General purpose:
@ACTION      @ATTACH      @CHOWN       @CREATE      @DESCRIBE    @DIG        
@DROP        @EDIT        @ENTRANCES   @FAIL        @FIND        @LINK        
@LOCK        @NAME        @ODROP       @OFAIL       @OPEN        @OSUCCESS
@OWNED       @PASSWORD    @PROG        @RECYCLE     @SET         @STATS
DROP         EXAMINE      GET          GIVE         GRIPE        HELP
HOME         INVENTORY    KILL         LOOK         MAN          NEWS
SAY          SCORE        WHISPER      WHO

@Q           actions      building     control      conventions  exits
expansion    flags        globals      goal         matching     objects
parents      pennies      programs     substitutions             _connect

Wizard commands:
@TOAD        @WALL
The conventions used by help information are as follows:
<>       means to specify the type of thing inside the brackets, so <name>
         means to type a name and <object> to specify an object.
[]       Square brackets refer to parameters which are optional.
@action <name>=<source>.  Creates a new action and attaches it to the thing,
room, or player specified.  You may only create actions on things you con-
trol.  Creating an action costs 1 penny.  The action can then be linked with
the command @LINK.

If <source> is a room, this command is equivalent to "@open <name>".


This command is restricted to builders if the mud is compiled with restricted
@attach <action>=<new source>.  Removes the action from where it was and at-
taches it to the new source.  You must control the action and both sources.

You currently can't @ATTACH remote actions by number.  This means that about
the only way to move exits from room to room is to @ATTACH them to yourself
and @ATTACH them a second time after going where you want to move them to.

This command is restricted to builders if the mud is compiled with restricted
@boot <player>.  Disconnects a player from the game.  If a player is connected
more than once it affects the most recent connection.  This command is res-
tricted to wizards.
@chown <object> [=<player>].  Changes the ownership of <object> to <player>,
or if no player is given, to yourself.  Mortals may only use this command on
objects with a CHOWN_OK flag; furthermore, mortals cannot @CHOWN a room unless
they are standing in it, and may not @CHOWN a thing unless they are holding
it.  Mortals may not @CHOWN programs at all.  Wizards may @chown anything
(except players) to anyone.
@create <object> [=<cost>].  Creates a new thing and places it in your inven-
tory.  This costs at least ten pennies.  If <cost> is specified, you are
charged that many pennies, and in return, the object gets a value according to
the formula ((cost / 5) - 1).  Usually the maximum value of a thing is 100
pennies, which would cost 505 pennies to create.

This command is restricted to builders if the mud is compiled with restricted
@describe <object> [=<text>].  Sets the description field of <object> to
<text>; this affects what people who look at it see.  If <text> is not speci-
fied, the description field is cleared.
@dig <room> [=<parent>].  Creates a new room and sets its parent.  If no
parent is given, or if the parent room is not LINK_OK, it defaults to the glo-
bal environment, which is typically room #0.  Digging a room costs 10 pennies.

This command is restricted to builders if the mud is compiled with restricted
@drop <object> [=<text>].  Sets the drop field of <object> to <text>.  If
<text> is not specified, the drop field is cleared.  The drop message on a
thing or a program is displayed when you drop it.  On an action/exit, it
is displayed upon entering the destination room (if the action goes to a pro-
gram or an object the drop field is unused).  On a player, it appears (to the
killer) when he kills the player .  On a room, it is displayed when an object
is dropped in that room.  See DROP.
@dump.  Saves the database to disk.  This is done periodically, and after an
@shutdown.  The command is wizard-only.
@edit <program>.  Searches for a program and if a match is found, puts the
player into edit mode.  Programs must be created with @PROG. (Can only used by
people with MUCKER bits unless the muck is MUCKER_ALL.)  See @PROG.
@entrances <object>.  Provides a list of everything linked to that object.
These are usually exits/actions, but if the object is a room these can include
players or things with their homes there.  The list is divided into two
sections: objects you own and objects you don't.  See @LINK.
@fail <object> [=<text>].  Sets the fail field  of <object> to <text>.  If
<text> is not specified, the fail field is cleared.  This field is displayed
when you try to pick up a thing or program, rob a player, use an
action/exit, or look around a room when any of these things are locked.  See
@find [<string>].  Searches through the entire database for rooms, things,
players, and programs you control, optionally matching their names to <string>
if given.  See @OWNED.
@force <player>=<command>.  Only for use by wizards.  Causes the game to pro-
cess <command> as if typed by <player>.  The head wizard (normally #1) cannot
be forced by his/her sub-wizards.
@link  <object1>=<object2> [; <object3>; ... <objectn> ].  Links <object1> to
<object2>.  <object1> must either be an unlinked exit, or be controlled by
you.  If <object2> is not owned by you, it must have the L flag, unless you are
setting a home (linking yourself or a thing to a room) in which case <object2>
must have the A flag.

If <object1> is an action, you may link it to more than one object by specify-
ing a list separated by semi-colons; at most one of these can be a player,
room, or program.

The effect of @LINK is as follows: sets a home for players and things, sets a
dropto on a room (a room where dropped objects go), and sets a destination on
an action/exit.  Programs cannot be @LINKed.

When you use an action/exit, the effect depends on what kind of destination it
was linked to.  If the destination is another action, that in turn gets run.
If it's a player, you get teleported to the player's current room (the player
must be JUMP_OK, however).  If it's a room, you go to the room.  If it's an
object, the object comes to you, in which case if the source is also an ob-
ject, and the action does not have the STICKY flag, the source object goes
home.  If the action is linked to a program, the program runs.

To @LINK an exit which is already linked, @UNLINK it first.

If you link an action/exit you don't own, the exit becomes owned by you and
the penny charge is transferred from you to the previous owner.

This command is restricted to builders if the mud is compiled with restricted
@list <program> [=[line1] [-] [line2]].  Lists lines in a program, provided
you control it or it is LINK_OK.  Zero, one, or two line numbers may be speci-
fied, denoting the range of lines to list.  If no lines are given, the entire
program is listed.
@lock <object>=<key>.  Sets the key for <object> to that specified by <key>.
<key> is a full boolean expression, which may contain any of the characters !
| & ( ), and refer to things, players, programs, or properties.  Players may
be specified using the *<player> format; this costs one penny.  Properties are
specified using the name:value format, so an exit that lets through only males
would be locked to sex:male.

Locks control who may pick up a thing or program (not who may run the pro-
gram!) and who may use an action/exit, displaying the success/osuccess or
fail/ofail depending on whether the lock is passed.  Locks on rooms display
those messages when someone looks around in the room, but do not keep people
out of the room.  Locks on players keep the player from being robbed; to not
let others rob you, @lock me=me (or @lock me=me&!me if you don't want to be
able to rob yourself either.)

Locking something to a player or thing lets the player, or someone carrying
the thing, pass; locking to a program makes the program run, with the lock
passed if the program returns with a non-zero value on the stack.  A lock
to a room is passed only if the person trying the lock is in that room; this
is useful for parent rooms containing exits that cannot be used from sub-
rooms.  Finally, one may lock objects to properties; this succeeds for people
with the property set or who carry things with the property set.
@name <object>=<name> [<password>].  Sets the name field of <object> to
<name>.  <name> cannot be empty, or contain the special characters ! | & ( )
in such a way as to resemble a @LOCK expression.  <password> must be supplied
to rename a player; and player names may not contain spaces or be the same as
another player name (ignoring case).  Wizards can rename any player but still
must include the password.
@newpassword <player> [=<password>].  Sets the password field of <player> to
<password>.  If <password> is not specified, the password field is cleared.  A
player with no password cannot rename him/herself, and logs in using any or no
password.  The head wizard's password (he is normally player #1) can't be
changed even by other wizards.

This is a wizard command, to change a player's password without knowing the
old one; players should use @password to change their password.
@odrop <object> [=<text>].  Sets the odrop field of <object> to <text>.  If
<text> is not specified, the odrop field is cleared.  Odrop on a thing is
displayed prefixed by the player's name when s/he drops that thing.  On an
action/exit, it is displayed after the player arrives at the destination (ac-
tions connected to things or programs don't use their @odrop fields).  On a
player, it is displayed when the player is killed, after the `name  killed
victim!' message, _without_ being prefixed by the player's name.  On a room,
it is displayed when a thing is dropped there, prefixed by the thing's name.
@ofail <object> [=<text>].  Sets the ofail field of <object> to <text>.  If
<text> is not specified, the ofail field is cleared.  This field is displayed
to everybody except you when you try to pick up a thing or program, rob a
player, use an action/exit, or look around a room when these are locked.
@open <exit> [=<object> [; <object2>; ... <objectn> ]].  Opens an exit in the
current room, optionally attempting to link it simultaneously.  Opening an
exit costs a penny, and another if you're linking it, and you must control the
room where it is being opened.

The `@open <exit> = <object> [;<object2>; ... objectn>]' command is identical
to the command sequence
    @action <exit> = here or @open <exit>
followed by
    @link <exit> = <object> [;<object2>; ... <objectn>]

This command is restricted to builders if the mud is compiled with restricted
@osucc <object>  [=<text>].  Sets the osuccess field of <object> to <text>.
If <text> is not specified, the osuccess field is cleared.  This field is
displayed to everybody except you when you pick up a thing or program, rob a
player, use an action/exit, or look around a room, when these are unlocked.
@owned [<player>].  Lists everything you own.  Wizards may specify a player
argument.  This list includes exits, unlike @FIND.
@password <old>=<new>.  Change your password.
@pcreate <player>=<password>.  Only wizards may use this command.  Create a
new player named <player> with <password> as his/her password.
@prog <program>.  Create a new program, or enter edit mode on an existing one.
Players must have a MUCKER bit to program unless the mud was compiled with
MUCKER_ALL.  See @EDIT and Programmer's Reference.
@purge <player>.  Recycles all of a player's possessions; this is a wizard-only
@recycle <object>.  Destroy an object and remove all references to it within
the database.  The object is then added to a free list, and newly created ob-
jects are assigned from the pool of recycled objects first.  You *must* own
the object being recycled; even wizards must use the @chown command to recycle
someone else's belongings.

If you recycle a room, the contents go home.  If their home was the room, it
becomes the starting room instead.

Recycling a room recovers the 10 penny cost, and recycling an exit recovers
the 1 penny cost (and possibly the link cost).  Recycling a thing only re-
covers the thing's value, not the cost of creating the thing.
@set <object> = [!] <flag> -or-
@set <object> = <property> : [ <string> ] -or-
@set <object> = :

@set does one of three things on TinyMUCK: it modifies flags, adds properties
to an object, or removes properties from an object.  Using the first format,
you may set flags, which are: WIZARD, LINK_OK, DARK [DEBUG], STICKY [SETUID],

Optional flags which may or may not be on a given site are: BUILDER and MUCKER.

The second format sets <property> on <object> to <string>, or if <string> is
not given, removes <property>.

The third format removes all properties from an object.

@set is not used for setting the fields which are set with @DESC, @SUCC,
@OSUCC, @FAIL, @OFAIL, @DROP, @ODROP, or @NAME commands.  For instance, if you
use "@set <object>=desc:<string>", this will set a property named "desc" which
does not affect the object's description.
@shutdown.  Dumps the database and shuts the game down.  This is a wizard-only
@stats [<player>].  The command displays the number of objects on the Muck,
and a breakdown with respect to type of object: rooms, exits, things, pro-
grams, players, and garbage.  "@stats me" will give a personal list; wizards
can do an @STATS command on any player.

@succ <object> [=<text>].  Sets the success field of <object> to <text>.  If
<text> is not specified, the success field is cleared.  This field is displayed
when you pick up a thing or program, rob a player, use an action/exit, or look
around a room if these things are unlocked.
@teleport <arg1> [=<destination>].  Moves <arg1> to <destination>; if <desti-
nation> is not given, moves you to <arg1>.  The rules are the same as for
`moveto' within MUF; the source, object, and destination must be controlled by
you or JUMP_OK.  The destination may also be HOME.  Also, you may always
teleport something owned by you out of any source, and you may always teleport
something home if you own the source.

If the thing and destination are rooms, you may also do the teleport if the
destination is LINK_OK or ABODE; this sets the room's parent.
@toad <player> [=<destination>].  Turns <player> into a slimy toad, destroying
his/her character and disconnecting him/her from the game.  The toad is owned
by the wizard who does the toading; the player's objects end up owned either
by the head wizard (usually #1) or by the optional destination player.
@trace <object> [=<depth>].  Starts with <object> and traces all location
fields, until the global-environment room is reached or the optional <depth>
is specified.  This is generally useful for finding which rooms are parents in
your hierarchy.  If you cannot link to a particular location its name is re-
placed by **Missing**.
@unlink <action/exit/room>.  Removes any and all destination fields of the
specified <action/exit>, or removes the dropto from <room> (usually "here").
Unlinked exits may be relinked by any player.
@unlock <object>.  Removes any lock on the specified object.
@version.  Displays the Muck version number.
@wall <message>.  Shouts a message to every player in the game.  (Wizard-only.)
drop <thing|program>.  Drops the <thing> if you are holding it.  It moves the
thing to the room you are in, unless the thing's STICKY flag is set (in which
case the thing goes home), or the room has a drop-to (in which case the thing
goes there; if the room is STICKY this doesn't happen until all players leave
the room).  Programs are much like things but are not affected by room droptos
or STICKY flags.  See @DROP.
examine <object>.  If you control <object>, this shows a complete breakdown of
all fields, flags, properties, etc.  associated with the object.  Program-
executing fields are displayed as their true text, rather than executing the
program in question.  If you do not control <object>, it prints the owner of
the object in question.
get <object>.  Attempts to pick up <object>.  The lock on <object> is checked
for a success (true), and the normal path of success/fail is then taken.  On
success the object is placed in your inventory.
give <player|thing>=<amount>.  Gives <amount> pennies from your supply to
<player>.  Mortals may only give positive amounts and may not cause a player
to have more than 10000 pennies.  Wizards may give negative amounts and may
change the value of a thing by giving to it; wizards' own money supply does not
change by giving out money.

It is normally only possible to give pennies, although many Mucks have MUF
programs which also let you give away things.
goto <direction>.  Attempts to find an exit by that name.  Goto is unnecessary
and much like LET in Basic (read: silly).
gripe [<message>].  Sends <message> to the system maintainer.
help <command>.  Or "help" for a list of commands.
home.  Goes home, and sends all the things you are carrying to their homes.
(Programs don't have homes, and stay with you.)  Unlike most commands, this
command cannot be overridden by actions with similar names.

The home of a player or thing is set with the @link command.  Other types of
objects do not have homes.
inventory.  Lists the objects you are carrying, as well as how many pennies
you have.
kill <player> [=<cost>].  A successful kill prints the player's @drop to the
killer and tells the room `<killer> killed <victim>!', followed by the
player's @odrop.  It sends the player and all objects s/he is carrying to their
respective homes.  The probability of killing the player is <cost> percent;
the default is 10, and spending 100 pennies is a sure kill.  Wizards cannot be
killed unless they are set QUELL, and nobody can be killed in rooms which have
the HAVEN flag set.
look <object>.  Looks around at the current room, or at <object> if specified.
For players, displays their description and inventory; for rooms, the name,
description, succ/fail message, and contents; and for anything else, the
description.  It also triggers succ/osucc/fail/ofail messages on rooms, and
programs in descriptions.  Contents of DARK rooms, and contents which are DARK
objects, DARK players, or non LINK-OK programs, are not shown unless you con-
trol the contents or the room.
move <direction>.  See GOTO.
man [<topic>].  Displays help information for programmers.
news [<topic>].  Displays the game's news.
OUTPUTPREFIX [<string>].  Must be in all capitals, and must be typed in full.
This prints the given string before the output of every command.  It is not
possible to override this command by creating an action with the same name.

OUTPUTSUFFIX [<string>].  Must be in all capitals, and must be typed in full.
This prints the given string after the output of every command.  It is not
possible to override this command by creating an action with the same name.
page <player> [=<message>].  Sends your name and location to <player>, option-
ally passing them <message> as well.  A player who is set HAVEN cannot be

This command is one of the commands more frequently overridden by global

See globals.
:<text> or pose <text>.  Displays your name, followed by <text>.  The : format
is automatically converted to the `pose' format internally.
put <object>.  Synonym for DROP.
QUIT.  Logs you off the game.  Must be typed in all capitals.
read [<object>].  Synonym for LOOK.
rob <player>.  Attempts to steal a penny from <player>.  The lock on <player>
is checked, and you succeed or fail appropriately, printing the succ/osucc or
fail/ofail messages.  If you succeed, the message `You stole a penny.' is al-
ways displayed.

See @LOCK.
SAY, "
"<text> or say <text>.  Displays the message '<player> says, "<text>"' to oth-
er people, and the message 'You say, "<text>"' to yourself.  The " format is
automatically converted to the `say' format internally.
score.  Displays how many pennies you have.
take <object>.  Synonym for GET.
throw <object>.  Synonym for DROP.
whisper <player>=<message>.  Gives <player> a private message, undetectable by
others in the same room.  Wizards may whisper to players outside the room by
using a *player format.
WHO[<match>].  List names of the players logged in, and their idle times.  If
<match> is specified, only names that start with <match> are displayed.  Must
be typed in all capitals.  This command can be used even before connecting to
your character on the Muck, and it cannot be overridden by an action with the
same name.
flag list,flag,flags list,flags
Available flags are:

For programs, the D and S flags are DEBUG and SETUID.

For rooms, the M flag is MURKY.

Flags are set with the command "@set <thing>=<flag>" and unset with "@set
<thing>=!<flag>".  Some flags can be set only by wizards.  Type "help
<flagname>" for details.
<, backarrow
See expansion.
<flagname>,<thing>,<flag>,<player>,<message>,<match>,<object>,<text>,<name>,<source>,<cost>,<message>,<new source>,<parent>,<program>,<key>
When the help information encloses something in angle brackets < >, that means
you should type something fitting the description inside the brackets, not
that you should type the brackets and the literal words in there.
On rooms, lets any player set a home there (@link me=here or @link
thing=here).  It also lets everyone see the object number and flags (which is
its only effect if used on a non-room).
If the Muck is compiled with restricted building, only players with a B flag
may create rooms, things, or exits/actions.
Players may set the C flag on rooms, things, or exits/actions so that other
players may @chown them and take ownership.  This flag does not work on pro-
grams, and on things only works when the thing is carried; thus, you can make
a thing that only a certain player may @chown by setting the C flag and
locking it to them.
Dark players and things are not visible in a room's contents; dark exits
don't give "has arrived." and "has left." messages.  Either way, you can al-
ways see your own things, and wizards can see everything.  Mortals may set
this flag only on rooms or programs.  On a program this becomes the DEBUG
flag, causing the program to print out a stack dump with each instruction.
Players may not kill in a room with this flag; players with a H flag cannot be
paged.  The flag has no effect on things, exits, or programs.
The JUMP_OK flag controls where you can teleport; if you don't control a
thing, the source, or the destination, it must be JUMP_OK for you to be able to
do the teleport.

The J flag has a double meaning on players; actions connected to a player may
only be used if the J flag is set.

This flag does not exist.  Nice try, however.
If something is LINK_OK, any player can make a link to there; in addition, any
player may parent a room to a LINK_OK room.  If a player links to someone
else's program, that program must remain LINK_OK for the player to be able to
run it.
This is an internal flag present on players; players with the flag list MUF
programs with line numbers.  This flag is set by turning numbering on and off
within the MUF editor, not with a @set command.
Players with a M bit may program in MUF (unless the Muck is compiled with
MUCKER_ALL defined, in which case all players may use MUF).  Only wizards may
set this flag.  The flag has no effect except on players.
Rooms with this flag do not show contents to anyone, but has arrived/left/
connected/disconnected messages are not affected (unlike DARK).  This flag
is useful when the SUCCESS message runs a program to display contents in a
customized way.
Wizards with this flag set act like non-wizards; they can't see or examine
things they could not as a normal player, they get normal WHO lists, and they
may be killed.  Their W flag is also not visible by MUF when they are Q.  The
flag has no effect on regular players.
If a thing is S, it goes home when dropped.  If a room is S, things dropped
there don't go to the room's dropto until no players are present.  If an ac-
tion is S and located on a thing, the thing on which it is located does not
go home when the action is used.

On programs, the flag is the SETUID flag; it means the program runs with the
owner's permissions, instead of the permissions of the player running it.
Older TinyMUDs, as well as current TinyMUSHes, have a TEMPLE flag; when you
drop a thing you don't own in a room with a TEMPLE flag, you receive pennies
equal to the thing's value.  This function is now performed with appropriate
MUF programs.
Wizard players help run the mud; they can examine anything, set anything, and
cannot be killed, and they can see players' sitenames and mud locations on the
WHO list.  The WIZARD flag on a program lets the program run with wizard per-
missions _if_ the program is wizard-owned.  The flag has no meaning on things,
exits/actions, or rooms.  Only the head wizard (#1 usually) can set it on
other players, and only him and other wizards can set it on anything else.
actions, exits
Actions and exits are really the same thing.  Whenever the user types a com-
mand, the command is matched against the nearby exits and actions and execut-
ed.  If the action is not linked or locked to a program, only the exact
command typed by the user is matched; an action may have several names if the
names are separated by semicolons.  If the action is linked/locked to a pro-
gram, the action also matches against leftmost words of the command; the
remainder is placed on the stack when the program is called.  Effects of ac-
tions depend on what they are linked to:

Rooms: you go to the room.  (An exit is just an action attached to a room
    and linked to another room.)
Things: the thing is brought to you.  If the action is attached to a thing, and
    the action does not have the S flag, the first thing also goes home.
Players: you are brought to the player (if the player has a J flag).
Other actions: the other action runs.
Programs: the program runs.

See @ACTION, @ATTACH, @LINK, @UNLINK, flags, and globals.
Simple building commands are as follows.  (Don't type the <>, and use a number
instead of nnn).

@dig <room>               Create a room.
@create <thing>           Create a thing.
@open <exit>              Create an exit (without linking).
@link <exit>=#nnn         Link an unlinked exit somewhere.
@open <exit>=#nnn         Combination of the above two.
@action <action>=<source> Create an action (like an exit, but may be
                          located on things or people).
@recycle <name>           Recycle it.

@name <thing>=<newname>   Set a name.
@desc <thing>=<desc>      Set a description.

See also @LOCK, @SUCC, @OSUCC, @FAIL, @OFAIL, @DROP, @ODROP, @SET, parents.
A room's parent may be set with @tel here=#nnn (if you own the parent or it is
LINK_OK).  Any actions/exits in the parent will be used if there are no others
available with the same name.  For instance, a group of beach rooms could be
given a parent which has a "swim" exit in it, which is locked and prints a
message; people can type "swim" in any of the beach rooms and get the same
message.  Or the parent for the whole mud (the global environment, which is
usually #0) could have a "mail" action which runs a mail program; this way
anyone anywhere on the mud can use the mail system.

Unlike Mush parents, only the actions on the parents, and nothing else, apply
to the children.

A room's current chain of parents can be found with @TRACE.
gender, sex
@set me=sex:male (or female or neuter).  See substitutions.
Pronoun substitutions are done on @OSUCC, @OFAIL, and @ODROP; the name of the
player is placed on the beginning and pronoun substitutions are done on the
string before printing it.  This replaces all %a, %n, %o, %p, %r, and %s with
the appropriate pronouns; if these are capitalized as %A, %N, %O, %P, %R, and
%S, the pronoun will also be capitalized.  Many MUF programs also do pronoun

Example: if the @osucc was "buys %r a lollipop.", the message for a male
player would be "<name> buys himself a lollipop."

If you set your gender with @set me=sex:male, female, or neuter, pronoun sub-
stitutions will work properly.  You can also set properties named %a, %n, %o,
%p, %r, and %s directly to override the defaults.

    Substitutions   sex:male  sex:female sex:neuter  (unset)
    %a (absolute)       his        hers       its     <name>'s
         %n         (%n is always replaced with the player's name)
    %o (object)         him         her        it     <name>
    %p (possessive)     his         her       its     <name>'s
    %r (reflexive)  himself     herself    itself     <name>
    %s (subject)         he         she        it     <name>
There is no goal to Muck.  The only purpose is to wander around, and build,
explore, program, and chat.
Command names get matched in the following order, from highest to lowest
    Actions on the room.
    Actions on things you are carrying.
    Actions on things in the room.
    Actions on yourself.
    Actions on parent rooms.
    Built-in commands.  (home, QUIT, and WHO may not be overridden with
"objects" refers to anything: players, rooms, things, exits/actions, and pro-
grams.  To specify an object, use either its name, or a # followed by the ob-
ject number.  (Object numbers are visible if you own the object or if the ob-
ject has certain flags.)
programs, programming
Programs may be written in a Forth-like stack-based language called MUF.  Un-
less the mud is compiled with MUCKER_ALL, you must be set M by a wizard in
order to be able to program.

If you want to use an already-written program, you can make an action to it:
    @action <name>=me
    @link <name>=#<number>
where <name> and <number> are replaced by the name you want to be able to use
to run the program by, and <number> is the program number.  Then, whenever you
typed the name it would run the program.  You can also use programs in fields;
for instance, "@desc me=@<number> text" would run the program with that number
with the parameter "text" whenever someone looks at you.

See the MUF programmers' documentation for details.
Certain commands cost pennies.  You will occasionally find pennies randomly;
you can also be given pennies by other players using the `give' command, and
you can get pennies from appropriately-written MUF programs.  Penny costs are
usually as follows, although the person who runs the Muck can set it up

    Minimum cost to @create a thing: 10
    Cost to @open or @action an exit/action: 1
    Cost to @link an exit/action: 1
    Cost to @dig a room: 10
    Cost to page: 0 (player must still have >= 0 pennies)

    Maximum pennies allowable: 10000

Generally, you "control" objects owned by you, and can manipulate them as you
wish.  Wizards on the Muck control everything.
global,globals, global environment,global-environment,environment
New global commands in Mucks are normally created with actions on the global
environment.  This is a special room which all rooms are parented to; it's
usually room #0.
@Q is not a command used in MUCK, but a command used when programs are await-
ing input; this always quits the program immediately.
This is a compile-time option which lets everyone on a Muck program.  To tell
if your Muck has it: If anyone (including you) has a MUCKER bit, the Muck is
not MUCKER_ALL.  Otherwise, see if you're allowed to use @PROG; if you are, it
Refers to anyone who isn't a wizard.  If you don't know, you're one.
Commands starting with the characters :, ", ;, |, <, and > are expanded as
    :     pose                "     say              ;     semicolon
    |     paste               <     backarrow        >     forearrow
    =     equalsign           +     plussign         -     minussign
    (     lparen              )     rparen           [     lbracket
    ]     rbracket            &     ampersand        #     poundsign
A space is added after the command.  For instance, if you type ";'s", it will
be expanded to "semicolon 's".  If there is an action named "semicolon" linked
to a program, that program would run with the parameter "'s".  This could be
used, for instance, to simulate the behavior of Mush on lines starting with ; .
Only "pose" and "say" are normally Muck commands; using the others will give
"Huh?" error messages unless someone created actions with the appropriate
;, semicolon
See expansion.
|, paste
See expansion.
>, forearrow
See expansion.
See expansion.
See expansion.
See expansion.
See expansion.
See expansion.
See expansion.
See expansion.
See expansion.
See expansion.
These properties are special; properties with these names are shown to players
on the first connect and last disconnect respectively.  Properties both on the
global environment (usually #0) and on the player are displayed; the global
one is displayed before the player one when connecting, and after the player
one when disconnecting.

The properties are set with normal @set commands: "@set me=_connect:Hi!".

The "@<number> <text>" format is supported and will run the program whose
number is specified.  All such programs run as if the player were running a
program directly, so to avoid permission problems any global programs used
this way should probably be LINK_OK.

See @SET.