
 * This code is free for use within any non-commercial MUD.                *
 * *********************************************************************** *
 * This is a simple snippet to make weapons a bit more diverse, in the     *
 * hopes that players will choose a weapon other than sword.  The new      *
 * capabilities for each weapon are as follows:                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *     Swords have a VERY SLIM chance of attacking two enemies at once.    *
 *     Daggers and knives may recieve one additional attack.               *
 *     Spears apply your dexterity as additional damroll.                  *
 *     Polearms can keep your opponent at bay for an extra defense.        *
 *     Axes can deliver a critical hit.                                    *
 *     Maces might knock your opponent down.                               *
 *     Flails will inflict daze on your opponent.                          *
 *     Whips apply your intelligence as additional damroll.                *
 *                                                                         *
 * You only need to edit one file to install this, fight.c.  Afterwards, I *
 * would recommend noting these changes in a helpfile.  I'd most certainly *
 * appreciate credit, but it isn't necessary, so long as you don't try to  *
 * claim it as your own work.  As always, if you have feedback, I'd love   *
 * to hear from you.                -- Midboss ( *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Converted to Godwars from Rom by Xrakisis					   *


syntax: gods worship name
There are 21 gods in the dragonlance,
cotn pantheon. The more souls your god
has the stronger those are who worship 
him or her. eventually the souls will
do more. for now the foundation of the
system is in.



Player Crafted Armor
Requires a slab and a stone, each affects items stats

Copper: hp:300, mana:300, move:300
Iron: hp:325, mana:325, move 325
Steel: hp:350, mana:350, move:350
Adamantite: hp:400, mana:400, move:400
Mithril: hp:500, mana:500, move: 500

Fire: HR:100, DR:150, AC:-100
Air: HR:140, DR:100, AC:-325
Earth: HR:125, DR:125, AC:-100
Water: HR:120, DR:120, AC:-200

slab: copper, iron, steel, adamantite, mithril
runestone: fire, air, earth, water
item: bracer, greaves, collar, plate, ring, helmet
      boots, sleeves, gauntlets, cloak, belt, mask
Syntax: armorcraft <slab> <runestone> <item>.

Written by Xrakisis, for The Rogue Legion

[CLASS] ------------[Ability Scores]-----------[Race Powers]----------------------]
                str  int  wis  dex  con
Human           80   80   80   80   80          SuperBerserk
High Elf        80   100  100  100  70          Infravision, Lessons, Elfsing, Songs
Wildelf         80   100  100  100  70          Infravision, Lessons, Elfsing, Songs
HalfElf         80   80   80   90   80          Infravision, Lessons, Elfsing, Songs
Gnome           60   110  110  90   60          Airshiptravel, Infravision
HillDwarf       100  80   80   80   100         ThunderHammer, Infravision, Dwarfforge
GullyDwarf      100  80   80   80   100         ThunderHammer, Infravision, Dwarfforge
MountainDwarf   100  80   80   80   100         ThunderHammer, Infravision, Dwarfforge
Kender          60   90   90   100  60          Pirate
Ogre            100  60   60   60   100         SuperBerserk, Tremble
HalfOgre        90   70   70   80   90          SuperBerserk, Tremble
Minotaur        100  70   70   80   90          SuperBerserk, Tremble
Goblin          60   60   60   70   60          GoblinGrenade
Hobgoblin       80   70   70   70   80          GoblinGrenade
DuergarDwarf    100  80   80   70   100         ThunderHammer, Infravision, Dwarfforge
Troll           100  60   60   60   120         SuperBerserk, Regrow, Toughskin
HalfTroll       90   60   70   70   110         SuperBerserk, Regrow, Toughskin
Orc             80   70   70   70   80          SuperBerserk
HalfOrc         80   70   70   70   80          SuperBerserk
Centaur         80   80   80   80   80          SuperBerserk, Trample

Forge this item into a weapon to give it life. Lifestones cost one
million quest points. After being forged it will grant your weapon 
the ability to raise levels, up to 100. As it raises in levels the
average damage will go up and the damage from the weapons autoattack 
will increase. Living weapons gain exp as you do and exping will exp
the weapon.

+2 lower damage number +2 upper damage number per level

Level   0 Soulsuck: 5-15 X Weapon Level Damage/Heal
Level  10 +1 Glyph Earth Level
Level  20 +1 Glyph Fire Level
Level  30 +1 Glyph Electric Level
Level  50 +1 Glyph Water Level
Level  60 +1 Glyph Fire Level
Level  70 +1 Glyph Electric Level
Level  80 +1 Glyph Water Level
Level 100 +1 Glyph Earth LEvel

syntax: lifestone
syntax: forge lifestone obj


Use this command to gain tier kills.  Merely mortally wound
any player within range and type tiercap.

   Any player in the same tier as you except tier 0 status 0 players.
   Hybrids cannot tiercap Base classes.

Tiercap will not give you anything but tier kills.  If you get
tier capped you will lose a tier kill.  This is the only way
to gain tier kills now.


You can forge Glyphs into Weapons for special affects.
For a Total of 5 Glyphs per Weapon

HP Glyph: +2K Hp
AC Glyph: -250 AC
Fire Glyph: Special Fire Attack
Water Glyph: Special Water Attack
Air Glyph: Lightning Attack
Earth Glyph: Earth Attack
Attack Glyph: Increases Your Melee

All The Glyphs Stack, 5 Fire Glyphs means 5 times the fire damage

Coded By Xrakisis, Modified From Hutoshis Sigil System

The Giants were the first to walk this world. In the beginning, before the gods
created man, and populated the worlds, the Giants would walk with the gods, they
were scholars and warriors, born and breed in the image of the gods. Then came
the time of man; humankin started walking the same earth the Giants had thought
their own for millinia; the time of the Giantwars started, and for many centuries
the children of the gods fought the onslaught of man. Finally the Giants, who had
always been few in numbers, lost, and retreated to the barren parts of the world.
Living in the wast wilderness, in the mountains and on the barren plains, the
Giants declined, both in numbers and in spirit, they became the race of Giants
we know today. The big and ugly brutes, that hates all of man. Few are those
that meet a giant and lives to tell about it, such is the hatred of the Giants.

Smack, Bash and Thwack      - Attack types, combo based.
Longstep                    - Walk somewhere fast.
Growth and Giantgift        - Gain powers and grow higher.
Dawnstrength and Standfirm  - Prepare to give a good bashing.
                              (standfirm costs class points to keep active).
Earthpunch and Sweep        - Special attacks.
Stoneshape                  - Modify equipment. (costs 50 qps).
Revival                     - Call for the earth to restore you.
Deathfrenzy                 - Look out for giants when they enter the frenzy.

also rumble, truesight, scry and giantarmor.


#GG#chouls are powerful undead beings, once human, that arrise from the grave 
to kill again, and seek revenge on those whom have caused them harm in their mortal lives. 
These horrific creatures possess many supernatural powers from beyond the grave, and are 
very deadly in combat, although much stronger during the night hours.

Ghouls gain powers by expending GP (ghoul points). These points are gained by consuming 
the lifeless corpses of slain victims. If a ghoul happens to find and consume a brain, 
they receive bonus GP and hitpoints

#GTyping #c'realm' #Gwill show you the realms of power ghouls have access too.
#gTo learn powers type : #G'realm <shadow/zombie/undead> manifest'
#GYou can see the powers each gives by typing #c'realm <shadow/zombie/undead>'#n

also see...  'HELP REALMS'

#GS#chadow #GR#cealm :  
#g(shadowsight)   #G*Shadowsight #c- The ability to see into the shadow realm.
#g(truesight)     #G*Truesight   #c- The ability to see into the mortal realms.
#g(shadowplane)   #G*Shadowplane #c- You may transverse between planes at will.#n
#g(auto)          #G*Perception  #c- The ability to attack more efficiently.#n
                               #cAdds hit/dam.
#g(gore)          #G*Gore        #c- A heavy assault from the shadowplane.#n

#GZ#combie #GR#cealm :
#g(gcreate)       #G*Claws       #c- Gain razor sharp claws!#n
#g(auto)          #G*Disease     #c- Your claws spread disease!#n
#g(ravage)        #G*Ravage      #c- A ferocious clawing attack!#n
#g(sdecay)        #G*Stench of   #c- Remove a character's protection.#n
#g(sdeath)        #G*Stench of   #c- Remove a character's sanctuary!#n

#GU#cndead #GM#cight :
                #G*#cThere are 5 levels of this, each raising damcap.#n

Skyblades are an elite class of fighter. They have mighty wings and use rapiers as there main attack weapons. Not much 
is known about this class except for they always attack from the clouds. It is heard that skyblades are of Angelic 
off-breed. They are deadly opponents and are swift as the wind.
To fight one in the ground you would die before you knew what hit you. They are true masters of the wind.
SkyBlade Power Abilities
Leye - Truesight
Reye - Shadowsight
Eaglestrength - Adds Damroll
Hawkeyes - Adds Hitroll
Vulturevigor - Adds AC
FalconBlade - (Automatic)
Skyblade Magic Abilities
Skyforge - Use some of your energy to make a Rapier
HeavenlyRain - Call upon the rain of the heavens to strike your opponent
Climax - (automatic)
DragonAura - (automatic
WyrmAura - (automatic)
Also see 'SKYSKILLS'

Skyblade Skills
Bladejump - Jump to Anyone(Class Travel)
Pummel -  A swift attack that knocks your oppenet off guard and out of stance.
CloudsBlessing - Blessing from the clouds(adds hitroll, damroll)
RapierStrike - (Automatic)
Retort - (Automatic)
LeapOfFaith - (Automatic)
DragonCharge - (Automatic)
DragonX - A Powerful Attack using your Dragon
WyrmRoar - A powerful Stunning Roar
DiveStrike - An attack so powerful, it Drains most of your Vigor.
Also see 'SKYBLADE'

#W]#w>#B*#WBasic Commands#B*#w<#W[
#wPgain - Lists skills, powers and costs.
#W]#w>#B*#WPriest Skills#B*#w<#W[
#wTruesight - Truesight
Scry - Locate players
Readaura - Read other peoples auras
Shield - Hide your aura from prying eyes
Priestform - Turn into a huge Priest
Godstrike - Powerful attack of God
#W]#w>#B*#WPriest Spells#B*#w<#W[
#wMinheal - Heals
Majorheal - Heals x2
Grheal - Heals x3
Healstorm - Heal Group
Minstorm - Heal Group x2
Grstorm - Heal Group x3
Godbless - Greater Bless
Godheal - Healing x4
Turnundead - Turn people into Undead
Holyaura - Sanct x2
Godpeace - Stops fighting#n


#u#2Color -  Bright  - Dark#n
#7Grey      #0     ##0 #n
#7Red            #R##R #r##r#n
#7Green          #G##G #g##g#n
#7Cyan           #C##C #c##c#n
#7Blue           #L##L #l##l#n
#7Yellow         #y##y  #n
#7Purple         #P##P #p##p#n
#7Brown          #o##o#n
#7Random         #s##s#n
#7Bold           #i##i#n
#7Underline      #u##u#n
#7White          #7##7#n

To stop a color from bleeding into the next line stop it with ##n


-1 DIKU~
.                    Original game idea, concept, and design:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (

                     Additional contributions from:

Michael Curran  - the player title collection and additional locations.
Ragnar Loenn    - the bulletin board.
Bill Wisner     - for being the first to successfully port the game,
                  uncovering several old bugs, uh, inconsistencies,
                  in the process.

And: Mads Haar and Stephan Dahl for additional locations.

Developed at: DIKU -- The Department of Computer Science
                      at the University of Copenhagen.


God Wars was created by Richard Woolcock, aka KaVir.
Thanks also go to the following people (in order of help given):

...Zarkas, for teaching me how to mud properly.
...Malice, for getting me into the implementor and coder side of things.
...Haus, for inspiring me to create a mud without levels.
...ShadoWeaver, for providing me with my first (and free) site.
...Rotain, for helping with the code - and the debugging.
...Calamar, for adding some nifty code that I still don't understand.
...Stephen from ACK mud, for coding advise and suggestions.
...Monochrome BBS, for supplying me with a decent free site.
...Lucifur, for providing a USA mirror site for the USA players.
...Shaddai, for a mirror site, code snippets and bug reports.
...Arioch, for comments, suggestions, and help running the mud.
...Tepic, for writing the web pages, and helping run the mud.
...Pandora, for trying to bring some semblance of order to the mud.


#GDragons are a very ancient, mystical race of beings, that have existed long
before man.  Their skins are made up of hard scales and most have wings with
which to fly with.  They have extremely powerful claws which can tear flesh 
and their teath are sharp enough to rip through metal. When a dragon is bore
it begins in the form of an egg, when hatched it is quite small in stature and
very weak.  Over a great length of time dragons mature into larger, stronger 
creatures capable of destroying cities.  The eldest of dragons are so powerfull
that to stand against one is certain death.  Dragons also come in a variety of 
colors, which characterize their powers.  Although thought to be large lizards, 
dragons are actually magical in nature; their origin is shrouded in mystery and
legend.  They have been both celebrated and feared by man, but always respected.
These creatures are truely one of natures greatest accomplishments.#n
Drag             - Command to change from Dragon form to human and back.
                   Dragons should always clearstat in human form after
                   gaining an age, or being decapitated.
Dgain		- Command used to gain dragon powers.  By itself shows list of powers
		  able to be gained.  To gain a power, type dgain <power>.  
		  Dgain "all" will show you a list of gained powers.
Fbreath		- Dragon firebreath.  Used in combat to attack players with a powerful
		  blast of flames.
Lbreath		- Dragon lightningbreath.  Used in comabat to attack players with a 
		  powerful blast of electricity.
Gbreath 	        - Dragon gasbreath.  Used to attack all mobs in a room with a powerful 
                   blast of gas.
Abreath		- Dragon acidbreath.  Used in combat to attack players with a 
		  powerful blast of acid.
Cbreath		- Dragon chillbreath.  Used in combat to attack players with a 
		  powerfull blast of frost.
Dfly		- Dragon travel command.
DSwoop		- Enhanced travel command used to swoop down and attack players with.
Dgem		- Command used to make dragon gems which store dragon points.
		  syntax: dgem <amount>
Hatch            - Command to make new dragons, 5 max.
Absorb		- Command used to absorb dragon gems and return dragon points.
Age		- Command used to raise dragon age.  Costs 5k hp 30k dp and 100 primal per 
		  Note: The higher a dragon's age, the stronger it becomes.
Dlick		- regenerates hp, mana, move and missing limbs
Dconfuse         - Used in combat to confuse the enemy.
Droar            - Dragon talk channel.#n

Player ranks:-

       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  0:  Serf          
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  1:  Peasant
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  2:  Apprentice    
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  3:  Wanderer     
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  4:  Explorer      
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  5:  Adventurer    
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  6:  Veteran       
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  7:  Champion      
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  8:  Master        
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n  9:  Mystic        
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 10:  Ancient       
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 11:  Seer          
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 12:  Savior        
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 13:  Myth          
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 14:  Legend        
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 15:  Forgotten     
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 16:  Chosen        
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 17:  Avatar        
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 18:  Omnipotent    
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 19:  Hero          
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 20:  Warlord       
       #0R#ra#0n#rk#n 21:  Demi-God   

Rank affects:- AC, HR, DR, Damcap

#yThanks to:-
 #7 Stephen aka Scorpion-ice for the code.

0 ShinPowers Jutsu~
To use shinobi powers, simply type 'justu <powername>'
Typing justu by itself will show you what powers you know.
	Vensai - Travel to a player or mob.
	Butomi - Create illusions of yourself, the number of illusions
		is based upon your status. These illusions can not
		deal damage.
	Sami - Become invisible to all non-shinobi players.
	SauTchen - Damage your opponent and attempt to web them.
	Daemi - Infuse yourself with the shadows, increasing your
		melee powers. You can not be webbed.
	Sau Butomi - You can not use this power yourself, but when
		you use Butomi, all of your illusions will be able
		to deal damage, parry, dodge, etc in battle. Their
		strength is in proportion to yours.

	Fagra - Shoot a bolt of flame at your foe.
	Torra - Create a wall of shurikens, which damage any
		non-shinobi who walks through them.
	Bae - Blind whoever you target.
	Taiegra - Create a shield of fire around yourself,
		which damages your enemy everytime they hit you.
	Ennotate - A powerful fire attack which can be used in battle.
	Lava - Fill the room you are in with lava, this lava damages
		all non-shinobi's each turn of combat. This lava
		all increases the power of Fire Shinobis.

	Eagra - Scry/Readaura shield.
	Inos - Teleport your target out of the room to a random room.
	Yaoe - Cover your opponent in a hard clay. Acts like web.
	Easpi - Powerful Earthen Attack.
	Eshina - Become one with the earth. Your limbs can no
		longer be chopped off. You get melee bonuses.
	Sha - Your skin becomes incredably tough, reducing
		the combat damage you receive greatly. This
		only affects melee damage. You can choose to have
		Soft, Normal, or Tough skin. The tougher your skin,
		the less damage you take and deal melee.

	Updraft - Travel power.
	Aero - Area attack wind power, only hits mobiles.
	Hoana - Scry power.
	Chagi - Any player afflicted by this, when they look in a room,
		all the players in that room will instead look like
		a random player who is logged on instead of who they
		actually are.
	Aeblade - A powerful wind based attack.
	Tornado - All Wind Shinobis in the room become invisible, and
		can not become visible again until they leave the room
		or the tornado ends. They gain extra attacks in a torndo.
	Soothe - Heal hp.
	Wash - Freeze your enemy, they loose a few attacks each round.
	Fluidity - Your motions become more fluid, increasing your
		power to dodge, as well as giving more attacks a turn.
	Aqua - A powerful water based attack.
	ViuNemTo - Specify a player name, and when that player enters the
		room, you will automatically attack that player. You gain
		numerous extra attacks with an ambush.
	Storm - Water Shinobis become stronger in a storm, and all non-shinobi
		players get damaged each turn of combat by the storm.

	Shoju - Increase the average damage of a weapon, and set it Anti-Evil.
	Mian - Greatly heal the hp/mana/move of a player and remove
		web/blindfold/tie from them.
	GoaZenTo - The room you are in becomes a safe room. You will lose
		hp while this power is in affect (only you). You must have
  		at least 10% of your max hp to keep this power in affect.
	Hishu - A powrful holy based attack.
	Beoutu - A powerful holy bless, every shinobi in your group will gain
		350 hr/dr, and -500 AC. For each shinobi in your group, this affect
		will automatically be used again on each shinobi member. So if you 
		have a group of 10 shinobis, each shinobi gains 3500 hr/dr, -5000 AC.
		If you are not grouped with any shionbis, you gain 350 hr/dr, -500 AC.
	Yu - Fill the room with holy radiance, increasing the regen of shinobi's in the room
		while damaging all non-shinobi evil-aligned players in the room.


0 Shinobi~
#nA special note, this class can be selfclassed now, and you can leave the kingdom.

#0 The shinobi are a secretive group, loyal only to other shinobis. There are 6 types
of shinobi, Earth Fire Wind Water Holy and Shadow. Each element of shinobi has its own
agendas, but all groups work together as a whole. To become a shinobi, one must seek
out a Koge (Ko-gay) of whichever element you wish to pursue. That Koge will then
apprentice you, and your life as a shinobi will begin.

 The shinobi class is also considered a kingdom, and therefore all players within it
are treated as if they were in a kingdom. You can leave the Shinobi Kingdom once 
you become a shinobi, but you may never return to the kingdom. Shinobi powers are obtained
by learning 'handmotions' with the handmotions command. each level costing more and 
more primal each time to obtain. There are 6 handmotions in total for each element. A
good Shinobi must also obtain Chakra, the vital force of Spiritual and Physical energy.
A Shinobi's Rank is determined by how much Chakra they have, as well as their normal 
rank + upgrade + class powers obtained. To obtain chakra, a Shinobi only needs to meditate,
and stay mediting.

#0 The ranks for Shinobi are as follows:
#rApprentice: You start as this.
Genin: 250k hp/mana/move, 3000 chakra.
Jounin: 300k hp/mana/move 5+ status, 6000 chakra.
Kage: 400k hp/mana/move 15+ status, 10000 chakra.

#0 You can apprentice a person yourself, and if you do they get 3 levels automatically
in your element, and the first power in the ones surrounding it.

This is the breakdown for the elements:

	#oEarth		#0Shadow

	#7Holy		 #CWind

You gain all 6 powers for your element, the first 3 powers of the two
elements that are adjacent to that element, and the first power of the
two elements which are adjacent to those elements. So a fire shinobi
gains all 6 fire powers, the first 3 shadow and earth powers, and the
first holy and wind powers. The element opposite of yours you gain no
powers from, and your powers will negate theirs or harm them if you
are grouped. To see class powers, see:
#RHelp ShinPowers#n

#YThis class was created for DarkSkies by Kasai.#n



 if ( dam ==   0 ) { vs = "miss";	vp = "misses";		}
    else if ( dam <=  20 ) { vs = "scratch";	vp = "scratches";	}
    else if ( dam <=  40 ) { vs = "graze";	vp = "grazes";		}
    else if ( dam <=  60 ) { vs = "hit";	vp = "hits";		}
    else if ( dam <=  80 ) { vs = "injure";	vp = "injures";		}
    else if ( dam <=  100 ) { vs = "wound";	vp = "wounds";		}
    else if ( dam <=  150 ) { vs = "maul";       vp = "mauls";		}
    else if ( dam <=  300 ) { vs = "decimate";	vp = "decimates";	}
    else if ( dam <=  500 ) { vs = "devastate";	vp = "devastates";	}
    else if ( dam <=  600 ) { vs = "maim";	vp = "maims";		}
    else if ( dam <=  1000 ) { vs = "MUTILATE";	vp = "MUTILATES";	}
    else if ( dam <=  1500 ) { vs = "DISEMBOWEL";	vp = "DISEMBOWELS";	}
    else if ( dam <=  2000) { vs = "DISMEMBER";	vp = "DISMEMBERS";	}
    else if ( dam <=  2500 ) { vs = "MASSACRE";	vp = "MASSACRES";	}
    else if ( dam <=  3000 ) { vs = "MANGLE";	vp = "MANGLES";		}
    else if ( dam <=  3500 ) { vs = "*** DEMOLISH ***";
			     vp = "*** DEMOLISHES ***";			}
    else if ( dam <= 4000 ) { vs = "*** DEVASTATE ***";
			     vp = "*** DEVASTATES ***";			}
    else if ( dam <= 4500)  { vs = "=== OBLITERATE ===";
			     vp = "=== OBLITERATES ===";		}
    else if ( dam <= 5000)  { vs = "==== ATOMIZE ====";
			     vp = "==== ATOMIZES ====";	}
    else if ( dam <= 6000)  { vs = "<*> <*> ANNIHILATE <*> <*>";
			     vp = "<*> <*> ANNIHILATES <*> <*>";	}
    else if ( dam <= 7000)  { vs = "<*>!<*> ERADICATE <*>!<*>";
			     vp = "<*>!<*> ERADICATES <*>!<*>";	}
    else if ( dam <= 8000)  { vs = "<*><*><*> ELECTRONIZE <*><*><*>";
			     vp = "<*><*><*> ELECTRONIZES <*><*><*>";	}
    else if ( dam <= 9000)  { vs = "(<*>)!(<*>) SKELETONIZE (<*>)!(<*>)";
			     vp = "(<*>)!(<*>) SKELETONIZES (<*>)!(<*>)";}
    else if ( dam <= 10000)  { vs = "(*)!(*)!(*) NUKE (*)!(*)!(*)";
			     vp = "(*)!(*)!(*) NUKES (*)!(*)!(*)";	}
    else if ( dam <= 10500)  { vs = "(*)!<*>!(*) TERMINATE (*)!<*>!(*)";
			     vp = "(*)!<*>!(*) TERMINATES (*)!<*>!(*)";	}
    else                   { vs = "<*>!(*)!<*>> TEAR UP <<*)!(*)!<*>";
			     vp = "<*>!(*)!<*>> TEARS UP <<*)!(*)!<*>";	}


-1 MERC~
[Note: this entry may not be removed or altered.  See our license.txt.]
This mud is based on Merc 2.1, created by Furey, Hatchet, and Kahn.  Merc 2.1
is available as Merc_21.tar.gz from and
E-mail to '' to join the merc mailing list.

Thanks to ...
  ... Diku Mud for starting it all.
  ... The Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie for kick-ass tools.
  ... Copper Mud and Alfa Mud for releasing their code and worlds.
  ... Aod of Generic for ... well, everything.  You're a hoopy frood, Aod.
  ... Alander for many ideas and contributions.
  ... John Brothers of Silly for permission to use Silly code and worlds.
  ... Zrin for administering the mailing list.
  ... Abaddon for proofreading our comm.c.
  ... Hind, Quin, Vic, Diavolo, Oleg, Trienne, and others for porting help.
  ... Diavolo, Grodyn, Morgenes, and others for code and bug fixes.
  ... Raff, Doctor, VampLestat, Nirrad, Tyrst, PinkF, Chris, Glop for worlds.
  ... the players and imps of Mud Dome, Final Mud, Mud Lite, Vego Mud, Rivers
      of Mud, Ruhr Mud, and Mystic Realms for bug reports, ideas, new code,
      and hours of enjoyment.

Share and enjoy.

[Note: This entry must not be removed or altered. Read dystopia.license]
This mud is based on the Dystopia 1.2.6 codebase, which was created by

  Dennis "#GTarasque#n" Aagaard, Thomas "#GVladd#n" Andersen,
  Henrik "#GDracknuur#n" Jensen and Brian "#Gjobo#n" Graversen.

The dystopian codebase is available for download from the offical dystopia
homepage, please check the homepage often for bugfixes and updated.

Thanks to ...
  ... The Diku team for starting it all.
  ... The Merc team for their hard work.
  ... KaVir aka Richard Woolcock for creating God Wars.
  ... The players of Dystopia for their good ideas, humor
      and tolerance when strange things happended (sigh).

Enjoy this codebase.



The statcap is 20K + 4K for each pkill you have,
to a max of 120K, please enjoy.

The statcap is 180K + 5K for each pkill you have,



                      /|    /(_)\    |\
                    /' `\   \#r`,'#0/   /' `\
                  /' / | `\_/\#r"#0/\_/' | \ `\
                 O  |   \/'   V   `\/   |  O
                O   |,-,|   ,_;_,   |,-,|   O
               oO    \  \\ '\ I /` //  /    Oo
               oO     \ \`\  \ /  /'/ /     Oo
                O    /`\ \,\  |  /,/ /`\    O
#l  _______________#0O  /__/ /__| I |__\ \__\  O#l__________________
#L||               #0 \|  '''  ''' ```  ```  |/#L                   ||
||                                                            ||
||                                                            ||
||                       #7 GODS OF COTN#L                        ||
||                                                            ||
||                  OWNER : Xrakisis       		      ||
||		    Coders: Xrakisis	                      ||
||		    WebMaster:		     	              ||
||                  Builders:                                 ||


         This mud is based of the stock Dystopia 1.2.7 code, a godwars deriviative

#o                                    ,. ____                                     #n
#o                               ,_.,/        }\._                            #n
#o                             _/_#r,#o---(      #r,#o    )#n
#o                         __ /        #r<#o    /   )  \___#n
#o          - ------===;;;'====------------------===;;;===----- -  -#n
#o                            \#r/#o  -"-"-"-"-"-\-"-)-"/#n
#o                            (_ #r(#o   #r\  #g(    #r >#n#o    \)#n
#o                             \_#r(#o _ <         >_>'#n
#o                                - `-M#r'#o :#r:>#o|--"#n
#o                                    M;#7|.|.|#n
            _             #o          M;#7|.|.|  #n  
           |:|        _    #o         M;#7|.|.|   #n       _     _#n
           |:|  __   |:|  _  #o      <Ii:#7:|i|`. #n  _   |:|_  |:|#n
___________|:|_|::|__|:|_|:|______#o(` ^'"`-' ")#n_|:|__|:::|_|:|_______________ #n
        #gC#CH#gI#CL#gD#CR#gE#CN #rOF #rT#RH#rE #gN#CI#gG#CH#gT#n                         #gT#CH#gE #CD#gY#CS#gT#CO#gP#CI#gA#CN #CR#gE#CI#gC#CH#n

Owner : Xrakisis                     Head Coder: Xrakisis
Coders: Xrakisis, Anubis	     Head Builders:
Admins:		                     Head Enforcer:

Code Contributions made by: Drexx, Hutoshi, Akurei, Barcane, Sebeq, Assymetric
			Lura, Kurama, Dove, Morph, Anubis, Cairon

 Brother Muds: Eye of the Cyclops (ROM) 2850
	       Cotn 4.3(MC 3) 2852 

  Diku : Hans Henrik Saerfelt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michal Seifert & Sebastian Hammer
           Merc : Furey, Hatchet & Khan                  Godwars : KaVir
                     Dystopia : Vladd, Tarasque, Dracknuur & Jobo
                           Welcome To #rC#Rh#ri#Rl#rd#Rr#re#Rn #go#Gf #gt#Gh#Ge #CNight#g.#n
                Please read help changes to see whats been done thus far.
                                      CotN 2.5: Xrakisis 

 #Y[#R*#Y]#0What be thy name?#n ~
-1 MOTD~

 #B----====== #WMessage of the Day #B======----

 #R* #wMake sure you Read the Rules
 #R* #wImportant Commands: #CHELP, COMMANDS, CHANGES, BOARDS, 




These are the changes done to the stock Dystopia 1.2.7 code
Read Help Concept to see some of what is to come.

#rLegend#n is In. You may now train legend.
#rCOTN#n#C exp mod#n is in. You now get a large increase in exp.
#rStatcap Raised#n: Min statcap is now 180k, was 20k.  
#rConvert QP/EXP#n IN.
#rQPconverts#n in.. Damroll/Hitroll to a max of 20 converts 
	at 50 dam/hit a piece.
#rPlatinumeq#n in:Command to buy platinum eq for 100k qps.
#rArtibuy#n in: You may now purchase/claim artis for 200k qps.
Werewolves #rTALONS#n: Now does between 18k and 22K damage.
Undead Knight:#rPowerword Kill#n now does 25k Damage.
Undead Knight:#rSoulsuck#n is now 10K damage/heal
Wraith:#rDimensional Aura#n Fixed.

Wraith IN: Wraith class coded by Marcus. EOD
	     Added by Xrakisis.
Assassin 90% in. Assassin Class Coded by Xrakisis 
                 With some ninja elements.

#C***#yNinja#C***#n #0.x[#lMonk#0]x.#n {{#CBattlemage#n}} #0[#P*#0]#rShapeshifter#0[#P*#0]#n 
#p{#0-#p}#0Spider Droid#p{#0-#p}#n #C-=#RSamu#yrai#C=-#n #G>*<#7Lich#G>*<#n 

Shinar's Lair     Class Battlegrounds Jade-Laiden rooms
Jade-Laiden rooms Rokugan             Forest
Volcano           Training Room       Newbie Area
DBZ Area          Microwave           Final Fantasy
Omni              Dark Abyss          Land of Shadows





Priest of Darkness dodges your attack.
You slash Priest of Darkness's Forearm very hard [338]
Priest of Darkness dodges your attack.
You slash Priest of Darkness's Calf very hard [332]
You slash Priest of Darkness's Shoulder very hard [332]


A Fire Symbiot Absorbs into Xrakisis's Skin making him one with the entity.
Symiots:                       Midrounder   Area attack
Fire: fireball auto attack    |Flamestrike |Fireaura
Water: hydroblast auto attack |Icicle      |Tsumani
Earth: landslide auto attack  |Earthshower |Earthquake
Air: tornato auto attack      |Air slice   |Hurricane



#n #n
Wraiths, the spirits of the dead, are a deadly force that should
be feared. Wraiths have the power to manifest themselves in the 
mortal dimension, as well as the ability to travel to their native
realm. They do this during battle occasionally, increasing their
dodging capabilities. These creatures of pure evil have the ability
to banish a mortally wounded person to their own hellish realm, and
the victim must find his way out from there. It is indeed smart to
avoid a confrontation with these dark beasts.

Finalrage      : A last effort to not die again, you can only do this powerful
                 move below 50k hp.
Impale         : Throw your weapon at your enemy, making them immobile, and
                 take more dmg..
Darktouch      : Inflict damage, and temporarily stun any unwary victim.
Dimensionwalk  : Travel anywhere in the mortal realms.
Acquire	       : Increase your dark powers with this command.
Wraithaura     : The power of slave souls you have gathered in your
                 realm protect you.
Hatetransfer   : Convert your undying hate for mortals into power 
                 (Upped hit/dam roll)
Perfectsight   : Allow your eyes to penetrade the deepest depths of the
                 mortal realm.
Darksummon     : Create a portal that summons an enemy with a fighttimer to you.
Wraitharmor    : Create ethereal armor that protects you in battle.
Dimensiondodge : Use your capability of jumping between your native realm, and
                 the mortal realm to help you dodge in battle.
Darkbanish     : Banish a mortally wounded creature to your realm, where they
                 must escape.
Screech        : Communicate with other players of your wraith kin.
Wraith Class By Marcus


1) Don't piss off or insult the immortals in any way.
2) Respect the coders, and other immortals.
3) If you need to talk to an immortal, you will address them
   in proper english. Use lamerspeak and get ignored.
4) Don't abuse the rules, if you think that you've found a
   smart shortcut, don't think the coders made it that way
   on purpose; report it or get deleted.
5) Read help policy and help changes often, and read all
   notes on board 3 (announcements), ignorance of the rules
   is not an excuse, and you WILL be punished for breaking them.
6) Dont harass other players.
Xrakisis's Rules.
7) Only sing Korn over Music channel
8) PK/gensteal or i will PK you!
9) Swearing is fine here
10) No racial slurs if it offends anyone thats on.
11) If you want to bitch all the time i'll change your sex
    and you will be a bitch.
12) No Advertising muds that are still open or have been in 
    the last 2 months.
13) NO PERMAMORTING. you can type kill name a max of 5 times.
14) DONT EXP BOT OR FEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15) DONT cap a link-dead player unless THEY ATTACKED YOU
    before the current fight where they went linkdead.
16) ALT REVENGE: if you die, logging  and alt to kill that 
    person, i (xrak) will make you wish you were never born.
    the most severe punishment will be 50 percent of 
    your qp given to victim or i'll temporarily set your 
    HP to like 20K and let them cap you. their choice :P
    if you want to do this. you must wait 60 min to do it.

Don't fucking multiplay, no matter WHAT!!!...
If you abuse a bug, you abuse the mud, you abuse US!...DIE!..


The alias system.

You are allowed to have 30 aliases. The following commands can be used.

alias       - Creates a new alias.
removealias - Removes an old alias you don't want.
showalias   - Shows all aliases that you have made.

examples :

* alias cc c 'dispel magic'

By typing cc <target>, the player now casts dispel magic on that target.
To remove this alias, a player would simply type 'removealias cc'.

Feel free to experiment with aliases.



Legends are another way to measure how strong a person is.
The max legend you can get depends on your Mightrate.
Every legend you have gives you 100 extra damcap.
Legends can be recieved by typing "train legend".
There are a max of 20 legends.
To see what legends people on the mud are type "legendwho".

Easy way to find requirements per each level : 

Required Mightrate : legend * 2500
Required Exp       : (legend + 1) * 1bil
Required Qp        : (legend + 1) * 10000

Legend Table : 

  Legend     Mightrate       Exp       Qps      Legend Name

   20          47500        20 bil    200K      #0Godlike#n   
   19          45000	    19 bil    190K	#7Almighty#n
   18          42500	    18 bil    180K	#cSupreme#n
   17          40000	    17 bil    170K	#RMaster#n
   16          37500	    16 bil    160K	#rChampion#n
   15          35000	    15 bil    150K	#LCavalier#n
   14          32500	    14 bil    140K	#CGrand Duke#n
   13          30000	    13 bil    130K	#GLord#n
   12          27500        12 bil    120K	#gSovereign#n
   11          25000	    11 bil    110K	#LEmperor#n
   10          22500	    10 bil    100K	#lKing#n
   9           20000         9 bil     90K	#CDuke#n
   8           17500         8 bil     80K	#oLegend#n
   7           15000	     7 bil     70K	#PMystical#n
   6           12500	     6 bil     60K	#pMyth#n
   5           10000	     5 bil     50K	#CHero#n
   4            7500	     4 bil     40K	#LKnight#n
   3            5000	     3 bil     30K	#RSavior#n
   2            2500	     2 bil     20K	#rCitizen#n
   1               0	     1 bil     10K	#GSerf#n
   0      	 -             -        - 	#RNone#n	


It's not considered nice to harrash players that are much weaker than yourself.
It is quite okay to mort and tie someone weaker than yourself if they talked trash,
killed your mobs or killed one of your friends, but it is not okay to constantly
harrash players that are weaker than yourself simply because you feel like it.

Should a player act like a real bully, a special bullyflag will be added to that
player. Anyone with a bullyflag will show as a bully on who and have a harder time
dodging and parrying. The bully flag will be removed when that player has learned
to act like a normal person.

(Whether a player is a bully or not is decided at the discression of the immortals,
trying to get the immortals to set the bully flag on someone will result
in the bully flag being set on yourself)

We hope never to actually set the bully flag on anyone, this is afterall a playerkilling
mud, and people should expect to be morted, tied and killed; but should harrashment be
taken to the extreme by a player, we will set the flag on the offending player.


Elementals are beings of great power from the four basic planes of existence: 
Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. Their abilities are both mysterious and powerful,
and to anger such a creature is to invoke the very wrath of nature.

Truesight    : Enhanced vision.
Magma        : Magma Blast - The Elementals Midrounder.
Enflame      : A FireShield that damages people when they hit elementals.
Solidify     : solidify your outer layer of skin, causing you to take less damage.(AUTO)
Naturesfury  : Four part midrounder.
Disperce     : Disperse into elemental particles and travel to another location.
Enfold       : disperse your air particles, then surround your foe, preventing escape.
Earthshatter : shake the earth, damaging the whole room.
Hydro        : Hydro Blast- Blast opponent with water unstancing them.

Your Flame Blast hits <name> (amount)
Your Wind Gust hits <name> (amount)
Your Rain Torrent hits <name> (amount)
Your Rock Slide hits <name> (amount)

Elementaleq  : Classeq
Gale         : slam your foe with wind to temporarily stun them
Tornado      : only can be activated while in battle, gives extra melee, dodge/parry (this is where the high melee comes into play, while out of tornado, average melee)
Evaporate    : turn to steam to render yourself invisible


1 WHO~

Typing who will show a list of the players online that you can see, using the following style :

#p  Title#n      #y(#Gx.xx#y)#n     #0<<#RCLASS#0>>#n         PlayerName

* The Title is based on the players size, and who is sorted somewhat after this.
  The lowest title is 'Wannabe' and they cannot kill nor be killed by other players.
  If your a wannabe and want to pk, then you need to grow in size first, this is
  done by either training more hitpoints or training more skills (weapons, stances, etc).

* The (x.xx) is the pkratio of that player, and the colors around the numbers shows
  whether you can kill that player and if she/he can kill you, heres the deal :

  if the #R()#n's are red, that means you can #Gboth#n kill eachother.
  if the #0()#n's are black, that means that the player can #Gkill you#n, but you can't kill him/her.
  if the #y()#n's are yellow, that means you can #Gkill them#n, but they can't kill you.
  if the #L()#n's are blue, #Gneither#n of you can kill eachother.

* The Class and PlayerName are obvious.




When time comes, the world will sunder and the gods will walk the earth
spreading havoc and destruction, this is a time of slaughter, and no one
will be safe, this is the age of Ragnarok.

Using the command 'mudstat' you'll be able to tell if ragnarok is on,
if it's not, you'll just get the normal mudstat screen.

Doing ragnarok the following changes are in effect :

* There are no safe rooms.
* Everyone has scry, and it bypasses all shields.
* You can decap anyone, anywhere. (no paradox).
* Heads will vanish faster.
* Players will auto train avatar and get a restore.
* Upgrades can only fight other upgrades.
* You do not lose ANYTHING if capped during ragnarok.
* Base classes can only fight other base classes.
* You are safe for 3 ticks after training avatar. (to rewear)

player can turn on ragarok buy pooling qps toward it, using
the ragnarok command. ie. 'ragnarok 200' will add 200 qps
to the ragnarok pool (currently 3000 qps is needed to turn
on ragnarok). mudstat will show how many qps is still needed,
and ragnarok cannot be turned on for two hours after it has
last been on.

Ragnarok lasts 15 minutes.


With these commands you can set the message other players gets when you enter
or leave the game, as well as train avatar. Each time you set this message,
you must pay 1000 qps.

There are certain rules that must be followed, they are rather simple though, so
you shouldn't have any trouble following them.

* No profanities in the message.
* No referring to any of the immortals or other players besides the possibly victim.
* I'll remove your ability to change your messages if you abuse this in any way.

The syntax is easy, heres a few examples :

setlogin $n draws his scimitars and prepares for battle as he enters Dystopia.
settie $n grins in triumph as $e ties up $N.

Heres the syntax :

  $n  This is your name.
  $N  This is the name of the possible victim.
  $e  Results in he/she depending on your sex.
  $E  Results in he/she depending on the victims sex.
  $m  Results in him/her depending on your sex.
  $M  Results in him/her depending on the victims sex.
  $s  Results in his/her depending on your sex.
  $S  Results in his/her depending on the victims sex.


Mccp is a compression protocol, and the two main benefits of mccp are:

1. lower bandwidth usage by the mud.
2. clients (i.e. players) get large responses (such as, for example, combat
   spam) from the mud at a higher rate - the mud will "feel" faster, despite
   the fact that the actual round-trip times are unchanged.

With a suitable client, mccp is entirely transparent to the user - it
automatically enables itself when supported by both the server and client.

For more details on the protocol, your welcome to visit the MCCP homepage

Currently the following mud clients are know to support mccp.

* Papaya
* Tkturf
* Mcl
* Amcl (cvs only)
* Kmud
* Zmud (version 6 only)
* Mushclient

If your client do not support mccp theres another way to use mccp,
the instructions on how to do this can be found on the following
page, and it takes no more than 2-3 minutes to get working.


If you use mccp, you will be rewarded by an extra 25% exp bonus.



With the command brief1, brief2, brief3 and brief4, you can toggle how much you'll
recieve from looking and combat.

brief1 -> Information when you look toggled between short/long.
brief2 -> Toggle shields, misses and weapon burn/freeze in combat.
brief3 -> Toggle dodge/parry messages in combat.
brief4 -> Toggle message on exp modifiers, discipline points and class points.
brief5 -> Toggle Battle Spam brief

#RThe Newbie Helper#n

#R*#n First kill some mobs in the newbie arena (located south of where you start, that's
  up and south from recall), when you have 2K hps, you can train avatar and use
  the selfclass command to gain a class.
#R*#n After getting a class, you should get a little buffer from killing mobs in newbie
  arena, then move on to either Elemental Canyon or The Black Dragons Lair.
  The Lair can be found 2 south, 6 east, 2 south and down from recall.
#R*#n During the first 4 hours of play you cannot be attacked by other players, and should
  use this time to get stronger, remember to get all your class powers, read the
  help file on your class and do the best you can.
#R*#n There are some help files you might want to read, since they'll help you alot.
  The list : BRIEF, EXP, MCCP, CHANGES, RULES and POLICY, they each contain knowledge
  that is useful for new players to this mud (not just newbies).
#R*#n Remember the following :
  #R*#n The higher your unarmed ability is, the less you will get hit by monsters.
  #R*#n Treat others with the same respect you would want them to show you, it will
    help you get along alot easier (Remember be nice while your small, you can always be mean later)
  #R*#n If you don't know how a thing is done, try seeing if their is a help file on the
    subject, if there isn't we could use one, and your welcome to write it and mail it the staff.

Good luck, and all that :)


Multiplaying and playersharing is strictly forbidden, the rules
are as this (and don't try and find loopholes, I'll just wipe you).

* No more than 1 char can connect via 1 ip, so local networks
  don't work, unless you have more than one ip available.
* Going linkdead to trade items from one char to another is not
  allowed, it still counts as multiplaying.
* Having more than one person controlling a character on the mud
  is called playersharing and it not allowed.
* No transfering of items and/or qps from one char to another
  that you own, read HELP RULES on how I deal with people who
  think they found a loophole.
* If an immortal tells you to stop multiplaying, you will stop
  instantly, there will only be given one warning, next time
  ANYONE multiplays from that ip, ALL chars from that ip will
  be deleted.

Don't argue, if an imm tells you that your multiplaying, then
you are. We don't give a shit if it's your mother that controls
the other character.



#R* #nNo spamming any channels.
#R* #nNo exp botting -
  NOTE : xp-botting is getting ANY xp while NOT typing the commands yourself.
#R* #nSpellbotting is allowed. OUTSIDE midgaard. Bot in midgaard and die.
#R* #nNo multiplaying or playersharing. (read HELP MULTIPLAYING)
#R* #nNo letting yourself be capped or genstolen. -#r THIS IS FINE YOU MAY
  - So NO selling of ratio or generation.
#R* #nBe kind to newbies, being a total jerk to newbies isn't tolerated.
#R* #nPurposely CRASHING of the mud. -#rDO THIS AND I'LL (xrak) STOMP A FUCKING#n
#R* #nIf your going to argue and bicker with someone, please use the flame
  channel, spambitching on any of the other global channels is NOT
  allowed, and you'll most likely get silenced permanently if you do so.
  This rule is enforced by the imms, and the imms will be the ones who
  decide whether this rule has been violated. Live with it.
#R* #nNo saccing claimed eq in any way.
#R* #nRead the announce board (board 3), any rulings made on that board
  counts as policy, and ignorance is not an excuse.
#R* #nIf you find some way to get around something that is not normal possibly
  without breaking the rules, you can consider it illegal.
  - Use your brain, if safeguards was made to prevent players to do certain
    things, and you find a way around it, it's a bug, don't play stupid and
    think the coders made it this way on purpose, report it instead.

#R** #nIf you don't like any or all of these rules or policies leave this site.

#R** #nThe penalty for breaking the rules is decided by the immortal that
   punishes you. Any punishment is considered fair.


When a player decaps someone not in their range, they get paradox'ed,
which means they end up morted in midgaard, which really isn't healthy.
A player getting paradox'ed will also lose 10% of their MAX hps.

The range works in this way :

Each player has a certain powerscore assigned to them, and this score will
go up (or down) as this player gets more powerful, these are the things that
affect how powerful you are in regard to the powerscore :

* How many hitpoints you have (max hps, not current).
* If you have mastery or not.
* How many superstances you have (0 to 5).
* Whether your an upgrade or not.
* A small change for the amount of rune a player may have.
* Spell affects like trains or blesses should will not affect this score.

If you decap someone which are not within your range, you get a paradoxcounter,
should you ever get 3 of these counters you will be struck by paradox. You can
only get rid of counters by decapping players within your range.



Taking a base in hps, the paradoxrange looks at a number calculated from the following.

* Each skill mastered (weapons, stances, spells) gives a small modifier,
  a fully mastered player get's a 10K total modifier.
* Superstances counts as 5K hps a piece. (25K hps when you have ss5).

If a player doesn't have more than 15K now, we don't add anything else.
  #G#y(actually a player with less than 15K can't be killed nor kill#G)#n
But if the player has more than 15K we take a look at the following.

* Possibly Rune eq counts as 1K hps a piece for a max of 14 (yes, 14K).
* Being an upgrade will modify this number in a special way :)
* Each extra level beyond level 1 as upgrade counts as an extra 12K hps.

We then compare the number of the attacker and the defender, deciding
whether the attacker is allowed to decap or not.

And no, I will not explain this any better, if you don't understand, then
you'll just have to live with not understanding.

It is a time of great magic.  Powerful immortals battle across the world
for domination, slaying and pillaging at will.  Only the greatest can 
survive...are you one of them?

Pkpowers are special powers that becomes available to players as
they rise in pkscore. To see your pkscore type 'top' this will
not only show you your own score, but also show the top10 of
best players (in regard to pkscore).

The pkscore is based on your pk record (kills and deaths), and
you gain a power for each 500 points you have. You can type
'pkpower' to gain a list of powers you can use.

pkscore   power
  500    Sanctum         -  a healing power.
 1000    Eaglesight      -  a scrying power.
 1500    Awereness       -  (auto).
 2000    Lifesense       -  a readaura power.
 2500    Supreme attack  -  (auto).
 3000    Call to Arms    -  summons help.
 3500    Objectscry      -  scry through items.
 4000    Ironmind	 -  reverse damage.
 4500    Crystalsight    -  superior sight for a while.
 5000    Silverpath      -  powerful portal.



When you have grandmasterd all your stances, spells and weapons,
you can use the mastery command to gain a mastery item, which
is a piece of classeq that's better than your normal classeq.

syntax : mastery

NOTE : If you are so stupid that you gemstone your mastery item
       it's your loss, don't expect anyone to care.


#RMOVEMENT                          GROUP#n
north south east west up down     follow group gtell split
exits scan spy recall
sleep wake rest stand

#ROBJECTS                           INFORMATION / COMMUNICATION#n
get put drop give sacrifice       help areas commands socials title
wear wield hold                   report score time where who yell
recite quaff zap brandish         channels config description password
lock unlock open close pick       auction chat music question answer shout
inventory equipment look          emote pose say tell clan classes
eat drink fill empty              bug idea typo note board

#RCOMBAT                            OTHER#n
kill flee kick rescue disarm      save quit
backstab cast wimpy               practice train

For more help, type 'help <topic>' for any command, skill, or spell.
              #GMCCP MCCP ARENA#n
#GForging rare metals onto your equipment gives extra hitroll and damroll#n

* #ycopper#n = 3/3, #Ciron#n = 6/6, #Csteel#n = 9/9, #Cadamantite#n = 12/12, #PMithril#n = 15/15
#GForging hilts onto weapons gives strange effects, depending on what spell the weapon had already.#n
#GShould a weapon not have any spell to begin with, the effect will be :#n

* ivory = curse       ebony  = blind   crystal   = dispel evil    marble    = drain
* gold  = lightning   bronze = acid    sandstone = fire           limestone = poison

#GForging equipment with gemstones will _replace_ the old spell affect and set the follwing instead :#n

* diamond = sanctuary   emerald = acid shield   sapphire = ice shield         ruby     = fire shield
* jade    = protection  pearl   = invis         topaz    = lightning shield   amethyst = fly
* onyx    = sneak       opal    = pass door     lazuli   = detect invis

syntax : forge <gem/metal/hilt> <item>


From now on ill put a #yQuest#RKey#n in game every day.
Keep them they are very valueable.

Do not keep them in containers, store chars, or in other ways keep them from other
players if they cap you!!

If i find you breaking ANY of those rules ill punish you.

1  Questkey      1000qp
7  Questkey      1 generation
15 Questkey      1 artifact affect on a pice of your eq



The rules in the arena are simple :

* No use of 'safe powers', meaning no going invis, objectform, shadowplane
  or any other power that leaves you safe from attacks.

To beat another player, you must tie them with the 'tie <players>' command,
and that player will be removed from the arena and given a restore.

Last man (or woman) standing in the arena will be the winner.

The arena opens every 2 hours for normal battles, all the normal
rules apply, and the winner gets a small prize. Some of these battles
will be for base classes alone. (you can type timer to see when the next
arena will be).

Currently we are working on some nifty arena commands, and so far we have
made these commands :

* Arenastats - Shows the stats on the people in the arena.
* Arenajoin  - Let's you join the arena when it opens (happens once in a while).
* Resign     - Give up, you'll leave the arena and get an arena loss.



All new chars start at generation 6, and can improve their
generation by stealing generation from other chars with same
or better (lower) generation than them self.

syntax : gensteal <victim>

victim must be morted.

Generation gives a damcap bonus.

At generation 2 your max weaponskill goes up by 10%.
At generation 1 your max weaponskill goes up by 20%.


#CYes you are right, you got your self a new castle!.#n

You say#y 'So whats new?'#n
Dracknuur says#y 'Shut up and read the note!'#n

1. Every castle got a healer/guard now, pure stock!
2. more rooms addet.
3. A entrance (no more safe hugging in castles)...:)

Now its up to you, to make the castle as you want it.
I want a description for every room in the castle, a long
and a short.

The Temple Square #R<----#CThis is a short description#n
[Exits: north east south west up]
You are standing on the temple square.  Huge marble steps lead up to the #R<----#Cthis is a long#n
temple gate.  The entrance to the Clerics Guild is to the west, and the old
Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east.  Just south of here you see the market
square, the center of Midgaard.
     A small white fountain gushes forth here.

I want to know the name of your healer and guard (short and long description agin)
And the info you guard shall shout when your castle is under attack.

when you have done all this mail me on and ill fill it in.
colors in the castle you just put in like you do in the game, if i find you not
interested in making your castle, ill just find another king.

the guard is weak now, we are thinking of making a way to make him stronger, 
but that is make your descriptions and mail me.

I know some of you spend qp on healer/guards before this...(you will be reimbet)

#CFrom now off when there is a change on the mud, it will be on help changes!...#n

#n #n
The REQ for training Avatar is 2K hp, Use Selfclass after that.

#R(#00#r>#n=#RD#7e#nm#7o#Rn#n=#r<#00#R)#n         Demonic fiends from hell.
#P{#n>#p]#n-#RWe#rrewo#Rlf#n-#p[#n<#P}#n      Shapeshifting beasts of the night.
#r<#n*#r(#0[#rD#nro#rw#0]#r)#n*#r>#n          Cruel dark elfs from the underdark.
#RV#7-#Rv#n.#rV#0a#7m#np#7i#0r#re#n.#Rv#7-#RV#n       Ancient beings of great power.
#g]#G+#g[#G-#yT#0a#7n#na#7r#0r#yi#G-#g]#G+#g[#n       Bestial demonkind that fight in The Blood Wars.
#G|#0]#G>#gUnd#0e#7a#nd K#7n#0i#gght#G<#0[#G|#n   Fallen Paladins cursed to live forever, never finding peace.
#C.#cx#n]#CA#0n#7g#0e#Cl#n[#cx#C.#n           God's avengers, sent to punish the wicked.
#7(#0*#R=#r-#oWraith#r-#R=#0*#7)#n        Dark, ethereal creatures from the realm of the dead.
#g[#rX#g]#oAssassin#g[#rX#g]#n        Masters of Tretchery and the Dagger.
#y<#7/#y+#7>#nPaladin#7<#y+#7\#y>#n       Knights with strong virtues and physical prowess.
#Rx#rX#C[#gElemental#C]#rX#Rx#n       Beings that are made of and use the four elements.
#0^#L|#0..#L|#0^#GD#gr#0ag#go#Gn#0^#L|#0..#L|#0^#n    Dragons, Ancient beings of the Gods#n.
#C***#yHydra#C***#n           An 18 Headed Serpent.     
#0(#r*#7Zombie#r*#0)#n            Undead beings with metamorphic flesh.
#G+#g-#G+#oTechnoMage#G+#g-#G+#n      A SuperHuman Magic User Class, That Gets powers Via Implants. 
#l\#0|#l/-#7S#0hinob#7i#l-\#0|#l/#n       class by Kasai, type selfclass shinobi then the element
#r^-^#0Anti-Paladin#r^-^#n    Evil Paladins, servents of Takhisis
#c<>#GG#gian#Gt#c<>#n             #0(#GT#ge#7sti#gn#Gg#0)#n The firstborn, children of the gods, Tall as trees.
#L=#R*#w>#CSky#Wblade#w<#R*#L=#n        #0(#GT#ge#7sti#gn#Gg#0)#n Rapier wielding warriors from the clouds.
#w]>#L*#wPriest#L*#w<[#n          #0(#GT#ge#7sti#gn#Gg#0)#n Wandering holymen bringing healing to the faithful.
#GX#gx#G(#gGhoul#G)#gx#GX#n           #0(#GT#ge#7sti#gn#Gg#0)#n Horrific undead with a rabid hatred of all things living.

#r[#yUNDEAD LYCAN#r]#n: Werewolf/Vampire
#g[#rH#gELL#rS S#gOLDIE#rR#g]#n: Demon/Assassin
#C-=#y(#rx#gG#Gaia Wol#gf#rx#y)#C=-#n: Werewolf/Elemental
#g[#rS#chado#rw#cb#ro#cr#rn#g]#n: Drow/Wraith
#C-=#y(#rx#gDruid#rx#y)#C=-#n: Paladin/Elemental
#g[#cS#lhado#cw #cD#lrago#cn#g]#n: Demon/Dragon
#g[#rS#chado#rw #rF#cien#rd#g]#n: Demon/Wraith
#r[#gS#rtalke#gr]#n: Werewolf/Drow
#g[#rH#gELL#rS S#gPAW#rN#g]#n: Vampire/Tanar'ri
#G{#g/*\#G}#CBlack Assassin#G{#g/*\#G}#n: Drow/Assassin
#g<<#rVampyric #oMist#g>>#n: Vampire/Wraith
#y.x#g(#7Silver Dragon#g)#yx.#n: Angel/Dragon
#o.x#y(#cGold #CDragon#y)#ox.#n: Paladin/Dragon



#p{#0-#p}#0Faerie#p{#0-#p}#n   {{#CWar Wizard#n}}   #C-=#RBlade#yMaster#C=-#n 
(would start off Base with one, then go pure.. these would not have a hybrid option)

Demon/Dragon   - #g[#cS#lhado#cw #cD#lrago#cn#g]#n     Demon/Assassin    - "#g[#rH#gELL#rS S#gOLDIE#rR#g]#n
Demon/Wraith   - #g[#rS#chado#rw #rF#cien#rd#g]#n      Vampire/Werewolf  - #r[#yUNDEAD LYCAN#r]#n
Werewolf/Drow  - #r[#gS#rtalke#gr]#n           Werewolf/Elemental- #C-=#y(#rx#gG#Gaia Wol#gf#rx#y)#C=-#n
Drow/Wraith    - #g[#rS#chado#rw#cb#ro#cr#rn#g]#n        Drow/Assassin     - #G{#g/*\#G}#CBlack Assassin#G{#g/*\#G}#n
Vampire/Tan    - #g[#rH#gELL#rS S#gPAW#rN#g]#n        Vampire/Wraith    - #g<<#rVampyric #oMist#g>>#n
Tan/Elemental  - #g[#GD#gEV#GA#n#g]#n              Tan/Hydra         - #C**#r{#yBa#r'#yatezu#r}#C**#n
UK/Hydra       - #g|[#lN#Lazgu#ll#g]|#n          UK/Assassin       - #0|#g[#LUndead #oAssassin#g]#0|#n
UK/Elemental   - #rx#RX#C[#gNecromancer#C]#RX#rx#n   Angel/Paladin     - #G<#7/+#G>Heaven's Soldier#G<#7+\#G>#n
Angel/Dragon   - #y.x#g(#7Silver Dragon#g)#yx.#n Angel/Hydra       - #C**#yX#C(#yTyphon#C)#yX#C**#n
Paladin/Drag   - #o.x#y(#cGold #CDragon#y)#ox.#n   Paladin/Elemental - #C-=#y(#rx#gDruid#rx#y)#C=-#n

First selfclass one of the two that will make your brid of choice.
Then get it to 5 status and remort into your second choice.
Then get second choice to 5 status and FUSE into hybrid.
Hybrids have all the benifits of both class, bonuses and powers.
PURE CLASSES: will be in soon, a Base class with HYBRID strength.
After getting 10 status as a base class you will have the option
to go pure.

BTW There will be a New system Replacing upgrades, 
havent figured out the spefics yet though.
Also, 5 new powers going in for each clan,
available to members.


#0A Cyber-Mage Class#n

#RC#rhant      #0- Use the common spells all battlemages have.
#RI#rnvoke     #0- Learn or use some of the more powerful magics.
#RM#ragics     #0- Keep track of what magical affects affects you.
#RT#releport  #0 - Teleport to any given location.
#RO#rbjectgate #0- Summon items from afar.
#RT#rruesight  #0- Enhanced vision.
#RD#rischarge  #0- Discharge your elementalshields (striking everyone in the room)
#RS#rcry       #0- Use your farvision.
#RR#reveal     #0- Reveals everyone in the room.
#RM#ragetalk   #0- Class channel.
#RC#rhaosmagic #0- Random spell effect.
#RC#rlaws      #0- Grow Razor Claws
#RS#rteelClaws #0- Turn claws to Steel
#RD#risorient  #0- Make your Opponent Flee
#RM#rentalBlock #0- Protection from Scry
#RD#remonic     #0- Fangs, Horns, Graft Abiliies
#RS#rhadowsight #0- See into the Shadows
#RS#rcry       #0- Spy on people
#RN#rightsight #0- See at Night
#RI#rmplant    #0- Augment your body
#RM#ragearmor #0- Class EQ#n


Fill out the details on your kingdoms here :)

commands :

kstat       - lists the special stats for your own kingdom
kset        - changes the kingdom settings (king and immortals only)
kinduct     - inducts kingdom members (general and king only)
koutcast    - outcasts kingdom members (general and king only)
kingdoms    - lists all kingdoms and their stats/reqs
ktalk       - kingdom channel
wantkingdom - toggles the ability to be inducted on/off
kingset     - immortal command to set players kingdom

The kingdom code is just a coresystem, and doesn't contain much besides
the basic functionality of a kingdom. The immortals of the mud should
create the kind of kingdom they want.


Paladins are warriors whose only goal in life is to increase their
physical abilities, in the areas of Power, Speed, Toughness, and Combat.
These warriors carry high morals and virtues, with a strong desire to
help those in need.

Paladins train each and every day to learn the powers of the Paladins of old:

  -Pmight            - Increase your physical prowess.
  -Holy Wrath        - Channel your force into a single devastating blow.
  -Holy Aura         - Your Paladin might harms those that dare to attack you.
  -Pure Blade        - Enhance your Paladin weapons.
  -Bless Armor       - Enhance your Paladin armor.
  -Bash              - Slam into your opponent and knock off their equipment.
  -Leap              - Jump to your opponent in a single bound.
  -Righteous aura    - Shield yourself from scrying eyes.
  -Retribution       - Wreck your opponent's body.

Default powers:
  -Enlighten         - Increase your physical capabilities and learn new abilities.
  -PaladinPractice   - Increase your skill with weapons.
  -Ptalk             - Speak with your fellow Paladins.
  -Holy Vision       - See what you could not see before.
  -Paladin Armor     - Forge the eq of legendary Paladins.



When you have grandmastered all you normal stances, you can create your
own stances with the setstance command. The setstance command will tell
you how to create a new stance, and how much xp it costs; but beware,
once you have finished your superstance, your stuck with it forever.
Also notice that you won't get any extra powers by chosing the same
power several times, even if you choose both lesser and greater version,
it's just a waste of xp.




As Concepted by Xrakisis(mostly, Some of the names i took from the OLD
COTN.. COTN 2 years ago was ROM-Anatolia, started over with this GW)

Syndicate: This organization is for Assassins and Merchants. If you 
           need someone killed come to a member of this clan to put
           a hit out on them. The price varies depending on a few 
           factors. Also if you need a discount price equipment such
           as Platinum, Artifacts or Quest EQ ask a the a member and 
           they will refer your request to the Syndicate Quartermaster.
           These people hold no loyalty and will assassinate anyone in 
           Allied or Neutral Clans, there is a discount if the hit is on 
           a member of one of the Syndicates Enemy clans.
            Only BClasses Allowed to be Members: Demon, Werewolf, Drow, 
             Vampire, Tanarri, UK, Wraith, Assassin, Draconian, Elemental.
            Hybrids allowed: All but those who have 1/2 Paladin or Angel
             as one of their base classes.
           RANKS:Chairman, Board of Directors, Mercenary
Invader:   Invaders are those who seek to dominate the world of cotn
           and become strongest over others. When a clan declairs war on
           them they will go to any extent to bring the war to your door-
           step. This Includes many of them killing the guards at the 
           entrance of your clan hall and killing anyone inside they can find.
           No restrictions on Ganging or killing anyone whom they happen to
           find in your Clan Hall.
            Only BClasses Allowed to be Members: Demon, Werewolf, Drow, 
             Vampire, Tanarri, UK, Wraith, Assassin, Draconian, Elemental.
            Hybrids allowed: All but those who have 1/2 Paladin or Angel
             as one of their base classes.
           Ranks:Warlord, Maurauder, Raider

Ruler:     These are the protectors of the COTN world. They seek to administer
           their brand of ruthless justice to any who they deem to have 
           commited an offence. The Ruler Clan is in a never ending war with 
           the Invader clan. There will never be a pact of Neutrality or 
           Allegance between these two.
            Only BClasses Allowed to be Members: Werewolf, Drow, Wraith, Draconian, 
             Elemental, Paladin and Angel
            Hybrids allowed: All but those who have both evil baseclasses.
             Demon-Draconian is allowed. But UK-Assassin is not.
           Ranks:King/Queen       Oberkommando des Herres:General 
           SS:Special Forces      SA:Stormtroopers,Heeres:Army

Forsaken:  This Clan is for those Forsaken by the Vampires, This clan was founded 
           By those the Vampires view to be Abominations, The Undead Lycan. Only 
           they may hold possitions of Leadership in this Clan. Werewolf's who
           for centurys worked to combine the bloodlines are the footsoldiers in 
           Forsaken. Vampires are allowed to join if they strongly believe in that
           Werewolves and Vampires are brothers and need to mix to have their Corvinus
           Offspring as strong as possible.
            Only BClasses Allowed to be Members: ALL
            Hybrids allowed: ALL
           Ranks:Lord, General, Lieutenant, Colonel, Major, Captain, Sergent, Private.

Hells Soldiers: descript at a later date.
            Will be finished later.

Kingdom Help file: cotnkingdom


Upgrading is a way to choose among some of the more powerful classes;
to upgrade you need to max your char first, then you can choose to
exchange that char for a new char of that class's upgrade class...

CLASS                        UPGRADES TO
#R[#0Demon#R]#n                      #y{#RTanar'ri#y}#n
#y((#LWerewolf#y))#n                 #0[#P*#0]#rShapeshifter#0[#P*#0]#n
#P.o0#0Drow#P0o.#n                   #p{#0-#p}#0Spider Droid#p{#0-#p}#n
#C***#yNinja#C***#n                  #C-=#RSamu#yrai#C=-#n
#0<<#RVampire#0>>#n                  #0|[#LUndead Knight#0]|#n
#0.x[#lMonk#0]x.#n                   #y.x#0(#7Angel#0)#yx.#n
#n{{#CBattlemage#n}}#n               #G>*<#7Lich#G>*<#n

#RThe reqs for upgrading is #0:#n
50K hp, 35K mana, 35K move, 40K Questpoints and generation 1.

For each 100 pkscore you have less than 1000, you must pay an extra
3K in hp/move/mana to upgrade, you cannot pay more than 30K extra.

Having more than 1000 pkscore will not reduce the cost for upgrading.

When you upgrade you get set to 5K across and loose ALL class powers,
then you get your new class. You've been warned, so don't whine when
you lose all your old powers, that's just life.

It is possibly for an upgrade to improve their powers even
more, read HELP UPGRADE2 to check out the facts.


When a player have upgrade to his new class, he/she can upgrade
again and again, though instead of losing his or her old class and
gaining a new one, they keep their class and powers, but gets set
to 5K across. In return for this, they gain additional damcap/dodge/

#GThe reqs for the next upgrade #0:#n

 #Rlevel  #0| #RHP/MOVE/MANA #0| #Rqps  #0| #Rpkscore#n
#0 --------------------------------------#n
   #G2    #0|  #G80K across  #0|  #G40K #0|  #G2000#n
   #G3    #0|  #G90K across  #0|  #G80K #0|  #G2500#n
   #G4    #0| #G100K across  #0| #G120K #0|  #G3000#n
   #G5    #0| #G110K across  #0| #G160K #0|  #G3500#n

#CThe maximum level is 5#n


#n #n
Lichs are powerful sorceres that have cheated death by entering a state of
living death. No longer subject to the affects of time, they use their time
to explore other planes and perfect their magic. The lichs grow in power, far
beyond that of most mortal mages, since they have so much more time to perfect
their art. If you thought mages were scary, try fighting a lich that has used
the last 2000 years comming up with nasty spells to kill and destroy.

Masters of conjuring, death, life, necromantics and chaos, lichs have
acces to several powers, some of them are know as :

Conjuring   : Objectgate, Fireball, Planartravel, Golemsummon, Pentagram.
Death       : Readaura, Chillhand, Painwreck, Creeping Doom.
Life        : Regeneration, Earthswallow, Powertransfer, Polarity.
Necromantic : Zombie, Soulsuck, Planarstorm, Planeshift.
Chaos Magic : Chaosmagic, Chaossurge, Chaosshield.

Note : Lichs are a unique class made for Dystopia.



Name: Ian Shirm        Email:
Age: 21                DOB  : 2-2-83
Sex: M                 Height: 5'7

System: JBL Amp, 2 Twelve's, and Pioner Deck
Car: 95 Nissan Sentra (piece of crap) got it to 130 once.. 
My Sports Car: 89 Mazda RX-7. Rotary Engine, Rear Wheel Drive, Standard, 
               Speedomiter reads 160, had it to 140. black. 2 door/2 seater.
Guns i own: 30 30 Winchester Lever Action Rifle

Machine Gun: Fn Minimi (Belgium) BELT FED Box of Ammo under gun. like Tompson, but w/ box
             750-100 rounds per minute
             Air cooled, gas operated, belt fed, automatic. can also use reg Magazines
Heavy Machine Gun: Browning M2HB (USA) BELT FED
             450-600 rounds per minute
Mini Gun: Gatling guns. Belt fed of course (3-7 barrels)
             4000-10000 rounds per minute :)
             Thats 66.6 to 166.6 ROUNDS PER SECOND!
Sub-Machinegun: Heckler and Koch MP-5 (german)
             800 rpm (rounds per minute) 
Hand Gun: Desert Eagle (USA) .357, .44 mag, .50 AE

Favorite Drug: PCP and Pills (Adivan, Ritalin,) want to try Special K
Mental: Bi-Polar/other prob's Been in Mental institutions 4 times.




These are in My GW Liberary.
btw this is for me to chronicle them

Angel Wars: Wraith Snippit
Altar of Fate 7.0 (Dystopia 1.2) 
Arctic Dragoon
Crimson Mud
Dawn of Time
Dawn of Time: Infernal Light
Dark Skies (Dystopia 1.2.7)
Eve of Destruction 2.0
Eve of Destruction Infernal Heat
Eve of Destruction Marked for Death
Eve of Destruction Underworld
Eve of Destruction 
Fallen Empires 1.0
Fallen Empires 2.0
Godwars Deluxe
Godwars Deluxe: The Myth
Godwars 1995
Godwars 1996
Lords of War 4.0
Lords of War 5.0
LoW: Chronic
LoW: Midnight Dreams
LoW: Midnight Realities 2.5 
LoW: Fates Promice
LoW: Deaths Domain
Lurking Fear
Mindcloud 1.1
Mudders Delight
Realms of Elkor (GW 1998)
Revenge of Kalos
Shadow Games
Shyte Mud
Static Chaos (chaosium)
Temple of Death (Dystopia 1.0.15)
Vampire Wars 1.0.2


#n #n
The Tanar'ri are a fierce breed of demonkind, who spends eternity fighting
in the Blood Wars, a neverending struggle between the Tanar'ri and their
abyssal enemies the Baatezu. Life for a Tanar'ri is mostly about wrecking
havoc, killing Baatezu, and the occasional raids on the prime material
plane. If you happen to stumble upon a True Tanar'ri or even worse
a Tanar'ri Balor, run like you've never done before, these creatures
are known to destroy entire cities single handed before they return
to the Abyss to continue fighting in the Blood Wars.

Bloodsacrifice   - Sacrifice to gain powers.
Tornado		 - Summon a powerful lightning storm.
Infernal flames  - Summon the abyssal flames to strike your enemy.
Earthquake       - Quake the earth and damge the landdwellers.
Booming	voice	 - Let your booming voice strike fear into the hearts of mortals.
Enmity		 - Cause discord among friends.
Enrage		 - Remove their sanity and let them fight like beasts.
Truesight	 - Truesight.
Web		 - Web the ugly mortals in icky demonic strands on power.
Claws		 - Grow claws to tear the limbs of mortals.
Chaosgate	 - Open a portal to far away places.
Fury		 - Let your beastial side take over.
Chaossurge       - Destroy the pure of heart with the power of chaos.
Lavablast	 - Shower the enemy with lava, and eat the corpses for dinner.
Tantalk		 - Talk with other Tanar'ri.
Taneq		 - Make class eq.

Also remember to train the status among the Tanar'ri, strive to
become a True Tanar'ri Balor, so you can lead your own army
against the puny Baatezu.

NOTE : Tanar'ri is a unique class made for Dystopia.


#n #n
Angels, being the creation of the holy God, were created perfect without
any flaw or sin. They are considered holy due to the cause of their
createn, smithing evil everywhere and being the messengers of God.
The word of an angel is the direct word of God, and must be considered
as a divine command by all worshippers.

Angelicaura      - The aura of justice let's you strike down evil.
Martyr           - Suffer the pain of others.
Innerpeace       - Let the love of God heal you wounds.
Touch of God     - Let the burning wrath of God strike down unbelivers.
God's peace      - No harm will come to those protected by god.
Eye for an Eye   - They breake your arm, you cut both theirs off.
                   They scare you gf, you kill their wife.
                   They take your kill, your take their head.
                    - IT'S THE JUSTICE OF GOD!
God's Favor      - Fill yourself with the love of God.
God's Senses     - See through God's eyes.
Swoop            - When you have gained your wings, you can fly anywhere.
House of God     - No fighting can happen in the house of God.
Banish           - Banish creatures of pure EVIL.
Forgiveness      - Forgive the sins of another.
Sins of the past - Punish a person for his or her sins.
Spiritform       - Return to your true form.
Harmony          - Let the inbalance of your prey wreck his/her body.
Touch of God     - Strike down the unbelievers with the touch of God.
Retribution      - Midrounder.

An angel also have WINGS and a HALO, and can create angelic armor
suited for their war with hell. The command for creating this godly
armor is 'angelicarmor <piece>'.

True angels master the art of : PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY and GOD'S JUSTICE


#n #n
PEACE                       HARMONY
level 1 : gpeace            level 1 : <none yet>
level 2 : spiritform        level 2 : angelicaura
level 3 : innerpeace        level 3 : gbanish
level 4 : <none yet>        level 4 : <none yet>
level 5 : houseofgod        level 5 : harmony

LOVE                        JUSTICE
level 1 : gsenses           level 1 : swoop/awings
level 2 : gfavor            level 2 : halo
level 3 : forgiveness       level 3 : sinsofthepast
level 4 : regeneration      level 4 : touchofgod
level 5 : martyr            level 5 : eyeforaneye



The Undead Knights where great knights fighting for good when they lived,
but a tragic twist in their life made them fail on some important mission,
and they have been cursed to spend eternity earthbound.

These creatures command many dark forces, and study the arts of necromancy.

Knightarmor    - Creates the ancient armor that the knights used when they lived.
Gain           - Gain acces to the darker and more powerful magics.
Weaponpractice - Improves your fighting skills.
Powerword      - The most feared of the knights powers.
Aura           - Enable or disable some of the knights fearsome auras.
Command        - Command the living to do your bidding.
Unholysight    - Truesight.
Bloodrite      - Make a blood sacrifice to gain health.
Knighttalk     - Class Channel.
Soulsuck       - Drain the lifeforce of good people.

Also read HELP AURAS.

NOTE : Undead Knights are a unique class made for Dystopia.



The Necromancy power gives the undead knight acces to powerful auras,
that the knight can enable with the aura command.

level 2  : Death Aura (Your mere presence hurts those around you).
level 4  : Might Aura (Increased damroll and hitroll).
level 6  : Bog Aura   (You stand in a permanent swamp, making it hard to flee from you).
level 9  : Fear Aura  (Fighting you makes even the most brave warrior piss their pants).
level 10 : Cloak of Death (Regen boost when your just about to die).



#Rs#rummonmount  #0  - Summon a Nightmare to be your Mount
#Ru#rnholyritual #0  - Increase your Fighting ability
#Rl#rayonhands   #0  - Deal damage and heal self
#Rd#relve        #0  - Gain Antipaladin abilities
#Re#rntangle     #0  - Web someone 
#Rd#rirtkick     #0  - Blind someone
#Rd#retectliving #0  - Supreme Vision
#Rf#rlamestrike  #0  - Priest Spell, Fire Attack
#Rg#rrapple      #0  - Middy with chance to Destance or Stun
#Rs#randman      #0  - Put Someone to Sleep
#Rb#rattlerage   #0  - Burst into a RAGE attacking everyone in the room#n
#Rm#right        #0  - Increased Damroll/Hitroll
#Rs#rpeed        #0  - +2 to number_attacks
#Rm#ralice       #0  - Autoattack
#Rt#rakisisaura  #0  - Autoattack
#Rm#rorph        #0  - Assume the true Anti-Paladin form
#Rc#ramouflage   #0  - Change objects#n
#Rp#rotentia     #0  - Autoraises with time, increases flamestrike/layonhands damage
#Rr#raisedead    #0  - Turn corpses into followers#n


#RH#rydragain.    #0   - Inhance you Hydra Strength   
#RP#roisonbreath. #0   - A Poison BreathWeapon
#RD#rbreath.      #0   - Death Breath
#RG#rrowth.       #0   - Grow More heads.
#RD#reath Aura.   #0   - The Hydra Aura of Death.
#RT#rruesight  	 #0- Gain superior vision.
#RM#ristwalk  	 #0- Class portal.
#RR#roar.        #0    - Make them Flee
#RB#rreath. #0         - FireBreath
#RC#rharge.   #0       - Midrounder
#RS#rtomp.      #0     - Trample them and knock off eq
#RS#rpikes        #0   - Autoattack
#RF#riery eyes  	#0 - Heighten your awareness
#RH#readbash #0  	 - Smash your head into your enemies for damage and stun
#RA#rcidblood 	#0 - Even your blood becomes a deadly weapon
#RV#renomspit   #0	 - Spit your deadly poison at amazing speeds
#RS#rcales     #0	 - Grow protective scales#n

Syntax: claim <object>
Syntax: call <object>
Syntax: call all
Syntax: gift <object> <player>
Syntax: locate

By claiming an object (which costs 500 exp), that object becomes your 
personal property.  Using the 'locate' command you can find what items 
currently belong to you and where they are in the mud.  If you are not 
carrying the item, you can get it back by calling it with the 'call' 
command.  You can change the ownership of your own items by use of the 
'gift' command.

It should be noted that relics CANNOT be gifted.


Do this to another avatar when they are mortally wounded, and you will 
suck out some of their lifeforce ( 1/4th of their exp), making them 
mortal again.  You may also loot their corpse, of course, and if you are 
hungry you can even crack the skull and eat their brains ;)
Decapitation alone is not enough to completely destroy another avatar 
however, for their head will retain their remaining lifeforce.  To truely 
kill them, you must crack open their head and eat (or in some other way 
destroy) their brain.

Syntax: decap <victim>

While holding a head in either your left or right hand, typing 'crack' 
will crack the head open, spilling the brains out onto the floor.

When your character dies, you are reincarnated back at the Altar of the Temple
of Midgaard.  Your corpse is left behind in the room where you were killed,
together with all of your equipment.  Your gold stays with you.

Any spells which were affecting you are canceled by death.

Following and groups are not affected by death.

You lose experience points for dying.  The amount you lose is half of your 
current amount, so it's a good idea not to hoard exp.

Corpses decay after time, and the objects inside corpses decay with them.
Player corpses last *roughly* 30 hours of game time (15 minutes of real time).

This command allows you to transport to the temple of midgaard when 
mortally wounded.  Unfortunately, it also reduces both your mana and move 
to 0, and informs everyone else on the mud that you are lying defenseless 
at be careful how you use it.

Syntax: mount <creature>
Syntax: dismount

This allows the character to mount the specified creature.  Only 
creatures such as horses and the like may be mounted, and they will aid 
their rider in combat.

For information on the MOUNT spell, type 'help mountspell'.

Quest Makers (and occasionally higher levels) can set quests for one or 
more players to participate in.  The rewards for such quests can be in 
the form of specially modified equipment.  A number of quest points-worth 
will be allocated depending on the difficulty of the quest, using the 
following guidelines for point costs (QP's = Quest Points):

Stats (Str/Dex/Int/Wis/Con): 20 QP's per +1, max allowed is +3 per stat.
Hp/Mana/Move: 5 QP per +1, max allowed is +25 on each.
Hitroll/Damroll: 30 QP's per +1, max allowed is +5 on each.
Ac: 10 QP's per -1, max allowed is -25.

Once a certain affect (str, hitroll, ac, etc) is selected, it cannot be 
chosen again for that item even if you didn't select the maximum allowed 
amount.  Choosing to have penalties on an item will not decrease its 
cost, although some Quest Makers may allow extra points if you select a 
few disadvantages on the item.

For more information, type 'quest'.

Syntax: quest <field> <value>
Syntax: token <value>

QUEST will allow you to spend any quest points you might have.  For a 
list of the cost (in quest points), type 'quest'.

TOKEN will allow you to create a quest token, with the value of the token 
set to the value specified.  The tokens value must be within 1 and 50, 
and it cannot be greater than the number of quest points you currently 

For information on the QUEST spell, type 'help questspell'.

Syntax: complete card
Syntax: complete card <object>
Syntax: recharge card machine

A quest card requires 4 objects to complete.  To find out what 4 objects 
you need, type 'complete card'.  When you find these items, you should 
type 'complete card <object>'.  Once you have completed all 4 items on 
the card you will be told that you have completed the card.  Then you 
should go and find the dark crypt, where there is a machine, and type 
'recharge card machine'.  You will receive a quest token reward, which 
you should eat, and the card will be recharged with 4 new items to find.

HINT:  Vallandar's tomb can be found by going 2 south, 7 east, 2 north 
from recall.  Once you have found that area, you should look for the 
guardian and solve his riddle, enter the portal he creates, and you'll be 
in the dark crypt.

The following are a few examples of quest types:
* Find the object/s.  Examples: Find 5 different coloured potions, Find a 
  pitch black longsword that flames brightly, Find a dragon dagger, belt 
  and bracer, etc.
* Kill the mob/s.  These can be hunt down and kill, or simple placing the 
  player in the same room as the mob/s.  Can also be combined with finding 
  objects - Example: Find and kill two different dragons and bring me 
  their claws.
* Solve a puzzle.  For example find a certain room, solve a riddle in an 
  area, or successfully get out of a maze.  These are particularly good 
  when several players of different ability are competing in the quest.
* Duel: A one-on-one fight pitting either a player against a mob, or 
  (more usually) a player against another player.  The conditions will be 
  decided beforehand, and can include any conditions that both sides 
  agree on.  Example: No sanctuary, no potions (or maybe a limited number),
  no spells, no weapons, or whatever.
* Skirmishes: Like a duel, but involves several players on either side.  
  Although the sides don't have to be equal in number, it is generally a 
  good idea to make sure they are roughly equal in power.
* There are also several more obscure quests that can be run - for 
  example you could require that the player brings you 3 small green 
  eggs, then load mob 30005 into the players room.  Another battle might 
  involve no melee - all combat must be with missile weapons.

#n #n
Experience is gained by killing mobs, the amount of experience
gained through a kill depends on the level of the mob being killed.
There are also different modifiers like happy hour and newbie exp.

The exp modifiers are as listed :

* Newbie hours (The first 4 hours) : gives 200 % extra exp.
* Happy (Immortals can set this)   : gives 100 % extra exp.
* Pkscore (only positive value)    : gives   1 % for each 50 pkscore.
* Tithe (worshippers only)         : gives  -5 % exp (that's less)
* Mccp   (read Help mccp)          : gives  25 % extra exp.
* Alignment (explained below)      : gives +/- 25% extra exp.

#GAlignment explaned#n
If your kill a mob of the opposite alignment as yourself, fx. if your
aligned good and you kill an evil mob, you gain 25% extra exp from
the kill. BUT if your the same alignment as the mob you get 25% LESS
exp from killing that mob.

#GGuidelines about modifiers#n
* DO NOT ask immortals to turn on Happy Hour!
* Use #ymccp#n to get the 25% extra exp, it helps the mud run smother.
    #RYou can use mccp with #yANY#R mudclient out there, please#n
    #Rread the help file on #ymcclient#R if your normal mudclient doesn't#n
    #Rsupport mccp by itself. Mcclient is NOT a client, it simply helps#n
    #Ryour normal client so it can use the mccp protocol.#n
* If you for some reason don't get a certain modifier even though your sure
  that you should get it, please recheck everything, perhaps you shouldn't
  get it afterall.


0 VLADD Vladd Law LawMaker~

Yer God and Master.
#RAnd c file eraser!.#n

Find any cheaters and report them to me, you'll get paid well..

Syntax: skill | skill <player>

This shows the target player's skill with the weapon they are currently 
wielding and the stance they are in (if it's a specialized stance).

Weapon skill				 Stance skill

 1) Totally unskilled.			 1) Totally unskilled.
 2) Slightly skilled.			 2) An apprentice.
 3) Reasonable.				 3) A trainee.
 4) Fairly competent.			 4) A student.
 5) Highly skilled.			 5) Fairly experienced.
 6) Very dangerous.			 6) Well trained.
 7) Extremely deadly.			 7) Highly skilled.
 8) An expert.				 8) An expert.
 9) A master.				 9) A master.
10) A grandmaster.			10) A grandmaster.

Note that these are only rough estimates; one master might well be 
slightly more skilled than another master, and so on.

Jope is an online pfile editor, which makes it possibly to edit
pfiles without having shell access. Which parts of a pfile that
can be editted depends on the immortals level, and it's quite
easy to change these settings (and add more editable data) in
the file 'jope.c'.

syntax : pfile <players FULL name>

Please don't use this command on a player that is already online.


Syntax: spells | spell <colour>

This shows your spell casting ability with the various types of magic.

1) Untrained.				 6) An adept.
2) An apprentice.			 7) A mage.
3) A student.				 8) A warlock.
4) A scholar.				 9) A master wizard.
5) A magus.				10) A grand sorcerer.

Note that these are only rough estimates; one master wizard might well be 
slightly more skilled than another master wizard, and so on.

By typing this, you will no longer be affected by most god commands, 
including restore, force, slay, mset, transfer, deny, freeze, etc.  You 
can toggle your godless flag on and off at will, and everyone in the mud 
is informed each time you do this.

To set your recall point, enter the desired room and type 'home here'.  
From that point on you will recall to that point rather than the Temple 
of Midgaard (although you still go to the Templar Altar if you die).

A home cannot be a safe room.

Many of the game actions are based upon interval timers, including combat,
most autonomous monster actions, hp/mana/move regeneration, spell duration,
weather, and area resetting.

f these timers, the hp/mana/move regeneration timer is popularly called the
'tick'.  Ticks on this mud average 30 seconds of real time, but the actual
amount varies randomly from 15 seconds to 45 seconds.

Area resetting happens roughly every 3 minutes if no one is in the area; less
often (15 minutes) if some one is.  Also note that objects lying on the ground
will not be regenerated if anyone is in the area when it resets.

0 !~
Syntax: !

! repeats the last command you typed.

Syntax: north
Syntax: south

yntax: east
Syntax: west
Syntax: up
Syntax: down

Use these commands to walk in a particular direction.

Syntax: cast <spell> <target>

Before you can cast a spell, you have to practice it.  The more you practice,
the higher chance you have of success when casting.  Casting spells costs mana.
The mana cost decreases as your magical ability increases.

The <target> is optional.  Many spells which need targets will use an
appropriate default target, especially during combat.

If the spell name is more than one word, then you must quote the spell name.
Example: cast 'cure critic' frag.  Quoting is optional for single-word spells.
You can abbreviate the spell name.

When you cast an offensive spell, the victim usually gets a saving throw.
The effect of the spell is reduced or eliminated if the victim makes the
saving throw successfully.

See also the help sections for individual spells.

Syntax: exits

Tells you the visible exits of the room you are in.  Not all exits are visible.
You can use the 'bump' technique to find hidden exits.  (Try to walk in a
certain direction and see what you bump into).

Syntax: drop <object>
Syntax: drop <amount> coins
Syntax: get  <object>
Syntax: get  <object> <container>
Syntax: give <object> <character>
Syntax: give <amount> coins <character>
Syntax: put  <object> <container>

DROP drops an object, or some coins, on the ground.

GET gets an object, either lying on the ground, or from a container, or even
from a corpse.  TAKE is a synonym for get.

GIVE gives an object, or some coins, to another character.

PUT puts an object into a container.

DROP, GET and PUT understand the object names 'ALL' for all objects and
'ALL.object' for all objects with the same name.

Syntax: equipment
Syntax: inventory

EQUIPMENT lists your equipment (armor, weapons, and held items).
INVENTORY lists your inventory.

Syntax: compare <object-1> <object-2>
Syntax: compare <object>

COMPARE compares two objects in your inventory.  If both objects are weapons,
it will report the one with the better average damage.  If both objects are
armor, it will report the one with the better armor class.

COMPARE with one argument compares an object in your inventory to the object
you are currently wearing or wielding of the same type.

COMPARE doesn't consider any special modifiers of the objects.

Syntax: backstab <character>
Syntax: berserk
Syntax: disarm
Syntax: kick
Syntax: punch    <character>
Syntax: kill     <character>

KILL starts a fight, and, hopefully, kills something.  BACKSTAB is another way
to start a fight, used by thieves.  BS is a synonym for BACKSTAB.

BERSERK will make you strike out at every creature in the room.  It will 
hit players as well as mobiles, so it's a good idea not to use this skill 
while you are grouped.
DISARM is an auxiliary fighting command to disarm your opponent.  Similarly,
KICK will inflict more damage during combat by kicking.
PUNCH will inflict a small amount of damage, and stun your opponent for a 
short period of time.  It also has a chance of breaking your opponents 
nose or jaw.

In order to BACKSTAB, DISARM, KICK or PUNCH successfully, you must practice
the appropriate skill.


FASTDRAW is automatic, if you have it.  If another player attacks you 
while you have any sheathed weapons, you will draw them out with 
lightning speed and strike your opponent before they are able to land any 
blows on you.  If you have any items in your hands at the time, you will 
throw them aside before drawing your weapons.

Syntax: ansi

This will show things in colour.  Spells will appear in their appropriate 
colour, and important messages will be highlighted.  Your exp (or opponents
condition if you're fighting), hp, mana and move are shown in scaled colour.
Scaled colour is represented as follows:

New scale.

#7White = Under 0%
#gDark Green = 0%
#n(In Between)
#rDark Red
#2Light Green = 100%+#n

Ansi colour can be toggled on and off with the 'ansi' or 'config' commands.

Syntax: combat <style>

In combat, the stance of the fighter plays a very important role; you 
can't just stand there and exchange blow for blow unless you are very 
confident of your ability.  Each fighting stance has advantages and 
disadvantages, the basic outline of which follows:
VIPER: A very fast and aggressive style of combat, concentrating on 
striking your opponent before they have the chance to avoid or block you.
CRANE: A wide, sweeping style of combat, which concentrates on a very 
strong blocking defence.
CRAB: A low, defensive fighting stance which uses agile footwork and 
rolling with attacks in order to reduce your injuries.
MONGOOSE: A light-footed stance, which relies on leaps and acrobatics to 
ensure that by the time your opponent makes their attack, you've moved 
out of the way.
BULL: A low aggressive stance which concentrates purely on physical power.

See also help on 'advancedstance' and 'stancetable'.

Syntax: combat <style>

Advanced stances can be learned after you have become a grand master in 
two normal stances.  These stances are much better than the others.
MANTIS: Requires CRANE and VIPER before it can be learned.  This stance 
combines a very strong defence with lightning fast counter attacks.
DRAGON: Requires BULL and CRAB before it can be learned.  This stance 
uses very powerful attacks, as well as protecting the fighter from injury.
TIGER: Requires BULL and VIPER before it can be learned.  Probably the 
most aggressive of all the stances, this style utilizes very powerful and
lightning fast attacks.
MONKEY: Requires CRANE and MONGOOSE before it can be learned.  The only 
affect of this stance is to completely nullify the advantages of your 
opponents stance.
SWALLOW: Requires MONGOOSE and CRAB before it can be learned.  This is 
the most defensive of all the stances, combining agile dodges with the 
ability to 'roll' with an attack, helping prevent injury.

See also help on 'stance' and 'stancetable'.


The following table is a rough comparison of stances, giving a value 
between 10 and -10, where the higher the number the better your chance of 
victory.  Cross-reference your stance from the left with your opponents 
stance from along the top.  Please remember these are only rough 
estimates, and may not be completely accurate...

          None Vipr Cran Mmgs Bull Crab Mnts Tigr Drgn Mnky Swlw
None        0   -4   -5   -5   -5   -5   -9   -9   -10   0   -10
Viper      +4    0   +3   +3   -2   -2   -2   -7   -9    0   -4
Crane      +5   -3    0    0   +2   +2   -8   -6   -1    0   -3
Mongoose   +5   -3    0    0   +2   +2   -8   -6   -1    0   -3
Bull       +5   +2   -2   -2    0   +2   -5   -3   -3    0   -5
Crab       +5   +2   -2   -2   -2    0   -5   -5   -7    0   -7
Mantis     +9   +2   +8   +8   +5   +5    0   -3    0    0   +3
Tiger      +9   +7   +6   +6   +3   +5   +3    0   -2    0   +1
Dragon     +10  +9   +1   +1   +3   +7    0   +2    0    0   -2
Monkey      0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
Swallow    +10  +4   +3   +3   +5   +7   -3   -1   +2    0    0

Syntax: fightstyle <number> <style>

This is used for unarmed combat, and it allows the fighter to decide on 
their style of unarmed attack.  Many different types of attack are 
possible, each with different advantages and disadvantages.  Your first 
attack in combat always uses the first number slot.  If you have a second 
attack, this will draw a fighting technique from slots 1 to 4.  If you 
have a third attack, it will draw a fighting technique from slots 5 to 
8.  Any other attacks are randomly drawn from any of slots 1 to 8.  If 
the slot is blank (0) then the attack is a standard unarmed attack.

Syntax: hurl <name>
Syntax: hurl <name> <direction>

This ability allows you to hurl the target into walls, through exits, or 
through doors.  Hurling someone through an exit does a little damage.  
Hurling them into walls does twice as much, and hurling them through 
doors does three times as much.  If you don't specify a direction to hurl 
the target, it will be random (north, south, east or west).  You cannot 
hurl someone who is already injured.

Syntax: scan
Syntax: spy   <direction>
Syntax: throw <direction> <target>

SCAN allows you to see all the mobs/players within 1 room of you.

SPY allows you to see all the mobs/players within 3 rooms in a specified 

THROW allows you to hurl an object you are holding (in your right hand, 
or if that's empty left hand) to a target mob/player in a specified 
direction.  The object can be throw up to 3 rooms.  If it fails to reach 
the target by that time it will land on the floor.

For information on the SCAN spell, type 'help scanspell'.

Syntax: flee
Syntax: rescue   <character>

Once you start a fight, you can't just walk away from it.  If the fight
is not going well, you can attempt to FLEE, or another character can
RESCUE you.  (You can also RECALL, but this is less likely to work,
and costs more experience points, then fleeing).

If you lose your link during a fight, then your character will keep
fighting, and will attempt to RECALL from time to time.  Your chances
of making the recall are reduced, and you will lose much more experience.

In order to RESCUE successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: look
Syntax: look    <object>
Syntax: look    <character>
Syntax: look    <direction>
Syntax: look    <keyword>
Syntax: look in <container>
Syntax: look in <corpse>
Syntax: examine <container>
Syntax: examine <corpse>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see.

EXAMINE is short for 'LOOK container' followed by 'LOOK IN container'.

Syntax: order <character> command
Syntax: order all command

ORDER orders one or all of your charmed followers (including pets) to
perform any command.  The command may have arguments.  You are responsible
for the actions of your followers, and others who attack your followers
will incur the same penalty as if they attacked you directly.

Most charmed creatures lose their aggresive nature (while charmed).

If your charmed creature engages in combat, that will break the charm.

Syntax: rest
Syntax: sleep
Syntax: stand
Syntax: wake

These commands change your position.  When you REST or SLEEP, you 
regenerate hit points, mana points, and movement points faster.
However, you are more vulnerable to attack, and if you SLEEP,
you won't hear many things happen.

Use STAND or WAKE to come back to a standing position.  You can
also WAKE other sleeping characters.

For info on the sleep spell, type: 'help sleepspell'.

Syntax: gtell <message>
Syntax: say   <message>
Syntax: tell  <character> <message>

All of these commands send messages to other players.  GTELL sends a message to
all of the characters in your group, wherever they are, even if they are
sleeping or stunned or dying.  ';' is a synonym for GTELL.

SAY sends a message to all awake players in your room.  The single quote '''
is a synonym for SAY.

TELL sends a message to one awake player anywhere in the world.

REPLY sends a message to the last player who sent you a TELL.  REPLY will work
even if you can't see the player, and without revealing their identity.  This
is handy for talking to invisible or switched immortal players.

Syntax: note list
Syntax: note read    <number>
Syntax: note read    all
Syntax: note +       <message>
Syntax: note subject <string>
Syntax: note to      <to-list>
Syntax: note clear
Syntax: note show
Syntax: note post
Syntax: note remove  <number>

NOTE LIST lists notes which you can read.  NOTE READ reads one or all notes.

NOTE SUBJECT sets the subject line of a new note.  NOTE TO sets the list of
recipients.  The recipient ALL means all players, and the recipient IMMORTAL
means all immortals.  Use NOTE + to write message lines onto the note, one line
at a time.  NOTE SHOW shows your note in progress; NOTE CLEAR starts over.

NOTE POST posts your note for reading.  Posting is not automatic.

NOTE REMOVE removes the entire note if you are the sender, or just removes you
from the to-list if you are a recipient.

Syntax: emote <action>
Syntax: pose

EMOTE is used to express emotions or actions.  Besides EMOTE, there are
several dozen built-in social commands, such as CACKLE, HUG, and THANK.

POSE is a variant of EMOTE.

Syntax: hold   <object>
Syntax: remove <object>
Syntax: wear   <object>
Syntax: wear   all
Syntax: wield  <object>

Three of these commands will take an object from your inventory and start using
it as equipment.  HOLD is for light sources, wands, and staves.  WEAR is for
armor.  WIELD is for weapons.

WEAR ALL will attempt to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD each suitable item in your

You may not be able to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD an item if its alignment does not
match yours, if it is too heavy for you, or if you are not experienced enough
to use it properly.

REMOVE will take any object from your equipment and put it back into your

Syntax: channels
Syntax: channels +<channel>
Syntax: channels -<channel>

With no options, CHANNELS shows you your current channels.  With a plus or
minus sign and an option, CHANNELS turns that channel on or off.

Syntax: config
Syntax: config +<option>
Syntax: config -<option>

This command configures some of your character behavior.  With no options,
CONFIG shows you your current settings.  With a plus or minus sign and
an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.

The options are:

    ANSI      You view things in colour.
    AUTOEXIT  You automatically see exits.
    AUTOLOOT  You automatically loot corpses.
    AUTOSAC   You automatically sacrifice corpses.
    BLANK     You have a blank line before your prompt.
    BRIEF     You see brief descriptions only.
    COMBINE   You see object lists in combined format.
    PROMPT    You have a prompt.
    TELNETGA  You receive a telnet GA sequence.

Syntax: bug <message>
Syntax: idea <message>
Syntax: typo <message>

These commands will take your message and record it into a file as feedback
to the mud implementors.

Syntax: credits
This command shows the list of the original Diku Mud implementors.

This is from my memory... i'll add more as i remember/read changes board

Rank: Scropion-Ice
Paladin Class: Coded by Akurei for COTN 2.5
EOD: OLC, Wraith class, classleader, legend, auction command.
Mincloud: Logstat command converted to Mudstat
        : Some draconian powers to Hydra
        : global HH and CP buying, just have to make commands
	: Priest, Giant, Skyblade, Ghoul classes.
	: wpn, stance, spell advancement messages
	: Familiars
	: The sigil system used here under the name glyphs. (substantialy modified)
Dark Skies: Jail code, xp_compute function, newb-helper mod
	  : Zombie, Shinobi, Dragon classes
Low4: Level screen, the Superstances, WW/Vamp additions
Fallen Empires 2.0/Morbid Nights: Score command, modified for here.


Syntax: report
Syntax: score
Syntax: time
Syntax: weather

REPORT shows your current statistics to you and also announces them to other
players in the room.

SCORE shows detailed statistics to you only.

TIME shows the game time, as well as the time the mud was last started,
and the current local time for the host computer.

WEATHER shows the current game weather.

Syntax: areas
Syntax: commands
Syntax: socials

AREAS shows you all the areas in the game, with the author's name and the
levels of the mobs that inhabit that area.

COMMANDS shows you all the (non-social) commands available to you.

SOCIALS shows you all the social commands available to you.


This command allows you to configure your prompt.  The PROMPT command 
will set your standard prompt.  You also have the option of having a 
combat prompt, CPROMPT, which will appear while fighting.  If no cprompt 
is defined, the standard prompt will be used for both conditions.
The following options are available:

%a %A = Alignment (word/numeric).   %b %B = Beast/Blood.
%c    = Armour Class.               %f %F = Condition of opponent/tank. 
%g    = Gold.                       %h %H = Current hp/Max hp.          
%m %M = Current mana/Max mana.      %n %N = Name of opponent/tank.      
%p %P = Plus Hitroll/Plus Damroll.  %q    = Quest points.
%r %R = Room name/Rage.             %s %S = Status (word/numeric).
%v %V = Current move/Max move.      %x    = Exp.
%t    = Current fighttimer.         %k    = Class special
                                        (Shapshifters & Samurai)

To switch your prompt on and off, use 'prompt on' and 'prompt off'.
For some examples, type 'help prompts'.


There are many possible prompts, and everyone will have their own 
favoured setups.  However, to get you going, here are some examples:

Original normal prompt: [%x exp] <%h/%Hhp %m/%Mm %v/%Vmv>
Original combat prompt: [%f] <%h/%Hhp %m/%Mm %v/%Vmv>
Simple prompt: [%hH/%mM/%vV]
Vampire prompt: [%B Blood] <%hhp %mm %vmv>
Werewolf prompt: [%R Rage] <%hhp %mm %vmv>
Combat prompt: [%N:%F/%n:%f]
Stat prompt: [%xX] [+%pHIT/+%PDAM] [%cAC] [%hH/%mM/%vV]

Remember, you can switch between the default prompts and your customised
prompts with 'prompt on' and 'prompt off'.  Doing this will not destroy 
your customised prompts.


Primal energy is the ultimate form of energy in the multiverse, the one 
from which all other energies are derived.  Unfortunately, unlike mana, 
primal energy is only one use, and is generally used for very powerful 
spells, such as 'voodoo' (which uses 5 points) and 'quest' (which uses 
between 1 and 50 points).

The werewolf is a species of halfman, halfwolf beings that hunt down
and destroy the wyrm.  The wyrm composed of vampires and the like
have been a bane to the wolf society long enough.  From now on vile
wyrm fear the wolves for they will destroy you all.

#R*#n #GHowl#n        - A channel for the werewolf community.
#R*#n #GTribe#n       - Shows information on other werewolves logged on.
#R*#n #GDisciplines#n - Lists discipline spirits, use research to begin your
                training in one and use train to improve your
                discipline when its ready..
#R*#n #GRage#n        - sends a werewolf into a violent rage that attacks
                everyone in the room and gives increased hit/dam

for more information on the discipline spirits type 'help #Gtotem#n'.

#0Vampires#n are the creatures of the night and thus take damage if exposed
to daylight.  Vampires cannot eat food, or drink any liquids except for
blood.  If they cannot drink blood for a long duration of time they will
start taking damage or maybe even go berserk, so it's a good idea to store
some blood in a drinking container.  Vampires take half damage from cold,
none from gas, and double from fire, although those with the Heat
immunity take normal fire damage rather than double.

#0Embrace#n     - embrace a mob to drain their blood, use embrace again to
              release. (embrace depends on red spell level)
#0Vamparmor#n   - create vampire eq. (make a ring for rage/regen)
#0Vamptalk#n    - the channel for the vampire.
#0Fangs#n       - use to extend and retract your fangs.
#0Inconnu#n     - an inconnu vampire has to be diabed instead of decapped by
              other vampires.
#0Regenerate#n  - when unraged use this to regen.
#0Disciplines#n - use research to begin a discipline when done train the
              discipline. (theres 10 levels of each discipline)
#0Age#n         - use train to increase your age the older the vamp the better.

For more information on vamp disciplines type 'help #0disciplines#n'.


The battlemages are powerful wizards that use their knowledge of the arcane
to help them in combat. They can command the elements to help or destroy
those they choose. A mage is indeed someone to fear.

Chant      - Use the common spells all battlemages have.
Invoke     - Learn or use some of the more powerful magics.
Magics     - Keep track of what magical affects affects you.
Teleport   - Teleport to any given location.
Objectgate - Summon items from afar.
Truesight  - Enhanced vision.
Discharge  - Discharge your elementalshields (striking everyone in the room)
Scry       - Use your farvision.
Reveal     - Reveals everyone in the room.
Magearmor  - Make magical equipment.
Magetalk   - Class channel.
Chaosmagic - Random spell effect.

Also note that the better the mage is at casting spells (higher spell levels),
the more powerful the spells they cast become.

NOTE : Battlemages are a unique class made for Dystopia.


Demons are mortals who have sold their souls for power, but they must take the souls
of others to make their power grow, for they are the foul beasts of hell that will
stop at nothing to rule the world. To steal a soul, you must simply decap another player.

#R*#n #0Inpart#n      - use this to give youself demonic powers.
#R*#n #0Warps#n       - shows warps alrdy gained.
#R*#n #0Obtain#n      - use this to gain warps (15000 dp each).
#R*#n #0Disciplines#n - use research to begin a discipline, when you get a message
                that you are done, use the train command to improve.
#R*#n #0Demonarmour#n - use the command to create demonic armour.
#R*#n #0Weaponform#n  - use this to transform yourself into a weapon, use the
                command humanform to return.

Also read help on demondiscs, demonpower, warps and evileye for more information.

#R*#n #0Fangs#n          2500          Slide out razor sharp fangs, extra attack.
#R*#n #0Horns    #n      2500          Slide out horns, extra headbutt attack.
#R*#n #0Nightsight #n    3000          See perfectly at night.
#R*#n #0Toughness  #n    7500          Skin hardens and take lesser damage.
#R*#n #0Scry   #n        7500          Scry a opponent, to know where they are.
#R*#n #0Leap    #n        500          Leap to objects, or people when in weaponform.
#R*#n #0Shield     #n   20000          Shield yourself, so no one can scry you.
#R*#n #0Immolate   #n    2500          Immolate a weapon to burn someone in combat.
#R*#n #0Unnerve   #n     5000          Force your opponent to unstance in combat.
#R*#n #0Leech   #n      15000          Leech off your opponent hitpoints.
#R*#n #0Claws  #n        2500          Slide razor sharp claws, to aid in combat.
#R*#n #0Hooves  #n       1500          Feet transform to hooves, improve kick.
#R*#n #0Wings #n         1000          Able to fly, and unfold wings, to be unhurable.
#R*#n #0Speed #n         7500          Have Great speed for better dodges/parries.
#R*#n #0Truesight#n      7500          Better awareness, see all.
#R*#n #0Magic#n          1000          Able to control your magic in weaponform.
#R*#n #0Longsword  #n       0          Transform to a longsword.
#R*#n #0Inferno #n      20000          Burn yourself when morted, to escape.
#R*#n #0Freezeweapon #n  3000          Freeze your weapon, and hurt them with ice.
#R*#n #0Demonform  #n   25000          Transform to a huge demon, better attributes.
#R*#n #0Tail  #n         5000          Extend your tail, for an extra tail attack.
#R*#n #0Graft  #n       20000          Graft 2 more arms, to carry more objects.
#R*#n #0Might  #n        7500          Resist some damage when fighting.
#R*#n #0Travel #n        1500          Travel to any mob or player with nosum on
#R*#n #0Move #n           500          Able to move when in weaponform.
#R*#n #0Lifespan#n        100          Crumble up faster when a severed head.
#R*#n #0Caust#n          3000          Caust your weapon, better average damage.
#R*#n #0Entomb#n        20000          Entomb a person, n,s,w,e,up,and down.
#R*#n #0Blink#n         15000          Blink a person and do devasting attacks.



All warps are automatic, so you don't need any commands to activate them, just the command
obtain to get new warps. Theres a total of 18 warps, some have an affect, others don't.

These are the possibly warps :

Your body is protected by a indestructable crystal shell.
Your skin is as hard as steel.
Your arms are incredibly strong.
Your legs are incredibly strong.
Your tongue is long and venomous.
Your tail fires deadly spikes during combat.
Your breath is putrid and deadly.
You have incredible speed.
You have increased stamina, reducing the damage you take.
Your heightened senses enable you to hunt people. (*)
You have the ability to devour your opponents, sending them into the pits of Hell. (*)
Your features are so horrid that they may stun those who look at you. (*)
Your body has the ability to regenerate incredibly fast.
Your mounts transform into hideous Demons. (use the mount spell)
You have the power to transform into a deadly battle axe. (*)
Your body is composed of deadly magma.
Your skin is covered with shards of ice.
A pair of leathery wings protrude from your back.

The warps with (*) doesn't have any affect, and some of the warps are
used together with inparts or disciplines, most are just extra attacks
in combat or extra toughnes.

Maybe some day when I have some spare time, I'll clean up the demon powers,
but currently you'll just have to live with the mess.



Syntax: Evileye
Syntax: Evileye Action <action>
Syntax: Evileye Message <message>
Syntax: Evileye Toggle Spell/Other/Self

Evileye is a power for demons to make those who dare look at them pay the price.

* Evileye action is for setting what happens when somone looks at you, such as making
  them chat something, or making them do something, like walk south.
* Evileye Message sets what they see right before they do the action, such as
  "Don't stare" or something.
* Evileye toggle sets who it works on, Other for other than you, self is kinda self
  explainetory, and spell is for when someone casts a spell on you.

Help file donated by Faekiss.


Hellfire      - Immolate, Inferno, Demonseed, Hellfire.
Morphosis     - Polymorphing powers.
Discord       - Chaosportal, Unnerve, Evileye.
Attack        - Claws, Fangs, Rage, Horns, Calm, Graft, Wings, Blink.
Corruption    - Caust.
Nether        - Deathsense, Leech.
Temptation    - The power of hellish charm.
Geluge        - Entomb, Gust, Freezeweapon, Frostbreath.
Immunae       - Demon Toughness.


The Samurai is an ancient warrior and master of armed combat. 
A samurai must train for a long time before his true potential can
be released. Once he has masterd the fighting weapons however, few 
can stand up to such power. Also the samurai is protected from most 
magiks by the spirits of the ancestors. Beware, the samurai may appear
as only mortal, but much power resides in these warriros of old.

ancestralpath -  Class portal.
technique     -  Start using the ancient fighting techniques.
katana        -  Create the only weapon you'll ever need.
web           -  These buggers have been know to throw webs at the opponent.
martial       -  Command to learn the combos.

Also read help on SAMURAICOMBO.

NOTE : Samurais are built over the highlander class/concept.


During combat a samurai can use four different attack forms, each will
affect the samurais focus a bit.

Slide         1 point
Sidestep      2 points
Block         4 points
Countermove   8 points

When the samurais focus hits 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or 35 he or she will
be allowed to make a special attack (auto).

When not fighting the counter will slowly drop, while fighting, the
samurai can use the focus command to make it drop.

The focus counter can be added to the samurais prompt with the %k
flag, read help prompt for details.



The drows are know for spawning elite warriors, and from the very
best of this fighter elite, Lloth chooses her champions, and bless
them with powers way beyond that of normal drows. These creatures
are called driders, and among them exists a few who are so close
to their goddess that she has blessed them with superior bodies.
These are the Spider Droids, the machine beeings who spread chaos
and havoc in the name of the Spider Queen, their goddess Lloth.

Venomspit     - Spit venom on your opponent.
AvatarofLloth - Accept Lloth into your body.
Darkness      - Summon a globe of darkness.
Llothsight    - Superior vision.
Preach        - Preach the will of Lloth to your fellow Driders.
Dridereq      - Create unholy Drider eq.
Implant       - Graft mechanical bodypart onto your body.
Lloth         - List the members of the Church of Lloth.
Web           - Entangle your opponent in a sticky web.
Scry          - Spy on mobs/players.
Readaura      - Know the true power of your enemy.

NOTE : spider droids are a modified cyborg class.



Drow are an elite and deadly force of mages clerics and warriors.  They 
are dedicated to there deity Lloth.  Lloth binds them togther and grants 
them there powers.  The drow channel power thought Lloth avatar to gain 
favour's in return.

* Grant         - Command to grant powers to followers
* Drowcreate    - Command to create drow relics
* Sign          - Drow chat channel
* Drowpowers    - View the powers you currently have
* Lloth		- Show all online members of the church of Lloth

In addition drow's can have a number of powers granted to them by Lloth 
Type 'help Drowpowers' or 'help Drowclasses' for more


Arachnid    - Earthshatter, Confuse,  Spiderform, Spiderarms(auto), Fightdance, Web
Bat	    - Drowsight
Chameleon   - Drowshield, Glamour
Pirana      - Drowfire, Drowhate, Garotte, Speed
Raven	    - Chaosblast, Darkness, Shadowwalk, Levitation(auto)
Jellyfish   - Darktendrils, Drowpoison(auto)
Crustation  - Toughskin

-Drow Disciplines coded by Xrakisis


Drows can be granted specialization in a class by their matron.

* Mage -  Higher spell levels in red and purple magic.
          'chaosblast' skill.

* Cleric -  Higher spell levels in blue and green magic.
            'heal' skill.

* Warrior -  Higher weapon skill.
             Extra attack.

* Weaponmasters - Gain both heal, chaosblast and the extra attacks.
  You can only become a weaponmaster by getting generation 2.

Each totem spirit grants the werewolf certian powers depentant on their
devotion to the spirit. May the spirits grant your wishes.

#GLuna#n    - Flame claws, Moonarmour, Motherstouch, Grandmotherstouch,
          Silverclaws, Moongate, Moonbeam.
#GBoar#n    - Rend
#GBear#n    - Quills, Roar, Skin, Slam.
#GRaptor#n  - Run, Perception, Devour, Shred, Jawlock, Talons.
#GOwl#n     - Vanish, Shield, Shadowplane, Staredown, Disquiet, Reshape, Cocoon.
#GHawk#n    - Nightsight, Shadowsight, Truesight, Quills, Burrow, Wither.
#GWolf#n    - Calm, Razorclaws, Claws, Fangs.
#GSpider#n  - Web.



Each Discipline has several power levels and each level
must be learnt before the next can be gained.

   obtenebration : lamprey grab shadowgaze shroud shadowstep shadowplane shadowsight 
        presence : mindblast entrance summon far awe majesty 
         quietus : spit assassinate bloodagony sharpen vsilence flash infirmity 
     thaumaturgy : spew gourge taste cauldron tide theft 
          auspex : truesight readaura scry astralwalk unveil 
        dominate : mesmerise command baal forget acid possession 
       obfuscate : vanish mask shield conceal 
         protean : flamehands change claws earthmeld healing nightsight 
       serpentis : tongue tendrils coil darkheart poison serpent 
     vicissitude : fleshcraft dragonform bonemod plasma zuloform 
       daimoinon : servant guardian fear portal vtwist bloodwall 
       animalism : pigeon share frenzy beckon serenity 
      chimerstry : mirror formillusion controlclone 
      thanatosis : hagswrinkles putrefaction withering drainlife 
      necromancy : preserve spiritgate spiritguard zombie bloodwater 
      melpominee : scream 
           obeah : (purify) (Beast control) (Movement of pure magic)

For more information, type 'help <discipline name>

thanks to WillaZ for making the missing discipline helps.

<<*>> #rHagswrinkles#n This allows you to mask anything.
<<*>> #rPutrefaction#n This allows you to rot the skin of your vicitm.
<<*>> #rAshes#n You can transform into a pile of ashes.
<<*>> #rWither#n You can wither the limbs of your victims with this power.
<<*>> #rDrain#n This allows you to drain the life of your victim.

<<*>> #rZuloform#n This allows you to transform into a giant monster.
<<*>> #rFleshcraft#n This allows you to pull fins,tail and other things out of
      your body.
<<*>> #rBonemod#n You can pull horns,wings, and other things out of your body
      with this power.
<<*>> #rDragonform#n This makes you a giant dragon.
<<*>> #rPlasma#n This allows you to transform into a pool of blood.

<<*>> #rTaste#n This allows you to see what a player has for stats.
<<*>> #rCauldron#n This allows you to boil the blood of your victim.
<<*>> #rTheft#n This is used to drain blood from your victims.
<<*>> #rTide#n This gives you the strength of the kindred for a day.


<<*>> #rVtwist#n this allows you to change the shape of an object.
<<*>> #rGate#n This allows you to gate to players.
<<*>> #rBloodwall#n This makes a wall of flowing blood.
<<*>> #rGuardian#n This makes a guardian.
<<*>> #rFear#n This makes the victim fear you.
<<*>> #rScream#n This stuns everyone in the room.
<<*>> #rGourge#n This allows you to eat of small animals.
<<*>> #rLove#n You can make people fall in love with you.
<<*>> #rReina#n This allows you to make the room safe.
<<*>> #rCourage#n You gain extra courage in battle.

<<*>> #rSpit#n This power spits a at your victim sending them a powerful hit.
<<*>> #rInfirmity#n This power slows your victim down and makes them weaker.
<<*>> #rBloodagony#n This allows you to poison your weapons with blood of the
<<*>> #rAssassinate#n This gives you a chance of killing someone in 1 hit.
<<*>> #rVsilence#n This allows you to silence a room.

<<*>> #rMajesty#n While this power is on you are protected from player attacks.
<<*>> #rSummon#n You can summon certian mobs.
<<*>> #rEntrance#n This makes a victim totally loyal to you.
<<*>> #rMindblast#n This fills the victims mind with confusion thus making them
      collapse to the ground stunned.
<<*>> #rAwe#n This makes you awe inspiring to players and mobs.

<<*>> #rZombie#n This allows you to bring corpses back to life.
<<*>> #rSpiritguardian#n When you call upon this guardian he will tell you when
      people are scrying portaling or trying to summon you.
<<*>> #rSpiritgate#n This allows you to gate to mob corpses.
<<*>> #rPreserve#n This preserves a corpse, or any other object that needs
<<*>> #rBloodwater#n This turns a vampire's blood into water.

<<*>> #rMirror#n This allows the vampire to form a mirror image of 
      himself which will look exactly as he does but once forced to interact 
      with the real world it will vanish completely. 
<<*>> #rFormillusion 'target'#n This will form an exact copy of the target and it
      will be every bit as real to the beholder as real people, however upon death
      destruction is complete and no traces will remain. 
<<*>> #rClone 'target'#n The vampire that uses this has the ability to completely
      clone objects making exact duplicates that are every bit as real and as 
      powerful as the original, however the it is only really an illusion and as
      time passes so will the clone. 
<<*>> #rObjectmask 'self'#n By using this power the vampire gains the ability to 
      mask as any object.
<<*>> Control 'target' - At this final level of mastery the vampire actaully
      gains the power to control his illusions and may command them to do his 
      bidding by using [<command>].

This discipline is tied in deep with the origins of the blood of the
kindred. These powers are in direct link with the ancient kindred.

<<*>> #rBeckon#n This allows you to call certian animals for blood.
<<*>> #rSerenity#n This allows you to calm your rage.
<<*>> #rPigeon#n This allwos you to transfer any item to another player.
<<*>> #rShare#n This allows you to share your mind with mobs of certian levels.
<<*>> #rFrenzy#n This is a vampires rage it allos the vampire to increase there
      hitroll and damroll.

This Discipline is one of extrasensory awareness, empathy and 
perception.  Those using this Discipline tend to be strongly affected by 
environmental phenomena.  Vampires with Auspex are able to see and sense 
things most other people cannot.  Auspex is the opposing Discipline to 
Obfuscate, and they cancel out many of each others powers.

<<*>> #rTruesight#n The user can see everything, whether invisible or whatever.
<<*>> #rScry#n Allows you to view the room that the specified target is in.
<<*>> #rReadaura#n Gives you detailed information about a creature or object.
<<*>> #rAstral Walk#n This power allows you to astral to players and mobs.
<<*>> #rUnveil#n This power allows you to see into the mind of a weaker victim and
      watch what ever they do.


This Discipline allows a vampire to transform either their entire body or 
a part of their body into something inhuman.  The vampire can thus grow 
claws, turn into a bat, transform into a wolf or dissolve into a fine 
mist.  A vampire can use most other Disciplines while shapeshifted, but 
may not cast spells.  Full transformation is not possible during combat, 
although claws can be grown if you are fighting.  While shapeshifted the 
vampire cannot wear any equipment.

<<*>> #rUmbravision#n A combination of truesight shadowsight allows
      you to see any hidden charchter accept for monk and ninja.
<<*>> #rFlamehands#n This power erupts your hands into flames.
<<*>> #rEarthmeld#n Allows you to sink into the ground hiding from enemies.
<<*>> #rClaws#n Enables the user to grow inch-long claws on each finger.  These 
      claws have no effect if the vampire is armed, however if not they cause 
      considerably more damage than a normal unarmed attack.
<<*>> #rChange#n Allow the vampire to transform into bat, wolf or mist.  Bat 
      form can fly and detect almost everything (invis, hidden, etc).  While in 
      wolf form, the vampire enjoys the benefit of an extra 500hp and greatly 
      enhanced combat abilities.  Mist form is impervious to attacks and can 
      pass through doors.  Beware though, for two vampires in mist form CAN 
      attack each other.


This Discipline explains the legendary superior quickness of vampires.  
Using the Celerity Discipline allows a vampire to move extremely quickly 
and have extra attacks in the same round.


Fortitude describes a type of supernatural toughness and vigor which
allows Kindred to resist harm.  Many vampires are very tough and are able
to withstand a lot of injury inflicted by weapons and spells.  However 
with the Fortitude power, they resist damage even further by often keeping
the weapons from harming them at all.


This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires often 
possess.  This physical might allows the user to inflict much larger 
amounts of damage in combat than normal.


Kindred with this Discipline excel at hiding among and away from crowds.  
When they do not wish to be seen, others rarely notice them even if they 
are standing in plain view.  Though this Discipline affects others minds 
and does not actually render the users invisible, the end result is much 
the same.  Obfuscate is the opposing Discipline to Auspex, and they 
cancel out many of each others powers.

<<*>> #rMask#n Allows you to disguise yourself as another player.
<<*>> #rShield#n Protects you from the Auspex 'scry' and 'readaura' powers.
<<*>> #rMortal#n Switches between vampire and mortal mode.  While in mortal 
      form, you loose all vampire advantages and disadvantages, and are 
      undetectable from a normal mortal.
<<*>> #rVanish#n allows the player to be invisible to the common eye.
<<*>> #rConceal#n This power hides any object it is used on.



Obtenebration allows the user to manipulate the powers of darkness.  By 
using their powers they are able to switch between the normal world and 
the plane of shadows at will.  They may also view things in both planes 
simultaneously if they so wish.

<<*>> #rShroud#n This power is an advanced hide.
<<*>> #rShadowsight#n This power allows you to see in the Umbra.
<<*>> #rNightSight#n This power allows the kindred to see in the dark.
<<*>> #rShadowstep#n This allows you to step through the umbra without
      being seen and appear in front of your victim.
<<*>> #rLamprey#n This powerful ability allows you to shoot tendrils
      at your victim entraping them.


Serpentis is the art of temptation and corruption.  Vampires with this 
Discipline have the ability to tear out their own hearts, rendering 
themselves immune to being staked.  Serpentis users also gain the ability 
to transform themselves into a giant serpent and back at will.  The third 
ability available to vampires with this Discipline is the ability to run 
their tongues along weapons, coating them with a deadly snake venom.

<<*>> #rDarkheart#n This allows you to remove your heart, making you
      immune to being staked. 
<<*>> #rSerpentForm#n This transforms you into a powerful serpent.
<<*>> #rPoison#n Releases poison venom into your victim.
<<*>> #rTendrils#n Entraps your victim in tendrils. 
<<*>> #rTongue#n Your huge tongue strikes your victims with incredible power.


This discipline reflects the mystical ability of vampires to influence 
the minds and actions of others.  Dominate is an aspect of the power of 
the mind and the will.

<<*>> #rCommand#n The user can issue a command that the target will be compelled 
      to obey. This will only work on those who's minds are much weaker than 
      the vampire's.
<<*>> #rCoil#n This makes your body in a coil like postion ready to attack.
<<*>> #rMesmerise#n This allows you to take over mobs and players.
<<*>> #rPossession#n This allows you to tkae over a players mind controlling them.
<<*>> #rAcid#n This fills your blood with acid making it so you cannot be



Immunities and resistances give you protection from the following:
Slash     : Slashing/Slicing weapon damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Stab      : Stabbing/Piercing weapon damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Smash     : Blasting/Crushing/Pounding damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Beast     : Clawing/Biting weapon damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Grab      : Grepping/Whipping/Sucking damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Charm     : You are no longer affected by the Charm Person spell.
Heat      : You are unaffected by Burning Hands, Fireball, etc.
Cold      : You are unaffected by Frost Breath, Chill Touch, etc.
Lightning : You are unaffected by Lightning bolt, Call Lightning, etc.
Acid      : You are unaffected by Acid Blast, Acid Breath, etc.
Drain     : You are unaffected by the Energy Drain spell.
Summon    : You cannot be summoned or portaled to, nor can you teleport.
Hurl      : You cannot be hurled.
Backstab  : You cannot be backstabbed.
Kick      : Kicks do no damage whatsoever to you.
Disarm    : You cannot be disarmed by other players or by mobs.
Steal     : Other players and mobs cannot steal from you.
Bite      : Vampires may not bite you or feed you blood.
Stake     : If you're a vampire with this, you cannot be staked down.

Syntax: tie <target>
Syntax: untie <target>
Syntax: gag <target>
Syntax: blindfold <target>

TIE allows you yo tie up another player, who must be stunned, 
incapitated, or mortally wounded.  While tied up, a players actions are 
limited - they cannot move, quit, or do many other commands.

UNTIE will untie a player who is currently tied up.  A player cannot 
untie themself.

GAG places a gag over the mouth of the target player, who must first be 
tied up.  This command will also remove a gag.  A player can only remove 
a gag from themself if they are no longer tied up.  It is not possible 
to talk or use any of the channels while gagged.

BLINDFOLD places a blindfold over the eyes of the target player, who must 
first be tied up.  The blindfold can also be removed with this command.  
A player can only remove a blindfold from themself if they are no longer 
tied up.  Unsurprisingly, blindfolded players cannot see.

Syntax: diagnose <target>

This will show you any injuries received by the target player or mob.  If 
that person is bleeding to death, this will also be shown.

There are many terms and abbreviations used in muds.  Here are a few to 
help you along...
AFK     : Away From Keyboard.          BBL     : Be Back Later.
BRB     : Be Right Back.               BRT     : Be Right There.
CYA     : See you later/goodbye.       IRL     : In Real Life.
L8R     : Later/goodbye.               LO      : Hello.
TTYL    : Talk To You Later.           BF/GF   : Boyfriend/Girlfriend.
BS      : Backstab                     ROFL    : Roll On Floor Laughing.
TANK    : The person (in a group) who takes the damage in combat.
STABBER : A (usually decent) backstabbing weapon.
DUPING  : An illegal method of copying items by crashing the mud.
MULTI   : The process of playing more than one character at a time.
MAXED   : At maximum.  Eg: "I'm maxed" (hitpoints, mana and move at max), 
          or "my stats are maxed" (your five stats are all trained to 18).

0 WHO~
Syntax: who
Syntax: who <avatar/god>

WHO shows the people currently in the game.  Some people may choose to
remain unseen and won't appear on the WHO
WHO without any arguments shows all of the (visible) people currently playing.

With arguments, WHO can show avatars (level 3's) or gods (level 4's and 5's).

Syntax: where
Syntax: where <character>

WHERE without an argument tells you the location of visible players in the same
area as you are.

WHERE with an argument tells you the location of one character with that name
within your area, including monsters.

Syntax: help
Syntax: help <keyword>

HELP without any arguments shows a one-page command summary.

HELP <keyword> shows a page of help on that keyword.  The keywords include
all the commands, spells, and skills listed in the game.

Syntax: description <string>
Syntax: description + <string>

Sets your long description to the given string.  If the description string
starts with a '+', the part after the '+' is appended to your current
description, so that you can make multi-line descriptions.

Syntax: password <old-password> <new-password>

PASSWORD changes your character's password.  The first argument must be
your old password.  The second argument is your new password.

The PASSWORD command is protected against being snooped or logged.

Syntax: title <string>

Sets your title to a given string.

The game supplies a title when your character is created.  You can use 
TITLE to set your title to something else. 

Syntax: open   <object|direction>
Syntax: close  <object|direction>
Syntax: lock   <object|direction>
Syntax: unlock <object|direction>
Syntax: pick   <object|direction>

OPEN and CLOSE open and close an object or a door.

LOCK and UNLOCK lock and unlock a closed object or door.  You must have
the requisite key to LOCK or UNLOCK.

PICK can open a lock without having the key.  In order to PICK successfully,
you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: drink <object>
Syntax: eat   <object>
Syntax: fill  <object>

When you are thirsty, DRINK something.

When you are hungry, EAT something.

FILL fills a drink container from a fountain.

EMPTY empties the container onto the floor.

Syntax: sacrifice <object>

SACRIFICE drains the energy matter from an object, transferring the 
energy to you in the form of exp.

The number of exp gained vary according to the value of the object.

Syntax: smother <name>

This is used to try and smother the flames on a burning player or mob.  
You cannot do this on yourself, and it may take several attempts to 
work.  Also, there is a small chance that the person smothering might 
catch on fire as well...

Syntax: brandish
Syntax: quaff    <potion>
Syntax: recite   <scroll> <target>
Syntax: zap      <target>
Syntax: zap

BRANDISH brandishes a magical staff.  QUAFF quaffs a magical potion (as opposed
to DRINK, which drinks mundane liquids).  RECITE recites a magical scroll; the
<target> is optional, depending on the nature of the scroll.  ZAP zaps a
magical wand at a target.  If the target is not specified, and you are fighting
someone, then that character is used for a target.

You must HOLD a wand or a staff before using BRANDISH or ZAP.

All of these commands use up their objects.  Potions and scrolls have a single
charge.  Wands and staves have multiple charges.  When a magical object has no
more charges, it will be consumed.

Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character, taking 
into account hitroll, damroll, armour class and hit points, and giving 
you an overview of your chances.  If you are considering a player, you 
will also be informed how skilled they are with their weapon/s, and which 
stance they are currently using (if any) and how good they are at it.

Please remember that this is only a rough estimate.

Syntax: follow <character>
Syntax: group
Syntax: group <character>

FOLLOW starts you following another character.  To stop following anyone else,
just FOLLOW <yourself>.

GROUP <character> makes someone who is following you a member of your group.
Group members share experience points from kills and may use the GTELL and
SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will automatically
join the fight.

If the <character> is already a member of your group, then GROUP will
kick out the <character> from your group.  Characters can also leave your
group by using a FOLLOW command to stop following you.

GROUP with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.

Syntax: HIDE
Syntax: SNEAK

If you successfully HIDE, then other characters can't see you.  If you 
attack while hidden, the surprise attack will inflict one and a half 
times your normal damage (assuming your opponent cannot see you).

If you successfully SNEAK, then you can move in and out of rooms without
being noticed.

In order to HIDE or SNEAK successfully, you must practice the appropriate

VISIBLE cancels your hiding and sneaking, as well as any invisibility,
making you visible again.

Syntax: QUIT
Syntax: RENT ... not!
Syntax: SAVE

SAVE saves your character and objects.  You must be a mortal or avatar to
save.  The game will auto-save your character every few minutes whether you
save or not.

Some objects, such as keys and potions, may not be saved.

QUIT leaves the game.  You may QUIT anywhere, although there is an experience
penalty for quitting outside of Midgaard.  When you re-enter the game you will
be back in the same room.

QUIT automatically does a SAVE, so you can safely leave the game with just one
command.  Nevertheless it's a good idea to SAVE before QUIT.  If you get into
the habit of using QUIT without SAVE, and then you play some other mud that
doesn't save before quitting, you're going to regret it.

There is no RENT in this mud.  Just SAVE and QUIT whenever you want to leave.

Syntax: RECALL

RECALL prays to God for miraculous transportation from where you are back to
the Temple of Midgaard.  '/' is a synonym for RECALL.

RECALL may take you to a different location if you belong to a clan.

RECALL doesn't work in certain God-forsaken rooms.  Characters afflicted by a
curse may not recall at all.

Syntax: STEAL coins <character>
Syntax: STEAL <object> <character>

STEAL attempts to steal coins, or an object, from a character.

There are *NO* penalties for using STEAL on other players.

In order to STEAL successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: PRACTICE <skill|spell>

PRACTICE without an argument tells you your current ability in all the 
skills and spells available to you.  You can check this anywhere.

PRACTICE with an argument practice that skill or spell.  Your learning
percentage varies from 0% (unlearned) to a some maximum between 80% and 100%,
depending on your class.  You must be at a guild master to practice.

The higher your intelligence, the more you will learn at each practice
session.  Unused sessions are saved until you do use them.

Syntax: train <str/int/wis/dex/con>
Syntax: train <avatar/mortal/primal/hp/mana/move>
Syntax: train <slash/stab/smash/beast/grab>
Syntax: train <charm/heat/cold/lightning/acid/sleep/drain/voodoo>
Syntax: train <hurl/backstab/kick/steal/disarm>

TRAIN increases one of your attributes.  When you start the game, your
character has standard attributes based on your class.  You can increase 
your attributes by spending experience points (exp) at a trainer.

It costs 200 exp to train a stat (str, int, etc), except that it costs 
only 100 exp to train your primary stat.  Primal costs 500 exp for the 
first point, 1000 for the second, 1500 for the third, etc, and 
hp/mana/move cost your current amount in that particular area minus your 
con (for hp and move) or wis (for mana) per point.  Becoming a mortal or 
an avatar costs 1000 exp each.

You can also train weapon resistances (reduces between 1 and all of the 
damage per blow for that weapon type), spell immunities (those types 
of spell do no damage to you), and skill immunities (they no long have 
any affect on you).  These cost 10000 exp for the first, 20000 for the 
second, 30000 for the third, and so on.

Syntax: trust <character> <level>

TRUST sets a character's trust to the specified level.  This is similar to
advancing the character for accessing immortal commands, but has no effect
on combat strength, et cetera.  You can give more trust to mortal (or
immortal) characters to give them access to more power without messing up
the character.  You can also restrict a player's trust to less than their
natural level.

A trust of 0 means to use the character's natural level again.

Syntax: allow   <site>
Syntax: ban     <site>
Syntax: ban

BAN <site> prohibits players from that site from logging in.  BAN with
no arguments lists the banned sites.  ALLOW <site> removes a site from
the ban list.

The site ban test works by suffix comparison, so if you ban '',
all sites within '' are banned as well.

Site bans are not saved; every time the server is rebooted, the site
ban list is cleared.  

Syntax: reboot
Syntax: shutdown
Syntax: wizlock

REBOOT shuts down the server.  When the normal 'startup' script is used
to control the server, a delay of sixty seconds will ensue (to allow
old connections to die), followed by a reboot.

SHUTDOWN shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script
from restarting it.

WIZLOCK is a toggle command.  When the server is WIZLOCKed, players
below level 36 may not log in.  Players who lose their links, however,
may reconnect.

Syntax: deny       <character>
Syntax: disconnect <character>
Syntax: freeze     <character>

DENY denies access to a particular player and throws them out of the game.
DENY is permanent (persists across reboots) and is not undoable from within the
game.  Only someone with access to the player files directory may repeal a
DENY by editing the appropriate player file.

DISCONNECT <character> immediately disconnects that character.

FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any
commands at all.

Syntax: force <character> <command>
Syntax: force all <command>

FORCE forces one character to execute a command.

FORCE 'all' forces all player characters to execute a command.
This is typically used for 'force all save'.

Syntax: users

USERS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including users
in the process of logging in.  The two numbers inside brackets are the channel
number and the 'connected' state.  The 'connected' states are listed in merc.h:
0 is CON_PLAYING; non-zero values are various states of logging in.

Syntax: mload <vnum>
Syntax: oload <vnum>
Syntax: oload <vnum> <level>
Syntax: pload <player>

MLOAD loads a mobile given its vnum (virtual number).  The vnum's are just
the #NNNN numbers that appear in world.obj.

OLOAD loads an object given its vnum.  It takes an optional parameter for
the level of the object to be loaded.

PLOAD loads the specified player under your control.  To get back, simply 
quit and log back on as your normal character.

Syntax: mset <character> <field> <value>
Syntax: oset <object>    <field> <value>
Syntax: rset <location>  <field> <value>
Syntax: sset <character> <skill> <value>
Syntax: sset <character> all     <value>
Syntax: qset <object>    <field> <value>

MSET, OSET, and RSET set the properties of mobiles, objects, and rooms,
respectively.  SSET sets a skill or spell level on a PC.  QSET sets 
special properties and text messages on objects.

There is currently no way to enter more than one line of text for a
string-valued option.

Syntax: oclone <object>

This creates an identical copy of the specified object, with the only 
exceptions being that the cloned objects creator is the person creating 
the clone, and the cloned objects owner is not set.

Syntax: otransfer <object>
Syntax: otransfer <object> <character>

This will transfer the specified object to the specified character.  The 
character is defaulted to yourself.


Syntax: mclear <player>

This resets the target players stats to their correct value.

Syntax: qtrust <character> <on/off>

A player with qtrust on is allowed to use the QUEST command to change the 
name/long/short descriptions on an object, as well as change the wear 

Syntax: noemote <character>
Syntax: notell  <character>
Syntax: silence <character>

NOEMOTE, NOTELL, and SILENCE are used to muffle other characters, by
preventing them from emoting, telling, and using channels, respectively.
Characters who are no'telled will also not receive those forms of

Syntax: purge
Syntax: purge <character>

PURGE is used to clean up the world.  PURGE with no arguments removes all the
NPC's and objects in the current room.  PURGE with an argument purges one
character from anywhere in the world.

PURGE will not get rid of PC's.

Syntax: restore <character>

RESTORE restores full hit points, mana points, and movement points to the
target character.

Syntax: slay <character>

SLAY kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.

SLAY bypasses auto actions such as AUTOLOOT and AUTOSAC.

Syntax: transfer <character>
Syntax: transfer all
Syntax: transfer <character> <location>
Syntax: transfer all         <location>

TRANSFER transfers the target character, or ALL player characters,
to your current location (default) or to a specified location.

7 AT~
Syntax: at <location> <command>

AT executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of
a mobile, or as the name of an object.

AT works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your

Syntax: echo  <message>
Syntax: recho <message>

ECHO sends a message to all players in the game, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.

RECHO sends a message to all players in your room, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.

Syntax: goto <location>

GOTO takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

You may not GOTO a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters
already present.

Some useful numbers for new imms are:
Limbo: 2, The Temple of Midgaard: 3001, The Entrance to Mud School: 3700,
The Chat Room: 1200, The Dark Crypt: 30001, The Temple Altar: 3054,
Hell: 30000.

Syntax: holylight
Syntax: invis

HOLYLIGHT is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and
mobile in the game.  With holy light, you can see what's in the game more
easily.  Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.

INVIS is a toggle which makes you completely invisible to all player characters
of lower level than you, and to all mobiles.

HOLYLIGHT will not allow you to see immortal INVIS characters who are
higher level than you.

Syntax: memory

MEMORY reports the size of your mud.

The 'Mobs' and 'Objs' lines report the number of types of mobiles and objects,
not the number of instances currently in the game.

The 'Strings' line shows memory used by area-file strings.  These strings have
a maximum limit, which is also shown.

The 'Perms' line shows permanently allocated memory blocks.  There is no limit
on the number and size of these blocks.

Syntax: mfind <name>
Syntax: ofind <name>

MFIND finds all mobile types with a particular name.

OFIND finds all object types with a particular name.

Syntax: mstat <character>
Syntax: ostat <object>
Syntax: rstat <location>
Syntax: rstat
Syntax: qstat <object>

MSTAT shows you statistics on a character.

OSTAT shows you statistics on an object.

RSTAT shows you statistics on a location. The location may be specified as
a vnum, as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

QSTAT shows you the special properties and strings on an object.

Syntax: mwhere <name>

MWHERE shows you the locations of all mobiles with a particular name.

Syntax: peace

PEACE causes all characters in a room to stop fighting.

Syntax: bamfin  <message>
Syntax: bamfout <message>

The standard messages for GOTO are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of
your own choosing using the BAMFIN and BAMFOUT commands.

Syntax: slookup <skill-or-spell>
Syntax: slookup all

SLOOKUP shows you the internal 'sn' and external 'slot' for the given skill
or spell.  The 'sn' is used for OSET and OSTAT.  The 'slot' is used for area
files.  Neither 'sn' nor 'slot' is used for player files; these operate with
the actual skill and spell names.

SLOOKUP ALL shows this information for all skills and spells.

Syntax: log   <character>
Syntax: log   all
Syntax: snoop <character>

LOG <character> causes all of a character's commands to be logged into
the server's log file.  Like FREEZE, it is a permanent character toggle.

Certain commands (PASSWORD) are protected against LOG.  Conversely, certain
commands (especially immortal commands) are always logged.

LOG ALL logs all character commands.  It is a server-wide toggle; it does not
persist across reboots.

SNOOP shows you a copy of all the input and output going to a character.
The character must have an open channel.  You may snoop more than one
character at a time.

SNOOP yourself to cancel all outstanding snoops.

Syntax: switch <character>
Syntax: return
Syntax: oswitch <object>
Syntax: oreturn

SWITCH switches you into the body of another character (who must not
already have a descriptor, e.g. you can't switch into a PC).

OSWITCH acts like switch, except it switches you into an object.

RETURN and ORETURN return you to your original body.

Syntax: immtalk <message>

IMMTALK sends a message to all immortals.  : is a synonym for IMMTALK.

Syntax: wizhelp

WIZHELP provides a list of all the immortal commands.

Syntax: cast blindness <victim>

This spell renders the target character blind.

Syntax: cast brew <potion> <spell>
Syntax: cast scribe <scroll> <spell>
Syntax: cast carve <wand> <spell>
Syntax: cast engrave <staff> <spell>
Syntax: cast bake <pill> <spell>

These spells allow other spells to be embedded in the specified object, 
which is usually created via the 'minor creation' spell.

Syntax: cast 'acid blast'     <victim>
Syntax: cast 'burning hands'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'colour spray'   <victim>
Syntax: cast 'fireball'       <victim>
Syntax: cast 'lightning bolt' <victim>
Syntax: cast 'magic missile'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'shocking grasp' <victim>

These spells inflict damage on the victim.

Syntax: cast 'cause light'    <victim>
Syntax: cast 'cause serious'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'cause critical' <victim>
Syntax: cast harm             <victim>

These spells inflict damage on the victim.


yntax: cast 'charm person' <victim>

This spell, if successful, causes the victim to follow you and to take orders
from you.  Use ORDER to order your charmed followers.

You are responsible for the actions of your followers.  Conversely, other
people who attack your followers will be penalized as if they attacked you.

Syntax: cast 'continual light'

This spell creates a ball of light, which you can hold as a light source.
The ball of light will last indefinitely.

Syntax: cast 'create food'

This spell creates a Magic Mushroom, which you or anyone else can eat.

Syntax: cast 'create spring'

This spell brings forth a magical spring from the ground, which has the
same properties as a fountain.

Syntax: cast 'create water' <drink-container>

This spell replenishes a drink container with water.

Syntax: cast 'cure light'    <character>
Syntax: cast 'cure serious'  <character>
Syntax: cast 'cure critical' <character>
Syntax: cast 'heal'          <character>

These spells cure damage on the target character.

Syntax: cast 'curse' <character>

This spell reduces the character's to-hit roll by 1 and save versus spells
by 1.  It also renders the character unclean in the eyes of God and
unable to RECALL.

Syntax: cast 'detect hidden'

This spell enables the caster to detect hidden creatures.

Syntax: cast 'detect invis'

This spell enables the caster to detect invisible objects and characters.

Syntax: cast 'dispel magic' <character>

This spell dispels magical affects on a character.  It may be used as
an offensive spell to remove an enemy's magical advantages, or as a
benign spell to remove a friend's (or one's own) magical handicaps.

Syntax: cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon>

This spell magically enchants a weapon, increasing its to-hit and to-dam
bonuses.  The weapon must be un-magical to start with.  This spell also
causes the weapon to be aligned with the alignment with the caster.

Syntax: cast 'faerie fog'

This spell reveals all manner of invisible, hidden, and sneaking creatures in
the same room as you.

0 FLY~
Syntax: cast 'fly' <character>

This spell enables the target character to fly.

Syntax: cast identify <object>

This spell reveals information about the object.

Syntax: cast improve <object>

This spell enables a quest created object to contain more bonuses.  The 
object must be worth at least 750 quest points.  Casting this spell will 
enable it to hold an additional bonus comparable to the bonuses that can 
be added to non-created items - ie: an extra +10 hitroll or damroll on a 
weapon, an extra +5 hitroll or damroll on a piece of armour, etc.  The 
maximum number of quest points that the item can contain is also 
increased by an addition 500, plus 10 per status point.

Syntax: cast infravision <character>

This spell enables the target character to see in the dark.

Syntax: cast 'locate object' <name>

This spell reveals the location of all objects with the given name.

Syntax: cast 'minor creation' <object>

This spell creates an empty potion, scroll, wand, staff or pill, which 
can then be enchanted by the caster using other spells.

Syntax: cast mount

This spell summons a mystical creature to serve as the casters mount.  
The type of mount summoned is dependant on the casters alignment, and the 
toughness of the mount is dependant on the casters spellcasting ability.

Syntax: cast 'pass door'

This spell enables the caster to pass through closed doors.

Syntax: cast portal <victim>

This spell creates a magical portal between the caster and the target.  
The portal remains in existance for 2 or 3 hours (mud time), during which 
time anyone can 'enter' the portal on one side and come out on the other.

Syntax: cast protection
Syntax: cast sanctuary  <character>

The PROTECTION spell reduces the damage taken from any attack by an evil
creature by one quarter.

The SANCTUARY spell reduces the damage taken by the character from any attack
by one half.

These spells may be used simultaneously for cumulative effect.

Syntax: cast refresh <character>

This spell refreshes the movement points of a character who is out of movement

Syntax: cast 'remove curse' <character>

This spell removes a curse from a character.

Syntax: cast 'regenerate' <body part> <character>
Syntax: cast 'clot' <character>
Syntax: cast 'mend' <character>

REGENERATE will replace lost body parts on the target, while CLOT will 
stop them bleeding and MEND will fix any broken bones or cut open throats.

Syntax: cast resistance <object>

This spell makes the target object capable of withstanding 10 blows 
before it is destroyed, rather than 4.

Syntax: cast scan
Syntax: cast repair

The SCAN spell will tell you all the items you are carrying which are 
currently in need of repairing.

The REPAIR spell will repair all the items you are carrying which are 
currently in need of repairing.

Syntax: cast soulblade

This spell summons the casters personal (named) soulblade, which is an 
extremely deadly weapon.  The weapon is permanent.

Syntax: cast spellproof <object>

This spell makes the target object immune to the destructive powers of 
the various magical attacks.  No protection from physical attacks is 

Syntax: cast summon <character>

This spell summons a character from anywhere else in your zone into your room.
Characters who are fighting may not be summoned.

Syntax: cast <teleport>

This spell takes you from your current location to a random location somewhere
in the world.

Syntax: cast transport <object> <character>

This spell will transport the specified object from your inventory to 
that of the specified character.

Syntax: Spell:   cast voodoo <victim>
        Ability: voodoo <victim> <action>

Voodoo magic allows the caster to do things to another player indirectly.
First, a body part of the victim is needed.  The caster should hold this 
part and cast the spell on the target (they don't have to be in the same 
room).  This will create the voodoo doll, which the caster the voodoo 
commands on to interfere with the victim.
There are three voodoo actions.  The first, 'Stab', is only of use as a 
warning to the victim, or to cause annoyance.  The second, 'Throw', will 
hurl the victim from their feet and cause a small amount of damage.  The 
third and final action, 'Burn', will set the victim on fire, as well as 
destroy the doll itself.


Ninja's are warriors trained in the dark art of Ninjutsu.  They fight
using stealth and quickness making them a deadly foe.  Ninja's have few, yet
powerful powers at their disposal, and when these powers are mastered a 
ninja can be a most powerful adversary.  Through stealth a ninja can sneak
upon a victim and do a deadly amount of damage, and if this is not enough
they can slink away and hide in the shadows.  However, if you try to run
from a master ninja you shall find yourself hard pressed to make it out

It is vital for a ninja to focus his or her Ki, this is done with the command
'michi'. A ninja CANNOT regen while not in a state of michi. Ninjas are   
ranked with a system of belts. Each belt adds more punch to the ninjas
abilities in combat, meaning more damage, better dodge, more attacks, etc.
Belts can be trained with the command 'train beltX' where X is the current
belt that the ninja wish to learn.

Read help on principles.

For a ninja to improve his or her principles, the syntax is :

   #R       principles <sora/ningenno/chikyu> improve#n


1: Mitsukeru : Scry type power.                  Syntax: (mitsukeru target)
2: Koryo     : Readaura type power.              Syntax: (koro target)
3: Kakusu    : Class invis                       Syntax: (kakusu)
4: Uro-Uro   : Super Sneak, leave no tracks.     Syntax: (automatic)
5: Kanzuite  : TrueSight power.                  Syntax: (Kanzuite)
6: Bomuzite  : sleepgas, puts victim to sleep.   Syntax: (bomuzite target)


1: Tsuyoku  : Damage resistance power.           Syntax: (automatic)
2: Songai   : Inhanced Damage.                   Syntax: (automatic)
3: Isogu    : Adds one attack.                   Syntax: (automatic)
4: Tsuiseki : Fast Hunting.                      Syntax: (hunt target)
5: Sakeru   : Enhanced Dodging ability.          Syntax: (automatic)
6: Harakiri : Hurt yourself to gain damcap.      Syntax: (harakiri *self*)


1: Tsume     : IronClaws worn on wrist.          Syntax: (tsume)
2: Hakunetsu : Super Backstab                    Syntax: (hakunetsu <target>)
3: Mienaku   : Improved flee.                    Syntax: (mienaku)
4: Shiroken  : Added attacks per-round.          Syntax: (automatic)
5: Dokuyaku  : Adds poison to the Shiroken.      Syntax: (automatic)
6: Circle    : Backstab while in combat.         Syntax: (circle target)


To Quest prac the quest spell, then train primal the amount 
you want to quest for. If you want to get a 10 point token 
then train 10 primal once you have trained yer primal cast quest.
You will then get a card type complete card to see what you get.
after you complete the card ask someone how to do the rest. :P

The max on cards are 100 point.

Also help QUESTS.


These Followers of god, have devoted their lives to protect and help
the good. They will fight against evil anytime to destroy and banish the evil
from this world. With them they have been granted with the power of god.
These powers are called mantras.

#G*#R*#L Mantra#n      : list currant monk powers.
#G*#R*#L Monkarmor#n   : Make special equipment bestowed by the gods.
#G*#R*#L Learn#n       : Learn the monk techniques and abilities.

For more in depth information, See the following helps:


Monks have four special abilities granted to them by God.
Each ability has four levels, which cost 500k exp each.

#LSpirit#n      - Blinding agony, Healingtouch, Deathtouch.
#LBody#n        - Adamantium hands, Spiritpower.
#LAwareness#n   - Nightsight, Shadowsight, Truesight, Scry.
#LCombat#n      - Combat bonuses per level.


A monk's chi is the essential part of combat.  The higher
the monk's chi, the better he or she can parry and dodge
blows.  It also gives the monk more strength and power,
thus letting him or her inflict more damage and receive
less.  Maintaining chi is very strenuous, and requires
that the monk have plenty of vitality.


By using his or her special techniques, such as thrust kick,
in a certain order, he or she may perform special combos.
Each combo has a different effect.  Some may do damage to the
victim, some syphon movement points, and some may stun the victim.
A monk's combos are a very mysterious thing, thus the monk
must spend much of his or her life trying to perfect
these combos.

Lightning Kick - Strikes the opponent with a series of powerful kicks.
Tornado Kick   - Strikes everyone in the room with kicks.
Choyoken       - A devastating attack that targets the opponents stamina.
Raptor Strike  - An attack that syphons the mystical energies of the target.
Nerve Pinch    - A series of attacks targeted at central nerves, paralysing.



Eyes of God           Truesight
Shield/Readaura/Scry  <----
Sacred Invisibility   Monk Invisibility
Heart of the Oak      Toughness
Adamantium Hands      Advanced Parry
Flaming Hands         Sets your opponent on fire
Skin of Steel         Reduced Damage
The Almighty Favor    Adds Strength
Dark Blaze            Totally blinds the opponent
Celestial Path        Portal to players/mobs
Prayer of the Ages    (unknown)
Cloak of Life         Regenboost when hurt bad
Gods Heal             God Heals you
Gods Hold             God holds players when they flee 

To train a mantra use '#cMantra Power Improve#n'.

0 OLC~

ONE WAY Exit : <dir> room <vnum>
TWO WAY Exit : <dir> link <vnum>

if (obj->value[3] == 4)                    	    sprintf (buf, "This object radiates an aura of darkness.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 27 || obj->value[3] == 2) sprintf (buf, "This item allows the wearer to see invisible things.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 39 || obj->value[3] == 3) sprintf (buf, "This object grants the power of flight.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 45 || obj->value[3] == 1) sprintf (buf, "This item allows the wearer to see in the dark.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 46 || obj->value[3] == 5) sprintf (buf, "This object renders the wearer invisible to the human eye.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 52 || obj->value[3] == 6) sprintf (buf, "This object allows the wearer to walk through solid doors.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 54 || obj->value[3] == 7) sprintf (buf, "This holy relic protects the wearer from evil.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 139)                      sprintf (buf, "This unholy relic protects the wearer from good.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 57 || obj->value[3] == 8) sprintf (buf, "This ancient relic protects the wearer in combat.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 9)                	    sprintf (buf, "This crafty item allows the wearer to walk in complete silence.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 10)                       sprintf (buf, "This powerful item surrounds its wearer with a shield of lightning.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 11)              	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item surrounds its wearer with a shield of fire.\n\r");  
else if (obj->value[3] == 12)             	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item surrounds its wearer with a shield of ice.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 13)             	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item surrounds its wearer with a shield of acid.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 14)             	    sprintf (buf, "This object channels the power of god into its wearer.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 15)             	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item surrounds its wearer with a shield of chaos.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 16)             	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item regenerates the wounds of its wearer.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 17)              	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item allows its wearer to move at supernatural speed.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 18)             	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item allows its wearer to shear through armour without difficulty.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 19)             	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item protects its wearer from player attacks.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 20)              	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item surrounds its wearer with a shield of darkness.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 21)             	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item grants superior protection to its wearer.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 22)                	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item grants its wearer supernatural vision.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 23)             	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item makes its wearer fleet-footed.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 24)             	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item conceals its wearer from sight.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 25)              	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item invokes the power of the beast.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 28)                       sprintf (buf, "This ancient item invokes the power of ancient magic.\n\r");
else if (obj->value[3] == 29)                  	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient artifact grants its wearer the power of the third eye.\n\r"); 
else if (obj->value[3] == 30)                       sprintf (buf, "This great bird grants the power of talons.\n\r");


-1 EOD~
[Note: this entry may not be removed or altered.  See our eveofdestruction.license]
This EOD code was by Darrens and Marcus
Downloadable @ #7

0 Zombie~
#0Zombies begin their journey for power as mere skeletons. By devouring the corpses
of those they kill, they can store up enough biological energy to evolve their bodies
to adapt to the environment. Zombies are the great hunter-killers. Able to sense the
presence of anyone sneaking or invisibile, they can track them down with great skill.
At a certain level, they can use this ability globally. Lacking mental capacity, the class
relies entirely on its melee prowess.#n

#RInnate Skeleton Powers#7:#n
#rSatiate #7- #rWhen you have autosac turned on, you consume corpses for Flesh Points.
#rFleshportal #7- #rThis power allows a zombie to move around instantly.
#rShatter #7- #rAt the risk of taking extra damage, this power lets you stop a fight.
#rGravespawn #7- #rAn advanced healing state, you dig a grave for yourself.
#rZombiesight #7- #rThis power allows a zombie to see into the shadowplane.

#RWretch Powers#7:#n
#rBonecraft #7- #rThis power allows you to create class equipment.
#rDeathvision #7- #rThe trademark of the zombie, the ability to sense the auras of the living.
#rRelinquish #7- #rDestroy the sanctuary affect on a person.

#RZombie Powers#7:#n
#rDecay #7- #rAn extra attack each round, stops your victim from regenerating limbs. (Auto)
#rArise #7- #rThis power allows a mortally wounded zombie to use directional commands. (Auto)
#rExplosion #7- #rDestroy a corpse and hit all the monsters in the room.

#RMinion Powers#7:#n
#rClaws #7- #rGrow claws to fight better unarmed. (Auto)
#rRegrow #7- #rInstantly regrow all your limbs at the cost of 100 Flesh Points.
#rSpawn #7- #rCreate 3 generic corpses for use with any of your powers but satiate.

#RUndead Powers#7:#n
#rToughskin #7- #rYour skin takes less damage per hit. (Auto)
#rUndead Plague #7- #rA few extra autoattacks each round. (Auto)
#rInfest #7- #rPrevent your enemy from fleeing.

#RForsaken Powers#7:#n
#rAssimilate #7- #rAbsorb a corpse to heal hp.
#rStore #7- #rStore a corpse for Corpse Points inside your body. You can have:
                Your upgrade level * 6 + 1 max
#rForsake #7- #rDeal your Corpse Points in melee attacks to the victim. Uses up Corpse Points.

#RWight Powers#7:#n
#rShadowplane #7- #rEnter the Shadowplane.
#rShed #7- #rBecome an ethereal spirit.
#rHaunt #7- #rHide yourself from scrying eyes.
#rNoxious #7- #rInstantly reveal and stun all invisibile people in the room.#n

#YThis class was created for DarkSkies by Kasai.#n



#0Deadly masters of the dagger.#n

#RKillertalk#0: Assassin class channel.#n
#RAssassinarmor#0: Classeq.#n
#REnhance#0: Increase Assassin Combat, Power, Knowledge to gain Assassin skills.#n
#RCircle#0: Powerful midrounder, Backstab while in combat.#n
#RIronclaw#0: IronClaws worn on wrist.#n
#RSBackstab#0: A powerful Superbackstab.#n
#RJugularSlice#0: Added attacks per-round.(Automatic)#n
#RShouldercharge#0: Bash opponent with a chance of knocking off equipment.#n
#RShadowtravel#0: Class Travel command.#n
#RTruesight#0: Enhanced vision.#n
#RScry#0: Use your farvision.#n
#RDtrick#0:chance to Trip, Disarm, Bash opponent#n
#RPoisonBlade#0:Coat blade with poison#n
#RShadowplane#0: Phase into the plane of Shadows#n
#RShred#0: Attack someone while shadowplaned.#n

0 $~
