 *  This file contains auction code developed by Brian Babey, and any      *
 *  communication regarding it should be sent to []        *
 *  Web Address:                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

*       ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1995 Russ Taylor                         *
*       ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium                  *
*           Russ Taylor (                              *
*           Gabrielle Taylor (                         *
*           Brian Moore (                                  *
*       By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the     *
*       ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license                     *

#if defined(macintosh)
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "merc.h"

void show_obj_stats( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj );
char * flag_string args( ( const struct flag_type *table, int bit ) );

void do_auchn( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; 
    if ( argument[0] == '\0' )
    for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next )
        if ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING &&
                !IS_SET(d->character->deaf, CHANNEL_AUCTION) )
        	sprintf(buf,"#l[#0%s#l]#C Auction: ",ch->pcdata->switchname);
            send_to_char( buf,d->character );
            send_to_char( argument, d->character );
            send_to_char( "#n\n\r", d->character );

void do_auction( CHAR_DATA *ch, char * argument )
    int cp=0;
    OBJ_DATA *	obj;
    char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

    argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
    argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
    if ( ch == NULL || IS_NPC(ch) )

    if ( arg1[0] == '\0')

    if ( !str_cmp( arg1, "stop" ) && IS_IMMORTAL(ch))
       if (auction_info.item == NULL) {stc("Nothing on auction.\n\r",ch); return; }

            sprintf(buf, "#R%s stops the auction. %s is confiscated.#n\n\r", ch->pcdata->switchname,
        do_auchn( ch,buf );
            obj_to_char( auction_info.item, ch );
        sprintf(buf, "%s appears in your hands..\n\r",
                auction_info.item->short_descr );
       send_to_char( buf, ch );

	if (auction_info.high_bidder != NULL) auction_info.high_bidder->pcdata->quest += auction_info.current_bid;        
	auction_info.item->questowner = str_dup(ch->pcdata->switchname);
	    auction_info.high_bidder    = NULL;
	    auction_info.item           = NULL;
            auction_info.owner          = NULL;
            auction_info.current_bid    = 0;
            auction_info.status         = 0;
    if ( !str_cmp( arg1, "info" ) )
	obj = auction_info.item;

	if ( !obj )
	    send_to_char("There is nothing up for auction right now.\n\r",ch);

	if ( auction_info.owner == ch )
	    sprintf( buf, "\n\rYou are currently auctioning %s.\n\r",
		obj->short_descr );
	    send_to_char( buf, ch );

	    show_obj_stats( ch, obj );


    if ( !str_cmp( arg1, "bid" ) )
	int bid;
        int bah;
        obj = auction_info.item;

        if ( !obj )
            send_to_char("There is nothing up for auction right now.\n\r",ch);

	if ( arg2[0] == '\0' )
	    send_to_char("You must enter an amount to bid.\n\r",ch);

if ( auction_info.owner == ch )
send_to_char("You cannot bid on your own item.\n\r",ch);

	bid = atol( arg2 );
        bah = bid + 500;

        if ( bah < bid ) {stc("You need to bid at least 500 more than the current bid.\n\r",ch); return; }

	if ( bid <= auction_info.current_bid )
	    sprintf(buf, "You must bid above the current bid of %d qps.\n\r",
		auction_info.current_bid );

        if ( bid < auction_info.current_bid + 500)
        { stc("You need to bid 500 more than the current bid.\n\r",ch); return; } 
	if ( bid < auction_info.minbid )
	    sprintf( buf, "That's below the minimum bid.\r");

	if (ch->pcdata->quest < bid )
	    send_to_char("You can't cover that bid.\n\r",ch);

	sprintf(buf, "#G%s #0just bidded #y%d #0qps for#n %s.#n\n\r", ch->pcdata->switchname,
	    bid, auction_info.item->short_descr);
        do_auchn( ch,buf);
	if ( auction_info.high_bidder != NULL )
	    auction_info.high_bidder->pcdata->quest += auction_info.bones_held;

	cp = UMIN( ch->pcdata->quest, bid );

	if ( cp < bid )
	    cp = bid;

	ch->pcdata->quest -= cp;

	auction_info.bones_held	= cp;
	auction_info.high_bidder	= ch;
	auction_info.current_bid	= bid;
	auction_info.status	 	= 0;


    if ( arg2[0] == '\0')
    { stc("Syntax: auction <object> <min bid>",ch); return; }
    if ( auction_info.item != NULL )
        send_to_char("There is already another item up for bid.\n\r",ch);
    if ( (obj = get_obj_carry( ch, arg1)) == NULL )
        send_to_char("You aren't carrying that item.\n\r",ch);
     if(obj->questowner == NULL || str_cmp(ch->pcdata->switchname,obj->questowner))
    	send_to_char("You can only auction objects that you own.\n\r", ch);
    if (IS_SET(obj->quest, QUEST_ARTIFACT))
    	stc("You can't auction artifacts.\n\r",ch);
	if (IS_SET(obj->quest, QUEST_RELIC))
		stc("You can't auction a relic.\n\r",ch);
    if (atoi(arg2) < 1)
send_to_char("Please enter a positive number to start the bidding at.\n\r",ch);

    auction_info.owner          = ch;
    auction_info.item           = obj;
    auction_info.current_bid    = 0;
    auction_info.status         = 0;
    auction_info.minbid         = atoi(arg2);
    obj->questowner = NULL;

    sprintf(buf,"#G%s #0has put up#n %s #0for auction. #y[#CMinimum Bid: #R%d #Cqps#y]#n\n\r", ch->pcdata->switchname, obj->short_descr, auction_info.minbid);
        do_auchn( ch,buf );
    obj_from_char( obj );



void auction_update( )

    if ( auction_info.item == NULL )


    if ( auction_info.status == AUCTION_LENGTH )
	sprintf(buf,"%s #RSOLD#n #0to #G%s #0for #R%d #0QPs.#n\n\r",
	    auction_info.current_bid );
        do_auchn( auction_info.high_bidder,buf );

	auction_info.owner->pcdata->quest += auction_info.bones_held;
	auction_info.item->questowner = str_dup(auction_info.high_bidder->pcdata->switchname);

	sprintf(temp,  "%d qps ", auction_info.bones_held );
	sprintf(buf, "You receive %d qps.\n\r",
	send_to_char( buf, auction_info.owner );
	obj_to_char( auction_info.item, auction_info.high_bidder );

	sprintf(buf, "%s appears in your hands.\n\r",
		auction_info.item->short_descr );
	send_to_char( buf, auction_info.high_bidder );
	auction_info.item		= NULL;
	auction_info.owner		= NULL;
	auction_info.high_bidder	= NULL;
	auction_info.current_bid	= 0;
	auction_info.status		= 0;
	auction_info.bones_held	= 0;


    if ( auction_info.status == AUCTION_LENGTH - 1 )
	sprintf(buf, "%s #0- going #GTWICE#0 at #R%d #0QPs.\n\r",
		auction_info.current_bid );
        do_auchn( auction_info.high_bidder,buf );

    if ( auction_info.status == AUCTION_LENGTH - 2 )
	if ( auction_info.current_bid == 0 )
	    sprintf(buf, "#0No bids on #n%s #0- item sent back to Auctioner.#n\n\r",
            do_auchn( auction_info.owner,buf );
	    obj_to_char( auction_info.item, auction_info.owner );

	sprintf(buf, "%s is returned to you.\n\r",
		auction_info.item->short_descr );
	send_to_char( buf, auction_info.owner );
	auction_info.item->questowner = str_dup(auction_info.owner->pcdata->switchname);
	    auction_info.item           = NULL;
	    auction_info.owner          = NULL;
	    auction_info.current_bid    = 0;
	    auction_info.status         = 0;


        sprintf(buf, "%s #0- going #GONCE#0 at #R%d#0 QPs.#n\n\r",
                auction_info.current_bid );
        do_auchn( auction_info.high_bidder,buf );



 * Show_obj_stats: code taken from stock identify spell (-Brian)
void show_obj_stats( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
        char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    AFFECT_DATA *paf;
    int itemtype;

    sprintf( buf,
	"Object '%s' is type %s, extra flags %s.\n\rWeight is %d, value is %d.\n\r",

	item_type_name( obj ),
	extra_bit_name( obj->extra_flags ),
    send_to_char( buf, ch );

    if (obj->points > 0 && obj->item_type != ITEM_QUEST
	 && obj->item_type != ITEM_PAGE)
	sprintf( buf, "Quest point value is %d.\n\r", obj->points );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );
    if (obj->questmaker != NULL && strlen(obj->questmaker) > 1 &&
	obj->questowner != NULL && strlen(obj->questowner) > 1)
	sprintf( buf, "This object was created by %s, and is owned by %s.\n\r", obj->questmaker,obj->questowner );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );
    else if (obj->questmaker != NULL && strlen(obj->questmaker) > 1)
	sprintf( buf, "This object was created by %s.\n\r", obj->questmaker );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );
    else if (obj->questowner != NULL && strlen(obj->questowner) > 1)
	sprintf( buf, "This object is owned by %s.\n\r", obj->questowner );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );

    if (IS_SET(obj->spectype, SITEM_COPPER))
        send_to_char("This item is forged with copper.\n\r",ch);
    if (IS_SET(obj->spectype, SITEM_IRON))
        send_to_char("This item is forged with iron.\n\r",ch);
    if (IS_SET(obj->spectype, SITEM_STEEL))
        send_to_char("This item is forged with steel.\n\r",ch);
    if (IS_SET(obj->spectype, SITEM_ADAMANTITE))
        send_to_char("This item is forged with adamantite.\n\r",ch);
    if (IS_SET(obj->spectype, SITEM_TITANIUM))
	send_to_char("This item is forged with titanium.\n\r",ch);
    if (IS_SET(obj->spectype, SITEM_MITHRIL))
	send_to_char("This item is forged with mithril.\n\r",ch);
     if (IS_SET(obj->quest, QUEST_BLOODA))
        send_to_char( "This weapon is dripping with kindred blood.\n\r",ch);
    if (IS_SET(obj->quest, QUEST_ENCHANTED))
	send_to_char( "This item has been enchanted.\n\r", ch );
    if (IS_SET(obj->quest, QUEST_SPELLPROOF))
	send_to_char( "This item is resistant to offensive spells.\n\r", ch );
    if( IS_SET(obj->extra_flags, ITEM_MENCHANT))
	stc( "This weapon is indeed perfect.\n\r", ch);
    if (IS_SET(obj->spectype, SITEM_DEMONIC))
	send_to_char( "This item is crafted from demonsteel.\n\r", ch );
    else if (IS_SET(obj->spectype, SITEM_SILVER))
	send_to_char( "This item is crafted from gleaming silver.\n\r", ch );

    switch ( obj->item_type )
    case ITEM_PILL: 
    case ITEM_SCROLL: 
    case ITEM_POTION:
	sprintf( buf, "Level %d spells of:", obj->value[0] );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );

	if ( obj->value[1] >= 0 && obj->value[1] < MAX_SKILL )
	    send_to_char( " '", ch );
	    send_to_char( skill_table[obj->value[1]].name, ch );
	    send_to_char( "'", ch );

	if ( obj->value[2] >= 0 && obj->value[2] < MAX_SKILL )
	    send_to_char( " '", ch );
	    send_to_char( skill_table[obj->value[2]].name, ch );
	    send_to_char( "'", ch );

	if ( obj->value[3] >= 0 && obj->value[3] < MAX_SKILL )
	    send_to_char( " '", ch );
	    send_to_char( skill_table[obj->value[3]].name, ch );
	    send_to_char( "'", ch );

	send_to_char( ".\n\r", ch );

    case ITEM_QUEST:
	sprintf( buf, "Quest point value is %d.\n\r", obj->value[0] );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );

	sprintf( buf, "Exp value is : %d.\n\r", (obj->value[1] * 1000000000 + obj->value[0]));

	sprintf( buf, "Quest completion reward is %d quest points.\n\r", obj->level );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );

    case ITEM_WAND:
    case ITEM_STAFF: 
	sprintf( buf, "Has %d(%d) charges of level %d",
	    obj->value[1], obj->value[2], obj->value[0] );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );
	if ( obj->value[3] >= 0 && obj->value[3] < MAX_SKILL )
	    send_to_char( " '", ch );
	    send_to_char( skill_table[obj->value[3]].name, ch );
	    send_to_char( "'", ch );

	send_to_char( ".\n\r", ch );
    case ITEM_WEAPON:
	sprintf( buf, "Damage is %d to %d (average %d).\n\r",
	    obj->value[1], obj->value[2],
	    ( obj->value[1] + obj->value[2] ) / 2 );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );

	if (obj->value[0] >= 1000)
	    itemtype = obj->value[0] - ((obj->value[0] / 1000) * 1000);
	    itemtype = obj->value[0];

	if (itemtype > 0)
	    if (obj->level < 10)
		sprintf(buf,"%s is a minor spell weapon.\n\r",capitalize(obj->short_descr));
	    else if (obj->level < 20)
		sprintf(buf,"%s is a lesser spell weapon.\n\r",capitalize(obj->short_descr));
	    else if (obj->level < 30)
		sprintf(buf,"%s is an average spell weapon.\n\r",capitalize(obj->short_descr));
	    else if (obj->level < 40)
		sprintf(buf,"%s is a greater spell weapon.\n\r",capitalize(obj->short_descr));
	    else if (obj->level < 50)
		sprintf(buf,"%s is a major spell weapon.\n\r",capitalize(obj->short_descr));
	    else if (obj->level > 50)
		sprintf(buf,"%s is an ultimate spell weapon.\n\r",capitalize(obj->short_descr));
		sprintf(buf,"%s is a supreme spell weapon.\n\r",capitalize(obj->short_descr));

	if (itemtype == 1)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon is dripping with corrosive acid.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 4)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon radiates an aura of darkness.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 30)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient relic is the bane of all evil.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 34)
	    sprintf (buf, "This vampiric weapon drinks the souls of its victims.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 37)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon has been tempered in hellfire.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 48)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon crackles with sparks of lightning.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 53)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon is dripping with a dark poison.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype > 0)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon has been imbued with the power of %s.\n\r",skill_table[itemtype].name);
	if (itemtype > 0)
	    send_to_char( buf, ch );

	if (obj->value[0] >= 1000)
	    itemtype = obj->value[0] / 1000;

	if (itemtype == 4)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon radiates an aura of darkness.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 27 || itemtype == 2)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon allows the wielder to see invisible things.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 39 || itemtype == 3)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon grants the power of flight.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 45 || itemtype == 1)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon allows the wielder to see in the dark.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 46 || itemtype == 5)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon renders the wielder invisible to the human eye.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 52 || itemtype == 6)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon allows the wielder to walk through solid doors.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 54 || itemtype == 7)
	    sprintf (buf, "This holy weapon protects the wielder from evil.\n\r");
        else if (itemtype == 139)
            sprintf (buf, "This unholy weapon protects the wielder from good.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 57 || itemtype == 8)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon protects the wielder in combat.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 9)
	    sprintf (buf, "This crafty weapon allows the wielder to walk in complete silence.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 10)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful weapon surrounds its wielder with a shield of lightning.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 11)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful weapon surrounds its wielder with a shield of fire.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 12)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful weapon surrounds its wielder with a shield of ice.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 13)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful weapon surrounds its wielder with a shield of acid.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 14)
	    sprintf (buf, "This weapon protects its wielder from clan DarkBlade guardians.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 15)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon surrounds its wielder with a shield of chaos.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 16)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon regenerates the wounds of its wielder.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 26)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon gives the power of mantis 3.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 17)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon allows its wielder to move at supernatural speed.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 18)
	    sprintf (buf, "This razor sharp weapon can slice through armour without difficulty.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 19)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon protects its wearer from player attacks.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 20)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon surrounds its wielder with a shield of darkness.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 21)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon grants superior protection to its wielder.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 22)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon grants its wielder supernatural vision.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 23)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon unleashes the true rage of the wielder.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 24)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon conceals its wielder from sight.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 25)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon invokes the power of the beast.\n\r");
	else if (itemtype == 28)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon increases the level of your spells by 20.\n\r");
	    sprintf (buf, "This item is bugged...please report it.\n\r");
	if (itemtype > 0)
	    send_to_char( buf, ch );

    case ITEM_ARMOR:
	sprintf( buf, "Armor class is %d.\n\r", obj->value[0] );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );
	if (obj->value[3] < 1)
	if (obj->value[3] == 4)
	    sprintf (buf, "This object radiates an aura of darkness.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 27 || obj->value[3] == 2)
	    sprintf (buf, "This item allows the wearer to see invisible things.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 39 || obj->value[3] == 3)
	    sprintf (buf, "This object grants the power of flight.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 45 || obj->value[3] == 1)
	    sprintf (buf, "This item allows the wearer to see in the dark.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 46 || obj->value[3] == 5)
	    sprintf (buf, "This object renders the wearer invisible to the human eye.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 52 || obj->value[3] == 6)
	    sprintf (buf, "This object allows the wearer to walk through solid doors.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 54 || obj->value[3] == 7)
	    sprintf (buf, "This holy relic protects the wearer from evil.\n\r");
        else if (obj->value[3] == 139)
            sprintf (buf, "This unholy relic protects the wearer from good.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 57 || obj->value[3] == 8)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient relic protects the wearer in combat.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 9)
	    sprintf (buf, "This crafty item allows the wearer to walk in complete silence.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 10)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item surrounds its wearer with a shield of lightning.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 11)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item surrounds its wearer with a shield of fire.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 12)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item surrounds its wearer with a shield of ice.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 13)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item surrounds its wearer with a shield of acid.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 14)
	    sprintf (buf, "This object channels the power of god into its wearer.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 15)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item surrounds its wearer with a shield of chaos.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 16)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item regenerates the wounds of its wearer.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 17)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item allows its wearer to move at supernatural speed.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 18)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item allows its wearer to shear through armour without difficulty.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 19)
	    sprintf (buf, "This powerful item protects its wearer from player attacks.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 20)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item surrounds its wearer with a shield of darkness.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 21)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item grants superior protection to its wearer.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 22)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item grants its wearer supernatural vision.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 23)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient weapon unleashes the true rage of the wielder.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 24)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item conceals its wearer from sight.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 25)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient item invokes the power of the beast.\n\r");
        else if (obj->value[3] == 28)
            sprintf (buf, "This ancient item invokes the power of ancient magic.\n\r");
	else if (obj->value[3] == 29)
	    sprintf (buf, "This ancient artifact grants its wearer the power of the third eye.\n\r"); 
        else if (obj->value[3] == 30)
            sprintf (buf, "This great bird grants the power of talons.\n\r");
	    sprintf (buf, "This item is bugged...please report it.\n\r");
	if (obj->value[3] > 0)
	    send_to_char( buf, ch );

    for ( paf = obj->pIndexData->affected; paf != NULL; paf = paf->next )
	if ( paf->location != APPLY_NONE && paf->modifier != 0 )
	    sprintf( buf, "Affects %s by %d.\n\r",
		affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->modifier );
	    send_to_char( buf, ch );

    for ( paf = obj->affected; paf != NULL; paf = paf->next )
	if ( paf->location != APPLY_NONE && paf->modifier != 0 )
	    sprintf( buf, "Affects %s by %d.\n\r",
		affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->modifier );
	    send_to_char( buf, ch );