3.0.0a (Jan 96)
Initial alpha release.

3.0.0  (March 96)
1. Added revclr command

2. Added last_login_len element in user structure for examine command
   and saving this in the user data files makes these files incompatible with 
   the alpha version. Tough titties.

3. Various bug fixes

3.1.0 (April 96)
1. Added cloning facilities and all associated commands - clone, destroy,
   clsay, clhear, allclones, myclones. A new field was added to the config
   file called "max_clones"

2. Added "from" command which like its unix equivalent shows who you've got
   mail from but not the actual message.

3. Added "rstat" command which gets statistics for a remote system. This 
   required the addition of the RSTAT netlink command.

4. Added a swearing prevention measure which involves the "swban" command
   and the "ban_swearing" field in the config file. This is for all would be
   big brothers out there :)

5. Upgraded the wizshout command.

6. Rewrote the search command so that now its actually of some use.

7. Added an "afk" command. This is an omission I meant to put in nuts 2 but  
   never got round to it.

8. Moved the mapfile and newsfile into the datafiles directory and the names
   of the banfiles are now stored in macros.

9. The usual bug fixes and minor code changes.

3.1.1  (April)

1. You can now specify which room message board to read with the "read" 

2. Entering "version" at the login prompt gives the software version.

3. Bug fixes and other minor "look and feel" alterations.

3.1.2  (May)

1. Added "crash_recovery" option to config file. Read the about_config doc for
   further information.

2. Replaced bcopy() call with memcpy() call as bcopy is an old Berkeley
   function which might not be found in all systems (I know of 1 site which
   didn't have it) whereas memcpy is an ISO standard function.

3. '/' is now a shortcut for .tell and '#' for shout.

4. Remote users can now create clones.

5. Some major bug fixes and some minor changes and additions.

3.2.0 (July)

1. Added the cls, colour, ignshout, igntell, suicide, delete and reboot 
   commands and whatever extra fields were required to the user structure.

2. The names of the following commands names were changed:
    clsay -> csay,  clhear -> chear, listen -> ignall

3. Colour has been added to the talker which the "colour" command toggles on
   and off for each user.

4. The editor has been upgraded and comes up with a "Save, redo or abort" 
   prompt when the message has been entered.

5. The name of a config file can now be optionally entered on the command 
   line else the talker will use the default "config" one.

6. The crash_recovery config file option has become crash_action and now
   takes different arguments.

7. The colour_def and time_out_afks options have been added to the config file
   whilst the dos_newline option has been removed since the output strings are
   parsed anyway for colour commands so the \r is added automatically.

8. The clone, destroy and move commands can now optionally have the room left
   out whereupon they will assume you mean the current room you are in. The
   "here" option for move has been made redundant and has been removed.

9. The talker now passes its version number along with its verification string
   on the netlink and also when verifiying another talker it passes the link
   type along with the verify ok string eg: "VERIFY OK OUT". This only is of
   use when the server you are connecting to will not allow users from your
   site to cross over ie: OUTgoing only.

10. Bug fixes and other minor code changes.

3.2.1 (July)

1. Added allow_caps_in_name field to config file which allows you to decide
   whther your users can have caps in their names or not eg ImBeCiLE or

2. I've changed some of the shortcuts to those most requested by lots of users
   that I've spoken to. Don't blame me if you think they suck, blame them :)

   > is now short for .tell and < for .pemote
   ! is now short for .shout and # for .semote

3. The command "lban" has been renamed to "listbans" because it looks nicer :)

4. Bug fixes, minor code changes and more colour added.

3.3.0 (September)

1. Added revtell command and associated extra bits in user structure.

2. Added recount command for recounting the number of messages on the
   boards if the files have been edited manually.

3. Added "lock" and message to display while away options to afk command.

4. Added room option to public and private commands.

6. Abbreviation of user names in commands is now allowed.

7. Colour commands can now be displayed literally if a '/' is put before
   the '~'. I used a forward slash instead of a backward one as when the
   backward one was put inside sprintf statements before the '~' the compiler 
   complained as it thought it was an unknown literal. This facility won't
   work across a netlink if linked to an earlier version of the talker.

8. Message board and mail headers now display day and month as words.

9. Swear words are now stored as lower case instead of upper case since it
   looks nicer :) Trivial reason for changing it but what the hell...

10. Added "swear" option to listbans.

11. Added timed countdown option to reboot and shutdown commands.

12. Other bug and omission fixes and minor code changes.

3.3.1 (October)

Talker now stores the users local port number (visible in .site and the syslog
and following the SIGN ON: for wizes and above) so manual authentication can be 
done on user id. I put it in the .people command too at first but it looked a 
mess so I took it out again. See README for details.

The talker now passes across the users level on a netlink so the use of 
rem_user_maxlevel has been changed. This used to apply to remote users who had 
a local account , it now only applies to those who *don't* have a local account
(users with local accounts have their level set to that of the local account 
regardless) and rem_user_deflevel is only used to backwards compatability with
older version servers that don't pass the user level.

Improved the viewlog command so that you can now specify the number of lines
from the end to start reading it from. This saves paging though days or weeks
worth of log to see what happened recently.

Bug fixes and minor changes.

3.3.2 (November)

Added a history type feature whereby if you just type a dot '.' by itself
then the talker will repeat your last command or speech.

Added ~UL "colour" command which is for underlining.

Added login count to .people command.

Added site to examine output if user is wiz or above.

Improved help_commands() function so it prints out commands by level.

The write_wiz() function has been renamed to write_level() and an extra
formal parameter has been added. charecho() has been renamed to 

Added charecho_def to config file as a default for a new users charmode_echo

Altered some of the command levels in .h file and increased MAX_LINES to 15.

Amendments and bug fixes including removing a large lump of code from 
create_clone() that shouldn't have been there.

3.3.3 (November)

You now get a + indicator in the prompt if you are invisible. This indicates
your *local* invisible state, it won't work on a remote site.

Added time_out_maxlevel option to config file.

Changed config file "logging" option to "system_logging" and it now takes
ON and OFF as parameters rather than YES or NO. This is for consistency.

The minlogin command now boots off any logged on users below the set level.

Added has_room_access() function to replace some duplicated code.

Swapped the positions of the help and home commands so that .h is now short
for .help. This may cause slight confusion if people try to do .h on a 
remote site to go home as they will be told that they are already on it.

Bug fixes and general code amendments.

*** THE END ***