*  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
*  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
*                                                                         *
*  Merc Diku Mud improvements copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael         *
*  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
*                                                                         *
*  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
*  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
*  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
*  these copyright notices.                                               *
*                                                                         *
*  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
*  benefiting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes       *
*  around, comes around.                                                  *
*       ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1998 Russ Taylor                        *
*       ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium                 *
*           Russ Taylor (rtaylor@hypercube.org)                           *
*           Gabrielle Taylor (gtaylor@hypercube.org)                      *
*           Brian Moore (zump@rom.org)                                    *
*       By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the    *
*       ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license                    *
*       1stMUD ROM Derivative (c) 2001-2002 by Ryan Jennings              *
*            http://1stmud.dlmud.com/  <r-jenn@shaw.ca>                   *
 *  File: olc.h                                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *
 *                                                                         *
 *  This code was freely distributed with the The Isles 1.1 source code,   *
 *  and has been used here for OLC - OLC would not be what it is without   *
 *  all the previous coders who released their source code.                *
 *                                                                         *
 * This is a header file for all the OLC files.  Feel free to copy it into
 * merc.h if you wish.  Many of these routines may be handy elsewhere in
 * the code.  -Jason Dinkel

#if !defined(OLC_H)
#define OLC_H

 * The version info.  Please use this info when reporting bugs.
 * It is displayed in the game by typing 'version' while editing.
 * Do not remove these from the code - by request of Jason Dinkel
#define VERSION	"ILAB Online Creation [Beta 1.0, ROM 2.3 modified]\n\r" \
		"     Port a ROM 2.4 v1.8\n\r"
#define AUTHOR	"     By Jason(jdinkel@mines.colorado.edu)\n\r" \
                "     Modified for use with ROM 2.3\n\r"        \
                "     By Hans Birkeland (hansbi@ifi.uio.no)\n\r" \
                "     Modificado para uso en ROM 2.4b6\n\r"	\
                "     Por Ivan Toledo (itoledo@ctcreuna.cl)\n\r"
#define DATE	"     (Apr. 7, 1995 - ROM mod, Apr 16, 1995)\n\r" \
		"     (Port a ROM 2.4 - Nov 2, 1996)\n\r" \
		"     Version actual : 1.8 - Sep 8, 1998\n\r"
#define CREDITS "     Original by Surreality(cxw197@psu.edu) and Locke(locke@lm.com)"

 * New typedefs.
typedef bool OLC_FUN args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, const char *argument));
#define DECLARE_OLC_FUN( fun )	OLC_FUN    fun

 * Connected states for editor.
#define ED_NONE		0
#define ED_AREA		1
#define ED_ROOM		2
#define ED_OBJECT	3
#define ED_MOBILE	4
#define ED_MPCODE	5
#define ED_HELP		6
#define ED_SOCIAL   7
#define ED_CLAN     8
#define ED_CMD      9
#define ED_SKILL    10
#define ED_GROUP    11
#define ED_RACE     12
#define ED_CLASS    13

 * Interpreter Prototypes
void aedit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void redit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void medit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void oedit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void mpedit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void hedit args ((CHAR_DATA *, char *));
void cedit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void cmdedit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void skedit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void gredit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void raedit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void cledit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));

 * OLC Constants
#define MAX_MOB	1				/* Default maximum number for resetting mobs */

 * Structure for an OLC editor command.
struct olc_comm_type
	const char *name;
	void *argument;
	ED_FUN *function;
	const void *parameter;

 * Structure for an OLC editor startup command.
struct editor_cmd_type
	char *const name;
	DO_FUN *do_fun;

 * Utils.
AREA_DATA *get_vnum_area args ((vnum_t vnum));
AREA_DATA *get_area_data args ((int vnum));
void add_reset
args ((ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room, RESET_DATA * pReset, int pindex));
void display_resets (CHAR_DATA * ch);

void show_olc_cmds (CHAR_DATA * ch);
bool oedit_values (CHAR_DATA * ch, const char *argument, int value);
bool set_value (CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_INDEX_DATA * pObj, const char *argument,
				int value);
bool set_obj_values (CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_INDEX_DATA * pObj, int value_num,
					 const char *argument);
void show_obj_values (CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_INDEX_DATA * obj);
bool change_exit (CHAR_DATA * ch, const char *argument, int door);
bool check_range (long lower, long upper);
void show_spec_cmds (CHAR_DATA * ch);
void show_skill_cmds (CHAR_DATA * ch, int tar);
flag_t wear_bit (int loc);
int wear_loc (flag_t bits, int count);
void save_area (AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_other_helps (CHAR_DATA * ch);
void save_helps (FILE * fp, HELP_AREA * ha);
void save_shops (FILE * fp, AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_resets (FILE * fp, AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_door_resets (FILE * fp, AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_specials (FILE * fp, AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_rooms (FILE * fp, AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_objects (FILE * fp, AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_object (FILE * fp, OBJ_INDEX_DATA * pObjIndex);
void save_mobiles (FILE * fp, AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_mobile (FILE * fp, MOB_INDEX_DATA * pMobIndex);
void save_mobprogs (FILE * fp, AREA_DATA * pArea);
void save_area_list (void);
char *fix_string (const char *str);
void stop_editing (void *OLC);
int calc_avedam (int num_dice, int dam_dice);
void edit_start args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, void *OLC, int Ed));

 * Interpreter Table Prototypes
extern const struct olc_comm_type mob_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type obj_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type room_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type area_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type mprog_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type help_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type social_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type clan_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type cmd_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type skill_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type group_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type race_olc_comm_table[];
extern const struct olc_comm_type class_olc_comm_table[];

 * General Functions
bool show_commands args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
bool show_help args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, const char *argument));
bool edit_done args ((CHAR_DATA * ch));
bool show_version args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));

bool process_olc_command args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, const char *argument,
								const struct olc_comm_type * table));

DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_str);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_str_line);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_desc);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_bool);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_flag);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_number);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_number_long);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_shop);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_spec);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_ac);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_dice);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_race);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_olded);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_ed);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_direction);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_docomm);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_value);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_poslookup);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_neglookup);
DECLARE_ED_FUN (olced_vnum);

DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_align);
DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_level);
DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_groupname);

DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_whoname);
DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_weapon);
DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_adept);
DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_hmv);
DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_group);
DECLARE_VALIDATE_FUN (validate_classname);

 * Area Editor Prototypes
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (aedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (aedit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (aedit_file);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (aedit_reset);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (aedit_builder);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (aedit_vnum);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (aedit_lvnum);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (aedit_uvnum);

 * Room Editor Prototypes
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_mreset);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_oreset);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_mlist);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_rlist);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_olist);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_mshow);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_oshow);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_clan);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_delete);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (redit_format);

 * Object Editor Prototypes
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (oedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (oedit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (oedit_addaffect);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (oedit_addapply);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (oedit_delaffect);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (oedit_delete);

 * Mobile Editor Prototypes
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (medit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (medit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (medit_delete);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (medit_group);	/* ROM */
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (medit_addmprog);	/* ROM */
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (medit_delmprog);	/* ROM */

/* Mobprog editor */
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (mpedit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (mpedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (mpedit_list);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (mpedit_delete);

/* Editor de helps */
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (hedit_new);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (hedit_delete);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (hedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (hedit_list);

DECLARE_OLC_FUN (sedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (sedit_name);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (sedit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (sedit_delete);

DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cedit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cedit_delete);

DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cmdedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cmdedit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cmdedit_delete);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cmdedit_dofun);

DECLARE_OLC_FUN (gredit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (gredit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (gredit_ratings);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (gredit_spells);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (gredit_delete);

DECLARE_OLC_FUN (skedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (skedit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (skedit_levels);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (skedit_ratings);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (skedit_spellfun);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (skedit_gsn);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (skedit_delete);

DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_delete);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_pcrace);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_list);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_stats);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_mstats);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_skills);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (raedit_classx);

DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cledit_create);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cledit_delete);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cledit_show);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cledit_prime);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cledit_weapon);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cledit_skill);
DECLARE_OLC_FUN (cledit_guilds);

 * Macros
#define TOGGLE_BIT(var, bit)    ((var) ^= (bit))

/* Return pointers to what is being edited. */
#define EDIT_MOB(Ch, Mob)	( Mob = (MOB_INDEX_DATA *)Ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_OBJ(Ch, Obj)	( Obj = (OBJ_INDEX_DATA *)Ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_ROOM(Ch, Room)	( Room = Ch->in_room )
#define EDIT_AREA(Ch, Area)	( Area = (AREA_DATA *)Ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_MPCODE(Ch, Code)   ( Code = (MPROG_CODE*)Ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_SOCIAL(ch, iSoc)	(iSoc = (SOCIAL_DATA *)ch->desc->pEdit)
#define EDIT_HELP(ch, help)	( help = (HELP_DATA *) ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_CLAN(ch, clan) ( clan = (CLAN_DATA *) ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_CMD(ch, cmd)   ( cmd = (CMD_DATA *) ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_SKILL(ch, skill) ( skill = (SKILL_DATA *) ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_GROUP(ch, grp) ( grp = (GROUP_DATA *) ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_RACE(ch, race) ( race = (RACE_DATA *) ch->desc->pEdit )
#define EDIT_CLASS(ch, class) ( class = (CLASS_DATA *) ch->desc->pEdit )

 * Prototypes
/* mem.c - memory prototypes. */
RESET_DATA *new_reset_data args ((void));
void free_reset_data args ((RESET_DATA * pReset));
AREA_DATA *new_area args ((void));
void free_area args ((AREA_DATA * pArea));
EXIT_DATA *new_exit args ((void));
void free_exit args ((EXIT_DATA * pExit));
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *new_room_index args ((void));
void free_room_index args ((ROOM_INDEX_DATA * pRoom));
SHOP_DATA *new_shop args ((void));
void free_shop args ((SHOP_DATA * pShop));
OBJ_INDEX_DATA *new_obj_index args ((void));
void free_obj_index args ((OBJ_INDEX_DATA * pObj));
MOB_INDEX_DATA *new_mob_index args ((void));
void free_mob_index args ((MOB_INDEX_DATA * pMob));
#undef	ED

void show_liqlist args ((CHAR_DATA * ch));
void show_damlist args ((CHAR_DATA * ch));

char *mprog_type_to_name args ((int type));
MPROG_LIST *new_mprog args ((void));
void free_mprog args ((MPROG_LIST * mp));
MPROG_CODE *new_mpcode args ((void));
void free_mpcode args ((MPROG_CODE * pMcode));

void sedit args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
SOCIAL_DATA *get_social_data args ((const char *name));
