 * Original Code By : Gothar
 * Rewriten by : Wiccaan
 * Addons : None
 * Removes : - Thief System
 *           - Share System
 * Contact Gothar :
 * Contact Wiccaan :
 * Beings that this code has been rewriten
 * by Wiccaan, Gothar may not be able to
 * help with this.
 * Credit goes to Gothar beings that he wrote it.
 * Wiccaan just redid it.

#if defined(macintosh)
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "merc.h"
#include "recycle.h"

 * These are the vnums for your bank.
 * You can use more then one.
 * Beings that there isnt a bank in your mud yet,
 * Im putting a random number instead.

/* Be sure to change this and add the area to your mud */
#define ROOM_VNUM_BANK 3360

/* Declare procedures that will be used */
DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_help		);

/* Now for the code */

/* do_account is your balace, you can change this to do_balance if you want.
 * if you do change it, make sure to change the tables in interp.c and .h.
void do_account (CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
  long gold = 0; 
  long silver = 0;
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

  gold = ch->pcdata->gold_bank;
  silver = ch->pcdata->silver_bank;
/* IMM's, pet's, and npc's dont need bank accounts so we will remove them */
   if( (IS_NPC(ch) || IS_SET(ch->act,ACT_PET))
        || (IS_IMMORTAL(ch)) )
     send_to_char("Only players need accounts.\n\r",ch);

   if(ch->in_room != get_room_index(ROOM_VNUM_BANK))
      send_to_char("You must be at the bank!\n\r", ch);
   else if (ch->in_room == get_room_index(ROOM_VNUM_BANK))
   sprintf( buf, "You have Gold: %10ld Silver: %10ld in your account.\n\r",gold, silver);
   send_to_char(buf, ch);
/* do_deposit is to put money in the bank */
void do_deposit (CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
  long amount = 0;
  char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
/* Remove IMM's, pet's, and npc's again */
   if( (IS_NPC(ch) || IS_SET(ch->act,ACT_PET)) 
        || (IS_IMMORTAL(ch)) )
     send_to_char("Only players need a bank account.\n\r",ch);
/* If not in bank let them know */
   if(ch->in_room != get_room_index(ROOM_VNUM_BANK))
      send_to_char("You must be at the bank!\n\r", ch);
   else /* If they are in the bank */
      argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
      argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
      if (arg1[0] =='\0' || arg2[0] =='\0')
       send_to_char("How much do you want to deposit?\n\r", ch);
       send_to_char("Commands are:\n\r", ch);
       send_to_char("Deposite <value> gold\n\r", ch);
       send_to_char("Deposite <value> silver\n\r", ch);
   if(ch->in_room == get_room_index(ROOM_VNUM_BANK))
    if ( is_number( arg1 ) )
      amount = atoi(arg1);
       if ( amount <= 0)
	  send_to_char( "To deposit money, you must give money!\r\n", ch);
	  send_to_char( "For more help type 'help bank'.\r\n", ch);
/* If they are depositing gold */
	if(!str_cmp( arg2, "gold"))
	   if (ch->gold < amount)
	      send_to_char("You dont have that much gold.\n\r", ch);
	      ch->pcdata->gold_bank += amount;
	      ch->gold -= amount;
	      act("$n has deposited some gold into $s account.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
	      sprintf( buf, "You have deposited %ld Gold.\n\r   Account: %10ld.\n\r   You still hold %8ld gold.\n\r", amount, ch->pcdata->gold_bank, ch->gold);
	      send_to_char( buf, ch);

/* If they are depositing silver */
	if(!str_cmp( arg2, "silver"))
	   if (ch->silver < amount)
	      send_to_char("You dont have that much silver.\n\r", ch);
	      ch->pcdata->silver_bank += amount;
	      ch->silver -= amount;
	      act("$n has deposited some silver into $s account.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
	      sprintf( buf , "You have deposited %ld Silver.\n\r   Account: %10ld silver.\n\r   You still hold %8ld silver.\n\r", amount, ch->pcdata->silver_bank, ch->silver);
	      send_to_char( buf, ch);

void do_withdraw (CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
  long amount = 0;
   char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

/* Remove IMM's, pet's, and npc's again */
    if( (IS_NPC(ch) || IS_SET(ch->act,ACT_PET))
         || (IS_IMMORTAL(ch)) )
       send_to_char("Only players need have a bank account.\n\r", ch);
/* If not in bank let them know */
    if(ch->in_room != get_room_index(ROOM_VNUM_BANK))
       send_to_char("You must be at the bank!\n\r", ch);
    else /* If they are in the bank */
       argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
       argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
       if (arg1[0] == '\0' || arg2[0] == '\0')
         send_to_char("How much do you want to withdraw?\n\r", ch);
         send_to_char("Commands are:\n\r", ch);
         send_to_char("Withdraw <value> gold\n\r", ch);
         send_to_char("Withdraw <value> silver\n\r", ch);
    if(ch->in_room == get_room_index(ROOM_VNUM_BANK))
         if( is_number( arg1 ) )
	      amount = atoi(arg1);
	      if ( amount <= 0 )
	           send_to_char("To withdraw that amount, you have to have it in the bank first.\n\r", ch);
	           send_to_char("For more help type 'help bank'.\n\r", ch);
/* If they are withdrawing gold */
	     if(!str_cmp( arg2, "gold"))
	          if (ch->pcdata->gold_bank < amount)
	               send_to_char("You dont have that much gold in your account.\n\r", ch);
	               ch->pcdata->gold_bank -= amount;
	               ch->gold += amount;
	               act("$n withdraws gold from $s account.\n\r", ch, NULL, NULL,  TO_ROOM);
                       sprintf( buf, "You have withdrawn %ld Gold.\n\r   Account: %10ld gold.\n\r   You now hold: %8ld gold.\n\r", amount, ch->pcdata->gold_bank, ch->gold);
                       send_to_char( buf, ch);
/* If they are withdrawing silver */
	     if(!str_cmp( arg2, "silver"))
	          if (ch->pcdata->silver_bank < amount)
	               send_to_char("You dont have that much silver in your account.\n\r", ch);
	               ch->pcdata->silver_bank -= amount;
	               ch->silver += amount;
	               act("$n withdraws silver from $s account.\n\r", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
	               sprintf( buf, "You have withdrawn %ld Silver.\n\r   Account: %10ld silver.\n\r   You now hold: %8ld silver.\n\r", amount, ch->pcdata->silver_bank, ch->silver);
	               send_to_char( buf, ch);