
0 !~
Syntax: !

! repeats the last command you typed.

Syntax : Addpilot (name)
Syntax : Rempilot (name)

Used for adding and remove pilots from your ship.
Must be used in the cockpit of the ship.

A bounty hunter is a serious profession in the Star Wars Universe.
The are both loved and hated by all. In the current set up the
only way to increase bounty hunting levels is buy collecting

See also help bounty, help death.

&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YStarfighters 
&BPiloting &G&WLevel: 1 
&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YMidships 
&BPiloting &G&WLevel: 30 
&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YCapital Ships 
&BPiloting &G&WLevel: 90 

These skills allow you to fly the ships of their respective size. 
Each is automatic once it is practiced.



.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YFocus Strength 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 70 
 &G&WSyntax: &YFocus Strength 

&YFocus Strength &G&Wwill allow you to increase your strength for a period of
time, allowing you to carry more weight or wield larger weapons. 

.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YHeightened Strength 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 85 
 &G&WSyntax: &YHeightened Strength 

&G&WThis skill increases your hitroll for a short period of time. 

.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YInner Strength 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 80 
 &G&WSyntax: &YInner Strength 

&G&WThis skill will increase both your constitution and your max hp for a short
period of time. 



.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &yPick Ship Lock 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 90 
 &G&WSyntax: &YPick Ship &G&W(ship) 

A useful skill if you wish to borrow someone's ship for a time.  'Borrowing'
ships constitutes reason for the owner to retaliate though. 

.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YSee Masking 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 60 
 &G&WSyntax: &YSee Masking 

&G&WThis skill adjusts your vision so that masked objects and people are
visible to you. 

.&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YShip Systems 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 1 
 &G&WSyntax: &YStat  

&G&WThis is a skill that allows &Bpilots &G&Wto check a ship's current
statis while inside its engine room. 

.&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YSpace Combat 1 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 25 
 &BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YSpace Combat 2 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 65 
 &BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YSpace Combat 3 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 100 

All the &YSpace Combat &G&Wskills add to your probability of destroying
another ship while engaged in &YSpace Combat&G&W.  This is an automatic
skill once practiced. 

.&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YWeapon Systems 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 2 

The &YWeapon Systems &G&Wskill allows you to use the weapon systems of 
the various spacecraft in the galaxy.  You need to know this skill before
&Ytargeting &G&Wanother ship with your radar for example. 

&G&WPlayer Killing is legal on UR.  However please note the following:

If you kill a player who doesn't have a bounty on their head you better have a
very good reason for killing them. 

Killing a person because they are smuggling a crate or you overheard them 
asking someone to teach them how to &Yvandalize&G&W, &Ymake spice&G&W, or
&Ybomb planets &G&Ware not good reasons to kill, that's what the skills:
&Yjail&G&W, &Ytorture&G&W, or &Ystunning &G&W(beating them up) is for. 

In any case, the best would be to get the opinion of a PR imm of your kill
before acting.  Otherwise, repeated non-ic kills will get you slayed or banned
from UR. 

&RPlease Note&G&W: 

Newbie killing is greatly discouraged. 
Killing should always be kept in character. 

Syntax: aassign <filename>.are  Example:  aassign edo.are

AASSIGN temporarily assigns all rooms, objects, and mobiles in the area
range to your pfile.  This allows you to use rlist, olist, mlist, and
reset list.  This also means that typing savearea, reset area, or
instazone will affect this area.

To save changes permenantly, type "aassign none" and foldarea.

Warning!! Do not have an area aassigned to yourself when getting personal
vnums assigned to you.  The personal vnums will overwrite the area file.

In order to assign a proto area to yourself, you must either have that
area bestowed to you or you must be Greater God+.

In order to assign a nonproto area to yourself, you must either have
that area bestowed to you by a member of the Area Council or you must
be Exalted+. Even if you have the area bestowed to you, only Lesser+
can assign themselves nonproto areas.



192 ABORT~
.&G&W&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YAbort 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 10 
 &G&WSyntax: &YAbort &G&W(name) 
&WCredit for this skill goes to skyrunner. 

Syntax : Accelerate (speed)
Syntax : Velocity (speed)

This command sets your ship's speed when not in hyperspace. 

sentinel       Mobile always stays at its post.
scavenger      Mobile picks up items of value.
aggressive     Mobile attacks players.
stayarea       Mobile does not leave its home area.
wimpy          Mobile flees when low in hits.
practice       Players can "practice" at this mobile.
immortal       Mobile is immortal (not implemented).
deadly         Mobile has a deadly poison (not implemented).
meta_aggr      Mobile is VERY aggressive (not implemented).
nowander       Mobile doesn't wander unless attacked.
mountable      Mobile can be mounted.
prototype      Mobile is under construction.


.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YAcute_awarness 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 50 
 &G&WSyntax: &YAcute_awarness 

&G&WThis skill adds to your ability to detect the hidden for a short period of

.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YAcute_damage 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 99 
 &G&WSyntax: &YAcute_damage 

&G&WThis skill will add a bonus to your damroll for a short period of time.

It is against the rules of this mud to advertise another mud either on public
channels (say, chat, ask, answer, shout, yell, music, quest, avatar, 
newbiechat, any guild, order, clan or council channel, wartalk or racetalk),
through your title, description, or biography or via leaving a note on any
public, guild, order, clan or council board in the Realms.  If you are asked to
desist and do not do so immediately, your priveleges on this mud 
may be restricted or terminated. 

an alien race native to the planet Adari, the Adarians are humanoids with
unusual cranial structures. Their skulls are elongated and tall, and havea
large hole which goes completely through it. They have no ears or noses, and
their mouth is ringed with sharp, bony ridges instead of lips. The Adarians
make up to the lack of ears with a covering of fine hairs along their skulls
that pick up the vibration of sound waves. A series of glands near the skin's
surface allows them to smell. Their throats can be distended and filled with
air, and the resulting "long call" can be useful as a communication method or a
kind of defensive action. The Adarians have a rigid caste system which
dominates their society, and the have evolved an advanced technology based on
the use of super-cooled carbon-ice computers. They were able to remain neutral
during the Galactic Civil War by signing a non-agression treaty with the
Empire, providing the Empire with unlimited raw materials in return for their

&R^zWARNING&R^x&G&W Please Include your Char's Name When Contacting Us
&PN&pame&P:&W Gavin      &P- E&pmail&P: &Wur_gavin&P@&Whotmail.com 
&PN&pame&P:&W Blared     &P- E&pmail&P: &W 
&PN&pame&P:&W Caitlyn    &P- E&pmail&P: &Wur_caitlyn&P@&Whotmail.com
&PN&pame&P:&W Hoessk     &P- E&pmail&P: &W 
&PN&pame&P:&W Alessandra &P- E&pmail&P:&W ur_alessandra&P@&Whotmail.com

Syntax: advance <character> <level>

ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value.  It is the
only way to create new immortal characters within the game.  ADVANCE
may also be used to demote characters.

SMAUG supports having more than one exit in the same direction,
as well as the special direction 'somewhere', represented by a '?'.

If you already have an exit leading north, and would like another one,
use a plus sign '+' in front of the direction:
redit exit +n 3001          - Adds another exit north to room 3001

To modify an extra exit like this, or to remove it, you'll have to
refer to it by number:
redit exit #2 3002          - Change the second exit to go to room 3002

To know what number an exit is, do an "rstat".

For someone to be able to use the second north exit, you have to set one
of the extra flags (see EXFLAGS) like CAN_CLIMB.  It is also usually a good
idea to set the HIDDEN flag for any special exit so that it looks nicer
with autoexits on.

The AUTO flag makes it possible to go in a direction by simply typing the
keyword for that exit:
redit exit ? 3001           - Create a 'somewhere' exit to 3001
redit exflags ? auto hidden - Set the proper flags
redit exname ? swim         - Set the keyword "swim"
If a player types 'swim' in the room, they will move to room 3001.

   In our efforts to give credit to everyone who deserves it, we almost
   forgot to give credit to one of the "grandfathers" of computer adventure
   games... David Platt, the author of the original "Adventure" (c)1979.

   Also credit to Ken Wellsch for porting the original Fortran-77 version
   to UNIX-C (over a period of about 3 years) (c)1984.

Syntax:  affected       (abbrevation:  af)
Syntax:  affected by    (abbreviation: af by)

'Affected' is a powers-at-a-glance function, which displays only the powers
(and skill affects) your character is currently under.  Each affect will be
listed by name only for the sake of brevity (if you want to know what each
is doing, use help <power/skill name> or 'score').

Characters level 20 or above and deadly characters will also see the number
of rounds remaining for each affect.  Affects with a remaining lifespan of
less than 25 rounds are displayed in white, and those in immediate danger
of wearing off will flash.

'Affected by' displays a character's affects separate from its power/skill
affect list.  This is useful for ensuring that affects given from equipment
are actually functioning.  For example, if you are wearing a visor with
detect_invis but 'affected by' does not show you as having that affect, you
are not detecting invisibility.

'Affected by' also displays your current susceptibilities, resistances and
immunities if your character is level 20 or higher.


The following are affect flags that can be used when osetting an item
(with oset <item> affect affected <affect flag>).  These flags can also
be used when msetting a mobile (mset <mob name> affected <affect flag>).
They may additionally be used to mset players if your level allows it.

Blind          Invisible    Detect_evil  Detect_invis  Detect_magic
Detect_hidden  **Hold**     Sanctuary    Faerie_fire   Infrared
Curse          **Flaming**  Poison       Protect       Paralysis
Sneak          Hide         Sleep        Charm         Flying
Pass_door      Floating     Truesight    Detect_traps  Scrying
Fireshield     Shockshield  Iceshield    Aqua_breath   Possess

Note - Hold and Flaming are current not in use.


oset 77 affect affected contraception 

none        strength    dexterity   intelligence  wisdom       constitution
sex         level       age         height        weight       mana
hit         move        gold        experience    armor        hitroll
damroll     save_para   save_rod    save_poison   save_breath  save_power
charisma    resistant   immune      susceptible   affected     luck
backstab    pick        track       steal         sneak        hide
detrap      dodge       peek        scan          gouge        search
mount       disarm      kick        parry         bash         stun
punch       climb       grip        scribe        brew

weaponpower <sn>    Will cast a power on victim with every blow of a weapon
wearpower   <sn>    Will cast a power on wearer when object is worn
removepower <sn>    Will cast a power on wearer when object is removed
<skill> <modifier>  Will modifify a player's ability in a skill


1 AFK~
Syntax: afk

The afk command will place an [AFK] flag beside your name on the who
list, when activated, as well as informing all incoming tells that you
are afk.  It can be toggled on or off by typing afk, and will also go off
automatically when you enter any command.

1 AID~
.&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YAid 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 1 
 &G&WSyntax: &YAid &G&W(character) 

&G&WThis skill allows you to bring a stunned person back to consciousness.

Alertstatus defines a starsystem's defenses
at 0 (peace) no FCZ applies and defense ships will not attack ships (unless

at 1 (neutral) FCZ applies, but ships stay the same

at 2 (war) FCZ applies and defense ships will attack

See setsystemcode for extra details

The Algaroth Continuim appeared suddenly one evening by suprise. Their huge
capital spacecraft suddenly uncloaking in Sluivan and Hapan space. As the 
night guards on each planet gazed up their eyes filled with sudden fear as
thousands of shards of light and energy were released from both ships,
bombarding the planet to submission. The planetary defenses went up to late,
platenary patrol ships got into orbit just in time to witness three deadly 
vessels launch from the capital ships. As the three vessels got close to the
planets their own bays opened, releasing 10 incredibly fast fighters. The 
patrol ships were no match and the planets soon became overwhelmed. The 
Algaroth Continuim had risen to power. 
The AC inhabited both Sluis and Hapes and began their merge into the everyday
lives of the citizens. They formed their own goverment and their own military,
and stated a decree across galactic communications channels. That decree was
this, "We of the Continuim do not care about anyone elses problems, we care
not about wars or planetary disputes. All we wish is to live our lives as we
see fit without your pathetic interference. We have the firepower to blow you
aside, but we are not aggresive. Do not test us...for me may not have a desire
to expand, but we will certainly retaliate." 
&Y&G&W - Basically put, they do not care about other planets, other clans, or
other wars. They do not want to expand their reaches or empire. They just wish
to be left alone. But...they will fight back if you push into what they have

Align - This is displayed to Forcers only but affects all people. A
character has an align, even though not everyone can view it im sure you
all know what you do with your characters. If you are aligned at complete
good heart [1000], your actions will reflect your align, good natured, and
good hearted, as it lowers your actions have less restrictions, to your
actions, one of a dark heart will obviously do dark natured things, I dont
think I need to continue to ramble lets make this simple.
Good Hearted Align = Good Hearted Actions
Negative Align = Negative Actions.

Syntax:  allow  site/race/class    <address/race/class>
Syntax:  ban    site/race/class    <address/race/class>   <type>    <duration>
Syntax:  ban    show               <class/site/race>      <number> 
Syntax:  warn   <site/class/race>  <number> 
BAN site will ban a site from playing the game. 
BAN race bans anyone with that race from playing the game. 
BAN class bans anyone with that class from playing the game. 
BAN site/race/class without any other arguemts will give you a list of 
currently banned sites/races/classes. 
Type can either be a level or one of the following keywords: all,newbie,mortal,
warn. If you set it to a level everyone equal to that level and below will not
be allowed on.  Warn, sends a warning to the Warn: channel that someone if 
logging in from the site, with a certaing class or race.  If you add the 
duration, the ban will expire in that many days. Sites can be banned with the *
wildcard as well.  Be carefull however as *.edu would ban everysite from .edu,
or *foo* would ban anysite that had the string foo in it. 
BAN show, will print out the reason why that particular site/race or class was
banned and by who.  Number can be a class or race name, a site address or 
you can use # followed by the ban number. 
WARN will toggle the warn flag on a CURRENTLY banned site/class or race. 
ALLOW site/race/class  <address/race/class>  removes a site, class or race from
the ban list.  This also can be allowed by using # syntax. 

This command will list all the ships in the universe and there current
owner or sale price.

Blasters sometimes need to be recharged.  To recharge a blaster, you
must find an ammunition cell.  Once you have an ammunition cell; you
must load it into the blaster.  To load an ammunition cell; you must
hold it then type AMMO ( or battery for blades and sabers )

&B&b}&B-+=+-+=+-+=+=+-+=+-+=+-&C[&bAvatar &rMOTD&C]&B-+=+-+=+=-+=+-+=+-+=+-&b{
&Y* &W- 3/13/01 So you've reached level 100, welcome to the Avatar MOTD! -A
more light-hearted MOTD than the Mud-wide one. I'm going to attempt to make
this a perk of being an avatar. Maybe do something like quote of the week,
Avatar-only humourous help files, web sites, etc... If you comments,
complaints, or suggestions send me a tell or a mudmail!. &P{&BBrutus&P}
&PQ&BO&PT&BW &Y-&C "DOS is the greatest computer virus ever written!"
&RW&WW&BW&Y - &Chttp://www.theonion.com &W Fake news at it's best!

&Y* &W- 3/14/01 The Idea Forum is up and running. Want to help shape the future
of the mud? First sign up for the online forum (&Chttp://ur.lynker.com&W),
then E-mail me(&Cthorshammer@mac.com&W) with the &Ccase-sensitive&W user name,
and you should be all set. Get in on this while you can, as we will only take
a certain number of members, before we close off new ones. &P{&BBrutus&P}
&b}&B-+=+-+=+-+=+=+-+=+-+=+-+&C[&bEnd &rAMOTD&C]&B+-+=+-+=+=-+=+-+=+-+=+-&b{

Syntax: ansi <on/off>

The ansi command will either enable or disable ansi colour.  Ansi colour
will work provided your terminal has a compatible mode.

Syntax:  apply <item>

In your travels you may come across various ointments and salves, use
'apply' to rub them into your skin.


Force Command : Appointforce
Forcer Rank : Jedi Master/Sith Lord
syntax: appointforce [name]

ONLY availible to those with Master rank within The Order of Jedi and The
Order of Sith may use this command to initiate an apprentice to his next
rank in the Force. New Forcers auto start with the Learner rank giving
them a Force Level Max of 25.
If they achieve maxing their force and creating a saber.  A Master/Lord may
take them as an apprentice.
Using appointforce once they reach Jedi Knight requirements if the Master
feels the Apprentice is worthy of being a Jedi Knight/Dark Apprentice.
They can move their max force to level 75 using this command..See Help
Forcers for details.

Syntax: appraise <item>
        appraise all

Appraise, when at a repairshop type mob, will tell you the condition of
your equipment in question.  The mob will tell you if it needs repair or
not, and if so, how much it will cost.


The Arahat are a half-breed race. They are found only when two other races mate
and parent an offspring. Depending on the parents genetics, most Arahat are of
a mild to short stature and have a light weight. With their thin and nimblue
frames they are mildly strong and dexterious with a slight setback in their
constitution and wisdom.
Most Arahat, being of exotic mix's, have a thin coat of hair covering their
entire body. Much like the neandrathal human, their fur is no more then oddly
long hair on their skin. Since they are a mix, the Arahat seem to be more
adept to adopt their parents more shady habits then their good ones, making
them some of the lesser liked people in the galaxy.

&Y Area Requirements for Unknown Regions:  
&C&cMisc Guidelines  
&R&W1) Use your Common Sense. 
2) Planets are a minimum of 500 Rooms. 
3) Descriptions no less then 4 - 5 lines 
4) Minimum of 150+ Mobs 
5) Minimum  of 200 objects 
6) All areas MUST be self contained, meaning do NOT use 
vnums or objects from other areas. 
7) Programs should be used 
&BFor More see : Objreq, Mobreq, Roomreq, progreq, buildreq 

Syntax: areas
Syntax: commands
Syntax: socials

AREAS shows you all the areas in the game, with the author's name and the
suggested levels.

COMMANDS shows you all the (non-social) commands available to you.

SOCIALS shows you all the social commands available to you.
(Special thanks to KaVir for mailing us lots of extra socials)

1 ARM~
Syntax : Arm (device)

Used for arming of various devices around the mud.

See also help grenade.

&BForce level 5
Syntax: feel 'armor' <target>

This Force power allows you reduce (improve) your armor class by 20. It can
be cast upon yourself or others.

101 ASET~
Syntax:  aset <area filename> <field> <value>

Aset is used to set the following fields for an individual area:
author    - The name of the area's author
name      - The full "name" of an area... ie: {10 20} Somegod  Some Area
filename  - The filename (ie: somearea.are)
lo_room   - The lowest room vnum
hi_room   - The highest room vnum
lo_obj    - The lowest obj vnum
hi_obj    - The highest obj vnum
lo_mob    - The lowest mob vnum
hi_mob    - The highest mob vnum
low_economy - minumum amount of gold the area will start with at reboot
max_economy - maximum amount of gold the area _can_ start with at reboot
resetmsg  - Message displayed throughout the area at reset
resetfrq  - Number of minutes between area resets
flags     - Area-wide flags:  nopkill

The area must be folded to make these changes permanent.


The Askani are a enormously framed feline race. Born on the planet of Ask'an
in a remote sector of the universe, their entire society revolves around their
tribe. With no central government or leadership, they roam the planet in 
nomadic herds, each tribe is unique in that its appearance represents a 
specific type of feline species. Each tribe has different characteristics yet
all share the huge height and wide shoulders. 
Askani are born and bred on the ideals of truth and honor. No Askani would 
every even consider an illegal act or helping anyone who would. Askani do not
lie or stretch the truth in even the slightest. Their sense of pride and honor
simply will not allow it. 
Though they make good ground combatants, Askani feel their true calling in the
cockpit of a spacecraft. They are excellent pilots in both piloting and air 
combat. It is said that the true nature of the askani can be seen when he or 
she is concentrated on an intense air battle. 
&Y* &WNote - There are &RNO&W exceptions to this character layout. There are no
rogue or renegade Askani PERIOD! If you cannot RolePlay the above outline word
for word, then you need to choose another race. 
&Y* &WNote - Also, all Askani names are gutteral and animalistic in its sound.
An example of one is Goreece, which would be pronounced, Gorrr-reeeee-ce. 
Askani do tend to slur their R's a little, much like the Spanish do in their 

101 ASTAT~
Syntax:  astat                      (area stats for the area you are in)
Syntax:  astat <filename of area>   (area stats for specified area)

Astat displays the vital stats of an area, including the following:
Name:            title of the area
Filename:        filename of the area
Prototype:       If the area is prototype or under construction, will be 'yes'
Max_players:     max # of players in the area as of last reboot
IllegalPks:      number of illegal pkills in the area since last reboot
Gold looted:     total amount of gold looted from the area since last reboot
Area Economy:    current pool of gold for the area (not including player gold)
Mdeaths:         number of players mobs killed in the area since last reboot
Mkills:          number of mobs killed in the area since last reboot
Pdeaths/Pkills:  number of players killed by players in area since reboot
Author:          name of the area's author
Number Players:  current number of players in the area
Area flags:      area-wide flags (such as nopkill)
Low/hi_room:     first/last room vnum of the area
Low/hi_obj       first/last object vnum of the area
Low/hi_mob       first/last mob vnum of the area
Soft range:      level range recommended for the area
Hard range:      level range enforced for area (outside range cannot enter)
Resetmsg:        current reset message for the area at repop
Reset frequency: frequency with which the area resets


101 AT~
Syntax: at <location> <command>

AT executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of
a mobile or player, or as the name of an object.

AT works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your

bite          claws        tail        sting      punch        kick
trip          bash         stun        gouge      backstab     feed
drain         firebreath   frostbreath acidbreath lightnbreath gasbreath
poison        nastypoison  gaze        blindness  causeserious earthquake
causecritical curse        flamestrike harm       fireball     colorspray

See MSET and DEFENSES  (Some are not implemented).

Syntax: auction
Syntax:	auction <item name> <starting value>
Syntax:	auction bid <value>
Syntax:	auction stop

The auction command is used for performing auctions.  Simply typing
auction will display the current item being auctioned, if there is one.

If nothing is being auctioned, auction <item name> <starting value> will
begin an auction.  If no starting value is specified, it will start at 0

Auction bid <value> will place a bet for the item, and
auction stop (immortals only) will stop an auction in progress.

Special thanks to Erwin Andreasen for writing this function.
(Ported here from a publicly available source.)

At the present, if the mud crashes in mid auction, you will lose both
your bidded money and the item.  This will soon be fixed.

You are able to see auction almost from the point of character creation,
however, you cannot USE auction until level THREE or higher.  To remove
the auction channel from your screen, type CHANNEL -AUCTION.

Associated help files: authorize

Authorize <player> name -- This is the command used to allow a player to
continue in the Spectral Gate pre-auth area, but will make them choose
a new name prior to entering the Academy.

Authorize <player> yes -- This is used to accept a players name.  Once
this command is used, the player requires no further Immortal commands
to enter the game.

Authorize <player> no -- denies a player's name and also forces them to
leave the game.

.&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YAutopsy 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 80 
 &G&WSyntax: &YAutopsy &G&W(corpse) 

This skill allows you to perform autopsy on a corpse.  If you fail at finding
the cause of death, the corpse will be destroyed. 

Syntax : Autorecharge

This will set your shields to automatically recharge.

Syntax : Autotrack

This will set your nav computer to automatically adjust course
to keep you firing on a targeted ship.

These are players that have shown enough devoyion to the mud to
attain level 100 in at least one skill area.


Syntax:  immtalk <message>
Syntax:  avtalk  <message>
or can be abbreviated as ": <message>"

This allows you to use the avtalk (level 100+) channel.

&RWhat it is?&W
This award is given out to those MUDers who best fit the categories listed
below. Each winner will recieve recognition in the motd and on their title on
the who list.  Each winner will receive a cash prive of 100k. 

&RWho is eligible?&W
To be eligible you must have played on UR for at least one month and be
nominated by someone other then yourself. Only one nomination is required. For
each category there are some specific requirements that must be met to be
eligible for that award. Each  person can be nominated for only two awards.

&RWho decides the final choice?&W
After compiling the list of nominees it will be posted for public eyes and the
general MUD population will vote for each category (This does include 
immortals.) The voting will be done through MUDmail or email (see below for 
where to send it.) 

&RHow do I vote?&W
You vote by either MUDmailing the player awards or emailing  
nominations can also be sent through this method. 

&BNote:&W Only those above level 8 can vote.
&BNote:&W Any cheating will be met with immediate disqualifying.

Please read help awardcategories, help awardwinners, help immortalawards and 
help awardrules

Here are the award categories:
&R1)&B Best Mudder - &WGiven out to the best general mudder in terms of how
   well he/she plays, not how socialable he/she is.  He/She should be a RPer,
   high level, very knowledgable about the MUD. 
&R2) &BMost Social - &G&WGiven to the person who is the most social.  This
   he/she uses the channels (ooc or ic) a lot of the time rather then playing.
   the channels(OOC or IC channels) a lot of the time rather then playing.
&R3) &BLemming Award - &WMost suicidal(aka goes against the greatest odds,
   does not mean they die the most.) 
&R4) &BMost deaths - &WHas been killed the most times.
&R5) &BBest RPer - &WRP's the best
&R6) &BMost contributions to the MUD's society - &WNo comment
&R7) &BFunniest Player -&W no comment
&R8) &BBest fighter - &Wno comment
&R9) &BWimpiest - &WNo comment

If you have any recommendations for other awards or comments about the ones
listed please email or MUDmail  

The following rules apply to the award(To voters and nominees):
1) The person nominating someone must be above level 10 and be recognized as
someone who has been around a lot.
2) Voters and nominees must be above 18(RP here)
3) Voters, Nominees must be above level 8
4) Nominees must have played on UR for a month
5) The award can be revoked if enough evidence is found of cheating.
6) Logs are kept, do not start characters to vote for you. It can be easiable
7) The head-admin can, at any time, revoke an award given or disqualify a

None yet

1 B~
   *LOOK (l) - can used by itself to look at the room you stand in
             - you can look at objects: LOOK <object>
             - you can look at mobs and players: LOOK <mob or player name>

   *SLEEP (sl) - sleeping will replenish your hitpoints, force, and movement

   *REST (r) - will replenish your hp, force, and mv, but slower than sleep
             - you can still communicate when resting but not while sleeping

   *WAKE (wa)/ STAND (st) - will return you to the standing position

   *SIT - your character will sit down

   *OPEN/CLOSE <direction or object> - will open/close a door or container

   *LOCK/UNLOCK <direction or object> - will lock/unlock a door or container

   *PICK <direction or container> - will pick lock on door or container

   *INVENTORY (in) - will show you all the objects you are carrying

   *EQUIPMENT (eq) - will show you all the equipment you are wearing

.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YBackstab 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 6 
 &G&WSyntax: &YBackstab &G&W(name) 
This skill gives you the ability to use a piercing weapon and stab your

Syntax:  balzhur <character>

This is an instant demotion of a character to level 2, with the
simultaneous destruction of all its belongings, and a mud-wide
echo accompanying its execution.

Syntax: bamfin  <message>
Syntax: bamfout <message>

The standard messages for GOTO are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of
your own choosing using the BAMFIN and BAMFOUT commands.

The standard set for ban durations are as follows: 
Newbie Ban:          1) One week on first instance. 
                     2) Two weeks for the second. 
                     3) One month at newbie, or level 50 for third.
                     4) Permanent at newbie, or level 50 for 4th offense.
Bans for level 2-50: 1) One month for first instance. 
                     2) Two months, or permanent for 2nd. 
                     3) Permanent for 3rd offense. 
All bans above level 50 should be permanent by their very nature. 
&WReminder - Without documenting each time we ban a site, we will have no
           source of history on sites. Always remember to post a note 
           detailing the reasons for the ban.&w 
See also: 'BAN ALLOW' 'BAN NEWBIE' 'BAN 50' 

Banning a site is a form of last resort, as it not only affects the offending
player or players, but will also affect every other player from that site. 
Before seeking to ban a site, even for a temporary level 1 banning, make 
sure you have exhausted all other options first.  
In the case of newbie bans, most such instances arise through the actions of 
one or more abusive players who log in a newbie and begin swearing, spamming, 
threatening, etc.. Many times this has developed from an immature player's  
frustrations over getting a name authed. If you find a player going through a 
series of silly names trying to auth them, make every effort to try and talk 
with them first. If this fails, use Fquit to discourage them. If you have  
Disconnect, use this instead, as it is less provoking than fquit (makes it  
appear as if they simply lost their conneection). If they continue their  
efforts, send them warnings to get their attention. Use freeze if you have it 
(or if someone else is on who can use it) to get their attention and make sure 
received the message. Then, and only then, once you've exhausted all avenues 
at being civil, you can use ban in good conscience. You've given the player(s)
every chance to cease their actions and given them fair warning over the fact
that if they continue they risk getting banned. 
See also: 'BAN ALLOW' 'BAN 50' 'BAN DURATION'  

The following sites have been banned:

156.29.1.x (for players level 50 and under)

&BForce level 6
Syntax: feel 'beauty' <target>

This Force skill allows you to use the Force to improve the outward appear
of yourself or someone else by increasing your charisma.

1 BEG~
.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YBeg 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 1 
 Syntax: &YBeg &G&W(name) 

The &Ybeg &G&Wskill is simply what its called, &Ybegging&G&W.  This skill is
useful for gaining starting credits for a character. 

105 BEIMM~
Requirements to imm on this mud are as follows
You better have common sense and be able to use it and apply it to
what your building.

Know how to build well using OLC not orb or aedit.

Knowledge of the Star Wars Universe

More to come...

.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YBerserk 
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 80 
 &G&WSyntax: &YBerserk  

&G&WGoing &Yberserk &G&Wsends you into a frenzied state, increasing its 
attacks per round to a maximum of six and your strength by one.  While 
you are in this frenzied state, you will not be able to flee. 


Syntax:  bestow <victim> command [command] [command] etc
Syntax:  bestow <victim> list
Syntax:  bestow <victim> none

Bestow is used to give a command to a player that they would not normally
have as a function of their level.

Bestow victim command will give the command to the person.

Bestow victim list will show all commands corrently bestowed on the person.

Bestow victim none will remove all bestowments.

&RSpecial Commands:
&G&W Pedit

Syntax: bestowarea <victim> <filename>.are

This command allows members of the Area Council to bestow area names
to immortals so that they can engage in group building.

Once an AC member bestows a proto area on a player, that player can
use the aassign command to assign themselves that proto area in order
to help the owner of the proto area.


bestowarea joe bob.are           allows joe to work on bob's proto area
bestowarea joe                   lists all of joe's bestowed areas
bestowarea joe list              ditto
bestowarea joe none              removes all of joe's bestowed areas


.&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YBirth 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 60 
 &G&WSyntax: &YBirth &G&W(mother's name) (baby's name) 

&YBIRTH &G&W- By the use of &YXSocials&G&W, an orgasm may induce pregnancy with
your partner.  If this is so, every MUD-Time morning between the second and
third month of pregnancy, the mother will have morning sickness.  There is a 9
month period in which the child is developed just as in real life.  Find a
&Pdoctor &G&Wwith &Ydiagnose &G&Wto know when and how long it will take the
baby to arrive.  Once 9 months have passed, find a &Pdoctor &G&Wto help you
deliver your baby.  Giving &Ybirth &G&Wcreates a pfile for the name of the
child with the mother's password so she or whomever she wishes may actually
play the child. 

.&GPiracy &G&WSkill: &YBlackjack 
 &GPiracy &G&WLevel: 100 
 &G&WSyntax: &YBlackjack &G&W(name) 
This skill when successful stuns your opponent. 

In the Unknown Regions there is rumor of a hidden thieves mart known as "The
BlackMarket" Two outlaw merchants have taken up residence and have begun
peddling illegal and in most cases stolen merchandise to anyone able to answer
their riddle. 
"On a moon in well traveled space, lie's a dark and hidden place. To enter you
must be smart, so here is your hinted start, "In the grey zone you can find
me, hiding behind darkened walls, search the shadows for the entrance, and
enter my hidden halls. When you found me just say out loud, the answer to this
darkened cloud, When the sun sets and the rays of light fades and burns, "The
shadows *what*"

&C This is a semi-current list of things on Bleeds's
todo list. If you would like something added either
mud-mail, post it on my Improvement board or email me
at ggallant@telusplanet.net.

or try : http://telusplanet.net/public/ggallant/bleeds.html
List :

     help files
    Build the Starchaser so people quit asking about it
     Torment mortals

&W Note: I'm note a coder so if you have code suggestions
        I just pass em on.

&BForce Spell: Blindness
Force Level: 10
Syntax: feel 'blindness' <target>

This Force skill will temporarily rob the target of the power of sight, if

Syntax:  boards

This command displays statistics on all boards in the game.  Example:

immortal.brd  Vnum:  1200 Read: 50 Post: 51 Rmv: 55 Max: 100 Posts: 0 Type: 0

The first column lists the board's filename (immortal.brd)
Vnum   - object vnum to which the board is attached (the object vnum must be
         present to read the board, allowing a board to be placed in one or
         many places by simply placing that object where needed)
Read   - minimum level required to read that board
Post   - minumum level required to post to that board
Remove - minumum level required to remove notes not addressed to 'All'
Max    - maximum number of posts the board is set to hold
Posts  - the current number of posts on the board
Type   - not currently used


Syntax:  bodybag <character>

Bodybag retrieves all of <character's> corpses and places them into your
inventory, as well as removes the decay timer on each.  This is primarily
used for performing corpse retrievals and the like.


Bots, the running of a character using triggers while there is no one 
attending it, is not illegal in itself. However, bots are held to the 
same rules as playing characters. See Laws regarding "staking" and 
other applicable laws. The character is accountable for any act the 
bot commits. 

.&G&WThe fur-covered Bothans developed their natural talents through a
peculiar form of cultural evolution. Predators such as the krak'jya are
numerous on their homeworld of Bothawui, but draft animals never emerged.
Advancing armies, forced to haul their own equipment, provisions, and
heavy armamanets, quickly grew disgusted at this inefficient method of
combat. Eventually, the Bothans learned to defeat the enemy from within.
Over the centuries, the aliens became masters at gathering intelligence
and exploiting it for political gain. Bothan statesmen rarely fall to
assassin's blades, but they often step down when their allies suddenly
desert them or when an ugly scandal is deliberately brought to light.

This ruthless pursuit of power and influence, known as the "Bothan Way", causes
many non-Bothans to view these species as untrustworthy opportunists waiting
to pounce on the slightest misstep.  It is precisely this environment of
mutual suspicion that has made the Bothan Spynet the finest in the galaxy.
Just before the Battle of Endor, the Bothan Spynet uncovered evidence that a
freighter was carrying top-secret Imperial information. They intercepted this
freighter, many of them dying in the process. Further deaths followed as the
computer core made its way to the nearby Kothlis system, and into the hands of
Rebel Alliance leaders. The decoded data revealed the location of the
unfinished second Death Star. Mon Mothma proudly announced this to the
spirited Alliance war room, but she took care to remember the tragic cost.
"Many Bothans", she explained in a hushed voice, "died to bring us this

Syntax : Addbounty (character) (amount) [Reason for bountying(seen by imms)] 
Syntax : Bounty 

Addbounty will allow you to add a bounty to a character as long
as they are online and you are in a bounty placement office.
Minimum bounty is 5k, Please realize that placing a bounty is
a serious thing.  See help death. 

Bounty by itself will list all the current unclaimed bounties. 

Weapons Skill:  Bowcasters.
Combat Level: 4
Syntax: none
This skill allows a player to wield a bowcaster - Practicing this requires
using the bowcaster in battle.  This skill is automatic once practiced.

.&pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YBribe 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 10 
 &G&WSyntax: &YBribe &G&W(mob) (amount) 

&G&WThis skill allows you to &Ybribe &G&Wcitizens of a planet to gain
population support for your organization. 

101 BSET~
Syntax:   bset <board filename> <command> <argument>
Example:  bset immortal.brd vnum 1200

BSET is used to set fields governing an individual board's operation.

Filename - filename to store the board's information (should be set first)
Vnum     - object vnum assigned to the board (see 'help boards')
Read     - the mininum level required to read the board
Post     - the minimum level required to post to the board
Remove   - the minumum level required to remove notes from the board
           NOTE: notes addressed to 'all' can be removed by anyone
Maxpost  - maximum number of posts the board can hold
Filename - filename to store the board's information
Type     - not currently used

Board groups:  (example:  bset druid.brd read_group guild of druids)
read_group    - group that may read that board, regardless of level
post_group    - group that may post to that board, regardless of level
extra_readers - characters who may read the board regardless of their level
extra_removers- characters who may remove notes from this board regardless
                  of their level or membership in a reader_group


101 BSTAT~
Syntax:  bstat <board filename>

BSTAT is used to display the fields of an individual board.

(see 'help bset' for an explanation of each field)


Syntax: bug <message>
Syntax: idea <message>
Syntax: typo <message>

These commands will take your message and record it into a file as feedback
to the mud implementors.

SWReality Building Page 1:

                        -- ASSIGNING AREAS --
If you are less than level 102 most of this information is useless to
you. You can skip ahead to HELP BUILD2

ZONES  				Gives you 3 lists of  zones being built,
				newly added zones, and permanent zones.

CHECKVNUM  ALL  <min> <max>	Gives you a list of conflicting mobs
				objects and rooms between zonenumbers
				<min> and <max>

VASSIGN <player> <min> <max>    Creates a new area named <playername>.are
				and assigns it to the <player>. The vnums
				for the rooms, mobs and objects in the
                                area will be between <min> and <max>.




SWReality Building Pg 2:
                          ROOM BUILDING BASICS

GOTO <vnum>                     You need to use this to goto the vnum where
                                you wish to create the new room.

RSTAT                           Gives you the current room statistics.

RLIST                           Gives you a list of rooms in your area.

REDIT NAME <name of the room>
REDIT DESC                      Puts you into the description editor.
                                Make sure you press enter after each line.
REDIT SECTOR <sector value>     Type redit sector by itself for sector list.
REDIT FLAGS <flag> <flag> ..    Type redit flag by itself fo a flag list.
REDIT BEXIT <dir> <room>        Creates a two way exit to <room>
REDIT EXFLAGS <flag> <flag>..   Type redit exflags by itself for choices.

SAVEAREA			Saves your area .. do this alot :)




SWReality Building Pg 3
                         MOB BUILDING BASICS

MCREATE <vnum> [cvnum] <names>  Creates a mob with the vnum/names specified.
                                A mob with Empire or Republic (or other clan
                                name) as one of their names will give less
                                xp when killed by someone of that clan.

MLIST                           Lists mobs in your area.
MLIST <lowvnum> <hivnum>        Lists mobs between those numbers.

MFIND <name>                    Returns a list of all mobs with that name.

MSET <mob> HP <value>           these are the most important values
MSET <mob> ALIGN <value>          to set although there are many optional
MSET <mob> HITROLL <value>        choices type MSET by itself for a list
MSET <mob> DAMROLL <value>
MSET <mob> LEVEL <value>
MSET <mob> CLASS <value>        class 0 citizens don't give as much xp when
MSET <mob> SHORT <short desc>     killed for obvious reasons
MSET <mob> LONG <long desc>
MSET <mob> DESCRIPTION          puts you into the editor
MSET <mob> HITNUMDIE <amount>
MSET <mob> HITSIZEDIE <amount>
MSET <mob> DAMNUMDIE <amount>
MSET <mob> DAMSIZEDIE <amount>

MINVOKE <vnum>                  Loads a previously created mob.

SAVEAREA                        Do this alot.


SWReality Building Pg 4
                       OBJECT BUILDING BASICS

OCREATE <vnum> [cvnum] <namelist>  Creates a new object.

OLIST                              Lists objects in your area.
OLIST <from> <to>                  Lists objects within the given range.

OFIND <name>                       Lists all objects with that name.

OINVOKE <vnum>                     Creates a new instance of the object.

OSET <object> <field> <value>      Try typing oset by itself to get a list
                                   of fields. Then "oset <object> <field>
                                   to get a list of values for that field.
                                   You should set the type first.

SAVEAREA                           Do this alot


&YWhat Building is: 
&R&WWhat is building? Building is creating a world. Taking little  
things in life, such as the texture of a piece of cloth or the  
smell of a market square on Sunday. Building isn't about three   
lines of exit description, it's about making the player feel as though 
they are sitting in the cantina conversing with famed bounty  
hunters, or flying a TIE Fighters in tight formation. It's not  
just creating a world, it's making the world you're creating   
come alive. I don't expect you to give me a disseration for   
every room, but what I do expect if for you to make the world  
come alive. It doesn't matter if you use big words, or complex  
sentence structure, it's about using the language to convince  
someone that what they are reading about is in front of their face.   
This isn't easy to do, you'll see people on other MUDs writing  
out things like Their's a door to the north for a description, what's 
that? Why isn't it A door, with a shining brass knocker and kickplate, 
waits for someone to push it open and enter through it's oaken frame? 
The answer is because some people don't care about the player, they  
only care about how far they can advance for every area completely,  
here on Unknown Regions, you need to care about the player, and   
give that extra effort. 

&YGeneric Building Requirements for Unknown Regions: 
&C&cOur general guidelines....... 
&R&W1) Planning out a area/planet is a good thing.. 
Graphpaper is your best friend! 
2)  Please, Use correct spelling and grammar 
Do not let the Curse of Durga(TM) affect you! 
3) Description Quality: Room Descriptions should be at least 
4-5+ lines on average and no more then 12 lines.. it creates alot 
of spam. I do not want to see alot of repeat descriptions. This shows a  
lazy builder. You can easily put in an extra line or change a few words 
or even better, make 3 - 5 descs and alternate for tunnels/streets and 
such. The only time solid repeat descs will be acceptable is in a maze. 
4) Logical Linking: Remember that your area must make sense when 
you make it, the exits have to be cohesive and sucessive. Meaning
no jumps from like an arctic circle to a tropical island so quickly. 
This does not mean your area has to be simple, Just logical. 
5) Programs, Extra descs: Interaction is good 
6) Theme: Make sure your planet follows the description at jimfisher.net or the
book it is in. It needs to be at least partially accurate in theme. 
7) Good things to know/read: Star Wars Movies/Books 
&BFor More see : Objreq, Mobreq, Roomreq, progreq, areareq 

&YBuilding Tips and Hints: 
&C&cThese are just miscellanous things that help 
when making an area&w 
&R&W1)Imagination - No explanation needed 
2)Curiosity - Ask not, Get not, The more you ask, the more you learn.
3)Patience - This is especially needed for novices and "experts" alike.
most likely your first area you crank out if your new most likely will
not be the best area in the world, It's a learning process, You take 
criticism(constructive). and learn from your past mistakes. and lastly
biulding a good area can be/is very tedious, parts of it aren't that fun
but necessary, If you take the time to do things well, People will notice
it and it will stand out. 
4) Common Sense and Pride - When building remember all the things you 
disliked about other areas you've seen to build guidelines for yourself if
you don't have any.  ie, don't you hate walking west in a hallway that has
a description narrating about someone going east? Rooms with all the same
descs aren't that good either, If your going for long streets, you can do 
subtle changes to make them different or even better, make 3 - 5 different 
ones and alternate. Even though "most" players may not look at  
descriptions  doesn't mean it should not be done. and learn to take pride 
in your work, Don't bash your work, you get better with everything you do.

&RCombat Skill: Butcher
&RCombat Level: 2
Syntax: Butcher Corpse

This allows you to make food from a corpse, its that simple.

Syntax: buy   <object>
Syntax: buy   <# of object> <object>
Syntax: list
Syntax: list  <object>
Syntax: sell  <object>
Syntax: value <object>

BUY buys an object from a shop keeper.
BUY <# of object> <object> will allow you to buy up to twenty of a normal
store item at once.

LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you.  LIST <object> lists
just the objects with that name.

SELL sells an object to a shop keeper.

VALUE asks the shop keeper how much he, she, or it will buy the item for.

 &G&WSyntax: &YBuyhome &G&W(home name) 

This lets you buy one of the many available player homes
around the galaxy.  All equipment droped in the home will
be saved unless there is a crash before you save there.
 &RNote&G&W: You can also set up a &Yroommate &G&Wonce you have bought a home.
       &G&WSyntax: &YRoommate &G&W(name) 

Syntax : Buyship (ship name)
Syntax Sellship (ship name)

Ships may only be bought from the port that they are currently docked

buzz &B<&WDirection&B>

&G&WExtra Info&R
Think of it as ringing a doorbell.
it will allow a player to invite you into his/her/its room

1 C~
.                      COMMANDS TO USE WITH OBJECTS
   *GET - GET <object> <container> will get an item from a container
        - GET <object> will get an object from the ground

   *PUT - PUT <object> <container> will put an item in a container

   *DROP <object> - will drop the object from your inventory to the ground

   *GIVE <object> <player> - you will give the object to that player

   *SACRIFIC (sac) <object> - the object disappears and you are given a coin

   *RECITE (rec) <object> - the power corresponding to the scroll will activate

   *QUAFF (qua) <object> - the power corresponding to the potion will activate

   *BRANDISH (br) - causes the staff's power to activate (must hold staff)

   *ZAP <target> - zaps a wand at a target (must hold wand)

   *EAT/DRINK <object> - you can eat or drink different foods and drinks

   *FILL/EMPTY <object> - fills/empties the container with water

.&G&WSyntax: &YCall  
If you own a pet, this command &G&Wallows you to call for them even if they are
not in the same room.   

Being Redone due to money purge. Stay tuned.

. Syntax:  Carry (name) 
To carry, you must either receive the person's consent or you must stun them.
&Y Note:  The carried will not be able to move (ie. sit) until they are  
         released.  One can only carry one person at a time. 

Syntax: feel <force power> <target>

Before you can use a force power, you have to practice it.  The more you
practice, the higher chance you have of success.  You also must also
be force sensitive and have enough force energy to use the powers.

The <target> is optional.  Many powers which need targets will use an
appropriate default target, especially during combat.

If the power name is more than one word, then you must quote the power name.
Example: feel 'cure critic' frag.  Quoting is optional for single-word powers.
You can abbreviate the power name.

When you use an offensive power, the victim usually gets a saving throw.
The effect of the power is reduced or eliminated if the victim makes the
saving throw successfully.

See also the help sections for individual powers.

103 CEDIT~
Syntax:  cedit save
Syntax:  cedit <command> create [code]
Syntax:  cedit <command> delete
Syntax:  cedit <command> show
Syntax:  cedit <command> [field]

Field being one of:
  level position log code

Cedit create is used to create the entry and name for a new command.
Cedit delete is used to delete a command.
Cedit code is used to assign a defined section of code to a command.
Cedit show displays current statistics on a command.
Cedit level sets the minimum level for usage of a command.
Cedit position sets the min_pos for execution of the command.
Cedit log determines the manner in which the command will be logged.

Use 'cedit save' to save changes permanently.


The small, quick-witted inhabitants of Chad, the Chadra-Fan resemble humanoid
rodtens, with large ears, dark eyes, and flat, circular noses with four
nostrils. The fur-covered, rodent-like Chadra-Fan have seven senses. In
addition to the five shared by most intelligent species, they are also bless
with infrared sight, and an advanced chemoreceptive smell. These small, one
meter tall beings love to have fun. They tend to be flighty and have short
attention spans, though enjoy tinkering with technological items.



Listing of recent changes
&B<&W1&B>&G&W Added paint (ship painting)
&G&B<&W2&B>&G&W added sellhome
&B<&W3&B>&G&W Changed The Format of channels
&B<&W4&B>&W Added the hail command from RIP
&B<&W5&B>&W Ion Cannons added.

Syntax: channels
Syntax: channels +<channel|all>
Syntax: channels -<channel|all>

With no options, CHANNELS show you your current channels.  With a plus
or minus sign and an option, CHANNELS turns that channel on or off.  With
all as the option, CHANNELS will turn on/off all normal channels

The first channels you will have available as a new player are SAY, TELL,
and NEWBIE.  To use say, the person you want to talk to must be in the same
room, just type SAY <message>.  To use tell, the target person may be
anywhere, just type TELL <name or 0.name> [message].

Newbiechat is seen and used by only level 1 characters and the Immortals

&Wchanuser &B<&WName&B>&W

&G&WExtra Info&R
&WNone at this time

Charisma (CHA in your 'score') represents your characters physical beauty
and charm.  It primarily affects:

 - a character's practice rate with a language scholar

 - prices charged to a character by shopkeepers

No class receives charisma as a prime attribute.

Syntax: chat     <message>
Syntax: music    <message>
Syntax: ask      <message>
Syntax: answer   <message>
Syntax: shout    <message>
Syntax: yell     <message>
Syntax: ooc      <message>

These commands send messages through communication channels to other players.

SHOUT sends a message to all awake players in the world.  To curb excessive
shouting, SHOUT imposes a three-second delay on the shouter.

CHAT, MUSIC, and QUESTION and ANSWER also send messages to all interested
players.  '.' is a synonym for CHAT.  The ASK and ANSWER commands
both use the same 'question' channel

YELL sends a message to all awake players within your area.

You can use the CHANNELS command to hear, or not hear, any of these channels.

OOC stands for out of character and is the only chennel that should be used
for real world chatting as opposed to roleplaying.

Most channels now require a comlink.

Syntax: checkvnums all <begin vnum range> <end vnum range>

Used to check the specified range of vnums to ensure they are not
already assigned to another immortal or are otherwise being used.

checkvnums all 9000 9099

If no vnum within the specified range is either assigned as part of
someone's prototype area, and no vnum within the specified range is
a part of a live (non-prototype) area, there will be no result from
this command and the vnums are safe to assign.  If any vnum in the
specified range is already allocated, the area file to which it is
allocated will be displayed.


Syntax : Feel 'Choke' (victum)

This nasty spell allows you to choke the life out of your victum.

101 CLAN~
Syntax:  rank <argument>

Allows the character to change the text of their 'rank' on the who listing.
(ranks are such things as 'Avatar', 'Immortal', etc.)

The following commands are used with clans or

clans ....... shows a list of organizations.
donate ...... donates money to the clan funds.
withdraw .... withdraws money from the clan funds.
newclan ..... allows crimelords to start a new crime clan
appoint ..... allows leader to appoint a number1 and number2
demote ...... takes away members status in the clan.
empower ..... gives member special powers (ie. withdraw or induct)
induct ...... inducts a person into your clan.
outcast ..... kicks a person out of the clan.
enlist ...... to join a clan at a recruitment office.
resign ...... to quit a clan.
clanbuyship . to purchas spacecraft and other vehicles for clan
capture ..... allows a clan to capture the government and declare
              leadership over an area.
overthrow ..... This allows you to take leadership of a clan, if there is
no one Leading.
clansellship .... This allows a member to sell a clan-owned ship.

*note not all of these are functional yet.....

see also COUNCILS

Clan Rank                Clan Rank Title
1                         Recruit
2                         Acolyte
3                         Adept
4                         Officer
5                         Lieutenant
6                         Vassal
7                         Ambassador
8                         Magistrate (Second)
9                         Lord (First)
10                        Leader

Syntax: clantalk <message>

Provided that you are in a clan, clantalk will send the message to all
current members, as well as the deity.

The old classes have been removed in favor of an ability system that lets
you advance in several areas at once.   These ability classes are as

Syntax: clear

This command clears the screen.


Syntax climate <field> <name> 
This command allows you to view or modify the climate 
settings for an area. There are settings for temperature, 
precipitation, and wind. In addition, you may specify 
neighboring areas who will affect changes in the current 
areas weather. Therefore there are four fields to choose 
from. Each field has a different range of values available. 
Field name:           Values: 
temp                  cold, cool, normal, warm, hot 
precip                arid, dry, normal, damp, wet 
wind                  still, calm, normal, breezy, windy 
neighbor              <area name> 
Specifying an area name with neighbor which is already on 
the list will remove it. Using climate without any arguments 
will display the area's current setting. Note that this 
command always refers to the area which you are currently in. 

1 'CLIMB'~
.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YClimb 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 7 
 Syntax: &YClimb &G&W(direction) 

This skill enables you to &Yclimb &G&Win and out of rooms that require it.

200 CLONE2~
Clone wakes up in these rooms: 
package 1 - 10011 
package 2 - 10012  
package 3 - 10013  
package 4 - 10014  
Clone goto's this room after being cloned: 
package 1 - 10015 
package 2 - 10016  
package 3 - 10017  
package 4 - 10018  

Syntax : Clone

Cloning is a vital part of your existence. Since death is
permenant, the only way to continue a character is to clone. 

&Y  Note:  Clones start at the last point you cloned and not 
        the point you died.


Layer 1 = Underware
Layer 2 = Undershirts, Long Underwear, etc
Layer 3 = T-shirts, Sport Bras, etc
Layer 4 = Sweat Shirts, Pants, etc
Layer 8 = electronic equipment, watches, comlinks, etc
Layer 16 = Armor layer 1
Layer 32 = Armor layer 2 (next strongest)
Layer 64 = Armor layer 3 (next strongest)
Layer 128 = Final Layer Of Clothing.. Extremely Strong Stuff Like Maybe Mech
Suits? or stuff?

Syntax: cmdtable

Lists all of the commands in the game, and how many times they have been used
since the last startup.

102 CMENU~
Syntax:  cmenu

Invokes an online menu to ease entering 'cset' arguments.  May not be
fully functional at this time.

'Syntax:  coinduct  <player>
Syntax:  cooutcast <player>

Coinduct and cooutcast are similar to the 'clan' commands of induct and
outcast, but function to induct or outcast members from councils.

Coinduct will bring a new player into the council.
Cooutcast will remove them from the council.


&w^xThe foreground special character is:  &&
Tokens for && are:
  &w&&x  -&x Black                    &w &&r  -&r Red (blood)
  &w&&g  -&g Green                    &w &&O  -&O Orange (brown)
  &w&&b  -&b Dark Blue                &w &&p  -&p Purple
  &w&&c  -&c Cyan                     &w &&w  -&w Gray (default color)
  &w&&z  -&z Dark Grey                &w &&R  -&R Light Red
  &w&&G  -&G Light Green              &w &&Y  -&Y Yellow
  &w&&B  -&B Blue                     &w &&P  -&P Pink
  &w&&C  -&C Light Blue               &w &&W  -&W White

&wThe background special character is:  ^^
Tokens for ^^ are:
^x  ^^x(z)  - ^xBlack               ^x   ^^r(R)  - ^rRed
^x  ^^g(G)  - &x^gGreen&w               ^x   ^^O(Y)  - &x^OOrange&w
^x  ^^b(B)  - ^bBlue                ^x   ^^p(P)  - ^pPurple
^x  ^^c(C)  - &x^cCyan&w                ^x   ^^w(W)  - &x^wGrey&w
^zThe tokens in brackets are the same colors, but cause the foreground color
to flash.
Note: If setting both foreground and background colors. The foreground must
      precede the background color.


You may choose a fight by finding a mob, and using LOOK, CONSIDER, and
IDENTIFY to gauge the difficulty of the opponent.  You can LOOK <mob>
to get a look at its equipment and description, this will often help
indictate how hard a fight might be.  You can CONSIDER <mob> for a one
on one comparison of the mobs hitpoints and level to your own.  You may
also FEEL IDENTIFY <mob> to get more detailed information about the mob
if you have force ability.

You may start a fight by using KILL, MURDER, or many powers and skills
available to players.  The easiest way to start a fight is to KILL <mob>.
Currently, you may also MURDER <mob>, but this causes the mob to yell out.

Syntax: comment write
Syntax: comment subject <subject>
Syntax: comment post <player>
Syntax: comment list <player>
Syntax: comment read <player> #

Comment write puts you into the buffer, and the commands work just like
writing a note.  You may only read and post comments on players currently
online (works on link-dead players as well).

Syntax: compare <object-1> <object-2>
Syntax: compare <object>

COMPARE compares two objects in your inventory.  If both objects are weapons,
it will report the one with the better average damage.  If both objects are
armor, it will report the one with the better armor class.

COMPARE with one argument compares an object in your inventory to the object
you are currently wearing or wielding of the same type.

COMPARE doesn't consider any special modifiers of the objects.

Syntax:  config + or - <option>

This command configures some of your character behavior.  Typing CONFIG
alone shows you your current settings.  With a plus or minus sign and
an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.
The options are:

    AUTOEXIT  You automatically see exits.
    NORECALL  Toggle automatic recall if you lose link during combat
    AUTOLOOT  You automatically loot corpses.
    AUTOSAC   You automatically sacrifice corpses.
    AUTOGOLD  You automatically split gold from kills with your group.
    BLANK     You have a blank line before your prompt.
    BRIEF     You see brief descriptions only.
    COMBINE   You see object lists in combined format.
    PROMPT    You have a prompt.
    TELNTGA   You receive a telnet GA sequence.
    NOINTRO   Toggle whether you see the graphic screen at login
    GAG       Toggle whether you see battle details in full or brief form.


.&G&WSyntax: &YConsent &G&W(name) 
 &G&WSyntax: &YConsent xsocial &G&W(name) 
&G&WSeveral commands in addition to using xsocials requires &Yconsent &G&Wfrom
another player. 

Commands that require consent: &Ycarry&G&W, &Ycosmetic&G&W, and &Ydiagnose&G&W.

 &RNote&G&W: &YConsent list &G&Wwill give you a current list of players you
       have consented. 

Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character.
Of course, it's only a rough estimate.

State | Description
    0 | Player is playing.
    1 | Player is prompted for his or her name.
    2 | Player is prompted for his or her password.
    3 | Player is prompted to confirm his or her name.
    4 | Player is prompted to select a password.
    5 | Player is prompted to confirm the password.
    6 | Player is prompted to select his or her sex.
    7 | Player is prompted to select a class.
    8 | Player is reading the message of the day.
    9 | Player is prompted to select a race.
   10 | Unused.
   11 | Player is in the line editor.
   12 | Player is prompted to select RIP, ANSI or NONE.
   13 | Player is viewing the title screen.
   14 | Player is prompted to PRESS ENTER.
   15 | Player is waiting for authorization (1).
   16 | Player is waiting for authorization (2).
   17 | Player is waiting for authorization (3).
   18 | Player has been authorized.

Constitution (CON in your 'score') represents your character's physical
stamina.  Among other things, it affects:

 - the number of hitpoints a character receives each time it levels

 - the number of hitpoints recovered or regenerated at each tick if
   resting or sleeping

 - the number of additional moves a character receives at level

 - improvement or worsening of a character's mental state, thus
   affecting general endurance

No class receives constitution as a prime attribute.

Containers are almost a necessity in the game.  They are used to carry
items, food, and drinks.  They help allow you to sort things, by using two
or more types of containers at once.  Corpses use many of the same commands
as regular containers.

EXAM <container> or LOOK IN <container> allows you to see what it contains.

GET <item> <container> allows you to take one item from a container.
GET ALL <container> allows you to take everything from a container at once.
GET ALL.<item> <container> allows you to take all of a particular item type

PUT <item> <container> puts an item inside a container.
PUT ALL <container> will put as much of your inventory in the container as
possible, until the container is full.
PUT ALL.<item> <container> will put as much of one type of item into the
container as possible, until the container is full.


Container flag values: 
     Closeable = 1 
     Pickproof = 2 
     Closed    = 4 
     Locked    = 8 

A contraband flag has been added for objects .. DO NOT SET IT ... it
will be added and removed automaticly by customs officers and
crimelords etc.  Its purpose is to give experience for smuggling
illegal goods from planet to planet.

pfiles -
save -
saveflag -
guild_overseer -
guild_advisor -
savefrequency -
stun -
stun_pvp -
get_notake -
dam_mvm -
read_all -
read_free -
write_free -
take_all -
muse -
think -
log -
build -
proto_modify -
forcepc -
&Rmset_player &B- &W Level To Be Able To Set A Player
&Rpetsave &B- &WDoes a pet get saved on quit?
&Rauth&B - &W Auto Auth?
&Rmud_name&B - &G&WSets The Name Of the Mud

.&G&WSyntax: &YCalculate &G&W(system) (x) (y) (z) 

Cordinates are used for Hyperspace jumps into systems
Below is a list of last know posistions of planets in
the current known systems:

Coruscant System:

    Menari Spaceport (Coruscant) -345 -987 1508 
    Landing Platform Beta (Coruscant) -345 -987 1508 
    Zoltri Secondary Spaceport (Coruscant) -345 -987 1508 
    Gateway Landing Pad (Coruscant) -500 -1000 2000 
    Reserved Docking Bay (Coruscant) -500 -1000 2000 
    Coruscant Shipyard (Coruscant Space) 2872 3634 4082 
    Space Station Facility 'Mercy Point' (Coruscant Space) -3295 859 -1933
Corellia System: 
    Coronet Spaceport (Corellia) 5000 7500 9000 
    Tourist Spaceport (Corellia) 5000 7500 9000 
    Casino Landing Pad (Corellia) 5000 7500 9000 
    Lunar Docking Bay (Lunar) 3333 4000 7500 
    Docking Bay I (Helton Trading Post) 3000 3000 3000 
 &rNote&G&W: See also, Help Coordinates2 

.&G&WSluis Van System: 
    Sluivan Spaceport (Sluis Van) 7328 -3399 -9999 
    Navulis Market Bay (Sluis Van) 7328 -3399 -9999 
 Hapan System: 
    Lorelan Spaceport (Hapes) 3000 7000 -4032 
    Consortium Docking Bay (Hapes) 3000 7000 -4032 
 Wroonan System: 
    Wroona Landing Pad (Wroona) 2916 91384 31 
 Kashyyyk System: 
    Thyss Landing Pad (Kashyyyk) 5153 1123 1150 

Corpses last approximately 15 minutes after the time of death.
Corpse decay will happen even while you are linkdead or after you quit.

.&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YCosmetic 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 25 
 &G&WSyntax: &YCosmetic &G&W(name) (type) 
This skill allows you to give cosmetic surgery to another player.  You can
perform one of four surgeries: leg extensions, leg shortenings, lyposuction,
or indosuction. 
 &RNote&G&W: This skill needs consent before you can perform it upon another.

The senate will consist of the following:
- 1 member from each clan(Decided by the clan leader or voted on by the
clan members, the leader being it is not reccomended)
- 2 Neutral Players(Campaign by placing a note on the main board and people
will vote on yes or no for you, only neutral players may vote)
- 1 immortal laison(can veto any decisions if he believes they are against
the immortals guidelines and overall mud rules, will only vote in a

The final decisions of the members will be decided by the immortal staff,
we will most likely follow the player choices.

Clan Leaders - Please have your decision in by the 19th
Neutrals - Those who wish to be a member of the senate please have a note
on the main board that people can vote on describing why you would be good
as a neutral repersentive.
Neutral Voters - Please vote only twice or else all your votes will be
void. You must be neutral to vote on a neutral repersentive. [Voting will
be finished on the 19th]

Senate will do the following(may change):
- Judicary = Handle all rule breakers if they break enough rules or a large
rule and will decide on a punishment (With Crueya's approval)
- Create new rules or revise new ones (With Gavin's approval)
- Handle all clan matters, e.g. clan wars, boundary dispute
- Help encourage RP
- Help newbies and encourage players to join our community
- Handle any law suits

This is just prelimnary. Any ideas please MUD mail to Blared. Thank you.

105 CRASH~
Crashes are unforeseen interruptions in the game that cause everyone 
to be disconnected. If you type time and look at the system start up 
time, you can determine if the game has just rebooted or if it was a 
problem with only your character.  
   99.9% of the time corpses will save over a crash. The game will  
start back up with your character at the last place you saved or the 
game saved you.  

The following is a guideline of level 53 responsibilities: 
   - An Immortal must spend at least 5-7 hours per week or at least 
     25 hours per month online to remain active and productive 
   - Must be visible to all mortals, unless involved in running a 
     quest, watching someone or building. 
   - Authorization of new characters 
   - Channel monitoring -- should keep all channels on 
   - Appraising higher Immortals of Mortal rule violations 
   - Advise a 55+ of all reimbursement requests from mortals 
   - Cr's at discretion, monitoring note boards, remaining VISIBLE 
   - Learning proper mortal discipline techniques and punishments 
    - Helping 51 and 52 level immortals as needed. 
   - Possible room building work 
   - Possible work at 5500 if interested in building or coding 
   - Possible council work 
Type 'wizhelp' to view your privileged commands.  For a list of Immortal 
rules, 'help imm'.  Visit note boards at 1200, 1213, and 1214 regularly. 

&BGendi &R-&W For all the help coding and not limited to his module code
&BSophia &R-&W For her countless hours building, helping with the wording
of commands, and helping out players
&BDrraagh &R- &WFor all the planet pictures he has created for the web page
&BAqer&R - &WFor the suggestion of the color scheme for the channels
&BSquall&R -&R&W For a countless number of things, Highwind etc etc etc

SWReality 1.0 is an extention of Smaug which was expanded from Merc
which was derived from the original Dikumud code.

SWReality 1.0 copyright (c) 1997, 1998 was created by Sean Cooper
(specs@golden.net) based on a concept and ideas from the original
SWReality immortals: Himself (Durga), Mark Matt (Merth), Jp Coldarone
(Exar), Greg Baily (Thrawn), Ackbar, Satin, Streen and Bib as well as much
input from our other builders and players.

DikuMud (c) program and concept by Sebastian Hammer
(quinn@freja.diku.dk), Michael Seifert (seifert@freja.diku.dk),
Hans Henrik (bombman@freja.diku.dk), Tom Madsen (noop@freja.diku.dk),
and Katja Nyboe(katz@freja.diku.dk).

Merc 2.1 (c) was created by Furey (mec@shell.portal.com), Hatchet
(hatchet@uclink.berkeley.edu), and Kahn

Smaug (c) was created by Derek Snider with the help of  Altrag,
Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Rennard, Swordbearer, Gorog, Grishnakh
and Tricops.

Star Wars and Star Wars names are the copyright (c) of Lucasfilm Ltd
and the authors of the many Star Wars related books.

detailed credits.

102 CSET~
Cset is used to set the system's 'control panel' settings.
Syntax: cset <field> <level>
Fields: save - saves the control panel settings
        stun - sets normal (mob vs. player / player vs. mob) stun modifier
        stun_pvp - as above, for player vs. player
        dam_pvp - percentage adjustment for player vs. player fighting
        dam_pvm - as above, for player vs. mob
        dam_mvp - as above, for mob vs. player
        dam_mvm - as above, for mob vs. mob
        get_notake - level to pick up notake flagged items
        read_all - level to read all mail
        read_free - level to read mail for free
        write_free - level to write mail for free (no items necessary)
        take_all - level to take all mail
        muse - level to see/use muse channel
        think - level to see/use think channel
        log - level to see log channel
        build - level to see build channel
        proto_modify - level to modify prototype objects
        override_private - level to override private/solitary rooms
        forcepc - level to force pc's
        saveflag - flags/actions on which to save a pfile (drop, give, get,
                   receive, auction, zap, death, auction, auto, password)
        guild_overseer - name of the Overseer of Guilds
        guild_advisor - name of the Advisor to Guilds

&CCapital Ships: &w 
&Y-------------------------- &w 
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship 'Lockdown' - Civilian  
Mon Calamari Centurion Cruiser 'Phalanx' - Civilian 
&CMisc :&w 
More Freighters/Shuttles etc.... 

&BForce level 8
Syntax: feel 'cure blindness' <target>

This Force skill will allow you to restore vision to someone who has been

&BForce Spell: Cure Light
Force Level: 2
Syntax: feel 'cure light' <target>

This Jedi spell will heal light wounds to yourself or others.

&BForce Spell: Cure Serious
Force Level: 10
Syntax: feel 'cure serious' <target>

Cure Serious, an evolved and more complicated spell that Cure Light, this
heals wounds more efficiently than Cure Light, but less efficiently that
Cure Critical.

Cybernetic Enhancers - Availible at Mount Tantiss Cloning Facilities, a
certain doctor, for a price will enhance your body using cybernetic tools.
Below I will list the Cybernetic Parts availible and their advantages,
disadvantages have not been coded in yet. 

* Internal Comm Unit - 750k - Provides a dedicated internal comlink.
* Infrared Eyes - 1 mil Credits - Heat sensing. 
* Cyber Replacements (Legs) - 1.25 Mil Credits - Adds additional MV.
* External Chest Plating - 1.75 Mil Credits - Not Operational Currently
* Argumented Reflexes - 1.5 Mil Credits - Adds Dexterity. 
* Internal Computer - 1.6 Mil Credits - Adds Int 
* Arguemented Muscles - 1.6 Mil Credits - Adds Str. 
* Internal Reactor - 2 Mil Credits - Neutralizes Hunger/Thirst Permanently.
* Cybernetic Sterilization 1.15 Mil Credits - NOT REVERSABLE AT THIS MOMENT
  &G&WNote:  Before getting an &YINTERNAL REACTOR&G&W, make sure you are full
        and not thirsty.  Otherwise your reactor may act up.  Make sure you are
         certain before deciding upon STERILIZATION because it is NOT 
        reversable at this time. 

1 D~
   *WEAR <object> - you will wear that piece of equipment

   *WIELD <weapon> - you will wield that weapon

   *HOLD <object> - you will hold that object in your hands

   *REMOVE (rem) <object> - the object is remove and placed in inventory

   *COMPARE (com) <object1> <object2> - will compare the value of two items

   *REPAIR (repa) <object> - the blacksmith will repair your damaged item

   *APPRAISE <object> - the blacksmith will tell the cost to repair the item

   *LIST - when in a store, the items for sale will be listed

   *BUY <object> - you will purchase the item for the given price

   *SELL <object> - you will sell the item to the store and receive money

   *VALUE <object> - the storekeeper will say how much they will pay for item

When one character attacks another, the severity of the damage is shown
in the verb used in the damage message.  Here are all the damage verbs
listed from least damage to most damage:

   barely scratch               scratch                     graze
   bruise                       hit                         injure
   wound                        maul                        thrash
   decimate                     devastate                   maim
   MUTILATE                     DISEMBOWEL                  EVISCERATE
   MASSACRE                     OBLITERATE                  ANNIHILATE

The message shown will reflect the actual damage you are inflicting on
(or receiving from) your opponent, and not a specific fixed amount.

DAMAGE          ACTION       CLASS         POWER       SAVES
none            none         none          none        none
fire            create       lunar         minor       poison_death
cold            destroy      solar         greater     wands
electricity     resist       travel        major       para_petri
energy          suscept      summon                    breath
acid            divinate     life                      power_staff
poison          obscure      death
drain           change       illusion

Death is now permanent unless you have made a clone.
&R   Note:  You will lose all possessions upon dying even 
          if you have a clone. This includes ships
          homes and bank accounts
See Help Clone.

Defel are an Alien species that appear as large, red-eyed shadows under most
lighting conditions. This has given rise to their common name:
Wraiths. Under Ultraviolet light, Defels appear as stocky, fur-covered bipeds
with protruding snouts and long, clawed, triple-jointed fingers.
They stand about 1.3 meters tall, with shoulders as wide as 1.2 meters across.
This species lives in underground cities on the planet Af'El, where most
inhabitants make their living through mining and metallurgy. In the galaxy at
large, Defel often find employment as hired muscle, spies, and assassins due to
their shadowy forms.

Defels can't wear armor because it would interfere with their natural
invisibility.  However the fact that they are nearly impossible to see makes
them very difficult to hit. 

parry        dodge      heal       curelight   cureserious   curecritical
dispelmagic  dispelevil sanctuary  fireshield  shockshield   shield
bless        stoneskin  teleport   monsum1     monsum2       monsum3
monsum4      disarm

See MSET and ATTACKS  (Some are not implemented).

Syntax:  deities
Syntax:  deities <deity>

The deities command displays all the deities of the world.  Using an
argument will display the target deity's description.

SEE ALSO:  supplicate, favor, devote.


105 DELAY~
Syntax: delay <victim> <rounds> 
This command will allow an immortal to "pause" a player. All commands 
received by the mud from that player will be delayed by the number of 
round determined by the delaying immortal. After the rounds have 
elapsed, anything input by the victim during the delay will take affect 
on the mud. 
NOTE: Mobiles cannot be delayed. 

Syntax : Suicide (password)

Usefull for getting rid of unwanted characters.

&R    NOTE: Only one character / Player is allowd &g

Syntax:  deny       <character>
Syntax:  disconnect <character>
Syntax:  freeze     <character>

DENY denies access to a particular player and throws them out of the game.

DENY is permanent (persists across reboots) and can only be undone offline
by someone with access to the player files directory.

DISCONNECT <character> immediately disconnects that character.

FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any
commands at all.


Syntax : BANK (deposit|withdraw|balance) (amount)

A bank is the safest place to keep your credits.  People get killed for
money quite often in the Star Wars universe.

 Syntax:  Desc 
 Syntax:  Bio 
DESC - This is your physical description that someone see's when they LOOK
(your name). It should be written in second person view, such as, (example:
Before you stands a roughly built man with dark hair. etc)
BIO - This is your characters history or background. Basically what has
happened to your character up to the point of your arrival at the Coruscant
Hotel. It is what people will see when they type WHOIS (your name).
&RNote &Y- &WYour Biography and your Description must both be a minimum of 3
FULL lines long. Do NOT chop or crop your Bio or Desc.
&RNote &Y-&W I know this is sead above, but a bio is supposed to be a backround
story, not a journal of your characters events here. If you want to update it
with some more recent events, thats fine, but it can not be more then the max
30 lines. 

Syntax:  destroy <character>

This command immediately deletes the pfile of the victim, and will
simultaneously force the character offline if they are connected.


Syntax: destroyslay <type>

This command deletes a slay type from the table of options.


&BForce Spell: Detect Darkness
Force Level: 5
Syntax: feel 'detect darkness'

This spell adjusts your vision so those who abuse the Force specifically
stand out.

Force level 5
Syntax: feel 'detect force'

This Force skill allows you to detect objects, players, and mobs which are
touched by the Force.

Force level 8
Syntax: feel 'detect intent' <target>

This Force skill allows to detect the alignment of the target, be they
good, neutral, or evil.

Force level 4
Syntax: feel 'detect masking'

This Force skill allows you to masked (invis) mobs, players, and items. It
can only be used upon yourself.

&BForce Spell: Detect Poison
Force Level: 9
Syntax: feel 'detect poison' <target>

Detect Poison adjusts your vision so you are able to detect poisons in a
specific target.

.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YDetrap
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 32 
 &G&WSyntax: &YDetrap 
&G&WThis skill allows &zSmugglers &G&Wto disarm a trapped object.  Use it with

The humanoid Devaronians come from the temperate world of Devaron.  The
males are hairless, with a pair of horns on the tops of their heads and
sharp incisors filling their mouths.  ns on the tops of their heads and
sharp incisors filling their mouths.  Many species feel uncomfortable in
their presence, for they resemble the devils of a thousand different
myths.  The females are larger, with thick fur and no horns.  The males
suffer from wanderlust, and can be found in spaceports throughout the
galaxy seeking passage to someplace else.  The females prefer to remain at
 home and keep their advanced industries running.

Dexterity (DEX in your 'score') represents your character's agility, and
it affects (among other things):

 - the maximum number of items you can carry at once in your inventory;
   with each additional point of dex you can carry additional items.

 - each additional point of dexterity also lowers (improves) your natural
   armor class.

 - the number of new moves you receive each time you level, as well as the
   number of moves you regenerate at each tick (when resting to refresh or
   regain movement points).

 - success chances with bash and stun, and helps determine whether a thief
   will be able to poison a weapon.

Dexterity is also very important for quaffing potions in combat.  High dex
will allow you to quaff without dropping many potions during the heat of
battle, while a poor dexterity will cause you to accidentally drop many
of the valuable vials.


.&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YDiagnose 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 15 
 &G&WSyntax: &YDiagnose &G&W(name) (type) 
This skill allows you to give one of three tests to another player.  The tests
are for pregnancy, drugs, or bones. 
 &RNote&G&W: This skill needs consent before you can perform it upon another.

To make the special SMAUG powers possible, special dice formula handling
had to be coded in.  (At least to make it nice).  This dice formula code
supports full BEDMAS expressions ( ) ^^ / * + -, plus extra mud related
operators and variables:

D dice         L level          H hit points      M force
V movement     S strength       I intelligence    W wisdom
X dexterity    C consitution    A charisma        U luck
Y age


.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YDig 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 2 
 &G&WSyntax: &YDig  
 &G&WSyntax: &YBury &G&W(item) 

You can &Ydig &G&Wand &Ybury &G&Witems through the use of the &Ydig &G&Wskill
and the &Ybury &G&Wcommand. 

&YBuried &G&Witems are not visible to players.  To &Yunbury &G&Wsomething, one
must &Ydig &G&Wit up.  Having a shovel raises your chance of success.  If you
&Ydig &G&Win a direction, you will be attempting to &Ydig &G&Wopen an exit.

To &Ybury &G&Wan item (or corpse), drop the item on the ground and &Ybury
&G&W(item).  Depending on the size and weight of the object, you might need a

 &RNote&G&W: Deadly players can &Ybury&G&W/&Ydig &G&Wup each other's corpses.

 &RNote&G&W: Items &Yburied &G&Wwill not last beyond a crash or reboot.  Do not
       attempt to use this skill as storage for items you wish to keep. 

-1 DIKU~
Realms of Despair was originally based on the Merc 2.1 code which was
              based on the orignal DIKUMud code created by:

                       The Original DIKUMud Team:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (katz@freja.diku.dk)
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (noop@freja.diku.dk)
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (bombman@freja.diku.dk)
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (seifert@freja.diku.dk)
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (quinn@freja.diku.dk)

                     Additional contributions from:

 Michael Curran  - the player title collection and additional locations.
 Bill Wisner     - for being the first to successfully port the game,
                   uncovering several old bugs, uh, inconsistencies,
                   in the process.

         And: Mads Haar and Stephan Dahl for additional locations.

  The Original DIKUMud was Developed at the Department of Computer Science
                     at the University of Copenhagen.

.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YDisarm 
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 55 
 &G&WSyntax: &YDisarm &G&W(mob/name) 
This skill allows you to &Ydisarm &G&Wyour opponent during a fight. 

.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YDisguise 
 &zSmuggling &G&Wlevel: 50 
 &G&WSyntax: &YDisguise &G&W(string) 

This skill allows you to change your title to one that does not include your
name.  This skill is good for impersonating others or just baffling others
with your true identity. 

101 DMESG~
Syntax: dmesg

Displays the contents of the boot log.


101 DND~
On or off syntax: DND 
This command toggles your personal dnd flag. 
This command effectively secludes immortals from those of lower level.  
Each immortal has a personal dnd flag associated with their pfile. In 
addition, each room can have a dnd flag associated with the room. 
When your personal dnd flag is set, lower level imms can't 'at', 'goto', 
'trans', sight you on 'where' or 'where (name). This does not affect LD  
immortals, they can still be transferred, even with the DND flag on. To  
see the flag's status, 'mstat self', it will be listed under 'pcflags'. 
Syntax for room flag: redit flags DND 
The DND room flag effectively blocks any 'at', and 'goto' commands 
either to the room, or to a mob/object in the room. NOTE: It is only 
in effect if: 
a) there is an immortal in the room with their DND flag on. 
b) the immortal attempting the commands is of lower level than the 
   immortal with the activated DND flag in the room. 

.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YDodge 
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 50 

This skill lets you dodge incoming attacks, taking no damage from them.
Use of the skill is automatic once you have practiced it. 

.&GPiracy &G&WSkill: &YDominate 
 &GPiracy &G&WLevel: 80 
 &G&WSyntax: &YDominate &G&W(name) 
The &GPirate&G&W's equivalent to a &pDiplomat&G&W's &YSeduce&G&W, &YDominate
&G&Wforces a mob to follow you and/or take orders from you. 

.&rCombat &WSkill: &YDoorbash 
 &rCombat &WLevel: 10 
 &WSyntax: &YDoorbash &W(direction) 

&YDoorbash &G&Wwill let you break down locked doors, including ones that cannot
be picked. 

Here is the order of the exits, and their corresponding values:

  | Direction | Value |
  | NORTH     |   0   |
  | EAST      |   1   |
  | SOUTH     |   2   |
  | WEST      |   3   |
  | UP        |   4   |
  | DOWN      |   5   |
  | NORTHEAST |   6   | Exits 6 - 10 are relatively new, and may not be
  | NORTHWEST |   7   | fully supported by all of the code yet.
  | SOUTHEAST |   8   |
  | SOUTHWEST |   9   |
  | SOMEWHERE |  10   |


1 'DREAM'~
Force Spell: Dream.
Force Lvl: 100
Align Needed: None.
Syntax: feel dream [player] [message]
Dream allows you to delve into your mind allowing a Forcer to penetrate
ones mind while in slumber so that a message can be revealed.

Syntax:  drop <object>
         drop <amount>  coins
Syntax:  get  <object>
         get  <object>  <container>
Syntax:  give <object>  <character>
         give <amount>  coins <character>
Syntax:  put  <object>  <container>
Syntax:  get/put/drop   <# amount>  <object>
Syntax:  get/put        <# amount>  <object> <container>

DROP drops an object, or some coins, on the ground.

GET takes an object, either lying on the ground, or from a container, or
even from a corpse (TAKE is a synonym for get).

GIVE gives an object, or some coins, to another character.

PUT puts an object into a container.

Use 'drop/get/put all' to reference all objects present.
Use 'drop/get/put all.<object>' to reference all objects of the same name.

 - drop 1000 coins
 - get all.ball backpack
 - get 5 sword
 - put 15 potion backpack


&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YDual Wield 
&rCombat &G&WLevel: 30 

This skill allows you to wield two weapons simultaneously.  This is
an automatic skill once learnt. 

Duinuoqwuins, or Star Dragons, are a sad, noble species with a habit of taking
up  lost causes. These huge, snakelike multipeds with gossamer wings average
about ten meters long. Large, reptilian scales cover their bodies, though they
have floppy, mammallike ears. Each body segment has a pair of legs, though the
limbs attached to the foward segments have evolved into arms and hands. This
ancient species comes from a secret, unknown world. They can be encountered on
all types of worlds and even in deep space, where it seems they n eed to
artificial protection. The Star Dragons have a deep-rooted sense of morality
and honor, and most have at least some sensitivity to the Force. There are even
tales that tell of an ancient time when Duinuoqwuin served as Jedi Knights.

Because of their enormous size Duinouqwuin cannot wear armor. However they
have excellent hit points and regeneration rate. They also fave the unique
ability to fly. They are also very strong in the force.

1 E~
If you are within 5 levels of another character, you have the ability
to group with that player.  You are not able to group a non-deadly
and a deadly character however (see HELP DEADLY). When you are grouped
with another player, you attack mobs together and share the experience
for each kill.

Group Commands:

  *FOLLOW <player> - you will follow that player at which point they group you
                   - to remove yourself from group type: FOLLOW <your name>

  *GROUP <player> - you add that player to your group
                  - typing GROUP alone will list the people in your group
                  - to remove someone from group type: GROUP <player name>

  *GTELL <message> - you tell the group a message

  *SPLIT <amount> - splits the gold among the group


Syntax:  drink <object>                  (drink liquid from a drink container)
Syntax:  eat   <object>                  (eat food or a magical pill)
         eat   <object> <container>      (eat directly from a container)

Drink instructs your character to drink from a fountain or a drink container
to alleviate thirst.

Eat instructs your character to eat an item of food or a magical pill (which
function in a similar fashion as potions); pills do not fill stomach space.

When you are hungry or thirsty (you will see messages at each tick that
tell you if you are starving or dying of thirst, and can check your
current state with either 'score' or 'oldscore'), you will not regain
hitpoints, movement points or force back as rapidly as if you were well
fed and hydrated.

If you stay hungry or thirsty too long and you are not an Avatar, your
mental state will begin to suffer.  Your combat skills will be affected,
your coordination will suffer and you may begin to either hallucinate or
become depressed.  Eating, drinking and a little rest will solve this
problem after a short period of time.


Syntax:  echo  <message>
Syntax:  recho <message>

ECHO sends a message to all players in the game, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.

RECHO sends a message to all players in your room, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.

The following 16 colors are supported in the commands echo, recho,
mpecho, mpechoat and mpechoaround.

_whi  White
_yel  Yellow
_blu  Blue
_dbl  Dark Blue
_lbl  Light Blue
_cya  Cyan (sort of turquoise)
_gre  Green
_dgr  Dark Green
_cha  Charcoal (grey)
_dch  Dark Charcoal (dark grey)
_pur  Purple
_red  Red
_ora  Orange
_bro  Brown
_pin  Pink
_bla  Black

  If the indicator is preceded by an asterisk, the message will blink.

recho _red              This is an example of recho in red.
recho *red              This is an example of recho in blinking red.
mpecho _yel             This is an example of mpecho in yellow.
mpe _yel                This is an example of mpecho in yellow.
mpechoat $n _blu        This is an example of mpechoat in blue.
mea $n _blu             This is an example of mpechoat in blue.
mpechoaround $n _bro    This is an example of mpechoaround in brown.
mer $n _bro             This is an example of mpechoaround in brown.

You only need to enter as much of the color indicator as required to
uniquely identify it.

mpe _r                  This is an example of mpecho in red.


Each area will initialize (on bootup of the mud) with a pool of gold based
on the area's range and the wealth of each mob in that area.

The shopkeepers and thieves will automatically deposit gold into the economy
if they are carrying more than a certain amount (the higher the level of the
shopkeeper, the greater they will carry before depositing).

To allow mobprogs to be created to manipulate area economies, making them
interactive and interdependent, there are two mpcommands:  mpdeposit, and
mpwithdraw (see related helpfiles).  There is also an 'if economy' ifcheck.

The aset command can also be used to adjust an area's economy by hand
(example:  aset <area filename> low_economy <amount>, this will give
the specified area a minimum economy at the level you set).

Mobs will not repop with more gold than what they were originally created
with, but if the area economy runs low they will begin to repop with less
until the economy is replenished (as they all share the same gold pool).

Use foldarea to make changes to an area's economy with aset permenent.


Syntax: emote <action>
Syntax: pose

EMOTE is used to express emotions or actions.  Besides EMOTE, there are
several dozen built-in social commands, such as CACKLE, HUG, and THANK.

POSE is a variant of EMOTE.

Syntax:  empty <container>
Syntax:  empty <container> <container>

This command allows you to empty a container of its contents.

Use 'empty <container>' to dump the contents to the ground.

Use 'empty <container> <container>' will empty the contents of the
first container into the second container.



.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YEnhanced Damage 
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 15 

This skill increases the damage you inflict when attacking.  Use of the
skill is automatic once you have practiced it.

Black Sun - Byss (in front of the Palpatine Statue)
Corporate Authority - Outpost Moon (Coruscant, just after the Outer System
Landing Pad)
Pilots Unlimited - Phantom Raider

Smuggler Alliance - Centennial Raven

Syntax:  enter
Syntax:  leave

In rooms either 'somewhere' exits or exits responding only to keywords,
you can simply type 'enter' or 'leave' to pass through that exit.

The most common use of this is with portals cast by mages.  To use the
portal, simply type 'enter' on either side of it and you will pass
through to the other side.

Syntax: equipment
Syntax: inventory

EQUIPMENT lists your equipment (armor, weapons, and held items).
INVENTORY lists your inventory.

While in combat, you may notice that your equipment is taking damage.  For
example, you may see "Your lifebane gets damaged."  Each time this happens,
the AC of the item is damaged by one.  If the AC on an item is 5, after it
is damaged more than five times it will be destroyed or scraped.

If you wish to preserve the equipment, you must repair it by taking it to
the town blacksmith. (NOTE:  Not all equipment is repairable)  You may also
notice that while fighting a creature which attacks you with acid breath or
another acid attack, your equipment gets "etched and pitted."  When this
occurs the AC on that item is damaged by one permanently.  You cannot
repair the damage done by "pitting and etching."

.&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YEvasive 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 75 
&G&WThe &BPilot&G&W's equivalent to a &RCombatant&G&W's &Ydodge&G&W, this skill
enables you to avoid an enemy ship's fire.  This skill is automatic once

The Curious, furred bipeds native to Endor's forest moon are called Ewoks.
Standing about one meter tall, the tribal Ewoks have yet to advance beyond
spears and bows, but their understanding of forest lore and survival skills
cannot be matched by a more advanced species. These Hunter gatherers live in
village clusters built high within the moon's giant trees. Easily startled, the
Ewoks are nonetheless brave, alert, and loyal, and they can be fierce warriors
when necessary. The Ewok language is liquid and expressive, and most humans and
other aliens can learn to speak it. Ewoks, conversely can learn Basic, though
they often mix in many words from their own language. During the day, Ewoks
come down out of their tree villages to hunt and forage on the forest floor. At
night, the forest belongs to huge carnivores, and even the youngest Ewoks know
not to venture out after dark. The Ewoks' mystical beliefs contain many
references to the Force, though it is never named as such. They are a musical
species, are overly curious, and are loyal to their tribes and friends.

Syntax: look
Syntax: look    <object>
Syntax: look    <character>
Syntax: look    <direction>
Syntax: look    <keyword>
Syntax: look in <container>
Syntax: look in <corpse>
Syntax: examine <container>
Syntax: examine <corpse>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see.

EXAMINE is short for 'LOOK container' followed by 'LOOK IN container'.

The redit exflags <dir> [flag] ... command accepts the following flags:
ISDOOR        | There is a door in that direction
CLOSED        | The door is closed
LOCKED        | The door is locked
SECRET        | The door is a secret door
SWIM        * | Must be able to swim to go that way (or have a boat or float)
PICKPROOF     | Door is pickproof
FLY           | Must be able to fly to go that way
CLIMB         | Must be able to climb to go that way
DIG           | Passage is blocked and must be dug out
NOPASSDOOR    | Door is resistant to the passdoor power
HIDDEN        | Door is not "obvious" -- doesn't appear with autoexits
CAN_CLIMB     | Can use the climb command to go this way
CAN_ENTER     | Can use the enter command to go this way
CAN_LEAVE     | Can use the leave command to go this way
AUTO          | Keyword can be typed to go this way
SEARCHABLE    | Searching in this direction can remove the SECRET flag
WINDOW        | Cannot go through this exit (doesn't appear with autoexits)

* Not yet implemented

The 'redit exit' command is used to create, modify and remove exits in a room.
For more than one exit in the same direction see ADVANCEDEXITS.

The syntax of the 'redit exit' command is as follows:
redit exit <direction> [vnum] [exit-type] [key] [keyword(s)]
direction: one of: n, s, e, w, u, d, ne, nw, se, sw or ?
vnum     : the room number in which the exit leads to.
exit-type: a number detailing the exit -- has a door, open/closed/locked etc.
key      : a number corresponding to a key object which can unlock the door.
keywords : keywords used to refer to the door, (or exit).

If only 'redit exit <direction>' is specified, the exit will be removed.
The 'key' field is optional when specifying keywords.  All other fields are
required previous to the field desired.

redit exit n 3001           - Creates an exit north to room 3001
redit exit n 3001 3 gate    - Changes the exit north to have a closed "gate"
redit exit n 3001 3 15 gate - Changes the gate to allow use of a key vnum 15
redit exit n                - Removes the north exit

See EXITTYPES for generating the exit-type value.

Syntax: exits

Tells you the visible exits of the room you are in.  Not all exits are visible.
You can use the 'bump' technique to find hidden exits.  (Try to walk in a
certain direction and see what you bump into).

These are the currently valid exit-types:
      0 - Plain exit
      1 - Door exists         (Required to be closed or locked)
      2 - Door is Closed
      4 - Door is Locked
      8 - Door is Secret      (Trying to go that way won't reveal door)
     32 - Door is Pickproof   (Door can't be picked by power or skill)
     64 - Need to be able to fly to go that way
    128 - Need to be able to climb to go that way
   1024 - Door is Passdoor proof

NOTE: You must ADD the values together to generate an exit-type:
        3 = a closed door
        7 = a closed and locked door
       11 = a closed secret door
       15 = a closed, locked and secret door

-- Use the 'redit exflags' command to change these flags, and to set the
   advanced exit flags, most of which are not shown above.


Syntax:  level

Your character advances in power by gaining experience.  Type LEVEL to see
how many experience points you'll need for the next few levels.

You gain experience by:
    inflicting damage upon an opponent
    being part of a group that kills an opponent
    succeeding while learning a skill or a power through real world usage

You lose experience by:
    fleeing from combat
    recalling out of combat
    being the target of some powers (energy drain, etc.)

The experience you get from a kill depends on several things:  how many
players are in your group; your level versus the level of the monster;
your alignment versus the monster's alignment and some random variation.

Your last 25 kills are recorded.  Each time you kill a creature that has
been one of your last 25 kills you will receive less and less exp for it.
The creature will also learn from its experience with you over time; if
its intelligence is higher than your own it will begin to gain an
advantage over you in combat.

0) blue           1) green        2) brown         3) grey 
4) black          5) hazel        6) aqua          7) royal blue 
8) baby blue      9) evergreen   10) jade green   11) muddy brown 
12)sable brown    13) midnite black14) purple     15) blood red 
16)charcoal grey  17) sky blue     18) lavender 

1 F~
.                COMMANDS FOR COMBAT
  *KILL <mob> - you begin to attack the mob (you need only type once)

  *FLEE - you attempt to flee from the fight

  *FEEL <force power> - you use the powet (see HELP <power> for more info)

  *CAST <force power> - being replaced by FEEL (but you can still use cast)

  *GLANCE <mob or player> - tells you how wounded the target is

  *CONSIDER (con) <mob> - gives you an idea on how tough the mobile is

  *LEVEL - shows you how many experience points you need till next level

  *WIMPY <number> - if your hitpoints go under that number, you flee combat

  *CONFIG +/-FLEE - you do/don't flee when attacked

  *RESCUE <player> - you replace a player in a fight

  *SHOVE <player> <direction> - a deadly player is shoved in a given direction

  *DRAG <player> <direction> - a sitting deadly player is moved that direction

1 FCZ~
Flight Control Zone
When set FCZ prevents hyperspace jumps into or out of the FCZ
eg if Coruscant's FCZ was set to 1000 you would not be able to jump anywhere
within 1000 coord units of a planet

Syntax:  fill <drincon>
Syntax:  fill <container>
Syntax:  fill <pipe> <herb>

FILL can be used with drink containers, regular containers or pipes.
 - to fill a drink container, go to a fountain and 'fill <drinkcon>'
 - to fill a container such as a backpack with items from the ground,
   type 'fill <container>'
 - to fill a pipe you must have both the pipe and the herb in your
   inventory, then type 'fill <pipe> <herb>'


.&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YFirst Aid 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 5 
 &G&WSyntax: &YFirst Aid &G&W(character) 

&YFirst Aid &G&Wallows you to use the contents of a medkit to heal minor damage
to yourself or another person. 

Syntax:  fixchar <character>

Resets a character's saving throws and mentalstate.  Should probably
not be done while the character is equipped.

105 FIXED~
Syntax:  fixed <message> 
         fixed list 
This command records your message (250 chars or so max) to a permanent 
record file.  All changes made to live areas, made with foldarea, etc. 
should have some kind of entry recorded here. 
Your name and the roomvnum in which you are standing at the time are 
automatically recorded when you use the command. 
If you post a note about the change, please make a fast entry pointing 
it out.  (The board in 1215 is best for such notes.) 
Using 'fixed list' will display the contents of the current fix record. 
NOTE:  This file supports color tokens, be careful with them. 

Syntax: feel 'flamestrike' <victim>

This power inflicts damage on the victim.

.&rCombat &WSkill: &YRescue 
 &rCombat &WLevel: 8 
 &G&WSyntax: &YRescue &W(player) 

This skill allows you to pull someone out of battle and into safety
stopping a fight. The chances of this working depend on your proficiency
in this skill.
 &RNote&W: This is an offensive skill. &YRescuing &Wa player from another will
       cause that player to attack you instead. 

&B Force Spell: Float
Force Level: 10
Syntax: feel 'float' <target>

This Force skill will allow you, or another, to float in mid-air for a
period of time. While floating, you tire much slower then if you
were walking.

101 'FLOAT'~
Syntax:  cast 'float' <character>

The power enables the target character to float.  It is useful in saving
mv (movement points), as well as in preventing damage taken when falling
and in preventing an opponent from tripping you.  It does not allow you
to travel through areas which require you to fly, however.

0 FLY~
Syntax:  cast 'fly' <character>

This power enables the target character to fly.  It is useful in saving
mv (movement points), preventing a character from falling when in the
air, moving over water or through the air, and in preventing an opponent
from tripping you.

Some water areas require the use of fly to prevent damage from drowning.
If you are in an area and your movement suddenly begins to drop, then you
begin losing hps <hitpoints>, you should cast fly immediately.

Syntax: Repulsor (Toggles)
Syntax: Drive <direction>
Syntax: Fly <Direction>

REPULSOR turns on repulsors on your ship/speeder, which allows you to move in
directions while on planet.
DRIVE allows you to drive speeders and some ships around on planets.
FLY does the same as Drive, but is used for Cloud Cars and the like.

Syntax:  foldarea <area filename>

This command is used to save a live (non-prototype) area file, usually after
it has been modified.  It should be used with extreme care.


Syntax: follow <character>; Syntax: group <character>; Syntax: group

'Follow' starts you following another character.  To stop following, type
'follow self'.  You cannot follow those more than ten levels above you.

'Group <character>' adds someone who is following you into your group, making
them a group member.  Group members share experience from kills, and may use
the GTELL and SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will
automatically join the fight.

If character is already a member of your group, using 'group <character>'
will remove them from your party.  Removing the character from the group
does not stop them from following you, however.  A character can also
leave your group by using the 'follow self' command, in which case they
will both leave your group and stop following you.

'Group' with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.

You may follow lower level characters or characters up to ten levels higher.
You may group only characters within eight levels of your own.

'Group all' groups all eligible players following you in the room.

'Group disband' allows a leader to disband his group (members stop following
 and are ungrouped).

101 FOR~
Syntax:  for <argument> <command>
Syntax:  for <argument> <command> <target>

For allows an immortal to perform a command at or even on a large
number of targets.  The arguments include:  all, mobs, gods.

Example:  for gods gl, you will 'glance' in the room of every god
who is online (include link-dead)

You can also perform an action on the argument target.
Example:  for mobs poke #, you will perform the 'poke' social on
every mob in the game.

'For' does not override private flags.

101 FORCE~
Syntax:  force <victim> <command>
Syntax:  force all <command>

Force forces one mob or character to execute a command.

FORCE 'all' forces _all_ everywhere in the game to execute a command,
typically used for 'force all save'.

Note that the level required to use force on mobs can be different
than the level required to use force on players, and can be adjusted
via 'cset' (see 'help cset').


&BForce Spell: Force Bolt
Force Level: 27
syntax : feel 'force bolt' [mob/player]

First electricity spell availible to Sith. Delivers a minor-bolt of
electricity into your opponent. Fairly weak.

Weapons Skill: Force Pikes
Combat Level: 3
Syntax: none
This skill allows a player to wield a Force Pike - Practicing this skill
can be done by wielding the Force Pike in battle. This allows you to use a
Force Pike to your maximum potential, and is automatic once practiced.

Force level 4
Syntax: feel 'force sight'

This Force skill grants you infrared vision, and allows you to see living
beings in the dark.

&RForce level 2
Syntax: feel 'force spray' <target>

This Sith spell will inflict moderate damage to the target.

Syntax: forceclose <descriptor>

This command will force a certain descriptor to close.
This is useful to disconnect connections that aren't really connected
due to a poor TCP connection.

It can also be used to forceclose a connection before a potential
problem player can even get to the authorization state of connection.


Syntax:  formpass <new password> <character name>
Example: formpass temporary Joseph

Used to help in changing a character's password if they have forgotten or
misplaced their own.

This command will return the encrypted form of the specified password for
the specified character name.  Password and character name are case
sensitive, and the character name _must_ be capitalized.  The resulting
encrypted password must then be pasted into the character's pfile offline
by someone with access to player files.


101 FQUIT~
Syntax:  fquit <character>

Can be used by low-level imms to force a level 1 player to quit the game,
for example if the player is accidentally authorized or is causing problems
and there are no higher immortals around to deal with the problem.  Fquit
does not work on any player higher than level 1.


1 FRC~
FRC is the force stat, this stat stays invisible to players throughout
their life, you never truly know how strong you are in the force, however
that stat may be increased by training both wisdom and intelligence with
mobiles around the mud.

See also: help train.

.Syntax:  Fullname (string) 
Similar to Title, Fullname allows you to set the name that others will see 
when you say, chat, or send tells. 
&YFullname is IC. 

Syntax: <action> <object>
It is now possible to sit/stand/sleep/rest on/in/at properly created pieces
of furniture.  All you have to do is find a piece of furniture that is
working properly and just type sit chair
if it was a chair.  If you can sit on it, it will allow you to either sit
on/in/at it.
Furniture are objects you can interact with like sit down, lay down
such as beds, couches, sofas, etc etc. Before you ask for a piece.
Make sure you decide what you want it to look like.
Example -


It is now possible to sit/sleep/rest/stand on furniture.
Here is how all of this works.

value2 - sit/sleep/rest/stand on furniture (more below)

As for value2, it uses bitvictors, and here are their numbers

SIT ON -    1        SIT IN -    2        SIT AT -    4
STAND ON -  8        STAND IN -  16       STAND AT -  32
SLEEP ON -  64       SLEEP IN -  128      SLEEP AT -  256
REST ON -   512      REST IN -   1024     REST AT -   2048

Furniture is set using the v2 setting and through adding the
values to make it work.  Say you want SIT ON and STAND IN, you
would add 1 and 16 and get 17.

A quick note, you can only be on in at an object.  If you
set all 3 of them to lets say Sit, when type type sit
object, they will sit at the object.  So only select

Furniture Code 1.01 provided by Xerves of Rafermand.

1 G~
.                       COMMUNICATION COMMANDS
  *CHAT <message> - everyone can hear this message

  *TELL <player> <message> - only that player will see your message

  *ASK/ANSWER <message> - for asking and answering questions

  *EMOTE <message> - this prints <Your name> <message> on the screen

  *QUEST <message> - channel used for questing players

  *REPLY <message> - sends a messages to the last person who sent you a tell

  *SAY <message> - the message is only heard by the people in the room

  *SHOUT <message> - message is only heard by people who are awake

  *YELL <message> - message is only heard by people in the area

  *CLANTALK, ORDERTALK, AND GUILDTALK - channels for clans, guilds, and orders

  *CHAN +/-<channel> - you can turn a channel on and off

**** Also see HELP LANGUAGES, NOTES, and MAIL ****

Syntax: game slots slot name
Syntax: game highdice bet

For information on these games type:

Slot Machine Help - type 'help slots'
High Dice Help    - type 'help highdice'

v2 More games are coming in the future. Sembiance (bert@ncinter.net)

Slot Machines have an object type of "slotmachine" as well as 5 different
values for the slot machine options. These values are:
v0 - The cost in gold to play the machine.
v1 - The starting jackpot in gold
v2 - How many bars the machine is, 3 or 5 only.
v3 - Partial winning. a 1 here means give gold for only matching some of
the bars. a 0 here means the player can only win if he matches all
the bars.
v4 - Jackpot Freezing. This is freeze the jackpot from increasing and
decreasing in amount.

A pig-like brutish race with green skin and snouts,small horns, andupturned
tusks. They average in height about 1.8 meters. They make excellentheavy
laborers and mercinaries due to their strength. They are known for
irrational violent tendencies. Their native world is the planet Gamorr. The
females handle most of the work load while the males constanly trainfor war
and fight. Gamorreans live in clans headed by matrons who order themales to
fight from early spring to the late fall.  They are often hired aspersonal
body guards and even bounty hunters on occassion.

Recommended Roleplay Professions:Primary: CombatSecondary: Smuggler
Max stats for Gamorrean:Gamorrean max levels for a chosen profession:
combat:   150 30 30 1 16 50 110piloting:    90 130 50 1 54 60 60
engineer: 90 55 130 1 43 40 50bhunter:   115 55 30 100 32 50 60
smuggler: 90 80 30 1 116 50 60diplomat:  90 30 30 1 24 150 110
leader:     90 30 30 1 24 100 150forcer:      115 55 30 1 28 50 60

The Gamorrean people are known for their brutish, porcine appearance,
along with their great strength and minute intelligence.  Green skinned
with pig-like snouts, they are among the Galaxy's best laborors and
mercenaries. They also have impressive stamina, allowing them to with-
stand large assaults and physical trauma.

When Gamorr was discovered, the populace was enslaved.  Those who
escaped this fate quickly traveled offworld to sell their services to
outsiders as guards and mercenaries.  Now, thanks to their superb idiocy,
they have been abandoned as a source of slave labor.

.&pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YGather_intelligence 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 90 
 &G&WSyntax: &YGather_intelligence &G&W(name) 
This skill enables you to locate another mob or player with the use of spies. 
Only land locations will reveal a location, if your target is in space, your
spies will not be able to locate him or her for you.

200 GAV2~
Garik's Mud: therush.net 5000

Have a room where you can install modules(it'll have to be engineers who do
so, and must be expensive)
so you can install like planetary shields and such
the more you have, the harder it is to bomb
(  1) run                 ( 10) spray               ( 12) undercover
( 20) smoothtalk          ( 23) poison_char         ( 24) coverup
( 24) swipe               ( 26) lithe               ( 30) set_plastique
( 35) sidestep            ( 40) drug                ( 45) sabotage
( 50) informants
fix clerk in 10244
Breath of Fire II

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YGemcutting 
 &CEngineering &G&WLeveL: 50 

&WThis channel is instead of global socials, because I belive a global emote
channel will have more freedom. 
If this channel continues to be abused, then I will have to remove it. 
&BE&bxamples &BO&bf &BP&broper &BU&bsage 
&Wgemote laughs 
gemote starts to cry 
gemote screams like a little school girl 
gemote sings a lullably 

syntax:  glance
syntax:  glance <victim>

Glance alone shows you only the contents of the room you are in,
eliminating the description.  Glance <victim> shows only the health
condition, eliminating their description and equipment from your

Glance may be abbreviated as 'gl'.

Syntax:  gold

Displays the current total credits you are carrying.

A Gotal is any member of the intelligent, technologically advanced, bipedal
 species from the moon called Antar Four.  They have two cone-shaped
growths rising from their heads, flat noses, protruding brows, and shaggy
gray fur.  The head cones  serve as additional sensory organs, able to
pick up and distinguish different forms of energy waves.  Most other
species feel uncomfortable around Gotals because of their additional
senses.  For their part, Gotals do not like droids due to the high-energy
output they give off, which tends to overload the Gotal's senses.  They
have a hard time interpreting the emotions of other alien species, often
mistaking affection for love and anger  for hatred.  They make excellent
scouts, bounty hunters, trackers, and mercenaries, though they tend to try
 to remain neutral in the galactic conflict.

101 GOTO~
Syntax: goto <location>

GOTO takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

If the location is a vnum, and it does not already exist, and it is within
your room vnum range; it shall be created for your to edit further with

You may not GOTO a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters
already present.


Welcome to.... 
            ________   ___   ____ 
           / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \ 
     ______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /_____________________________ 
    / _______/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\______________________________ \ 
   / /                                                        \ \ 
  | |                 The Unknown Regions:                     | | 
  | | UR 1.0 by Gavin with help from Gendi, Blared and Jarrel  | | 
  | | SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper            | | 
  | | Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider)      | | 
  | | Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn       | | 
  | | Original DikuMUD code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nybo,   | | 
  | | Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert Sebastian Hammer.            | | 
  | | Star Wars and its names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd | | 
  | |                                                          | | 
   \ \____________________________    _   ___   ____   _______/ / 
    \___________________________  |  | | / _ \ |  _ \ / _______/ 
                                | |/\| ||  _  ||    / > \         
                                 \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/ 

Problems? Questions? Contact Gavin at ur_gavin@hotmail.com 

Holonet Login: 

Please enter your name:

.    .     .            +         .         .                 .  .
      .                 .                   .               .
              .    ,,o         .                  __.o+.
    .            od8^                  .      oo888888P^b           .
       .       ,".o'      .     .             `b^'""`b -`b   .
             ,'.'o'             .   .          t. = -`b -`t.    .
            ; d o' .        ___          _.--.. 8  -  `b  =`b
        .  dooo8<       .o:':__;o.     ,;;o88%%8bb - = `b  =`b.    .
    .     |^88^88=. .,x88/::/ | \\`;;;;;;d%%%%%88%88888/%x88888
      .   |=88 88%%|HHHH|::| >-< |||;%;;8%%=;:::=%8;;;%%%%+|]88        .
          | 88-88%%LL.%.%b::Y_|_Y/%|;;;;`%8%%oo88%:o%.;;;;+|]88  .
         . `"\^\          '"""""'      d%P """^" ;   = `+' - P
   .        `.`.b   .                :<%%>  .   :  -   d' - P      . .
              .`.b     .        .    `788      ,'-  = d' =.'
       .       ``.b.                           :..-  :'  P
            .   `q.>b         .               `^^^:::::,'       .
                  ""^^               .                     .
  .                                           .               .       .
    .         .          .                 .        +         .

SWR: The Unknown Regions

SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper - specs@golden.net

Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from
Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert && Sebastian Hammer
Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.

Please enter your name:

.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YGrenades
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 60 
 &G&WSyntax: &YArm &G&W(grenade) 

This skill allows you to &Yarm &G&Wgrenades before using them.  One
usually decides to &Yarm &G&Wa grenade, &Ythrow &G&Wthe grenade and then run 
(away from the grenade). 

.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YGrip 
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 55 

This skill is automatic once practiced.  The skill causes you to &Ygrip
&G&Wyour weapon tightly as your opponent tries to disarm you, making it far
more difficult to successfully &Ydisarm &G&Wyou.  This skill will only increase
as you are engaged in fights where someone is attempting to &Ydisarm &G&Wyou.

Syntax: gtell <message>
Syntax: say   <message>
Syntax: tell  <character> <message>

All of these commands send messages to other players.  GTELL sends a message to
all of the characters in your group, wherever they are, even if they are
sleeping or stunned or dying.  ';' is a synonym for GTELL.

SAY sends a message to all awake players in your room.  The single quote '''
is a synonym for SAY.

TELL sends a message to one awake player anywhere in the world.

REPLY sends a message to the last player who sent you a TELL.  REPLY will work
even if you can't see the player, and without revealing their identity.  This
is handy for talking to invisible or switched immortal players.


This command shows the current location of every player. 

1 H~
  *WIZLIST - shows a list of all the immortals

  *AREAS - lists of areas and their level ranges

  *COMMANDS - lists all the commands available

  *SCORE - will show the stats on your character

  *SOCIALS - lists the socials available to you

  *TIME - gives the mud time

  *WEATHER - tells you what the weather is like

  *WHO - shows all the people playing at the time

  *WHERE - lists the players in your area

  *CLANS, ORDERS, COUNCILS, and GUILDS - lists the names of different
   clans, orders, councils, and guilds

Syntax: QUIT

QUIT leaves the game. In an effort to provide realism
in SWReality you may only quit the game from certain safe resting
places. There are several of these throught the game - most are
clearly marked.

If you can't find one try to HAIL a taxi ... this will work in some

Here are a few places to get you started:

The sleeping compartment on the PLUOGUS.
The hotel on the commercial level of Coruscant Shipyard.
The hotel on the commercial level of Byss Shipyard.
The Akatamer Hotel
Homeless shelter on Adari.

0) Black 1) Brown 2) Red 3) Blonde 4) Strawberry Blonde
5) Argent 6) Golden Blonde 7) Platinum Blonde
8) Light BrownJet Black 9) Midnite Black 10) Charcoal
11) Expresso 12) Chocolate 13) Walnut Brown
14) Pecan Brown 15) Blonde 16) Argent 17) Golden Blonde
18) Platinum Blonde 19) Irish Red 20) Auburn 21) Paprika
22) Mahogany 23) Flame 24) Grey 25) Pewter
26) Silver 27) Snowflake

The Planet Hapes is a beautiful large world whose face is mainly covered
by water with a few continents here and there. Some of its sights and
wonders are the Fountain Palace and Reef Fortress. Then there are the 
mountainous Dragon's Teeth jutting from the rock forming the maw of 
a dragon. Soaring in orbit above the planet is the ancient Star Home
a sort of worldship built by the first Queen Mother. It is the center
of the Hapan consortium. 
Author : Squall 
Completion : 5 Percent 
Estimated Size : 800 - 1500 Rooms 

101 HEDIT~
Syntax:  hedit [help topic]

This command allows you to edit a help topic.  If the specified help topic
does not exist, it will be created for you.  The default help page (summary)
will be selected if you do not specify a page.

NOTE - Always, when creating a new help entry, type Help <new entry name>
       prior to creating your entry. A pre-existing help file associated
       with that keyword may already exist.
Colors &wcan now be added to help files using the same command set that changes
a player prompt.  &bMultiple &Ycolor &wcombinations can be set on a given line
including ^bbackground^x colors.  However, there are a couple of quirks to take
note of:
    1) If the first line of your help file containers a color code and you are
       experiencing a display problem with the file, use a . to begin the file.
    2) Color changes should be separated by at least one character.  Example:
       '&&Y.^^r' will work, '&&Y^^r' may cause problems.


|                MOVEMENT              |                 GROUP                |
| north east west south northeast exit |  follow group gtell ; split          |
| northwest southeast southwest sleep  |--------------------------------------|
| rest sit wake stand somewhere unlock |               INFORMATION            |
| lock open close scan scry look leave | death CR reimb rules damage commands |
| up down enter climb where fly float  | areas experience score title weather |
|--------------------------------------| channels description experience note |
|              CONFIG OPTIONS          | who wizlist story tick MOTD news bug |
| autoloot autogold telnetga autoexit  | mail time password slist report typo |
| nice flee norecall blank combine rip | powers skills weapons languages idea |
| nointro prompt ansi autosac shovedrag|--------------------------------------|
|--------------------------------------|               COMMUNICATION          |
|                 OBJECTS              | social quest clan ordertalk guildtalk|
|  get put  drop give  sacrifice hold  | say tell chat question answer auction|
|  wield  wear remove  inventory value | avatar shout yell counciltalk newbie |
|  appraise list  buy sell  equipment  |--------------------------------------|
|  recite  quaff zap  brandish compare |                COMBAT                |
|  empty fill  eat drink  examine pick |kill flee wimpy rescue aid murder cast|
Also see help on: !, save, quit, pagelength, and practice.
To use the help menu, just type "help <topic>".
To see help on individual areas, you can now type "help <full area name>".
If you are new to the game, type HELP NEWBIE to see a special help series.

Syntax: hell <character> <number> <hours or days>
Syntax: unhell <character>

The hell command sends a character to hell for a given period of time.  It
automatically releases the character when their time has been served.  Upon
being helled, the character receives the message, "The immortals are not
pleased with your actions.  You shall remain in hell for <time period>."

Hell takes arguments of either hours or days.  To hell someone for 3 hours,
"hell <character> 3 hours."  To hell someone for three days, "hell <character>
3 days".  Hell will default to hours if hours or days is not specified.

To release a player from hell early, simply "unhell <character>".

SWreality Building Pg 5

SWreality Building Pg 6

SWreality Building Pg 7

SWreality Building Pg 8

SWreality Building Pg 9


&G&WHello And Welcome to &RUnknown Regions&G&W 
If your intent is just to apply for an immortal position, don't bother, we 
only hire people who have played on this mud for a while. 
&Y**&G&W This file is to become the new default help file, we still need a
immortal/(or player) to finish this. 
&Y**&G&W Whoever does work on it, should use color to highlight important

To edit/make a help file there are some basic and yet confusing
necessary.  So here we go...
hedit <helpfile>
hset level 1 <helpfile>
hset keyword "<word list>" <helpfile>
hset save <helpfile>

.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YSneak 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 5 
 &G&WSyntax: &YSneak 
 &zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YHide 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 15 
 &G&WSyntax: &YHide 

&G&WIf you successfully &YHide&G&W, other characters and creatures cannot see
you unless they are affected by '&Ydetect hidden&G&W'. 

If you successfully &YSneak&G&W, you can move from place to place without being
noticed by other characters. 

In order to &YHide &G&Wor &YSneak &G&Wsuccessfully, you must practice the
appropriate skill. 

&YVisible &G&Wcancels your &Yhiding &G&Wand &Ysneaking&G&W, as well as any
invisibility, effectively making you &Yvisible &G&Wagain to all. 

Syntax: game highdice <bet>

<bet> is how much, in gold you wish to bet (10 to 1,000)

In highdice, a dice dealer must be in the room with you.
You and the dealer both will roll two dice (automatically) and whoever has
the highes total wins. In the case of a tie the dealer will win.

&R&WHighwind was created to allow rp to flow more smoothly. Rather then
have people level combat oocly by killing guards and mobs on a planet
they can fight holograms and such on the Highwind. Also availible there
is a comprehensive shopping center and other nifty stuff.
Type Highwind for its location.

.&GPiracy &G&WSkill: &YHijack 
 &GPiracy &G&WLevel: 95 
 &G&WSyntax: &YHijack &G&W(ship) 

This skill allows you to "borrow" other peoples ships

Syntax: hitall


Syntax: hlist <low level range> <high level range>

This command will give you a listing of available help files. The list
is in alphabetical order based on the first triggering keyword. While
this command was initially designed as a maintenance tool to help us
track help files, it is also available to players so that they can
capture a listing of the help files available to them.

Note - You may only view help files that are coded for viewing by your
       level or lower.

Note - The list of help files is quite extensive, and the command does
       not as yet have a way to filter/shorten the list. Screen capture
       is, at present, your only recourse.


Syntax:  hold   <object>
Syntax:  remove <object>
Syntax:  remove all
Syntax:  wear   <object>
Syntax:  wear   all
Syntax:  wield  <object>

Three of these commands will cause you to take an object from your inventory
and use it as equipment:

HOLD is for lights, wands and staves; WEAR is for armor; WIELD is for weapons.

You may not be able to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD an item if its alignment does not
match yours, if it is too heavy for you, or if you are not experienced enough
to use it properly.

WEAR ALL will attempt to HOLD/WEAR/WIELD each suitable item in inventory.

REMOVE will take an object from your equipment and place it into inventory.

REMOVE ALL will remove all your equipment and place it into inventory.


Syntax: holylight
Syntax: invis

HOLYLIGHT is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and
mobile in the game.  With holy light, you can see what's in the game more
easily.  Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.

INVIS is a toggle which makes you completely invisible to all player characters
of lower level than you, and to all mobiles.

When an immortal is INVIS, they will have a flag on the who list which
indicates their level of invisibility, such as (51) for INVIS 51.  A
similar flag will also appear when you 'LOOK' in a room - this flag will
say (Invis 51).

HOLYLIGHT will not allow you to see immortal INVIS characters who are
higher level than you.

syntax: homepage <url>

example: homepage http://www.idirect.com/test.html

If you have a web page somewhere, you can use the homepage
command to show people a link to that page whenever they
select the 'see who's on' link from the Realms of Despair
home page.

To remove your homepage setting, type 'homepage clear'.

Player housing expansions and upgrades are as priced.
Workshop - 100,000 Credits
Bacta Tank - 100,000 Credits
Extra Room - 50,000 Credits
Remodeling(help remodeling) - 50,000 Credits
Redecorating(help redecorating) - 25,000 Credits
Furniture(help furniture) - Varies
Terminals - 20000 Credits
ATM - 65,000 Credits
&CShortcut - 100,000 

&RSEE ALSO&G&W, Help furniture, help remodeling, help redecorating
For any of these upgrades contact Drraagh. 

1 'HP'~
This is an abbreviation for hit points.  All classes begin with 20 hp
at creation and gain between 6 and 19 hp per gained level, depending on
class, race and CON.  Equipment can also add to your total hp.

101 HSET~
Syntax:  hset  <command> [value] [help topic]
 save                            Saves all help pages (to help.are)
 level <level> <help topic>      Sets help topic to specified level
 keyword <keyword> <help topic>  Sets help keyword to specified keyword
 remove <level.><help topic>     Removes the specified help page

Note:  If you wish to set more than one keyword to a help topic, enclose all
       the keywords, space separated inside quotes.  (Like in powercasting)
Note:  If you have instances of multiple help files with the same keyname,
       using Hset Remove without a level designation will remove the one with
       the lowest level of access. ie:

       Help file XYZZY at level 57, and help file 'SAVE XYZZY' at level 58.
       Typing 'HSET REMOVE XYZZY' will remove the level 57 XYZZY.
       Typing 'HSET REMOVE 58.XYZZY' will remove the level 58 'SAVE XYZZY'.

See also: HEDIT


Humans are the most numerous and least unusual of the races.  They possess
no special abilities or bonuses, but also have no penalties.  Because of
this, Humans are extremely adaptable and are able to assume a variety of
classes and roles.

Humans are bipedal beings, boasting two arms, two legs and a roundish head.
Amazingly, Humans have a strange tendency to look different from each the
other; almost none look exactly alike.


As of now, I issue a decree that all the members of the Hunters Guild
will vote for their new leader. I have heard complaints that they've no
leader, and have decided to take action of it. If you will, send us votes
in note form, telling us who you want as leader. We will take the member
with the most votes and he will be leader. Here are the simple rules.
1. No voting for yourself!
2. No voting twice!

An obese race, the Hutts are among the Galaxy's most despicable low-lifes.
They live on their adopted homeworld of Nal Hutta, having completely
strip-mined their original home.  Due to their great size, they lack any
appreciable dexterity, however such size does lend itself to some added
protection. In addition, many have keen minds and a good deal of common
sense, probably due to the fact that they are constantly trying to kill
one another.

Centering their entire lives around the aquisition of power and wealth,
their is little art, of any type, associated with them.  Some do, however,
keep collections for mere boasting value.

 Syntax :  Calculate (system) (x) (y) (z)
             Then Hyperspace

Hyperspace is used to jump from one system to another in the
galaxy. It is much faster than conventional space travel
as well as a bit more dangerous. If you get a Jump warning
odds are you will collide with something when you jump into
the system

1 I~
  *AFK - this adds an 'Away From Keyboard' flag to your name

  *CONFIG - lists all the config options available to you

  *DESCRIPTION - you can write a description for your character

  *PASSWORD <old> <new> - changes your password

  *TITLE <sentence> - changes the sentence behind your name

  *SAVE - saves your progress (good idea to do it often)

  *PRACTICE <skill, power, weapons> - trains you to use a skill, power, etc...
  *NOTE* Typing PRACTICE will show you all your powers, skills, etc...
         HELP <power, skill, etc> - will define the power, skill, etc...

  *SLIST - lists the powers you will receive and at what level

  *QUIT - quits the game

  * ! - will repeat the last command


IC - In character - Means that you're not chatting with your friends about
friday nights plans, or what to wear to the mall, it means what your MUD
CHARACTER is saying. Ignorance is  no excuse for misusing channels, if you
mean to jokingly tell someone OOC you're going to kill them but do it IC
they have every right to defend themselves and attack you if they feel
threatened. You can use the ask and answer, as well as tell channels (if
you don't understand  them there's a reason someone teaches languages)
if;you want to talk OOC or just go to a hotel, it's not that difficult and
it's cheaper then using IC and clears up any confusion and lessens whining
because someone was killed because they "accidentally said the wrong
thing on the wrong channel".
OOC - Out of Character - Means you're talking about issues not
game related like a bug or have another mud-based question, this
does not mean you go "Hey Jim I need food pick me up" or "Hey
So and So just killed me I'm gonna get you!" however there are a
constantly growing number of help files and most of your basic
questions should be there for answering, but yes there are times
here there are questions only an imm or a fellow player can answer.
However Excessive abuse of OOC will result in possibly being silenced.

VALUE CHECKS                          TRUE/FALSE CHECKS
(If check == #/string/vnum)
Ifcheck   Question                    Ifcheck       Question
--------- --------------------------- ----------    ------------------------
Hitprcnt  Percentage of hit/max_hit?  Isnpc         Mob?
Inroom    Room #?                     Ispc          Player character?
Sex       Sex #?                      Isgood        Align +350 or higher?
Position  Position #?                 Isneutral     Align < 350 and > -350?
Level     Experience level?           Isevil        Align -350 or lower?
Objtype   Type of Object?             Ispkill       Pkill?
Objval#   Value# equal to this?       Isfight       Fighting?
Number    Is its vnum equal to this?  Isimmort      Immortal?
Name      Name?  (STRING)             Ischarmed     Charmed?
Clan      Clan name?  (STRING)        Isfollow      Follow master in room?
Race      Race name?  (STRING)        Rand (#)      Equal to or less?
Mobinroom How many of mob? (VNUM)     Isaffected    Affected_by name?
Guild     Guild name? (STRING)        Canpkill      Pkill >lev 5,18 or older?
Goldamt   How much gold ya got?       Ismounted     Mounted?
Class     Class name? (STRING)        Ismobinvis    Mobinvis? (versus invis)
Str       What's your strength?       Mobinvislevel Level of invis?
Int       What's your intelligence?   economy       if economy >=< xxx
Wis       What's your wisdom?
Dex       What's your dexterity?
Con       What's your constitution?
Cha       What's your charisma?
Lck       What's your luck?            Not implemented: DOING_QUEST
Deity     What's your deity?          Favor         What's your favor?
Norecall  Is target's room norecall?  Isdevoted     Is target devoted?

*    New ifchecks :  see HELP IFCHECKS2
** - Value checks can use == (equals), > (greater than), < (less than) and
     ! (not).  Combine for:  != (not equal), >= (greater than or equal).

      AFFECTEDBY (for a list of affect types)

if timeskilled($* OR vnum) == amount
   - for character checks only, can use any normal mobprog operator

OvnumHere, OvnumRoom, OvnumCarry, OvnumWear, OvnumInv
if ovnum<place>(vnum) == amount
  - for objects only, counts how many objects of vnum 'vnum' exist in <place>
  - can use any normal mobprog operator

OtypeHere, OtypeRoom, OtypeCarry, OtypeWear, OtypeInv
if otype<place>(type OR value) == amount
  - for objects only, counts how many objects of type 'value' are in <place>
  - can use any normal mobprog operator
  - will convert the type names (light is 1, for example)

<place> definitions:
 ... room  - in the room the mobile is in
 ... wear  - worn by the mobile as equipment
 ... inv   - in the mobile's inventory
 ... carry - worn or in inventory
 ... here  - all of the above


if timeskilled($* OR vnum) == amount
   - for character checks only, can use any normal mobprog operator

OvnumHere, OvnumRoom, OvnumCarry, OvnumWear, OvnumInv
if ovnum<place>(vnum) == amount
  - for objects only, counts how many objects of vnum 'vnum' exist in <place>
  - can use any normal mobprog operator

OtypeHere, OtypeRoom, OtypeCarry, OtypeWear, OtypeInv
if otype<place>(type OR value) == amount
  - for objects only, counts how many objects of type 'value' are in <place>
  - can use any normal mobprog operator
  - will convert the type names (light is 1, for example)

<place> definitions:
 ... room  - in the room the mobile is in
 ... wear  - worn by the mobile as equipment
 ... inv   - in the mobile's inventory
 ... carry - worn or in inventory
 ... here  - all of the above

      AFFECTEDBY (for a list of affect types) and IFCHECKS

Syntax:  ignore 
Syntax:  ignore <character> 
Syntax:  ignore reply/none 
Ignore allows you to ignore other characters in the Realms.  All tells,
says, socials, and emotes from these characters will be blocked (gagged
out).  You will still see their communications through public channels,
Simply typing ignore will give you a list of all the characters you are
currently ignoring. 

Ignore <character> allows you to add or remove a character from your list
of ignored players.  If the name is already on the list it will be removed.
If the name is not on the list it will be added.  Note that only the names
of actual characters will be accepted and that it is not necessary for 
them to be logged on at the time. 
Ignore reply will cause you to ignore the last person to send you a tell.
This can be used to prevent invisible people from spamming you. 
Ignore none will set you to ignoring no one. 

Force level 4
Syntax: feel 'illuminate'

This Force skill gathers power from the invisable spectrum of light and
forms it into a ball of light which allows you to see in the dark.

Syntax:  immhost add    <name> <host> 
Syntax:  immhost delete <name> <host> 
Syntax:  immhost save 
Syntax:  immhost 
This command is for setting the hosts allowed for immortals that are added
with this command.  Wildcards are allowed (*), so *edu, would allow any domain
from edu connect and 127*, would allow any local domain to connect. 
IMMHOST without arguments will show a list of names and what domains they are
allowed to connect from. 
To delete a command you need to provide the name and the host, this allows 
for multiple hosts for a certain name. 
This file won't be saved until the immhost save command is issued. 

Hello there, if you are reading this you are either a new Immortal or a old one
refreshing their memory. This file is designed to assist you in understanding
your role as a Staff Member of the Unknown Regions. 
There are three types of active Immortals in the Unknown Regions. Those are as
Builders - Those Imm's responsible for providing new area's and items. 
PR - Those Imm's who directly interact with Mortal Players or problems.
Admin - The Boss Men/Women of the Mud.
Each Non-Admin Division has a Head, and THAT is the Immortal you answer to. You
will obey any instructions given from a Head of Division or an Admin Imm.
Currently the number of Immortals we have must coincide with the limits we have
set. These limits are designed to make sure we are not just a Mud full of
&PPR &WImm &GTotal &W- 1 Head, 4 subordinates 
&BBuilder &WImm &GTotal &W- 1 Head, 15 subordinates 
&RAdmin &WImm &GTotal &W- No Limit 
&Y*&gPR Imms, see also HELP PRImmortals 
&Y*&gBuilder Imms, see also HELP Builders 

Syntax:  immortalize <character>

Used to advance a level 50 character (avatar) to level 51 (the first
level of immortality).  This command will destroy the character's
inventory and display to them a pre-written message.

&W&WIf you are unsure about who does what around here, this list should help.
Gavin      &GOwner, Head Coder&W 
Alessandra &GCo-Head PR&W 
Brutus     &GPublic Relations, Webmaster&W 
Lloyd      &GQuestmaster&W 
Dack       &GBuilder&W 
Tainer     &GBuilder&W 
Halcyon    &GBuilder&W 
Jainen     &GQuest Advisor&W 
Zoe        &GQuest Support&W 
You can also find this list on the website (&Pur.lynker.com&W) 

&RImmortal Rules&W 
1> No using your Mortal while your imm char is on!  Absolutely no exceptions!
2> Do your job(ie Build or PR) 
3> No making special rooms, ships, or equipment for your mortal. 
4> No msetting players, people who are supposed to will have the ability. Do
   &RNOT &G&Wask for it. 
5> All coding changes will happen when Gavin or another coder gets to it.
   Unless the actual code change itself is submitted (by e-mail) to Gavin.
6> No editing of the immrules file.  (I can check this easily.)
7> If you are demoted, you will have to work to re-earn your position and/or
   Gavin's trust again. 
8> We are here to help the players enjoy the mud, not for our own personal
9> If you think it's not allowed, then you're probably right.
10> Absolutely no modifying player ships, see rule 4. 
11> No mortal char of an imm shall be a leader of a clan unless he/she has done
    exceptional work, and is continuing to perform excellently.
12> No imm shall marry or have x-socials with a mortal &RPERIOD&G&W.   
13> Imms are NOT to teach mortals ANY spells or skills. 
14> Do not interfere with another IMM's ruling on a matter without discussing
    it first with Gavin or another admin. 
15> If you are a builder, do &RNOT &G&Wattempt to perform PR without 
    authorization. If you are PR do not interfere with a builders area without
    prior authorization. The only exception is if you are capable of performing
    both PR AND Building, AND it has been authorized by Gavin or another admin.
16> If you have a problem with another IMM, write a mail and post it to Gavin 
    or another admin and momentarily avoid each other. 
17> Do &RNOT &G&Wgive out any weapons or armor as a reimbursement from your
    if it is not opened to morts yet. 
18> Do not tinker with any programs or mobs in place in another IMM's area,
    this falls under rule 15. 
19> There will be a 30 minute period between which you log on with your mortal 
    and your imm. 
20> You are not to help a mort with any info to secret places and such. 
1) warning 
2) freezed for a day 
3) balzur 
4) slay and never to be reimmed again 
5) if for some reason it ever comes to this, Perm Ban. 

101 IMOTD~
.                     &B- &CI&Bmmortal &CM&Bessages -&W 
&Y* &WAll imms wanting an office type place, contact me and i'll show you how
to do it, please do not make one of the new type homes, as they are more for
mortals... &R(Gavin) 
&WPlease make sure you check out the UR Forum at: 
&Y* &G&W5/7/01 UR needs a head builder.  Qualifications:  is interested and is
not involved with imming at any other muds. has built 2 good quality areas for
UR (no one has built any yet) plus has helped one of the builders-in-learning
complete theirs (so that it's ready to be checked and loaded). 
&Y*&G&W If your area is playable (not necessarily finished) tell or mudmail
Skyrunner or Blared.  They will have someone check it and load it if it is
ready. playable = at least 100 finished rooms w desc 
&* &G&WGavin has retired from this mud, any concerns or questions will be
answered when I return 2 weeks from today on July 14th.  (&RAlessandra&G&W) 
Until then, Blared and Skyrunner are in charge. 

Syntax:  induct  <player>
         outcast <player>

Induct and outcast are clan commands.  The leader and number 1 of the
clan receive the induct commands, while the deity, leader, number 1 and
number 2 all receive outcast.  Induct will bring a new player into the
clan, while outcast will remove them.


SLIST   - a command that lists all your powers and skills and the level at
          which you may practice them.
AREAS   - Typing AREAS will get you a list of all areas.  You may get more
          information on each area by typing HELP <full area name>.
WIZLIST - This is a list of all Immortals of the game.
COMMANDS- This is a list of all commands available to you.
SOCIALS - This is a list of all socials available.
TIME    - This will tell you the current times inside the game, the time
          the game was last rebooted, and the current time at the sight.
WHERE   - Where will give you a list of other players in the same area.
SAVE    - After level two, typing SAVE will save your process.
QUIT    - If you want to leave the game, type QUIT.
WHO     - A list of other players visible to you in the game.
TITLE   - Once you reach level five, you may make your own title.
PASSWORD- Your character's password can be changed with PASSWORD <old> <new>.
DESC    - You may set up a personal description, type DESC to edit.

Note that this is only a very brief list of commands.

Syntax: feel infravision <character>

This power enables the target character to see other players and mobiles
that are in the room with them.  This power will also allow you to get
items from a corpse, but will not allow you to see the corpse.  You
must have a light source to see items, room descriptions, or "exits" in
a dark room.

Syntax:  installarea <area filename> <full area name/title>

Installs a prototype area into the mud as a non-prototype area.  The
filename can be fixed with aset (don't forget to foldarea afterwards).

Installarea renames the installed area file from 'author.are.file' to
'author.are.installed' so that the builder may be assigned new vnums.


Installpart is our new ship upgrading command, to use it, please do the
       installpart <Ship Name> <part>
to find out the parts, just type installpart

Syntax:  instaroom

Functions the same as instazone, but is room-based instead of area-based.

Syntax:  instazone [nodoors]

This command lets your instantly create a whole set of resets for your area
based on all the mobiles and objects contained within your area.
All you have to do is place each mob in its proper room, wearing what it
should be wearing, carrying what it should be carrying, and objects in their
proper places, or in their proper containers, and doors in their proper
states, (open, closed, locked).  The instazone command will clear out your
current resets (if any), and create new ones for you.
You may optionally specify "nodoors" so that door resets will not be

NOTE:  This command will wipe out any existing resets!  Do not use this
command after you have added your own resets with 'reset add'.
The recommended procedure is to use instazone, then use the 'reset' command
to add any special resets, and NOT use instazone again.


Intelligence (INT in your 'score') represents your character's mental
capacity.  Among other things, it affects:

 - heavily influences the amount of force a character gains at level

 - affects the amount of force regenerated or recovered at each tick
   if a character is resting or sleeping

 - the rate at which a character learns a new skill or power

 - the percentage rate at which a character practices a new language

Intelligence is an important factor in learning between combatants.  If
a character fights a creature several times, the more intelligent of the
two opponents will gain an advantage over time...


&BForce Spell: Invade Essence
Force Level: 10
Syntax: feel 'invade essence' <target>

Early forcers succumbing to the Dark Side may use this spell, to push into
the very essence of their opponent filling it with pain and negativity.

invite &B<&WPlayer&B>&W

&G&WExtra Info&R
&G&W Opposite to buzz

Syntax: ipcompare <name> 
        ipcompare <site> 
        ipcompare <name or site> <room|area|world> <#> 
This takes * as a wild card. 
Ipcompare will compare online users to search for multiplayers. A positive 
match using ipcompare does not always mean it is a multiplayer..but shows 
that there are more than one user from a site on simultaneously. 
Ipcompare <field> <#> will limit the output to x number of lines based on #.
* may be used as a wild card, for example ipcompare 207.18.3.* will return 
matches from any that begin with the ip prior to the asterisk. 
Ipcompare <field> <room|area|world> will limit the search based on that 
criteria.  The room|area|world limitation will be judged on the room that 
the immortal issued the command in.  So if you are in a different area 
than the victim, it will show only players matching the site in the area 
you are in. 

In these values, 'sn' is a power number;  a negative value means 'no power'.
Item Type |V0         |V1          |V2         |V3         |V4       |V5
armor     |current AC |original AC |           |obj timer  |         |
container |capacity   |flags       |key vnum   |condition  |         |
corpse    | ????????? | ?????????? |timer      | ????????? |race #   |
drinkcon  |capacity   |quantity    |liquid #   |poison?    |         |
food      |food value |(condition) |           |poison?    |         |
herb      |           |charges     |herb #     |           |         |
key       |(lock #)   |            |           |           |         |
lever     |leverflags |vnum/sn     |vnum       |vnum/value |         |
light     |           |            |hours left |           |         |
money     |# of coins |coin type   |           |           |         |
pill      |power level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn 3       |food val |
potion    |power level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn 3       |         |
salve     |power level|max charge  |charges    |delay      |sn       |sn
scroll    |power level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn3        |         |
staff     |power level|max charges |charges    |sn         |         |
switch    |leverflags |vnum/sn     |vnum       |vnum/value |         |
trap      |charges    |type        |level      |flags      |         |
treasure  |(type)     |(condition) |           |           |         |
wand      |level      |max charges |charges    |sn         |         |
weapon    |condition  |num dice    |size dice  |weapontype |         |


The species name for the aliens commonly referred to as Hammerheads is
Ithorian.  Their common name comes from their T-shaped heads, which rest
atop long, curved necks.  Ithorians come from the Ottega star system, in
the Lesser Plooriod Cluster.  They speak Basic with a strange twist due to
 their two mouths, each located on one side of their necks.  This
generates  a stereo effect, which produces one of the most beautiful and
difficult  native languages in the galaxy.  Ithor, the fourth planet in
the Ottega  system, is a jungle world that the Ithorians have learned to
respect and  even worship.  The ecologically minded species believes that
only their  eco-priests should ever set foot upon the ground of the great
Mother   Jungles.  The rest live within great floating herd cities.
Herbivores,  Ithorians never take more than they need from their planet
and they  practice a system of planting two trees for every one they are
required to take from the jungles.   Some herd cities have been converted
to starships and equipped with hyperdrives.  In this way, Ithorian
caravans travel the space lanes, bringing unusual merchandise from place
to place.  The herd  ships are built to mimic the  environment the
Ithorians know, complete  with indoor jungles, artificial storms, examples
of Ithorian wildlife, and vast corridors of lush vegetations. Ithorians
are a gentle, peace-loving  species.  They have great respects for all
forms of life.  hey are a  gregarious and curious people, who enjoy their
roles as space merchants  almost as much as ecological preservers.  In the
Outer Rim Territories,   the arrival of a herd ship is cause for

104 JAIL~
.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YJail 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 1 
 &G&WSyntax: &YJail &G&W(name) 

This offensive skill will place enemies of your organization behind bars once
they are stunned. 

 &rNote&G&W: Jail currently works on these planets: 
                                               Sluis Van 

I stumbled upon this in the same book that the race files for basic swr is
located in, word for word the race files are, and so i will put this in
word for word.

The Jedi Code is the philosphy that sums up the beliefs
of the Jedi Knights:

"There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity
There is no death; there is Force."

A Jedi does not act for personal power or wealth but seeks
knowledge and enlightenment.  A Jedi never acts from hatred,
anger, fear, or aggression but acts when calm and at peace
with the Force

&gRance - &G&WJurai/mall 
&gDrraagh - &G&Wmining colony 
&gHensho - &G&WTachnor/ mechanical-robotic, no real grass or outside 
&gLancer - &G&WAquanor/ underwater planet 
&gDack - &G&WDuath/warring planet btw two groups 
&gAsclepius - &G&WTorgo Station/high tech engineering stuff 
&gItzana - &G&WRiven/asteroids, primitive small town/monastary, lowtech 
&gMaelstrom - &G&WRoo-Yab/small surface colony and a lot of underground stuff
&gKtarn - &G&WGhuras/combatant planet 
&gHalcyon - &G&WRigial/Advanced Civ. in jungle surroundings 
&gNeemox - &G&WKrann/scientific-superstitious jungle-caverns-underground 
&gRone - &G&WBakura 
&gCinna - &G&WCelanon/heavily defended major commerce center 
&gConza - &G&WRetons/ 
 &RNote&G&W:  If you are having trouble deciding what to build for a first or
        second area, these 'known' planets are also alright to build:  &RAbbaji
&G&W        (100m tall firethorn trees/Irugian Rain Forest)>> &RAida
        &G&W(lightly populated world formerly under Imperial control)>>
        &RAkrit'tar &G&W(penal colony with Super Star Destroyer buried

Ok, here's a funny joke. There was this woman pregnant with triplets.
Inside her tummy, the three were discussing about what they wanted to do
later in life. The first one said, "I wanna be a Plumber when I grow up."
The other two look at him and ask why. "Because it's leaky in here and I
want to fix it." They nod. The second one says, "I wanna be an
electrician."   The other two ask him why. "Because it's too dark in here
and I wanna fix it."  They nod. The third one says, "I wanna be a boxer!"
They look at him and say "How the heck will you support yourself?!"  He
says, "I dunno." So they ask him why he wants to be one. He says, "Well
cuz, if that thing pops in here one more time and spits in my face, I'm
gonna POP that thing with my fist!"

Try Joke2 for another one.

1 JOKE2~
Sometimes it DOES take a Rocket Scientist

Scientists at NASA have developed a gun built specifically to
launch dead chickens at the windshields of airliners, military
jets and the space shuttle, all traveling at maximum velocity.
The idea is to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with
airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.   British
engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the
windshields of their new high speed trains.
Arrangements were made. But when the gun was fired, the
engineers stood shocked as the chicken hurtled out of the barrel,
crashed into the shatterproof shield, smashed it to smithereens,
crashed through the control console, snapped the engineer's
backrest in two and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin.
Horrified Britons sent NASA the disastrous results of the
experiment, along with the designs of the windshield, and begged
the U.S. scientists for suggestions. NASA's response was just one
sentence,  "Thaw  the chicken."

0 KAIT2~
Bio currently still under Construction. 

.&G&W&rCombat &WSkill: &YKick&W, &YGouge&W, &YPunch&W, &YBash 
 &rCombat &WLevel: 6, 25, 28, 40 
 &G&WSyntax: &YKick&W, &YGouge&W, &YPunch&W, &YBash &W(while fighting) 
&G&WThese skills allow &rcombatants &Wto vary fighting skills while fighting.
&YKicking&W, &YGouging&W, &YPunching&W, or &YBashing &Wwill do more damage
then simply &Ykilling&W. 

&YGouge &Wwill temporarily blind your opponent. 

&YBash &Wcan only be used once a fight has started.  It will inflict damage and
temporarily daze both yourself and your opponent for approximately two 
rounds during which you cannot heal, flee or perform other extraneous  
&Wactions (i.e. you will be able to dodge/parry/attack but nothing else). 
These same consequences are inflicted on your opponent if it is a
player-character, otherwise the skill only inflicts damage. 

 &RNote&W: &YKick&W, &YPunch&W, and &YBash &W have the possibility of breaking

 &RNote&G&W: &YBash &Whas a drastically reduced chance of hitting if the basher
       is not one of the primary targets (ie. is not tanking). 

.&G&WSyntax: Kill (mob) 
 Syntax: Murder (player) 
These two commands allow you to fight with other mobs or players. 
To fight a mob, you must '&Ykill&W' it whereas to fight or kill another 
player, you must use '&Ymurder&W' 

Syntax: languages
Syntax: language learn <language name>

Languages alone shows which languages you know, and "language learn
<name>" will add to your percentage of language knowledge.  To learn a
language, a scholar who is knowledgable in that tongue must be present.

If someone is speaking in a language, and you know it, you will
understand what they are saying.  However, to change the language in which
you are speaking, you must change that manually.  (See help on SPEAK).

Also see help on TONGUES.

101 LAST~
Syntax:  last <character>

Returns the last connected date of the victim.

&gLayers are currently available on the following wear locations:

&GAbout, Arms, Body, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist.

&gLayers are set with a numeric value, or combination of values.  The lower
the value, the lower the layer, or thinner the item of clothing/armor is.

Valid numeric values are:

&G0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

&gOr any combination of the above. A value of zero means no other items came
be layered with this item. Items of clothing can be layered over one another
as long as their layer values do not overlap. ie, if leather armor were set
to a value of 56 (8, 16, and 32), it could not layer with, say, a set of
heavy chain that is set to a value of 96 (32 and 64), as they overlap on the
layer value of 32.


101 LAYERS2~
&gLayer Bit Vectors
&G|1              |       |
|2|6|3|1        |       |
|8|4|2|6|8|4|2|1| Layer | Suggested Armor Type
|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|   0   | (Default - Nothing Layers)
|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1|   1   | silk shirt, light cloth tunic (Lowest Layer)
|0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0|   2   | leather vest, heavy cloth
|0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0|   4   | light chainmail, padded gambeson
|0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0|   6   | padded chainmail
|0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0|   8   | leather jacket, reinforced chainmail
|0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0|  12   | platemail, similarly rigid armor
|0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0|  16   | light cloak, loose robes
|0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0|  24   | heavy fur cloak
|0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0|  16   | light cloak, loose robes
|0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0|  24   | heavy fur cloak
|0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0|  32   | loose cloaks, surcoats
|0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0|  64   | capes
|1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0| 128   | magical effects (auras, clouds of dust, etc)
|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1| 255   | (Highest Layer - Nothing Layers)
&g* Thick or bulky items may need to occupy more than one layer.
  (example; padded chain covers 2 layers)
* A "body" wear position will have more layers than other positions such
  as "arms", "hands", "legs", and "feet".
  (example for "hands"; silk gloves | leather gloves | chain gauntlets)






UP            |          1  |  Trigger is UP
UNLOCK        |          2  |  Trigger unlocks something
LOCK          |          4  |  Trigger locks something
D_NORTH       |          8  |  Affects the north exit
D_SOUTH       |         16  |  Affects the south exit
D_EAST        |         32  |  Affects the east exit
D_WEST        |         64  |  Affects the west exit
D_UP          |        128  |  Affects the exit up
D_DOWN        |        256  |  Affects the exit down
DOOR          |        512  |  Affects a door
CONTAINER    *|       1024  |  Affects a container
OPEN          |       2048  |  Opens something
CLOSE         |       4096  |  Closes something
PASSAGE       |       8192  |  Creates a passage
OLOAD        *|      16384  |  Loads up an object
MLOAD        *|      32768  |  Loads up a mobile
TELEPORT      |      65536  |  Teleports the puller
TELEPORTALL  *|     131072  |  Teleports everyone in the room
TELEPORTPLUS *|     262144  |  Teleports everything in the room
DEATH        *|     524288  |  Causes instant death
CAST         *|    1048567  |  Casts a power (sn in value1)
FAKEBLADE    *|    2097152  |  Lever is a wax covered sword blade (OUCH)
RAND4         |    4194304  |  Randomizes the exits N, S, E, W
RAND6         |    8388608  |  Randomizes the exits N, S, E, W, U, D
TRAPDOOR     *|   16777216  |  Opens a trap door, everthing falls down

See OSET and ITEMVALUES.  * = not yet implemented.

Syntax:  light <pipe>

This lights the herb in your pipe.  Once lit, the herb will continue to
burn until it burns itself out, is smoked out, or you tamp your pipe.


Force Skill: Lightsabers
Force Level: 2
Syntax: none

This skill allows a Forcer to carefully wield a Lightsaber to perfection.
This skill is practiced by wielding the Saber in battle.  It is automatic
once practiced.

.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YLimber 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 90 
 &G&WSyntax: &YLimber 

&G&W&YLimber &G&Wraises your dexterity for a period of time. 

##| Liquid Name        | Liquid Color  | D  | F  | T  | 
00| water              | clear         | 0  | 1  | 10 |
01| beer               | amber         | 3  | 2  |  5 |
02| wine               | rose          | 5  | 2  |  5 |
03| ale                | brown         | 2  | 2  |  5 |
04| dark ale           | dark          | 1  | 2  |  5 |
05| whisky             | golden        | 6  | 1  |  4 |
06| lemonade           | pink          | 0  | 1  |  8 |
07| firebreather       | boiling       | 10 | 0  |  0 |
08| local specialty    | everclear     | 3  | 3  |  3 | 
09| slime mold juice   | green         | 0  | 4  | -8 | 
10| milk               | white         | 0  | 3  |  6 | 
11| tea                | tan           | 0  | 1  |  6 | 
12| coffee             | black         | 0  | 1  |  6 | 
13| blood              | red           | 0  | 2  | -1 | 
14| salt water         | clear         | 0  | 1  |  2 | 
15| cola               | cherry        | 0  | 1  |  5 | 
16| mead               | honey color   | 4  | 2  |  5 | 
17| grog               | thick brown   | 3  | 2  |  5 | 
18| milkshake          | creamy        | 0  | 8  |  5 | 
19| semen              | creamy white  | 0  | 10 | 10 | 
D = How Much of a buzz it has 
F = How much it fills you up (food) 
T = How much it fills you up (thirst) 

.&GPiracy &G&WSkill: &YListen 
 &GPiracy &G&WLevel: 65 
 &G&WSyntax: &YListen&G&W/ &YListen &G&W(direction) 
If you are successful at this skill, &YListen &G&Wwill tell you whether there
is an invisible person/mobile in the room that you are currently in or in the
direction that you listen to.

Syntax: litterbug <player>

Places/removes the litterbug flag, allowing/prohibiting a player from
dropping any objects.

Syntax: loadup <player>

LOADUP allows one to load up a player's character (playing or not), to do
whatever needs be done to the character.  (Modifying a flag, changing a
password... etc).  Use FORCE to make the character do your bidding.


Syntax:  log   <character>
Syntax:  log   all
Syntax:  snoop <character>

LOG <character> causes all of a character's commands to be logged into the
server's log file and to the log channel.  Like FREEZE, it is a permanent
character toggle that persists across reboots until removed.

Certain commands (such as password) are protected against LOG.  Conversely,
certain commands (especially immortal commands) are always logged.

LOG ALL logs all character and mob commands and actions to the server's log
file, but does not send the output to the log channel.  It is a server-wide
toggle; it does not persist across reboots.

SNOOP shows you a copy of all the input and output going to a character.  The
character must have an open channel.  You may snoop more than one character
at a time.  The input from the player will be displayed with a header of the
players  name and a percentage sign (i.e. Mudder%)

SNOOP yourself to cancel all outstanding snoops.


These are socials that can be used to show love for another character:
Bearhug      Bellydance      Bkiss       Blush 
Cuddle       Dance           Flirt       Fondle 
French       Grope           Hug         Jig 
Kiss         Lick            Love        Loverub 
Lust         Maruhadakaniranu            Nuzzle 
Pounce       Purr            Snuggle     Spank 
Stroke       Tackle          Tango       Whistle 
Embrace      Exotic 

Syntax: mail list
Syntax: mail read    <number>
Syntax: mail read    all
Syntax: mail write
Syntax: mail subject <string>
Syntax: mail to      <to-list>
Syntax: mail take    <number>
Syntax: mail show
Syntax: mail post
Syntax: mail remove  <number>

The mail command is very similar to the note command.  To write mail, as
in notes, you must have a blank note held in your hands, and a quill or
pen in your inventory.  Mail can only be addressed to real players, or
'all'.  There is a charge for reading and taking mail.

101 MAKE~
Syntax:  make <object>

For use by clan, Order or guild leaders only to make one of the three
clan, Order or guild objects.


.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakearmor 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 70 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakearmor &G&W(wear location) (name) 

&G&WThis skill allows you to create armor for yourself or others using some
material and a sewing kit. 

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakeblade 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 40 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakeblade &G&W(name) 
This skill allows &Cengineers &G&Wto &Ymake vibroblades &G&Wfor whatever
reason.  It requires that you have a toolkit, oven, one piece of durasteel,
and one battery. 

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakeblaster 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 95 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakeblaster &G&W(name) 

Syntax:  makeboard <board filename>
Example: makeboard newboard.brd

Used to create a board file, which can then be defined using 'bset'.


Syntax:  makeclan <clan name>
Example: makeclan Retribution

Used to create a new clan, Order or guild, which can then be defined using
the 'setclan' command.  Orders, guilds and clans are distinguished using the
'type' field in 'setclan'.


.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakecomlink 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 2 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakecomlink &G&W(name) 
This skill allows &CEngineers&G&W to make their own personalized comlinks.
You'll need a superconductor, battery, circuit, crystal, and toolkit.

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakecontainer 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 1 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakecontainer &G&W(wearlocation) (name) 

This skill is used to &Ymake containers &G&Wthat may be worn all over the body.

 &RNote&G&W: Different fabrics make up different layers. 

Syntax:  makecouncil <council name>
Example: makecouncil Newbie Council

Used to create a new council, which can then de defined using 'setcouncil'.


.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakedroid 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 100 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakedroid &G&W(name) 

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakeflashlight 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 10 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakeflashlight &G&W(name) 
This skill allows &Cengineers &G&Wto make flashlights for their own use,
retail, or however they wish.  To make one, certain parts are needed: an oven,
a toolkit, circuit, battery, lens, and a chemistry set. 

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakefurniture 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 28 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakefurniture &G&W( 

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakegrenade 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 95 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakegrenade &G&W(name) 

.&G&WSyntax: makehome (filename.home) (name) 
 Syntax: sethome (name) (field) (value) 
 Syntax: showhome (name) 
With the new housing code, all 'homes' are to have a separate file. 
&YMAKEHOME &Wis the command for creating a new file.  The 'filename' 
is the road/street name plus a number ie. (&Rissiul1, issiul2...&W) 
The name in MAKEHOME is the address ie. &R6502 Issiuls Court&W. The 
name in &YSETHOME &Whowever is just the numerical part '&R6502&W'. 
When you are ready to set an estate or apartment, use SETHOME to 
designate a first room, last room, and entrance.  The &Yfirst room 
&Wis the lowest vnum in the series, the &Ylast room &Wthe highest, and the
&Yentrance &Wany vnum inbetween the two.  All the vnums from first to last 
will be designated as a home and players can drop personal belongings 
in any of these and they will be saved.  The &Yentrance &Wis the room in 
which the player buys the home. 

 &RNote&G&W: &Yhomeid &G&Wallows you to identify which home you are currently

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakejewelry 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 80 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakejewelry &G&W(wear location) (name) 

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakekeyring 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 9 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakekeyring &G&W(name) 

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakelandmine 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 90 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakelandmine &G&W(name) 

.&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YMakemedkit 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 20 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakemedkit &G&W(name) 
This skill allows &Pdoctors &G&Wto &Ymake medkits &G&Weither for their own use
or to help others.  It requires an empty drink container, chemicals, and a

Syntax:  makerepair <mobvnum>

Automatically gives the mobile the ability to repair damaged equipment.
Use 'repairset' to set the parameters by which the shop will function.


.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YMakeshield 
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 60 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakeshield &G&W(name) 

Syntax: makeshop <mobile vnum>

Creates a new shop and assigns it to a mobile.

The levels of the items in the shop are picked randomly based on item type:

|Item Type | Level Range                   |
| default  | 0                             |
| pill     | 0 to 10                       |
| potion   | 0 to 10                       |
| scroll   | value[0] of the scroll object |
| wand     | 10 to 20                      |
| staff    | 15 to 25                      |
| armor    | 5 to 15                       |
| weapon   | 5 to 15                       |


Syntax: makeslay <type>

This command creates a new slaytype and sets it up with default options.
Once created, it can then be edited using the online slay editor.


This command makes a starsystem in the mud.
You can further edit it with setstarsystem.
Syntax - Makestarsystem (Name)
See Also, help setstarsystem

Syntax:  makewizlist

Used to generate a new wizlist during game operation (a new wizlist
is automatically created at each reboot).  A character recently
immortalized may need to 'save' first if they don't show up on the
newly created wizlist.


.&G&WSyntax: &YPropose &G&W(name) 
 &G&WSyntax: &YAccept &G&W(name) 

If you find the person whom you wish to marry, you first have to &Ypropose
&G&Wto them.  If accepted, you will be engaged and an announcement will be made
to those in the room. 

&G&WThis will &Yaccept &G&Wsomeone's proposal for marriage. 
If you want to get married or divorced you will have to find a priest or
priestess.  There are players who have been bestowed with powers to officiate

marry <name> <name2>
This command will marry two people, if they're engaged that is.

divorce <name> <name2>
This command will divorce two people, if they're married.

103 MASK~
Force level 5
Syntax: feel 'mask' <target>

This Force skill will render you or another invisable to those without
detect masking.

.&pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YMass_propeganda 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 80 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMass_propeganda 
&G&WThis skill allows you to spread propeganda to an entire planet at one time
rather then just one person. 

Syntax: mcreate <vnum> <keywords>
Syntax: ocreate <vnum> <keywords>

Create and new mobile / object.
A prototype monster or object will be created with the selected vnum, and
set up with the plainest of default values.  A material image of the magical
prototype will appear before you, for you to futher modify with MSET or OSET.


We all know this, but put up with you anyways!

Syntax : Meditate

This is the entry skill into becoming a jedi. Meditating will
allow you to become one with the Force.

See also help Frc and help Jedi.

Syntax:  memory

Reports the current counts of objects, mobiles, rooms, etc...

Affects   (# of affects)                Areas   (# of areas loaded)
ExtDes    (# of exdescs)                Exits   (# of exits)
Helps     (# of help files)             Resets  (# of resets)
IdxMobs   (# of unique mob indexes)     Mobs    (# of mobs in game total)
IdxObjs   (# of unique obj indexes)     Objs    (unique items) (total items)
Rooms     (# of rooms in the game)      VRooms  (# of virtual rooms present)
Shops     (# of shops defined)          RepShps (# of repair shops defined)
CurOq's   (Not used)                    CurCq's (Not used)
Players   (Current # link-live players) Maxplrs (max players this reboot)
MaxEver   (Max # of players ever)       Topsn   (top sn used) (top sn open)
MaxEver time recorded at:   (date and time max users was reached)


101 MENU~
When in one of the menu systems (RMENU, OMENU, MMENU), to switch from one
page to another, type '- <letter>'.  (For example, '- a' will bring you to
the first page in the current menu system).

'- h' will bring up a help file in any menu system.

'+ <name>' in OMENU or MMENU will change the object or mobile being edited
if it exists in your inventory/room respectively.


Originally based on the Merc 2.1 code which was created by Furey,
Hatchet, and Kahn.
This original code base is available as Merc_21.tar.gz via FTP from:
ftp.tcp.com, ftp.math.okstate.edu and game.org.
E-mail to 'merc-request@kpc.com' to join the merc mailing list.

Merc would like to thank ...
  ... Diku Mud for their code base.
  ... The Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie for kick-ass tools.
  ... Copper Mud and Alfa Mud for releasing their code and worlds.
  ... Aod of Generic for ... well, everything.  You're a hoopy frood, Aod.
  ... Alander for many ideas and contributions.
  ... John Brothers of Silly for permission to use Silly code and worlds.
  ... Zrin for administering the mailing list.
  ... Abaddon for proofreading our comm.c.
  ... Hind, Quin, Vic, Diavolo, Oleg, Trienne, and others for porting help.
  ... Diavolo, Grodyn, Morgenes, and others for code and bug fixes.
  ... Raff, Doctor, VampLestat, Nirrad, Tyrst, PinkF, Chris, Glop for worlds.
  ... the players and imps of Mud Dome, Final Mud, Mud Lite, Vego Mud, Rivers
      of Mud, Ruhr Mud, and Mystic Realms for bug reports, ideas, new code,
      and hours of enjoyment.
                                Share and enjoy.

Syntax: mfind <name>
Syntax: ofind <name>

MFIND finds all mobile types with a particular name.

OFIND finds all object types with a particular name.

190 MIF~
height                            weight
age                               rand 
economy                           mobinroom 
timeskilled                       ovnumhere 
otypehere                         ovnumroom 
otyperoom                         ovnumcarry 
otypecarry                        ovnumwear 
otypewear                         ovnuminv 
otypeinv                          ismobinvis 
iswizinvis                        mobinvislevel 
ispc                              isnpc 
ismounted                         isgood 
isneutral                         isevil 
isfight                           isimmort 
ischarmed                         isfollow 
isaffected                        hitprcnt 
inroom                            wasinroom 
sex                               position 
doingquest                        ishelled 
level                             goldamt 
race                              clan 
council                           clantype 
str                               wis 
int                               dex 
con                               cha 
lck                               objtype 
objval0                           objval1 
objval2                           objval3 
objval4                           objval5 
number                            name 
name2                             time 

105 MINE~
.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YMine 
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 90 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMine &G&W(mine) 
This skill allows &rcombatants &G&Wto place landmines in rooms so that 
the next unsuspecting person to walk over it, would get hurt.  This 
skill also requires knowing how to &Ydig&G&W. 

Syntax:  minvoke <vnum>
         minvoke <keyword of mob>
Syntax:  oinvoke <vnum>
         oinvoke <keyword of obj>
         oinvoke <vnum/keyword of obj> <level>

MINVOKE invokes an instance of the mobile specified.

OINVOKE invokes an copy of the object specified.  It accepts an optional
parameter for the level of the object to be invoked.


101 MLIST~
Syntax: mlist
      :	mlist <first mob>
      :	mlist <first mob> <last mob>

This command will list all of the prototype mobs in your area, when used
with no arguments.  When used with a single argument it will list all
mobs including and after the argument, and when used with two arguments,
it will list all mobs including and between the two.

101 MMENU~
Syntax: mmenu <mob name> [menu page] (defaults to 'a' if none given)

Mmenu will bring you into a menu system of editing mobiles.  To use mmenu,
the mobile that you are editing should be in the same room as you.  To
choose an option in the menu, type the number of the section followed by the
desired letter, and any variables that may follow.

See MENU for generic menu commands.

         The MOBprograms have been contributed by N'Atas-ha.

         Haus hacked together room && obj programs 'cause
          he got sick of failing to add lever bitvectors,
               and cause he thought Carnage was a
                  Trancendentally Cool Mud.

&YMobile Building Requirements for Unknown Regions:  
&C&cMisc Guidelines for building mobs 
&R&W1) Use your Common Sense. 
2) Most mobiles should have descriptions 
3) Mob programs are good, interaction is very good 
4) Setting things like its race/sex is good. 
5) Use a large variety of mobs in your area. 
6) Clothes are very good for mobs. Not 
every single person is going to wear 
7) More to come later 
&BFor More see: Buildreq, Objreq, Roomreq, progreq, areareq 

Trigger Optnl Triggering Variable Explanation
------- ----- ------------------- -----------
Act      {p}  <keyword / phrase>  [emotes, socials, actions, bamfs]
Speech   {p}  <keyword / phrase>  [says or tells from same room as mob]
Rand          <percentage>        [randomly triggered based on percentile]
Fight         <percentage>        [random, within a fight, based on percentile]
Hitprcnt      <percentage>        [percent is % of mob's max H.P.]
Greet         <percentage>        [entry that mob can see, by mob/player]
Allgreet      <percentage>        [entry by a mob/player, regardless if seen]
Entry         <percentage>        [when the mob itself enters a room]
Bribe         <amount of gold>    [when a player gives the mob money]
Death         <percentage>        [when the mob dies]
Script {hour}                     [loops a line at a time. Hour triggers start]
Time          <hour>              [script prog, runs once on hour specified]
Hour          <hour>              [loops as Script for an hour from start hour]

*NOTE* {hour}/<hour> is in military time. ie, 15 hours is 3p.m. mud time.
*NOTE* The mpcommand MPDONOTHING currently only works in Script progs,
       NOT in Time or Hour progs.


Modules are used to modify ships and add to them and improve them.
*WARNING* Once you install a module on a ship that isn't already reliant
on them. It will become completly reliant on modules. Meaning that all
the original stats except for the hull will be set to 0 and you will be
forced to buy a module for everything.

Install_module is the command used to install the modules. Syntax:
install_module (module) (shipname) The only modules you can install
more then one of are lasers, missiles, torpedos, rockets, fuel pods.
Also don't go thinking you can install 50 quad lasers in a ship because
ships do have module limits.

To see What modules your ship currently has. The command is show_modules
your ship

To remove a module. The syntax is :remove_module (module) (ship name)
For more further information on modules see help modules2.

Detailed information on Components:
Tractorbeam - Allows you to retreives fleeing ships and bring the ship
to your docking bay if you have one.

lasers - Determines how many lasers are on your ship.

Missile Rack - Determines how many missiles are on your ship.

Hyperdrive - Gives your ship a Hyperdrive and Hyperspeed

Main Drive - determines how fast your ship moves in regular space.

Shield Generator - Determines the strength of your shields.

Fuel Pod - Determines how much energy your Ship has.
Standard Electronics - Adds Comlink and all that to your ship.

See also Help midmodule and help module.

The Mon Calamari are a race of shore-dwelling bipeds.  Living on a planet
almost totally covered with oceans, they have developed a symbiotic
relationship with the water-dwelling Quarren.  These inhabitants of the sea
mine ore from the ocean's floor and the Mon Calamari design practical uses
for it.  While they are not the most agile or tough race, their long
fight against the Empire has taught them many survival skills.

When the Empire came to Mon Calamari, it decimated the population and their
proliferate floating cities.  After months of fighting, the Imperial force
was repelled and the first collective action of the planet was to seek entry
into the Alliance.  The Mon Calamari also provided a great asset to the
Alliance during the war, converting their numerous Pleasure Cruisers into
machines of war, bringing much needed capitol ships to the Aliiance's forces.

If your reading this you've obviously done something Moronic.
So next time take the time to look at things , read room
descriptions or read the helps before bugging an Immortal
or screaming over OOC.

-1 MOTD~
                  &C&cM&Bessage &C&co&Bf &C&cT&Bhe &C&cD&Bay:
&Y* &W- 3/24/01 Want to firmly state that you are on a quest? Want to avoid
confusion about who's questing? No problem! When questing type &Yconfig
+questing&W. &P(&BBrutus&P) 
&YNew Helpfiles:&B help voicemail&W, &Phelp immortals 

101 MOTDS~
The motds are 'messages of the day', and there are several:

New characters will see the 'nmotd', containing info relevant only to
new characters (level 1).

Leveling characters (2 through 49) will see the 'motd', containing
information relevant to those who are still playing to level.

Avatars (level 50) will see the 'amotd', containing information
relevant to avatar characters.

Immortals (level 51 and higher) will see the 'imotd', containing
information specifically relevant to all immortals.

Any of the motds may be seen with 'help <name of motd>' ... for
example:  'help nmotd'

The motds are edited with hedit and saved with hset like all helpfiles.

.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YMount 
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 7 
 Syntax: &YMount &W(mob) 
 &G&WSyntax: &YDismount 

&YMount &Wis a skill which allows you to mount certain mobs.  Being &Ymounted
&Won a mob cuts down on movement points that are used whenver you move. 
To remove yourself from the mob, one must remember to &Ydismount&W. 

New water sectors allow a person &Ymounted &Wto traverse them without damage
from drowning.  If you are in an area where your movement points begin to
suddenly drop and/or you begin to lose hps (hitpoints) quickly, you 
should try to &Ymount &Wimmediately. 

This discusses the process of moving your character from one place in the
game to another.  The common movements are north, east, south, west, up
down, northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.  You may also move
in these directions by the use of n, e, s, w, u, d, ne, se, sw, and nw.

If you need to pass through a door, at times they require being unlocked
and opened. To unlock a door, you type UNLOCK <direction or door name>.
To open a door, you type OPEN <direction or door name>.

At times, you may run out of movement points or require healing.  To allow
for faster recovery, you may SIT, REST, or SLEEP.  When are finished with
your recovery, and wish to continue adventuring, type WAKE or STAND.


This discusses the process of moving your character from one place in the
game to another.  The common movements are north, east, south, west, up
down, northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.  You may also move
in these directions by the use of n, e, s, w, u, d, ne, se, sw, and nw.

If you need to pass through a door, at times they require being unlocked
and opened. To unlock a door, you type UNLOCK <direction or door name>.
To open a door, you type OPEN <direction or door name>.

At times, you may run out of movement points or require healing.  To allow
for faster recovery, you may SIT, REST, or SLEEP.  When are finished with
your recovery, and wish to continue adventuring, type WAKE or STAND.


Syntax: MPADVANCE <name> <level>

Advances the level of a player (not functional in prototype programs).

Syntax:  mpapply <victim>
Syntax:  mpapplyb <victim>

These commands are used in the pre-auth area to signal a new character's
authorization status.  When a character first enters the game, it will
be targeted by an 'mpapply <victim>' which will inform the immortals that
the character is waiting for authorization.  Once the character is
authorized, a mob will attempt to 'mapplyb <victim>' the character, and
the character will be sent into the actual game.

Syntax: MPASOUND <phrase>

Displays a phrase to all surrounding rooms.

101 MPAT~
Syntax: MPAT <vnum> <command>

Lets the mobile perform a command at another location.

The following commands can be used for Room, Mob and Object progs. The commands
listed at the bottom are for mob progs only. A ** indicates command under
development. Each command also has its own help file. Type HELP <COMMAND>.

--------------  --------------------  -------------  --------------------
MPASOUND        <phrase>              MPJUNK         <name/var>
MPECHOAROUND    <name/var> <phrase>   MPECHOAT       <name/var> <phrase>
MPECHO          <phrase>              MPMLOAD        <mob vnum>
MPOLOAD         <object vnum>         MPPURGE        <object/mobile name>
MPADVANCE       <player name> <level> MPTRANSFER     <name/all>
MPFORCE         <name/all> <actions>  MPSLAY         <victim>
MPDREAM         <name> <phrase>       MPDAMAGE       <name> <#hps>
MPCLOSEPASSAGE  <room> <direction>    MPOPENPASSAGE  <origin> <dest> <dir>
** MPPRACTICE   <victim> (skill|power) (max_percent)
Mobs only:
MPKILL           <name>                 MPGOTO <vnum>
MPAT             <vnum> <command>


Syntax:  mpdamage <victim> <amount>

This command inflicts a specified amount of damage on the victim.
This damage will be affected by sanctuary, but is not affected by
protect, saving throws or resists.

A mob should _never_ mpdamage itself, at risk of crashing.

Syntax:  mpdeposit <amount>
Syntax:  mpwithdraw <amount>

This command orders the mobile to deposit or withdraw a specified number
of gold coins from an area.  These can be used in conjunction with mpat
to tell the mob which area to withdraw/deposit money in.

Example:  mpat 21000 mpwithdraw 5000000

This would cause the mob to withdraw 5 million coins from the new Darkhaven
area, as that is the area vnum 21000 is in.

If no mpat is used, the mob will withdraw or deposit the gold from the
area in which it is located at the time.


Syntax: MPDREAM <name> <phrase>
Sends a message to a sleeping character.

Syntax: MPECHO <phrase>

Displays a phrase to the entire room.

Syntax: MPECHOAROUND <name> <phrase>

Displays a phrase to all in the room except victim.
The abbreviation "mer" may be used for mpechoaround.

Syntax: MPECHOAT <name> <phrase>

Displays a phrase to only the victim.
The abbreviation "mea" may be used for mpechoat.

Syntax:  mpedit <mobile> <command> [number]  [program] [arguments]
Syntax:  mpedit <mobile> add       <program> <arguments>
Syntax:  mpedit <mobile> insert    <number>  <program> <arguments>
Syntax:  mpedit <mobile> edit      <number>  [program] [arguments]
Syntax:  mpedit <mobile> delete    <number>
Syntax:  mpedit <mobile> list

Add, insert and edit will put you into the line editor to edit your
program.  The arguments consist of a trigger, plus any arguments
associated with that trigger.

For complete infomation, reference the mob program documentation available
via FTP on realms.game.org:  (building.tar.gz/building.tar.Z/building.zip )


Syntax: MPFORCE <name/all>

Forces a player/mob to do a command (non-functional on immortals, all will
only force all in room).

Syntax: MPGOTO <vnum>

Goes to any room which is not private.

Syntax:  mpinvis
Syntax:  mpinvis <level>

This command controls a mob's ability to use a modified form of wizinvis.

Use 'mpinvis' alone to toggle the invisibility.

Use 'mpinvis <level>' to set the level at which the mob will be invis.

Mortals under the mobinvis level of the mob will be unable to see the mob
when it goes mobinvis; they cannot see it with any power, it will be
completely invisible to them.

Be warned, however, that its programs will still function as normal, the
mortal will simply see a 'someone' if it performs an action or an echo
that they see, just as if a wizinvis immortal performed the action.

Also be warned that at the present time, area attacks _will_ hit a mobinvis
creature even if it is invisible.


Syntax: MPJUNK <name>

Destroys an object in inventory/being worn - can be used with all.object .

Syntax: MPKILL <name>

Kills a player without using murder.

Syntax: MPMLOAD <vnum>
        MPOLOAD <vnum> [<level> timer]

Loads a mob or object.

Syntax: MPOPENPASSAGE <origin> <destination> <direction>

Opens a passage to a room (does not affect pre-existing doors)

Syntax: MPCLOSEPASSAGE <room> <direction>

Closes a passage to a room (does not affect pre-existing doors that were
not created with mpopenpassage)

Syntax:  mppkset <victim> yes/no

This command tells the mob to set the victim to either deadly or
non-deadly status.

Mppkset yes will set the victim to deadly status.

Mppkset no will set the victim to non-deadly status.


Syntax:  mppractice <victim> <skill/power/language> <amount>

This command will set the victim's percentage of proficiency in the
specified skill/power/language to the specified amount.

It cannot train a character in a skill/power/language the character does
not have as a part of its class and that it does not already have as a
result of its level.  In other words, it canot train a warrior in
fireball, or a level 1 thief in gouge.

Syntax: MPPURGE <object/mobile>

Purges the room, or a specified object/mobile.

Syntax:  mprestore <victim> <amount>

This command restores a specified number of hitpoints to the victim.

Syntax:  mpslay <victim>

This command orders the mob to slay the victim in cold blood; the
victim gets no saving throw.

Syntax:  mpstat <mob/mobvnum>

Mpstat will display all of the mobprograms that have been written for the
specified mob.  If an instance of that mob exists in the game, it can be
accessed with its vnum.


Syntax: MPTRANSFER <name/all>

Transfers one or all in the room to a specified location.

These functions, when complete, will function similarly to 'rat', but
will be used to manipulate ranges of mobiles and objects instead of

Syntax: mset <character> <field> <value>
Syntax: rset <location>  <field> <value>

MSET and RSET set the properties of mobiles and rooms respectively.

RSET has been replaced with REDIT, which allows you to change every part
of a room.


If a mobile has the PROTOTYPE flag, modifying an instance of the mobile
will also modify the index mobile, which all other instances of the
mobile are based on.

See MCREATE and REDIT.  For objects see OSET.

Also see MMENU, RMENU, and OMENU for the menu editing system.

1 MSP~
&R&WMud Sound Protocol.  
&C&cThis is code in various clients that recognize special characters 
and allow muds to implement sounds and music.  
The Homepage for MSP is: http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmud/msp.htm  
&zMud Clients MSP Compatible:&w 
&CzMUD, Versions 4.60 and Higher.  (http://www.zuggsoft.com)  
Mud Master, Versions 2.10 and Higher (http://www.mud-master.com) 
TinTin++ 1.5 and Higher 
AmiMud(For Amiga) version 2.10 and Higher.&w  
&YYou can find our music packs at..&w 
&pMusic Pack: unknownregions.tripod.com/urmusicpack.zip  
Sound Pack: swruk.cjb.net&w  

Syntax:  mstat <character/mob or mobvnum>
Syntax:  ostat <object/object vnum>
Syntax:  rstat
Syntax:  rstat <location>

MSTAT shows you statistics on a character or mobile.  If a copy of the mobile
is present in the game, you can access it using its vnum.

OSTAT shows you statistics on an object.  If a copy of the object is present
in the game, you can acces it using its vnum.

RSTAT shows you statistics on a location.  The location may be specified as
a roomvnum, as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.  Rstat
with no argument returns the statistics on your present room.


&RMultiplaying is Illegal&w 
&CDefinition of Multiplaying:&w 
&R&WHaving access to or owning more then *1* character unless it is 
Your Child 
Having two or more characters connected and controlled by you at the 
same time(Regardless of link dead or not). 
Having the two characters interact in any way(dropping a item and other 
one picking it up even after its quit). 
Using another character to extract revenge 
&YPunishments :&w 
These will depend on the mood of the imm who caught you. 
Best advice is to *NOT* multiplay. Its not my fault if 
one imm who is semi-nice just slays your other char and 
does a few things to you while another more strict imm 
just slays both of you off hand. Its not a issue of fairness 
Its a Issue of breaking the rules. 

Well done!


Suddenly out of nowhere, a hideous beast appears, bringing with it the
horrible smell of brimstone, death and decay!

The demon gives you the most evil and spine tingling sneer that makes you
fall to your knees, and release your bladder...

The next second, the immense mass of slimey muscle and claws is all over you
...shredding you to a bloody mess!

Mercifully, everything goes black as it moves its widening maw towards your

-1 M_GODLVL10_~
You are all powerful!

-1 M_GODLVL1_~
...Everything begins to fade to black.

You feel yourself leaving your body... rising up into the air, you feel
indeed much more free than you have ever felt before...

You float high into the heavens... a vortex of ever-changing curved beams
of colored light swirling around you faster and faster...

Your soul is bursting with emotions you can barely conceive...
You feel a burning inside... both cold and hot... a tingle of electricity
grows into a powerful buzzing surge jolting through every inch of your body.

A strange chorus of voices begins to sing indecipherable and long forgotten
words... the singing grows louder and louder... a million voices as one.

You feel yourself losing touch with reality... and all goes quiet.

-1 M_GODLVL2_~
...You begin to feel light-headed.

Your hands begin to tingle softly...
The feeling quickly grows into a strange radiating pulse of energy!

The tingle rises up your arms and into your head, filing your mind with
visions of worlds of wonder, far off places, great towers, vast mountains,
oceans, seas, lush valleys, dark caverns and twisted passages...

You sense a feeling of wonderous potential and power in your hands...
Enough power to build and create these visions for yourself!

You feel much more powerful, eager and inspired!

-1 M_GODLVL3_~
...You feel slightly faint as your head begins to spin.

Your hands begin to tingle once more...
A vortex of energy starts to swirl throughout your hands, going faster
and faster... becoming almost painful!

Beams of light break through your skin, one at a time, then more and
more until the light is almost to bright to bear...

As your squint your eyes, you perceive a vision of great beasts of wonder,
dangerous and unnatural fiends, pixies, faeries, tribes and clans, peoples
of all kinds, ancient forgotten artifacts, weapons of vast untapped powers,
crystal balls, magick rings, staves, wands, rods, arcane tomes of untold
secrets... your mind is bursting with inspiration...

You sense a new, reborn feeling of unlimited potential and power...
In your hands the power to build and create these visions for yourself!

The bright light from your hands fades away... but strange faint glow
remains always.

-1 M_GODLVL4_~
You suddenly feel much more powerful!

-1 M_GODLVL5_~
You suddenly feel much more powerful!

-1 M_GODLVL6_~
You suddenly feel much more powerful!

-1 M_GODLVL7_~
You suddenly feel much more powerful!

-1 M_GODLVL8_~
You suddenly feel much more powerful!

-1 M_GODLVL9_~
You suddenly feel much more powerful!

&YSyntax:  name <newname>&W 
This command allows a pre-authorization player to change their name to
a new one if their original choice has been denied. 
  Example: A new player named Pete has his name denied. To change his
  name to 'Joe', Pete would simply type: &YName Joe&W. 
When choosing a name, please try to choose one which is both Starwarsish
and unique. Good names help add to gameplay and will allow you to forge
an identity for yourself. Simply put, your name should &YNOT &Wbe:&G 
 - Nonsensical, unpronounceable or ridiculous. 
 - Profane or derogatory as interpreted in any language. 
 - Futuristic or common, such as 'Jill' or 'Laser'. 
 - Similar to that of any UR Immortal, major mob, or equipment. 
 - Significant in history, mythology, or any religion. 
 - Comprised of various capital letters, such as 'BrACkkA' or 'CORTO'.
 - Comprised of ranks or titles, such as 'Lord' or 'Master'. 
 - Composed of singular descriptive nouns, adverbs or adjectives, 
    as in 'Heart', 'Big', 'Flying', 'Broken', 'Slick' or 'Tricky'. 
 - Any of the above in reverse, i.e., writing Jade as 'Edaj'. 
 - Any combination of singular descriptive nouns/adverbs or adjectives, as
   in 'Metaljacket Heartbound Earthstone or Softheart'. 
&WPlease keep in mind that names which were authed in the past do 
not validate current name authing. Above are the guidelines 
which all immortals follow. In addition, they may have their own 
reasons for denying your name. The final determination as to the 
validity of a name on UR is the discretion of the Immortals 
and is NOT subject to debate or discussion. If your name is denied, 
simply follow the guidelines and try a new one. 

The name of your character is very important.  As we are trying
to keep this a Role Play Mud please pick reasonable names.
Names of wee known start wars characters are frownd upon
and names with profanity or just plain stupid will be denied.

i.e. Luke, Vader, Han are well known names.
i.e  Fish Head, Supermanguy, are just plain stupid.

.&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YNavigation 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 1 

&YNavigation &G&Wis the skill that allows you to pilot a ship successfully.
It is an automatic skill. 

 &RSee also&W: Help &YCoordinates&W, Help &YHyperspace&W, Help &YCourse

&B|              &WWelcome to the Unknown Regions!                 &B| 
&R@>&W The first you should do is check help files and familiarize yourself
with the elements of this game:  
&B##>&C Help [rules/death/clone/ships/ic/ooc/bounty] 
&R@>&W Next, to get authorized, you can do one of the following: 
&B##>&C First, make sure your out of that first room. This is done by typeing
'say 1' or 'say 2' respectivly, type 'look' for details. 
&B##>&C Ask an imm privately if you're ready to be authed, and if not, ask him
or her what needs to be done. 
&B##>&C Type 'who newbie' to list the players in the newbie council. These
players will be able to authorize you, and answer any of your questions. 

&R@>&W Once you leave the UED Spacestation(Newbie Acadamy), good places to
start would be: 
&B##>&C Rudrig, Sluis Van, or Coruscant. These three planets have academy type
areas for new players to train stats or gain combat skills. 

Syntax: newbieset <character>

NEWBIESET puts the default (i.e. Darkhaven Academy) equipment into the
character's inventory.  Recipient must be level 5 or lower.

To make a new clan, You need to submit and application to a imm 
What your clan is, Clan's name, Its IC stuff like story etc 
and all those kind of details 
Then make it unofficial, once you have 4 - 8 ACTIVE members in your  
clan for at least 2 - 3 weeks, Then your clan will be considered by 
squall to be made into a real one with ships etc. 
&RIf you have any questions about my requirements for the application 
then you might as well not go about it cause they are not hard. I will 
not answer any questions on them. You shouldn't start a clan if you 
can't even answer those simple questions. 
&YDon't even bother submitting an application if you can't RP, write 
a good story or IC info cause I don't take half-assed shit. Example 
of a shitty application: 
Super powerful Force 
a team of strong people that protect people 
We are strong people from all over the galaxy who like to do good 

call - calling pet 
abort - skyrunner's abort (please give credit)
run - drraagh's command 
make_infect_med - Untested, but should make medicine to cure infections
cept there isn't a cure command yet.. thats next 
washup - to help reduce the chance of infection.. needs soap 
ship_masking - simular to a stealth bomber.. youcan see it. but your sensors
can't.. uses lots of energy 

-1 NEWS~
Listing of recent news
&R@&G&W added Announcement Channel(announce)
&R@ &WAdded Transship
&R@ &WFixed Bug In Slay
&R@ &WChanged Reset_Check so reset msges would show up better
&R@ &WChanged Setplanet so you can set governed_by to none
&R@&G&W Made it so mobs are not purple - Put Back, mobs are purple
&R@ &WAdded In Gendi's Patrol Fix
&R@ &WPut in the Jedi Knight Flag On Who List
&R@ &WAdded do_announce
&R@ &WModified Quest channel
&R@ &WPut In AutoQuest
&R@&G&W Added Simple Close And Open Bay
&R@&G&W Enhance Close And Open Bay so that you have to be in the cockpit in
   the same system and the ship belongs to u or your clan
&R@&G&W Fixed Lang Bug
&R@&G&W Added Sounds And Special Messages For Wielding and Removing Light
&R@&G&W Added Random Greeting Thing, Wasn't Hard.
&R@&G&W Added UpgradeLaser, Not sure if it should be a skill or not
&R@&G&W Added wizhelp2,(sorted by level)
&R@&G&W Added Increasing hps per level
&R@&G&W CHanged Starting Hp/mana/move
&R@&G&W Removed Ask,music,pray, i104,i103,i105, as well as changed coloring
of channels
&R@&G&W Added payfine
&R@&W Added in tune and talk(1-100 channels to talk( tune <channel#> &&
talk <msg>
&R@ &WInvite, Buzz, Ship Docking and Xsocials have been added.
&R@ &WPaint has been added along with setrace and showrace.
&R@ &WIon Cannons(fire ion) have been added in as well as birth.
&R@&W Listen has been added, help listen
&R@&W Butcher is now in, help butcher
&R@&W Cybernetics are in, help cyber
&R@&G&W Ship Codes Are parcially in, type getcode and setcode for more
&R@&R&W New Housing system is in (Experimental) type homes.
&R@&R&W rcopy(neat imm command) is in. Copies rooms descs and flags.
&R@&R&W strew/strip, customized slays and other fun stuff added.
&R@&R&W Planetary/System Defenses and Patrols added along with
&R@&R&W Copyover installed.
&R@ New 3 Package Cloning system in. 
&R@ &R&W Ship Types are back in 
&R@ &R&W Format has been fixed 
&R@&R&W Background music in in most of the mud. 

Syntax: newzones [low] [high]
Lists the vnum range for rooms/mobs/objects in prototype areas that have been

&W[&RNotice&W] &BWe are currently under-construction. Please understand that I
(Gavin) will be doing many modifications to pfile formats, are formats, and
all the others by the time we are open. &WYou are welcome to play here, in fact
I encourage it, but be warned, before this is open to the full public, there
will be a pwipe. This should be in a week or so, probably beginning of May. &GI
hope this does not discourage you from helping out or testing. But be warned,
the characters you choose to play with as of now, will not be around as they
are when we open. &PIf you are here to bug us, or laugh at us for being taken
over, please respectivly go elsewhere, We have done nothing wrong, and have no
intention of starting a mud war. 
anything else. 
&YYour Admins, 
Gavin and Alessandra 

The Noghri are a race of great hunters and warriors.  Incredible agility
lend them a large advantage in combat.  For the most part, Noghri are
not technologically advanced, they lack any sort of "street smarts," as
almost none of them have ever gone offworld, and those that do only do so
as body guards and similar occupations.  Their small size also limits their
constition, and thus succumb to wounds more quickly than humans.

The Noghri live on the fourth planet in their system, the only one of seven
capable of supporting life.  Honoghr is, for the most part, a barren world.
Years ago, during the Clone Wars, a large starship crashed into the planet,
causing massive destruction and posoining much of the planet with coolant
fluids. Since, the Noghri have been extremely dependant on the Empire or
the New Republic for food.


A 'nokill' flag has been added for NAMED mobs. It doesn't make sense
for some mobs to die and then suddenly be back alive again ( the ones
with names as opposed to ones like anonymous stormtroopers etc ).
This flag will cause the mob that has it to appear to flee before it
dies... It will still give experience but won't leave a corpse lying

use: mset <mob#> flags nokill

Syntax:  noresolve

Toggles resolution of incoming player ip's into names.


Syntax: north or n
Syntax: south or s
Syntax: east or e
Syntax: west or w
Syntax: up or u
Syntax: down or d

Use these commands to walk in a particular direction.

Syntax: northeast or ne
Syntax: northwest or nw
Syntax: southeast or se
Syntax: southwest or sw

Use these commands to walk in a particular direction.

Syntax: note list    <number>	OR: message list <number>
Syntax: note read    <number>	OR: message read <number>
Syntax: note read    all	OR: message read all
Syntax: note write		OR: message write all
Syntax: note subject <string>	OR: message subject "string"
Syntax: note to      <to-list>	OR: message to <to-list>
Syntax: note take    <number>	OR: message take <number>
Syntax: note show		OR: message show
Syntax: note post		OR: message post
Syntax: note remove  <number>	OR: message remove

NOTE LIST lists notes which you can read.  NOTE READ reads one or all notes.
By specifying a number after NOTE LIST, you will list all notes including
and after that number.

NOTE SUBJECT sets the subject line of a new note.  NOTE TO sets the list of
recipients.  The recipient ALL means all players, and the recipient IMMORTAL
means all immortals.

NOTE WRITE puts you into edit mode, where you can easily enter your note
with use of some simple editor commands:
            /? - help    /s - save    /l - list    /c - clear

NOTE SHOW shows your note in progress; NOTE CLEAR starts over.

NOTE POST posts your note for reading.  Posting is not automatic.

NOTE REMOVE removes the entire note if you are the sender, or just removes you
from the to-list if you are a recipient.

NOTE TAKE takes the note as in NOTE REMOVE, as well as physically taking
it in your inventory.

Notes now require a blank message disk to record :)

See also 'voting'.

Syntax: notitle <character>
Syntax: noemote <character>
Syntax: notell  <character>
Syntax: silence <character>
Syntax: unsilence <character>

NOTITLE, NOEMOTE, NOTELL, and SILENCE are used to muffle other characters, by
preventing them from setting their title, emoting, telling, and using
channels, respectively.  Characters who are notelled will also not recieve
those forms of communication.

Use UNSILENCE to remove a player's silence.  Simple use notell, noemote or
notitle on the character again to remove each of those restrictions.


A mobile may be any of the following races:

human         elf         dwarf        halfling     pixie        vampire
half-ogre     half-orc    half-troll   half-elf     gith         ant
ape           baboon      bat          bear         bee          beetle
boar          bugbear     cat          dog          dragon       ferret
fly           gargoyle    gelatin      ghoul        gnoll        gnome
goblin        golem       gorgon       harpy        hobgoblin    kobold
lizardman     locust      lycanthrope  minotaur     mold         mule
neanderthal   ooze        orc          rat          rustmonster  shadow
shapeshifter  shrew       shrieker     skeleton     slime        snake
spider        stirge      thoul        troglodyte   undead       wight
wolf          worm        zombie       bovine       canine       feline
porcine       mammal      rodent       avis         reptile      amphibian
fish          crustacean  insect       spirit       magical      horse
animal        humanoid    monster      god



Stages of nuisances are the affects that the victim picks up while in 
that stage.  As time progresses and the victim progresses through the 
stages, they pick up new problems and the old ones gradually strengthen. 
So for example if they are in stage 3 and progress to stage 4.  They 
will feel more affects from stage 1,2 and 3 and pick up the affects from 
stage 4. Power level is how hard they get hit with the affect. So if in stage
1 the affect was 2% of the time at power level 1 it may be 4% of the time 
in power level 2.  And in stage 2 the affect in stage 1 may be 4% of the 
time at power level 1 and 8% of the time at power level 2.
So with that being said here are the current stages and their affects:
Stage 1:  The Thirst Stage  
          This makes them become thirsty quicker.  The formula used is the
following: <current stage>*<power level> for how much more is added to your
following: <current stage>*<power level> for how much more is subtracted from
your thirst each time.  With 100 being not thirsty and 0 being dehydrated. 
Stage 2:  The Hunger Stage 
          The hunger stage works exactly as above except, the formula 
subtracts 1 from the current stage becoming: (<current stage>-1)*<power level>
Stage 3:  The Mentalstate Stage 
          In this stage each time your mentalstate worsens nuisance exagerates
the amount you worsen by. The formula used to compute how much more it  
adds or subtracts is: .4*(<current stage>-2)*<power level>. 
Stage 4:  The Potion Stage 
          In this stage you can not stomach as many potions as you normally 
could without the nuisance flag.  Normally if your thirst or hunger is above 
48 you can't quaf anymore.  Nuisance makes this a much lower number. 
The formula used is: (48-(3*<current stage>)+<power level>) 
So at power level 10, stage 10 you could only quaf 8 potions on an empty 
Stage 5:  The Wait Stage 
          In this stage commands start taking longer to complete.  A 
normal spell for example takes around 8-15 rounds of wait time.  With this 
stage more wait time is added with the following formula: 
(<current stage> -4 ) + <power level>    So at Stage 6 at power level 5, 
each command would have an additionl 7 wait added to it. 
Stage 6:  The Offensive Magic Stage 
           In this stage you have a chance of targeting yourself with  
offensive spells instead of whatever target is specified.  The formula 
for the percentage or the time you do it is the following: 
(<current stage>-5)*8 + <power_level>*6  So at first stage 6 with a power 
level of 5 you would have a 38% chance to target yourself with offensive 
Stage 7:  The Defensive Magic Stage 
          In this stage, if you are fighting someone you have a chance to 
target them with any defensive spells you cast.  The formula used is the 
following:  (<current stage>-6)*8 + <power_level>*6  
Continued in help 'NUISANCE STAGES2' 

Stage 8:  The Speech Stage 
          In this stage you have a chance to scramble your speech and 
scramble other peoples speech (IE what you hear from them).  This works 
on a percentage with the following formula: 
(<current stage>-7)*10*<power level>  So at stage 9 with power level 2 
speech is scrambled 40% of the time. 
Stage 9:  The Movement Stage 
            In this stage you start moving in random directions like a drunk
does.  This is worked out in a percentage as well. Which works of the  
following formula:  (<current stage>-8)*10*<power level>  So in stage 10 
with a power level of 4 you would randomly choose an exit 80% of the time.
Stage 10:  The command Stage 
           In this stage your commands start failing (Like mentalstate). 
This is done on a percentage of the following: 
(<current stage>-9)*10*<power level>  So at stage 10, power level 10 the 
character becomes utterly useless, as commands will fail 100% of the time.
Soon there will be more options, when they come in the help files you should

      &cunnuisance  <victim> 
      &cnuisance    <victim> [options] 
&GUnnuisance will remove the nuisance flag from a player. 
Nuisance will add a nuisance flag to the player specified by victim. 
&wThis only works on pc's.  The optional parameters are as follows: 
  &cmaxtime <#> <minutes/days/hours>&w 
         &wThe maxstage of nuisance. Default is 8 days. 
  &ctime <#>&w:  The time in days that the nuisance flag will stay on the 
         player, once the time is expired the flag will automatically be 
         removed. If this option is not used it will default to a permenant
  &cpower <#>&w:  A number from 1 to 10, 10 being the worst for the player.
&WNote the words before the options are not optional and must be used. 
&RExamples:  &cnuisance mortal maxtime 5 days time 7 power 5 
&GThis would nuisance mortal for 7 days with the maximum stage being 
reached in 5 days, at a power level of 5.  Also note you can leave options
out:  &cnuisance mortal maxtime 5 days power 5 &Gfor example would set the
maximum time to reach the final stage at a power level 5 and use the default
value for the time.  Also options can be rearranged n like: 
&cnuisance mortal power 5 maxtime 5 days time 7 &Gwould be the same as the 
first example. 
&GTo see info on nuisance level, power and set time of a player, use &WMSTAT.
&WFor information on stages see help 'NUISANCE STAGES' 
We are not to give mortals any info about nuisance. 
If they notice something is wrong and ask for an explanation just 
&Wtrans <name> nuisance &G 

Flags that objects can have:

Flag          Affect                Flag          Affect
====          ======                ====          ======
glow          n/a                   hum           n/a
dark          n/a                   loyal         loyalty ('help loyal')
evil          glow on det. evil     invis         invisible
magic         prevents enchant      nodrop        cannot drop
bless         +20% resist dam.      antigood      zap if align +350
              dbl. duration poison
antievil      zap if align -350     antineutal   zap if align -350 to +350
noremove      cannot remove         inventory     purge upon char. death
antimage      zap if mage           antithief     zap if thief
antiwarrior   zap if warrior        anticleric    zap if cleric
organic       +20% suscept. dam.    metal         +20% resist damage
donation      prevents get all      clanobject    n/a
clancorpse    n/a                   prototype     n/a

Additional flags:
covering      items inside this are 'covered', use 'look under <object>' to
              see 'inside'.  The object does not have to be a container to
              be a covering object.  Use 'reset put' to indicate objects to
              be covered by this object.

To see the objects you currently posess, type INVENTORY and EQUIPMENT.
INVENTORY is the items you are carrying, but are not currently wearing.
EQUIPMENT shows you the equipement you are currently wearing.

You may WEAR, WIELD, or HOLD equipment to use it.  To stop using a piece
of equipment, you REMOVE it.  Before you may wield a new weapon, you must
first REMOVE the old weapon.

You can gain information on your objects by using LOOK or EXAMINE.  EXAMINE
tells you the condition of your item, as a more detailed form of LOOK.


Object types listed in bit order:

  None        Light     Scroll     Wand        Staff       Weapon
  Fireweapon  Missile   Treasure   Armor       Potion      Worn
  Furniture   Trash     Oldtrap    Container   Note        Drink_con
  Key         Food      Money      Pen         Boat        Corpse_npc
  Corpse_pc   Fountain  Pill       Blood       Bloodstain  Scraps
  Pipe        Herb_con  Herb       Incense     Fire        Book
  Switch      Lever     Pullchain  Button      Dial        Rune
  Runepouch   Match     Trap       Map         Portal      Paper
  Tinder      Lockpick  Spike      Disease     Oil         Fuel
  Short_bow   Long_bow  Crossbow   Projectile  Quiver      Shovel

Not all are implemented.


&YObject Building Requirements for Unknown Regions: 
&C&cMisc Guidelines for building... 
&R&W1) Use Common Sense this should cover most of it. 
Like powerful objects should not be easy to attain.. etc 
2) No extrodinarily powerful eq ie an average of over 35 - 40 
without asking a creation council head. 
3)Engineer items values v0 and v1 determine how 
powerful of a item it will generate, make high quality 
components difficult or expensive to obtain. 
4) No Crystals should be created without contacting 
the creation council head first. 
5) No easy to obtain armor should be more powerful 
then anything a engineer is capable of creating. 
6) Use weight, if a weapon is a huge ass rifle, its 
bound to be heavy. 
7) Keep the word balance in mind at all times when making 
an object. 
&BFor More see: Buildreq, Mobreq, Roomreq, progreq, areareq 

Trigger Optnl Triggering Variable Explanation
------- ----- ------------------- -----------
Wear          <percentage>        [when a player wears the object]
Remove        <percentage>        [when a player removes the object]
Speech   {p}  <keyword / phrase>  [says or tells from same room as mob]
Rand          <percentage>        [randomly triggered based on percentile]
Sac           <percentage>        [when a player sacrifices the object]
Zap           <percentage>        [when the player is zapped due to alignment]
Get           <percentage>        [when a player gets the object]
Drop          <percentage>        [when a player drops the object]
Damage        <percentage>        [when the object is damaged]
Repair        <percentage>        [when the object is repaired]
Greet         <percentage>        [when a mob/player enters the room]
Exa           <percentage>        [when the object is Examined or Looked upon]
Push          <percentage>        [when a player pushes an object]
Pull          <percentage>        [when a player pulls an object]
Use           <percentage>        [see 'help useprog' for details]


.&GPiracy &G&WSkill: &YObtaincode 
 &GPiracy &G&WLevel: 70 
 &WSyntax: &YObtaincode &W(ship) 
This is a skill used by pirates to obtain a ship's code.  This enables 
the pirate to shipdock on another ship without prior permission or 
sending the code. 


7/8/00 - The Music pack has moved to our homepage at:   
swruk.cjb.net in the files section.  
Contact Squall for your reimbursement/restore Krovik.  
7/9/00 - Try out the Jukebox in the Highwind Cantina if you have  
the Music pack and a MSP client. The jukebox will be availiable  
in other major places soon.  
Anyone who kills someone for "Fun" as a ic reason and shit like that  
will be slayed without mercy, twice if they have a nice clone. Shit  
7/10/00 - Anyone caught without a bio (and a desc) will be pusnish, so write
them ASAP  
If you find something fishy like lots of credits or a super powerful 
item and don't report it to a imm. If the imm finds out about it before 
you report it. Your character will be slain,, you will get nothing back 
you will be lucky if the imm even leaves your clone. No excuses, No shit. 
7/11/00 - We are taking applications for the leader of Hapan  
Consortium, Requirements: Has to be female, Be able to RP well.  
Be active.  

Syntax: oldscore

Oldscore shows the score information in a different way than 'score'.

&RSn:  120 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makecontainer       '
&WTeachers: 10340 32010 206 7214 
&RSn:  116 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makearmor           '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 
&RSn:  119 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makecomlink         '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 
&RSn:  122 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makeflashlight      '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 
&RSn:  117 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makeblade           '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 
&RSn:  118 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makeblaster         '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 
&RSn:  129 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makeshield          '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 
&RSn:  121 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makedroid           '
&WTeachers: 206 
&RSn:  124 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makegrenade         '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 
&RSn:  127 Slot:    0 Skill: 'makelandmine        '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 
&RSn:  154 Slot:    0 Skill: 'ship maintenance    '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 10340 10400 
&RSn:  135 Slot:    0 Skill: 'navigation          '
&WTeachers: 10340 32007 32008 32040 3 7212 10400 
&RSn:  154 Slot:    0 Skill: 'ship maintenance    '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 10340 10400 
&RSn:  166 Slot:    0 Skill: 'starfighters        '
&WTeachers: 10340 32007 32008 3 7212 10340 10400 
&RSn:  178 Slot:    0 Skill: 'weapon systems      '
&WTeachers: 32007 32008 32040 10400 7212 10340 
&RSn:  154 Slot:    0 Skill: 'ship maintenance    '
&WTeachers: 32010 206 10340 10400 
&RSn:  132 Slot:    0 Skill: 'midships            '
&WTeachers: 32007 32008 32040 

101 OLIST~
Syntax: olist
      :	olist <first object>
      :	olist <first object> <last object>

This command will list all of the prototype objects in your area, when used
with no arguments.  When used with a single argument it will list all
objects including and after the argument, and when used with two arguments,
it will list all objects including and between the two.

101 OMENU~
Syntax: omenu <object name> [menu page] (defaults to 'a' if none given)

Omenu will bring you into a menu system of editing objects.  To use omenu,
you must be holding the object that you are editing in your inventory.  To
choose an option in the menu, type the number of the section followed by the
desired letter, and any variables that may follow.

See MENU for generic menu commands.

Syntax:  opedit <object> <command> [number]  [program] [arguments]
Syntax:  opedit <object> add       <program> <arguments>
Syntax:  opedit <object> insert    <number>  <program> <arguments>
Syntax:  opedit <object> edit      <number>  [program] [arguments]
Syntax:  opedit <object> delete    <number>
Syntax:  opedit <object> list

Add, insert and edit will put you into the line editor to edit your program.
The arguments consist of a trigger, plus any arguments associated with that
trigger.  Object programs are like mobprograms, with trigger differences.

To edit an Objprogram, you must be holding the object in your inventory.


Syntax: open   <object|direction>
Syntax: close  <object|direction>
Syntax: lock   <object|direction>
Syntax: unlock <object|direction>
Syntax: pick   <object|direction>

OPEN and CLOSE open and close an object or a door.

LOCK and UNLOCK lock and unlock a closed object or door.  You must have
the requisite key to LOCK or UNLOCK.

PICK can open a lock without having the key.  In order to PICK successfully,
you must practice the appropriate skill.

Not currently functional.

Syntax: opstat <object/object vnum>

Opstat will display all of the objprograms that have been written for the
specified object.  If a copy of the object exists in the game, it can be
accessed by its vnum.


Syntax: order <character> command
Syntax: order all command

ORDER orders one or all of your charmed followers (including pets) to
perform any command.  The command may have arguments.  You are responsible
for the actions of your followers, and others who attack your followers
will incur the same penalty as if they attacked you directly.

Most charmed creatures lose their aggressive nature (while charmed).

If your charmed creature engages in combat, that will break the charm.

&YOrder Planet&w 
&R&WThis command allows you to purchase control towers for more 
ships to protect your planet and barracks for land patrols. It also 
allows for shield generators to protect the aforementioned. These 
can be destroyed by bombing, This is meant to make conquering planets
a little more of a challenge. 
&CUsage : Order Planet (item) 
Items are Shield, Barracks, Controls 

101 OSET~
Syntax:  oset <object>    <field> <value>
         oset object on

If the copy of the object you are currently modifying has the PROTOTYPE flag,
your modifications will also modify the index of that object, which all other
instances of the object are based on.  In the future, every copy of that obj
will reflect your modifications.

Also be aware that modifications to the object affect list (everything that
is listed after 'object values') will affect _every_ copy of that object in
the game, including old copies (even if they are not online).  Thus if you
change a prototype-flagged copy of a sword to +4 damroll, every copy of that
vnum ever made will reflect that change.  If you add a 'magic' flag to that
sword, however, only copies made after the change will be affected.

If the copy of the object you are modifying does NOT have the PROTOTYPE flag,
your modifications will affect only that copy.

OSET ON will lock you onto a particular object.  Once locked on, all commands
commands will imply 'oset <object>'.  Hitting enter while in OSET ON gives
you an ostat of the object you are working on.  To get out of OSET ON, simply
type the word DONE. Example:

        oset staff on
        long A long gnarled staff of burnished oak lies here.
        type staff


help oset flags
Usage: oset <object> flags <flag> [flag]...
1. glow:  Object will glow.
2. dark:  The object will be dark.
3. magic: The object will be capable of magic.
4. bless:  The object will be blessed.
5. antievil:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a player with negative
6. noremove:  Once a player wields/wears this object, they cannot
remove it.
7. antisith:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a Sith
8. antisoldier:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a Soldier.
9. donation: ???
10. covering: ???
11. hum:  The object will emit a humming sound.
12. invis:  The object will be invisible.
See also, Help Oset_Flags2

1. nodrop:  Once in a players inventory, the player cannot drop
2. antigood:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a player with positive
3. antipilot: Object cannot be wielded/worn by a Pilot.
4. anticitizen:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a Citizen.
5. antineutral:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a player with
neutral alignment.
6. inventory:  ???
7 antithief:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a Thief.
8. antijedi:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a Jedi.
9. clanobject:  Object designed for a specific clan or
10. antihunter:  Object cannot be wielded/worn by a
11. small_size: Can only be worn by; jawa, noghri,
12. human_size:  Can only be worn by; Human, Rodian, Twi'lek,
13. large_size: Can only be worn by; Wookiee, Mon Calamarian,
14. hutt_size: Can only be worn by; Hutt
15. contraband: DO NOT SET IT ... This will be added and removed
by customs officers and crimelords etc.  Its purpose is to give
experience for
smuggling illegal goods from planet to planet.

&ROK, I will try and make this simple. 
&BOOC Channels are the following:&G&W ooc &Rand &Wmusic 
&BOOC channels are for things like talking about outside mud activities, ie,
school, sports, computer games, etc 
&YIC Channels are the following:&G&W chat, shout, yell. etc 
&YIC Channels are for anything to do with the muds enviroment, ie, martial
status, abilities, (if phrased correctly, stats), where to learn things, etc
&PAny questions, Contact Gavin or other local Immortal 

Syntax:  owhere <object keyword>
Syntax:  mwhere <mob keyword>

Owhere displays the location of all instances of the specified object.

Mwhere displays the location of all instance of the specified mobile.


Syntax: pagelength <number of lines>

This command sets your screen to only display a certain amount of lines.
After setting pagelength, type clear to reinitialize your screen.

&G&W paint &B<&Wshipname&B> &B<&Wcolor&B> &B<&WDescription&B>

&G&WExtra Info&R
&G&W Colors Are:
&rBlood &gGreen &bDBlue &cCyan &RLRed &GLGreen &bLBlue &BBlue &OBrown
&PPurple &YYellow &pPink &WWhite

Syntax: pardon <character> killer
Syntax: pardon <character> thief

PARDON pardons a player for their crimes.

This skill wards off incoming attacks, taking no damage from them.  Use of the
skill is automatic once you have practice it.  You must be wielding a weapon
to parry.

Misc body parts:
HEAD     ARMS    LEGS   HEART        BRAINS      GUTS        HANDS   FEET

Used for attacking:

Syntax: feel 'pass door'

This power enables the caster to pass through closed doors.

Syntax: password <old-password> <new-password>

PASSWORD changes your character's password.  The first argument must be
your old password.  The second argument is your new password.

The PASSWORD command is protected against being snooped or logged.

Passwords can not contain certain characters, or spaces.  As well, we
advise that you use an alphanumeric password (containing both numbers and
letters) as they are harder to guess.

Patrocinor has lead a long, very long life. Most people have never heard of the
planet that Patrocinor lived on, Scarlettica, on which he was a retainor for a
Noble family, the Dawnbreakers. Life was good until an advanced alien species,
a nameless race of aliens with advanced psionic powers, invaded the planet. In
a fierce battle to save the planet from the onslaught of aliens, the entire 
Dawnbreaker family took up arms agains the alien force. 
The Family, along with the Planetary Defense Force suffered heavy casualties,
and barely managed to beat back the invading forces. Almost the entire 
Dawnbreaker Family died, except for Patrocinor and Brutus, the young family 
son. Among the casualties was Patrocinor's Duinuogwuin wife, Carus, who was 
pregnant at the time. She had chose not to fight but a rouge bomb ended up 
killing her. Patrocinor was heartbroken over the loss of his wife and the 
Dawnbreaker Family. Wishing to protect young Brutus, Patrocinor sent him ahead
to the relatively safer Inner Rim, and stayed behind to protect the planet in
case of a second wave. Fortunately the Second Wave never came, and the planet
was able to enter a time of prosperity under the new reconstruction. Sastified
with the turn for the better on Scarlettica, he returned to the inner rim in
search of Brutus, only to find that Brutus had been killed by an Evil Sith 
Brutus had acted nobely and was aiding a Duinuogwuin Jedi Knight, the Sith 
hated the interference with the plans and killed young Brutus, and 

Heartbroken over the loss of the last of the Dawnbreakers Patrocinor, and 
having nothing to return to on Scarlettica, he opted to stay in the inner rim.
He became very lonely and very depressed, until one day a fellow Duinuogwuin 
approached him, it was very rare to see a fellow member of his race and let 
alone a female one. Her name was Malystryx and in a lot of ways she reminded 
Patrocinor of his long lost Carus. Malystryx had noticed Patrocinor and felt 
an amount of pity for him, she encouraged him to join the Imperial Remnants 
with her, Patrocinor gladly joined, but lost touch of Malystryx in the 
confusion of the Post Endor Reformation of the Imperial Remnants. Losing track
of Malystryx Only made him more depressed, but Patrocinor carried on. 
The Empire reformed and Veroon took the place of Leader. Patrocinor carried on
with his job until Veroon took notice of him and promoted him to captain. A 
position which Patrocinor still gladly serves. Patrocinor also feels the need
to protect those who are innocent. He was a General in the War of the Leagues,
and fought back against the rioters on two occasions, once paying the ultimate
sacrafice and losing his life, thankfully he had a clone, and was able to make
a recovery. He still wishes to get revenge against the human league and looks
for a way to do so. 
Patrocinor has a few friends but not that many, a lot of people are intimidated
by his enormous size and dragon-like appearance.  He considers Ruby Valos and 
Joan De-Ark close friends, he also looks up to Priest Slicer for advice. He 
respects Jek Veroon, Priestess Katrina, and Tempest McCloud a lot. 

Patrocinor still remains lonely, he feels the loss of his family and his 
friends every day and considers himself deep down a failure. He had sworn to 
protect the Dawnbreakers and his Wife and failed. He tries to make up for this
by protecting those who can not protect themsleves, but he still remains sad 
and old. He tries not to let this show to others but people can see it in the
eyes, he is a weathered dragon and feels a lot of pain. 

It's amazing how much can change in a short period of time, in a short period
of time Patrocinor's lonely life was thrown backward. More and more people
started showing concern for Patrocinors Mental health. Joan tried to cheer him
up by taking him to Rone's place, but it didn't work, Patrocinor seemed
eternally lonely.
It's amazing how much can change in a short period of time, in a short period
of time Patrocinor's lonely life was thrown backward. More and more people
started showing concern for Patrocinors Mental health. Joan tried to cheer him
up by taking him to Rone's place, but it didn't work, Patrocinor seemed
eternally lonely.
All this changed One day. Patrocinor was in the Starlight Chapel remembering
all those he loved that he had lost, he remembered a lot of names, Marcus,
Rose, Chi'Ka, little Brutus, but most of all His sweet Carus. He had set their
for several hours when he became aware of soemone next to him. He had dozed
off and the person had snuck in. He looked over and almost as if from a dream,
his Carus had returned to him. 
She had been searching for him for 7 years, and had finally found him, with
thanks to Joan De-Ark of the Imperial Remnants. He found out that she had
barely managed to survive the bomb and had been lost under rubble.
Unfortunately she had lost the unborn baby in the explosion.
After several years of being in coma, folllowed by recovery and intensive care
she was finally able to go seek out her lost husband. After many years they
were reunited! 

Patrocinor decided that since they were starting a new life together they
should get remarried. A bounce was put back into Patrocinor's step. He
regained a lost sense of purpose, he seemed happier. 
He also began to meet new people now that he wasn't a manic depressed dragon.
He became friends with Sariss, and Alexia Corvis. He also met Ensign Cedric
from the Imperial Remnants. He saw in Cedric something that he saw in himself.
Cedric was alone and hurt, he didn't know where he came from. Patrocinor
feeling the same when he was a Whepling.A bond formed betweem the two.
Patrocinor grew closer to Cedric and considers him the son he never had, the
son he lost on Scarlettica.  
Before Patrocinor knew it, his wedding day had arrived. All of the preparation
was finished, and he was ready. Or he thought he was. His wedding ended up
with almost circus like qualities. The best man, Cedric, was being detained by
authorities, the priest had an emergency and couldn't make it, someone was
robbed, he spent hours looking for a priest and found two who both wanted to
do it and almost got in fight with each other for it, Pat forgot to get a ring
for himself, and Carus grew ill. The reception was a bit better, when
Patrocinor announced officially that he had adopted Cedric and that Cedric was
now an official Dawnbreaker.
But disastor soon struck Cedric. In what can only be called  one of the Worst
Cases of Medical Malpractice ever, Cedric's legs were replaced with Implants.
Patrocinor has to deal with the anger his new son has, and along with the much
needed help of Alexia and Sariss, help his son deal with his loss. 

For his faithful service in the Imperial Remnants Patrocinor recived a
promotion to Moff and was appointed as the Governer of Corellia. Promoted by
Alexia, who replaced Jek Veroon as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Remnants,
Patrocinor continued to serve his Organization with honour. However, Alexia
soon Disappeared, and the Imperial Remnants lacked a leader.
Patrocinor was offered the job, and though many had perished before in the
Position, Patrocinor accepted it.  Patrocinor worked hard in his new Position,
always on the go, making visits to Planets, always with the intent on making
the People happy. 
Patrocinor soon met Cinna Duma, a troubled kid, who was an Ace Pilot. The two
became close, and Patrocinor adopted Cinna to the family as well. The
Dawnbreakers it would Appear, were finally growing. 
He worked out a Peace Accord with the Hapan Consortium. He also helped
re-arrange the internal structure of the Imperial Remnants. Soon, however,
disastor would strike. A radical group Known as the Terran Confederation rose
up and started attacking Imperial Planets and Civillians.
The Imperial Remnants was easily able to defeat the radicals, but ran into a
problem against the follow up attack by the Space Pirates known as the Red
Wings. Led by a guy named Hiro, the Red Wings were devestating against the
Imperial Remnants, and even managed to get Patrocinor Imprisoned for Most of
the skirmish.

After the War was over, Patrocinor discovered disturbing news, it was Cinna who
had had him imprisoned. However, Patrocinor wasn't the type to hold a grudge
against loved ones, so he forgave Cinna, and moved on. He also met Rayleen
Koran at this time, who would eventually become the First of the Imperial
Remnants, and a Protector for those in it.
His beloved wife Carus, grew progressively more Ill, and left Patrocinor to
return home to Scarlettica to find a cure. Patrocinor responded by burying
himself further into his work. The Galaxy entered a time of unsteady peace.
Patrocinor spent the extra time he had trying to patch things up with his
family, and trying to put himself at inner peace.
The Hapan Consortium Crumbled, and was replaced by the Outer Territory
Alliance, after a few skirmishes with the Imperial Remnants, they soon
pacified themselves. The Red Wings however, oppurtunists as always, made a
giant Push against the Imperial Remnants, but soon themselves collapsed
completely. Patrocinor, along with Rayleen, re-organized the Imperial Remnants
The Imperial Remnants began to prosper, it gained masive support from all the
Planets, and enrolled record numbers of officers. Patrocinor also found
himself with another gift, a grand-daughter. His son Cinna had adopted a
Wonderful baby girl, Katrina's daughter, Kaitlin Slaven. Patrocinor had
managed to find happiness again. 

A third major Clan had arised in the Galaxy, the Algaroth Continuum. However
the Imperial Remnants, and Patrocinor, prospered. 
That is, until one ordinary day, Patrocinor was in his personal transport, and
landed down on the Zoltri Space Pad. He was stabbed to death by an Unknown
Assailant, you had caught him un-armed and un-prepared. The galaxy mourned the
loss, and Patrocinor, after his visitation and funeral, was laid to rest on
Corellia. However, there are rumours, that on a still night, one can hear the
tormented roars of the dragon Echo through the Wind. But those are only

So the story would seem to end. However, remaining in style with the rest of
the bio, this part of the bio will remain untouched. Even as the bio
continues, in synch with the life of Patrocinor, the parts that are already
written will stay unchanged, as a testament to how one's aspects and thoughts
can change. For example, there is an obvious difference between Patro's
thoughts and actions in Bio 1-3, and 4-8. And there will most likely be a
difference in 9+. All I can hope, is that you enjoy reading this, and that it
inspires you to inspire roleplaying here.
The Man Behind Patrocinor Dawnbreaker 

PC      =  player character
NPC     =  non-player character

syntax pcrename <oldname> <newname> 
This command permanently changes a players name and should be used 
sparingly. It does a check to ensure there is no other player by that 
name already in the files. 

101 PEACE~
Syntax: peace

PEACE causes all characters in a room to stop fighting.

.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YPeek 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 20 
 &G&WSyntax: &YPeek &G&W(name) 

This skill shows you a character's inventory when you '&Ylook&G&W' at them.

You can buy pets in the pet shop.  You may buy one more pet each time you
advance in level.  Your pet-buying opportunities do not accumulate; use them or
lose them.  This policy prevents wholesale abuse of pets. 

. This command allows you to rename your pets!  The syntax is really quite 
simple, you have four options; [name|short|long|desc] and they work like 
  petname name dino  (renames your pet to "dino") 
  petname short a fierce, mottled mutt! 
  petname long Dino, the stalwart companion of (your name) is here. 
The "desc" command works just like it does for setting your own 
description.  Use the same command syntax for this option. See "help 
description" for more information on the "petname desc" option. 
A word about &Bc&Ro&Yl&Mo&Wr&w. 
Dont try to put colors in your pets name! *boggle* It wont work, trust me. 
However, colors work fine for any of the descriptions. 
[Coded by Dark Harvest gary@dharvest.com] 
[Updated for SWR/Unknown Regions By Gavin Mogan ur_gavin@hotmail.com]

Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone
annoys you it takes 42  muscles in your face to frown BUT, it only takes 4
 muscles to extend your arm and bitch-slap the  motherfucker upside the

.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YPick Lock 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 40 
 &G&WSyntax: &YPick &G&W(direction) 

This skill enables you to &Ypick &G&Wopen locked doors. 


A filler class

.&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YPlanetary Bombing 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 81 
 &G&WSyntax: &YBomb &G&W(planet) 
This skill enables pilots to &Ybomb &G&Wplanets to decrease the current
government's support.  This skill will also decrease the planet's population as
you are killing its citizens and any players on the planet are liable to get
hurt as well. 

usage: planets

This command shows you a list of all the planets in the game along with
their value, the clan that currently controls them, wheather they're
neutral or uninhabited, their population and popular support.

Syntax:  cast 'plant pass' <victim>

This power allows the caster to merge with nearby foliage, and flow though
it to emerge near the victim.

Obviously this power requires a good deal of natural foliage in both the
caster's and the victim's location.

.            &CGuide to Player Shops&w 
&R&WHere you can buy player shops Before hand you must go to an 
employment agency or somewhere and obtain a &Pdeed &R&Wand a  
&Pvender&R&W. After doing this, you may then enter a &Pempty
shop&R&W and type &Pplacevendor&w 
&RCommands :&w 
&R&WPlacevendor &B- &C&cPlace a vendor in a empty shop, 
You must have enough gold to purchase the shop&w 
&R&WPricevendor&B - &C&cChanges the price of a item 
Syntax : Pricevendor (item) (credits)&w 
&R&WCollectgold&B - &C&cCollects the credits the 
shopkeeper has.&w 
&zYou may only have own one shop.. for now&w 
&BOnce you move into a shop, you can ask an immortal to change the 
description of a shop. He will do it for free the first time, After 
that the charge is 35000c&w 

Syntax: feel poison <victim>

This power reduces the strength of the victim by two, as well as reducing the
victim's regeneration rate.

.&OBounty Hunter &G&WSkill: &YPoison Weapon 
 &OBounty Hunter &G&WLevel: 30 
 &G&WSyntax: &YPoison Weapon &G&W(weapon) 

&YPoison Weapon &G&Wis a skill, unique to &OBounty Hunters&G&W, which enables
them to coat the tip of their weapon with a deadly poison.  In battle, this
poison will cause ill effects on its victim.  Be warned however, it has been
told that poison has a strong lessening effect on the lifetime of weapons.  To
poison a wepon, you must have a weapon, poison, and a full canteen in your

Syntax:  cast 'possess' <mob>

This power enables you to switch into a mob for a short amount of time.

Brings out a guard to be posted.

&GDiplomacy Skill: Post Guard
Diplomacy Level: 35
Syntax: Post Guard

This skill allows someone to call for a guard to stick post at a certain
spot guarding it from all members not within its clan. This skill should
be used only on planets/areas you or your clan governs.

Syntax: PRACTICE <skill|power|weapon>

PRACTICE without an argument tells you your current ability level in all
the skills and powers available to you.  You can check this anywhere.

PRACTICE with an argument practice that skill or power.  Your learning
percentage starts off at 0% (unlearned), and can be practiced once.
After this initial practice, the skill/power must be used to develop it
to the level of 'adept' (Adept is not always necessarily 100%)  You must
be at a guild master to practice.

All characters may practice skills, powers, and weapons in the Academy.


&C|                 &GP&griests &GO&gf &GU&gnknown &GR&gegions&G:           &C|
&GRules To Follow: 
&B1>&W No marriage can take place on the same day as the engagement 
&B2>&W No newbie or player that was newly created can be married(related to
   rule #1) 
&B3>&W People must RP. i.e., dates, engagement, set an actual date for 
   wedding in the future.  (UR is not Las Vegas)  
&B4>&W All weddings conducted by priests must be done rply, with the lines, and
   ceremony.  What's said and what order is up to the priest or priestess.
&GCurrent Priests:&B 
&BHead Priest>&W  
&BSecond Priest>&W  

Syntax: project -- same as project list
        project save
        project list [available]
        project code  --- Lists approved projects with no coders
        project mine -- Lists all projects that you own or are the coder
        project more --- Lists projects as well as coder/log info
        project add <name>
        project <number> coder  --- Assigns you as the coder of a project
        project <number> delete
        project <number> take
        project <number> log write
        project <number> log subject <subject>
        project <number> log post
        project <number> log list
        project <number> log <number> read
        project <number> log <number> delete
        project <number> description --- Buffer to describe the project
        project <number> show -- shows description of the project

You can remove yourself as a coder or owner by repeating the command.
Change status/post on other's projects, 60+, Code council, Vc heads.
List logs/read logs from others projects, 54+
Add/ delete logs  <Level 60+, Code council and VC heads)~

Syntax: prompt <string>

Sets your prompt to a given string.

The game automatically sets your prompt when your character is created.
You can use PROMPT to change your prompt to something else.

If you type 'default' as the string, your prompt will be set back to the
game default.  Otherwise you may use any string you want.  A few special
characters may be embedded into the string to customize it to your
player, followed by a token indicating what action to take.

The first special character is:  %
Tokens for % are:
  %h  - current hitpoints
  %H  - maximum hitpoints
  %m  - current forcepoints
  %M  - maximum forcepoints
  %v  - current movement
  %V  - maximum movement
  %g  - gold held
  %a  - your alignment
  %A - if invisible 'I', if hidden 'H', if sneaking 'S'  
  %c - for player, if not fighting N/A, otherwise: "perfect health"/"slightly  
       scratched"/"few bruises"/"some cuts"/"several wounds"/"nasty 
       wounds"/"bleeding freely"/"covered in blood"/"leaking guts"/"almost     
  %C - same as above except for mobs 
  %T - time if ( hour <  5 ) "night", if ( hour <  6 ) "dawn" else if ( hour <
       19 ) "day", if (hour < 21 ) "dusk", otherwise "night" 
  %r  - vnum of current room (Immortal only)
  %R  - vnum of current room (Immortal only, and only if config +vnum is
        set.  Shows '<#vnum> ', including trailing space)
  %i  - Wizinvis (Immortal only, shows '(Invis Lv) ', including trailing
  %I  - Raw wizinvis (Immortal only, only shows 'Lv', and only if wizinvis
        is active)

The other special characters are:
  &&  - Foreground color
  ^^  - Background color

Example: Prompt %h%m%v
         Will give you a prompt of current hit points, force, and movement.

Please see HELP COLORS for a list of the color tokens.

.&pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YPropeganda 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 50 
 &G&WSyntax: &YPropeganda &G&W(mob) 

This allows a devious &pDiplomat &G&Wto use convincing &Ypropeganda &G&Wagainst
the governmental rule a planet is currently under to convince citizens to
support his or her organization instead.  This will result in overthrowing the
current government.  Failure of &Ypropeganda &G&Wwill cause aggressive

Syntax: feel protection
Syntax: feel sanctuary  <character>

The PROTECTION power reduces the damage taken from any attack by an evil
creature by one quarter.

The SANCTUARY power reduces the damage taken by the character from any attack
by one half.

These powers may be used simultaneously for cumulative effect.

Syntax: pull <trigger>
Syntax: push <trigger>

Levers, switches, pullchains and buttons can do all sorts of interesting
things... open or unlock doors, change exits around, teleport you to another
location, cast a power, summon a monster... you name it!

&RCombat Skill: Punch
&RCombat Level: 30
Syntax: Punch [while in battle]

This skill allows you to give your opponent a good one right in the gut or
somethin' :)

101 PURGE~
Syntax: purge
Syntax: purge <character>

PURGE is used to clean up the world.  PURGE with no arguments removes all the
NPC's and objects in the current room.  PURGE with an argument purges one
character from anywhere in the world.

PURGE will not get rid of PC's.

101 QPSET~
This command is used for giving/taking Glory from players.  The syntax
is as follows:

      qpset <player>  <give|take>  <amount>

Where one of give or take is used, and the amount is always a positive

Syntax:  quaff  <potion>                (to quaff potions)
         quaff  <potion> <container>    (quaff directly from container)

QUAFF quaffs a potion (as opposed to DRINK, which drinks mundane liquids).


Quarren is a species named for the aliens who are commonly called Squid Heads
by the galaxies general populace. These amphibious beings share the world of
Calamari with the Mon Calamari race, though the Quarren prefer the depths of
the floating cities to the upper reaches the Mon Cals call home. The Quarren
are more practical and conservative than their idealistic world-mates. Whereas
the Mon Calamari have adopted the Basic as their language of choice, the
Quarren have kept their oceanic tounge. The Quarren are sea dwellers, able to
live out of the water, but preferring the security of the ocean depths, These
pragmatic people are unwilling to trust new ideas. They do not dream of
brighter tomorrows like the Mon Cals, but instead hold fast to the reality of
yesterdays. While they profess that the two races should remain in the sea,
they have followed the Mon Cals into their floating cities and out among the
stars. They have become dependant on the Calamarians, and this dependancy has
led to resentment and outright hatred. Rumors persist that it was a small
number of Quarren who helped the Empire originally invade the planet. In the
face of invading forces, Quarren cooperated with the Mon Calamari to repel the
Imperials. But since that day, many Quarren have fled the planet to seek a life
elsewhere in the galaxy. They seem to have purposely remained apart from both
the Alliance and The Empire, preferring to find a place on the fringes of
society. Quarren can often be found working with pirates, slavers, crime lords,
smugglers, and other unsavory sorts.


The following Commands will work with aquest:
REQUEST: This will request a quest from the questmaster
INFO: Will give you info on your current Quest
TIME: Will tell you how long you have to complete your quest.
POINTS: Will tell you how many quest points you have.
COMPLETE: This will signal the questmaster that you are done your quest.
LIST: This lists the Items available to buy with your quest points.
BUY: This buys a item from the List.

@ Gavin - I would like a new format for the time command, Please     @ 
@ post a note on the quest board (Cheap Hotel - Coruscant )          @ 
@ Prizes will be offered, but at this time, have not been decided    @ 
@ upon. The winner will get credit both in the code, and in a help   @ 
@ file. Contact Gavin For Details.                                   @ 
@ Gavin - We are currently undecided upon the exact timeline.        @ 
@ All that is certain, is that it is in an unknown region of space,  @  
@ where the original empire/republic has not reached yet.            @ 
@ Please Post On Quest Board (  Coruscant  ). The More Indepth The   @ 
@ Better. Like always, Prizes will be awarded, but at this time,     @ 
@ have not been decided upon. The winner will get credit both in the @ 
@ to be made &Rtimeline&W help file, and on the mudconnecter where we    @
@ will post the timeline in the ad. Contact Gavin for details.       @  

105 QUETS~

Ktarn tells you 'Please tell whoever is booting my comp to stop PLEASE' 
Nikie tells you 'umm i was wondering but is there any "trick" to making a
Kylie tells you 'can girls have sex with other girls?'  
Kylie tells you 'can you come here so i can give you a little kiss for being so
(OOC) Caitlyn: DoE is an abomination of pathetic souls 
(OOC) Caitlyn: say something remarkable rone so I can put you up there, nvm I
forgot who I'm talking to 
(OOC) Ezkath: its like those fat ladies...wait, it has nothing to do with
Kallor tells you 'your Christopher Valos?' You tell Kallor 'How do you know?!'
Kallor tells you 'type who' 
Cradossk tells you 'wtf was that' Cradossk tells you '?' Cradossk tells you 'i
was sleeping and a krayt dragon came after me' 
(OOC) Rei: What IS Cybernetic Sterilization? 
(OOC) Gavin: i'm so good with the ladies, they phone me!


There are currently 19 races:
Type "help [race]" for specific information on the specified race:

0. Human
1. Wookiee
2. Twi'lek
3. Rodian
4. Hutt
5. Mon Calamari
6. Noghri
7. Gamorrean
8. Jawa
9. Adarian
10. Ewok
11. Verpine
12. Defel
13. Trandoshan
14. Chadra-fan
15. Quarren
16. Duinuogwuin
17. Gotal
18. Devaronian
19. Ithorian

Syntax:  rassign <character> <begin vnum range> <end vnum range>

These commands allow you to assign a range of vnums to an immortal for
so that they may build inside that range.  Use the 'checkvnums' command
before assigning a range to ensure that there will be no vnum conflicts.
You can also use the 'vnums' command for a complete list of currently
allocated ranges, and the 'newzones' command for a complete list of
prototype vnum ranges.

Warning:  *Never* assign any vnums to a character who has another vnum
range assigned to them via 'aassign'.  Simply be sure to have the
character type 'aassign none' before assigning vnums to them.

Example:  massign Joseph 9000 9099

This will assign the vnum range from 9000 to 9099 for rooms to Joseph.
It is best to keep an areas object, room and mob range the same.

Be sure to always use 'checkvnums' to ensure the vnums you are going to
assign are clear.


101 RAT~
Syntax: rat vnum1 vnum2 command [parameters]

Rat, or 'range at' is the at command with the added parameters of two
room vnums.  Assuming the vnums are valid, your 'at' command will be
executed in every room in the range you give.

Example: rat 100 110 redit flags 0
This will clear the room flags in all rooms from 100 to 110 inclusive.

Syntax:  rdelete <vnum>
Syntax:  mdelete <vnum>
Syntax:  odelete <vnum>

These commands will allow you to delete a vnum's entry online.
They are not currently functional.


Syntax: reboot <nosave>
Syntax: shutdown <nosave>
Syntax: wizlock

REBOOT shuts down the server.  When the normal 'startup' script is used
to control the server, a delay of sixty seconds will ensue (to allow
old connections to die), followed by a reboot.

SHUTDOWN shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script
from restarting it.

WIZLOCK is a toggle command.  When the server is WIZLOCKed, players
below level 51 may not log in.  Players who lose their links, however,
may reconnect.

If nosave is specified for reboot or shutdown, it will not automatically
save all of the players.

101 REDIT~
Syntax: REDIT FIELD [parameter list]

name   | <room name>            -- sets the room name / short description
exit   | <direction> [vnum] [exit-type] [key] [keywords]
bexit  | same as above, but does the exit in both directions
desc   | none                   -- you will be placed into the buffer editor
exdesc | <direction> [text]     -- sets/clears an exit's description
ed     | <keyword(s)>           -- adds/edits an extra description to the room
rmed   | <keyword(s)>           -- removes an extra description from the room
sector | <value>                -- sets the sector type
flags  | <flag> [flag]          -- toggles room flags
exflags| <direction> [flags]    -- displays/toggles exit flags
exname | <direction> [keywords] -- sets an exit's keywords
exkey  | <direction> <key vnum> -- sets an exit's key vnum/value

Note: Put a '+' before the direction to force ADDing of that exit
      and use a '#' to specify the exit by sequential order.



Syntax: redraw

This will redraw the whole screen, and update the menu that is being worked
on if any.


&BForce level 6
Syntax: feel 'refresh' <target>

This Force skill allows you to use the Force to refresh and rejuvinate
yourself or another by restoring some movement points.

Syntax: refuel <amount/full>

Used to refuel your ship before launch of the specified amount. To fill the
tank to full capacity type "refuel full".

Current Fuel Price: 2 units of fuel for 1 credit

Syntax:  regoto

Returns an immortal to the previous roomvnum from which that immortal
used the 'goto' command.


.&pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YReinforcements 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 65 
 &G&WSyntax: &YReinforcements 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YElite_guard 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 75 
 &G&WSyntax: &YElite_guard 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YSpecial_forces 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 85 
 &G&WSyntax: &YSpecial_forces 

&G&WThese skills give you the ability to issue a request through your comlink
for hired backup. 

This is where you can change the layout or arrangement or order of
your rooms. That basically covers it. You tell us where you want
your rooms if you want to reorganize it.

&BForce Spell: Remove Masking
Force Level: 8
Syntax: feel 'remove masking' <target>

Remove Masking allows you remove the veil of invisibility from an object or
other target.

At the present time, renameship is used as follows:
renameship "<<oldship name>>" "<<NewShip Name>>"
We are currently decideing on how many Questpoints it will require, but at
the moment is only costs :
&R150 QuestPoints&w
&CIf you dare rename your ship with the name Highwind in it, Ragnarok
or Magitek Armor in it. Expect it to come back with the name Crapship

Syntax:   repair <object>
          repair all

Repair allows you to repair equipment and swords at metal blacksmiths,
and recharge staves and wands at magical 'blacksmiths.'  Repair all
attempts to repair every item in your inventory.

There is a 10% surcharge for using "repair all". This surcharge is for
the convenience of having all the equipment in your inventory repaired
at once.

Syntax:  repairset <mobile vnum> <field> <value>

This command allows you to set the following fields for repair shops:

| Fields | Meaning                            |
| fix#   | Types of items the keeper will fix |
|        |  - armor, weapon, wand, staff      |
| profit | Profit on fixing items             |
| type   | Repair shop type                   |
|        |   type 1 = standard                |
|        |   type 2 = recharge                |
| open   | Hour shop opens                    |
| close  | Hour shop closes                   |
| keeper | Vnum of repair shop keeper         |


Syntax: repairshops

Displays statistics on all the repair shops.


Syntax: repairstat <mobile vnum>

Shows statistics on a mobile's repair shop.


Syntax: report;  Syntax: time;  Syntax: weather

REPORT shows your current statistics to you and also announces them to other
players in the room.

TIME shows the game time, as well as the time the mud was last started,
and the current local time for the host computer.

WEATHER shows the current game weather.  You must be in an outside room
to see the weather.

Syntax: reset list   [start] [end]
Syntax: reset delete [number]
Syntax: reset add    <command> <parameters>
Syntax: reset insert <number> <command> <parameters>
Syntax: reset edit   <number> <command> <parameters>
Syntax: reset area   (will "reset" your area based on the defined resets)

  The order that resets are in is VERY important.  You cannot equip
  a mobile with an object before putting the mobile into a room first.
  Likewise, you cannot put an object into a container until the container is
  put into a room first.

This command is used to display, edit, delete, add and insert resets for
your area.



Syntax: reset edit   <number> <commands>
Syntax: reset insert <number> <commands>
Syntax: reset add    <commands>

MOB   <mobile vnum> <room vnum> [limit]  loads a mobile into a room
OBJ   <object vnum> <room vnum> [limit]  loads an object into a room
GIVE  <object vnum> [limit]              gives object to last loaded mobile
EQUIP <object vnum> <position> [limit]   equips object on last loaded mobile
PUT   <object vnum> <object vnum>        puts and object into another object
DOOR  <room vnum> <door dir> <state>     resets a door to a certain state
RAND  <room vnum> <last door dir>        randomizes a range of exits
TRAP  <vnum> <type> <charges> <flags>    sets a trap
HIDE  <object vnum>                      hides an object

For EQUIP position, see WEARLOCS.
For DOOR door dir, see DOORDIRS.
For TRAP setting see TRAPSETTING.


Syntax: rest
Syntax: sleep
Syntax: stand
Syntax: wake

These commands change your position.  When you REST or SLEEP, you
regenerate hit points, force points, and movement points faster.
However, you are more vulnerable to attack, and if you SLEEP,
you won't hear many things happen.

Use STAND or WAKE to come back to a standing position.  You can
also WAKE other sleeping characters.

Syntax:  restore <victim>
Syntax:  restore all

Restore returns the victim to full hitpoints, force and movement.

Restore all can be done once per day (real time) by any Saint and above,
and will 'restore' every link-live player in the game.  Restore alls such
as this are limited to once every 6 hours, so if one Savior does one,
another cannot do one until 6 hours has passed, regardless of whether or
not they have not done one that day.

A Greater God or higher can do a restore all whenever they wish, and are
not constrained by the above limitations.

Use 'restoretime' to see when the last restore all was done.


Syntax:  restoretime

Displays the last 'restore all' performed by you, as well as the last
time a 'restore all' was done by anyone else.


Syntax:  restrict <command> <level>
Syntax:  restrict <command> show

Used to restrict a command to a higher or lower level.  You cannot
rstrict a command you yourself cannot access.  Changes to a command's
level are not permanent unless they are saved using 'cedit save'.  A
command's level may also be changed using 'cedit'.

Use 'restrict <command> show' to see the level a command is currently
restricted to.


Syntax:  retire <immortal>

This command will 'retire' an active immortal and place them on the
wizlist under 'retired immortals'.  They will retain their level in
number only; they will be trusted to Savior level, and will have
access only to Savior-level commands.  They will not be able to see
logs of anyone higher than Savior, and their commands will be logged
as if they were a Savior.

A retired immortal can, however, manually be given a higher trust

To bring an immortal out of retirement, simply 'retire immortal' again.


Syntax: retran <player>

This command will return that player or mob to the room from which
you last transferred it from.

0 RIP~
Syntax: rip <on/off>

The rip command will either enable or disable rip graphics.  Rip graphics
will only work provided you are using a rip compatible terminal program.

Players and mobiles may have resistance, suceptibility or immunity to
certain types of attack:

PLUS1     PLUS2     PLUS3        PLUS4      PLUS5     PLUS6      MAGIC

101 RLIST~
Syntax: rlist
      :	rlist <first room>
      :	rlist <first room> <last room>

This command will list all of the prototype rooms in your area, when used
with no arguments.  When used with a single argument it will list all
rooms including and after the argument, and when used with two arguments,
it will list all rooms including and between the two.

101 RMENU~
Syntax: rmenu [menu letter] (defaults to 'a' if none given)

Rmenu will bring you into a menu system of editing rooms.  To use rmenu, you
must be in the room that you are editing.  To choose an option in the menu,
type the number of the section followed by the desired letter, and any
variables that may follow.

See MENU for generic menu commands.

Rodians are among the Galaxy's best bounty hunters.  The history of Rodia
is peppered with wars and fueds, many of which are long and bloody.
Trained to fight from birth, they are amazingly agile and intelligent.
Though they almost never go into the scientific fields, their hand-to-hand
combat tactics are some of the best in the Galaxy.

For a long time before external contact was made, the Rodian people fought
and killed their own people.  When outside contact was established, they
quickly spread far and wide, seeking work as mercenaries, combat teachers,
assassins, body guards, and especially bounty hunters.  Rodain culture is
divided into different families.  Even now, families sometimes wage long
wars against each other, rather than moving against the outside war.

Toggling the ROOMFLAG option in config will allow you to see
all the flags which are set ON in a room.  It also causes the
room number to be displayed to you.  This command is very
useful when building new areas, as it allows you to see what a
room already has set.

DARK          |          1  |  Room is always dark
DEATH         |          2  |  Room causes instant death
NOMOB         |          4  |  Mobs cannot wander into this room
INDOORS       |          8  |  Room is indoors - MUST also use sectortype 0
LAWFUL        |         16  |  Room is oriented to those of lawful alignment
NEUTRAL       |         32  |  Room is oriented to those of neutral alignment
CHAOTIC       |         64  |  Room is oriented to those of chaotic alignment
NOMAGIC       |        128  |  Magic cannot be used in this room
TUNNEL        |        256  |  Room is a tunnel - x number of players allowed
                               (use 'redit tunnel #' to  set the number)
PRIVATE       |        512  |  Room is private (restricted to 2 people)
SAFE          |       1024  |  Room is safe... no violence allowed
SOLITARY      |       2048  |  Room is solitary (restricted to 1 person)
PETSHOP       |       4096  |  Petshop (next vnum must be the storeroom)
NORECALL      |       8192  |  Players cannot recall out of this room
DONATION      |      16384  |  Donation room... cannot get all
NODROPALL     |      32768  |  Cannot drop all in this room
SILENCE       |      65536  |  Not a sound can be made or heard in this room
LOGSPEECH     |     131072  |  All speech in this room is logged
NODROP        |     262144  |  Nothing can be dropped in this room
CLANSTOREROOM |     524288  |  Clan storage room
NOSUMMON      |    1048576  |  Player cannot be summoned out of this room
NOASTRAL      |    2097152  |  People cannot astral to this room
TELEPORT      |    4194304  |  People in this room will be teleported out
TELESHOWDESC  |    8388608  |  Players will see the room desc of the dest room
NOFLOOR       |   16777216  |  Room has no floor: exit down + no fly = fall
PROTOTYPE     | 1073741824  |  Room is a prototype, (under construction)

Trigger Optnl Triggering Variable Explanation
------- ----- ------------------- -----------
Act      {p}  <keyword / phrase>  [emotes, socials, actions, bamfs]
Speech   {p}  <keyword / phrase>  [says or tells from same room as mob]
Rand          <percentage>        [randomly triggered based on percentile]
Fight         <percentage>        [random, within a fight, based on percentile]
Hitprcnt      <percentage>        [percent is % of mob's max H.P.]
Greet         <percentage>        [entry that mob can see, by mob/player]
Allgreet      <percentage>        [entry by a mob/player, regardless if seen]
Entry         <percentage>        [when the mob itself enters a room]
Bribe         <amount of gold>    [when a player gives the mob money]
Death         <percentage>        [when the mob dies]
Script {hour}                     [loops a line at a time. Hour triggers start]
Time          <hour>              [script prog, runs once on hour specified]
Hour          <hour>              [loops as Script for an hour from start hour]

*NOTE* {hour}/<hour> is in military time. ie, 15 hours is 3p.m. mud time.
*NOTE* The mpcommand MPDONOTHING currently only works in Script progs,
       NOT in Time or Hour progs.


Syntax:  rpedit <command> [number]  [program] [arguments]
Syntax:  rpedit add       <program> <arguments>
Syntax:  rpedit insert    <number>  <program> <arguments>
Syntax:  rpedit edit      <number>  [program] [arguments]
Syntax:  rpedit delete    <number>
Syntax:  rpedit list

Add, insert and edit will put you into the line editor to edit your
program.  The arguments consist of a trigger, plus any arguments
associated with that trigger. 

To edit a roomprogram, you must be in the room 


Syntax:  rpstat

Rpstat will display all of the roomprograms that have been written for a
room.  You must be standing in the room that you are rpstatting (though
you can also use 'rpstat' in conjunction with the 'at' command to rpstat
a room remotely).


Syntax: rreset <list|edit|delete|add|insert|place>
Syntax: rreset remove <#>
Syntax: rreset mobile <mob#> [limit]
Syntax: rreset object <obj#> [limit [room]]
Syntax: rreset object <obj#> give <mob name> [limit]
Syntax: rreset object <obj#> equip <mob name> <location> [limit]
Syntax: rreset object <obj#> put <to_obj name> [limit]
Syntax: rreset hide <obj name>
Syntax: rreset trap <obj name> <type> <charges> <flags>
Syntax: rreset trap room <type> <charges> <flags>
Syntax: rreset bit <set|toggle|remove> door <dir> <exit flags>
Syntax: rreset bit <set|toggle|remove> object <obj name> <extra flags>
Syntax: rreset bit <set|toggle|remove> mobile <mob name> <affect flags>
Syntax: rreset bit <set|toggle|remove> room <room flags>
Syntax: rreset random <last dir>

&RMortal Rules&W 
1> Keep all swearing to a minimum. Swearing on the OOC channel is &RNOT&W
needed, and there is a IC social for in-game swearing. 
2> Do not make any discriminatory comments to or about another person on OOC,
this includes any racial or gender remarks. 
3> No Triggers are allowed &RPERIOD&W. Do not set any triggers what so ever.
4> Do &RNOT&W hijack or move any IMM ship or ship known to be operated by an
IMM. (This includes the HIGHWIND). 
5> You MUST have an IC reason to kill someone. Insanity or "I just wanted to"
will not work. If we decide against you, it may result in the reimbursement of
your victim and your punishment.
6> Do &RNOT&W blow up a ship to own it. If you are caught, you will be
7> You may &RNOT&W go linkdead or log out to avoid a PK or imprisonment of any
8> You will respect the characters player whether you like them IC or not. 
9> Taking advantage of a bug or IMM error is illegal and will be punished. 
10> You will &RNOT&W openly accuse someone of cheating, this means on ANY
channel. If you think someone has cheated, you will take it to an IMM
11> Do &RNOT&W attack an UNMANNED capital ship. 
12> Do not abuse any channel, this includes the auction channel. 
13> Each character is required to have a Biography and Description regardless
if you want one or not. 
14> If you are a member of IR or HC, you may only purchase your clans shiptype.
If you leave either group you may &RNOT&W own that ship, you must resell it.
15> You may &RNOT&W create items with names that already exist in the game.
Examples are making a contianer called Hypo Blaster or Shooting Star and
selling it. 
16> Harassment of any sort against anyone will not be tolerated. 
17> Do &RNOT&W ask for equipment or transfers to other areas. 
18> Do &RNOT&W ask for a restore or heal from an IMM. If you do you may get the
exact opposite of your request. 
19> You WILL respect ALL of the Immortals. Whether you like them or not you
will not swear or disrespect them in any manner. This will result in a severe
20> If at creation you are asked by an Immortal to change your name, you WILL
change your name. The Immortals have the final say in if your name is
appropriate for RP. 
&RSee HELP RULES2 for the second page of rules and their punishments&W 

&G&W1) No Swearing on ooc channels, and keep the swearing on ic channels to
a minium
2) No discrimatory ooc comments
3) use the channels properly, on ic channels(yell, shout, chat, etc) do not
use the term level(skill levels), "on"(as in online), or what to type to
do a skill.
4) No moving the highwind
6) No OOC kills, you must have an ic reason for killing a person
7) If interested in building, please check out help building
8) NO BOTS( THAT MEANS TRIGGERS OF ANY SORT). Failure to comply with be
slayed(without warning)
9) Have Fun
10) Anyone caught picking the lock of, inside of, or hijacking an immortal
ship will be slain - You've been warned.
11)No blowing up ships to own them.
If you're caught doing so, expect severe punishment.
12) You may not suicide if you have had someone in ANYWAY check your
character for force and they don't.  If they don't your out of luck
&R-Suggested by Gardnel-&G&W
13) I (Gavin) will give incentives to Rplayers, weither it be transes,
certain types of eq(not making a char stronger than anther), etc
&P14&R) &G&WFrom now on, No family can have more then 1 child
15) I really didn't want it to come to this, but there is now an official ship
rule - MAX 5 ships (any type) per player, 20 per clan - This is more then

&G&W1st time, warning
&G&W2nd time, freeze/silence
&G&W3rd time, slay and clone removed
&G&W4th and final time, perm banned from this mud

&BYour Coder And Head Imm,
&CNew, See Rules2&w 

&RContinued from HELP RULES&W 
21> If an Immortal tells you not to do something, even if you have already
cleared it with another immortal. Hold off and speak with both. 
22> Individual players may own 3 ships MAX. Only two of these may be Midships.
If you have more then 2 midships, a player may kill you to take your third.
23> Do not lie about your OOC life, meaning gender or the likes, to your
in-game spouse. If you do and it causes problems of any sort you will be dealt
24> Multiplaying is illegal, the definition of Multiplaying is having control
of more then one character period(Unless you have charmed or seduced them, but
we can tell).  It does not matter if one is Link Dead or not. 
25> You must find another player besides you or your spouse to RP your child.
There will be no more 9 characters a person just because you have that many
Depending on the rule you broke and the frequency with your warnings, 
punishments may include the following: 
&Y- 1rst Offense&W, Warning or more severe punishment depending on the offense.
&B- 2nd Offense&G&W, Freeze or Silence by an Immortal for the duration they
               feel appropriate. 
&G- 3rd Offense&W, This will result in a slay AND the removal of your clone.
&R- 4th Offense&W, The final offense, You will be permanently banned from 
               Unknown Regions. 
These rules are &RNOT &Wnegotiable. You will follow them as they are written or
you will be dealt with accordingly. 

Syntax:  sacrifice <object>

Sacrifice offers an object to the gods.
The gods may reward you for the sacrifice, and the nature of the reward
depends upon the type of object.

Hint: the gods like corpses.


&RWhat am i up to:
              &b-Building AF'EL
              &y-Sitting Around
              &R-Tormenting Mortals
              &W-Helping out
              &c-Answering questions
              &g-Any thing else Just ask!

&RThat pretty much explains it
If you need to know anything or have any questions/problems just get my
&YThats it

192 SAVE~

Syntax: savearea

Savearea and loadarea will save or load your prototype area.

A God or higher may load or save any other prototype area by simply
specifying the area name.  Example:  savearea/loadarea Joseph.are


Saving throws:
  sav1 - Saving vs. poison or death
  sav2 - Saving vs. wands
  sav3 - Saving vs. paralysis or petrification
  sav4 - Saving vs. breath
  sav5 - Saving vs. powers or staves

See MSET or type MSET by itself.

1 'SCAN'~
.&rCombat &WSkill: &YScan 
 &rCombat &WLevel: 1 
 &WSyntax: &YScan &W(direction) 

This skill enables &rcombatants &Wto &Yscan &Wfor one or more rooms in the  
&Wdirection specified.  &YScan &Wis dependent on the percentage to which 
the skill is practiced, and the type of area you are in. 

Syntax: score

SCORE is a sheet filled with your characters statistics.  When you type
score, only you can see what is listed there.  Should you want to let
others see your characters health, you can type REPORT.


.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YSearch 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 3 
 &G&WSyntax: &YSearch &G&W(direction/container/or just search) 

This skill lets you feel around and use effective means of finding 
something.  The higher your proficiency, the more effective you'll be.

.&rCombat &G&WSkill: &YSecond Attack 
 &rCombat &G&WLevel: 45 

This skill lets you attack more than once during a combat round.  Use of 
this skill is automatic once you have practiced it. 

INSIDE              0
CITY                1
FIELD               2
FOREST              3
HILLS               4
MOUNTAIN            5
WATER_SWIM          6
UNDERWATER          8
AIR                 9
DESERT             10
UNKNOWN            11
OCEANFLOOR         12

101 SEDIT~
View, create, edit or delete socials online.
Sytanx:  sedit <social>
Syntax:  sedit <social> [field]
Syntax:  sedit <social> create
Syntax:  sedit <social> delete
Syntax:  sedit <save>

Field being one of:
  cnoarg onoarg cfound ofound vfound cauto oauto

Use sedit <social> to view the current settings of an existing social.
Use sedit <social> [field] to set one of the fields:
  CNoArg: response to character if no argument given
  ONoArg: response to room if no argument given
  CFound: Response to character if target is someone else
  OFound: Response to room if target is someone else
  VFound: Response to target if target is someone else
  CAuto : Response to character if target is self
  OAuto : Response to room if target is self
Use sedit <social> create to create a new social, then edit with sedit field.
Use sedit <social> delete to delete an existing social.
Use sedit save to save the new social or changes to existing socials.


.&pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YSeduce 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 65 
 &G&WSyntax: &YSeduce (mob) 
&G&WThis skill is used to charm mobs into following you.  It is the same as the
&Gpirate&G&W's skill of &Ydominate&G&W. 


&G&WExtra Info&R
&WThis command is used to sell your house.

Syntax: setboot time <hour> <minute>
 	setboot manual <0|1>

The setboot command is useful for planning a reboot, (to save you from
the trouble of all those echos :) ) and for the daily boot.  The manual
bit is used by the mud to determine whether the boot time was set by
hand.  When the mud starts up, the boot time is set to 0600hrs (6am)
and the manual bit to 0.  If 'setboot time' is used, the mud sets the
manual bit to 1.  When it comes time to do the reboot, the mud checks
how long it has been running.  If it has been running less than 18
hours and the reboot time has not been set manually, the reboot does
not take place (nor do the automatic warning echoes).

Echoes: when a scheduled reboot is coming up, the mud will send out
echoes to that effect.  The echoes start 30 minutes before the reboot
and are repeated at t minus 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 minute(s).

This command is used to define clan, Order and guild files.  The filename
field must be defined before other fields can be entered.

Syntax:  setclan <clan> <field> <deity|leader|number1|number2> <player>
Field being one of:
 filename- filename of the clan, guild or Order
 type    - 13 is an Order (peaceful clan)
         - 14 is a Guild
         - 0 is a deadly clan
 class   - class # accepted by the clan (for use with Guilds, leave 0 if none)
 name    - name of the clan
 motto   - motto of the clan
 desc    - description of the clan
 favour  - favour bestowed by the gods (not currently supported)
 strikes - displeasure of the gods toward the clan (not currently supported)
 deity   - name of the clan's Deity
 leader  - name of the clan's Leader
 number1 - name of the clan's Number One
 number2 - name of the clan's Number Two
 members - manually set the number of members
 board   - roomvnum of the clan's board
 recall  - roomvnum to which members of the clan recall
 storage - roomvnum of the storage room of the clan
           (so that items in the room will save over reboot/crash; use the
            clanstoreroom roomflag in this room as well)
 align   - alignment to which members must adhere (commented out in code)
 obj1, obj2, obj3 - vnums of the objects which the Leader can 'make'
 guard1, guard2   - mobvnums of the clan's primary guardians


.&G&WSyntax: setcode (#) 
 Syntax: sendcode (ship) (code) 

&YSETCODE&W, a command that allows a ship's owner to set a security code for
his or her ship.  The code is what's required for another ship to dock 
with yours. 
&YSENDCODE&W, a command that sends your code to another ship.
See also: help &YOBTAINCODE 

Syntax:  setcouncil <council> <field> <deity|leader|number1|number2> <player>
Field being one of:
 name     - name of the council
 filename - filename in which to store the council data
 desc     - description of the council
 head     - leader of the council
 members  - manually set the number of members
 board    - roomvnum of the council's board
 meeting  - roomvnum in which the council meets
 powers   - commands all members will receive regardless of their level
            (similiar to council-wide bestowments)

Used to define a council after it has been created with 'makecouncil'.  The
filename must be specified before other fields can be set.


Setship - This allows you to modify current existing ships
type setship for itself for a explanation on how to use it.

Syntax: setslay <type> <field> <value>

	This command allows you to set the options on a slay type.

<Type> is the command argument for the SLAY command, and identifies which
slay you will be editing.

Field can be one of the following:

Owner - The person who owns this option. Setting owner to 'any' means any
        immortal with access to SLAY can use it.
Color - Numerical value for the color of the messages sent.
        For now, use color 12 until a better method for setting colors
        can be found.
Cmessage - You will be put into the line editor to enter the message the
           user of the SLAY command will see.
Vmessage - You will be put into the line editor to enter the message the
           victim will see when slain.
Rmessage - You will be put into the line editor to enter the message the
           rest of the people in the room will see when someone is slain.

The slay editor uses the same variables as the social editor and the
mudprograms. See VARIABLES.


This command allows you to set a starsystem you have already made.
You can add planets, Suns, and other various things.
Syntax -  setstarsystem (system) (field) (value)

Fields are
Name - Sets the name of the starsystem
filename - sets the filename of the starsystem
xpos - sets the x coordinate of the system/sector, Determines how far
away it is.
ypos - sets the y coordinate of the system/sector.
Star1 - Name of the first sun
star2 - Name of the second sun
s1x, s1y, s1z - the x, y ,z coordinates for the first star
s2x, s2y, s2z - the x, y, z coordinates for the second star
planet1 - name of the first planet
planet2 name of the second planet
planet3 name of the third planet
p1x, p1y, p1z - the coordinates for the first planet
p2x, p2y, p2z - the coordinates for the second planet
p3x, p3y, p3z - the coordinates for the second planet
doc1a - first docking bay for the first planet
doc1b - second docking bay for the first planet
doc1c - third docking bay for the first planet
doc2a - first docking bay for the second planet
doc2b - first docking bay for the second planet
doc2c - first docking bay for the second planet
doc3a - first docking bay for the third planet
doc3b - second docking bay for the third planet
doc3c - Third docking bay for the third planet

setsystemcode sets a code for a system which is used with setcode (for ships)
This allows clans to define a code which ships can use, when using the same
code as a system no FCZ will apply and defense ships will not attack
regardless of current alertstatus.

1 SEX~
If you need help with Sex, you shouldn't be looking into a help file :P
Remember Practice Makes Perfect! 

Syntax: feel shield

These powers protect the caster by decreasing (improving) the caster's armor
class.  SHIELD provides 20 points of armor.

.&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YShip Docking 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 40 
 &G&WSyntax: &YDock&G&W/&YUndock &G&W(ship) 

This skill allows you to in-flight dock with a ship allowing you to freely
board in and out of the ship. The person you are docking with must be at
a speed of 30 or lower.  Before you can &Ydock &G&Wwith another ship, you must
first &Yobtain &G&Wits code and &Ysend &G&Wit to the other ship. 

.&CEngineering &G&WSkill: &YShip Maintenance
 &CEngineering &G&WLevel: 25 
 &G&WSyntax: &YRepairship &G&W(shiplocation) 

&G&WThis skill allows you the ability to repair your ship within the engine
room when part of it has been damaged.  The more proficient you are at this
skill, the better and faster you will repair your ship.  This skill is
automatic once practiced.

renameship <Ship name> <New Name>
This command lets you change ships names it cost 150 quest points to use
please do not abuse this

renameship <Ship name> <New Name>
This command lets you change ships names it cost 150 quest points to use
please do not abuse this

Read help modules for help on installing them
no more then 10 lasers on midships
no more then 8 lasers on a fighter.
Ignorance is not an excuse.
No more than 12k Fuel per midship.
14 Max Modules are now in place.
Shield Maxes are changing, so dont complain, thanks! :P

NEW Targeting Computer -
*Say Targeting to initiate the computer.
* Push the targeting computer to lock on a target
* Pull the targeting computer to unlock
[The push and pull are just for fun :) it doesnt actually target]

NEW Pilots Seat!
Functions :
Well now they are flagged furniture, you can sit IN, stand ON, sleep IN,
and rest IN them..
When you sit in them they do a neat reaction..try it out!

NEW Navigation Computer -
Functions :
* Type Push Navigation to start up the computer
* Type pull navigation to shutdown the computer
* Auto-Hyper Jumps when you calculate.

Look into the MOTD on information on recieving these experience/flight
enhancing items in your ship!! FREE.

Syntax: feel 'shockshield'

This power will surround you with a shield of electric energy that will
return your enemies attacks with bolts of lightning!

101 SHOPS~
Syntax: shops

Displays statistics on all the shops.


Syntax: shopset <mobile vnum> <field> <value>

| Fields | Meaning                            |
| buy#   | Types of items the keeper will buy |
| buy    | Profit on buying items             |
| sell   | Profit on selling items            |
| open   | Hour shop opens                    |
| close  | Hour shop closes                   |
| keeper | Vnum of shop keeper                |

Lets you set certain stats on a shop.


Syntax: shopstat <mobile vnum>

Shows statistics on a mobile's shop.


Syntax: shopset <mobile vnum> buy# <value>

1  - light               21 - pen                41 - rune
2  - scroll              22 - boat               42 - runepouch
3  - wand                23 - corpse             43 - match
4  - staff               24 - corpse_pc          44 - trap
5  - weapon              25 - fountain           45 - map
6  - _fireweapon         26 - pill               46 - portal
7  - _missile            27 - blood              47 - paper
8  - treasure            28 - bloodstain         48 - tinder
9  - armor               29 - scraps             49 - lockpick
10 - potion              30 - pipe               50 - spike
11 - _worn               31 - herbcon            51 - disease
12 - furniture           32 - herb               52 - oil
13 - trash               33 - incense            53 - fuel
14 - _oldtrap            34 - fire               54 - shortbow
15 - container           35 - book               55 - longbow
16 - _note               36 - switch             56 - crossbow
17 - drinkcon            37 - lever              57 - projectile
18 - key                 38 - pullchain          58 - quiver
19 - food                39 - button             59 - shovel
20 - money               40 - dial               60 - salve
61 - rawspice            62 - lens               63 - crystal
64 - duraplast           64 - battery            65 - toolkit
66 - durasteel           67 - oven               68 - mirror
69 - circuit             70 - superconductor     71 - comlink
72 - medpac              73 - fabric            74 - rare metal
75 - magnet              76 - thread            77 - spice
78 - smut              79 - device

Syntax:  drag <character> <direction>
Syntax:  shove <character> <direction>

Drag will drag the victim in the specified direction if they are not
standing up, while shove will shove them in the specified direction
only if they are standing.

Characters who have been in a safe room for longer than 30 seconds
will be unable to be shoved or dragged out of that room until they
either leave of their own choice or they shove/drag another player.


Syntax:  showclan <clan/order/guild name>
Example: showclan guild of mages, showclan Retribution

Used to display statistics for any clan organization, which includes
clans, Orders and guilds.


Syntax:  showcouncil <council name>

Displays the statistics of the specified council.


Syntax: showguild 'guild of <guild name>'

Displays the statistics on a guild.

Syntax: showslay <type>

This command shows the current settings for the selected slaytype.

The slaytype is the command argument for the SLAY command.
The owner is the person who can use the option, owner 'any' means any
immortal with access to slay can use it.
The color is the numerical value for the color of the messages.
Cmessage is what the user sees when they slay someone.
Vmessage is what the victim sees when slain.
Rmessage is what everyone else in the rooms sees.

The slay editor uses the same variables as the social editor and the
mudprograms. See VARIABLES.

An example listing:

Slaytype: demon
Owner:    Any
Color:    12
You gesture, and a slavering demon appears.
With a horrible grin, the foul creature turns on
$N, who screams in panic before being eaten alive!

$n gestures, and a slavering demon appears.
The foul creature turns on you with a horrible grin.
You scream in panic before being eaten alive!

$n gestures, and a slavering demon appears.
With a horrible grin, the foul creature turns on
$N, who screams in panic before being eaten alive!


0 SIT~
Syntax: sit

Sit makes your character sit down.

     The Force is very rare in the Star Wars Univers,
so to keep in reality, we have set it up so only 1 in
around 50 characters acctually has the Force.  If
you are Force capable , you will find out by training
the meditate skill at luck and after much practice
you may become tunned to the Force.

&R NOTE: Force is for 1 in 50 characters for a reason
         bugging IMM's to give you the force is not
         advised. Creating characters until you get
         the force is also frownd upon by everyone.
   See Also Help FRC.

There are now four sizes of EQ: small_size, human_size, large_size and
hutt_size. Please set one of these flags for all eq .. you'll have to
do it online. Heres the race breakdown for who can use what:
small_size: jawa, noghri, ewok
human_size: Human, Rodian, Twi'lek, Adarian
large_size: Wookiee, Mon Calamarian, Gamorrean
hutt_size: Hutt
See also help Oset and help Layers.

Type 'practice' to get a list of skills currently available to you and
to see to what extent you have them practiced.  Type 'slist' to view a
list of all skills available at each level to your class.

Syntax: slay <victim> [option]

SLAY kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.

To see the current list of options, type slay with no argument.

Slay bypasses auto actions such as autoloot and autosac.  Slay should not
be used to test death_programs on mobs, as it is not the same as an actual
death to the mobile and may not return accurate results.

Slay types can now be edited online for easier configuration of
personalized options.


Syntax: feel sleep <victim>

This power puts its victim to sleep.

This power makes you more dexterous for its duration.

Syntax: SLIST
Syntax: SLIST <lo> <hi>

SLIST without an argument gives you a compleat list of the powers and
skills available to your class, also indicating the maximum level to
which you can practice it.

SLIST lo hi gives you a list of powers and skills available to your class
from levels lo to hi.

    <554hp 156m 700mv> <#2> slist 2 2
    Level 2
      skill :                mount   Current:  75 Max: 85

Syntax: slookup <skill-or-power>
Syntax: slookup all

SLOOKUP shows you the internal 'sn' and external 'slot' for the given skill
or power.  The 'sn' is used for OSET and OSTAT.  The 'slot' is used for area
files.  Neither 'sn' nor 'slot' is used for player files; these operate with
the actual skill and power names.

SLOOKUP ALL shows this information for all skills and powers.

Syntax: game slots slot name

<slot name> is the name of the slot machine in your current room
that you wish to play.

Each slot machine costs a certain amount of gold to play.
Slot machines can be 3 bar or 5 bar slot machines.
Each bar has 10 different items on it.
If all bars match then you win the jackpot.
If partial winning is on, you can still win some gold by matching just some
of the bars.
If freeze jackpot is on, then no matter how much you play, the jackpot
never increases or decreases unless the jackpot is won.
To see how a slot machine is set up, type 'examine jackpot name'

.&pDiplomacy &G&WSkill: &YSmalltalk 
 &pDiplomacy &G&WLevel: 25 
 &G&WSyntax: &YSmalltalk &G&W(mob) 

This skill allows a character to use cheap-persuasion to lower the population
support of a planet ungoverned by the player's clan.  If used on a mob that is
on a planet governed by the player's clan, &Ysmalltalking &G&Wwill raise the
population support slightly.

.           [S]imulated [M]edieval multi-[U]ser [A]dventure game

SMAUG is an ongoing project headed up by Derek Snider (Thoric), who has
taken on several assistants in expanding and improving the code.

 Thoric Altrag Blodkai Narn Haus Scryn Swordbearer Rennard Tricops Gorog

SMAUG has a specially coded power type "power_smaug", which is a generic
power handler that uses the extra power fields to determine what the power
is going to achieve.

damtype   the class of damage done (see DAMTYPES)
acttype   the action of the power (see ACTTYPES)
classtype the class of power (see CLASSTYPES)
powertype the power ranking of the power (see POWERTYPES)
flag      special extra flags this power has (see SPELLFLAGS)
hit       Message displayed when power is successful
miss      Message displayed when power misses or fails
die       Message sent if power causes death
imm       Message sent if victim is immune
(Messages must specify char, vict or room, ie: hitchar, hitvict, hitroom)
dice      a dice formula used for rolling things like damage (see DICEFORMULAS)
saves     saving throw victim gets (see SPELLSAVES)
bitvector see AFFECTED_BY, the bitvector applied by the power, if any
affects   see AFFECTTYPES, the effect the power has, if any
value     an extra field reserved for things like the vnum used in powers
          that create objects, or summon monsters to the caster's aid.

&C(&zSquall&C)&R&W We need a Chancellor for the senate, elections 
will be up for it soon.  

Smuggling is a shady side of the universe, basically it is
getting illegal items from one place to another without getting
caught. Most good smugglers move on to eventually become crimelords.

.&rCombat &WSkill: &YSnipe 
 &rCombat &WLevel: 2 
 &WSyntax: &YSnipe &W(direction) (target) 

This skill allows &rcombatants &Wto engage enemies at a long range. 

101 SOBER~
Syntax:  sober <victim>

Removes a character's inebriation and all affects of alcohol.


The following commands are used to control spacecraft in Star Wars Reality:

SHIPS			Shows list of ships that are for sale or rent.
BOARD <shipname>        Enters a ship.
LEAVESHIP		Leaves a ship.
LAUNCH			Launches a ship .. make sure you wait till finished
			before doing anything else.
LAND <location>		Lands at specified dock.
SPEED <newspeed>	Accelerates to specified speed.
COURSE <x y z>		Stears ship towards vector x y z.
STATUS			Shows ships status.
INFO <ship>		Gives info on a ship.
RADAR			Scans the surrounding system.
HYPERSPACE		Preforms hyperspce jump to system set with calculate.
CALCULATE <system>	Calculates hyperspace jump to system.
BUYSHIP			Used to purchas a ship.
SELLSHIP		Sells the ship to the local shipyard.
SHIELDS [ON|OFF|IDLE]   Turns shields on or off (idle leaves shields on but
                        they do not recharge and eventually drain away).
RECHARGE		Recharges shields faster.
OPENHATCH <ship>	Opens ships hatch.
CLOSEHATCH <ship> 	Closes ships hatch.
TARGET <ship>		Aims weapons or turret at specified target.
FIRE [missile|rocket|torpedo] Fires lasers or specified missile.
REPAIRSHIP [shipsystem]	Preforms repairs to ships hull or specified system.
ADDPILOT <name>  	Allows a character to pilot your ship.
REMPILOT <name>		Removes a character from your ships pilot list.
AUTOTRACK Automaticly adjusts you course to follow your target.
CLANBUYSHIP Buys a ship for your organization.
RENAMESHIP <old> <new> Renames A ship
OPENBAY             Opens hanger doors of a ship with a docking bay

Syntax: speak
Syntax: speak <language>
Syntax: speak all (immortals only)

The speak command changes the current language in which you are speaking.
To speak your native tongue, type 'speak' alone.  To speak a specific
language (such as common, for example), type "speak common".  Immortals
have the unique ability to speak so that everyone can understand, by
typing "speak all".

.&GThe syntax for a spec prog is: 
mset <mob vnum> spec spec_<program desired>
mset <mob vnum> spec_2 spec_<program desired>

Here is a list of the spec programs:

spec_jedi, spec_dark_jedi 
spec_fido, spec_janitor, spec_poison, spec_thief,
spec_auth &G&W*DO NOT USE* it's for one mob only in the academy&G, 
spec_stormtrooper, spec_new_republic_trooper, spec_guardian,
spec_customs_smut, spec_customs alcohol, spec_customs_weapons,
spec_police attack, spec_police_fine, spec_police_jail, spec_police
spec_clan_order &G&WFor Ordering Ships/Shields/etc&G, spec_clan_patrol
spec_clan_guard &G&W*DO NOT SET*&G, 
spec_droid, spec droid_lang &G&W*DO NOT SET EITHER ONE*&G, 
spec_newbie_pilot, spec_questmaster, spec_finer, spec_gambler, spec_tax,

105 SPECS~

T###         check for item of type ###
V#####       check for item of vnum #####
Kword        check for item with keyword 'word'
G#####       check if player has ##### amount of gold
H####        check if player has #### amount of hitpoints

Special operators:
+ don't consume this component
@ decrease component's value[0], and extract if it reaches 0
# decrease component's value[1], and extract if it reaches 0
$ decrease component's value[2], and extract if it reaches 0
% decrease component's value[3], and extract if it reaches 0
^^ decrease component's value[4], and extract if it reaches 0
&& decrease component's value[5], and extract if it reaches 0
and ! will make the power fail if the caster is carrying that component.

Example: V1100 V+1101
The power will only succeed if the caster is carrying objects of vnums
1100 and 1101.  The object of vnum 1100 will get consumed by the power,
and the object of vnum 1101 will not.

With the decremental operators (@#$%^^&&), the object must have at least
a value of 1 in the respective location for the power to succeed.

water           water based (create water, ice powers)
earth           interracts with nature (earthquake)
air             involve the air or winds
astral          involve the astral plane (astral walk)
area            an "area power"... affects everyone in the room
distant         affects something far away
reverse         has a reverse affect
save_half_dam   victim can save for half damage
save_negates    victim can save for no effect
accumulative    can be cast repeatedly to have an increased effect
recastable      can be cast again to refresh the power
nobrew          cannot be brewed into a potion
noscribe        cannot be scribed onto a scroll
group           affects everyone in the caster's group (same room only)
object          specifically affects an object (for target 'ignore')
character       specifically affect a character (for target 'ignore')

Type 'practice' to get a list of powers currently available to you and
to see to what extent you have them practiced.  Type 'slist' to view a
list of all powers available at each level to your class.

Here are the saving throws you can set for use in SMAUG powers:
none            victim doesn't get a saving throw
poison_death    save vs. poison or death
wands           save vs. wands
para_petri      save vs. paralysis or petrification
breath          save vs. (dragon) breath
power_staff     save vs. powers or staves

.&GPiracy &G&WSkill: &YSpice Refining 
 &GPiracy &G&WLevel: 25 
 &G&WSyntax: &YMakespice &G&W(spice) 

This skill gives you the ability to create spice using raw spice.  The player
must be in a refinery to create and as you get more adept at this skill, the
refined spice becomes stronger.

0 - Glitterstim - True Sight  
1 - Carsanum - Sanctuary  
2 - Ryll - raises stats  
3 - andris - Fire Breath  
The preceding values should be placed in the Value 0 (v0) slot of the spice
object. Value 1 (v1) should be used to determine the strength/quality of the

.&PMedical &G&WSkill: &YSplint 
 &PMedical &G&WLevel: 20 
 &G&WSyntax: &YSplint &G&W(name) (broken bone) 
&G&WThis skill allows &Pdoctors &G&Wto &Ysplint &G&Wany broken bones.  Any of
the following bones may be broken as a result of falling or fighting:
left/right hand, left/right arm, left/right knee, left/right leg, nose, ribs,
or the jaw. 

Syntax: SPLIT <amount>

SPLIT splits some gold between you and all the members of your
group who are in the same room as you.  It's customary to SPLIT
the gold after a kill.

101 SSET~
Syntax: sset <victim> <skill> <value>
or:     sset <victim> all     <value>
or:     sset <sn>     <field> <value>

name          the name of the skill or power
code          for powers, the code executed when the power is cast
target        for powers, the target of the power (see TARGETTYPES)
minpos        the minimum position required to use this skill/power
slot          for powers, the slot number used in area files
mana          for powers, the amount of mana consumed by the power
beats         how long this skill takes to be used (in 1/4 seconds)
dammsg        a word to describe the damage done by this skill or power
wearoff       for powers, the message given when the power wears off
type          the type of skill (Spell, Skill, Weapon, Tongue)
difficulty    how difficult the power/skill is to learn and/or use
damtype       for powers, the class of damage it does
components    the components required for this power (see SPELLCOMPONENTS)
teachers      will restrict the teaching of this skill to these mob vnums
participants  the minimum number of required participants (for powers)

For the special fields used by SMAUG powers (power_smaug) see SMAUGSPELLS


.&zSmuggling &G&WSkill: &YSteal 
 &zSmuggling &G&WLevel: 35 
 &G&WSyntax: &YSteal &G&W(object) (name) 

The skill &Ysteal &G&Wis an attempt to take credits or objects from another mob
or player.  There are penalties for using &YSteal &G&Won other players.  For
example, if they discover that you are stealing from them, they have the right
to kill you.  In order to &YSteal &G&Wsuccessfully, you must practice the

Strength (STR in your 'score') represents your character's physical power.

The most common concern with strength deals with how much your character
can carry.  For each additional point of strength  you gain an additional
amount of maximum carryable weight.  Any character with 20 strength can
carry 500 kg.   

Strength also affects (among other things):

 - damage roll and hitroll; for each additional point of strength, each
   of these will increase

 - chances of success for bash, stun, bashdoor, shove and drag, and the
   ability to dual-wield heavier weapons


105 STRIP~
Syntax 'strip <victim> 
Silently transfers their entire inventory and clothing to yours.  

Syntax: stun <mob>

Stun is a skill which can only be used once a fight has started.  It will
stun your opponent if successful.

With the incantation 'Sulfurous Spray,' the casting mage culls from
the air the elements necessary to form a strong acid which rains
down upon his opponent or opponents.  This strength and velocity
of the spray is such that it can work its way into various forms
of armor and clothing, and it is also able to harm opponents one
might think resistant to such attacks, due to its magical nature.


Syntax: switch <character>
Syntax: return

SWITCH switches you into the body of another character (who must not
already have a descriptor, e.g. you can't switch into a PC).

RETURN returns you to your original body.


0 TAG~
. Sometimes life in the world can get a bit stressfull, so we all need
to relax and play games from time to time.  One way you can do this is
by starting up a game of tag ammongst your fellow players.  The rules
are simple!

  To start a game of tag, you must first Tag someone (Using TAG Player)
If no one is nearby or willing to be 'IT' first, you can tag yourself.
The idea is then for players to run arround the world trying to avoid
being caught by the person who is 'IT', Only one person can be 'IT' at
any one time, and when they catch someone their 'IT' status is removed
and the player they tag becomes 'IT'.

  Whenever the state of play changes, eg if someone tags someone else,
starts a game, or ends a game players are informed via an echo.

  Commands are as follows...

  TAG Player- Start a game, or tag the next person if you are already IT
  TAG show- Shows wether a game is in progress, and if so displays who
  is currently IT
  TAG quit- Used to end a game of tag, can only be issued by the
  player who is IT

  Tag Version 1.1 was written by Voltec (Voltec@cyberdude.com) for EotN.
--NOTAG toggles the option if you are able to be tagged or not.
&RTag was updated for SWR/Unknow Regions by Gavin&B(ur_gavin@hotmail.com) 

Syntax : Takedrug (drug)

This allows all the junkies to get their fix.

Syntax : Target (ship name)

Used in ship to ship combat to target enemy ships.

See also help Space Combat 1, help Weapon Syatems.

Target                Function
ignore                Spell affect relies on the casting argument
offensive             Spell will initiate combat
defensive             Can be cast on anyone safely
self                  Spell only affects the caster
objinv                Casted onto an object in the caster's inventory

Syntax: feel <teleport>

This power takes you from your current location to a random location somewhere
in the world.

The Terran Confederation is an evil organization that only accepts humans.
They follow the traditions of the old Empire and will stop at nothing to
renew it. That includes destroying the Imperial Remnants and rebuilding it
like it should of been. 

101 THINK~
Syntax:  think <message>

Allows you to use the 'think' channel, which functions the same as all
other channels and can only be seen by those of high enough level.
The level for access to think can be controlled with 'cset'.


Combat Skill: Throw
Combat Level: 5
Syntax : Throw (direction)

 A useful skill that allows you to throw what you are holding into a  
 connecting room. 

See also help grenades.

Many of the actions in the game are based upon interval timers, including
combat, most autonomous monster actions, hp/force/move regeneration, power
duration, weather, and area resetting.

Of these timers, the hp/force/move regeneration timer is popularly called the
'tick'.  Ticks in the game average 30 seconds of real time, but the actual
amount varies randomly from 15 seconds to 45 seconds.

Area resetting happens roughly every 3 minutes if there are no characters in
in the area; less often (15 minutes) if any characters are present.  Also
note that objects lying on the ground will not be regenerated if anyone
is in the area when it resets.

Area resets are indicated by 'squeaking noises' just prior to the reset.

Syntax:  timecmd <command>
Example: timecmd mpstat <mob>

Returns the time required to execute the specified command for that
instance of its execution.

.Syntax: title (string) 
The game automatically provides each person with a generic title 
when his or her character is created.  You can use TITLE to set your 
own title to something else and make it more personal. 
&YTitles are IC. 
&RYour Title is what you see in the who list or when one 'looks' in a room.

105 TODO2~
Have a clothing flag so score will say weither your naked or not
create a function to strip color flags
get the strlen that discludes color tags
&R@@&P 3&p) &G&WAllow gather_intel to get info on planets
&R@@&P 3&p) &G&WAnd Allow gather_intel extra info on players, ie. clan, wanted
or not, etc
&R@@ &P4&R) &G&Wmake a function to fix the can_see part in do_who(and sexes

&W This is a complete listing of all the Voicemail Toll Free Numbers, if a
number for your region doesn't appear here, it doesn't exist currently, sorry!
Singapore toll-free number   : &G1800 260 1555&W 
Hong Kong toll-free number   :&G 852 3002 7155&W 
Taiwan toll-free number      :&G 080 061 555&W (Taipei) 
Other Areas, Taiwan          : &G886 2 2653 5327&W 
Korea toll-free number       : &G080 778 1555&W 
Malaysia toll-free number    : &G1 800 387 155 (Klang Valley)&W
Other Areas, Malaysia number : &G603 8656 7855&W 
USA/Canada toll-free number  : &G1 877 651 1555&W 
China number                 : &G86 21 6359 7557&W 
Australia toll-free number   : &G0011 800 2222 1555&W 
Thailand toll-free number    : &G001 800 222 1355&W 
Philippines toll-free number : &G1 800 765 8061&W 
Japan toll-free number       : &G001 800 222 1555&W/ &G0041 800 222 1555&W/
Japan toll-free number(Cont) : &G0061 800 222 1555&W 

The different PC languages include common, elvish, dwarven, pixie, ogre,
orcish, trollese, goblin, halfling and gith.

NPC languages include rodent, insectoid, mammal, reptile, dragon,
spiritual, magical, god, and ancient.

1 TOP10~
Top ten reasons Immortals hate Mortals:
10. Mortals complain about Everything
9. Mortals think IMMs are out to get them
8. Mortals don't grovel enough
7. Mortals don't praise immortals enough
6. Mortals don't generally like surprises
5. Mortals do not derive enough pleasure from physical suffering
4. Mortals point out all of the Immortals' mistakes (which of course
   Immortals don't actually make )
3. Mortals don't like it when Immortals vent
2. Mortals whine
1. Mortals use the word "Overpowered"

Top ten reasons Mortals hate Immortals:
10. Immortals are always right
9. Immortals never apologize when wrong (refer to 10)
8. Immortals share their bad moods
7. Immortals Have the slay button
6. Immortals use the slay button
5. Immortals don't seem to understand that multiplaying can be a
   productive tool
4. Immortals can't type
3. Immortals seem to enjoy the suffering of mortals
2. Immortals aren't afraid to use the words surprise or Oops
1. Immortals are way overpowered :)
The Real top reason: Squall is a imm.

Additional topics you may want to look over:

To view a topic type: HELP <topic>

.&GPiracy &G&WSkill: &YTorture 
 &GPiracy &G&WLevel: 55 
 &G&WSyntax: &YTorture &G&W(name) 
This skill allows you to permenantly remove hp from other mobs or players.

.&OBounty Hunting &G&WSkill: &YTrack 
 &OBounty Hunting &G&WLevel: 3 
 &G&WSyntax: &YTrack &G&W(name) 
This skill allows you to &YTrack &G&Wfor your target provided that he, she, or
it is within the area. 

Piloting Skill: Tractor Beams
Piloting Level: 35
syntax: tractor [ship]

This skill gives a player the ability to manipulate a ships controls so
that its tractor-beams can be used to draw in a ship into the Hanger.  The
higher the percentage of this skill the better the chance of its
succession. It can be practiced by attempting to tractor in ships.

.&BPiloting &G&WSkill: &YTractor Beams 
 &BPiloting &G&WLevel: 35 
 &G&WSyntax: &YTractor &G&W(ship) 
This skills allows you to use a ship's &Ytractor beam &G&Wto lock onto another

Syntax :  Train (stat)

Training is the only way to perminatly improve a characters
starting stats. Train can only be done with a few mobs
around the mud and is only about 20% effective. A failed
training session will cost you 3 practices and a successsful
one will cost you 5 practices.

Force Skill: Trance
Force Level: 65

A character in possession of this skill may use it to briefly focus its
energies toward restoring a small burst of force.

These humanoid reptiles are native to the planet Trandosha. They have long
arms, which end in wide, splayed fingers. Their heads are blunt, with beady red
eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Their scales range in color from orange
to ochre to brown. Much of their body can be regenerated if lost, so a
Trandoshan can fight much harder without risk of permanent injury. Being a
vicious, warlike race, the Trandoshans evolved into hunters, and were
especially proficient at hunting Wookiees, which inhabited the nearby planet of
Kashyyyk. It was a Trandoshan official who sold the idea of enslaving Wookiees
rather than simply leveling Kashyyyk to the Empire.

Syntax: transfer <character>
Syntax: transfer all
Syntax: transfer <character> <location>
Syntax: transfer all         <location>

TRANSFER transfers the target character, or ALL player characters,
to your current location (default) or to a specified location.

This command allows you to transfer ships from one shipyard to another
Syntax - transship (ship) (vnum)

Flags to describe a trap and what triggers it:

ROOM    - Trap is in a room
OBJ     - Trap is on an object
ENTER   - Trap is triggered by entering the room
LEAVE   - Trap is triggered by leaving the room
OPEN    - Trap is triggered by opening
CLOSE   - Trap is triggered by closing
GET     - Trap is triggered by getting the object
PUT     - Trap is triggered by putting the object
EXAMINE - Trap is triggered by examining the object
PICK    - Trap is triggered by picking the object
UNLOCK  - Trap is triggered by unlocking the object
NORTH   - Trap is triggered by moving north
SOUTH   - Trap is triggered by moving south
EAST    - Trap is triggered by moving east
WEST    - Trap is triggered by moving west
UP      - Trap is triggered by moving up
DOWN    - Trap is triggered by moving down


Setting a trap is a little tricky.

Parameters: <vnum> <type> <charges> <flags>
VNUM    - The vnum of either the room or object to be trapped.
TYPE    - The type of trap.  (See TRAPTYPES)
CHARGES - The number of charges this trap should contain.
FLAGS   - Flags specifying the characteristics of the trap.
          (ie: room trap or object trap, what triggers the trap, etc.)


Types of traps:

 | Number | Description             | Number | Description          |
 |    1   | Poison gas              |    8   | Flame                |
 |    2   | Poison dart             |    9   | Explosion            |
 |    3   | Poison needle           |   10   | Acid Spray           |
 |    4   | Poison dagger           |   11   | Electric Shock       |
 |    5   | Poison arrow            |   12   | Blade                |
 |    6   | Blindness gas           |   13   | Sex change power     |
 |    7   | Sleeping gas            |        |                      |


A trigger is an action, phrase, or game event that causes a program
held within a room, mob or object, to begin playing out its commands.

Triggers can be anything from a player or mob entering a room, to a
player stating a particular phrase within a room, or to a mob or an

For detailed information on triggers, see:


.&RCombat &G&WSkill: &YTrip 
 &RCombat &G&WLevel: 95 
 &G&WSyntax: &YTrip &W(while fighting) 
This skill allows &Rcombatants &G&Wto &Ytrip &G&Wanother mob/player.  If
successful, the injured party may end up with broken bones. 

Syntax:  feel 'true sight'

This power can only be cast upon yourself.  It is a combination of
infravision (enabling you to see in the dark), detect invisible,
and detect hidden.  This power also allows you to see through
blinding attacks.

101 TRUST~
Syntax: trust <character> <level>

TRUST sets a character's trust to the specified level.  This is similar to
advancing the character for accessing immortal commands, but has no effect
on combat strength, et cetera.  You can give more trust to mortal (or
immortal) characters to give them access to more power without messing up
the character.  You can also restrict a player's trust to less than their
natural level.

A trust of 0 means to use the character's natural level again.

-1 TSR D&&D AD&&D~
.               Dungeons && Dragons (tm) and TSR Hobbies Inc.

  Here we'd like to duplicate the original credits from the Basic Rules,
Dungeons && Dragons (tm), (c) 1974, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1983 TSR Hobbies Inc.

The following individuals have made this work possible through its years of
evolution: Dave Arneson, Brian Blume, Dave Cook, Anne C. Gray, Ernie Gygax,
E. Gary Gygax, Allen Hammack, Kevin Hendryx, John Eric Holmes, Harrold
Johnston, Tim Kask, Jeff Key, Rob Kuntz, Alan Lucien, Steve Marsh, Tom
Moldvay, Mike Mornard, Jon Pickens, Brian Pitzer, Michael Price, Patrick L.
Price, Paul Reiche, Evan Robinson, Gordon Schick, Lawrence Schick, Don Snow,
Edward G. Sollers, Garry Spiegle, Stephen D. Sullivan, Ralph Wagner, Jim
Ward, Jean Wells, Bill Wilkerson, Donald Paterson, and Frank Mentzer.

      DIKUMud's concepts were directly based on TSR's D&&D concepts.

&G&WTalk &B<&WMessage&B>&W
Tune &B<&W1-100&B>

&G&WExtra Info:&W
&G&Wonly people who are on the same channel that you are, can hear what you

I prefer going into details in some of the tutorials i'm going to be writing.
And very likely they will not fit into a help file, so I have them on a web
page instead. Having it off the mud, also will allow you to reference it while
Latest Tutorials Written: 
1) http://unknownregions.cjb.net/text/packages.txt - How to create deleverable

Twi'lek is ther species name of the humanoid aliens with twin head tentacles.
They come from the planet Ryloth, located in a system in the Outer Rim. The
Twi'lek language combines verbal components with subtle head-tail movements.
With the meanings provided by the head-tail movements, Twi'leks can carry on
private conversations in the midst of other species. Twi'leks live in vast city
complexes located on the planets dark side. Each complex is autonomous,
goverened by a head clan of five Twi'leks who jointly oversee production,
trade, and other daily endeavours. As the technology level of Ryloth does not
support spacefaring capabilities, the Twi'leks must depend on neighboring
systems (such as Tatooine), pirates, smugglers, and merchants for their contact
with the rest of the galaxy. They attract these ships with their chief export,
ryll. The mineral ryll has legitimate medicinal uses, but it is also a popular
and dangerously addictive recreational substance used in the Corporate Sector.
One hazard the Twi'leks face on a regular basis is slavers, who come to their
world to fill their ships with Twi'lek slaves.


Syntax: unfoldarea <area filename>

This command will load up an area file.

NOTE: It could be quite dangerous to unfold an area that is already loaded,
      or one that has not been tested.

Unknown Skill: Unknown
Unknown Level: Y'know these things pop up randomly :P
Syntax: The hell would I know...

This skill, is absolutely useless, it has no meaning and no purpose :)

1 USE~
Syntax : Use (item)

Quite obviously lets you use an item.

Syntax: opedit <object> <command> [number] [use_prog] [percentage]

The use_prog is an objtrigger that can be used in object programs.  The
use_prog will be executed when the item is used.  To define what will
trigger the use_prog, here is a list:

* Wands - when you zap
* Staves - when you brandish
* Food/pills - when you eat
* Blood/fountains/drink containers - when you drink
* Lights/armour/weapons - when you wear/wield/hold
* Potions - when you quaff
* Pipes - when you smoke

When the use_prog is executed you will not see the standard 'use message'
(ie You quaff a violet potion). What you will will be any mpechoes placed
in the program.  Also, any mobprog commands can be used in use_prog (see

**NOTE** The use_progs on lights, armour, and weapons are executed BEFORE
the player wears/holds/wields any item. Therefore, a mpforce to remove the
item will not work in the use_prog.  You will have to use a wear trigger
to accomplish this.

101 USERS~
Syntax: users <host ip>
Syntax: users <playername>

USERS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including users
in the process of logging in.
If used with an argument, it will show all users from that host ip.
Shortforms of host will work -- e.x. 205, or 205.113, etc.
Shortened names will also work.  e.x., users fre would show
Fredrick and Fred if they were on at the time.
The first number, (desc), is the descriptor number that this user is on.
The second number is the user's connected state.  (See CONSTATES)
The third number is the number of seconds the user has been idle.
The fourth number is the remote TCP port on the user's host machine.
Next is the user's character name, then the user's host address.
(Usually the IP number as name resolving is normally disabled.)

The FORCECLOSE command can be used to force a connect to close by its
descriptor number.

.&GPiracy &G&WSkill: &YVandalize 
 &GPiracy &G&WLevel: 1 
 &G&WSyntax: &YVandalize &G&W(ship name) (color) (description) 

Great for irritating a slow-paying customer, or some sort of enemy, or just
for kicks this skill allows you to paint an unowned ship..

This is the list of variables to be used in actiondescs for objects and in
mob/room/object programs.

---------------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------  ----------
Name               $i     $n      $t      $r      $o        $p
shrt_desc/title    $I     $N      $T      $R      $O        $P
he/she/it          $j     $e      $E      $J      --        --
him/her/it         $k     $m      $M      $K      --        --
his/hers/its       $l     $s      $S      $L      --        --
a/an               --     --      --      --      $a        $A


Syntax : Course (x) (y) (z)

This is used to adjust your course once inside a planatary
system so you may attack other craft or land.

Force level 9
Syntax: feel 'ventriloquate' <target> <message>

This Force skill allows you to disguise your voice with the Force, making
it sound like someone else's. Be warned, some people will be able to sense
that it is really your voice and not the target's.

Verpine are an advanced species of bipedal insectoids. Their thin, sticklike
bodies have awkwardly articulated joints and chitinous shells. Two antennae jut
from the sides of their heads, which have two large eyes and short snouts. The
Verpine live in the Roche asteroid field, using great repulsor shells to keep
occupied asteroids from crashing into each other and to deflect other bits of
space debris. They are innate experts in most fields of technology, and their
childlike fascinations with all types of machinery has served them well. They
hollow out the asteroids for use as colonies, sealing them against space and
filling them with all kinds of technological wonders. The Verpine have
developed into expert starship builders. The Slayn & Korpil Corporation, named
for two neighboring Verpine colonies, has been well known and respected since
the days of the Old Republic. It was the Verpine who helped admiral ackbar
design and build the B-Wing starfighters.

Weapons Skill: Vibro-Blades
Combat Level: 1
syntax: none

This allows a player to wield a vibro-blade to sheer perfection.  It can be
practiced by wielding a vibro blade in battle.  It is automatic once

101 VNUMS~
Syntax: vnums [low] [high]

Lists the vnum range for rooms/mobs/objects in all prototype areas.

&W&WYou can now leave voice messages to Unknown Regions Staff and Players!
It's simple, call one of the toll free numbers, and follow the prompts. The
account numbers are listed below, along with a few of the phone numbers. 
For a Full list of Toll Free Numbers, use &Yhelp tollfree&W. 
USA/Canada toll-free number  : &Y1 877 651 1555&W 
Australia toll-free number   : &Y0011 800 2222 1555&W 
Gavin's VM: &G4255393&W 
&W&WBrutus' VM: &G283231 &W-or-&G 84677426637&W  
&WLloyd's VM: &G52623769&W 
Marinas VM: &G62746200&W  
Madison VM:&G 6234766&W 
Airiels VM: &G247435&W 

Syntax: note vote <number> open/close/yes/no/abstain

Once a note has been posted on a bulletin board, the author may open
voting with 'note vote <number> open'.  All those who can read the
board may then vote on the issue in the note with 'note vote <number>
yes/no/abstain'. The author may close the voting; the syntax for that
should be clear enough.

Note list will show whether a note is not a voting note, open to voting
or closed to voting.  The character that separates the author and the
recipient in 'note list' will be a colon, a capital V or a capital C

Syntax:  vsearch <vnum of target object>

Returns all instances of the target object presently in the game, as
well as their level.  Allows location of objects via vnum instead of
by keyword, useful for locating rekeyed and renamed objects.


Syntax:  war <message>

Wartalk is a channel created as a haven for those players who like to openly
discuss their exploits in combat - and brag against their opponents.  It is
most often used for those who declare war on other deadlies and is desirable
for those who like to invite others to battles in player versus player
whether it be in the arena or around the Realms.

Wartalk can be seen by all players in the game, and has the same
rules as other channels.  No harassment, profanity, spamming, or
inappropriate subject matter.


105 WARN~
Syntax: warn class <field> 
Syntax: warn race  <field> 
Syntax: warn site  <field> 
Field is either #(ban_number) or the site/class/race. 
Example:  warn class #1 

105 WATCH~
. &w 
&W Syntax: &G watch                  &W Shows you a help screen 
&W Syntax: &G watch size             &W Shows the size of your watch file 
&W Syntax: &G watch clear            &W Deletes your watch file 
&W Syntax: &G watch show             &W Shows all your active watches 
&W Syntax: &G watch player <name>    &W Starts watching a player 
&W Syntax: &G watch site <site>      &W Starts watching all players from site
&W Syntax: &G watch delete <number>  &W Stops a watch 
&W Syntax: &G watch print 1          &W Shows file starting at line 1 
&W Syntax: &G watch print 500        &W Shows file starting at line 500 
&W Syntax: &G watch print 500 100    &W Shows 100 lines starting at line 500
Watch will work 24 hours a day from the time you put a watch on a player until
you take it off. You can also watch all players from a specific site. 
We need you to be real careful about the size of your watch file. If you 
are watching a number of players or sites, please do not just forget about
your watches and allow your watch file to grow to outrageous sizes. You 
should never have more than 5,000 or 10,000 lines in your watch file. 
If you are doing some watching, be sure you check your watch file daily 
and either print it, display it, copy it to your hard drive or do whatever
you need to do with it but then ... please ... please ... be sure you 
clear it so that it don't grow huge and eat up all our hard drive space. 
If you clear your watch file daily ... there should be no problem. If you
aren't watching anyone ... you don't have to worry about this. But if you
start a watch, it is your responsibility to know how big your watch file
is and to stop the watch when you no longer need it. The command 
&G"watch size" &W tells you how many lines are in your watch file. 
The command &G"watch clear"&W clears (deletes) your watch file. 
For the time being the maximum number of lines you can display at one time
is 1000. So ... even if you have 5,000 lines in your watch file ... you can
only display 1,000 at a time. 

&RForce level 3
Syntax: feel 'weaken' <target>

This spell will reduce your opponent's strength, thus reducing their damage
capabilties and limiting how much they can carry.

For items of type "weapon", the value3 field specifies the weapon type:

Value3 | Type     | Weapons
   0   | hit      | general
   1   | slice    | VIBRO-AXE
   2   | stab     | VIBRO-BLADE
   3   | slash    | LIGHTSABER
   4   | whip     |
   5   | claw     |
   6   | blast    | BLASTER
   7   | pound    |
   8   | crush    |
   9   | shot     | BOWCASTER
  10   | bite     |
  11   | pierce   | FORCE PIKE
  12   | suction  |


These flags should be self explanitory:
 take   finger   neck    body    head   legs
 feet   hands    arms    shield  about  waist
 wrist  wield    hold    ears    eyes


Here are the various locations where items may be equipped:

 |  0 | light       |  1 | finger1     |  2 | finger2    |
 |  3 | neck1       |  4 | neck2       |  5 | body       |
 |  6 | head        |  7 | legs        |  8 | feet       |
 |  9 | hands       | 10 | arms        | 11 | shield     |
 | 12 | about       | 13 | waist       | 14 | wrist1     |
 | 15 | wrist2      | 16 | wield       | 17 | hold       |
 | 18 | dual_wield  | 19 | ears        | 20 | eyes       |


1 WED~

&G&WExtra Info&R
&G&W Goto new oldtown to arrange to be wed

101 WHERE~
Syntax: where
Syntax: where <character>

WHERE without an argument tells you the location of visible players in the same
area as you are.

WHERE with an argument tells you the location of one character with that name
within your area, including monsters.

whisper <name> msg 
To whisper to another, you must be in the same room as the recipient 
of the whisper. 

0 WHO~
Syntax : Who
Syntax : Who (clan)
Syntax : Who (race)

This will show you people currently in the game that are visable
to you. It will show there current clans and races.

Syntax: whois <player>

The WHOIS command will tell you a bit of information about a player
who is online.


Syntax: wimpy
Syntax: wimpy <number>

WIMPY sets your wimpy value.  When your character takes damage that reduces
your hit points below your wimpy value, you will automatically attempt to flee.

WIMPY with no argument sets your wimpy value to 20% of your maximum hit points.

Some monsters are wimpy.

Wisdom (WIS in your 'score') represents your character's wisdom and ability
to incorporate learning.  Among other things, it affects:

 - the force a character gains each time it levels.

 - the percentage a character learns of a new language at each practice,
   though intelligence affects this slightly more

 - the ability to remove a trap or poison a weapon


Syntax: wizhelp

WIZHELP provides a list of all the immortal commands.

Syntax: wizlist

Displays a hierarchical list of immortals.

With a large bonus to strength and constition, the small wisdon penalty is
easily offset.  They are well suited to be soldiers, though their code of
honor forbids the use of energy weapons in all but the most extreme cases.
Once befriended, a Wookiee will stay loyal for his or her entire life, which
can be as long as three hundred years.
Wookiees are among the galaxy's greatest warriors.  They are not, however,
mearly large stupid beasts.  While the inability to speak basic often portrays
them as huge, unthinking beasts, many are accomplished mechanics, engineers,
and scientists.

1 WWW~
*                                                                       * 
*                                                                       * 
*     &G&WFor more information on the mud, check out its homepage at:       &R*
*               &G&Whttp://ur.lynker.com/                                   &R*
*                                                                       * 
*                                                                       * 

These socials are only for adult's use, as they simulate sexual
intercourse. To use them, first  you have to get somebody's CONSENT. You
may give out your CONSENT to somebody else if you want them to do  it to
Type XSOCIALS to get a list of Xsocials. Try also, help CONSENT.

101 ZONES~
Syntax: zones [low] [high]

Lists the name of the file, and room/mob/object vnum range for each
non-prototype zone in the mud.

-1 _DIEMSG_~
&RThere is a loud explosion in your mind... 
&BYou lose all control of your body... 
&zAnd then...darkness... 

1 immortalawards~
The following categories go out to builders for their areas, type areas to see 
a list of who has built which area.

1) Best Builder - the overall best builder which does the best in ever other 
2) Best detail - The builder with the best descriptions. This may include    
   extra descriptions(aka signs, lists)
3) Best Interaction - This area should have the most/best mini-quests and    
4) Most Creative - The areas created by this builder show great creativity.

The following are for areas:
1) Area with Most Mini-quests
2) Funnest Area
3) Popular Area
4) Best Weapon
5) Best mob to kill
6) Best Armor

Same rules apply to this as to the player awards. Must be nominated and then 
the general population votes.

200 survey~
This survey is to help the immortals improve this MUD and just out of general
&BNote:&W Any specific details you give will be kept in privacy and only the
compiled data will be posted for public view.

&BBasic Information About Yourself:
&R1)&W What country do you live in?
&R2)&W How old are you?
&R3)&W When did you start to play UR?

&BUR's Quality:(Please feel free to comment on all of these questions)
&R4)&W Do you like the color scheme?
&R5)&W Does the immortal staff do a good job?
&R6)&W Are we similar to the original SWR?
&R7)&W Are the areas fun and well-planned out?
&R8)&W Does UR have a strong RP environment?
&R9)&W Have you enjoyed your playing experience?

&R10)&W Any other comments?
Please email your answers to &Rur_gavin&W@&Rhotmail.com&W. The email will
only be seen by the top imms. So do not fear reprasal. (if it does happen, 
contact &BGavin&W or &BBlared&W). Please have you answers in by July 15.
&BNote:&W If you do not feel like answering some of these questions please
skip them. An incomplete survey is better then nothing.

Thank you,

&BNote:&W Results will be posted on June 11.

0 $~
