              Information about the clones used in Amnuts 2.2.0

The file is divided into 4 sections, the INIT section which sets up a load
of system parameters, the ROOMS section which sets up the room names, their
links and any netlink connections, the topics section which you can use 
to autoload room topics and the SITES section which defines the site and
service names of any other talkers you may wish to connect to via the
rooms. The sections can be in any order but the order I have laid them out
in seems the most logical (to me at any rate). Comments can be placed in the
file and as per the unix standard they begin with a hash '#'.

The INIT section

Here is a brief rundown of what the parameters mean, see the config file 
itself for examples:

verification - this is the string the talker will pass when it initially
   connects to other talkers. Its a security feature which (hopefully) prevents
   someone simply telneting to the talkers link port and masquerading as
   another talker. The remote site will disconnect if it doesnt have your site
   listed in the SITES section or if the verification string is incorrect.

mainport - the main port number where users telnet to.

wizport  - the wizport that superusers can log in on. This port is unaffected
   by the max_users variable.

linkport - the port which the talker uses to link to other talkers.

max_users - the maximum number of users that can log in on the main port.

max_clones - the maximum number of clones one user can have at any one time.

heartbeat - the time interval in secs on which the event functions are called.

login_idle_time - the time in secs which a user can idle at the login prompt
   before being booted off.

user_idle_time  - the time in secs which a user can idle once logged on before
   being booted off. He will get a warning 1 minute beforehand.

ban_swearing - If YES then any speech, shouts or emotes said by a user that
   contains a word in the *swear_words[] array will not be displayed.

auto_connect - If YES then talker will try to connect to configured remote 
   sites when booted.

system_logging - If ON then talker will write to the system log.

password_echo - If YES then talker will echo passwords at login.

ignore_sigterm - If YES then SIGTERM will be noted but ignored.

minlogin_level - Minimum user level that can currently log in. If set to NONE
   then anyone can log in, if set to NEW then anyone can log in but new 
   accounts can't be created, if set to USER then newbies can't log in etc etc
   This overrides wizport_level if needs be.

mesg_life - Lifetime in days of messages on the boards.

mesg_check_time - Time at which the boards are checked each day to delete any
   expired messages.

min_private - Minimum number of users in a room before it can be made private.

ignore_mp_level - User level at which min_private can be overridden.

rem_user_maxlevel - Maximum user level that users who have arrived via a 
   netlink from another talker can have on this talker - ie if they are a god
   on their own system and this is set to wiz then they will only be a wiz on
   here, though if they are only of USER level on their own system they will
   still only be user level here.

rem_user_deflevel - Default level of remote users who do not have an account
   on the local system. Setting this to anything other than NEW or USER would
   be a seriously bad move on your part.

wizport_level - Minimum level of user who can log in via the wizport.

gatecrash_level - Minimum level of user who can enter a private room without an
   invite. This does not apply to FIXED private rooms however since these are
   probably to be used as wiz rooms so any user of WIZ and above can enter
   a fixed private room.

crash_action - This defines what the talker should do if a segmentation fault
   or buss error occurs. If NONE then it does nothing and just crashes, if
   IGNORE it jumps back to the start of the main loop in main() and if REBOOT
   the talker will reboot itself.

prompt_def - If ON then new users will have their prompt default to ON else
   prompt is OFF.

colour_def - This is either ON or OFF and defines whether colour will be
   enabled for new users. Bear in mind that the colour codes used are only
   compatible with terminals that support ANSI colour. If the user is on
   an incompatible type of terminal (eg an hpterm, wyse50 etc) then generally
   all he'll get is a screenfull of garbage therefor its best if the default 
   is OFF as he can always switch colour on using the .colour toggle command.

charecho_def - Either ON or OFF. Defines whether characters will be echoed 
   back to a user if their client is operating in character mode.

time_out_afks - Either YES or NO. If yes then even users who are afk will get
   timed out if they idle for too long.

time_out_maxlevel - Maximum level of user which can be timed out.

auto_purge - YES or NO.  If YES then user files will be checked for
   purging everytime the talker is booted up and the user fules will also 
   be purged on the purge date, else they will only be purged when a user
   specifically uses the 'purge' command.

allow_recaps - YES or NO.  If YES then a user can change the case of any
   letters in their name (such as UsEr).

auto_promote - YES or NO.  If YES then new users can enter some information
   on the talker to be promoted up to the next level automatically by the
   talker.  This takes away the need for wizzes to be present to make
   newbies USER level.

personal_rooms - YES or NO.  If yes then users can have access to any of
   the personal room commands.  Personal rooms will also be processed when
   the talker boots up.  If it's set to NO then the personal rooms will not
   be processed at all and the user cannot user any of the personal room

startup_room_parse - YES or NO.  If yes then any personal rooms that have
   been saved will be loaded into memory at startup.  If no then it will
   only load the personal room when the user goes to it.

random_motds - YES or NO.  If yes then it will load a random MOTD from the
  directories, else it will only use the MOTD with the filename motd1.

resolve_ip - OFF, AUTO or MANUAL.  If OFF then the IP address will not be
  resolved in any way.  If AUTO then the gethostbyaddr() function will be
  used.  If MANUAL then a function written by tref will be used.

flood_protect - ON or OFF.  If ON then anyone caught flooding the ports
  will be auto-banned.  Else anyone can log onto the port upto and above
  the limit set with LOGIN_FLOOD_CNT.

The ROOMS section

Here is where the rooms and layout of the talker get defined. The format for
one line of the section is as follows:

<map name> <mnemonic> <name> <links> [<access> [<network parameters>]]

general hw hallway   of,gd,lg,to    PUB  CONNECT testsite

The map is stored in the datafiles directory with the extension .map
The mnemonic is just a convenient shorthand for the room and saves having to
enter the entire room name for each of the links. In the links part the links
to other rooms are defined by using their mnemonics and separting them with
commas. There must be NO SPACES between the commas and the mnemonics.
   For the access the values can be PRIV, PUB, BOTH or nothing. If the value
is PRIV then the room is fixed to private, if PUB then its fixed to public and
if its BOTH then it is set to public but is not fixed. In fact you only need
to enter BOTH if there is a network parameter part following, else you can
leave it blank.
   For the network parameters there are 2 options if you choose to use them.
ACCEPT means that the room will be used as a link to another talker if the
connection is initiated REMOTELY ie if another talker tries to connect to
yours the room it gets linked to will be the first free room that has the ACCEPT
parameter set. CONNECT <service name> means that the talker will attempt to
make its own connection to the service (talker) specified and will use this
room as the link point.

The TOPICS section

This is where you can default room topics on boot-up.  This is an optional
extra and does not need to be used.  The format is as follows:

<room name>  <topic>

wizroom  This is a room for wizzes only!

The topics can contain colour codes if you like.

The SITES section

This is where service names get qualified. The format of the lines is as

<service name>  <site name>  <port>  <verification>  [<link type>]

freds_talker  chatsite.easylife.ac.uk  1234  fred123  IN   

Site name can be either a name or a number.

Most of this is self explanatory except for the link type. This can either
be IN, OUT or ALL (though ALL is redundant since this is the default). This
means the link will either allow only INcoming users, ie only people from the
remote site can traverse it, local users cannot, OUTgoing users , ie only
local users can traverse it or ALL which means its 2 way.

This section as well as being a list of sites you may like to connect to
yourself it also acts as a list of sites that you would possibly like to
connect to your system. In the latter case the port number becomes redundant
so just enter any value for it, it makes no difference, I tend to use the
value 666 myself but then I'm strange that way :)  If a talker from any site
that is not in the list tries to connect it will be immediately rejected.
Even if a talker from a valid site connects it still has to supply a valid
verification. If 2 or more services connect from the same site and they have
different verifications then the talker will go down the list until it finds
a matching site-verification pair so getting the correct service name in 
the process. If they have the same verification then confusion could result.
For an outgoing connect the talker reads the CONNECT <service> part of the
rooms section, looks up the service name in the sites section and makes
a connection to the port number at the site, passing the verification code
once it does connect.
