and with no entrances or
	exits, then prints the number of the new room.  The command to
	make an exit is <tt>@open exit-name</tt>; the command to link that
	exit to a room is <tt>@link exit-name=room</tt>.  In most cases, you
	can only specify the room by number, so if you're making rooms
	and exits and think the room number will scroll off your screen,
	you might want to write it down on paper.  Neither of these
	commands automatically makes an exit back; to do that you have
	to go to the other room and make an exit separately.
	The semicolon (;) is special in exit names, and separates
	alternate names for the same exit.  If you wanted to be able to
	go somewhere by typing either <tt>w</tt> or <tt>west</tt>, you'd <tt>@open
	The destination <tt>home</tt> is special as a destination; if you
	<tt>@link exit=home</tt>, anyone who uses the exit is sent home (but
	keeps everything s/he is carrying).
	Exits and rooms may have descriptions; use the <tt>@desc</tt> command
	to describe them just like describing things.
	Example (in this example, commands the player types start with >
> look
Living Room(#1634R)
You are standing in a living room; a new MUDder has just moved
in, so it's still quite messy.  The floor is strewn with
cardboard boxes bearing indecipherable labels, and the only
walkable path between them leads eastwards to the kitchen.
> @dig Kitchen
Kitchen created with room number 1635.
> @open e;east;kitchen
Exit opened with number 1636.
> @link east=#1635
Linked to Kitchen(#1635R).
> east
> @describe here=This room is a kitchen east of the main living
room.  I'm going to give it a longer description later, since
bare descriptions look ugly.
Description set.
> look
This room is a kitchen east of the main living room.  I'm going to
give it a longer description later, since bare descriptions look
> @open w;west;back;out;living;living room
Exit opened with number 1637.
> @link west=#1634
Linked to Living Room(#1634R).
> @describe west=You see a living room that way.
Description set.
> look west
You see a living room that way.
	There is a shorthand form for opening and linking an exit, since
	they are commonly done together: <tt>@open name=room</tt>.  In the
	above example, the first opening/linking pair could have been
	replaced by <tt>@open e;east;kitchen=#1635</tt>.  If you do this,
	however, and make a mistake (such as typing the wrong room
	number), the opening might work while the linking fails.  In
	this case, you don't want to use the shorthand form again; what
	that would do is open and link <em>another</em> exit, while
	leaving the first one present but unlinked.  Instead, you want
	to separately type just the @link command.
	You can only use the @open command in a room which you own.  If
	you want an exit that comes from a room you don't own, you must
	ask the room owner to do the <tt>@open</tt> command, but not to link
	the exit; then you can go there and link the exit yourself.
	(You won't be able to use the shorthand form that combines
	opening and linking.)
	You can only use the <tt>@link</tt> command to link an exit to a room
	you own, <em>or</em> to a room which has the L flag set.  If you
	want an exit which goes to a room you don't own, you must ask
	the owner to set the room L.
	The person who links the exit always ends up owning it.

	<li><a href="#Locks and Fields on Exits">
	    Locks and Fields on Exits</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Locks and Fields on Rooms">
	    Locks and Fields on Rooms</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Dark Rooms">
	    Dark Rooms</a></li>

      <a name="Locks and Fields on Exits"></a>
      <h3>Locks and Fields on Exits</h3>
	The <tt>@lock</tt> command and all the field-setting commands work on
	exits.  The lock controls who can go through the exit, so for
	instance if you wanted an exit named "ladies" to allow through
	either you, or females who carry a particular key, <tt>@lock
	ladies=me | (sex:female & key)</tt>.
	Setting a succ, osucc, fail, and ofail on the exit (with
	<tt>@succ</tt>, <tt>@osucc</tt>, <tt>@fail</tt>, <tt>@ofail</tt>) works as expected.
	If someone goes through the exit, s/he sees the succ message,
	and everyone else in the room sees the osucc message; the osucc
	message is pronoun substituted and the person's name added to
	the front.  If the exit is locked so that someone can't go
	through it, s/he sees the fail message and the room sees the
	ofail message.
	The fail and ofail messages are <em>also</em> shown if the exit
	is not linked anywhere.  It's not a good idea, however, to leave
	an exit unlinked for this purpose, since anybody can relink it
	and <tt>steal</tt> the exit.  If you want to make a <tt>scenery</tt> exit,
	link the exit to the same room (<tt>@link exit=here</tt>), and lock
	it to an unreachable room or an expression like <tt>me&!me</tt>, just
	like locking an ungettable object.  You can use this to make
	<tt>fake</tt> things and to add <tt>commands</tt> to a room.  In the
	example above:
> @open box;boxes;cardboard;cardboard box;cardboard boxes=here
Exit opened with number 1638.
Linked to Living Room(#1634R).
> @lock boxes=me&!me
> @desc boxes=The boxes all say "ACME Moving Company" on them.
Description set.
> @open open box;open boxes;tear box;tear boxes=here
Exit opened with number 1639.
Linked to Living Room(#1634R).
> @lock open boxes=me&!me
> @fail open boxes=The boxes are tightly sealed.
Message set.
> @ofail open boxes=tries to open the boxes.
	Now anyone in the room can look at the boxes and get the ACME
	description, and can type the command <tt>open boxes</tt> to get the
	appropriate messages.

      <a name="Locks and Fields on Rooms"></a>
      <h3>Locks and Fields on Rooms</h3>
	You might expect locks on rooms to keep out unwanted players.
	It won't work; you have to lock all the entrances into them (as
	well as unsetting the J, L, and A flags).  You can lock, and set
	succ and other fields on, rooms; however, this affects only the
	room's description and messages.
	If the room is locked, and someone passes the lock, they see the
	succ message as an extra line of description; otherwise they see
	the fail message.  (The lock is checked whenever they'd see the
	description of the room: when entering and when typing the
	<tt>look</tt> command inside).  The osucc (or ofail) messages are
	shown to everyone else in the room at the same time, with name
	and pronoun substitutions added.
	The drop and odrop fields work differently on rooms; they are
	shown when someone drops a thing in the room.  The odrop message
	is printed with the thing's name at the front, not the player's
	You can set a <tt>drop-to</tt> on a room by <tt>@link</tt>ing it to some
	other room, or to HOME.  If somebody drops something there, the
	thing gets sent to the other room instead.  If the room has an S
	flag, the things hang around until there are no people around,
	and <em>then</em> go to the other room; this feature is mostly a
	relic of TinyMUD.

      <a name="Dark Rooms"></a>
      <h3>Dark Rooms</h3>
	If you set the D bit on a room, every object in the room becomes
	invisible except to you or to the object's owner.  <tt>has
	arrived</tt> and <tt>has left</tt> messages don't appear.

      <a name="Actions"></a>
	Actions are exits, but don't have to come from, or go to, rooms.
	They are created with the command <tt>@action name=source</tt>.
	(Exits on rooms are a special case of actions, and the command
	<tt>@action name=here</tt> is the same as <tt>@open name</tt>.)  The
	source for the action may be a room, a thing, or a person
	(i.e. you).
	You can link an action to anything using the regular <tt>@link</tt>
	command; the object you are linking to must be owned by you or
	have its L flag set.  The succ, fail, osucc, and ofail work
	properly on all actions, and you can still use semicolons in the
	action name to separate alternate names for the same action.
	Otherwise the effects are:
	<em>Rooms:</em> Using the action takes you to the room (or your
	home, if the action was linked to the special `room' <tt>home</tt>),
	just like an exit.  If the action is located on yourself, it's
	an easy way to go home without losing any of your inventory.  If
	the action is on a thing, you have a portable instant transport
	to the room.
	The drop and odrop fields work normally on actions that go to
	rooms; they are displayed in the destination room, the drop to
	the player and the odrop to everyone else (with name in front
	and substitutions).
	<em>Things:</em> Using the action brings the thing to you.  If
	the action's source is also located <em>on</em> a thing, that
	thing goes home.  For example, consider a thing named <tt>glass of
	water</tt> with a <tt>drink water</tt> action, and a thing named <tt>empty
	glass</tt> with a <tt>fill glass</tt> action, each action linked to the
	opposite thing.  Someone with the glass of water can type
	<tt>drink water</tt> and the glass will be replaced with the empty
	glass; when they type <tt>fill glass</tt>, the empty glass will be
	replaced with the full one.
	If you don't want the source object to go home when the action
	retrieves the destination thing, you can set the S flag on the
	The drop and odrop fields do nothing on actions which are linked
	to things.
	<em>Other Exits and Actions:</em> Using an action linked to
	another action triggers the second action.  For instance, you
	might have a <tt>glass</tt> with an action <tt>break glass</tt>, and want
	the action to cause the glass to vanish.  To do that, you would
	make a hidden room with an action connected to the glass, then
	link the <tt>break glass</tt> action to this other action.  Typing
	<tt>break glass</tt> would set off the room action, and the room
	action would bring the glass away from the player and into the
	<em>Players:</em> Using an action that's linked to a player
	takes you to the room where the player is.  The player must have
	his J flag set, or you get the message <tt>That player does not
	wish to be disturbed.</tt>.  (Of course, he still has to be L for
	long enough for you to link the action to him in the first
	The drop and odrop fields on the action are displayed in the
	room the player is located in.
	<em>Programs:</em> If you link an action to a program, using the
	action runs the program.  See below under <em>programs</em>.
	The drop and odrop fields are unused.
	<em>Multiple Destinations:</em> You can link an action to many
	other objects, if the extra objects are things or (other)
	actions.  The syntax is <tt>@link
	action=object1;object2;object3;object4</tt>.  For instance, if you
	typically carry around things coat(#2000) and hat(#2001), you
> @action getstuff=me
Action created with number 2002 and attached.
> @link getstuff=coat;hat   (Or @link getstuff=#2000;#2001)
Linked to coat(#2000).
Linked to hat(#2001).
	Then, every time you wanted to get your coat and hat, you could
	type <tt>getstuff</tt>.
	<li><a href="#Moving Actions">
	    Moving Actions</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Actions and Room Parents">
	    Actions and Room Parents</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Action Matching">
	    Action Matching</a></li>
      <a name="Moving Actions"></a>
      <h3>Moving Actions</h3>
	You can move actions/exits with the @attach command.  <tt>@attach
	action=newsource</tt> moves the action to the new source.  This
	doesn't change the destination; to change that you need to
	<tt>@unlink</tt> and <tt>@link</tt> again.
	To move an action (or exit) from one room to another, attach it
	to yourself, go to the next room, and attach it to the room.
	This is cumbersome, but the <tt>@attach</tt> command doesn't allow
	you to specify actions that aren't in the room with you.

      <a name="Actions and Room Parents"></a>
      <h3>Actions and Room Parents</h3>
	You can set a second room to be the <tt>parent</tt> of a room with
	the command <tt>@tel here=room2</tt> (where the room is, of course,
	specified by number).  The second room must be owned by you or
	have the L flag.
	The purpose of a parent room is as follows: Any actions in the
	parent room (also called the environment room) work in the rooms
	inside it.  For instance, if you had a house with many rooms,
	all with ceilings, and you wanted a message for <tt>up</tt> which
	said so, you could make one parent room.  The parent room would
	have an <tt>up</tt> exit, locked, that just prints a message saying
	that there's a ceiling in the way.  Then, you could parent all
	your house rooms to that one room.  This would let people type
	<tt>up</tt> anywhere in your house and get the message.
	Newly created start with one specific room as the parent,
	usually room #0.  Extra commands that work throughout the MUCK
	(such as mail) are often implemented as actions that start in
	room #0 and are connected to MUF programs.

      <a name="Action Matching"></a>
      <h3>Action Matching</h3>
	If there are several actions with the same name, actions are
	matched with the following priority:
Actions on the room. (Highest priority.)
Actions on things you are carrying.
Actions on things in the room.
Actions on yourself.
Actions on parent rooms.  (Lowest priority.)
	Actions can also override built-in commands, except for the
	built-in commands <tt>home</tt>, <tt>WHO</tt>, and <tt>QUIT</tt>.  This may
	allow, for instance, custom <tt>page</tt> programs.  If the action is
	named <tt>say</tt> or <tt>pose</tt>, it will override the normal commands
	with that name even if they are typed with the " or :
	If several actions at the same level have the same name, the
	first one is selected with a 50% chance, and if not the next is,
	etc. until there's one left.  For instance, if there are 4
	actions/exits, there is a 1/2 chance of getting the first one, a
	1/4 chance of the second, and a 1/8 chance of either of the two
	remaining exits.

      <a name="Object Recycling"></a>
      <h2>Object Recycling</h2>
	You can find out what things you own with the <tt>@find</tt> and
	<tt>@owned</tt> commands.  <tt>@find</tt> lists everything except
	exits/actions, while <tt>@owned</tt> lists absolutely everything.
	You can further restrict <tt>@find</tt> with a parameter; <tt>@find
	dog</tt> would find objects whose names contain words starting with
	<tt>dog</tt>, like <tt>dog</tt>, <tt>hot dogs</tt>, or <tt>dogooder</tt>.
	To get rid of something of yours, you <tt>@recycle</tt> it.  The
	object is deleted from the database and it gets put on a list of
	<tt>garbage</tt> objects.  (If it has exits or actions on it, the
	exits or actions get deleted too.)  The next time someone makes
	something, one of the garbage objects will be reused.  The
	<tt>garbage</tt> objects do use some database space, so if you create
	and recycle a thousand objects you don't get back <em>all</em>
	the space (unless there were a thousand garbage objects before
	you did the creation).
      <!-- 2.2 wouldn't let you recycle unless the object was there with
      you; cumbersome if it's a room. --> 

      <a name="Changing Ownership"></a>
      <h2>Changing Ownership</h2>
	The <tt>@chown</tt> command allows you to change the ownership of
	something to yourself; the object must have the C flag on it.
	You also have to be carrying the object if it's an thing; this
	means that you can make a person a gift by setting the gift C
	and locking it to him/her.  Only s/he can @chown it, since only
	s/he can pick it up.
      <!-- 2.2 would not let you chown by object number. -->
	Once you @chown something to yourself, you probably want to
	remove its C flag (<tt>@set thing=!C</tt>), and change its home if
	it's a thing, since its home is probably a room belonging to its
	old owner.

      <a name="Programs"></a>
	<li><a href="#Running Programs">
	    Running Programs</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Programs as Things">
	    Programs as Things</a></li>
	<li><a href="#The J Flag">
	    The J Flag</a></li>
      <a name="Running Programs"></a>
      <h3>Running Programs</h3>
	Writing and running MUF programs involves the <tt>@edit</tt> and
	<tt>@prog</tt> commands.  (How to write programs is outside the scope
	of this document.)  Most MUCKs are compiled so that you need to
	have an M flag set to use these commands; policies about who is
	allowed to have them differ widely.  Ask around and read the
	news on your MUCK.
	Using programs, however, doesn't require an M flag.  There are
	three ways to use programs:
	The first way is to use an action linked to the program.  If an
	action is named <tt>b;bonk</tt> and linked to a bonk program, you can
	type <tt>bonk</tt> or <tt>b</tt> to run the program.  MUCK saves any
	arguments, so if you typed <tt>b me</tt> or <tt>bonk me</tt> it would run
	the program with an argument of <tt>me</tt>.  You could put this
	action on yourself if you wanted to be able to run it anywhere
	you went, or you could put it on an environment and be able to
	run it in any of the rooms in that environment.
	The second way is to lock something to the program; the syntax
	is the same as locking to a thing.  If you lock something to a
	thing, MUCK checks to see if the player is carrying the thing,
	but if you lock something to a program, MUCK runs the program
	when someone tries to manipulate the locked item.  (Whether or
	not the person passes the lock depends on what the program
	does.)  For instance, you could have a lock to a program which
	sends you a message; if you lock a thing to it, you would get
	the message whenever someone tries to pick it up, and if you
	locked an exit to it, you would get the message when someone
	goes through the exit.  It's OK to have an exit with both a lock
	and a link to a program.
	The third way is to put the program in a field; the acceptable
	fields for this are description, succ, fail, and drop.  The
	syntax for giving an object a description that runs program
	#3129 with a parameter of <tt>fr00ty</tt> would be <tt>@desc
	thing=@3129 fr00ty</tt>.  Whenever someone looks at the object,
	program 3129 would run with the given parameter.
	The other fields work similarly: whenever they would be printed,
	the program runs instead.  For instance, if program 1602 prints
	an explosion message, you could put <tt>@1602</tt> in the <tt>drop</tt>
	field.  Then, whenever someone dropped the object, the program
	would print the explosion message.
	The exception is the succ, fail, and drop on people; programs in
	there don't work.
	In order for you to run a program, either you must own it, it
	must have an L flag, or it must be on something owned by the
	program owner.  (That is, the action linked to it, object locked
	to it, or object whose field contains it must be owned by the
	program owner).

      <a name="Programs as Things"></a>
      <h3>Programs as Things</h3>
	Programs themselves, as objects, generally act like things in
	other ways.  They have descriptions, can be locked to keep
	people from picking them up, etc....  (Locking a program does
	not affect who may run it.)  However, programs don't have homes
	(and don't go anywhere when you go home while carrying them),
	they are invisible to everyone except the owner unless they have
	an L flag, and you can't <tt>@chown</tt> them even if they have a C
	The DARK and STICKY flags have different meanings on programs;
	they become the DEBUG and SETUID flags.

      <a name="The J Flag"></a>
      <h3>The J Flag</h3>
	The J (JUMP_OK) flag on something generally means that you can
	teleport it using a program.  J things and programs can be
	teleported (unless they're in their owner's room or going to
	their owner's room, in which case the room must also be J); and
	J rooms can be teleported to by you.  J people can be teleported
	if the rooms are also J.
	The only non-program use of the J flag is the need for a J flag
	on a person for you to use an action that's linked to them.
	This is a double use of the J flag (known in computer science as

      <a name="Miscellaneous (mostly useless)"></a>
      <h2>Miscellaneous (mostly useless)</h2>
	<li><a href="#Creation with Cost">
	    Creation with Cost</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Custom % Substitutions">
	    Custom % Substitutions</a></li>
	<li><a href="#DARK flags">
	    DARK flags</a></li>
	<li><a href="#@entrances">
	<li><a href="#Prefixes and Suffixes">
	    Prefixes and Suffixes</a></li>
	<li><a href="#The Q Flag">
	    The Q Flag</a></li>
	<li><a href="#Robbing">
	<li><a href="#Passwords">
	<li><a href="#Teleporting">
	<li><a href="#@version">

      <a name="Creation with Cost"></a>
      <h3>Creation with Cost</h3>
	You can create a thing with a higher <tt>value</tt> with the command
	<tt>@create thing=cost</tt>.  The cost is a number, and is taken from
	your pennies; the value of the thing becomes (cost-5)/5, with a
	maximum value of 100 for a cost of 505.  This value (not the
	cost you paid!) is returned when you recycle the thing.
	About all you can do with the value is check it with a MUF
	Ages ago, when MUCK was TinyMUD, there was a T flag.  Rooms with
	this were <tt>temples</tt>; when you dropped something there, it
	would go home and you would get pennies equal to the value.
	Puzzle solutions would provide prizes, that could be dropped in
	temples for pennies.  Assuming that pennies still exist on your
	MUCK, the effect may be reproduced with a MUF program.

      <a name="Custom % Substitutions"></a>
      <h3>Custom % Substitutions</h3>
	You can change the pronoun substitutions by setting properties
	named %a, %s, etc. on yourself; these will be used instead of
	the values derived from your sex property.  This includes the %n
	property, so you can give yourself a longer name that will be
	used in some substitutions.

      <a name="DARK flags"></a>
      <h3>DARK flags</h3>
	A person or thing with a DARK flag is invisible in a room's
	contents; a DARK person doesn't trigger the lock on the room or
	the room's succ, osucc, fail, or ofail fields, and gives no
	<tt>has arrived.</tt> or <tt>has left.</tt>  messages.  Exits with a DARK
	flag don't produce those messages either.
	Only a wizard may set players, objects, or exits dark.

      <a name="@entrances"></a>
	The <tt>@entrances</tt> command finds everything with a link to
	something of yours.  It's useful, but mostly for information; if
	you want someone to remove their link, you have to speak to them
	or to a wizard.

      <a name="Prefixes and Suffixes"></a>
      <h3>Prefixes and Suffixes</h3>
	The commands <tt>OUTPUTPREFIX message</tt> and <tt>OUTPUTSUFFIX
	message</tt> provide the designated messages before and after any
	output you see.  To cancel the message, use a null message.
	They cannot be abbreviated, cannot be overridden by actions, and
	must be typed in all capital letters.  The commands are mostly
	useful to robots, not human players.

      <a name="The Q Flag"></a>
      <h3>The Q Flag</h3>
	The Q flag can be set on anyone, but only works for wizards; it
	cancels all special abilities of wizards with one exception: W
	programs owned by wizards still work.

      <a name="Robbing"></a>
	You can rob someone with <tt>rob person</tt>.  This tries to steal
	one penny, and either does or doesn't, depending on whether they
	are locked; you can only steal pennies, and only one at a time.
	The person's succ, osucc, fail, and ofail fields are used for
	this purpose.  Programs in the succ and fail fields
	<em>don't</em> run, though if the person is locked to a program
	that program will run.
	It is therefore a good idea to immediately lock yourself so that
	nobody can rob you, when you get a new character on a mud:
	<tt>@lock me=me</tt>.  The <tt>rob</tt> command is a relic of TinyMUD, and
	is not (nor was) really ever useful for stealing.

      <a name="Passwords"></a>
	The command to set your password is <tt>@password new=old</tt>.  The
	command <tt>@newpassword</tt> is not the same thing.

      <a name="Teleporting"></a>
      <!-- 2.2 would not allow @tel thing=me, which has been fixed. --> 
	The <tt>@teleport</tt> command (syntax: <tt>@teleport
	thing=destination</tt>) can be used to teleport things around;
	however, the destination must either have an A flag or be owned
	by you.  The thing must be yours or in a room you own.  You can
	teleport things to yourself.
	The <tt>@teleport</tt> command is also used for setting room parents.
	A reasonably written teleport program is generally more useful
	than the <tt>@teleport</tt> command.

      <a name="@version"></a>
	The <tt>@version</tt> command does the obvious.

      <a name="Conclusion"></a>
	We now return you to your regularly scheduled MUCK.  Have
      <!-- Joke by BEN!!!!! -->

        <a href="">David Moore</a>,
        <a href=""></a>
      <!-- Created: Thu Sep 26 13:18:45 PDT 1996 -->
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Last modified: Mon Sep 30 08:40:00 PDT 
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