Sender  Nevar~
Date    Tue Jun  3 16:39:37 2008~
Stamp   1212525653
Expire  1217709616
To      all~
Subject HP Limit~
The current hp limit must be about 32000 something,

I leveled and found myself dead with -32366 hp.


Sender  Stonge~
Date    Thu Jun  5 21:49:58 2008~
Stamp   1212717060
Expire  1217901003
To      all~
Subject healer~
have the healer do cure blind a tad more frequently...........

waiting aboot 5mins and he does cure everything else but......


Sender  Bayne~
Date    Sat Jan 31 17:53:40 2009~
Stamp   1233439042
Expire  1238622831
To      all~
Subject Spells~
instead of something like this....

Level  9: detect poison         5 mana  invisibility          5 mana 

can we get something liiiiike....

9:Detect Poison    5 Mana 75%/Invisibility     5 Mana 69%

yeah...just something that gives the percent, I hate having to

type 'prac' and looking and scrolls for 3 minutes just to find

my spells percent....
